As a leading book editor in the United States said after reading Icke’s manuscript: “It is difficult to put into words the excitement I feel about this. It is a book that I have been waiting to see for a long, long time. I knew it would come and now it is here. I am practically overwhelmed by the sense of urgency I feel in getting this book to press and into distribution.” David Icke exposes the real story behind global events which shape the future of human existence and the world we leave our children. Fearlessly, he lifts the veil on an astonishing web of interconnected manipulation to reveal that the same few people, secret societies and organisations control the daily direction of our lives. They engineer the wars, violent revolutions, terrorist outrages and political assassinations; they control the world market in hard drugs and the media indoctrination machine. Every global negative event of the 20th Century and earlier, can be traced back to the same Global Elite, and some of the names involved are very well known. Never before has this web, its personnel and methods, been revealed in such a detailed and devasting fashion.

David Icke
And the Truth Shall Set You Free Vol 1


know the truth and the
truth shall set you free

How little we know of the scale of eternity.
How dare we challenge the might and enormity
of such wisdom and creation.
A million worlds could exist in the heavens… beyond our site.
Each with living beings, looking at the sky in wonder
at the never ending universe.
They may also think that no other intelligence exists…
apart from themselves.
But perhaps they do not share the arrogance of the human race.
Perhaps they possess the intelligence to realize
that all things are possible in the vastness of forever…
Is it conceivable, that this earth of ours,
which is but a speck of dust against the scale of reality,
is not only being visited by other life forms
but is being controlled by them.
Let us not be blinded by our arrogance
as to what is possible and what is not.
Because we are children at the dawn of our creation
with the universe as our classroom
and intelligence beyond our imagination
waiting to be tapped… when we are ready to receive it.
Seek and the wonders you will see
will reveal the true qualities of your universe.
To the truth of your origins your hearts will go out.
The beauty of your origins will surpass your belief and comprehension.
And the infinite depth of your cosmic reality will remain part
of your heritage in the mists of forever.
The peace of understanding, is the beauty of creation.
The word has been spoken and the spirit within you knows
that home is eternity and existence is immortal…

Tony Dodd


to the 21st century edition

It is now ten years since the first edition of this book was produced against all the
odds. The publishers of my earlier books refused to even contemplate the
publication of this one because of the names it named and because the agenda for
global dictatorship that it reveals was far beyond the absorption or credibility
threshold of their ‘New Age’ minds.
The horizon was filled with disappearing backsides and clouds of dust, and, for
all I know, they may still be running. Or, given how successful this book and
subsequent ones have been, maybe they have learned a big, big lesson. Running
away from things we don’t want to face is never the answer. It just delays, often
briefly, removing the control of that which we fear.
Either way, to publish this book originally I had to borrow £15,000 from a friend
in Liverpool, David Solomon, and set up a company called Bridge of Love
Publications to publish what no-one else would. I also called on the help of others
who had ‘coincidently’ come into my life in the weeks before – Alice Ferguson,
artist Neil Hague and book designer, Sam Masters, who has designed all the books
that have followed.
It was a challenge to do it all from scratch, but what satisfaction it has brought
with the years. In terms of the ‘this world’ level of the global conspiracy it is still the
most important book I have written and will probably continue to be so until the
day I leave this realm of manipulated illusion.
In the decade that has followed, the themes and predictions of And The Truth
have proved to mirror the events that have unfolded across the world. This has
included the blatant use of ‘Modified Hegelianism’, or ‘problem-reaction-solution’
as I call it, to covertly create a problem to which the authorities can openly offer a
‘solution’ – changes in society to advance the global Big Brother, fascist state, that,
without the ‘problem,’ would be rejected by the public. The horrific attacks of
September 11th were a classic example of this with the attacks (problem) leading to
the response of ‘something must be done’ (reaction) that has allowed the
destruction of basic freedoms, rights and privacy and the launch of the thoroughly
bogus ‘war on terrorism’ (solution). See Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade
Center Disaster for the detailed background.
You will see as you read this book that in the mid-1990s the force behind 21st
century events was exposed in great detail, as was the agenda it was following.
Therefore, predicting then what is happening now did not require a ‘prophet’ –
merely the dedicated study and exposure of the network that controls the governments, banking system, global corporations, military decision making and
ownership of the media.
Today, thanks to the work of dedicated researchers, vastly more people are
becoming aware of the global conspiracy than were in those lonely days when And
The Truth was first published; and if I had to name the achievements in my life of
which I am most proud, this book would be very close to the top.

David Icke
Isle of Wight
July 2004


we are what we think

We live in a multidimensional universe, which is part of a multidimensional andinfinite consciousness we call God and Creation. We are multidimensionalbeings. Therefore this book has to be multidimensional if it is to make a significantcontribution to human freedom.It exposes both the daily manipulation of our lives by a secret clique andpresents the spiritual causes and solutions which will bring true freedom to PlanetEarth and all who live upon her. The latter relates to what we think and feel aboutourselves and before I begin to unravel the global manipulation and name some ofthe people and organisations involved, it is important that I outline the context inwhich I am presenting these matters. The last thing I want is for people to read thisbook full of anger, hatred, and condemnation for the global manipulators and whatthey are doing. I don’t write this book to apportion blame, merely to show whathappens when the human race gives its mind away and how rapidly things willchange – are changing – as we take it back again.I name names because we need to know who is behind the manipulation if weare going to expose what is happening. This exposure will also give those peoplethe opportunity to face their actions and to see that the desire for control anddomination of others is an expression of their own deep inner imbalances anddislike of themselves. The lifting of the veil of secrecy will speed the moment whenthe days of such domination and manipulation are over. But the elite clique whichcontrols the world, the Global Elite as I call them, are our creation. It is no goodhurling hatred and condemnation in their direction for the ills of the world. Yes, asyou will see, the same grouping manipulated the two world wars and all thenegative events of global significance in this century and before. But without therest of the human race, they could not do this. An elite few cannot create warsunless thousands or millions are willing to be used as cannon fodder. If people readthis book and hand the responsibility for what has happened only to the GlobalElite, they are missing the point I am making throughout. What is happening in theworld is the here and now reflection of what is going on inside us, the human race.We created this reality. But how?Contrary to what medical science is obsessed with telling us, the physical bodyis not the whole human being. It is the fantastic physical shell through which theeternal us experiences this physical world. There is far more to us than a body.Creation is the expression of one infinite mind and all lifeforms are aspects of thatone mind: what many people call God. We are each other. We are all God, if you wish to use that term. At the heart of this mind is a consciousness I see as a blindinglight – the Source Consciousness from which all has been thought into existence.Creation consists of an infinite number of dimensions, wavelengths, frequencies, ofreality. This physical world is only one of them. These frequencies share the samespace that our physical world occupies, in the same way that all the radio,television, and telecommunication frequencies broadcasting to your area aresharing the same space that your body is occupying now. They don’t interfere witheach other because they are on different frequencies or dimensions; they arevibrating at different speeds. At the moment we call death, our mind-emotionsspirit, everything that is the thinking, feeling us, withdraws from the body, the’genetic space suit’ as I call it. This eternal spirit moves on to another wavelength ofreality, another ‘world’, to continue its evolution. This is all that is happeningduring a ‘near death experience’ or an ‘out of body experience’ when people leavetheir physical bodies for a time before returning to tell remarkably similar stories ofwhat happened to them. Life is forever – for everyone.Our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves are a series of magnetic energy fieldsinteracting with each other via vortices of energy widely known by the Hindu andSanskrit word, chakra, which means wheel of light. These vortices are spirals ofenergy which intersect all levels of our being and pass energies between them. It isthrough this system that an imbalance on the emotional level, perhaps caused bystress, is passed on to the other levels of our being, including, eventually, thephysical body. This is how stress causes illness. What we call ‘physical’ illness isreally a multidimensional disharmony or dis-ease. We are constantly absorbingmagnetic energy from the cosmos, mostly through the ‘base’ chakra at the base ofthe spine. After this lifeforce has passed through our levels of being and we havetaken from it what we need, we broadcast the energy out through the chakras backto the cosmos and the world around us (Figure 1). These are the energies that peopleare feeling when they say that someone gives them good or bad ‘vibes’. It is thesame when we say a house or place feels ‘happy’, ‘welcoming’ or ‘frightening’.What we call ‘atmosphere’ is created by the vibrations (energy fields) generated bypeople, either in the moment or in the past. People often feel uneasy at the scenes ofbattles because they are feeling the energies left there by the pain, aggression, andsuffering of those involved.There is a vital difference between the energy that enters through the base chakraand that which we broadcast. That energy is changed in its nature and form when itpasses through us. It becomes imprinted with our unique energy pattern and thatpattern reflects precisely what is happening inside us at that moment, mentally,emotionally, and spiritually. Second by second we are broadcasting an energy fieldthat reflects what we think of ourselves. This may not seem to have anything to dowith the manipulation of the world, but it is, in fact, at the core of what hashappened and continues to happen.You might imagine this process as like casting a magnetic cape or aura aroundourselves. Under the law of like attracts like, this magnetic energy field, the outerreflection of the inner person, will attract to it compatible energy fields. Everything is energy, as evenmainstream, closedminded science isbeginning to appreciate.A person is a series ofmagnetic energy fields, sois a place, an experience, asituation, everything. Lifeis the interaction of theseenergy fields, all of whichhave the ability to thinkand retain information.Energy is consciousness,consciousness is energy.They are the same thing.If it sounds hard to believethat a wall or water or rockcan think and retaininformation, thenremember that all containmagnetic energy fields.What is it within thecomputer I am working onnow that retains theinformation I am writing?A magnetic disc. Sameprinciple. The reason weare drawn to particularpeople, places, experiences and ways of life is because we are magnetically attractedto them. And that attraction comes from the magnetism of our ‘capes’. These capes,in turn, are a reflection of what we think and feel about ourselves. Our lives are anexact physical replica of our own subconscious mind. How it thinks and perceivesitself and the world, is recreated physically in the people, places and experiences weattract to us. When I was a child, there used to be a saying which went: “Thinklucky and you’ll be lucky”. This contains an eternal truth, although it has nothing todo with luck. We attract to us people, places, and experiences which connectmagnetically with our ‘cape’. Therefore if we believe inside that we will always bepoor and downtrodden, that pattern will be contained in the cape. It will become,you could say, the cape of no hope. This magnetic pattern will then attract to it theexperiences which ensure that we remain poor and downtrodden. We will havecreated our own reality. This is so, so vital to understand, not only in relation to thisbook, but in the context of life itself:We create our own reality. Religions and ancient texts going way back have had a common theme of’reaping what you sow’, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’, and ‘what you doto others will be done to you’. The word by which this process is now best known is’karma’. Too often this karma is seen in only negative terms. Something unpleasanthappens to some people and they say it must be their ‘karma’. It is presented asalmost a form of punishment. At that level, it is punishment – self punishment. Wecreated it, not some angry, judgmental, finger-wagging God! What we call karma is,in my view, only another word to describe the way we create our own reality. If wehave imbalances that lead us to act negatively towards others, it is those imbalancesthat will also attract to us a physical experience, a ‘mirror’ of what we think ofourselves. In this way what we do to others will come back to us because we will stillbe holding onto the imbalances, the lack of self love, that will attract thoseexperiences. If we feel good about ourselves and have a positive view of our lives wewill create that world around us. This is positive ‘karma’. I differ from the New Ageview of karma which seems to believe that once we have done something, theremust be a karmic reaction no matter what we subsequently do. I feel that if we actnegatively towards someone, recognise why we did it, and change the inner cause ofthat action, we change the nature of the magnetic broadcast, the cape, and we do notthen attract the ‘karma’. There is no need because we have recognised the imbalancewithin us. That’s all karma is there for. Creation is about love. Love for self and lovefor all. Karma is part of that love. It is a vehicle which allows us to face ourselves,unload negative baggage, and move on. It is an aid to evolution, a gift, not apunishment – unless we ourselves decide to make it so. No matter what experiencesyou have had in your life or you are having now, you, and no-one else, created them.Two things worth remembering throughout this book and your own life: thevictim mentality creates the victim reality. And: if you believe it, you will achieve it.This creation of reality happens on many levels. The sum total of the interactionof individuals accumulates in the collective mind of humanity. Every species has acollective mind to which all ‘individual’ members of that species are connected. Weadd our thought patterns constantly to the collective level and have access to otherpatterns held at the collective level. It is a two way process. We give and we receive.Scientists have established something called the hundredth monkey syndromewhich I have written about in other books. They have discovered that once a certainnumber of individuals within a species learn something new, suddenly the rest ofthat species can do it without being shown. They do it purely by instinct. Althoughestablishment science cannot explain this by its incredibly limited view of life, theprocess is very simple. Once that certain number within a species has transferredthe new knowledge into the collective level, a point of ‘critical mass’ is reached. Theknowledge becomes powerful enough in the collective mind for it to be accessed byevery other member of the species. When they attune themselves to the vibration(the thought pattern) which contains that knowledge, they know how to dosomething without being shown, because that thought pattern is guiding them. Wecall it instinct or inspiration when it is really tuning to a vibration (a frequency) thatholds that information.

All that I have said about the individual creating their own reality equally
applies to the collective human mind. It reflects the sum total of human thinking,
the sum total of what humanity as a whole thinks of itself. If humanity doesn’t like
itself, love itself, and respect itself, it will create that reality on this planet. It will
attract to it physical manifestations of how it views its own sense of worth and
potential. Only this time, the magnetic cape is not cast around only one person, but
the entire planet. This creates the global reality.
Look at the consequences of this process in our every day lives. Humanity as a
whole wishes to give away its responsibility for what happens in the world. When
anything goes wrong, we hear the cry: “What are they going to do about it?” We
rarely look at ourselves for responsibility. We may like to complain about politicians
and bankers, but most people would still rather others ran the world than accept
the responsibility for playing their part. These are the thought patterns which
dominate the collective mind and it has therefore created that reality on a collective,
global, scale. The collective mind has created a response to that desire for someone
else to ‘do it’ by attracting together the energy fields – people – to construct the
secret network which now controls the direction of everyone’s lives. We have been
given what we asked for, or ‘thought’ for. It is the same with religions. They, too, are
created by the thought patterns of the collective mind, as are the media and other
institutions which use fear and guilt for purposes of manipulation and control.
These reflect, collectively, what billions of people do in their everyday lives. They
manipulate fear and guilt to get their way. Observe yourself for a few days and see
how many times you (and others) use fear and guilt to control a situation. We do
it without realising and we pass this attitude on to our children. What is it we
say to them?
“You naughty boy. If you do that again, I’ll give you a big smack. Wait till your dad gets
home, he’ll make you sorry for what you’ve done.” (Fear)
“You naughty girl. How could you do that to your mummy and daddy? How could you
make us so sad and unhappy? And all we have done for you.” (Guilt)
These are only minor examples of the way fear and guilt are used on children.
From an early age they learn to do the same to others. By the time we reach the
adult world and the interrelationships that go on there, the use of fear and guilt for
control and manipulation has become an art form. They ought to award medals for
it! This thought pattern has consequently dominated the collective mind, and it has
created the collective physical reflection of this – the religions and other institutions
which tell us what to think and use fear and guilt to control. Again, we created
them. They are a reflection of us, the collective us, at least. That’s good news
because we have the power to remove this global manipulation by removing our
personal manipulation.
Such a transformation of human perception is so vital to the future of this planet
and the world we leave our children. Humanity’s desire to give its mind away has
allowed a structure to develop over thousands of years which today is on the verge
of creating a global fascist dictatorship. Fascism ended with Adolf Hitler? If only it
were so. That same mindset controls the secret government of the world which is,
minute by minute, manipulating the human mind to accept a centralised global
tyranny. This tyranny is called the New World Order and, unless we shake
ourselves from our spiritual slumber, it will manifest as a world government; a
world central bank and currency; a world army; and a microchipped population
linked to a global computer. If anyone thinks all this is ridiculous, the next few
hundred pages are going to be very sobering. We are astonishingly close to all of
those things. It is time to grow up and wake up.
As you read the story of how your life and the life of this planet has been so
controlled and manipulated, I ask you to remember that we all created it. The
people I name and the events I describe are only mirrors reflecting back at the
human race and the Earth the thought patterns within us. This world is merely
human thought made physical. When we recognise what those negative patterns
are and remove them, our reality will change and the world will change. But not
It begins and ends with us.


part one

the prison

I believe in … someone elseWe are actively discouraged from thinking constructively andquestioningiy, and once an individual has accepted the numbacquiescence so encouraged, an insidiously vicious circle hassuccessfully been promoted. Another rather convenient resultof such a situation is that people who don’t think constructivelyand questioningiy don’t even realise it.Michael Timothy, The Anti-Intellectual Ethic

chapter 1

the veil of tears

We have all, at some time, looked at the world around us and asked the samequestions. Why does life have to be such a struggle? Why do we know solittle about who we are and the purpose of our lives? Why is there so much conflictand suffering in a world of such beauty and such riches?In search of the answers to these and so many other questions, I’m going to askyou to suspend your programmed ‘here and now’ responses and open your infinitemind to much greater possibilities. I don’t use the word ‘programmed’ in apatronising way, because we are all programmed by the messages and beliefs weconstantly hear in our childhood, through the media, and through the educationsystem. It is the letting go of that programming which opens our minds and ourhearts to wonder, potential, and understanding beyond our dreams. I’ve ponderedon the nature of this visible physical world for a long time, trying to make sense ofit. Since 1990 I’ve been on a conscious spiritual journey of discovery. It has openedme to so much I had never thought or felt before in this lifetime and, painful assome of it has been, those moments, too, have led me to greater understanding. Ihave experienced how we can tune our minds, our consciousness, to other levels ofreality and access information available there which is not known, or at least notwidely known on Earth. I have realised that our minds – the thinking, feeling us -are a series of energy fields, which use the physical body as a vehicle for experience.At this moment, our consciousness is tuned to this dense physical world, so thisis our reality. When we ‘die’, our mind-spirit (our consciousness) leaves thistemporary physical body and moves on to another wavelength, another stage ofexperience and evolution.A most important point to make is that, while in the same physical body on thesame planet, a person’s mind can be tuned to many different wavelengths ofknowledge and understanding. This is why there is such a variation in consciousness,perspective and perception within the human race. In our daily lives, we even talk ofpeople being on ‘different wavelengths’, because they think so differently and have solittle in common. Our attitude to life and the level of knowledge and wisdom we canattain at any point depends on the vibratory levels which our minds can access. Allthis is essential background to what I believe is behind the history of the human raceover many millions of years and into the present day. To me the human race so oftenseems to be like a herd of bewildered and lost sheep. In fact, look at how many timesthroughout known history the Tost sheep’ symbolism has been used to describe ourplight. We have somehow become detached from our higher potential, our power source; again, we see this portrayed symbolically throughout history and cultures inphrases such as lost children’ who have become disconnected from ‘the father’. Thestory of the prodigal son in the New Testament is an obvious example. I believe that,symbolically, this is precisely what has happened and the consequences of thatexplain so much of the world we live in today.I feel it is impossible to appreciate what has happened unless we can open ourminds to the existence of what we call extraterrestrial life. That can include aninfinite variety of forms. All I mean by extraterrestrial is ‘not of this Earth’ – othercivilisations, consciousness and lifeforms on other wavelengths which our physicalsenses cannot normally see or hear. For instance, while we may look at some of theother planets in this solar system and see apparently barren, lifeless, lands, we areonly looking at that planet on our own frequency or dimension of experience, ourown space-time reality. On another dimension, that planet may be a teeming havenof life in the same way that all the radio and television stations broadcasting to yourajea now are sharing the same space that your body is occupying. You can’t seethem and they can’t ‘see’ each other because they are operating on differentwavelengths. Take this one stage further to encompass the fact that these othercivilisations on other wavelengths are more advanced in their knowledge andknow-how than we are at this time, and a picture begins to form, for me and manyothers, anyway. These other civilisations are not all positive or negative. Like us,they are a bit of both. Extraterrestrial life is no big deal. It is the same stream of lifewe call Creation or God, at a different stage of evolution and/or on a differentwavelength of experience. But many of these peoples are years, sometimes millionsof years (in our version of time) ahead of where we are technologically and in theirunderstanding of the universal laws. If we judge the credibility or craziness ofsomething only from the perspective of our scientific achievements on thiswavelength of Planet Earth, we will never understand what has happened to us.This is why I ask the skeptics to open themselves to other possibilities. If you were apeasant farmer in the mountains of some self-contained society in deepest Asia, youwould find it impossible to believe a description of New York. But New York wouldstill exist. And remember, only a short time has passed since the idea of humansflying off into space was considered ridiculous.Over a number of years, as I have sought to grasp the nature of the humancondition, a story has begun to form in my mind. When I read a book calledBringers Of The Dawn,1 it cross-confirmed some of the themes I had written in TheRobots’ Rebellion and other ideas that I had been developing in the months thatfollowed. It is a ‘channelled’ book, in that the writer, Barbara Marciniak, tuned herconsciousness to another wavelength of reality and acted as a channel to bringinformation to this Earth vibration. I am always wary of channelled books because,like everything, this process can produce inspired understanding or a load of utterclaptrap. It depends on the competence of the channel and the level of thewavelength to which they are connecting. As someone once said of contact withthose no longer on this Earth: “Death is no cure for ignorance”. If you connect withwavelengths close to this one, you can be seriously misled. Bringers Of The Dawn claims to be the words of a consciousness communicatingfrom the star system we know as the Pleiades. I know if you are new to this, it allsounds so fantastic and hard to accept. But all I can do – all any of us can do – is tosay what we believe and feel. I believe that this star system called the Pleiades, or atleast the more evolved groups from there, are part of a universal operation to sethumanity and this world free from the prison we have unknowingly lived within foraeons of what we call time. We are the generation who are going to see this happen.Planet Earth was hijacked, you could say, and taken over by another civilisationor civilisations, which are highly advanced technologically, but pretty low on loveand wisdom. This is, as always, a telling and profoundly imbalanced combination. Icall it ‘cleverness without wisdom’. We live in a free-will universe where, withincertain limits, we are allowed to experience all of the emotions, and learn from theconsequences of our actions. So taking over a planet does not bring in the ‘father’,the Source of All That Exists, to immediately wrest control from the hijackers. It isused as a period of experience from which all will learn and evolve. We live in atime-space reality – “world” – called the Third Dimension and it is from some ofour “neighbours” in the Fourth Dimension that the interference has come.Whenever I speak of the extraterrestrial consciousness or the Prison Warderconsciousness I am referring to manipulation from the Fourth Dimension via eitherthought control or direct intervention. Both the hijacking extraterrestrials and thosewith humanity’s interests at heart were regular visitors to the Earth thousands ofyears ago. They became the ‘gods’ in the ancient texts and legends which haveformed the foundations of most, perhaps all, of the major religions of today. If anextraterrestrial landed on the planet in ancient times in an astonishing anti-gravityspacecraft, or you saw a psychic vision of someone on another frequency, youwould sure as hell think he or she was a god! And they did. This is where the ‘gods’- particularly the angry, judgmental, fire and brimstone gods – originated: negativeextraterrestrials. The ‘fear of God’ was born, and this fear and resistance to change(disobeying the gods) is still in the collective psyche. Over time, as described atlength in The Robots’ Rebellion, these various god myths became fused together toform ‘composite gods’, based on themes from many of the earlier civilisations. So itis with Judaism, the Christian Bible, Islam, and most of the others. Their version of;God relates to the type of extraterrestrials from which their religion originated orthe way many different extraterrestrial stories have become fused into a compositeGod over the centuries. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to worship acomposite God made up of extraterrestrials. Amen.If you look at the origins of the major religions, the stories are remarkably similarto those we hear today from people claiming to have met, or been abducted by,extraterrestrials. Mohammed, the founder of Islam in the seventh century, said thathe had been visited by the Angel Gabriel, who was “in the likeness of a man,standing in the sky above the horizon”.2 This figure told him he had to be a prophet,and he was given messages which formed the Islamic holy book, the Koran. Thesemessages would be dictated while Mohammed was in a trance on many otheroccasions in the years that followed. He also wrote of going on a ‘celestial journey’. Many people in the modern world who claim to have experienced extraterrestrialcontact have said the same as Mohammed. Saul of Tarsus, better known as St Paul,was the man who changed the image of Y’shua (Jesus)3 into the saviour-godmessiah from which the Christian religion was spawned. This happened after hehad a ‘vision’ of Y’shua on the road to Damascus. He also talked about being ‘takenup’ into heaven, or a number of different heavens (dimensions). Speaking ofhimself, he wrote:“I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven.Whether he was in the body or out of the body, I do not know – God knows. And I knowthat this man – whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, but God knows -was caught up in Paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is notpermitted to tell.”2 Corinthians 12: 2-4Again, this is paralleled by many of today’s accounts of extraterrestrialabductees who have told of being taken into other dimensions of reality by ETs,sometimes in their body, sometimes out of it. St Paul and the prophet called Enochspeak of seeing many heavens when they were ‘taken up’; this corresponds with thestories in the Vedas, the ancient holy books of India which were written in theoriginal Sanskrit language. These describe seven higher planes and seven lowerplanes around this planet. Some people still talk of being in ‘Seventh Heaven’ whensomething wonderful happens to them. One of these ‘planes’ is our third dimensionand just above us vibrationally is the level which has manipulated us. In the Bookof Enoch, the ‘Watchers’ sound remarkably like extraterrestrials. The Dead SeaScrolls say that the father of Noah was a ‘Watcher’, and Nebuchadnezzar, the Kingof Babylon from 651-604BC, records being visited by a Watcher and a holy one whocame down from heaven.4 The Dakas in Mahayana Buddhism were ‘sky travellingbeings’ and Padma Sambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, was said to haveleft Tibet in a celestial chariot.5 Something similar was claimed for the biblicalprophet Elijah when he left Israel6 and for the Central American god, Quetzalcoatl.7Descriptions of flying discs, flying boats, and celestial chariots, abound on allcontinents and in all cultures. Still today we relate ‘heaven’ to the sky, because thatis where the ‘gods’ of ancient time came from in their spacecraft. The aborigines ofAustralia speak of three ancestral beings, called the Djanggawul, who wereconnected with the planet Venus, as was Quetzalcoatl and the Polynesian deity,Kahuna.8 Add to all these the many examples cited in The Robots’ Rebellion andcountless other books, linking ETs with the creation and supervision of the Earthraces, and only a padlocked mind could dismiss at least the possibility – I wouldsay probability – that extraterrestrials are at the heart of human history and theevents that have shaped that history.There are so many themes which link the ancient texts with descriptions of UFOsightings and extraterrestrials of today. UFO investigators tracked down the allegedauthor of a report known as The Memorandum. Bill English was a former captain in intelligence with the Green Berets in Vietnam involved in the retrieval of a B-52bomber forced down in the jungle by a UFO. He claims to have spent three monthsin a psychiatric unit after the experience, before being assigned to an RAF listeningpost in England by US Army Intelligence. In his office there, he says, he found asealed diplomatic pouch waiting for him which contained a 624-page report onUFOs, known as The Grudge 13 Report. His memorandum was his personalanalysis of this document. It included all top secret UFO activity from 1942 to 1951and this involved reported landings, sightings, UFO crashes, human abductions,and ETs captured by the government. This could all quite easily be disinformationbecause there is so much of that in the UFO scene. But the report did contain manyinteresting points. It said that the language of the captured ETs was similar toSanskrit, the ancient language of the Indian holy texts, the Vedas, which containmany references to what appear to be spacecraft and flying machines known as theVimanas and to extraterrestrial ‘gods’.The Grudge Report said that the nourishment absorbed by the ETs theyexamined was based on chlorophyll, which (as is now known) exists throughoutwhat we call space and not just on Earth. In the Vedas, there is considerableimportance given to a plant known as Soma. It was used as a hallucinogenic drug inceremonies to help communication with the ‘god’ Indira and other ‘gods’, and itwas the favourite drink of Indira and his colleagues. Given the increasingspeculation that the ancient ‘gods’ were actually extraterrestrials, it is rather acoincidence that the Soma drink is believed to have been based on liquidchlorophyll. A number of people who have claimed contact with ETs have reportedthat their nourishment came from ‘juice’. There are, however, tens of thousands ofextraterrestrial civilisations which have visited this planet, I believe, and they willbe very different in appearance, genetics, and means of nourishment. Someundoubtedly look very much as we do and could walk past us in the street withoutturning a head. Others appear very different from us.I feel that at least many of the ‘miracles’ recorded throughout religious legendhave an extraterrestrial (Fourth Dimensional) origin. The sight witnessed by 70,000Catholics at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 sounds like many of the stories described inboth the ancient texts and the modern world. The Fatima ‘miracle’ followed aseries of meetings between three children and some strange being, which, theysaid, sometimes manifested as the Virgin Mary. The being promised to produce amiracle to open the eyes of humanity, and those tens of thousands of people whoturned up to witness it did, indeed, see a fantastic sight. But what was it? UFOresearcher, Jacque Vallee, believed he knew when he wrote, in his 1976 book,The Invisible College:“Not only was a flying disc or globe consistently involved, but its motion, its falling leaftrajectory, its light effects, the thunderclaps, the buzzing sounds, the strange fragrance,the fall of ‘angel hair’ that dissolves on the ground, the heat wave associated with theclose approach of the disc, all of these are constant parameters of UFO sightingseverywhere. And so are the paralysis, the amnesia, the conversions, and healings.” The children passed a sealed message from their communicator to the Pope, withinstructions that it was only to be opened and made public in 1960. The Pope didopen it in 1960, but we are still waiting for all of it to be made public! One thing isfor sure: if it had confirmed the basis of the Roman Catholic religion, it would havehit the airwaves within minutes. So what did it say?I am convinced that the Old Testament ‘God’ known as Yhwh (Yahweh) is alsobased on an extraterrestrial, or more likely, a series of them. Interestingly, while theJewish religion is perceived as a ‘One God’ faith, the original Hebrew texts do notsupport this. While the English translation refers to a ‘God’, the Hebrew talks ofElohim, the plural meaning ‘Gods’. Similarly, while we read the word ‘Lord’ in theEnglish, the Hebrew refers to Adonai, the plural ‘Lords’. Jehovah, who is ofteninterchanged with Yahweh, would seem to have a different origin. Anotherextraterrestrial, most probably.If you read the Old Testament and other ancient texts and replace everyreference to ‘God’ or ‘the gods’ with ‘extraterrestrial’, the whole thing begins tomake sense and becomes so obvious. It is important to remember that inevolutionary terms, the time span between the period when these accounts werewritten and today is nothing, hardly the blink of an eye. Modern UFO phenomenaas reported by thousands of people – which include amazing holographic images,beings and craft which appear and disappear (switch dimensions), and a host ofother visions and tricks that put Walt Disney in the shade – were being performedby extraterrestrials in the periods during which the major religions originated.These Fourth Dimensional manipulators created the religions to control the humanmind as they sought to control this dimension.The potential for manipulating humanity with such technology is simplylimitless. What better way to control people, close down their minds and divideand rule, than to create a series of dogmatic religions based on extraterrestrialspecial effects? Look at the pain, misery, and inter-generational ignorance that hasbeen visited upon this planet by Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and all the rest. Ifyou want to shut down someone’s consciousness so they stop thinking forthemselves and delink their minds from their infinite potential, sell them adogmatic religion or some other form of rigid dogma. They are then putty inyour hands.I think the takeover of Planet Earth was achieved by what I call the LucifericConsciousness. I use this as an overall name to describe the force which attempts towork through all life forms, human and extraterrestrial, to control the planet. It is anextremely negative energy operating from the Fourth Dimension. The LucifericConsciousness takes two main forms. Different cultures give these forms differentsymbolic names. One seeks to imprison us in the material world by persuading usto reject all idea of the spiritual realms and the eternal nature of life. The otherworks on spiritually-minded people to persuade them to ignore the realities of thephysical world and to float around in a spiritual daze. Either way it means that thepeople involved can be controlled and their potential to bring positive change to thephysical world is seriously curtailed. The takeover of the Earthby the extraterrestrialexpressions of this Luciferic Consciousness took theform, I feel, of creating avibratory prison. We aremultidimensional beings,working across manyfrequencies and dimensionsat the same time. I know thesecan be strange concepts tothose hearing them cold, butour real potential and ourperceived potential are lightyears apart, as we are goingto realise in the amazingyears that are to follow.If, therefore, there is afrequency ‘net’ thrownaround this planet, ablocking, imprisoningvibration, which prevents usfrom interconnecting with the higher levels of our consciousness and potential, wecease to be ‘whole’. We become delinked from ‘the father’. With the knowledge heldon the Fourth Dimension, this would not be the miracle it might at first appear.Blocking frequencies are already used here on Earth, never mind by moretechnologically advanced civilisations. During the period of the Soviet Union, theycreated an information prison by sending out blocking frequencies to stop certainforeign radio stations from being received by the population. This prevented information which challenged the official line from reaching the people. It created avibratory prison, an information prison. Extend that concept to the planet as awhole and you have the very picture I am presenting (Figure 2).


The only differenceis one of scale, that’s all.In his book, The Montauk Project,9 the electrical engineer, Preston Nichols, tells thestory of how he discovered a blocking frequency which jammed the minds ofpsychics he was working with as part of research into telepathy. The basis oftelepathy, as Preston Nichols confirmed, is so simple. When we think we send out athought-wave similar to a radio or television wave broadcast from a transmitter. Aradio or television set decodes those waves and, in a far more sophisticated way, thehuman mind decodes thought-waves. Hence telepathy. Nichols found that theminds of his psychics were blocked at the same time each day. Using trackingequipment, he traced the jamming frequency to a now notorious centre of mindcontrol and time travel research called Montauk, on the eastern end of Long Island,New York. Even on Earth, blocking frequencies are a fact. I am going to use the term blocking and jamming frequency for simplicity, but itcould well have taken the form of closing down the portals and gateways whichlink this physical dimension we see around us with other space-time dimensions.Some of these gateways are reckoned to be at the great sacred places of the ancients,like Stonehenge, Machu Picchu in Peru, Ayers Rock, and the former lands ofBabylon and Mesopotamia, now Iraq. The Bermuda Triangle is believed to beanother, which could explain the many strange disappearances of ships and aircraft,as the gateway opens. It may even be that these gateways were largely closed downfor positive reasons, to prevent more negative extraterrestrials from entering thisspace-time reality. There are lots of maybes and so much more to know andunderstand. Jamming frequency, closing the dimensional gateways, perhaps both -the precise cause of the prison doesn’t matter for what I am saying in this book. Allwe need to remember is that an extraterrestrial force from the Fourth Dimensioncreated an information prison by blocking off the higher levels of humanconsciousness. The veil came down. A veil of tears. We were, in effect, put intospiritual and mental quarantine.If such a jamming vibration were thrown around our planet, or even the SolarSystem and further afield, our potential would be confined to the levels ofconsciousness which are within the imprisoning frequency. Any consciousness andknowledge held on higher frequencies outside this vibratory prison would bedenied to us. We would become delinked from the higher levels of our ownconsciousness. We would be, in the words of the ancient books, ‘lost souls’delinked from ‘the father’. I have used the following analogy many times, but Ithink it sums it up pretty well: You are a spaceman on the Moon. You are receivinginformation through your eyes and ears from the world immediately around you.You are also receiving information about the wider picture and a greaterunderstanding of your task from what we call ‘Mission Control’. When you, thespaceman, are getting a balance of information through your eyes and ears andfrom the greater perspective of Mission Control, everything is fine and you areoperating at full potential. But think what would happen if the link with MissionControl was cut. Suddenly the wider understanding and guidance has gone. Onlythe ‘eyes and ears’ information from the world immediately around you is left toguide your thinking and behaviour. Very soon that behaviour and perceptionwould be enormously different from what it would have been had you andMission Control stayed in powerful contact.When that blocking, imprisoning frequency was thrown around this planet, theSolar System, and possibly beyond, it had that same effect. We lost touch with ourMission Control and, crucially, with our eternal memory. We forgot who we wereand where we came from. Or, at least, the overwhelming majority did. Those whocould continue to hold their vibratory rate, their frequency, could still stay in touchwith their higher levels, their Higher Self, because the vibratory connection was stillthere, although the blocking frequency made this a less than perfect connection,even for them. More and more people are able to do this today as the blockingfrequency is dispersed and this is the basis of what is termed the ‘spiritual awakening’ now enveloping this planet. Only a tiny few have been able to do this,however, until very recently. The rest have seen their vibratory rate fall under theinfluence of events, religions, and general programming which has encouragedthem to close down their minds and therefore reduce their vibratory rate. This hascreated a vibratory gap – for some a chasm – between their lower levels ofconsciousness inside the blocking frequency (the Lower Self) and their infinitepotential outside of that frequency (the Higher Self). Within the prison was thisphysical level and some non-physical levels to which we return betweenincarnations. The rest of Creation has been denied to most people. You might see itas the human race living out its existence inside a box with the lid held down. Wesit in the dark, believing that our potential, and Creation in general, is limited towhat is within that box, within that vibratory prison. Infinity in potential and spaceis so, so close on the other side of the box lid, but we have not been allowed to seeoutside and we have not realised that there is an outside. Over the thousands ofyears or more since the vibratory ‘net’ was cast around the Earth, we have been apeople, a race, working to a fraction of our full and infinite potential. Life on Earthchanged dramatically and I believe this also affected the animal kingdom. The lawof the jungle and the cruelty we see within nature is not the way it was meant to be,I feel, nor the way it was before the veil came down. The good news is – shout itfrom the roof tops – that this period of disconnection is now entering its end time.Wow. What a future we are going to experience!In the period after the blocking vibration was created, I believe that FourthDimensional extraterrestrials of the Luciferic mindset came here and geneticallyrewired the DNA, the inherited coding of the physical body. Over a period of time,this new DNA pattern was passed on through the generations to everyone. TheDNA determines the nature of the physical being and contains the inheritedmemory of all the generations. If the DNA had been left alone, we would, whileliving in a vibratory prison, at least know what had happened and the nature of theproblem. By scrambling the DNA, this knowledge, too, was lost to us. Thecommunicators of the information in Bringers Of The Dawn (and in other booksclaiming to come from extraterrestrial sources) say that the human DNA before thattime had twelve spirals known as helixes, but after the genetic tinkering this wasreduced to two. Our potential and our inherited information source was reduced toa sixth of what it is meant to be. Even now, I understand, there are parts of the DNAwhich have been identified that researchers have been unable to link to anyapparent function. This has been termed ‘junk DNA’. It is possibly thedisconnection of the other ten spirals of DNA which has meant that, as is widelyacknowledged, only a fraction of our brain’s potential is actually used. Some moregood news to celebrate – we are in the time when a process is unfolding which willreunite those DNA spirals within us. My goodness! What we will then be able toknow, remember, and do, will beggar belief from today’s perspective.It is possible that these genetic events are described symbolically in the tale ofAdam and Eve and the term, ‘the Fall of Man’. You can also find many references inthe ancient texts and legends to ‘gods’ coming from the skies to control humanity and impregnate women. In the Bible, Genesis 6:4 says that, The sons of God camein to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. The term ‘sons of God'(which is common to almost all ancient religions) referred, I am sure, to theextraterrestrials. We hear of how God or the gods created humanity ‘in their ownimage’. I outline a number of these ancient themes in The Robots’ Rebellion. Theoffspring of these extraterrestrial/human liaisons looked very different from therest of the people. As Genesis 6:4 puts it in The Good News Bible: In those days,and even later, there were giants on the Earth who were descendants of humanwomen and the heavenly beings. They were the great heroes and famous men oflong ago. The reason this-world-is-all-there-is science has been unable to find themissing links in human genetic evolution is because there aren’t any. The suddenchanges in the human form were due to extraterrestrial intervention. This ispossibly an origin of the virgin mother legends which are also found throughoutthe world. In what we call China, they had a ‘sky god’ called Di who was said tohave ‘miraculously’ impregnated a virgin, who then gave birth to Zu, the first of thenew genetic line. All over the ancient world, you find that the royal families weresupposed to have originated with the sky gods – extraterrestrials. Records left bythe ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia say that their pyramidal towers known asziggurats were built for intercourse between a priestess and a god from the sky.Herodotus described the inside of a ziggurat he saw in Babylon:On the topmost tower there is a spacious temple, and inside the temple stands agreat bed covered with fine bedclothes with a golden table at its side. There is nostatue of any kind set up in this place, nor is the chamber occupied at night by any buta single native woman who, say the Chaldean priests, is chosen by the deity out of allthe women of the land. The priests also declare, but I for one do not credit it, that thegod comes down in person into this chamber, and sleeps upon the couch.10On a tomb found in Rome and dated between the First and Fourth Centuries ADthe inscription read: I am a son of the Earth and the stars of the sky, but I am of thecelestial race. May the knowledge be passed on!11 The birth of Y’shua (Jesus), asdescribed in the Gnostic Gospels, also has similarities to modern day ETexperiences. The Protoevangelion of James is the oldest of the Gnostic Gospelswhich were removed from Christian orthodoxy at the notorious Council of Nicaeain 325AD (see The Robots’ Rebellion). The Gnostic text describes the birth of Y’shuaand how people and animals froze in mid-gesture in a powerful, though temporaryparalysis, while Joseph and the midwife were unaffected. This is very much atheme of ET contactee/abductee experiences. The text goes on:And the midwife went away with him. And they stood in the place of the cave, andbehold a luminous cloud overshadowed the cave. And the midwife said: ‘My soul hasbeen magnified this day, because mine eyes have seen strange things – becausesalvation has been brought forth to Israel’. And immediately the cloud disappeared outof the cave, and a great light shone in the cave, so that the eyes could not bear it. And the veil of tears 13in a little that light gradually decreased until the infant appeared, and went and took thebreast of his mother, Mary.The connections with ‘gods’ and ‘clouds’ are endless in the ancient legends andtexts and what about the ‘star’ that was supposed to have hovered over thebirthplace of Y’shua? Why could that not have been a spacecraft? In the biblicalRevelations we hear of the New Jerusalem descending from the sky (Rev 22:10) andY’shua returning ‘with the clouds’ (Rev 1:7). Was Y’shua a member of a positiveextraterrestrial race who became incarnate to help humanity get out of prison? It iscertainly a possibility. The Native American tribe, the Iroquois, have a legend of anIroquois maiden marrying the chief of the sky people. The geologist, ChristianO’Brien, suggested that Hebrew and Sumerian texts refer to a race of beings knownas the ‘Shining Ones’, a term he connects with the Hebrew word, Elohim. It is nocoincidence that the Devas from the Sanskrit and the Angels of Christianity are also’Shining Ones’. The Incas of Peru referred to ‘Shining Ones’ too. O’Brien says that itwas the beings known as the Elohim which created modern humanity from earlyhuman forms through genetic manipulation. He adds that some of them, the’Watchers’ in the Book of Enoch, mated with humans and he believes that thealleged founders of the Semitic race, Shemjaza and Yahweh, were among theextraterrestrial ‘Watchers’ and ‘Shining Ones’.12An Israeli scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, used the ancient Sumerian and Babylonianwritings to support his belief that modern humans were created by ETs called theNefilim.13 UFO abductees today have also spoken of communications with ETs whodescribed how they created the bodies of the present human race and manipulatedour DNA; there are many references by abductees to having sex with extraterrestrialswhile on a spacecraft. Not all of these stories will be true, nor all the theories anddetails, but if you take note of the common themes, a picture starts to form. I believethat different extraterrestrial civilisations seeded the different races on Earth andperhaps this can explain the obsession that some have with the purity of their race.Most will not relate this to an extraterrestrial origin, but at a deep, subconsciouslevel, that might be what is motivating them.I believe the Earth is far older than science has imagined and that a stream ofcivilisations has settled and developed here which are not mentioned in the historybooks. Most of them before ‘the Fall’ were far more highly evolved, technologicallyand spiritually, than humanity is today. Life is not always about progressingmentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. If something happens to delink usfrom our true potential, we can also go backwards. It depends on the knowledgeand potential available to us. In the periods known as Lemuria and Atlantis,hundreds of thousands of years ago in our version of time, humans lived in whatwe would call a science fiction world, in which amazing things were possible, aswas also true in civilisations before those. These were not miracles, merely the useof the natural laws of Creation. What is termed the paranormal or supernatural isonly that which our limited version of science has not discovered or acknowledgedyet. Everything that exists is the result of ‘natural’ laws. If it were not, it could not exist. We began to go backwards when the jamming frequency was installed, andthe levels of consciousness which contained the knowledge enjoyed before recordedhuman history were denied to us. The prison door slammed shut and we are nowflinging it open again.Human civilisation did not begin on Planet Earth, I am convinced. It came to thisplanet from other areas of the galaxy. Some say the first humans on Earth camefrom the star system called Vega, 26 light-years from here, and three times the sizeof the Sun. It is the brightest star in the Lyra constellation and the fifth brightest inour sky.14 Wherever it was, I feel the human race originally came from another starsystem and took the opportunity to populate and experience this magnificent newplanet. Genetic manipulation, both positive and negative, has continued ever sinceto advance or control the species, depending on the mindset at the time. In thoseearlier times, I think the nature of the physical form was not as dense as it is today.It was more etheric, lighter and less dense, and capable of manifesting anddemanifesting, levitation, and floating above the surface. All these things arepossible now if the power of our thought is concentrated sufficiently, but it wasavailable to everyone then, I believe, as an everyday part of life. In those periods,there was no physical ‘death’. The consciousness withdrew from the body when itchose to do so. We will be doing this again as the transformation of this planet andhumanity proceeds.Another theme which connects channelled information from many sourcespurporting to be extraterrestrial civilisations and the symbolic stories in the ancienttexts and legends across thousands of years, is that of a war in the heavens, possiblya war between extraterrestrial civilisations for control of this galaxy. I feel thisrelates to the struggle between two consciousness streams on the FourthDimension, for the control of this one. Lemuria was the creation of one of thesestreams, Atlantis the work of the other. It has been a long and bitter battle withhumanity as the pawns in the middle. The Indian Vedas contain stories that couldeasily describe a high tech battle in the skies. Those who are more evolvedtechnologically do not have to be more evolved spiritually. The development of theatomic bomb is a case in point. Developing the bomb was brilliant technologically.Dropping it was the very opposite of spirituality. So I find it quite feasible that allhell broke loose in parts of this galaxy, as extraterrestrials battled for power withtheir highly advanced toys. I feel that films like Star Wars and other science ‘fiction’stories are the result of the writers accessing their deep memories or having directknowledge of what happened. It is this same inner memory at some deep level ofour consciousness that attracts such astonishing numbers of people to the sciencefiction films and literature. Some of the places which crop up most often inchannelled information relating to these conflicts are the systems of Orion, Sirius,and the Pleiades. Interesting, then, that these were at the fore of ancient beliefs andworship on Earth over thousands of years, across scores of cultures. The pyramidsat Giza and the giant spider drawn in ancient times on the plains of Nazca, Peru,are exactly aligned with Orion. I think the star Arcturus in the Bootes constellationis also significant to the Earth’s history.


The aim of the negative extraterrestrials in relation to the Earth was to turn
humans into little more than a slave race. This has been a theme all along and it
remains so today, although in another form. Instead of controlling us physically by
occupation of the planet, over the past few thousand years they have sought to do
so by working through our consciousness from other dimensions. I believe there
came a period after ancient Babylon and Egypt when, for some reason, they no
longer came here in the same way. Maybe they were forced out by other
extraterrestrials who were trying to help us. Maybe it was vibratory changes that
took place. Either way, I believe they began to work mostly through the human
mind from the Fourth Dimension and that this has replaced the physical occupation
of the distant past. I have no doubt they have still come here, however, and in
increasing numbers in more recent times. The Lord Of The Rings by J.R. Tolkien, has
themes of war between the humanlike Hobbits and the little grey Orcs which many
believe resemble the themes of what has actually happened, even down to the
descriptions of subterranean laboratories which mirror the claims of what is
happening today in the underground bases and genetic laboratories under America
and other countries.
The battle for the Earth possibly reached its most destructive phase at the end of
Atlantis, over a period of tens of thousands of years, leading up to the vast island of
Atlantis sinking into the Atlantic Ocean around 10,500-9,500
BC. The evidence is
mounting from many sources of some cataclysmic weather and geological
upheavals around this time, in which whole mountain ranges pushed up from the
Earth and an unbelievable tidal wave of some kind swept across the planet’s
surface. The geological researchers, J.B. Delair and D.S. Allan, document much of
this evidence in their book, When The Earth Nearly Died.
15 They believe that a star
exploded around 15,000
BC and some of the debris reached this solar system about
BC, leaving devastation in its wake. Their work confirms the themes of
channelled communications over thousands of years when they claim that the Earth
surface we see today was created largely by an enormous upheaval, almost in the
twinkling of an eye in evolutionary terms, and not by the slow, gradual change so
promoted by mainstream, official-line, science.
The detail of these various views is interesting, but I find the overall themes
emerging from ancient and modern information and beliefs to be the most
compelling aspect in all this. Those themes are of a considerable extraterrestrial
influence on human affairs, a battle between extraterrestrial civilisations for
supremacy, and a catastrophe on Earth and throughout the Solar System caused by
a foreign ‘body’ of some kind passing through. I feel that such themes are connected
and that connection is the Luciferic Consciousness. It is a collective consciousness,
the total of all minds – human and extraterrestrial – thinking within that extreme
negative frequency range. While it is not possible for one person or group to
destabilise a planetary system with their thoughts alone, it is certainly possible (in
my view anyway) for a multidimensional collective consciousness to do so.
As everything is created by thought and all matter is subordinate to thought, all
physical events are the result of a thought or thoughts of some kind affecting
matter. Everything is. What scientists are doing when they investigate the laws’ of
physics and matter is to put forward mathematical equations which describe the
power and potential of thought, most of which they have so far missed. All of these
events which caused mayhem in the Solar System took place within the confines of
the vibratory prison, created by representations of the Luciferic Consciousness. This
consciousness manipulates through any lifeform, human or extraterrestrial, which
is operating within its vibratory range. The Luciferic Consciousness is an extremely
negative thought pattern, or range of thought patterns, and anyone whose own
attitudes are within that range can be captured by it and turned into a vehicle for its
will. It is the same principle as tuning a radio into a particular station. When the
Luciferic Consciousness locks into someone’s consciousness, it, in effect, becomes
their ‘Mission Control’, their guide. If our intent remains loving and positive, it
cannot affect us directly because our energy fields, the mind-emotions-spirit, will be
vibrating within a range much higher than the Luciferic band. There is no resonance
established. The Luciferic ‘broadcast’ is not received by a consciousness ‘tuned’ to a
different frequency, just as a radio receiver only picks up stations within a defined
bandwidth at any given time.
I feel that the civilisation we call Atlantis was an attempt – by what I call (in The
Robots’ Rebellion) the ‘volunteers’, and Bringers Of The Dawn calls the Family of Light
and the Systems Busters – to break the vibratory stronghold, the blocking vibration.
These volunteers were mostly from the more positive consciousness stream on the
Fourth Dimension. It was an influx of beings into the prison, the box, attempting to
change the Earth vibration and break the controlling frequency. It was, for a time, a
partial success, but Atlantis became a highly negative place under influence from
the Luciferic stream and it suffered a violent end. We, the generations of today, now
have the opportunity to do what Atlantis could not do – break the blocking
vibration and allow humanity to return to wholeness and Oneness, to reconnect
with our full potential. It is an opportunity we are going to grasp and we are going
to do it peacefully. Not with physical force, but with love. I want to tell this story as
simply as possible without getting lost in complexities. I will therefore use some
simplistic terms for two overall streams of thinking, which seek rather different
futures for Planet Earth. The Prison Warders, as I will call them, is a symbolic name
for the Fourth Dimensional consciousness which took over the planet and delinked
humanity, vibrationally and genetically, from our full potential and higher
knowledge. I don’t wish to present this in reality as a simple ‘light v dark’, ‘good v
evil’ thing because we are all part of the same whole anyway, all aspects of the same
one consciousness that we call God or Creation. We all have a positive and negative
polarity which we are seeking to balance. But at different points in our evolution we
all have different attitudes and it is the interaction of these various thought
patterns, positive and negative, which sets up the experiences that speed evolution.
The other stream of thinking is represented by those entities and consciousness
streams which wish to break through the limitations and disconnections imposed
on humanity and the Earth, and to restore freedom of thought and potential. I will
call this stream of consciousness the ‘Light’ or ‘Love’ vibration.
One other point to make about this vibratory hijack is the nature of ‘food’ and
nourishment. On this physical level our bodies need physical food to sustain them.
But on other frequencies of reality in the non-physical realms of consciousness, the
food is pure energy. The more energy of like vibration which can be created, the
bigger the meal, if you like. The energy that the Prison Warder/Luciferic
Consciousness absorbs and gets its power from is negative energy. The more of that
which can be created, the more powerful it can potentially become. And the more
imbalanced, too, of course. Emotions like fear, guilt, and anger, can, if not balanced
by positive emotions, produce vast supplies of negative energy. A war becomes a
banquet. We are generating energy all the time and the psychically sensitive can feel
and see it. In fact we all can, although most people don’t realise it. If humanity can
be manipulated to be full of fear, guilt, and anger, the vibratory ‘box’ in which we
live becomes a production line of negative energy. For the Prison Warders, lunch is
served! It is interesting that today’s stories about negative extraterrestrials presently
at large on Earth speak of them living off negative human emotions and seeking to
stimulate events and circumstances in which more extreme negative energy will be
created. I believe this to be correct and it is a key reason why this extraterrestrial
consciousness, the Prison Warders, has worked through human minds to stimulate
the horrors of history and today. These events are not the result of an ‘evil’ human
nature. They are manufactured by manipulating human nature and its sense of
reality. It is highly likely, too, that the animal and human sacrifices to the ‘gods’
(which abound throughout history and in cultures all over the world) were
performed to serve the extraterrestrials’ need for such energy and perhaps for some
portions of the physical body. The Aztecs in Central America, who sacrificed untold
numbers of people to the ‘gods’, are but one example of this. Fortunately, most
extraterrestrials are not of this extreme negative mindset; a host of positive ET
civilisations are at work today on various wavelengths around this planet to ease the
spiritual transformation to freedom which has now begun. They are here to help us.
After the introduction of the blocking frequency, when people ‘died’ and their
consciousness left the physical body, most could not escape further than the nonphysical frequencies which were contained within the vibratory prison. Even when
not in physical bodies, they continued to be disconnected from their higher
consciousness, their Higher Self, as we call it – they were imprisoned in the Third
Dimension. So began the process of incarnation and reincarnation into Earth bodies,
as beings sought to continue their evolution inside a prison they didn’t even realise
was a prison. The ‘gods’ who supervised the prison were perceived to be the God.
Many people became so imbalanced and locked into certain thought patterns and
attitudes that they chose to reincarnate into the same situations, places, and races.
As they repeated the old responses, Earth life after Earth life, they became more and
more imbalanced. Others of greater understanding used their incarnations as a
vehicle for gathering experience and evolving.
Our consciousness is a series of interconnecting magnetic energy fields and the
greater our understanding and openness of mind, the quicker those energy fields
vibrate. After the prison door was closed, those trapped inside were encouraged
and manipulated to close their minds and that still continues today, of course. All
the positive extraterrestrials can do is to give us the opportunity to open our minds
and raise ourselves vibrationally to reconnect with our infinite selves. This is what
they are seeking to do with phenomena like the crop patterns.
It is quite simple really. The positive Fourth Dimensional (and higher) ETs are
trying to open our minds and hearts and the negative ones are seeking to keep them
closed. Our minds cannot be opened by extraterrestrials just landing on the White
House lawn. That would not open the collective human mind; it would blow it!
Look at the mass panic in 1938, when Orson Welles presented his radio show, War
Of The Worlds which purported to be a live broadcast about a landing by
extraterrestrials. The mind is like a muscle; the more you use it, the better it works
and the bigger it becomes. So we have to be given clues which stretch our
consciousness to understand and trigger the memories we hold at a deeper level of
our consciousness. The negative ETs, in contrast, wish to keep from us any
information which would stimulate us spiritually and intellectually.
A few people through history have been able to open and expand their
consciousness to the point where they have raised their vibratory rate beyond that
of the prison vibration and reunited fully with the rest of themselves and Creation.
This process has been given the name ‘ascension’ – getting out of jail – and it shows
itself in the words attributed to Y’shua and similar figures throughout history: “I
and my father are one”. We see many of these people in the history books. They
were able to raise their consciousness while in incarnation, to connect with
frequencies outside of the prison and so understand the nature of the predicament
humanity is in. They were laughed at and condemned because they were speaking
from a knowledge accessed from levels outside of the blocking vibration, while
most of the people to whom they were speaking could conceive only of the world
they knew and saw all around them. They could remember no other.
We return to the central theme of the book: creating our own reality. The Prison
Warder consciousness knows all about this process. Our physical reality is the
creation of the thoughts we hold onto, past and present. These create a pattern
within us which is then cast around us in the form of a magnetic cape/aura. This
attracts to us a physical reality in terms of people, places, and events which exactly
reflects our inner pattern, how we see ourselves. The key to this reality is thought. If
you can manipulate someone’s thoughts and view of themselves, you are creating
that person’s reality and, as a result, their physical experience. More than that,
people will generally pass onto their children large chunks of their own views and
beliefs, thus manipulating – often with the best of intentions – how the children
view themselves and their potential. This affects the children’s sense of self and
creates their corresponding physical reality.
In short, once you can manipulate the thoughts of one generation, it gets easier
to impose your will on future generations because you now have the programmed
parents and ‘leaders’ unknowingly working on your behalf. You will see
throughout the story revealed in this book how the foundation of the global
manipulation is the manipulation of the individual human mind and its view of self
and the world. The Global Conspiracy (with the Prison Warder consciousness at the
apex of the pyramid) is a conspiracy to manipulate the human race’s sense of self
and, in doing so, the creation of its physical reality. As I say, the victim mentality
creates the victim reality. Today, we have a planet awash with people who have
been encouraged to think of themselves as victims, hence they are.
What has happened through this period of the global prison is a reflection of
what is happening within the collective human mind. We collectively attracted this
experience to us. We created this reality, just as the battered wife with no sense of
self-love and self-worth subconsciously attracts to her the punishment she believes
she deserves. The woman in that state of mind will manifest her sense of self by
magnetically attracting the energy field of a man who desires to punish another. In
the same way the collective human mind’s inner lack of self-love and self-worth
attracted the Prison Warder /Luciferic Consciousness to do the same. If there was
not an imbalance within the collective human mind which relates to this experience
we are going through, we would not have created this experience. The problem and
the solution begins and ends with the self. If we all find love for ourselves, that is
the reality we will create for ourselves and, together, that is the reality the collective
mind will create. When we do that, the Luciferic Consciousness will no longer affect
us, because we will no longer attract the experiences it provides.
When viewed from the higher levels of understanding, the Luciferic
Consciousness, horrific as it may be in the physical ‘here and now’, is actually an
experience we have created as a mirror for us to face the collective imbalances
within the human mind and, in doing so, remove them. If we see it that way, it
becomes a positive experience at least in outcome.

1 Barbara Marciniak, Bringers Of The Dawn (Bear & Co, Sante Fe, 1992)
2 Hari Prasad Shastri, The Ramayana Of Valmiki (Shanti Sadam, London, 1976) Vol. II, p95
3 Jesus is a Greek translation of a Judean name, probably Y’shua, the Hebrew for Joshua.
The full name would have been Y’shua ben Yosef (Joshua, the son of Joseph)
4 George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 1986) p63
5 Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p54-55
6 Ibid p73-74
7 Ibid p72-73
8 Ibid p63
9 Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon, The Montauk Project (Sky Books, New York, 1992)

10 Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p54
11 Ibid p59
12 Christian O’Brien, The Genius Of The Fen (Turnstone Press Ltd., Wellingborough,
Northamptonshire, 1985). His views were also quoted in Richard L. Thompson’s Alien
Identities (Govardhan Hill Publishing, San Diego, 1993) pl97-198
13 Zecharia Sitchin, The 12th Planet (Avon, New York, 1976)
14 Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle, You Are Becoming A Galactic Human (S.E.E. Publishing
Co, Santa Clara, 1994)
15 D.S. Allan and J.B. Delair, When The Earth Nearly Died (Gateway Books, Bath, 1995)

chapter 2

the birth of the Brotherhood

The most effective way to close down a human mind and to manipulate its senseof self is to programme into it some form of dogma. A dogma will alwaysvehemently defend itself from other information and repel any alternative opinionwhich contradicts its narrow, solidified view. Dogmas become a person’s sense ofsecurity and means of retaining power. Humanity tends to cling to both until itsknuckles turn white.Dogmas take endless forms and when you can persuade different people to holdopposing dogmas, the manipulation of conflict and control through ‘divide andrule’ becomes easy. It is happening today in the same way – more so, in fact – as ithas throughout the period of the vibratory prison. To a manipulator, Judaism is justas useful as Christianity and Islam; the political ‘Left’ is just as important as thepolitical ‘Right’. You need two dogmas to play off against each other. The mosteffective dogmas over thousands of years have been the religions. One generationtakes on a narrow view of life and themselves (a religion) and imposes it on theirchildren, who then do the same to their children, and so it goes on into the modernworld. The religious and political dogmas have all been inspired by negativeelements from the Fourth Dimension.The two leading weapons used by religions are those cancerous emotions: fearand guilt. They have been used to suppress the human mind and to destroy itssense of self-worth, thus creating a physical reality to match. Religions are the samethought pattern manifesting under different names – the thought pattern calledcontrol. Even the origins of their myths, stories and ceremonies are invariably thesame because they all originate from the same source!Towards the end of Atlantis, groups of people began to escape from theirincreasingly devastated land. Some left the prison while their vibratory rate was stillhigh enough for them to do so; others became trapped by accident or design. AsAtlantis crumbled, some settled in the areas we now know as Egypt and the MiddleEast, Central America, and the United States. Those who survived the cataclysmwhich followed, passed on their knowledge to their children in myths and stories.This is one possible answer to the apparent mystery of how when the Americas were’discovered’ by the Europeans in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, they foundmany cultures and beliefs of the native peoples to be remarkably similar to(sometimes the same as) those in the ‘Old World’ of Europe and the Middle East.Both were influenced by the knowledge brought by the escaping Atlanteans,although I think another reason for this relates to extraterrestrial activity all over the world. In the period after Atlantis, I believe that extraterrestrial expressions of thePrison Warder consciousness still landed and interacted with the people, tellingdifferent peoples the same basic manipulated story.Some Atlanteans escaped by sailing west to the Americas, some went east toEurope and North Africa. It is possible that the biblical story of Noah and the Arkrelates to this period, although it could involve another flood some thousands ofyears later. Over many millennia, the Atlantean and extraterrestrial knowledge waspassed on through the succeeding generations, and the original clarity was lost inthe repeated communication. The knowledge also became a vehicle for control, andit was accordingly changed to suit those in power at any given time. This is whyyou still find elements of this knowledge in all religions. The original coreknowledge has been diluted and diverted in countless directions, to manifest asreligions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Paganism, Hinduism, etc. All haveretained the themes of the knowledge to some extent, while often destroying its truemeaning with dogma, myth, and manipulated make-believe. Ironically, Paganismhas retained far more of the original knowledge than those religions (such asChristianity) which condemn it as ‘evil’. The Fourth Dimensional Prison Warderswish to prevent us from knowing who we are, how we have been imprisoned, andhow we can get out of prison. Making us confused and dividing us into factions,religions, and tongues was part of the Prison Warder strategy. If you read the storyof the Tower of Babel, you can see this described symbolically:At first the people of the whole world had only one language and used the same words.As they wandered about in the East, they came to a plain in Babylonia and settledthere. They said to one another, ‘Come on! Let’s make bricks and bake them hard’. Sothey had bricks to build with and mortar to hold them together. They said: ‘Now let’sbuild a city with a tower that reaches to the sky, so that we can make a name forourselves and not be scattered all over the Earth’.Then the Lord extraterrestrials came down to see the city and the tower which thosemen had built, and he said: ‘Now then, these are all one people and they speak onelanguage; this is just the beginning of what they are going to do. Soon they will be ableto do anything they want! Let us go down and mix up their language so they will notunderstand one another.’ So the Lord scattered them all over the Earth, and theystopped building the city. The city was called Babylon, because there the Lord mixed upthe language of all the people, and from there he scattered them all over the Earth.Genesis, 11:1-9Christianity sees those people in a highly negative light when, I believe, it wasactually the other way around. They were rebelling against the control. AfterAtlantis, other civilisations began to emerge from the reincarnation of Atlanteanconsciousness. The knowledge they passed on through the generations, andextraterrestrial intervention, was both positive and negative. There was thecivilisation called Sumer in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), which developed alongside the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Sumer is believed to have originated from around6000BC, although such figures must be treated as only estimates. This would laterbecome part of the Babylonian Empire, which greatly influenced the beliefs ofJudaism and, through that, Christianity, as did the Egyptian civilisation. You canread the detailed history of all this in The Robots’ Rebellion.A contact who has worked on the ‘inside’ of government and security agenciesin the UK told me a story which relates both to Sumer and the themes of anextraterrestrial takeover. He says that in the 1960s the British intelligence agenciesproduced a secret report detailing claims of extraterrestrial sightings. This involvedinterviewing 1,800 people in Europe and Scandinavia who claimed to have seen aUFO, an extraterrestrial, or had contact with beings from another world. At thesame time, he says, similar surveys were being compiled in the United States, theSoviet Union, Australia and Japan. Eventually they pooled their findings and thismade available some 62,000 interviews with people across the globe. Firstly, thevast, vast majority of the stories told of positive, loving communications with theETs of various races. This is so different to the evil aliens stories we see in themedia. Secondly, about 75% of those interviewed all over the world apparently toldthe same basic story. They said that the ETs told them how a planet calledMelchedek had once existed in our solar system, but the Melchedekans had becomeobsessed with the material world and they destroyed their environment. In the endthey exploded so many nuclear devices during tests and conflicts that the planetbroke apart and itself exploded. The asteroid belt was said to be part of theremnants of Melchedek.According to the stories of the contactees in the survey, about 5,000 of theMelchedekan ‘elite’ escaped and landed on the Earth in the place we know asSumer, now Iraq. The Melchedekan race were described as.. .wait for it.. .blondhaired and blue eyed. The Aryan ‘Master Race’ described by Adolf Hitler. Thesewere the ‘gods’ described in the Sumerian tablets, this story goes, and as timepassed they used their advanced knowledge of genetics to create a new race ofEarth people – the white race we see today. This was symbolised by the story ofAdam and Eve and forbidding them to eat from the tree of knowledge wassymbolic of the plan to keep the Earth races ignorant of who they really were. Ineffect, a slave race was created and this has continued to the present day. Thecontactees said that it was the Melchedekans who became known as the Elohim inthe Biblical texts. I think this Fourth Dimensional force is known by many names.The original Earth people were the black, red, and other native peoples of theworld in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia – not the white race, thecontactees were told.There were two streams of Melchedekan ‘invaders’. Those who only interbredwith each other, thus keeping the blond haired, blue eyed genetic ‘purity’. These,the ET communicators said, were still living on the Earth, though mostly out ofsight underground. The others interbred with their newly created Earth races, butagain they sought, and still do, to keep this genetic stream as pure as possible byinterbreeding only within the family or within a small circle of similar genetic background. It was said that it is this genetic stream which overwhelmingly makeup the families of the ‘Illuminati’ that have manipulated the course of humanhistory since the time of Sumer. The manipulation has guided this planet along thesame destructive road that Melchedek experienced. Again according to theoverwhelming majority of the 62,000 interviewed, there are also five otherextraterrestrial races working on Earth today to help humanity break out of themental prison and remove the Melchedekan manipulation. One of these races isdescribed as about eleven feet tall, the giants of ancient legend, perhaps? Theyhave double hip joints, very large foreheads, blue eyes, a small gap in the facerather than what we would call a mouth, and very big feet. Make of all that whatyou will, but this could – could – be another expression of Fourth Dimensionalbeings operating on our frequency.It is certainly true that Sumer was the origin of so much that was to shapehuman culture and existence. The Christian belief in a Son of God and a Lamb ofGod dying so our sins could be forgiven can be found in Sumer, Babylon, andEgypt. The idea of a lamb dying to forgive the sins of humanity originates from theSumerian belief that if you literally sacrificed a lamb on the altar, it would removethe sins of the people involved. While I was writing this book, I saw a picture in anewspaper of an Orthodox Jew today, still waving a chicken around the head of ayoung girl, in the belief that the chicken would absorb her ‘sins’. Virgin mothers of’saviour’ figures abound throughout the ancient world and, indeed, can be found inthe beliefs of the native peoples of North, South, and Central America. The Biblestory of the Garden of Eden is mirrored in the much earlier Sumerian story of theGarden of Edinnu, and even the idea of the Sabbath can be found in the Sumerianday of rest, the Sabattu. The Jewish peoples were held in captivity in Babylon and,when they were freed by the Persians, they took many of the Babylonian stories andbeliefs back to Palestine. These found their way into the Old Testament of the Bibleand through that into the New Testament. Today’s religions are the recycling ofancient beliefs and symbolic stories which have been added to and twisted underthe guidance of the Prison Warder consciousness, until the original meaning hasbeen lost under an avalanche of myth and invention. So often when you investigatethe origin of the foundation stories of the religions, you find the same basic themeswith different names for the alleged heroes and villains. For the Christian version ofJesus, see also Bel (Sumer), Dionysus (Greece), Mithra (Persia and Rome), Osiris(Egypt), Quetzalcoatl (Central and South America), Krishna (India), and so on. Inthis way, the spiritual knowledge from which all religions originally derive, has, toa large extent, been destroyed in the public arena. This process has been essential tocontrolling the human race. You take information out of the public arena and pass iton secretly only to those who share your ambitions.The foundation of the manipulation of the world has always been the control ofknowledge. While the religions were using fear, guilt and imposition to sell thepeople a desperately narrow view of life and themselves, a secret networkdeveloped to pass on far more advanced knowledge to the privileged few. Evenwithin this vibratory prison, there is knowledge that remains hidden from most people. It does not compare with the knowledge available outside the prison, but itis still far in advance of that which humanity in general has been allowed to know.If you want to manipulate people, it is essential that you have knowledge whichthey don’t have. One of the first rules of control and manipulation is Don’t let yourvictims know what you know. I will call this ‘hidden’, suppressed understandingthe ‘esoteric knowledge’. The dictionary definition of esoteric is: of a philosophicaldoctrine meant only for the initiated, not generally intelligible; private,confidential. Sums it up perfectly. This knowledge has been kept from the mass ofthe people for reasons of manipulation and control. Hence, the knowledge hasindeed become ‘private, and confidential’.There is an unfolding global awakening, however, which will make theseunderstandings available to all who wish to hear, and the conspiracy to keephumanity in the spiritual dark will crumble and fall. It is already doing so. A keypart of this process is to reveal the nature of the deception and why it is beingperpetrated. The vehicle for keeping this knowledge from the public arena has beenthe system of initiations used by the ancient mystery schools and the now immensesecret society network all over the world, which I call the Brotherhood. Each higherlevel of initiate is given more knowledge than those below. This sets up a pyramidstructure, with the few who reach the top levels of initiation knowing far, far morethan the majority further down the ladder (see Figure 3). This makes it easy forthose few to manipulate the rest. The content of this esoteric knowledge relates toan understanding of the laws and potential of Creation which is far in advance of the ‘science’ we are allowed to see in the public arena, and of the knowledge of thehuman psyche, its nature, and how it can be programmed and controlled.The hoarding of such knowledge was not always done for negative reasons.When Christianity imposed its misguided and manipulative dogma throughoutmost of the known world, it was suicidal to speak of these alternative spiritualbeliefs in public. Not surprisingly, they were passed on in secret or hidden withinlegends and symbolic stories. Thank goodness they were! But knowledge is neutral.It is how you use it that is negative or positive. The spiritual knowledge can be usedand abused, and so can the secrecy inherent in the societies and mystery schoolswhich, particularly at their higher levels, know spiritual realities denied to mostpeople. In the same way that each higher level of initiate within the secret societiesknows more than those below them, so the Fourth Dimensional Prison Wardersensure that they know far more than even those human vehicles at the top of theglobal pyramid of manipulation. Today, at their higher levels, this network of secretsocieties and the knowledge it has inherited are being used, I believe, for almostentirely negative reasons, under the direction of its highest, controlling core: theGlobal Elite or simply the Elite. The members of this Elite are either directincarnations of the Fourth Dimensional Prison Warders or have their mindscontrolled by them. The aim of the Brotherhood and its interdimensional controllershas been to centralise power in the hands of a few. This process is very advancedand it is happening on a global scale thanks to modern technology. The game planis known as the Great Work of Ages or the New World Order, and it seeks tointroduce a world government to which all nations would be colonies; a worldcentral bank and currency; a world army; and a microchipped populationconnected to a global computer. What is happening today is the culmination of themanipulation which has been unfolding for thousands of years.The idea of passing on the knowledge through a series of secret initiations goesback at least to Atlantis, probably much further. A common theme of channelledinformation is that there was a sort of temple in Atlantis, where those considered tobe trustworthy would be given knowledge that the bulk of the population did nothave. When the civilisations that followed Atlantis began to emerge, they, too,continued to have initiations into different levels of the knowledge. Among theseorganisations were the Mystery Schools of Babylon, Egypt, and Greece, whichguarded their knowledge with enormous secrecy; the smallest violation of the oathof secrecy was punishable by death. From this foundation came today’s massivesecret society network. These mystery schools of initiation were inspired by thenegative elements of the Fourth Dimension, and have been supervised by themthrough the consciousness of the highest initiates, the adepts, since that time. In hisstudy Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten, Professor G. R. S. Mead says:A persistent tradition in connection with all the great Mystery institutions was that theirseveral founders were the introducers of all the arts of civilization; they were eitherthemselves gods or were instructed by gods – in brief, that they were men of far greaterknowledge than any who had come after; they were the teachers of infant races…It is said that these earliest teachers of humanity who founded the Mystery-institutionsas the most efficient means of giving infant humanity instructions in higher things, weresouls belonging to a more highly developed humanity than our own…In the earliesttimes, according to this view, the mysteries were conducted by those who had aknowledge of nature-powers which was the acquisition of a prior perfected humanity notnecessarily Earth-born and the wonders shown therein such that none of our humanitycould of themselves produce.1



This initiation structure was either negative from the start in its ambitions forhumanity, or it was later taken over by that consciousness. I feel the highlyinfluential Egyptian Brotherhood has been dominated by negative manipulation atleast since the end of the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, who died around 1,362BC.He had moved the Egyptian court to a new city in Middle Egypt called El-Amarna,and there he built a Brotherhood Temple for the esoteric initiations. When he died,his successors moved the royal court back north to Thebes, but the Brotherhoodstayed at El-Amarna and broke away from the state. Through the centuries, othervehicles for communicating the knowledge emerged. Some, like the Cathars in thetwelfth and thirteenth centuries, were destroyed by the Catholic Church in the mosthorrific manner after spreading their influence over a wide area from their base inSouthern France. The Knights of the Temple (Knights Templar), who came toprominence about the same time as the Cathars, were dealt with equally severely byPapal ‘justice’. But the Templars went underground and their influence hascontinued up to the present day, both in their own right, and within other secretsocieties which are, after all, part of the same overall organisation. This period ofthe Cathars and the Crusades spawned many Brotherhood offshoots, whichcontinue to significantly influence events – secret societies like the KnightsHospitallers of St. John, known today as The Knights of Malta. Nor was this merelya phenomenon of the Christian and Jewish world. Similar secret societies werecreated within all cultures, and the Arab Brotherhood Grand Lodge in Cairo was tobecome a major manipulator of events.The aim of this negative Brotherhood structure is to persuade the mass of thepeople to believe any old nonsense while the manipulators keep for themselves theknowledge of the nature of life and Creation and how to exploit the power of themind, the Earth’s energy fields, and the global energy grid (the network of energylines known by different cultures as ley lines, meridians, and dragon lines). Buteven the privileged initiates did not retain the purity of the information throughthe centuries. To this day, they work with a twisted version of the knowledge,albeit still far more advanced in its understanding of the universal laws thananything you will find in the religions and establishment sciences that the rest ofus are asked to accept. The greatest misunderstanding of the negative Brotherhoodrelates to the power of love. The Prison Warder consciousness which controls theminds of those who manipulate the Brotherhood does not understand love. Itgenerates and feeds upon negative energy, and the more negative energy it canproduce and encourage humanity to produce, the more powerful it becomes. To this consciousness, love is like garlic to a vampire, and without love – the energyon which all Creation exists – knowledge will always be misused. Knowledgewithout love is the state of being which still controls the higher levels of theBrotherhood network, via its Global Elite. It is the intellect without the heart, youcould say, and without the balanced feminine.The symbols of the Brotherhood in ancient times remain those of theBrotherhood today – the pyramid and all-seeing eye, the swastika, the lamb, theapron, the obelisk and many others. The obelisk is symbolic of the penis of Osiris,the Egyptian god. The legend is that he was torn into pieces by the ‘evil’ Set(Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, et al.) and when Isis, the wife of Osiris, tried to put himback together again, she found all his missing parts, except you know what. Suchlegends are, I feel, symbolic of much more straightforward truths.The obelisk and Osiris’s penis in that story symbolise male energy, which hasdominated the world throughout recorded history. All of us, and Creation as awhole, are in search of balance and harmony between opposites – negative andpositive, male and female. These are the Yin and Yang-type forces of Chineseculture. When one of these forces dominates, there is an imbalance which manifestsas imbalanced behaviour. The transformation the planet is now going through isdesigned to bring such forces into harmony and balance so that all serve, but nonedominates. The suppression of female energy by the male has created a maledominated world and the ‘macho man’ is one of its offspring. This has not been byaccident, but by design – the Prison Warders’ design. Harmony and balance in allthings = wholeness. Wholeness = infinite potential. That’s the last thing the PrisonWarders want, because such people are impossible to control. Instead, they havesought to imbalance us. Disharmony and imbalance = division of self. Division ofself = limited potential.The two major imbalances within ourselves and the prison in general have beenthe negative dominating the positive and the male dominating the female. There isno greater manifestation of the male imbalance than what is seen in some of themajor religions and in the secret society network. The re-emergence of femaleenergy is crucial to the harmonising of the Earth, and by that, I don’t only mean there-emergence of women into areas of decision-making. I mean the reawakening offemale energy within the male form also, and a softening of the indoctrinated desireof so many men to dominate and to follow the macho man programming. This reemergence of female energy is symbolised as ‘the return of the goddess’.It is highly appropriate that the obelisk (the symbol of male energy) should be soimportant to the Brotherhood over the centuries, because it is, after all, abrotherhood, not a brother-and-sisterhood. The secret societies are almost entirelymale-dominated with women excluded from the knowledge and decision making.Look at the Freemasons as an example. It is a male preserve, with their wiveswheeled out for the annual dinner like a piece of decoration. Such a male-dominatedorganisation must by definition be imbalanced, and this one most certainly is. TheFreemasons have become one of the most important of the secret societies whichhave appeared since the ancient times, and they have based themselves on the structure and beliefs of the Brotherhood Mystery Schools, as have the others. I willrefer to this network as the cult of the All-Seeing Eye, the cult that worships theseFourth Dimensional “gods” or “masters”. It goes back to antiquity and this samestream of manipulation is behind the New World Order to this day. It is a fusion ofthe ancient esoteric beliefs which have emerged from Babylon, Egypt, and theHebrew Kabbala School. The higher levels of the Freemasons still worship a ‘God’called Jahbulon – Jah (Jehovah, Hebrew), Bul (Baal, Babylon), and On (Osiris, Egypt).Perhaps the most important achievement by this Global Elite-Brotherhood on thejourney to world domination has been the colonisation of America, a land it knewexisted long before it was officially ‘discovered’. Throughout known human history,there have been two levels of knowledge operating on this planet. One is madepublic for the mass of the people to see, most of which is flawed and manipulatedto control our thinking and the reality we create, while the other is known only tothe few, mostly in the Elite levels of the Brotherhood. The conventional story behindthe ‘discovery’ of the Americas is an example of this. The history books tell us thatChristopher Columbus made a guess in 1492 that the Earth was round or pearshaped and if he sailed west, he believed, he would eventually reach India and theFar East which had already been identified by Marco Polo. It is said that he’accidentally’ discovered what we call the West Indies and that he believed he hadfound India, to the day he died. We are further told that John Cabot and his son,Sebastian, both Venetians, set off from Bristol four years after Columbus had sailedfrom Spain; Cabot ‘discovered’ North America in 1497. No link is offered byconventional history between these two events. But when you look deeper there is apotential link: the knowledge held by the Brotherhood network, which had beenpassed on secretly since the time of Atlantis.The 33rd degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall, points out in his book, America’sAssignment With Destiny,2 that John Cabot’s real name was Giovanni Caboto. Hewas born in Genoa, the city where Colombus is said to have been born, and Cabotolater became a naturalised Venetian. It is suggested that he was involved with asecret Christian Brotherhood sect known as the Johannites, which was greatlyinfluenced by the esoteric doctrines of the Templars. Legends say he visited the socalled ‘Wise Men of the Near East’ – just as Colombus had done. Columbus had hisown Brotherhood connections. His father was a member of the Brotherhood branch,The Order of the Christ. Columbus himself was involved with a group whichfollowed the beliefs of the poet Dante, who was a member of the Cathar Churchand an initiate of the Knights Templar. Columbus was often seen wearing the garbof what was believed to be the Franciscan Order. Columbus’s son said his fatherhad died in such attire. The priests at the ancient Egyptian Brotherhood Temple atEl-Amarna wore a similar habit, as did a Brotherhood group called the Fraternitesat the time of Columbus. These are only some of his Brotherhood connections.Columbus’s father-in-law was a member of the Knights of Christ, the undercovername for the Knights Templar. When the Templars were purged across Europe, theysurvived in Portugal by changing their name to the Knights of Christ. They devotedthemselves to maritime activity. The explorer, Vasco de Gama, was a Knight of Christ, as was Prince Henry the Navigator, a Grand Master of the Order.Columbus’s father-in-law was one of Prince Henry’s captains, and inherited mapsand charts from him which Columbus used to ‘find’ the Americas. The red cross ona white background was the Templars symbol. It was outlawed by the Pope at thetime of the purge. Columbus’s ships sailed with the red cross on a whitebackground!3 His historic journey was funded by King Ferdinand of Aragon, Spainand Queen Isabella of Castile, Spain, whose marriage helped to unify Spain. Thesewere ‘Catholic’ monarchs funding a trip by a man flying the flag of the KnightsTemplar. More than that, other support came from Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzode Medici, both high initiates of Brotherhood secret societies. Given thisbackground to Columbus and Caboto, it is hardly stretching the bounds ofcredibility to suggest that their ‘discovery’ of different parts of the Americas withinfour or five years of each other was no coincidence. Many of the early explorers andcolonisers were known to be members of Brotherhood societies. They knew whatthey were looking for because they had the maps and charts of the world passeddown over thousands of years by the Brotherhood, perhaps since Atlantis.In 1513, Piri Reis, an admiral in the navy of the Ottoman Turks, produced a mapshowing the land mass of Antarctica which then, as now, was covered by a milethick sheet of ice! Antarctica wasn’t even officially ‘discovered’ until 300 years afterthe map was compiled. The United States Airforce has confirmed that the mapagrees “very remarkably”4 with the results of the seismic profile produced by theSwedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949. This indicates, says the US airforce,that “the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice cap”.5 They saidthey had no idea how the data on the Piri Reis map can be reconciled with the stateof geographical knowledge in 1513. I can help them there. Piri Reis compiled hismap from maps and charts passed on through the higher levels of the Brotherhood.The evidence is mounting that far from being there for millions of years, the ice caphas only been there for maybe 6,000 years. The world was mapped before that dateby civilisations far in advance of what we have been told by conventional, doctoredhistory, which is designed to fool, not inform us. Columbus and Cabot found theAmericas for one simple reason. They knew what was there!Colonising the Americas and particularly North America seems to have been along-term aim of The Great Work of Ages or the New World Order. Sir FrancisBacon, the Grand Chancellor of England, was a Brotherhood member of high rankat the time of Elizabeth I and James I. He was a Grand Commander of theBrotherhood Order called the Rosicrucians, and very much involved in theunderground operations of the Knights Templar traditions. Bacon passed onknowledge secretly in codes contained in works like the Shakespearean plays,which he wrote himself. The evidence for this is very substantial and theShakespeare story is a myth. Sorry Stratford! Bacon used the network to encouragethe colonising of North America, not the least to stop the Spanish getting control ofit. More than that, however, he was working from the Brotherhood agenda. Peoplelike Sir Walter Raleigh were also in Bacon’s circle, along with other prominentnames in Elizabethan society. I stress that not everyone within the Brotherhood is of negative intent. Most arepersuaded by those even higher up the ladder that the Great Work is for the good ofall people. Most Brotherhood members have no idea of the despotism contained inthe real agenda which is known to only the tiny few. Indeed, the real agenda isknown only to the Prison Warders of the Fourth Dimension who have been thecommon link in the conspiracy over thousands of years.In his work, The New Atlantis, Bacon sets out his vision of a new world in whichthe power is exercised by a secret society, The Temple of Solomon. In Bacon’s vision,the privileged elite study the sciences in secret and act as an invisible government,deciding what the people should and should not be told. All this is remarkably likethe secret manipulation of events and information today. But then, it’s not soremarkable really, because the plan Bacon was working from in the sixteenth andseventeenth centuries is the same one that is being followed by the present dayBrotherhood. Some of them genuinely believe it is the best way to run the world,but, I most strongly suggest, they are fundamentally misguided because they do notappreciate how such a world can be easily manipulated by the few to the detrimentof all. Most importantly, they do not realise that the Prison Warders aremanipulating the whole thing, including them.Another significant name in this period was Dr John Dee, an adept (high initiate)and the official astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I. He was also her unofficial secretagent, and signed his reports 007.6 In a diary entry written in Prague in 1586, Deedescribes an encounter with a “little man” whose feet “seemed not to touch theground by a foot height, who moved in a little fiery cloud” and who went up intothe sky “in a great pillar of fire”. In Prague, Dee gave the Emperor Rudolph anillustrated manuscript, written in code and claimed to be the work of Roger Bacon,the thirteenth century Franciscan monk who upset the church authorities with hisviews and ideas. These included prophecies about the microscope, the telescope,the car, submarine, aeroplane, and the belief that the Earth was a sphere. All ofthese facts would have been transmitted from the Fourth Dimension. In 1912, thissame manuscript was bought by an American book dealer called Wilfrid Voynichand became known as the Voynich Manuscript. When he sent copies to the ‘experts’of the day, they said that most of the hundreds of plants illustrated did not grow onEarth. Some illustrations looked like tissue seen under a microscope and otherswere of star systems and constellations. The best code breakers available to UnitedStates intelligence in both the first and second world wars tried to decipher whatthey called “the most mysterious manuscript in the world”, but none could do it.A professor at the University of Pennsylvania called William Romaine Newboldclaimed to have decoded some of it in 1921. He said part of the text read:“In a concave mirror, I saw a star in the form of a snail between the navel of Pegasus,the girdle of Andromeda, and the head of Cassiopeia.”7What Roger Bacon describes in the manuscript that was acquired by John Dee isnow known to be accurate and the illustration he includes of the Andromeda nebula is also correct, but it is depicted from an angle which cannot be seen fromthe Earth! Dee was an adept and channeller of great renown and claimed tocommunicate with an ‘angel with a wand’, an extraterrestrial. The knowledge heldwithin the secret society network has always been far – often centuries – in advanceof what the mass of the people are allowed to know. The knowledge of the existenceof America and its long term place in the plan was well known to these Elizabethanadepts, as it was to those who guided Columbus and the Cabots, thanks to theFourth Dimensional manipulators.The first permanent English settlement in North America was established atJamestown, Virginia (named after Elizabeth the ‘virgin queen’), in 1607. Manymembers of the Francis Bacon family were among the early settlers. From that pointon, the native culture of North America was doomed, as was that of South andCentral America once the Spanish and Portuguese arrived. The way the nativepeoples were slaughtered without mercy and their cultures destroyed withoutrespect or compassion was one of the most appalling episodes in all of humanhistory. Thousands of settlers sailed west from Europe to escape religiouspersecution after the Brotherhood-engineered Reformation divided the ChristianChurch into Protestants and Catholics. This created division and conflict andweakened the power of the Pope. But when the persecuted peoples arrived inAmerica, they often proceeded to persecute the native population and theimmigrants of other religious beliefs in the same merciless way that they themselveshad been treated.The land they occupied, now called the United States, was and is a key weaponin the Brotherhood’s long term plan for world domination. The Masonic societieswent through a massive change and expansion after the English Civil War andespecially in the early 1700s. Up to that point, only people who worked byprofession as masons or building craftsmen could be members. Now it becameopen to all and Freemasonary or Speculative Masonry was born. It is likely thatFrancis Bacon was a force behind this transformation. The centre of the Freemasonicnetwork that now expanded rapidly was a new Grand Lodge (launched in Londonin 1717) which became known as the Mother Grand Lodge of the World. It was acentre of Freemasonic manipulation, encouraging other lodges to be set upthroughout Europe, the British Empire, and the Americas. Many other versions ofFreemasonry were introduced, including the York Rite and the Scottish Rite ofMichael Ramsey (which was based on the Knights Templar system). The ScottishRite has 33 degrees of initiation and today has enormous influence in the politics,economics, military, and security services of Britain, Europe, the United States, andmany other countries. New York was named after the York Rite of Freemasonry.The Brotherhood plan was for the establishment of an independent United Statesof America – independent of the British government, that is, not independent of theBrotherhood. Encouraged by the Mother Grand Lodge in London, the Freemasoniclodges in the colonies of America began to plot and agitate against British rule. Aneconomic crisis was engineered, not least through war between Britain and theFrench. As part of their desperation for income, the British government imposed higher taxation and duties on the American colonies. It was an operation createdand coordinated by the Global Elite which has been repeated over and over again.The network in Britain, as in every other country, includes key bankers, manypoliticians, and, more importantly, their political advisers. They secretly engineeredevents which caused an economic crisis in Britain. They then advised the Britishgovernment that the only way out of trouble was to levy higher taxation on theAmerican colonies. At the same time, the American arm of the Brotherhood wasbeing directed to whip up hostility against this action and turn that anger intodemands for independence from Britain. It appears on the surface – and in thehistory books – as Britain versus the American colonies. In fact, the same networkwas manipulating both sides. This is how all the major wars and revolutions havebeen created, as we shall see. This strategy was described very well by P. Sedir inhis Histoire et doctrine des Rose-Croix, published in Paris in 1910:“Unable to control destinies on Earth openly because governments would resist, thismystic alliance can act only through secret societies.. .These, gradually created as theneed for them arises, are divided into distinct groups, groups seemingly in opposition,sometimes advocating the most contradictory policies in religion, politics, economics,and literature; but they are all connected, all directed by the invisible centre that hidesits power as it thus seeks to move all the sceptres of the Earth.”The opposition by the American colonies led the British government towithdraw the new taxes, except for those on tea, but the Brotherhood was not goingto let the anger subside. Members of the St. Andrews Freemasons Lodge in Boston,led by the Junior Warden, Paul Revere, dressed up as native American ‘Indians’ andthrew tea chests into the harbour to protest at the tax on tea. The Boston Tea Party,as it became known, was hatched during a supper at the home of the Bradleebrothers, who were both members of the St. Andrews Lodge.8 The momentum for awar of independence gathered strength until it was unstoppable.The leading revolutionaries and those who signed the Declaration ofIndependence in 1776 were almost all Freemasons. George Washington, thetriumphant Commander-in-Chief of the American armies and the first president ofthe United States of America, was a high ranking Freemason and all but two of hisbrigadier generals in the war were Masons. Top Freemason and Freemasonichistorian, Manly P. Hall, says that of the fifty-six men who signed the Declaration ofIndependence, nearly fifty were known to be Freemasons and only one was knownnot to be.9 Another researcher, Enrique De Vincente, says that fifty-three of thesignatories were Freemasons and that seventeen presidents, beginning withWashington, have been members of the Order. The second president, John Adams,belonged to a secret society known as The Dragons, named after the magneticenergy lines in the Earth’s energy grid. He studied the sacred geometry contained inthe energy grid and knew how to harness the power it contained.10One of the leading revolutionaries and founding fathers of the United States wasBenjamin Franklin, the first Grand Master of the Freemasons of Pennsylvania. He became a friend of Sir FrancisDashwood, the Chancellor of theBritish Treasury, and founder ofthe secret society called the Clubof Hell’s Fire. Franklin became amember along with the Mayor ofLondon, the son of theArchbishop of Canterbury, andthe Prince of Wales. He travelledto France to canvass successfullyfor the support of the FrenchFreemasons for the AmericanRevolution, and he also securedthe services of the GermanFreemason, Baron von Streube,who served in the army ofFrederick the Great of Prussia.The baron was to play a majorpart in the colonists’ victory overthe British. Franklin’sconnections with the FrenchBrotherhood were very close andhe became a high rankingmember of the Lodges of SanJuan and the Nine Sisters which,in league with the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris, would trigger the FrenchRevolution of 1789. Franklin was made Grand Master of the Nine Sisters. One of thecentral revolutionaries in France, the Marquis de Lafayette, was a friend of Franklinand supported him and the colonists during the American Revolution.Freemasons manipulated and won the War of Independence and then tookcontrol of the new United States of America. They, and other Brotherhood groups,have never conceded that control to this day. How appropriate, then, that when thefounding fathers commissioned a design for the Great Seal of the United States, itincluded the classic Brotherhood (Prison Warder) symbols which go back toancient Egypt and beyond, including the pyramid and all-seeing eye. Above andbelow this symbol are two Latin phrases, Annuit Coeptis and Novus OrdoSeclorum. These translate as “Announcing the birth, creation, or arrival” of “ANew Order of Ages”. In other words, announcing the creation of the New WorldOrder. The founding of the United States was a massive step forward in the planfor centralised global power. Today this part of the seal can be found on everydollar bill (see Figure 4), and again this is very appropriate, given that the Elitecontrols the American economy and everyone else’s. The decision to put thePyramid/New World Order symbol on the dollar was made by the 33rd degreeFreemason, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1935, with the full support and encouragement of his vice president, Henry Wallace, another 33rd degree Mason.11Mr Roosevelt will be making many appearances in the text of the next fewchapters. The American flag, the Stars and Stripes, was also designed to reflectBrotherhood symbolism and the Statue of Liberty was given to AmericanFreemasons by the French Grand Orient (Illuminati) Masonic Order.12While ties were ‘officially’ severed between Britain and the United States afterthe war, those between the American Brotherhood societies and ruling families andtheir brethren in Britain and Europe grew still stronger, through the secret network.Again, I am not suggesting that everyone involved in the fight for Americanindependence was negatively motivated, nor that all in the Brotherhood lodges areof a similar state of mind. Most would have been persuaded they were doing theright thing and in many ways they were. Often it is not the act, but the motivationbehind the act that we need to watch. One country owning and controlling anotheris quite wrong, in my view. But we need to look at the wider agenda and motivationbehind a course of action and look very carefully at what the proposed alternativewill be. Control of America by a British monarch and government being replaced bycontrol of America by a secret Brotherhood hardly advances human freedom, but -and here’s the point to remember – such a transfer of power and control can be (andinvariably is) justified under the banner of expanding human freedom. TheAmerican War of Independence was the first in a series of ‘people’s revolutions’,created and financed by the Brotherhood. The plan was to end the power of themonarchs. I do not oppose this if it is done peacefully and with genuine popularsupport. But instead of ‘power to the people’, the monarchs were replaced by otherdictatorships, called revolutionary committees, communists, fascists or, more subtly,by the illusion of ‘democracy’, which in reality was and is rule by the Elite.Let us summarise where we are. A pyramidal structure of human beings hasbeen created under the influence and design of the negative manipulators on theFourth Dimension, the Prison Warders. They control the human clique at the top ofthe pyramid, which I have dubbed the Global Elite. These, in turn, manipulate thelower levels of the network, within which you will find most of the major nationaland global decision-makers in politics, banking, industry, commerce, the media, themilitary, etc. The Prison Warders manipulate the Elite, the Elite manipulate theBrotherhood network, and the Brotherhood network manipulates the world. Eachlower level doesn’t know what the level above knows, and none of them knowswhat the Prison Warders know. It is a manipulators’ paradise, with most peoplewithin it not knowing what they are part of or what the final goal will be.You could describe it symbolically as the clear-sighted (ETs) manipulating thepartially-sighted (Global Elite/Brotherhood), who then manipulate the blind (themass of humanity). With the United States now created and in Brotherhood hands,the control of the world could be advanced even more quickly than before.

