‘The difference in age between the inner and outer walls was most evident here. The outer fortifications, which she read had been built at the end of the 13th century and restored during the 19th, were grey and the blocks were relatively equal in size. Alice felt a sense of peace after the noise within the Cité, a feeling of belonging here among such mountains and skies.’
Keeping the Basilica to your right – and the hideously grimacing gargoyles above you – follow the path and you will come out in another open square. To your left is the rue du Plô – to your right a gate and railings, the entrance to the amphitheatre where the Carcassonne summer festival stages dramatic son et lumière dramas.
Take the rue du Plô and walk uphill on the cobbles, past the school museum, past the little well – Place du Petit Puits – and make your way towards the bustle and noise of the central square, Place Marcou.