The First and Second World Wars were made possible by a coup d’etat on theminds of hundreds of millions of people. As the Prison Warders program theminds of the Global Elite, so the Elite do the same to people on Earth. It almostwouldn’t matter that the global bankers and industrialists were funding both sides- if (and it is one hell of a big ‘if’) the people in general had seen what was afootand refused to take part. I remember the words of a splendid song by Donovan inthe 1960s, The Universal Soldier.He’s five foot two, and he’s six feet four. He fights with missiles and with spears. He’sall of thirty-one and he’s only seventeen. He’s been a soldier for a thousandyears…He’s the universal soldier and he really is to blame. Without him how couldHitler have begun? He’s the one who gives his body as a weapon of the war and withouthim all this killing can’t go on.1Hitler was no threat to the world unless the mass of the German people handedover their lives to him. Unfortunately, this is what happened, and the same was trueof people in Britain and elsewhere, who also gave up thinking and allowed ‘leaders’to ‘do it’ for them. In Germany, you had the propaganda whipping up publicopinion against a perceived enemy and their egos were being massaged by talk of aGerman Master Race. Outside Germany, the same force was orchestrating publicopinion against the Germans, once Hitler’s rearmament programme wassufficiently advanced. When the two populations had soaked up the designerpropaganda, they were played off against each other. Most of the people whofought that war did not want to be there. They wanted to be at home with theirfamilies and to watch their children grow. But because they had given up their rightto think, they left their families and children, to kill and be killed.Their minds were so overwhelmed by the mass hypnosis, that those who didstand up and challenge the official line were jailed without trial and few raised evena whimper against it. But by then, especially with the First World War and the GreatDepression still powerfully affecting human responses, the collective mind was fullof fear. It had lost confidence in itself. It was confused, bewildered, and looking toothers to change the nature of the human condition. The human mind had also beenprogrammed, not the least by its recent experience, to believe that life was aboutconflict and struggle: the world was a horrible place. These were the dominatingthought patterns and that was the physical reality thus created.Uniting a nation against a common enemy and convincing the people of theirown racial superiority is another powerful weapon of control. The Nazis used thisto great effect with their German Master Race/anti-Jewish propaganda. Ironically,or perhaps more than that, they were assisted in this by a man called AlfredRosenberg, an occultist with a Jewish, Estonian, and French background. It wasRosenberg who made a copy of The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zionavailable to Hitler. Why on Earth did he do that, when he would have known thatHitler would use them as propaganda against Jews as a whole? Hitler did indeedcirculate The Protocols widely to justify his campaign against Jews. This wasoutrageous, given that the mass of Jewish people were not aware of what was goingon and nor would they have supported it if they were.Rosenberg said that a stranger arrived mysteriously and gave him a copy of thedocument: The man, whom I had never seen before, came to my study withoutknocking, put the book on my desk and vanished without saying a word.2Rosenberg presented himself as vehemently anti-Jewish and soon rose to becomethe Nazi Party’s official ‘ideologist’, with the role of providing the ‘facts’ to justifythe campaign against Jews. Ernst Hanfstaengl, a close friend of Franklin Roosevelt,was also a close associate of Hitler before the war. He says he was warned by theAustrian writer, Rudolf Kommer, that if any political party emerges with an antiSemitic programme directed by Jewish or half Jewish fanatics we shall have towatch out. Hanfstaengl wrote that later, after experiencing the influence thatAlfred Rosenberg had on Hitler, he began to realise what that remark really meant:I thought back to Rudolf Kommer’s remark about an anti-Semitic programme directedby Jewish or half Jewish fanatics – Rosenberg was distinctly Jewish in appearance,although he would have been the first to protest furiously if anyone had questioned hisancestry. Yet I used to see him most mornings sitting in a dingy cafe at the corner ofBriennerstrasse and Augustenstrasse with a Hungarian Jew named Holoschi, who wasone of his principal assistants. The man called himself Hollander in Germany and wasanother of these Jewish anti-Semites…I suspected