1 Professor G.R.S. Mead, Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten (The Theosophical Publishing
Society, London, 1906)
2 Manly P. Hall, America’s Assignment With Destiny: The Adepts In The Western Esoteric
Tradition, Part Five (Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, 1979) p58
3 It is interesting to look at where the symbol of the red cross is used today. Not all of them
will be signs of Templar control, maybe, but many certainly will
4 Letter by Lt. Colonel Harold Z. Onlmeyer, Commander, 8 Reconnaissance Technical
Squadron (SAC), United States Airforce, Westover Airforce Base, Massachusetts, to
Professor Charles H. Hapgood, of Keene College, New Hampshire, on July 6th, 1960.
Quoted by Graham Hancock in Fingerprints Of The Gods (Heinemann, London, 1995) p3
5 Ibid
6 Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p76
7 Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p80
8 America’s Assignment With Destiny, p95
9 Ibid p96
10 Enrique De Vincente, “The Occult Roots of the New World Order”, Exposure magazine,
(1993) Vol. 1, No. 2, plO
11 “The Occult Roots Of The New World Order”, plO
12 Jan Van Helsing, Secret Societies And Their Part In The 20th Century (Ewertverlag, Grand
Canada, Spain, 1995) p215


chapter 3

paper power

The plan for the New World Order and global control moved into a new phasewith the emergence of ‘funny money’. This is the process by which banks lendmoney that doesn’t exist (credit) and charge you interest on it! If I gave yousomething that doesn’t exist and asked you to pay me for it, you might considercalling the police. If I gave you something that doesn’t exist and said that if youdon’t pay me for it I will take you to court and take your property away, you mightsay we lived in a fascist state. Yet what I have just described is the banking systemof the world and the means through which both people and governments aredrowning in debt. And what does debt equal? Control.Among the first bankers in the Western world were the Knights Templar. Theywere given enormous riches by Christians supporting the crusades and by legaciesfrom people who were often hoping to buy a place in heaven. They were thewealthiest organisation in every country in which they established themselves, andtheir temples in Paris and London became financial centres. Eventually, King PhilipIV of France, in league with Pope Clement V, destroyed the Templars and stole theirfortune to pay debts and, as I outlined in The Robots’ Rebellion, possibly for otherreasons, too. The Templars’ Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burned at thestake and the Order then went underground to work and plot secretly within otherorganisations. The Christian world had a strict ban on usury (the charging ofinterest on loans) but as the centuries passed this was forgotten, and the bankingsystem which today controls humanity began to develop.The currency of that time was precious metals (such as gold and silver) and, forsafety reasons, the owners began to deposit their wealth with the goldsmiths, whohad suitable strong rooms to ensure its safekeeping. The goldsmiths would issuepaper receipts for the gold and silver deposited with them, and the owners wouldpay their debts by withdrawing portions of their ‘deposits’, as necessary. It wasobviously an unwieldly process to move all those metals around and the paperreceipts slowly became accepted as currency. The gold and silver were rarelymoved, but the ownership of it changed with the issuing of receipts (‘money’) topay off debts. In the same way today, vast fortunes are made by simply movingnumbers between one computer file and another.The goldsmiths and other owners of the strong rooms began to realise that, atany one time, only a fraction of the gold and silver was being withdrawn by theowners. So, they thought, why don’t we issue notes (money) to other peoplewho don’t own the gold and charge them interest on the notes? The only way the ruse could fail was if they issued too many notes and everyone came along at thesame time to cash them in for gold and silver. They began to issue notes for theownership of the gold and silver greatly in excess of the amount of gold and silverthey had deposited in their vaults. Most of the notes they lent (and earned intereston) were related to gold and silver which the ‘banks’ did not even have. But sinceonly a small amount of the metals was being withdrawn at any one time, they werein the clear. They could issue lots of bits of paper for gold and silver that didn’t existand charge interest for doing so! There, in one sentence, you have a description oftoday’s banking system, which controls the world.People and governments are submerged in debt and desperately trying to payinterest on money that has never, does not, and will never exist. It is reckoned thaton average, for every £1,000 a bank receives from customers, it lends (and chargesinterest upon) at least £10,000! It is able to do this through a fractional reservesystem, which means they only have to keep a fraction (say, one-tenth) of their totaldeposits in the bank, or ‘reserve’. They count on it not being called for (demanded)by its customers all at the same time. In most countries where banks are regulated,there are rules or laws which allow a bank to shut its doors if too many people wanttheir money out at the same time. The bank creates this money out of thin air bytyping numbers onto a computer screen. A large slice of your taxes goes to thebanks to pay interest on money created in this way when those taxes could be usedto ease poverty and hunger, and create greater opportunity. Indeed, if the moneysystem was restructured to serve people and not banks, there is a good case forsaying that all taxation could end.The con-trick is completed by the fact that if you fall behind in your interestpayments on money that doesn’t exist, the bank can take away your car, your house,and other property – wealth that does exist. Remember, too, that while you areborrowing a certain figure from the bank, you are paying back more than that, withthe interest. Where does that interest come from? It comes from the wealth and creditin the world. So with every loan paid back to a bank since this system began, theinterest payments have been sucking the wealth and money of the world into thebanking system. With each loan repayment, the control of that system isstrengthened. This allows the banking system, controlled by the Global Elite, to lendeven greater sums of non-existent money and submerge even more people in debt.The eighteenth century saw a major leap forward for the Global Elite/Brotherhood ambitions as this banking system expanded, especially with theemergence and rapid rise to dominance of the House of Rothschild. Feworganisations in modern times have served Brotherhood ambitions more than thisone. This name will appear on so many occasions in the first half of the book (as Iexplain how the Prison Warders manifest their control on the physical level), that Ishould fill in a little Rothschild history here.Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) was born in 1743 in Frankfurt,Germany. He married Gutle Schnaper in 1770 and they had a large family of fiveboys and five girls. He was educated to be a rabbi, but he later worked briefly forthe Oppenheimer bank in Hanover and then became a money lender who acted as an agent for William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. In 1785, William inherited thelargest family fortune in Europe, estimated at some $40 million.1 Some of this wasaccumulated by hiring out troops to Britain to fight in the Brotherhood-engineeredAmerican War of Independence.The Rothschild Empire was built on money embezzled by Mayer Amschel fromWilliam, who had in turn stolen it from the soldiers he had hired out to the British.The money, perhaps around $3 million, was paid by the British government toWilliam to pay the soldiers, but he kept it for himself.2 William gave this money toRothschild to hide it from Napoleon’s armies, but instead Rothschild sent it toEngland with his son Nathan to establish the London branch of the family’s empire.Nathan used the money to buy a vast quantity of gold from the East IndiaCompany and he used this gold to finance the Duke of Wellington’s militaryexploits. Nathan manipulated the situation in such a way that this became theorigin of the enormous Rothschild fortune. We should remember that money, likeeverything, is an energy. It can be used for positive and negative purposes and itwill carry the energy of the ‘intent’ behind it. To have the House of Rothschild builton money which was embezzled from an embezzler meant that the empire wasbuilt from the start on negative energy.On the back of Nathan’s financial coup, branches of the House of Rothschildwere established in Berlin, Paris, Vienna, and Naples. Mayer’s sons were each putin charge of one of them. Today the Rothschild holdings are reported to be held inthe Five Arrows Fund of Curacao and the Five Arrows Corporation of Toronto,Canada. The name comes from the Rothchild symbol of an eagle with five arrows inits talons, signifying the five sons.3 The fortune expanded by colossal leaps as theRothschilds manipulated governments and worked through the Brotherhoodnetwork to create wars and revolutions, often lending money to both sides in theensuing conflicts. You will see that this was to become a standard practice for thebanking elite. It is easy to create conflict and war; you only need to control adictator or government, ensure that they have the means to build up a powerfularmy, and then encourage or instruct them to invade other countries. Thosecountries will, understandably, defend themselves and presto! you have a war.I have heard it said that no-one gains from wars, but that’s not quite correct. Thebankers win every time – in the short term. They lend money that doesn’t exist tofinance both sides and make massive profits on the interest. They also control thearms manufacturers with whom the two sides spend the funny money which thebankers have loaned. In this way they get their loans back through their armamentcompanies while still charging interest on the original loan to the governments.Then, when the two or more countries have devastated each other with the help ofmoney provided by the banks, those same banks lend them more money thatdoesn’t exist to rebuild their shattered nations and infrastructure. This produceseven more profits for the banks and, through debt, gives them control of thosecountries and their peoples. The Rothschild empire quickly became highly skilled insuch manipulation, as did those in America like J.R Morgan, the Rockefeller empire,and many others who, when you look behind the front organisations and smokescreens, are controlled by the same few families and individuals. There isevidence to suggest that in fact the House of Rothschild was behind both of thesegreat American business and banking empires, a demonstration of the Rothschilds’brilliance for hiding the extent of their power and control behind frontmen andorganisations.But the bankers cannot do all this alone. They need the help of the Brotherhoodnetwork to manipulate the circumstances in which conflicts will break out. TheRothschilds have long been enthusiastic Freemasons and Napoleon Bonaparte wassurrounded by Freemasons who advised him on his policies and expansionism.They persuaded him at one time to invade Egypt and ransack ancient sites forknowledge and artifacts held to be sacred to Freemasonic ritual and legend.Napoleon brought a massive Egyptian obelisk back to Paris as part of this burglary.British Freemasons persuaded their government to do the same and the result wasthe theft of the Egyptian obelisk known as Cleopatra’s Needle, which still stands inLondon. Napoleon’s escapades were well exploited by the Brotherhood and theirbankers. In his book, The Rothschilds, historian John Reeves tells how NathanRothschild witnessed the result of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 and saw thatWellington had beaten the Napoleonic armies. Nathan then raced as fast as possiblefor the English Channel and the London Stock Exchange. There, looking dirty,panic-stricken and dejected, he announced that Wellington had been defeated. Hegave more credence to this by selling some of his stocks at ridiculously low prices.This started a panic on the market with everyone desperately trying to sell atwhatever price they could get. Secretly, Nathan and the House of Rothschild werebuying these stocks for next to nothing. At that time, with no telephone ortelegraphs it took several days for the news to filter back to London that Wellingtonhad in fact won. The Stockmarket immediately rebounded and surged upwards.Nathan proceeded to sell the stocks he had secretly acquired and reaped massiveprofits. This same basic method has been used ever since and is still used today tomanipulate financial markets. Stock Market panics are not random. They areengineered to the detriment of everyone, except those who create them. Theapproach of the Rothschild Empire was summed up by Mayer Amschel when hesaid: Give me control of a nation’s currency and I care not who makes the laws.4Nathan Rothschild took the Rothschild fortune and influence to new levels. Heboasted that he multiplied their capital 2,500 times in the course of five years.5 Heestablished the private banking concern N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London withbranches in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, and Naples. Its purpose was to operate on thestock exchanges and make loans to governments and others. It became the agentand manager for banks, railways, arms manufacturers, and corporations of allkinds. From this came branches of the company which were given many differentnames to hide the extent of Rothschild influence, power, and infiltration. This isvery much how the financial system operates today, with a few at the centre usingendless different fronts and names for the same organisation. Just look at the namesabove the shops in the average city centre; if you look at who actually owns them,you will find it is the same few groups. You also find this with the apparently different soap powders and other products in the supermarkets. In America, theRothschild empire was represented by companies like Kuhn, Loeb, and Co and it islikely, according to some researchers, that US companies such as J.P. Morgan,Speyer, and Lehman, were also controlled or greatly influenced by the Rothschilds.The British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, was very close to the Rothschildfamily. They lent his government £4 million to buy a controlling stake in the SuezCanal in 1875. Disraeli’s novel, Coningsby, is clearly based on the family’s story. Thecharacter, Sidonia, in this extract, is really Nathan Rothschild:He arrived here London after the peace of Paris with his large capital. He staked allthat he was worth on the Waterloo loan and the event made him one of the greatestcapitalists in Europe…He reaped the due reward of his sagacity. Europe did requiremoney and Sidonia Nathan was ready to lend it to Europe. France wanted some,Austria more, Prussia a little, Russia a few million; Sidonia could furnish them all. Theonly country he avoided was Spain; he was too well acquainted with its resources….He established a brother or near relative in whom he could confide, in most of theprincipal capitals. He was lord and master of the money markets of the world and ofcourse virtually lord and master of everything else. He literally held the revenues ofSouthern Italy in pawn and monarchs and ministers in all countries courted his adviceand were guided by his suggestions.Or as the historian, John Reeves, put it in his work, The Rothschilds:Little could Mayer Amschel have anticipated that his sons would in after years come toexercise such an unbounded sway that the peace of nations would depend upon theirnod; that the powerful control they exercised on the European money markets wouldenable them to pose as the arbiters of peace and war, since they could at theirpleasure withhold or furnish the percuniary means required to carry on a campaign.But this, incredible as it may seem, was what their vast influence, combined with theirenormous wealth and unlimited credit, enabled them to do, for no firms existed strongenough to oppose them for any length of time, or rash enough to take up a businesswhich the Rothschilds had refused. To reach this exalted position, Mayer Amschel andhis sons required the cooperation of the states, but, when once he had climbed overtheir backs and reached the height of his ambition, he was independent of all aid andcould act with the greatest freedom, whilst the states remained in a suppliant attitudeat his feet.6The extent of Rothschild influence by now can hardly be overstated. WhenNathan died, his eldest son, Lionel, took his place as the head of N. M. Rothschild.Lionel advanced massive loans to the British and American governments andothers such as the Egyptians. This included a loan of around $80 million to Britainto finance the (Elite-engineered) Crimean War in which tens of thousands died. Lionel also acted as agent to the Russian government for twenty years.7 He wassucceeded by his eldest son, Nathan Mayer, who became the first Lord Rothschildwhen he was raised to the peerage and took his seat in the British House of Lords in1885. The first Lord Rothschild went on to become the governor of the Bank ofEngland, with untold power to influence the world financial system. The ‘Old Ladyof Threadneedle Street’ (as the Bank of England is called) has always been, andremains, an arm of the Global Elite. The Rothschild representatives across the worldcontinued to manipulate events to expand their power and to serve a longer-termagenda which mirrored that of the Brotherhood: world domination.I stress here that to highlight the part played by the Rothschilds is not to castaspersions on Jewish people as a whole, the vast majority of whom have no ideawhat is happening and certainly would not support it if they did know. Many of themembers of families I will name, like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others, donot know the game plan, either. It is those who control those empires that I amseeking to expose, not everyone whose name is Rothschild, Rockefeller, orwhatever. I believe that researchers over the years who have blamed the entireconspiracy on the Jewish people as a whole are seriously misguided; similarly, forJewish organisations to deny that any Jewish person is working for the New WorldOrder conspiracy is equally naive and allowing dogma or worse to blind them toreality. We are looking at a common thread – a lust for power and the All-SeeingEye cult – which goes across all races and, in my view, is connected – sometimesknowingly but mostly unknowingly – to a higher controlling force: the PrisonWarders of the Fourth Dimension.A Global Elite banking network was created with central banks in each countryworking together to manipulate the system across Europe and the United States.This would later be coordinated from the Bank of International Settlements in Basle,Switzerland, and a thirteen-man elite on the International Banking Commission inGeneva, Switzerland. You’ll note that Switzerland is always left alone when Europegoes to war. This is why. It is the Global Elite financial centre. The idea of a centralbank in each country was another Elite inspiration. The first was the Bank ofAmsterdam in 1609 and then followed the Bank of Hamburg (1619) and the Bank ofSweden (1661), chartered by the descendants of bankers in Genoa and Venice. Theseincluded the Warburgs of Hamburg, who descended from the Abraham del Bancofamily, the biggest bankers in Venice. The manipulators behind the Bank ofAmsterdam were also behind the Dutch8 William of Orange who took the Britishthrone in 1689, a feat achieved by the manoeuvrings of the secret society called theOrange Order. The Bank of England soon followed, under the charter granted byWilliam in 1694. Some researchers claim that all European monarchs have aconnection back to William.9 Resistance to the bank from members of Parliamentwas overcome when William took Britain into a costly war with the French. Theneed to raise money made the opposition succumb to the pressure to introduce thebank, which began to lend money which didn’t exist to the British government. Thefantastic profits it made as a result came from the pockets of the people throughincome tax, and the exploitation of even poorer people throughout the British Empire. The institution known as the National Debt (to the banks) was born. TheRoyal Prerogative for minting money was handed over to a committee which wasalso given the power to convert the basis of the country’s wealth to gold, which theElite controlled.A leading part of the Global Elite at the top of the human pyramid is the groupknown as the Black Nobility, from where families like the Warburgs of Hamburgdescended. These were at the forefront of the plan to put William of Orange on theBritish Throne and the creation of the money system as we know it. They originatefrom the Guelphs, also called the Neri, or Black Guelphs, and now the BlackNobility.10 They were the force behind the Normans, who conquered England in theBattle of Hastings, led by William the Conqueror in 1066. Later, when based inGenoa, Italy, the Black Nobility supported Robert Bruce in his conquest of Scotlandand it was this same genetic line and secret society which ensured that William ofOrange became King of England, Scotland and Ireland.11 Through William, theBlack Nobility created the Bank of England and the notorious East India Companyrapidly expanded to capture Asia and the Far East for the British (Global Elite) andto become the biggest drug running operation the world had yet seen. The politicaland economic union of England and Scotland was designed to force Scotland intothis spider’s web of money lending and control. We have a United Kingdom allright – united in its subservience to the manipulated money system controlled bythe few. The Elite bankers were now manipulating with ever greater influenceacross the world. They were involved in the American Civil War, in which theyfinanced both sides. The London Rothschilds funded the North while the ParisRothschilds funded the South.12 President Abraham Lincoln also printed interestfree money, called ‘Greenbacks’, to reduce the level of debt his government wouldface. This was potentially disastrous for the banks. If this had continued after thewar and spread to other countries, the banks and the Elite would have lost theirpower. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, an agent of the House ofRothschild, according to some researchers.13 After Lincoln’s death, the printing ofgreenbacks was ended.The efforts to form a central banking system in the United States were alwayshighly controversial. Against opposition from two of the founding fathers, ThomasJefferson and James Madison, the first US Central Bank was introduced, thanks tothe manipulation of one of their colleagues, Alexander Hamilton, who ran the Bankof New York. He was secretly backed by the Bank of England and the RothschildEmpire, which were, in truth, one and the same. When George Washington, a highranking Freemason, became President in 1789, he made Hamilton the Secretary tothe Treasury. Within two years, Hamilton had secured his ambition with thecreation of the US Central Bank, the Bank of the United States. As with the Bank ofEngland, this was a private bank which now controlled the American economy. Thebank caused mayhem, and riots erupted from the consequences of its policies. Inthe 1830s, President Andrew Jackson had the courage to take on the power of theBank of the United States and he won. The first US Central Bank was no more.Another, however, was not long in coming. In the early years of this century, the Elite was plotting to retake control of the USeconomy even more completely than before. They wanted two things: a new centralbank with control over the nation’s borrowing and the introduction of a federalincome tax to give them control of the government’s income. Again there wasserious opposition to this, but in classic ‘black-is-white’ fashion, they tricked theAmerican Congress and people. First, the Elite supported the election of PresidentWoodrow Wilson in 1909.


He was a front man, a political puppet and a Rosicrucian.The real power of the Wilson administration was in the hands of a man called’Colonel’14 Edward Mandel House, who was there for no other reason than to servethe Elite. Wilson said that House was “my second personality”, “my alter ego”, andthat “his thoughts and mine are one”. The Elite instructed Colonel House and heinstructed Woodrow Wilson, who did as he was told. This was all happening underthe pretence of ‘democracy’.The Elite bankers met at a place called Jekyl Island in Georgia to put together thebill for the introduction of the new US Central Bank, the Federal Reserve System.They travelled in a luxurious private railroad car owned by Senator Nelson Aldrich,the political mouthpiece for the Elite in Washington, and the grandfather of NelsonAldrich Rockefeller (the four times Mayor of New York and the vice president of theUnited States under President Ford). Aldrich’s daughter, Abby, was married to JohnD. Rockefeller Jr. For years after the meeting on Jekyl Island, the ‘educators’,commentators, and ‘historians’ denied it took place. Now this has been accepted,but it is said to have been an insignificant event. Utter bilge. It was the moment theElite took over the US economy and its people with an organisation called theFederal Reserve System, which is neither federal, nor has any reserve!In 1902, the Rothschilds sent one of their agents, Paul Warburg, to Americawith his brother, Felix, to ‘rearrange’ US banking to suit Rothschild and Eliteinterests. Another brother, Max Warburg, stayed at home in Frankfurt to run thefamily banking business there. After arriving in the USA, Paul Warburg marriedNina Loeb (of the Rothschild controlled, Kuhn, Loeb, and Company) while Felixmarried Frieda Schiff, the daughter of Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb, and CoHardly surprisingly, both brothers became partners in the company and Paul wasgiven an annual salary of half a million dollars (in the early years of this century!)to prepare the ground for the imposition of the Federal Reserve System on thepeople of the United States. It was all arranged by the Rothschilds, probably evendown to the Warburg’s marriage partners. These banking and Elite families like tointerbreed whenever possible. It keeps the genes up to scratch, you know, andkeeps the money (control) in the family. When Jacob Schiff arrived in America tojoin Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, he married the daughter of Solomon Loeb. Jacob Schiffwas to be one of the key manipulators in the first half of this century. The Schiffand Rothschild families were as one and shared the same house in Frankfurt in thedays of Mayer Amschel. The Federal Reserve Bill became known as the ‘AldrichBill’ and it was Warburg and Aldrich who organised the covert meeting on JekylIsland. Many years later, Frank Vanderlip, the Rockefellers’ agent at the time,would say: paper power “Despite my views about the value to society of greater publicity for the affairs ofcorporations, there was an occasion, near the close of 1910, when I was as secretive -indeed furtive – as a conspirator…I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of oursecret expedition to Jekyl Island as the occasion of the actual conception of whateventually became the Federal Reserve System.”15The Federal Reserve System is a cartel of private banks, of which the Bank ofNew York is the most powerful. To this day it controls the US economy andthereby affects all of our lives. Through its US offshoots and connections like J.P.Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, the Rothschild Empire controlled the principalNew York banks and, through them, the Bank of New York. This gave them controlof the Federal Reserve System and the American economy.16 This Federal Reservecartel is nominally controlled by the government-appointed chairman of theFederal Reserve Board, which is another way of saying the Elite control it. Thecartel lends money that doesn’t exist to the US government and has thus ensuredthat the country – and therefore the people – are drowning in debt to the banks. By1910, the behaviour of the banks had made them deeply unpopular with thepeople. The Elite had to think of a way of persuading the public to accept abanking coup on the American nation while thinking the power of the banks wasbeing curtailed. So when the bill the bankers had written was introduced by theirfront politicians they publicly and vehemently opposed it. This gave theimpression that the bill was bad news for the banks and it was passed into law in1913, in the belief that it curtailed the power of the money manipulators. It didn’t.It gave them total control. Just to be safe, the Federal Reserve Bill was put beforeCongress shortly before Christmas, 1913, when many Congressmen were alreadyat home with their families for the holiday.Now the Elite controlled the US government’s borrowing and interest rates, andit could create booms and busts whenever it wished. The way they introduced theFederal Income Tax was even more outrageous, although you have to admire theircheek.

For this to be passed into law, it required the consent of at least thirty-six
states because there had to be an amendment, the sixteenth, to the United States
Constitution. Only two states agreed. In a democracy you would think that the bill
would be ditched. Not so. This is no democracy! The Secretary of State, Filander
Knox, informed Congress that the necessary agreement had been achieved and
Federal Income Tax became Taw’. Or rather, in reality, it didn’t. The Internal
Revenue Service (IRS), which collects Federal Income Tax and takes away the
property of those who do not pay, has been stealing from the American people for
decades and continues to do so. The forced collection of Federal Income Tax is
illegal to this day. It was never properly passed into law. In 1985, an American
businessman took the Internal Revenue Service to court on this basis and won. I
reprint a letter (Figure 5, overleaf) which appeared in Nexus magazine, an excellent
publication which highlights the manipulation of the global conspiracy. The letter,
from the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service to his regional directors,
claims to be proof that the IRS and the US government know very well that to force
Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury
On March 5, 1985, a charge of tax evasion was filed in U.S.
DISTRICT COURT in Indianapolis, Indiana by U.S. Attorney George
Duncan. The Charges were dismissed! The defense attorney,
Lowell Becraft of Huntsville, Alabama presented irrefutable evidence
that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never properly
ratified. This amendment which established the “income tax”, was
signed into law despite serious defects. In reality only two states
ratified the amendment and ratification requires 36 states to be valid.
The effect of this is such that every tax paid into the Treasury since
1913, is due and refundable to every citizen and business.
The official position of the service is, as it has always been, to aid
and assist the citizens of the United States. We will not publish or
advertise this finding as a total immediate refund would cause a
serious drain on the resources of the Treasury. For those citizens
who become aware of this finding and apply for a total refund,
expedite their refund documents as quickly and as quietly as
…Advise each of your managers that they are not to discuss this
situation with anyone. There will be no written communications and
you are to destroy this memorandum.
The Secretary of the Treasury assures me that there will be no
reduction in the workforce as this refunding activity will take a
minimum of 5 years to complete. Further directions will be
forwarded as the need arises.
Roscoe L. Egger, Jr.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Figure 5: This letter may well be a fake, but it outlines the themes of the confidence trick. people to pay federal income tax is theft. Some people say the letter is a fake and it
may well be, but if you live in America it is worth taking professional advice on
your tax liability.
The power over political and human events on this planet was increased by
leaps and bounds as this funny money system expanded its grip on the world. This
gave the Elite’s bankers the power to manipulate wars and revolutions, almost at
will, in league with other elements within the Brotherhood network, which
expanded and became even more focussed on its goals during the same period that
the banking system emerged. Another branch of the Brotherhood was officially
started by the German professor, Adam Weishaupt, on May 1st 1776, and this
sought to infiltrate all the seats of power throughout Europe. It was called the
Bavarian Illuminati. The term Tlluminati’ means illuminated or enlightened ones
and goes back to ancient times. Weishaupt’s Illuminati was designed on classic
Brotherhood lines with circles of apparently unconnected people who were, behind
the scenes and without their knowledge, all manipulated and directed by the same
controlling core at the centre. He once said: “The great strength of our Order lies in
its concealment; let it never appear in its own name, but always covered by another
name, another occupation”. That was a superb summary of the Illuminati/Global
Elite approach. Some researchers suggest that it was actually in 1770 that Weishaupt
was asked to launch the Bavarian Illuminati by the Rothschilds.
The Brotherhood secret societies plotted to destroy the European monarchies,
either by replacing them with republics or, less often, by removing their power and
leaving them as purely symbolic heads of state. A powerful monarch was OK if he
or she supported Illuminati/Elite plans for the New World Order, but if they didn’t,
or if they refused to be manipulated, it acted as a serious block to the unfoldment of
the plan. The manipulators could assassinate them and hope the replacement
would play the game, but you couldn’t keep doing that again and again. Much
better from the Brotherhood’s point of view to replace the monarchies with elected
representatives of the people, who could be replaced every few years. If you can
control the money and the media, you can largely control (a) who gets to the top in
political parties and (b) whom the people elect into government. You give financial
backing and use the secret society network within all political parties to manipulate
your choice to the top; you activate your (controlled) media to advance the
popularity of the one you want to win at election time, and to undermine his or her
opponent. The illusion which is laughingly called democracy is a wonderful vehicle
for the Illuminati/Global Elite. It was their creation and the last thing you can call it
is democratic.
The French Revolution of 1789 was an Illuminati coup d’etat, the methods of
which have been repeated over and over to replace undemocratic monarchies with
undemocratic ‘people’s parliaments’. The only real difference between these forms
of rule was that one was clearly a dictatorship, while the other appeared to be
freedom. When people are ruled by a dictator in whatever form, the time will arrive
when the desire for a say in a country’s affairs will grow within the people and
forms of democracy will be demanded. The people living under a dictator, in other
words, know they are living under a dictator and eventually they will rebel. The
system that replaced the monarchies, the ‘phoney democracies’ as I call them, were
designed to give the illusion of ‘people power’ while structuring the system to
ensure that the few could run the entire show. By manipulating events and elections
via direct intervention, corruption, or media power, the Elite could pretty much be
sure that their choices became the presidents, prime ministers, and the leading
names in governments. People ask why those who get to the top in politics around
the world are often either corrupt or incompetent. Well, now you know. They are
meant to be. What’s more, it is harder to encourage people to rebel against the
tyranny of the phoney democracies, because they are programmed to believe that
they live in a real democracy. With the fall of monarchy power during the
Illuminati-engineered revolutions, one form of dictatorship was replaced by
another, but very few noticed!
If we take a brief look at how the French Revolution unfolded, it will show you
the background strategy which the Global Elite and their Illuminati offshoot use all
the time to create conflict and hoodwink the people. It began as usual with a
manufactured economic crisis. A country and its people are first brought to
desperate straits by poverty and economic collapse. As you will see repeated
throughout the book, the manipulators create the circumstances in which public
opinion says: “Something must be done!” Once that stage has been achieved (by
economic crisis, or wars, or whatever) the manipulators step forward in the guise of
standing up for the people, and offer the ‘solutions’ to the problems they
themselves have created in the first place. Those ‘solutions’ will be precisely the
measures the manipulators wanted to happen all along, as part of the journey to the
New World Order. It is what I call the problem-reaction-solution scenario. In this
case, they wanted the people of France to overturn the monarchy, and they sowed
the seeds of revolt by their age old method of poverty and debt. In his book, The Life
Of Napoleon, McNair Wilson says of his time:
“A change of a fundamental kind had taken place in the economic structure of Europe
whereby the old basis had ceased to be wealth measured in lands, crops, herds and
minerals; but a new standard had now been introduced, namely, a form of money to
which the title ‘credit’ had been given.”
Debts were measured in gold or silver, neither of which France produced.
Therefore their debts were bound to grow and become even more impossible to pay.
The Brotherhood had people on the inside as usual, including one in the key
position of chief finance minister to King Louis. His name was Necker, a man who
claimed to be a Swiss of German extraction. McNair Wilson wrote of him: “Necker
had forced his way into the King’s Treasury as a representative of the debt system
and owing allegiance to that system”.
19 Necker had a reputation of being a daring
and unscrupulous speculator before joining the King’s administration and, after
four years in the treasury, he had manipulated the French finances on behalf of the
Illuminati-Elite to add another £170 million to the national debt.
20 With the French economy in tatters and the people growing restless in their poverty, the Uluminati
moved into stage two and began the process of stimulating revolution. They did
this through the Freemasonry network.
By 1730, Freemasonry had been introduced to France from England and had
attracted notable names to its ranks, such as Phillipe Egalite, the Duke of Chartres,
and the Duke of Orleans, who became a Grand Master. The Brotherhood used such
people and others to establish the first foothold of the revolution, which was more
moderate in its demands. Egalite was convinced that he would be made king of a
democratic state once the existing king and queen had been overthrown. He had
little idea of the scale of bloodletting that was to follow. It was the same with
Lafayette, another revolutionary and friend of Benjamin Franklin. Lafayette wanted
to see a democratic monarchy introduced under Louis, the present king. But these
people were just used as vehicles to kick start the revolutionary fervour. The real
manipulators knew exactly the sort of revolution it was intended to be. Once Egalite
had served his purpose he was sent to the guillotine. Many different people are
misled by the Uluminati manipulators to make sure they play their part in the
overall plan, the true agenda of which is kept secret from them. Once they have
done their job, they are discarded. Those reading this book who are on the lower
levels of the Brotherhood ladder might ponder deeply on this for their own sake, if
not for that of others.
Another Brotherhood frontman was the Marquis de Mirabeau. He is known to
have been financed by the German, Moses Mendelssohn, a member of the
21 Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman names Mendelssohn as a key manipulator
for an inner ‘Jewish’ clique which he believes has been seeking to destroy Judaism
and all religion.
22 He says that this clique, together with non-Jews, are followers of
what he, too, calls the All-Seeing Eye cult. He links this group to the House of
Rothschild and says the cult was the force behind the French Revolution.
Mendelssohn started the Uluminati front, the Haskala movement in 1776 – the year
the Bavarian Uluminati was launched. Another figure close to Mendelssohn was the
Uluminati member, Friedrich Nicholai. Rabbi Antelman described Mendelssohn as
a “con man” who plotted the demise of Judaism while claiming to be a promoter of
the religion and the “race”. This is precisely what has happened since and continues
today. There is a global Jewish clique who are not, in truth, followers of Judaism or
supporters of Jewish people.


The Freemasonry lodges in France, particularly thoseunder the control of the Grand Orient form of the order, were infiltrated byIlluminati manipulators and used to fire the revolution. In 1786, Mirabeau formedan Illuminati lodge at a meeting at the Jacobin College in Paris. They becameknown as the Jacobins. In the same year, another All-Seeing Eye Illuminati groupcalled the Frankists (after Jacob Franks) was created in Frankfurt. One of its leadinglights was Michael Hess, an employee of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. These twogroups, the Jacobins and the Frankists, were at the heart of the French Revolution.The Brotherhood plan was openly revealed when a member of AdamWeishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati was struck by lightning and killed at Ratisbon whilecarrying secret papers. These revealed the plans for world revolution and the New World Order and they had a remarkable resemblance to the Protocols Of The EldersOf Zion, of which more shortly.23 The Bavarian government had the headquarters ofthe Illuminati searched. Much more information was found and the Frenchauthorities were told of the plan. But events in France had by now reached such amomentum that nothing could stop them. By 1789, more than 2,000 Freemasonrylodges had affiliated with the Grand Orient organisation which, in turn, wascontrolled by the Illuminati. They were, themselves, controlled by the Global Elite.The central organisation of the revolution and the printing and distribution ofpropaganda was based at the Palais Royal, the home of Egalite. He was so in debt tothe money lenders that he had to sign over his palace and estates to them. Part ofthe mind manipulation in any Elite/ Brotherhood operation is the characterassassination of the opposition. One such example in the French Revolution was thefamous diamond necklace ‘bought’ by the Queen, Marie Antionette. She had beenwarned about Freemasonry by her sister in Austria some years before, but theadvice went unheeded. She had informed her sister that in France, Freemasonrywas open and ‘everyone knows all’. The ‘open’ Freemasons were actually planninga bloodbath at the guillotine as she wrote those words. Bitterness with themonarchy in France was further fuelled when the propaganda machine announcedthat the Queen had bought a diamond necklace for a quarter of a million poundswhen, in truth, it had been ordered without her knowledge by an agent of theBrotherhood, a close associate of Adam Weishaupt. This was political dynamite at atime of such poverty in France. The scheme was organised by Joseph Balsamo (realname Cagliostro), an Italian from Palermo, who was initiated into the Illuminati byWeishaupt.24This ‘peoples’ revolution’ continued to discard its stooges and frontmen as eachnew layer of violence unfurled. Others were introduced like Danton, Marat, andRobespierre, who would also be removed once they had been used to their fullpotential. Mobs were organised to go out onto the streets and stimulate moreviolence and unrest. In September 1792, the ‘September massacres’ came when8,000 people were killed in the prisons of Paris alone, in the name of a revolutionwhich was supposed to be about ‘freedom’ from royal tyranny. At its core, therevolution wasn’t even organised by French people. As Sir Walter Scott said in hisLife Of Napoleon: The principal leaders of the… revolution.. .seem to have beenforeigners.25 Robespierre was said to be the leading light of the revolution as itgathered pace, but this was just another smokescreen. In his book, The Life OfRobespierre, G. Renier, says:On the 28th July, 1794, Robespierre made a long speech against ultraterrorists…uttering vague general accusations. ‘I dare not name them at this momentand in this place. I cannot bring myself entirely to tear asunder the veil that covers thisprofound mystery of antiquity. But I can affirm most positively that among the authors ofthis plot are agents of that system of corruption and extravagance, the most powerfulof all the means invented by foreigners for the undoing of the Republic; I mean theimpure apostles of atheism and the immorality that is at its base’. At 2am that night, Robespierre was shot and the next day he was taken to theguillotine. He was getting too close to speaking the truth about the ‘glorious’ FrenchRevolution, and in the strange world of the Illuminati/ Elite, that meant he had togo. Think on that, those of you in the Brotherhood who believe you are in control ofevents. Stop now, let me have the information you have about what is going on, andget the hell out of it before you become another Robespierre or Egalite! From theFrench Revolution we can see the elements of manipulated wars and revolutionsthat are common to all the ‘peoples’ uprisings’ in Europe which ousted themonarchies and to conflicts around the world up to the present day. These are: thefinancial crisis to create suffering and the desire for change (Something must bedone); the duping of influential people who support the ’cause’ without realisingthe real agenda; the dumping of these people when they have served their purpose;the mass propaganda to exploit the public’s natural sense of injustice, to disinform,and to lead opinion in the desired direction; the lies told about opponents of theplan and the assassination of their character to the point where people have greathatred for them; the organisation of ‘rent-a-mob’ to cause agitation and encourageothers to overthrow the established order; and, finally, the installation of a phoneydemocracy or alternative dictatorship.Look at the background of any revolution or war and you will see most, usuallyall, of these methods at work. This system I am describing is the means throughwhich the extraterrestrial Prison Warders and the Luciferic Consciousness on thenon-physical frequencies around this planet, project their control into the physicalworld as the Global Elite/Illuminati/ Brotherhood network. Divide and rule,control of the flow of information, secret manipulation, and conflict. Over the lastthree hundred thousand years or so, all these methods of control by the PrisonWarders can be seen in the Elite network on Earth. One is merely another level ofthe other. Revolution and war continued throughout Europe during the ninteenthcentury, much of it coordinated by Lord Palmerston, the British Prime Minister,who directed the policies of his country to carry out the designs of the Illuminati.Lord Palmerston was the Grand Patriach or Grand Master of Grand OrientFreemasonry – another name for the Illuminati.It was Palmerston who was prime minister during the ‘opium wars’ whenBritain forced the Chinese to import opium, a policy which addicted the populationand made them easy to control. One result was the British ownership of HongKong, from where Britain ran its drug trade and, with the Americans and Chinese,still does.There was another ambition on the Prison Warder/Global Elite agenda duringthis period: the end of God in the human mind. The Elite’s god is the LucifericConsciousness, but they wanted the human mind to reject all beliefs in eternal lifeand believe in mortality, finality, and materialistic ‘science’. This would turn humanconsciousness into an even greater slave to this material level. In the very late 1800s,a controversial document came to light called the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion. Icall them the Illuminati Protocols and I quote many extracts from them in TheRobots’ Rebellion. Some say they were a forgery made public only to discredit Jews, and I use the term Tlluminati Protocols’ to get away from the Jewish emphasis. Ifthey were a forgery, something that is quite possible, what were they a forgery of,and by whom? The authors of the best-selling book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, concludethat the original Protocols were indeed authentic. They suggest that they were thework of an elite group called The Priory of Sion, the inner, controlling, core of theKnights Templars.26 They believe that this original document was changed to makeit appear as a Jewish plot. I certainly would not dismiss such a conclusion. It is themanipulation they describe that interests me, not who has been blamed for it. Ibelieve their origin lies with the Illuminati, as does Rabbi Antelman. Whatever thearguments, one fact cannot be denied, given the hindsight of the last 100 years. TheProtocols, from wherever they came, were a quite stunning prophecy of what hashappened in the twentieth century in terms of wars and the manipulation I amexposing here. Whoever wrote them sure as heck knew what the game plan was.One protocol speaks of the way the manipulators intended to destroy the idea ofGod in as many human minds as possible:It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing ablind confidence in these scientific theories. The intellectuals of the Goyim Gentileswill puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of it willput into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialistshave cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the directionwe want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: thinkcarefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism…Protocol 2…It is indispensible to undermine all faith, to tear out of the minds of the Goyim thevery principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put into its place, arithmeticalcalculations and material needs.Protocol 4Darwinism, of course, refers to Charles Darwin, the man most effective inachieving a widespread belief in one-life-and-that’s-it. He suggested in the mid-1800s that the potential of the mind is developed by genetic inheritance. This ispatent nonsense, but it did provide the justification for the eugenics (racial purity)movement that would follow and lead both to Adolf Hitler and the populationcontrol policies of today. His work, Origin Of Species, to give it a shortened title, wasto become the basis for ‘scientific’ thinking and its mindset dominates what webravely call science to this day. His most famous theory, that of the survival of thefittest, didn’t even appear in the first four editions. He lifted it from the writings ofa contemporary, Herbert Spencer, who had lifted it from someone else. The word’evolution’ did not appear until the sixth edition, in 1872. I understand that evenDarwin didn’t believe his theory by the end of his life, and he thought God createdhuman beings. But his Origin Of Species went on to take over ‘scientific’ thoughtanyway. It was designed by the Elite to do just that. Darwin was another stooge. He was the frontman for a coup on the human mind which was coordinatedover many years. A small group of people known as the Lunar Society inBirmingham, England, was significant in this. The group continued its influenceunder the name of the London-based Royal Society, which is still one of the mostinfluential bodies in the world with regard to science. The Royal Society wasfounded by the Order of the Rosy Cross in the reign of Charles II. Another famousscientific’ influence, Sir Isaac Newton, was a Rosicrucian and Grand Master of thePriory of Sion, the inner core of the Knights Templar. He was an inspiration behindthe founding of the Royal Society. Researchers into the background of the LunarSociety have shown that it mirrored (with remarkable accuracy) a group called theInvisible College, described in the Francis Bacon work, The New Atlantis. It wasknown as the Lunar Society because it met once a month at the time of the fullmoon. Among its members were Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders of theUnited States and close associate of French revolutionaries, and.. .Erasmus Darwin,the grandfather of Charles Darwin, the man who would later be the frontman forthis-world-is-all-there-is. What a coincidence! Another member of the Lunar Societywas the Unitarian, Josiah Wedgwood, founder of the famous pottery, and hisdaughter was to become the mother of Charles Darwin after she married Dr RobertDarwin, the son of Erasmus Darwin. Nothing like keeping it in the family!Six of the Lunar Society’s members were educated at Edinburgh University, aswas Charles Darwin. The society was a revolutionary organisation whichsupported the overthrowing of the monarchies and the undermining of God in thehuman belief system. Benjamin Franklin became a sort of shuttle ‘diplomat’ for thecause, in the same way that Henry Kissinger would come to be in the second halfof this century. I cannot recommend too highly the book by the Canadian scientistand researcher, Ian T. Taylor, called In The Minds Of Men: Darwin And The NewWorld Order. This reveals the story of how modern ‘scientific’ theory wasmanufactured and sold as truth to mislead the human mind. With detailed,documented evidence, Taylor dismantles the edifice of the scientific establishment,its beliefs, claims, and manipulation. Every student of science would benefitenormously from reading it.But, of course, most people don’t read such evidence. They go through theschools and university system and absorb all the accepted claptrap that originatesfrom Darwin’s time. This affects the way many of them see themselves and life ingeneral, and, as we have discussed, they create that reality in the world aroundthem. It is a world of What’s the point? We are only cosmic accidents after all, andlife is about the survival of the fittest. No room for sentiment; it’s everyone forthemselves. A movement which has emerged from the Darwin view of life iscalled Humanism, another vehicle for manipulation, even though theoverwhelming majority of its advocates will not realise it. Still today, organisationslike the Committee for the Scientific sic Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal(CSICOP) do all they can to discredit any explanations or phenomena which exposeestablishment science as a fraud. One vehement British campaigner againstalternative scientific explanation is Susan Blackmore, who is wheeled onto television programmes galore to defend the establishment line against all challenge.The padlock on such minds defies my imagination.In our brief history of the conspiracy, we are now in the early years of thetwentieth century. The manipulators have created the banking and financial system,introduced this-world-is-all-there-is science, and they have, through engineeredrevolution, installed a series of phoney democracies which they control and directwhile the people think they are free. In their misguided minds (controlled by thePrison Warders on the Fourth Dimension), the time was right to launch the nextstage on the road to the New World Order. It was time to go global.SOURCES1 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. X, p4992 George Armstrong, Rothschilds Money Trust (1940) p223 Eustace Mullins, The World Order, Our Secret Rulers (Ezra Pound Institute of Civilisation,Staunton, USA, 1992) p74 I have also seen this quote attributed to later Rothschilds.5 The Rothschilds, Financial Rulers Of Nations, pl676 John Reeves, The Rothschilds, pl04-1057 Jewish Encylopedia, Vol. 10, p501-5028 I say Dutch, in fact he was formerly a German prince from the house of Nassau.Interestingly, another German prince would marry into the Dutch royal family in this century.That was Prince Bernhard, of which much more later.9 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p2510 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p2511 Ibid p27612 Secret Societies, pl2213 There is another train of thought which suggests that Lincoln was killed because he wasrevealing too many of the secrets of the Brotherhood societies of which he was a member.I will describe the black esoteric basis of the Global Elite/Brotherhood in a later chapter14 The title ‘Colonel’ was purely honorary. He never actually served.15 Saturday Evening Post, (February 9,1935) p2516 Rothschild Money Trust, p4117 Secret Societies, p10918 McNair Wilson, The Life Of Napolean, p3819 Captain A.H.M. Ramsey, The Nameless War (Omni Publications, London, 1952) p25 20 Ibid p2521 The Nameless War, p2622 Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, To Eliminate The Opiate (Zahavia Ltd., New York-Tel Aviv, 1974)23 Secret Societies, p110-11224 The Nameless War, p2925 Ibid p3326 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Jonathan Cape,London, 1982) pl98-203


chapter 4

from Rhodes to ruin

Some people find it difficult to understand at first how this manipulation can becontinued across the generations, but in fact it’s very simple – coordination andinspiration from the Fourth Dimension. And those who have reached the top of thehuman pyramid are always on the lookout for people of the right calibre andattitude who can take over from them, as the earthly representations of the PrisonWarders. The knowledge of the New World Order agenda and the methods ofmanipulation are also passed on across the generations of certain families, whichmakes the process easier.I believe that the same streams of consciousness have been constantly incarnating,’dying’, and reincarnating over the thousands of years to keep the plan going.Just as those wishing to free humanity are supported from other frequencies ofreality, so are those in the Elite/Illuminati/Brotherhood network. A common themeamong many people involved is an interest in the ‘black’ occult and a wish tocommunicate with extraterrestrial ‘supermen’ – the Fourth Dimensional PrisonWarders. The methods of communication are very much the same for those whowant freedom and for those who want control. It is the intent behind suchcommunications which differs. The Elite have thoughts and information fed intotheir consciousness to guide them and so do those challenging this structure. We onEarth are vehicles for a spiritual tussle happening on another level of this planet,not only this one.The Round TableCecil Rhodes was a fabulously wealthy Englishman who exploited the continentand peoples of Africa, and particularly the diamond reserves of South Africa. Thename Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, is an indication of his influence in that part of theworld. As a student at Oxford University, Rhodes was inspired by a fine artsprofessor called John Ruskin, who is still considered a legendary figure at Oxford.Ruskin was born in London in 1819, the son of a wealthy wine merchant, andinherited a large fortune. His hero was the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, whoseworks he read almost every day. Plato had a brilliant mind and made a greatcontribution to human debate and knowledge, but some of his views on how tostructure a society by top-down imposition could hardly be further from my own.Ruskin was a believer in the New World Order agenda of centralised power, and hefelt the State should control the means of production and distribution. This was thesame philosophy followed by the early British Labour Party before it became the alternative Conservative Party it is today. Ruskin, however, went further andbelieved the control of the State could be in the hands of one dictator of superiorintellect to the rest of society. Some researchers say he was a supporter of theIlluminati. Ruskin probably genuinely wanted better conditions for the poor, but Iwould suggest that he was seriously misguided in his means of achieving them. Hisideas were to be followed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (another student ofPlato) and became the foundations of the Marxist form of communism which wassoon to grip the nations of Eastern Europe.Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman also identifies the Plato theme and its connection tothe All-Seeing Eye secret society network. He points out that Moses Mendelssohn, anarchitect of the French Revolution, was such a student of Plato’s works that hebecame known as the German Plato. He translated three books of Plato’s Republicinto German, but his work was never published. It was, however, passed downthrough the Warburg banking family, the subordinates of the Rothschilds, andcreators of the Federal Reserve.1 The Warburgs, like the Rothschilds, would later helpto fund Adolf Hitler. Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, was anotherPlato groupie and high initiate of the All-Seeing Eye stream of occult ‘thinking’.The views of John Ruskin and his articulate promotion of them brought about arevolution in the thinking of the privileged undergraduates of Oxford and some atCambridge, too. Rhodes copied Ruskin’s inaugural lecture in longhand and kept itwith him for the rest of his life. The creation of a world government centred onBritain became Rhodes’s obsession and lay at the heart of almost everything he did.As his wealth grew with his exploitation of South African diamonds and minerals,he established companies like DeBeers Consolidated Mines and Consolidated GoldFields. He also became the Prime Minister of the Cape Colony and used his wealthand influence to control parliamentary seats in Britain and South Africa. By the1890s, he had an income of at least a million pounds a year (over a hundred yearsago!), but he was usually overdrawn on his account, such was his ability to spend.A large amount went to furthering his aims of a world government. Rhodes isclaimed to have been a member of an elite group known as the Committee of 300,also known as the Olympians. This organisation was the subject of a book by DrJohn Coleman called Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300.Coleman claims to have been an intelligence officer in Britain’s MI6. From this pointI will identify those named by Dr Coleman with the abbreviation (Comm 300). Thisorganisation consists of leading people in politics, commerce, banking, the media,the military etc, who are working toward the goal of total global power.Rhodes’s2 idea was to set up a secret society which would manipulate events in away that would lead to the introduction of centralised global control. This society isknown by several names but, for simplicity, I will call it throughout by one of them:the Round Table. It was structured on Illuminati and Freemasonic lines. There wasan inner circle, the Society of the Elect (or Initiates), who knew exactly what thegame and the aim was, and an outer Circle of Friends, made up of influentialpeople who could help the cause, but who didn’t always know the full implicationsor ambitions of the Round Table. The Table’s manipulators were mostly those with the real power rather than those with the appearance of power. Its members wereusually not recorded in history like the famous politicians and military leaders, butthey controlled events far more than those documented by the history books.Lord Astor (Comm 300) was a member of the Round Table inner elite and he wasan example of another key area of control by the Elite: the media. He would laterown The Times newspaper. Still today, the power lies not with politicians, but withthe shadowy figures who ‘advise’ and control them, and those who manipulate theflow of information into the public arena. The Round Table, another Rothschildcreation, plotted the Boer War in South Africa of 1899-1902, in which tens ofthousands of men, women, and children were killed, many of them in theconcentration camps established by Lord Kitchener (Comm 300). The British PrimeMinister and Foreign Minister at the time was Lord Salisbury (Comm 300), of theelite Cecil family, a close friend of Winston Churchill (Comm 300). Lord Salisburyand the Cecil family were key players in the Rhodes-Round Table operation.Manipulation by the Round Table secured British control of the mineral wealth andintroduced the Union of South Africa. Nathan (Baron) Rothschild was a member ofthe Round Table which represented the interests of the House of Rothschild and thebankers they controlled such as the Warburgs, Schroders, and Lazards. J.P. Morgan(Comm 300) became a member in 1899.When Rhodes died in 1902, he bequeathed his funds to the cause. Thesecontinued to support the Round Table to an extent, although much of the fundingcame from the House of Rothschild. In his will, Rhodes also created a system ofsubsidised scholarships which continue to this day. This was, in part, a front to hidethe secret society. Selected overseas students are brought to Oxford University to betaught the British view of life and to be sold the idea of a world government. It isremarkable how many ‘Rhodes Scholars’, as they are called, go on to becomeleaders of countries or heads of intelligence agencies, education, and other subjectareas important to the Elite, or ‘advisors’ to those leaders. The most famous RhodesScholar in the world today is Bill Clinton, who was inaugurated as President of theUnited States in 1993. Oxford University, particularly the colleges of All Souls,Balliol, and New College, became dominated by the Round Table, and thiscontinued after Rhodes’s death when Alfred Milner (Comm 300), a Rothschildagent, took over the leadership. He, too, was an ardent follower of Ruskin, as werethe group of former Oxford and Cambridge students whom Milner recruited for theRound Table and later, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Under Milner’sstewardship, the Round Table’s influence grew and went on to enjoy tremendouspower at the heart of government. Among its inner membership was ArthurBalfour (Comm 300),3 the Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister, whose ‘BalfourDeclaration’ would, in effect, bring the State of Israel into being.In the years that followed, the Round Table controlled the London Timesnewspaper and other publications. It introduced the term ‘a Commonwealth ofNations’ and ensured that the idea became a reality. Through Milner, it was thechief influence in the British War Cabinet of Lloyd George (Comm 300) in the FirstWorld War. It would dominate the British delegation at the ‘Peace’ Conference of 1919, when the shape of the post-war world and German reparation payments weredecided. It was also the major power behind the creation of the League of Nations,the first attempt at a world government by stealth. The Round Table decided Britishpolicy in Ireland, Palestine, and India from 1917-1945 and controlled (in the wordsof researcher Carroll Quigley) the sources and writing of the history of BritishImperial and foreign policy since the Boer War,4 to an overwhelming extent. Therewriting of history is a vital part of the Elite’s strategy because the way weperceive history fundamentally affects the way we see the world and each othertoday. George Orwell made the point in his book, 1984, that those who controlhistory control the present, and those who control the present control history.Other branches of the Round Table were set up in other countries. By 1915, therewere Round Table groups in Britain, South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,India, and the United States. The coordination between them was improved by thepublication of the society’s magazine, The Round Table, which began in November,1910. The ‘achievements’ I’ve listed, which have had such an effect on our lives tothe present day, were not the result of democratic decision making, but of themanoeuvrings of a secret society called The Round Table, working from its ownagenda. Carroll Quigley, a professor at Georgetown University, was an ‘insider’ whowas given access to secret papers on the New World Order conspiracy. He brokeranks and revealed in great detail what was happening behind the scenes in the firstfifty years of this century. He wrote in his book, The Anglo-American Establishment:The picture is terrifying because such power, whatever the goals at which it may bedirected, is too much to be entrusted safely to any group…No country that values itssafety should allow what the Milner group accomplished – that is, that a small numberof men would be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should begiven almost complete control over the publication of documents relating to theiractions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information thatcreate public opinion, and should be able to monopolise so completely the writing andteaching of the history of their own period.5It is equally sobering to think that even though the Round Table network wasdirecting the policies of the then most powerful country and empire in the world,the people didn’t know such an organisation existed, never mind what it wasdoing. Ask anyone today, including most historians, about the Rhodes and MilnerRound Table and they will reply, the Round what? The hidden hand that controlsthe direction of the world is indeed very well hidden from the public eye. TheRound Table extended its influence across the Atlantic to the United States. It wasthere that the power blocs which would control political and economic policy andthe communications industry – to the present day – were being assembled in theearly years of this century. These were the organisations and the businesses of the socalled ‘Eastern Establishment’, which work in concert with the British andEuropean Round Table members under a common global policy. Among the centralplayers and financial supporters of the Round Table in the United States were the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, the companies and trusts in the nexus around theRockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Whitney families, along with others linked to theinternational financiers in London like the Rothschilds and Lazard Brothers. Allthese people were supporters of the world government ideals of the New WorldOrder. The Round Table interconnected closely with other branches of the Eliteincluding Freemasonry and, in the USA, with the sinister secret society based atYale University known as the Skull and Bones Society. I will explain much moreabout this later. For now, I need only say that many of the influential Americannames behind the First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution were members ofor had connections with the Skull and Bones Society.The two names which dominated the Elite/Round Table network in Americawere Rockefeller and Morgan, who were both closely connected with and probablycontrolled by the Rothschilds (Comm 300). The Rockefellers (real name,Rockenfelder) are at the heart of the New World Order deception to this very day.J.D. Rockefeller started his Standard Oil Company in 1853 to produce the fuel for oillamps, but, as the potential for oil was realised, it became a global company withtremendous power. In the early years of this century, the Rockefeller empireencompassed scores of other industries and interests, including railways and banks.They owned or controlled the National City Bank, the Hanover National Bank, theUnited States Trust Company, and leading insurance companies like Equitable Lifeand Mutual of New York. The Morgan empire was founded on steel, shipping, andthe electricity industry, including General Electric. In the financial sector, theNational Bank of Commerce, New York Life Insurance, and the Guaranty TrustCompany, the biggest trust company in America, were all Morgan companies atthat time.6 Morgan/Rockefeller were quite a twosome, and no US government orpolitician could rule without their consent. They were in league with otherAmerican families of the Anglo-American political, banking, and business cartels inthe Eastern Establishment, including the Dulles family. John Foster Dulles and hisbrother Allen will be another common thread in our story from the First World Warto the Kennedy assassination. John Foster Dulles would become US Secretary ofState and Allen, the head of the CIA.One other name I should mention here is a family which will appear manytimes: Harriman. Edward Harriman started work at the age of fourteen with littleeducation, but his fortunes changed after he married Mary Averell, the daughter ofa New York banker and railroad president. Harriman built his own fortune with theUnion Pacific Railroad, but he was a notoriously corrupt and ruthless businessman.In 1904, he was found guilty of a fraud which earned him $60 million in a deal thatalso implicated the Rothschild company, Kuhn Loeb and Co. Harriman stayed outof jail only by insider influence with politicians and their parties. His case washelped enormously by a $250,000 donation to the Republican National Committeeof President Theodore Roosevelt. The Skull and Bones Society was working secretlyin the background too. Roosevelt had earlier described Harriman as a man of ‘deepseated corruption’, but the quarter of a million dollars helped the President to seehim in a new light. Harriman money was involved in funding the Bolsheviks and both sides of the First World War. He and the Rockefellers provided part of thestart-up capital for the Morgan Guaranty Trust, which was to be the vehicle forenormous manipulation of world events. Edward Harriman had two sons, Averelland Roland, both pillars of the Skull and Bones Society. Averell (Comm 300) was tobecome one of the most active manipulators of the twentieth century.But who was really behind these American business and banking giants? The J.P.Morgan empire began in 1838 as George Peabody and Company, in England. It hadconnections with the firm of Brown Brothers (later Brown Brothers, Harriman).George Peabody was working secretly as an agent of the Rothschilds as early as18357 and he became known as Queen Victoria’s ‘favourite American’. A statue ofGeorge Peabody can be seen opposite the Bank of England today and his oldlunchbox is still given a prominent place at the London office of the Morgan StanleyBank. Peabody, the Rothschild frontman, became the biggest trader in Americansecurities in the world; with his partner, John Peirpont Morgan (Comm 300), he putenormous pressure on the administration of Abraham Lincoln to manipulate the USeconomy for their personal benefit. Peabody had no sons and when he died hisbusiness was passed to Morgan’s son, John Peirpont Morgan Jr (Comm 300), whowas born in New York in 1867. This second J.P. Morgan was seen, like his father, asan all-powerful banker at the helm of his own empire, but he was almost certainly avehicle for the House of Rothschild. Morgan was a direct descendent of AlexanderHamilton, the man who engineered the first US Central Bank, the Bank of theUnited States, in support of Rothschild interests. When the first J.P. Morgan died in1913, he left only $11 million, a very modest sum, considering his reputation andthe fortunes left by others. This is most likely to have been because he was afrontman for the Rothschilds and not all-powerful in his own right. The Wall Streetreporter, Lincoln Steffens, interviewed both J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller, and herealised that they were not the real power behind their empires. No-one everseems to ask the question ‘who is behind the Morgans and Rockefellers?’, he oncewrote. It is noteworthy, too, that the Morgans had a reputation for being anti-Jewishwhile in fact working closely with the Rothschilds. This ploy of anti-Semitism isoften used to camouflage Rothschild interests. The Rothschilds were mostpowerfully represented in the United States by the banking company known asKuhn, Loeb, and Co. It was founded in 1867 by Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb,two merchants from Cincinnati, but it became an obvious Rothschild front after1875, when Jacob Schiff arrived from Frankfurt. Schiff was born in theRothschild/Schiff house in Frankfurt, which the two families shared. The businessarrangements between Schiff and Kuhn, Loeb, and Co were consummated (as sooften happens in these cases) by the marriage of Schiff to Solomon Loeb’s daughter,Therese. Schiff brought Rothschild capital into the firm and ran it as a Rothschildfront. George R. Conroy wrote in the December, 1912 issue of Truth magazine:Mr Schiff is head of the great private banking house of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, whichrepresents the Rothschild interests on this side of the Atlantic. He has been describedas a financial strategist and has been for years the financial minister of the great impersonal power known as Standard Oil. He was hand-in-glove with the Harrimans, theGoulds, and the Rockefellers in all their railroad enterprises and has become thedominant power in the railroad and financial power of America.Schiff was the United States representative of the Rothschilds, a family who weresupposed to have little influence or interest in America! It was also a Rothschildbank, the National City Bank of Cleveland, which financed the early expansion ofthe Rockefellers and the Harrimans. The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds (via KuhnLoeb) would eventually merge some of their banking interests to form the ChaseManhattan Bank, one of the most influential banking operations in the world today.In the early years of this century, the Elite’s control was tightened still furtherand the structure became even more focussed and efficient. From the time of CecilRhodes, the Round Table Secret Society spawned a network of interconnectinggroups in many countries working toward a common aim. But the two mostimportant strongholds of the Round Table were Britain and the United States. Atthe Elite level were certain families and individuals on both sides of the Atlanticwho worked together covertly in pursuit of the goal of world government, a worldcentral bank, a world currency, and a world army. The technology for electronicmoney and a microchipped population would be added later. By now, certainnames were appearing which would be involved in almost everything of globalsignificance in the decades that followed: names like Rockefeller, Rothschild,Morgan, Harriman, Milner, Dulles, Warburg, Roosevelt, House, and Baruch. Thesenames will become familiar as the conventional view of history is overturned.Such names and organisations within the Elite/Illuminati/Brotherhood networkhave been behind the two World Wars, the Russian Revolution, the rise of AdolfHitler, and the constant manipulation of the financial system. These events havekept humanity in fear and division, exactly as required. But it is a fair question toask why would they support fascism, communism, and capitalism at the sametime? And how could this help their plans for the New World Order? This has to beseen on many levels. Financially, wars and revolutions are very profitable for thebankers and suppliers. But there are wider reasons behind this. If you want nationsto give up their sovereignty and hand over decisions and power to a worldauthority, it won’t just happen. You have to make it happen by causing conflictbetween nations on the principle of problem-reaction-solution. The Elite, workingin part through the Round Table network, wanted to cause so much pain and warbetween nation states that the public would say something must be done. Thissomething was intended to be a world authority all along.They would try first to introduce this as the League of Nations after World War Iand when that didn’t quite work, another World War led to the United Nations.Both of these organisations were promoted as a means to keep the peace amongnations by – to use Winston Churchill’s famous phrase – jaw, jaw, not war, war.But they were both Trojan horses for a global government, central bank, currency,and army. Look at what is happening within the United Nations today and you’llsee how far the UN has already moved in this direction. The strategy the Elite/Round Table used in the two World Wars, the Russian Revolution, andcountless other conflicts throughout this century has been attributed to a man calledHegel, although, in fact, this strategy was not developed by Hegel as such. Hiswork was only a trigger for others who developed and changed his thinking tocreate a sinister phenomena. Hegel, himself, appears to have been a very genuineman. Put simply, the modified version of his thinking can be described as ‘crisismanagement’, which appears uncontrolled, but is, in fact, extremely calculated.’Managed conflict’ and ‘controlled choice’ would be even more accuratedescriptions. The idea is to create the war and then win the peace in the way yourestructure the devastated post-war world.George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher, born in Stuttgart in1770. During his life he could never have known what an effect a modified,materialistic version of the phenomena he identified would have on the world fromthat day to this. His observations about the spiritual development of the mind weredeveloped and changed by others, including Karl Marx, and this modified versionof Hegelianism expressed itself thus: If you create two opposing sides and bringthem into conflict, you will create a third force, a synchronisation of both of them. Itis known as thesis v antithesis = synthesis: a new order. Marx, a German, theinspiration of the Bolshevik revolutionaries, was a keen student of Hegel’s work.The difference between them was that Hegel was talking of the spirit and mindwhile Marx rejected the idea of God and an afterlife. He was a materialist. To him,this world was all there was (or so he said publicly). As he once said: I turnedHegel on his head. In doing so, he had also identified an incredibly effective tool inmanipulating the world towards centralised control.Marx and his German industrialist friend, Friedrich Engels, produced theCommunist Manifesto. Engels, the promoter of freedom for the masses from theyoke of capitalism, had made a fortune exploiting child labour in Lancashire,England. The Communist Manifesto was nothing new and certainly not theinspiration of Karl Marx. He got his ‘ideas’ from the works of others, which he readduring his countless hours in the British Museum. His belief in a class war camefrom Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati. As the American researcher, GaryAllen, writes in his 1972 book None Dare Call It Conspiracy:In actual fact the ‘Communist Manifesto’ was in circulation for many years beforeMarx’s name was widely enough recognised to establish his authorship for thisrevolutionary handbook. All Karl Marx really did was to update and codify the very samerevolutionary plans and principles set down seventy years earlier by Adam Weishaupt,the founder of the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria.Marx was a member of a secret society in the Elite/Illuminati/ Brotherhoodnetwork, called the League of the Just, which later became the Communist League.The League of the Just was an offshoot of the Society of the Seasons, which played aleading role in the French Revolution. Once again our eyes turn to Germany,birthplace of the Bavarian Illumaniti. The League of the Just was called the Bund Der Gerechtan or simply theBund. This was the force behindthe rise of Marxism and he wasyet another front man.Interestingly, May 1st (‘MayDay’), was chosen as the annualcelebration for Marxist-Leninistand socialist countries andgroups around the world. TheBavarian Illuminati, the creatorof the Bund, was founded onMay 1st 1776. Marx had closeconnections with the Britisharistocracy through his marriageto Jenny von Westphalen, whowas related to the Scottish Dukesof Argyll and the Campbells.One of her ancestors, AnnaCampbell, the Countess ofBalcarras and Argyll, was thegoverness to the Prince ofOrange, later King William, whogranted the charter to the Bankof England and caused suchuntold misery in Ireland.


Archibald Campbell, the first Duke of Argyll, travelled with William on his journeyto England to take the throne in 1688. The present Earl of Balcarras is related toViscount Cowdray (Weetman John Churchill Pearson), whose mother was thedaughter of Lord Spencer Churchill. These were some of the connections aroundthe ‘people’s revolutionary’, Karl Marx.A tiny elite are coordinating all these apparently unconnected events. So whenyou see how the same people support and fund ‘opposites’ like Marxism-Leninism,fascism, and capitalism, it is not because they are confused or crazy. They arecreating the opposing ‘sides’ which can then be brought into conflict to play one offagainst the other and create another force – New World Orderism. Thesis v antithesis= synthesis. This was expressed most obviously and destructively in the way theElite created, funded, and brought capitalism and communism into conflict againstfascism in the Second World War (Figure 6). This created the desired synthesis: theUnited Nations and the European Community. The ‘Cold War’ between capitalismand communism is leading to another synthesis following the Elite-inspired’people’s revolutions’ throughout the former Soviet Union. People have been soldthe line that political beliefs can be expressed at one extreme by communism (the farLeft) and at the other by fascism (the far Right). This is part of the illusion to hidefrom us what is really going on. Fascism and communism are not opposites; they are merely promoted as such. Both involve central control by a tiny elite. The politicalspectrum is really freedom of expression, thought, and lifestyle at one end andauthoritarianism (fascism/Marxism-Leninism) at the other. Yet we have people whoare Marxists attacking fascists for their authoritarian policies and vice-versa! Theseopposites’ are Elite-created to give the illusion of extremes which they can then useto create the conflict that leads to synthesis – the centralised global institutions theyseek. And the political ‘radicals’, or what I call the ‘Robot Radicals’, have been dupedinto playing a crucial role in this. They still are.By using the modified Hegel philosophy, the Elite and all these families andorganisations have been involved in so much manipulation of the human race, thatit would take a library of books to tell the full story. Even then, the interconnectionand cross-referencing of names and organisations would be so complex as to behardly comprehensible. Boring you to death is not my ambition. At the same time, Iwant to include enough detail to show that the idea that an elite few can and docontrol the world and your life is no ‘theory’, but provable fact. Therefore, in therest of this chapter, I’m going to concentrate on the three major events in the earlyyears of this century which show that the version of history we are given in theschools and the media is considerably less than the truth. Those events are the FirstWorld War, the Russian Revolution, and the creation of the State of Israel. The samefew people manipulated all of them.The First World WarKaiser Wilhelm II was ruler of Germany in the early years of this century, but Eliteplaced men in his administration were manipulating policy, just as they were inGreat Britain (Milner) and in the United States (Colonel House). The assassination ofArchduke Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was used as theexcuse for war, but the conflict had been decided upon long before. The Austriansaccused Serbia of the murder and declared war. The assassination was carried out onJune 28th 1914 by a Serbian Secret Society, controlled by the Elite, called the BlackHand. Ferdinand went with his wife to Sarajevo in Bosnia. Six assassins werewaiting for him as his car was driven to his appointment. As the car went past them,all six failed to kill him and the Archduke appeared to have survived the attack. Buthis chauffeur became ‘confused’, took a ‘wrong turning’, and finally stopped the carin front of one of the would-be assassins, Gavrilo Princip, who took full advantage ofhis second opportunity. Ferdinand had told his friend, Count Czerin, that he knewan attempt on his life was imminent because he had been told the year before thatthe Freemasons had decided to kill him. Meanwhile – at exactly the same time inRussia – Grigory Yefimovitch Rasputin, the Tsar’s most influential advisor (whoopposed the war), was being attacked with a knife in an unsuccessful assassinationattempt in Pokrovskoe. As author Colin Wilson says in his book, Rasputin:There are fifty degrees of longitude between Sarajevo and Pokrovskoe, which meansthat eleven o’clock in Sarajevo is about 2.15 in Pokrovskoe. It is a strange coincidencethat two assassins struck at almost exactly the same moment – a coincidence that makes one inclined to doubt the ‘blindness of history’. Ferdinand’s death made warprobable; Rasputin’s injury made it certain, for he was the only man in Russia capableof averting it.Kaiser Wilhelm, urged on by his Brotherhood advisors, supported Austria anddeclared war on Russia and France. The ‘Great War’ was underway. One of its mainarchitects was the Kaiser’s Chancellor, Bethmann-Hollweg, a member of theBethmann banking family in Frankfurt and a cousin of the Rothschilds.8 Britain camein against Germany, and the United States followed suit in 1917. America was alwaysgoing to enter the war, as public opinion was whipped up by the media. Kent Cooper,the President of Associated Press, wrote in the November 13th 1944 issue of Life:Before and during the First World War, the great German news agency, Wolff, wasowned by the European banking house of Rothschild, which had its centralheadquarters in Berlin. A leading member of the firm was also Kaiser Wilhelm’spersonal banker (Max Warburg). What actually happened in Imperial Germany was thatthe Kaiser used Wolff to bind and excite his people to such a degree that they wereeager for World War I. Twenty years later under Hitler the pattern was repeated andenormously magnified by DNB, Wolff’s successors.In his autobiography, Barriers Down, Cooper added that the House of Rothschildbought an interest in the three leading European news agencies: Wolff in Germany,Havas in France, and Reuters in England. For those who don’t know how the mediaworks, the news agencies provide news stories to all papers and media outlets, sowhat they say is often repeated by the whole of the media. It must be true becausethey’re all saying it is what I hear people say. They are all saying it because theyare printing the same information from the same source – the news agency. It isworth noting that on April 28th 1915, Baron Herbert de Reuter, the head of theReuters agency, ‘committed suicide’. This followed the collapse of the Reuters Bank.The Baron was replaced by Sir Roderick Jones, who reports in his autobiographythat .. .Shortly after I succeeded Baron Herbert de Reuter in 1915, it so happenedthat I received an invitation from Mr Alfred Rothschild, then head of the BritishHouse of Rothschild, to lunch with him at the historic New Court, in the City.What they discussed, he declines to reveal. What do you think?Amazing as it may seem at first, the connections between the Jewish House ofRothschild and the creation of World Wars (in which so many Jewish peoplesuffered appallingly) are beginning to mount.It was part of the Elite’s strategy to involve the US and increase the post-wardemands for a world authority to stop further wars. This was not too much of aproblem because the president, Woodrow Wilson, did whatever his chief ‘advisor’,Colonel House (Comm 300), told him to do. In 1915, the German sinking of theAmerican ‘passenger’ ship, the Lusitania, was an excuse for the US to declare war,just as the assassination of Ferdinand had been for the Germans, and the attack onPearl Harbor would be for the Americans in World War II. The Lusitania was sailed into an area of known German U-boat activity without an escort, and the people onboard were sacrificed to satisfy the Elite’s horrific ambitions. In the archives of theUS Treasury Department, President Wilson concealed proof that the Lusitania wascarrying military supplies for the British.9 It was not the ‘passengers-only’ vessel itwas claimed to be as part of the propaganda to outrage American public opinion.Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt of the Eastern Establishment family was on the Lusitaniawhen it sank. A telegram had been delivered to the ship before it left New Yorkwarning Vanderbilt not to sail, but it never reached him and it cost him his life.Someone obviously knew exactly what was planned.The manipulation of America into the war was coordinated through three mainorganisations: the Council on National Defense, the Navy League, and the Leagueto Enforce Peace. Among the members of the Council on National Defense was theRothschild agent, Bernard Baruch. As head of the War Industries Board during thewar, Baruch had, in his own words .. .probably more power than perhaps anyother man did in the war.. ..10 The Navy League was dominated by J.R Morgan.Among the principals of the League to Enforce Peace were Elihu Root, J.R Morgan’slawyer; Perry Belmont,11 the Rothschild’s US agent; and Jacob Schiff of theRothschild’s Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. The assistant secretary of the Navy at this timewas one Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was awarding big navy contracts wellbefore there was any talk of America joining the war – just as he would a few yearslater, when he was president before and during the Second World War.Another confirmation that the First World War was engineered for longer termreasons came in the 1950s, with the findings of a US Congressional investigation bythe Reece Committee into the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. It wasfound to be an organisation dedicated to creating war! This organisation is one of anetwork of so-called tax-exempt foundations started by the Carnegie, Rockefeller,and Ford families, which help to fund the New World Order plan. Norman Dodd,the Reece Committee’s Director of Research, reported the findings of his investigatorKathryn Casey: Dodd said that at one meeting of the Carnegie trustees, the questionwas asked: Is there any means known to man more effective than war if you wantto alter the lives of an entire people? It was decided that there was not, and so thenext question for the trustees was, How do we involve the United States in a war?Dodd went on:And then they raised the question: ‘How do we control the diplomatic machinery of theUnited States?’ And the answer came out: ‘We must control the State Department’. Atthis point we catch up with what we had already found out…that through an agency setup by the Carnegie Endowment, every high appointment in the State Department wascleared. Finally, we were in a war. These trustees in a meeting about 1917 had thebrashness to congratulate themselves on the wisdom of their original decision becausealready the impact of the war had indicated it would alter life and can alter life in thiscountry. This was the date of our entry in the war; we were involved. They even had thebrashness to word and to dispatch a telegram to Mr Wilson, cautioning him to seethat the war did not end too quickly. 12 my emphasis Dodd said that Kathryn Casey then found other minutes, dealing with the workof the Carnegie Endowment to prevent American life returning to its pre-war state.Changing the way people lived and thought was, after all, the main point of thewar. Dodd reported that:…they came to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, they must controleducation. And then they approached the Rockefeller Foundation and they said: ‘Willyou take on the acquisition of control of education as it involves subjects that aredomestic in their significance’. And it was agreed. Then together, they decided that thekey to it was the teaching of American history and they must change that. So, they thenapproached the most prominent of what we might call American historians at that timewith the idea of getting them to alter the manner in which they presented the subject.13This is why most of the information in this book about the real background toworld events has never been taught in the schools or universities. If you are notbeing allowed to know the full story about something, it is because (from themanipulators’ point of view) it is dangerous for you to know. That is my motivationin writing this book. You have a right to be dangerous!The Russian RevolutionWith the First World War underway, another Elite coup was reaching fruition, theRussian Revolution of 1917. This took the same form as the French Revolution. TheElite created economic chaos and the ruling dictator, the Tsar, played into theirhands by refusing to introduce democracy and empowerment for the people. In1905, the Tsar was manipulated by the Rothschilds into a war with Japan toundermine the Russian economy and sow the seeds of unrest among thepopulation. The Rothschilds told the Tsar that they would finance the war, while inthe United States, the Rothschild company, Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, was secretlyfunding the Japanese. Then the war with Germany came in 1914, during which theRussian Army was constantly weakened by outside influences. One way the Elitehave controlled wars is to send inferior weapons to the side they want to lose or todelay the delivery of armaments altogether. In 1915, the British Chancellor of theExchequer and soon-to-be Prime Minister, Lloyd George (Comm 300), realised thatarmaments ordered for the Russian Army were five months overdue. At one pointthere was only one rifle for every six soldiers. This fuelled the fires of revolution,exactly as planned. The Elite wanted to demoralise the Russian soldiers so theywould mutiny. The company responsible for the delay was Vickers Maxim, whichwas controlled by Sir Ernest Cassel, a business associate of the Rothschilds’ Kuhn,Loeb, and Company. The largest holder of Vickers stock was the House ofRothschild.14 The British Cabinet dispatched Lord Kitchener to Russia to reorganisetheir army, but he was drowned on the way when the HMS Hampshire’mysteriously’ sank on the night of June 5th 1916. Just another coincidence, I guess.In Russia, dissension was being stirred. The first (and more moderate) revolutionwas begun by a Freemason, Alexander Kerensky. I say ‘first’, in fact there was another revolution even before this, headed by Prince Lvov. He planned to create anAmerican-style Republic and by this time Tsar Nicholas II had already abdicated.But, as in France when the momentum for revolution had been triggered, alongcame the next, more terrifying stage. Trotsky and Lenin arrived to take over andintroduce the despotic rule known as Marxism-Leninism. This was not a RussianRevolution. It was a coup on Russia by the United States financial arm of the GlobalElite largely controlled by the Rothschilds. Leon Trotsky, who had been living inNew York after being expelled from Germany, left for Petrograd, Russia, on the SSKristianiafjord on March 26th 1917, with $10,000 given to him by the Rockefellers.15In his hand was a United States passport arranged for him by President WoodrowWilson. Jennings C. Wise says in his study, Woodrow Wilson: Disciple OfRevolution: Historians must never forget that Woodrow Wilson, despite the effortsof the British police, made it possible for Leon Trotsky to enter Russia with anAmerican passport.16 This happened at a time when the US authorities weresupposed to be tightening their checks on potential revolutionaries entering Russiaon United States passports! But who controlled Wilson? The Elite’s representative,Colonel Edward House (Comm 300). When the ship docked in Canada en route,Trotsky was detained by the Canadian authorities, but he was released and allowedto continue his journey to Russia. Lieutenant Colonel John Bayne MacLean, thefounder and President of Maclean Publishing, was known for his close contactswith Canadian Intelligence. In 1918, he wrote an article which appeared in his ownMacLean’s magazine, headed Why Did We Let Trotsky Go? How Canada Lost TheChance To Shorten The War.17 MacLean made a number of revelations aboutTrotsky, many of which have been confirmed or supported by evidence that hascome to light since then. He said that Trotsky was not Russian, but German, andother intelligence information has suggested that he spoke better German thanRussian.18 MacLean’s sources said Trotsky had been very publicly ‘expelled’ fromGermany in August 1914 to give him credibility for what was to follow. MacLeansaid that other Russian revolutionaries organised by Trotsky in the United Statesand Western Canada were largely Germans and Austrians travelling as Russians.MacLean went on:Originally the British found through Russian associates that Kerensky, Lenin, andsome lesser leaders were practically in German pay as early as 1915 and theyuncovered in 1916 the connections with Trotsky, then living in New York. From thattime he was closely watched by the Bomb Squad. In the early part of 1916, aGerman official sailed into New York. British Intelligence officials accompanied him.He Trotsky was held up at Halifax, but on their British Intelligence instruction, hewas passed on with profuse apologies for the unnecessary delay. After muchmanoeuvring, he arrived in a dirty little newspaper office in the slums and there hefound Trotsky, for whom he bore important instructions. From June 1916, until theypassed him onto the British, the New York Bomb Squad never lost touch withTrotsky. They discovered that his real name was Braunstein19 and that he wasGerman, not a Russian. Interestingly, if this is correct, both communism and fascism (which came intoconflict in the Second World War) were created to a large extent in the same country- Germany, the home of so many Elite secret societies and birthplace of AdamWeishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati. After Trotsky arrived in Russia, he was joined byLenin, who had been given safe passage across Germany in a sealed train, fromSwitzerland to Russia via Sweden, in April 1917, accompanied by thirty-two other’revolutionaries’. The trip was approved and paid for by the German General Staffunder orders from German Supreme Command. The Germans were also spendingbig sums to fund the Bolshevik’s propaganda inside Russia. Von Kuhmann, theForeign Affairs Minister, told the Kaiser in 1917:It was not until the Bolsheviks had received from us a steady flow of funds through thevarious channels and under varying labels that they were in a position to be able tobuild up their organ, Pravda, to conduct energetic propaganda and appreciably to extendthe originally narrow base of their party.20The plan was that the re-revolution would withdraw Russia from the First WorldWar and make ‘peace’ with Germany. This is precisely what happened. Once more,these events are multidimensional. The Russian ‘revolutionaries’ such as Lenin andTrotsky were being used to get Russia out of the war, to the benefit of Germany. Butat the Elite level, the bogeyman called communism was being created to stimulatethe division of fear and mistrust presented as communism v capitalism v fascism.Once you have fear caused by two or more distinct ‘sides’, you have divide and rule:control. Fear is also the greatest producer of negative energy. While Trotsky, Lenin,and their crowd were denouncing the capitalists, they were being financed by theLondon and New York bankers. Trotsky was quoted in the Russian newspaper,Russkoe, as saying that the Soviet cannot align itself.. .with capitalist Americans, forthis would be a betrayal. Oh really, Leon? In fact, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks weresupported financially and politically by the same people who would support Hitlerand the fascists because the Elite has no political line. In his autobiography, Trotskyrefers to some of the loans from British financiers. Many of these were arranged byLord Milner (Comm 300) of the Round Table and ‘Alexander’ Gruzenberg (realname Michael), the chief Bolshevik agent in Scandinavia, who was a confidentialadvisor to the J.P. Morgan-owned Chase National Bank in New York. This was aLondon-New York revolution, with the Russian people once again the victims.A Mr Fixit between London, Wall Street, and the Bolsheviks was Olof Aschberg,who became known as the Bolshevik Banker. He owned Nya Banken, founded inStockholm in 1912. Aschberg’s London agent was the North Commerce Bank,chaired by Earl Grey, a friend of Cecil Rhodes and a member of the Round Table.Another close associate of Aschberg was Max May, the vice president of J.RMorgan’s Guaranty Trust and head of its overseas operations. Clearly Aschberg wasthe perfect middle man to channel funds from London and New York to theBolsheviks. In 1915, the American International Corporation was formed to fundthe Russian Revolution. Its directors represented the interests of the Rockellers, Rothschilds, DuPont, Kuhn, Loeb, Harriman, and the Federal Reserve. Theyincluded Frank Vanderlip (one of the Jekyl Island Group which created the FederalReserve) and George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of President George Bush.


The Rothschilds were also directly involved in financing the revolution viaJacob Schiff, at Kuhn, Loeb, and Co in New York. International bankers fromBritain, the United States, Russia, Germany, and France met in Sweden in thesummer of 1917. They agreed that Kuhn, Loeb would deposit $50 million in aSwedish bank account for Lenin and Trotsky’s use. In an article in The New YorkAmerican Journal on February 3rd 1949, Jacob Schiff’s grandson said that hisgrandfather had paid the two ‘revolutionaries’ an additional $20 million. Thepayment of $20 million to the Bolsheviks by Elihu Root (the Kuhn Loeb lawyer andformer Secretary of State), via a Special War Fund, is recorded in the CongressionalRecord of September 2nd 1919. It was quite an investment if, as some researcherssuggest, Lenin repaid Kuhn, Loeb, and Co the rouble equivalent of $450 millionbetween 1918 and 1922. And this was nothing compared with the profits thebankers made from the exploitation of the Russian land, economy, and people, notleast by stealing the Tsar’s gold and vast financial holdings which were heldabroad in the very banks that funded the revolution.In 1917, the Elite used the cover of a Red Cross mission to Russia to arrange thefinal details of the Bolshevik takeover. The Red Cross in Washington launched acampaign to raise $2 million. It was successful thanks only to substantial donationsfrom New York financiers, including J.P. Morgan himself, who gave $100,000. Thebankers and industrialists proceeded to take control of the United States Red Crossand, as the Elite’s John Foster Dulles put it, they viewed the American Red Crossas a virtual arm of government.. ..21 The personnel of this mission to Russia inAugust 1917 says it all. Only seven of the party of twenty-four were doctors. Therest were mostly New York financiers and their assistants, led by William BoyceThompson (Comm 300), the first full-time head of the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork. The doctors returned after only one month and Dr Frank Billings, Professor ofMedicine at the University of Chicago and the official leader of the mission/wasreported to have been disgusted with the obviously political activities of its nonmedical members. Also in the party were three Russian interpreters, all knownBolsheviks. One of them, Boris Reinstein, would become secretary to Lenin andhead of the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda.22 The Red Cross hasbeen used on many occasions by the Elite without the knowledge of its genuinestaff. This is not only an insult to the work the Red Cross is seeking to do, it is alsoextremely dangerous for the 99% who are genuinely working for that organisationout of compassion for the plight of the world’s peoples. Intriguingly, the Red Crosssymbol is also that of the Knights Templar, the flag of England, and the symbolwhich Columbus flew on his ships while ‘discovering’ the ‘New World’ on behalf ofthe Templars. The Red Cross was formed during the Elite-engineered FrancoPrussian War in 1870 via correspondence in our old friend, the London Times.At the same time that these elite bankers were creating organisations to supportthe Bolsheviks, they were also funding and setting up anti-Bolshevik organisations. Otto Kahn and members of the Morgan Guaranty Trust formed a group calledUnited Americans, which circulated anti-communist and anti-Jewish propaganda.This allowed genuine opponents of the revolution to be dismissed as ‘anti-Semitic’.This has continued to happen up to the present day, with the Robot Radicals of theI’m full of my own political purity mindset dancing on the strings pulled by theGlobal Elite to denounce anyone who gets close to the truth as an ‘anti-Semite’. Thesame is happening to me today. It’s all so predictable. The Robot Radicals and their’opposition’, the Robot Right, have their strings pulled by the same people! It’shilarious, really.On his way back from Russia, William Boyce Thompson stopped over in Londonto meet the British Prime Minister, Lloyd George. They were joined by Thomas W.Lamont of J.P. Morgan, who had travelled from Paris (where he had been indiscussion with Colonel Edward House on how to rearrange the world after thewar). House had cabled President Wilson on November 28th 1917, urging him tosuppress all media criticism of the Bolsheviks: It is exceedingly important thatsuch criticism be suppressed, the cable said. This telegram was placed in aconfidential file and came to light only six years later. Researcher, Carroll Quigley,said that the House of Morgan was infiltrating Left-wing groups in the UnitedStates from around 1915. It was the strategy to hijack both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’domestically and internationally.23The Russian Revolution was all part of the Big Plan, which is why the leadingofficials of the Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve Bank of New York, includingThompson, supported the Bolsheviks. In this period, we are seeing the Global Elitedeciding on the post-war policies and ensuring that the puppet-politicians make ithappen. Thompson and Lamont met Lloyd George to convince him that the Britishgovernment’s anti-Bolshevik stance was misguided and should encompass thereality that Lenin and Trotsky were there to stay.24 Lloyd George and his Cabinet -including the Round Table’s Lord Milner, of course – accepted the ThompsonLamont view. When you have agents of the Elite in vital positions on all sides inthis way, you can pretty much do what you like. The British decision to back theBolsheviks is less surprising when you consider that Lloyd George was not a freeagent in this. His private life left him open to blackmail and he was underobligations to an international armaments dealer called Basil Zaharoff (who made afortune selling arms to both sides in any war he could find). Zaharoff had a holdover Lloyd George after he arranged for the Prime Minister to have an affair withhis wife, formerly Emily Ann Burrows of Knightsbridge. Zaharoff also soldpeerages created by Lloyd George.25 In the 1963 book, The Mask Of Merlin,16 thewriter Donald McCormick says that Zaharoff had so much power that Alliedstatesmen and leaders were obliged to consult him before planning any greatattack. Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and the French Prime Minister, GeorgesClemenceau, met a number of times at Zaharoff’s Paris home. This is relevant to theAllied policy on Russia because Zaharoff was supporting the Bolsheviks anddiverting arms away from those opposing them. He, too, intervened on theBolsheviks’ behalf in both London and Paris. In April 1919, the British Foreign Office issued a nine pence White Paper onRussia which revealed that the revolution had been organised and financed byinternational bankers. It explained how Chinese criminals had been imported toserve under Bolshevik officers in a terror campaign against the people of Russia.This document was quickly withdrawn and replaced with a six pence version -minus this information.27 Some claim that the Bolshevik Revolution was a JewishRevolution, but I think that Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman reads the situation perfectlywhen he writes:The truth of the matter was…that there was a conspiracy, but it was neither Jewish,nor Catholic, nor Masonic. It involved people of all types of religions and nationalbackgrounds. Side by side with the Schiffs, Warburgs, and Rothschilds were theMorgans and the Rockefellers. With Trotsky were Lenin and Stalin.28What was the common theme between them? The cult of the All-Seeing Eye.With the revolution established, the Elite arranged for its intelligence personnel tobe sent to Russia. Alfred Milner selected an agent, Bruce Lockhart (Comm 300), togo to Russia and to team up with the American, Raymond Robins, who had beenleft behind by William Boyce Thompson to lead the – now doctorless – ‘Red Cross’mission through 1918. The French chose to send the Bolshevik supporter, JacquesSadoul, an old friend of Trotsky. The conspiracy then had control of the diplomaticand intelligence reports coming out of Russia to their governments. With that, thecoup by the Global Elite on the Russian people was complete. Lenin and Trotskyproceeded to dismantle any institutions and groups of workers which had emergedfrom the early days of the revolution. The hated Okhrana, the ‘secret service’ of theTsars, was revamped into what eventually became the KGB. The ‘People’sRevolution’, which would turn hundreds of millions of people into little more thanprisoners in their own land and cause the death and suffering of so many in theconcentration camps, had massively advanced the aims of the New World Order.The Soviet card would be played with great effect in the decades that followed.The Creation of the State of IsraelAnother Elite ambition during the First World War was to ensure the recognitionby Britain of a Jewish homeland in what was then Arab Palestine. The politicalmovement known as Zionism had been introduced to campaign for a Jewishhomeland, but it is often misunderstood: all Jewish people are not Zionists and allZionists are not Jewish. Zionism is not a religion or a race; it is a politicalmovement consisting of people, Jews and non-Jews, who support the claim for aJewish homeland. If you support that, you are a Zionist, too, no matter what yourrace or religious belief. To say that Zionism is the Jewish race is like saying theBritish Labour Party is the English race. Zionism was founded in the last centuryby an atheist, Theodore Herzl, and it is used as a front for the Global Elite and ameans to dupe Jewish people as a whole. The offer to recognise a homeland inPalestine was designed both to persuade the United States to enter the war and later to create ‘managed conflict’ and a situation of ‘divide and rule’ in the oil-richMiddle East. More than twenty years after the First World War, on April 25th 1939,US Senator Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota revealed to the Senate some of thebackground to Britain’s recognition of a Jewish homeland and the First World Warin general. He said he had been given some documents called ‘The Next War’. Thetitle referred to the Second World War, which the writers of the documents alreadyknew was going to happen. One volume, called ‘Propaganda in the Next War’, alsodiscussed, in passing, how the American people had been tricked into fighting inWorld War I. It said:For some time the issue as to which side the United States would take hung in thebalance, the final result was a credit to our British propaganda. There remain the Jews.It has been estimated that of the world Jewish population of approximately fifteenmillion, no fewer than five million are in the United States; 25% of the inhabitants ofNew York are Jews.During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise ofthe Jewish national home in Palestine, held by Ludendorf to be a master stroke of alliedpropaganda, as it enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America, but to Jews inGermany as well.29The Americans entered the war in 1917. The Balfour Declaration came onNovember 6th of that year, when Arthur (Lord) Balfour (Comm 300), the BritishForeign Secretary and member of the Round Table’s inner elite, officially recognisedPalestine as a homeland for Jewish people. We need to look at this on many levelsagain. The propagandists may well have believed it was a ‘master stroke’ to bringAmerica into the war, but what they didn’t know was that they were beingmanipulated to manipulate others. America was coming into the war anyway. AJewish homeland in Palestine had been a long-time Elite strategy and the guise ofbringing America into the war was used to encourage British politicians to accept it.The Balfour Declaration was a terrible blow to the Arabs who had, under theleadership and promises of the Englishman, T.E. Lawrence (‘Lawrence of Arabia’),fought on Britain’s behalf against the Turks and they played a crucial role inwinning the war. The Arabs were promised full post-war sovereignty andindependence for their support and this was confirmed in official correspondence.Lawrence, a close friend of Winston Churchill (Comm 300), knew full well that hewas lying to the Arabs he was leading. Some years later Lawrence said:I risked the fraud on my conviction that Arab help was necessary to our cheap andspeedy victory in the East, and that better we win and break our word, than lose.. .TheArab inspiration was our main tool for winning the Eastern War. So I assured them thatEngland kept her word in letter and in spirit. In this comfort they performed their finethings; but, of course, instead of being proud of what we did together, I was continuallybitter and ashamed. While Lawrence and the British were promising the Arabs independence, theywere in the process of making a commitment to give away Palestine as a Jewishhomeland. Lawrence, Milner, and Victor Rothschild all knew each other. TheBalfour Declaration was not an announcement by the Foreign Secretary to theHouse of Commons. It took the form, appropriately, of a letter between ArthurBalfour (Comm 300), of the Rothschild-funded Round Table, and Lord Lionel WalterRothschild (Comm 300), the representative of the English Federation of Zionists,which was set up with Rothschild money. It was written by the leading voice inLloyd George’s wartime cabinet, the Round Table’s most influential figure, LordMilner (who was made chairman of Rio Tinto Zinc by Lord Rothschild).31 TheBalfour Declaration was a decree by the Rothschilds/Global Elite and not part ofany democratic process. Balfour’s letter to Lord Rothschild, believed by many tohave been written by Lord Rothschild, in league with Alfred Milner, said:I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, thefollowing declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has beensubmitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet: His Majesty’s Government view with favourthe establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will usetheir best endeavours for the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood thatnothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing nonJewish communities in Palestine what a joke!, or the rights and political status enjoyedby Jews in any other country. I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration tothe knowledge of the Zionist Federation.At the time less than one per cent of the population of Palestine was Jewish andyet this letter was to form the basis on which the post-war world was to be dividedand Arab control of Palestine handed over. It had nothing to do with what was bestfor Jews, even though its architects, the Rothschilds, are Jewish if only in name. Itwas about the wider strategic oil and New World Order possibilities that a footholdin that part of the Middle East would offer. I believe that Rabbi Marvin S. Antelmanis correct when he links the House of Rothschild with the All-Seeing Eye cliquewhich is seeking to destroy Judaism. Things may be done in the name of Jewishpeople as a whole, but they are not done for their benefit. Jewish people are used asfodder by the Elite and by many within the Jewish hierarchy. Nor is it true that mostJewish people today have a genetic line back to ancient Israel, a claim used to justifythe occupation of Palestine. For the same reason, the term ‘anti-Semitic’ isconstantly misused.Personally, I don’t care about the colour and genetic line of a person’s physicalbody. It is a vehicle for experience, that’s all. We are aspects of each other. But sincemany people use the genetics of their bodies to justify their actions, we might aswell get the information right. The word Semitic comes from the race of peoples inancient Sumer from whom the biblical Jews claimed to have emerged. Sem or Shem,one of the sons of Noah in the Bible stories, is said to be of this line and the originappears to have been the legend of ‘Shemjaza’, the ‘heavenly son and guardian angel of God’. Another extraterrestrial almost certainly. But according to severalJewish writers, including Arthur Koestler in his book, The Thirteenth Tribe,32 veryfew Jews today can trace their genetic ancestry back to the Semite line of this periodand/or the Semitic line in Palestine and Israel at the time of Y’shua (Jesus). Instead,they are the genetic descendants of a people of Turkish-Mongolian-Nordic ancestrycalled the Khazars who converted to the Jewish religion in 740AD.The Khazars lived in lower Russia between the Black and Caspian Seas.


