The Elite has allowed that to happen so European integration couldtake place. Without the manipulators there would have been no pan-Europeanwars in this century, anyway. Monnet created a monster which is in the process ofdevouring freedom. The integration of Europe is another major vehicle for theNew World Order. The Bilderberg Group (BIL)29The creation of the European Community and the Bilderberg Group are linked byone man in particular, the Polish socialist, Joseph Retinger, a founder of theEuropean Movement and fellow conspirator with Jean Monnet. It was Retinger andPrince Bernhard of the Netherlands who suggested regular meetings of Europeanforeign ministers. Out of these meetings came the customs union known as theBenelux Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg), a forerunner to theEuropean Community. Appropriately, it was in a speech at Chatham House to theRoyal Institute of International Affairs that Retinger set out his vision of a Europe inwhich countries would ‘relinquish part of their sovereignty’.30 In London he metAverell Harriman, then US Ambassador to England. Harriman arranged for him tovisit the United States to gather support for the Independent League for EconomicCooperation, also known sometimes as the Economic League for EuropeanCooperation, which Retinger was organising. In America, Retinger (in his ownwords) enjoyed widespread approval for his plans from Russel C. Leffingwell, seniorpartner in the J.P. Morgan bank and official of the CFR; David Rockefeller, the CFRchairman from 1946-53; Nelson Rockefeller (CFR); Sir William Wiseman (Comm300), partner in Kuhn, Loeb, the Rothschild company; George Franklin, the CFRexecutive director from 1953-71 and an ‘in law’ to the Rockefeller family; John FosterDulles, and many other familiar characters.31 By this time, Retinger had alreadyformed the American Committee on a United Europe with Allen Dulles, the firsthead of the CIA, and William Donovan, the head of the CIAs predecessor, the OSS.32From these and other discussions came the idea of a grouping of leadingpoliticians, political advisors, media owners and executives, multinational companyand banking executives, military leaders, and educationalists, who would meet todecide the future of the world. It would become known as the Bilderberg Group,named after the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, where the firstmeeting took place from May 29th to 31st 1954. At the heart of the BilderbergGroup’s formation were the Rothschilds and people like Retinger, Prince Bernhardof the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (the chairman of the soap and food giant,Unilever), and that man again, Averell Harriman. The influence of Harriman on thiscentury can hardly be overstated, although most people will never have even heardof him. It was Harriman who arranged the lend-lease supplies to Britain and theSoviet Union; was the leading administrator of the Marshall Plan in Europe (whichdirected the policies of recipient countries); introduced the defence budgetprocedures with Jean Monnet and the British civil servant, Edwin Plowden, for theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) which are still used today; headed theMutual Security Administration which rearmed Europe during the Cold War. Thiswas the man whose family businesses supported the emergence of Adolf Hitler andthe eugenics movement.Prince Bernhard, the former German SS officer, German spy via the I.G. FarbenCompany,33 and later a major shareholder with Lord Victor Rothschild in Shell Oil,went to America to arrange the US membership of the Bilderberg Group. PrinceBernhard was born in 1911 as the German Prince of Lupp-Biesterfeld and later worked for I.G. Farben’s ‘NW7’ intelligence department. He married PrincessJuliana (Comm 300) of the Netherlands in 1937. They were exiled to London afterthe Nazi invasion of the Netherlands and this ‘former’ German intelligenceoperative worked as a top military liaison with allied forces.34 The man whopersuaded Bernhard to be the frontman for the Bilderbergers was that archmanipulator.. .Lord Victor Rothschild. The annual meeting of the Anglo-EuropeanAmerican Elite known as the Bilderberg Group was to become a key component inthe Elite network which forms the secret government of the world today. Amongthose who attended that first meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel in 1954 were DavidRockefeller (CFR); Dean Rusk (CFR, TC, Rhodes Scholar), the head of theRockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John F. Kennedy; Joseph E.Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and theUS Secretary of the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300), the BritishLabour Party Minister of Defence from 1964-1970 and Chancellor of the Exchequer1974-1979; Hugh Gaitskell, the future leader of the British Labour Party before hisdeath in the early 60s; and Lord Boothby, who worked with Winston Churchill onthe unification of Europe.35 Denis Healey has attended more Bilderberg meetingssince 1954 than any other United Kingdom politician. He also became chairman ofanother Elite creation, the International Monetary Fund Interim Committee, and hewas given a grant by the Ford Foundation36 to launch the Elite’s Institute ofStrategic Studies, which began operating in London in 1958.37 For 12 years, Healey, aleading member of the Fabian Society, served on the council of the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs and became a member of the Rockefellers’ TrilateralCommission in 1979.The Bilderberg Group consists of a small core elite, known as the SteeringCommittee. This