The events of history are the result of the struggle between two states of mind:one which wishes to imprison and the other which desires to set free. The sceneof this tussle is the collective human mind.In these last years of the twentieth century and across into the millennium, thehuman race is being given an opportunity we’ve not had since Atlantis, to step outof the prison and into mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom. Events arehappening, which I will describe in detail later, that are dissolving the imprisoningvibration and vibrationally reconnecting the Earth with the rest of Creation. We andour ‘father’ will be One again. It won’t simply ‘happen’ for every individual; thedesire to do this needs to be present. But the opportunity is there for all and manyare grasping that opportunity, as I know from the thousands of letters I receive andthe people I meet. We are in a period of transition from the old fear vibration to there-emerging love vibration.We know this at a subconscious level and, for rapidly increasing numbers, at aconscious level too. Most people at this time can’t remember why they are here, butthey will. The Prison Warders on the Fourth Dimension know what is happeningtoo, and the last thing that consciousness wants is’ for its prison and negativeenergy-production-unit to be no more. The key to breaking out of this spiritualprison is the awakening and expansion of our consciousness to the point where itsvibratory rate will be so high and powerful that it can, collectively, dismantle theblocking frequency. The Prison Warders, via the Global Elite, have been doingeverything possible to close our minds and to divide us so that we do not worktogether as One. As I describe the quickening pace of the global manipulation afterthe First World War, this reflects the pressure coming from the Prison Warderconsciousness for a speeding up of the work towards centralised control of thehuman mind before the challenge to this planetary occupation reaches its peak, inthe latter years of this decade and into the next millennium. This speeding up of thecentralised control is yet again a reflection of the collective human mind. It hasbecome a downward spiral. As we have given our minds away and taken onthought patterns from others about our lack of self-worth and potential to controlour own lives, we have created that physical reality. But instead of learning thelesson in the light of events this has caused, such as wars, we have allowed thoseevents to further demoralise us, frighten us, and fill us with guilt and despair. Thishas further diminished our self-worth, thus increasing our self-loathing and ourdesperation to look to others for the answers to the gathering gloom. The collective mind has then manifested that negative sense of reality in an escalation to evenmore centralised power and control which, at a subconscious level, the humanmind is demanding out of its fear and self-loathing. The Prison Warders have takenadvantage of this and fuelled the fires of the collective mindset. But they can’t createthe reality; only we can. And we can only do that by the way we think aboutourselves and the way we allow ourselves to absorb the thought patterns of others,including the Prison Warders and the Global Elite, who are working to erode oursense of self-love and self-worth.With every year of the twentieth century, the quickening pace of the New WorldOrder agenda can be identified. A network of organisations developed rapidly afterthe Versailles Peace Conference of 1919, and today this network is the mostinfluential of all the Global Elite structures in controlling world events. Theorganisations within this network are presented as harmless ‘think tanks’ andforums, but they are, in truth, part of a global web of deception and manipulation.They were introduced to infiltrate all areas of politics, banking, business, the media,education, science, and the military. Their role is to recruit members who supportthe New World Order philosophy and ensure that they are appointed to positions ofpower and influence in all these areas of national and international life. They areorganisations within organisations/ eating away at the established structure anddirecting the world along the road to a global tyranny. All are offshoots of theoriginal Round Table which began to give birth to this network after Versailles, withthe creation of the Institute of International Affairs, based at Chatham House inLondon. It became the ‘Royal’ Institute when the sitting monarch became its officialhead in 1926. It was founded by members of the British and American delegationsat Versailles when they gathered at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 30th 1919.The two groups were composed of members of Lord Milner’s Round Table fromBritain and Colonel House’s ‘Inquiry’ group from the United States. Quite simply,they were dedicated to the creation of the New World Order.The Round Table had close links with the Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, andCarnegie Empires, and these connections were extended to the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs (RIIA). In Britain, the Astors, including Major John (Jacob)Astor (Comm 300), a director of Hambros Bank and owner of The Times newspaper(after 1922) were operating at the heart of both the Round Table and the Institute,and many of the former associates of Cecil Rhodes were involved. Sir Abe Bailey,the owner of Transvaal Mines, who worked with Lord Milner to start the Boer War,was among the founders of the RIIA, as was John W. Wheeler-Bennett, who wouldbecome General Eisenhower’s political advisor in London in the crucial last twoyears