Theywere between the Christian and Islamic worlds and their leader chose to accept theJewish faith to avoid being swamped by the empires of the perceived alternatives.Most Jews today, Koestler says, originate from these people, not the Semitic line. Infact, to call someone ‘anti-Semitic’ is, more accurately, to call them ‘anti-Arab’,because more members of the old Semite race are Arab than are Jewish!After the breakup of the Khazar empire by the thirteenth century, the peoplewho adopted the Jewish faith either stayed on in Russia or, in the case of themajority, moved on into what became the Balkans, Lithuania, Poland, and Germany.The language known as Yiddish emerged from these events. It is a mixture ofHebrew, Polish, and German. The name Rothschild came from the Red Shield, thesymbol of the Khazar “Jews” in eastern Europe (German: rotes schild = red shield).The Rothschild family have no more an historic link to Palestine than an eskimo.33The ‘Jewish’ hooked nose does not originate from the biblical Israel. It has itsgenetic origins in the Caucasus. The classic Jewish face of Y’shua (Jesus) is a myth.He would not have looked anything like that because he was not born in LowerRussia. As Koestler wrote, “Anthropology concurs with history in refuting thepopular belief in a Jewish race descended from the biblical tribe”. The Jewish-bornChristian bishop, Hugh Montefiore, said in the Church Times of January 24th 1992,that: “Anti-Semitism is built on a powerful racial myth, accepted by Jews and antiSemites alike”. Yet it is members of the genetic stream which has no connectionwhatsoever with Palestine, who were behind the creation of Israel and today’scontinued suppression of Palestinian rights.The Jewish writer Alfred M. Lilienthal goes further. He says there is no suchthing as a Jewish “race”. To be “Jewish” is to follow the Jewish religious faith andhas nothing to do with race because, he says, people of endless races converted tothe Jewish faith over thousands of years, so creating a vast cocktail of differentgenetic streams who called themselves Jewish. In his courageous book, What PriceIsrael?, Lilienthal points out:“The most persuasive argument the Jewish nationalist could advance for Zionism isbased on the hypothesis of a ‘Hebrew-Semitic race’. But most members of such a’race’ would be found amongst the Arabic peoples of the Middle East, the overwhelmingmajority of whom do not profess the Jewish faith. The Arabs, bitter enemies of theIsraelis who have returned to their reported ‘racial home’, most closely resemble thoseJews who are indigenous to Palestine and the Middle East; for they are of poorerHebrew-Israelite blood than most of those who have been ‘ingathered’…The allegationthat Arabs are anti-Semitic is somewhat ludicrous. “…it is, in fact, the unanimous conclusion of all anthropologists, from Weissenberg,Hertz and Fishberg (themselves Jews), to Boas, Ripley, Mead, Pittard and others thatwherever Jews are found, they closely resemble the people amongst whom they live.Even those of common family names supposedly traceable to the ancient Hebrewtribes, such as Levites (Levi) and Kohanim (Kohn, Coehn, Cohn) have little physicalresemblence to one another. There is not one racial characteristic common to all whoprofess to be Jews.”34Such subtleties evaded Lloyd George (Comm 300), who was a passionateadvocate of a Jewish homeland in Israel. When you look at what he wrote on thesubject in the 1920s, either he was trying to mislead the populace or he himself wasbeing seriously misled. In his book, Is It Peace?, he accepts without question thatJewish people had an historical right to Palestine.35 He says that only with theirbrilliance and commitment could it become a ‘land of milk and honey’ againbecause, basically – if you put his words in simple terms – the Arabs were toostupid to do that. But it is when he outlines Zionist intentions for Palestine that hisclaims can be shown to be breathtakingly naive or calculated to mislead. Even morelikely, the endless means through which he could have been blackmailed over hisprivate life and personal corruption acted to ‘focus’ his mind. As they say, “Whenyou have got someone by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow”. LloydGeorge condemns the opponents of the Balfour Declaration for suggesting that theZionist leaders were seeking to establish “a Jewish oligarchy in Palestine that willreduce the Arab inhabitant to a condition of servitude to a favoured Hebrewminority”.36 The best answer to that charge, he said, was to be found in amemorandum submitted by the Zionist Association to the League of Nations. Withthe hindsight of more than seventy years, I doubt if even Lloyd George would nowquote that memorandum as confirmation that the opponents were wrong. It said:“The Jews demand no privilege, unless it is the privilege of rebuilding by their ownefforts and sacrifices a land which, once the seat of a thriving and productivecivilisation, has long been suffered to remain derelict. They expect no favouredtreatment in the matter of political or religious rights. They assume, as a matter ofcourse, that all the inhabitants of Palestine, be they Jews or non-Jews, will be in everyrespect on a footing of perfect equality. They seek no share in the Government beyondthat to which they may be entitled under the Constitution as citizens of the country.They solicit no favours. They ask, in short, no more than an assured opportunity ofpeacefully building up their National Home by their own exertions and of succeeding ontheir merits.”The Jewish and Arab populations of Israel will be in every respect on a footing ofperfect equality? They expect no favoured treatment in the matter of political orreligious rights? Really?Chaim Herzog, the President of Israel, had a rather different view some yearslater, when he said that the Arabs cannot be “participants in any way in a land that has been consecrated to our people for thousands of years. To the Jews of this landthere cannot be any partner”.37 There, that’s more like it! Jewish people as a whole(the faith) have been victims of Zionism (the political movement), which iscontrolled by the Global Elite. It is time Jewish people (who are innocent andunaware of the background) realised how they, their minds and their emotions arebeing used in ways that serve a longer-term plan for centralised control, and notthemselves and their children.This is certainly true of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith which wasformed in the United States in 1913. From that time to this, the Anti-DefamationLeague (ADL) has operated as an intelligence unit which brands as “anti-Semitic”anyone who challenges or questions the Global Elite. But was it set up for thebenefit of Jewish people? No, no. It was formed to protect the New York gangsters!In the early years of this century, Thomas Bingham, the New York City PoliceCommissioner, began a determined challenge to the mobsters. Among them wasArnold Rothstein, the mentor of Meyer Lansky who would later be the godfather ofthe organised crime syndicate which helped to fund and arm the Jewish terroristunderground in Palestine and later did the same for the State of Israel itself. Lanskywas also a key player in the assassination of President Kennedy. The New Yorkmobsters responded to Bingham’s investigation by branding him an anti-Semite.This character demolition was so successful that it forced him out of office andended the investigation of the mob.These attacks were coordinated by a committee set up by an attorney calledSigmund Livingston. In 1913 this committee was given a formal title – The AntiDefamation League.38 Today it is an arm of the Israeli /Global Elite intelligenceagency, Mossad, and has been at the heart of some horrific events, including theKennedy assassination. The ADL is there to help the Global Elite and the terroristswho have controlled Israel, not to protect Jewish people from prejudice. Anythingbut, in fact.Winning the PeaceThe First World War ended in 1918 with tens of millions of dead and injured on allsides, after the bloodiest conflict in known human history. It was a war that wasplanned and created by the Elite using the power and money of the banking andsecret society network. It would not otherwise have happened. It was not the workof human nature, but manipulated human nature. At the same time, the Elite hadsown the seeds for the capitalist/communist v fascist (Second) World War and thecapitalism v communism Cold War by arranging and financing the RussianRevolution. The Elite had won the revolution and the war. Now they prepared fortheir most important ambition – winning the peace. They had the nation states ofEurope exactly where they wanted them. The war had left Europe devastated andsubmerged in debt to the Elite’s bankers, who had made loans to both sides. Thename J.P. Morgan (Comm 300) was at the heart of this. The Morgan Guaranty Trustand the Elite’s American International Corporation made loans to finance Germanespionage and covert operations in the United States and South America during the ‘Tom Rhodes to ruin ar. This was revealed by the Overman Committee of the US Senate in 1919.Among the other names involved were the Rothschilds’ Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, andMorgan’s Chase National Bank. The committee also established that the GuarantyTrust which was making loans to the Allies during the war, was covertly arrangingother loans for Germany on the London money markets! This money waschannelled to Germany via South America.39In 1915 while all this was happening, the same J.P. Morgan was named by theBritish government as its sole agent for the purchasing of Britain’s war suppliesfrom the then ‘neutral’ United States, and for all loans from private banks in theUS. Britain also became the guarantor for all goods and loans from America by theFrench, Italians, and Russians. By the end of the war, Britain, once the mostpowerful country in the world, was on its knees. Again, this was not accident, butdesign. At the time of the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919, Britain owed theUnited States $4.7 billion in war debts. The British national debt had increased by924% between 1913 and 1918, while the profits of the Global Elite companiessoared. According to the Austrian writer, Gertrude Elias, the capital of DuPont(Comm 300) alone increased from $83 million to $308 million during the years ofthe First World War.40 The ‘victorious’ leaders of the Allies at Versailles wereWoodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and Georges Clemenceau. They met with their’advisors’ to decide the reparations that Germany would pay to the victors and theterms of the peace settlement. Versailles and its offshoots would also give birth tothe League of Nations, the Elite’s first attempt at a covert world government, andthe World Court in The Hague, Netherlands. It would further confirm Israel as aJewish homeland, giving control of Palestine to the British in the meantime, andreturn the world economy to the gold standard, the process by which currenciesare linked to gold. Who controlled the gold? The Rothschilds and some otherElite financiers.The Elite also controlled the events and decisions at Versailles. Woodrow Wilsonwas ‘advised’ there by Colonel House (Comm 300) and Bernard Baruch, bothRothschild-Elite representatives; Lloyd George (Comm 300) was advised by LordMilner (Comm 300) of the Round Table and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct descendantof Mayer Amschel Rothschild; Clemenceau had Georges Mandel, his Minister forthe Interior, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild. Also in the AmericanCommission to Negotiate Peace were the Dulles brothers; the Warburgs (Max fromGermany and Paul from the US); Thomas W. Lamont from J.P. Morgan; theSecretary of State, Robert Lansing, an uncle of the Dulles’s; and Walter Lippman(Comm 300) who (with House and others) was one of the main architects of theLeague of Nations and founder of the American branch of the Fabian Society. Theirhost in France was Baron Edmund de Rothschild, a leading campaigner andmanipulator for a Jewish State in Israel.The three leaders (stooges) at Versailles set up two committees to work on thedetails of the post-war policies. One was called the Economic Section and the otherwas the Financial Committee. Woodrow Wilson appointed Bernard Baruch torepresent the US on the Economic Section and Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan articulated US (Elite) interests on the Financial Committee. Baruch’s group decidedthat Germany should pay $12 billion in reparations and, together with otherlimitations on the German economy, this was a death sentence for the new GermanRepublic, known as the Weimar Republic. It would ensure the conditions thatwould lead to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. The Financial Committee met later inBrussels to decide on a return to the gold standard. The effect of this on currenciesmade it impossible for Germany to pay her reparations. The financialconsequences of a return to the gold standard for every nation were pointed out tothe committee by Professor Gustav Cassel of Sweden, but to no avail. All thesedecisions were coordinated to create the circumstances in Europe which wouldlead to the next war and an advancement of the New World Order. Eventually thegold standard caused such chaos and suffering that it had to be abandoned, but bythen the damage was done.Colonel House wrote the first draft of what became the covenant of the newLeague of Nations and President Wilson’s famous fourteen points for the VersaillesConference were largely decided by a group convened by Colonel House. Thisgroup was known as ‘The Inquiry’. These were all New World Order manipulators,people like John Foster Dulles, the future US secretary of state, and his brother,Allen, future head of the CIA. House had written a novel years before called PhilipDru: Administrator, which he later admitted was fact presented as fiction. In thebook he outlined his New World Order philosophy.41 President Wilson’s biographer,George Sylvester Viereck, said that: “The Wilson Administration transferred theColonel’s ideas from the pages of fiction to the pages of history”.42 In his novel,published anonymously two years before the First World War had even begun, heproposed “.. .a League of Nations”. Seven years later, that very same name wasused for an organisation designed to impose its will on nation states under thepretext of ending the wars which its architects had started! Create the problems,then offer the solutions. The Rockefellers donated the money to build theheadquarters of the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, and they wouldlater donate the land which the United Nations headquarters now occupies in NewYork.The League of Nations failed, despite the best efforts of the One Worlders,because they could not persuade quite enough representatives in the US Congressto support it. If the United States would not support the idea, it was doomed to fail.It could be that the Second World War had been planned to increase the power ofthe League of Nations and turn it into a fully fledged world government. Thissetback meant, instead, that the Elite had to use the next war to introduce thesuccessor to the League. Even as the League of Nations folded, the United Nationsof today was already in their sights.SOURCES1 Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, To Eliminate The Opiate, p71-72, 82-832 Conspiracy researcher, Kitty Little who had many contacts at the highest levels of the formerRhodesia, says the role of Rhodes has been misunderstood. She says that Rhodesprevented the Rothschilds from winning control of the South African gold industry. As aresult, she says, they have sought to blame him for the deeds of the real head of the RoundTable, Alfred Milner.3 Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment (Books In Focus, New York, 1981 edition)p3124 Ibid p55 Carroll Quigley, Anglo-American Establishment, pl976 This information on Rockefeller and Morgan holdings comes from Wall Street And TheBolshevik Revolution by Anthony C. Sutton (Veritas Publishing, Morley, Western Australia,1981)p49-507 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, pl78 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p109 Jim Keith, Casebook On Alternative 3 (lllumiNet Press, Lilburn, USA, 1994) p2010 Said at a hearing of the post-war Graham Committee, which investigated Baruch.11 Perry Belmont was the son of August Belmont, the banker who was the Rothschild agentfinancing and manipulating the Union side in the American ‘War of Independence’.12 Norman Dodd reported these findings in an interview with writer, William H. Mcllhany II, for13 his 1980 book, The Tax Exempt Foundations (Arlington House, Westport, USA). The SpecialHouse Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations reported in 1954. It was namedafter its chairman, representative B. Carroll Reece, of Tennessee.14 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p3515 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p76. The Rockfellers have made unthinkable amounts ofmoney by exploiting Russia and the Soviet Union and manipulating their men into place,such as President Gorbachev.16 Jennings C. Wise, Woodrow Wilson: Disciple Of Revolution (Paisley Press, New York, 1938)17 Quoted by Anthony C. Sutton in Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution (Morley, Australia,1981) p32-3318 Ibid19 The more widely accepted spelling is Bronstein.20 Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p3921 John Foster Dulles, American Red Cross (Harper, New York, 1950)22 Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p7823 Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope (Macmillan, New York, 1966) p938. This book so angeredthe manipulators that it was withdrawn from the shelves. Only the pirated edition is availabletoday.24 Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p46 25 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p37. A knighthood cost £10,000 to £12,000, of which
£5,000 went to Lloyd George, according to author Eustace Mullins
26 Donald McCormick, The Mask Of Merlin (MacDonald, London, 1963) p208. McCormick also
claims that British Intelligence discovered documents which proved that government officials
were secret agents of Zaharoff – with the knowledge of Lloyd George!
27 Dr Kitty Little, “Subversive Infiltrators Into Westminster And Whitehall. Promotion Of A
Federal Europe.” Submission to the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life (January
1995) p4, paragraph 16
28 Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, To Eliminate The Opiate, pl5
29 Congressional Record, 76th Congress, Vol. 84, No. 82, p6597-6604
30 “Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939”, first series Vol. IV, p245-247
31 Insider, Carroll Quigley, writing in The Anglo-American Establishment, says: “This declaration,
which is always known as the Balfour Declaration, should rather be called the ‘Milner
Declaration’, since Milner was the actual draftsman and was, apparently, its chief supporter
in the War Cabinet. This fact was not made public until 21 July 1937” (pl69). So Lord
Milner, the leading light in the Round Table, wrote the Balfour Declaration in a letter to Lord
Rothschild, who funded and controlled the Round Table! What chance did the Palestinians
ever have of justice?
32 Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe – The Khazar Empire And Its Heritage, (originally
published by Hutchinson & Co in 1976). See also Douglas Reed’s Controllers Of Zion,
(Dolphin Press, 1978)
33 Secret Societies, p39
34 Alfred M. Lilienthal, What Price Israel? (Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1953) p223-224
35 David Lloyd George, Is It Peace? (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1923) p246-253
36 Ibid p246-253
37 Noam Chomsky, Letters From Lexington (Common Courage Press, Maine, USA, 1990) p3
38 Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgement, The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination
Conspiracy (The Wolfe Press, Washington DC, 1995) p82
39 US Senate, Overman Committee, 2.2009
40 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation (London, 1995)
41 Colonel Edward Mandell House, Philip Dru: Administrator (B.W. Huebsch, New York, 1912)
42 George Sylvester Viereck, The Strangest Friendship In History: Woodrow Wilson And Colonel
House (Liveright, New York, 1932) p28


chapter 5

united fronts

The events of history are the result of the struggle between two states of mind:one which wishes to imprison and the other which desires to set free. The sceneof this tussle is the collective human mind.In these last years of the twentieth century and across into the millennium, thehuman race is being given an opportunity we’ve not had since Atlantis, to step outof the prison and into mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom. Events arehappening, which I will describe in detail later, that are dissolving the imprisoningvibration and vibrationally reconnecting the Earth with the rest of Creation. We andour ‘father’ will be One again. It won’t simply ‘happen’ for every individual; thedesire to do this needs to be present. But the opportunity is there for all and manyare grasping that opportunity, as I know from the thousands of letters I receive andthe people I meet. We are in a period of transition from the old fear vibration to there-emerging love vibration.We know this at a subconscious level and, for rapidly increasing numbers, at aconscious level too. Most people at this time can’t remember why they are here, butthey will. The Prison Warders on the Fourth Dimension know what is happeningtoo, and the last thing that consciousness wants is’ for its prison and negativeenergy-production-unit to be no more. The key to breaking out of this spiritualprison is the awakening and expansion of our consciousness to the point where itsvibratory rate will be so high and powerful that it can, collectively, dismantle theblocking frequency. The Prison Warders, via the Global Elite, have been doingeverything possible to close our minds and to divide us so that we do not worktogether as One. As I describe the quickening pace of the global manipulation afterthe First World War, this reflects the pressure coming from the Prison Warderconsciousness for a speeding up of the work towards centralised control of thehuman mind before the challenge to this planetary occupation reaches its peak, inthe latter years of this decade and into the next millennium. This speeding up of thecentralised control is yet again a reflection of the collective human mind. It hasbecome a downward spiral. As we have given our minds away and taken onthought patterns from others about our lack of self-worth and potential to controlour own lives, we have created that physical reality. But instead of learning thelesson in the light of events this has caused, such as wars, we have allowed thoseevents to further demoralise us, frighten us, and fill us with guilt and despair. Thishas further diminished our self-worth, thus increasing our self-loathing and ourdesperation to look to others for the answers to the gathering gloom. The collective mind has then manifested that negative sense of reality in an escalation to evenmore centralised power and control which, at a subconscious level, the humanmind is demanding out of its fear and self-loathing. The Prison Warders have takenadvantage of this and fuelled the fires of the collective mindset. But they can’t createthe reality; only we can. And we can only do that by the way we think aboutourselves and the way we allow ourselves to absorb the thought patterns of others,including the Prison Warders and the Global Elite, who are working to erode oursense of self-love and self-worth.With every year of the twentieth century, the quickening pace of the New WorldOrder agenda can be identified. A network of organisations developed rapidly afterthe Versailles Peace Conference of 1919, and today this network is the mostinfluential of all the Global Elite structures in controlling world events. Theorganisations within this network are presented as harmless ‘think tanks’ andforums, but they are, in truth, part of a global web of deception and manipulation.They were introduced to infiltrate all areas of politics, banking, business, the media,education, science, and the military. Their role is to recruit members who supportthe New World Order philosophy and ensure that they are appointed to positions ofpower and influence in all these areas of national and international life. They areorganisations within organisations/ eating away at the established structure anddirecting the world along the road to a global tyranny. All are offshoots of theoriginal Round Table which began to give birth to this network after Versailles, withthe creation of the Institute of International Affairs, based at Chatham House inLondon. It became the ‘Royal’ Institute when the sitting monarch became its officialhead in 1926. It was founded by members of the British and American delegationsat Versailles when they gathered at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 30th 1919.The two groups were composed of members of Lord Milner’s Round Table fromBritain and Colonel House’s ‘Inquiry’ group from the United States. Quite simply,they were dedicated to the creation of the New World Order.The Round Table had close links with the Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, andCarnegie Empires, and these connections were extended to the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs (RIIA). In Britain, the Astors, including Major John (Jacob)Astor (Comm 300), a director of Hambros Bank and owner of The Times newspaper(after 1922) were operating at the heart of both the Round Table and the Institute,and many of the former associates of Cecil Rhodes were involved. Sir Abe Bailey,the owner of Transvaal Mines, who worked with Lord Milner to start the Boer War,was among the founders of the RIIA, as was John W. Wheeler-Bennett, who wouldbecome General Eisenhower’s political advisor in London in the crucial last twoyears of the Second World War as the nature of the post war world was beingdeveloped. Chatham House at 10 St James’s Square, London, is named afterWilliam Pitt, the Earl of Chatham, one of three British Prime Ministers who havelived there. Goodness knows how many prime ministers and ministers have hadtheir policies decided there, too.The Institute of International Affairs immediately began to infiltrate theeducation system and expand its influence across the world. In Britain it has had a considerable sway at Oxford and other universities and within the London Schoolof Economics. Funding this infiltration and the publications and propaganda wasnever a problem. Whenever money is required, some part of the Brotherhoodnetwork will provide it. By 1926, the money was flowing in for books and otherwork from the Carnegie United Kingdom Trustees, the Bank of England, and J.D.Rockefeller. The Rothschilds were, and are, the power behind the scenes. Withinseven years of its launch, the funding of the Institute by the major banks andmultinationals was already established; this continues today with global companiesmaking donations to the cause. In 1926, funding came from, among many others:The Bank of England; Barclays Bank; Lloyds, and Lloyds Bank; Westminster Bank;Midland Bank; Hambros Bank; Rothschild and Sons; Ford Motor Company; AngloIranian Oil (now BP); Baring Brothers; Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI); TheBritish South Africa Company; the Mercantile and General Insurance Company;Erlangers Ltd; Lever Brothers; Stern Brothers; Vickers-Armstrong; Central Miningand Industrial Investment Ltd; British American Tobacco Company; WhitehallSecurities Corporation; and Reuters, the newsagency which supplies news tonewspapers and the broadcast media across the world.1In the years that followed, Institute branches were established in Australia,Canada, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, and India, where itis known as the Council of World Affairs. By far the most important of theInstitute’s creations, however, was the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in theUnited States, which was to penetrate all areas of American life. This was formed in1921 at the Harold Pratt House at 58 East 68th Street in New York, the formermansion of the Pratt family, close friends of the Rockefellers. Soon afterwards, theday-to-day administration was taken over by Colonel House and his associates,including the Rockefellers and, particularly, J.P. Morgan. The CFR’s foundingpresident was John W. Davis, J.P. Morgan’s personal attorney; the founding vicepresident was Paul Gravath, from a law firm representing Morgan; and thecouncil’s first chairman was the Morgan partner, Russell Leffingwell. Another’independent’ organisation, I see. The Council on Foreign Relations and theRoyalInstitute of International Affairs are the same organisation, working on differentsides of the Atlantic to carry out the same goals and agenda. Their members are inleading positions in government, including the Presidency, banking, business,education, military, and the media.The power of the Council on Foreign Relations grew rapidly, and today itcontrols the administration of the United States, especially its foreign policy. Its goalis to introduce world government and it has spanned the United States withsupport groups. Each of these front organisations, like the CFR, has a similarstructure based on the Round Table. There are circles of members answering to acentral elite. The inner circle knows the agenda and works full time towards thattarget. The next circle knows all or most of the agenda and seek to use their ownsphere of influence, politics, banking, the media, whatever, to lead the world in thedesired direction. Other circles of people know some or a little of the real story andare persuaded to support the organisation by accepting the idea that a world government is the only answer to the ills of humanity. What this latter groupdoesn’t realise is that those ills are being created by the very organisations they aremembers of!Many of the people named in this book will not be involved through malice, butby genuinely believing that the New World Order agenda is the best option forpeace and stability. A few members of these Elite front-groups have had the courageto speak out when they have seen the game plan. Admiral Chester Ward, a formerUS Judge Advocate General of the Navy, was a member of the Council on ForeignRelations for sixteen years. He said the purpose of the organisation was the.. .submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerfulone-world government. In his book, Kissinger On The Couch, written with PhyllisSchafly, Ward said:…the lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States ispervasive throughout most of the membership, and particularly in the leadership ofseveral divergent cliques that make up what is actually a polycentric organisation…the main clique is composed of the one-world-global-government ideologists – morerespectfully referred to as the organised internationalists. They are the ones who carryon the tradition of the founders.2The writer James Perloff read every issue of the CFR’s magazine, Foreign Affairs,since its first publication in 1922. His verdict: …the accusations against the Councilon Foreign Relations – the pursuit of world government and receptiveness tocommunism are true. He said the domination of Washington administrations bythe CFR membership had influenced mightily upon the course of AmericanForeign policy in this century… which has seen the United States eroded instrength and its allies sometimes vanquished altogether.3 What was true of theCFR was true of all the other ‘think tanks’ that were to follow.The nexus of control which began in Britain and America was spreading acrossthe world throughout the 1920s and 30s. The Institute of Pacific Relations wasfounded in 1924 and headed by Jerome D. Greene, a Boston banker close to Morganand the Rockefellers. This was designed to extend the network into thegovernments and businesses of the Far East. Alongside Greene on the ruling councilwas Lionel Curtis, the leading founder of the Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs. You will see throughout the book how the network of familiar names andorganisations keeps coming up whenever events are being orchestrated. ABrotherhood mafia of organisations and people, controlled by the same elite, cast aweb of manipulation and deceit across the Atlantic from London to New York andWashington, and then further afield, too.Much of the funding for this New World Order network comes from the taxexempt foundations. These are the foundations created by the big names ofbanking, industry, and finance, to make donations to various causes. People like theRockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie families all formed foundations and presented themas vehicles of philanthropy. In fact, they are used as tax havens in the name of charity while most of the money is actually channelled into organisations andsubject areas which support and promote centralised control. This reality almostbecame public in the 1950s, but the Elite control of the media just managed to keepthe lid on the truth. The US Congress set up a committee in 1953 under B. CarrolReece of Tennessee to investigate the behaviour of the tax-exempt foundations.Researcher and ‘insider’ Carroll Quigley says in his book, Tragedy And Hope:It soon became clear that people of immense wealth would be unhappy if theinvestigation went too far and that the ‘most respected newspapers in the country’,closely allied with these men of wealth, would not get excited enough about anyrevelations to make the publicity worth while, in terms of votes or campaigncontributions. (p995)What the papers didn’t get excited about were the Reece Committee’s findingsthat: the rich banking families give money to the foundations without losing controlof how it is spent; the major foundations are interconnected and work as one to acommon policy; they took over social science in the US and suppress those socialscientists who disagree with their plans; research sponsored by the foundations isoften slanted to conform to the conclusions the funders demand; those educationalinstitutions in America which refuse to conform are refused a grant; Rhodesscholars are fed into government service by the foundations; history books arebeing funded which keep the truth from the people. The Reece Committeediscovered that the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was promotingwar and the foundations were presenting the United Nations as the base for asocialist-communist coalition. All these findings came from an officialCongressional Committee.4This is still happening today and behind the names all these major foundations,including Ford and Carnegie, are controlled by the Rockefeller family. The FordFoundation came in for especially strong criticism. It gave a billion dollars to thecause of ‘education’ and a million dollars to the Council on Foreign Relations. Thefoundations are another arm of global manipulation. Norman Dodd was the ReeceCommittee’s director of research and he interviewed the then Ford Foundationpresident, H. Rowan Gaither, as part of his report. Gaither told him that the FordFoundation operated under directives from the White House and these instructionswere to make every effort to alter life in the United States to ensure a comfortablemerger with the Soviet Union.5 The foundations are particularly used to fundprojects which aim to massage public opinion.In the years after World War I, the interconnecting networks of think tanks andfoundations had increased the effectiveness of the conspiracy. In these years, also,the manoeuvring went on that would explode as the Second World War. This wasanother bankers’ conflict. Without their connivance, it could not have happened.The Second World War was planned before Versailles. It was at Versailles that theRothschild-Wall Street-Colonel House-Bernard Baruch-Round Table connectionsimposed the impossible reparations on Germany which were sure to destroy the new German Democratic Republic and prepare the way for the rise of a dictator,Adolf Hitler. Added to this colossal debt, other decisions at Versailles had costGermany 75% of her iron ore, 68% of her zinc, and 26% of her coal. Soon Franceannounced that Germany had defaulted on reparation payments and French troopsoccupied the Ruhr. This ‘defaulting’ turned out to be a small shortfall in deliveriesof coal and telegraph poles. The French move sent the German mark into freefalland it plunged to 7,592 to the dollar. This is hardly surprising, given that the Ruhrproduced 80% of Germany’s coal, iron, and steel. By November 1923, the mark hadplummeted to 4,200 billion to the dollar!What followed was a double-strike by the Wall Street and British banking cartel,which first financed German rearmament and enabled Germany to prepare for thenext war, and then collapsed the German economy again to bring Adolf Hitler topower. These strikes were called the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan. General C.Dawes was appointed by the US government to propose a solution to the Germanreparations fiasco. He introduced a series of short term loans from Wall Street banksto bail the Germans out. All this did, of course, was to add to the debt and put offthe moment when the German economy would collapse, a collapse that was to betimed to bring Adolf Hitler to power. Lloyd George told the New York JournalAmerican of June 24th 1924:The international bankers dictated the Dawes reparations settlement. The protocolwhich was signed between the Allies and Associated Powers and Germany is thetriumph of the international financier. Agreement would never have been reachedwithout the brusque and brutal intervention of the international bankers. They sweptstatesmen, politicians, and journalists to one side, and issued their orders with theimperiousness of absolute monarchs, who knew there was no appeal from theirruthless decrees. The settlement is the joint ukase of King Dollar and King Sterling.The Dawes Report was theirs. They inspired it and fashioned it. The Dawes Report wasfashioned by the Money Kings. The orders of German financiers lead by the Warburgbank to their political representatives were just as peremptory as those of alliedbankers to their political representatives.That was because the Allied and German bankers were on the same side. Theywere connected by the same All-Seeing Eye cult; a force which goes back toantiquity. The short-term loans issued under the Dawes Plan went into specificGerman companies vital to rearmament. It was this money that expanded thepharmaceutical cartel known as I.G. Farben, which was, in reality, Hitler’s warmachine. Farben had produced poison gas in World War I, thanks to Germanfanatic, Fitz Haber. The rest of the money went to other German cartels or theGerman subsidiaries of American companies. These included A.E.G. (the GermanGeneral Electric), United Steelworks, and American I.G., the wholly-ownedsubsidiary of I.G. Farben. These loans, which included some from Morgan andRothschild companies, and the technology transfers from America to the Germancartels, made the Second World War possible. Without that help, there could have been no war. The US Ambassador to Germany, William Dodd, said in acommunication to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on October 19th 1936:At the present moment more than a hundred American corporations have subsidiarieshere of co-operative understandings. The DuPonts have three allies in Germany that areaiding the armament business. Their chief ally is the I.G. Farben Company, a part of theGovernment which gives 200,000 marks a year to one propaganda organisationoperating on American opinion. Standard Oil Company (New York sub-company) sent$2,000,000 here in December 1933 and has made $500,000 a year helping Germansmake Ersatz gas for war purposes; …The International Harvester Company presidenttold me their business here rose 33% a year (arms manufacture, I believe), but theycould take nothing out. Even our airplanes people have secret arrangements withKrupps. General Motors Company Morgan and Ford do enormous business herethrough their subsidiaries and take profits out. I mention these facts because theycomplicate things and add to war dangers.6This was a shocking story of involvement with Nazi Germany’s rearmament bymajor US companies and all the more compelling in that it came from the UnitedStates ambassador to Germany. What did Roosevelt do? Nothing. Franklin D.Roosevelt, a distant cousin of an earlier president, Theodore Roosevelt, wasbrought to power through a Wall Street-created depression in the United States,and was ensured of election when Wall Street put its financial and media powerbehind him. Another supporter was Meyer Lansky, the head of the internationalcrime syndicate which included the Mafia. The term Mafia is often used todescribe the organised crime network. In fact, the Italian Mafia is only a part of thepicture, albeit an important part. Lansky was actually top man in the syndicate andit was his money and bribes which helped Roosevelt to power.7 Once more thepeople of America were conned. Some of his prominent backers set up anorganisation to oppose him – a constantly repeated Global Elite strategy. This wascalled the Liberty League and its pronouncements ensured that it would bebranded ‘extreme Right wing’ and ‘anti-Semitic’. This allowed all the mainopposition to Roosevelt, even the genuine people, to be dismissed as Right winganti-Semites. The Liberty League was funded by Pierre and Irene DuPont($325,000), J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, J. Howard Pew, and William J. Knudsen,who was later given a top job by the very president the Liberty League ‘opposed’.8In the same way the Robot Radicals of the political Left and the Robot Right allover the world are used today to discredit genuine opposition.The preparation of America and Germany for war and the rise of both Hitler andRoosevelt were remarkably similar. We have seen how the Elite collapsed theGerman economy. They were doing the same in America. During the 1920s, theyencouraged the stockmarket to overstretch itself and then the Federal Reserveissued a series of strict new banking laws which put the smaller banks under terrificpressure. This was the time of the so called ‘Turkey Shoot’, when the global bankspicked off the small fry and massively increased their power. When this process was over, the Federal Reserve withdrew the new banking laws. The Wall Streetcrash of 1929 plunged the country into economic depression.In the United States and Germany, the same solutions were offered. Borrow moremoney from the banks. Roosevelt’s National Recovery Act or ‘New Deal’ wasoffered to the American people as the way out of depression. Thousands of milesaway across the Atlantic, the same plan under another name was being offered tothe Germans by Hitler. Roosevelt’s New Deal was the work of Gerard Swope, amember of many Roosevelt organisations. He was the chairman of the Morgancontrolled International General Electric, and a director of German General Electric(A.E.G.). Roosevelt was another version of Woodrow Wilson. Like Wilson, he wouldbe elected by telling the people that America was not going to war while knowingthat was exactly what was going to happen. Again Colonel Edward House wasbehind the scenes, visiting Roosevelt at his home in East 65th Street, New York,almost every day in 1932.9What a ‘coincidence’ that Roosevelt and Hitler came to power in the wake ofeconomic depression with the same basic ‘New Deal’ type solutions, and that bothwere advised by people connected with the American-German cartels and the Elitecontrolled Bank of International Settlements. What’s more, they both took office inthe same year, 1933! Small world, isn’t it? Indeed, it is the same small worldoccupied by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan when they were in power onboth sides of the Atlantic during the 1980s, while following exactly the sameeconomic policies, Thatcherism and Reaganomics.Hitler’s rise to power was made certain after 1929 when the Dawes Plan of shortterm loans came to an end with Germany now owing an extra $16 billion in debt.One of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s main financial backers, Owen D. Young, wasappointed to propose solutions to Germany’s inability to pay. Young was a Morganexecutive and the head of the Morgan-controlled General Electric. The Young Planof demanding payment in cash, not goods, demolished the German economyalmost overnight. That is why he did it. A major financial supporter of Hitler,Dr Fritz Thyssen, would say under interrogation in 1945:The acceptance of the Young Plan and its financial principles increased unemploymentmore and more until about one million were unemployed. People were desperate. Hitlersaid he would do away with unemployment. The government in power at that time wasvery bad, and the situation of the people was getting worse. That really was the reasonfor the enormous success Hitler had in the election. When the last election came, hegot about 40%. 10The network linking both the Nazis and the Allies at the highest level is clear tosee. While millions fought and died for what they believed was a war for freedom,the same force was manipulating the whole thing through both sides. Withoutthem, it would not have happened.The Austrian writer and researcher, Gertrude Elias, identifies Hjalmar Schacht asa major go-between, connecting the Nazis and the Wall Street-City of London elite. Schacht became Hitler’s financial advisor and President of the Reichsbank. The twosignatures on the document confirming Schacht’s appointment on March 17th 1933,were Adolf Hitler and the Rothschild frontman, Max Warburg.12 In 1930, Schachtalso founded the Global Elite’s Bank of International Settlements in Basle,Switzerland. In England, a key figure was Montagu Norman (Comm 300), governorof the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England, and a close friend of Schacht. In factthey were so close that Schacht named his grandson after him. It was Norman whopressed for and supported the raising of US interest rates by the Federal Reserve,which was the final push that led to the Wall Street crash, the New Deal, andFranklin D. Roosevelt. Norman was the most influential central banker in the worldat that time and his actions, in league with Wall Street, were crucial.Once Hitler was safely elected, the attitude of the Bank of England and theFederal Reserve to Germany was transformed. Credit was offered to the Naziregime and after the Nazis successfully invaded Czechoslovakia, Norman released£6 million of Czechoslovakian gold to Hitler which was deposited in London. Thiswas done with the agreement of the Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain.13 On June11th 1934, and again the following October, Norman and Schacht met in secret atBadenweiler in the Black Forest to arrange loans for Hitler and the Nazis.14 But whowas behind Norman? His family almost turned the governorship of the Bank ofEngland into their personal property. One grandfather, George Warde Norman, wasgovernor from 1821-1872 and his other grandfather, Lord Collet, was governorfrom 1887-1889. Montagu Norman spent a period in the United States at the officesof the Rothschild-funded Brown Brothers (later Brown Brothers, Harriman) andwas befriended by the family of WA. Delano (Comm 300), relatives of FranklinDelano Roosevelt, the President of the United States at the same time that Normanwas head of the Bank of England. This all-powerful banker was actually a ‘yes man’for the Rothschilds, and here again, we see the ploy at work. He was portrayed asanti-Jewish.Today the Bank of England is still the feifdom of the Global Elite. Gertrude Eliassays that the Bank collaborated with the leading Zionist, Lord Bearsted of RoyalDutch Shell, to arrange the transfer of the assets of wealthy German Zionists toPalestine. It was these transfers, she says, that helped to build up the economy ofthe embryonic Zionist state. They were the privileged emigre class whilepropertyless Jews were refused asylum and neutralised in the holocaust, Eliasadds.15 I believe that all this was coldly calculated by the ‘Jewish’ elite, for reasons Iwill come to in due course.I don’t want to send you to sleep with a mass of detail, but I do want to make itclear how provable it is that the Second World War and the rise of Hitler werecreations of the Elite in Britain and America. We need to move away fromconspiracy theory and see that it is conspiracy fact. Only then will we deal with it.


Crucial to the rise of the Nazi war machine was the behaviour of some of the mostfamous companies in the United States, who supported Hitler via their Germansubsidiaries or partners. Here are just a few of what were almost countlessexamples of how this was secretly done… I.G. Farben/Standard OilGerman production of steel and other products needed for war soared through theperiod leading up to the outbreak of the conflict in 1939. At the centre of thisrearmament was the chemical giant, I.G. Farben. As Senator Homer T. Bone wouldsay to a Senate Committee in 1943 Farben was Hitler and Hitler was Farben.16This immense cartel was created in its wartime form by American loans! In 1939,with Wall Street investment, it had become the biggest manufacturer of chemicals inthe world. And who controlled I.G. Farben, a company that would use Jews andothers as slave labour? The Rothschilds, via a stream of frontmen and companies.Among the German bankers on the supervisory board of Farben into the late 1920swas Max Warburg, the brother of Paul Warburg of the Manhattan Bank, who wassent to the United States by the Rothschilds to install the Federal Reserve Systemand to take over the US economy. These were quite a pair, operating in concert inthe US and Germany. The US Naval Secret Service Report of December 2nd 1918said: Paul Warburg. German, nationalised US citizen 1911, decorated by Kaiser,handled large sums furnished by German bankers for Lenin and Trotsky. Hisbrother Max who is director of espionage system of Germany.17 Paul Warburg wason the board of Farben’s American subsidiary, American I.G. Sitting alongside himwere Edsel Ford (son of Henry) of the Ford Motor Company, Charles E. Michellfrom the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Walter Teagle, FranklinRoosevelt’s close friend from Standard Oil. All this top American influence andsupport for a company of which an American War Department report said:Without I.G.’s immense productive facilities, its intense research, and vast internationalaffiliations, Germany’s prosecution of the war would have been unthinkable andimpossible. Farben not only directed its energies toward arming Germany, butconcentrated on weakening her intended victims, and this double-barrelled attempt toexpand the German industrial potential for war and to restrict that of the rest of the worldwas not conceived and executed ‘in the normal course of business’. The proof isoverwhelming that I.G. Farben officials had full prior knowledge of Germany’s plan forworld conquest and of each specific aggressive act later undertaken…18The Farben Empire became a state within a state and in effect ran its owneconomy. Reports and investigations, during and after the war, show that Farben’srole, with Wall Street and British support, was to make Germany self-sufficient in allthat Hitler needed for war: products like rubber, petrol, oils, and explosives. Onemajor problem they had was the supply of oil. Their supplies came from outsideGermany and in 1934 around 85% of German petroleum products were imported.This would obviously dry up during a war. But a deal between Farben and theRockefellers ensured a constant supply of oil to Germany. Farben began to invest vastsums from the Wall Street loans into research aimed at developing processes to makeoil from the German reserves of coal. What they couldn’t discover for themselves, theRockefeller’s Standard Oil gave to them! In January 1933, just before Hitler came topower, a report from the Commercial Attache at the US Embassy in Berlin said: In two years Germany will be manufacturing oil and gas enough out of soft coalfor a long war. The Standard Oil of New York is furnishing millions of dollarsto help.19The Rockefellers also helped I.G. Farben with chemicals essential to aircraft fuel.The American representatives of American I.G. tried to hide their company’sinvolvement with the German war machine by merging American I.G. into anothercompany and changing its name to the General Aniline and Film Corporation. Infact, the makeup of the American I.G. board of 1930, with Farben already five yearsinto its preparation for war, tells the real story of the US-German Brotherhoodnetwork which was leading the world into yet another awesome conflict. Amongthe board members of American I.G. were: Carl Bosch (German), from Ford; EdselB. Ford (US), Henry Ford’s son; Max Ilgner (German), director of Farben’s Naziintelligence office in Berlin; H.A. Metz (US) director of I.G. Farben and theRothschild/Warburg Bank of Manhattan; C.E. Mitchell (US), Director of the FederalReserve Bank of New York and the Morgan National City Bank; Hermann Schmitz(German), president of American I.G. and I.G. Farben and on the boards of both theGerman Central Bank and the Bank of International Settlements; Walter Teagle (US),director of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil ofNew Jersey, trustee of the Roosevelt Foundation, and close friend of the President;W.H. von Rath (naturalised US), director of German General Electric (A.E.G.); andPaul M. Warburg, of the Bank of Manhattan.When the war ended and the investigations into its background began, threeGerman members of that American I.G. board were found guilty at the NurembergWar Crimes Trials. The American representatives such as Paul Warburg were leftuntouched, as was his brother, Max Warburg, who, even though a Jew, was allowedto leave Nazi Germany in 1939 without any restriction. The Elite controlled even thearrests and trials resulting from the war and the horrors they themselvesengineered. Such operations were not only between two companies, they involvedother elements of the Global Elite-Brotherhood in other companies andgovernments. The president of Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon) at this timewas William Stamps Farish. During the war, a letter was released by the US JusticeDepartment from Frank A. Howard, the Standard Oil vice-president to Farish. Itwas dated October 12th 1939, and it said:…In England I met by appointment the Royal Dutch Shell Oil gentleman from Hollandand…a general agreement was reached on the necessary changes in our relations withthe I.G. Farben, in view of the state of war…the Royal Dutch Shell Group is essentiallyBritish…I also had several meetings with the British Air Ministry…I required help to obtain the necessary permission to go to Holland…After discussionswith the American Ambassador Joseph Kennedy…the situation was clearedcompletely…The gentlemen in the Air Ministry…very kindly offered to assist me inre-entering England. Pursuant to these arrangements, I was able to keep my appointment in Holland(having been flown there on a British Royal Air Force bomber), where I had three days ofdiscussion with the representatives of I.G. They delivered to me assignments of some2,000 foreign patents and we did our best to work out complete plans for a modusvivendi which could operate through the term of the war, whether or not the US camein.20 my emphasisWilliam S. Farish refuelled Nazi shipping and submarines in Spain and LatinAmerica during the war. It was the Standard Oil-I.G. Farben enterprise whichopened the Auschwitz Concentration Camp on June 14th 1940, and used the slavelabour of Jews and political opponents to produce the artificial rubber and gasolinefrom coal. Farish was very close to Hermann Schmitz, the chairman of I.G. Farben.Standard Oil hired the infamous publicist, Ivy Lee, to promote Farben and theNazis in the United States. William S. Farish had a grandson, William Farish III,who was to become a close friend of George Bush (Comm 300) and has enjoyed thecompany of Queen Elizabeth II (Comm 300) at his home. Their horses breed witheach other, apparently. When George Bush became vice-president, he had to handover his businesses and investments to a ‘blind trust’, to ensure that he could not (intheory) make decisions in the White House which affected his investments. Whowas put in charge of this ‘blind trust’? William Farish III!General Electric (G.E.C.)I.G. Farben worked in concert before and throughout the war with other cartels likethe J.P. Morgan-controlled General Electric, a company with which PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had many close connections. In 1939, Senator James A. Reedof Missouri, a one-time Roosevelt supporter, told the Senate that the President wasa hired man for the economic royalists, in Wall Street. He added that theRoosevelt family was one of the biggest holders of shares in General Electric.21Interesting, then, that General Electric was a big Hitler supporter and there isphotographic and documented evidence that, like I.G. Farben, both General Electriccompanies in Germany, A.E.G. and Osram, directly financed Hitler.22 Farbencontributed the most (45% of the fund that brought Hitler to power in 1933), but thecompanies linked to General Electric also made very large donations and – in thisweb of intrigue – a number of directors of German General Electric were on theboard of I.G. Farben. As with the other major American companies involved,General Electric (in the US) channelled its contributions to Hitler via Germansubsidiaries and cartel partners. Again only the German directors of the GeneralElectric cartel were charged and tried at Nuremberg, not the Americans. To havedone so would have exposed the whole story.International Telephone and Telegraph (I.T.T.)Another United States company that was important to Hitler and his war machinewas International Telephone and Telegraph, better known as I.T.T. It was the creationof its founder, Sosthenes Behn, an entrepreneur born in the Virgin Islands. By 1924, I.T.T. was closely connected with J.P. Morgan, and the board reflected Morgan’scontrol. It has been proved that I.T.T. made donations to Hitler through Germansubsidiaries and was a significant supporter of the Nazi regime.23 I.T.T. bought a largeinterest in German armament companies, most particularly the aircraft manufacturer,Focke-Wolfe. The profits from these investments were not returned to the UnitedStates; they were reinvested in further German rearmament. Sosthenes Behn met withHitler in August 1933.24 Hitler’s personal banker, Baron Kurt von Schroder, a Naziand SS Senior Group Leader, became the overseer of I.T.T. interests in Germany and adirector of all I.T.T.-affiliated companies. Baron von Schroder was channelling I.T.T.funding to Himmler’s SS at least until 1944!25 The Schroder Banking family fromHamburg had branches in London and New York under the name of J. HenrySchroder (Comm 300). In England, the managing director of Schroder Bank was MrF.C. Tiarks, a director of the Rothschild-controlled and Montagu Norman-supervisedBank of England. Gordon Richardson was chairman of Schroder Bank up until 1973,when he was made governor of the Bank of England. From 1938 on, the SchroderBank in London was appointed to represent Nazi interests in Britain. In America,Schroder and the Rockefellers merged some of their business interests.The Ford Motor CompanyMuch has been written of Henry Ford’s alleged collusion with the Nazis. He wasvehement in his condemnation of the Jews. Ford was just as outspoken in hiscriticism of the Wall Street financiers, whom he blamed for starting the wars andcontrolling the world money markets for their own ends. At the same time, he saidJ.P. Morgan was to be trusted and I can’t help feeling that Mr Ford did his utmost tospread disinformation. He portrayed himself as the peoples’ friend against themanipulators while he was, in fact, another manipulator. He made enormousprofits during the war by supplying both sides. As early as 1922, the New YorkTimes was reporting that Ford was financing Hitler’s nationalists and anti-Jewishmovements in Germany and the Berlin newspaper, Berliner Tageblatt, was callingon the American ambassador to stop Ford from intervening in German affairs.Hitler was so grateful for Ford’s assistance, that in 1938 he presented Ford with thehighest honour the Nazis conferred on non-Germans: the Grand Cross of theGerman Eagle; Ford’s portrait hung behind Hitler’s desk in Hitler’s private office.The two biggest manufacturers of tanks for Hitler’s armies before and during thewar were the German subsidiaries of the Ford Motor Company, and the Morgancontrolled General Motors (Opel). In 1928, the Ford Motor Company in Germanymerged with I.G. Farben. Carl Bosch of Farben became the head of the Fordoperation in Germany.W.A. HarrimanFritz Thyssen was a German steel entrepreneur and banker, who funded the Nazisfrom the early 1920s. His banking operation in Germany was affiliated – through asubsidiary – with the W.A. Harriman Company in New York (Brown Brothers,Harriman after 1933), which in turn was funded (at least in its earlier days) by the Rothschilds. The Harriman family was prominent in supporting both the RussianRevolution and Adolf Hitler. A Thyssen company controlled the Union BankingCorporation in the US, which had E. Roland Harriman on its board along withknown Nazis and Nazi financial backers. Prescott Bush, the father of the futurepresident, George Bush, was also on the UBC board and owed his wealth to theHarrimans. Roland was the brother of W. Averell Harriman (Comm 300), who was adirector of Morgan’s Guaranty Trust when it was financing Lenin and Trotsky.Averell Harriman would later make vast profits from Russian ventures and beappointed as the ambassador to the Soviet Union. He was also a controlling voice inthe Democratic Party and close to the president, Franklin D. Roosevelt.The Dulles BrothersThe name Dulles is another which spans the manipulation of both the First andSecond World Wars. The Dulles’s were from a southern slave-owning family, andcousins of the Rockefellers. They were connected with international banking inAmerica and Germany. Statements made by John Foster Dulles as early as 1911revealed support for the creation of a ‘super race’ by ‘eliminating the lowermembers…’.26 The Dulles law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, handled the US affairsof I.G. Farben and Hitler’s major financial backer, Fritz Thyssen, who introducedAllen Dulles to the Fuhrer-to-be. John Foster Dulles wrote ‘Heil Hitler’ on his lettersto German clients. After Hitler’s rise to power, John Foster Dulles went to Germanyon behalf of the Rothschild/Round Table group, to negotiate new loans for theNazis. The Dulles brothers were appointed to the US State Department duringWorld War I by their uncle, Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, one of the ColonelHouse/Bernard Baruch clique which controlled Woodrow Wilson. The Dullesbrothers were at the Versailles Peace Conference where they met the Round Tabledelegation and became part of the Round Table/Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs/Council on Foreign Relations network. Allen Dulles was, very conveniently,appointed First Secretary of the US Embassy in Berlin in 1920, just as his brotherwas in Germany, representing the Elite’s bankers through his connections with theBank of England and the J.P. Morgan empire. Both Dulles’ were friends of Hitler’sfinancial wizard, Hjalmar Schacht. John Foster Dulles would become Secretary ofState and Allen Dulles became the first head of the CIA. The latter would also serveon the Warren Commission, which was charged with investigating the assassinationof President Kennedy.I have highlighted some of the big names in the financing and manipulation ofGermany and her rearmament programme. But there was also direct support for theNazi Party by these same banks and industrialists. Among the documents from theNuremberg Trials are the original transfer slips from I.G. Farben, German GeneralElectric, Osram, and others, authorising the transfer of funds into the Nazis’National Trusteeship account, Hitler’s election fund. Representatives of companiesowned or influenced by the Rockefellers, American I.G., I.T.T., General Electric, andFord can be shown to be at the heart of the Nazi Party.27 It is fascinating to see howremarkably free from bomb damage were the German factories and plants owned by the American-German cartels. When the Allied armies reached Cologne, forinstance, many noticed the stark contrast between the flattened city and theundamaged plants (owned by I.G. Farben, the Ford Motor Company, and theUnited Rayon Works) on its edge. The way I.G. Farben plants survived the bombingis staggering, given that the Allies knew that this company was the German warmachine. There is evidence that Ford Plants in Germany and France were notbombed by the US Airforce.28 When the one at Poissy was hit by the British, theVichy government paid Ford 38 million francs in compensation! A relieved EdselFord wrote to his General Manager in Europe: Photographs of the Plant on firewere published in American newspapers but fortunately no reference was made tothe Ford Motor Company.29 The Vichy regime collaborated with the Nazis andamong its number was one Francois Mitterand (Comm 300), Grand Master ofGrand Orient Freemasonry and later the long-time president of France.30In five years of war and global slaughter, the United States trusts I havehighlighted, and others, made a profit of $175,000,000,000, according to research bythe writer and researcher, Gertrude Elias.31To complete this appalling tale of deceit on the people of the world, the sameWall Street names that created and funded the war were also appointed by FranklinRoosevelt to supervise the fate of German industry when the conflict ended. Topexecutives appointed to this role included Louis Douglas, director of the Morgandominated General Motors and president of the Morgan Mutual Life Insurance, andBrigadier General William H. Draper Jr of Dillon, Read, and Co, another firm thatcontributed substantially to the creation of the cartels and the funding of Hitler’sGermany. Both Draper and Douglas were members of the Council on ForeignRelations and Draper, a eugenics (master race) fanatic, would later become aleading light in the funding of ‘population control’.The story of William H. Draper Jr reveals the scale of the scam and the cover-up.He joined the Prescott Bush circle in 1927, when he was hired by Dillon Read tohandle the account of.. .Fritz Thyssen, one of Adolf Hitler’s biggest financialbackers. Draper became a director and later the vice-president and assistanttreasurer of Dillon Read’s German Credit and Investment Corporation, supervisingsome of the short-term loans to Thyssen’s German Steel Trust under the DawesPlan. These loans, agreed upon by Draper, helped to bring Hitler to power and fundhis rearmament. His partners in this operation were both Nazis: Alexander Kreuter,in Berlin, was president, and Frederic Brandi (who moved to the US in 1926)became Draper’s co-director of the German Credit Investment Corporation inNewark, New Jersey. Brandi’s father was a leading coal executive with the GermanSteel Trust. Draper was listed as a director of German Credit throughout 1942 untilit was liquidated in 1943, by which time its job had been done.32Draper then went off to become a general in the Pacific, fighting for the USA!This is the man appointed by Roosevelt after the German surrender to decide whatshould happen to the Nazi cartels he helped to create. He would have power todecide who was exposed, who lost or kept their business, and who was chargedwith war crimes. The scale of the sting is incredible. Draper played good guy/bad guy with US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, to complete another mentalcoup d’etat. Morganthau demanded that Germany’s industry be destroyed and theGermans be reduced to a purely rural nation. Draper’s role was to prevent this, butonly if the Germans agreed to accept all the guilt for Nazism. The authors of asuperb book, George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, say:Draper and his colleagues demanded that Germany and the world accept the collectiveguilt of the German people as the explanation of the rise of Hitler’s New Order and theNazi war crimes. This, of course, was rather convenient for General Draper himself, as itwas for the Bush family. It is still convenient decades later, allowing Prescott’s son,President George, to lecture Germany on the danger of Hitlerism. Germans are tooslow, it seems, to accept his New World Order. (p55)The threads have continued through the decades since then, with President Bushappointing Draper’s son, William Draper III, to a United Nations job involved inpopulation control. At Dillon Read, Bush’s US Treasury Secretary, Nicholas Brady,was the long-time partner of Frederic Brandi, General Draper’s cohort in thefinancing of Hitler’s steel cartel. The same small group of bankers, companies, andpolitical manipulators were behind the First World War, the Russian Revolution,and the Second World War. Without their money and manoeuvring, the twogreatest conflicts in recorded human history would not have happened.Why is it important to know this? There are many reasons, but I stress two. Ihave heard it said so often that the problem with the world is human nature. Thisnature is evil, I hear people say, and what do they point to in justification of this?The two World Wars and other conflicts before and since. Our desire formultidimensional freedom will only become a reality when we realise that humannature is not evil. It has a natural desire for love, not hate, for harmony, notconflict. Those wars were not the result of human nature being evil. They were theresult of humanity giving away to someone else its right to think and act. These arelessons which are still to be learned and until they are, we will continue to bedenied our true and infinite potential. But we can make that switch in an instant,if we so choose.We are having a version of events projected at us through the schools,universities, and the media, all the time. That version of events has almost nothingto do with truth. It has been created to mislead us and to persuade us to think andact in a particular way, which suits the aims of the human manipulators and theircontrollers, the Prison Warders. So if you want to go to war and you need thepeople to support you, just set up an attack on one of your own ships or have one ofyour top people assassinated, and whip up the public’s indignation withpropaganda against the alleged culprit. As long as people take everything at facevalue, without question, and they don’t survey the world with open eyes and anopen mind, we will go on being a bewildered herd, blindly following the sheep atthe front. But is it a sheep – or a monster? And what is its agenda? If we stop beinghuman blotting paper, soaking up this tidal wave of biased information, and begin to filter what we are told, we become so much more difficult to mislead. Theseterrible events which have plagued the world in this century can only happen if wesee life in terms of the leaders and the led. If we do that, a tiny few can control theworld. And they have. Until now.SOURCES1 Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, pl902 Phyllis Schafly and Chester Ward, Rear Admiral VSN (Ret), Kissinger On The Couch (ArlingtonHouse, New Rochelle, New York, 1975) p146,149-1503 James Perloff, The Shadows Of Power: The Council On Foreign Relations And The AmericanDecline (Appleton, Wl, Western Islands, USA, 1988)4 The Special House Committee To Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations, which reported in1954. The Ford family has long lost control of the Ford Foundation. It is Ford in name onlytoday, and it is controlled by the Rockefellers, who are controlled by..?5 Revealed by Dodd in an interview with author William H. Mclllhany II, for his book, The TaxExempt Foundations, in 19886 Edgar B. Dixon (editor), Franklin D. Roosevelt And Foreign Affairs (Belknap Press, Cambridge,1969) Vol. Ill, p4567 Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgement, The Missing Link In The JFK AssassinationConspiracy (The Wolfe Press, Washington D.C., 1995) pl308 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p919 The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, p9010 US Group Control Council (Germany), Office of the Director of Intelligence, IntelligenceReport No. EF/ME/1, September 4th 194511 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation, 199512 Rodney Atkinson and Norris McWhirter, Treason At Maastricht, The Destruction Of TheNation State (Compuprint Publishing, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1995) p2013 The Anglo-American Establishment, p29914 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, pl5415 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation, 1995. Before anyone shoutsanti-Semite, Gertrude comes from a Jewish background.16 Senator Homer T. Bone speaking to the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, June 4th194317 Quoted in The New Order, Our Secret Rulers, pl2818 Elimination Of German Resources, p94319 Report to the State Department, Washington DC20 Quoted by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in George Bush, The UnauthorisedBiography (Executive Intelligence Review, Washington DC, 1992) p4721 The New York Times, (October 4th 1936)22 For the detailed research on this, see Anthony C. Sutton’s superb expose, Wall Street AndThe Rise Of Hitler (Heritage Publications, Melbourne, Australia, 1976) pl21-13223 Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, pl21-13224 Report in the New York Times (August 4th 1933).25 Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, p79.26 Dulles made a statement based on ‘natural selection’ and the survival of the fittest. He saidthe weakest members of the population had to be eliminated by natural selection so that thehuman race could progress. He was quoted in Jim Keith’s Casebook On Alternative 3, pl927 For the detailed research, see Anthony C. Sutton’s Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler,P123-13228 James Stewart Martin, All Honourable Men (Little Brown & Co, Boston, 1950) p75. See alsothe research of Anthony C. Sutton, Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, p62-6629 Josiah E. Dubois Jr, Generals In Grey Suits (The Bodley Head, London, 1953) p25130 Treason At Maastricht, pl3731 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation (London, 1995)32 George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p53-54, quoting the Directory Of Directors ForNew York City, 1942


chapter 6

master plans

The First and Second World Wars were made possible by a coup d’etat on theminds of hundreds of millions of people. As the Prison Warders program theminds of the Global Elite, so the Elite do the same to people on Earth. It almostwouldn’t matter that the global bankers and industrialists were funding both sides- if (and it is one hell of a big ‘if’) the people in general had seen what was afootand refused to take part. I remember the words of a splendid song by Donovan inthe 1960s, The Universal Soldier.He’s five foot two, and he’s six feet four. He fights with missiles and with spears. He’sall of thirty-one and he’s only seventeen. He’s been a soldier for a thousandyears…He’s the universal soldier and he really is to blame. Without him how couldHitler have begun? He’s the one who gives his body as a weapon of the war and withouthim all this killing can’t go on.1Hitler was no threat to the world unless the mass of the German people handedover their lives to him. Unfortunately, this is what happened, and the same was trueof people in Britain and elsewhere, who also gave up thinking and allowed ‘leaders’to ‘do it’ for them. In Germany, you had the propaganda whipping up publicopinion against a perceived enemy and their egos were being massaged by talk of aGerman Master Race. Outside Germany, the same force was orchestrating publicopinion against the Germans, once Hitler’s rearmament programme wassufficiently advanced. When the two populations had soaked up the designerpropaganda, they were played off against each other. Most of the people whofought that war did not want to be there. They wanted to be at home with theirfamilies and to watch their children grow. But because they had given up their rightto think, they left their families and children, to kill and be killed.Their minds were so overwhelmed by the mass hypnosis, that those who didstand up and challenge the official line were jailed without trial and few raised evena whimper against it. But by then, especially with the First World War and the GreatDepression still powerfully affecting human responses, the collective mind was fullof fear. It had lost confidence in itself. It was confused, bewildered, and looking toothers to change the nature of the human condition. The human mind had also beenprogrammed, not the least by its recent experience, to believe that life was aboutconflict and struggle: the world was a horrible place. These were the dominatingthought patterns and that was the physical reality thus created.Uniting a nation against a common enemy and convincing the people of theirown racial superiority is another powerful weapon of control. The Nazis used thisto great effect with their German Master Race/anti-Jewish propaganda. Ironically,or perhaps more than that, they were assisted in this by a man called AlfredRosenberg, an occultist with a Jewish, Estonian, and French background. It wasRosenberg who made a copy of The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zionavailable to Hitler. Why on Earth did he do that, when he would have known thatHitler would use them as propaganda against Jews as a whole? Hitler did indeedcirculate The Protocols widely to justify his campaign against Jews. This wasoutrageous, given that the mass of Jewish people were not aware of what was goingon and nor would they have supported it if they were.Rosenberg said that a stranger arrived mysteriously and gave him a copy of thedocument: The man, whom I had never seen before, came to my study withoutknocking, put the book on my desk and vanished without saying a word.2Rosenberg presented himself as vehemently anti-Jewish and soon rose to becomethe Nazi Party’s official ‘ideologist’, with the role of providing the ‘facts’ to justifythe campaign against Jews. Ernst Hanfstaengl, a close friend of Franklin Roosevelt,was also a close associate of Hitler before the war. He says he was warned by theAustrian writer, Rudolf Kommer, that if any political party emerges with an antiSemitic programme directed by Jewish or half Jewish fanatics we shall have towatch out. Hanfstaengl wrote that later, after experiencing the influence thatAlfred Rosenberg had on Hitler, he began to realise what that remark really meant:I thought back to Rudolf Kommer’s remark about an anti-Semitic programme directedby Jewish or half Jewish fanatics – Rosenberg was distinctly Jewish in appearance,although he would have been the first to protest furiously if anyone had questioned hisancestry. Yet I used to see him most mornings sitting in a dingy cafe at the corner ofBriennerstrasse and Augustenstrasse with a Hungarian Jew named Holoschi, who wasone of his principal assistants. The man called himself Hollander in Germany and wasanother of these Jewish anti-Semites…I suspected the Aryan background of many ofthe others, Strasser and Streicher looked Jewish to me as well as figures like Ley, Frankand even Goebbels, who would have had difficulty in proving their pedigree.3Now isn’t this all rather strange? Jewish bankers and their politicalrepresentatives were provably involved in funding the Nazis and their rearmament.Then along comes Alfred Rosenberg from a Jewish background, to hand over acopy of The Protocols to Hitler and to become the chief ‘researcher’ of anti-Jewishmaterial which leads to the grotesque treatment of Jews under the Nazi regime.This treatment is then used and hyped to justify the takeover of Palestine for a’Jewish’ homeland. No-one used this method more obviously than Lord VictorRothschild in his House of Lords speeches urging support for a Jewish State inPalestine. What goes on here? I believe it was all a set up by the Elite. Hitler’sinfamous book, Mein Kampf, was ghostwritten by Major General Karl Haushofer,who acknowledged that a major source for the ideas it expressed came from Halford J. MacKinder, a director of the elite’s London School of Economics. In 1996,official German documents uncovered by an American student also proved thatmany of Hitler’s leading officers and thousands of his troops were of Jewish decent.In Britain, it seems to me, the public mind was being urged to ignore Hitler untilhis rearmament programme was well established. Then, when the Germans wereready for battle, that same public opinion was switched dramatically to see Hitler asa monster who must be stopped. The British collective psyche was like a little childin the hands of the mind doctors. This policy, I believe, was coordinated by LordMilner and the Round Table secret society, together with the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs at Chatham House. The two front men for these two verydifferent stages were Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his successor,Winston Churchill (Comm 300).Chamberlain and his close aide, Lord Halifax (a Round Table member almostfrom its foundation and a member of the Committee of 300), supported theappeasement of Hitler. Milner and his fellow manipulators agreed with this policy.Speeches by the Round Table /Royal Institute high command like Lionel Curtis(Comm 300), Leopold Amery, and Lord Lothian were strongly in favour of leavingHitler alone during the 1930s. In May 1933, Hitler’s representative (AlfredRosenberg) visited England to meet with Sir Henry Deterding (Comm 300), head ofRoyal Dutch Shell; Geoffrey Dawson, the editor of The Times newspaper (owned bythe Astors (Round Table, Royal Institute)), Walter Eliot MP; 1st Viscount Hailsham,the Secretary for War; and the Duke of Kent, brother of King Edward VIII and KingGeorge VI. Edward, who is believed to have had sympathies with Hitler, later fell inlove with an American woman, Mrs Simpson. He abdicated from the British throneand moved to the Rothschild castle in Austria after reigning for only 325 days.There is speculation that the real reason he left Britain was because he would notsupport a war with Germany, which the manipulators knew was planned.When Hitler announced the remilitarisation of the Rhineland in 1936, theBritish Cabinet accepted it. The Astors used their Times newspaper to promote thisview of Hitler also. The authorised biographer of Lord Halifax shows how theMilner crowd and the British Cabinet were negotiating behind the scenes withGermany, and making proposals that would have given Hitler control overmainland Europe. This was part of a British-German-United States pact proposedby Milner’s associate Lord Lothian in a meeting with Hitler in January 1935. LordHalifax also met with Hitler in Berchtesgaden on November 19th 1937. CarrollQuigley’s research for The Anglo-American Establishment reveals that Halifax(Comm 300) convinced Hitler of three points: a) that Britain saw Germany as themain defence against communism in Europe; b) that Britain was prepared to bepart of a Four Power agreement with France, Germany and Italy; c) that Britainwould allow Germany to liquidate Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, if it couldbe achieved without British public opinion demanding a war with Germany.4 Allelements of the Round Table, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and theirassociated organisations, publications, and members, were put to work to sell theappeasement policy. The only thing that could have started a war with Germany earlier than plannedwas British public opinion, so the appeasement propaganda was stepped up. A fewmonths after the Halifax/Hitler meeting, the Nazis invaded Austria in March 1938.The French Prime Minister, Daladier, went to London to ask for British support forthe protection of Czechoslovakia against Hitler’s aggression. Chamberlain refused.More than that, it would appear that the French were urged to pressure the Czechsinto an agreement with Hitler. Lord Lothian made speeches in the House of Lordsand at Chatham House condemning the Czechs for not making concessions toGermany.5 In a meeting with American newspaper journalists at the Astors’ Londonhome, Chamberlain made a calculated, but deniable, comment, indicating that hebelieved the Czechs should hand over some of their land to Germany.6 Lady Astordenied the meeting had taken place when the news was made public, but later hadto admit that it had.The policy Chamberlain had outlined for the journalists was supported in aleading article in The Times newspaper, owned by the Astors. This produced suchan outcry of protest that the manipulation of public opinion was further increased.The article appeared on September 7th 1938 because they knew the Germaninvasion of Czechoslovakia was near. Later in that month, Lord Halifax and otherslaunched a propaganda exercise known as the ‘war scare’. The governmentcirculated stories which greatly exaggerated the strength of the German forces.They implied that if they went to war with Hitler, German planes would soon bedropping poison gas from their aeroplanes over England. The government evenwent to the ridiculous lengths of digging trenches in London parks and distributinggas masks! But, of course, silly as that may have been – what use are trenches in theparks? – it was not their military usefulness the government was interested in. Itwas about mind manipulation. They wanted to frighten public opinion intothinking that going to war with Germany was not such a good idea after all.Chamberlain added to this by saying on BBC Radio that the dispute betweenGermany and Czechoslovakia was: .. .a quarrel in a far away country betweenpeople of whom we know nothing.7 The Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia was, intruth, crucial to the plan because it gave Hitler the resources he needed to be amajor military power, capable of fighting a prolonged war. The writer, GertrudeElias, says of this:Most revealing even for the present are the deals which preceded the sell-out ofCzechoslovakia by Chamberlain in 1939, which turned Germany into a militarysuperpower. The fact was, however, that the Skoda works, the biggest munition factoryin Central Europe, controlled by the French Schneider Creuzot, like Wittowitz, the biggeststeelworks owned by the Rothschilds, like the Czech explosives, had already beenhanded over to Germany……The death warrant for Czechoslovakia was signed in the head office of the Unileversubsidiary in Aussig, the headquarters of the pro-Nazi clique. When Germany occupied the whole of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, there wasa sudden and remarkable switch in the attitude of Milner and the Round Table.Now they were all in favour of war with Germany. The time had arrived for thesecond strike in the Elite’s pre-war strategy in Britain. Chamberlain had served hispurpose in giving Hitler time to rebuild German armaments (with Wall Streetsupport) and Germany’s area of influence had expanded. Dictators of a similarpersuasion were installed in Italy (Mussolini) and Spain (Franco). OK boys, we’reready to go. Start the war.Hitler had been duped, too, into believing there would be no opposition, butsuddenly that was to change. The Milner group, through its publication, The RoundTable magazine, had been pressing for the appeasement of Hitler throughout theperiod we have been discussing. Now it was calling for a ‘Grand Alliance’ ofPoland, Rumania, France, and Britain, against Germany. Lord Lothian and LordAstor, those arch appeasers, were suddenly making speeches saying exactly theopposite of what they had said before. War with Germany! they cried. Lothianwas also calling for an alliance with Russia. They demanded a policy ofconscription into the armed forces, as did Astor’s Times9 and Lord Amery, the manwho had supported Hitler so vigorously. The switch in policy wasn’t even subtle. Itwas painfully transparent if you knew the Elite game plan.Chamberlain’s use to the Elite was almost over. His successor, Winston Churchill(Comm 300), was being manoeuvred into place. All that was left was to removeChamberlain and the knives of his former ‘friends’ were sharpened. There can befew greater examples of hypocrisy in the House of Commons chamber than whenLeopold Amery, echoing Cromwell, shouted at the government benches: You havesat too long for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have donewith you. In the name of God, go!10 Go for pursuing the policies Amery advocatedright up to the sudden switch of 1939. Lady Astor who had supportedChamberlain’s policy to the hilt, turned against him even earlier: Will the PrimeMinister lose no time in letting the German government know with what horror thewhole of this country regards Germany’s action? she asked him in 1939.Chamberlain didn’t answer, but another Conservative MP, Major Vyvyan Adams,summed it up when he shouted at Lady Astor: You caused it yourself.11Chamberlain was simply a scapegoat, knowingly or unknowingly. Churchillbecame Prime Minister. A man of war was now in Downing Street and on the veryevening he took over the reins of the British Empire, May 11th 1940, the policy ofbombing civilian targets began. The Churchill family has links with the Rothschilds(Comm 300). Winston’s father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was funded by the Houseof Rothschild while he was British Chancellor of the Exchequer in the mid 1800sand his closest friend was Nathaniel Rothschild. When Randolph Churchill died, hewas in debt to the Rothschilds to the tune of some £65,000.12 Winston, too, was indebt to them and he was a good friend of Lord Victor Rothschild and theRothschild’s arch manipulator in America, Bernard Baruch.13 The names ofRothschild and Churchill continue to crop up together today. In 1995, some ofChurchill’s papers and speeches were controversially sold by his family to the National Heritage Memorial Fund for £12,500,000, thanks to money acquired fromthe National Lottery. The Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund, whichagreed to buy the papers for such a large sum, is Lord Jacob Rothschild. Alsoimportant were Churchill’s close links with Bernard Baruch and the elite familyknown as the Cecils. Indeed they controlled him to a large extent. The Cecils havelongtime connections with the networks set up by another elite front, the Jesuits,and to other families in the European elite like the Habsburgs and the BlackNobility of Italy. Churchill knew exactly what he was doing.Within a fortnight of walking into 10 Downing Street, Churchill was using theinfamous ‘Regulation 18b’ to imprison hundreds of British people who opposed thewar or pointed out that it was being engineered by a secret force.14 This approachmust be noted in any guide to freedom. It is one thing to use propaganda to feedpublic opinion a particular line, but if you are a manipulator, you also need to stopanyone who is voicing alternative information. What the British administration didwas to use Regulation 18b to imprison – without trial – those who sought to revealwho was really creating the war, and to justify this in the public mind with pressclaims of a subversive ‘Fifth Column’ at work in Britain, in support of Hitler.Regulation 18b had been introduced before the war in response to bombings inLondon which had been blamed on the IRA. It conveniently allowed people to beimprisoned purely on ‘suspicion’. There was no need for the State to proveanything and I can’t help thinking that this law was another case of: create the’problem’ (the London bombings blamed on the IRA) and then offer the ‘solution’: aregulation that gives you the power to arrest and imprison whomever you like,whenever you like, during the war you already know is coming. One lady, a MrsNicholson, the wife of a distinguished admiral, was arrested, tried, and acquittedon all counts of being involved in a ‘Fifth Column’. As she left the court, cleared ofall charges by a judge and jury, she was arrested under Regulation 18b andimprisoned for several years. This was happening in a country, under Churchill,that was supposed to be fighting for freedom! Who was the British intelligenceofficer in charge of the prosecutions under Regulation 18b? Lord Victor Rothschild,the friend, I would say manipulator, of Churchill.15 Rothschild controlled theintelligence operative who was officially in charge of 18b, Maxwell Knight.Intelligence researcher, Doctor Kitty Little, who investigated Lord Rothschild’sactivities for fifty years, told me:Being in control of counter-subversion and the administration of 18b gave Rothschildplenty of scope for subversive activities. He was able to ensure that members of thethree covert sections of his organisation were protected from investigation, while heused 18b in two ways. On the one hand he was able to intern people like Fuchs theSoviet spy and nuclear physicist, Klaus Fuchs, who later worked on the atomic bombproject and send them to the camp in Canada where they received training insubversive organisation or sought to thwart the activities of its members. Since thenmany other people whose normal patriotism or whose normal scientific activities haverun counter to the desires of subversive agents, have found their careers and influence inexplicably hampered and thwarted. His agents reached the stage whenpatriotism was routinely smeared as ‘fascist’, or ‘extreme Right wing’, or ‘racist’ or’anti-Semitic’.16A famous victim of Regulation 18b was the Conservative MP, Captain ArchibaldMaule Ramsey, formerly of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ramsey servedwith the 2nd Battalion of the Coldstream Guards in the First World War before hewas severely wounded in 1916. He blamed Jews for the manipulation of the SecondWorld War and he did not hide that fact. My feeling is that to blame any one racefor anything is extremely simplistic and can quite wrongly give the impression thatall Jews are responsible. This is fundamentally not the case. I believe Jewish peopleas a whole are victims of the Global Elite, not behind it. But that some people whoare Jewish are involved is without question. Why is it apparently terrible to say thatwhen it is OK to say that some Arabs or Germans are involved, which they are?People are people are people. Or they should be. I don’t care what bodies they have.It is what they do that interests me.Ramsey made some very legitimate points about the covert manoeuvrings andhe asked some very pertinent questions in the House of Commons, while most ofthe other MPs were, as usual, easy prey for the manipulation. In a statement fromBrixton Prison to the Speaker and members of the House of Commons, Ramseyclaimed to have uncovered nearly thirty organisations which were working inBritain to bring about what I call the Elite agenda. The names that interconnectedand controlled these organisations were, according to Ramsey: Professor Harold J.Laski (Fabian Society and Labour Party), Israel Moses Sieff, Professor Herman Levy,Victor Gollancz, D.N. Pritt MP, and G.R. Strauss MP. Notably, given what wouldlater unfold as the European Community, he said his investigations had uneartheda plot to bring about a Federal Europe. That has certainly proved to be correct. Hesaid in February 1940 he was handed some literature about a new group advocatinga Federal Europe under centralised control. The list of supporters’ names wasstartling he said. It might have been copied from the chart I had just completed.This chart was the interconnecting names and organisations he said wereengineering the war, some of whom are listed above.17 Ramsey raised these mattersin a question in the House of Commons. He asked for confirmation that the creationof a Federal Union of Europe was not one of the war aims of the government, but hereceived only a noncommittal reply. Ramsey had, in fact, identified one of the keyreasons for the war, as we shall see.His most potent threat to the manipulators came from his connections withTyler Kent, an American coding officer employed at the US Embassy in London,where Joseph Kennedy (the father of JFK) was the ambassador. Kennedy was laterto say that he opposed the war because it had been manipulated to happen. Moreabout this in Chapter 12. Kent had sent coded cables between Winston Churchilland Franklin D. Roosevelt before Churchill became Prime Minister. They were bothknowingly part of the scam. Churchill was then the First Lord of the Admiralty.The contents of the cables confirmed that the war was indeed a setup, with Churchill and Roosevelt plotting together to arrange future events. They alsoshowed that the manipulation of the war in Europe was being coordinated fromNew York.Ramsey saw some of these documents at Kent’s flat at 47 Gloucester Place. Heintended to see the rest and make the contents known to Chamberlain after a visitto Scotland. While he was away, Chamberlain was replaced by Churchill and whenRamsey returned to London, he was arrested on the steps of his house underRegulation 18b. He spent the rest of the war in jail and so did Tyler Kent, who wasfound guilty of stealing documents from the US Embassy.18 Ambassador JosephKennedy sacked Kent just before he was arrested by the British authorities and thisdeprived him of diplomatic immunity from prosecution in the British courts. Hewas tried in secret in ways that were illegal under the American Constitution. Kentand Ramsey were jailed in Britain for the duration of the war, along with anotherinvestigator, Anna Wookoff, to prevent them revealing the truth about the war andhow it started. Part of Kent’s defence against the charges was that Roosevelt washelping to remove Chamberlain and install Churchill, and that this was part of achain of events designed to bring America into the war.In the USA and the UK, the wartime leaders, Roosevelt and Churchill, are stillrevered as wartime heroes, and yet the legends and reality are light years apart.Even the conventional ‘history’ which says that Churchill broadcast live to thenation on the BBC to lift morale (with lines like We will fight them on thebeaches), is a fantasy.