the Aryan background of many ofthe others, Strasser and Streicher looked Jewish to me as well as figures like Ley, Frankand even Goebbels, who would have had difficulty in proving their pedigree.3Now isn’t this all rather strange? Jewish bankers and their politicalrepresentatives were provably involved in funding the Nazis and their rearmament.Then along comes Alfred Rosenberg from a Jewish background, to hand over acopy of The Protocols to Hitler and to become the chief ‘researcher’ of anti-Jewishmaterial which leads to the grotesque treatment of Jews under the Nazi regime.This treatment is then used and hyped to justify the takeover of Palestine for a’Jewish’ homeland. No-one used this method more obviously than Lord VictorRothschild in his House of Lords speeches urging support for a Jewish State inPalestine. What goes on here? I believe it was all a set up by the Elite. Hitler’sinfamous book, Mein Kampf, was ghostwritten by Major General Karl Haushofer,who acknowledged that a major source for the ideas it expressed came from Halford J. MacKinder, a director of the elite’s London School of Economics. In 1996,official German documents uncovered by an American student also proved thatmany of Hitler’s leading officers and thousands of his troops were of Jewish decent.In Britain, it seems to me, the public mind was being urged to ignore Hitler untilhis rearmament programme was well established. Then, when the Germans wereready for battle, that same public opinion was switched dramatically to see Hitler asa monster who must be stopped. The British collective psyche was like a little childin the hands of the mind doctors. This policy, I believe, was coordinated by LordMilner and the Round Table secret society, together with the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs at Chatham House. The two front men for these two verydifferent stages were Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his successor,Winston Churchill (Comm 300).Chamberlain and his close aide, Lord Halifax (a Round Table member almostfrom its foundation and a member of the Committee of 300), supported theappeasement of Hitler. Milner and his fellow manipulators agreed with this policy.Speeches by the Round Table /Royal Institute high command like Lionel Curtis(Comm 300), Leopold Amery, and Lord Lothian were strongly in favour of leavingHitler alone during the 1930s. In May 1933, Hitler’s representative (AlfredRosenberg) visited England to meet with Sir Henry Deterding (Comm 300), head ofRoyal Dutch Shell; Geoffrey Dawson, the editor of The Times newspaper (owned bythe Astors (Round Table, Royal Institute)), Walter Eliot MP; 1st Viscount Hailsham,the Secretary for War; and the Duke of Kent, brother of King Edward VIII and KingGeorge VI. Edward, who is believed to have had sympathies with Hitler, later fell inlove with an American woman, Mrs Simpson. He abdicated from the British throneand moved to the Rothschild castle in Austria after reigning for only 325 days.There is speculation that the real reason he left Britain was because he would notsupport a war with Germany, which the manipulators knew was planned.When Hitler announced the remilitarisation of the Rhineland in 1936, theBritish Cabinet accepted it. The Astors used their Times newspaper to promote thisview of Hitler also. The authorised biographer of Lord Halifax shows how theMilner crowd and the British Cabinet were negotiating behind the scenes withGermany, and making proposals that would have given Hitler control overmainland Europe. This was part of a British-German-United States pact proposedby Milner’s associate Lord Lothian in a meeting with Hitler in January 1935. LordHalifax also met with Hitler in Berchtesgaden on November 19th 1937. CarrollQuigley’s research for The Anglo-American Establishment reveals that Halifax(Comm 300) convinced Hitler of three points: a) that Britain saw Germany as themain defence against communism in Europe; b) that Britain was prepared to bepart of a Four Power agreement with France, Germany and Italy; c) that Britainwould allow Germany to liquidate Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, if it couldbe achieved without British public opinion demanding a war with Germany.4 Allelements of the Round Table, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and theirassociated organisations, publications, and members, were put to work to sell theappeasement policy. The only thing that could have started a war with Germany earlier than plannedwas British public opinion, so the appeasement propaganda was stepped up. A fewmonths after the Halifax/Hitler meeting, the Nazis invaded Austria in March 1938.The French Prime Minister, Daladier, went to London to ask for British support forthe protection of Czechoslovakia