of the Second World War as the nature of the post war world was beingdeveloped. Chatham House at 10 St James’s Square, London, is named afterWilliam Pitt, the Earl of Chatham, one of three British Prime Ministers who havelived there. Goodness knows how many prime ministers and ministers have hadtheir policies decided there, too.The Institute of International Affairs immediately began to infiltrate theeducation system and expand its influence across the world. In Britain it has had a considerable sway at Oxford and other universities and within the London Schoolof Economics. Funding this infiltration and the publications and propaganda wasnever a problem. Whenever money is required, some part of the Brotherhoodnetwork will provide it. By 1926, the money was flowing in for books and otherwork from the Carnegie United Kingdom Trustees, the Bank of England, and J.D.Rockefeller. The Rothschilds were, and are, the power behind the scenes. Withinseven years of its launch, the funding of the Institute by the major banks andmultinationals was already established; this continues today with global companiesmaking donations to the cause. In 1926, funding came from, among many others:The Bank of England; Barclays Bank; Lloyds, and Lloyds Bank; Westminster Bank;Midland Bank; Hambros Bank; Rothschild and Sons; Ford Motor Company; AngloIranian Oil (now BP); Baring Brothers; Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI); TheBritish South Africa Company; the Mercantile and General Insurance Company;Erlangers Ltd; Lever Brothers; Stern Brothers; Vickers-Armstrong; Central Miningand Industrial Investment Ltd; British American Tobacco Company; WhitehallSecurities Corporation; and Reuters, the newsagency which supplies news tonewspapers and the broadcast media across the world.1In the years that followed, Institute branches were established in Australia,Canada, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, and India, where itis known as the Council of World Affairs. By far the most important of theInstitute’s creations, however, was the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in theUnited States, which was to penetrate all areas of American life. This was formed in1921 at the Harold Pratt House at 58 East 68th Street in New York, the formermansion of the Pratt family, close friends of the Rockefellers. Soon afterwards, theday-to-day administration was taken over by Colonel House and his associates,including the Rockefellers and, particularly, J.P. Morgan. The CFR’s foundingpresident was John W. Davis, J.P. Morgan’s personal attorney; the founding vicepresident was Paul Gravath, from a law firm representing Morgan; and thecouncil’s first chairman was the Morgan partner, Russell Leffingwell. Another’independent’ organisation, I see. The Council on Foreign Relations and theRoyalInstitute of International Affairs are the same organisation, working on differentsides of the Atlantic to carry out the same goals and agenda. Their members are inleading positions in government, including the Presidency, banking, business,education, military, and the media.The power of the Council on Foreign Relations grew rapidly, and today itcontrols the administration of the United States, especially its foreign policy. Its goalis to introduce world government and it has spanned the United States withsupport groups. Each of these front organisations, like the CFR, has a similarstructure based on the Round Table. There are circles of members answering to acentral elite. The inner circle knows the agenda and works full time towards thattarget. The next circle knows all or most of the agenda and seek to use their ownsphere of influence, politics, banking, the media, whatever, to lead the world in thedesired direction. Other circles of people know some or a little of the real story andare persuaded to support the organisation by accepting the idea that a world government is the only answer to the ills of humanity. What this latter groupdoesn’t realise is that those ills are being created by the very organisations they aremembers of!Many of the people named in this book will not be involved through malice, butby genuinely believing that the New World Order agenda is the best option forpeace and stability. A few members of these Elite front-groups have had the courageto speak out when they have seen the game plan. Admiral Chester Ward, a formerUS Judge Advocate General of the Navy, was a member of the Council on ForeignRelations for sixteen years. He said the purpose of the organisation was the.. .submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerfulone-world government. In his book, Kissinger On The Couch, written with PhyllisSchafly, Ward said:…the lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States ispervasive throughout most of the membership, and particularly in the leadership ofseveral divergent cliques that make up what is actually a polycentric organisation…the main clique is composed of the one-world-global-government ideologists – morerespectfully referred to as the organised internationalists. They are the ones who carryon the tradition of the founders.2The writer James Perloff read every issue of the CFR’s magazine, Foreign Affairs,since its first publication in 1922. His verdict: …the accusations against the Councilon Foreign Relations – the pursuit of world government and receptiveness tocommunism are true. He said the domination of Washington administrations bythe CFR membership had influenced mightily upon the course of AmericanForeign policy in this century… which has seen the United States eroded instrength and its allies sometimes vanquished altogether.3 What was true of theCFR was true of all