Churchill’s speeches were never broadcast live or in theirentirety by the BBC. He made them in the House of Commons and short recordedclips were later used in the news bulletins. After the war, it was an actor whorecorded his speeches in full for the Decca record company.19With Roosevelt, Churchill, and Hitler all in place, the Elite could step up the warand turn it into a worldwide conflict. It would be a massive global problem insearch of a massive global solution: the United Nations, the European Community,and all the other centralised institutions that would appear after 1945. According toRoosevelt’s son, Colonel Elliot Roosevelt, his father used the cover of an inventedfishing trip in August 1941 to meet Churchill on board a warship in Argentia Bay.Also at the meeting were Lord Beaverbrook (the owner of the London DailyExpress) and Averell Harriman (whose family business had financed the BolshevikRevolution, Adolf Hitler, the Nazi war machine, and eugenics organisationsadvocating the forced sterilisation of the Tower classes’ to bring about a MasterRace). These were the people who met to discuss opposition to Hitler! Churchill,Beaverbrook and Harriman were all members of the Committee of 300.Harriman was close to both Roosevelt and Churchill and he acted as the gobetween, advising both of them. From this position, he could manipulate the twoleaders as he liked, or rather, as the Global Elite liked. The Elite’s problem was tobounce the American people into sending their sons and daughters into anotherwar in Europe which, on the face of it, had nothing to do with them. The Americanpeople were so keen to avoid war that Roosevelt could only get re-elected bysaying he had no intention of sending their children to fight in Europe or anywhere else, thus echoing the words of Woodrow Wilson before he took Americainto the First World War. Like Wilson, Roosevelt was lying. Look at some of thethings he said:…And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance.I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again. Your boys are notgoing to be sent into any foreign wars.20You can therefore nail any talk about sending armies to Europe as deliberate untruth.21All the time he was saying these things, he knew the Second World War wasbeing executed by the Elite and that the means to make American public opinionaccept US involvement had long been unfolding behind the scenes. Roosevelt wasbreaking the international laws on neutrality and defying his own speeches bysupplying the British with ammunition and weapons both covertly and through theLend Lease Act. Some members of Congress could see what was happening.Representative Philip Bennett of Missouri said:But our boys are not going to be sent abroad, says the President. Nonsense, MrChairman; even now their berths are being built in our transport ships. Even now thetags for identification of the dead and wounded are being printed by the firm of WilliamC. Ballantyne and Co of Washington.22To this day, popular accounts of history portray Roosevelt as a man whostrove in vain to ward off war.23 The Elite plan, long known by Roosevelt, was toengineer an attack on the United States which would so anger public opinion thatpeople would agree to go to war against the aggressor and, as a consequence ofthat, join the European conflict also. As a member of Woodrow Wilson’sadministration in the First World War, Roosevelt would have been well-schooled inmanipulating public opinion with engineered events. In 1939, Senator P. Nye ofNorth Dakota said that he had seen a series of volumes called The Next War,including one called Propaganda In The Next War. This was the document towhich I referred some chapters earlier. It revealed that the Americans had beenpromised that Britain would recognise a Jewish homeland in Palestine if theAmericans entered the First World War. As Senator Nye revealed, the material alsoincluded the game plan for manipulating public opinion into accepting Americanintervention in the second global conflict, which these documents – writtenbetween the wars – said was coming. The propaganda document, which originatedin Britain, said:To persuade her the United States to take our part will be much more difficult, sodifficult as to be unlikely to succeed. It will need a definite threat to America, a threatmoreover, which will have to be brought home by propaganda to every citizen, beforethe Republic will again take arms in an external quarrel… The position will naturally be considerably eased if Japan my emphasis were involved,and this might and probably would bring America in without further ado. At any rate, itwould be a natural and obvious effect of our propagandists to achieve this, just as inthe Great War they succeeded in embroiling the United States with Germany…Fortunately with America, our propaganda is on firm ground. We can be entirelysincere, as our main plank will be the old democratic one. We must clearly enunciateour belief in the democratic form of government, and our firm resolve to adhere to…the old goddess of democracy routine.24The manipulation around Roosevelt was coordinated by Bernard Baruch andthat front for the Global Elite, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Baruch waschairman of the War Industries Board during World War I and was among the’advisors’ who negotiated the German reparations at Versailles. He was the voice inRoosevelt’s ear, as he had been for many presidents. The Council on ForeignRelations devised the plan to antagonise Japan to such a degree that they wouldattack the United States. At the forefront of this was Roosevelt’s Secretary of War,Henry Stimson, a founder of the CFR. In his diary he wrote: We face the delicatequestion of diplomatic fencing to be done so as to be sure Japan is put into thewrong and makes the first bad overt move.25 The CFR’s War and Peace StudiesProject sent a memo to Roosevelt, suggesting that aid be given to China while shewas in conflict with Japan, and that Japanese assets in the US be frozen, a tradeembargo imposed, and Japan be refused access to the Panama Canal. I canrecommend an excellent book, Pearl Harbor, The Story Of The Secret War,26 byGeorge Morgenstern, which sets out in great detail how the Japanese were goadedinto the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7th 1941. For four yearsbefore the attack, the Roosevelt administration had been intercepting and decodingsecret Japanese messages. They knew that the Japanese intended to alert theirdiplomatic centres around the world of a decision to go to war through a falseweather report during the daily Japanese language short-wave news broadcast. Theforecast of ‘east wind rain’ indicated war with the United States, ‘west wind clear’would mean a decision to go to war with Britain and British and Dutch colonies inthe East, while ‘north wind cloudy’ meant war with Russia.As a congressional investigation27 heard in 1945, the messages indicating adecision to go to war with the United States and Britain, though not with Russia,were intercepted and decoded on December 3rd 1941 – four days before PearlHarbor. These messages subsequently went ‘missing’ from Navy files. Otherdecoded messages gave Roosevelt prior warning of the attack on Pearl Harbor, butthe people were not told. On January 27th 1941, the US ambassador in Tokyo, JosephGrew, had written to Roosevelt to say that in the event of war, Pearl Harbor wouldbe the first target.28 In all, Roosevelt had information from eight different sourcesindicating a probable attack.29 The attack was to happen purely to manipulateAmerican public opinion into agreeing to go into another war, which had been longplanned. And no-one was more duped than the Japanese. They had been tricked into attacking the US, both by the Americans and the Germans. The German foreignminister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, had been pressing the Japanese to attack theUnited States. On December 6th, Hitler had added to the Japanese resolve byindicating that the German forces were about to enter Moscow. On December 8th,the day after Pearl Harbor, the Germans were found to be in retreat from the Russianfront. Three thousand people were killed at Pearl Harbor, the latest victims in theElite’s plan to control the world, but most of the cream of the US Navy was out ofharbour at the time. Surprised? The day after Pearl Harbor, Allen Dulles wasappointed to the staff of the Office of the Coordinator of Information, which laterbecame the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and then the CIA.The plan worked brilliantly, as public opinion reacted in exactly the wayrequired. America was into another war in Europe and ‘our boys’ who were notgoing to be sent to Europe (according to Roosevelt) were now on their way, manyof them to die. Churchill’s reaction to the news was: That is what I have dreamedof, aimed at, and worked for, and now it has come to pass.30 He might haveadded, And I always knew it was going to. The Round Table/Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs were perfectly placed to coordinate the manipulation in theUnited States. Lord Lothian, who campaigned for the appeasement of Hitler andthen demanded war, was named British Ambassador to the United States. Whenhe died in December 1940, he was replaced in Washington by another elite memberof the Round Table/RIIA, Lord Halifax (Comm 300). This was the man, you willrecall, who suggested a deal with Hitler when they met in 1938. Apart from theBritish Embassy in Washington, the Round Table had its members in control of theResearch and Intelligence Department of the UK Foreign Office, the Ministry ofInformation, and all the agencies involved with economic ‘mobilisation andreconstruction’.31 A similar situation prevailed in the US. The influence onRoosevelt of the Council on Foreign Relations, with its membership throughoutthe government, banking, commerce, media, and military, cannot beoverestimated. Roosevelt’s son-in-law, Curtis Dall, quoted in Jim Keith’s CasebookOn Alternative 3, said:For a long time I felt that Roosevelt…had developed many thoughts and ideas thatwere his own to benefit this country, the USA. But he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, hispolitical ‘ammunition’ as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by theCouncil on Foreign Relations/One World Money Group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like afine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared ‘ammunition’ in the middle of anunsuspecting target, the American people – and thus paid off and retained hisinternationalist political support. (p25)Dall also revealed that Roosevelt had ignored a German offer of an honourablesurrender in the spring of 1943. The offer was made to Commander George Earle,Roosevelt’s personal military attache in Istanbul, by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, thehead of the German secret service, and later repeated by Fritz Von Papen, theGerman Ambassador. All the messages which Earle sent to Roosevelt detailing the offer of surrender were ignored.32 The manipulators wanted the war to continueuntil the world was changed in their image.Symbolically, the Roosevelt mansion (on East 65th Street in New York) was nextdoor to the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations! While hell was beingvisited upon this planet for a second time in twenty-five years, the Elite were righton course. As in the First War, the idea was to win the peace once it was all over,and to leave the world at the end of the war in a situation that could be mosteffectively controlled. Hitler didn’t invade Britain when it was there for the taking(after the Dunkirk retreat of 1940) because, I am increasingly convinced, those whowere controlling him did not want that to happen. And, as became clear after thewar, the Allied Supreme Commander, General Eisenhower, was prevented byRoosevelt (the Global Elite) from moving on through Germany when the Germanswere overrun, so that the Soviet Union Empire could be extended to Berlin and theCold War thus created. Eisenhower was a close associate of the Rockefellers andBernard Baruch. Thanks to them his progress through the ranks was astonishinglyfast. After the war he became President of the United States. On April 9th 1951, Lifemagazine reported that Eisenhower had radioed Stalin via the US military missionin Moscow, to detail his plan to stop at the Elbe River and allow the Russians to takeBerlin. The message was written by his political advisor, John Wheeler Bennett ofthe Royal Institute of International Affairs, received by W. Averell Harriman, andpassed on to Stalin.33 The Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall were Elite creations onthe classic principle of divide and rule and manipulate through fear. World war as aform of control was going to be replaced, at least for a few decades, by the fear ofapocalyptic conflict between East and West. This fear was fuelled by the unveilingof a new and devastating weapon, the atomic bomb. It was created by theAmericans under the so called ‘Manhattan Project’, led by Robert Oppenheimer,with support from the Elite-controlled Institute for Advanced Study at PrincetonUniversity (where Albert Einstein was a regular visitor).After Roosevelt’s death,34 his successor, another Freemason, Harry S. Truman,authorised the use of this ‘new’ weapon to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshimaand Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th 1945. Eighty thousand men, women, andchildren were killed by the explosion at Hiroshima alone. Goodness knows howmany have died or suffered since from the effects of the radiation. This grotesque actof inhumanity was justified by the politicians and military leaders as the only way toprotect American lives which, it was said, would have been lost in enormousnumbers had an invasion of Japan been authorised. We now know different. We nowknow that the Japanese had agreed to surrender the previous spring on the sameterms that were accepted after the bombs were dropped. Emperor Hirohito agreed tothis through secret negotiations with the US via the Vatican. The former Britishcabinet minister, Tony Benn, has said that he learned that this was the case when heentered government. Retired Colonel Donn Grand Pre, writing in the Americaninvestigative newspaper, The Spotlight, on September 12th 1994, said that he alsoknew for sure that the Japanese would have surrendered before Hiroshima. He saidthat in May 1945 he was with a military force, driving what was left of the Japanese army out of North Burma while B-29s were devastating Tokyo in a series of raids.Two days after those raids in the May, the Colonel said, the acting US Secretary ofState, Joseph C. Grew, recommended to President Truman that he add to his termsfor a Japanese surrender the words… surrender would not mean the elimination ofthe present dynasty (Emperor Hirohito) if the Japanese desired its retention. Thesewere the terms on which the Japanese would surrender after the horrors of threemonths later. Truman apparently favoured the addition, but after consulting with hisadvisors, the idea was dropped for ‘military reasons’. It was a question of timing, thedissenters said. Truman’s decision was to cost tens of thousands of lives, possiblyhundreds of thousands. The ‘question of timing’ related to the Potsdam Conferencewhen Truman, Churchill, and Josef Stalin would issue an ultimatum to Japan -minus the suggested addition. As Colonel Donn Grand Pre now says:The psychological spin behind the exploding of the bombs was to create such aworldwide fear of the power of nuclear energy that countries would give up theirsovereignty, turn all their weapons and armed forces over to a world government andsurrender their freedom.35President Truman said in an address shortly before Hiroshima: It will be just aseasy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along inthe Republic of the United States. This same approach of justifying centralisedworld government and all that goes with it can be seen in the statements of AlbertEinstein, the man remembered for his scientific genius to such an extent that todayyou still hear very clever people described as being an ‘Einstein’. But there wasmore to him than that. Einstein, who arrived in America from Germany viaSwitzerland, was a close friend of Bernard Baruch, the financier and string puller ofpresidents, and of Lord Victor Rothschild, the arch manipulator within BritishIntelligence who would gather atomic information for Israel’s secret nuclearweapons programme. Einstein worked on the development of the atomic bomb andBaruch called it the ‘absolute weapon’. Baruch set himself up as the head of anorganisation he called The United Nations Atomic Energy Commission in 1944 -sixteen months before the US Cabinet, including the then Vice President Truman,knew the bomb even existed and before the first meeting of the official foundinggroup of the United Nations! But then Baruch and his fellow manipulators hadknown since the First World War what was planned. When Truman becamepresident and learned of the bomb and the United Nations became official, heappointed Baruch to head… the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. BothBaruch and Einstein sought to use the fear of atomic destruction to install a worldgovernment. What a help it was to have an example in Hiroshima and Nagasaki toemphasise its capacity for destruction! Einstein called for the formation of a worldgovernment by the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union, to which the ‘secretof the bomb’ should be given. He said that these three were the only three powerswith great military strength and he urged them to commit this strength (worldarmy) to the world government. The ‘genius’ went on: The world government would have power over all military matters and need have onlyone further power: the power to intervene in countries where a minority is oppressing amajority and creating the kind of instability that leads to war…There must be an end tothe concept of non-intervention, for to end it is part of keeping the peace.36These mental gymnastics were right off the pages of the Elite personnel manualand these themes are being parroted to this day by those seeking to turn the UnitedNations ‘peacekeeping’ forces into an Einstein-like world army. Just look at Bosnia.Under Einstein’s criteria of a minority oppressing a majority, the first interventionby the world government and army should have been in the Soviet Union which hesaid should be part of the world government and army! But, no. The genius had ananswer to that:While it is true that in the Soviet Union the minority rules, I do not consider the internalconditions there are of themselves a threat to world peace. One must bear in mind thatthe people of Russia did not have a long political education and changes to improveRussian conditions had to be carried through by a minority for the reason that there wasno majority capable of doing it.37Decoded, this Einstein-speak is saying that what we need is to use the fear ofmass destruction to install a world (Elite) government which will have a worldarmy at its disposal to intervene whenever it believed its interests and powerwould benefit. In 1946, Einstein’s British friend, Bertrand Russell (Comm 300),said that it was necessary to use the fear of nuclear weapons to force all nations togive up their sovereignty and submit to the dictatorship of the United Nations.38This was the approach decided upon in 1958 at the second of the PugwashConferences when the policy of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) was agreed.The conferences were hosted by Cyrus Eaton, a business partner of theRockefellers.39 In reality, the MAD policy involved building up nuclear arsenals onboth sides to the point where for either to attack the other would meanannihilation for both of them. The fear of this would be used as a wonderfulmeans of controlling government policy, arms spending, and public opinionthroughout the Cold War, while at the top levels of manipulation they were all onthe same side. Pavel A. Sudoplatov, head of the Soviet Intelligence Bureau on theatomic problem during World War Two, has now confirmed that Oppenheimerwas supplying data about the bomb to the Soviet Union during the war.40 KlausFuchs, the German nuclear physicist, worked on the Manhattan Project after he’fled’ from Germany to Britain in 1933. Fuchs, a close associate of Lord VictorRothschild (Comm 300), was later jailed for fourteen years for supplying Britishand American atomic secrets to the Russians. The post-war Pugwash Conferences,inspired by Einstein and Bertrand Russell, were another means through whichscientific data was passed from one side to the other during the alleged ‘ColdWar’. They also helped Victor Rothschild to amass nuclear information for Israel,as we shall see later. It is hard to believe at first, but you don’t have to search too far to realise thatalmost every major negative event of global significance has been part of the samelong-term plan by the All-Seeing Eye cult to take over the planet via a centralisedworld government, central bank, currency, and army. And it is being done byprogramming the human mind. If we are going to stop this and allow humanity toburst forth in its full potential for love and harmony, there is one thing we need todo above all else. We have to stop thinking in black and white and soften our rigidbelief systems. This world is not black and white. Nothing is. If you have a rigidbelief system that is not open to the endless subtleties of life, you become amanipulator’s party trick. If you believe that someone running a business in a pinstriped suit is bad by definition, without listening to what the person has to say,your mind is not your own. The same with those who see the homeless or travellersand immediately react with ‘scroungers’ or ‘dossers’. Or those who believe one raceor other is inferior to their own. No-one is all right and no-one is all wrong.Because the thinking of the mass of the British people before and during WorldWar Two was so set and inflexible, it bought the idea of good v evil, when the sameforce was behind both sides. It also allowed people who had the courage to standup and speak out against the manipulation to be jailed without charge throughoutthe war. If you challenge our side, you must be a supporter of the other side, thischildlike mindset believed. This is the type of non-thinking which allows themanipulation to go on. Still today, if you speak of the global deception and mentionany name involved which happens to be Jewish, you are immediately branded’anti-Semitic’. Some people do this purposely to discredit the researcher anddiminish the impact of their information. Others, like the people I call the RobotRadicals, parrot these slogans because their minds are so rigid at this time, that theycouldn’t cope with the idea that many of their ‘far Left’, ‘radical’, heroes, werecontrolled by the same force, sometimes part of the same force, which controls theirperceived enemies on the ‘far Right’.It was this naivety that allowed the World Wars to happen. For the second timein forty-five years both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ had been manipulated into conflict withthe most devastating and horrific effect. Sadly, the same childish responses continueto this day.SOURCES1 Donovan, The Universal Soldier (Pye Records, London, 1965). Written by Buffy St Marie.2 Quoted in several books, including Trevor Ravenscroft’s The Spear Of Destiny (Corgi,London, 1974) p1063 Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler- The Missing Years (London, 1957) 4 Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, p2755 House of Lords, February 1938; Chatham House, March 24th 1938. The Anglo-AmericanEstablishment, p279-2816 Ibid p2847 The Anglo-American Establishment, p2858 Gertrude Elias, briefing paper for networked circulation, (London, 1995)9 The involvement of The Times in the manipulation of British public opinion was quiteappalling. As Carrol! Quigley reveals, the Round Table controlled the paper indirectly from atleast 1912 and took it over completely when the Astors bought the company in 1922. (TheAnglo-American Establishment, pll3.) A key Round Table frontman was Geoffrey Dawson,the editor of The Times from 1912 to 1941, which covered the periods in which both WorldWars were manipulated into being. He left the editor’s chair for three years between 1919and 1922 after disagreements with the owner, Lord Northcliffe. The moment the Astors tookover, lapdog Dawson was restored. (p102.)10 House of Commons, May 8th 194011 House of Commons, March 16th 193912 The Churchills (Independent Television, May 1995)13 Secret Societies, p20814 Some researchers believe that 18b was used without Churchill’s knowledge15 Lord Victor Rothschild went on to be a governor of the BBC and a key influence in atomicenergy policy, the National Research and Development Corporation, the Medical ResearchCouncil, and the Agricultural Research Council (in the period when British farming wasdestroyed and taken over by factory farming and the methods which have turned large areasof the British countryside into ecological deserts). He was good for pharmaceuticalcompanies, though. Lord Rothschild was named in a book in 1994 as the ‘fifth man’ in theBritish spy scandal involving Philby, Maclean, Burgess and Blunt.16 Dr Kitty Little, conversation with the author, July 199517 Captain A.H.M. Ramsey, The Nameless War (OMNI Publications, London, 1952) plOl.18 See John Howland Snow’s The Case Of Tyler Kent (The Long House, Connecticut, USA,1946)19 Source: The BBC Written Archive Centre20 Boston, October 30th 1940. Public Papers And Addresses Of Franklin D. Roosevelt(Macmillan, New York), 1940 volume, p51721 Ibid (December 29th 1940) p633-64422 Quoted by A.H.M. Ramsey in The Nameless War, p7523 Pears Cyclopaedia, 85th Edition, p85224 Congressional Record, 76th Congress, Vol. 84, No. 82, p6597-660425 Quoted in Casebook On Alternative 3, p2526 George Morgenstern, Pearl Harbor, The Story Of The Secret War (Costa Mesa, USA, 1991edition. First published in 1947)27 Joint Congressional Committee of the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. It was largelya coverup. 28 Secret Societies, p21029 Casebook On Alternative 3, p2630 February 15th 1942. Radio address reported in the New York Times, February 16th31 The Anglo-American Establishment, p303.32 Secret Societies, p21233 When the victorious allies did make it to Berlin, the place was looted by the British,Americans, and Russians. Among the looters was one Captain Du Maurier. We know himbetter as Robert Maxwell, international publisher, thief, and agent of the Israeli secretservice, Mossad. The Berlin porcelain dining table set sold after his mysterious death at seain 1991 was stolen from a Berlin Museum in 1945. Source: The Spotlight newspaper (April17th 1995) p4.34 Some researchers claim that Roosevelt died earlier than officially announced and that alook-alike was used for the latter months of the war. The two men certainly have obviousfacial differences when their pictures are put side by side.35 The Spotlight (September 12th 1994) pl536 The Atlantic Monthly (November 1945)37 Ibid38 Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists (October 1946)39 Pugwash comes from the name of the Canadian estate of industrialist, Cyrus Eaton. Hebegan his career as secretary to J.D. Rockefeller before he became a business partner ofthe dynasty.40 The Spotlight (May 16th and September 12th 1994)


chapter 7

master races

The same attitude that suppressed the challenge to the manipulation of WorldWar Two, today sees people vilified and jailed for questioning some of theofficial versions of The Holocaust in Nazi Germany. If you do that, no-one listensto the evidence because this is lost in the tidal wave of vilification andcondemnation. If people want to believe that all those who question the officialline are Nazis and apologists for the Hitler regime, or anti-Jewish, then they mustgo ahead and do so. But I’ll tell them this. They are kidding themselves, becausethat isn’t true. It simply isn’t.As the old vibration of life begins to crumble and the new one emerges, we are inthe period now when the muck of the past which has remained hidden is coming tothe surface to be dealt with and dispersed. The content of this book is part of that. Itis not only individuals who have suppressed emotions which eat them away andeventually have to be dealt with, it is the Earth and the collective mind of humanityalso. The process of cleansing the Earth takes many forms, and one of them is for allthat has been secret and suppressed to come into the public spotlight. Whetherpeople like it or whether they don’t, the official version of The Holocaust cannotavoid this exposure to proper debate for very much longer. The process of cleansingand transformation will ensure that this will happen.The way the Nazis treated many Jewish people is unspeakable. There are nowords adequate to describe it. The pain, as we see in the commemorations, appearsundiminished for those who lived through it. What an insult it would be to thosepeople who suffered so, if it were established that their pain and unimaginablehorror is also being used without their knowledge, to promote and protect a longerterm plan. It would qualify, perhaps, as one of the ultimate inhumanities. Arepeople who did not suffer under the Nazis using the emotions of those who did tomanipulate events for their own diabolical ends? We can only establish if that istrue by allowing all information about that period to be made public withoutvilification or condemnation.As Professor Yehuda Bauer, the chairman of the Vidal Sassoon Centre for theStudy of Anti-Semitism, said, Someone is misusing people’s fears and obsessionsand presenting things we know today did not happen.1 He was reacting to storiesabout ‘human soap’ which holocaust ‘experts’ have said the Nazis made out of thebodies of Jewish victims in the concentration camps. This has become an accepted’fact’, but Professor Bauer said there was no documentary evidence that any suchthing took place. In the researching of this book, for the first time in my life I stumbled across information which questions the official holocaust line. I wasshocked, to be honest. I looked at it and I wrote it down, a process that always helpsme to get things clearer in my mind. I pondered on it endlessly for weeks. Myconclusion was that there were the most terrible atrocities against Jewish people, asthere were against others in Germany, the Soviet Union, and in Japanese-occupiedcountries. The whole war was a holocaust. What the European settlers did to theNative American tribes was a holocaust. The atrocities that Jewish people did sufferunder the Nazis, makes the pain that we see thoroughly understandable. But I alsoconcluded from the evidence I came across that the official line has a vast number ofquestions to answer and enormous tracts of documented information to explainbefore we can really know what happened. Like I say, nothing is ever what it seems,no matter what we may be told. When, for instance, a Jewish American like DavidCole produces evidence and video documentaries demolishing the official claimsabout the events at Auschwitz, you cannot, if you are interested in truth, justdismiss his findings and condemn him as a Nazi apologist. That is not to say thateverything people say is correct, but why are we so frightened to allow the public todecide for themselves? Why is such information suppressed?People might not like me making these points, but I ask them this: what is a truelove for humanity? Is it saying what you believe people need to know and takingthe flak? Or is it saying what you think they want to know and taking the plaudits?I come back to something that I see often in my research into the Global Elite: theway Jewish people are used as mere propaganda fodder by the upper reaches oftheir own hierarchy, especially the Rothschilds and others like the Habsburgs. Jewishpeople are not seeking to take over the world. The opposite is true. They just want toget on peacefully and joyfully with their lives, like all of us. Instead, they are beingused mercilessly by their own privileged, manipulating cliques to be the ‘fall guy’, toprotect the few from legitimate investigation and exposure. So much of their historyis kept from them to ensure they remain under the mental and emotional control ofthe few. Major Alojzy Dziurski, of the wartime Polish underground movement, wasno apologist for the Nazis and nor was he anti-Jewish. He had a wide circle of Jewishfriends and expressed a deep gratitude to the Jew he said had saved his life. In hisbook, Freedom Fighter, Dziurski told how he heard that the German attitude to Jewshad changed quite dramatically after they realised the Zionist influence in Stalin’sSoviet Union. This prompted Major Dziurski to meet with Polish Jewish leaders inMarch 1942, to warn them that they must disperse the Jews living in the ghettos,move them to homes among Polish farmers in remote areas, and establishsettlements in forested areas. He said the leaders refused, with terrible consequences.The major said he became a close friend of a Jewish captain, who had been a PoliticalCommissar in the Red Army. Dziurski said in his book:Because of my interest in Jewish affairs, he the Captain would share with me a wellguarded secret. Accepted as a devoted Zionist, he would attend a secret meeting for initiated Zionists only. It was conducted in Hebrew, not in Yiddish, as most meetingswere. The majority of the speakers were foreign Zionist leaders, but he recognised onlyone, Moshe Sneh, a Polish Jewish leader, who had left for Palestine before the war andreturned in 1945 as Berihah leader to organise the mass emigration of Polish Jews.Every speaker emphasised the unique opportunity that had come to snatch Palestineand the Middle East from the Arabs and the British…The whole non-Jewish world had tobe made to feel guilty for The Holocaust together with the Nazis. The Holocaust must beshown to be the greatest Christian crime against the Jewish people. Intensivepropaganda would be launched, and all publishing houses and the press under Jewishinfluence had already been instructed to propagate the story of Jewish sufferings.Moshe Sneh had demanded that the maximum number of Polish Jews must be forcedto leave Poland for Palestine or any country of their choice. Instructions had beenissued to Western European Jewry to prepare for the reception of Polish immigrants…tofilter later into the United States. The USA must be made the great reservoir of Jewry toinfluence American politics because the USA would become the decisive world power.2You may or may not accept that. But you have a right to hear it, and much,much, more of the documented background information relating to this subject willbe coming to the surface in the years to come. No-one will be more stunned by whatwill be made known than the mass of Jewish people themselves. They are going tolook on their hierarchy in a very different light. Major Dziurski compiled a largenumber of writings and archives about his wartime experiences and theinformation given to him by Jewish friends and acquaintances. These were stolen ina robbery at his home in May 1965, after which he emigrated to Australia.I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the mass ofJewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War, the RussianRevolution, and the Second World War. This Jewish/non-Jewish Elite used the FirstWorld War to secure the Balfour Declaration and the principle of the Jewish State ofIsrael in Palestine (for which, given the genetic history of most Jewish people, thereis absolutely no justification on historical grounds or any other). They thendominated the Versailles Peace Conference and created the circumstances whichmade the Second World War inevitable. They financed Hitler to power in 1933 andmade the funds available for his rearmament. Their representatives in other nationsmanipulated their governments to allow Hitler and the Nazis to invadesurrounding countries and increase their military power and potential by acquiringthe resources of those countries. They gave Hitler the impression that he couldexpand across mainland Europe without challenge, but then, at a prearranged time,the attitude of Britain changed dramatically and he found himself in a war he couldnot win – especially after Roosevelt manipulated the American people, via PearlHarbor, into a conflict he said they would never be involved in.Meanwhile, those Jews in Germany who were part of, or useful to, this tinyJewish/non-Jewish Elite were allowed to leave the Nazi-occupied lands and escapeto the USA, other safe countries, and to Palestine to begin the work that would culminate in the creation of Israel after the war. They were not the ones who were tosuffer so terribly under Hitler. Far from it. They were the ones who were going touse and exploit the suffering of those left behind. When the privileged elite, like thebanker Max Warburg, had left Germany, the Jewish men, women, and childrenconsidered expendable in pursuit of a wider goal were left to their fate. That fatewas sealed when Alfred Rosenberg with his Jewish background, made a copy ofThe Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion available to Hitler.So what could possibly motivate this manipulating Jewish clique to treat theirfellow Jews in such a subhuman way? Quite simply, the manipulators are not reallyJews, as Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman points out in his 1974 book, To Eliminate TheOpiate. Antelman, who lost seventeen members of his family to the Nazis, says thatthis clique does not want to promote Judaism, it wants to destroy it, as it wants todestroy all alternatives to its own focus of worship, the All-Seeing Eye cult ofantiquity. It is this which provides the common themes of loyalty and motivationbetween the Jews, Arabs, British, Germans, Americans etc, who are knowinglyworking together to bring about the global fascist tyranny known as the New WorldOrder. The ‘Jews’ of the Global Elite could not give a damn about Jewish people, asthe Germans in the clique could not care less about the German people. To them,the masses of whatever race, colour, or country, are a herd of nonentities who arethere to be used only as necessary to serve their master – the LucifericConsciousness on the Fourth Dimension. The ‘All Seeing’ Jews, however, and theirnon-Jewish conspirators, use the smokescreen of ‘anti-Semitism’ and the genuinesuffering of real Jews to prevent investigation of their sinister activities. I amconvinced that it was this clique which wrote and leaked the Protocols and made itlook like a plot by Jewish people as a whole. It is not. No, no, no!After the war, the unimaginable suffering of Jewish people, condemned by theirown elite, among others, was used to bring the State of Israel into being on a waveof understandable emotion, given the stories the world was being told. It has beenused ever since to block legitimate investigation into the manipulation of thehuman race. The label ‘anti-Semite’ is hurled at anyone who challenges the officialversion of history and who exposes the people who really control the world. Onevehicle for this Jewish and non-Jewish clique – which has made Jews suffer so much- is called Zionism and so is the State of Israel, a country and a ruling mindset,which to me looks remarkably like the Nazi mentality.The British hierarchy has provably manipulated, exploited, and sent to theirdeaths multimillions of British people to serve the ‘national interest’ – the interestsof the ruling clique; the German hierarchy has done the same to the German peopleand the American hierarchy to the American population. These ruling cliques haveutter contempt for their ‘unwashed masses’. They see them as cattle to be used andabused as required. Why is it so amazing that the Jewish hierarchy should see themass of Jewish people in the same terms?The exploitation of those who did suffer by those who didn’t has allowed theruling elite of Israel to commit the most terrible atrocities without challenge fromthe wider world community, while any perceived threat to Israel is immediately condemned and dealt with. Why do we not hear about the decades of atrocities byIsrael against the dispossessed Palestinians, which have been reported again andagain by members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency? The grotesqueirony is that while complaining about the ‘far Right’ and ‘anti-Semitism’, the Israeligovernment has supported Nazi regimes across the world, including the terrorist,Somoza, who was responsible for the slaughter of tens of thousands of his ownpeople in Nicaragua.3 Israel has armed or supported neo-Nazis and terrorists inTaiwan, Saudi Arabia, Central America, Argentina, and scores of others,4 in leaguewith the neo-Nazis who control the United States and the CIA. When Israelpontificates about racism and the far Right, it turns my stomach. The Israeligovernment, its army and its intelligence arm, Mossad, are neo-Nazi, terroristorganisations. This mindset is personified by many of the Israeli settlers in theoccupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Israeli authorities hide this fact behindJewish people who genuinely suffered in Hitler’s Germany. The Israeli leaders whoare part of, or controlled by, the All-Seeing Eye cult, have used this suffering formore than fifty years to conceal and justify daily atrocities against the Arabpopulation. Palestinian children are shot by Nazi settlers in the occupied lands, butthe killers escape without punishment. Meanwhile, Arabs are routinely shot by thesame soldiers who look the other way when settlers are terrorising Palestinian men,women, and children.5 As Hitler treated those Jews cast adrift by their ownhierarchy, so does Israel treat Palestinians today. I’ll take no lectures on racism andNazism from apologists for Israeli terrorism, thank you very much.Indeed those who led the terrorist organisations which created Israel after thewar, later became its leaders. To challenge the behaviour of Israel is not to condemnJewish people. The opposite is the case. Those who have controlled Israel and itsinternational terrorist arm, Mossad, are not true Jews. They are a bunch ofunbalanced thugs who have used (abused) Jewish people for their own horrificends. Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin was a leading light in the Jewishterrorist underground organisation, Irgun, and as a result was responsible foruntold murder and mayhem. He would later win the Nobel Peace Prize, as didHenry Kissinger. Another Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir, was a terrorist inthe Jewish underground before becoming (appropriately, I guess) the head of theMossad assassination squad at the time of the murder of John F. Kennedy. In a laterchapter I link both Shamir and Begin to Kennedy’s assassination. Prime MinisterYitzhak Rabin was lauded as a great peace maker after his own assassination in1995, but he too was a terrorist. As Naeim Giladi, the Israeli historian and author,says: Rabin launched his career.. .with terrorist murders that shed both Arab andJewish blood when cold political calculation demanded it.6In 1940 when illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine became a flood, the Britishmilitary government began to detain and deport those Jews who did not have thecorrect documentation. The Zionist underground decided to sabotage the refugeeships rather than allow them to be turned away. Giladi goes on: In those daysRabin was a member of Palmach – the name means ‘action squads’ – it was aviolent underground force.. .in November 1940 his group blew up the refugee ship Patria in Haifa harbour. More than 250 Jewish emigrants died in the explosion.7Three other ships were later given the same treatment by Rabin’s Palmach andmore than a thousand Jews died as a result. But it was the Arabs who were blamedfor this barbarity and that was the whole point of the carnage, of course. The Zionistleader, David Ben-Gurion, wrote in his diary that the bombings stirred more worldwide sympathy and support for us than we anticipated.8 Later I will also connectBen-Gurion to the Kennedy assassination. I am coming more and more to theconclusion that what happened to Jews in Nazi Germany (whatever the truth turnsout to be) was supported, even planned, by these crazy people to ensure that bothIsrael was created and that ‘anti-Semitism’ could be used as a defence againstlegitimate investigation of their sickening activities. That has certainly been theoutcome. Anyone who exposes these breathtaking horrors is dubbed a neo-Nazi.What’s more, a lot of the money and the armaments used both by theseunderground terrorists and the founders of Israel were supplied by the MeyerLansky organised crime syndicate which was based in the US, but operatedinternationally. Lansky, who was born Maier Suchowjansky in Grodno, Russia, rosefrom the slums of New York to the top of the heap in the international underworld.He was above the Mafia. Lansky acheived these dizzy heights by the usual means -murder and terror. This was the man who used his crime and terror networks tochannel funds and guns to the Jewish terrorists and the later Israeli State. Such washis contribution that he has been described as Israel’s Godfather.9 Lansky wouldrun to Israel whenever the heat was turned up in the States and eventually settledin his beloved homeland. Lansky, too, was at the heart of the murder of John F.Kennedy, as we shall see. These are the sorts of minds that created Israel under thesupervision of the Rothschilds. And yet if you challenge and expose these people,you are called a Nazi! Give me strength.Some brave Jews have spoken out against the behaviour of Israel and the plightof the Palestinians, people like Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak10 (a survivor ofthe Belsen concentration camp), but where are the British government and theUnited States government? Silence. These are legitimate points in a democracy(hilarious, I know), but people are frightened, even terrified, to make them, becausethey will be branded ‘anti-Semitic’. Even some Jews who have made these pointshave been branded ‘anti-Semitic’! To this day, the clique continues to arrange for’anti-Semitic’ events and attacks which allow this manipulation of the Jewish andnon-Jewish communities to go on. The Jewish hierarchy wishes to keep the mass ofJewish people in constant fear, a state of mind which makes anyone child’s play tocontrol and manipulate. The far Right are a dream for this clique and they play intotheir hands by behaving in ways that make the manipulation so much easier. Notall of them are behaving in this way by accident, either. Who actually funds some ofthese ‘far Right’ groups? If you know, perhaps you’ll tell me.In Britain, I am told by an extremely reliable source very close to the intelligenceorganisations that the ‘far Right’ group, Combat 18, is a front for the sinister AntiDefamation League, the United States arm of the ‘Israeli’/Rothschild secret service,Mossad. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been operating in Britain and Europe since at least 1991 and its role is to brand as anti-Semitic anyone who isgetting close to the truth of what is going on. What better way to discredit aninvestigator than to have a ‘far Right’ group like Combat 18 to praise them? Whatbetter way to control Jewish people through fear than to have the behaviour ofCombat 18 as an example of what is waiting for them if they don’t have thehierachy to protect them?If you find all this hard to believe there are many examples that prove the point.At the time of the Kennedy assassination the national secretary of the AmericanNazi Party was a man called Daniel Burros. He was a close associate of the NaziRoy Frankhouser, a man who once said: Hitler had the Jews; we’ve got the niggers.We have to put our main stress on the nigger question, of course, because that’swhat preoccupies the masses – but we’re not forgetting the Jew. If Jews knew whatwas coming – and believe me, it’s coming as surely as the dawn – they’d realise thatwhat’s going to happen in America will make Nazi Germany look like a Sundayschool picnic. We’ll build better gas chambers, and more of them, and this timethere won’t be any refugees.11 Charming. But Nazi Frankhouser turned out to bea professional federal infiltrator of the Ku Klux Klan and other Nazi andCommunist organisations. His close associate, the Nazi Daniel Burros, wasexposed in October 1965 as a Jew by the New York Times. The following day he wasfound shot dead at Frankhouser’s home in Reading, Pennsylvania. Verdictsuicide. Burros was also a key figure in the Nazi National Renaissance Party,which was controlled by the Anti-Defamation League. Life is never what it seems.The ‘opponent’ of Combat 18 in the UK is an organisation called Searchlight. Thesame source tells me that this is a front for the Board of Deputies of British Jews andthe ADL. Can anyone confirm this? It is an old, old strategy. Even Mossad is notwhat it appears to be. It is actually the intelligence agency primarily for theRothschilds, the banking cartel of the Global Elite, and the cult of the All-SeeingEye, as is the ADL. Researcher Gary Allen put the situation very well in his 1973book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy:One major reason for the historical blackout on the role of the international bankers inpolitical history is that the Rothschilds were Jewish. Anti-Jewish people…have playedinto the hands of the conspiracy by trying to portray the entire conspiracy as Jewish.Nothing could be farther from the truth. The traditionally Anglo Saxon J.P. Morgan andRockefeller international banking institutions have played a key role in the conspiracy.But there is no denying the importance of the Rothschilds and their satellites. However,it is just as unreasonable and immoral to blame all Jews for the crimes of theRothschilds as it is to hold all Baptists accountable for the crimes of the Rockefellers.The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organisation called The AntiDefamation League as an instrument to try to convince everyone that any mention ofthe Rothschilds and their allies is an attack on all Jews. In this way they have stifledalmost all honest scholarship on international bankers and made the subject taboowithin universities. Any individual or book exploring this subject is immediately attacked by hundreds ofADL communities all over the country. The ADL has never let the truth or logic interferewith its highly professional smear jobs… Actually, nobody has a right to be more angryat the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews. The Warburgs, part of the Rothschildempire, helped finance Adolf Hitler…Tyranny has many forms and most of them are less than obvious. Widespreadcondemnation of Jews in Germany was the result of the Nazis putting out oneversion of the ‘truth’ (Jews are horrid) while suppressing alternative informationwhich told another story (Jews are no different from anyone else). That is clearly amind-manipulating tyranny because people were denied all the facts and viewsavailable and their attitudes were subsequently imbalanced. But if that is a tyrannywhich we rightly pledge ourselves to oppose, why do we play a part in suppressingalternative information to the official line of the Second World War? How is it rightthat while this fierce suppression goes on, free copies of the Spielberg film,Schindler’s List, are given to schools to indoctrinate children with the unchallengedversion of events? And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demandfreedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to beclosed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history? How can wenot be accused of hypocrisy and of criticising one tyranny while supportinganother? Once people think it is OK to suppress different views and evidence,whether we agree with it or not, we are playing God for the rest of our fellow menand women. If the evidence is wrong, then it will be shown to be so under thespotlight of the public arena. If it is true, then what the hell are we doingsuppressing it? John F. Kennedy supported this view in a speech at ColumbiaUniversity in February 1962, when he said:We seek the free flow of information…a nation that is afraid to let the people judge thetruth and falsehood in an open market is a nation afraid of its people.We live in nations afraid of the people and in a world afraid of the people. Wecling to dogmas that are afraid of the people. Those who wish to suppress bywhatever means alternative versions of history which challenge ‘the official line’ arealso afraid of the people – afraid that their manipulation will be exposed by such afree flow of information. The way the Jewish mind has been so seriouslymanipulated by the Jewish hierarchy over the centuries has had another effect. Likethe Roman Catholic Church and other religious and racial tyrannies, Judaism, andmore recently Zionism, has used fear and guilt to maintain control of its people. Ithas pressurised each generation to conform to what it tells them they must believeand it has programmed their minds to think of themselves as a people who havealways been, and will always be, the subject of oppression and prejudice from therest of society. A leaflet12 asking for financial support for The Board of Deputies ofBritish Jews has a picture of hostile neo-Nazis on the front. Inside the leaflet it saysthat the Board is the Jewish community’s protection against racism and Holocaust denial at a time when the voices of fascists are getting louder. It’s allfear, fear, fear, control, control, control. Many Jewish people have also beenprogrammed to see themselves as God’s ‘chosen people’, above all the rest, andwhen you read some of the Jewish literature and laws, they are incredibly racist,quite stunningly so. The Talmud, the Jewish book of law, contains among other littlegems, the following: Just the Jews are humans, the non-Jews are no humans, butcattle (Kerithuth 6b, page 78, Jebhammoth 61); The non-Jews have been created toserve the Jews as Slaves (Midrasch Talpioth 225); Sexual intercourse with nonJews is like sexual intercourse with animals (Kethuboth 3b); The non-Jews have tobe avoided, even more than sick pigs (Orach Chaiim 57, 6a); The birth rate of nonJews has to be suppressed massively (Zohar II, 4b); As you replace lost cows anddonkeys, so you shall replace non-Jews (Lore Dea 377,1). And so it goes on and on.So how often do the anti-racist protestors demonstrate outside Talmudic events?Never. Exactly.The irony is that the racism of extreme Jews and the racism of Adolf Hitler areboth based on a colossal myth. As Alfred M. Lilienthal, the Jewish writer andresearcher, said:There is no reputable anthropologist who will not agree that Jewish racialism is asmuch poppycock as Aryan racialism. As far back as 1938, the American AnthropologicalAssociation, at it’s annual conference in New York, condemned Aryanism as a fallacyand stated that both ‘Aryan’ and ‘Semitic’ were linguistic terms without any racialsignificance……Anthropological science divides mankind into three recognised races: negro,mongolian and oriental, and Caucasian or white (although some authorities refer to afourth race – the australoids)… Members of the Jewish faith are found in all three racesand subdivisions.


The conditioned thought patterns in the collective Jewish mind have repeatedlycreated the physical reality of oppression, prejudice, and racism which matches thepattern – the expectation – programmed into their collective psyche. They expect it;they create it. When Jewish people as a whole break free from the mind control oftheir hierarchy and start to let go of those feelings of fear and expectation ofprejudice, they will stop attracting such experiences to them. When they openlyreject the inherited view of racial superiority, those patterns will disperse from theirmagnetic cape/aura, and they will cease to attract racism to them. Also, like thosebrought up in the extreme versions of Roman Catholicism, Jewish people need tolove themselves and leave behind the guilt their controllers demand that they retain.Of all the people I meet, those brought up in the Roman Catholic and Jewish faith areamong the most screwed-up, mentally and emotionally. This is no coincidence. Bothfaiths brainwash children with fear and guilt from the earliest age.Jewish people are simply wonderful when they allow themselves to be who theyreally are. I love their humour and their spirit. They have such a contribution to make to the good of the world. But I have rarely met one who really loves themselfor does not carry the burden of inherited guilt. My friends, it is all about control. It’stime to let it go.Jewish people (who, like the rest of us, are evolving consciousnesses whichhappen to be experiencing a Jewish lifetime), will never be free until they step outof the mental and emotional control of this tiny clique, which uses them in the mostmerciless ways to advance its own sick and diabolical ambitions, in league with anequally sick clique of non-Jews.Official history has been tampered with in the most extraordinary way, so thatwe continue to see the world in the childlike simplicity of good and evil, heroes andvillains. It is rarely like that. After the war, the Nuremberg Trials sat in judgementon the Germans. When you look behind the sanitised history books you see thatthose trials were a farce, a calculated exercise in revenge and manipulation, oftenpunishing those without influence to cover the tracks of those who had it.. .like theAmericans on the boards of the US-Nazi cartels and parent companies. These wereshow trials of those Nazis not considered important enough or with enoughpolitical and scientific knowledge, to be removed to the United States and SouthAmerica where they could continue their work for the Elite.14 The defence offollowing orders from a superior officer was not allowed at Nuremberg. This meantthat if they had disobeyed an order during the war they were shot, and if theyobeyed the order they were hanged at Nuremberg. The precedent for removing thedefence of following orders was made by the War Office in London in April 1944,just as the list of Nazi war criminals was being compiled and the preparations madefor the post-war ‘trials’. At that time the wording of Paragraph 443 of Chapter XIVof The British Manual Of Military Law was changed to reflect the wording of anarticle written in The British Year Book Of International Law For 1944 by Dr HerschLauterpacht. The revised Paragraph 443 reads as follows:The clearly illegal nature of the order – illegal by reference to generally acknowledgedprinciples of international law so identified with cogent dictates of humanity as to beobvious to any person of ordinary understanding – renders the fact of superior ordersirrelevant.Dr Lauterpacht was a former Austrian with an interesting background. He wasan assistant lecturer at the Round Table-influenced London School of Economicsbetween the wars. Then, in 1940, he became a visiting professor at the Elitecontrolled Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which was shown to bepromoting war. After his words were used to destroy the defence of superior orders,Dr Lauterpacht was appointed to the British War Crimes Executive and to a streamof international law publications and positions, including the United NationsInternational Law Commission.15 His son, Elihu Lauterpacht QC, was consultant tothe UK government’s Central Policy Review Staff during the Premiership of EdwardHeath (Conservative) and Jim Callaghan (Labour), and a host of international lawbodies.16 The head of Heath’s policy unit was Lord Victor Rothschild. Nuremberg was an insult to natural justice. It doesn’t matter what thedefendants were supposed to have done. If people don’t administer justice fairly,they cannot claim to be any better than those they condemn. The American judge,Justice Wenersturm, the president of one of the tribunals, resigned and went homein disgust at the injustice and manipulation of it all. Another American judge,Edward L. van Roden, was one of the three members of the Simpson ArmyCommission which was appointed to investigate the methods used at the Dachautrials at Nuremberg. His findings were reported in the Washington Daily News andthe British Sunday Pictorial in January 1949. He described the ways that ‘confessions’were secured:Posturing as priests to hear confessions and give absolution; torture with burningmatches driven under the prisoner’s finger nails; knocking out of teeth and breakingjaws; solitary confinement and near-starvation rations;…The statements which wereadmitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been kept in solitaryconfinement for three, four, and five months…The investigators would put black hoodsover the accused’s head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick himand beat him with rubber hoses…All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases weinvestigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was standardoperating procedure with our American investigators…Strong men were reduced tobroken wrecks ready to mumble any admission demanded by their prosecutors.These were the people sitting in judgement of others for their war crimes. Onceyou fall for the trick of seeing two sides as ‘good’ and ‘evil’ with no shades of greyin between, you become a robot. Life is not like a John Wayne film. Shortly after theFalklands War in 1982, a soldier who served there told me how he had beendevastated to see his fellow British soldiers bayonetting to death Argentineprisoners of war who had put down their weapons and surrendered. He describedhow other British ‘heroes’ cut off the fingers of dead Argentines to steal their rings.He was so appalled, he left the forces in disgust. Years later, evidence came to lightabout these very events which led to a police investigation, but their findings wereignored and the British government refused to press charges against those involved.The newspapers said what an outrage it would have been to charge ‘our boys’ withsuch offences when they were ‘only fighting for their country’. It is about time werealised that some of ‘our boys’ act just as horribly as those in Germany and Iraq.Mind you, that would explode the nonsense we are supposed to accept that Britain,America, and the West in general are on white chargers, ‘fighting for freedom’ tothe sound of angelic choirs.Perhaps nothing demolishes this simplistic idea of ‘free’ world v tyranny morethan Hitler’s genetic experiments in pursuit of a Master Race. Ask most peopleabout the master race mentality and they will point to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.But again, it is not as simple as that. The plan for a master race and the eliminationof ‘lesser’ races did not begin and end in Nazi Germany. It began long before and itis still going on. All that happened under Hitler was that he had such a grip on the country and the German mind that he could openly promote it. This master racementality is another part of the Elite’s plan for the New World Order. When youthink that the Prison Warders are seriously into genetic engineering of the mostadvanced kind, it is hardly surprising that their stooges on Earth would reflect thatin their own attitude of mind. The Nazis were doing and saying publicly what theElite in Britain and America had been saying and funding long before the wordNazi was even heard of.Eugenics is, to quote the Oxford Concise Dictionary, .. .the production of fineoffspring by the improvement of inherited qualities. The term eugenics was coinedby the Englishman, Francis Galton, in the later years of the nineteenth century. Hecalled for society to intervene to maintain racial purity. Galton wanted the forcedsterilisation of the ‘unfit’. Another ‘pioneer’ of this mindset was Thomas RobertMalthus, born in 1766. It was from him that the theory of the ‘survival of the fittest’was passed on through Herbert Spencer to Charles Darwin. Malthus was obsessedwith the culling of the population and proposed a series of measures against theTower races’ (the poor), to keep the population down and, as he saw it, to preventthe human genetic stream being dominated by such ‘inferior’ racial lines. In his bestknown work, Essay, he suggested that streets should be made narrower and morepeople crowded into houses, to encourage the return of the plague. Villages shouldbe built next to stagnant pools and, above all, remedies for preventing and curingdisease ought to be strongly condemned, he said. Malthus went on:We are bound injustice and honour formally to disclaim the right of the poor tosupport. To this end, I should propose a regulation be made declaring that no childborn…should ever be entitled to parish assistance…The illegitimate infant iscomparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply itsplace…All children beyond what would be required to keep up the population to thisdesired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deathsof grown persons.17From such a mind did the idea of the ‘survival of the fittest’ emerge, and it hasdominated ‘science’ ever since! Add to this the belief that the intellect of a person isgenetically determined by the intellect of the parents and you have the eugenicsmovement, which came to the surface so infamously under the rule of Adolf Hitler.Although advanced esoteric knowledge is known at the top level of the Elite, someof those lower down on the pyramid are encouraged to believe some incrediblegarbage. Genetic superiority of the intellect through interbreeding is one of them. Itappeals to the ego, I guess. Note, also, how the Malthus proposals of theencouragement of disease and of forcing upon the poor conditions they are unlikelyto survive, are still at the forefront of Elite policy in the Third World and withinindustrialised countries, too.Names now familiar to us in this book, such as the Harrimans and theRockefellers, were seriously into eugenics. Averell Harriman’s mother funded thelaunch of the race-science movement in America in 1910, and built the Eugenics Record Office as a branch of the Galton National Laboratory in London. TheHarrimans were responsible for the Bush family fortune and they were close toanother Bush family backer, George Herbert Walker (a relative by marriage ofPrescott Bush and grandfather to George Bush, who would go on to be President ofthe United States). By the late nineteenth century, some mentally ill people andchildren were being sterilised by US health officials as a result of eugenics policies.The State of Indiana made the sterilisation of the mentally ill and ‘undesirables’compulsory and 475 men were sterilised at the Indiana State Reformatory.After the turn of the century, the Harrimans and Rockefellers spent more than$11 million to establish a eugenics research laboratory at Cold Springs Harbor onLong Island, New York, close to the Dulles brothers’ estates. The study of eugenicswas encouraged at the Elite-controlled universities, such as Harvard, Columbia,and Cornell. In Germany, the same line was taken by Ernst Haeckel, the mystic andAryan master race promoter, whose ideas would influence Hitler. Haeckel said itwas the duty of a nation to enforce breeding, and he and his supporters formed theMonist League to promote their sick beliefs in Germany. The first InternationalCongress of Eugenics was held in London in 1912. Among its directors wereWinston Churchill and Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone. By 1917,fifteen US States had eugenics laws, and all but a few of them made legal thecompulsory sterilisation of epileptics, the mentally ill and retarded, and regularcriminals.In 1932, a year before Hitler and Roosevelt came to power, the Harrimans helpedto organise the Third International Congress on Eugenics at the American Museumof Natural History in New York. Averell Harriman’s sister, Mary, was the director ofentertainment for the event. These wealthy American families, like theircounterparts in Britain, feel themselves to be racially superior and they wish toprotect their racial purity. This – along with the pursuit of power, wealth, andinfluence – is the reason why so many intermarriages take place within thesefamilies. America may not have an official royal family or aristocracy as they existin Britain, but they have an unofficial one, and every effort is taken to trace one’sline back, often falsely, to William of Orange and the British Royal Family, or tosome wing of the British aristocracy.The aim of the eugenics movement was, and is, to create a Master Race by thesterilisation and forced birth control of those races considered ‘inferior’. TheInternational Congress of Eugenics in New York in 1932 tackled the ‘problem’ (asthey saw it) of African-Americans and other ‘inferior’ stock reproducing andexpanding their numbers. It was decided that the way to deal with this ‘danger’ tothe higher races (themselves) was through sterilisation and ‘cutting off the badstock’. The Congress was dedicated to the work of Averell Harriman’s mother andAverell did his best to support the proceedings. He personally arranged for theHamburg-Amerika Shipping Line (controlled by himself, George Walker andPrescott Bush) to transport Nazis from Germany to New York so they could takepart in the Congress. The best known of them was Dr Ernst Rudin, a psychiatrist atthe Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography in Berlin. There he occupied an entire floor with his eugenics ‘research’, and all of this was madepossible by funds provided by.. .the Rockefellers.18Dr Rudin was unanimously elected president of the International Federation ofEugenics Societies at the New York Congress, and this was, in part, a recognition ofhis work as a founder of the German Society for Race Hygiene. The eugenicsmovement called for the sterilisation of mental patients (mental hygiene societies);the execution of criminals, the insane, and the terminally ill (euthanasia societies);and race purification by sterilisation and the prevention of births to thoseconsidered inferior bloodstocks (population control societies). All of this was upand running long before anyone had heard of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler’sGermany was a vehicle for part of this movement; it wasn’t the whole movement.Soon after Hitler had abolished elections and become dictator of Germany in1933, the Rockefeller-funded Dr Rudin was commissioned to write the Law for thePrevention of Hereditary Diseases in Posterity, which involved the forcedsterilisation of anyone considered genetically inferior. A quarter of a million peoplewho were mental patients, blind, deaf, or alcoholics were sterilised on the order ofspecial eugenics courts. Rudin supervised this policy and trained the psychiatristsand doctors to order and perform the sterilisations. But where did the Nazi Rudinget his inspiration from for the wording of his race laws? From the Model EugenicalSterilization Law of 1922, presented by H.H. Laughlin, the eugenics ‘expert’ of theUS House of Representatives Committee on Immigration and Nationalisation,which was accepted by many States. Eugenics was not unique to Nazi Germany. In1942, the American ‘psychiatrist’ Foster Kennedy called for the killing of retardedchildren, and between 1941 and ’43 more than 42,000 people were sterilised inAmerica.19Nor did the master race mentality end in 1945 with the demise of Hitler’sGermany. Obviously, talk of master races, racial purity, and sterilisation to improvethe stock was bad PR, once some of the tales of Nazi projects began to be known.But all that happened was that the names for master race policies were changed todisguise the true meaning. We began to hear about euthanasia and populationcontrol instead of eugenics and race purification, but it’s all the same thing really.What the Harrimans, Rockefellers, and people like Prescott Bush were funding andsupporting before and during the war, their successors have continued to promoteunder the cover of ‘acceptable’ language. For instance, one of the people whoworked with the Harrimans and Prescott Bush in their funding of Hitler wasWilliam H. Draper Jr, the man who helped to fund the Nazi cartels and was thenappointed by Roosevelt after the war to decide what should be done with them.Draper, a close associate of Averell Harriman, was a major funder of theInternational Eugenics Congress before the war and was one of those responsiblefor making Dr Ernst Rudin the head of the world eugenics movement. In 1958,Draper was appointed to chair a committee which was advising President DwightEisenhower (CFR) on the use of military aid to other countries. This appointmentwas made possible by Prescott Bush, who was then a US Senator for Connecticut.Bush was a regular golf partner of the president and of National Security Advisor Gordon Gray (a close friend and eugenics promoter). By now, John Foster Dulles(Bush’s former lawyer during the funding of Hitler) was the Secretary of State, andhis brother Allen Dulles (formerly with Schroder, Hitler’s personal bankers) washead of the CIA. To put it mildly, a eugenics enthusiast like Draper had manypeople around him of like mind. This allowed him to change the whole thrust ofhis committee from that of advising on military aid to campaigning on the threatof the ‘population explosion’. His committee formulated plans to depopulatethe poorer countries: i.e. those people who do not have white skins. The growthof such peoples, said Draper, was a threat to the national security of theUnited States.20Eisenhower dismissed Draper’s proposals, but with support from his fellowracial purity fanatics, he went on to found the Population Crisis Committee/’Draper Fund’, which – together with the Rockefeller and DuPont families -continued to promote eugenics under the guise of population control. Draper wasadvisor to President Lyndon Johnson on this subject and that administration beganto use the overseas aid programme to fund birth control in non-white countries.Another of Draper’s21 like-minds in American politics was to be Prescott’s son,George Bush, a vocal supporter of General Draper’s policies. Bush arrangedhearings as early as 1969 into the dangers posed by the birth of too many blackbabies. Draper’s son and heir, William H. Draper III, was co-chairman for financeand head of fundraising for the George Bush For President campaign in 1980. Laterin that decade, Bush persuaded Ronald Reagan to appoint the younger Draper to beadministrator of the United Nations Development Programme, an organisationconnected with the World Bank and charged with supervising population control!Eugenics and master race policies were passed on across the generations ofthese ruling families of the Elite. During George Bush’s tenure in the White House,the population control element of the aid budget soared. His legal counsel from1980 was Boyden Gray, who became the chief legal advisor to the President duringthe Bush administration. Gray would have been able to give him plenty of adviceon population control. When Boyden was a boy after the war, his father, GordonGray (Prescott Bush’s close friend), launched the project which provided the basisof today’s global sterilisation programme. In 1946, the eugenics movement wastrying to rebuild itself in the wake of the rather unfortunate publicity aroused byone of its chief advocates, Adolf Hitler. During the war, The Sterilization League ofAmerica had changed its name to Birthright Inc., and was now looking for a meansto get back to business. Its efforts to relaunch itself in Iowa ended when a youngboy died during a sterilisation operation and the bad publicity brought an end tothe plan. Instead they moved to Gray family territory in North Carolina. GordonGray had founded the Bowman Gray (Memorial) Medical School in Winston-Salem.It was named after Boyden’s grandfather, who had owned the R.J. ReynoldsTobacco Company. The school became a centre for eugenics. It compiled extensiverecords of families carrying ‘inherited diseases’, and it began a project which.. .getthis.. .forcibly sterilised young children who were not considered to be of a highenough IQ. No, no, I am not talking about Nazi Germany during the war; I am talking about the United States of America in 1946-1947! Boyden Gray’s great aunt,Alice Shelton Gray, founded the Human Betterment League (the North Carolinabranch of the national eugenics sterilisation movement), and she was the officialsupervisor of the master race experiment that was begun at the Grays’ ‘medicalschool’. Others involved were Dr Claude Nash Herndon, the assistant director ofmedical genetics’ at the school, and Dr Clarence Gamble (the heir to the Proctorand Gamble soap empire), who was the chief of ‘national field operations’. Childrenenrolled in the Winston-Salem school district were given ‘intelligence tests’ andthose who fell below the mark considered acceptable to these bizarre people weresterilised. Their recommendations were passed to the State Eugenics Board, whichhad the authority to order sterilisation under North Carolina law. Dr Claude NashHerndon talked of his work in an interview in 1990 which was reported in GeorgeBush, The Unauthorised Biography:…IQ tests were run on all the children in the Winston-Salem school system. Only theones who scored really low were targeted for sterilisation, the real bottom of thebarrel, like below 70. Did we do sterilizations on young children? Yes. This was arelatively minor operation…It was usually not done until the child was eight or tenyears old. For the boys, you just make an incision and tie the tube…We more oftenperformed the operation on girls than with boys. Of course, you have to cut open theabdomen, but again, it is relatively minor. (p59)Oh, that’s OK then. What were the media doing while all this was going on? Nota lot, it turns out. Dr Herndon talked of their good relationship with the press.This is less surprising when you realise that Gordon Gray owned the Winston-SalemJournal, the Twin City Sentinel and the radio station WSJS. Eugenics was beingpromoted on a wide scale after the war in the guise of population control, just as itis today. In the early 50s, when John Foster Dulles was chairman of the tax-exemptNew World Order front, the Rockefeller Foundation, he travelled with John D.Rockefeller III on a number of world tours campaigning for policies to stem theexpansion of the non-white populations. In November 1952, Dulles and Rockefellerlaunched the Population Council with tens of millions of dollars provided by theRockefeller family. The American Eugenics Society left its old headquarters at YaleUniversity, the home of the sinister Skull and Bones Society, and moved in with thePopulation Council. The two organisations, in effect, became one. The firstpresident of the Population Council was Frederick Osborne, the long-time secretaryof the American Eugenics Society. The child-steriliser of North Carolina, Dr ClaudeNash Herndon, was made president of the Eugenics Society in 1953.When George Bush became ambassador to the United Nations in 1972, he andhis clique in the US Agency for International Development arranged the first officialcontract between the American government and the Sterilization League ofAmerica, which had, by then, changed its name yet again, to the Association forVoluntary Surgical Contraception. Under this contract, the US government(taxpayer) began to fund this organisation to do in non-white countries of the world what it had already done to children in North Carolina. In 1988, the year GeorgeBush was elected president, another contract was arranged which involved theAmerican taxpayer spending $80 million dollars over five years to expand thiswork in 58 countries in Asia, Africa, and Spanish-America. Millions have beensterilised and most of it has been funded by the taxpayer. Other countries do thesame. And by the way, Dr Clarence Gamble, the sterilising enthusiast from theProctor and Gamble soap family and the Bowman Gray Medical School, has alsoenjoyed funding from the USAID budget. His so called Pathfinder Fund is paid toinfiltrate non-white societies and break down resistance to sterilisation.The Planned Parenthood Federation, which has been supported at everyopportunity by George Bush and the manipulating Elite, was actually founded inLondon, at the offices of the British Eugenics Society. You can see that while thenames change and the rhetoric may be couched in terms deemed acceptable topublic opinion at the time, we are looking at the same unwavering agenda, weavingits way through the decades and the generations. Nazi Germany was but its mostfamous example. Global centralisation of power, fundamental control of the mindsand bodies of the mass population, and the creation of a master race. These are thethemes that span the centuries and they still dominate the secret agenda today,which is manipulating our lives.But how many people in this world believe they are racially superior to the rest?The number is so vast it doesn’t bear thinking about. Ironically, many of those whohave suffered from the master race mentality of one race, actually believe that they,themselves, are superior genetically to others. That attitude, that thought pattern, isbroadcast into the collective mind, which creates a collective version of that reality.If within our psyche, we believe we are racially superior, we are more likely toattract that same mentality to us. A feeling of racial superiority is an imbalance andour subconscious attracts our imbalances to us as physical experiences so we canface them, learn from those experiences, and let them go. These imbalances oftenrelate to thought patterns we hold onto from previous physical lives as well as thisone, which is why someone who does not have a conscious feeling of racialsuperiority might still attract a racial experience to them. It is our subconsciousreality that we are creating. We – humanity as a whole – thought the global masterrace mentality/reality into existence and we can now think it out again, by seeingall colours and creeds as equal, which they are.The Elite can get away with its deception because it has so many faces andworks through so many different groups and organisations. In the next threechapters, I will unravel some of this structure and make it easier for those new tothis subject to understand how the Elite remains hidden from most of the worldwhile secretly plotting our collective fate. SOURCES1 Jewish Chronicle (April 7th 1995)2 Major Alojzy Dziurski, Freedom Fighter (J.A. Dewar, Portland, Victoria, 1983)3 Noam Chomsky, World Orders, Old And New (Pluto Press, London, 1994) p205-2064 Ibid p205-2065 World Orders, Old And New, p258-260. Here, he was quoting Yossi Torpshtein, acorrespondent for Ha’aretz, and other witnesses.6 Establishment Fakes Rabin’s History, The Spotlight (November 20th 1995) pi7 Ibid8 Ibid9 For the documented evidence of Lansky’s central role in the funding and gun running of theJewish terrorist groups and the State of Israel, I recommend Michael Collins Piper’s superbexpose, Final Judgement. The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. Seebibliography.10 Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion – The Weight Of Three Thousand Years (PlutoPress, London, 1994)11 John George and Laird Wilcox, Nazis, Communists, Klansmen And Others On The Fringe(Prometheus Books, New York, 1992) p28512 The Board of Deputies is the Voice of the Jewish Community, published by The Board ofDeputies of British Jews, Tavistock Square, London WC1 OEZ.13 What Price Israel? p213-21414 Among these escapees who fled to South America was likely to have been Hitler. Dr RobertDorion, the Director of Forensic Dentistry in Montreal, compared the teeth on thephotographs of Hitler’s alleged corpse and those of the man himself. He found there weremany glaring differences between them.15 Who’s Who (1958)16 Who’s Who (1987)17 Thomas R. Malthus, An Essay On The Principle Of Population As It Affects The FutureImprovement Of Society (Reeves and Turner, London, 1878 reprint)18 George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p4919 Casebook On Alternative 3, p8620 George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p5621 In 1971, William Draper likened the developing nations to the ‘world famous animal reserve- the Kruger Park in South Africa’. Who will cull out the surplus in this country when thepressure of too many people and too few resources increases beyond endurance? heasked. Quoted in Global 2000, Blueprint For Genocide, a special report by ExecutiveIntelligence Review, New York. My copy was distributed by Contact Network International,A.B. Gorredijk, The Netherlands


chapter 8

the secret government

With the war at an end, the world was at the mercy of the Global Elite. Europewas devastated, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually andeconomically – as it was planned to be.The enormity of the deceit may be hard to comprehend as you survey thoseendless rows of white gravestones in the war cemeteries of France, but those youngmen and women did not die for freedom in its true sense. They died to satisfy theElite agenda for global domination and, on a higher level, to deepen the control ofthe Prison Warders on the Fourth Dimension. Of course, if those soldiers on bothsides had known that, there would have been no war. Instead, they were presentedwith a story that the Nazis were a uniquely evil creation that had to be stopped bythe forces of goodness, freedom, and virtue. Again, another black and white fantasy.The Nazi philosophy was unspeakable, but it was also the philosophy of those whocontrolled the Allies. The same forces funded and manipulated both of them.At the end of World War II, the United States was the most powerful country onEarth. It had bankrolled the war and, through the lend-lease system of supplyingarmaments on the basis of ‘have now, pay later’, Europe was drowning in debt tothe American – Elite-controlled – bankers. Roosevelt had told Churchill yearsearlier that the British Empire would have to be dismantled and now that was acertainty. Britain’s long period of pre-eminence was over, destroyed by the twoWorld Wars. For me, Britain should never have had an ’empire’ in the first place,but we need to keep our eyes on why it was brought to an end by those plottingtheir own world supremacy. If you read the Illuminati Protocols (which I includedin The Robots’ Rebellion), you will see that the use of debt and wars as a means ofcontrol was precisely what the manipulators had always planned.These protocols came to light late in the last century and, although they have beencondemned as a ‘forgery’, they tell the story of the twentieth century with remarkableaccuracy. Whoever wrote them knew what was coming. The debt they talk about wasto grow still more, with the European countries borrowing heavily from America, torebuild their towns and cities in the aftermath of all the bombing that had gone on.The United States (Global Elite) introduced its Grand Area strategy to controlWestern Europe, the whole of the Western hemisphere, the Middle and Far East, andthe former British Empire. The Third World was essential to this policy. In the wordsof a 1949 memo by the US State Department, the Third World would .. .fulfil itsmajor function as a source of raw materials and a market for industrial capitalistsocieties.1 Put another way, it was going to be mentally, emotionally, and physically raped. George Kennan at the State Department even suggested at this time thatEurope might enjoy a ‘psychological lift’ from exploiting Africa, as declassifieddocuments reveal.2 Vital to this plan was to ensure that no country, particularly in theThird World, was allowed to delink from Elite economic domination and run theireconomy for the benefit of the people. This so called ‘threat of a good example’, whichothers might follow, led to slaughter across South and Central America and the East,including Vietnam. Henry Kissinger (Comm 300) would call the introduction of socialand economic reforms in Third World countries a ‘virus’ that, if allowed to thrive,would ‘infect’ a much wider area.3 Or, as Secretary of State Dean Acheson (Comm300) said in the late 1940s, One rotten apple can spoil the barrel. The Elite’s barrel.The more terror that could be used against leaders and people trying toeliminate dependency on the Elite bankers and multinationals, the less likely it wasthat anyone else would try it. This was the fundamental and base motivationbehind the United States (Elite) strategy which engineered the horrors in Vietnam,Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Brazil, Italy, Chile, the Dominican Republic,Laos, Grenada, Honduras, Iran, and Indonesia. You would need a map of the worldto list them all. Behind these events and the overthrow of democratically electedgovernments were many of the Nazis employed all over the world by the CIA. TheSS officer and Gestapo chief, Klaus Barbie, the ‘Butcher of Lyon’, was one who wasemployed by the Americans to spy on the French. For hundreds, if not thousands,of Hitler’s men who were bankrolled by the CIA, it was ‘business as usual’ after the’defeat’ of Nazism. The manipulation was happening on many levels, but the mostimportant goal was to cause so much conflict between nation states (the problem),that public opinion would demand that something must be done (the reaction), andthe Elite could then unveil its long-term plan for centralised global institutionsunder the control of a tiny clique (the solution).In summary, the foundation themes of the Elite’s plan immediately after the warwere the following:• To introduce a world authority called the United Nations (with associated bodieslike the World Health Organisation), which could evolve into a worldgovernment with powers to control the lives of everyone on the planet.• To continue to cause conflicts across the world and to use the fear of the SovietUnion to massively increase spending on nuclear weapons and ‘conventional’weapons, thus adding to the terror of nuclear war and demands for globalsecurity. To set up an American-European defence alliance (which was called theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)) and a United Nations ‘peace’keeping force, which, through the engineering of conflicts, would eventually befused together to form the world army.• To create three ‘free trade’ regions in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, whichwould be sold to people initially as merely economic groupings. Gradually,however, these would be evolved into centralised political unions, with one central bank and one currency. These would be stepping-stones to theintroduction of the same institutions on a global scale. The European EconomicCommunity, now the European Union, was the first of these, but the other twoare now underway, also.• To advance the control of public opinion and to research and expand theunderstanding of how to manipulate the human psyche, individually andcollectively. Today this agenda includes the microchipping of people and theirpermanent connection to a global computer.• To create a welfare state while destroying alternatives to the economic systemand, when the desired dependency had been achieved, to dismantle that statewelfare support, so creating a vast underclass without help or hope.• To make fantastic amounts of money in the course of realising all of theseambitions via the Elite-controlled companies and banks.• To continually add to the debt burdens of people, business, and state, thusincreasing the control exerted over them.The approach which was followed to hoodwink public thinking was painfullypredictable, but highly effective: Discredit the nation state. This was laid out duringthe War by the German economist and refugee, Hans Heymann, who produced hisPlan for Permanent Peace using funds given by.. .the Carnegie Endowment forInternational Peace. In this work he said:Nations have created international disharmony in the vain belief that harmony in oursociety can be achieved on a national basis…This narrow-minded approach has left usone strong hope, namely, that this fallacious concept may hold only during a transitionalperiod…After the debacle World War Two an international organisation will beimperative, for the well-being of society as a whole.4It was classic problem-reaction-solution. In 1945, the original Round Table secretsociety had two main offshoots – the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)at Chatham House in London (which had branches in many other parts of theworld), and the RIIA’s United States branch, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)in New York (which had branches across the United States). In the post-war years,these would be joined by the Bilderberg Group (Bil), the Trilateral Commission(TC), and the Club of Rome (CR) to form a highly effective network of manipulationwhich comprises a very significant element of the secret government of the world -a government that is far more powerful than any elected authority (Figure 7).You will find the membership of these organisations among the elite of globalpolitics and political ‘advisors’, banking, oil companies, multinational corporations,media owners, executives and journalists, the military, the law, and education. They work as organisationswithin organisations,infiltrating these spheres ofinfluence and secretlypromoting the Global Eliteagenda. The majority oftheir colleagues andemployees have no ideawhat is going on or howthey are being used. Aswith the Round Table, thereare distinct circles of peoplewithin these front groups.There is an elite core whowork full time for thecause; a circle of memberswho know the agenda andwork within their ownorganisations to achieve it;and an outer circle ofmembers who are notaware of the real and fullimplications of the agenda,but are useful to themanipulators in the short term. Not everyone who is a member of theseorganisations is a conscious manipulator and we need to use our intuition and theinformation presented by researchers to decide which ones know the score andwhich are being used without understanding what they are really involved in. Inthis chapter, I will outline the background and influence of these groupings and oftheir associated power blocs, the United Nations and the European Union.The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)The Anglo-American Elite who met at the Versailles Peace Conference in Paris in1919 formed the RIIA and the Council on Foreign Relations in 1920 and 1921, asdiscussed earlier. The so called ‘special relationship’ between Britain and Americais, in fact, the relationship between the RIIA and the Council on Foreign Relations.Today the Royal Institute, with the Queen as its patron, has an enormous effect onBritish and global policy. It is the British Foreign Office. So why, it can be fairlyasked, has British economic and political power been curtailed? The answer is thatthe British manipulators are far more interested in creating a world governmentthan in improving Britain as a country. If curtailing British economic power andthe empire was necessary for this wider plan, then so be it. As with the ‘Jewish’clique, their commitment is to the cause of the All-Seeing Eye cult, not the interestsof the people. At the time of this writing, the RIIA’s three joint presidents are Lord Carrington(Comm 300), the former Conservative cabinet minister (including ForeignSecretary), Secretary-General of NATO, member of the Trilateral Commission, and,from 1991, the chairman of the Bilderberg Group; Lord Callaghan of Cardiff, theformer Labour Prime Minister, cabinet minister (including Foreign Secretary), andBilderberg attendee; and Lord (Roy) Jenkins of Hillhead, a founding member inEurope of the Trilateral Commission, a Bilderberger, and the former Labour Cabinetminister and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lord Jenkins was one of the ‘Gang ofFour’, along with former Labour Foreign Secretary, Lord (David) Owen (TC), whosplit the Labour Party in 1981 by launching their own Social Democratic Party(SDP). He was also a President of the European Commission and, together withpeople like the former Conservative Prime Minister, Edward Heath (Bil, TC), he is apassionate advocate of European union. The chairman of the RIIA is the formerConservative MP, Christopher (now Lord) Tugendhat, the chairman of the AbbeyNational Building Society and Governor of the Ditchley Foundation, which is afront for the New World Order, according to many researchers and publishedworks. Tugendhat describes the European Union as, the most hopeful andbeneficent political development to be undertaken in this part of the world thiscentury.. .it is a brave and noble sic venture that I am proud to be able to serve.5The Institute names as ‘honorary presidents’ the presidents and prime ministers ofthe United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries.6 The presidents, primeministers, and political elite throughout the world speak at the Institute, oftenunder the secrecy of the ‘Chatham House Rule’. This says that:When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participantsare free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of thespeaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed; nor may it be mentionedthat the information was received at a meeting of the Institute.7So much for open government. The Institute is highly secretive and will notrelease details of its membership in high places. Why not, if it is only a ‘think tank’?What is there to hide? When I rang to ask for a list of members in the BritishCabinet and Shadow Cabinet, I was told by the membership secretary that thenames of individual members are never released. To join, you have to be nominatedby two members who know you well and even then you might not pass theselection procedure. Running alongside this membership is another which is onlyallowed access to the Institute’s library. This second form of membership helps tosmokescreen what is going on elsewhere in the organisation. The Institute is fundedtoday, as it has been from the start, by the major global companies and banks. Its’Energy and Environment Programme’ is paid for by major oil companies, coal andelectricity producers, and the Atomic Energy Authority. My goodness, I bet that’sunbiased! Major corporate members of the RIIA are: Morgan Guaranty TrustCompany of New York (J.P. Morgan); S.G. Warburg Group plc (before its takeover);8Barings plc (before its mysterious and high profile collapse);9 the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office; the Ministry of Defence; the United States Embassy; theRTZ Corporation; Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa; British Petroleum;Shell International; Bank of England; Barclays Bank; Lloyds Bank; NationalWestminster Bank; Lazard Brothers; TSB Group; Abbey National; MidlandMontagu; Coopers and Lybrand; Unilever; British American Tobacco Industries;British Aerospace; The Economist; Gerard Atkins and Co Ltd; John Swire and SonsLtd; and Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI).The other corporate members comprise a list of the world’s leading companies,countries, and media. Even the Church of England is in there, along with theAfrican National Congress (ANC) and Amnesty International. Why is AmnestyInternational supporting an organisation through which manipulation isorchestrated that adds massively to the number of political prisoners? Mediaorganisations supporting the RIIA include ABC News Intercontinental Inc; CBSNews; NBC News Worldwide Inc; Britain’s Channel Four TV and IndependentTelevision News (ITN); Fuji Television; Der Spiegel; The European; The Financial Times;The Guardian; The Independent and Independent On Sunday; The Observer; DailyTelegraph; The Times; The Scotsman; The Yorkshire Post; Reuters, the international newsagency; The New York Times; The Washington Post; The Wall Street Journal; The Reader’sDigest; and, quite outrageously for an organisation claiming to be independent, theBBC World Service; the BBC Monitoring Service; and BBC Radio.Taxpayer funding and support for the RIIA is given not only by the British andCommonwealth Office and the Ministry of Defence, but also the Cabinet Office, theTreasury, the Department of the Environment, the Department of Trade andIndustry, Customs and Excise, and many other sources. The British Labour PartyInternational Department is a corporate member, along with the Trades UnionCongress (TUC), and so are other names we have seen throughout this book. Theseinclude the Chase Manhattan Bank (the post-war amalgamation of the Rockefellers’Chase Bank and the Rothschild/Warburg Bank of Manhattan), Morgan andWarburg companies and amalgamations, N.M. Rothschild and Sons Ltd, J. HenrySchroder (also acting as the bankers for the BBC charity, the Children in NeedAppeal), the Ford Motor Company, and that population control organisation sobeloved of George Bush, the Planned Parenthood Federation. Another name whichkeeps coming up in my investigations is the Hambros Bank Ltd, which is also acorporate member of the RIIA. The creation of a United States of Europe undercentralised control is a major stepping-stone in the New World Order plan, and so itis appropriate and hardly surprising that the RIIA is also supported by theCommission of the European Communities, the European Parliament UK Office,the European Policy Advisers (UK) Ltd, European Round Table (how apt!) ofIndustrialists, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.10The Institute is used as a private forum for the elite to sell their New WorldOrder ideas to invited audiences and those with influence in the media, politics,education and commerce. It is a lobbying organisation, in effect, for the New WorldOrder and a means (outside the ‘official’ government machine) through which dealscan be done and events arranged without the knowledge of either the public or elected parliaments. It is more than that, however. It is a central and powerful pivotin the secret government network, with very close links to the British Royal Familyand British Intelligence. Again, most of the people involved with the RIIA do notrealise how it is being used.The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The United Nations (UN)The CFR is the Royal Institute, Stateside branch. The only major difference betweenthem is that the CFR membership list is more widely available and some of itsmembers have been so disturbed by what they have seen and heard that they havespoken out against it. Not many, but some. If only that were the case in Britain,where they leave the Americans standing when it comes to secrecy! Most of the’secrets’ that come to the surface in Britain are those which have been purposelyleaked to undermine a politician, personality, or group, for some desired,manipulative end. This general rule also applies in the US, but the Britishestablishment has had longer to perfect its leak-proofing techniques. Since theformation of the CFR, every president of the United States has been a memberexcept for Ronald Reagan. In truth Reagan was not president, his vice-presidentGeorge Bush, a CFR member, was running the show. It was the Council on ForeignRelations, no doubt with RIIA input and coordination, that brought the UnitedNations (the successor to the League of Nations) into being. This was the jewel ofthe post-war manipulators and one of the main reasons the Second World War wasfashioned. By 1945, the world was understandably sick and tired of war and thepublic mind was open to anything that might prevent more human slaughter.Problem-reaction-solution brought forth the United Nations. The UN Charter wasofficially accepted by representatives of fifty countries at a meeting in San Franciscoon June 26th 1945. But that was only the public culmination of years of behind-thescenes manoeuvring by the Council on Foreign Relations, which controlled theadministration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The writer, James Perloff, revealed thebackground to the UN in his 1988 book, The Shadows Of Power: The Council OnForeign Relations And The American Decline:In January 1943, the Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, formed a steering committeecomposed of himself, Leo Pasvolsky, Isaiah Bowman, Sumner Welles, Norman Davis,and Morton Taylor. All these men – with the exception of Hull – were in the CFR. Laterknown as the Informal Agenda Group, they drafted the original proposal for the UnitedNations. It was Bowman – a founder of the CFR and member of Colonel House’s old’Inquiry’ – who first put forward the concept. They called in three attorneys, all CFRmen, who ruled that it was constitutional. Then they discussed it with Franklin D.Roosevelt on June 15th, 1944.


The President approved the plan, and announced it tothe public the same day.11In his book, The American Language, H.L. Mencken suggests that the term ‘UnitedNations’ was decided by President Roosevelt during a meeting with WinstonChurchill at the White House in December 1941, shortly before the attack on Pearl Harbor.12 The US delegation at the founding meeting of the UN was like a roll call ofthe CFR. It included Isaiah Bowman, Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Sumner Welles,Norman H. Davis, James T. Shotwell, and the Russian-born Leo Pasvolsky. They wereall CFR members who served during the war on Roosevelt’s Advisory Committee onPost-War Foreign Policies. In all, seventy-four CFR members were in the delegation.This was the vehicle through which the United Nations was manipulated into being.The US delegation at the San Francisco Conference also included: John J. McCloy(CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, the chairman ofthe Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan Bank, and friend andadvisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan); John Foster Dulles (Hitlersupporter, CFR founder, and soon to be Secretary of State); and Nelson Rockefeller(an arch manipulator, four times elected Governor of New York, and vice presidentin the administration of President Gerald Ford). The attitude of John J. McCloytypified that of the manipulators who created the UN. He was a financial advisor tothe Italian fascist government of Benito Mussolini and he played a significant role inNazi Germany for the Harriman/Bush bank which was financing Hitler. McCloysat in Hitler’s private box at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin at the invitation of RudolfHess and Hermann Goring.13 McCloy was also a member of the Bilderberg GroupSteering Committee.The secretary general of the conference was the State Department official andCFR member, Alger Hiss, later exposed as a secret agent employed by the SovietUnion. Hiss was executive secretary of the 1944 Dumbarton Oaks Conference,where he worked with Stalin’s man, Vyacheslav Molotov, on the details of the UNCharter. He was described as President Roosevelt’s ‘top international organisationspecialist’ at the Yalta Conference in the Crimea in February 1945, which was alsoattended by Churchill and Stalin. After guiding the UN into existence, Hiss wasmade president of the infamous Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, anappointment made by John Foster Dulles, who ignored information about Hiss’sespionage when he was told about it in 1946. Later Hiss was exposed and spent 44months in prison.Other covert Communist Party members of the CFR were in the US delegation inSan Francisco for the launch of the UN, among them Dexter White, who was alsorevealed as a Soviet agent. The Council on Foreign Relations directs the UnitedStates policy, whatever ‘party’ is officially in power. As John J. McCloy once said:Whenever we needed a man for a government position we thumbed through theroll of the council members and put through a call to New York (The CFRheadquarters at Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street).14 The granddaughter offormer President Theodore Roosevelt, the newspaper columnist Edith KermitRoosevelt, summed up the grip of the so called ‘Eastern Establishment’ workingthrough the CFR:What is the Establishment’s view-point? Through the Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhowerand Kennedy administrations its ideology is constant: that the best way to fightCommunism is by a One World Socialist State governed by ‘experts’ like themselves. The result has been policies which favour the growth of the superstate, gradualsurrender of United States sovereignty…15Robert W. Lee, writing in the September 1992 edition of The New Americanpointed out that at least fourteen of the eighteen US secretaries of state since theCFR was founded in 1921 have been members of that organisation, including theacting secretary of state at the time of the article, Lawrence Eagleburger. The lasteight directors of the CIA, including George Bush, had been CFR members, andover the previous four decades, the Democratic and Republican Party candidatesfor president or vice president who were (or became) members of the CFR wereDwight D. Eisenhower, Adlai Stevenson, John F. Kennedy, Henry Cabot Lodge,Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, Edmund Muskie, George McGovern, JimmyCarter, Walter Mondale, Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, George Bush, MichaelDukakis, Geraldine Ferraro, and Bill Clinton.This, then, is the organisation which created the United Nations.16 The UN evenbuilt its headquarters in New York on land given free of charge by the Rockefellers.Besides the Rockefellers, names like Morgan, Warburg, Schiff, and Marburg weremanipulating in the background, behind the politicians and advisors. The UnitedNations was sold to the public as a means to bring peace to the world, to solvedifferences by words, not war. Most of the people who work for the UN genuinelybelieve that is its purpose. They are about to be disillusioned on that score, I’mafraid. The UN is but a ‘Trojan Horse’ for the global fascist/communist tyrannyknown as the New World Order. It is the vehicle through which the worldgovernment and world army are being manipulated into place and through whichpublic opinion is being softened up, by conflicts and propaganda, to accept thispolicy as the only way to bring peace and stability to human affairs. All seven of theUN secretary generals since 1945 have promoted such thinking. The last holder ofthe office, Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, began his career under the Egyptian dictator,Gamal Abdel Nasser. Boutros-Ghali called for a permanent UN Army (world army)and for the UN to have the right to levy taxation (world government). Hissuccessor, Kofi Annan, wants the same.The original United Nations has given birth to a stream of connectedorganisations which coordinate the New World Order plan in areas like health(World Health Organisation), population control or – more accurately – eugenics,(the UN Population Fund – UNFPA), economic development and environment (theUN Environment Programme – UNEP), education, science and culture (UNESCO),and the list is getting longer all the time. These are organisations which aredesigned to globalise control of all areas of our lives and we urgently need to wakeup to this. The UN is a front for the Illuminati/Freemasonic hierarchy. In a speechin 1970, Robert Welch, the founder of the John Birch Society in America, predictedwith remarkable accuracy what the United Nations would become:The United Nations hopes and plans – or, more accurately, the insiders, theconspiratorial bosses above it, hope and plan for it-to use population controls, controls over scientific and technological developments, control over arms and militarystrength of individual nations, control over education, control over health, and all thecontrols it can gradually establish under all of the different excuses for internationaljurisdiction that it can devise. These variegated separate controls are to becomecomponents of the gradually materialising total control that it expects to achieve bypretense, deception, persuasion, beguilement, and falsehoods, while the enforcementof such controls by brutal force and terror is also getting under way.17That is what the United Nations was always intended to do; that is what it wascreated to do; that is what it is now doing.The European Economic Community – now The European UnionThe plan to create three global trading blocks which would eventually be mergedinto one is not new. It has been a long-term plan to centralise power in Europe, theAmericas, and Asia-Australia, via groupings promoted initially as free trade areas,but later evolving into the European Union, the American Union, and the PacificUnion. The European Economic Community was the first, and this has beenfollowed by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which involvesthe US, Canada, and Mexico. This agreement was signed by President George Bushon August 12th 1992. In my scores of public talks throughout 1994, I said that thiswould eventually be expanded to encompass the whole of the Americas. This wasnot prophecy, simply knowledge of the game plan. It doesn’t matter what presidentis nominally in power, be it Republican or Democrat, the plan rumbles on. Whatwas it that George Bush, a Republican, said when NAFTA was launched? That hewished to see a free trade area stretching from the top of North America to the tip ofSouth America. What was it that Bill Clinton, a Democrat, said at a gathering ofleaders from throughout the American continent on December 10th 1994?History has given the people of the Americas the chance to build a community ofnations, committed to liberty and the promise of prosperity… early in the next centuryI want to see…a huge free trade zone from Alaska to Argentina.Spot the difference? No, nor me. Another thing I was predicting through 1994,again from knowledge of the agenda, was the creation of the third ‘free trade area’involving Asia and Australia. On November 16th 1994, I picked up a copy of theLondon Daily Telegraph to see that this had been agreed to on the previous day.The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) grouping was accepted at aSummit meeting near Jakarta, Indonesia, attended by Bill Clinton, Paul Keating(the Australian Prime Minister), and heads of the Asian governments. EitherKeating is in on the scam or he is easily duped. Now the process will begin ofevolving the two latest trading blocs into the model used in Europe before mergingthem all into one.The plan for a United States of Europe under centralised control goes backcenturies. It was one of the goals of the Knights Templar. When the Templars were destroyed in their stronghold in France by a combination of the French King andthe Pope, many of those who survived the onslaught regrouped in Scotland and theTemplars reformed under the pseudonym, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Thishas a large number of its members in the high places of influence and power in theworld, not the least in the United States. The men behind the European Community,now the European Union, were Jean Omar Marie Gabriel Monnet (Comm 300), theson of a French brandy merchant; Count Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi (Comm300) from Austria; and Joseph Retinger (Comm 300), a Polish socialist, who formedan organisation called the European Movement to press for central control ofEurope. He was also most influential in the creation of the Bilderberg Group, one ofthe key vehicles for secret government manipulation. Jean Monnet was the mostimportant figure, however, in European union.Monnet went to Canada in 1910, at the age of just twenty to seek new marketsfor the family brandy business. There he linked up with the Hudson Bay Companyand the Lazard Brothers banking operation and became part of the Anglo-Americanscene, even though he was French. He became a confidant to presidents and primeministers, and this won him a highly lucrative contract to ship materials fromCanada to France during the First World War. When the war ended he wasappointed to the Allied Supreme Economic Council and he became advisor to thegroup around Lord Milner (Comm 300) and Colonel House (Comm 300), which waspreparing the Treaty of Versailles and creating the League of Nations. By 1919, hisinfluence and reputation among the manipulators was such that he was named theDeputy Secretary General of The League of Nations.The same names again. Sixyears later he moved to America and became vice president of a company ownedby the Bank of America, called Transamerica. Monnet was now in the perfectposition to coordinate the America-European conspiracy to create the EuropeanCommunity.Count Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book in 1923, calling for a UnitedStates of Europe. He was named after Richard Wagner, of whom Hitler had saidthat to understand Nazi Germany one had to understand Wagner. A close friend ofthe Count’s father was Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism. The Count’s bookwas called Pan Europa, and he went on to form the Pan European Union withbranches right across the continent, supported by leading European politicians, theAnglo-American Establishment, including Colonel House and Herbert Hoover, andthe usual crowd that pop up everywhere. The Count said in his autobiography:At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one ofhis friends, Max Warburg, from Hamburg, had read my book and wanted to get to knowus. To my great surprise sure!, Warburg spontaneously sure! offered us 60,000 goldmarks to tide the movement over for its first three years…Max Warburg, who was oneof the most distinguished and wisest men that I have ever come into contact with, hada principle of financing these movements. He remained sincerely interested in PanEurope for his entire life. Max Warburg arranged his 1925 trip to the United States tointroduce me to Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch. Also among the supporters of the Pan European Movement was WinstonChurchill (Comm 300), who wrote an article in 1930 for the American publication,The Saturday Evening Post, entitled The United States of Europe. This was nineyears before the Second World War for which Churchill so vigorously campaigned -a war that was responsible for creating the European Community. CountCoudenhove-Kalergi was given enthusiastic backing from such ‘unbiased’ sources asJohn Foster Dulles, Nicholas Murray Butler, the president of Columbia Universityand the Carnegie Endowment for International War (sorry, ‘Peace’), and Dr StephenDuggan, the founder and first president of the Institute of Education, which was100% controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations. Those who funded theBolshevik Revolution and both sides in the two World Wars, including Adolf Hitler,were plotting to introduce the European Community as well as the United Nations.Meanwhile, Monnet was also close to Franklin D. Roosevelt, thanks to hisrelationship with the President’s influential aide, Harry Hopkins, who was toRoosevelt what Colonel House had been to President Wilson. Hopkins wasfinanced by the Rockefellers and he was their man in the White House. He wasrecruited by Nelson Rockefeller to work on the New Deal which actually prolongedthe United States depression.19 Both Monnet and Hopkins were supporters of theSoviet Union and Monnet was deeply involved in the lend-lease policies throughwhich vast amounts of weapons, other materials, and knowledge of US nucleartechnology were transferred to the communist world. Organisations like the FederalUnion Movement – later the Atlantic Union Committee and the Atlantic Council ofthe United States – were formed to press for the union of America and Britain. Suchbodies were dominated by CFR members.Among the directors of the Atlantic Council in the 1970s were George Bush(Comm 300) and one of the world’s most influential and tireless manipulators,Henry Kissinger (Comm 300), of whom much more will be revealed as our storyprogresses. The pressure and propaganda for European Union reached new heightsin May 1948, when the United European Movement held its Congress of Europe.The leading advocates of the Movement were Winston Churchill and his son-in-law,the British politician Duncan Sandys, and working behind the scenes to great effectwere Jean Monnet and the creator of the Bilderberg Group, Joseph Retinger. TheCongress adopted seven Resolutions on the political union of Europe. One of themstated, The creation of a United Europe must be regarded as an essential steptowards the creation of a United World world government. Monnet also headedthe Committee for the United States of Europe, which had the same goal.20The post-war American loans to Europe, known as the Marshall Plan orEuropean Recovery Programme (ERP), were used both to provide funds for theEuropean Union movement and to undermine the independence of sovereignstates and increase the pressure for the central control of Europe. This aid plan wassupposed to be the work of General George C. Marshall, President Truman’sSecretary of State, but it is now known that the architects were Jean Monnet andthe Council on Foreign Relations.21 In 1946-1947, a CFR study group was formed toreport on the Reconstruction of Europe. The group was chaired by the lawyer, Charles M. Spofford, and the secretary was David Rockefeller (Comm 300), later tobe head of the Chase Manhattan Bank, the chairman of the CFR, a leadinginfluence in the Bilderberg Group, and creator of another front for the Elite, theTrilateral Commission.Within little more than a year, this CFR ‘study group’ changed its name to theMarshall Plan and was sold as government policy. The man chosen to head theMarshall Plan in Europe was… Averell Harriman (Comm 300), who based himself atthe Rothschild’s Paris Mansion, Hotel Talleyrand. The proposal was not given aneasy ride and there were many congressmen who could see through thesmokescreen. The CFR therefore launched a propaganda offensive by Eliteorganisations to ensure that the policy was accepted. These included the CFRcontrolled business and trade union bodies and, of course, the CFR-controlledmedia. The policy of a United States of Europe was given sterling support from theCFR’s New York Times and Washington Post.The Elite-contrived ‘Cold War’ would also be very useful, as indeed it would beon so many occasions in the decades that followed. The need to make loans toEurope to overcome the threat of communism (which the Elite had created) waseffectively used to win Congressional approval for the Marshall Plan. John J.McCloy (Comm 300), the chairman of the CFR for nearly twenty years, said that hisperiod as US High Commissioner to Germany after the war had shown him howthe use of the communist threat could get things done. People sat up and listenedwhen the Soviet threat was mentioned,22 he said. When the proposals securedapproval, the Marshall Plan executive board included Allen W. Dulles, thenpresident of the CFR; Philip Reed, the chairman of General Electric; the formersecretaries of war, Henry L. Stimson and Robert P. Patterson; and the formerundersecretary of state, Dean Acheson (Comm 300), a member of the CFR who wasin the US delegation at the formation of the United Nations.The first step in the creation of the European Community was the introduction ofthe European Coal and Steel Community, which started in July 1952, and mergedthe coal and steel industries of West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, theNetherlands, and Luxemburg under one central control. It had the powers to decideprices, investment, raise money, and make decisions by majority voting. It wasintroduced under the name The Schuman Plan (after the French socialist foreignminister and later prime minister, Robert Schuman), but once again the man behindit was Jean Monnet, then head of the French General Planning Commission. Theidea won gushing praise from CFR names like John Foster Dulles and DeanAcheson, and Monnet was awarded the Wateler Peace Prize of two million francs torecognise the international spirit which he had shown in conceiving the Coal andSteel Community….Who made the award? The Carnegie Foundation! Twoadmirers of Monnet, Merry and Serge Bromberger, set out the plan in their book,Jean Monnet And The United States Of Europe:Gradually, it was thought, the supranational authorities, supervised by the EuropeanCouncil of Ministers at Brussels and the Assembly in Strasbourg, would administer all the activities of the Continent. A day would come when governments would be forced toadmit that an integrated Europe was an accomplished fact, without their having had asay in the establishment of its underlying principles. All they would have to do was tomerge all these autonomous institutions into a single federal administration and thenproclaim a United States of Europe.23Monnet and his plotters tried to introduce a European army under their centralcommand. They called for disarmament by the nations and the creation of onearmy. The same is happening today on a global scale. The six members of the Coaland Steel Community signed a treaty to this effect in 1952, but it failed tomaterialise when the French Parliament refused to accept it. Still, on March 25th1957, the six did sign the two Treaties of Rome to create the European EconomicCommunity or Common Market, and the European Atomic Energy Community(Euratom). The negotiations for the Treaties of Rome were controlled by Monnetwith constant help from the CFR network in the United States. This was confirmedby Harvard lecturer, Ernst H. van der Beugel, an honourary secretary-general ofthe Elite’s Bilderberg Group and a member of the Trilateral Commission. In hisbook, From Marshall Aid To Atlantic Partnership (foreword by his friend, HenryKissinger), he says:Monnet and his action committee were unofficially supervising the negotiations and assoon as obstacles appeared, the United States diplomatic machinery was alerted,mostly through Ambassador Bruce…who had immediate access to the top echelon ofthe State Department…At that time, it was usual that if Monnet thought that a particular country madedifficulties in the negotiations, the American diplomatic representative in that countryapproached the Foreign Ministry in order to communicate the opinion of the AmericanGovernment which, in practically all cases, coincided with Monnet’s point of view.24Monnet = Global Elite. The Single European Act, which brought down tradebarriers across Europe from 1992, and the Maastricht Accords for European unionare just more stepping-stones along the road to the United States of Europe underElite control. The stepping-stones approach is used daily to fool the public. Themanipulators know that if we were asked to move from nation state sovereignty toworld government in one leap, even the bewildered herd might ask what was goingon and oppose it. So we are sold a series of intermediate stages which are promotedas isolated and unconnected events. Once we have accepted one, the next isintroduced until the final goal is reached by stealth. It is like putting someone in abath of cold water and then heating it slowly until it boils. Only in the final stagesdoes the victim realise what is happening and by then it may be too late. JosefStalin, the authoritarian dictator of the Soviet Union, explained this process in hisbook, Marxism And The National Question, published in 1942 when the AngloAmerican-communist game plan was obviously well known to him. He wrote: Divide the world into regional groups as a transitional stage to world government.Populations will more readily abandon their national loyalties to a vague regional loyaltythan they will for a world authority. Later, the regionals can be brought all the way into asingle world dictatorship.25Which is precisely what is happening. In 1984, the Soviet KGB defector, AnatoliyGolitsyn, warned that there would be a ‘false liberalisation’ in the Soviet Union andEastern Europe. This would be welcomed by the West, he said, and it would lead toa merger of the European Community and the countries of the former Soviet Union.On the same weekend in December 1994, that Bill Clinton announced plans for theNAFTA free trade area to be expanded across the Americas to Argentina, theEuropean heads of government revealed plans to allow countries of the formerSoviet Union to join the European Union. Events are now moving very quickly. Inthe first draft of this chapter, I wrote that the plan was to eventually merge theformer Soviet Union into the United States of Europe and, before this book wasfinished, it had been officially announced.Look at how far the confidence trick has travelled since the introduction of theEuropean Economic Community, or Common Market. We were told we had to joinor the British economy would collapse. Oh really? The current British deficit inEuropean trade and membership contributions since we joined is closing in on £100billion!26 Once the peoples of Europe had been tricked into believing that if theydidn’t join they would all face disaster, the word economic was dropped from thetitle and it became the European Community (stepping-stone). Later there wasanother name change to the European Union (stepping-stone). We have also had themove towards the centralisation of political power in the community and theerosion of national decision-making (stepping-stone). This was followed by thepressure for a European Central Bank and one European currency (stepping-stone).And the concept of Europe with centralised control administered by a EuropeanCentral Bank, one currency, regional administration and common labour, transportand industrial policies, is exactly what Hitler and the Nazis planned for Europe.They even called their plan the European Economic Community (EuropaischeWirtschaft = gemeinschaft).27In his 1966 book, Tragedy And Hope, Elite ‘insider’ Carroll Quigley explainedhow the process of European integration on all levels was to be achieved instages; Richard N. Gardner (Comm 300) of the CFR was later to say how the planwas to erode it sovereignty piece by piece.28 On November 9th 1988, theEuropean leaders gathered at the Pantheon in Paris to celebrate the centenary ofthe birth of Jean Monnet, the man called ‘the father of Europe’. But what wasthere to celebrate about Monnet’s creation? It has kept the peace in Europe since1945? No, no.


