Crucial to the rise of the Nazi war machine was the behaviour of some of the mostfamous companies in the United States, who supported Hitler via their Germansubsidiaries or partners. Here are just a few of what were almost countlessexamples of how this was secretly done… I.G. Farben/Standard OilGerman production of steel and other products needed for war soared through theperiod leading up to the outbreak of the conflict in 1939. At the centre of thisrearmament was the chemical giant, I.G. Farben. As Senator Homer T. Bone wouldsay to a Senate Committee in 1943 Farben was Hitler and Hitler was Farben.16This immense cartel was created in its wartime form by American loans! In 1939,with Wall Street investment, it had become the biggest manufacturer of chemicals inthe world. And who controlled I.G. Farben, a company that would use Jews andothers as slave labour? The Rothschilds, via a stream of frontmen and companies.Among the German bankers on the supervisory board of Farben into the late 1920swas Max Warburg, the brother of Paul Warburg of the Manhattan Bank, who wassent to the United States by the Rothschilds to install the Federal Reserve Systemand to take over the US economy. These were quite a pair, operating in concert inthe US and Germany. The US Naval Secret Service Report of December 2nd 1918said: Paul Warburg. German, nationalised US citizen 1911, decorated by Kaiser,handled large sums furnished by German bankers for Lenin and Trotsky. Hisbrother Max who is director of espionage system of Germany.17 Paul Warburg wason the board of Farben’s American subsidiary, American I.G. Sitting alongside himwere Edsel Ford (son of Henry) of the Ford Motor Company, Charles E. Michellfrom the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Walter Teagle, FranklinRoosevelt’s close friend from Standard Oil. All this top American influence andsupport for a company of which an American War Department report said:Without I.G.’s immense productive facilities, its intense research, and vast internationalaffiliations, Germany’s prosecution of the war would have been unthinkable andimpossible. Farben not only directed its energies toward arming Germany, butconcentrated on weakening her intended victims, and this double-barrelled attempt toexpand the German industrial potential for war and to restrict that of the rest of the worldwas not conceived and executed ‘in the normal course of business’. The proof isoverwhelming that I.G. Farben officials had full prior knowledge of Germany’s plan forworld conquest and of each specific aggressive act later undertaken…18The Farben Empire became a state within a state and in effect ran its owneconomy. Reports and investigations, during and after the war, show that Farben’srole, with Wall Street and British support, was to make Germany self-sufficient in allthat Hitler needed for war: products like rubber, petrol, oils, and explosives. Onemajor problem they had was the supply of oil. Their supplies came from outsideGermany and in 1934 around 85% of German petroleum products were imported.This would obviously dry up during a war. But a deal between Farben and theRockefellers ensured a constant supply of oil to Germany. Farben began to invest vastsums from the Wall Street loans into research aimed at developing processes to makeoil from the German reserves of coal. What they couldn’t discover for themselves, theRockefeller’s Standard Oil gave to them! In January 1933, just before Hitler came topower, a report from the Commercial Attache at the US Embassy in Berlin said: In two years Germany will be manufacturing oil and gas enough out of soft coalfor a long war. The Standard Oil of New York is furnishing millions of dollarsto help.19The Rockefellers also helped I.G. Farben with chemicals essential to aircraft fuel.The American representatives of American I.G. tried to hide their company’sinvolvement with the German war machine by merging American I.G. into anothercompany and changing its name to the General Aniline and Film Corporation. Infact, the makeup of the American I.G. board of 1930, with Farben already five yearsinto its preparation for war, tells the real story of the US-German Brotherhoodnetwork which was leading the world into yet another awesome conflict. Amongthe board members of American I.G. were: Carl Bosch (German), from Ford; EdselB. Ford (US), Henry Ford’s son; Max Ilgner (German), director of Farben’s Naziintelligence office in Berlin; H.A. Metz (US) director of I.G. Farben and theRothschild/Warburg Bank of Manhattan; C.E. Mitchell (US), Director of the FederalReserve Bank of New York and the Morgan National City Bank; Hermann Schmitz(German), president of American I.G. and I.G. Farben and on the boards of both theGerman Central Bank and the Bank of International Settlements; Walter Teagle (US),director of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil ofNew Jersey, trustee of the Roosevelt Foundation, and close friend of the President;W.H. von Rath (naturalised US), director of German General Electric (A.E.G.); andPaul M. Warburg, of the Bank of Manhattan.When the war ended and the investigations into its background began, threeGerman members of that American I.G. board were found guilty at the NurembergWar Crimes Trials. The American representatives