the other ‘think tanks’ that were to follow.The nexus of control which began in Britain and America was spreading acrossthe world throughout the 1920s and 30s. The Institute of Pacific Relations wasfounded in 1924 and headed by Jerome D. Greene, a Boston banker close to Morganand the Rockefellers. This was designed to extend the network into thegovernments and businesses of the Far East. Alongside Greene on the ruling councilwas Lionel Curtis, the leading founder of the Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs. You will see throughout the book how the network of familiar names andorganisations keeps coming up whenever events are being orchestrated. ABrotherhood mafia of organisations and people, controlled by the same elite, cast aweb of manipulation and deceit across the Atlantic from London to New York andWashington, and then further afield, too.Much of the funding for this New World Order network comes from the taxexempt foundations. These are the foundations created by the big names ofbanking, industry, and finance, to make donations to various causes. People like theRockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie families all formed foundations and presented themas vehicles of philanthropy. In fact, they are used as tax havens in the name of charity while most of the money is actually channelled into organisations andsubject areas which support and promote centralised control. This reality almostbecame public in the 1950s, but the Elite control of the media just managed to keepthe lid on the truth. The US Congress set up a committee in 1953 under B. CarrolReece of Tennessee to investigate the behaviour of the tax-exempt foundations.Researcher and ‘insider’ Carroll Quigley says in his book, Tragedy And Hope:It soon became clear that people of immense wealth would be unhappy if theinvestigation went too far and that the ‘most respected newspapers in the country’,closely allied with these men of wealth, would not get excited enough about anyrevelations to make the publicity worth while, in terms of votes or campaigncontributions. (p995)What the papers didn’t get excited about were the Reece Committee’s findingsthat: the rich banking families give money to the foundations without losing controlof how it is spent; the major foundations are interconnected and work as one to acommon policy; they took over social science in the US and suppress those socialscientists who disagree with their plans; research sponsored by the foundations isoften slanted to conform to the conclusions the funders demand; those educationalinstitutions in America which refuse to conform are refused a grant; Rhodesscholars are fed into government service by the foundations; history books arebeing funded which keep the truth from the people. The Reece Committeediscovered that the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was promotingwar and the foundations were presenting the United Nations as the base for asocialist-communist coalition. All these findings came from an officialCongressional Committee.4This is still happening today and behind the names all these major foundations,including Ford and Carnegie, are controlled by the Rockefeller family. The FordFoundation came in for especially strong criticism. It gave a billion dollars to thecause of ‘education’ and a million dollars to the Council on Foreign Relations. Thefoundations are another arm of global manipulation. Norman Dodd was the ReeceCommittee’s director of research and he interviewed the then Ford Foundationpresident, H. Rowan Gaither, as part of his report. Gaither told him that the FordFoundation operated under directives from the White House and these instructionswere to make every effort to alter life in the United States to ensure a comfortablemerger with the Soviet Union.5 The foundations are particularly used to fundprojects which aim to massage public opinion.In the years after World War I, the interconnecting networks of think tanks andfoundations had increased the effectiveness of the conspiracy. In these years, also,the manoeuvring went on that would explode as the Second World War. This wasanother bankers’ conflict. Without their connivance, it could not have happened.The Second World War was planned before Versailles. It was at Versailles that theRothschild-Wall Street-Colonel House-Bernard Baruch-Round Table connectionsimposed the impossible reparations on Germany which were sure to destroy the new German Democratic Republic and prepare the way for the rise of a dictator,Adolf Hitler. Added to this colossal debt, other decisions at Versailles had costGermany 75% of her iron ore, 68% of her zinc, and 26% of her coal. Soon Franceannounced that Germany had defaulted on reparation payments and French troopsoccupied the Ruhr. This ‘defaulting’ turned out to be a small shortfall in deliveriesof coal and telegraph poles. The French move sent the German mark into freefalland it plunged to 7,592 to the dollar. This is hardly surprising, given that the Ruhrproduced 80% of Germany’s coal, iron, and steel. By November 1923, the mark hadplummeted to 4,200 billion to the dollar!What followed was a double-strike by the Wall Street and British banking cartel,which first financed German rearmament and enabled Germany to prepare for thenext war, and then collapsed the German economy again to bring Adolf Hitler topower. These strikes were called the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan. General C.Dawes was appointed by the US government to propose a solution to the Germanreparations fiasco. He introduced a series of short term loans from Wall Street banksto bail the Germans out. All this did, of course, was to add to the debt