Theywere between the Christian and Islamic worlds and their leader chose to accept theJewish faith to avoid being swamped by the empires of the perceived alternatives.Most Jews today, Koestler says, originate from these people, not the Semitic line. Infact, to call someone ‘anti-Semitic’ is, more accurately, to call them ‘anti-Arab’,because more members of the old Semite race are Arab than are Jewish!After the breakup of the Khazar empire by the thirteenth century, the peoplewho adopted the Jewish faith either stayed on in Russia or, in the case of themajority, moved on into what became the Balkans, Lithuania, Poland, and Germany.The language known as Yiddish emerged from these events. It is a mixture ofHebrew, Polish, and German. The name Rothschild came from the Red Shield, thesymbol of the Khazar “Jews” in eastern Europe (German: rotes schild = red shield).The Rothschild family have no more an historic link to Palestine than an eskimo.33The ‘Jewish’ hooked nose does not originate from the biblical Israel. It has itsgenetic origins in the Caucasus. The classic Jewish face of Y’shua (Jesus) is a myth.He would not have looked anything like that because he was not born in LowerRussia. As Koestler wrote, “Anthropology concurs with history in refuting thepopular belief in a Jewish race descended from the biblical tribe”. The Jewish-bornChristian bishop, Hugh Montefiore, said in the Church Times of January 24th 1992,that: “Anti-Semitism is built on a powerful racial myth, accepted by Jews and antiSemites alike”. Yet it is members of the genetic stream which has no connectionwhatsoever with Palestine, who were behind the creation of Israel and today’scontinued suppression of Palestinian rights.The Jewish writer Alfred M. Lilienthal goes further. He says there is no suchthing as a Jewish “race”. To be “Jewish” is to follow the Jewish religious faith andhas nothing to do with race because, he says, people of endless races converted tothe Jewish faith over thousands of years, so creating a vast cocktail of differentgenetic streams who called themselves Jewish. In his courageous book, What PriceIsrael?, Lilienthal points out:“The most persuasive argument the Jewish nationalist could advance for Zionism isbased on the hypothesis of a ‘Hebrew-Semitic race’. But most members of such a’race’ would be found amongst the Arabic peoples of the Middle East, the overwhelmingmajority of whom do not profess the Jewish faith. The Arabs, bitter enemies of theIsraelis who have returned to their reported ‘racial home’, most closely resemble thoseJews who are indigenous to Palestine and the Middle East; for they are of poorerHebrew-Israelite blood than most of those who have been ‘ingathered’…The allegationthat Arabs are anti-Semitic is somewhat ludicrous. “…it is, in fact, the unanimous conclusion of all anthropologists, from Weissenberg,Hertz and Fishberg (themselves Jews), to Boas, Ripley, Mead, Pittard and others thatwherever Jews are found, they closely resemble the people amongst whom they live.Even those of common family names supposedly traceable to the ancient Hebrewtribes, such as Levites (Levi) and Kohanim (Kohn, Coehn, Cohn) have little physicalresemblence to one another. There is not one racial characteristic common to all whoprofess to be Jews.”34Such subtleties evaded Lloyd George (Comm 300), who was a passionateadvocate of a Jewish homeland in Israel. When you look at what he wrote on thesubject in the 1920s, either he was trying to mislead the populace or he himself wasbeing seriously misled. In his book, Is It Peace?, he accepts without question thatJewish people had an historical right to Palestine.35 He says that only with theirbrilliance and commitment could it become a ‘land of milk and honey’ againbecause, basically – if you put his words in simple terms – the Arabs were toostupid to do that. But it is when he outlines Zionist intentions for Palestine that hisclaims can be shown to be breathtakingly naive or calculated to mislead. Even morelikely, the endless means through which he could have been blackmailed over hisprivate life and personal corruption acted to ‘focus’ his mind. As they say, “Whenyou have got someone by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow”. LloydGeorge condemns the opponents of the Balfour Declaration for suggesting that theZionist leaders were seeking to establish “a Jewish oligarchy in Palestine that willreduce the Arab inhabitant to a condition of servitude to a favoured Hebrewminority”.36 The best answer to that charge, he said, was to be found in amemorandum submitted by the Zionist Association to the League of Nations. Withthe hindsight of more than seventy years, I doubt if even Lloyd George would nowquote that memorandum as confirmation that the opponents were wrong. It said:“The Jews demand no privilege, unless it is the privilege of rebuilding by their ownefforts and sacrifices a land which, once the seat of a thriving and productivecivilisation, has long been suffered to remain derelict. They expect no favouredtreatment in the matter of political or religious rights. They assume, as a matter ofcourse, that all the inhabitants