Robin Ivy Payton
The Wheel of the Year turns to Beltane on the weekend of April 30 and May 1, 2022. The Sun has come of age with strong light and heat, on the way to Summer Solstice. As the Earth receives the Sun, they cocreate as goddess and god. Seeds planted after spring equinox sprout and bloom as the trees green and blossom. Traditionally, celebrations begin on the last night of April, the eve of Beltane. During the week that follows, the Sun reaches the cross-quarter point, midway from spring to summer on Friday, May 6. It’s a special year as Beltane stretches between weekends and syncs with the Taurus New Moon.
Astrology for Beltane
On April 30, the eve of Beltane, the Sun and Moon unite in harmony with Mars at 4:28 p.m. EDT. Time spells and rituals close to this Taurus New Moon. The earth element of Taurus is feminine and receptive. The natural world thrives with observable, tangible examples of creation and rejuvenation. Use all your senses to draw upon these energies to fuel your intentions. Love, sexuality, devotion, and emotional stability are themes of this lunar cycle. Prosperity and other forms of abundance are also favored by Taurus, a sign of comforts and acquisitions. Most planets are in direct motions for forward momentum, for moving toward goals, and allowing life to naturally unfold. Note that this lunar cycle is known for long-lasting effects. Make promises you plan to keep and agreements you can abide by. It may be challenging to reverse what begins during Taurus New Moon.
Beltane fire rituals and parties are well timed as sensual Taurus Moon extends into the morning of May 2. Open the five senses to colors, scents, and sounds of springtime. Notice textures, touch the earth, and embrace the one you love. Beltane is a feast of the lovers, the goddess and god, the bees and the flowers, sexuality and coming of age.
Emotional peaks are likely as four planets in Pisces connect with Taurus Moon. The dynamic quality of Mars, expansiveness of Jupiter, and dreamlike feeling of Neptune flow through New Moon and Beltane. Loving Venus in Pisces, planet of beauty and the divine feminine, forms the final aspect before the Moon moves void of course May 2 near daybreak. This brings sweet morning vibes and feelings of pleasure. During the short void of course transition, from 6:13 to 6:46 a.m. EDT, linger in the sentiments of the weekend before beginning your Monday routine.
As an earth sign, Taurus strongly correlates with the physical self, and with the arrival of Beltane, your body’s needs may change. As the season progresses and the weather warms, consume foods or supplements to address seasonal allergies or any feelings of fullness or excess. Banish post-winter sluggishness by rising with the sun, brushing your skin before bathing, and adding neck stretches and heart openers to your daily routine. Stimulate warmth, particularly if you live in a northern or cooler climate. In general, the human body responds to more vigorous and frequent exercise, lighter cooked foods like steamed vegetables and legumes, fruit juices, and local honey at this time of year. Focus on internal wisdom by observing your body’s responses to food, drink, and somatic movement, and support yourself through the social and environmental shifts that come with middle spring.
The Cross-Quarter Day
Friday, May 6, 2022, is the cross-quarter date, when the Sun is midway between vernal equinox and Litha, the Summer Solstice. Some may choose this date for celebrations of Beltane. The waxing Moon in Cancer is in harmony with Uranus, the Sun, and Mars. Moods and plans may be changeable as the Moon and Uranus align. For this reason, outline alternative or backup plans in case of last-minute shifts.
Family activities are favored under Cancer Moon. Imagination, creativity, and physicality blend as the Moon and Mars tour water signs while the Sun is in earthy Taurus. Play at shapeshifting with children’s games or yoga poses like cobra and cat. Free the mind and let the body take over through performance, dancing, and role playing. As weather permits, partake in summertime enjoyments, such as bare feet in grass and cool water.
The waxing Moon in a fertile sign lends itself to gardening and planting. Beltane is a time for encouraging growth through nourishment and care. Astrologically, this cross-quarter day is also suitable for cleaning, repairs, improvements, food preparation, and a bit of indulgence. The Cancer-Taurus dynamic shines for house parties and reunions. Gather with loved ones for celebrations of May as Mother’s Day weekend begins.
Astrological Symbols
Images of the Empress and Mother Earth resonate with Beltane. In the tarot, she is the third card of the major arcana, often pictured in a lush landscape with a baby in her belly and a crown upon her head. The fertility of the Empress signifies gestation of any kind, from childbearing to long-term projects such as writing a book or building a home. At Beltane, the Sun is her mate, contributing to fertilization and progress. Number 19 in the major arcana, the Sun depicts a happy child, suggesting joy and youth. These and cards of the pentacles suit align with Taurus season. Include them in spells or display them as reminders of what you intend to grow. Infuse your intentions with pink and green crystals or candles to align with Taurus energies including formation, fruitfulness, and procreation. Rose quartz opens to love and relationship, while jade offers the nurturing influence valued by this sign. Wear precious green emerald for contentment and bliss. In the garden, invite bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators by tending to flowering plants. Invoke these creatures in meditations and journeys as they teach the healing powers of flowers and how to draw in the nectar of life.
Festival of the Sun
The Summer Solstice returns on June 21, 2022, at 5:14 a.m. EDT in the Northern Hemisphere. On this festival celebrating the powers of both goddess and god, the Sun offers the year’s longest stretch of daylight. Solstice comes from the Latin word solstitium, which translates as “Sun stands still,” and from sunrise to sundown, when the weather is clear, we immerse in light. Yet, even on a cloudy or rain-soaked solstice, the Sun is there with energetic power that penetrates the clouds. A day like this, if it happens, reminds us that the Sun and other heavenly bodies have just as much influence when obscured from our earthly view.
From a scientific perspective, the Sun appears at maximum elevation at noontime on this day and for a few June days on either side. The Solstice moment comes when the Earth’s axis points directly toward the Sun and the tilt of the earth toward the Sun peaks. Our ancestors built monuments and structures to track the cycle of the Sun and the passage of time. They knew the Sun as their source of heat and light, essential for survival. In present time, we may find more spiritual than practical meaning in structures such as Stonehenge in England or Chichen Itza, the Mayan pyramid. With modern technology, humans no longer rely on sky watching for agricultural purposes or telling time, yet our need for and love for the Sun is constant. Litha marks a time to celebrate in the warmth and abundance of solar energy.