and put offthe moment when the German economy would collapse, a collapse that was to betimed to bring Adolf Hitler to power. Lloyd George told the New York JournalAmerican of June 24th 1924:The international bankers dictated the Dawes reparations settlement. The protocolwhich was signed between the Allies and Associated Powers and Germany is thetriumph of the international financier. Agreement would never have been reachedwithout the brusque and brutal intervention of the international bankers. They sweptstatesmen, politicians, and journalists to one side, and issued their orders with theimperiousness of absolute monarchs, who knew there was no appeal from theirruthless decrees. The settlement is the joint ukase of King Dollar and King Sterling.The Dawes Report was theirs. They inspired it and fashioned it. The Dawes Report wasfashioned by the Money Kings. The orders of German financiers lead by the Warburgbank to their political representatives were just as peremptory as those of alliedbankers to their political representatives.That was because the Allied and German bankers were on the same side. Theywere connected by the same All-Seeing Eye cult; a force which goes back toantiquity. The short-term loans issued under the Dawes Plan went into specificGerman companies vital to rearmament. It was this money that expanded thepharmaceutical cartel known as I.G. Farben, which was, in reality, Hitler’s warmachine. Farben had produced poison gas in World War I, thanks to Germanfanatic, Fitz Haber. The rest of the money went to other German cartels or theGerman subsidiaries of American companies. These included A.E.G. (the GermanGeneral Electric), United Steelworks, and American I.G., the wholly-ownedsubsidiary of I.G. Farben. These loans, which included some from Morgan andRothschild companies, and the technology transfers from America to the Germancartels, made the Second World War possible. Without that help, there could have been no war. The US Ambassador to Germany, William Dodd, said in acommunication to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on October 19th 1936:At the present moment more than a hundred American corporations have subsidiarieshere of co-operative understandings. The DuPonts have three allies in Germany that areaiding the armament business. Their chief ally is the I.G. Farben Company, a part of theGovernment which gives 200,000 marks a year to one propaganda organisationoperating on American opinion. Standard Oil Company (New York sub-company) sent$2,000,000 here in December 1933 and has made $500,000 a year helping Germansmake Ersatz gas for war purposes; …The International Harvester Company presidenttold me their business here rose 33% a year (arms manufacture, I believe), but theycould take nothing out. Even our airplanes people have secret arrangements withKrupps. General Motors Company Morgan and Ford do enormous business herethrough their subsidiaries and take profits out. I mention these facts because theycomplicate things and add to war dangers.6This was a shocking story of involvement with Nazi Germany’s rearmament bymajor US companies and all the more compelling in that it came from the UnitedStates ambassador to Germany. What did Roosevelt do? Nothing. Franklin D.Roosevelt, a distant cousin of an earlier president, Theodore Roosevelt, wasbrought to power through a Wall Street-created depression in the United States,and was ensured of election when Wall Street put its financial and media powerbehind him. Another supporter was Meyer Lansky, the head of the internationalcrime syndicate which included the Mafia. The term Mafia is often used todescribe the organised crime network. In fact, the Italian Mafia is only a part of thepicture, albeit an important part. Lansky was actually top man in the syndicate andit was his money and bribes which helped Roosevelt to power.7 Once more thepeople of America were conned. Some of his prominent backers set up anorganisation to oppose him – a constantly repeated Global Elite strategy. This wascalled the Liberty League and its pronouncements ensured that it would bebranded ‘extreme Right wing’ and ‘anti-Semitic’. This allowed all the mainopposition to Roosevelt, even the genuine people, to be dismissed as Right winganti-Semites. The Liberty League was funded by Pierre and Irene DuPont($325,000), J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, J. Howard Pew, and William J. Knudsen,who was later given a top job by the very president the Liberty League ‘opposed’.8In the same way the Robot Radicals of the political Left and the Robot Right allover the world are used today to discredit genuine opposition.The preparation of America and Germany for war and the rise of both Hitler andRoosevelt were remarkably similar. We have seen how the Elite collapsed theGerman economy. They were doing the same in America. During the 1920s, theyencouraged the stockmarket to overstretch itself and then the Federal Reserveissued a series of strict new banking laws which put the smaller banks under terrificpressure. This was the time of the so called ‘Turkey Shoot’, when the global bankspicked off the small fry and massively increased their power. When this process was over, the Federal Reserve withdrew the new banking laws. The Wall Streetcrash of 1929 plunged the country into economic depression.In the United States and Germany, the same solutions were offered. Borrow moremoney from the banks. Roosevelt’s National Recovery Act or ‘New Deal’ wasoffered to the American people as the way out of depression. Thousands of milesaway across the Atlantic, the same plan under another name was being offered tothe Germans by Hitler. Roosevelt’s New Deal was the