of Palestine, be they Jews or non-Jews, will be in everyrespect on a footing of perfect equality. They seek no share in the Government beyondthat to which they may be entitled under the Constitution as citizens of the country.They solicit no favours. They ask, in short, no more than an assured opportunity ofpeacefully building up their National Home by their own exertions and of succeeding ontheir merits.”The Jewish and Arab populations of Israel will be in every respect on a footing ofperfect equality? They expect no favoured treatment in the matter of political orreligious rights? Really?Chaim Herzog, the President of Israel, had a rather different view some yearslater, when he said that the Arabs cannot be “participants in any way in a land that has been consecrated to our people for thousands of years. To the Jews of this landthere cannot be any partner”.37 There, that’s more like it! Jewish people as a whole(the faith) have been victims of Zionism (the political movement), which iscontrolled by the Global Elite. It is time Jewish people (who are innocent andunaware of the background) realised how they, their minds and their emotions arebeing used in ways that serve a longer-term plan for centralised control, and notthemselves and their children.This is certainly true of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith which wasformed in the United States in 1913. From that time to this, the Anti-DefamationLeague (ADL) has operated as an intelligence unit which brands as “anti-Semitic”anyone who challenges or questions the Global Elite. But was it set up for thebenefit of Jewish people? No, no. It was formed to protect the New York gangsters!In the early years of this century, Thomas Bingham, the New York City PoliceCommissioner, began a determined challenge to the mobsters. Among them wasArnold Rothstein, the mentor of Meyer Lansky who would later be the godfather ofthe organised crime syndicate which helped to fund and arm the Jewish terroristunderground in Palestine and later did the same for the State of Israel itself. Lanskywas also a key player in the assassination of President Kennedy. The New Yorkmobsters responded to Bingham’s investigation by branding him an anti-Semite.This character demolition was so successful that it forced him out of office andended the investigation of the mob.These attacks were coordinated by a committee set up by an attorney calledSigmund Livingston. In 1913 this committee was given a formal title – The AntiDefamation League.38 Today it is an arm of the Israeli /Global Elite intelligenceagency, Mossad, and has been at the heart of some horrific events, including theKennedy assassination. The ADL is there to help the Global Elite and the terroristswho have controlled Israel, not to protect Jewish people from prejudice. Anythingbut, in fact.Winning the PeaceThe First World War ended in 1918 with tens of millions of dead and injured on allsides, after the bloodiest conflict in known human history. It was a war that wasplanned and created by the Elite using the power and money of the banking andsecret society network. It would not otherwise have happened. It was not the workof human nature, but manipulated human nature. At the same time, the Elite hadsown the seeds for the capitalist/communist v fascist (Second) World War and thecapitalism v communism Cold War by arranging and financing the RussianRevolution. The Elite had won the revolution and the war. Now they prepared fortheir most important ambition – winning the peace. They had the nation states ofEurope exactly where they wanted them. The war had left Europe devastated andsubmerged in debt to the Elite’s bankers, who had made loans to both sides. Thename J.P. Morgan (Comm 300) was at the heart of this. The Morgan Guaranty Trustand the Elite’s American International Corporation made loans to finance Germanespionage and covert operations in the United States and South America during the ‘Tom Rhodes to ruin ar. This was revealed by the Overman Committee of the US Senate in 1919.Among the other names involved were the Rothschilds’ Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, andMorgan’s Chase National Bank. The committee also established that the GuarantyTrust which was making loans to the Allies during the war, was covertly arrangingother loans for Germany on the London money markets! This money waschannelled to Germany via South America.39In 1915 while all this was happening, the same J.P. Morgan was named by theBritish government as its sole agent for the purchasing of Britain’s war suppliesfrom the then ‘neutral’ United States, and for all loans from private banks in theUS. Britain also became the guarantor for all goods and loans from America by theFrench, Italians, and Russians. By the end of the war, Britain, once the mostpowerful country in the world, was on its knees. Again, this was not accident, butdesign. At the time of the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919, Britain owed theUnited States $4.7 billion in war debts. The British national debt had increased by924% between 1913 and 1918, while the profits of the Global Elite companiessoared. According