against Hitler’s aggression. Chamberlain refused.More than that, it would appear that the French were urged to pressure the Czechsinto an agreement with Hitler. Lord Lothian made speeches in the House of Lordsand at Chatham House condemning the Czechs for not making concessions toGermany.5 In a meeting with American newspaper journalists at the Astors’ Londonhome, Chamberlain made a calculated, but deniable, comment, indicating that hebelieved the Czechs should hand over some of their land to Germany.6 Lady Astordenied the meeting had taken place when the news was made public, but later hadto admit that it had.The policy Chamberlain had outlined for the journalists was supported in aleading article in The Times newspaper, owned by the Astors. This produced suchan outcry of protest that the manipulation of public opinion was further increased.The article appeared on September 7th 1938 because they knew the Germaninvasion of Czechoslovakia was near. Later in that month, Lord Halifax and otherslaunched a propaganda exercise known as the ‘war scare’. The governmentcirculated stories which greatly exaggerated the strength of the German forces.They implied that if they went to war with Hitler, German planes would soon bedropping poison gas from their aeroplanes over England. The government evenwent to the ridiculous lengths of digging trenches in London parks and distributinggas masks! But, of course, silly as that may have been – what use are trenches in theparks? – it was not their military usefulness the government was interested in. Itwas about mind manipulation. They wanted to frighten public opinion intothinking that going to war with Germany was not such a good idea after all.Chamberlain added to this by saying on BBC Radio that the dispute betweenGermany and Czechoslovakia was: .. .a quarrel in a far away country betweenpeople of whom we know nothing.7 The Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia was, intruth, crucial to the plan because it gave Hitler the resources he needed to be amajor military power, capable of fighting a prolonged war. The writer, GertrudeElias, says of this:Most revealing even for the present are the deals which preceded the sell-out ofCzechoslovakia by Chamberlain in 1939, which turned Germany into a militarysuperpower. The fact was, however, that the Skoda works, the biggest munition factoryin Central Europe, controlled by the French Schneider Creuzot, like Wittowitz, the biggeststeelworks owned by the Rothschilds, like the Czech explosives, had already beenhanded over to Germany……The death warrant for Czechoslovakia was signed in the head office of the Unileversubsidiary in Aussig, the headquarters of the pro-Nazi clique. When Germany occupied the whole of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, there wasa sudden and remarkable switch in the attitude of Milner and the Round Table.Now they were all in favour of war with Germany. The time had arrived for thesecond strike in the Elite’s pre-war strategy in Britain. Chamberlain had served hispurpose in giving Hitler time to rebuild German armaments (with Wall Streetsupport) and Germany’s area of influence had expanded. Dictators of a similarpersuasion were installed in Italy (Mussolini) and Spain (Franco). OK boys, we’reready to go. Start the war.Hitler had been duped, too, into believing there would be no opposition, butsuddenly that was to change. The Milner group, through its publication, The RoundTable magazine, had been pressing for the appeasement of Hitler throughout theperiod we have been discussing. Now it was calling for a ‘Grand Alliance’ ofPoland, Rumania, France, and Britain, against Germany. Lord Lothian and LordAstor, those arch appeasers, were suddenly making speeches saying exactly theopposite of what they had said before. War with Germany! they cried. Lothianwas also calling for an alliance with Russia. They demanded a policy ofconscription into the armed forces, as did Astor’s Times9 and Lord Amery, the manwho had supported Hitler so vigorously. The switch in policy wasn’t even subtle. Itwas painfully transparent if you knew the Elite game plan.Chamberlain’s use to the Elite was almost over. His successor, Winston Churchill(Comm 300), was being manoeuvred into place. All that was left was to removeChamberlain and the knives of his former ‘friends’ were sharpened. There can befew greater examples of hypocrisy in the House of Commons chamber than whenLeopold Amery, echoing Cromwell, shouted at the government benches: You havesat too long for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have donewith you. In the name of God, go!10 Go for pursuing the policies Amery advocatedright up to the sudden switch of 1939. Lady Astor who had supportedChamberlain’s policy