such as Paul Warburg were leftuntouched, as was his brother, Max Warburg, who, even though a Jew, was allowedto leave Nazi Germany in 1939 without any restriction. The Elite controlled even thearrests and trials resulting from the war and the horrors they themselvesengineered. Such operations were not only between two companies, they involvedother elements of the Global Elite-Brotherhood in other companies andgovernments. The president of Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon) at this timewas William Stamps Farish. During the war, a letter was released by the US JusticeDepartment from Frank A. Howard, the Standard Oil vice-president to Farish. Itwas dated October 12th 1939, and it said:…In England I met by appointment the Royal Dutch Shell Oil gentleman from Hollandand…a general agreement was reached on the necessary changes in our relations withthe I.G. Farben, in view of the state of war…the Royal Dutch Shell Group is essentiallyBritish…I also had several meetings with the British Air Ministry…I required help to obtain the necessary permission to go to Holland…After discussionswith the American Ambassador Joseph Kennedy…the situation was clearedcompletely…The gentlemen in the Air Ministry…very kindly offered to assist me inre-entering England. Pursuant to these arrangements, I was able to keep my appointment in Holland(having been flown there on a British Royal Air Force bomber), where I had three days ofdiscussion with the representatives of I.G. They delivered to me assignments of some2,000 foreign patents and we did our best to work out complete plans for a modusvivendi which could operate through the term of the war, whether or not the US camein.20 my emphasisWilliam S. Farish refuelled Nazi shipping and submarines in Spain and LatinAmerica during the war. It was the Standard Oil-I.G. Farben enterprise whichopened the Auschwitz Concentration Camp on June 14th 1940, and used the slavelabour of Jews and political opponents to produce the artificial rubber and gasolinefrom coal. Farish was very close to Hermann Schmitz, the chairman of I.G. Farben.Standard Oil hired the infamous publicist, Ivy Lee, to promote Farben and theNazis in the United States. William S. Farish had a grandson, William Farish III,who was to become a close friend of George Bush (Comm 300) and has enjoyed thecompany of Queen Elizabeth II (Comm 300) at his home. Their horses breed witheach other, apparently. When George Bush became vice-president, he had to handover his businesses and investments to a ‘blind trust’, to ensure that he could not (intheory) make decisions in the White House which affected his investments. Whowas put in charge of this ‘blind trust’? William Farish III!General Electric (G.E.C.)I.G. Farben worked in concert before and throughout the war with other cartels likethe J.P. Morgan-controlled General Electric, a company with which PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had many close connections. In 1939, Senator James A. Reedof Missouri, a one-time Roosevelt supporter, told the Senate that the President wasa hired man for the economic royalists, in Wall Street. He added that theRoosevelt family was one of the biggest holders of shares in General Electric.21Interesting, then, that General Electric was a big Hitler supporter and there isphotographic and documented evidence that, like I.G. Farben, both General Electriccompanies in Germany, A.E.G. and Osram, directly financed Hitler.22 Farbencontributed the most (45% of the fund that brought Hitler to power in 1933), but thecompanies linked to General Electric also made very large donations and – in thisweb of intrigue – a number of directors of German General Electric were on theboard of I.G. Farben. As with the other major American companies involved,General Electric (in the US) channelled its contributions to Hitler via Germansubsidiaries and cartel partners. Again only the German directors of the GeneralElectric cartel were charged and tried at Nuremberg, not the Americans. To havedone so would have exposed the whole story.International Telephone and Telegraph (I.T.T.)Another United States company that was important to Hitler and his war machinewas International Telephone and Telegraph, better known as I.T.T. It was the creationof its founder, Sosthenes Behn, an entrepreneur born in the Virgin Islands. By 1924, I.T.T. was closely connected with J.P. Morgan, and the board reflected Morgan’scontrol. It has been proved that I.T.T. made donations to Hitler through Germansubsidiaries and was a significant supporter of the Nazi regime.23 I.T.T. bought a largeinterest in German armament companies, most particularly the aircraft manufacturer,Focke-Wolfe. The profits from these investments were not returned to the UnitedStates; they were reinvested in further German rearmament. Sosthenes Behn met withHitler in August 1933.24 Hitler’s personal banker, Baron Kurt von Schroder, a Naziand SS Senior Group Leader, became the overseer of I.T.T. interests in Germany and adirector of all I.T.T.