to the Austrian writer, Gertrude Elias, the capital of DuPont(Comm 300) alone increased from $83 million to $308 million during the years ofthe First World War.40 The ‘victorious’ leaders of the Allies at Versailles wereWoodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and Georges Clemenceau. They met with their’advisors’ to decide the reparations that Germany would pay to the victors and theterms of the peace settlement. Versailles and its offshoots would also give birth tothe League of Nations, the Elite’s first attempt at a covert world government, andthe World Court in The Hague, Netherlands. It would further confirm Israel as aJewish homeland, giving control of Palestine to the British in the meantime, andreturn the world economy to the gold standard, the process by which currenciesare linked to gold. Who controlled the gold? The Rothschilds and some otherElite financiers.The Elite also controlled the events and decisions at Versailles. Woodrow Wilsonwas ‘advised’ there by Colonel House (Comm 300) and Bernard Baruch, bothRothschild-Elite representatives; Lloyd George (Comm 300) was advised by LordMilner (Comm 300) of the Round Table and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct descendantof Mayer Amschel Rothschild; Clemenceau had Georges Mandel, his Minister forthe Interior, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild. Also in the AmericanCommission to Negotiate Peace were the Dulles brothers; the Warburgs (Max fromGermany and Paul from the US); Thomas W. Lamont from J.P. Morgan; theSecretary of State, Robert Lansing, an uncle of the Dulles’s; and Walter Lippman(Comm 300) who (with House and others) was one of the main architects of theLeague of Nations and founder of the American branch of the Fabian Society. Theirhost in France was Baron Edmund de Rothschild, a leading campaigner andmanipulator for a Jewish State in Israel.The three leaders (stooges) at Versailles set up two committees to work on thedetails of the post-war policies. One was called the Economic Section and the otherwas the Financial Committee. Woodrow Wilson appointed Bernard Baruch torepresent the US on the Economic Section and Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan articulated US (Elite) interests on the Financial Committee. Baruch’s group decidedthat Germany should pay $12 billion in reparations and, together with otherlimitations on the German economy, this was a death sentence for the new GermanRepublic, known as the Weimar Republic. It would ensure the conditions thatwould lead to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. The Financial Committee met later inBrussels to decide on a return to the gold standard. The effect of this on currenciesmade it impossible for Germany to pay her reparations. The financialconsequences of a return to the gold standard for every nation were pointed out tothe committee by Professor Gustav Cassel of Sweden, but to no avail. All thesedecisions were coordinated to create the circumstances in Europe which wouldlead to the next war and an advancement of the New World Order. Eventually thegold standard caused such chaos and suffering that it had to be abandoned, but bythen the damage was done.Colonel House wrote the first draft of what became the covenant of the newLeague of Nations and President Wilson’s famous fourteen points for the VersaillesConference were largely decided by a group convened by Colonel House. Thisgroup was known as ‘The Inquiry’. These were all New World Order manipulators,people like John Foster Dulles, the future US secretary of state, and his brother,Allen, future head of the CIA. House had written a novel years before called PhilipDru: Administrator, which he later admitted was fact presented as fiction. In thebook he outlined his New World Order philosophy.41 President Wilson’s biographer,George Sylvester Viereck, said that: “The Wilson Administration transferred theColonel’s ideas from the pages of fiction to the pages of history”.42 In his novel,published anonymously two years before the First World War had even begun, heproposed “.. .a League of Nations”. Seven years later, that very same name wasused for an organisation designed to impose its will on nation states under thepretext of ending the wars which its architects had started! Create the problems,then offer the solutions. The Rockefellers donated the money to build theheadquarters of the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, and they wouldlater donate the land which the United Nations headquarters now occupies in NewYork.The League of Nations failed, despite the best efforts of the One Worlders,because they could not persuade quite enough representatives in the US Congressto support it. If the United States would not support the idea, it was doomed to fail.It could be that the Second World War had been planned to increase the power ofthe League of Nations and turn it into a fully fledged world government. Thissetback meant, instead, that the Elite had to use the next war to introduce thesuccessor to the League. Even as the League of Nations folded, the United Nationsof today was already in their