to the hilt, turned against him even earlier: Will the PrimeMinister lose no time in letting the German government know with what horror thewhole of this country regards Germany’s action? she asked him in 1939.Chamberlain didn’t answer, but another Conservative MP, Major Vyvyan Adams,summed it up when he shouted at Lady Astor: You caused it yourself.11Chamberlain was simply a scapegoat, knowingly or unknowingly. Churchillbecame Prime Minister. A man of war was now in Downing Street and on the veryevening he took over the reins of the British Empire, May 11th 1940, the policy ofbombing civilian targets began. The Churchill family has links with the Rothschilds(Comm 300). Winston’s father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was funded by the Houseof Rothschild while he was British Chancellor of the Exchequer in the mid 1800sand his closest friend was Nathaniel Rothschild. When Randolph Churchill died, hewas in debt to the Rothschilds to the tune of some £65,000.12 Winston, too, was indebt to them and he was a good friend of Lord Victor Rothschild and theRothschild’s arch manipulator in America, Bernard Baruch.13 The names ofRothschild and Churchill continue to crop up together today. In 1995, some ofChurchill’s papers and speeches were controversially sold by his family to the National Heritage Memorial Fund for £12,500,000, thanks to money acquired fromthe National Lottery. The Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund, whichagreed to buy the papers for such a large sum, is Lord Jacob Rothschild. Alsoimportant were Churchill’s close links with Bernard Baruch and the elite familyknown as the Cecils. Indeed they controlled him to a large extent. The Cecils havelongtime connections with the networks set up by another elite front, the Jesuits,and to other families in the European elite like the Habsburgs and the BlackNobility of Italy. Churchill knew exactly what he was doing.Within a fortnight of walking into 10 Downing Street, Churchill was using theinfamous ‘Regulation 18b’ to imprison hundreds of British people who opposed thewar or pointed out that it was being engineered by a secret force.14 This approachmust be noted in any guide to freedom. It is one thing to use propaganda to feedpublic opinion a particular line, but if you are a manipulator, you also need to stopanyone who is voicing alternative information. What the British administration didwas to use Regulation 18b to imprison – without trial – those who sought to revealwho was really creating the war, and to justify this in the public mind with pressclaims of a subversive ‘Fifth Column’ at work in Britain, in support of Hitler.Regulation 18b had been introduced before the war in response to bombings inLondon which had been blamed on the IRA. It conveniently allowed people to beimprisoned purely on ‘suspicion’. There was no need for the State to proveanything and I can’t help thinking that this law was another case of: create the’problem’ (the London bombings blamed on the IRA) and then offer the ‘solution’: aregulation that gives you the power to arrest and imprison whomever you like,whenever you like, during the war you already know is coming. One lady, a MrsNicholson, the wife of a distinguished admiral, was arrested, tried, and acquittedon all counts of being involved in a ‘Fifth Column’. As she left the court, cleared ofall charges by a judge and jury, she was arrested under Regulation 18b andimprisoned for several years. This was happening in a country, under Churchill,that was supposed to be fighting for freedom! Who was the British intelligenceofficer in charge of the prosecutions under Regulation 18b? Lord Victor Rothschild,the friend, I would say manipulator, of Churchill.15 Rothschild controlled theintelligence operative who was officially in charge of 18b, Maxwell Knight.Intelligence researcher, Doctor Kitty Little, who investigated Lord Rothschild’sactivities for fifty years, told me:Being in control of counter-subversion and the administration of 18b gave Rothschildplenty of scope for subversive activities. He was able to ensure that members of thethree covert sections of his organisation were protected from investigation, while heused 18b in two ways. On the one hand he was able to intern people like Fuchs theSoviet spy and nuclear physicist, Klaus Fuchs, who later worked on the atomic bombproject and send them to the camp in Canada where they received training insubversive organisation or sought to thwart the activities of its members. Since thenmany other people whose normal patriotism or whose normal scientific activities haverun counter to the desires of subversive agents, have found their careers and influence inexplicably hampered and thwarted. His agents reached the stage whenpatriotism