Robin Ivy Payton
Ostara arrives with the vernal equinox when light and darkness are equal. The balance of night and daylight happens twice each year, now as we welcome spring and again when autumn returns. Daylight Saving Time starts on March 13 in the areas that honor the time change; the ground basks in sunshine, and warmer days begin. The Sun travels over the celestial equator, moving north in the Northern Hemisphere on Sunday, March 20, 2022, at 11:32 a.m. EDT, the time of the vernal equinox. Soon, seeds are planted, leaves bud on the trees, and we witness regeneration both externally and internally as our yearning for spring is fulfilled.
Astrology for Ostara
Ostara follows the Full Moon of March 18. Full Moon in Virgo relates to health and routine. The Pisces Sun highlights emotions and sensitivities. With added influence from Neptune and Pluto, deep feelings are due for release and resolution. Trust your intuition, especially in matters of physical and mental wellness. Stay away from foods or other products you may be sensitive to. Finish creative projects and add artistic style to everyday tasks. People may need extra care and compassion now. Do everything with love.
The Sun moves to Aries as the equinox arrives. Aries is a call to action and development. Venus, Mars, and Saturn tour forward-thinking Aquarius, encouraging experimentation, innovation, and turning visions into realities. On this day of balance, the Moon first graces Libra, the sign of polarities such as yin and yang, female and male, dark and light. Pluto squares the Moon, bringing intimacy issues to the surface. This leads partners, in either love or business, to face conflicts or questions while seeking equitable and honest answers. The Moon is void of course from 8:40 a.m. to 11:44 a.m. EDT, when the Moon then moves to Scorpio. Use these hours to create sacred space, meditate or journal, and ease into the seasonal change. This is a magical Moon sign for the rites of spring.
New Month, New Moon
April begins with a New Moon at 2:24 a.m. EDT. The Moon and Sun ring in the first full lunar cycle of spring. Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, is close to Sun and Moon, stimulating new ideas, plans, and actions. Aries New Moon leads us to experiment or start over. Notice what really inspires feelings of motivation and inner fire. The next two days raise innovative, air sign energy, as the Moon connects with Venus, Mars, and Saturn in Aquarius. Aries provides the initiative and Aquarius offers collective and technological support. This is a positive time to initiate a conversation, relationship, or project to settle a disagreement and make a fresh start. Upgrade systems and devices that connect people, assist in communication, and foster community development.
All planets are in direct motion during this New Moon. Look for clear paths where obstacles have finally, or suddenly, been removed. While the Sun, Moon, and four planets tour fire and air signs, act with the energy of the phoenix, a symbol of vitality and regeneration. Time your announcements, changes, and advancements close to and after New Moon arrives, avoiding void of course times. On April 2, avoid the hours from 9:51 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. EDT. There is also one long void Moon from 11:15 p.m. to 11:30 a.m. EDT between April 6 and 7. Check for other void of course times, which are shorter or further away from New Moon. Actions are best taken outside of those hours when important points or details may be skimmed over, forgotten, or lost.
Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces
As the equinox and New Moon pass, Jupiter approaches Neptune in Pisces, where the two meet on April 11. Traits associated with both planets are amplified, leading to growth and emotional healing. Pisces qualities of faith, generosity, and compassion are also enhanced. As with everything, there are shadow sides as well. Within arising opportunities, be also aware of any duplicity. In personal affairs, keep trust in balance with skepticism. Satisfy your curiosities and ask for clear terms and information. Let wisdom override any tendency toward denial. Ultimately, this conjunction can lead to spiritual transformation for oneself and for humanity.
The Rabbit and the Robin
Animal spirits for Ostara include the rabbit and the robin. Both reflect the sign Aries in different ways. As Aries is the zodiac’s first sign, the rabbit is a symbol of new life. Both the sign and the animal are known for the ability to move quickly and to leap. Rather than steady movement, the rabbit hops forward. Astrologically, rapid developments and actions are expected this spring. Rabbits are adept at both freeze and flight, and when in danger can move between those states readily. They instinctively know when and how to take a different turn. Tune in to Rabbit energy to stay out of harm’s way while knowing when it’s beneficial to change course.
Robins share Aries’s astrological color, red. Often seen as a sign of spring, robins sport rosy chest feathers and respond to this color. Male robins even communicate about territory through their red breasts. Akin to Aries’s competitive nature, these birds will physically confront each other or affirm their territory through loud and boastful songs. As a spirit of spring, Robin says sing your own tune; like Aries, Robin paves their own way. Symbolically, Robin relates to new growth and creative force, the essences of Aries and spring.