-affiliated companies. Baron von Schroder was channelling I.T.T.funding to Himmler’s SS at least until 1944!25 The Schroder Banking family fromHamburg had branches in London and New York under the name of J. HenrySchroder (Comm 300). In England, the managing director of Schroder Bank was MrF.C. Tiarks, a director of the Rothschild-controlled and Montagu Norman-supervisedBank of England. Gordon Richardson was chairman of Schroder Bank up until 1973,when he was made governor of the Bank of England. From 1938 on, the SchroderBank in London was appointed to represent Nazi interests in Britain. In America,Schroder and the Rockefellers merged some of their business interests.The Ford Motor CompanyMuch has been written of Henry Ford’s alleged collusion with the Nazis. He wasvehement in his condemnation of the Jews. Ford was just as outspoken in hiscriticism of the Wall Street financiers, whom he blamed for starting the wars andcontrolling the world money markets for their own ends. At the same time, he saidJ.P. Morgan was to be trusted and I can’t help feeling that Mr Ford did his utmost tospread disinformation. He portrayed himself as the peoples’ friend against themanipulators while he was, in fact, another manipulator. He made enormousprofits during the war by supplying both sides. As early as 1922, the New YorkTimes was reporting that Ford was financing Hitler’s nationalists and anti-Jewishmovements in Germany and the Berlin newspaper, Berliner Tageblatt, was callingon the American ambassador to stop Ford from intervening in German affairs.Hitler was so grateful for Ford’s assistance, that in 1938 he presented Ford with thehighest honour the Nazis conferred on non-Germans: the Grand Cross of theGerman Eagle; Ford’s portrait hung behind Hitler’s desk in Hitler’s private office.The two biggest manufacturers of tanks for Hitler’s armies before and during thewar were the German subsidiaries of the Ford Motor Company, and the Morgancontrolled General Motors (Opel). In 1928, the Ford Motor Company in Germanymerged with I.G. Farben. Carl Bosch of Farben became the head of the Fordoperation in Germany.W.A. HarrimanFritz Thyssen was a German steel entrepreneur and banker, who funded the Nazisfrom the early 1920s. His banking operation in Germany was affiliated – through asubsidiary – with the W.A. Harriman Company in New York (Brown Brothers,Harriman after 1933), which in turn was funded (at least in its earlier days) by the Rothschilds. The Harriman family was prominent in supporting both the RussianRevolution and Adolf Hitler. A Thyssen company controlled the Union BankingCorporation in the US, which had E. Roland Harriman on its board along withknown Nazis and Nazi financial backers. Prescott Bush, the father of the futurepresident, George Bush, was also on the UBC board and owed his wealth to theHarrimans. Roland was the brother of W. Averell Harriman (Comm 300), who was adirector of Morgan’s Guaranty Trust when it was financing Lenin and Trotsky.Averell Harriman would later make vast profits from Russian ventures and beappointed as the ambassador to the Soviet Union. He was also a controlling voice inthe Democratic Party and close to the president, Franklin D. Roosevelt.The Dulles BrothersThe name Dulles is another which spans the manipulation of both the First andSecond World Wars. The Dulles’s were from a southern slave-owning family, andcousins of the Rockefellers. They were connected with international banking inAmerica and Germany. Statements made by John Foster Dulles as early as 1911revealed support for the creation of a ‘super race’ by ‘eliminating the lowermembers…’.26 The Dulles law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, handled the US affairsof I.G. Farben and Hitler’s major financial backer, Fritz Thyssen, who introducedAllen Dulles to the Fuhrer-to-be. John Foster Dulles wrote ‘Heil Hitler’ on his lettersto German clients. After Hitler’s rise to power, John Foster Dulles went to Germanyon behalf of the Rothschild/Round Table group, to negotiate new loans for theNazis. The Dulles brothers were appointed to the US State Department duringWorld War I by their uncle, Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, one of the ColonelHouse/Bernard Baruch clique which controlled Woodrow Wilson. The Dullesbrothers were at the Versailles Peace Conference where they met the Round Tabledelegation and became part of the Round Table/Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs/Council on Foreign Relations network. Allen Dulles was, very conveniently,appointed First Secretary of the US Embassy in Berlin in 1920, just as his brotherwas in Germany, representing the Elite’s bankers through his connections with theBank of England and the J.P. Morgan empire. Both Dulles’ were friends of Hitler’sfinancial wizard, Hjalmar Schacht. John Foster Dulles would become Secretary ofState and Allen Dulles became the first head of the CIA. The latter would also serveon the Warren Commission, which was charged with investigating the assassinationof President Kennedy.I have highlighted some of the big names in the financing and manipulation ofGermany and her rearmament programme. But there was also direct support for theNazi Party by these same banks and industrialists. Among the documents from theNuremberg Trials are the original transfer slips from I.G. Farben, German GeneralElectric, Osram, and others, authorising the transfer of funds into the Nazis’National Trusteeship account, Hitler’s election fund. Representatives of companiesowned or influenced