The Elite has allowed that to happen so European integration couldtake place. Without the manipulators there would have been no pan-Europeanwars in this century, anyway. Monnet created a monster which is in the process ofdevouring freedom. The integration of Europe is another major vehicle for theNew World Order. The Bilderberg Group (BIL)29The creation of the European Community and the Bilderberg Group are linked byone man in particular, the Polish socialist, Joseph Retinger, a founder of theEuropean Movement and fellow conspirator with Jean Monnet. It was Retinger andPrince Bernhard of the Netherlands who suggested regular meetings of Europeanforeign ministers. Out of these meetings came the customs union known as theBenelux Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg), a forerunner to theEuropean Community. Appropriately, it was in a speech at Chatham House to theRoyal Institute of International Affairs that Retinger set out his vision of a Europe inwhich countries would ‘relinquish part of their sovereignty’.30 In London he metAverell Harriman, then US Ambassador to England. Harriman arranged for him tovisit the United States to gather support for the Independent League for EconomicCooperation, also known sometimes as the Economic League for EuropeanCooperation, which Retinger was organising. In America, Retinger (in his ownwords) enjoyed widespread approval for his plans from Russel C. Leffingwell, seniorpartner in the J.P. Morgan bank and official of the CFR; David Rockefeller, the CFRchairman from 1946-53; Nelson Rockefeller (CFR); Sir William Wiseman (Comm300), partner in Kuhn, Loeb, the Rothschild company; George Franklin, the CFRexecutive director from 1953-71 and an ‘in law’ to the Rockefeller family; John FosterDulles, and many other familiar characters.31 By this time, Retinger had alreadyformed the American Committee on a United Europe with Allen Dulles, the firsthead of the CIA, and William Donovan, the head of the CIAs predecessor, the OSS.32From these and other discussions came the idea of a grouping of leadingpoliticians, political advisors, media owners and executives, multinational companyand banking executives, military leaders, and educationalists, who would meet todecide the future of the world. It would become known as the Bilderberg Group,named after the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, where the firstmeeting took place from May 29th to 31st 1954. At the heart of the BilderbergGroup’s formation were the Rothschilds and people like Retinger, Prince Bernhardof the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (the chairman of the soap and food giant,Unilever), and that man again, Averell Harriman. The influence of Harriman on thiscentury can hardly be overstated, although most people will never have even heardof him. It was Harriman who arranged the lend-lease supplies to Britain and theSoviet Union; was the leading administrator of the Marshall Plan in Europe (whichdirected the policies of recipient countries); introduced the defence budgetprocedures with Jean Monnet and the British civil servant, Edwin Plowden, for theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) which are still used today; headed theMutual Security Administration which rearmed Europe during the Cold War. Thiswas the man whose family businesses supported the emergence of Adolf Hitler andthe eugenics movement.Prince Bernhard, the former German SS officer, German spy via the I.G. FarbenCompany,33 and later a major shareholder with Lord Victor Rothschild in Shell Oil,went to America to arrange the US membership of the Bilderberg Group. PrinceBernhard was born in 1911 as the German Prince of Lupp-Biesterfeld and later worked for I.G. Farben’s ‘NW7’ intelligence department. He married PrincessJuliana (Comm 300) of the Netherlands in 1937. They were exiled to London afterthe Nazi invasion of the Netherlands and this ‘former’ German intelligenceoperative worked as a top military liaison with allied forces.34 The man whopersuaded Bernhard to be the frontman for the Bilderbergers was that archmanipulator.. .Lord Victor Rothschild. The annual meeting of the Anglo-EuropeanAmerican Elite known as the Bilderberg Group was to become a key component inthe Elite network which forms the secret government of the world today. Amongthose who attended that first meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel in 1954 were DavidRockefeller (CFR); Dean Rusk (CFR, TC, Rhodes Scholar), the head of theRockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John F. Kennedy; Joseph E.Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and theUS Secretary of the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300), the BritishLabour Party Minister of Defence from 1964-1970 and Chancellor of the Exchequer1974-1979; Hugh Gaitskell, the future leader of the British Labour Party before hisdeath in the early 60s; and Lord Boothby, who worked with Winston Churchill onthe unification of Europe.35 Denis Healey has attended more Bilderberg meetingssince 1954 than any other United Kingdom politician. He also became chairman ofanother Elite creation, the International Monetary Fund Interim Committee, and hewas given a grant by the Ford Foundation36 to launch the Elite’s Institute ofStrategic Studies, which began operating in London in 1958.37 For 12 years, Healey, aleading member of the Fabian Society, served on the council of the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs and became a member of the Rockefellers’ TrilateralCommission in 1979.The Bilderberg Group consists of a small core elite, known as the SteeringCommittee. This is unelected and was headed by Prince Bernhard, a close friend ofthe British Royal Family. He remained chairman until he resigned in 1976 when hewas implicated in the Lockheed bribery scandal. Lord Home (Comm 300), theformer British Prime Minister, took over as chairman and since 1991 that post hasbeen held by Lord Carrington. He is an extremely close associate of HenryKissinger. Carrington is a former British cabinet minister, secretary general ofNATO, member of the Committee of 300, and current President of the RoyalInstitute of International Affairs. Peter Rupert Carrington comes from a familywhich made its money from banking. Carrington was on the board of HambrosBank (Comm 300 designate) which has been linked with the Michel Sindonafinancial scandal in Italy.This was, in turn, connected with the infamous P2Freemasonry Lodge which blew Italian politics apart. Among Lord Carrington’sother business interests have been directorships at Rio Tinto Zinc, Barclay’s Bank,Cadbury Schweppes, Amalgamated Metal, British Metal, Christies (theauctioneers), and the chairmanship of the Australian New Zealand Bank.In his book, The English Rothschilds, Richard Davis reports that Lionel Rothschildwas a frequent visitor to the Carrington’s home in Whitehall. The two families arerelated by the marriage of the fifth Earl Rosebery to Hannah Rothschild, daughterof Mayer, in 1878. During the ceremony, she was given away, as the British say, by Prime Minister Disraeli. The Bilderberg Elite, like Carrington and those on thesteering committee, coordinate the regular attenders of Bilderberg meetings (whoknow the real game plan) and those invited on a rare or one-time basis (who maynot know the true agenda of the organisation, but can be fed the party line thatworld institutions are the way to peace and prosperity). The Elite are also veryefficient manipulators of the ego and many politicians feel themselves to have’arrived’ on the international stage if they are invited to attend.The Bilderberg Group meets once a year and always in the strictest secrecy. Thehotels are cleared of everyone except the Bilderbergers and hotel staff. The meetingsdiscuss the strategy required over the following twelve months to further the goalsof the New World Order, and it cooperates with associated organisations. Not aword of the discussions is allowed to be reported in the mainstream press. This,despite the attendance of major media figures like Katharine Graham (Bil, CFR, TC),the present owner of the Washington Post, and Conrad Black (Bil, TC), the owner ofthe Hollinger Group which controls the London Daily Telegraph, the JerusalemPost, the Spectator, and scores of other media organisations around the world.Graham is also co-chairman (with Arthur Ochs Sulzberger of the New York Times) inthe jointly-produced International Herald Tribune, another propaganda sheet forthe Global Elite. Graham is further connected with Newsweek magazine and thenews agency, Associated Press (AP), which feeds information to countless mediaoutlets around the world; not information about the Bilderberg Group, however, orthe CFR or Trilateral Commission.Three board members of Black’s Hollinger empire, and/or the Daily Telegraph,are Henry Kissinger, Lord Carrington, and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Black hasserved on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. His Hollinger Group has aninteresting history. It was formerly known as the Argus Corporation which evolvedfrom a company set up by the elite British intelligence unit of World War II, theSpecial Operations Executive, thanks to the leading economic warfare expert,Edward Plunket Taylor. He was a business partner of George Montegu Black,Conrad’s father. Both were involved in brewing in Canada and their rise paralleledthat of the Bronfmans, the family of a Canadian gangster of the prohibition period.Today the Bronfmans are closely connected with that notorious Elite organisation,the Anti-Defamation League. In 1940, Edward Plunket Taylor was personallyappointed by Winston Churchill to the Special Operations Executive. His cover wasto chair a private company called War Supplies Ltd, which was created by the SOE.Taylor and George Montegu Black made a vast fortune through this company and itcontinued after the war as the Argus Corporation, now the Hollinger Group. Taylorleft in 1970 to draft the banking laws for the Cayman Islands and the Bahamaswhich, as a result, became “offshore” havens for dodgy money. Under ConradBlack’s stewardship, a stream of Bilderbergers and other names mentioned in thisbook have been appointed to the board of Telegraph newspapers and the HollingerGroup. Great to know we have a free press, eh?Another member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee is Andrew Knight, theformer executive on the Economist, Black’s Daily Telegraph, and later the executive chairman of Rupert Murdoch’s News International which, in Britain, owns the Sun,Today, the News of the World, the Times and Sunday Times. Knight is still on theboard of that organisation. Since 1982, he has been part of the Council ofManagement of the Ditchley Foundation, based at Ditchley Park, near Oxford, in acastle built for the Earl of Lichfield in the sixteenth century. The DitchleyFoundation was given the property by Ronald and Marietta Tree. Ronald was aformer high flyer in British Intelligence.38 The steering committee of the BilderbergGroup often holds its monthly meetings at the castle. The Ditchley Foundation is aNew World Order front organisation which works closely with the TavistockInstitute for Human Relations in London, which a number of researchers andpublished works have claimed is a centre for the study of mass mind manipulation.Several of the names mentioned in this book are connected with Ditchley includingChristopher (Lord) Tugendhat, the chairman of the Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs. The American branch of the Ditchley Foundation is run by Cyrus Vance(CFR, TC, Bil, Comm 300), secretary of state under Carter and a director of theRockefeller Foundation. The number of journalists and media executives in theBilderberg Group and in other strands in the network is very substantial, but tryfinding a word about these meetings in the mainstream media.Behind the Bilderbergers are the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Today HenryKissinger is a major manipulator, albeit as a puppet of those who really control him.Kissinger is an elite member of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission,and the Council on Foreign Relations, and he is connected with the Royal Instituteof International Affairs, the Rockefeller/Rothschild Chase Manhattan Bank, and theRockefeller Foundation. He also runs his own organisation, Kissinger Associates,among whose founding directors you will find.. .Lord Carrington! Kissinger andCarrington have close connections with Lord Roll of Ipsden, another Bilderberger,Trilateralist, member of the Committee of 300, and board member of KissingerAssociates. Lord Roll (formerly Sir Eric Roll) was the president of the merchantbank, S.G. Warburg. Another close friend of Kissinger in England was BritishIntelligence operative and spy, Lord Victor Rothschild.The Spotlight newspaper in Washington (which seeks to publish material that themainstream media will not report) is constantly seeking to infiltrate Bilderbergmeetings. It had a good year in 1991 when it obtained the guest list of the meetingin Baden-Baden, Germany. Among the names were David Rockefeller and a streamof US administrators, politicians, and company heads. Bill Clinton was there, thenas governor for Arkansas, but he was soon to be President of the United States.Clinton is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the TrilateralCommission, two of many things this Democrat shares with his predecessor in theWhite House, the Republican, George Bush. Conrad Black was there, as always, andso was another elite Bilderberger, the longtime head of Fiat, Giovanni Agnelli(Comm 300). He is the richest and most powerful figure in Italian society withinterests in banking, insurance, chemicals, textiles, armaments and publishing,reputed to be worth $60 billion. His publishing empire includes two of the threeleading newspapers in Italy, La Stampa and Corriere dela Sera. I bet they don’t mention that their owner is a leading voice in the Bilderberg Group. HenryKissinger described him as “one of the people in this world I like the most”.39European royalty was represented by two regular attenders, Queen Beatrix ofthe Netherlands (Comm 300), the daughter of Prince Bernhard, and Queen Sophiaof Spain. The British delegation included John Smith,40 the late leader of the LabourParty, who was also a Trilateralist; Gordon Brown, the shadow Labour Chancellor;Andrew Knight; Lord Roll of Ipsden; Lawrence Freedman, the head of theDepartment of War Studies at Kings College; Christopher Hogg, the chairman ofCourtaulds; and Patrick Wright, the Permanent Undersecretary of State and head ofthe Diplomatic Service. Manfred Worner, the late secretary general of NATO, wasthere and so was John R. Galvin, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe at SHAPEheadquarters. Galvin has been an advocate of NATO operations outside its officialsphere of influence. The secretary general of NATO is a Bilderberg appointment.Most, if not all, of them have been Bilderbergers. In more recent times, theBilderberger Joseph Luns, was replaced by Lord Carrington, who was followed byManfred Worner, and after his death in 1994, he was replaced by another regularBilderberger, Willy Claes, the Belgian Foreign Minister (who has since beenquestioned by Belgian police investigating corruption). The latest head of NATO,the Spaniard, Javier Solana (Bil), has been constantly pressing the Bilderberg Groupagenda for a European army, the expansion of NATO into the former Soviet Union,and for NATO to operate outside its designated area. According to The Spotlight, theintroduction of the world army was high on the agenda in Baden-Baden, withHenry Kissinger saying in one of his Bilderberg forums:“A UN army must be able to act immediately, anywhere in the world, without delaysinvolved in each country making its own decisions based on parochial considerations.”41And, of course, Henry, if there just happened to be lots of conflicts in which UNPeacekeeping Forces were exposed as inadequate and ineffective as in Bosnia,Rwanda, etc, the public outcry could be met with: “Well, if you will just agree togive the UN Forces more powers, they could respond quicker and be as effective asyou want them to be”. Problem-reaction-solution. Kissinger also said he wasdelighted with the way George Bush was able to declare war on Iraq by going directto the United Nations when under the US Constitution, only Congress was allowedto declare war. If Americans could be persuaded to surrender warmaking decisionsto the UN and let their young men die wearing a UN uniform, fighting under a UNflag, ‘parochial nationalism’ in Britain, France, and elsewhere would disappear,Bilderberg speakers said, according to Spotlight informants. Bill Clinton has pressedfor just such a policy in Bosnia and we will see further efforts to do this with otherUN operations.


The same old names which keep coming up everywhere attended the June 1994Bilderberg meeting in Finland. Among the invited high and mighty was Peter D.Sutherland (TC, Comm 300), the Director General of GATT, the General Agreementon Tariff and Trade, which is an Elite front to bring down trade barriers and put all countries at the mercy of the Elite-controlled world economic system. Sutherlandwas a perfect choice for the job as a former member of the Commission of theEuropean Community. He was a Bilderberger before he became head of worldtrade. His successor as the top man at the World Trade Organisation, the Italian,Renato Ruggiero, is also a Bilderberger. Another regular Bilderberger, theNetherlands Prime Minister, Ruud Lubbers, was also there in Finland, along withbankers like J. Martin Taylor, the chief executive of Barclays Bank. Two other namesof significance to British voters are Tony Blair (Labour) and Kenneth Clarke(Conservative). They attended the 1993 Bilderberg meeting in Vouliagment, Greece,where David Owen (TC) spoke about Yugoslavia and the future of Europe. TonyBlair, then the opposition home affairs spokesman, went on to become Labourleader and prime minister, while Kenneth Clarke would become the Chancellor ofthe Exchequer. Both support a federal Europe.In June 1995, the Bilderberg Group met at three exclusive hotels, The Grand, ThePark, and The Palace, on a mountainside at Burgenstock in Switzerland. It was arare occasion when they met in the same place twice. Coincidentally, I was onholiday in Switzerland when the Bilderbergers gathered and I was told of themeeting by Spotlight newspaper only a few days before I arrived. I went toBurgenstock before the meeting and again on their final day of discussions. What adifference the second time!The roads and paths to the hotels were blocked by Swiss police and the militarymanned lookout posts across the mountain. All this for a private meeting of anorganisation that operates outside the ‘democratic’ process.I asked a policeman at a road block what was going on. All he could reply was”top secret, top secret”. He knew no more than that. It was a bizarre situation. Icould have told the policeman what he was guarding, but he didn’t know! Itillustrated brilliantly the way the global pyramid operates. The policeman appearedto be a very nice man. No doubt he had children and grandchildren and he had nodesire to leave them a global fascist state. But there he was on a Swiss mountainsideplaying his part, unknowingly, in shielding from the public glare, the very peoplewho are plotting to create just such a world dictatorship.The European-Atlantic Group (EAG) and The Atlantic Council (AC)In 1954, the year the Bilderberg Group was founded, another organisation came intobeing, the European-Atlantic Group. Its headquarters are at 6 Gertrude Street,Chelsea, London. The group was formed by the late Lord Layton, who was thenVice-President of the Council of Europe and it brings together members ofparliament from all parties, industrialists, bankers, economists, and journalists(sound familiar?) to promote closer relations between the “European and Atlanticcountries by providing a regular forum in Britain for informed discussion of theirproblems and possibilities for better economic and political cooperation with eachother and with the rest of the world”.42 This means, to use its own words,connecting with international organisations, including The Council of Europe,NATO, OECD, the Western European Union, the European Union, the European Free Trade Association, the GATT global ‘free’ trade organisation, and the EconomicCommission for Europe. And, it might add, any organisation which desires a worldgovernment or can be used to that end. Its hierarchy is dominated by the House ofLords and includes a representative of the American New World Order front, theCouncil on Foreign Relations. Among the vice-presidents on the list I have from the1990s are: Lord Carrington, chairman of the Bilderberg Group; Lord Chalfont,chairman of the House of Lords Defence Committee; Graham Dowson, jointpresident of the European League for European Cooperation; Douglas Fairbanks,the Council on Foreign Relations; Lord Gladwyn, president of the EuropeanMovement; Robert Maxwell (deceased), embezzler, Mossad agent, and publisher ofthe Daily Mirror newspaper; Sir David Nicholson, chairman of the EuropeanMovement; Derek Prag, chairman of the London Europe Society; Lord Pym, whotook over as foreign secretary from Lord Carrington at the time of the FalklandsWar; and Lord Shawcross.The Atlantic Council (formerly the British Atlantic Council) is a similarorganisation, even down to many of the personnel. Its vice-presidents include: LordCarrington; Lord Gladwyn; Lord Pym; Lord Shawcross; the Earl of Bessborough, apast president of the European-Atlantic Group; Lord Home, former Conservativeprime minister, and past chairman of the Bilderberg Group; Edward Heath, formerConservative prime minister, Bilderberger, Trilateralist, and obsessively in favour ofEuropean union; Denis Healey; William Rogers, Bilderberger, former Labourminister, and one of the ‘gang of four’ who formed the breakaway SocialDemocratic Party, now the Liberal Democrats.If the Royal Institute of International Affairs were not so shy about itsmembership list, you would find many names active within these two organisationsinvolved at the RIIA also, I’m sure. The European Atlantic Group and the AtlanticCouncil are both part of the New World Order network.The Trilateral Commission43The next element of the secret government network was unveiled in 1972-1973 byDavid Rockefeller (Comm 300), the head of the Chase Manhattan Bank, leadingBilderberger, and leading manipulator of the Council on Foreign Relations, of whichhe was the long-time chairman. David Rockefeller is one of the most high profile,and most obvious, New World Order manipulators on the planet, although he isreally a puppet of those above him in the pyramid. He created the TrilateralCommission which, as its name suggests, is made up of three groupings – theUnited States, Europe, and Japan. Rockefeller was partly inspired to do this byZbigniew Brzezinski (TC, CFR, Bil), a professor at the Elite-controlled ColumbiaUniversity. Brzezinski had also been researching the need for US-Europe-Japancooperation at the Elite-controlled ‘think tank’, the Brookings Institute inWashington.Brzezinski wrote a book called Between Two Ages: America’s Role In TheTechnetronic Era, in which he described a new society “…that is shaped culturally,psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics – particularly in the area of computers and communication”.44 He saidin the book that “national sovereignty is no longer a viable concept” and suggestedthe movement, in stages, “toward a larger community of the developed nations…through a variety of indirect ties and already developing limitations on nationalsovereignty”. In 1990, he wrote in the Elite’s mouthpiece, the New York Times, thatEurope should follow a policy “founded upon the grand concept of a transEuropean commonwealth with the European Community at its core, butembracing Central Europe and being open also to eventual association with theSoviet Union”. You can see where this guy is coming from. David Rockefeller wasso impressed with Brzezinski that he made him director of the TrilateralCommission, which recruited members from all areas of influence and power inthe United States, Europe and Japan. Many of those recruited were alreadymembers of the Council on Foreign Relations; some were Bilderbergers, too, andothers, like Henry Kissinger, were linked to all of them and the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs as well. Among the seventeen people who met at theRockefellers’ estate (Pocantico Hills in Tarrytown, New York) to plan the TrilateralCommission on July 23rd and 24th 1972, were C. Fred Bergsten (CFR, Bil), SeniorFellow at the Brookings Institute and a former Assistant for InternationalEconomic Affairs to Henry Kissinger; and McGeorge Bundy (CFR, Bil), thePresident of the Ford Foundation and head of the National Security Council underboth John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. The early funding for the TrilateralCommission came from David Rockefeller, the Ford Foundation, the KetteringFoundation, the Lilly Endowment, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the ThyssenFoundation, with smaller amounts donated by organisations like General Motors,Exxon, Coca Cola, Time magazine, CBS, and the Wells Fargo Bank.45 TheCommission made its headquarters at 345 East 46th Street, New York.One of the first ambitions for David Rockefeller and his Trilateral Commissionwas to put a commission member in the White House as President of the UnitedStates as soon as possible. He achieved this at the next election when Jimmy Carter,the Democrat peanut farmer from Georgia, beat Gerald Ford. Carter was selectedfor president by Rockefeller and Brzezinski and the whole Elite network of money,media, and dirty tricks were used to ensure he was elected. Carter was anotherpuppet president controlled by the Elite. His speeches in his election campaignwere written by Brzezinski and none could have been more insulting to the truththan his acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination. In the world of politicsyou don’t tell people what you stand for; you tell them what they want you to standfor. When you look at Carter’s background, what greater example of this couldthere be than when he spoke of:“…a political and economic elite who have shaped decisions and never had to accountfor mistakes nor to suffer from injustice. When unemployment prevails, they neverstand in line looking for a job. When deprivation results from a confused welfaresystem, they never do without food or clothing, or a place to sleep. When the publicschools are inferior or torn by strife their children go to exclusive private schools. And when the bureaucracy is bloated and confused, the powerful always manage to discoverand occupy niches of special influence and privilege.”46Sure, Jimmy, sure. He might have added at the end.. .”And quite right, too”.Carter’s administration was awash with Trilateral Commission members. Amongits ranks were Walter Mondale, the vice president; Cyrus Vance, the secretary ofstate; Warren Christopher, the deputy secretary of state; Harold Brown (CFR),secretary for defense; W. Michael Blumenthal (CFR), secretary of the treasury; C.Fred Bergsten (CFR, Bil), assistant secretary of the treasury for international affairs;Henry Owen (CFR), the ambassador-at-large and the president’s specialrepresentative for economic summits; Paul C. Warnke (CFR), chief disarmamentnegotiator; Andrew Young (CFR), ambassador to the United Nations, Paul A.Volcker (CFR, Bil), chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and…ZbigniewBrzezinski (CFR, Bil), Carter’s national security advisor. This was the TrilateralAdministration. It became a standing joke among insiders that whenever Carterwas faced with a decision or document involving foreign policy, he would say”Clear it with Brzezinski” or “Has Brzezinski seen this?”47 Paul Volcker was madehead of the Federal Reserve by Carter on the instructions of David Rockefeller. It isone of the most influential posts in the Elite network, with its power to control theAmerican economy. Volcker became the North American chairman of the TrilateralCommission and was both a Bilderberger and member of the Council on ForeignRelations. He remained chairman of the ‘Fed’ until he was replaced during theReagan administration by the present incumbent, Alan Greenspan, who is also amember of the TC, CFR, and Bilderberg Group. Just a coincidence, naturally.The Trilateral Commission’s influence became worldwide with its membershipacross the American, European and Japanese elites. Ireland was well represented onthe executive committee of the TC in Europe through both Prime Minister GarretFitzgerald (Bil) and the then little known Mary Robinson, who would go on to bethe first woman President of Ireland. After I had spoken about these matters in ameeting at Totnes in South West England, a lady in the audience sought me out.”That’s the first time I have heard anyone talk about this since my husband (whoworked for the South African government) showed me a document which said thatthe Trilateral Commission had ordered Britain to pull out of Rhodesia”, she said.The lady, like most people in the world, had never heard of the TrilateralCommission at the time she saw the document. Who was the British ForeignSecretary at that time, I thought, during the administration of Margaret Thatcher(Bil), when Britain left Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe? It was.. .Lord Carrington,Bilderberger and member of the Trilateral Commission. He was continuing a policyput into motion by the previous Labour government of Jim Callaghan (Bil), now apresident, along with Lord Carrington and Lord Jenkins (TC, Bil), of the RoyalInstitute of International Affairs. And who was Callaghan’s foreign secretary?David Owen, a soon-to-be member of the Trilateral Commission who workedclosely with Andrew Young, Jimmy Carter’s ambassador at the United Nations, andmember of the Trilateral Commission. I remembered also that when the European Community sent an ‘ambassador’ to negotiate ‘peace’ in Bosnia, they chose…LordCarrington. When he ‘failed’, they sent.. .David Owen. Later an ‘independent’ peacenegotiator arrived on the scene from America – Jimmy Carter. And, I thought, whowas foreign secretary when the policies were decided that led to the Falklands Warbetween Britain and Argentina in 1982? Lord Carrington. He resigned over whathappened and was rewarded with the job of secretary general of NATO! Alsodeeply involved in the negotiations over Rhodesia and the transition from whitedictatorship to dictatorship by Robert Mugabe, was Lord Soames, a director of N.M.Rothschild until 1979. I’m sure that all these coincidences must have an innocentexplanation. Its just that I can’t think of one.The Club of Rome and the Environmental MovementThe Club of Rome was launched publicly in 1968 by the Italian Freemason, AurelioPeccei (Comm 300), who once said to his friend, the former US Secretary of State,Alexander Haig (TC), that he felt like Adam Weishaupt reincarnated.48 Weishauptwas the man behind the modern Illuminati. Peccei was the chief executive of theFiat Motor Company under its president and prominent Bilderberger, GiovanniAgnelli (Comm 300). The Club of Rome was created by meetings at the Rockefellerfamily’s private estate at Bellagio in Italy.49 It was, and is, the Club of Rome’s role toissue propaganda about the environmental crisis and use this to justify thecentralisation of power (problem-reaction-solution) and the suppression ofindustrial development in both the West and the so called Third World. It is alsoanother ‘justification’ for population control (eugenics). Peccei was a passionateadvocate of world government and his Club of Rome has produced plans forrestructuring the world into five regions under the control of a central worldauthority. It has issued many ‘reports’, including Limits To Growth in 1972,sponsored by the Rockefellers. It was distributed as a 197-page paperbackpublished in 18 editions and 23 languages. Limits To Growth has been widely quotedby the environmental movement to support their arguments, but they shouldconsider the fact that anything that comes out of the Club of Rome is part of an Eliteplan to direct human thinking and persuade people to accept the goals of the NewWorld Order. So is the Club’s “spiritual/arts” offshoot, the Club of Budapest,headed by Ervin Laszio, an associate of Aurelio Peccei. They might consider, too,the fact that Peccei later admitted that the computer used to produce their data andjustification had been preprogrammed to produce the desired result. He said thishad been done because nations required ‘shock treatment’ if they were to acceptpopulation control.50 The acclaimed economist, Gunnar Myrdal, said of the Club ofRome methods:“The use of mathematical equations and a huge computer, which registers thealternatives of abstractly conceived policies by a ‘world simulation model’, may impressthe innocent general public but has little, if any, scientific validity. That this ‘sort ofmodel is actually a new tool for mankind’ is unfortunately not true. It representsquasilearnedness of a type that we have, for a long time, had too much of…


It was under the influence and guidance of the Club of Rome and its ‘data’ thatanother report was produced which has had a fundamental effect on theacceleration of ‘environmentalism’. This was a study ordered by the TrilateralCommission-controlled Carter administration. On July 24th 1980, in the last monthsof the Carter presidency, his secretary of state, Edmund Muskie (TC, CFR),presented the Global 2000 report to the President. It painted a global picture ofoverpopulation, resource and food shortages, and environmental dangers which, itestimated, would cause the deaths of at least 170 million people up to the year 2000.This was followed six months later by another report, Global Future: A Time To Act,the work of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. This called for aseries of measures to respond to the crisis set out in Global 2000 and at the top ofthe list of responses was.. .population control through sterilisation and other means.Both reports called for, in effect, the restriction of scientific development andtechnological transfer to developing countries and soon these policies were beinglauded around the world. Cyrus Vance (TC, CFR, Bil, Comm 300), Carter’s secretaryof state before Muskie, chaired the Committee for the Year 2000 for this purpose.Vance was the man who instigated both Global 2000 and Global Future during histenure at Carter’s State Department. In his first official speech at the United Nationsin 1977, Vance rejected calls from developing countries for changes to theInternational Monetary Fund and the unfairness of the economic system, andinstead he suggested a .. .new world order based on environmentalism.I would have more confidence in the problems and solutions presented by theClub of Rome and these two US reports if the people behind them were not the verysame politicians, bankers, industrialists, and academics who support and promotethe policies of the Elite-controlled International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank ofInternational Settlements, and World Bank, which in turn, are responsible for thedeath, starvation, and suffering of billions of people across the planet. One of thearchitects of the Global 2000 Report was Robert McNamara (TC, CFR, Bil), a formerpresident of the World Bank, the policies of which have wreaked environmental andhuman genocide in the Third World! I would have more confidence if these’environmental messiahs’ were not the same people who suppress the introductionof known technologies, such as free energy technology,52 which could in a few yearsreplace today’s fossil-fuel-burning environmental carnage. I differ from those whosay there is no environmental crisis and that the whole thing is a propagandacreation. I think we are inflicting appalling wounds to Planet Earth and if we go onas we are there will be serious consequences, indeed there already are. What I feel,however, is that these wounds are being knowingly inflicted by the Elite, and nodoubt in certain areas, exaggerated for propaganda purposes to create yet anotherglobal problem-reaction-solution scenario.If those behind all this really cared about the environment and the lives of thosewho suffer so terribly from the present system, they would be releasing thesuppressed technologies which would dramatically reduce the damage which isbeing wreaked upon the Earth. Reports like Global 2000, Global Future, and thoseproduced by the Elite/Club of Rome, base their findings on what they call ‘current trends’. But what are ‘current trends’? They are only the result of the currentpolicies of the Elite manipulators. Change the policies and you change both the’trends’ and the recommendations on how to react to the ‘trends’. The rape of theThird World environment creates dependency by billions of people on the Elitecontrolled economic system, as their ability to live sustainably without outside’support’ is destroyed. Environmental damage is therefore terrible for the mass ofhumanity, but an excellent tool for the Elite’s ambitions. Change these policies andchange the ‘trends’ (environmentally-created dependency) and you make irrelevantthe ‘solutions’ suggested in Club of Rome reports. But funnily enough, such reportsnever call for an end to Elite policies, because these publications are part of them.Most environmentalists are genuinely campaigning for what they believe to beright, but there are some who are knowingly working to the New World Orderagenda and I must say I am less than convinced when I hear people like Al Gore(CFR), the vice president to Bill Clinton (TC, CFR, Bil), being presented as an’environmentalist’. I would take his concern for the environment and humanity alittle more seriously if he had not been one of the Democrats who voted withGeorge Bush’s Republicans in favour of the war in the Gulf in 1991, and had hisenvironmental policies not come straight off the pages of Club of Rome and Global2000 reports. I was an environmental campaigner throughout the 1980s and becamea national spokesman for the British Green Party, so I can see how many of theresponses of the environmental movement resulted from the Club of Rome, Global2000, approach to both problems and solutions. I am still an environmentalcampaigner, but now from a much, much, wider perspective and I can appreciatehow the ‘green movement’ is being manipulated to promote the New World Order.When, for instance, the green movement presents wind power and wave power asalternative forms of energy to fossil fuels, this so lacks credibility that there appearsto be no choice but to continue to exploit the planet and create pollution. This ishelping to obscure the fact that free energy technology exists. I can also see todayhow the pressure for population control is, and always has been, promoted by theElite to justify a policy of eugenics.The theme of these various environmental reports is that economic growth mustend, something with which much of the environmental movement would agree. Sowould I, in fact. As with everything, I feel, we need to look at the shades of grey ifwe are to find the truth of any situation. On one side you have theenvironmentalists who challenge growth and on the other you have some of thosewho are investigating the New World Order conspiracy, who say the environmentalproblems are all a hoax. I see the truth in the middle somewhere. Yes, there areenvironmental problems, but the questions we need to ask are these: Have theenvironmental problems been created deliberately, largely to produce a situation ofproblem-reaction-solution? And are at least aspects of the ‘environmental crisis’being deliberately emphasised and exaggerated to quicken the problem-reactionsolution response by the public? I believe the answer to both questions is yes.We can look in the same way at economic growth. Some say it has to stop, somesay there are no limits to growth. But what is growth? It is merely the measurement of the amount of money that is spent for goods and services in any year. This figure- what we call Gross National Product (GNP) or Gross Domestic Product (GDP).Therefore ‘growth’ is the sum total of all the positive and negative events in theworld every year that involve money being spent, that’s all. The money spent onimproving the quality of people’s lives and that spent on wars, road accidents, andresponding to oil tanker catastrophes are all measured exactly the same by thissystem, because all are adding to the economic tally – GDP. This is plainly farcical.What we call growth tells us nothing, except how absurd our economic indicatorsare. When we speak of an end to growth or we say there are no limits to growth, wehave to ask What kind of growth? And the growth of what? Of course there arelimits to growth if you are talking about the constant expansion of what we takefrom the planet and throw at her in pollution. But, when the true understanding ofphysics and technology is revealed and introduced in our everyday lives, we willsee that this suppressed knowledge can give us the warmth and power we need fora comfortable life for all the peoples of the world without dismantling the planet.Under this system, the growth in take-make-and-throwaway and mine-burn-pollutecan slow down and end, while – at the same time – everyone in the world has abetter, not a more primitive standard of life. The end to growth in take-make-andthrowaway and the expansion of better living conditions for all are not acontradiction. They are made possible by ending the suppression of scientificknowledge that will solve the environmental and human ‘problems’ which havebeen engineered to control us. What is clear is that the use of environmentalism tojustify centralised control continues apace. Working to this end alongside the Clubof Rome is the United Nations. In February 1972, an advertisement sponsored bythe Rockefeller/CFR-controlled World Association of World Federalists53 appearedin The Humanist, the magazine of the American Humanist (this-world-is-all-there-is)Association. Note the use of words like problem and solution. It said:World Federalists believe that the environmental crisis facing Planet Earth is a globalproblem and therefore calls for a ‘global’ solution – a worldwide United NationsEnvironmental Agency with the power to make decisions stick. WAWF has submitted aproposal for just such an agency to be considered at the 1972 UN EnvironmentalConference to be held in Stockholm.The timing is interesting here. 1972 was the year of the publication of the Club ofRome’s Limits To Growth report. The troops were being gathered for the battle. Itwas a battle to persuade the public that there was a global environmental problemin need of a global – centralised – solution. The momentum generated from that UNEnvironmental Conference led to just such an Environmental Agency, the UNEnvironment Programme (UNEP). The first executive director was a Canadian,Maurice Strong (Comm 300), a millionaire oilman and former trustee of theRockefeller Foundation. He had been the secretary-general of the Stockholmconference and is a major voice in the Club of Rome. Strong and David Rockefellerwrote the foreword for a Trilateral Commission book, Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing Of The World’s Economy And The Earth’s Ecology.54 Among the co-authorswas Strong’s friend and fellow Canadian, Jim MacNeill, who had advised him atStockholm. They were also both members of the World Commission onEnvironment and Development and MacNeill, as secretary general of thatorganisation, played a leading role in writing the report called Our CommonFuture, another tome constantly quoted by the environmental movement. It is alsoknown as The Brundtland Report, after the prime minister of Norway, Gro HarlamBrundtland, who put her name to it. She is an enthusiastic supporter of theEuropean Union and population control measures. Her husband, Arne OlavBrundtland, is a Bilderberger.In 1992 came the much-heralded United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, which brought together the heads of world governments and the best knownenvironmentalists, such as Britain’s Jonathan Porritt, the former head of UK Friendsof the Earth and now advisor to Prince Charles. The secretary general of the RioSummit was, well I never,.. .Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller’s green friend.Strong was advised by Rockefeller’s other green buddy.. Jim MacNeill. BeyondInterdependence, the Trilateral Commission’s environmental offering, waspublished in preparation for Rio, as was Global Economics And The Environmentby the Council on Foreign Relations. The theme was.. .centralisation of control toprotect the world. Maurice Strong is President of the World Federation of UnitedNations Associations, co-chairman of the World Economic Forum, and a member ofthe Club of Rome, among countless other bodies steeped in the New World Order.Strong is using the environment to justify centralisation of power.Another well-known green face behind the Rio Summit was Lester R. Brown,the ‘anti-establishment’ head of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington. Hisdislike for the establishment does not, however, prevent him being a member ofthe CFR. His Institute publishes the annual State Of The World reports detailingthe demise of the global environment. The 1989 version on my own bookshelf tellsme that: The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Winthrop Rockefeller Trust, and theGeorge Gund Foundation supply the backbone of financial support for the State ofthe World series. I can’t claim to have been surprised. In his State Of The World1991, Brown said:…the battle to save the planet will replace the battle over ideology as the organizatingtheme of the new world order…with the end of the ideological conflict that dominateda generation of international affairs, a new world order, shaped by a new agenda, willemerge.55There had obviously been a mobilisation by the Elite to speak with the samevoice and also to use those environmentalists – by no means all – who don’t knowthey are being manipulated. David Rockefeller (Comm 300), Henry Kissinger(Comm 300), Francois Mitterand (Comm 300), Willy Brandt (Comm 300), MikhailGorbachev, and so many more all parroted the party line on the environment,which, put succinctly, was global crisis = global solution. Gorbachev, well-schooled by his friends Rockefeller and Kissinger, suddenly began to speak passionately ofthe environment. He said:The ecological crisis we are experiencing today – from ozone depletion to deforestationand disastrous air pollution – is tragic but convincing proof that the world we all live in isinterrelated and interdependent. This means that we need an appropriate internationalpolicy in the field of ecology. Only if we formulate such a policy shall we be able to avertcatastrophe. True, the elaboration of such a policy poses unconventional and difficultproblems that will affect the sovereignty of states.56The New York Times columnist, Flora Lewis (CFR) welcomed Gorbachev’s callto instigate a plan for a global code of environmental conduct.. .which wouldhave an aspect of world government, because it would provide for the WorldCourt to judge states.57 The secret government network has so many members inthe media that there is never a problem finding support for its manoeuvringsfrom that direction. There are environmental problems, most of them due toElite policies, but be very careful before you accept the propaganda of theenvironmental centralisers. It’s your mind they are after. I would suggest that it isvery much worth someone looking into the major funders of environmentalorganisations and the background to their front people to see if any links with theElite network exist.The Club of Rome and Population ControlAnother sinister aspect of the Club of Rome and the super dupers planning theElite’s ‘green’ campaign is their use of the environment to promote populationcontrol – eugenics. It is plainly true, as the New World Order promoters say, thatthere is a limit to the number of human beings who can live on this planet. Youcan’t argue with that because when there is a human being for every square foot ofthe Earth, there will be clearly too many. So there are limits. But again we need toask questions here. How many is too many? Would the comfortable carryingcapacity of the Earth be far greater if the industrial and banking elite were notdestroying the food-growing potential of the Third World and if suppressedscientific and technological understanding were made available to everyone? Havethe projected future numbers been purposely exaggerated to justify a policy ofglobal eugenics? The answers to those questions, I believe, are: more than we havenow; yes; and yes. When you read the findings of the Club of Rome publicationsand others like Global 2000, and you look at the people behind them and theirhistory of support for eugenics, its not hard to appreciate that these reports arereally excuses for the culling of those areas of the world population considered to beof inferior stock, i.e. the non-white peoples and even those considered inferioramong the whites. In political language it comes out something like this: .. .themost fundamental point underlying all American foreign policy needs isoverpopulation.58 Those words were spoken by Robert McNamara (CFR, TC, Bil),one of the men behind the Global 2000 report. At the centre of all this is again the name Rockefeller. In 1952, after decades offunding and supporting eugenics, John D. Rockefeller III established his PopulationCouncil, which still exists today. This Elite-front has been calling for zeropopulation growth in the United States and, in the words of its 1979 annual report:the spread of government-supported family planning programs throughout thedeveloping ie. non-white sector and the spread of the zero populationmovement and the Club of Rome’s Malthusianism in the developed countries.59Malthusianism is named after Thomas Robert Malthus, the guy I mentioned in thelast chapter. He was a paid agent of the British East India Company, which inflictedopium on the Chinese. His population theories were designed to justify the need tokeep down the lesser genetic stock, whom he saw as little more than animals.Officials of the Population Council were strongly represented among the ‘outsideconsultants’ called in by the authors of Global 2000 and Global Future.The head of the Global 2000 task force appointed by Cyrus Vance was Gerald O.Barney, the supervisor of another Rockefeller environment/ population controlstudy, The Unfinished Agenda. Other agencies which supported the preparation ofthe report included The World Wildlife Fund,60 headed by Prince Philip (Bil) andbacked by Prince Charles (Bil), Prince Bernhard (Bil), and the Hapsburg Family; theInstitute for World Order, created by C. Douglas Dillon under the direction ofBertrand Russell (Comm 300); and the Draper Fund-Population Crisis Committeeestablished by the eugenics promoter, William Draper; and the Elite-controlledAspen Institute. In 1965, an organisation inspired by the Council on ForeignRelations was launched called the Agenda 2000 group. This produced a report coauthored by Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC, CFR, Bil) which called for an end topopulation growth in the Third World. The same year, George Ball (TC, CFR, Bil),the then Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs in the JohnsonAdministration, appointed a task force to investigate the ‘problem’ of populationgrowth. Appointed to the task force, which later became the Office of PopulationAffairs, were…Cyrus Vance (TC, CFR, Bil, Comm 300), who instigated the Global2000 Report to the President, and Richard Gardner (TC, CFR, Comm 300) whowould later become ambassador to Italy for Jimmy Carter and United Nationsadvisor to President Bill Clinton. Look how those demanding a New World Orderof centralised global political and economic control are also those who wantpopulation control – eugenics. This is the thinking behind the Club of Rome and theGlobal 2000 Report, which are so often quoted by the environmental movement!Wars have been used blatantly and without mercy to enforce population controlin non-white countries. Two of the main US military commanders in Vietnam wereMaxwell Taylor and William Westmoreland, both members of the Population CrisisCommittee-Draper Fund and committed to population control. The genocide by PolPot in Cambodia was one of the most obvious examples of the culling of a non-whitepopulation. Millions died as an estimated 32 per cent of the Cambodian populationwere murdered.61 There were many people responsible for this, including HenryKissinger, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Kissinger, a legendary supporter of theChinese communist regime, has been the key voice in American-Chinese relations since the time of Richard Nixon. His attempts to undermine the established orderwere highlighted in 1969 when he and his president authorised the illegal bombingof Cambodia. They used the excuse that they were attacking North Vietnamesetroops stationed there during the Vietnam War.This genocide was the subject of an article of impeachment against Nixon put tothe House Judiciary Committee in 1974 in the wake of Watergate, but it wasdefeated. Kissinger always claimed the Khmer Rouge were the agency of the NorthVietnamese when in fact Kissinger’s Red China was behind them. Using the excuseof attacking the Khmer Rouge to stop their assault on the Cambodian capital,Phnom Penh, the US forces launched a campaign of terror bombing on that country.Nearly 80,000 bombing sorties by B-52s and F-111s have been officially confirmedand they dropped 539,129 tons of explosives. The number of Cambodian dead isestimated at anything at between 30,000 and 500,000.62 But the biggest carnage wasstill to come because the devastation caused by the Kissinger-Nixon policy madethe takeover by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge inevitable. The US ‘ambassador’ toRed China during this period, the man who communicated between the communistregime and his boss, Henry Kissinger, was George Bush.63 Cambodia was, at least inpart, about population culling, in my view.Kissinger took over from Averell Harriman as the ‘shuttle-diplomat’ of the Elite.Kissinger is always flitting around, manipulating the American administration andforeign governments. In 1969 he was head of both the State Department and theNational Security Council in the Nixon Administration. Nixon may have beenofficially president, but Kissinger ran the government. At his suggestion, Nixonnamed Laurance Rockefeller (TC, CFR, Bil) to lead a special commission onpopulation growth. This recommended in 1972 that population control beintroduced in America (i.e. among the ‘lesser’ stock). After discussions with theClub of Rome, of which he is a prominent member, Kissinger later established twoother population control organisations within the departments of governmentwhich he controlled with an iron fist. In the years 1968 to 1977, the USAIDprogramme for expenditure on health projects dropped by $40 million, while thosedirected at population control went up by $100 million. In 1974, Kissinger and theRhodes Scholar, Brent Scowcroft (CFR, TC, Bil), supervised the production of theNational Security Study Memorandum 200, called Implications Of WorldwidePopulation Growth For US Security And Overseas Interests. It has now beendeclassified and reveals some of the true motivations behind America’s enthusiasmfor population reduction in the developing world.Continued population growth in these regions, the document said, wouldincrease their political, economic, and military power in a number of these countriesand would lead to an increase in demands for sovereign control of resources and toanti-imperial movements. This is a long-winded way of saying that these countrieswould wish to run their economies for their own benefit and not America’s. Planstherefore had to be developed, it said, to remove opposition to population control.


The countries the Kissinger-Scowcroft memorandum highlighted for specialattention were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia, and Colombia. Look at what hashappened in these countries since 1974.In the Memorandum, Kissinger said that the truth behind the motivation forpopulation control had to be kept secret from the leaders of these countries:It is vital that the effort to develop and strengthen a commitment on the part of lessdeveloped countries not be seen by them as an industrialised country policy to keeptheir strength down or to reserve resources for use by the ‘rich’ countries. Developmentof such a perception could create a serious backlash adverse to the course ofpopulation stability.In the early 70s, Kissinger asked the State Department’s Office of PopulationAffairs to produce a study targeting Central/South America and Africa. This led,to a considerable degree, to the engineering of ‘civil wars’ in the countries ofCentral America and Africa which have caused so much famine, death, andsuffering beyond imagination. It was a means to reduce the targeted population ofthe world, as are designer diseases. The US-Kissinger (Elite) policy was articulatedby Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the Office of PopulationAffairs. He said:There is a single theme in all our work – we must reduce population levels. Either theygovernments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kind ofmess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut all Kissinger engineered.Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it requiresauthoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it. Or rather, you need the ‘problem’to justify fascism….The professionals aren’t interested in lowering population for humanitarianreasons…We look at resource and environmental constraints. We look at our strategicneeds, and we say that this country must lower its population – or else we will havetrouble. So steps are taken. El Salvador is an example where our failure to lower thepopulation by simple means has created the basis for a national security crisis. Thegovernment of El Salvador failed to use our programmes to lower their population. Nowthey get a civil war because of it. …There will be dislocation and food shortages. Theystill have too many people there.64Some more of Mr Ferguson’s little gems include:To reduce the population quickly you have to pull all the males into the fighting and killsignificant numbers of fertile, child-bearing age, females… Speaking of the civil war inEl Salvador he said You are killing a small number of males and not enough fertilefemales to do the job on population…If the war went on for 30 to 40 years like this,then you might accomplish something. Unfortunately sic, we don’t have too manyinstances like that to study. I know it’s horrible to know that anyone can see life in such terms, but MrFerguson is outlining very well the attitude of the Elite, its US State Department,and the Club of Rome. When prominent environmentalists stand in front of crowdsof non-white peoples in the Third World telling television cameras that we musthave population control, they are helping the Elite’s agenda. Some will know that,many will not, but the effect is the same. I am in favour of all peoples having thechoice not to conceive children if that is their wish. Choice, however, is not a wordthe manipulators can spell. Again look at the timing of the launch for so many ofthe population control initiatives by Kissinger and others: the late 60s and early 70s,just as the Club of Rome was getting started. Coinciding with the Club’s beginningsin 1968, came the book by Professor Paul R. Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, which hassold upwards of 20 million copies. In that he said:Our position requires that we take immediate action at home and promote effectiveaction worldwide. We must have population control at home, hopefully through a systemof incentives and penalties, but by compulsion if voluntary methods fail…We can nolonger afford merely to treat the symptoms of the cancer of population growth; thecancer itself must be cut out.66Ehrlich was a biologist at the Elite-controlled Stanford University and his wife,Anne, was a member of the Club of Rome.67 He said that compulsory birth controlcould be imposed by governments via the addition of temporary sterilants to watersupplies or staple food.68 Shortly, when we come to the Report from IronMountain, you will see the even greater relevance of this statement. The ‘brutal andtough-minded’ decisions which Ehrlich said would be required are evident in HenryKissinger’s much-loved abode, China. It was here that the one-child-per-family policywas implemented and paid for directly, or indirectly, by the United Nations. Westernand Chinese observers have spoken of seeing thousands of women rounded up andforced to have abortions; of women locked in detention centres or hauled beforemass rallies and harangued into consenting to abortions; of vigilantes abductingpregnant women on the streets, hauling them off, sometimes handcuffed and trussed,to abortion clinics. There are much worse stories even than those.The United Nations network of organisations is awash with interlinkedpopulation control policies and eugenics. Behind them all is the Elite’s secretgovernment. When the UN secretary general, U Thant, started the UN Fund forPopulation Activities, it was administered by one Paul Hoffman (CFR, Bil), a USchief of foreign aid, trustee of the Institute of Pacific Relations and administrator ofthe Ford Foundation funds. He was also a member of the London-Wall Streetfinancial clique. Professor Jacqueline Kasun, an outspoken opponent of UNpopulation policies in her book, The War Against Population, revealed the network ofagencies linked to the UN Fund for Population:Deriving its income from the United States and other governments, it provides supportto numerous ‘non-governmental organisations’, including the Rockefellers’ Population Council, the Population Action Council, Worldwatch, the Population Crisis Committeeand Draper Fund, and the Centre for Population Activities. These organisations in turnmake grants to each other and still other organisations.69The Elite’s World Bank, which is supposed to make grants to help thedevelopment of the poorer countries, also has population control at the top of itsagenda. In 1992, the World Bank President, Lewis Preston (CFR) said at the RioEarth Summit that he would increase substantially the bank’s support forpopulation control – later pledging to double the money made available. The bank’sInternational Safe Motherhood Initiative is a joint project with the InternationalPlanned Parenthood Federation, Family Care International, the Population Council(funded by US government aid programmes), and other agencies. These includeseveral from the UN such as the Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World HealthOrganisation (WHO). This ‘initiative’ involves forced birth control on pain ofeconomic reprisals. As President Preston said, the Safe Motherhood agenda wouldbe integrated into the bank’s policy dialogue with developing countries. Cut yourpopulation or you get no cash. There, Mr Preston, that’s a simpler way to put it.Robert McNamara (TC, CFR, Bil), the head of the World Bank in the 1970s, is avehement campaigner for population control. The threat of unmanageablepopulation pressures is very much like the threat of nuclear war he said in theBoston Globe in 1982. This is the mindset of the organisation which controls’development’ funding in the Third World.So the Club of Rome and its associated connections within the United Nations,the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and nation governments has therole in the network to promote the use of the environment to demand centralisedcontrol and eugenics. The Club of Rome was launched publicly in 1968, just a fewyears after a group of invited ‘experts’ met in the United States to prepare a reportwhich, it is plain to see, was to inspire the sort of policies I’ve just described.The Report from Iron Mountain70This was the secret report of the Special Study Group of fifteen people broughttogether during the Kennedy years. The proposal for the study group came around1961 and it was established in August 1963. Among those assembled is claimed bysome researchers to have been John Kenneth Galbraith (CFR), the Keynesianeconomist. The first and last meetings were at Iron Mountain, an undergroundfacility near the town of Hudson, New York. It is a place where importantdocuments are stored and the base for the emergency corporate headquarters forcorporations like Standard Oil of New Jersey (the Rockefellers, Exxon),Manufacturers Hanover Trust (Rothschilds), and Shell. The content of the reportwas revealed by one of the group who believed the public should know what itcontained. This group member had the code name ‘John Doe’ and his friend,Leonard C. Lewin, produced a document summarising the Iron Mountain report. Ihave a copy of this.71 It says that the idea for the study came from members of theKennedy Administration like Robert McNamara (TC, CFR, Bil), McGeorge Bundy (TC, CFR, Bil), and Dean Rusk (TC, CFR, Bil). The brief was to study theimplications of a world without war while still maintaining the control of thepopulation wielded by war and the fear of war. Part of the report said:There is no question that a universal requirement that procreation be limited to theproducts of artificial insemination would provide a fully adequate substitute control forpopulation levels. Such a reproductive system would, of course, have the addedadvantage of being susceptible to direct eugenic management. Its predictable furtherdevelopment – conception and embryonic growth taking place wholly under laboratoryconditions – would extend these controls to their logical conclusion. The ecologicalfunction of war under these circumstances would not only be superseded, butsurpassed in effectiveness.The indicated immediate step – total control of conception with a variant of theubiquitous ‘pill’, via water supplies or certain essential foodstuffs, offset by a controlled’antidote’ – is already under development.Remember this was the 1960s. More than thirty years have passed since thenand such an ‘indicated immediate step’ was ‘already under development’. Sowhat the hell is going on today in our water supplies and essential foodstuffs,both of which are largely controlled by Elite companies? Also, just look again atwhat Professor Paul Ehrlich said in his book, The Population Bomb, publishedtwo years after this secret report was completed in 1966. He said thatgovernments could enforce birth control by the addition of temporary sterilantsto water supplies or staple food…. Yet another amazing coincidence. The ReportFrom Iron Mountain laid out the functions of war which new policies wouldhave to replace:1 Economic. War has provided both ancient and modern societies with a dependablesystem for stabilising and controlling national economies. No alternate method ofcontrol has yet been tested in a complex modern economy that has shown itselfremotely comparable in scope or effectiveness.2 Political. The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable government; itsupplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority. It has enabledsocieties to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has ensured thesubordination of the citizen to the state, by virtue of the residue war powers inherentin the concept of nationhood. No modern political ruling group has successfullycontrolled its constituency after failing to sustain the continuing credibility of anexternal threat of war.3 Sociological. War, through the medium of military institutions, has uniquely servedsocieties, throughout the course of known history, as an indispensable controller ofdangerous free-thinking social dissidence and destructive antisocial tendencies. Ecological. War has been the principle evolutionary device for maintaining asatisfactory ecological balance between gross human population and supplies availablefor survival. It is unique to the human species.Very nice, I’m sure. So what did these ‘experts’ suggest as alternatives to furtherworld wars? Unite the people behind the controllers under the threat of war orsome other form of destruction and keep them in a permanent state of fear,therefore dependent on their perceived ‘saviours’. In the light of this need to controlwithout world war, the Report From Iron Mountain proposed the following forconsideration:An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force a world army nowcalled the United Nations Peace Keeping Force and NATO; an established andrecognised extraterrestrial menace now being engineered with the themes of horriblealiens and a possible invasion of Earth?; massive global environmental pollution;fictitious alternate enemies; a modern, sophisticated form of slavery; new religions orother mythologies; a comprehensive programme of applied eugenics.All of these things have emerged since the report was completed. There you seethe proposal for the environmental threat/eugenics scenario which was to followvery soon afterwards. The report called for the establishment of a secret War/PeaceResearch Agency using unaccountable funds which would study both the peaceand war options. Among the research required, said the report, was the…determination of minimum and optimum levels of destruction of life, property,and natural resources prerequisite to the credibility of external threat essential to thepolitical and motivational functions and the frequency of occurrence, length ofphase, intensity of physical destruction, extensiveness of geographical involvement,and optimum mean loss of life. This is the deeply imbalanced state of mind behindthose who promote and manipulate into being the New World Order, and conflictsare created to fit in with this plan – the war in the former Yugoslavia being anotherexample.In this chapter, I have described the network of Round Table-Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs-Council on Foreign Relations-Bilderberg Group-TrilateralCommission-United Nations-European Union-Club of Rome, which togetherconstitute a secret government of the world acting outside and above whatlaughably passes as the ‘democratic process’. I have further shown that themembers of these groups follow a long tradition of manipulators working from thesame agenda of world government, central bank, currency, and army, and agenetically engineered, microchipped population. But the organisation behind theNew World Order coup d’etat is far wider and more complex than this network offront organisations. They are a vital part, but only a part, of the Pyramid of Deceit.It is on that pyramid the spotlight will now be turned. SOURCES1 Noam Chomsky, What Uncle Sam Really Wants (Odonian Press, fifth printing, Berkeley,California, 1993) pl22 Ibid3 Ibid p244 Hans Heymann, Plan For Permanent Peace (Harper & Brothers, New York, 1941) p785 Time for all Good Europeans to Come to the Aid of Our Venture. The European (July7th-13th 1995) p66 RIIA Annual Report 1992-937 Ibid8/9 Barings and S.G. Warburg have appeared many times in my research into the globalmanipulation, and I do not believe that the collapse of one and the takeover of the other in1995 was an accident. The idea that one trader in the Far East, Nick Leeson, could be givenenough power to destroy Barings is ridiculous. I believe the Bank of England was involved inthe collapse. And the Bank of England is a tool of the Global Elite.10 All of this information comes from the RIIA Annual Report, 1993-9411 The Shadows Of Power: The Council On Foreign Relations And The American Decline, p7112 Quoted in The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p213 Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men: Six Friends And The World They Made -Acheson, Bohlen, Harriman, Kennan, Lovett, McCloy (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1986)pl22, 30514 Quoted by J. Anthony Lukas in The Council On Foreign Relations: Is It A Club? Seminar?Presidium? Invisible Government?, New York Times magazine (November 21st 1971)P125-12615 Elite Clique Holds Power In US, Indianapolis News (December 23rd 1961) p616 I can recommend an excellent book by William F. Jasper about the UN: Global Tyranny…Step By Step. The United Nations And The Emerging New World Order (Appleton, Wisconsin,Western Islands, 1992)17 Which World Will It Be? American Opinion, Reprint Series (The John Birch Society,Appleton, Wisconsin, 1970)18 Quoted in The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p24819 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (’76 Press, Seal Beach, California, 1976) pl5620 Treason At Maastricht, pl521 Global Tyranny…Step By Step. The United Nations And The Emerging New World Order,p24122 Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men, p28923 Merry and Serge Bromberger, Jean Monnet And The United States Of Europe, pl2324 Ernst H. van der Beugel, From Marshall Aid To Atlantic Partnership (Elsevier Publishing,Amsterdam, New York, 1966) p245 25 Quoted by James J. Drummey in The Establishment’s Man (A Profile Of George Bush)(Appleton, Wisconsin, Western Islands, 1991) p9226 Treason At Maastricht, p5227 For more on this, see Treason At Maastricht, ppll8-12528 Richard N. Gardner The Hard Road To World Order, Foreign Affairs (magazine of the CFR)(April 1974) p558-55929 Where I use the term (Bil) this refers to people known to have attended Bilderberg Groupmeetings. Some will know the real agenda, but others will have been invited along inignorance, to be sold the Elite line that World Government is good for you. Where peoplehave attended a series of Bilderberg meetings, or if they are the chairman or on the steeringcommittee, they will know the real situation.30 Joseph Retinger, The European Continent? (Hodge, London, 1946)31 Ibid32 Treason At Maastricht, pl733 Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, p39, and Trilateralism, The Trilateral Commission And TheElite Planning For World Management (edited by Holly Sklar, South End Press, Boston, USA,1980)p18234 Trilateralism, pl8335 Trilateralism, pl66-16736 Washington Observer Newsletter (July 1st 1971)37 Later the International Institute of Strategic Studies. The Ford Foundation gave $150,000over three years (Trilateralism, pl87)38 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p26739 The Sunday Times (December 17th 1995) p1, section 340 John Smith attended the April 1986 Bilderberg meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland, which waschaired by Lord Roll of Ipsden. Also there were David Steel, the then leader of the BritishLiberal Party; Denis Healey; Lord Home; Garret Fitzgerald, the Irish Prime Minister; LordYoung, the UK Secretary of State for Employment; Malcolm Rifkind, the Secretary of Statefor Scotland and later Defence and Foreign Secretary; Helmut Schmidt, former Chancellor ofGermany Helmut Kohl, the present Chancellor is also a Bilderberger; Lord Boardman,chairman of the National Westminster Bank; Henry J. Heinz II, chairman of Heinz and Co;Paul R. Jolles, chairman of Nestle S.A.; John Sainsbury, chairman of J. Sainsbury pic;Conrad Black; Andrew Knight; and Paul A. Volcker, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve,also an executive of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.41 The Spotlight, Special Report on the Bilderberg Group and the Shadow Government (Reprint,September 1991)42 Publicity material, European-Atlantic Group, 6 Gertrude Street, Chelsea, London SW10 OJN43 Where I use the term (TC) or (CFR) after a person’s name it denotes someone who is amember of those organisations, had been a member, or would later become one. As withthe Bilderberg Group, it does not necessarily mean that these people all know what is goingon. Many of them are probably being used without their knowledge. Those who know the realgame plan are pretty obvious. 44 Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: Americas Role In The Technetronic Era (VikingPress, New York, 1970) p945 Trilateralism, p7846 Quoted in Trilateralism, pl9747 Los Angeles Times (January 23rd 1977) p148 Quoted by Dr John Coleman in The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of300 (America West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992) pl549 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (76 Press, Seal Beach, California, 1976) pl5250 Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, Global 2000: Blueprint For Genocide, pl651 Julian L. Simon and Herman Kahn (editors), The Resourceful Earth: A Response To Global2000 (Basil Blackwell Inc., New York, 1984) p34-3552 Free energy technology harnesses the Earth’s magnetic energy field and turns it into usablewarmth and power. There are a number of versions of this – all suppressed. It would bevirtually cost-free and require no electricity pylons or national grid. See The Robots’Rebellion.53 The World Federalists movement was formed in 1947 by two pillars of the CFR, James P.Warburg and Norman Cousins. Its slogan was one world or none. The United WorldFederalists amalgamated three groups, the World Federalists, Student Federalists, andAmericans United for World Government.54 Jim MacNeil, Pieter Winsemius and Taizo Yakushiji, Beyond Interdependence: The MeshingOf The World’s Economy And The Earth’s Ecology (Oxford University Press, New York, 1991)55 Lester R. Brown, State Of The World 1991: A WorldWatch Institute Report On ProgressToward A Sustainable Society (W.W. Norton, New York, 1991) p356 Mikhail Gorbachev addressing the 1990 Global Forum Conference of spiritual and politicalleaders in Moscow, January 1990.57 Gorbachev Turns Green, New York Times (August 14th 1991)58 Quoted in the Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, Global 2000, Blueprint forGenocide, p359 Ibid pl560 Now the World Wide Fund for Nature61 Russell R. Ross, Cambodia: A Country Study (G.P.O., Washington, USA, 1990) p5162 Cambodia: A Country Study, p4663 The US did not have diplomatic relations with China at this time and ‘ambassador’ Bush, infact, headed the US Liaison Office there. There was no US embassy.64 Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, p28-3065 Ibid66 Dr Paul R. Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, 1st Edition (Ballantine Books, New York, 1968)Prologue67 William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse (Light Technology Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1991)p71 68 The Population Bomb, p88,13569 Professor Jacqueline Kasun, The War Against Population (Ignatius Press, San Francisco,1988)p200-20170 Report From Iron Mountain On The Possibility And Desirability Of Peace. With introductorymaterial by Leonard C. Lewin (Pirate Press, England)71 According to the foreword to the document I have, John Doe was a professor at a largeuniversity in the mid-west of America. His field of work was one of the social sciences.


chapter 9

pyramid power

The covert network of control is but the physical version of the multidimensionalprison, within which our lower consciousness has been, until now, entrappedfor hundreds of thousands of years.Those at the higher levels of the Elite-Illuminati-Brotherhood are, I believe,vehicles for the manipulation of the physical world by the Prison Warders of theFourth Dimension. There are many connections between the Elite-Brotherhood andblack magic, and once you get involved in that, it is easy for your consciousness tobe taken over by an extreme negative force. Such ceremonies and ritual can conjureup very dark and malevolent energies, which can possess the people involved.Most Freemasons learn the lines of their ceremonies and go through the ritualwithout any idea of what they are playing around with and attracting to them. Mostthink it is just a gentlemen’s club, but the ceremonial has been designed to attractextreme negative energies which allow a possession by the negative elements ofthe Fourth Dimension.When I spoke at a spiritual-healing exhibition in Birmingham, I was surprised tofind it was being held in the main Freemasons’ centre in what is Britain’s second city.The Freemasons rent part of the complex to outside organisations to earn money. Iwas delighted because it allowed me to study the subject in the heart of what must beamong the largest centres of Freemasonry in the United Kingdom. By ‘coincidence’while I was there, I managed to see the inside of some of the temples where the publicare not allowed to go. The complex, called the Clarendon Suites, is built virtuallywithout windows once you get through the main entrance. This is appropriatelysymbolic, I feel, of keeping out the Light. I walked into a temple of the Royal Archbranch of Freemasonry where the public are not allowed to go, and I will never forgetthe feeling of extreme negative energy hitting me the moment I stepped through thedoor. Goodness knows what they must do to attract that scale of malevolence! It tookthe breath away. And most of the members will not understand what they are doing.Once you synchronise vibrationally with that sort of energy, it can take you over andcontrol you – especially if you have no understanding of what you are messing with.You can become a mental robot of the Prison Warders, without knowing it. This ishow people are snared and pulled into the net. It won’t happen to every Freemasonbecause it depends on their intent and their own vibrational rate at the time, but ithappens to those who are of a state of mind that is open to such possession.Freemasonry, like the Elite network in general, can manipulate and deceive mostof its own membership because it is structured like a pyramid. If you look at any organisation, from a small business to a multinational corporation, you will see thesame pyramid structure. At the top will be a very few people who know everythingthere is to know about the organisation, its motivation, agenda, and the direction itwishes to go. The further you descend from the peak, you meet more and morepeople who know less and less about that overall picture. They are only aware oftheir part in the organisation and not everyone else’s. This is a manipulator’s dreamand it is the means through which the Elite can control so many people andorganisations across the world.Most of those working for the New World Order agenda don’t know they aredoing so. The conspiracy couldn’t exist if everyone involved was in on the plot.Manipulating the manipulators and controlling the controllers is essential to itssuccess. Take the CIA. It has a policy of ‘compartmentalisation’. Put more simply,the ‘need to know’ approach. At the top of the CIA are those who know the truenature of its agenda. The further down you go, the less the CIA employees areaware of this wider perspective. There can be many people within the CIA who dotheir daily tasks quite innocently. They might think that what they are doing isserving the United States and is not at all sinister. But they don’t know how whatthey are doing connects with the work of others like them throughout the pyramidto produce a very unpleasant picture. Only those few at the top know that. It is inthis way that the Elite control and manipulate. Each of the various elements, theCouncil on Foreign Relations, Freemasonry, etc are also structured as pyramids, andthey are themselves all a part of a vast global pyramid with the Elite at the top. Itmay appear to be a mass of unconnected organisations and people, but there is acentral controlling force that holds the structure together and unites it into acommon cause and policy At the apex of this global empire are the Elite who are, I believe, solidly locked intothe Fourth Dimensional Prison Warder consciousness which decides the policy andoversees its implementation. I don’t know exactly the pecking order of power here,but I am confident about the various elements involved, at least. I believe that at thehighest levels of the Global Elite are shadowy people who are not known to thepublic. I would say that the force behind the House of Rothschild is right up there,but I do not believe they are at the top. They too will be taking orders and maybethe Habsburg dynasty is above them in the hierarchy. The Elite’s power stems fromtheir misuse of the esoteric knowledge and their conscious connection to their’gods’, the Prison Warders. Perhaps no-one I name in this book will be at that level.People such as Henry Kissinger, are yes-men, and super-gofers, albeit highpowered ones. Many of the others will be used without their knowledge, or fullknowledge, of what they are part of. I am naming the pawns, the gofers and supergofers, of this small group of people I call the Super Elite, the Black Magicians.These are the controllers of the All-Seeing Eye cult, which is the force behind theGlobal Elite and those who are manipulating the New World Order into being.Some researchers believe that the Rothschilds are at the peak of the Pyramid (Idon’t) and under them is a Council of Thirteen, a Council of Thirty Three, and thenthe Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians.1The Global Elite as a whole is the group of people who are selected and initiatedinto the higher, sometimes highest, levels of knowledge in the whole humanstructure. While they will be working today to speed the emergence of the NewWorld Order, they will also be looking for others who are deemed to be of the rightcalibre. Then, as the present personnel ‘retire’ or die, the reins of the conspiracy arehanded to the next generation of the Elite, just as Averell Harriman was replaced inhis role by Henry Kissinger. In the same way Umberto Agnelli (Bil) is beingprepared to replace his ageing father Giovanni Agnelli in the Elite hierarchy. Sowhile the ‘they’ – the actual personnel – change with the generations, the agendathey are working from remains basically the same. It is like passing on a baton in arelay race and, because of the nature of the family structure of much of the Elite, thebaton is often handed on across the generations of certain families. This becomeseven more understandable because the parents indoctrinate the children from theearliest possible age and later introduce them to the same secret societies andceremonial which synchronises them into the Prison Warders’ vibration.The IlluminatiNot every member of a secret society or the other organisations I name is part of theElite. There is a difference between Freemasonry and what I will term Tlluminised’Freemasonry, those parts of the order which have been infiltrated by Illuminatiagents. The word Illuminati – ‘the Illuminated Ones’ – goes back into the ancientworld. It is a covert force which has created or taken over groups and organisationsto manipulate the world in the desired direction. The Illuminati’s greatest weaponis the advanced esoteric knowledge it has passed on through its initiation ceremonies and the misuse and abuse of that knowledge. The most obviousexpression of Illuminism was the Bavarian Illuminati officially created by theGerman professor, Adam Weishaupt, in May 1776, and controlled by the House ofRothschild, the bankers to endless revolutions and wars. It was Weishaupt whoused his wing of the Illuminati to infiltrate and take over Freemasonry.Weishaupt was trained as a Jesuit, which is short for the Society of Jesus. Thefounder of the Jesuits, the Spaniard, Ignatius Loyola, formed a secret society withinthis apparently Catholic order and the initiates were called the ‘Alumbrados’ whichmeans the ‘enlightened’, the ‘illuminated’. Conflict followed between the Jesuit’illuminism’ and Weishaupt’s German version, battles which the traditions ofWeishaupt mostly won although the Jesuit network is still very much a part of theElite. Weishaupt created 13 degrees of initiation in his Illuminati and the keypersonnel were to be found in the top nine degrees. The Illuminati is a pyramid,too. The members were given special Illuminati names, inspired by ancient Romeand Greece. Weishaupt was called Spartacus. These people became members ofother secret societies like the Freemasons and ‘illuminised’ them – took them overand used them to destabilise nations and hasten the New World Order. They didthe same within governments, banking, commerce, the military, and the media, onbehalf of the Elite.So there is Freemasonry and Illuminised Freemasonry. The former manipulatesat one level, but it too is being manipulated by another covert force, the Illuminati,which in turn answers to its Global Elite. There are organisations withinorganisations (say, the Freemasonry network within a government) and anotherorganisation within those organisations (the Illuminati membership within theFreemasons). This Illuminised form of Freemasonry became known as The GrandOrient Lodges. It followed the modified Hegelian tradition of infiltrating twoextremes and playing one off against the other to create the desired change. Usingthese methods, it was pledged to overthrow the rule of the monarchies, destroyfaith in God, put an end to patriotism and nation states, abolish the ownership ofproperty and dismantle traditional social order.The Black NobilityThe Illuminati interconnects within the Global Elite with what is known as theBlack Nobility, an ancient grouping of ‘blue bloods’. It has its base in Italy,particularly in Venice and Genoa. Both John Cabot (real name Giovanni Cabotto)and Christopher Columbus lived in Genoa before ‘discovering’ different parts of theAmericas within four years of each other. Today another Giovanni is claimed byscores of researchers to be a member of one of the Black Nobility families. This isGiovanni Agnelli, longtime head of the Fiat Motor Company until 1996 and aleading Bilderberger. The Agnelli family dominates Italy and it is said, only halfjokingly, that the main responsibility of an Italian prime minister is to polishAgnelli’s doorknobs.2 Agnelli had a much publicised relationship with PamelaChurchill, Winston’s daughter-in-law, before she married.. .Averell Harriman. Shewas a leading fundraiser for Bill Clinton and became US Ambassador to Paris. The Agnelli family were closely connected with Mussolini, and Giovanni’s grandfatherwas made a senator for life by the fascist leader. Some families of the Black Nobilityin Venice and Rome claim an ancestry back to the Roman Emperor Justinian, a manreputed to have taken references to reincarnation out of the biblical texts in the year553. They have a desire to return to a system symbolised by the Roman Empire andthey are a major force within the Global Elite. This ‘noble’ line would appear to goback at least a thousand years, probably far longer, and emerged in part through theGuelf and Ghibelline conflicts in Italy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.Guelf came from Welf, a German prince competing for control of the HolyRoman Empire, and Ghibelline came from the name of the castle owned by hisopponents, the Hohenstaufen family. The Guelfs supported the Pope and theGhibellines supported the rule of the Hohenstaufen family. Great conflict followed,with the Guelfs triumphant in the end. The Guelfs (Black Nobility) becameimmensely powerful through their later control of banking and international trade.They set up great financial centres in Lombardy and they dominated the scene somuch that Lombard became the name given to all Italian bankers in Florence,Genoa, Venice, and Milan. Eventually they expanded their influence northwards toHamburg, Amsterdam and London. Today the Black Nobility also control thefinancial centres of Switzerland where the spoils of the drug trade and other illegalactivities are laundered behind the facade of Swiss respectability. The Black Nobilitywere at the heart of the slave trade from where the fortunes of many leadingAmerican and British families originated and they were behind the Orange Orderwhich put William of Orange on the British throne, and led to the Bank of Englandand the National Debt. In more recent times, the Orange Order has been behind theProtestant wing of the conflict in Northern Ireland.The Black Nobility includes, or is at least connected to, the Dutch Royal Familyof Prince Bernhard, one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group. Its connectionsextend to London and the British ‘establishment’ families of the old aristocracy andthe new ‘money’ aristocracies. Members of the European bluebloods which areclosely linked with the British Royal Family are involved. The Swedish, Dutch andSpanish royal families are often represented at Bilderberg meetings. In the UK,Prince Philip and Prince Charles have attended Bilderberg meetings and QueenElizabeth II is named as a member of the Committee of 300.3 It is believed byresearchers who have investigated the Black Nobility, that at this level the BritishRoyal Family is subordinate to the Italian members who trace their ancestry back tothe original Guelfs and beyond. I feel that the vicious personal attacks on PrinceCharles and the taped telephone conversations released to the media, which havedone so much to damage him, are no accident. Is it part of a coordinated campaignto undermine him? Is he a rebel they wish to destroy? It is possible. Charles and hisbrother Andrew, turned down the offer to become Freemasons, an organisationwith close connections to the British monarchy over the years. The Illuminati/BlackNobility/Global Elite use many secret and less secret organisations in pursuit oftheir global tyranny and the most all-pervading of them is Freemasonry. IlluminisedFreemasonry is the first level down from the Illuminati/Black Nobility, and you will find its membership involved in all the organisations in the network I described inthe last chapter: the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on ForeignRelations, the Bilderberg Group, and their like-minded brethren.FreemasonryThe vast majority of Freemasons in the world never progress beyond the bottomthree levels of degree (Figure 9). But above them are another thirty higher levels inthe Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which owes its inspiration to the ancient KnightsTemplar. Even the 33rd degree is not the top because there are the Illuminati levelsabove that, and the 33rd degree itself is unofficially divided into two streams, oneknowing far more than the other. At each stage, the initiate is told a little moreabout the true nature of Freemasonry and the real game plan. Those who havereached the 33rd degree are on a different planet in terms of what they know,compared with the Masons on the bottom three levels. Joseph Smith, the ‘prophet’who founded the appalling Mormon ‘church’, was a 33rd degree Freemason. Themen who go down to the local Freemasons’ lodge in your town or city will not havea clue what their organisation is being used for. They have to be kept in the dark if the plan is to work and what better way of doing this than to use these distinctlevels of initiation. Only those considered to be ‘acceptable’ progress to the higherlevels and find out what is really going on. The vast majority of Freemasons are onthe bottom three levels. They are the fodder and the front. Between the 4th and 33rddegrees, you find those of the ‘right mind’ who have influence in society, light up topresidents of the United States. Then you have the Illuminati levels, which you willnot see mentioned in any Freemasons guidebook. Those are the people whoactually run the show and they are the agents of the All-Seeing Eye cult. WorldFreemasonry is a massive pyramid of manipulation.It was not always like this. It is said that Freemasonry was once a society thatwas exclusive to those who worked as stonemasons and builders on the churchesand cathedrals. It was then called Masonry. Their lodges were like tradeorganisations some historians claim, and their secrecy and rituals were designed toprotect their profession from unskilled outsiders. Most of the Masons’ work camefrom the Catholic Church, ruled from Rome. The immense wealth of the Church,most of it stolen directly or indirectly, paid for the construction of the greatcathedrals on which the masons’ income largely depended. But disaster came whenHenry VIII broke with Rome in 1534 and formed his own Church of England afterthe Pope refused him a divorce. This event had many implications for the future(see The Robots’ Rebellion) and it ensured that many masons were madeunemployed. Far from continuing the building programmes of Rome, Henry lootedthe monasteries and everything else he could get away with. He was broke,basically, and there were always wars to fight. One of his targets was the assets ofthe ‘fraternities, brotherhoods and guilds’. The masonry societies collapsed in thewake of this royal mugging and the desperate lack of work for their members.Many of the lodges disappeared, along with their ancient records, and little isknown about their true history.The lodges (branches) which survived did so by opening their memberships topeople who were not stonemasons, or so the story goes. These newcomers – thebusinessmen, merchants, landowners, and aristocracy – were called ‘speculative’masons and soon they far outnumbered the original members. This was the KnightsTemplar/ Illuminati manifesting on the public stage in the guise of Freemasonry.The first recorded initiation of a speculative mason in England was in 1646 whenElias Ashmole (don’t say it too quickly) joined a lodge in Warrington. He was anastrologer and indeed esoteric knowledge was to be an important part of the newMasonry at the higher levels of initiation. Masonry had become Freemasonry and asthe years passed, the only remaining connection with the stonemasons were thesymbolic paraphernalia and names for the levels of initiation like apprentice, fellowcraft, and master mason. The working tools of the stonemasons – the square,compasses, level, plumbline, gauge, gavel, and chiselwere still used in the bizarreceremonies and rituals and the Freemason’s apron was another throwback to thestone masons. But Freemasonry now had a very different agenda.During the rituals which the founders of the new Freemasonry introduced, barechested initiates were blindfolded with a noose around their neck and a dagger held to their heart. They had to swear to serve the order and keep its secrets, on pain of agrotesque ritual death. The penalty for divulging the secrets of the Second Degree(the Fellow Craft Mason) is having my left breast laid open, my heart torntherefrom, and given to the ravenous birds of the air, or devouring beasts of thefield as a prey. In the Third Degree (Master Mason) it is being severed in two, mybowels burnt to ashes, and those ashes scattered over the face of the Earth andwafted by the four winds of heaven, that no trace of remembrance of so vile awretch may longer be found among men, particularly Master Masons.4 Charming.These are the sorts of ceremonies that conjure up the malevolent energies. At thesame time, in public, Freemasonry is claiming to be a school of morality and it talksof fraternity and ‘brotherly love’! The public apologists for Freemasonry will tellyou that these rituals are only symbolic, but there is much evidence that noteveryone thinks so, including the Freemason known as Jack the Ripper. Thepowerful ties of loyalty (and fear, too, when necessary) engendered in themembership makes sure that very few have dared to disclose the secrets, even afterleaving the craft. In fact, while people may cease to pay their fees or turn up at thelodge, the oaths still apply. There is no mechanism by which a Mason, onceinitiated, can unswear his oath.Such oaths were invented to create fear and control. They were not part of therituals of stonemasons, as some of their few surviving rule books, the ‘GothicConstitutions’ as they are called, have proved. The penalty for revealing the secretsin those days was to be thrown out of the lodge. It beats having your bowels burnt toashes, for sure. The Freemasonry rituals and oaths are based on a piece of inventionin the eighteenth century – the Freemason story of Hiram Abif. According to theFreemasonry invention, Hiram Abif was the architect of Solomon’s biblical Temple.The Gothic Constitutions of the stonemasons make no reference to such a man, buthe became the Freemasons’ martyr figure. Invention has it that Hiram refused tobetray the secrets to three fellow craft masons armed with masonic tools. Theymurdered him when he would not reveal his secrets, so the myth goes, and KingSolomon ordered a search when Hiram appeared to be missing. Hiram’s body wasdiscovered ‘indecently interred’ and was reburied with ‘all respect and reverence’.Solomon ordered those responsible for the murder to be executed and in someversions of the story, the killers, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum, were so full of remorsethat they asked to be put to death. Jubela asked for his throat to be cut and histongue torn out; Jubelo chose to have his left breast torn open and his heart fed to thevultures; and Jubelum was the one who asked for his bowels to be burned to ashesand scattered before the four winds of heaven. You can see where the Freemasons’rituals and oaths come from. Their rituals play out the story and death of HiramAbif, baring their breast with their trouser legs rolled up to bare their knees.5The story of Hiram Abif is a fantasy. The Freemasonic thought police have madegreat play of the ancient links with the building of King Solomon’s Temple inJerusalem. They have turned it into something akin to the Vatican – and then some.But the Bible from which the figure of Hiram was taken, describes a very differentman. First of all his name was simply Hiram. The addition of Abif came from the founders of masonic myth. Abif ‘s a miff, you might say. And what does the Biblesay about this man? Does it say that he was the most accomplished mason onEarth, as the Freemasons claim? Not quite. It says that he was neither a mason noran architect, but a worker in brass. According to the Book of Kings, he arrived fromTyre after the temple was finished. The Book of Chronicles says he came before theTemple was built and was an ornamental metal worker. Any stone skills he hadwere in decoration, not construction. There is another Hiram in the Bible, the Kingof Tyre, who is not the same man. But he is also held in great esteem byFreemasonry because he is supposed to have supplied Solomon with Lebanesecedarwood for the Temple. And that’s another thing. The Bible says the Temple wasbuilt mostly of wood and was no bigger than a church hall of today (30 by 90 feet).The last thing they needed was a stonemason architect. But while the story ofHiram Abif is a nonsense, it is possible that its themes originate in ancient Egyptwhen King Seqenenre was murdered for refusing to reveal the most secret esotericknowledge to a rival. If so, this is yet further confirmation that the same stream ofknowledge and manipulation stretches from antiquity into modern Freemasonryand the world today. My feeling is that the force that emerged as Freemasonry was,and is, the Knights Templar, which until then had been operating underground,following the papal purge. The pyramid structure allows the Elite, the few at thetop of Freemasonry, to control the majority by misleading them and keeping themin the dark. The Illuminati Protocols, found in the last century, did – whateverpeople may say about their origin – describe brilliantly how Freemasons are used:We shall create and multiply Freemasonic lodges in all countries of the world, absorbinto them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for in these lodgeswe shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges weshall bring under one central administration The Illuminati, known to us alone and to allothers absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders… In theselodges we shall tie together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition willbe made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plots will be known to usand will fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. Among themembers of the lodges will be almost all the agents of international and national policesince their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a position notonly to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen ouractivities and to provide pretexts for discontents…Protocol 15


he protocols describe the Masons on the lower levels of degree – the greatmajority – as a part of a ‘show army’ who are there only to kick dust in the eyes oftheir fellows. Everyone is manipulating everyone else. Unless we know the secretsociety background of people employed by the controlling institutions, be it thepolice, politicians, doctors, military officers, editors and journalists, or governmentofficials, and unless we know what that secret society truly stands for, how can wepossibly know what agenda those who run a country or community are working from? These people pledge their total allegiance to their secret society in these ritualceremonies, so what happens to their allegiance to the public they have been electedor appointed to serve? While people in the secret societies are allowed into suchpositions of control and influence without even having to acknowledge theirmembership, the whole system is open to the most outrageous corruption. And thatis what happens. The system is outrageously corrupt. Not every member is corrupt;most are not. But it doesn’t take many to have a terrific impact on society.Once you have Freemasons in the top positions, who decide which people arerecruited or promoted within an organisation, you can make sure that fellowFreemasons get into the key positions of power. One generation of Freemasonsfollows another as the baton is handed over. When you have achieved this you canrun an organisation or a country almost as you like. Or a world. Freemasons alsocommit themselves to helping each other in distress. That sounds very nice, butwhat about those who are not part of the club, the ‘Profane’, as we are called? Doesthat mean we are subject to lesser consideration when faced with a Freemason inauthority? In at least a number of cases, the answer is most certainly yes. TheFreemasons have a series of signs and words which allow them to recognise eachother, including the funny handshake. These also include the Freemasons’ sign forgrief and distress (i.e. Get me out of trouble), the verbal version of which is: Willno-one help the widow’s son? The widow’s son is Hiram Abif.These signs and signals come in very handy when you are arrested byFreemason police officers or appear in court before a Freemason judge. It doesn’talways work, of course, but we are kidding ourselves if we think it doesn’t happen.The political determination to tackle this dangerous injustice is simply not there,because either the politicians involved – of all parties – are Freemasons themselvesor connected with the wider network, or they are frightened to act because theirposition depends on them not upsetting the secret society elite. Some leadingpoliticians are high ranking Freemasons. Lord Palmerston, the British PrimeMinister at the time of the opium wars against China, was the Grand Patriarch ofthe Grand Orient Illuminati version of the order. The former French president,Francois Mitterand (Comm 300), was also a Grand Master of the Grand Orient.6Most of the names I have mentioned in the book, those involved with theTrilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, andall the rest will also be Freemasons or members of some connected secret society.But they are all answerable to the same master – the Global Elite. In most countriesthere is an elite Freemasonry ‘cell’ which is particularly powerful and which may beunknown even to some high ranking Freemasons. There are many cells linked tothe Illuminati-controlled forms of Freemasonry, the Grand Orient Lodges. TheFrench Revolution was partly hatched and coordinated by the Grand Orient Lodgein Paris. In Britain there are, according to some, an elite cell called the Parlour Cluband a European elite group called the Club of the Isles.7 In the US they have the theSkull and Bones Society, which is closely related to Freemasonry, and so is theOrange Order which is at the heart of the Northern Ireland conflict. The RoundTable is designed on Freemasonic lines and links in with that network. The infamous Knights of Malta are another elite organisation which coordinates itscovert activities with Illuminised Freemasonry and has enormous influence withinthe system. Its official head is the Pope! The best known of the Elite Freemasonrycells is the Propaganda Masonica Due Lodge (P2) based in Italy, but operating inother countries also. When this was discovered, it produced one of the greatestpolitical scandals in history. If we look at the background of the P2, you willappreciate how these Elite Freemasonry cells operate in countries around the worldand the methods they use.Propaganda Masonica Due (P2)The P2 Lodge in Rome was founded in 1877 for those Freemasons who werevisiting the capital from other parts of Italy. It had only fourteen members by themid-1960s, but it was about to be launched into world prominence when it was’restructured’ by Licio Gelli at the request of the Grand Master of Italy, Lino Salvini.Once Gelli took over, the membership of the P2 Lodge soared within a few years toalmost a thousand, although he was almost certainly the vehicle for other powersbehind P2 who kept their control secret. Some researchers believe this hiddencontrol to be the Alpine Freemasons’ Lodge in Switzerland, which has had amongits membership, Henry Kissinger and the founder of the Club of Rome, AurelioPeccei (Bil). Others say this was only the ‘middle man’ between P2 and its realcontrollers, the banking interests centred on the House of Rothschild. P2 initiationceremonies took place at its headquarters in the Excelsior Hotel under thesupervision of a former Grand Master of Italy, Giordano Gamberini, but the namemost associated with P2 is Gelli.Gelli was a fascist supporter of Mussolini during the war and helped to organisethe rat line which smuggled Nazis out of Germany when the Allies invaded. Hefled to Argentina some years later when his background came to light and he mademany political friends there, including the dictator, Juan Peron (for whom hebecame an economic advisor), and Jose Lopez Rega, the man behind the Triple Adeath squads responsible for thousands of murders. Rega raised vast sums bysmuggling cocaine into the United States. When Peron came out of exile to takepower for the second time, he fell on his knees in public to thank Gelli. Many Nazisfled to South America after the war and P2 is closely connected with NaziInternational. Gelli, as a committed fascist, would have been very much at home insuch company. Indeed it was he who helped many Nazis, like Claus Barbie, escapeto South America (which became a bigger version of Germany as it was underHitler). Gelli was close to the Nazi dictator of Nicaragua, Somoza, and he was alsoconnected with the Nazi paramilitary organisation operating in Italy called UGladio (a CIA front).Gelli returned to Italy in the mid-1960s as Argentina’s honourary consul. Hebuilt a network of contacts in high places around him after he became a GrandOrient Freemason in 1965. This was helped by his membership in the Knights ofMalta, which gave him an ‘in’ to the highest levels of the Vatican, a link he and P2were to exploit so effectively. Gelli’s friends in the United States Republican Party invited him to the inauguration of President Reagan in 1981. (Reagan would laterlay a wreath on the graves of SS storm troopers during the 40th anniversaryceremonies of the Second World War, the symbolism of which would have beenvery powerful for the Nazi mentalities in the CIA and the Global Elite, the realcontrollers of the P2.) Gelli also attended the inaugurations of Presidents Carter andFord, and he called himself a friend of George Bush.In July 1981, Gelli’s daughter was stopped at Rome Airport and documents wereconfiscated from the false bottom of her suitcase. They were copies of the UnitedStates document known as Supplement B. This was a supplement to the US FieldArmy Manual FM 30-31. It was dated March 18th 1970 and signed by GeneralWestmoreland. It describes how to destabilise a country through infiltration of thecontrolling organisations and the use of agents provocateur.8 This is precisely whatGelli and his controllers did.Gelli worked successfully to win official recognition for Italian Freemasonryfrom the centre of world Freemasonry, the United Grand Lodge in London. ItalianFreemasonry has a long history of controversy and involvement in politics. It wasbanned by Mussollini, as was German Freemasonry by Hitler, not the least becausethey were both helped to power by secret societies and realised their influence.After the war, the American OSS, the forerunner to the CIA, put pressure on thedesperate Italian government to allow Freemasonry to return and the Mother Lodgein London conferred official recognition. In doing so, they had officially recognisedan organisation that has the closest of connections with the Mafia. These ties goback to the ‘Carbonari’, an amalgamation of Freemasons, the Mafia, and themilitary, which was formed in the nineteenth century to oppose Napoleon. TheCarbonari were also closely linked with the Guelphic Knights – the Black Nobility.Through the 1970s, Gelli was recruiting some of the most powerful people inItalian society into P2 until he had created a state within a state, working from acommon agenda. The names of the membership were known to him and maybe oneor two others. Not even the other members knew all the names on the P2membership list. Using the well-tested Elite structure, he divided the membershipinto two divisions and then subdivided them into a series of other groups. Only theleaders of these groups knew who their members were – and then only those in theirparticular group. P2 members were controlled by the terror of knowing the horrificpenalties for not doing as they were told. When, in March 1981, Gelli’s premiseswere raided by police they discovered 962 names on the P2 membership lists in hisoffice safe and suitcase. There were three cabinet ministers, forty other MPs, fortythree generals, eight admirals and hundreds of civil servants and diplomats, headsof the security services, the chiefs of police in the country’s four biggest cities,industrialists, financiers, TV stars, and twenty-four journalists. I believe strongly thatsomething similar is happening in the United Kingdom and many other countries,which mirrors the methods and aims of P2. Henry Kissinger was believed by someto be a member of P2 or at least a major force in its policy and methods. P2 certainlyhas a powerful foreign membership, which gives it tremendous influence withinEuropean and US intelligence and banking. The Italian Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti was close to Gelli. When Andreotti stood trial for involvement with theMafia he named his character witnesses as the former United Nations SecretaryGeneral, Perez de Cuellar (a reputed P2 member), and.. .Henry Kissinger.9 Thejournalist, Mino Peccorelli, a member of P2, said it was actually run by the CIA. Hewasn’t allowed to say it for very long, though. Peccorelli was murdered by a meansacknowledged as a Mafia death-ritual for those who say too much. More evidencefor the CIA connection came from former CIA contract agent, Richard Brenneke, inan interview on Italian Television on July 2nd 1990. He said:We the CIA have used the assistance of these people P2 to get in and out of theUnited States drugs and money, and to get in and out of Italy drugs and money. Weused these people to create situations that would favour the explosion of terrorism inItaly and other European countries at the beginning of the 70s. The P2 is still alive andit is still used for the same purposes as at the beginning of the 70s. The CIA hasfinanced the P2 to the tune of $1 million to $10 million per month…That CIA moneywas used for several purposes, one of them terrorism. Another purpose was to obtainsupport in smuggling drugs coming from other countries into the US. There also hasalways been a connection between P2 and the CIA.Brenneke was another who said that Licio Gelli was only the nominal head of P2and the real control came via Switzerland and the United States. The 1970s andearly 1980s were terrible years for Italy. Terrorism sponsored by P2 included thebombing at Bologna Railway Station, in which eighty-five people died in 1980. Aterrorist group called The Red Brigade was blamed for many atrocities, includingthe kidnap and murder in 1978 of the Christian Democrat leader and former PrimeMinister of Italy, Aldo Moro, in which five of his bodyguards also died. Terroristgroups like the Red Brigade and the Baader-Meinhoff Gang in Germany are not allthat they seem. As with these two groups, their members are often trained by theCIA or other Elite organisations. They are part of the problem-reaction-solutionprocess, a cover for the assassination of ‘difficult’ people, and a means to destabilisesocieties. At the hearing into the death of Aldo Moro, several members of the RedBrigade said they knew of high level US involvement in his murder. On November10th 1982, the court heard devastating testimony from a close associate of Moro,Gorrado Guerzoni. He said that a top United States politician had threatened Morothat unless he changed his policies he would be dealt with. Moro wanted to stabiliseItaly, the US politician wanted to destabilise her. Aldo Moro’s wife, in her evidence,also said that a high ranking United States political figure had told her husband:Either you stop your political line or you will pay dearly for it. Who was the manthat Gorrado Guerzoni named in court?Henry Kissinger.This was widely reported in Italy, but not a single word appeared in the NewYork Times or the Washington Post, even though one of America’s most famous people had been accused in a court of law with involvement in the death of a leadingforeign politician kidnapped and murdered by a terrorist gang. Free press? Surethere is. When Moro was kidnapped, the Italian government refused to negotiate hisrelease. This was strange because they had negotiated when others had beenabducted. His family could not understand it at the time. It was as if the authoritiesdidn’t want him released. The truth was that they didn’t. The Elite conspiracy doesnot have an allegiance to one country or political system. It has its members in allparties and countries and they cooperate for their common aims. To them bordersand countries do not exist, except as a means to play one side against another.Two significant names found on the P2 membership list were the financiers,Roberto Calvi and Michele Sindona. It was while investigating the fake kidnappingof Sindona and his work as financial advisor to the Vatican and the Mafia that thepolice uncovered Gelli’s P2 scandal. The Roman Catholic Church had longoutlawed Freemasonry within its ranks, although many of its clergy and officialsare members. During the period of Gelli, however, when official Vatican hostility toFreemasonry was significantly reduced, the P2 Lodge took over the Papal Statethrough the infiltration by Gelli, Calvi, and Sindona. The Pope through these yearsof P2 infiltration was Pope Paul VI and it was he who reduced the opposition toFreemasonry within the Roman Catholic Church. Interestingly, a Canadianpublisher, Daniel Scallen, employed the Pinkerton Detective Agency of New York toinvestigate the Pope’s behaviour. A detective went to Rome in 1973 and reportedthat there were two Pope Pauls in the Vatican! He reckoned that plastic surgery hadbeen used to make an impostor resemble the Pope. When you see different close-uppictures of the Pope from this time, it is certainly feasible. There do appear to bedistinct differences. Tapes of the Pope’s speeches at Christmas and Easter wereanalysed by the FBI and found to be the voices of different people. During hisinvestigations, the Pope’s niece admitted to the detective that there was indeed animpostor, and his family (who visited the real Pope regularly at the Vatican) wasaware of this, she said. The investigation ended when the detective was arrested inRome and sentenced to four years in prison. He was later deported and then’disappeared’. There were some who found it far-fetched when I said in The Robots’Rebellion that look-alikes were used for some public figures. It isn’t, you know. Ithas now been shown that the Saddam Hussein we saw after the Gulf War was notthe same man we saw before the war. It was a plastic-surgery-created look-alike.10When the P2 scandal broke, top ranking Vatican officials were implicated,including the Secretary of State, Cardinal Villot. It was Villot, according to StephenKnight’s book, The Brotherhood, who many believe applied pressure on the RomanCatholic hierarchy to tone down its opposition to Freemasonry. He was also named,in another investigation by David Yallop called In God’s Name, as a prime suspectin the murder of Pope John Paul I, who died after only 33 days in office in 1978.This Pope perhaps knew something of what was going on, both in terms ofFreemasonry infiltration and the stealing of Vatican wealth. The ‘Christian’ wing ofthe All-Seeing Eye cult wants to infiltrate and destroy Christianity in the same wayits Jewish membership are working to undermine Judaism. Maybe Pope John Paul 


I was determined to act to bring an end to the manipulation, although others say hewas an Illuminati Pope. Anyway, he was found dead, murdered by agents of P2,and this was covered up with lies about ‘natural causes’. The doctors who wereallowed to examine him appeared confused, with each suggesting a different cause- heart attack, cancer, and brain tumour. Take your pick. Many believe he waspoisoned, but the truth was never investigated by the authorities. He was founddead at 5.30am and by 9.30am his body had been embalmed and his intestinesremoved and burnt. There was no post mortem. Standsfield Turner (CFR), theformer CIA director, said that Pope John Paul’s personal physician, one of the firstto examine his body, was an asset of the CIA. Cardinal Villot himself died in 1979before the P2 story was exposed. In the period leading up to his death, he said thathe would reveal the story of the Pope’s demise, but he never did. The doctors whowere allowed to examine Villot gave the cause of death as bronchialpneumonia. . .sorry, kidney trouble.. .no, hold on, hepatitis.. .no, er, internalhaemorrhage. Remind me not to call the Vatican if I ever need a doctor.Michele Sindona, the P2 member, financial swindler, money launderer, and laterconvicted murderer, became involved with the Vatican bank, L’Istituto per le Operedi Religione (IOR) and introduced his partner, Roberto Calvi, to the bank’s chief,Bishop Paul Marcinkus. Calvi had his own bank, Ambrosiano, in which the Vaticanbank became a major shareholder, thanks to the Freemasonic connections andGelli’s close relationship with the top officials and the Pope. A massive fraudensued and when Banco Ambrosiano collapsed in 1982, it had debts of £800,000,000.The Vatican bank paid creditors £164,000,000 which created a cash crisis for theRoman Catholic Church, similar to the one faced by the protestant Church ofEngland in more recent years.Roberto Calvi, who became known, as did Sindona, as ‘God’s Banker’, fled toAustria and then England, where he arrived on June 15th 1982. Two days later hissecretary, Graziella Corrocher, who kept the books for P2, ‘fell’ from a fourth floorwindow at the Ambrosiano Bank. The following day Calvi was dead, too. He wasfound hanged from scaffolding under Blackfriars Bridge in London, with his pocketsfull of masonry, four miles from the Chelsea Cloisters where he was staying.Even as his body was being found and reported, Italian police and other officialswere chartering a plane to England. They need not have been so hasty, there wereplenty of Freemasons within the London authorities who could cover up hismurder. A City of London Inquest announced a verdict of suicide, which beggarsbelief. A man who wants to kill himself leaves his apartment, where the deed couldhave been done, travels to Blackfriars Bridge and despite suffering from extremevertigo, he climbs down onto scaffolding underneath the arches which he could nothave known was there. He then somehow rigs up the rope, fills his pockets withrubble, and hangs himself. Yeah, sounds feasible. A second inquest in June 1983returned an open verdict, which at least was a little more sensible, though far fromthe outcome the evidence demanded.There was certainly Freemasonic symbolism involved in his death and theMasons love their symbolism. Blackfriars was once the site of a friary church run by a Dominican Order who were called Blackfriars because of the black habits theywore. It was they who expanded the use of pulpits, hence the pulpit is a theme inthe stonework on Blackfriars Bridge. Members of the P2 lodge dressed likeBlackfriars for their rituals. Also, one of the masonic penalties talks of the victimbeing .. .buried in the sand of the sea at low water mark, or a cable’s length fromthe shore, where the tide regularly ebbs and flows twice in twenty four hours….One tarot card depiction of death is also a man hanged beside water. Whatever thedetailed background, Calvi was clearly murdered, either for what he had done orfor what he knew about what had happened. It was probably both. And that is thepenalty faced by many Freemasons who have outlived their usefulness.It would be nice to think that the P2 scandal was an isolated case, but I do notbelieve that to be so. Yet to be uncovered in most countries (certainly in the mostinfluential ones) are, I have no doubt, similar cells of elite Freemasons creating andcontrolling a state within a state. I do not accept, either, that even the P2 has ceasedto exist, nor that the Elite’s control of the Vatican has been purged. One other pointis the name itself, P2. That indicates that somewhere there must be a P1. But where?Almost certainly the United States, or the United Kingdom, possibly both.The Knights of MaltaDuring the period of the Crusades in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries when thePope tried to remove the Muslims from Jerusalem, a number of ‘Knights’ ordersemerged. They included the Knights Templar (Knights of the Temple) and the Orderof Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem. Both suffered persecution after theCrusades failed, but the Knights Templar survive to this day and their creed formedthe basis of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry with its 33 degrees. The Order of St Johnof Jerusalem changed its name with its changes of location. It became the Knights ofRhodes when it was given the island by the Pope and then the Knights of Malta,which it ruled as a sovereign state until the Order was removed by Napoleon in1798. After a period of nomadic existence, or so their official history says, Pope LeoXII (a dogmatic Catholic extremist) established a new headquarters for the Order inRome in 1834. Today they are called the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and theyenjoy all the diplomatic rights of a head of state. More than forty countries recognisetheir sovereignty and have full diplomatic relations with this official, and oh-soaccurately described, state within a state. By Papal Decree, the international head ofthe Order, the Grand Master, has the rank of prince, the importance of a cardinal,and the title Most Eminent Highness. The overall chief, officially at least, is the Pope.The Knights of Malta are major powerbrokers within the Elite network, with closeties to the Black Nobility and world politics, not the least in the United States.Alexander Haig (CFR), the secretary of state in the Reagan administration, is amember and some believe Reagan may have been. Valerie Giscard d’Estaing, theformer president of France, was also a member. It was d’Estaing (Bil) and formerGerman Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt (Bil), who did so much together to promoteEuropean integration.11 The Order has particularly close links with the securityservices like the CIA. In 1948, it gave one of its most prestigious awards of honour to General Reinhard Gehlen, who was Adolf Hitler’s head of anti-Soviet espionage.After the war, Gehlen was hired by the newly created CIA to organise its operationsin Europe! CIA directors known to be Knights of Malta have been John McCone andWilliam Casey, and so was George Rocca, a deputy chief of CIA counter-intelligence.The Knights of Malta were almost certainly involved in the guns-for-drugs IranContra affair in the US, which brought Oliver North to world public attention. Northwas represented at the hearings by the law firm of Bennett Williams, a Knight ofMalta. One of the Americans who intervened to ensure that selected Nazi personnelescaped from Germany to the United States after the war was the industrialist, J.Peter Grace, the one-time American head of the Knights of Malta.This Order is an ultra-extreme authoritarian organisation which connects withthe highest levels of the Elite web. Research by the writer, Betty Mills, for her 1990book, Colonel North, William Casey, And The Knights Of Malta, reveals that in the1930s there was an attempted coup by the Order in America. At the centre of thiswas the Knight of Malta, John J. Raskob, but it failed when Marine General SmedleyButler refused to take part and instead produced evidence of the plan. Heimplicated Raskob, board chairman of the J.P. Morgan-controlled General Motors,and one of the thirteen founders of the Knights of Malta in the United States.Congressional hearings were held, but amazingly, or perhaps not so amazingly,Raskob was never called to testify. And, as Betty Mills says: It is interesting and atthe same time very disturbing to note that the 1930s plot to seize the White House isnot to be found in history books or encyclopedias as far as we can tell.12 Whocontrols the media and the official versions of history? Correct.Once more we see how the Knights of Malta cross-reference with the otherpieces in the puzzle, including the media. William F. Buckley, the publisher andoilman, is a member of the Skull and Bones Society, the Council on ForeignRelations, and the Knights of Malta. Frank Shakespeare, another Knight, waspresident of CBS Television, vice-chairman of RKO, and the United Statesambassador to the Vatican. Shakespeare has also served on the Elite-controlledHeritage Foundation under the ultra-right chairmanship of Paul Weyrich. This haslinks to the Habsburg family, one of the driving forces behind the Pan EuropeanMovement which led to the European Community, and a key family within theGlobal Elite. The social historian Stephen Birmingham says: The Knights of Maltacomprise what is perhaps the most exclusive club on Earth. They are more than theCatholic aristocracy… they can pick up the telephone and chat with the Pope.13 Iwould go further than that and say they control the Vatican in league with otherElite elements and, far from being the Catholic aristocracy, they are not evenCatholic. This is only a cover for their activities and they worship a very differentversion of ‘god’, the Luciferic Consciousness symbolised by the Pyramid and AllSeeing Eye. The Vatican was controlled by the Elite via the Knights of Malta beforeGelli’s P2 got involved. Indeed, Gelli was a member of the Knights of Malta.The present Pope and official head of the Knights of Malta is the Pole, KarolWojtyla, a former actor and employee of I.G. Farben. He has had one attempt on hislife, which might have been a warning to do as you’re told or else. It’s difficult to say. Certainly he carries with him the bent or broken cross, depicting the distortedfigure of Jesus. This was an invention by Satanists in the fifth century and used byblack magicians. It was outlawed in the Middle Ages. In 1978, the year that PopeJohn Paul I was murdered and Pope John Paul II took over the papacy, a set ofVatican stamps was issued featuring a pyramid and an all-seeing eye.The Orange Order and Sinn FeinBehind the ongoing conflicts in the world’s trouble spots you will find the GlobalElite secret society network manipulating both sides. The news is full of storiesabout freedom fighters and arms struggles around the world. Most of thepeople involved believe they are fighting for freedom in their country orcommunity when they are really being used as part of a coordinated globalrevolution to destroy communities and nation states on the road to worldgovernment. In Northern Ireland, the arms struggle has cost the lives of 3,000people on both ‘sides’ of the so called Catholic and Protestant Divide. At the lowerlevels, there is no doubt that two perceived ‘sides’ exist if only in the minds of thoseinvolved. But the Protestant political and paramilitary groups are underpinned by asecret society, the Orange Order. This is the same secret society controlled by theBlack Nobility that put King William of Orange on the British throne and importedthe Dutch central banking system to Britain in the form of the Bank of England. TheCatholic political and paramilitary wings are also part of the secret society networkand far from fighting for freedom, they are a Lansky-style organised crimesyndicate. Why, at the highest level, can’t they have been working together all alongto play one side against the other in classic modified Hegel fashion while at thesame time projecting at the public mind a belief in two deeply opposing forces?Pollard’s The Secret Societies Of Ireland says that the force behind the revolutions ofEurope had Ireland in its sights:These emissaries from France aimed at bringing England low, and spreading thedoctrine of world-revolution by means of an alliance between the Catholic malcontentsof the South and the Republican Presbyterians of the North.One vehicle for the Irish strand of the world-revolution was the IrishBrotherhood, later the United Irishmen, founded by the Freemasons, Wolfe Toneand Napper Tandy in 1791. The writer and researcher of the eighteenth and earlynineteenth century, Robert Clifford, said that the Irish revolutionary networkmaintained contacts with similar international movements through the IlluministJacobin Club in Paris (a force behind the French Revolution), the RevolutionarySociety in England, and the Scottish Committee of Reform. The Fenian Society, laterthe Irish Republican Brotherhood, was formed between 1857 and 1858 under theguidance of James Stephens who, from the start, saw this Brotherhood as a part ofthe much wider European revolutionary movement. Fenians travelled to Paris tostudy the methods of the Carbonari, the Italian Elite-Brotherhood network, veryclosely connected to the Black Nobility. In 1865, the Fenians joined the secret society network under Karl Marx known as the International Working Mens’ Associationand founded the Irish Brotherhood in London on September 28th 1864, which, withhelp from the American Fenian Brotherhood, was not primarily designed to windemocracy, freedom and justice for the Irish people. It was created to exploit theirthoroughly understandable sense of injustice to further the world (Elite) revolution.Marx saw Ireland as an important weapon to undermine England and it has beenused that way ever since with the Irish people as the pawns of the manipulators onboth ‘sides’. Robert Clifford wrote:What unhappy deluded people then were the lower associates, who were informed ofnothing, but were to be mere agents of rebellion and murder, and were hurried on intothe abyss of horrors by a few political liberties who grasped at dominion, and wished towade to the helm of the state through the blood of their countrymen! …In those partswhere the whole population was Catholic, hand bills were distributed, purporting to bethe Constitution of the Orange Men, which was death and destruction to every Catholic;for, if the common people could once be stirred up to rebellion, it was easy to turn theirminds against government as the centre of the Orange Men.Meanwhile, you say something similar to the Protestants about the Catholicleaders and, bingo, you have the horror of Ireland throughout the twentiethcentury. It is classic modified Hegelianism or, you might also say, Kissingerism orHarrimanism (Figure 10). The secret society network in Ireland is phenomenal forsuch a small population and it is this which led to the creation of Sinn Fein in1905, the political wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA). This network is, inturn, connected to the webcontrolled by the Global Eliteand it is through this that thewell-documented links betweenthe IRA and other terroristgroups have been coordinated.The New Covenant Times said inits January/March 1994 edition,that the loyalist paramilitarymovement was deliberatelybacked by an MI5 operationcalled Tara with the intentionof creating so much violenceand tit-for-tat murder by boththe IRA and Protestant loyalistparamilitary, that the UKParliament would agree toallow Northern Ireland to be absorbedof Ireland.