is unelected and was headed by Prince Bernhard, a close friend ofthe British Royal Family. He remained chairman until he resigned in 1976 when hewas implicated in the Lockheed bribery scandal. Lord Home (Comm 300), theformer British Prime Minister, took over as chairman and since 1991 that post hasbeen held by Lord Carrington. He is an extremely close associate of HenryKissinger. Carrington is a former British cabinet minister, secretary general ofNATO, member of the Committee of 300, and current President of the RoyalInstitute of International Affairs. Peter Rupert Carrington comes from a familywhich made its money from banking. Carrington was on the board of HambrosBank (Comm 300 designate) which has been linked with the Michel Sindonafinancial scandal in Italy.This was, in turn, connected with the infamous P2Freemasonry Lodge which blew Italian politics apart. Among Lord Carrington’sother business interests have been directorships at Rio Tinto Zinc, Barclay’s Bank,Cadbury Schweppes, Amalgamated Metal, British Metal, Christies (theauctioneers), and the chairmanship of the Australian New Zealand Bank.In his book, The English Rothschilds, Richard Davis reports that Lionel Rothschildwas a frequent visitor to the Carrington’s home in Whitehall. The two families arerelated by the marriage of the fifth Earl Rosebery to Hannah Rothschild, daughterof Mayer, in 1878. During the ceremony, she was given away, as the British say, by Prime Minister Disraeli. The Bilderberg Elite, like Carrington and those on thesteering committee, coordinate the regular attenders of Bilderberg meetings (whoknow the real game plan) and those invited on a rare or one-time basis (who maynot know the true agenda of the organisation, but can be fed the party line thatworld institutions are the way to peace and prosperity). The Elite are also veryefficient manipulators of the ego and many politicians feel themselves to have’arrived’ on the international stage if they are invited to attend.The Bilderberg Group meets once a year and always in the strictest secrecy. Thehotels are cleared of everyone except the Bilderbergers and hotel staff. The meetingsdiscuss the strategy required over the following twelve months to further the goalsof the New World Order, and it cooperates with associated organisations. Not aword of the discussions is allowed to be reported in the mainstream press. This,despite the attendance of major media figures like Katharine Graham (Bil, CFR, TC),the present owner of the Washington Post, and Conrad Black (Bil, TC), the owner ofthe Hollinger Group which controls the London Daily Telegraph, the JerusalemPost, the Spectator, and scores of other media organisations around the world.Graham is also co-chairman (with Arthur Ochs Sulzberger of the New York Times) inthe jointly-produced International Herald Tribune, another propaganda sheet forthe Global Elite. Graham is further connected with Newsweek magazine and thenews agency, Associated Press (AP), which feeds information to countless mediaoutlets around the world; not information about the Bilderberg Group, however, orthe CFR or Trilateral Commission.Three board members of Black’s Hollinger empire, and/or the Daily Telegraph,are Henry Kissinger, Lord Carrington, and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Black hasserved on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. His Hollinger Group has aninteresting history. It was formerly known as the Argus Corporation which evolvedfrom a company set up by the elite British intelligence unit of World War II, theSpecial Operations Executive, thanks to the leading economic warfare expert,Edward Plunket Taylor. He was a business partner of George Montegu Black,Conrad’s father. Both were involved in brewing in Canada and their rise paralleledthat of the Bronfmans, the family of a Canadian gangster of the prohibition period.Today the Bronfmans are closely connected with that notorious Elite organisation,the Anti-Defamation League. In 1940, Edward Plunket Taylor was personallyappointed by Winston Churchill to the Special Operations Executive. His cover wasto chair a private company called War Supplies Ltd, which was created by the SOE.Taylor and George Montegu Black made a vast fortune through this company and itcontinued after the war as the Argus Corporation, now the Hollinger Group. Taylorleft in 1970 to draft the banking laws for the Cayman Islands and the Bahamaswhich, as a result, became “offshore” havens for dodgy money. Under ConradBlack’s stewardship, a stream of Bilderbergers and other names mentioned in thisbook have been appointed to the board of Telegraph newspapers and the HollingerGroup. Great to know we have a free press, eh?Another member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee is Andrew Knight, theformer executive on the Economist, Black’s Daily Telegraph, and later the executive chairman of Rupert Murdoch’s News International which, in Britain, owns the Sun,Today, the News of the World, the Times and Sunday Times. Knight is still on theboard of that organisation. Since 1982, he has been part of the Council ofManagement of the Ditchley Foundation, based at Ditchley Park, near Oxford, in acastle built for the Earl of Lichfield in the sixteenth century. The DitchleyFoundation was given the property by Ronald and Marietta Tree. Ronald was aformer high flyer in British Intelligence.38 The steering committee of the BilderbergGroup often holds its monthly meetings at the castle. The Ditchley Foundation is aNew World Order front organisation which works closely with the TavistockInstitute for Human Relations in London, which a number of