by the Rockefellers, American I.G., I.T.T., General Electric, andFord can be shown to be at the heart of the Nazi Party.27 It is fascinating to see howremarkably free from bomb damage were the German factories and plants owned by the American-German cartels. When the Allied armies reached Cologne, forinstance, many noticed the stark contrast between the flattened city and theundamaged plants (owned by I.G. Farben, the Ford Motor Company, and theUnited Rayon Works) on its edge. The way I.G. Farben plants survived the bombingis staggering, given that the Allies knew that this company was the German warmachine. There is evidence that Ford Plants in Germany and France were notbombed by the US Airforce.28 When the one at Poissy was hit by the British, theVichy government paid Ford 38 million francs in compensation! A relieved EdselFord wrote to his General Manager in Europe: Photographs of the Plant on firewere published in American newspapers but fortunately no reference was made tothe Ford Motor Company.29 The Vichy regime collaborated with the Nazis andamong its number was one Francois Mitterand (Comm 300), Grand Master ofGrand Orient Freemasonry and later the long-time president of France.30In five years of war and global slaughter, the United States trusts I havehighlighted, and others, made a profit of $175,000,000,000, according to research bythe writer and researcher, Gertrude Elias.31To complete this appalling tale of deceit on the people of the world, the sameWall Street names that created and funded the war were also appointed by FranklinRoosevelt to supervise the fate of German industry when the conflict ended. Topexecutives appointed to this role included Louis Douglas, director of the Morgandominated General Motors and president of the Morgan Mutual Life Insurance, andBrigadier General William H. Draper Jr of Dillon, Read, and Co, another firm thatcontributed substantially to the creation of the cartels and the funding of Hitler’sGermany. Both Draper and Douglas were members of the Council on ForeignRelations and Draper, a eugenics (master race) fanatic, would later become aleading light in the funding of ‘population control’.The story of William H. Draper Jr reveals the scale of the scam and the cover-up.He joined the Prescott Bush circle in 1927, when he was hired by Dillon Read tohandle the account of.. .Fritz Thyssen, one of Adolf Hitler’s biggest financialbackers. Draper became a director and later the vice-president and assistanttreasurer of Dillon Read’s German Credit and Investment Corporation, supervisingsome of the short-term loans to Thyssen’s German Steel Trust under the DawesPlan. These loans, agreed upon by Draper, helped to bring Hitler to power and fundhis rearmament. His partners in this operation were both Nazis: Alexander Kreuter,in Berlin, was president, and Frederic Brandi (who moved to the US in 1926)became Draper’s co-director of the German Credit Investment Corporation inNewark, New Jersey. Brandi’s father was a leading coal executive with the GermanSteel Trust. Draper was listed as a director of German Credit throughout 1942 untilit was liquidated in 1943, by which time its job had been done.32Draper then went off to become a general in the Pacific, fighting for the USA!This is the man appointed by Roosevelt after the German surrender to decide whatshould happen to the Nazi cartels he helped to create. He would have power todecide who was exposed, who lost or kept their business, and who was chargedwith war crimes. The scale of the sting is incredible. Draper played good guy/bad guy with US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, to complete another mentalcoup d’etat. Morganthau demanded that Germany’s industry be destroyed and theGermans be reduced to a purely rural nation. Draper’s role was to prevent this, butonly if the Germans agreed to accept all the guilt for Nazism. The authors of asuperb book, George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, say:Draper and his colleagues demanded that Germany and the world accept the collectiveguilt of the German people as the explanation of the rise of Hitler’s New Order and theNazi war crimes. This, of course, was rather convenient for General Draper himself, as itwas for the Bush family. It is still convenient decades later, allowing Prescott’s son,President George, to lecture Germany on the danger of Hitlerism. Germans are tooslow, it seems, to accept his New World Order. (p55)The threads have continued through the decades since then, with President Bushappointing Draper’s son, William Draper III, to a United Nations job involved inpopulation control. At Dillon Read, Bush’s US Treasury Secretary, Nicholas Brady,was the long-time partner of Frederic Brandi, General Draper’s cohort in thefinancing of Hitler’s steel cartel. The same small group of bankers, companies, andpolitical manipulators were behind the First World War, the Russian Revolution,and the Second World War. Without their money and manoeuvring, the twogreatest conflicts in recorded human history would not have happened.Why is it important to know this? There are many reasons, but I stress two. Ihave heard it said so often that the problem with the world is human nature. Thisnature is evil, I hear people say, and what do they point to in