Some of the background to this came out in the story of Colin Wallace, the
subject of a book by the journalist, Paul Foot, called Who Framed Colin Wallace? He
was a part-time soldier and an outstanding public relations officer at the army
headquarters in Northern Ireland. Later he was moved to another department
under the control of MI5. It was a department dealing with the promotion of
disinformation. Here Wallace became aware of the “Tara” operation and its links to
the suppression over 20 years of the history of child sexual abuse at the Kincora
Boys’ Home. When Wallace asked to be removed from the project, he was
immediately sent to England and charged with a ‘security offence’. Later he was
charged with murder. I have nothing in common with most views expounded by
MP Enoch Powell (Bil) over the years, but on one thing I believe him to be entirely
correct: that not only was Wallace framed by the establishment, his treatment
implicated individuals at every level, from the Cabinet Office to junior policemen
and civil servants. The conflict in Northern Ireland has a very much wider
background than we have been led to believe
14 and a source within the UK
establishment who worked on Northern Ireland related projects, told me that the
catholic and protestant parliamentary leaderships meet to discuss strategies! I am
sure something similar has been happening in the Middle East as the ‘peace’
negotiators, Arafat and the late Prime Minister Rabin, combined to offer the
Palestinians the ‘gift’ of long-term slavery dressed up as ‘freedom’.
The Skull and Bones Society
This is an important society within the Elite pyramid which has tremendous
influence within the United States. It is run with the strictest secrecy from its
headquarters at Yale University, in a windowless mausoleum appropriately known
as ‘The Tomb’ where the members meet twice a week during term time. The
detailed history of the Skull and Bones is a mystery, but it is believed to have been
introduced into the US more than 150 years ago as Chapter 322 of a German secret
society and was also known at one time as the Brotherhood of Death. The Illuminati
in disguise. The symbolism of the initiation ceremony would appear to indicate at
least close links with Freemasonry. It was started in 1832-1833 by General William
Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft, a famous American family name. In 1876,
Taft was to be the Secretary of War in the Grant Administration and his son, William
Howard Taft, was the only man to be both President and Chief Justice of the United
States. The Skull and Bones Society is deeply racist and was founded on the fortune
made from illegal drugs. The society was incorporated in 1856 as the Russell Trust
and by a special act of state legislation, its trustees are exempted from filing
corporate reports to the Connecticut authorities.
The initiation ceremonies for the Skull and Bones still take place at Deer Island in
the St Lawrence River. The island is owned by the Russell Trust Association, along
with most of the land on which Yale University stands. The Russell family made its
enormous wealth from the opium trade in the nineteenth century through the drug
syndicate known as Russell and Company. Its business was to take opium from
Turkey and transport it illegally to China. Their only rivals were the Perkins
syndicate, based in Boston, which had intermarried with other families of the
British genetic line who had previously been involved in the slave trade.
The Russells eventually bought out the Perkins and became the centre of the US
opium racket, in league with other ‘blueblood’ families like Coolidge and Delano
(Comm 300 family designate), both of which produced Presidents of the United
States. The head of Russell and Co in Canton while all this drug racketeering was
going on was Warren Delano Jr, the grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
These American families also connected with British families involved in the opium
trade like the Keswicks (Jardine Matheson) and many others supported by the
British governments of Lord Palmerston, the symbolic head of Grand Orient
Freemasonry. The Keswicks and Jardine Matheson have been members of the
Committee of 300. Given the source of its creation, therefore, it was only right that
the Skull and Bones Society was launched with a pirate’s flag as its symbol.
The link between the Skull and Bones and the families of the Eastern
Establishment named throughout this book was to continue to the present
day…names like Bush, Rockefeller, Harriman, Whitney, Payne, Vanderbilt, Bundy,
and so on. The writer, Anthony C. Sutton, acquired copies of Skull and Bones
membership lists going back to 1832.
15 About 20-30 families, overwhelmingly from
the Eastern seaboard, dominate the Order. Most claim ancestry with the British
aristocracy or have a genetic line going back to the English Puritan families who
arrived in America around 1630-1660. These families either secured financial power
themselves or married into wealth via the sons of the moguls like the Rockefellers
and Harrimans. One side had the money; the other had the genes from the
perceived elite bloodlines of the ‘Mother Country’. It is not only in Asia that they
have arranged marriages. In these Anglo-American families it is done to protect or
‘advance’ the genetic lines of the pseudo-bluebloods who owe the origins of their
inherited wealth and influence to drug running, slavery, and carefully chosen
marriage partners. These intermingled families help and support each other in their
quest for financial, political, and genetic dominance.
A big Skull and Bones family is the Lords of the well known New York law firm,
Lord, Day, and Lord. Their present clients include the New York Times and the
Rubin Foundation, which funds the Elite’s Institute for Policy Studies in Washington.
Winston Lord (TC, Bil) became the chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations in
1983. The Bush clan are well represented, too, in the Skull and Bones. Prescott Bush
was initiated in 1917 and then married into the family of financiers and wheeler
dealers, the Walkers.
16 George Herbert Walker Jr was another Skull and Bones man.
In 1948, Prescott’s son, George Herbert Walker Bush, joined the Order, a move that
would be exceedingly helpful in his climb to become head of the CIA and president
of the United States. Pat Buchanan, one of Bush’s challengers at the Presidential
election, accused him of running “a Skull and Bones Presidency”. Yale and the Skull
and Bones are also recruiting grounds for the CIA and it was from his student days
that Bush almost certainly began his career with the Elite-controlled spy agency.
His father Prescott Bush is most famous within the Order for raiding the grave of
the Native American Apache leader, Geronimo. In May 1918, Bush and five other
Skull and Bones members ransacked the grave at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. They took
turns to stand guard while the others robbed the grave, and took away artifacts and
Geronimo’s skull. This was taken to Skull and Bones headquarters at Yale where it
is used in their sick rituals and ceremonies. This horrible story is told in an internal
history of the Skull and Bones Society. It was quoted to Ned Anderson, the Tribal
Chairman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, when he was negotiating to have
Geronimo’s remains returned to the tribe’s custody. A 1989 article in the New
Yorker said that “one Bonesman.. .recalled during the early 70s seeing perhaps 30
skulls, not all of them human, scattered about the Tomb”.
This is the mentality which goes on to enjoy positions of power within the
American administration – in George Bush’s case, the presidency. Once again it is a
mentality, a vibratory state, that can be locked into the Prison Warders frequency.
Fifteen students a year are hand picked to join the Skull and Bones. They are
selected in their junior year, but only become members in their senior year before
they go off into the outside world. They can then continue to secretly promote the
aims of the Skull and Bones in the worlds of politics, business, banking, the media,
education, and all the other spheres of influence.
Fear and the threat of blackmail are weapons the society uses to keep its
members in line. Part of the initiation ceremony is to lie naked in a coffin with a
ribbon tied to their private parts while they masturbate and shout out details of
their sexual experiences. I must say I have never seen George Bush in the same light
since I realised that. Apparently these sexual discussions continue throughout the
lives of Bonesmen, although only at the initiation is it done from a coffin. When a
student is initiated, he is given his Skull and Bones name. He becomes a ‘knight’ in
the tradition of other secret societies like the Knights of Malta. The older knights in
the S and B are called Patriarchs, and those of us on the outside – the masses – are
called Gentiles, barbarians, and vandals.
If you look at the period of the Russian Revolution to the end of the Second
World War alone, you can appreciate how the Skull and Bones has been a common
theme throughout these years of conflict and manipulation. On the board of the
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company which helped to fund the Bolshevik Revolution,
maintain the Soviet dictatorship, and fund both sides in the two world wars, you
find nine members of the Skull and Bones Society, including W. Averell Harriman,
Harry P. Whitney, Knight Woolley, and Percy Rockefeller. On the board of W. A.
Harriman (Brown Brothers, Harriman from 1933) were eight members of the Skull
and Bones, among them W.A. Harriman, E. Roland Harriman, Knight Woolley, and
Prescott Bush. Very obviously, the Skull and Bones Society was, and is, an important
means of coordinating the Elite operations. Averell Harriman is a prime example of
how Skull and Bones members have orchestrated the direction of the United States
and the world, but many of the Americans I have mentioned in this book are
members of the S and B. Its members have been behind the eugenics movement, the
creation of the World Council of Churches, and the American Civil War (in which
the Skull and Bonesmen worked with the Rothschilds, who had an agent on each
side, Judah Benjamin and August Belmont).
I have in Figure 11 (overleaf) fitted together the overall structure into the global
pyramid of control. I do not claim for a moment that this is 100% accurate. We are
talking of a force shrouded in secrecy and disinformation, after all. But it will give
you some idea of how it fits together. It was constructed by the Elite with control of
the following in mind: governments and politicians; political opinions of all shades;
the economic system; the world military; the media; the intelligence agencies; public
opinion manipulation; ‘health’ – the pharmaceutical industry; the illegal drugs
network; population control – eugenics; education; food production; and so forth.
These interconnecting elements hang together on a structure controlled from the top.
It involves the covert infiltration of the authorities which guide the direction of
society and the covert manipulation and coordination by key Elite satellites in the
centre of the structure like the Round Table and the Royal Institute of International
Affairs. All these threads and lines of command eventually feed into the United
Nations and its ever mushrooming network of agencies and power. I do not wish to
give the impression that this network is all powerful, nor that it manipulates without
internal pressures and strife. The network can only control and manipulate the mass
of the people if we cooperate with it. If we cease to concede our right to think for
ourselves and stop cooperating with the controllers, their ‘power’ is no more. Also,
the Elite do not always agree on everything. One long-time researcher into the New
World Order said the Elite were like a gang of bank robbers. They agree on the
crime, but they argue over the methods and the division of the spoils. I think such
pressures will play a major role in its imminent destruction.
One name in the diagram there which you may not have heard of is the
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, 120 Belsize Lane, London NW3 5BA, which,
according to many books and investigators, tops the network of mass mind
manipulation research establishments and its findings are used to direct the policies
of the Global Elite network. In 1921, just as the Royal Institute of International
Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations were being formed, the Duke of
Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock, gave one of his buildings for research into the
effects of shellshock on British soldiers in the First World War. This was carried out
under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare under Sir
John Rawlings-Reece (Comm 300). A student of Sir John Rawlings-Reece was Henry
Kissinger. It was Tavistock, according to researchers like Eustace Mullins and
others, that introduced the drug culture of the 1960s; and designed the mass
bombing raids on civilians during the Second World War to break the spirit of the
people. Mind manipulation and brainwashing will also be used on people useful to
the Global Elite to ‘encourage’ them to see the world in the required manner.
The Tavistock nexus has grown far and wide and links into the Club of Rome and
the Bilderberg network. It connects with the Ditchley Foundation, which was
founded in 1957 by Sir Philip Adams, a long time employee of the British Foreign
Office, which is in turn controlled by the Royal Institute of International Affairs and
the Bilderberg group. In the United States, the Tavistock network includes the
Stanford Institute, the Institute for Social Relations, the Hudson Institute, the Heritage
Foundation, the Hoover Institution, the Centre for Strategic Studies at Georgetown,
and the Rand Corporation (which has Zbigniew Brzezinski among its number). This
mind control network is itself linked (with the tax-exempt foundations) into the
education system, including the business and banking schools which develop
methods of controlling people through the financial system. Again the overwhelming
majority of people involved will have no idea where the directives and policies really
originate. The Brookings Institution in the US is responsible for developing policies to
manipulate the population through the money system, and so is the Mont Pelerin
Society. A leading light of this, and of the Hoover Institution, is economist Milton
Friedman, the inspiration of the monetarism disaster introduced by those political
puppets, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, in the 1980s.
You’ll note also that the whole structure not only connects from the top, down;
the various elements connect crossways too. There are infinitely more link-ups and
organisations involved than I have mentioned in the diagram. Within most of these
organisations, the lower levels will not know what they are being used for and it is
important to recognise that the system of compartmentalisation and the ‘need to
know’ principle means that the different levels are following different agendas. At
the lower levels within the CIA, British Intelligence, and the KGB, they would have
been genuinely fighting the Cold War. Their agents in the field would have been
spying on each other in the belief that East and West were sworn enemies. But at the
higher levels, they had another agenda because they knew that the Cold War was a
sham to serve Elite ambitions. These multidimensional agendas controlled by the allknowing Elite continue within the economic, political, and military systems today
and while most of the people involved in the Global Pyramid don’t realise what they
are part of, the mindset established at the top sets the agenda that filters down
through all the levels. You could call this the ‘culture of corruption’ that we see so
often in society, even in the lower echelons of business, the police, and politics.
Throughout this pyramid there is one common and all-pervading force, guide, and
motivation. It decides the policy and holds the strings of those who manipulate our
lives. This force is the guiding light, or rather darkness, which controls the thinking
and the direction of those at the top of this Pyramid of Deceit. It is the Prison Warders’
consciousness and its principal vehicle is known to us as black magic.
Postscript to 21st century edition
In the 2004 presidential election both candidates, George W. Bush and John Kerry,
were initiates of the Skull and Bones Society – two masks on the same face as usual.
And an initiate of Licio Gelli’s P2 Freemasonry lodge in Rome was a man called Silvio
Berlusconi. He went on to become prime minister of Italy and the country’s major media
mogul. Just a coincidence nothing to worry about!
1 Secret Societies, pp294-295. See also Dr John Coleman’s Conspirators Hierarchy. The
Story Of The Committee Of 300.
2 The Sunday Times (December 17th 1995) p1, section 3
3 Conspirators Hierarchy. The Story Of The Committee Of 300. See also Who’s Who Of The
Elite by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. (RIE, Spicewood, Texas, 1995)
4 After 1986, such dire penalties ceased to be spoken by the initiate during the ceremonies
and are instead spoken by the Worshipful Master. What difference that is supposed to make
I can’t think. Purely cosmetic.
5 I highly recommend Martin Short’s, Inside The Brotherhood (Grafton Books, London, 1990).
This reference is from page 60.
6 Secret Societies, p282
7 If you know anything about these groups, please contact me.
8 Alternative Press Review (Fall, 1994, USA) p53
9 “A State Of Terror”, by Ben C. Vidgen, Nexus magazine (February/March 1996) pl8
10 “Saddam Double Fools The World”, Sunday Times (January 22nd 1995) pi and section
three, p1
11 Treason At Maastricht, pl40
12 Betty Mills, Colonel North, William Casey And The Knights Of Malta (Private Printing, 1990) p4
13 Quoted in the US Publication, Matrix III, p680
14 My thanks for the secret society background to Northern Ireland to On Target magazine. See
15 See the series of booklets by Anthony C. Sutton, The Order (Veritus Publishing Company,
Bullsbrook, Western Australia, 1985). There are three booklets: Introduction To The Order,
How The Order Creates War And Revolution; and How The Order Controls Education.
16 The famous golf trophy, the Walker Cup, is named after George Herbert Walker, the former
president’s grandfather.
17 For more detailed background to the Tavistock Institute, see Dr John Coleman’s
Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 (Tavistock is mentioned
extensively); Eustace Mullins, The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p262-265


chapter 10

the Super Elite – the black magicians

At the highest level of the Elite’s human pyramid, I believe they do know thatthey are working with a Fourth Dimensional consciousness which has beenknown symbolically by many names (such as Satan, Set, Lucifer, the Devil, and -in this book – the Prison Warders). At this top level, they are knowingly interactingwith this force, which probably takes many forms. There is evidence that manypeople involved over the years have believed they were working for extraterrestrial’super men’. Some may have had face-to-face contact with a negative ET groupfrom the Fourth Dimension.To understand the true nature of the conspiracy, we need to appreciate its esotericfoundation. Esoteric knowledge, often called ‘the occult’, is not negative in or ofitself. It is just the knowledge of the potential to harness the energies of Creation forgood or ill, and the understanding of the human psyche and how it can be balanced,healed, or manipulated. It is not the knowledge that is good or bad; it is the way weuse it. People at the highest levels of the Elite-Illuminati-Brotherhood network areoften members of extreme sects based on ancient rites and Lucifer/Satan worship.Yes, Satanists run the world. If you infiltrated some of these bizarre gatherings, I amsure you would see some very famous faces. The security services such as the CIAand US Military Intelligence, are seriously infiltrated by sects that worship thesevarious names for the Prison Warder consciousness. Lieutenant-Colonel MichaelAquino, a senior officer within US Military Intelligence, formed the Temple of Set,but when this was made public, the authorities said they saw no problem. Duringthe Second World War, the Elite’s esoteric tradition was at work on both sides.President Roosevelt, who was a 33rd degree Freemason, also had the esotericname, the Knight of Pythias, and wore the red fez of the Ancient Arabic Order ofNobles of the Mystic Shrine. This organisation claimed to be connected with theIlluminati.1 Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, was a Freemason and hadseveral meetings with the Satanist Aleister Crowley, another esoteric guru and ahigh initiate of many orders, including the Order of the Golden Dawn and theOrder of Oriental Templars (more on him later). Churchill’s meetings with Crowleydo not, of course, constitute proof that the British Prime Minister was a Satanist, butit does show that behind the scenes, esoteric knowledge in all of its forms is takenfar more seriously than it is in public. This was the case during Elizabethan timesand has been throughout human history.The two greatest creations of the black magicians in the twentieth century havebeen the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. If I take the example of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis you will get an idea of the mindset of those who control the Elite today.This story is not unique to Hitler’s Germany. Behind the public faces, its themescould be told again and again within regimes, both authoritarian and ‘democratic’,across the world. Germany has long been a centre for esoteric thinking and thesecret societies this knowledge seems to spawn. It was from this philosophicalstream that Hitler and his crazed followers would emerge. One of the pre-Hitler’prophets’ was the composer, Richard Wagner, in the nineteenth century. Hiscomposition, The Ride Of The Valkyries, captures his obsession with the invadingpowers of evil. Wagner declared the imminent arrival of the Master Race. His work,The Ring, was the musical expression of his belief in German supermen bestridingthe world stage like the ancient pagan gods Wotan and Thor. Hitler would later saythat to understand Nazi Germany, one had to know Wagner. One of the students ofmaster race fanatic Wagner was Gustav Mahler, whose studies with Wagner werefunded by Baron Albert de Rothschild.Adolf Hitler was officially born at Braunau-am-Inn, on the border of Germanyand the Austria-Hungary empire, but the amazing story of who he really was willbe told in a later book when I have compiled the evidence. The esoteric was tobecome a consuming passion for Hitler, especially in his rise to power. He wasstrongly influenced by the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who was born inthe Ukraine in 1831. Some researchers claim she had connections with the secretsociety of Italian revolutionaries, the Carbonari, who were closely linked to theBlack Nobility, and she was a member of the Egyptian society, the Brotherhood ofLuxor, which she later denounced as “a den for disgusting immorality, greedinessfor selfish power, and money making”. Madame Blavatsky arrived in New York in1873 and, with the help of a Colonel Henry Olcott she founded the TheosophicalSociety two years later. This is still around today. Its doctrines are based onBlavatsky books such as Isis Unveiled, which was written in 1877, and The SecretDoctrine, published in 1888. She claimed to be in psychic contact with HiddenMasters or Supermen. These Hidden Masters, she said, lived in Central Asia andcould be contacted telepathically by those who knew the secrets to the esotericmysteries. Today we call this process of communication ‘channelling’. There aremany UFO sightings and much research which indicates that there are secretunderground and underwater bases for extraterrestrials around the world, CentralAsia among them. I am not saying that Blavatsky was negative, only that Hitlerwas influenced by her work.The belief in the Masters and the Great White Brotherhood of discarnate entitiespromoted by people like the Theosophical psychic of the post-Blavatsky period,Alice Bailey,2 is a theme that remains well entrenched in parts of what is knowntoday as the New Age Movement. Alice Bailey claimed to ‘channel’ an entity shecalled “The Tibetan” and she produced a number of books, including Hierarchy OfThe Masters, The Seven Rays, A New Group Of World Servers, and New World Religion.She said that her Tibetan Master had told her the Second World War was necessaryto defend the plan of God. That sounds ridiculous to me, but there are many in theNew Age field who believe that everything is meant to be and is the will of God, even a global holocaust. It seems like a great excuse to do nothing and a cop-out ofmega proportions.My own view is that the ‘Masters’, ‘The Great White Brotherhood’, and thiswhole concept is something to be very wary of. Whenever I hear the term ‘master’ Icringe. Two organisations linked to Alice Bailey’s work, the Lucis Trust and theWorld Goodwill organisation, are both staunch promoters of the United Nations -almost UN ‘groupies’, such is their devotion. I will discuss these further in a laterchapter. The more I go into this, it is interesting to see how the New Age hasinherited ‘truths’ over the decades in the same way that conventional religion hasdone over the centuries. As the followers of Christianity have inherited themanipulated version of Jesus, so New Agers have inherited the ‘Masters’. There istoo little checking of origins, too much acceptance of inherited beliefs, I think. If theNew Age isn’t careful, it will be Christianity revisited. It is already becoming so. Ibelieve this concept of Masters can be a means through which those who have(quite rightly in my view) rejected the status quo of religion and science can stillhave their minds controlled by the Prison Warders of the Fourth Dimension.Another big influence on Hitler was the novel, The Coming Race, by theEnglishman, Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Comm 300), a British Colonial Ministerheavily involved in imposing opium addiction on the Chinese. He was a closefriend of Disraeli and Dickens, and Grand Patron of the English Rosicrucian Societywhich included Francis Bacon and John Dee in its earlier membership. BulwerLytton is best known for his work, The Last Days Of Pompeii, but his passion wasthe world of esoteric magic and, as a British colonial minister, for running opium tothe Chinese. In The Coming Race, he wrote of an enormous civilisation inside theEarth, well ahead of our own. They had discovered a power called Vril which, bythe use of the psyche, could be used to perform ‘miracles’. These undergroundsupermen would, according to Bulwer-Lytton’s novel, emerge on the surface oneday and take control of the world. Many Nazis believed this. Lord Bulwer-Lytton isoften referred to by Madame Blavatsky in her book, Isis Unveiled. The themes ofunderground supermen or hidden masters can be found in most of the esotericsecret societies. Certainly this was true of The Order of the Golden Dawn, formed in1888 by Dr Wynn Westcott, a Freemason, and S.L. Mathers. They called their’masters’ the ‘Secret Chiefs’. The theme of extraterrestrials living underground fitsin with the 1960s survey of contactees which detailed the stories of the pureMelchedekan race with their blond hair and blue eyes. They were also said to beliving inside the Earth.Mathers devised a series of rituals and initiations and designed them to help hismembers access their full psychic and physical potential. He believed, however, thatthis gift was only for the few and he was a supporter of authoritarian government.These rituals, no doubt, would have attracted the dark energies which allowedvibrational synchronisation – possession – by the Warders. In the mid-1890s, therewere temples of the Order in London, Edinburgh, Bradford, Weston-Super-Mare,and Paris, where Mathers made his home. The Order of the Golden Dawn alsospoke of the vril force and one of the Order’s secret signs was the salute which the Nazis would use when saying “Heil Hitler”. The esoteric foundations on whichNazism was created continued to build. Mathers had known Madame Blavatskyand so had the master of the Order’s London Temple, the poet, William ButlerYeats, who would go on to win a Nobel Prize. Yeat’s view of Utopia mirrored that ofAdolf Hitler or Josef Stalin. The poet spoke of:“…an aristocratic civilisation in its most completed form, every detail of lifehierarchical, every great man’s door crowded at dawn by petitioners, great wealtheverywhere in few men’s hands, all dependent upon a few, up to the Emperor himself,who is a God dependent upon a greater God and everywhere, in Court, in the family, aninequality made law.”3Remnants of the Order of the Golden Dawn continue to this day, but the originalversion splintered after a row between Yeats, Mathers, and Aleister Crowley, whichsplit the membership into quarrelling factions. Other significant esoteric thinkersand groups which influenced the gathering Nazi philosophy included the Order ofthe Oriental Temple, which used sex as part of its rituals to create and harness theenergy known as the vril, and two German esoteric ‘magicians’, Guido von List andLanz von Liebenfels. In his summer solstice celebrations, List used wine bottles onthe ground to form the symbol of the Hermetic Cross, also known as the Hammerof Thor. It was the Badge of Power in the Order of the Golden Dawn, and we knowthis symbol as the swastika. Lanz von Liebenfels (real name Adolf Lanz) featuredthe swastika on the flag which flew over his ‘temple’ overlooking the Danube, andfor these two black magicians it symbolised the end of Christianity and thedawning of the age of the Aryan supermen. They believed in the racial inferiority ofthose they called the “dark forces” such as the Jews, the Slavs, and the Negroes.Liebenfels recommended castration for these peoples. The two vons, List andLiebenfels, were to have a massive influence on Adolf Hitler. In 1932, with Hitler onthe verge of power, von Liebenfels would write to a fellow believer:“Hitler is one of our pupils…You will one day experience that he, and through himwe, will one day be victorious, and develop a movement that will make the worldtremble…”4Two others who would influence the thinking and beliefs of Adolf Hitler werethe Englishmen, Aleister Crowley and Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Crowley wasborn in Warwickshire in 1875. He rebelled against a strict religious upbringing andwas initiated into the Order of the Golden Dawn in 1898, after leaving CambridgeUniversity. He left the Order after the row with its founders and then travelled toMexico, India, and Ceylon, where he was introduced to yoga and Buddhism. Healso became a record-breaking mountaineer. Buddhism replaced his interest in theoccult until an experience in Cairo in April 1904. Crowley was asked by his wife,Rose, to perform an esoteric ritual to see what happened. During the ceremony, sheentered a trance-like state and began to channel the words of a communicator. “They are waiting for you”, she said to Crowley. The “they”, she said, was Horus,the god of war and the son of Osiris, in ancient Egyptian belief. Crowley did notaccept any of this and asked his wife a series of detailed questions in an effort totrick her. But Rose, who knew little of the esoteric, gave the correct answer everytime. I believe the Prison Warders were on the line again.The communicator told Crowley to be at a desk in his hotel room between noonand one o’clock on three specific days. He agreed and in these periods he wrote, viaautomatic writing, a document called The Book Of The Law. Automatic writing iswhen your arm and hand are guided by another force and often no-one is moresurprised at what they are writing than the person involved. Crowley’scommunication said that the old age of Osiris was being replaced by the new age ofHorus. But it said the old age would first have to be destroyed by barbarism and theEarth bathed in blood. There would be a World War, it said. The Book Of The Lawtalked of a race of supermen and condemned the old religions, pacifism, democracy,compassion, and humanitarianism. “Let my servants be few and secret: they shallrule the many and the known” the ‘superman’ continued. The message went on:“We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit; let them die in their misery. For theyfeel not. Compassion is the vice of kings; stamp down the wretched and the weak: thisis the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world… Love one another withburning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of yourwrath…Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not for them. I console not; I hatethe consoled and the consoler…”I am unique and conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned anddead. Amen…Therefore strike hard and low, and to hell with them, master…Lurk!Withdraw! Upon them! This is the law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall myworship be about my secret house…Worship me with fire and blood; worship me withswords and with spears. Let the woman be girt with a sword before me: let blood flowin my name. Trample down the heathen; be upon them, O warrior, I will give you theirflesh to eat…Sacrifice cattle, little and big; after a child…kill and torture; spare not;be upon them!”5If that sounds remarkably like some of the angry God stuff in the Old Testament,that’s because it was almost certainly the same force on the Fourth Dimensionwhich communicated to the ancients, to Crowley, and to anyone else on thatvibration who would help to stimulate the conflict and the energy of human misery,on which the Prison Warders feed. This is the force that controls the consciousnessof those which control the Global Elite-Illuminati-Brotherhood, and it is the focus ofworship in the All-Seeing Eye cult going back to ancient times. The communicatorsaid that Crowley was the “Beast 666” who had come to destroy Christianity,something his mother had said earlier in his life. He apparently tried to ignore whathe had written with his guided hand, but it would not go away, and from 1909 onhe began to take it seriously. Very seriously. He said: “After five years of folly and weakness, miscalled politeness, tact, discretion, care forthe feeling of others, I am weary of it. I say today: to hell with Christianity, Rationalism,Buddhism, all the lumber of the centuries. I bring you a positive and primeval fact,Magic by name; and with this I will build me a new Heaven and new Earth. I want noneof your faint approval or faint dispraise; I want blasphemy, murder, rape, revolution,anything, bad or good, but strong.”Crowley left his former tutor, MacGregor Mathers, a broken man as he embarkedon a psychic war against him. They both conjured up the ‘demons’ to attack theother, but Mathers lost out. Such psychic wars are very much part of theBrotherhood today. Crowley’s communicator, the Prison Warder consciousness,would also take over the psyches of Adolf Hitler and the other architects of Nazism.Long after his death, Crowley would become a hero to many involved in the’Flower Power’ period of the 1960s, when the young were calling for love andpeace. The irony is not lost. Crowley welcomed the First World War as necessary tosweep away the old age and usher in the new one. After going public with hisrevelations, Crowley was made the world head of the Germany-based Order of theOriental Temple (OTO) and this gave him very significant influence among likethinkers in Germany.Houston Stewart Chamberlain (Comm 300) was born in England in 1855, butmoved to Germany in 1882. He married Eva, the daughter of Richard Wagner, in1908 and became a prestigious writer. His best known work was Foundations OfThe Nineteenth Century which ran to twelve hundred pages and sold more than250,000 copies. It made him famous throughout the country. He was, however, atroubled man who had a series of nervous breakdowns. He felt himself to be takenover by demons and his books were written in a trance and a fever, which suggeststhat he was locked into another highly negative consciousness. The Prison Warderconsciousness again. In his autobiography, he said he did not recognise much of hiswriting as his own. The themes of his work are very familiar: all civilisation comesfrom the Aryan race and the Germans were the purest of all; Jews were the enemywho would pollute the Aryan bloodlines. Yawn.Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler said Chamberlain was a prophet.Chamberlain became the principal advisor to Kaiser Wilhelm and urged the king togo to war in 1914 to fulfil the prophecy of Germany’s world domination. When thewar was over and Wilhelm had abdicated to an estate in Holland, he realised howhe had been manipulated. He gathered together a mass of books on the occult andthe German secret societies and he was convinced that they had conspired to createthe First World War and cause Germany to be defeated. Chamberlain, who hadbeen awarded the Iron Cross by the Kaiser, died in 1927 after years in a wheelchair,broken in body and spirit. But his influence was to live on in the mind of AdolfHitler. Chamberlain, incidentally, was introduced to Hitler by Alfred Rosenberg, therefugee from Russia, and another satanist figure. “Satanism” is merely the worshipof, and possession by, the negative manipulators on the Fourth Dimension. It wasRosenberg, despite his Jewish background, who gave a copy of the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion to Hitler via another occultist, Dietrich Eckart.6 TheAll-Seeing Eye cult at work again.These were some of the people and beliefs that moulded the thinking of the manclaiming to be a young Austrian born with the name Schiklgruber, but later ratherbetter known as Adolf Hitler. “Heil Schiklgruber” would not have had the samering to it, somehow. He hated school, the official story goes, and wanted to be anartist, an ambition which took him to Vienna. He spent hours in the librariesreading books on astrology, mysticism, and the religions of the East. He wasfascinated by the books of Blavatsky, Chamberlain, List, and Liebenfels. He pickedout bits from each of them to produce his preferred mixture, a cocktail of horror andhatred that would manifest as Nazism. His passion was the power of the will. Thepotential of willpower to achieve anything it desires was to be his focus and guidethroughout the years that followed. Put another way, creating your own reality.He practised the esoteric arts in his effort to access the level of consciousness hewas convinced would turn him into one of the supermen he had read so much aboutand believed in so much. His psyche became locked into the Prison Warder vibrationmore powerfully than before. He was possessed, probably during some black esotericritual which opened his psyche to the malevolent vibration. You only have to look athis beliefs to see that he would have had ‘vibrational compatibility’ with thisconsciousness. It was now that an uncharismatic and ineffectual man would begin toexude the charisma and magnetism that would captivate and intoxicate a nation.We talk of some people having magnetism and ‘magnetic personalities’, and thatis exactly what they have.


We are all generating magnetic energies and these attractto us the energies (people, places, etc) that relate to what is going on in oursubconscious. Some people transmit powerful magnetism and others less so.Negative energies are just as magnetic as positive. Those connected to, and thereforegenerating, the extreme Prison Warder vibration will be very magnetic. You oftenhear highly negative people described as having a magnetic personality or a ‘fatalattraction’. This is why. It is also where the magnetism and charisma of Adolf Hitlersuddenly came from. When he was standing on a public platform with thatcontorted face and crazed delivery, he was channelling the Prison Warder/LucifericConsciousness from the Fourth Dimension and transmitting this vibration to the vastcrowds. This affected the vibrational state of the people attracted by it and turnedthem into equally crazed agents of hatred. It is the Pied Piper principle, using avibration instead of a pipe. As the writer Alan Bullock said of Hitler:“His power to bewitch an audience has been likened to the occult arts of the AfricanMedicine-man or the Asiatic Shaman; others have compared it to the sensitivity of amedium, and the magnetism of a hypnotist.”7And Herman Rauschning, an aide to Hitler, said in his book, Hitler Speaks:“One cannot help thinking of him as a medium. For most of the time, mediums areordinary, insignificant people. Suddenly they are endowed with what seem to be supernatural powers which set them apart from the rest of humanity. The medium ispossessed. Once the crisis is past, they fall back again into mediocrity. It was in thisway, beyond any doubt, that Hitler was possessed by forces outside of himself – almostdemoniacal forces of which the individual named Hitler was only the temporary vehicle.The mixture of the banal and the supernatural created that insupportable duality ofwhich one was conscious in his presence…It was like looking at a bizarre face whoseexpression seems to reflect an unbalanced state of mind coupled with a disquietingimpression of hidden power.”8Hitler was under the control of the Prison Warders and he appeared to live inperpetual fear of these ‘supermen’. Rauschning told how Hitler suffered fromterrible nightmares and would wake in terror screaming about entities who wereinvisible to all, but him. He once said to his aide:“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be aclass of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchicalorder, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers inperpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves.And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannotspeak…But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing…The new man isliving amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret.I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.”9After Hitler moved to Germany, he spent a lot of time in Bavaria, from whereWeishaupt’s Illuminati had sprung, and he returned there in 1918 after fighting inthe war. Or at least that’s the official line. The following year, he came across a tinyand rather pathetic political party called the German Workers Party. This was anoffshoot of an esoteric secret society called the German Order, which was fiercelynationalistic and anti-Jewish. Out of this Order came other similar societies,including the infamous Thule Society. Thule was supposed to be an ancient lostcivilisation of Nordic people with blond hair and blue eyes. Yet another foundationof the Nazi belief system can be seen to have an esoteric origin, as did the swastika,the Hitler salute, the idea of an Aryan Master Race, and the view of Jews.A founder of the Thule Society was Rudolf Glauer, an astrologer, who changedhis name to the grand sounding Baron von Sebottendorff. His demands for arevolution against Jews and the Marxists turned the Thule Society into a focus forthe anti-Jew, anti-Marxist, German Master Racers. Out of all this came the GermanWorkers Party, which would one day become the Nazi Party.Another committed occultist and friend of Sebottendorff now becomes highlysignificant. This was Dietrich Eckart, a heavy-drinking, drug-taking writer whobelieved he was here to prepare the way for a dictator of Germany. He met Hitler in1919 and decided he was the one, the ‘Messiah’, he was looking for. It is Eckart whois credited with Hitler’s advanced esoteric knowledge and probably the black magicritual, or rituals, which plugged him so completely into the Prison Warder vibration. From now on, Hitler’s power to attract support grew rapidly. Eckartwrote to a friend in 1923:“Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. We have given him themeans of communication with Them. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influencedhistory more than any other German.”10Hitler was also a member of another esoteric secret society, the Luminous Lodgeor Vril Society. Vril was the name given by the English writer, Lord Bulwer Lytton,to the force which, he claimed, awakens people to their true power and potential tobecome supermen. In 1933, the rocket expert, Willi Ley, fled from Germany andrevealed the existence of the Vril Society and the Nazis’ belief that they wouldbecome the equals of the supermen in the bowels of the Earth by use of esotericteachings and mind expansion. They believed this would reawaken the vril forcesleeping in the blood. The initiates of the Vril Society included two men who wouldbecome infamous Nazis, Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering. Vril memberswere convinced they were in alliance with mysterious esoteric lodges in Tibet andone of the so called Unknown Supermen, who was referred to as The King of Fear.Rudolph Hess,11 Hitler’s Deputy Fuhrer until he made his ill-fated flight to Englandin 1941, was a dedicated occultist and a member, with Hermann Goering, of theEdelweiss Society, a black sect which believed in the Nordic Master Race(Melchedekans?). Hess worshipped Hitler as The Messiah, although how he coulddo this when the Fiihrer was hardly blue eyed and blond haired, is not clear. Hitlerhad the same problem in equating the two, but he would have found someridiculous explanation for it, I’m sure.Another Hitler obsession was the so called Spear of Destiny, the weapon allegedto have been use to pierce the side of Y’shua (Jesus) at the crucifixion. He stole whatwas claimed to be the spear when the Nazis annexed Austria in 1938, and it wastaken to Nuremberg. The legend says that whoever has the spear and decodes itssecrets will have control of the world for good or evil. The one that Hitler stole isnow in the Hofburg Museum in Vienna, where there was a major fire in November1992, seven days before the blaze which destroyed part of Windsor Castle.Another obsessive occultist in the Third Reich was Heinrich Himmler. He wasinto all matters esoteric and he used his knowledge in the blackest of ways. He wasparticularly interested in the rune stones, a system of divination in which stonescarrying symbols are thrown or selected and the choice or combination ‘read’ by an’expert’. It was Himmler who formed the notorious SS and, as with the swastika, hechose an esoteric symbol for his horrific organisation: the double S or ‘sig’ rune,which looks like two flashes of lightning. The SS was a virtually self-contained bodyand the epitome of all of the esoteric knowledge in which the Nazis believed sopassionately. Only those considered racially pure were allowed to join, andinstruction in the esoteric arts, including the rune stones, was fundamental to theirtraining. The SS was run and governed as a black magic secret society. Their ritualswere taken from others such as The Jesuits and The Knights Templar. The highest ranking initiates were the thirteen members of the Grand Council of Knights (led bytheir Grand Master, Heinrich Himmler), and the black rituals were performed at theancient castle of Wewelsberg in Westphalia. They celebrated the festivals of theNordic pagans and the summer solstice. Here they worshiped Satan, Lucifer, Set,whichever name you prefer, the consciousness which was the Nazis and is the Elitetoday. Prince Bernhard, one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group, was in the SS.Esoteric knowledge and black magic pervaded all that Hitler and the Nazis did,even down to the use of pendulums on maps to identify the positions of enemytroops. The original swastika symbol was right-handed which, in esoteric terms,means light and creation, the positive. Hitler insisted it be turned around tosymbolise black magic and destruction. The mass rallies that Hitler used soeffectively were designed with the knowledge of the human psyche and how it canbe manipulated. In Satan And Swastika, Francis King says:“Hitler’s public appearances, particularly those associated with the Nazi Party’sNuremberg Rallies, were excellent examples of this sort of magical ceremony. Thefanfares, military marches and Wagnerian music all emphasised the idea of Germanmilitary glory. The massed Swastika banners in black, white and red filled theconsciousness of the participants in the Rally with National Socialist ideology. Theballet-like precision of the movements of the uniformed Party members, all acting inunison, evoked from the unconscious the principles of war and violence which theancients symbolised as Mars. And the prime ritual of the Rallies – Hitler clasping toother banners the “blood banner” carried in the Munich putsch of 1923 – was a quasimagical ceremony designed to link up minds of living Nazis with the archetypal imagessymbolised by the dead National Socialist heroes of the past.”The religio-magical aspects of the Rallies were emphasised by the fact that their highpoints were reached after dusk and took place in a ‘Cathedral of Light’ – an open spacesurrounded by pillars of light coming from electric searchlights pointed upwards to thesky. If a modern ritual magician of the utmost expertise had designed a ritual intendedto ‘invoke Mars’ he could not have come up with anything more effective than theceremonies used at Nuremberg.”And what applied then, applies now. The esoteric knowledge used by the Nazisfor the mass hypnosis on the German people, is being used today to expand theglobal hypnosis on the human race. Symbols, words, colours, sounds, andtechniques of which the public are not even aware are being used in the media andadvertising to hypnotise us. The Propaganda Ministry of Joseph Goebbels wasbased on the esoteric knowledge of the human psyche. He knew that people willbelieve anything if you tell them often enough and if you can engineer events whichcreate the “something must be done” mentality in the public mind. He usedcolours, symbols, and slogans to great effect. The slogans were used like mantrasand repeated over and over again, hypnotising the mass psyche. All alternativeviews and information were censored and the people were programmed to respond as desired. What is the difference between that and the constant drip, drip, drip, ofinaccurate and biased information that is fed to us and our children today? It maynot have a swastika on it, but it is still mass hypnotism.It would seem to be a contradiction that Hitler sought to destroy secret societieslike the Freemasons and to prevent the use of esoteric knowledge in Germansociety, but it isn’t. He knew as much as anyone the power available to those withthe understanding, and he wanted to keep that for himself. One man the Naziswanted to destroy was the 33rd degree Freemason Dr Rudolf Sterner, an Austrianwho understood the powers of creation and the way they can be used for good andevil. I have come across many conflicting views and claims about Steiner’s intentand I’ve not yet developed an opinion. I feel, however, that he was not as positiveas he’s made out. He joined the Theosophical Society and the Order of the OrientalTemple, but later formed his own Anthroposophical Society. Armed gangs began tobreak up Steiner’s meetings and threatened the lives of those who listened to him.He fled to Switzerland and died in 1925, a year after his centre at Dornach wasburned down by the Nazis. In 1934, all forms of fortune telling were banned inBerlin and later esoteric books were banned throughout Germany. Secret societieswere disbanded and even the Thule Society and the German Order (which hadtogether founded Nazism) were targeted. Astrologers were attacked and killed andpeople like Lanz von Liebenfels were prevented from publishing their work. Thispurge had two main motives. To distance Hitler and the Nazis from the occult in theminds of the public and other countries, and, most importantly, to pull up theladder and stop anyone else from using esoteric knowledge against them as theywere using it against others. This is one reason, too, why this knowledge has beensuppressed and ridiculed throughout the Western world and hidden behind thesmokescreens of this-world-is-all-there-is science, and one-life-and-then-heaven-orhell religion.The role of the esoteric in the rise of the Nazis has been thoroughly underplayedor ignored except in a few excellent books such as Gerald Suster’s Hitler And TheAge Of Horus.12 Look deeper into any historical situation and you will usually findthe esoteric. John Ruskin, the man who inspired Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, andthose who formed the Round Table secret society, was himself influenced by theesoteric writings of Plato and by Madame Blavatsky the books of Lord EdwardBulwer-Lytton, and secret societies in the mould of the Order of the Golden Dawn.The murder of US President Abraham Lincoln has been explained by some as partof the struggle between competing secret societies, although I don’t accept that. Oneof his close friends, Pascal Beverly Randolph, revealed that Lincoln was involvedwith a society called the Brotherhood of Eulis after being initiated into the secrets of”sexual magic” in the Middle East. Lincoln was also believed to be a high rankingmember of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor or of the Light.13 Many of the famouspolitical and economic faces of history and today are masks which hide their truenature and motivation. They are the apparently ‘different’ faces of the All-SeeingEye network. We are watching actors on a stage and someone else is writing theirscript. Rasputin, the so called mad monk of the history books, was neither mad nor a monk in the conventional sense. He was a mystic who went through a massive
spiritual experience while “searching for god” in Asia. His psyche was opened to
some higher – or lower – consciousness and this Russian peasant was suddenly a
different person. He was capable of healing and had an intense magnetism and
legendary sexual drive. A few years after returning to Russia, he had such a hold
over the Tsar that he was, in effect, the ruler of the country.
Stories have come to light of the black esoteric basis of the KGB in the former
Soviet Union. Today the KGB under other titles plays exactly the same role in ‘free’
Russia. Only its name has changed. One report highlights the manipulation within
the Kremlin by General Georgy Georgievich Rogozin who, it is said, uses black
magic to program the psyche of those he wishes to control.14 He heads a highly
secretive intelligence group in Boris Yeltsin’s presidential team. The global
intelligence network is founded on the misuse of esoteric knowledge. The Global
Elite and those who abuse the esoteric knowledge also know that if you can control
the key energy power points (acupuncture points and chakra vortexes) on the
Earth’s energy grid, you can massively affect the psyche of the people, as the
human minds interact with the grid energies, the Earth mind.
We have seen how the United States of America was founded on esoteric
principles and knowledge. The Great Seal of the United States is a mass of esoteric
symbols, signs, and numbers, including the pyramid and all-seeing eye. This
symbol was put on the dollar note during the presidency of Freemason Franklin D.
Roosevelt. It is also no coincidence that the Declaration of Independence and the
founding of Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati both happened in 1776.
Numbers and years represent energy vibrations, as do planets, sounds, colours, and
symbols. We see some of these symbols in the crop circles and patterns. The genuine
ones (those not hoaxed by the forces of disinformation), speak to our subconscious
and help to awaken us in ways we cannot yet fully understand. At the higher levels
of the Global Elite, this esoteric knowledge is used to decide when and where
events will happen to give them the best chance of success.
You will find the same numbers and sequences throughout ancient texts and
beliefs. The lists of sevens in Revelation have esoteric, not literal, meanings. The
Bible is packed with such numerology, which the church has taken literally.
Thirteen, or the ‘twelve and one’, has great esoteric significance under the laws of
numerology and the vibrations they represent, and for other historical reasons, too.
It means transformation, new birth, a new order. Hence you find Jesus and twelve
disciples and the Grand Master Himmler and twelve other ‘knights’ in the Grand
Council of the SS. It is the same knowledge, used with different intent. Osiris, the
god of Egypt, had twelve followers according to legend, Buddha had twelve
disciples, as did the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl. There are the twelve knights of King
Arthur’s Round Table, twelve sons of Jacob, twelve princes of Ishmael, twelve tribes
of Israel, twelve signs of the zodiac. The Bilderberg Group Steering Committee has
39 members (13 + 13 + 13) and it chooses its locations on esoteric principles.15 It is
the same with the global institutions. Geneva, the home of the League of Nations
and many other Global Elite fronts, is regarded by the secret societies as one of the planet’s most important earth energy centres. You will find the numbers 13 and 33
in the symbols and logos of many institutions and companies named in this book.
Francis Bacon’s esoteric “code” number was 33 and it is used as code in the
Shakespeare plays to indicate that Bacon was the real author (see the works of
Manly P. Hall). The 33 represents the degrees in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
On the Great Seal of the United States and its depiction on the dollar note, you find
13 steps on the pyramid, the 13 degrees of the Illuminati. The pyramid has 33
stones. On the Great Seal the bald eagle (the phoenix until 1841) has 13 feathers on
each wing, 13 arrows in the right talon and an olive branch with 13 leaves in the
left. In his beak he has a scroll with the 13 letters of “E Pluribus Unum” – out of
many, one. Around this are 13 stars in the shape of the Star of David. There is also a
shield with 13 stripes which represent the original 13 states. On the United Nations
logo, the map of the world is arranged in 33 segments within 13 ears of corn, and
the UN building is sited over one of the most sacred springs (energy points) to the
Native Americans. The Proctor and Gamble logo is an old masonic symbol with a
bearded man in a circle alongside 13 stars. The combined Xs in the Rockefeller oil
giant, Exxon (Esso), is another symbol of the Scottish Rite.16 The symbolism is
everywhere. The ‘thinking’ and the basic beliefs I have outlined from Nazi
Germany are only a public manifestation of what is still going on in the secret world
of the Elite today as they worship the All-Seeing Eye – the Luciferic Consciousness
of the Fourth Dimension.
After the war, the Nazis moved their base to South America and the United
States, at the invitation of the Nazi funder, Allen Dulles, and they helped him to
form the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. This is a key part of today’s global
gestapo and the same black use of esoteric knowledge and the worship of the
extraterrestrial ‘gods’ and ‘supermen’ remains at the core of the CIA and the Global
Elite to this day. What was true of Hitler is true of the upper reaches of the
Brotherhood network, even down to the appalling genetic experiments which have
continued in the underground bases in the United States, (and other countries, too,
no doubt, including the UK). We have this farce of a ‘public debate’ about the
morality of genetic engineering while the most horrendous experimentation goes on
in secret, I believe, using people (including children) who go ‘missing’. After the
first edition of this book, a correspondent wrote to tell of an Argentine friend who
said that Josef Mengele, the notorious Nazi geneticist, was set up with his own
island after the war so that he could continue his sickening experimentation. The
island is in a river delta in an area called Tigre, about 50 kilometres from Buenos
Aires. Black use of esoteric knowledge under the guidance of the Prison Warder
consciousness is at the peak of the Elite’s human pyramid of global manipulation.
I feel that people like Hitler were merely stooges, used to create conflict with other
stooges like Stalin, and so bring about the desired post-war outcome. The Super
Elite are well above the levels of people like Hitler and Stalin in the pyramid.
Given the background to the Nazi beliefs in the esoteric, the “Aryan supermen”
and its possible connection with the stories of the Melchedekans, I was interested
to come across an organisation called the Raelian Foundation. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland, with branches around the world. This is the creation of a
former French motor racing journalist called Claude Vorilhon Rael (rail) who
claims to have met an extraterrestrial group which he says are the Elohim of the
Old Testament. Rael says he was taken to their planet and he was told that the
Elohim genetically engineered the human race. According to the stories told in the
secret 1960s survey of contactees, the ones known as Elohim were the
Melchedekans. Rael claims to be the “messiah” of the Elohim, the “Guide of
Guides”, and they instructed him, he says, to tell people that they must do
everything he says. Oh really, Rael? My reply to the Elohim and to Claude would
be unsuitable for a family audience. Rael (the messiah, Guide of Guides), says the
Elohim are preparing to return to take over the world. Fascinating how close that is
to the Nazi belief in the return of the supermen. And what was it that Rael says
that the Elohim desire? A world government and currency; for the armies to stop
fighting each other and come together as a world police force; and for only those
scientifically assessed as the intellectually brightest to be allowed to run for
political office. What’s more, only those who pass an intellect test devised by
scientists should be allowed to vote and the masses should simply do as they are
told with no rights to decide who governs them.
I had never heard of Rael or his followers until I was told by a source close to the
British intelligence network that some of those behind the campaign to discredit me
as a “neo-Nazi” after the first edition of this book were connected with the Rael
Foundation in the UK. That same day someone else gave me a book by Claude Rael
called The Message Given To Me By Extra-Terrestrials. They Took Me To Their Planet.17
The Rael Foundation appeared to be suddenly very shy about the symbol on the
front of the book which Rael said was the symbol of the Elohim. A sticker with
another symbol had been used to cover up the original one on the cover. You will
perhaps appreciate why when you look at Figure 12. The esoteric knowledge and the themes of extraterrestrial master races pervade the Elite pyramid and have done
for thousands of years right into the modern world.
But I cannot stress too powerfully that esoteric knowledge is neutral. It is not the
knowledge we need to challenge, but its negative use. It can, and is, used to very
positive effect. When I hear Christian investigators of the New World Order
condemning all esoteric thinkers and groups as the ‘evil occult’ and ‘Devil
worshippers’, it reveals a serious misunderstanding of reality, in my view, and a
bigotry that ill becomes them. As I shall discuss in more detail towards the end of
the book, the positive use of spiritual knowledge is crucial to building the better
world we seek and which we are making a reality, have no fear. It is built on the
foundations of love and respect, the emotions – the energies – which are sweeping
away the blackness of hatred and misunderstanding.
In these last three chapters I have outlined the structure within which the
manipulation is coordinated, the means through which the dark force controls it,
and the mindset that motivates its behaviour. Now we can examine how this is
expressed in the world around us and how it affects our lives every day.
1 Enrique De Vicente, “The Occult Roots of the New World Order”, Exposure magazine, Vol. 1,
No. 2, p10
2 Alice Bailey founded the Arcane esoteric school. Again, I am not saying that she was a
negative force, but I think her name has been used by some of her ‘followers’ for purposes
of manipulation.
3 Quoted by Francis King in Satan And Swastika (Mayflower Books, London, 1976)
4 Quoted by J.H. Brennan in Occult Reich (Futura, London, 1974) and by Francis King in Satan
And Swastika
5 Verses from The Book Of The Law. Quoted by George C. Andrews in Extra-Terrestrials Among
Us, pl59-160
6 Quoted by Trevor Ravenscroft in The Spear Of Destiny, p106
7 Alan Bullock, Hitler, A Study In Tyranny (Pelican Books, London, 1960)
8 Hermann Rauschning, Hitler Speaks (London, 1939)
9 Ibid
10 J.H. Brennan, Occult Reich
11 Rudolph Hess was supposed to have been kept at Spandau Prison until his death in 1987.
But Dr Ewen Cameron, who became a CIA ‘mind doctor’, said that the CIA Chief, Allen
Dulles, told him that the ‘Hess’ in Spandau was a look-alike. When Cameron tried to prove
identification by examining ‘Hess’ and locating a First World War wound, he was not allowed
to do so.
12 Gerald Suster, Hitler And The Age Of Horus (Sphere, London, 1981)
13 Enrique De Vicente, “The Occult Roots of the New World Order”, Exposure magazine, Vol. 1,
No. 2, (1993) p7
14 “Black Magic Holds Sway Over A Paranoid Kremlin”, The European (May llth-15th 1995) p4
15 In 1965, for example, the Bilderbergers met alongside Lake Como in Italy, the ancient
headquarters of the Order of Comocine, the forerunners of the Medieval Masons. I spent a
lot of time at Lake Como in 1995 before later realising its esoteric significance. Among
those attending the Bilderberg meeting at Lake Como in 1965 were Prince Philip and Lord
Mountbatten of the British Royal Family.
16 Secret Societies, p325
17 Claude Vorilhon Rael, The Message Given To Me By Extra-Terrestrials. They Took Me To Their
Planet (AOM Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 1986. Fifth printing, 1992)


chapter 11

the debt scam

It is impossible to understand the global conspiracy unless we appreciate thebackground to the world money system. This is not taught in the schools and nosmart-suited economist or correspondent on the television news will tell you thetruth, either. Some of them don’t know what is going on because they have beenprogrammed to believe nonsense by the education system, while others simplydon’t want you to know. The foundations of the manipulation toward a worldgovernment, army, bank and currency are built on the fantastic con trick we call thebanking system. Once people understand the way this works, it is easy to see how afew can control the lives of everyone else. It is worth repeating and expanding hereon what I said in Chapter 3.The banks are given the power to ‘create’ money, by which they mean ‘creating’non-existent money known as credit. This costs them nothing, but the moment thiscredit is brought into theoretical existence the banks can start to charge interest onit. This is the system that controls everyone’s life. But it goes further than that.When you take out a loan, the bank ‘creates’ credit for the size of the loan, say£20,000. If only in theory, that is ‘new’ money. But you are not going to pay backonly £20,000, because you have to pay interest on that loan. The interest has notbeen ‘created’ by the bank, but it still has to be found from somewhere. So where?From the wealth and credit already circulating in the world.In this way, since this crazy banking system began, the real wealth of the planethas been sucked into the banking system as the interest paid on every loan to everyperson, business, and government. This has allowed them to lend even more nonexistent money on the back of that and get the world even deeper in debt. Thewealth and credit-loaning capacity they have accumulated is beyondcomprehension, far more than that of the United States, the richest country in theworld. In fact, they own the United States, as they own almost every other countryin the world. The bankers have used this wealth and credit mountain to buy andcontrol the global oil companies, multinationals of every kind, the media, thearmament companies, the drug companies, the politicians, the political ‘advisors’,and virtually everything else they need to control the world. The same few peopleand families own the lot! They hide this truth behind the front organisations, thenexus of companies, and the puppet directors, and they are supported in theirdesire for secrecy by the pathetic media and the education system. The Rockefellersand Rothschilds alone control a fantastic network of banks, oil companies,multinational corporations, airlines, and scores of other organisations. The Rockefeller/Rothschild Chase Manhattan Bank has enough power by itself tostimulate a global financial panic. In 1995 the Chase merged with Chemical Bankwhich had already absorbed Manufacturers Hanover. The concentration of power isincredible. But the true controllers of these empires are hidden from public view byfrontmen, trusts, foundations, and companies. The Rockefellers’ ability to hide theextent of their power is phenomenal. But with the Rothschilds it borders on genius.Particularly since the second World War, they have sought to promote an image of adeclining power operating outside of the big league. Nonsense. They are the bigleague along with other elements of the Global Elite.According to the New World Order researcher, Eustace Mullins,1 the Rothschildsuse the code ‘City’ and ‘First City’ in North America to indicate banks under theirinfluence from the City of London. He says these include First City Properties, FirstCity Financial Corporation of Vancouver, First City Trust of Edmonton, and FirstCity Development Ltd, which are all headed by Samuel Belzberg. Much of thecoordination is communicated through Rothschild Inc., of Rockefeller Plaza, NewYork, according to Mullins. The Rothschilds also operate through a Canadiancompany known as PowerCorp which in turn connects with the Hollinger Group,the Canadian publishing empire owned by the elite Bilderberger, Conrad Black. TheHollinger Group controls a stream of publications worldwide, including theLondon-based Telegraph newspapers, and its international advisors are HenryKissinger and Lord Carrington, chairman of the Bilderberg Group, former Britishcabinet minister, and a cousin of the Rothschild family. (These two formed theirown company, Kissinger Associates.) This covert interlinking of power in banking,politics, and the media allows the same few individuals to promote the same policythrough a host of apparently unconnected institutions and organisations.By controlling the creation of credit, the bankers can cause booms and busts,nationally and internationally, whenever they wish to further their ambitions. Aneconomic depression is not caused by a collapse in the demand for goods andservices. People do not decide that they no longer want jobs done or articlesproduced. An economic depression is caused when there are not enough pieces ofpaper and electronic ‘money’ in circulation to pay for those goods and services.And who controls the amount of money-credit in circulation? The banks. If theywant to cause a depression for ulterior motives, as in pre-war Germany and the US,they take measures which reduce the amount of money in circulation. They reducethe number of loans they make and raise interest rates.This also reaps a colossal reward for the major (Global Elite) banks. People stillhave to pay the interest on loans taken out before the manufactured economiccollapse and if they default, the banks take their property and increase by hundredsof thousands the number of farms, businesses, and homes they own. And withevery payment of interest by those who continue to pay their loans during adepression, more money is being taken out of circulation and not recycled back intothe economy, thus increasing the depression.This process of reducing the money in circulation and causing a depression canbe seen all the time. The economists and their poodles, the politicians and economic correspondents, call all this part of the ‘economic cycle’. Baloney. In the 1930s thatterrible depression, in which men, women, and children starved in a world ofplenty, was caused by the banks withdrawing money from circulation by refusingloans. It wasn’t that people didn’t want to eat; they simply could not afford to buythe food because money had been artificially taken out of circulation. I will leave itto an ‘insider’ to sum up the situation I have described. Robert H. Hemphill, acredit manager at the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta, said:This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks.Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the bankscreate ample synthetic money we are prosperous, if not, we starve. We are absolutelywithout a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture,the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is themost important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is soimportant that our present civilisation may collapse, unless it becomes widelyunderstood and the defects remedied very soon.2There was no money, people were told, to build houses and feed the population.But suddenly, when it was time for the Global Elite’s war, the money available tofinance Hitler, Japan, and the war effort in the United States and Great Britain waslimitless. People often say that there always seems to be money available to fightwars. Of course there is, because the bankers who control the world economicsystem want those wars. They do not want people well-housed with full bellies anda proper education because then they would be much harder to control. It was notthe much-hyped ‘New Deal’ policies of Franklin Roosevelt which ended the 30sdepression, it was the banks putting money back into circulation to finance the warthey were creating. Here is a reality of life on Earth:There is no need for anyone to be cold, hungry, homeless or in poverty. All thesethings are caused by the lack of pieces of paper and electronic numbers calledmoney circulating in the world and by the charging of interest on them. We couldchange that today if the desire was there.The world financial system and policies of boom and bust are controlled by justthirteen people – the members of the International Banking Commission in Geneva,Switzerland, which was set up by David Rockefeller on behalf of the Elite in 1972.The Commission is made up of two members each from the US Federal Reserve, theBank of England, the central banks of Germany, France and Switzerland, and onemember each from the Netherlands, Austria and Scandinavia. It has its ownintelligence agency known as Four-I, the International Intelligence InformationInstitute. This banking Elite is controlled by families like the Rothschilds,Rockefellers (Rockenfelders), Bilts and Goldbergs. Connecting with the Commissionis the Bank of International Settlements, also in Switzerland, the country at thecentre of the Elite financial network. The BIS helps to coordinate the policies of the national central banks, like the United States Federal Reserve, the private bankingcartel which decides the economic and interest rate policies of the United States, nomatter what the puppet presidents and politicians think about it (Figure 13). The’Fed’ does not have board membership of the BIS, but it is the coordination thatgoes on unofficially that matters. The Federal Reserve sends representatives to all itsmeetings and subscribes to the shares of the BIS.3 Most people in America don’teven realise the Federal Reserve is a private organisation. They think (a) thegovernment would not be stupid or corrupt enough to allow a private bankingcartel to run the country (wrong!) or (b) that the word ‘Federal’ means that it mustbe part of the government (equally wrong).The term Federal is used for many Elite organisations in the US to give theillusion of government ownership. In the United Kingdom, we are sold the illusionthat the Bank of England is nationalised and therefore under the control of thegovernment. The Bank of England is one of the focal points of the Elite financialnetwork. It was controlled by the Rothschild Empire when it was an officiallyprivate bank, and it has continued to be controlled by the Global Elite since it wasnationalised by the post-war Labour Government and it became an unofficialprivate bank.The first move by the new Labour Party Chancellor Gordon Brown (Bil) aftertaking office in May 1997, was to allow the Bank of England to set interest rates likethe Federal Reserve, a move he had hinted at two years earlier.4 Within days oftaking office he did precisely that. Eddie George, the Bank of England Governor, is aformer executive of both the Elite-controlled Bank of International Settlements andthe International Monetary Fund (IMF). The whole house of cards, and the control of the human race, is based on thecharging of interest on money. The subject of interest is crucial. There is nothingwrong with money if it is used only as a measure of exchange for goods andservices. It is when you can charge interest on money, most of which doesn’tphysically exist, that enormous dangers arise. You can then make more money frommanipulating pieces of paper and electronic numbers than you can from producingessential goods and services for people who need them. With the charging ofinterest, the money chases those who already have money and ignores those whohave not. The cataclysmic social and financial divisions in the world are caused bythe charging of interest on money. Production is geared to greed, not need, and therich get richer and the poor, poorer. Often it is not the cost of a house that preventspeople from buying a home, it is because we have to buy three or four for the rightto live in one!A mortgage leaflet put out by the National Westminster Bank tells me that if Itake out a loan of £50,000, I will actually pay them back £152,000, the price of threehouses to buy one. And on the front of the leaflet they have the nerve to claim: TheNational Westminster Bank. We’re here to make life easier. Imagine thetransformation that would occur if people only had to repay the capital (with nointerest) on their house over a period of 25 to 30 years. The cost of a mortgage and abasic human right (a home) would plummet immediately by two-thirds. Thebuilders would still get paid because they are paid from the capital price. Thesuppliers of the materials would still get paid for the same reason. The only personwho would not make the killing of today would be the banker who currently makesa fortune from every house purchase. Builders go out of business and people sleep inthe streets to allow a few bankers to grow fatter and richer, and ever more powerful.There is no reason whatsoever why a government cannot print its moneyinterest-free and lend it interest-free to the people to buy a home, with perhaps asmall one-time charge to cover administration costs. The only thing stopping this isthe lack of will to do so by politicians of all parties controlled directly by the Elite orby its economic manipulation. Look at how taxation could be reduced dramatically,or even removed, if our governments – the people, in other words – were notpaying back phenomenal sums in interest on money ‘borrowed’ from the banks. Afriend in the financial business reckons that for every pound or dollar that exists ascash, another 30 million exists (or rather doesn’t!) as electronic credit. PastorSheldon Emery described this system of government debt-creation very well in hisbook, Billions For The Bankers, Debts For The People:The Federal Government, having spent more than it has taken from its citizens in taxes,needs, for the sake of illustration, $1 billion. Since it does not have the money, Congresshas given away its authority to ‘create’ it, the Government must go to the ‘creators’ forthe $1 billion. But the Federal Reserve, a private corporation, doesn’t just give it away!The bankers are willing to deliver $1 billion in money or credit to the Federal Governmentin exchange for the Government’s agreement to pay it back – with interest! So Congressauthorises the Treasury Department to print $1 billion in US Bonds, which are then delivered to the Federal Reserve Bankers. The Federal Reserve then pays the cost ofprinting the $1 billion (about $1,000) and makes the exchange. The Government thenuses the money to pay its obligations. What are the results of this fantastic transaction?Well, $1 billion in Government bills are paid all right, but the Government has nowindebted the people to the bankers for $1 billion on which the people must pay interest!Tens of thousands of such transactions have taken place since 1913 when the FederalReserve was created so that by the 1980s, the US Government is indebted to thebankers for over $1 trillion on which the people pay over $100 billion a year in interestalone with no hope of ever paying off the principal. It is far more today. Supposedly ourchildren and following generations will pay forever and forever!You say, This is terrible! Yes, it is, but we have shown only part of the sordid story.Under this unholy system, those United States Bonds have now become ‘assets’ of thebanks in the Reserve System which they then use as ‘reserves’ to ‘create’ more’credit’ to lend. Current ‘reserve’ requirements allow them to use that $1 billion inbonds to ‘create’ as much as $15 billion in new ‘credit’ to lend to States,Municipalities, to individuals and businesses. Added to the original $1 billion, theycould have $16 billion of ‘created credit’ out in loans paying them interest with theironly cost being $1,000 for printing the original $1 billion! Since the US Congress hasnot issued Constitutional money since 1863, in order for the people to have money tocarry on trade and commerce they are forced to borrow the ‘created credit’ of theMonopoly Bankers and pay them usury-interest!5The term ‘constitutional money’ is a reference to the United States Constitution,which says, Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the valuethereof. Unfortunately, either by accident or design, it does not say that Congressshall always coin money and regulate the value thereof, and that no-one else willever do so. The consequences of this have been quite dreadful for America and theworld: in 1910, the Federal debt was only $1 billion, or $12.40 per person. State andlocal debts were very small or non-existent; by 1920, just seven years after theFederal Reserve was launched, the US Government debt was $24 billion, $228 forevery citizen; in 1960, the national debt was $284 billion or $1,575 per head; by 1981,the debt passed $1 trillion and has gone on soaring ever since. If the whole of theUnited States were handed to the bankers to pay back the debts, they would still beowed another two, maybe three Americas!6 It was not without reason that ThomasJefferson, one of the founding fathers, said:If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money,first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks, and the corporations that will grow uparound …the banks…, will deprive the people of their property until their children willwake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.7In the United Kingdom, the government was paying £1 billion a year in intereston borrowing after the end of the 1960s. By 1993 it had soared to £24.5 billion. The government has borrowed to pay interest on previous loans while the capital hasremained unrepaid. Contrast that £24.5 billion in interest payments with the £33billion spent on health that year and the £11 billion awarded to education.8 Don’tcomplain about a lack of school books or crumbling buildings. The bankers havegot to eat, you know.The creation of debt through interest charges also sets up the structure throughwhich the takeover of the world by the few becomes possible. The bankers canaccumulate and manipulate businesses by accepting, or refusing, loans. One regulartakeover scenario is for the Elite bankers, in concert, to deny loans to a targetbusiness or multinational corporation. This depresses its value on the stockexchanges. At this point, with the price of the stock falling, the bankers buy largeblocks of shares at bargain prices. The bankers then have a sudden change of heartand approve the loan, thus increasing the company’s share value. The banks eithersell the shares and make a handsome profit or they retain their increased control inthe boardroom. When the banks gain control, what do they do? They ensure thatthe company borrows more and more from the banks until they are so much in debtthat the banks own everything.It is in this way that the same few people have come to own all the majorbusinesses, the media, and so on. Once they owned the media, of course, it becameeasy to keep the truth from the people and feed us the lies that are necessary tomislead and confuse us. If you are a journalist or a bank employee, go and find amirror and ask it some questions. Your children are going to face the consequencesof the New World Order like everyone else’s, unless you wake up. Nothing wouldimprove the lives of people quicker than an end to the charging of interest onmoney and for governments to print their own money, interest free, or to make thebanks pay interest to the government. President Abraham Lincoln began to do thiswith his so called ‘greenbacks’. He was murdered soon afterwards by John WilkesBooth, an alleged agent of the House of Rothschild, in 1865. President John F.Kennedy proposed to do it and some of his interest-free notes are still in circulation.He was murdered by the Elite in Dallas, Texas, in 1963.Another money confidence trick is that of inflation. We are told that inflation iscaused by too much money in circulation chasing too few goods. This is used tojustify the removal of money from circulation, which leads to an economic’depression’. This was a ruse used by the Volcker-Reagan-Thatcher trio in the early1980s when the ‘in’ phrase was squeezing inflation out of the system. How caninflation be caused by too much money chasing too few goods when in any boomor depression the shops are full of goods on the shelves left unsold? And if moregoods are being sold and production is increased, why don’t the so calledeconomies of scale bring prices down? Greed is part of this, for sure, but there areactually too many goods chasing too little money in circulation. Interest on moneymassively inflates prices and it does so while ensuring that there is too little moneyto spend on goods.Each time a bank creates a loan, it is creating more debt than the amount of theloan itself. Take the example of the £50,000 loan from the National Westminster Bank I mentioned earlier. The loan is worth £50,000, but the debt created at the sametime is £102,000. To pay this back, the borrower has to find more money – double, inthis case – than he has borrowed. The only way he can do this is to earn money thatsomeone else has borrowed into existence. The debt of people and governmentexplodes in this way, but there is still a scarcity of money to spend on goods becauseso much of the money in circulation is spent on servicing debt.We are told in these circumstances that the supply of money in circulation mustbe reduced because prices are being inflated by too much money in the system. Themain reason prices go up is because they are reflecting the amount of debt that hasto be serviced. The more debt, the higher the prices throughout the system frommaterial suppliers to transportation to advertising to shops. The cumulative effectof all this debt is reflected in the price of a product on the shelf. Whenever you buyanything, from a loaf of bread to a Rolls Royce, you are paying back someone else’sdebt to the banks. How do the economic ‘experts’ react to higher prices caused bythe need to service debt? They raise interest rates to discourage more borrowingand reduce the amount of money in circulation. And what effect does that have? Itcreates more debt among those people already servicing loans and ensures thatthere is even less money to spend on goods. Whichever situation you have, there isnever too much money chasing too few goods, except among certain products andcommodities from time to time due to a host of other factors, including greed.Generally it is always the other way round, too little money for too many goods.The only difference in this situation during a boom or bust is that of degree. Theend of charging interest on money will lower prices and transform the lives ofeveryone on the planet. So what are we waiting for?The Gold MountainOne point to emphasise is the extent of the wealth accumulated by the Elite throughthe debt-interest system, and by stealing the world’s gold. A contact who hasstudied and worked within the global financial system, says that gold stolen by theElite, from Russia after the war and from Japan, the USA and other sources, totalssome $60 trillion. This, he says, is held at the Clouten precious metals depositorynear Zurich, and similar depositories at Umbrea near Geneva, in Vienna and at theRhein – the main airbase in Frankfurt. During the war, the Elite gold was stored atthe US military base at Melinom near Jakata, Indonesia, where it was guarded by20,000 troops. My contact has paperwork to prove many of these claims.The Money PoliceAfter the Second World War, with the nations of Europe devastated by conflict anddebt to the Elite’s bankers, the next stage in the global domination of money andcredit was installed through groupings like the Organisation for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD), the World Bank, the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF), and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).The World Bank, IMF, and GATT were all agreed upon by British and Americannegotiators at a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944. Most influential in these agreements were the economist, Lord Keynes, from Britain, andthe US Treasury Secretary, Harry Dexter White (CFR), who, with Alger Hiss, thesecretary general at the launch of the United Nations, would later be exposed ascommunist spies. The technical secretary at Bretton Woods was Virginius FrankCoe, an official of the US Treasury. He was appointed secretary of the new IMF untilit was revealed in 1952 during congressional testimony that he was also a memberof Dexter White’s communist ring! These were the guys who created the IMF, WorldBank, and GATT.The role of the World Bank (not to be confused with a world central bank) is tomake loans to governments for large capital projects. These have been used, asintended, to finance projects in poor countries designed to meet the needs of themultinationals. These include policies forcing people from the land, thus destroyingself-sufficient lifestyles and creating dependency on the Elite’s global economy.Much of the destruction of the rainforests has been done with loans from the WorldBank, which, as we have seen, is always headed by appointees from the CFR, TC,Bil, establishment, and has eugenics as a key pillar of its policy. This subsidisedenvironmental destruction has another plus for the Elite. It helps them to justifyworld control by the need to ‘save the planet’.A role of the World Bank and other global economic ‘agencies’ is to make afortune for the multinational construction companies like the Bechtel Group. This isnormally done by making loans to Third World countries for mega constructionprojects which are irrelevant, even disastrous, for the needs of the local people. InApril 1995, President Bill Clinton successfully nominated James Wolfensohn9 to bethe new president of the World Bank. Wolfensohn, an Australian-born, naturalisedAmerican, has the perfect background for the post. In the 1960s, he worked for the J.Henry Schroder Bank in London and went on to serve on the Rockefellers”population control’ organisation, the Population Council. Other Global Elite groupshe has served include the Rockefeller Foundation, the Institute of Advanced Studiesat Princeton, and the Brookings Institute. Add to that his position on the steeringcommittee of the Bilderberg Group and his membership in the Council on ForeignRelations and Trilateral Commission, and you have the perfect man to head theGlobal Elite’s World Bank.