was routinely smeared as ‘fascist’, or ‘extreme Right wing’, or ‘racist’ or’anti-Semitic’.16A famous victim of Regulation 18b was the Conservative MP, Captain ArchibaldMaule Ramsey, formerly of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ramsey servedwith the 2nd Battalion of the Coldstream Guards in the First World War before hewas severely wounded in 1916. He blamed Jews for the manipulation of the SecondWorld War and he did not hide that fact. My feeling is that to blame any one racefor anything is extremely simplistic and can quite wrongly give the impression thatall Jews are responsible. This is fundamentally not the case. I believe Jewish peopleas a whole are victims of the Global Elite, not behind it. But that some people whoare Jewish are involved is without question. Why is it apparently terrible to say thatwhen it is OK to say that some Arabs or Germans are involved, which they are?People are people are people. Or they should be. I don’t care what bodies they have.It is what they do that interests me.Ramsey made some very legitimate points about the covert manoeuvrings andhe asked some very pertinent questions in the House of Commons, while most ofthe other MPs were, as usual, easy prey for the manipulation. In a statement fromBrixton Prison to the Speaker and members of the House of Commons, Ramseyclaimed to have uncovered nearly thirty organisations which were working inBritain to bring about what I call the Elite agenda. The names that interconnectedand controlled these organisations were, according to Ramsey: Professor Harold J.Laski (Fabian Society and Labour Party), Israel Moses Sieff, Professor Herman Levy,Victor Gollancz, D.N. Pritt MP, and G.R. Strauss MP. Notably, given what wouldlater unfold as the European Community, he said his investigations had uneartheda plot to bring about a Federal Europe. That has certainly proved to be correct. Hesaid in February 1940 he was handed some literature about a new group advocatinga Federal Europe under centralised control. The list of supporters’ names wasstartling he said. It might have been copied from the chart I had just completed.This chart was the interconnecting names and organisations he said wereengineering the war, some of whom are listed above.17 Ramsey raised these mattersin a question in the House of Commons. He asked for confirmation that the creationof a Federal Union of Europe was not one of the war aims of the government, but hereceived only a noncommittal reply. Ramsey had, in fact, identified one of the keyreasons for the war, as we shall see.His most potent threat to the manipulators came from his connections withTyler Kent, an American coding officer employed at the US Embassy in London,where Joseph Kennedy (the father of JFK) was the ambassador. Kennedy was laterto say that he opposed the war because it had been manipulated to happen. Moreabout this in Chapter 12. Kent had sent coded cables between Winston Churchilland Franklin D. Roosevelt before Churchill became Prime Minister. They were bothknowingly part of the scam. Churchill was then the First Lord of the Admiralty.The contents of the cables confirmed that the war was indeed a setup, with Churchill and Roosevelt plotting together to arrange future events. They alsoshowed that the manipulation of the war in Europe was being coordinated fromNew York.Ramsey saw some of these documents at Kent’s flat at 47 Gloucester Place. Heintended to see the rest and make the contents known to Chamberlain after a visitto Scotland. While he was away, Chamberlain was replaced by Churchill and whenRamsey returned to London, he was arrested on the steps of his house underRegulation 18b. He spent the rest of the war in jail and so did Tyler Kent, who wasfound guilty of stealing documents from the US Embassy.18 Ambassador JosephKennedy sacked Kent just before he was arrested by the British authorities and thisdeprived him of diplomatic immunity from prosecution in the British courts. Hewas tried in secret in ways that were illegal under the American Constitution. Kentand Ramsey were jailed in Britain for the duration of the war, along with anotherinvestigator, Anna Wookoff, to prevent them revealing the truth about the war andhow it started. Part of Kent’s defence against the charges was that Roosevelt washelping to remove Chamberlain and install Churchill, and that this was part of achain of events designed to bring America into the war.In the USA and the UK, the wartime leaders, Roosevelt and Churchill, are stillrevered as wartime heroes, and yet the legends and reality are light years apart.Even the conventional ‘history’ which says that Churchill broadcast live to thenation on the BBC to lift morale (with lines like We will fight them on thebeaches), is a fantasy.