work of Gerard Swope, amember of many Roosevelt organisations. He was the chairman of the Morgancontrolled International General Electric, and a director of German General Electric(A.E.G.). Roosevelt was another version of Woodrow Wilson. Like Wilson, he wouldbe elected by telling the people that America was not going to war while knowingthat was exactly what was going to happen. Again Colonel Edward House wasbehind the scenes, visiting Roosevelt at his home in East 65th Street, New York,almost every day in 1932.9What a ‘coincidence’ that Roosevelt and Hitler came to power in the wake ofeconomic depression with the same basic ‘New Deal’ type solutions, and that bothwere advised by people connected with the American-German cartels and the Elitecontrolled Bank of International Settlements. What’s more, they both took office inthe same year, 1933! Small world, isn’t it? Indeed, it is the same small worldoccupied by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan when they were in power onboth sides of the Atlantic during the 1980s, while following exactly the sameeconomic policies, Thatcherism and Reaganomics.Hitler’s rise to power was made certain after 1929 when the Dawes Plan of shortterm loans came to an end with Germany now owing an extra $16 billion in debt.One of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s main financial backers, Owen D. Young, wasappointed to propose solutions to Germany’s inability to pay. Young was a Morganexecutive and the head of the Morgan-controlled General Electric. The Young Planof demanding payment in cash, not goods, demolished the German economyalmost overnight. That is why he did it. A major financial supporter of Hitler,Dr Fritz Thyssen, would say under interrogation in 1945:The acceptance of the Young Plan and its financial principles increased unemploymentmore and more until about one million were unemployed. People were desperate. Hitlersaid he would do away with unemployment. The government in power at that time wasvery bad, and the situation of the people was getting worse. That really was the reasonfor the enormous success Hitler had in the election. When the last election came, hegot about 40%. 10The network linking both the Nazis and the Allies at the highest level is clear tosee. While millions fought and died for what they believed was a war for freedom,the same force was manipulating the whole thing through both sides. Withoutthem, it would not have happened.The Austrian writer and researcher, Gertrude Elias, identifies Hjalmar Schacht asa major go-between, connecting the Nazis and the Wall Street-City of London elite. Schacht became Hitler’s financial advisor and President of the Reichsbank. The twosignatures on the document confirming Schacht’s appointment on March 17th 1933,were Adolf Hitler and the Rothschild frontman, Max Warburg.12 In 1930, Schachtalso founded the Global Elite’s Bank of International Settlements in Basle,Switzerland. In England, a key figure was Montagu Norman (Comm 300), governorof the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England, and a close friend of Schacht. In factthey were so close that Schacht named his grandson after him. It was Norman whopressed for and supported the raising of US interest rates by the Federal Reserve,which was the final push that led to the Wall Street crash, the New Deal, andFranklin D. Roosevelt. Norman was the most influential central banker in the worldat that time and his actions, in league with Wall Street, were crucial.Once Hitler was safely elected, the attitude of the Bank of England and theFederal Reserve to Germany was transformed. Credit was offered to the Naziregime and after the Nazis successfully invaded Czechoslovakia, Norman released£6 million of Czechoslovakian gold to Hitler which was deposited in London. Thiswas done with the agreement of the Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain.13 On June11th 1934, and again the following October, Norman and Schacht met in secret atBadenweiler in the Black Forest to arrange loans for Hitler and the Nazis.14 But whowas behind Norman? His family almost turned the governorship of the Bank ofEngland into their personal property. One grandfather, George Warde Norman, wasgovernor from 1821-1872 and his other grandfather, Lord Collet, was governorfrom 1887-1889. Montagu Norman spent a period in the United States at the officesof the Rothschild-funded Brown Brothers (later Brown Brothers, Harriman) andwas befriended by the family of WA. Delano (Comm 300), relatives of FranklinDelano Roosevelt, the President of the United States at the same time that Normanwas head of the Bank of England. This all-powerful banker was actually a ‘yes man’for the Rothschilds, and here again, we see the ploy at work. He was portrayed asanti-Jewish.Today the Bank of England is still the feifdom of the Global Elite. Gertrude Eliassays that the Bank collaborated with the leading Zionist, Lord Bearsted of RoyalDutch Shell, to arrange the transfer of the assets of wealthy German Zionists toPalestine. It was these transfers, she says, that helped to build up the economy ofthe embryonic Zionist state. They were the privileged emigre class whilepropertyless Jews were refused asylum and neutralised in the holocaust, Eliasadds.15 I believe that all this was coldly calculated by the ‘Jewish’ elite, for reasons Iwill come to in due course.I don’t want to send you to sleep with a mass of detail, but I do want to make itclear how provable it is that the Second World War and the rise of Hitler werecreations of the Elite in Britain and America. We need to move away fromconspiracy theory and see that it is conspiracy fact. Only then will we deal with it.