I’m sure none of this influenced Bill Clinton’s ‘decision’to nominate him! In 1992, Wolfensohn joined forces with Lord Rothschild to form J.Rothschild, Wolfensohn, a business advice consultancy. As chairman, theyappointed Paul Volcker,10 the former chairman of the Federal Reserve Board andleading member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, andBilderberg Group. Volcker was the man who launched the devastating economicpolicies in the United States and the UK in the 1980s which were fronted by RonaldReagan and Margaret Thatcher.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is there to intervene when poor countriesin Africa, Asia, and the rest of the developing world get into Elite-engineeredfinancial trouble. The idea has been to encourage and bribe the politicians in thesecountries into relinquishing self-sufficiency in food and into opening up their lands tothe multinational food and chocolate giants. These countries began to export luxury cash crops to the rich nations and to use that money to pay for imported food fromthose same rich countries. Also, the developing nations would export naturalresources to the rich nations at knock-down prices and then buy back (at inflatedprices) the luxury products the industrialised countries made with those naturalresources. However, these luxury goods only go to the tiny, corrupt, political andeconomic clique in these developing countries. The majority of the population gohungry because the food-growing land is occupied by the multinational corporations.The Elite’s policy was to submerge the poor countries in debt and take them over inthe same way they had with the multinationals and the industrialised nations. Whenthese governments find themselves in financial trouble and unable to meet their debtrepayments, in goes the IMF to ‘restructure’ the repayments or offer more loans topay the interest on the previous ones. But, in return for imposing more debt, the IMFinsists that its (Elite) economic policies are followed. These involve cutting food,health, and education subsidies, and the exporting of more resources and cash crops.The IMF tells all the developing countries to do this and thus creates a glut on theworld market for these commodities and the price collapses. More is exported at theexpense of food-growing land for the poor, but no more is earned. The winners arethe rich nations who get their resources and commodities cheaper. As a result youhave the sight of hundreds of thousands of Brazilian children dying through hungerrelated disease when Brazil is the second biggest exporter of food in the world. Butwhat a wonderful form of eugenics and culling of the non-white population! A thirdof the Brazilian population lives below the poverty line and seven million abandonedchildren beg, steal, and sniff glue on the streets. This, in a country that should beamong the most prosperous in the world, with no problem of feeding itself. Itsproblems are not natural. They are, like those throughout the Third World,manufactured for the benefit of the Elite. Don’t be kidded by all this stuff aboutcompassionate ‘overseas aid’.Every year vastly more wealth is transferred from poor countries to rich thangoes the other way. We are bleeding them to death. And the overseas aid that ismade available is not aimed at helping developing countries. It is used to bribecorrupt politicians, to build the infrastructure needed by the multinationals, or tosubsidise industries in the rich countries, like Bechtel, who carry out the work aspart of the aid deal. Another reality of life on Earth:There is no need for starvation and horrific suffering in Africa, Asia and LatinAmerica. It is not the result of ‘natural disasters’, but of coldly calculated design.‘Free’ TradeThe GATT policy is there to create dependency on the world economic system byforcing countries to drop their barriers to trade. This concept of ‘free trade’ wasadvocated in the last century by the Scottish economist, Adam Smith, and it wasdesigned, at least in part, to justify Britain’s refusal to stop the exports of opium intoChina. Pressure for Adam Smith’s – Elite-supported – view led to the repeal of the Corn Laws in May 1846, which removed protection for British agriculture fromoverseas imports. It was a disastrous policy, just as its architects (such as the Elitecontrolled Bank of England and the Baring Brothers Merchant Bank) intended it to be.’Free’ trade has come a long way since then. GATT is now coordinated by the Elite’sWorld Trade Organisation, based in its stronghold of Switzerland. It makes sense forthe coordination of Elite banking and trade policies to be based in the same country, Isuppose. Countries which add tariffs to imported goods to protect home producersare bad news for the New World Order. Such countries are far less dependent on theglobal system because they produce for themselves what their population needs.Trade in this sense is based on mutual benefit, not winner takes all.In the early years of the United States, the government’s main income was fromtariffs. If goods were going to be imported, all the people should benefit, it wasbelieved. GATT, the European Union, the North American Free Trade Area, and thenew Asian-Pacific free trade area (APEC), are designed to destroy this protectionand create dependency on the global system which the Elite control. Over recentyears the momentum has increased to destroy the diversity of production in allcountries and make them dependent on importing essential goods.The British Conservative Governments of Margaret Thatcher and John Majorplayed their part to perfection in this. The suicidal ‘monetarism’ of the ThatcherReagan years destroyed the diversity of home production while the wave of’privatisations’ in the UK and elsewhere has handed the power over essentialservices like water, electricity, and gas into Elite hands – often with big governmentsubsidies, to boot. The consequences of this can now be seen by all but the mostdedicated idiot. But the media promotes ‘free trade’ as a good thing and’protectionism’ as bad. They have bought the line sold to them by economists,politicians, and university lecturers, and they sell it to everyone else – the public.I remember when the latest GATT agreement was being negotiated (the so calledUruguay Round), how the famous news presenters in Britain summoned their mostconcerned and ominous voices to announce to their nightly audience of millionsthat the negotiations had broken down. We should all be very worried, we were ledto believe, because if the new GATT was not agreed upon, an economic nightmarewould ensue. In truth, a nightmare for the Global Elite, not for the people. TheDirector General of GATT, Peter D. Sutherland (Bil, TC, Comm 300), was wheeledout to tell the world how important it was that the governments reached agreement.Sutherland, a former member of the European Commission and chairman of theElite-controlled Allied Irish Banks, was well briefed with the Bilderberg Group’sviews on the matter. He attended their meeting in Finland in June 1994, and againin Switzerland in 1995. Of course, in the end GATT was agreed and passed throughCongress and parliaments by governments and ‘oppositions’ alike, because theoverwhelming majority of politicians of all parties are either too naive to seebeyond the end of their noses (most of them) or they know what the game plan is(the relative few). The World Trade Organisation has the power to impose sanctionson countries which erect barriers to the flow of ‘free’ trade. The Elite must havegone into orgasm when this lot was agreed. What a tool to control the world! ‘Free’ trade is the freedom of the strong to exploit the weak. It is the meansthrough which multinationals, subsidised by their governments via the overseas aidbudgets and other hidden channels, operate ‘cartelism’ against the interests of thegeneral population. It is the freedom to create dependency on a system which onlythe few control, and to use that dependency to manipulate at will. The freedom tomove production from high wage industrialised countries to the sweat shops of theThird World, savagely exploiting the native population. The freedom to steal theirfood growing land and to destroy the industries and incomes of those in thedeveloped world, also. In doing this, the Elite create anger, despair, and division,the perfect combination for manipulation. That, my friends, is the ‘free’ trade theeconomists, politicians, and news correspondents tell us we desperately need moreof. The word in my head at this moment does not bear repeating.The Seven Sisters Oil CartelWorking alongside the banks, and owned by the same people, are the oilcompanies. These are responsible for countless coups and conflicts and thegrotesque manipulation of sovereign countries. As late as 1882, oil had littlecommercial value. It was used in lamps and not much more. William “Doc”Rockefeller also peddled oil at $25 a pint as a cure for warts, snake bites, cancer, andimpotency” In 1853 his son, John D. Rockefeller, formed the infamous Standard OilCompany to supply the fuel for the growth in oil burning lamps and to exploit themuch greater potential claimed for the substance seeping through the rocks andfissures of the Earth. With the development of the internal combustion engine, thevalue of oil was transformed. So were the economy and politics of the world. TheBritish Admiral, Lord Fisher, was one of the first to see the military significance ofoil and later, as First Sea Lord, he led the debate on how to secure supplies for theBritish Navy in a country which, at that time, had no oil of its own. As usual, theanswer was: If we don’t have any, we’ll take someone else’s. An Australianengineer, geologist, and devout Christian called William Knox d’Arcy had found oilnorth of the Persian Gulf, in what is now Iran. He had bought the rights to exploit itfrom the Shah for $20,000 and agreed to pay a 16% royalty on sales. The contractgranted him and all his “heirs, assigns, and friends” exclusive rights to Persian oiluntil 1961. The British Secret Service, on behalf of the government, dispatched the’ace of spies’, Sidney Reilly, to dupe d’Arcy into handing over his rights to theBritish. Reilly (real name, Sigmund Georgjevich Rosenblum from Odessa, Russia)posed as a priest and persuaded d’Arcy to sign over his exclusive rights to Persianoil to a ‘Christian’ organisation, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. In early 1913, atthe urging of Winston Churchill, Fisher’s successor as First Sea Lord, the Asquithgovernment secretly bought a controlling interest in Anglo-Persian Oil. We knowthis company better today as British Petroleum – BP. The wealth of this company isfounded on the work of an agent of the British Secret Service, the notorious spy,Sidney Reilly, who lied to, and hoodwinked, a gullible man by manipulating hisdevout Christian beliefs. Given the behaviour of BP over the years, that is ratherappropriate, really. For years, the competition between oil companies and countries seeking todominate world oil supplies, led to conflict throughout Europe and the Middle East.Britain was responsible for stimulating wars in the Balkans, Turkey, and Bulgariabefore 1914 to disrupt and sabotage the building of Germany’s ‘Berlin to Baghdad’Railway, which threatened Britain’s grip on the Middle East. The British used theircontrol of Kuwait to prevent the completion of the railway from Baghdad to thePersian Gulf. Using force and corrupt sheikhs, the British Government ruthlesslyseized control of Arab countries and their oil supplies. It was to set the scene for theconflict we have witnessed in the Middle East ever since, and the creation of theState of Israel was part of the divide and rule policy based on the control of oil. Canyou understand why the Arabs today get so angry at what they see – quite rightly -as Western imperialism? They have had it up to here.The other oil company controlled by the British government was Royal DutchShell,12 outwardly run by the Dutch-born, Sir Henry Deterding (Comm 300), anaturalised Briton. In fact, it was controlled by a group of parties who voted onbehalf of the British Government. The covert support and guidance of the Britishgovernment turned Shell into a global company which challenged the Rockefeller’sStandard Oil, even on its own ground in America. Deterding is another man oftenlinked with the secret funding of Adolf Hitler and a future major shareholder ofShell Oil would be Prince Bernhard, a chairman and founder of the BilderbergGroup. In May 1933, Deterding entertained Hitler’s representative, Alfred’Protocols’ Rosenberg, at his estate near Windsor Castle. Researcher Oswald Dutchclaims that in 1931, Deterding and his backers (the Samuel family) gave Hitler£30,000,000. Eventually the ‘oil wars’ between the rival companies ended in the late1920s with an agreement finalised at Achnacarry, Sir Henry Deterding’s ScottishCastle. This created the Anglo-American oil cartel which became known as theSeven Sisters. The meeting between Deterding, John Cadman of Anglo-Persian Oil(BP), and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s close friend, Walter Teagle, of the Rockefellers’Standard Oil (Exxon), was held secretly under the cover story of a grouse shoot. TheSeven Sisters cartel has worked as one unit since then to control price and suppliesto suit its sordid ambitions. The ultimate control is with the Elite. The Seven Sistersis comprised today of Shell, BP, Esso/Exxon (Standard Oil of New Jersey), Gulf,Mobil, Standard Oil of California (SOCAL), and Texaco. This virtual amalgamationof interests and policy mirrored to an extent the post-war banking mergers whichcreated giants like the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan, the amalgamation with theKuhn Loeb (Rothschilds), Bank of Manhattan. The oil industry, too, was dividedbetween the Rockefellers (Rockenfelders) and the Rothschilds.Shell and BP were part of a power structure which included the Britishgovernment, the Foreign Office, and the intelligence agencies. This remains sotoday. There are countless examples of this government/oil company/ intelligenceagency connection at work. In 1941, the British and the Russians invaded neutralIran on the nonsensical pretext that a few German engineers were there. Controllingthe oil supplies of Iran had nothing to do with it, naturally. The troops, backed upby smaller Indian and American forces, took over the country’s food supplies, causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Iranians through starvation. Typhus andtyphoid killed yet more, as did the use of the railway for shipping lend-leasesupplies to Russia which stopped heating oil from reaching the Iranian people inthe terrible winter of 1944-1945. These were the countries who sat in judgement ofwar crimes at Nuremberg.In response to this, the Iranian nationalist leader, Dr Mohammed Mossadegh,became prime minister in April 1951. He instituted a policy of nationalising all oilproduction, with appropriate compensation to the foreign oil companies. The Iraniangovernment also guaranteed supplies to Britain as before and the employment ofBritish workers in Iran. The British Government responded by imposing aneconomic stranglehold on Iran, freezing her assets held in British banks, introducingfull sanctions and an embargo on Iranian oil. This was supported by other membersof the Seven Sisters cartel. Mossadegh went to the United Nations to plead his casein 1953, but the Security Council, dominated by the US and Britain, did not want toknow. He then went to Washington for help, but again got nowhere. The US sent a’mediator’ to Iran with a delegation full of people connected to the American oilcompanies. Who was this ‘mediator’? It’s that man again…W. Averell Harriman. Hisview was that Iran should accept the British position of Prime Minister WinstonChurchill, his old friend. I never would have guessed that, would you?While the British and American press assassinated Mossadegh’s character andgrossly misrepresented the situation, Iran did win its case, thanks to Mossadegh’seloquence at the World Court. But by now his downfall was well-advanced.Appeals for economic aid from the US were turned down by President DwightEisenhower (CFR) on the advice of his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles (CFR),and his brother, the CIA chief, Allen Dulles (CFR). The Dulles brothers, in concertwith British Intelligence, persuaded Eisenhower that Mossadegh had to beoverthrown. Seventeen key members of the Eisenhower administration weremembers of the Council on Foreign Relations.Norman Schwartzkopf senior, the father of ‘Stormin’ Norman’ of Gulf War fame,had made many contacts in the Iranian army when he trained some of theirgenerals during the war. He offered these people power if they overthrewMossadegh. A coup, organised by British Intelligence and the CIA with the codename, Operation AJAX, removed Mossadegh in August 1953. The Shah of Iran wasinstalled as a puppet of Britain and the USA until he was, himself, removed bythose same forces twenty-five years later and replaced by the Ayatollah Khomeini.This was part of the Elite’s ‘arc of crisis’ policy in the Middle East, which hasensured the Arab nations have remained divided and ruled. The Shah reversedMossadegh’s policy and denationalised the Iranian oil industry. He and the CIAalso established SAVAK, one of the most vicious intelligence agencies in the world.Its operatives were trained by the CIA and subjected their victims to sickeningtorture and imprisonment without trial. From about 1957 SAVAK began a closerelationship with the Israeli/Global Elite intelligence arm, Mossad, which alsotrained SAVAK personnel. You thought Israel and Iran were different sides? Not atthe top level they aren’t. Another brave man to take on the Seven Sisters cartel was Enrico Mattel, theleader of Italy’s biggest non-communist resistance organisation in the Second WorldWar. It was Mattei who coined the term Seven Sisters. He wanted a self-sufficientItaly which was independent of the Anglo-American oil cartel. As head of the Stateenergy company, ENI, he established a network of petrol stations across Italy whichrivalled those of Shell and Esso.


This expanded into refineries, a vast chemicalplant, a tanker fleet, and an engineering subsidiary. He began negotiations withEgypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Shah of Iran, to whom he offered 75% of allprofits. Mattei was challenging the Seven Sisters monopoly like no-one had beforeand his competition forced down petrol prices in Italy by a quarter. The last strawfor the Seven Sisters came in October 1960 when Mattei went to Moscow tonegotiate a deal to access the massive oil fields of the Soviet Union. Two years laterto the month, as the pipelines were being constructed to exploit the Soviet reserves,Enrico Mattei was killed when his private plane crashed on a flight from Sicily, thehome of the Mafia, to Milan. Charges of deliberate sabotage continue to this day.The head of the CIA station in Rome, Thomas Karamessines, who would later helpto organise the coup against the Chilean leader, Salvador Allende, left Italyimmediately after the crash without explanation. The CIA chief at the time, theKnight of Malta, John McCone, owned more than $1 million worth of shares inStandard Oil of California, better known as Chevron. At the time of his death,Mattei was arranging to meet President Kennedy, who, according to someresearchers, was pressuring the oil cartel to reach agreement with the Italians. Ayear later Kennedy himself was assassinated.The oil companies, governments, intelligence agencies, the banks, themultinationals, the media: all of these are indivisible because all are owned orcontrolled by the same forces. The intelligence agencies work for the interests of theoil companies and vice versa. Sir Henry Deterding was known to have beenconnected with British Intelligence as was Weetman Pearson (later Lord Cowdray),who sold his Mexican Eagle oil interests to Deterding’s Shell. Pearson (Comm 300)used the profits to establish the Pearson Trust, which owns The Economistmagazine and the London Financial Times. It also holds a substantial share of theinternational merchant bank, Lazard Freres. The Economist was launched in 1843 topress for the abolition of the Corn Laws and the advent of ‘free’ trade.The Oil Price ShocksThe Elite coordinate a single overall policy through the many and various elementsin the pyramid and nothing reveals more obviously how the banks, oil companies,and politicians work in concert than the oil price shocks of the 1970s. Part of theBretton Woods Agreement of 1944 was to make the dollar the world’s premiercurrency and link its value to gold. It was decided that $35 would equal an ounce ofgold and that US gold could be redeemed for dollars. The United Statesgovernment, however, found itself in serious trouble by the early 1970s, as so manydollars were exchanged for gold that US reserves couldn’t cope. An Americanfinancier friend, who has many contacts at high levels in the States, says that since this time there has been little or no gold in Fort Knox, although this is obviouslycovered up. President Richard Nixon decided to suspend the policy of exchangingdollars for gold. This sent the world financial system (those who didn’t knowbeforehand) into chaos. Nixon was acting on the advice of his chief Budget Advisor,George Shultz (CFR, TC, Bil, Comm 300 and later Kissinger Associates), PaulVolcker (CFR, TC, Bil, and future head of the Federal Reserve), and Jack F. Bennett,a future director of the Rockefellers’ Exxon Oil. On Nixon’s shoulder at this timewas Henry Kissinger, of course. The other architects of Nixon’s policy were thefinancial institutions and merchant banks in the City of London.The ‘City’ is alive with Freemasonry and it is no coincidence that such a smallcountry can have so much influence, via the City institutions, on the worldeconomy. The Freemasons, and more particularly Illuminised Freemasonry, run theCity and the UK Government, regardless of which party is nominally ‘in power’.Among the main characters in the manipulation of Nixon at this time were themerchant bankers, Sir Siegmund Warburg, Edmond de Rothschild, and JocelynHambro (Comm 300).13 The dollar was revalued at $38 an ounce, but this was nowonly theoretical, because dollars could not be redeemed for gold. This created the socalled Eurodollar market to handle the investment of the huge flow of dollars inEurope which once bought US gold. This Eurodollar market was based on London’sfinancial centres which made colossal profits from their ‘accidental’ windfall. LordRoll of Ipsden (then Sir Eric Roll), was one who exploited this situation to greateffect and made vast sums for S.G. Warburg. Roll is a former chairman of theBilderberg Group, a Trilateralist, a member of the Committee of 300, and a boardmember of Kissinger Associates.The value of the US dollar plummeted as a result of these events, but delinking thedollar from its exchange for gold was only the first stage in the Elite strategy. In May1973, the Bilderberg Group met on an island at Saltsjoebaden, Sweden, owned by theSwedish banking family, the Wallenbergs (Comm 300). Under the chairmanship ofPrince Bernhard, the meeting brought together 84 leading financial and politicalmanipulators. They included: Lord Roll of Ipsden from S.G. Warburg; HenryKissinger; Robert O. Anderson, owner of Atlantic Richfield Oil; Sir Eric Drake, thechairman of BP; Sir Dennis Greenhill, a director of BP; Rene Granier de Lilliac, ofFrench Petroleum; Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Royal Dutch Shell; Olof Palme(Comm 300), the later assassinated prime minister of Sweden; George Ball of LehmanBrothers; David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank; Zbigniew Brzezinski, directorof the newly formed Trilateral Commission and future national security advisor toJimmy Carter; Giovanni Agnelli, head of Fiat; Helmut Schmidt, the German FinanceMinister; Otto Wolff von Amerongen of German Chambers of Commerce; and BaronEdmond de Rothschild. Also representing Britain were Denis Healey of the LabourParty and the Conservative, Reginald Maudling, another regular Bilderberger in the1960s and 70s. The meeting was organised by Robert D. Murphy, who, as US Consulin Munich, sent back favourable reports about Adolf Hitler in the 1920s.14At this meeting, a presentation was made that was to affect the entire world.Walter Levy, the US Government’s official oil economist for the Marshall Plan after the war, announced a proposal to increase the price of oil by 400%.15 Just fivemonths later, in October 1973, came the ‘Yom Kippur War’16 when Egypt and Syriaunsuccessfully invaded Israel. It was this excuse that the Arabs used to massivelyinflate the price of oil, cut production, and announce an oil embargo against theUSA for supporting Israel. Yet again the world economy was thrown into a frenzyof pain and turmoil. In Britain, there was a three-day working week to preserve fuelstocks and millions lost their jobs and livelihoods throughout the world. The poorcountries of the Third World were devastated, making them open to the next stagein the strategy – unrepayable debt. The architect of the Yom Kippur War was the USNational Security Advisor and Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. The ‘shuttlediplomacy’ for which he became famous and much revered was, in fact, a policy ofmisrepresenting each side’s position to the others, thus making war inevitable. Thisis what Kissinger did via the Israeli Ambassador in Washington, Simcha Dinitz, andhis diplomatic contacts in Egypt and Syria.17 Look at the wars and terror thatKissinger has been responsible for and then remember this: in this same year, 1973,Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize! There’s nothing like a Nobel PeacePrize to hide what is really going on. Look at some of the other recipients and thetiming. How do you win a Nobel Prize? Start a war secretly and then get the creditfor stopping it. How appropriate that Alfred Bernhard Nobel, after whom the peaceprize is named, made his fortune from the discovery of dynamite and themanufacture of explosives!The Bilderberg Group had secured its enormous rise in the price of oil and sowell had it been done, the manipulators also had someone else to blame for it – theArab oil-producing countries. This is a vital ingredient in every Elite strategy. Makeevents happen, but find someone else to blame for them so that you, the ‘innocentparty’, can step forward with the ‘solutions’ to the problems you have covertlycreated. All of this had been long planned. Look at the sequence of events: through1972 and 1973 before the Yom Kippur War, the multinational oil companies in theUS, like the Rockefellers’ Exxon, had been cutting back on the domestic supply ofcrude oil, reducing stocks to alarming levels in time for the Arab Oil embargo andsoaring prices they knew were planned in late 1973. The oil companies were given afree hand to do this by Nixon on the advice of his aides, who included HenryKissinger and George Shultz. In February 1973, Kissinger, Shultz, and JohnEhrichman (who was implicated in Watergate) were appointed by Nixon as an’energy triumvirate’ and they effectively controlled US energy policy. Three monthslater came the Bilderberg meeting which agreed to the 400% oil price rise. Fivemonths after that came the Yom Kippur War and the price rise and oil embargo onthe USA. With domestic supplies so low, the US economy collapsed. All theseevents dovetailed perfectly.We should not underestimate the role of Britain in this story. Diplomatic sourcesquoted in A Century Of War say that the British and Kissinger worked hand inhand in countless covert projects to manipulate events in other sovereign states.”The British, you know, were very clever” the sources said. “They were willing tolet the Americans do the public dirty work and take the blame, while they worked very effectively on a more discreet level.. .(through).. .Chatham House.. .”18 Andlook at what Kissinger himself said in a speech to the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs at Chatham House on May 10th 1982. Speaking of the AngloAmerican special relationship, he said:“Our postwar diplomatic history is littered with Anglo-American ‘arrangements’ and’understandings’, sometimes on crucial issues never put into formal documents…TheBritish were so matter of factly helpful that they became a participant in internalAmerican deliberations to a degree probably never before practised between sovereignnations. In my period in office, the British played a seminal role in certain Americanbilateral negotiations…In my White House incarnation, then, I kept the British ForeignOffice better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American StateDepartment.”In my negotiations over Rhodesia, I worked from a British draft with British spellingeven when I did not fully grasp the distinction between a working paper and a Cabinetapproved document. The practice of collaboration thrives to this day…”19The British Foreign Secretaries involved in the negotiations to pull the UK out ofRhodesia were David Owen, then of the Labour Party, and member of the TrilateralCommission a year after leaving office, and.. .Lord Carrington, now chairman of theBilderberg Group, a Trilateralist, and founding board member of his close friend’scompany, Kissinger Associates. Another consequence worthy of note is that the leapin the price of oil suddenly made it far more financially viable to exploit the UK oilreserves in the North Sea by BP, Royal Dutch Shell, and others. In January 1974,Kissinger’s reluctant puppet, The Shah of Iran, demanded and achieved another100% increase in the price of oil by the Organisation of Oil Exporting Countries(OPEC). The 400% increase decided upon by the Bilderberg Group had beenachieved.Third World DebtSo what did the Elite bankers and oil companies gain from the oil price shocks?Money, power, and manufactured dependency for great swathes of humanity. Theeconomic collapse allowed the banks to accumulate yet more land, businesses,people, and control, and their oil companies flourished. In 1974, the Rockefellerowned Exxon replaced General Motors as the biggest American corporation. Butthe real motivation went well beyond that. Part of the deal behind the scenes withthe Arab oil producers was that a large percentage of the billions of dollars theArabs were receiving in extra revenue would be invested in the global Elite banks.The main recipients were Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Manufacturers HanoverTrust, Bank of America, Barclays, Lloyds, and Midland. They then set about’investing’ these enormous revenues in the poor countries of the world in Asia,Africa, and South America, who were forced to borrow to prevent starvation in thewake of the oil price shocks. The Rothschild-controlled Manufacturers Hanover Trust of New York, led the way in this.20 Millions of men, women, and childrensuffered and died from this callously created depression.These loans which caused the debt crisis of the 70s, 80s and 90s were theBilderberg Group’s ‘petrodollar recycling’ strategy at work. The deal with the Arabswas that oil would only be purchased in dollars, and that created another killing forthe holders of dollars and Eurodollars in the USA and London. Kissinger ensuredthat the Saudi Arabians were well supervised. David Mulford, the head of theLondon eurodollar operations of White Weld and Company, was made director andsenior investment advisor to the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, the country’scentral bank. In 1974, 70% of OPEC profits were invested in stocks, bonds, and landoverseas. Sixty per cent of this ($57 billion) went to the financial institutions basedin New York and London in one year alone.But even these incredible sums were nothing compared with the figures therecipient banks were actually lending to the Third World. Banks are allowed to’create’ new money (non-existent credit) many times in excess of the wealth theyhave deposited in their vaults and on their computer screens. If they lent only tentimes the money they received from the Arabs in one year, 1974, they would haveloaned (and charged interest on) $570 billion. But thanks to a banking scam calledfractional reserve lending, they could loan 26 times the funds they had on depositand, in some cases, 66 times! This is the ‘debt’ that has caused such untold famine,poverty, and death in what we call the Third World. It is credit that does not, inreality, exist. A third fact of life on Planet Earth:The so-called third world debt which is crucifying great swathes of our fellowhumanity across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, causing unspeakable misery, isdebt on money that has never, does not, and will never exist!The banks sent out representatives in droves across the Third World, lending moneylike confetti and looking especially for corrupt and incompetent politicians whothey knew would waste it. Why would they do that? Because it was the land andnatural resources of these countries the Elite are after, and still are. They want themto default on their debts, that’s the idea. The plan was to offer them a forgiveness ofdebt in return for rights over those countries’ natural resources for all time. This ishappening today and those leaders who refuse are being removed in ‘people’srevolutions’ and assassinations. The non-existent money was lent to the ThirdWorld at flexible interest rates. If world interest rates went up, the repaymentsincreased. So, lend them the money when interest rates are relatively low, and thenhit them with the sting.Enter Paul Volcker, Margaret Thatcher, and Ronald Reagan at exactly the righttime during the 1980s to launch the madness called monetarism which sent interestrates, and so Third World debt, through the roof. This policy, decided by the Elite’sInternational Banking Commission in Geneva, which swept across the world fromLondon and Washington in the 1980s, began with the appointment by PresidentCarter of Paul A. Volcker as head of the Federal Reserve Board. The President’s right to appoint the chairman of the ‘Fed’ is another little ploy to kid the people that theFederal Reserve is part of the government. Carter was told to appoint Volcker by hispuppeteer, David Rockefeller. Reagan said during his election campaign that hewould replace Volcker. Reagan was elected, but Volcker stayed put. Volcker is a highranking member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group.So is his successor, Alan Greenspan. You get the picture? Monetarism, the oil priceshocks, the Yom Kippur War, and Third World debt are all interconnected and part ofa coordinated Elite policy to take over the planet on behalf of the Prison Warders.Across the world in the 1980s, the regulation of the stock markets, banks, andfinancial centres, was dismantled in the name of ‘freedom’. The Elite’s control of theworld financial system reached new heights. Companies which had served thecommunity for a hundred years and offered sound employment to thousands weretaken over on borrowed money by manipulating the share price and then assetstripped and destroyed. We heard the new wisdom of “You can’t buck the markets”and “Set the people free”. They forgot to add “.. .and hand them over to the Elitecartels”. In the United States, Ronald Reagan deregulated the savings and loanssystem through the Garn-St Germain Act of 1982. This opened the doors for thefunds of these businesses to be looted by the CIA, the Mafia, and other organisedcrime. One of them, the Silverado Bank Savings and Loan, was a CIA operation.21 Itcrashed to the tune of billions of dollars which the American taxpayer is having toreplace. On the board of Silverado Savings and Loan and its most prominentdirector, was Neil Bush, the son of George Bush (who had been at the forefront ofderegulation).This was the period of the yuppie, young people who could make hundreds ofthousands of pounds and more in a week by guessing the future price ofcommodies desperately produced for export by the starving Third World. The effectin Africa, Asia, and Latin America, was beyond words. With each percentage rise inworld interest rates, the repayments and the debts themselves soared. All this andmore continues today. Yet despite all this suffering, the interest rate policies of theElite and its political stooges, meant that at the end of each ever more desperateyear, these countries owed more than they had owed twelve months before, withoutborrowing a single extra cent. Meantime, the Elite banks like Citicorp, theRockefeller/Rothschild Chase Manhattan, and the major British banks werereporting record profits.The impression is given that all this debt was the result of stupid and corruptpoliticians in these countries. Yes, there are stupid and corrupt politicians in theThird World, as there are in the House of Commons and the Congress, and the Eliteare quick to seek them out and often promote them into positions of power. Butmany politicians in the Third World are neither corrupt, nor stupid. Their difficulty,once again, is that the banks, multinationals, intelligence agencies, the media, andgovernments, work as one entity to an agreed-upon policy. Because ofcompartmentalisation, most people involved in these organisations don’t evenrealise that this is the case. In August 1976, the heads of 85 non-aligned countries(those not involved with the USA or USSR), met in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to discuss the mounting debt crisis. Their declaration called for a restructuring of the globaleconomic system to remove the rigged, built in, subservience of developingcountries to the industrialised world. It also demanded a resolution to the debtcrisis which was swamping these countries in hunger and disease. The UnitedNations did nothing. And one by one the leaders who signed and promoted theColombo Declaration were removed from office. Frederick Wills, the representativefrom Guyana, was among them. He told the authors of A Century Of War.“The only Third World raw material that did well in the economic arena was oil, but thelarge oil reserves were centred on the Middle East, and manipulation of inter-Arab andArab-Israeli conflicts, together with inculcation of penchant for prestige projects meantthat Third World oil reserves could not be used as factors in Third World development.One by one Third World countries were gripped by inflation and starvation, by low lifeexpectancy and high infant mortality. The Old Order of Canning, Castlereagh, Pitt, andDisraeli remains.”22Note another reason for these policies. The culling of Third World, non-whitepeople. Eugenics. The Castlereagh mentioned there was a nineteenth century BritishForeign Minister who handed over Europe to the New World Order bankers,particularly the House of Rothschild, at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. A devoutstudent of this man’s methods was.. .Henry Kissinger. It was Kissinger whoblackmailed and threatened other developed countries into ignoring the appealsfrom the Third World and it was he, too, who set in motion the events that wouldremove those leaders, among them Indira Gandhi in India. This was done, as inmany other cases, by sending in the IMF to enforce policies of such austerity thatthe leader was blamed and thrown out. By now he had formed his own’consultancy’ called Kissinger Associates, the board members of which wereKissinger, Lord Carrington, Lord Roll of Ipsden, and Robert O. Anderson ofAtlantic Richfield. All except Carrington attended the Bilderberg Group meeting inSweden which agreed the 400% increase in the price of oil. IMF debt restructuringbecame the buzz words for increasing the debts without lending another dollar. Asa result the people of the Third World continue to suffer and all the Live Aids in theworld will not change that unless we address the cause – Elite exploitation with theaim of owning the planet and everything upon it, and the way the people of theThird World are programmed to expect and create that reality.Charity events like Live Aid, Band Aid, and Comic Relief are wonderful in thatthey help to highlight the plight of the developing countries. But we need to beaddressing the cause, so that such charities are no longer needed. Charities are asymbol of a global imbalance. They only exist because of that imbalance. It is notgifts of charity which the Third World needs as a first priority, it is the dismantlingof the system in which the rest of the world live off their backs and bleed them drywith the net outflow of funds and resources to the industrialised countries (readbanks) every year. The greatest gift we can give those people is a new vision of whatthey can achieve and what life can be like if they are determined to grasp it and create that reality. If you were born in unthinkable poverty and despair and in anapparently hopeless situation, you, like everyone else, would believe that life willalways be like that. A day-to-day struggle, just to survive. Such a mindset willcreate, and continue to attract, that reality. Breaking the spiral of despair is vital tothe creation of another and positive reality. There are many ways this can beachieved, but giving people a belief in their own potential and how they can changetheir lives for the better is at the heart of any solution.Stealing the PlanetToday we continue to see the next stage in the Elite/Third World debt strategy: toforgive or restructure the debt in return for land and resources. The environmentalmovement is playing a part, mostly unknowingly, in this. One of the initiativessupported by many in the environmental movement is known as ‘debt for equity’.Under this proposal, the international debt of Third World countries is forgiven inreturn for handing over areas of wilderness and ‘environmentally sensitive’ lands.It is promoted as a system that wins both ways. The debts of poor countries arereduced and these wilderness and other lands are protected. Unfortunately, thegreen movement in general has a very poor record of looking behind thesmokescreens thrown up by the New World Order crowd. Firstly, the scheme wouldnot reduce debt; it would change the nature of it and steal the lands of thesecountries. And secondly, who is behind the idea? Ladies and gentlemen let’s hear itfor.. .David Rockefeller and Baron Edmond de Rothschild! One example of this wassomething called The World Conservation Bank (WCB), which was apparentlyinitiated at the Fourth World Wilderness Conference, held on September 13th 1987at Denver, Colorado, and continued over the following four days at the notoriousAspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. James Baker, the US Treasury Secretary andlong time buddy of George Bush, made a speech in support of the WorldConservation Bank. The official host of the World Wilderness Conference wasGeorge W. Hunt, an accountant and investment consultant, who had done somereading about world conspiracy ‘theories’. This helped him to realise what wasgoing on before the eyes of some genuine environmentalists who had no idea howthey were being manipulated. An interview with George Hunt appeared inMoneychanger magazine in the United States. In that, he explained how the WorldConservation Bank was being designed as a world central bank to create yet moredebt in the Third World and steal the lands of the poor while trumpeting its successin reducing debt and ‘saving the environment’. He said:“…the banker Baron Edmond de Rothschild was at the meeting for six days. Edmond deRothschild was personally conducting the monetary matters and creation of this WorldConservation Bank, in the company of I. Michael Sweatman of the Royal Bank ofCanada. Those two were like Siamese twins, and that’s why I say that it appears theywere running at least the money side of this conference and I would say the conferencewas primarily to get money. Also, David Rockefeller (of Chase Manhattan Bank) wasthere and gave a speech on Sunday…


The scam was to transfer the debts from the Third World countries to the WorldConservation Bank and, in return, those countries would give land to the WCB.Should the WCB collapse or get into repayment difficulties on the debts, it wouldthen owe its assets to the global bankers, who would be at liberty to seize the landsof the Third World. Alternatively, in the ever-gathering centralisation, there couldbe a ‘takeover’ of the WCB by the United Nations, thus giving control over thelands to this New World Order front. As the fact sheet published by the Secretariatof the Wilderness Conference said:…plans for the WCB propose that it act as an intermediary between certain developingcountries and multilateral or private banks to transfer a specific debt to the WCB, thussubstituting an existing ‘doubtful debt’ in the bank’s books for a new loan to the WCB.In return for having been relieved of its debt obligation, the debtor country wouldtransfer to the WCB natural resource assets of ‘equivalent value’.Problem-reaction-solution. If accepted, this would give the World ConservationBank control over 30% of the Earth’s land surface through this means alone, nevermind all the rest that the Elite own. When George Hunt delivered a written protest toDavid Rockefeller via the ‘great man’s’ bodyguard, Hunt says he received a warningfrom Rockefeller’s office saying that: I’d better stay out of politicking or I’d regret it.Note also that while the manipulators are quite happy for loans from othercountries to be, in effect, forgotten – ‘retained in-country’ for environmental projects- the loans from the Elite banks would not be forgotten. They would be transferredfrom the Third World Countries (‘doubtful debts’) to the World Conservation Bank,which would guarantee the repayments in money or Third World land. Anotherwell known face at this conference which initiated the WCB was the SocialDemocrat Prime Minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland. This wasappropriate because she recommended an organisation like the WCB in the UNsponsored Brundtland Report on the environment called Our Common Future.This was compiled in league with David Rockefeller’s ‘green’ associates, MauriceStrong (Comm 300) and Jim MacNeill, two leading lights in the UN Commission onEnvironment and Development and the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil. Same names,same agenda; on and on it goes. If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be funny. In fact,some of it is anyway. In the Moneychanger article, George Hunt reported thecontribution to the environmental debate made by Baron de Rothschild:He said innovation is the key to the pollution problem. We need growth anddevelopment. For instance, we have a CO2 problem. Baron de Rothschild proposedthat we create large dry ice machines that will absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, andthen take the dry ice that we create up to the polar ice cap to keep it from melting.Moneychanger interviewer: Oh, come off it.No, I’m not kidding. I said to myself, this guy has either lost his mind or… (Moneychanger interviewer in fits of uncontrollable laughter)…or he is just laughing at us. Isn’t that something? And by the way I’ve got the wholeconference on tape.I tried to track down the World Conservation Bank in 1995 and no-one seemed tohave heard of it. I rang Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and the BritishGovernment’s Environment Department, and they all scratched their heads. I rangthe United Nations Environment Agency and at first they acknowledged the namebefore returning to the phone to say that they, too, had never heard of it. Maybe itnever got started or maybe it is working quietly out of the public eye, I don’t know.I do hope the first one is the case. If you know what happened to the WCB, pleaselet me know.The Nuclear Power ‘Sting’One effect of the oil price shocks which the Elite oil cartels had to suppress was themove to nuclear power. I have great reservations about nuclear power and I feel it isjust a middle stage before we realise it is possible to harness the natural energies ofPlanet Earth to give us all the safe, non-polluting, warmth and power that we need.What is clear, however, is that there has been a well-organised campaign by the oilcartels to discredit and destroy nuclear power as a credible alternative to oil. Whatfollows will provide more cause for reflection by the environmental movement, andgive you another example of how the network of banking/oil-business/politicalinterests work together to deceive and use people of genuine intent.In December 1971, McGeorge Bundy (CFR, TC, Bil), the head of the FordFoundation, arranged for the $4 million funding of a study called A Time ToChoose: America’s Energy Future. This made its report in 1974, amid the energydebate stimulated by Henry Kissinger’s oil price hike. Bundy was Kissinger’sformer dean at Harvard University and his boss for a short time when Kissingerwas a consultant to the National Security Council of John F. Kennedy. The FordFoundation report pressed for ‘alternative’ energy sources like wind and solarpower, and dismissed nuclear power. The oil cartel is quite happy with theconventional green ‘alternatives’ because they do not have the credibility to replaceoil. They fear other alternatives, however, like nuclear power and, especially, thefree energy technology which uses the Earth’s energy field. This is why the latterhas been so soundly suppressed.The expansion of nuclear power was another reason for the environmentalagenda which was being stimulated in this same period via the Club of Rome andother Elite fronts. Here again we meet one of the oilmen at that infamousBilderberg Group meeting which agreed to the oil shocks, Robert O. Anderson,owner of the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company and a board member of KissingerAssociates. He channelled large sums through his Atlantic Richfield Foundation toorganisations opposed to nuclear energy. One was to become a front-runner in theenvironmental movement: Friends of the Earth. It was set up with the help of a $200,000 dollar grant from Anderson.24 He also donated to the Friends of the Earthcampaigns against the German nuclear programme in the mid-to late-seventies bypeople like FoE leader, Holger Strohm. The CFR/Rockefeller-controlled Ford andCarnegie Foundations poured millions into the environmental campaigns andpressure groups, as did the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation,the Rockefeller Family Fund, and the Rockefeller-connected Mellon Foundations(Gulf Oil).25The French Friends of the Earth director, Brice LaLonde, was a partner in theRockefeller law firm, Coudert Brothers, in Paris. LaLonde was appointedEnvironment Minister in 1989 by the Freemason, Francois Mitterand (Comm 300).Robert O. Anderson, the multimillionaire oilman, was chairman of his owncreation, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. Where was most of theWilderness Conference held which discussed the World Conservation Bank? …theAspen Institute. Anderson has used Aspen as part of his anti-nuclear powerstrategy and to highlight the environment as a global problem in need of a global -centralised – solution. Aspen is partly funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.Some of the trustees of the Aspen Institute were Robert McNamara (CFR, TC, Biland World Bank President), Richard Gardner (CFR,TC, Bil, Comm 300), LordBullock of Oxford University, Russell Paterson of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, LoebInc., and oil executives of Exxon, Gulf, and Mobil. Anderson appointed JosephSlater from the Ford Foundation as Aspen President. Here we had a close knit andcosy bunch of pro-oil, New World Order manipulators. Surely there would not bean environmentalist to be seen in such company!But wait, who’s this? There is a Maurice Strong named on the Aspen InstituteBoard. It couldn’t possibly be the same Maurice Strong I mentioned earlier as thefriend of David Rockefeller, could it? The Maurice Strong who was the first head ofthe UN Environment Agency and ‘Mr Green’ at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio? Itsurely could. Given that this ‘environmentalist’ is a Canadian oil man, he wouldhave had a lot in common with his fellow directors.Aspen financed an international network linked to the UN called theInternational Institute for Environment and Development and on its board wereAnderson, Strong, McNamara, and Roy (Lord) Jenkins, from Britain, the Labourcabinet minister, founder of the Social Democratic Party, head of the EuropeanCommission, Bilderberger, member of the Trilateral Commission, and a president ofthe Royal Institute of International Affairs. Anderson’s strategy was timed to beready to attack the nuclear power industry when its credibility was at its peak – theperiod following the leap in oil prices. Atlantic Richfield and the Rockefellersfunded the anti-nuclear ‘green’ lobby, including the World Wildlife Fund, chairedby the Bilderberg Group’s Prince Bernhard, and later by Trilateralist and Rockefellerassociate, John Loudon, an executive of the company of which Bernhard was amajor shareholder, Royal Dutch Shell.Today the WWF, now called the Worldwide Fund for Nature, is headed byPrince Philip (Bil), the environmentalist with a love of shooting birds from the sky.It is not only Prince Philip who can be seen to have a smoking gun in his hand. So can many who have shaped the environmental debate and the ‘solutions’ to ThirdWorld debt. It really is time for those in the green movement who genuinely care forthe planet – the majority – to wake up and take another look at what they areinvolved in. There is one heck of a confidence trick going on.Researcher, Dr Kitty Little, suggests another reason for the Elite’s attack onnuclear power. Dr Little worked at the British Atomic Energy Establishment atHarwell between 1949 and 1958, and she has been a major contributor at the publicinquiries into the nuclear power complexes at Windscale (Sellafield) and HinkleyPoint. Her research and contacts over more than 50 years led her to believe that theFrench arm of the House of Rothschild is seeking to monopolise uranium andnuclear power technology, together with the technology for reprocessing spent fuel.Dr Little says they are planning to achieve this monopoly by the time gas and oilsupplies are running out. In pursuit of this, they are using environmental concernsand political manoeuvring to destroy the coal industry and to stop the developmentof nuclear power and reprocessing by national governments. They want to hoardthe rights to this know-how themselves for when the world is running out ofenergy. The privatisation of the British electricity industry was part of this strategyof controlling energy supplies, Dr Little says. Who privatised British electricity andhelped to run down the coal industry? Lord Wakeham. Who did he work for afterhe left the government? N.M. Rothschild. Who advised the government on theprivatisation of electricity, coal, and gas? N.M. Rothschild. Who advised the Hansonmultinational in its efforts to acquire the privatised Eastern Electricity in August1995? N.M. Rothschild. The alleged KGB spy Donald Maclean was, in fact, feedinggeology reports to Guy Rothschild in France, detailing where resources had beenlocated, including uranium. Maclean had access to these reports in his job at theForeign Office. According to Dr Little, the Rothschilds now control 80% of worlduranium supplies.26I stress that I am not attacking Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and theenvironmental movement in general. They have done some good work overall. I ammerely pointing out that they can, and are, used to promote the New World Order,mostly (though certainly not in every case) without their knowledge. Again theElite are not ‘pro’ or ‘anti’ the environmental movement. They will use it when itsuits their interests and undermine it when it doesn’t. The British Friends of theEarth campaigns director, Andrew Lees, a man I met and had great respect for, wasfound dead in Madagascar in January 1995 where he was filming the site of aproposed two billion pound mine, a joint venture between a subsidiary of theLondon-based multinational, Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ), and the Madagascargovernment. The official verdict of a ‘heart attack’ sounds very convenient andcoincidental to me. When environmentalists can be duped into advancing the NewWorld Order agenda, they are supported, congratulated, and patted on the head.When they are behaving in ways that oppose the plans of those in power, quiteanother approach is used towards them. So it is with all people and all subject areas.When Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Ali Bhutto, proposed an expansion of hiscountry’s nuclear power programme, he came under tremendous pressure from Henry Kissinger by August 1976 to drop the plan. Independent power supplies ofwhatever kind are not good for control and what the Elite fear more than anythingis someone setting a good example that others will follow. What happened toBhutto also fits in with Dr Little’s contention about the monopoly of nucleartechnology. According to some Pakistani sources, Kissinger said that unless thepolicy was changed he would make a terrible example of Pakistan.27 Bhutto stillrefused and by 1977 he was overthrown in a military coup led by General Zia UlHaq, who reversed Pakistan’s policy of independence from the US Bhutto namedKissinger as the force behind the coup and, because he knew too much and wasprepared to say it, the controlling world community sat on its hands while Bhuttowas hanged. From his prison cell, Bhutto wrote:Dr Henry Kissinger, the Secretary of State for the United States, has a brilliant mind.He told me that I should not insult the intelligence of the United States by saying thatPakistan needed the Reprocessing Plant for her energy needs. In reply, I told him that Iwill not insult the intelligence of the United States by discussing the energy needs ofPakistan, but in the same token, he should not insult the sovereignty and self-respect ofPakistan by discussing the plant at all. I got the death sentence.28The list continues to mount. Even the campaign against nuclear power leads tothe same people and the same agenda. And by the way, it was the Elite-puppet,General Zia Ul-Hag, who was used to trigger the war in Afghanistan.What Next?What can we expect the banking-business manipulators to do from this point on?The Elite want the introduction of a world central bank that would run the planet asthe Federal Reserve now runs America.


All banks and money-flows would becontrolled by the handful of people who would control the World Central Bank. Theidea is to concentrate power into regional centres, as with the European CentralBank, and then fuse them together as one. The present World Bank and IMF wouldbe absorbed into this centralised global financial dictatorship. In the same way, theproposed European currency is a stepping-stone to the planned one-world currency.The momentum towards this centralisation will be furthered by increasing pressureto allow the United Nations to levy taxation via tariffs on all air travel, cross-bordertrade, or other means, to give it an income independent of the sovereign states it issupposed to be serving. It can then fund its own empire and the world army, whichis being created by fusing NATO with the UN ‘peacekeeping’ forces. The worldarmy is designed to ensure that no nation refuses to concede to the global dictators.The manipulation is seeking to intertwine all economies and governments into aglobal system, from which even those who eventually see what is going on will findit very difficult to delink. You only have to read the newspapers and the Elitepublications to see what is afoot. In 1984, Professor Richard N. Cooper (CFR, TC)said in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs propaganda sheet that the world required a newmonetary system: …I suggest a radical alternative scheme for the next century; the creation of acommon currency for all the industrial democracies sic, with a common monetarypolicy and a joint Bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy. …The key point isthat monetary control – the issuance of currency and of reserve credit – would be in thehands of the new Bank of Issue, not in the hands of any national government. …Asingle currency is possible only if there is in effect a single monetary policy, and asingle authority issuing the currency and directing the monetary policy. How canindependent states accomplish that? They need to turn over the determination ofmonetary policy to a supranational body.29This has been the Global Elite’s game plan for centuries. The manoeuvrings andthe politic-speak can be observed every day. Look at what President Bill Clintonand the other heads of the elite Group of Seven (industrial nations), said in thesummer of 1994. Under the headline G7 reaches out for new order – UN andfinance reforms urged, the London Guardian reported on July 11th:The West’s leading industrial powers yesterday took the first tentative steps towardsthe creation of a post-Cold War economic and political order, calling for a fresh look atthe Bretton Woods financial institutions and a revitalised United Nations……At the initiation of President Clinton and with the support of President Mitterand, theGroup of Seven pledged itself to a revamp of the International Monetary Fund, WorldBank, and the G7 itself. The world needed new global economic institutions to ‘ensurethe future prosperity and security of our people’, Saturday’s communique said.The global currency is not intended to be physical money. It will be entirelycredit, figures on a computer screen. The plan is to replace all paper money andcoins, and even credit cards, with a bar code inserted under the skin of everyhuman being. This barcoding would be programmed with all the details about us,including our financial assets. You would go into a shop and pay for the goods byholding the bar code, probably in your wrist, over a beam at the check out. This willread the bar code, check that you have enough credit, and reprogramme yourunder-the-skin bank statement to remove the amount you have just spent.This offers enormous potential for control. At present, if you go into a shop andthe computer refuses your credit card, you can pay with cash. But what happenswhen cash no longer exists and the computer says no to your barcoding? You haveno means to purchase anything. And, naturally, those who campaign against the(by then) global fascist /communist dictatorship, will find that the computer doesn’twant to know. Far fetched? Not in the least. The technology already exists and it isonly a case of bouncing public opinion into accepting it. We will be told that thissystem will end all tax evasion (no ‘readies’ to avoid taxation), stop credit cardfraud, and help to fight the ‘war on drugs’, a classic problem-reaction-solutionscenario, because the Elite control the illegal drugs market. Credit cards are astepping-stone to lead us along the road to barcoding and the end of cash, just as microchipped identity cards are also stepping-stones to the under-the-skinmicrochip which will connect us permanently to a central computer – if we don’twake up and stop it.The day I completed a draft of this chapter, or thought I had, I went into the nextroom to read the newspaper. It was the London Times of January 6th 1995, and inthere I found an article by writer Paul Penrose, headed Will plastic smart cards beEurope’s common currency? All that I had been writing that day, and had outlinedin The Robots’ Rebellion, was there before me. The best banking brains of theEuropean Union are designing the money of the future, the article said. It made thepoint that the introduction of the planned European currency would be very costlyfor governments and businesses with all the new notes and coins involved. So therewas a problem. What could the solution be, one wonders expectantly? It couldn’tjust be..? Oh yes it could. I quote:One novel solution is to phase out physical cash altogether. Under this scenario,electronic money credit loaded into a microchip embedded in a plastic card wouldbecome the symbolic common currency of a united Europe. In the Federal superstate ofthe next millennium, there may be no rustle of Euro-notes, no jingle of Euro-coins, justthe battery operated blip of machine-readable data changing hands.And, of course, something will be found to be less than perfect about this systemonce it is introduced and the cash has gone. The solution to this ‘problem’ will bethe barcoded human being. What is clearly planned to hurry along the worldcentral bank and one world currency is a global crash and currency chaos, using thetried and trusted methods. For that to work and the public mind to be conned, theElite will need to find a scapegoat for the crash, so the bankers and politicians canappear over the horizon on their white horses to offer the solution.An Englishman called Jonathan May, who worked in financial and oil circles formany years, realised what was going on and began to tell anyone who would listen.He tried to form a group of wealthy people who could construct an alternativemoney system to the one the Elite controlled. Threats were made on his life inEngland and he moved to America to continue his work. When he tried tointroduce a non-interest credit system for Minnesota farmers struggling under amountain of debt, it was crushed by the Federal Reserve. He was charged withfraud and jailed for 45 years.May says that not only did he not commit the crime – no crime actually tookplace! May’s view is that the oil price shocks of the 1970s and the tidal wave ofpetrodollars channelled from the Arabs, through the Elite banks, to the ThirdWorld, were part of the plan to crash the global economy at some future date. TheArab oil producers, especially Saudi Arabia, didn’t realise what they were beingused for, May says, nor that the global oil and banking cartels were owned by thesame people. He believes the plan is to forgive the debt of the Third World countrieswhen the time is suitable in return for the rights to their natural resources forever.This, says May, would mean the Arabs would lose their petrodollars held on deposit for a fixed term in the global banks (or rather, held by the companiescreated at arms’ length from these banks to protect them from the consequences ofsuch action). Arab nations would then have to raise cash flow by selling offenormous amounts of their shares, land holdings, property, and businessesthroughout the United States and the industrialised world. This, May’s scenariocontinues, would collapse the global economy and the ‘greedy’ Arabs would get theblame for it. The bankers and politicians of the Elite in the midst of the chaos andturmoil would step forward with the solution.. .the end of cash and a one worldcredit currency administered by a world central bank.I don’t know if that is precisely correct, but Jonathan May was obviously sayingsomething the Elite didn’t want the people to hear. I am sure the plan involvesevents similar to this in outcome, if not in detail. May also reveals that the wholeconfidence trick is made possible by the unique privileges enjoyed by the bankingtrusts set up by the original John D. Rockefeller. Such trusts have since becomeillegal, but the ones already created have been allowed to continue. May says thatthe ownership of these trusts was vested in thirteen long-established bankingfamilies, most of which will have been mentioned in this book.The Food BankAnother aim of the Elite is to control the land and production of food at every levelof the process. The natural crop seed varieties are being systematically destroyedand replaced by genetically-engineered seeds, which a handful of Elite-controlledmultinational companies are patenting. Under Plant Breeder’s Rights legislation,anyone using these seeds must pay a royalty to these companies or face a six-monthjail sentence or fines of up to $250,000. This applies to anyone from a Westernfarmer to a poverty-stricken peasant in Bangladesh. The same ‘patents’ are beingapplied to all plants, animals, fungi, genes, and viruses, that have been geneticallytampered with. The Uruguay Round of the GATT agreement has increased the holdthat companies like Britain’s ICI (supported by BP) and the US giants have overglobal seed varieties. This is giving them control over what we eat and even if weeat. This was the GATT agreement that the politicians, the media, and the big-namenews presenters were telling us was so vital to our economic well-being!The ‘Green Revolution’ of the 1960s and 70s which was sold as a means to feedthe poor countries of the world was, in truth, a means to steal the natural plantvarieties used there and replace them with hybrids dependent on chemical inputswhich the same companies monopolise. The chemical inputs are killing the landand the body, in another form of population control. Control and dependency wasthe plan. The Rockefeller Foundation collected the seeds from 95% of the world’smajor cereal crops in the years leading up to the GATT Agreement and the PlantBreeder’s Rights Bills. The multinationals are phasing out the varieties they do nothave rights to and making the world dependent on those that they do. UN statisticsestimate that 75% of genetic diversity in agricultural crops has been lost in thiscentury and what is left is now in great danger. More than 1,500 varieties ofvegetable seeds were withdrawn from use in England in the first few years after a national list of ‘approved’ species was established. The costs of registering seedvarieties is so high that only the multinationals can do it and yet geneticallyengineered varieties forced upon Third World countries are often useless in thoseenvironments. This adds to the hunger and debt. In India, a million farmers took tothe streets when a US patent was awarded for the active genes of the neem tree,which has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy. No-one should own thepatent to any seed or animal and especially not the mindset that controls themultinationals.The farming policies of the European Community and those demanded byGATT have been designed to destroy the small and medium-sized farmer and allowthe land and the market to be taken over almost entirely by the multinationalcorporations across the world. Over-production in agriculture, the butter’mountains’ and the wine Takes’, has not been caused by stupidity. It has beencalculated to destroy smaller farms. What is happening to the smaller farmers in theindustrialised countries is only a continuation and expansion of the policies used tosteal the land of the Third World farmers. Ninety per cent of the food trade on thisplanet is in the hands of five multinationals. Half of our supplies are controlled bytwo of them, the Anglo-Dutch giant, Unilever (controlled by Bilderberg groupclones), and the Nestle corporation in the Elite stronghold of Switzerland. Onceagain we see that ‘free trade’ is really cartelism, the means through which the vastdestroy the small and get paid for doing so with public money. As John D.Rockefeller Jr once said: Competition is a sin.30 In the European Union it isestimated that the multinationals receive between 10 and 12 billion German marksevery year, merely for transporting goods and raw materials across national bordersto repackage them and give the goods a ‘national image’. The biggest beneficiary isUnilever, which has close family ties to the Sainsbury Supermarket Empire.Unilever increased profits in one year by 25.6%, at the same time that farmingincomes in Denmark dropped by 35.3% and in Germany by 27.5%. Such are theprofits to be made for the corporations that even car companies like Volkswagenand Daimler Benz entered the cattle-breeding market, a business which has led tothe destruction of enormous swathes of rainforest.This all fits into the global plan for dependency and control of every aspect ofour lives. They want us literally to be robots, programmed to do as we are told, andthe banking/business system is the backbone of this strategy. As with the wars andconflicts, I hope you can see that there is no need for all the poverty and economicsuffering that we can hardly bear to witness on our television screens. This doesn’thave to happen. We allow it to happen. There is enough for everyone – enoughfood, enough warmth, enough for all we need for a good life – yes, even with thenumber of people currently occupying Planet Earth. The suffering and poverty arethere by design to control us, to divide and rule, and to create the fear within us thatif we don’t conform and play the game by the rules of the Elite, we will end up indire straits, also. Everyone for themselves. Winner takes all. It is a battle calledsurvival, a battle to the death. The collective human mind has taken on thosethought patterns and created this reality. But remember, remember, remember. It doesn’t have to be like this. This doesn’thave to be the future. We are creating the future with every thought and act. If whatwe think and do changes, so will the future. If you summon your courage and getoff your knees, we can leave our children a world that is truly, truly, free. There isnothing and no-one who can stop us, if enough people demand an end to thismanipulation and are prepared to work unceasingly to that goal. No, not even theGlobal Elite.SOURCES1 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p60-612 Sheldon Emery, Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People – a Spotlight newspaperreprint, (February 3rd 1986) p8. This article was a summary of Emery’s book of the samename.3 Source: The United States Embassy, London4 Labour Hints At Bank Freedom, The Times (May 18th 1995)5 Sheldon Emery, Billions For The Bankers, Debts For The People, p2~36 Figures from Billions For The Bankers, Debts For The People7 Ibid p18 Dr Kitty Little, submission to the Committee on Standards in Public Life (January 1995) pl5,paragraphs 53 and 549 Jewish Chronicle (April 17th 1995)10 The Financial Times (March 3rd 1992)11 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, p2012 Royal Dutch Shell is the amalgamation of Deterding’s Royal Dutch Oil Company and theShell Transport and Trading Co, owned by the shipping magnate, Marcus Samuel (LordBearsted).13 F. William Engdahl, A Century Of War (Dr Bottiger Verlags-GmbH, Germany, 1993) p147.A superb expose of Anglo-American oil politics and its place in the New World Order.14 A Century Of War, pl5015 Ibid p14916 Before the previous Arab-Israeli war in 1967, there was considerable UFO activity over Israeland the Golan Heights. This is often reported in war zones before and during the conflict.See Extra-Terrestrial Friends And Foes, by George C. Andrews.17 A Century Of War, pl5018 A Century Of War, pl80-181 19 Henry A. Kissinger, Reflections On A Partnership: British And American Attitudes To PostwarForeign Policy (Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, May 10th1982). In June 1995 Kissinger was given an ‘honourary knighthood’ by the Queen forservices to Anglo-American relations! He became an Honourary Knight Commander in theMost Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG) in a ceremony at WindsorCastle. The Honour was bestowed on the recommendation of the Foreign Secretary, DouglasHurd (London Daily Telegraph, June 14th 1995).20 A Century Of War, p20621 Rodney Stich, Defrauding America, A Pattern Of Related Scandals (Diablo Western PressInc., Alamo, California, 1994) pl7622 A Century Of War, pl7923 Moneychanger magazine (December 1987, Memphis, Tennessee)24 A Century Of War, pl5925 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, p146-14726 Submission to the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life, p37-38, paragraphs130-13427 A Century Of War, pl8228 Benazir Bhutto, Tochter Der Macht: Autobiographie (Droemer Knaur, Munich, 1989)29 Foreign Affairs magazine (Autumn 1984 edition)30 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, pl9


chapter 12

the hidden hand

“He who gains most advantage from a crimeis the one most likely to have committed it.”The Roman playwright, SenecaThe covert force which is responsible for all those apparently unconnectedeconomic events is also at large in the national and global political arena. Thehidden hand of the Elite and its pyramid of deception can be shown to be behind astream of officially unconnected political assassinations and scandals.For instance, what apparent link can there be between the assassination ofPresident John F. Kennedy in 1963, the Oklahoma bomb in 1995, the Vietnam War,and the drugs-for-arms operation during the Reagan-Bush administration in the1980s, known as Iran-Contra? What could be the connection between theassassinations of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, the Watergate scandal whichbrought down Richard Nixon, the Bay of Pigs invasion against Castro’s Cuba in1961 which did much to discredit John F. Kennedy, the removal of MargaretThatcher as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1990, and the suppression ofinformation about the UFO phenomenon which has been identified since the war?The answer is the Elite and the cult of the All-Seeing Eye.The same force has been behind all of these events and countless others which,on the surface and in the media, are not connected in any way. In this chapter, I’mgoing to show how these political assassinations and events were part of the sameongoing plan, which removes anyone who gets in the way, either by physical orcharacter assassination. Understanding this is important because one methodthrough which the human mind is diverted from seeing these connections is foreach event to be promoted as a ‘one-off. This is done by the Tone assassin/noconspiracy’ approach. The same strategy is used when each national civil war andrevolution is said to be confined only to that country, and not part of a worldrevolution instigating trouble across the planet toward a common end.The Vietnam WarSo many events and implications were triggered by the war in Vietnam. The UnitedStates embarked on that debacle, the public were told, to challenge the spread of’communism’. We have already seen that ‘communism’ was the creation of thesame Elite who publicly promote ‘capitalism’. There is, therefore, another reason behind a war that killed so many on both ‘sides’. Retired Air Force Colonel L.Fletcher Prouty was chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff duringthe Kennedy years and he was directly in charge of the global system providingmilitary support for the covert activities of the CIA. He wrote a book called TheSecret Team and in the film, JFK, the character Colonel X was apparently based onProuty who advised the film-makers.1 On April 13th 1995, Prouty talked on RadioFree America about the background to the Vietnam War. He said that on January29th 1954, the CIA Director, Allen Dulles, secured approval during a meeting at theWhite House for the creation of an organisation called the Saigon Military Mission.The man selected to head this ‘Mission’ was the then Colonel Edward Lansdale,who had been working with the CIA to overthrow the government of the PhilippinePresident, Ramon Magsaysay. The idea was to move Lansdale to Vietnam to do thesame sort of work there. Vietnam at that time had been divided at the 17th parallelinto North and South Vietnam by something called the Geneva Agreement. Therewere to be elections and either Ho Chi Minh in the North or Ngo Dinh Diem in theSouth would be elected to rule over all of the country. That was the theory, anyway.The Elite wanted a war instead. This would provide massive profits for thebanks and arms companies (the same people), help to destabilise American society,create divide and rule in the Far East, and provide a cover for an enormous trade inhard drugs. Prouty said that to create the appearance of an enemy to justify a war,the Saigon Military Mission (Allen Dulles and the CIA) embarked on”psychological warfare” – terrorism. They moved more than a million Vietnamesefrom the North to the South between 1954 and 1955. American Navy transportscarried more than 657,000 of them and CIA airlines transported 300,000. Hundredsof thousands of others were persuaded to walk. These people had no food ormoney and they began to form into gangs of bandits to steal what they needed tosurvive. As this began to grow, the Americans who had purposely created theproblem, dubbed these bandit gangs “insurgency movements” from the North andthey were given the name the “Viet Cong”. Thus the ‘justification’ had been created(problem-reaction-solution) for the Vietnam War.Robert McNamara (CFR, TC, Bil), Kennedy’s defense secretary at the time ofVietnam, and later head of the World Bank, has now publicly confessed thatVietnam was a war that should never have been fought. He said that it was a warthat the United States could not win and never even tried to win. Indeed, he mighthave added that it was a war that was never officially declared. McNamara’smiddle name is “Strange” and it was an inspired choice given his immense recordof manipulation. He was the man behind the jungle clearances using the notoriousAgent Orange. Quite why he has chosen to ‘reveal all’ now is not clear. BothMcNamara and Prouty agree that President Kennedy wanted to withdraw fromVietnam and end the war. Prouty says that Kennedy approved a document calledNational Security Action Memorandum 263. This said that all US soldiers and otherpersonnel would be out of Vietnam by 1965. This followed a stream of meetingscalled by the president to discuss Vietnam, most of which are recorded in theGovernment Printing Office publication, Foreign Relations Of The United States 1961-1963 (Volume IV): Vietnam (August to December 1963). McNamara says thatKennedy also refused to endorse the introduction of US combat forces in Vietnam.The Elite, however, did not want the war over that quickly and after Kennedy wasassassinated in 1963 there was no withdrawal. According to McNamara, thesuccessor to Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, released false reports about a NorthVietnamese attack on US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. No such attack tookplace, McNamara says, but thanks to the unquestioning reporting of this ‘fact’ bythe media, it further “justifed” the escalation of the war.2 Throughout the 1960s,employees of the Morgan banking empire were officials in the military arms ofgovernment.On July 4th 1971, a group of young Americans gathered in Detroit, Michigan, toissue a formal indictment against a list of people they said were responsible for thecarnage called Vietnam. The men they named were: William E Buckley Jr; DanielEllsberg; Henry Kissinger; Henry Cabot Lodge; Robert McNamara; Andre Meyer;David Rockefeller; Nelson Rockefeller; Dean Rusk; Walt W. Rostow; and MaxwellD. Taylor. Those names abound with members of the Council on Foreign Relationsand the Bilderberg Group. To tell the full truth, that list needs to be very muchlonger. Vietnam was just another engineered human catastrophe. It happened onlybecause it was made to happen in pursuit of the New World Order. Yet if you recall,the boxer Muhammed Ali was jailed for the ‘crime’ of refusing to take part andAmerican men are still looked down upon for “avoiding the draft” to Vietnam.Being someone else’s cannon fodder makes you a ‘man’, does it? Others weretreated like lepers when they came back from Vietnam because of the wayAmerican ‘pride’ had been damaged by failing to win. My God. My God.John F KennedyPresident Kennedy’s alleged Tone assassin’, Lee Harvey Oswald, was an asset ofthe CIA who was set up to take the blame. He was the ‘patsy’, as they say inAmerica. Investigations by New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, showedthat Oswald could not possibly have been responsible. Anyway, as the cine filmtaken by onlooker Abraham Zapruder proves, Kennedy was killed by shots fromthe front of the car, not the back where Oswald is supposed to have been shootingfrom a book depository.3 The assassination was the work, not of one man, but of ahighly trained and coordinated squad of professionals. Oswald, who realised he’dbeen set up and was prepared to say so in court, was taken through a public placewhere the nightclub owner Jack Ruby killed him. Ruby himself later died veryconveniently or at least disappeared. The plan was complete. It was a lone assassinand the lone assassin was now dead. End of story. Long live President Johnson.District Attorney Jim Garrison, the man featured in the film, JFK, is still the onlyperson to have tried a suspect with the murder of the president. This was ClayShaw. Garrison’s case against Shaw was severely damaged by the intimidation andmurder of his main witnesses and Shaw was found not guilty. Later it becameknown that Shaw had been working for the CIA all along. Shaw was also a directorof Permindex, a Mossad front company which operated as an assassination bureau. Garrison established that witnesses to the assassination were threatened when theygave a version of events that did not match the official line. Many people who gaveevidence to the Warren Commission which ‘investigated’ the assassination said thattheir statements were altered in the report and in some cases their signatures wereforged on statements they did not make. There were so many obvious indications ofofficial murder and official cover-up. Kennedy’s body was rushed out of Dallas fora ‘post mortem’ in Washington, under military control. The pathologist wassurrounded by officials while the examination took place and he was told what tofind. The president’s brain, the examination of which would have shown thedirection of the bullets that killed him, went ‘missing’ and has never been found.Scores of other people who clearly knew something about the assassination went toan early death by car crash, shooting, or the Global Elite classic, the faked ‘suicide’.The events in Dallas, Texas, on that tragic day, November 22nd 1963, were an Elitecoup on the United States of America. It was so well done that very few evennoticed that a coup had indeed taken place.There has been endless speculation about who killed Kennedy. Was it the CIA?The Mafia? Who? As usual, much disinformation has been spread to confuse anddivert, but when you look at the pyramid nature of the manipulation, it probablyinvolved many different agencies who were controlled by the Elite. This way therecould be coordination between elements within the CIA, the FBI, the organisedcrime syndicate, the Dallas police department, the military, the ‘Justice’Department, the media, the incoming President Johnson, and many others.Freemasonry was certainly a thread in this, too. Near the site of the killing today isan obelisk monument to Freemasonry with the flame of Lucifer positioned on thetop. Mossad and the CIA were the prime agencies involved, I believe, right down tothe driver of Kennedy’s car, agent William Greer. The basic training of all drivers inintelligence agencies and security firms all over the world is: If you hear shots, yourright foot hits the floor, and you get the hell out of the area as fast as the car willmove. Greer stopped! Maybe he was a reincarnation of the guy who drove theArchduke Ferdinand.John and Bobby Kennedy were clearly bad news for the Elite for some reason,probably more than one. JFK’s was a Bilderberg Group presidency, as Carter’s wasa Trilateral Commission administration. Kennedy, as far as I know, was not aBilderberger, but many of his leading staff were. Dean Rusk, George W. Ball,McGeorge Bundy, Arthur Dean, Walter Roscow, George McGhee, RobertMcNamara, and Paul Nitze were all Bilderbergers. His assistant secretary andundersecretary of state, was… Averell Harriman, one of the main architects of theVietnam War. Kennedy had asked the Brown Brothers, Harriman partner, RobertLovett, to give him a list of possible candidates for his Cabinet! He also accepted theadvice of Nelson Rockefeller to appoint Dean Rusk as his secretary of state, a manhe had never even met.4 Rusk took leave of absence from his job as head of theRockefeller Foundation, to accept the job. Kennedy (CFR) also ‘chose’ DouglasDillon (CFR) to be secretary of the treasury. Dillon was a trustee of the RockefellerBrothers Fund. Rockefeller-connected place men have also held the treasury post under Eisenhower, Johnson, and probably every other president of modern times.It is worth looking at the Kennedy assassination in some detail because it offers asuperb example of the methods used by the Elite and the extent of their influenceon events. I am indebted in parts of this section to the brilliant book by MichaelCollins Piper called Final Judgement, The Missing Link In The JFK AssassinationConspiracy. John E Kennedy was the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, the US Ambassadorto London at the time that Tyler Kent was being jailed for revealing the shockingpre-war cables between Roosevelt and Churchill. Joe Kennedy was a sinistercharacter who operated in the criminal underworld and made a fortune out ofrunning booze during the prohibition era. He apparently had no love for Jewishpeople to say the least and he became a bitter enemy of Meyer Lansky, the head ofthe Organised Crime Syndicate. There were two main groups within organisedcrime, La Cosa Nostra, better known as the Italian Mafia, and the Jewish operationdubbed the “Kosher Nostra”. Lansky led the latter and, contrary to popular mythand media stories, it was he, not the Italians, who was the “boss of bosses” inorganised crime. Joe Kennedy’s bitter relationship with Lansky worsened stillfurther, it would appear, after Lansky’s men highjacked one of Kennedy’sconsignments of bootleg whisky from Ireland.5 According to the family of ChicagoMafia boss, Sam Giancana, the “Jewish Mafia” in Detroit, the so called Purple Gang,issued a contract on Joe Kennedy’s life for operating his liquor activities throughtheir territory. Kennedy, the Giancanas’ say, went to Chicago to plead for his lifewith the Mafia bosses and their influence saved him.6 This was the backgroundfrom whence emerged John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States.When JFK turned his eyes to the presidency he had a number of hurdles toovercome, especially the Kennedys’ deep animosity with the Jewish lobby in the USand the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate. Kennedy needed the money and supportof both the Jewish lobby and organised crime if he was to have any chance ofwinning. In 1957, he further enraged Israel (the Rothschilds/Global Elite) and itsmassive network in the US when, as a young senator, he supported the demands byAlgeria for independence from France. Israel bitterly opposed this. But father JoeKennedy decided to swallow his pride and put aside his feelings to make sure hisson became president. According to DeWest Hooker, a New York entertainmentexecutive, he once approached Joe Kennedy with a business proposal to set up atelevision network independent of Jewish money and control. Hooker says of themeeting:“Joe admitted that when he was ambassador to England that he had been pro-Hitler.However, in Kennedy’s words, ‘we’ lost the war. By ‘we’ he didn’t mean the UnitedStates. When Kennedy said ‘we’, he meant the non Jews. Joe Kennedy believed that itwas the Jews who had won World War II.”Kennedy said: ‘I’ve done everything I can to fight the Jewish power over this country.I tried to stop World War II, but I failed. I’ve made all the money I need and now I’mpassing everything I’ve learned to my sons’. “I don’t go with the ‘loser’, Kennedy told me. ‘I’ve joined the “winners.” I’m going towork with the Jews. I’m teaching my boys the whole score and they’re going to work withthe Jews. I’m going to make Jack the first Irish Catholic President of the United Statesand if it means working with the Jews, so be it. I have sympathy with what you’re doingHooker’, Kennedy said ‘but I’m not going to do anything that will ruin Jack’s chances tobecome president’.”7Events certainly support Hooker’s claims. Joe Kennedy arranged for planted’news’ stories to appear claiming Nazi support for his son’s opponent, RichardNixon, and JFK began a series of meetings with the Jewish lobby, particularlyAbraham Feinberg, the president of the Israel Bond Organization who, unbeknownto Kennedy at the time, was raising private money for Israel’s secret nuclearprogramme headed by Victor Rothschild.8 Kennedy assured him that he would begood for Israel and the US Jewish lobby. Feinberg said of Kennedy: “My path topower was cooperation in terms of what they needed – campaign money”.9Feinberg apparently produced a donation of $500,000 from Jewish sources.Privately, however, Kennedy was appalled at what he was seeing. The newspapercolumnist, Charles L. Bartlett, said that Kennedy, a close friend, had driven over tosee him after the meeting with Feinberg and company. Bartlett said: “As anAmerican citizen he was outraged to have a Zionist Group come to him and say:



“We know your campaign is in trouble. We’re willing to pay your bills if you’ll letus have control of your Middle East policy”.10Bartlett said Kennedy had pledged that if he became president he would end thepower of special interest groups, particularly foreign ones, to dictate the outcome ofelection campaigns and foreign policy through their financial and politicalmanipulation. In the meantime he had clearly decided that he needed their moneyto win power in the first place, as he did with Meyer Lansky and the Mafia. JoeKennedy went back to Sam Giancana of the Chicago Mafia, who saved his life whenthe Jewish mobsters put a contract on him. Giancana’s family say that FatherKennedy begged Giancana to support his son in the election and agreed a deal.When Giancana said he was not convinced that Kennedy could offer him anythingfor his help, father Kennedy is said to have replied:“I can. And I will. You help me now, Sam, and I’ll see to it that Chicago – that you – cansit in the goddamned Oval Office if you want. That you’ll have the president’s ear. But Ijust need time…My son, the President of the United States, will owe you his father’slife. He won’t refuse you ever. You have my word.” 11JFK, meanwhile, was making his own deals with the mobsters. FBI phone tapsand documents reveal that John “Jack” Kennedy had “direct contact” with MeyerLansky during the 1960 presidential campaign.12 So here we had a situation inwhich the Kennedys’ had agreed pacts with the Israeli lobby (Israel and theRothschilds in effect) and organised crime. In return the Israelis/Rothschildswanted control of President Kennedy’s Middle East policy and the mob wanted to be left alone to operate their international crime syndicate, headed by MeyerLansky, without interference from the government law enforcement agencies. Theywere in for a shock on both counts. Kennedy double crossed them and they werebeside themselves with rage and resentment. Both would be involved in Kennedy’sassassination.As Michael Collins Piper reveals so superbly in his book, Final Judgement, thereare key elements to the Kennedy story that have been suppressed because of wherethat knowledge would lead – Israel. Kennedy won the 1960 election by just 100,000votes, the smallest margin in American history, a confirmation of how crucial thefinancial and political support from the Israeli lobby and organised crime turnedout to be. But JFK had no intention, it would seem, of giving them what they paidfor. Quite the opposite. Almost from his inauguration, Kennedy waged a secret warwith Israel and it’s prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, over American policy in theMiddle East and Israel’s nuclear weapons programme.13 Kennedy decided on a “nofavourites” policy in the Middle East to ensure American influence in all thosecountries and he was horrified when he heard of Israel’s development of a nuclearbomb. Ben-Gurion denied his country had such a programme, but as history hasshown, he was lying. Abraham Feinberg, who arranged for Kennedy’s electionfunding from the Israeli lobby, told the president that his demands for inspectionsof Israel’s nuclear plant at Dimona, could “result in less support in the 1964presidental election”.14 In 1962 and ’63, Kennedy also introduced a total of sevenbills to Congress to reform the laws over campaign financing by special interestgroups. All of them were crushed by the lobbying of those same groups. Kennedywas becoming seriously unpopular with the thugs and terrorists who controlled,and control, Israel at the expense of Jewish people as a whole.Kennedy further increased the tension with his support for a just solution to theproblem of Palestinian refugees displaced by Israel. He pressured Israel at theUnited Nations to conform to a UN resolution demanding justice for the refugees,but Israel’s foreign minister, Golda Meir (a later prime minister) described her”astonishment and anger” at Kennedy’s policy. All this added massively to thehostility with Ben-Gurion and, on the Israeli’s part at least, the animosity developedinto a fierce hatred of Kennedy. On June 16th 1963 Ben-Gurion resigned as primeminister and defence minister. While other official reasons were offered for hisdecision, behind the scenes he believed that Kennedy’s even-handed policy in theMiddle East threatened the very existence of his beloved Israel. He could notchange Kennedy’s mind and so he wished someone else to try. In one of his lastexchanges with Kennedy, he said: “Mr. President, my people have a right toexist.. .and that existence is in danger”.15 According to the research of MichaelCollins Piper in Final Judgement:“…in his final days as prime minster, (Ben-Gurion) ordered Israel’s Mossad toorchestrate the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Based upon additional evidenceuncovered, we believe that Mossad took the necessary steps and achievedthat goal.”  Mossad certainly had many close connections with others who wished to see anend to Kennedy, especially the CIA and Meyer Lansky. Kennedy had both of thosein his sights also. While Kennedy had accepted campaign money from Lansky andthe Mafia, he really wanted to destroy them. Once in office he appointed his brotherBobby as attorney general and he began a massive drive against the organisedcrime syndicate. Lansky and the Mafia were outraged at what they saw as a doublecross. With his close ties to the CIA and Mossad, Lansky had previously beenuntouchable, but now he and his international operation were under threat.Kennedy also realised that the CIA was out of control and operating its ownagenda. It had set him up for tremendous criticism in the Bay of Pigs disaster, thefailed attempt to remove Castro from Cuba. Lansky’s crime network was alsoinvolved in that because their casino and prostitution rackets in Cuba weredestroyed by the arrival of Castro. Kennedy sacked Allen Dulles, the head of theCIA and funder of Adolf Hitler, and pledged to “splinter the CIA in a thousandpieces and scatter it to the winds”.17 The CIA, like Lansky and the Israeli lobby,knew that the survival of their power structure was threatened by John and BobbyKennedy. Any one of these groups had the power and organisation to haveKennedy removed and here he was taking on all three.More than that, he had decided to withdraw the United States from the VietnamWar, much to the dismay of Lansky, Mossad, and the CIA who were using theconflict as a cover for their drug running operations in South East Asia, and to Israelwho believed that while the attention of the US was concentrated on Vietnam, itcould not keep a close eye on what was happening in the Middle East. The armsmanufacturers and global banks also wanted the war to continue, of course. Andthere was yet another reason why Kennedy was deeply unpopular with the GlobalElite as his presidential policies became clear. He wished to destroy the power of theFederal Reserve Board by issuing interest-free money. In fact he had already made astart with that before his death and some of his interest-free notes are still incirculation today. This was the Elite’s worst nightmare. The last president to issueinterest-free money had been Abraham Lincoln and look what happened to him.The forces ranged against Kennedy by 1963 were simply enormous. Indeed, whenyou look behind the facades, they were all the same organisation controlled by thefew. This will become clear as we look at the organisations working together toassassinate John F. Kennedy (Figure 14 overleaf).Israel, Mossad, and the Anti-Defamation LeagueIsrael is not a home for Jewish people. Let us not mince words here. The time forpussyfooting around is over. Israel is a base for the terrorists who created andcontrol that state to operate, on behalf of the House of Rothschild and the Elite, aglobal terror and manipulation network. That is why it was created after the warand the influence of its intelligence arm, Mossad, is so vast for such a tiny countrybecause Mossad is really the intelligence agency of the Rothschild-RockefellerGlobal Elite, while genuine Jewish people who live in Israel (the vast, vast majority)are used as an innocent front, a smokescreen, for this. So, too, is the suffering of Jews in Nazi Germany which resulted from the manipulating of the Nazis intopower by, among others, ‘Jewish’ financial and political forces. The way Jewishpeople have been stitched up is astonishing. It is no good some writers condemningthe whole thing as a Jewish plot. It is not. The mass of Jewish people are victims, notperpetrators of the events I describe. It is those who control Israel who are amongthose behind the plot, not Jewish people, as at least some brave rabbis and otherJews have had the guts to point out.Mossad, like the State of Israel itself, was created by groups such as the SternGang and others, which terrorised Palestine out of existence after the war, under thefinancial and political direction of the House of Rothschild. Lord Victor Rothschild,the former British intelligence officer and KGB spy, was at the forefront of this.According to Simon Schama’s book, Two Rothschilds And The Land Of Israel (Collins,London, 1978), the House of Rothschild had acquired 80% of the land of Israel. Theyalso paid the expenses of the early settlers, manipulated into being the 1917 BalfourDeclaration which recognised Israel as a Jewish homeland, funded the Nazis andcreated Mossad and the terrorist underground in Palestine. Israel was founded by,and has always been controlled by, the Rothschilds and the rest of the Elite. The”Jewish homeland” scam is just a smokescreen and Jewish people are pawns in thegame. The leaders and participants in this terror network later became leaders and prime ministers of the new Israel. People like David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin,Yitzhak Rabin, and Yitzhak Shamir, the head of the Mossad assassination squad atthe time of Kennedy’s murder. The Anti-Defamation League is a Mossad(Rothschild) front in the United States and further afield. As we have seen, it evolvedfrom an organisation set up before the First World War to brand as “anti-Semitic” theNew York police commissioner who was determined to destroy the mobsters. To thisday the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) works, mostly covertly, to condemn as”anti-Semitic” anyone getting close to the truth. The former Mossad agent, VictorOstrovsky, has confirmed all this in his books, By Way Of Deception and The OtherSide Of Deception, which massively expose the extent of Mossad’s world-wideoperations and what he calls the “Judeo-Nazis” who control Israel and the Mossad.The ADL has tremendous influence, even control, of the mainstream media via otherparts of the Elite network. As with Mossad, it prefers to use other people andorganisations as fronts for its activities, so no-one knows where the motivation forstories, attacks, and assassinations is really coming from. Mossad (“The Institutionfor Intelligence and Special Tasks”) has a genius for diverting attention from its ownresponsibility by producing “patsies” to take the blame – “false flags” as they arecalled in intelligence parlance. The ADL, which is part of B’nai B’rith, is based atUnited Nations Plaza, New York. B’nai B’rith means “Sons of the Alliance” and wasestablished in 1843. Many of its speakers openly supported slavery during theAmerican Civil War and it covertly supports and controls the Ku Klux Klan. Todaythis same B’nai B’rith seeks to label leading blacks as “anti-Semitic” and racist!18The Meyer Lansky Crime SyndicateMeyer Lansky was devoted to Israel and therefore the Rothschilds. His networkplayed a crucial role in supplying guns and funds to the terror groups of Rabin,Begin, Ben-Gurion, Shamir, and others, as they shot and bombed the State of Israelinto being. He then became a major supplier of the same to Israel. Lansky, Mossad,the Anti-Defamation League, and Israel were as one. Morris Dalitz, an intimate ofLansky in his gangster network, was given the Anti-Defamation League’s annualTorch of Liberty award. His terror activities were not deemed as important as hiscontributions to Israel and the ADL. Indeed, his terror activities on behalf of theADL may well have swung the voting.Whenever the heat was on in the United States, Lansky would run to Israel andhe eventually settled there. Lansky (Israel) was trailing John Kennedy for a long timeand, of course, Lansky hated the Kennedy family because of his conflict with FatherJoe. It was a Lansky henchman on the West Coast called Mickey Cohen who wasbehind the introduction of Kennedy to the film star, Marilyn Monroe, after whichthey began a now much publicised relationship. The vehicle for this meeting wasCohen’s close friend, the entertainer Joey Bishop, who was a member of the FrankSinatra clique known as “The Rat Pack”. The idea was to use Monroe to pumpKennedy for information about his attitute to Israel, should he become president.She was, of course, later murdered, although it was made to look like “suicide”.Those who killed her also killed Kennedy. Mickey Cohen was Lanksy’s man in Hollywood where the film industry had long been a propaganda machine for theElite’s agenda and version of ‘history’. It still is today, only the names have changed.Cohen also specialised in compromising screen stars sexually and then blackmailingthem. Nice man. He was another financer and political manipulator on behalf of theJewish terror groups and the State of Israel. Still, I’m sure “God” would haveapproved. One of Cohen’s close associates was.. .Menachim Begin, then head of theterrorist group, Irgun. Jimmy “the Weasel” Fratianno, a leader of the West CoastMafia, told of a meeting he attended in Bel Air to raise money for Begin’s terrorists: “After (Cohen’s) little speech, we start moving around the room and Mickey’s rabbi
introduces us to a guy called Menachim Begin, who’s the boss of Irgun, an underground
outfit in Palestine. This guy’s wearing a black armband and he tells us he’s wanted
back there for bombing a hotel that killed almost a hundred people. He’s a fucking
lamster (on the run).”19
Begin, as Prime Minister of Israel, later won the Nobel Peace Prize! Gary Wean, a
detective sergeant in the Los Angeles Police Department, had the job of monitoring
Cohen’s activities. In his book, There’s A Fish In The Courthouse, Wean confirms the
story about Marilyn Monroe and the Cohen-Begin connection:
” At the time the rabbis were pushing them hard as hell to squeeze every bit of dough
they could get out of Hollywood for Israel. Begin was spending more time hanging
around Cohen in Hollywood than in Israel. Begin desperately wanted to know what
Kennedy’s plan was for Israel if he became president.”20
Another of Cohen’s associates and a leading errand boy and operative for Meyer
Lansky was Jack Rubinstein. He’s better known today as.. Jack Ruby, the man who
killed the Kennedy “patsy”, Lee Harvey Oswald.
The connections between the CIA, the organised crime syndicates, and Mossad are
endless, not least with the global drug running operations in which the three of
them cooperate. During the war the Americans used Meyer Lansky and the Mafia
in a plan known as Operation Underworld and it is common knowledge that they
were also used in plots to remove Fidel Castro in Cuba, an operation in which Jack
Ruby also played a part. The Global Elite elements within the CIA and the Global
Elite’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Mossad, are the same organisation. Before, during,
and after the assassinations of both John and Bobby Kennedy, the key coordinator
of these connections was one James Jesus Angleton, who was educated in his early
years in England at Chartridge Hall House in Buckinghamshire and Malvern House
in Worcestershire. He was recruited by the CIA’s predecessor, the Office of Strategic
Services (OSS), after leaving the Skull and Bones university of Yale. In 1947, he
joined the new CIA and progressed to the highly sensitive and pivotal post of head
of CIA counter-intelligence. According to his biographer, Tom Mangold, his major patrons were Allen Dulles, the CIA director fired by Kennedy, and Richard Helms,
who was appointed CIA director by Lyndon B. Johnson after Kennedy’s
assassination. Mangold says that, in effect, Angleton was given such a free reign to
pursue his own agenda that there was virtually no monitoring or control of his
activities. He was a law unto himself. This becomes very significant to the story
when we realise that one of Angleton’s key roles was the official CIA liason with
Allied foreign intelligence agencies.. .particularly with Mossad (Rothschilds). He
was the head of the CIA’s Israel desk! More than that he had long and intimate ties
with David Ben-Gurion, the Israeli Prime Minister, who despised Kennedy and saw
him as a threat to the existence of Israel. Kennedy’s war with the CIA also
threatened the existence of Angleton’s job and power base. Angleton had many
reasons to want Kennedy out of the way, but the most important was his connection
to, and likely control by, Israel, which then, as now, controls much of the CIA
operation. Wilbur Crane Eveland, a former advisor to the CIA and member of the
policy-planning staff at the White House and Pentagon, said:
“Stemming from his wartime OSS liaison with Jewish resistance groups based in
London, James Angleton had arranged an operational-intelligence exchange agreement
with Israel’s Mossad, upon which the CIA relied for much of its intelligence about the
Arab states.”21
My goodness, I bet those intelligence reports were unbiased!
Lord Victor Rothschild
There is also the British connection to consider here. While working in London for
the OSS, James Angleton became a close friend of the spy, Kim Philby, and worked
with Lord Victor Rothschild, the “fifth man” in the spy network of Philby, Burgess,
Maclean, and Blunt. Lord Rothschild, the friend of Winston Churchill, was in fact
far more than the “fifth man”. He was the string puller of British Intelligence, a
controller of, and agent for, Mossad,22 and a dedicated manipulator for the House of
Rothschild and the Global Elite. When Angleton was posted to Rome in 1944 by the
OSS, it was Rothschild who gave him contacts in the Jewish underground there.23
Angleton was also a friend of the British Intelligence operative, Peter Wright, the
man behind the books, Their Trade Is Treachery and Spycatcher, which were suggested
and organised by Lord Rothschild. The books named the former MI5 chief, Sir
Roger Hollis, as the “fifth man”, so diverting attention from Rothschild. Wright’s
contention that Hollis was the Soviet spy was supported by Angleton on
Rothschild’s behalf. Angleton was in Rothschild’s debt for earlier favours and
support. The British (Rothschild) connection to Angleton and the CIA/Mossad
clique was fundamental. It was Rothschild who had powerful connections with all
the parties involved, British Intelligence, Mossad, the CIA with it’s head of counterintelligence James Jesus Angleton, and other contracts at the highest Elite levels in
the United States. Crucially it was Lord Victor Rothschild who masterminded the Israeli nuclear
weapons programme which Kennedy wished to stop. Within months of Israel’s
formation, Rothschild and his close friend, Chaim Weizmann, set up a special
nuclear physics department at Rehovoth. It was named after Weizmann, the head of
British Zionism and the first president of the new Israel. Weizmann had also been a
key manipulator behind the Balfour Declaration, the letter sent by British Foreign
Secretary Arthur Balfour to Victor Rothschild’s uncle, Walter, in 1917, confirming
British support for a Jewish state in Palestine. Victor Rothschild covertly gathered
information for the nuclear scientists at the Weizmann Institute from researchers
and experts all over the world, including Albert Einstein, members of the British
Atomic Scientists Association, and the mathmatician and philosopher, Bertrand
Russell, who, with Einstein, helped to create the Pugwash Conferences on nuclear
weapons.24 Roland Perry writes in his book The Fifth Man:
“The dream of an Israeli bomb was ambitious indeed, but it spurred Rothschild to keep
abreast of all things nuclear so he could pass on data to the Weizmann Institute, which
was planning a nuclear reactor at Dimona in the Negev Desert. Under a modified guise
of concern about the spread and dangers of nuclear weapons, he was able to keep
contact with appropriate scientists around the world.”25
In this way, Rothschild had access to the Manhattan Project which led to the
atomic attack on Japan, and he was an associate of Klaus Fuchs, the German
physicist who was later jailed for giving nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.
Rothschild, who did the same, got away with it. His leading role, with money and
information, in the creation of the Israeli nuclear weapon was publicly rewarded in
1962 when Rothschild was made an Honorary Fellow of the Weizmann Institute.
Shimon Peres, who became Prime Minister of Israel following the murder of
Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, worked with Rothschild to persuade the French to build the
nuclear facility at Dimona. The French wing of the House of Rothschild would have
had enormous influence on the French Government. Peres, then director of the
Defence Ministry, promised in return to support the French and British in their
efforts to retake the Suez Canal from Egypt’s President Nassar, something Israel
wanted to happen anyway!26 Peres and Asher Ben-Natan, a Mossad agent at the
Defence Ministry, signed a top secret agreement with the French and her prime
minister, Bourges Maunoury.27 Roland Perry writes:
“In it, the French promised to supply a powerful 24 megawatt reactor, the technical
know-how to run it, and some uranium. The secret deal was only known to about a
dozen individuals, including Rothschild, and with good reason. The fine print of the
document allowed for the inclusion of equipment which would permit the Israelis to
produce weapons-grade nuclear fuel.
“In 1957, French engineers began building the two-storey reactor facility at Dimona
on the edge of the Negev Desert, which secretly went down six levels below ground. The subterranean construction would be the place where nuclear weapons
would be built.”28
This was the nuclear programme, the very creation of Rothschild, which
President Kennedy wanted to end. So here was Lord Victor Rothschild (the man
behind the use of Regulation 18b to jail people without trial for exposing the Second
World War as a scam) with a stream of reasons to want Kennedy out of the way. He
was also closely connected to all the people and organisations which assassinated
the president. At the time of Kennedy’s death, Rothschild was working for Shell
Oil, but this post was a front for his covert manipulation and wheeler-dealing
within British intelligence on behalf of the Elite. The House of Rothschild was
deeply involved in the Kennedy assassination, of that I have no doubt.
This company was a central part of the coordination between Mossad, the CIA, and
the Lansky Syndicate. Serving on its board was Clay Shaw, the CIA operative
indicted for Kennedy’s murder by New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, as
highlighted in the film, JFK. It was because Shaw was linked to Permindex, the
pivotal vehicle in the whole plot, that so much dirt was thrown at Garrison. Shaw
was also managing director of International Trade Mart and on the board of that
company was Edgar Stern Jr, whose parents were leading financial supporters of
the US Israeli lobby.29 The Sterns were among Shaw’s closest friends and he was also
connected to the Lansky syndicate.
Permindex (short for Permanent Industrial Expositions) was a subsidiary of a
company called CMC, founded in 1961 by an Eastern European Jew, Georges
Mandel, who called himself Giorgio Mantello. Its cover operation, like that of
Permindex, was presenting business exhibitions. One of its chief shareholders was
the Banque De Credit International (BCI) based in the Elite stronghold of Geneva.
This bank was established by Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum, the longtime director of
finance and supply for Mossad.30 Rosenbaum was also an international vicepresident of the World Jewish Congress, a co-founder of the World Zionist
Congress, and a director of the Jewish Agency in Geneva, successor to the Palestine
Liberation office, a coordinator of Jewish terrorism against the Arabs and the British
in Palestine. The newspaper, Ha’aretz, once declared that “Tibor Rosenbaum is
Israel”. He worked closely with the Rothschilds (including Lord Victor for sure) and
together with Baron Edmond de Rothschild, the French aristocrat, he set up the
Israel Corporation which sought money abroad for Israel’s development projects, so
allowing her tax money to be spent on funding the military.31
Among the names that Rosenbaum sponsored was the ‘financier’ and Lansky
drug money-launderer, Bernie Cornfield.32 It was through Rosenbaum’s bank that
the Lansky Syndicate laundered most of its money in Europe. So did Mossad and
the CIA.33 The chairman of Permindex was Major Louis M. Bloomfield, a devoted
supporter of Israel. Permindex was based in his home city of Montreal, Canada,
before being relocated to Rome, where the CIA’s James Angleton had endless intelligence and underworld connections. Bloomfield was involved in Operation
Underworld, the joint American intelligence operation with Lansky and the Mafia,
while he served with Britain’s counter-intelligence elite during the war, the Special
Operations Executive (SOE). Operation Underworld was run from the Rockefeller
Center in New York. Bloomfield’s boss was Sir William Stephenson, who set up
British intelligence operations in the United States before the war and was also
connected with Lansky, Mossad, and the Rockefellers.34 Stephenson is said to have
been the character on which James Bond is based. Operation Underworld later
became a centre for gun-running operations to the Jewish terrorist underground in
which Stephenson, Bloomfield and Victor Rothschild played crucial parts. Working
with Bloomfield in this were Meyer Lansky and Samuel Bronfman of the Canadian
underworld family.
It was a company set up by William Stephenson’s Special Operations Executive
that we know today as the Hollinger Group, controlled by the Canadian and
leading Bilderberger, Conrad Black, the owner of the global media empire which
includes the London Telegraph Newspapers and The Jerusalem Post. On the board of
the Hollinger Group are a stream of Bilderbergers and CFR/TC members, including
Henry Kissinger and Lord Carrington. This is even more interesting when you
think that the Permindex chairman and SOE operative, Louis Bloomfield, was really
a frontman and attorney for the Canadian Bronfman family, who made their fortune
from running booze during prohibition and from general gangster activities. The
Bronfman gang were close to Conrad Black’s father, another booze merchant and
intelligence operative with the SOE, and the Bronfman’s are long term financial
supporters and members of the Mossad front, the Anti-Defamation League.
Bloomfield first met Clay Shaw during the latter’s service with the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS) during the war, an organisation to which Bloomfield was
also assigned. Shaw was based in London and became a friend of Prime Minister,
Winston Churchill (Comm 300), whose personal advisor was.. .Sir William
Stephenson. Also serving with the OSS in London at this time was James Jesus