researchers andpublished works have claimed is a centre for the study of mass mind manipulation.Several of the names mentioned in this book are connected with Ditchley includingChristopher (Lord) Tugendhat, the chairman of the Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs. The American branch of the Ditchley Foundation is run by Cyrus Vance(CFR, TC, Bil, Comm 300), secretary of state under Carter and a director of theRockefeller Foundation. The number of journalists and media executives in theBilderberg Group and in other strands in the network is very substantial, but tryfinding a word about these meetings in the mainstream media.Behind the Bilderbergers are the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Today HenryKissinger is a major manipulator, albeit as a puppet of those who really control him.Kissinger is an elite member of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission,and the Council on Foreign Relations, and he is connected with the Royal Instituteof International Affairs, the Rockefeller/Rothschild Chase Manhattan Bank, and theRockefeller Foundation. He also runs his own organisation, Kissinger Associates,among whose founding directors you will find.. .Lord Carrington! Kissinger andCarrington have close connections with Lord Roll of Ipsden, another Bilderberger,Trilateralist, member of the Committee of 300, and board member of KissingerAssociates. Lord Roll (formerly Sir Eric Roll) was the president of the merchantbank, S.G. Warburg. Another close friend of Kissinger in England was BritishIntelligence operative and spy, Lord Victor Rothschild.The Spotlight newspaper in Washington (which seeks to publish material that themainstream media will not report) is constantly seeking to infiltrate Bilderbergmeetings. It had a good year in 1991 when it obtained the guest list of the meetingin Baden-Baden, Germany. Among the names were David Rockefeller and a streamof US administrators, politicians, and company heads. Bill Clinton was there, thenas governor for Arkansas, but he was soon to be President of the United States.Clinton is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the TrilateralCommission, two of many things this Democrat shares with his predecessor in theWhite House, the Republican, George Bush. Conrad Black was there, as always, andso was another elite Bilderberger, the longtime head of Fiat, Giovanni Agnelli(Comm 300). He is the richest and most powerful figure in Italian society withinterests in banking, insurance, chemicals, textiles, armaments and publishing,reputed to be worth $60 billion. His publishing empire includes two of the threeleading newspapers in Italy, La Stampa and Corriere dela Sera. I bet they don’t mention that their owner is a leading voice in the Bilderberg Group. HenryKissinger described him as “one of the people in this world I like the most”.39European royalty was represented by two regular attenders, Queen Beatrix ofthe Netherlands (Comm 300), the daughter of Prince Bernhard, and Queen Sophiaof Spain. The British delegation included John Smith,40 the late leader of the LabourParty, who was also a Trilateralist; Gordon Brown, the shadow Labour Chancellor;Andrew Knight; Lord Roll of Ipsden; Lawrence Freedman, the head of theDepartment of War Studies at Kings College; Christopher Hogg, the chairman ofCourtaulds; and Patrick Wright, the Permanent Undersecretary of State and head ofthe Diplomatic Service. Manfred Worner, the late secretary general of NATO, wasthere and so was John R. Galvin, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe at SHAPEheadquarters. Galvin has been an advocate of NATO operations outside its officialsphere of influence. The secretary general of NATO is a Bilderberg appointment.Most, if not all, of them have been Bilderbergers. In more recent times, theBilderberger Joseph Luns, was replaced by Lord Carrington, who was followed byManfred Worner, and after his death in 1994, he was replaced by another regularBilderberger, Willy Claes, the Belgian Foreign Minister (who has since beenquestioned by Belgian police investigating corruption). The latest head of NATO,the Spaniard, Javier Solana (Bil), has been constantly pressing the Bilderberg Groupagenda for a European army, the expansion of NATO into the former Soviet Union,and for NATO to operate outside its designated area. According to The Spotlight, theintroduction of the world army was high on the agenda in Baden-Baden, withHenry Kissinger saying in one of his Bilderberg forums:“A UN army must be able to act immediately, anywhere in the world, without delaysinvolved in each country making its own decisions based on parochial considerations.”41And, of course, Henry, if there just happened to be lots of conflicts in which UNPeacekeeping Forces were exposed as inadequate and ineffective as in Bosnia,Rwanda, etc, the public outcry could be met with: “Well, if you will just agree togive the UN Forces more powers, they could respond quicker and be as effective asyou want them to be”. Problem-reaction-solution. Kissinger also said he wasdelighted with the way George Bush was able to declare war on Iraq by going directto the United Nations when under the US Constitution, only Congress was allowedto declare war. If Americans could be persuaded to surrender warmaking decisionsto the UN and let their young men die wearing a UN uniform, fighting under a UNflag, ‘parochial nationalism’ in Britain, France, and elsewhere would disappear,Bilderberg speakers said, according to Spotlight informants. Bill Clinton has pressedfor just such a policy in Bosnia and we will see further efforts to do this with otherUN operations.