sights.SOURCES1 Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, To Eliminate The Opiate, p71-72, 82-832 Conspiracy researcher, Kitty Little who had many contacts at the highest levels of the formerRhodesia, says the role of Rhodes has been misunderstood. She says that Rhodesprevented the Rothschilds from winning control of the South African gold industry. As aresult, she says, they have sought to blame him for the deeds of the real head of the RoundTable, Alfred Milner.3 Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment (Books In Focus, New York, 1981 edition)p3124 Ibid p55 Carroll Quigley, Anglo-American Establishment, pl976 This information on Rockefeller and Morgan holdings comes from Wall Street And TheBolshevik Revolution by Anthony C. Sutton (Veritas Publishing, Morley, Western Australia,1981)p49-507 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, pl78 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p109 Jim Keith, Casebook On Alternative 3 (lllumiNet Press, Lilburn, USA, 1994) p2010 Said at a hearing of the post-war Graham Committee, which investigated Baruch.11 Perry Belmont was the son of August Belmont, the banker who was the Rothschild agentfinancing and manipulating the Union side in the American ‘War of Independence’.12 Norman Dodd reported these findings in an interview with writer, William H. Mcllhany II, for13 his 1980 book, The Tax Exempt Foundations (Arlington House, Westport, USA). The SpecialHouse Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations reported in 1954. It was namedafter its chairman, representative B. Carroll Reece, of Tennessee.14 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p3515 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p76. The Rockfellers have made unthinkable amounts ofmoney by exploiting Russia and the Soviet Union and manipulating their men into place,such as President Gorbachev.16 Jennings C. Wise, Woodrow Wilson: Disciple Of Revolution (Paisley Press, New York, 1938)17 Quoted by Anthony C. Sutton in Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution (Morley, Australia,1981) p32-3318 Ibid19 The more widely accepted spelling is Bronstein.20 Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p3921 John Foster Dulles, American Red Cross (Harper, New York, 1950)22 Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p7823 Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope (Macmillan, New York, 1966) p938. This book so angeredthe manipulators that it was withdrawn from the shelves. Only the pirated edition is availabletoday.24 Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p46 25 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p37. A knighthood cost £10,000 to £12,000, of which
£5,000 went to Lloyd George, according to author Eustace Mullins
26 Donald McCormick, The Mask Of Merlin (MacDonald, London, 1963) p208. McCormick also
claims that British Intelligence discovered documents which proved that government officials
were secret agents of Zaharoff – with the knowledge of Lloyd George!
27 Dr Kitty Little, “Subversive Infiltrators Into Westminster And Whitehall. Promotion Of A
Federal Europe.” Submission to the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life (January
1995) p4, paragraph 16
28 Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, To Eliminate The Opiate, pl5
29 Congressional Record, 76th Congress, Vol. 84, No. 82, p6597-6604
30 “Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939”, first series Vol. IV, p245-247
31 Insider, Carroll Quigley, writing in The Anglo-American Establishment, says: “This declaration,
which is always known as the Balfour Declaration, should rather be called the ‘Milner
Declaration’, since Milner was the actual draftsman and was, apparently, its chief supporter
in the War Cabinet. This fact was not made public until 21 July 1937” (pl69). So Lord
Milner, the leading light in the Round Table, wrote the Balfour Declaration in a letter to Lord
Rothschild, who funded and controlled the Round Table! What chance did the Palestinians
ever have of justice?
32 Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe – The Khazar Empire And Its Heritage, (originally
published by Hutchinson & Co in 1976). See also Douglas Reed’s Controllers Of Zion,
(Dolphin Press, 1978)
33 Secret Societies, p39
34 Alfred M. Lilienthal, What Price Israel? (Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1953) p223-224
35 David Lloyd George, Is It Peace? (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1923) p246-253
36 Ibid p246-253
37 Noam Chomsky, Letters From Lexington (Common Courage Press, Maine, USA, 1990) p3
38 Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgement, The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination
Conspiracy (The Wolfe Press, Washington DC, 1995) p82
39 US Senate, Overman Committee, 2.2009
40 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation (London, 1995)
41 Colonel Edward Mandell House, Philip Dru: Administrator (B.W. Huebsch, New York, 1912)
42 George Sylvester Viereck, The Strangest Friendship In History: Woodrow Wilson And Colonel
House (Liveright, New York, 1932) p28