Angleton, the CIA’s head of counter-intelligence and the Israel desk when Kennedywas killed. And who was the man controlling British Intelligence at this sameperiod? Lord Victor Rothschild, another close friend of Churchill, the man behindIsrael’s nuclear weapons project and one of the key people behind the creation ofIsrael. Rothschild knew Shaw, Bloomfield, Stephenson, and Angleton, who were allpart of the team which conspired to kill Kennedy. Either directly, or through thisgroup, Rothschild would have known, or had the means to communicate with,Meyer Lansky. Rothschild’s connections with Mossad and Israel were fundamental.He was at the heart of the Jewish terror and intelligence groups which broughtIsrael into existence. One of these intelligence groups, the Hananah or HananahB, the terrorist wing, became what we know as Mossad.35 The Rothschilds’ ownin house intelligence agency, which had been operating since the early days of theRothschild dynasty, also fused with Mossad.Bloomfield and Shaw came together again on the board of Permindex andworked together on its cover operation, the setting up of trade exhibitions around the world. On November 22nd 1963, President Kennedy was on his way to speak atthe newly created Dallas Trade Mart when he was assassinated. It was thatappointment at the trade mart which led his motorcade to pass through DealeyPlaza where the fatal shots were fired. A coincidence? I don’t think so, somehow.French IntelligenceThe death of President Kennedy and the many attempts on the life of the FrenchPresident, General Charles DeGaulle, were orchestrated by the same organisation -the Rothschild-controlled, Mossad. One of the assassination attempts on DeGaullewas immortalised by the Frederick Forsyth ‘novel’, The Day Of The Jackal.Interestingly, in this same period there was a terrorist group known as the JewishAnti-Communist League or JACL,36 and this group cooperated with a renegadecell within French Intelligence called the OAS.The Israeli-CIA backed OAS was the group directly behind the attempts onDeGaulle’s life. They opposed him for what they saw as his betrayal of France ingiving independence to Algeria. Also opposed to this were Israel and Mossad, andthe issue was one of the many conflicts they had with Kennedy, who supportedAlgerian independence as a young senator. Once again the endless connectionsunfold. During World War II, the CIA’s head of the Israeli desk, James Jesus Angleton,served as American intelligence liason with French Intelligence, the SDECE, andmaintained many contacts with their operatives who shared his love of Israel. He alsohad strong connections with the Corsican Mafia in France which worked with theLansky Syndicate. Drugs produced in the laboratories of Marseille by the CorsicanMafia were transferred to the streets of America by Lansky and Angleton’s CIA. Israeland Mossad rarely do their dirty work themselves, nor the CIA come to that, and aformer French Intelligence agent and diplomat told Michael Collins Piper, the authorof Final judgement, that Mossad used a French team to assassinate Kennedy:Even the CIA contract the services of the intelligence community (they like the Frenchstyle) to wash dirty linens. The right hand does not know what the left did. The cover-upteam doesn’t know who execute. And the executioners are not interested in theaftermath of their mission. They don’t care less.37The intelligence officer said that Yitzhak Shamir, the then head of the Mossadassassination unit and later Israeli Prime Minister, arranged for the French team tokill Kennedy in collaboration with Colonel Georges deLannurien, the deputy headof French Intelligence. As Collins’ informant said:It was no coincidence that on the very day of the execution of the president by theFrench team, that (deLannurien) was at Langley (CIA headquarters) meeting with JamesJesus Angleton, the Mossad mole.38Funny how Shamir doesn’t mention any of this in his ‘autobiography’, SummingUp. In that he says that Mossad stood for honesty and moral standards.39 No I’m not kidding. Shamir also says that he heard of the Kennedy assassination withstunned disbelief and somehow knew that everything would now be different.40Ahem, excuse me Yitzhak, but wasn’t that the whole idea?New OrleansThe City of New Orleans was important in the plot. From there a man called GuyBannister, a former FBI and Naval Intelligence operative, ran a ‘detective agency’, acover story for it’s CIA intelligence work. According to the former CIA contractagent, Robert Morrow, who was close to the New Orleans operation, the immediateCIA superior of Bannister was.. .Clay Shaw, the Permindex director, and the onlyman to face trial for the murder of Kennedy, a charge he survived thanks to themurder and intimidation of key witnesses. One of Bannister’s close friends was A.I.Bosnick, a leading figure in the New Orleans office of the Mossad-front, the AntiDefamation League. Bannister’s office at 544 Camp Street in New Orleans was alsoan informal branch of the renegade French intelligence cell, the OAS, whichprovided the actual assassins for Mossad and the CIA in Dallas. An OASrepresentative working out of Camp Street was the mercenary, Jean Souetre, whohad ties with Meyer Lansky’s allies in the Corsican Mafia. A CIA documentdiscovered in 1977 by Dallas researcher, Mary Ferrell, revealed that Frenchintelligence were trying to locate Souetre, an OAS terrorist, because he wasconsidered a threat to the life of Charles DeGaulle. The document, dated April 1st1964, listed some known sightings of Souetre. It said that he was in Fort Worth onthe morning of November 22nd 1963 (so was Kennedy) and that he was also inDallas that same afternoon when Kennedy was shot. Within 48 hours of theassassination, the document said, Souetre was picked up in Texas and expelled fromthe United States.41 Souetre said that the man referred to in the document was reallyanother French assassin called Michel Mertz who, he claimed, used his name.It was through Bannister’s office that Lee Harvey Oswald, himself a CIA asset,was unknowingly set up as the patsy. He was given a false story and told to pose asa pro-Castro communist by the CIA without realising why. It seems that plan A wasto persuade the public that Oswald killed Kennedy out of support for Castro. It ispossible that Oswald was funded by the Anti-Defamation League. Certainly theplan to give Oswald a pro-Castro public personna was supported by the ADLcontrolled media. The NBC television and radio affiliate in New Orleans, WDSU,interviewed Oswald about his pro-communist, pro-Castro views in August 1963and then turned the tape over to the FBI. They also invited him to a debate aboutCastro and filmed him handing out pro-Castro leaflets in Dallas.Why so muchairtime for Oswald in the months leading up to the Kennedy assassination? Maybethe fact that WDSU was owned by the Stern family, very close friends of Clay Shaw,and major contributers to Israel and the Anti-Defamation League, would answerthat question. After the assassination, the WDSU interviews with Oswald wereimmediately broadcast nationally by NBC, so providing support for the idea thatOswald was a lone nut who killed Kennedy in support of Castro. (Johann Rush,the young camerman who took the film of Oswald handing out the leaflets, emerged 30 years later as the expert whose enhancement of the Zapruder filmwas supposed to have proved that Oswald was the lone assassin!)42The StingIt appears from the excellent research in Final Judgement that Dallas and DealeyPlaza was full of different people and groups who, after the event, could be linkedby investigators to the assassination. This was done to provide so many possibleassassins and senarios for investigators that the waters would be seriouslymuddied. It is a classic diversion tactic. Only a tiny few at the scene, the assassins inthe Mossad-CIA-OAS ZR-Rifle Team, knew that the plan was to kill Kennedy. Theothers were there for other reasons and among these groups, it seems, was a CIAteam who believed the plan was to fake an assassination attempt on the president.The idea, they believed, was to blame the attempt on Castro and cause so muchoutrage in America that Kennedy would drop his plan to make some kind of peacewith Cuba or, ideally, he might even be pressured to launch an invasion and removeCastro. It is probable that the CIA’s E. Howard Hunt, with his connections to theBay of Pigs disaster and the anti-Castro Cuban resistence groups, was one of thisCIA fake assassination team, possibly its leader. If the story is true, no-one wouldhave been more surprised than Hunt and his colleagues when Kennedy wasactually shot and Hunt’s CIA team almost certainly included one Lee HarveyOswald. This is the mission Oswald would have been told he was assigned tobefore he began to promote himself so publicly as a pro-Castro communist when hewas nothing of the kind. The story about the CIA fake team in Dallas was told toGary Wean, formerly of the Los Angeles Police criminal intelligence squad. Weanmet his informant through the Dallas Sheriff, Bill Decker, who had said:There’s a man in Dallas I’ve known for a longtime. He knows the entire truth aboutOswald’s involvement. He’s scared to death to go to the Dallas Police Department orFBI. There has been a terrible double cross somewhere and everybody is scaredshitless of everybody else.You wouldn’t believe the crazy suspicions and accusations heaped on all lawenforcement in the South by imbeciles in D.C. and the chaos it has created.43Later Wean met with Decker’s informant and he referred to him only as John.Wean was told that E. Howard Hunt (who would later be one of the Watergateburglers) had informed Oswald that Kennedy himself was not aware of the fakeassassination plan, but high-ranking cabinet officers did know about it. Oswald wastold that he would flee the country after the fake ‘assassination’, but he would beallowed to return once Castro had been dealt with.44 So Oswald thought theassassination was designed purposely to fail and he certainly realised immediatelyafter Kennedy was killed that he had been set up to take the blame. Intelligenceagencies do not operate as one entity, they use compartmentalisation to ensure thatdifferent elements have no idea what the others are doing. Gary Wean did not reveal the identity of John for obvious reasons, but after 1991 he was safe to do so.John was Senator John Tower, who in 1961, had become the first Republican thiscentury to win a senate seat in Texas. Tower was a strong supporter and ally of theCIA throughout his career and would later help to cover up George Bush’sfundamental involvement in the Iran-Contra arms-for-drugs scandal. On April 5th1991, John Tower died when his plane exploded.The Cover UpThe cover up began from the moment the fatal shots were fired, indeed the coverstories were arranged well before. Oswald was presented across the world as a loneassassin who did it for Castro and Cuba. Oswald, however, said after his arrest thathe had been set up. He wasn’t going to go quietly, so he had to go physically. Stepforward Jack Ruby (Rubenstein), who shot Oswald at point-blank range as policeescorted him through a public place after his arrest. Ruby was portrayed as aDallas night club owner who killed Oswald to avenge Kennedy’s death. Er, I don’tthink so, somehow. Ruby’s first phone call after his arrest was to Al Gruber, a closeassociate of Mickey Cohen, the Meyer Lansky henchman in Hollywood. It wasCohen who worked with Menachim Begin to set up the John Kennedy-MarilynMonroe connection which ended in the film star’s murder by the same crowd.Gruber had arrived in Dallas shortly before the Kennedy assassination to visit Ruby,a man he hadn’t seen for ten years.45 Ruby’s lawyer at his trial was Melvin Belli, thefriend and attorney of Mickey Cohen.46 At least one meeting has been confirmedbetween Belli, Cohen, and Begin.47Jack Ruby worked for Al Capone and spent most of his life operating within theorganised crime syndicate, especially for it’s boss of bosses, Meyer Lanksy. Rubyhas been portrayed as a Mafia man to divert attention from his real employer -Lansky. His association with Lansky led to Ruby’s connections with the CIA, Israel,and the anti-Castro groups. Marita Lorenz, a former CIA operative, said at a libelhearing involving E. Howard Hunt of the CIA and The Spotlight newspaper, that theday before Kennedy’s assassination she met in Dallas with Hunt and a group ofother CIA operatives including.. Jack Ruby. Hunt, she said, was the paymaster for atop secret operation, the purpose of which she had no idea. She was told that herpart was to act as a decoy.48 Instead she left Dallas and didn’t take part. It seemslikely that Ruby, like Oswald, eventually realised that he had been set up. Hisfamily fired his lawyer, Melvin Belli, after Ruby was convicted and sentenced todeath. But before his appeal could be heard, Ruby conveniently died in jail.49 Ruby’sdemise, or at least disappearance, came after he made it clear he had some veryimportant things to say about Kennedy’s death. He asked Earl Warren, the head ofthe commission investigating the assassination, to be transferred for his own safetyfrom Dallas to Washington to tell his story. Warren refused and the story was nevertold. I wonder why?In the light of what you have read in this book and in particular in the last fewpages, let us look at the make up of the Warren Commission which decided thatyes indeed Lee Harvey Oswald had worked alone. The Warren Commission was appointed by Lyndon Baines Johnson, the man who became president as a result ofKennedy’s death. If you apply the question of: Who benefits? to the Kennedyassassination then Johnson is high on the list. What’s more, he was closelyconnected to all the other players who benefited massively from the killing.Johnson had longtime connections with Meyer Lansky and had been taking bribesfrom the syndicate in return for political favours since he became a Texas Senator.Johnson, as Final Judgement makes clear, was a megacrook and only by using theElite networks did he avoid going to jail for a very long time. When Johnsonreplaced Kennedy, the adminstration’s war on organised crime was immediatelydisbanded. Johnson was also a favourite and keen supporter of Israel. Again, afterKennedy was gone, Johnson quickly reversed America’s neutral policy in theMiddle East to one of virtually unlimited financial and political support for Israel.Researcher and author Stephen Green wrote of the Johnson period in his study ofAmerica-Israel policy:…during this time US financial support for Israel far exceeded that given any othernation in the world, on a per capita basis. And US diplomatic support for Israel in theUN and elsewhere was no less generous.50Johnson also reversed Kennedy’s policy of withdrawing from Vietnam and thatwar escalated to the enormous benefit of the Lansky-CIA-Mossad drugs operationin South East Asia and the coffers of the arms manufacturers and bankers. Johnsonquickly halted the Kennedy plan to issue interest-free money and curtail the powerof the Federal Reserve banking cartel. Lyndon Johnson, yet another crook to occupythe White House, gave all the participants in Kennedy’s murder everything theyasked for after becoming president in the wake of JFK’s death. Johnson was the manwhose very survival depended on the truth about the assassination (and his owninvolvement) never being publicly known. This was the same man who appointedthe Warren Commission to establish the killer! Among it’s members were:Chief Justice Earl Warren: 33rd degree Freemason and a man under the controlof the organised crime syndicates, according to some researchers. That wouldcertainly fit the picture. Warren was also a close friend of the leading newspapercolumnist, Drew Pearson, and, through him, another columnist, Jack Anderson.It was Pearson who wrote stories aimed at diverting attention from the realassassins. He supported Israel slavishly through his columns and his biographerwrote that: Over the years the Anti-Defamation League had helped Pearsonenormously. It provided information he could not obtain elsewhere, backed hislecture tours, even assisted in the circulation of his weekly newsletter.Allen Dulles: The head of the CIA fired by Kennedy. Dulles helped to fund andsupport the Bolsheviks and Adolf Hitler, and the Dulles law firm handled the USaffairs of the Nazi cartel, I.G. Farben. He headed the CIA during its gruesomemind-control project, MKUltra, and was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group. Dulles was a Nazi in his attitudes and akeen supporter of eugenics.John J. McCloy: At the time of Kennedy’s death and the Warren Commission, hewas chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. McCloy was also a chairmanof the Ford Foundation and of David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. Hewas a US delegate at the founding of the United Nations, a member of theCommittee of 300, and helped Jean Monnet (Comm 300) to create the EuropeanCommunity. During the war he opposed a policy of accepting the Japanesesurrender without dropping the atomic bombs. After the war, he ordered therelease of Hitler’s banker, Hjalmar Schacht, from his sentence for war crimes, ashe did with other Nazis.Gerald Ford: 33rd degree Freemason, member of the CFR, the Bilderberg Group,and the Rockefeller-Elite-controlled Eastern Establishment. Vice president toNixon at the time of Watergate. Nixon’s forced resignation gave Ford thepresidency and he appointed Nelson Rockefeller to head a ‘commission’ on thesecurity services after Watergate to ensure that nothing of substance was done. Itwasn’t. While president, Ford would write to Senator Frank Church, chairman ofthe Senate Intelligence Committee, demanding that the committee’s report on USassassination plots, including that of JFK, be kept secret.51Another man involved in the ‘investigation’ of the Kennedy assassination wasJ. Edgar Hoover, 33rd degree Freemason and legendary director and manipulator ofthe FBI. He hated Kennedy, who planned to remove him after the 1964 election.Hoover was connected to both Meyer Lansky and the Anti-Defamation League.Michael Milan, a former Lansky associate and undercover FBI operative, said: Ialso knew that (J. Edgar Hoover) and Meyer Lansky sometimes broke breadtogether. Mr L. was never rousted, was rarely served with federal subpoenas, andwas generally left alone to conduct business.52 Hoover had very close links withthe Mossad-front, the Anti-Defamation League. In 1947 a foundation was set up inhis name thanks to money from the ADL. The Hoover Foundation’s first presidentwas Rabbi Paul Richman, Washington director of the ADL.53 Hoover was also aclose friend of Louis Bloomfield, the head of the Mossad assassination front,Permindex!These, then, were the men who decided that Oswald was the lone killer! Morethan that, the CIA department given responsibility for dealing with the WarrenCommission ‘investigation’ was the counter-intelligence department controlledby.. James Jesus Angleton, the Mossad mole and a prime organiser of theassassination. The FBI-Warren Commission coordinator was William Sullivan, aclose friend of.. James Jesus Angleton.The cover up has continued to this day with books and magazines funded by theassassins and their successors claiming that the Mafia, Castro, the KGB, etc. etc.killed Kennedy. Each one is designed to further obscure the real culprits, the Israel CIA-Meyer Lansky-OAS network operating together under a central command,probably the House of Rothschild. Do you think the media is not controlled enoughto keep the truth from the public for more than thirty years? As the former Mossadagent, Victor Ostrovsky says:(I realised) that the occupation of the North American media is complete. In subjectsdealing with the Middle East in general and Israel in particular, there is no longer a freepress…I had always known there was a double standard when it came to dealing withsubjects that were dear to the Jewish community. I had not known, however, howhypocritical that community and the media that lie at its feet can be. I had known that ithad all but taken over the film industry and has a strong grip on Washington…Nowthrough intimidation and double dealing, it obviously has taken over large portions ofthe American media. To all those who knew this all along, and were silent, and to thosewho remain silent now – shame on you.54The editor of Life magazine, Richard Billings, ran a vehement campaign todiscredit Jim Garrison’s investigations into the assassination, as Garrison hasdocumented. Billings would later serve on the staff of the House AssassinationsCommittee, alongside it’s director, G. Robert Blakey, an associate of Meyer Lansky’sfriend, Morris Dalitz. The committee decided the Mafia did it. The Time-Lifeorganisation later merged with Warner to create the Time-Warner media empire.This is an Elite-controlled organisation which now owns Turner broadcasting andits global ‘news’ channel, CNN. Warner Brothers was absorbed by a company calledSeven Arts set up by a Meyer Lansky operative, Louis Chesler, and used to laundersyndicate money. When Seven Arts won control of Warner Studios, major blocks ofshares in the company were owned by the Investors Overseas Service of BernieCornfield, the frontman for the Rothschilds and Mossad’s Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum,the funder of Permindex. In 1993, the Bronfman’s (the gangster family whocontrolled the Permindex chief, Louis M. Bloomfield) bought a controlling interestin Time-Warner. How facinating, then, that Oliver Stone’s ‘expose’ of the KennedyAssassination, JFK, was distributed by Warner Brothers. Stone’s film, a mixture offact and fiction, blamed the military-industrial complex and the CIA and not thereal conspirators, Mossad. Stone has since done a similar diversion job on RichardNixon. The executive producer of JFK, the man responsible for finding the moneyfor the film, was Arnon Milchan, who was identified as a major arms supplier andundercover operative for Israel. Journalist Alexander Cockburn wrote in The Nationon May 18th 1992 that Milchan was identified in one 1989 Israeli report as’probably’ (Israel’s) largest arms dealer. A company he once owned was caughtsmuggling nuclear weapons fuses to Iraq. The public relations company hired byStone to handle publicity for the JFK film was Hill and Knowlton in WashingtonD.C., the firm which coordinated the propaganda supporting America’sinvolvement in the Gulf War. The Hill and Knowlton executive who headed the JFKpublicity was Frank Mankiewicz, who began his career with the Anti-DefamationLeague in Los Angeles. To this day, the Kennedy assassination continues to stink. John Kennedy knewfrom his own family background and his experiences in politics that a HiddenHand controlled the United States. I have read many reports that he said this atColumbia University, ten days before he died.The high office of President has been used to foment a plot against the Americanpeople. Before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of his plight.55I have never been able to confirm this quote, and it is almost certainly an urbanmyth, but what it says about the presidency is clearly correct.In his book, Defrauding America, Rodney Stich also reveals further evidence ofCIA involvement in the Kennedy assassination and its cover-up. Stich, a formerfederal inspector, uses his own knowledge, experience, and informants from withinthe intelligence network, to reveal the web of interconnected corruption throughoutthe US government. One of his contacts was Colonel Trenton Parker, a former highlevel CIA operative, who was connected with the agency’s counter-intelligence unitknown as Pegasus. Parker said that the Pegasus group had tape recordings ofpeople planning the Kennedy assassination. He named them as Rockefeller (whichone, I wonder), Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bush and J. Edgar Hoover.Parker went on:I don’t have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over toCongressman Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there wereconversations between Rockefeller and Hoover, where Rockefeller asks: ‘Are we going tohave any problems? I checked with Dulles. If they do their job, we’ll do our job.’ There area whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn’t realise that his phone had been tapped.Parker said that the Pegasus group had also given files to CongressmanMcDonald about CIA criminal activities between 1976 and 1982. McDonald, amember of the Joint Armed Services Committee, let it be known that he was goingto reveal startling evidence about CIA and government corruption when hereturned from a trip to the Far East. But he did not return.


He was on the KoreanAirlines flight 007 shot down by the ‘Soviet Union’. The plane’s flight computer wasreprogrammed to divert the aircraft into Russian airspace and they were waiting toshoot it down.56 Two ‘sides’ – same masters.Bobby KennedyJFK’s death triggered a spate of political assassinations in the United States duringthe 1960s as the New World Order imposed itself. His brother Bobby Kennedy, theattorney general who led the challenge to the Lansky syndicate, was murdered in1968 after making a speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles as part of hiscampaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. It is said he was killed byanother “lone assassin”, Sirhan Sirhan. Bobby’s death benefited Richard Nixon, who had been supported in his political career by Prescott Bush, father of George.Nixon eventually became president at the election in which he would have facedserious opposition from Bobby Kennedy. Nixon’s director of security in his 1968election campaign was James Golden, who took leave from his job as director ofsecurity at the Lockheed Corporation. Coincidentally, it was a guard fromLockheed, Thane Eugene Caesar, who was standing right alongside Bobby Kennedywhen he was shot. Caesar, an employee of the Lansky syndicate, worked atLockheed’s Burbank centre in the top secret area reserved for the CIA’s U-2 spyplane project. Lee Harvey Oswald was also affiliated with the U-2. Anotheremployee of Lockheed was Richard Gernt Butler an associate of the neo-Nazi, KeithGilbert. This same Keith Gilbert, was charged with the failed attempt to assassinatethe black civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, in February 1965, four days afteranother black leader, Malcolm X, was murdered. Gilbert said in prison that he wassupported by some powerful forces and it later emerged that he was funded byanother white supremacist, Loren Eugene Hall. In turn, Hall had been a witness forEdwin Meese, the legal counsel for Ronald Reagan (then governor of California), ina case linked to the JFK assassination. District Attorney, Jim Garrison, issued anextradition request to Reagan for the California resident, Edgar Eugene Bradley, inconnection with the death of JFK, and Reagan asked Meese to handle it. In thecourse of this, Loren Hall was among his informants. Reagan delayed Garrison’srequest until Nixon became president and then refused it without comment. Meesewould later become US attorney general, the nation’s chief law officer, underPresident Reagan. Loren Hall and his son Loren Junior would be indicted forrunning a drug ring in Oklahoma in 1989. Loren Junior called a press conference tosay that the drug operation was being used to raise funds for the Contras inNicaragua, so beloved of Ronald Reagan and George Bush.Behind the scenes, those who killed JFK also killed Bobby. It was becomingincreasingly likely that Bobby would win the Democratic nomination and he had anexcellent chance of becoming president. This would have renewed JFK-stylepolicies in relation to the Middle East and Organised Crime. Just as important, withBobby in the White House the opportunity was there to blow the lid off the JFKassassination. Therefore Bobby was murdered using a mind-controlled assassin andif the former CIA operative, Robert Morrow, is to be believed, Mossad and the CIAused SAVAK, the Iran (Mossad-CIA) secret police force to do their dirty work thistime.57 It is certainly true that in the weeks before the murder, the Bobby Kennedycampaign had been infiltrated by Khyber Khan, a high ranking member of SAVAK,who used a cover story about falling out with the Shah. Bobby Kennedy believedhim after previous experiences with Khan, but Khan brought in more SAVAKoperatives to join him at Kennedy campaign headquarters.Lord Victor Rothschild, who was a close friend of the Shah, was involved alongwith the CIA’s James Jesus Angleton, in the overthrow of the Iranian leader,Mohammed Mossadegh, in 1953 which led to the creation of SAVAK. The patsythey used for the assassination of Bobby Kennedy was an Arab, Sirhan Sirhan. Inthe weeks before he killed Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan, joined the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosicrucians and followed their mail order course on “how to controlyour mind waves”. He learnt how to put himself into a trance by staring into hisown eyes in a mirror. During these trances, he began to write incoherent threats ofviolence and assassination. He didn’t remember doing this, but afterwards herecognised the handwriting as his own. Sirhan apparently worshipped BobbyKennedy, but, it is said, he felt betrayed when Kennedy supported the deploymentof 50 war planes to Israel. Sirhan had hated Jews since he was bombed and shelledby the Israelis as an Arab boy in Palestine in 1948, the story goes. After thisperceived betrayal in the two weeks before he shot Kennedy, Sirhan’s tranceexperiences became more and more extreme. He thought he saw Kennedy’s facecome out of the mirror towards him and he wrote “Kill Kennedy” in his trancenotebook. “Kennedy must be assassinated before June 5th 1968” it said. June 5thwas the anniversary of the Israeli victory over the Arabs. The question is: Who wasin control of Sirhan’s subconscious mind? Himself or someone else? In the view ofSirhan’s psychiatrist, Bernard L. Diamond, he self-programmed himself to killKennedy.58 Pardon? Yeah, sure he did.Let us consider the remarkable ‘coincidences’ which allowed this ‘selfprogrammed’ man to complete his mission. On the night of the killing, June 4th,Sirhan said he met a friend for dinner and intended to go on to a Rosicrucianmeeting. But his ‘friend’ had a newspaper in which Sirhan saw an advertisement fora parade celebrating the anniversary of the Israeli victory.

The ad said the event was
“this evening”, but what Sirhan didn’t realise was that he had somehow been given
a copy of the next day’s paper. The parade was actually the following night, the 5th.
Ignorant of this, Sirhan changed his plans for the evening and went off to the
parade. Of course, he didn’t find it. According to the account given by Sirhan under
hypnosis by Bernard L. Diamond,59 he now felt lonely and just happened to
remember a girl he knew from high school who, he thought, could be found at the
Ambassador Hotel where, purely by ‘chance’, Bobby Kennedy’s event was taking
place that same night. Sirhan drifted around the hotel for some hours getting
himself drunk. At about eleven o’clock he decided to go home – his last conscious
memory of the night. Under hypnosis, he then described walking out to his car, but
he felt too ill and drunk to drive. He noticed his gun on the back seat and,
concerned it might be stolen, he hid it in the top of his trousers. Back in the hotel he
drank coffee with a “dark, attractive” (never identified) woman. On the way to buy
another coffee, he said he found himself in an alcove with “dazzling lights and
mirrors”. He felt dazed and bewildered. Mirrored doors led to the hotel kitchen, but
he didn’t go through them. Instead he went to the kitchen by a longer route. Sirhan
found himself in a hypnotic trance like those he experienced with the Rosicrucian
course. He told Diamond of how he leaned on a table feeling sleepy and unsure of
where he was. Suddenly he looked up to see a group of people coming towards
him. He noticed that one of them was Bobby Kennedy and in his conscious mind he
decided to shake his hand. Instead he pulled out the gun and started shooting. As
psychiatrist Diamond said: “Sirhan executed the crime in a twilight state, knowing
next to nothing about what was happening And so how come Bobby Kennedy was walking through the hotel kitchen at
exactly the wrong time? He had wanted to walk through the crowds after his
speech, but his ‘minders’ insisted that he leave via the kitchen to avoid possible
danger! The man most insistent that Kennedy go through the kitchen was.. .Frank
Mankiewicz, the former public relations man for the Anti-Defamation League who
handled the publicity for Oliver Stone’s film, JFK!61 Also alongside Kennedy was
Thane Eugene Caesar, the ‘security guard’ employed at the last minute, and a man
connected with the Meyer Lansky Syndicate. Lone assassin? No conspiracy? You
must be joking. To make sure there were no mistakes, according to the CIA’s Robert
Morrow, a Pakistani-American also shot Kennedy with a CIA handgun disguised as
a camera. In his book The Senator Must Die, Morrow shows a picture of the Pakistani
with his “camera” seconds before Kennedy was killed. Other researchers suggest
that no bullets fired by Sirhan Sirhan actually hit Kennedy and that the real killer
was Thane Eugene Caesar.
Whatever precisely happened, Bobby Kennedy was murdered by the same
forces that killed his brother and they used a mind-controlled assassin who has
remained programmed and mentally scrambled ever since. It is by this same
method of hypnotic mind control that many computer programmers in the UK
defence industry have suffered bizarre “suicides” and other deaths. Many victims
have worked for the General Electric Company and its subsidiary, Marconi, and yet
another cover up has suppressed the truth.
One other name I believe was associated with the murders of both John and
Bobby Kennedy was the Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onasis who made an
incredible fortune by using his ships to transport drugs. Interestingly, it is a Greek
custom that if you kill a man, you have to look after his wife and family. Onasis
married Jackie, John Kennedy’s widow.
Malcolm X
Malcolm X was murdered while speaking at the Audubon Ballroom in New York.
All the other speakers at the event pulled out at the last minute. Across the street
was the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, but they refused to respond. In the end
Malcolm’s aides had to run over to the hospital, grab a stretcher, and carry him
there themselves. One of his close aides, Leon 4X Ameer, went to the FBI to say that
elements within the government and the black organisation, the Nation of Islam,
had been involved. A few days later, at the age of 32, he was dead. The cause of
death was given as suicide, then a drugs overdose, and finally natural causes. I
wonder if his doctor was trained at the Vatican! The black consciousness
movements had long been infiltrated by the FBI and CIA and assassinations could
be arranged from inside as well as outside of these black organisations. This FBI
operation was called Cointelpro and was headed by.. .William Sullivan, the friend
of the CIA’s Mossad mole, James Jesus Angleton! Sullivan was the liaison between
the FBI and the Warren Commission and his Cointelpro operation relied heavily on
information from the Anti-Defamation League.62 (The Elite’s control and
manipulation of black groups equally applies to anti-black groups like the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan was an Elite creation, founded by the Satanist Albert Pike, the
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Scottish
Freemasonry in the American South. He was an associate of Guiseppe Mazzini, the
leader of the Bavarian Illuminati after the death of Adam Weishaupt.63 A statue of
Pike still stands today in Washington DC in honour of his work on behalf of the
Elite.) The FBI used an anti-communist group called BOSSI to infiltrate the Nation
of Islam and Malcolm X’s breakaway group, the Organisation of Afro-American
Unity. The head of BOSSI was Anthony Ulazowitz and his chief operative was John
Caulfield. Both were publicly exposed during the Watergate scandal as two of the
main characters in Richard Nixon’s dirty tricks department. Caulfield had been
used by the Warren Commission to ‘investigate’ an anti-Castro group. Common
names and ties can be identified between the killings of the Kennedys, Malcolm X,
and Martin Luther King, the Watergate scandal, and a stream of lesser known
murders and events.
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King’s campaign for black rights and against the Vietnam War cost
him his life on April 4th 1968. A former FBI agent would later tell the House Select
Committee on Assassinations how staff in the Atlanta FBI office cheered when the
news of the shooting came through. “They got him,” one man said. “They got
Zorro” – the FBI code name for King. “I hope he dies, the son of a bitch” said
another. The former agent burst into tears as he recalled the story. Dr King was also
a target of William Sullivan’s Cointelpro operation at the FBI. Same names, same
people, same force.
Before Dr King’s arrival at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, a man
approached the reception desk and said he was an ‘advance man’ for Dr King. He
insisted that King’s room be changed because, said the ‘advance man’, “he would
like to have a room on the second floor overlooking the swimming pool”.64 Staff at
the motel said they didn’t think he was a black man, but a white man wearing black
face makeup. This is a ploy used by intelligence services for agents provocateur
who cause trouble at black demonstrations and make the blacks take the blame for
it. This character certainly had nothing to do with Martin Luther King because he
didn’t have any ‘advance men’. King was shot dead when he walked out onto the
balcony to talk with his driver.
The black police officer in charge of the security for Dr King was sent home
against his will hours before King was killed and by then the security team had
been reduced from eight men to one lone policeman. The only two black firemen at
the station next to the motel were sent to other stations just for that day and when
King was shot, the ambulance was delayed because it was blocked in by appliances
from the same fire station. As retired Air Force Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty said:
“No-one has to direct an assassination – it happens. The active role is played
secretly by permitting it to happen.. .This is the greatest single clue.. .who has the
power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions.. .”.65 That is what
happened with Martin Luther King as it did with Yitzak Rabin, the Israeli premier, in 1995. According to the Israeli press, Rabin had a number of secret meetings with
Henry Kissinger in the weeks before his assassination. Israel’s security is fantastic as
I have witnessed myself at Tel Aviv airport and no-one could kill an Israeli prime
minister in the way it happened unless it was allowed to happen.
Witnesses said they were sure that the shots that killed Dr King came from the
ground and not from the second floor of the rooming house where another ‘patsy’,
James Earl Ray, was staying. The point where the bullet entered and left Dr King
confirmed this. James Earl Ray could not have done it. A former FBI ballistics expert
said that part of the rifle would have needed to be buried six inches into a wall for
Earl Ray to have shot Dr King from where he was supposed to be. But James Earl
Ray was convicted. Just another lone assassin. No conspiracy. Sure.
A central character in the King assassination appears to have been Jack
Youngblood, a US Intelligence operative, who has been named by some researchers
as the “Eggs and Sausages Man”, because he began to appear regularly at a cafe
close to the rooming house where James Earl Ray was staying. When shown a
picture of Youngblood, James Earl Ray confirmed that it was the man who had been
following him prior to the King assassination. One of Youngblood’s associates was
Frank Fiorini, who later changed his name to Frank Sturgis. This man was one of
the Watergate burglars.66
The journalist, Lewis Lomas, investigated the King and Malcolm X
assassinations and wrote a book, To Kill A Black Man. He revealed that John Ali, the
treasurer of the Nation of Islam organisation to which Malcolm X was connected for
some time, worked for the FBI. At one point, Ali was the most powerful man in the
Nation of Islam. Lomas was following leads which could have linked the murders
of JFK and Martin Luther King, particularly through the Guy Bannister ‘Detective’
Agency in New Orleans which played a key role in the JFK assassination. Lomas
intended to implicate the intelligence agencies in Dr King’s death in a film he had
been contracted to make. A few days into the filming, the brakes failed on his car
and he was killed. The summer after the Memphis assassination, Dr King’s brother
was mysteriously drowned in his swimming pool. Neighbours heard screaming,
splashing, and then silence. Two years after that, Dr King’s mother was murdered
when a Tone nutter’ walked into her church and opened fire. It is a matter of public
record that all these events took place at a time when the FBI of J. Edgar Hoover
was plotting to stop the black civil rights movement and those opposing the
Vietnam War. So was the Anti-Defamation League on behalf of the terrorists who
control Israel.
Another famous name pops up here, too. Jesse Jackson. He has become the best
known black man in America and he was featured on Christmas Day 1994 on the
British network television station, Channel Four, giving an ‘alternative Queen’s
Speech’ to the one being delivered by Queen Elizabeth II on other channels at the
same time. Quite an honour, if you like that sort of thing. Jackson was in the Dr
King party when King was killed, although King had told his aides that he intended
to part company with him. Immediately after the assassination, Jackson turned up
at a press conference in a blood-stained shirt and told the story of how he held the dying Dr King in his arms. It made Jackson famous. This greatly angered other
people at the scene because they knew it wasn’t true. Nearly twenty years later,
Jackson admitted on the Phil Donahue TV Show that he had lied. He had not held
King’s head in his arms at all. Where the blood on his shirt had come from has
never been credibly explained. After George Bush (CFR) was elected president in
1988 he and Jackson (CFR) held a joint press conference in which Jackson endorsed
the view that James Earl Ray should not be released from jail on parole. This from a
man who was there when Dr King died and who has said many times that it was
not the work of a lone assassin. What goes on?
The 1960s were a particularly bloody period for assassinations in the United
States, but they continue today right across the world, to oust those who are not
playing the Elite game and replace them with those who will. There are scores of
cover stories to hide the real instigators of these murders. It could be a ‘lone nutter’,
an Elite-controlled ‘terrorist’ group, a plane crash (it’s easy to destabilise a small
plane with the technology they have today), suicide, induced heart attacks, and so
many other little ‘accidents’.
On the global stage, one of the finest exponents of the art of political manipulation
in modern times is the Elite’s Ambassador-at-Large, Henry Kissinger, who has used
a series of frontmen to do his bidding. One of the best known is George Bush. From
Watergate and the early 1970s, these two names began to turn up everywhere.
Kissinger was not born and bred in the United States. He was born in Germany in
1923 and grew up as a Jew under Adolf Hitler. He arrived in the United States on
September 5th 1938, and later became a naturalised American. In 1972 the Polish
KGB agent, Michael Goleniewski, told the British government that KGB documents
he saw prior to his defection in 1959 included the name Henry Kissinger as a Soviet
Union asset. According to Goleniewski, Kissinger was recruited by the KGB into an
espionage cell called ODRA. He was given the code name BOR or COLONEL BOR,
Goleniewski claimed. Kissinger built his power-base and reputation at Harvard
before becoming a leading figure in the New World Order.
US foreign policy under Kissinger followed the tried and trusted British
approach for centuries – maintain the balance of power under the rule which says
“My enemy’s enemy is my friend”. It was this approach which, in part, was behind
the strategy of the Kissinger-Nixon Administration of forging links with communist
China. During this time, before and after Watergate, Kissinger (Comm 300) was in
close contact with his friends in British Intelligence circles whom he worked with
over the decades. These have included other Committee of 300 members like Sir
Eric Roll (Lord Roll of Ipsden), and Lord Victor Rothschild the manipulator of
British intelligence and Mossad, and Soviet spy along with Philby, Burgess,
Maclean, and Blunt. Blunt left the staff of the Warburg Institute to work for MI5.67
Kissinger had close connections with Britain and I have no doubt that British
elements including Victor Rothschild were involved in the Kennedy assassinations,
Watergate and the removal from office of Richard Nixon. Kissinger himself has admitted in a speech at Chatham House which was supposed to remain private,
that he was often closer to the British Foreign Office than his own US State
Kissinger had an enormous influence on George Bush and some Bush
biographers describe him as little more than a ‘Kissinger clone’. Bush was born into
the heart of the New World Order conspiracy as the son of Prescott Bush and was
given all the background and experience he needed to be its frontman. He was a
member of the Skull and Bones Society, a 33rd degree Freemason, member of the
Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission,
oilman, ambassador to China and the United Nations (both under Kissinger),
chairman of the Republican Party National Committee, CIA operative before,
during and after the JFK assassination, head of the CIA, vice president, and then the
prize he had been groomed for since he was a boy, president of the United States.
After Richard Nixon was returned to office in November 1972, he made Bush the
chairman of the Republican Party National Committee. Bush took over,
‘coincidentally’, in January 1973, during the trial of the Watergate burglars. They
had entered the headquarters of the Democratic Party in the Watergate Building in
Washington on the night of June 17th the previous year. These were the so called
‘Plumbers’, a White House surveillance team spying on the Democrats in the run
up to the election. Or so we are led to believe. In reality, they made a botched job of
it because they were meant to be caught. That was the idea.
Behind this ‘scandal’, many researchers now believe, and I certainly agree with
them, was Henry Kissinger, the frontman for the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.
Kissinger left his executive job at the Council on Foreign Relations to join the Nixon
administration, which contained more than 115 members of the CFR.69 Nelson
Rockefeller, who became vice-president as a result of Watergate, said that Kissinger
took the job because he asked him to.70 Watergate was a setup to give total power to
Kissinger, and therefore the Elite. This was a crucial period in the global
manoeuvrings by the New World Order manipulators to remove what shreds were
left of government for the people, by the people. Watergate and the removal of
Richard Nixon was another coup d’etat on America. Nixon was no political angel,
but he was just another stooge. George Bush became chairman of the Republican
Party National Committee at exactly the time the Watergate story was really
breaking and his mentor, Henry Kissinger, was both national security advisor and
secretary of state, the only man in American history to hold those two posts at the
same time. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the journalists from the Elitecontrolled Washington Post, were given Watergate ‘clues’ from their informant
‘Deep Throat’, and turned them into front page headlines. The owner of the Post,
Katharine Graham (CFR, TC, Bil), must have been delighted with their wellinformed journalism. Their stories put so much pressure on Nixon that he had no
time to oversee the government of the country. So Graham’s friend Henry Kissinger
did that instead.
It is public knowledge that it was Kissinger who persuaded Nixon to create the
White House Special Investigations Unit (the Plumbers) with the job of stopping White House leaks. Kissinger cited to Nixon the leaking of the ‘Pentagon Papers’ in
1971 to justify the need to set up the unit. It emerged later that one of the Watergate
burglars, E. Howard Hunt, a CIA planner of the Bay of Pigs invasion which
discredited Kennedy, and a man involved at some level in the Dealey Plaza
operation, had been to the Miami CIA station to recruit people for Kissinger’s
White House Unit two months before the Pentagon Papers were leaked.71 Create the
problem, then offer the solution. The White House Unit was full of CIA and other
intelligence operatives and it was funded by Bill Liedtke, the president of the
George Bush company, Pennzoil, and a close friend of Bush, the Republican Party
chairman. Wright Patman, the chairman of the House of Representatives Banking
and Currency Committee, confirmed that one of the Watergate burglars was sent
$100,000 by the chairman of the Texas committee of the Campaign to Re-elect the
President, known, appropriately, as CREEP. The burglar who received the money
was Bernard Barker, a CIA man since the Bay of Pigs invasion. The man who sent
the money was.. .Bill Liedtke, George Bush’s business partner and one of his closest
friends.72 Congressional investigator, Wright Patman, established that the $100,000
was actually donated by Robert H. Allen, who was Liedtke’s chief financial officer
at CREEP in Texas. The money went from Houston into Mexico to be laundered and
then back via Liedtke to Watergate burglar, Bernard Barker.73 In 1982, Robert H.
Allen was given the Torch of Liberty Award by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL),
the dreadful Elite-Mossad front supported so vigorously by Henry Kissinger.


Another business partner and close friend of Bush, Robert Mosbacher, was alsoimplicated in the CREEP money laundering policy. Yet Bush said he knew nothingof what was going on! Are we really expected to believe that George Bush, thechairman of the Republican National Committee, a man with fingers in more piesthan a bakers’ convention, did not know that his closest friends and businessassociates were involved in laundering contributions to CREEP and channelling itto Watergate burglars? Are we really? Senator Patman was getting close toimplicating some famous names in the Watergate break in, but he was unable tocontinue his investigation. His committee, which had a Democratic majority,ordered him to stop and the plan to subpoena twenty-three CREEP officials totestify before Congress was cancelled. Why would they do that? Perhaps theKentucky Democrat, William Curlin, had the answer when he said:…certain members of the committee were reminded of various past politicalindiscretions, or of relatives who might suffer as a result of a pro-subpoena vote.74A vicious attack on Patman and his investigation was led by the HouseRepublican leader, Gerald Ford (CFR, Bil), the 33rd degree Freemason, member ofthe Warren Commission, and puppet of the Rockefeller-Morgan-Harriman-Mellonempires of the Eastern Establishment. When Nixon was forced to resign overWatergate, Gerald Ford became president. Nixon was doomed after the release ofthe infamous ‘smoking gun tape’, the recording of a conversation between himselfand his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman on June 23rd 1972, in which he discussed ways to frustrate the Watergate investigations. When Bush heard the tape had beenreleased, he was extremely disturbed. He knew that the Texans mentioned on thetape was a reference to himself and his close associates, Bill Liedtke and RobertMosbacher. In the Woodward and Bernstein book, Final Days, they report aconversation about Bush’s reaction between William Timmons, the White HouseCongressional Liaison, and Dean Burch, a White House counsellor:Dean, does Bush know about the smoking gun transcript yet?Yes.Well, what did he do?He broke out into assholes and shit himself to death.But Bush could breathe easy. He would not be exposed by the tape to the widerpublic. Robert Mosbacher survived unscathed, too, and was to become Secretary ofCommerce in the Bush presidency. Kissinger’s conversations at the White Housewere not recorded, but those of Nixon always were. The man in charge of therecordings and the tapes which condemned Nixon was David Young, a Wall Streetlawyer appointed by Kissinger and a man who had worked for the Rockefellers.The existence of the Smoking Gun Tapes was revealed by Alexander Butterfield,the White House liaison with the secret service. The overall head of the secretservice was Kissinger. Another Kissinger appointee very significant in the demise ofNixon was Rockefeller-puppet and Knight of Malta, Alexander Haig (TC) (CFR),who would go on to be military head of NATO and Ronald Reagan’s secretary ofstate. Nixon still refused to resign despite the tapes, and the nightmare forKissinger, Haig and their fellow conspirators, was for Nixon to appear before animpeachment trial at which the whole plot could be exposed. Eventually pressurefrom Bush and Kissinger forced his hand.Ford (CFR, Bil) took over as Kissinger’s frontman (using the title President of theUnited States), and he pardoned Nixon for any offences he may have committed,thus avoiding further investigations or trial. Ford named Nelson Rockefeller (CFR,Bil) as his vice-president and made him head of an ‘investigation’ into the activitiesof the intelligence agencies in the light of Watergate. Also on the RockefellerCommission was Ronald Reagan. It found nothing of worth and did nothing ofsubstance. The Elite now had complete control of the United States administration.With the help of Ford and Rockefeller, and supervised by Kissinger, the nature ofgovernment administration was to become a fully-fledged dictatorship. That hascontinued to this day, through the political and economic cartels which have chosenand controlled the presidents who have followed: Carter, Reagan, Bush, andClinton. Whoever follows Clinton will be chosen in the same way. Watergate wasmore than just a break-in. It was the destruction of what was left of the democraticprocess and all the main people behind it escaped prosecution.After a period as the United States representative in China while the Chinese andHenry Kissinger were supporting Pol Pot in Cambodia, George Bush returnedhome in 1975. He received a telegram from Kissinger saying that he was beingnominated by Ford (Kissinger) to be the Director of the CIA. This is a major Eliteorganisation, as is British Intelligence, which is probably above the CIA in theElite pyramid. It was British Intelligence that helped to set up the CIA after thewar. The familiar names step forward again. A key figure behind the formation ofthe Office of Strategic Services, later the CIA, was General William J. Donovan. Hestudied law at Columbia University under Professor Harland F. Stone, who wouldlater become US Attorney General and appoint Donovan as his assistant. Anotherof Stone’s proteges was J. Edgar Hoover, who would be head of the FBI, and oneof Donovan’s classmates was Franklin D. Roosevelt, the future President. In theFirst World War and between the wars, Donovan accepted a number ofintelligence assignments from the New World Order brigade, including J.P.Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, and on one occasion he spent anevening with Adolf Hitler. In 1941 he was appointed head of the new OSSintelligence agency by his friend from Columbia, Franklin Roosevelt. Donovanwas assisted by James Paul Warburg, the son of Paul Warburg. It was JamesWarburg who said: We shall have a world government whether or not you like it- by conquest or consent.75 However, it seems Donovan was not actually incharge of the OSS. According to Eustace Mullins in The World Order, Our SecretRulers, Winston Churchill’s military secretary, Colonel E.I. Jacob, was told byMajor Desmond Morton Church, the Prime Minister’s liaison with BritishIntelligence, in September 1941:Another most secret fact of which the Prime Minister is aware is that to all intents andpurposes US Security is being run for them at the President’s request by the British. ABritish officer sits in Washington with Mr Edgar Hoover and General Bill Donovan for thispurpose. It is of course essential that this fact should not be known.The leading British coordinator of the OSS and its policy was WilliamStephenson, the head of the Special Intelligence Section of the Secret IntelligenceService (SIS) and he was given a floor of the Rockefeller Center rent free. From therehe ran a network of British agents in the United States which, according to Mullins,were involved in the murders of German sailors in New York, acts designed toentice Hitler to declare war on America. Stephenson and Louis Bloomfield, the headof Permindex, also ran Operation Underworld with the Lansky syndicate. Mullinssuggests that three other members of the British Chiefs of Staff behind the creationof the OSS were: Lord Louis Mountbatten (Comm 300, Bil), a cousin of the King andrelated to the Frankfurt banking families, Rothschild and Cassel; Charles Hambro,director of Hambros Bank and the Special Operations Executive; and ColonelStewart Menzies, head of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). Lord VictorRothschild was also at the heart of it. OSS agents in Europe were trained at the British espionage headquarters atBletchley Park, close to Woburn Abbey, from where Sefton Delmer (agent toCommittee of 300 newspaper tycoon, Lord Beaverbrook) operated a British dirtytricks department. Woburn was the home of the Duke of Bedford, Marquess ofTavistock. The British Bureau of Psychological Warfare became known as theTavistock Institute. After the war, Donovan was special assistant to the USprosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials to ensure that British and Americaninvolvement with the Nazis was not revealed. President Truman disbanded the OSSin 1945, but it was reformed as the CIA in 1948 under the control of Allen W. Dulles,a major funder of Adolf Hitler. Appropriately, Dulles, a director of Hitler’s bankers,J. Henry Schroder (Comm 300), chose them to handle CIA funds. The CIA is an armof the tax-exempt foundation syndicates controlled by the Rockefellers/Rothschilds, like the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and theCarnegie organisation, through which much of the CIA policy is decided.But although the CIA is extremely important to the New World Order, the realpower in American intelligence circles is the National Security Agency (NSA), anorganisation that keeps its head down while the CIA does its dirty work. So whileBush was head of the CIA and even when he was president, he would beanswerable to higher masters within the Elite. In his book, The Matrix, ValdamarValerian reports the following conversation with a man claimed to be a CIAoperative:Don’t kid yourself…the CIA is just a whipping boy. NSA are the ones with the hitteams. Look into their records – you won’t find a thing. Look into their budget -you can’t. The CIA is just a figurehead, but as far as intelligence goes, the NSA’s farsuperior to them – far in advance in the ‘black arts’. The CIA gets blamed for what theNSA does. NSA is far more vicious and far more accomplished in its operations… .The CIA gets the information, but the military heads the show…There are about 18 or 20 people running this country. They have not been elected. Theelected people are only figureheads for the guys who have a lot more power than eventhe President of the United States.Valerian: You mean the president is powerless?Not exactly powerless. He has the power to make decisions on what is presented tohim. The Intelligence agencies tell him only what they want to tell him.76Bush was not heading an independent CIA, but an element within the so called’Inner Fed’ of the secret government which consists of the CIA, NSA, FBI, NASA,and the Federal Reserve. Much of the funding for this cartel of manipulation comesfrom its involvement in the hard drugs trade.Many of the people involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion in the early 1960s, whowould also turn up in the 1980s in the Iran-Contra drugs-for-arms scandal, would be employed by George Bush during his period at the CIA. Bush was not new to theintelligence game and I believe his connections with the CIA go back to the 1950s.In The Immaculate Deception,77 Russell S. Bowen names him as a top CIA agentsince before the Bay of Pigs invasion, when he worked with Felix Rodriquez andother anti-Castro Cubans. Intriguingly, the top secret code name for the Bay of PigsInvasion was Operation Zapata.78 Bush’s oil company was called Zapata Oil.Rodriquez would turn up again in the Iran-Contra scandal during the ReaganBush administration, which made more hard drugs available to the young people ofthe United States. When you look at the personnel in the Plumbers group involvedin the Watergate break-in, a remarkable number of them were also involved in theBay of Pigs. A CIA coordinator, William Buckley said that if he told what he knewabout the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy assassination it would be the biggestscandal ever to rock the nation.79 Buckley would later be assassinated in theMiddle East. There is plenty of documented evidence that George Bush was a longtime CIA asset, since before the Kennedy assassination when the family friend,Allen Dulles, was head of the CIA. There is evidence that Bush was closer to theKennedy assassination than people have believed.80From his office at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, Bush put togetherhis team. Among them was the infamous Theodore Shackley, whom Bush named asthe CIA’s associate deputy director for covert operations. Shackley had been head ofthe CIA Station in Miami during the early 1960s, from where E. Howard Hunt andhis Watergate burglars would emerge. Shackley went on to head the CIA station inSaigon during the Vietnam War, where he masterminded Operation Phoenix. Thisinvolved the deaths of tens of thousands of Vietnamese civilians who were’suspected’ to be working for the Viet Cong. Just being able to read and write wasenough to invite this suspicion, apparently. Oliver North, the ‘star’ of Iran-Contra,worked with Shackley on Operation Phoenix, which is reputed to have murdered40,000 South Vietnamese villagers for Meyer Lansky and the CIA. Shackley ran ahuge assassination and drug operation in South East Asia in the 1970s in which twoother Bush men, Donald Gregg (Bil) and Felix Rodriquez, were involved. Thisoperation was threatened by John Kennedy seeking to withdraw from Vietnam.This same Theodore Shackley was now appointed to an important position inBush’s CIA and he would later be recruited as Bush’s ‘speech writer’ during the1979-80 election campaign.The idea that someone like Shackley would be hired to write Bush’s speechesdefies the imagination. No doubt his other ‘talents’ were the real reason for hispresence. Today Shackley apparently lives in Medellin, Colombia, the home of thedrug cartel. How thoroughly appropriate. Thomas Clines, a former second-incommand at the CIA station in Miami, was another Bush appointee to his CIAadministration who would be involved in Iran-Contra, a scandal Bush was to say heknew nothing about. During Bush’s tenure in the CIA, the operatives knew thatthey could virtually do as they liked because their director had a gift for looking theother way. The power over the US Intelligence operations was concentrated inBush’s hands as a result of a series of measures by President Ford. In the words of the Elite’s New York Times, Ford: .. .centralised more power in the hands of theDirector of Central Intelligence than any had had since the creation of the CIA.81Bush turned the screw on journalists who asked unpleasant questions while, atthe same time, he was paying other ‘journalists’ to be CIA informants. One reporterwho suffered from Bush’s wrath was Daniel Schorr (CFR) of CBS. Bush waspictured on the front page of the Washington Star angrily remonstrating withSchorr on Capitol Hill for leaking information which put the CIA in a less thangood light. Schorr, who was on Nixon’s list of ‘enemies’ during the Watergate affair,was sacked by CBS. The late owner of CBS, William Paley (Comm 300), owed muchto the Bush family. The credit which enabled him to buy the TV network waspersonally arranged by Prescott Bush, who was a CBS director in the 1950s.The contacts George Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when hebecame vice-president to Ronald Reagan on January 21st 1981. Reagan’s personalfortune dates from a time shortly after becoming governor of California when hebought some land cheaply and sold it at a vast profit to a group of benefactors whohave never been publicly identified.82 (I bet I could have a decent shot at who theywere!) He was, at 70, the oldest man to be inaugurated as president. His mind wasfailing and he needed long afternoon naps each day. Almost every word he spoke,even in relatively off-the-cuff situations when greeting foreign leaders, was writtenfor him on cards by his aides. George Bush was president in fact, if not in name.After an assassination attempt on Reagan by another ‘lone nutter’, John Hinckley,83his sharpness of mind further deteriorated and his need for sleep increased. Thisgave George Bush almost complete control of affairs and in the background wouldhave been hovering his mentor, Henry Kissinger.Bush built a network of organisations within the government with himself at itshead. These were the Standing Crisis Pre-Planning Group, the Crisis ManagementCentre, the Terrorist Incident Working Group, the Taskforce on CombatingTerrorism, and the Operations Sub-Group. These were all subordinate to, andcontrolled by, the Special Situation Group chaired by Bush. If ever there was a lineup of problem-reaction-solution and ‘managed crisis’ organisations, then this was it.Through this network would come the arms-for-drugs operation, Iran-Contra.Bush hired his former CIA associate, Donald P. Gregg, as his main advisor onnational security and Gregg brought with him a ‘former’ CIA assassinationsmanager, Felix I. Rodriquez, whom Bush had known back to the time of the Bay ofPigs invasion and during his period as head of the CIA. Gregg and Rodriquez wereinvolved with Theodore Shackley in the assassination and drug-running operationin Southeast Asia, and the two now worked out of George Bush’s office! It wasstrictly illegal under US law for the government to supply arms to Iran or to supplythe Nicaraguan ‘freedom fighters’, the Contras, in their war with the Sandinistagovernment. It was certainly illegal to accept payment with drugs in return. TheReagan-Bush administration would do all of these things.One of the ways the US government secretly undermined the Sandinistas was bymining harbours in Nicaragua. This was done by a company called ContinentalShelf Associates Inc which is based on Jupiter Island, Florida. Jupiter Island is an interesting place. It became the feifdom of the Harriman set.. .including GeorgeBush, who has a home there. Jupiter Island has been a base for generations of NewWorld Order families. Continental Shelf Associates (CSA) lists many oil companiesand government agencies among its clients. They include the Rockefellers’ Exxonand the Bush-Liedtke company, Pennzoil.CSA was used by the US military for coastal mapping and reconnaissance inGrenada before the invasion in October 1983 and during US operations in Lebanon.The company was run by Robert ‘Stretch’ Stevens, a close associate of TheodoreShackley and Felix Rodriquez when they were all involved in Vietnam and the Bayof Pigs. A CSA company at the same address is Acta Non Verba, which means’action, not words’. A high level CIA officer quoted in George Bush, The UnofficialBiography, said of this CSA subsidiary:Assassination operations and training company controlled by Ted Shackley, undercover of a private corporation with a regular board of directors, stockholders, etc,located in Florida. They covertly bring in Haitian and South East Asian boat people asrecruits, as well as Koreans, Cubans, and Americans. They hire out assassinations andintelligence services to governments, corporations, and individuals…84The bombs planted in the harbours of Nicaragua caused such a row in the USthat the laws against such action, the Boland laws as they were called, were stillfurther strengthened. But at a secret meeting of the National Planning Group onJune 25th 1984, Reagan, Bush, Casey, and other top officials decided to ignore thelaw. They would fund the Contras through Honduras, just as they had used ElSalvador against the Sandinistas. Bush and Oliver North, an official of the NationalSecurity Council, travelled together to El Salvador. While Bush is so keen in publicabout Wars on Drugs, the smuggling of hard drugs gets uncomfortably close tohim time and again. On January 18th 1985, Felix Rodriquez is known to have methis namesake (but not thought to be a relative), Ramon Milian Rodriguez,85 anaccountant and money launderer who worked for the Medellin cocaine cartel inColombia. From his prison cell in Burner, North Carolina, Ramon told theinvestigative journalist, Martha Honey:…Felix offered in exchange for money for the Contra cause he would use hisinfluence in high places to get the cocaine cartel US goodwill…Frankly one of theselling points was that he could talk directly to Bush. The issue of good will wasn’tsomething that was going to go through 27 bureaucratic hands. It was something thatwas directly between him and Bush.86This could easily be done, given that Felix Rodriquez was working from Bush’soffice. A memo in early September 1986, sent to Oliver North by retired ArmyMajor General, John K. Singlaub, said that Rodriquez was talking of having ‘dailycontact’ with Bush’s office and this, said the memo, could damage President Reaganand the Republican Party. Oliver North would also write in his notebook that Felix has been talking too much about the VP vice-president.87 In his 1987 book, Out OfControl, Leslie Cockburn presents devastating evidence of Bush’s involvement inIran-Contra and the drug running. He says that planes chartered by the CIA andpacked with cocaine flew directly into the Homestead Airforce Base in Floridausing a CIA code signal.In 1986, the Reagan-Bush administration admitted that Adolfo Chamorro’sContras, who were supported by the CIA, were helping a Colombian drug traffickertransport drugs into the United States, and the testimony of John Stockwell, aformer high ranking CIA official, revealed that drug smuggling was an essentialcomponent of the CIA operation with the Contras. George Morales, one of SouthAmerica’s biggest traffickers, testified that he was approached in 1984 to flyweapons to the Contras. In return, he says, the CIA helped him to smugglethousands of kilos of cocaine into the United States via an airstrip on the ranch ofJohn Hull, a self confessed CIA agent, and associate of Oliver North. At the time,George Bush was having a war on drugs – for public consumption only.Meanwhile, the other wing of Iran-Contra was continuing, the arms-forhostages-deal with Iran. Oliver North was heavily involved in the supply of arms toIran, via Israel, in return for hostages.


The release of the hostages was explained, inpart, by the efforts of Terry Waite, the representative of the Archbishop ofCanterbury. Waite was being used without his knowledge by North who was quitehappy for him to take the credit for releases which were, in fact, the result of armssales via Israel. Waite would eventually be taken hostage himself. Bush, who asGeorge Shultz publicly confirmed, supported the arms-for-hostages policy, wastelling the nation: We will make no concessions to terrorists. The money anddrugs involved in the arms transfers to Iran were laundered through Switzerland,that centre for Global Elite activities. Jean Ziegler, a member of the SwissParliament, writes in his book, Switzerland Washes Whiter:The Commerce developed by North and his accomplices was as simple as it waslucrative. With the expert assistance of the Swiss magnates, as well as some discreethelp from the Swiss Secret Service, they delivered American and Israeli weapons tothe Imam Khomeini. The Imam paid for some of the weaponry in dollars, but for mostof it in drugs morphine base and heroin. The godfathers of Turkish and Lebanesenetworks installed in Zurich turned the drugs into cash on the international market.After taking their cut of the profits, the godfathers deposited the remainder innumbered accounts that had been opened in the main banks and financial institutionsof Geneva and Zurich.In an interview for Italian Television in May 1990, the CIA agent, Ibrahim Razin,said that he had learned from a leading Mafia boss that Licio Gelli of the P2Freemasonary Lodge had sent a telegram in February 1986 to Phil Guarino, a closeassociate of George Bush. According to Razin, the telegram said: Tell our goodfriend Bush that the Swedish tree will be felled. Three days later, the SwedishPrime Minister and Bilderberger, Olof Palme, was assassinated. Razin, who went into hiding in fear of his life, said that Palme was killed because he knew too muchabout the American arms trafficking to Iran which, Razin said, P2 had beeninvolved in. Part of the reason for the arms to Iran, he said, was the payback fromBush and his colleagues for the Khomeini regime delaying the release of Americanhostages in the so called October Surprise. This was when the Reagan-Bushcampaign had negotiated with the Iranians not to release American hostages untilafter the election against Jimmy Carter to prevent Carter getting the credit, andtherefore the votes, for their release. The plane which flew 51 of the 52 hostageshome left Iran as Reagan and Bush were being inaugurated.While all the leading politicians are implicated with, or controlled by, the GlobalElite network, there is great rivalry between some of them and this allows the Eliteto play them off against each other. Even at the higher levels of the pyramid, thepersonnel are being manipulated by those even nearer the top. George Bush flew toParis to meet with Iranian officials, including Ayatollah Mehdi, at the Hotel Ritz onOctober 19th 1980. Among those accompanying Bush were William Casey, the soonto-be head of the CIA; Donald Gregg, the CIA operative; Robert McFarlane, whohad been a member of President Carter’s National Security Council; Senators JohnTower and John Heinz; and a long-time CIA and Office of Naval Intelligenceoperative, Gunthar Russbacher. It was John Tower, a Texas senator at the time of theKennedy assassination, who told the CIA’s police detective Gary Wean about theCIA’s fake assassination plot involving E. Howard Hunt. Russbacher describedthe event in intricate detail to Rodney Stich, a former federal inspector and authorof the book, Defrauding America. Russbacher claims he flew Bush back to the Statesin a two seater SR-71, which allowed Bush to arrive in time to make a speech at theWashington Hilton. This event was used to deny the Paris meeting on the groundsof time and logistics. But Ari Ben-Menashe, an agent with Israel’s (and theRothschild’s) Mossad, also confirms the meeting took place. He was there becauseIsrael was the middleman for the arms deal between the US and Iran. Bush hasalways denied being in Paris or that he knew anything about the October Surpriseand arms shipments to Iran. Defrauding America includes copies of a number ofletters from the National Security Agency which describe the Iran operation. Each ismarked.. .Copy to V.P. George Bush. Poor old George needs to consult one ofthose mail order books you see: How To Improve Your Memory.It may seem hard to believe that a drug-for-arms operation run illegally fromGeorge Bush’s office could be covered up so well that he would then be electedpresident, but the extent of media control should not be underestimated. Cover upsare the daily bread of the Elite. They can’t cover up everything, just as they cannotcontrol everything, and they have had some spectacular failures on both counts. Butas a rule they are extremely effective in keeping information that would expose thegame from the public.In late 1986, the Iran-Contra scandal blew. On October 5th, a plane left theIlopango air base in El Salvador with arms and ammunition for the Contra terroristsin Nicaragua. The flight had been coordinated by officials within George Bush’soffice. As the plane came low to make the drop, it was grounded by a Sandanista missile. Three people died in the crash, but cargo handler, Eugene Hasenfus,parachuted into the hands of the Sandanistas. Bush was alerted in a call to his officeby drug-runner Felix Rodrigeuz. The truth was out. Or some of it was.The power of the Elite channels can be the only explanation of how, despite theoverwhelming evidence against him – far, far, more than I have outlined here -Bush evaded prosecution, even though Buz Sawyer, the pilot of the crashed plane,was found to have the private phone number of George Bush’s office in his pocket!Hasenfus also stated that George Bush knew about the whole thing. But Bushdenied any involvement or knowledge of what happened, and subordinates likeDon Regan, Admiral John Poindexter, Oliver North and Major General RichardSecord were sacrificed and scapegoated. They were heavily involved, of that there isno doubt, but Bush got away with it, as did Reagan and his Secretary of Defense,Casper Weinberger (CFR, TC). North, who was up to his eyes in the intrigue, facedhearings and, given the evidence, it was staggering that he should not only escapepunishment, but emerge as almost an American hero. Of all the peoples in theworld, certain expressions of the American psyche have been the easiest to dupe.Others involved, like CIA Director William Casey, had health problems. In theaftermath of the Iran-Contra revelations, Casey (who knew the whole story) literallycould not speak following an operation for a ‘brain tumour’ that took away hisability to talk. Two months later he was dead. In his presidential election campaign,Bush pledged to build a ‘kinder, gentler’ America.The Tower Commission was appointed to investigate the Iran-Contra affair,chaired by our old friend, the Texas Senator, John Tower. This is the same JohnTower who, according to CIA man Gunthar Russbacher, was on the plane withBush when he flew to Paris for the October Surprise meeting with the Iranians! TheJohn Tower who knew the real story of Lee Harvey Oswald. Also on the TowerCommission was Brent Scowcroft (CFR, TC, Bil), a Kissinger ‘yes man’ and anexecutive of Kissinger Associates; and Ed Muskie, another do-as-you’re-toldpolitician who could be twisted to suppress the truth. Muskie was himselfimplicated in both the October Surprise and Iran-Contra. As you can see, theCommission was thoroughly independent. It cleared George Bush of all blame andinvolvement. When Bush became president he made John Tower his secretary ofdefense. Tower was asked by reporters if this appointment was a pay-off from Bush.His response?As the Commission was made up of three people, Brent Scowcroft, and Ed Muskie inaddition to myself, that would be sort of impugning the integrity of Brent Scowcroft andEd Muskie…We found nothing to implicate the Vice President…! wonder what kind ofpay-off they’re going to get?88I can tell him. Bush appointed Brent Scowcroft as his National Security Advisor.The Senate refused to accept Tower’s appointment and he began to speak of theinjustice he believed had been done to him. He died in a plane crash on April 5th1991. When the Senate turned down Tower, a decision Bush probably engineered, he selected Dick Cheney (CFR) as defense secretary. Cheney was the seniorRepublican member of another committee which cleared Bush of involvement inIran-Contra, the House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactionswith Iran. A group of other people, including former defense secretary, CasperWeinberger, were given a pardon by Bush for their involvement in Iran-Contra. Thiscame on Christmas Eve 1992, a matter of weeks before they were due to face a trialwhich would have implicated Bush. In January 1993, he then passed over thepresidency to Bill Clinton who continued the cover-up because – as we shall see inthe next chapter – he was involved too! The Washington Post and the rest of themainstream media which had turned a comparatively minor break-in at theWatergate building into a scandal that dethroned Richard Nixon, kept their headsdown as the United States government sold arms to terrorists in exchange for drugsfor American children. It is actually possible to coordinate a drug running and armsrunning operation from the White House and get away with it. Unbelievable,maybe, but true all the same.The Oklahoma BombOn April 19th 1995,1 believe that the Global Elite, via elements within the USgovernment, the CIA and Mossad, murdered some 168 men, women and childrenin the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.I do not agree with the approach of the ‘people’s militias’ which have expandedenormously across the United States in the face of the evidence that the New WorldOrder agenda includes a coup d’etat on dissidents who oppose the tyranny. Themilitias arm and train themselves in readiness for what they see as the inevitableday when the New World Order troops will arrive on their doorstep. Meetingviolence with violence is not my scene. I would not pull a trigger if my lifedepended upon it. What would be the point? I wish to see an end to violence, notadd to it, and my own view of life and creation could hardly be more at odds withthat of the ‘Christian Patriotism’ at the heart of the militias’ belief system. But formonths before the Oklahoma bombing, I was reading reports from America of howthe government was targeting these militias and hounding them, not the leastbecause they were having some considerable success in circulating informationabout the plans of the Global Elite. Then, suddenly, came that horrific bomb and theblame was dumped not only on a few people, but on the whole of the militiamovement.What was Bill Clinton’s response and that of his attorney general, Janet Reno, thesubject of much criticism by the militias? To use the bombing as an excuse toincrease the powers of the FBI to infiltrate and attack these groups and, as Clintonput it, to ease the restrictions on the involvement of the military in domestic lawenforcement. This is similar to the policy of UK Prime Minister John Major, whenhe allowed the MI5 intelligence agency to become involved in domestic lawenforcement. The idea is to turn the intelligence agencies and the military into theworld police who will enforce the New World Order. Clinton also used Oklahomato urge the media to ban anti-government extremists from their papers, screens, and microphones and attacked the talk radio shows which involve the public andoffer a rare opportunity to communicate information which differs from the officialline. A former official of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) washarangued and accused of stirring up the climate of opinion that led to Oklahoma.How was this man supposed to be doing this? By saying that the BATF, which wasresponsible for the Waco massacre, was rotten to the core when he worked for it andremained so today.I wonder how many Americans saw the irony of a president denying thatAmerica was becoming an authoritarian state while at the very same time he wasusing the bombing to push it closer to exactly that. And who supported the’Democrat’ president in this? His chief ‘opponent’, Newt Gingrich, the ‘Republican’Speaker of the House. What a surprise. Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton,Gingrich, are all stooges for the same One Party State in which the same forcecontrols both the Republicans and their ‘opponents’, the Democrats.The Oklahoma bombing could well have been problem-reaction-solution of themost grotesque kind. Do you think that a force which creates wars that cost tens ofmillions of lives, kills presidents, and blows passenger aircraft out of the sky, wouldnot sacrifice the lives of children for their sick ambitions? If only that were so. TheFBI and the Bill Clinton/Janet Reno Justice Department claims that one explosiondestroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, and that the bomb was concoctedby the former soldier Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols from fertiliser and fueloil. McVeigh has said that he was microchipped while serving in the US forces. Thisis done to many US soldiers and, as you will see in a later chapter, a microchippedperson can be used to do almost anything. For an event like the Oklahoma bomb,however, they would require support from powerful sources. Ted Gunderson ofSanta Monica, California, a man of 28 years experience with the FBI, believes theofficial explanation of the bomb to be both ridiculous and impossible.89 Gunderson,and other contacts within the FBI, believe that the blast was caused by anelectrohydrodynamic gaseous fuel device known as a barometric bomb. To knowhow to make such a bomb you would require security clearance at the highestlevels of the government/military and have access to a wide range of chemicals andelectronic technology. The barometric bomb has Q clearance, which puts it on alevel of security and secrecy with nuclear weapons components. If Gunderson iscorrect, someone like McVeigh and others charged with him, could not possiblyhave such knowledge or resources. The very idea would be ludicrous.Gunderson says he spoke to one of the inventors of the barometric bomb andwas told that the devastation caused to the building was exactly in line with whatsuch a device would achieve. The bomb works like this. There is a first explosionusing an explosive known as PETN and this releases a lethal cloud of chemicals,ammonium nitrate, and aluminum silicate. The cloud, Gunderson says, is energisedwith a high potential electrostatic field. There then follows a second blast a fewseconds later using another explosive called PDTN which ignites this cloud andcreates an explosion of greater magnitude than TNT. To confirm that a top secretbarometic bomb was used in Oklahoma there would need to be traces of the appropriate chemicals and there had to be two explosions a few seconds apart andnot just one, as the Clinton administration and the FBI are claiming. At a courthearing in El Reno, Oklahoma, on April 28th 1995, the FBI Special Agent, JohnHersley, said a shirt that McVeigh was wearing when arrested was found to containtraces of the explosive PDTN.90 And when Gunderson checked with theseismographic record at the Oklahoma Geological Survey at the University ofOklahoma, it revealed that there had been.. .two explosions, ten seconds apart. Thefirst went off at 9.02 am and 13 seconds and another followed at 9.02am and 23seconds. That could not possibly happen with a fertiliser bomb, a claim for whichthere is no credible evidence anyway. Other bomb experts have suggested differentdevices to the one described by Gunderson, but they agree with him that thegovernment ‘explanation’ is ridiculous. Rubble from the Murrah building was piledup against the general records office across the street on the other side of the truckwhich supposedly exploded with the fuel-fertiliser bomb. The only way the rubblecould have blown in that direction was by an explosion inside the Murrah building.Very conveniently, the building was demolished by the authorities and the debrisremoved before it could be properly investigated.There is an excellent chance that elements of the US government and its agenciesblew up its own building and killed some 168 men, women and children, to furtherthe goals of the New World Order under problem-reaction-solution. Stunned? Whowouldn’t be? I think, however, that this is a bomb too far for the Elite. I believe thetruth will eventually come out and reveal a much wider picture.The government has consistently increased the size of the ‘fertiliser’ bomb itclaims was built by McVeigh and co, because the size of the bomb and the extent ofthe devastation are clearly at odds. It was first announced that the ‘fertiliser’ bombweighed 1,000 pounds, but this has since increased in stages to reach some 4,800pounds. As a result, the description of the vehicle used to carry it has had to changein line with the ever greater weight involved. The bomb was first carried in adelivery van, according to government announcements, but now it has changed to aremoval van. Stand by for the articulated truck to make an appearance! As MichaelJ. Riconosciuto, the designer of the barometric bomb said, a fertiliser bomb wouldhave scattered fertiliser all over the site. This did not happen at Oklahoma.91 Manygovernment officials who would normally have been in the building that day werenot there, including some of those from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco andFirearms (BATF), who were supposed to have been the target of the bomb becauseof their genocide at Waco. Also, Michael J. Riconosciuto revealed to Spotlight thatrecords and components of his barometric bomb were stolen in two raids on a wellguarded warehouse in Aberdeen, Washington State, in 1988. On the first occasion,he said, those involved were set free by police without charges and on the secondthe police watched the robbers carry out the raid and yet did nothing!92 The wholething stinks and yet the American people have allowed themselves to be so dupedthat they have permitted, and even demanded, the increased powers of thegovernment to open mail, tap phones, search homes, and take away papers anddocuments at will. These powers have been achieved by using the excuse of a bomb which elements within the government are almost certainly responsible for.Problem-reaction-solution. I believe that the Anti-Defamation League will prove tobe seriously implicated and we can expect more ‘set-ups’ of this nature to discreditthose who expose the truth.


Wake Up America… Wake Up World!All this has happened so many times before. The Kennedy assassination wasused by his successor, Lyndon Johnson, to increase the powers of the State, as haveother such engineered events and ‘problems’. The CIA, often in league withMossad, has been responsible for some horrific terrorist outrages abroad involvingthe murder of children, thousands of them if the full truth be told. In Beirut in 1983,a car bomb planted by the CIA-Mossad went off. It failed to kill its intended target,a muslim cleric, but instead murdered 91 passers-by, a story later revealed by theformer CIA operations analyst in Vietnam and Latin America, Gordon Thurlow.93We are dealing here with a consciousness working through these people thatknows no scale of horror it would not use to achieve its end and, as we saw inOklahoma, it is supported by a media peopled by a combination of the few whoknow what is going on and the many who are nothing more than manipulators’mouthpieces, while having no idea that this is so. The way the ‘journalists’ andtelevision ‘correspondents’ simply repeated the government’s version of eventswithout question was incredible. Anyone who suggested that the New World Orderwas happening was dismissed as ‘paranoid’ and yet at least 99.9% of thosereporters will never have read a single word about the conspiracy. Nice to knowthat those who inform us are so informed themselves!Margaret ThatcherThe sort of methods of covert manipulation and cover-up I have mentioned here arehappening around the world every day. Even the demise of Margaret Thatcher asPrime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1990 is also linked with the stories I haveoutlined here.Assassinations can become a problem when investigators won’t let them goaway, as with the JFK killing in particular, and it is easier and ‘cleaner’ from theElite point of view to remove people more subtly by creating events, often economicin nature, which undermine leaders and cause them to be removed ‘democratically’.Margaret Thatcher, a Bilderberg attendee, was an Elite choice who served the causewell economically during the 1980s when she and Ronald Reagan set the themes forthe decade under the control of Paul Volcker, the head of the Federal Reserve andthe International Banking Commission. One of the people who did most to ensurethat Margaret Thatcher became conservative party leader in the 1970s was SirAlfred Sherman, who would later be advisor to the Serbian leader RadovanKaradzic, the man responsible for so much suffering and horror in the civil war inthe former Yugoslavia. Thatcher was selected by the Elite, possibly without herknowing what was really going on. But politicians are only there to be used as appropriate to the plans of the Global Elite and she outlived her welcome when shecontinued to oppose the removal of national sovereignty by the EuropeanCommunity through a European currency and central bank. In May 1989, TheSpotlight newspaper reported that the Bilderberg Group meeting on La Toja Islandoff Spain in that same month, had decided she had to go. A year later she wasremoved by her own MPs while still in office.Mrs Thatcher would not have been removed by people going to ConservativeMPs and saying: Hey, the Bilderberg Group says she’s got to go. It is much morecovert. The media is used to undermine the target, drip, drip, drip style, and unrest,doubts, and fears, are stimulated among ministers and MPs who want to keep theirjobs. The threat of losing their privilege because We will never win the nextelection with Margaret Thatcher as leader is a wonderful way to concentrate theminds of politicians to believe that something must be done. A momentum iscreated which in the end makes the target politician’s removal inevitable. When, inBritain, we hear of the men in grey suits who decide when the leader of theConservative Party will come and go, we are looking at Elite/Brotherhoodrepresentatives within that party. Not top of the pyramid people, or anything like,but those who do as they are told when a change is demanded. The same with otherparties in other countries. There are so many world events I could list over the last40 years that would all come back to the same group.The UFO Cover-upThroughout the period since the war, reports by the public of UFOs have beencontinually dismissed by the authorities. They don’t exist, we are told. About thesame time that the Warren Commission reported its covered-up version of theKennedy assassination, the Condon Report came out which did a similar job onUFOs. It said there was nothing about the phenomena worth investigating. If that isthe case, why are the files on UFO reports designated at ‘above top secret’? Becausethis is probably the biggest cover-up of them all, that’s why. A cover-up of the truththat the American elite have flying saucer, anti-gravity technology which makes theSpace Shuttle look like an antique, and to smokescreen the fact that extraterrestrialsare visiting this planet from the Fourth Dimension. This whole area is a minefield ofdisinformation and we need to keep a very open and flexible mind here, especiallyas the UFO investigation field will have been seriously infiltrated by those whowish to deflect us. But there are now an average of 150 reported UFO sightings aday. If you accept the claim that only ten per cent of sightings are reported, that’smore like 1,500 a day, across the world. They can’t all be flown by Earth humansand while the Elite could use their craft to set up specific events to manipulate thehuman mind, there are, in my view, also increasing numbers of true extraterrestrialsoperating on this dimension. Some are here to help, others to hinder thetransformation of humanity and Planet Earth. The latter are linked with the GlobalElite, either by face-to-face contact, or via channelling and consciousness control.I have presented a lot of evidence relating to UFOs in The Robots’ Rebellion, butthere is much more available for those who wish to research further. What’s for sure is that there is a whole library of information about UFOs and extraterrestrialswhich the public is not being told about, including the background to humanabductions and the mutilation of cattle and other farm animals all over the world,in ways that can only be done by technology not known in the public arena. Eitherit is the work of extraterrestrials or of the human scientific elites at the undergroundbases in the United States (at places like Area S-4 near Groom Lake in Nevada andthe Dulce facility in New Mexico). John Lear, a one-time pilot for the CIA, told aDallas UFO Group in 1988:The nation has been brainwashed by a CIA mind-control operation based on fear ofridicule. There have been at least one million abductees in the US since 1947. In thelast 13 years, there have been over 40,000 cattle mutilations in the US. There areapproximately 70 alien civilisations known to be visiting us at the present time.Gordon Cooper, one of our very best astronauts, lost his chance to go on the Apolloflights because he dared to speak out about UFOs in a letter to the United Nations.During the past few years, there has been a steep increase in the number of missingpersons. It is estimated that there are about ten million of the Grays an alleged ETrace in bases on the Earth and Moon, but it is not known whether they are able toreturn to their home base. They enter and exit their underground bases throughinterdimensional transference, a hyperspace manoeuvre which accounts for theapparently nonsensical stories of UFO witnesses who report having seen UFOs going inor out of mountains. Those witnesses are truthfully describing a manoeuvre that is atpresent incomprehensible to our science.It was President Eisenhower who allowed the reins of power to pass from the hands ofthe President into the control of the Pentagon. Ever since Eisenhower, the real rulers ofthis nation have been a military junta.94Again Lear’s claims may be disinformation. But the themes cross-check with anenormous number of other reports (which, of course, might also be disinformation).I am now certain to my own satisfaction that the human form was created byextraterrestrials; that negatively-inspired ETs from the Fourth Dimension have soughtto control this planet throughout known history by actual appearances and (mostly)by controlling the consciousness of those humans operating within a negativefrequency range; that those who have conspired to install the New World Order sinceancient times have been puppets of these beings (quite possibly, in part, theMelchedekans or Elohim) and the same applies to the Global Elite of today. I feelthat contact has probably taken place between the Elite and certain negative ET races,and the most unspeakable genetic experiments are being carried out in theunderground bases around the world, especially in the United States, on those whoare written off as ‘missing persons’. The Nazi mentality is alive and well andcontrolling America under the direction of an extraterrestrial consciousness which isthe Nazi mentality. I believe that these ETs of the Fourth Dimension feed off negative human emotion. They feed off the energies of fear, guilt, and misery, and thereforeseek to increase our pain and sense of fear and hopelessness, both for nourishmentand to diminish our sense of worth and potential, thus making it easier to control thevibratory prison. When we love and respect ourselves, we cut off the food supply andopen our minds and hearts to breach the blocking vibration. This we can and will do.The reason for the UFO cover-up is to keep information from us about othercivilisations and worlds that would open people to a far greater perspective of lifeand Creation, and to keep hidden the Global Pyramid of manipulation which (at itshighest levels) is knowingly in contact with – and guided by – a negative force fromanother dimension. The number of scientists and computer programmers in the UKand the USA working with advanced technology who have met strange,unexplained, deaths is ridiculous. Most have been written off as.. .’suicide’. One afterthe other has died, many of them linked to the Star Wars project and Marconi, asubsidiary of General Electric in the UK. If the Elite do have ‘flying saucer’, antigravity craft (and I believe they certainly do), or technology in the ‘defence’ fieldthey wish no-one to know about, it is just such scientists and computer programmerswho might know about it, either by accident or design. Maybe they found out toomuch about that or the technology linked to Star Wars, which may really be part ofthe global electronic communications network designed to monitor billions ofmicrochipped people. Each mysterious death has been claimed to be unconnected tothe others, under the familiar lone-assassin-no-conspiracy-type approach. Secrettechnology is put together under the rules of compartmentalisation. Each companyor scientist only works on part of the project. Only a tiny few know how each partfits together to produce the finished article.95One of the most famous scientific victims of the Elite was Dr Wilhelm Reich, whodied in a federal penitentiary in 1957 while the authorities destroyed all his workthey could find. His organs were removed at an ‘autopsy’ and were never seenagain. Reich’s last book was called Contact With Space, which detailed his UFOresearch. He understood how the Earth reflects the human mind and he recognisedthe barrenness and desertification of once beautiful landscapes as the result ofhumanity’s emotional barrenness. He identified the lifeforce energies, which hetermed orgone energy. He labelled positive energy ‘OR’ and the negative ‘DOR’.Reich believed that a particularly virulent form of negative energy, which he calledMelanor, was emitted by some of the extraterrestrial spacecraft he said were visitingthe planet. This Melanor took the form of a black powder-type substance whichsmelled like dead bodies. This has been mentioned in a number of stories bypeople claiming to have seen UFOs.Reich said that by using the knowledge of positive orgone energy, the lifeforce,he and his small team had grown grass to knee height in the Arizona desert, whereit had never grown before in modern times. He also realised that this energy couldbe harnessed to provide ‘free energy’ for all the warmth and power we need,without pollution and (virtually) cost free.This is what could be happening all over the world if the knowledge of how todo it were not suppressed. The ‘unsolvable’ problems of this world are only unsolvable because the solutions are kept from us. Throughout his career in theUnited States after fleeing Nazi Germany, Reich was harassed by what he called the’hoodlums in government’, the ‘higs’. He developed a weapon which, he said,made UFOs disappear and he discovered how to change the weather and make itrain in the desert. This was only a technological extension of what the NativeAmericans could do with their rain dances. They were both utilising the sameenergies. In Contact With Space, the book that helped to speed the end of his life,Reich was getting close to the truth. He wrote:Am I a spaceman? Do I belong to a new race on Earth, bred by men from outer space inembraces with Earth women? Are my children offspring of the first interplanetary race?Has the melting pot of interplanetary society already been created on our planet, as themelting pot of all nations was established in the USA 190 years ago? Or does thisthought relate to things to come in the future? I request my right and privilege to havesuch thoughts and to ask such questions without being threatened to be jailed by anyadministrative agency of society…In the face of a rigid, doctrinaire, self-appointed, readyto-kill hierarchy of scientific censorship it appears foolish to publish such thoughts.Anyone malignant enough could do anything with them. Still the right to be wrong has tobe maintained. We should not fear to enter the forest because there are wild cats aroundin the trees. We should not yield our right to well-controlled speculation. It is certainquestions entailed in such speculation which the administrators of establishedknowledge fear…But in entering the cosmic age we should certainly insist on the right toask new, even silly questions without being molested.96Sadly, for Reich, the freedom he so rightly proclaimed was denied to him, as ithas been for so many others who have been killed for the crime of acquiringknowledge of science and UFOs which the Elite and their extraterrestrial/Lucifericmasters wish to remain hidden. His fellow ‘scientists’ looked on as he was crucified.It is even speculated that another reason President Kennedy was killed was that hefound out about the ETs and pledged to make the information public. In 1965, aleading journalist, Dorothy Kilgallen, was investigating both the UFO cover-up andthe Kennedy assassination. She said in her column in the Los Angeles Examiner ofMay 22nd 1965, that she had met a high British official of cabinet rank in Londonwho had told her that British scientists had examined a crashed UFO crewed bysmall men, less than four feet tall.97 In the same year, she interviewed Jack Ruby in aDallas jail. Ruby, the man who killed the ‘patsy’, Lee Harvey Oswald, told hersomething which, she told close friends, would blow the Kennedy case sky high.Within days she was found dead. Verdict: suicide. Her friends searched herapartment for the notes of her meeting with Ruby. None were found.98The UFO scene is awash with disinformation and that means there is somethinggoing on which those in power don’t want the public to know. I believe there is ascenario in which a threat from an extraterrestrial force is hyped up by the GlobalElite to the point where public terror will allow them to install a world governmentand army. This was one of the suggestions in the Report From Iron Mountain. I have no doubt, as I said in The Robots’ Rebellion, that at least some abductionsattributed to ‘aliens’ are actually carried out by humans as part of a mindmanipulation and microchipping operation. The Rockefellers (via billionareLaurance Rockefeller) have been linked with the ‘research’ into extraterrestrials.As this book was being completed, I was approached with information aboutwhat was claimed to be a mass mind manipulation policy on the people of theUnited Kingdom, headed by the National Security Agency (NSA) in America withthe blessing of the British authorities. This has involved among other things thestaging of ‘UFO’ sightings, ‘alien’ abductions, and the microchipping of people,including some of those involved in UFO research. I want to know a lot more aboutthis to see if it checks out. If you know something and you would like to talk to anopen mind, please contact me.One thing’s for sure from where I am sitting: there is an underground facilityconnected with RAF Rudloe Manor in Wiltshire, England, which the British peopleought to know about, and the same goes for places like the top secret MountWeather underground city near the little town of Bluemont, Virginia, about 46 mileswest of Washington D.C. Some of the things you see in the James Bond films are notall fiction. Neither of these facilities, or the others, are operating in the interests ofthe people. Mount Weather is likely to be a centre from where the parallelgovernment of the United States, the one that really runs the country, coordinates itsoperation. It is also the place which supervises the surveillance of Americans whochallenge the tyranny. Congress, the ‘elected’ representatives of the people, hasbeen refused any information about what goes on there. Yes, ladies and gentlemen,this is the free world.The same Hidden Hand which was behind the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, theKennedy, King and Malcolm X assassinations, Watergate, Iran-Contra, terroristbombings, and the demise of Margaret Thatcher, is also responsible for thedisinformation and cover-ups over UFOs and extraterrestrials. On the surface, theseoften very different subjects and events appear to be unconnected, while they were- and are – coordinated by one force: the Global Elite, controlled by the FourthDimensional Prison Warders of the Luciferic Consciousness. But the truth aboutUFOs, whatever that may turn out to be, is not far from being known, and the veil islifting on so much that has been kept secret across the generations. This is the timewhen the hidden will be revealed and the cause of the manipulation removed.When the Elite network has been dismantled in our lifetimes, what a differentworld this will be. For it is this which is behind the global conflicts, the trafficking inhard drugs to young people, and the minute-by-minute abuse of what we calldemocracy and freedom. Yet still the mass of the people allow their minds to bemisled like bewildered rabbits caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.I have sketched out the mere bones (or should I say the skull and bones) ofGeorge Bush’s career up to 1989.1 have not even mentioned his endless businessdealings, or the number of times his business associates found themselvesappointed to the government payroll. That would take many chapters in itself, butthe information is all there and I recommend the book, George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, if you wish to know more. He has been a constant theme inthe New World Order for over forty years. You have read some of his backgroundand the way his hand was symbolically holding a smoking gun when some terribleevents were unfolding. So what did the American people do about it? I’ll tell you.They made him president.SOURCES1 There is more to know about the JFK film and Oliver Stone, as we shall see shortly2 The Spotlight (December 11th 1995) p33 When CBS News presenter, Dan Rather, saw the Zapruder film for the first time, he raced tothe CBS studio to appear live on the news and announce to the nation that it confirmed theofficial view of events. In fact, it quite clearly does the opposite. Either Rather (CFR) was inurgent need of an optician or he had another agenda that had nothing to do with telling hisviewers the truth.4 The Rockefeller File, pl575 Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgement, The Missing Link In The JFK AssassinationConspiracy (The Wolfe Press, Washington D.C., 1995) p326 Sam and Chuck Giancana, Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story Of The Mobster WhoControlled America (Warner Books, New York, 1992) p757 Interview with Michael Collins Piper on January 20th 1992 for Final Judgement8 Final Judgement, p359 Quoted by Seymour M. Hersh, The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal And AmericanForeign Policy (Random House, New York, 1991) p9410 Ibid p9711 Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story Of The Mobster Who Controlled America, p230.12 C. David Heymann, A Woman Named Jackie (New American Library, New York, 1989) pl5113 Final Judgement, p4614 The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy, p10815 Dan Kurzman, Ben-Gurion: Prophet Of Fire (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1983) p 12116 Final Judgement, p5717 Mark Lane, Plausible Denial (Thunder’s Mouth Press, New York, 1992) p93.18 Secret Societies, pl2819 Ovid Demaris, The Last Mafioso (Bantam Books, New York, 1981) p32. Also quoted in FinalJudgement, pl59 20 Gary L. Wean, There’s A Fish In The Courthouse (Casitas Books, Oak View, California, 1987)p67921 Wilbur Crane Eveland, Ropes Of Sand: America’s Failure In The Middle East (W.W. Nortonand Company, 1980) p9522 Roland Perry, The Fifth Man (Sidgwick and Jackson, London, 1994) p22323 Ibid pl2924 Ibid p222-22325 Ibid p22226 Ibid p22427 Ibid28 Ibid29 Final Judgement, p9030 Ibid p8931 Ibid pl9132 Ibid pl8733 Ibid34 For more details of his Lansky-Mossad connections, see Final Judgement35 The Fifth Man, p7936 Ibid p79-8037 Final Judgement, p24538 Ibid p241-24239 Yitzhak Shamir, Summing Up, An Autobiography (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London) p8140 Ibid pl341 Henry Hurt, Reasonable Doubt: An Investigation Into The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy(Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1985) p417-41942 Final Judgement, p25543 There’s A Fish In The Courthouse, p69544 Ibid p69945 Final Judgement, pl6646 Ibid pl7847 Ibid48 Ibid p21349 Or did he die? At least one person who knew Ruby well has said that she saw him boardinga plane for Israel after he was supposed to have died (Final Judgement, pl83)50 Stephen Green, Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With A Militant Israel (WilliamMorrow and Co, New York, 1984) p243-24451 Letter sent by Ford on October 31st 1975. The contents were revealed by Church andquoted in George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p291-292 52 Michael Milan, The Squad: The US Government’s Secret Alliance With Organised Crime(Shapolsky Publishers, New York, 1989) p20653 Final Judgement, p81-8254 Quoted in the Australian spiritual/conspiracy research magazine, New Dawn(November/December 1995) p2055 Quoted in Extra-Terrestrials Friends And Foes, p28956 Rodney Stich, Defrauding America (Diablo Western Press, Alamo, California, 1994)P316-317, 61557 Robert D. Morrow, The Senator Must Die: The Murder Of Robert F. Kennedy (RoundtablePublishing, Santa Monica, 1988)58 Psychology Today (September 1969) Vol 3, No 259 Ibid60 Ibid61 Private interview for Final Judgement with one of the Kennedy campaign volunteers who waspresent when Kennedy was shot.62 Final Judgement, p8363 Secret Societies, pl2564 David Emery, Conspiracy Nation, Vol. 1, No. 8865 Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (Carrol and Graf Publishers, New York,1989)p58266 Conspiracy Nation, Vol. 1, No. 8867 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p8068 Chatham House, London, May 10th 198269 The Rockefeller File, pl5870 Ibid p18071 George Bush, The Unauthorised Biography, p25072 Ibid p247-24773 Ibid74 Ibid p24975 Testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, February 17th 195076 Valdamar Valerian, The Matrix (Arcturus, 1988)77 Russell S. Bowen, The Immaculate Deception, The Bush Family Crime Exposed (AmericanWest Publishers, Carson City, USA, 1991) p30-3178 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, pl2379 The Immaculate Deception, The Bush Family Crime Exposed, p30-3180 See Final Judgement, p306-31381 The New York Times (February 18th 1976)82 George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, pl73 83 Journalists and investigators have identified at least circumstantial connections between theHinckley and Bush families.84 George Bush, The Unofficial Biography, p39785 This meeting was confirmed by Felix Rodriquez and reported in the Miami Herald on June30th 1987. Ramon Rodriguez, a notorious drug money launderer, was invited to RonaldReagan’s Inauguration Ceremony in 1981. He would have had much in common withanother guest, Licio Gelli of the P2 Freemasonry Lodge.86 George Bush, The Unoffical Biography, p39987 Entry in North’s diary for January 9th 1986. Revealed in a court hearing in April 1988.88 The New York Times (March 2nd 1989)89 The Spotlight (Washington D.C., May 15th 1995) p1, 12, 1390 USA Today (April 28th 1995) p3A91 The Spotlight (June 5th 1995) p592 Ibid p393 Ibid (May 8th 1995) p4-594 Dallas MUFON group meeting, August 10th 198895 See Open Verdict by Tony Collins, an investigation into 25 mysterious deaths among peopleworking in the defence industry, (Sphere Books, London, 1990).96 Contact With Space, quoted in Extra-Terrestrials Friends And Foes, p4797 Extra-Terrestrial Friends And Foes, p23898 Story reported by Richard Deacon in The Truth Twisters (MacDonald, London, 1987)99 Watching For Aliens, The Spotlight (September 25th 1995) p2. It reveals LauranceRockefeller’s support for the Center for the Study of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence.

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Room with fireplace
Room with fireplace
Rain on foliage
Rain on foliage
Rain storm
Rain storm
Rain in the forest
Rain in the forest
Sea waves
Sea waves
Sea waves with birds
Sea waves with birds
Sea waves very close
Sea waves very close
Wind in the forest
Wind in the forest
Wind in trees
Wind in trees
Wind heavy
Wind heavy
and sounds