justification of this?The two World Wars and other conflicts before and since. Our desire formultidimensional freedom will only become a reality when we realise that humannature is not evil. It has a natural desire for love, not hate, for harmony, notconflict. Those wars were not the result of human nature being evil. They were theresult of humanity giving away to someone else its right to think and act. These arelessons which are still to be learned and until they are, we will continue to bedenied our true and infinite potential. But we can make that switch in an instant,if we so choose.We are having a version of events projected at us through the schools,universities, and the media, all the time. That version of events has almost nothingto do with truth. It has been created to mislead us and to persuade us to think andact in a particular way, which suits the aims of the human manipulators and theircontrollers, the Prison Warders. So if you want to go to war and you need thepeople to support you, just set up an attack on one of your own ships or have one ofyour top people assassinated, and whip up the public’s indignation withpropaganda against the alleged culprit. As long as people take everything at facevalue, without question, and they don’t survey the world with open eyes and anopen mind, we will go on being a bewildered herd, blindly following the sheep atthe front. But is it a sheep – or a monster? And what is its agenda? If we stop beinghuman blotting paper, soaking up this tidal wave of biased information, and begin to filter what we are told, we become so much more difficult to mislead. Theseterrible events which have plagued the world in this century can only happen if wesee life in terms of the leaders and the led. If we do that, a tiny few can control theworld. And they have. Until now.SOURCES1 Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, pl902 Phyllis Schafly and Chester Ward, Rear Admiral VSN (Ret), Kissinger On The Couch (ArlingtonHouse, New Rochelle, New York, 1975) p146,149-1503 James Perloff, The Shadows Of Power: The Council On Foreign Relations And The AmericanDecline (Appleton, Wl, Western Islands, USA, 1988)4 The Special House Committee To Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations, which reported in1954. The Ford family has long lost control of the Ford Foundation. It is Ford in name onlytoday, and it is controlled by the Rockefellers, who are controlled by..?5 Revealed by Dodd in an interview with author William H. Mclllhany II, for his book, The TaxExempt Foundations, in 19886 Edgar B. Dixon (editor), Franklin D. Roosevelt And Foreign Affairs (Belknap Press, Cambridge,1969) Vol. Ill, p4567 Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgement, The Missing Link In The JFK AssassinationConspiracy (The Wolfe Press, Washington D.C., 1995) pl308 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p919 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p9010 US Group Control Council (Germany), Office of the Director of Intelligence, IntelligenceReport No. EF/ME/1, September 4th 194511 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation, 199512 Rodney Atkinson and Norris McWhirter, Treason At Maastricht, The Destruction Of TheNation State (Compuprint Publishing, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1995) p2013 The Anglo-American Establishment, p29914 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, pl5415 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation, 1995. Before anyone shoutsanti-Semite, Gertrude comes from a Jewish background.16 Senator Homer T. Bone speaking to the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, June 4th194317 Quoted in The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, pl2818 Elimination Of German Resources, p94319 Report to the State Department, Washington DC20 Quoted by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in George Bush, The UnauthorisedBiography (Executive Intelligence Review, Washington DC, 1992) p4721 The New York Times, (October 4th 1936)22 For the detailed research on this, see Anthony C. Sutton’s superb expose, Wall Street AndThe Rise Of Hitler (Heritage Publications, Melbourne, Australia, 1976) pl21-13223 Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, pl21-13224 Report in the New York Times (August 4th 1933).25 Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, p79.26 Dulles made a statement based on ‘natural selection’ and the survival of the fittest. He saidthe weakest members of the population had to be eliminated by natural selection so that thehuman race could progress. He was quoted in Jim Keith’s Casebook On Alternative 3, pl927 For the detailed research, see Anthony C. Sutton’s Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler,P123-13228 James Stewart Martin, All Honourable Men (Little Brown & Co, Boston, 1950) p75. See alsothe research of Anthony C. Sutton, Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, p62-6629 Josiah E. Dubois Jr, Generals In Grey Suits (The Bodley Head, London, 1953) p25130 Treason At Maastricht, pl3731 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation (London, 1995)32 George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p53-54, quoting the Directory Of Directors ForNew York City, 1942