As a leading book editor in the United States said after reading Icke’s manuscript: “It is difficult to put into words the excitement I feel about this. It is a book that I have been waiting to see for a long, long time. I knew it would come and now it is here. I am practically overwhelmed by the sense of urgency I feel in getting this book to press and into distribution.” David Icke exposes the real story behind global events which shape the future of human existence and the world we leave our children. Fearlessly, he lifts the veil on an astonishing web of interconnected manipulation to reveal that the same few people, secret societies and organisations control the daily direction of our lives. They engineer the wars, violent revolutions, terrorist outrages and political assassinations; they control the world market in hard drugs and the media indoctrination machine. Every global negative event of the 20th Century and earlier, can be traced back to the same Global Elite, and some of the names involved are very well known. Never before has this web, its personnel and methods, been revealed in such a detailed and devasting fashion.

David Icke
And the Truth Shall Set You Free Vol 2


chapter 13

the One Party States

saw a television programme a few years ago about research into animalbehaviour and it featured a rather unpleasant experiment in which a mouse wasplaced in a network of glass tubes. Every few seconds it came to a junction and hada choice of going left or right. The mouse thought it was free to go wherever itwished, but in fact the choices were strictly controlled. Its freedom was an illusion.The human race today has allowed itself to be like that mouse in the tubes. Themultidimensional manipulators are very clever in their use of buzz words. Theylink them together to create an accepted meaning, which is often the opposite of thereal situation. If you say something often enough, people will believe it. The word’freedom’ has been equated with ‘democracy’, and democracy is equated with theparliamentary systems of government in the ‘free world’. We are programmed tosee the three elements of freedom-democracy-parliament as the same thing. Theyare not. The ‘democratic’ systems are part of the smokescreen designed to fool us. Ifyou know you live in an authoritarian regime which controls your thoughts andbehaviour, the media, and the economic highs and lows, the desire for freedom inthe human heart will eventually rebel against this. People are much easier to controland suppress if this is done while they go on thinking they are free. Such is thenature of our ‘democracy’.We can take the example of Westminster, this Mother of Parliaments, to see whata phoney democracy we have. Most Members of Parliament are not elected by thepeople, but by the committee or members of their constituency party! The UnitedKingdom parliamentary system is made up of constituencies which return an MP toparliament at the General Election. But only a relative few of these constituenciesare ‘marginal’ in that the outcome is in doubt. Most are either overwhelminglyConservative or Labour. The public are mind-controlled to believe that their incomeshould decide whom they vote for. The Conservatives have the ‘image’ of lowtaxation and voting Conservative is, for many – depressingly many – just anotherpart of their social status. Detached house, two cars, vote Tory. In the poor anddeprived areas, many of which have been devastated by the people-are-numbershousing policies of Labour governments and councils, the majority vote Labourbecause they’re the party of the working classes. Yes, they are the party whichsees economic success as more people standing for eight hours a day next to afactory machine, or a mile underground in a coal mine. These rigid mindsets meanthat constituencies which are mostly affluent return Conservative MPs, no matterhow competent or otherwise the person with the blue rosette may be; and in the poor areas, the one with the red rosette, whoever he or she may be, will become theMember of Parliament.In these constituencies – the overwhelming majority – the would-be MP only hasto persuade the local party members to select him or her to stand at the election andthey are virtually certain to be elected to Parliament. It is what they call beingselected to stand in a safe seat. So if the Elite want someone to be elected tofurther the New World Order, it is no problem. Find them one of the endless safeseats and they are in. Even if an MP with his or her own mind slips through the net,they will be told how to vote by their party or face sanctions against them, like ablock on their advancement or, as in the case of the Conservative MPs opposed tofurther integration into the European Union, suspension from the party. This isdemocracy, Elite-style, because it was they who created the parliamentary structureafter the power of the monarchies was curtailed or removed by the ‘people’s’revolutions. If our new MP does as he or she is told, they may advance intogovernment or even be Prime Minister. More than that, if they are clones of theElite, the advancement can be very quick.In the United States, I understand, there are still some people who believe thatthe public select the president. If only it were true. Two things select the president:money and the media. The Elite controls both. You need fantastic amounts ofmoney to run for the presidential nomination within your own party, never mindthe presidency itself. To do that you need silly money. Only the banking/businessestablishment has those resources and their money goes to the one they want.Sometimes it also goes to a candidate they know has no chance of winning becausethat makes sure that his opponent – the one they really want – will be the nextoccupant of the White House. Add to this the media coverage which supports onecandidate and undermines the other, and you have a rigged election promoted asthe democratic process. Once the candidate is elected, it is pay back time. They whopay the piper call the tune.Certain legislation and an agreement to select certain people in the mainpositions within the administration are arranged before the election funds begin toflow. Give David Rockefeller a call and ask him who the next president is going tobe. He’ll know by now. The background staff are far more powerful than a primeminister or president if they work in concert. They don’t have to be popular becausethe public don’t know they exist or what they do. But the politicians do have tocourt popularity, particularly at election time. This makes them easy prey for thosein the background. We have a television comedy programme in the UK called Yes,Minister, which involves a civil servant manipulating a minister to do exactly as hewants. It is very funny, but in the reality of the political system, such manoeuvringis deadly serious.The politicians and the media perpetuate an illusion and so divert attention fromthose who truly run the world. The politicians give the impression that they havethe power, and the media supports this gigantic myth by reporting events anddecisions as if the politicians were the ultimate sanction. Hour by hour we have thepresidents, prime ministers, and their underlings, pictured and quoted. We see them meeting at ‘summits’ and issuing statements about events over which theyhave little or no power. But the public have to be persuaded by the media that’elected’ politicians are the global decision makers. If we don’t accept that illusion,we start to ask questions about who does, therefore, control events. The mediareport the world as if politicians are at the top of the pyramid, when they are onlythe puppets, trigger-pullers, and mouthpieces for those who are really at the top. Asa result, those who control our lives can stay in the shadows while those who onlyappear to be in power are constantly in the spotlight. The diversion is brilliantlyorchestrated.It is vital for those of us who live in the ‘democracies’ to realise that we do, intruth, live in a One Party State. When we appreciate that, we will stop looking topoliticians to tell us what to do and start thinking and acting for ourselves. We willstop believing that by voting for a different party at election time we will changeanything of substance. Politicians of whatever party are not going to change theworld because they are just pawns. We all have to take that responsibility and stophanding it over to them, the politicians, economists, and anyone else who willhave it. The illusion that we have a ‘choice’ of who governs us will continue topersuade us to give our responsibility away unless we get wise to the fact that wedon’t have that choice.All political movements are controlled by the same force (Figure 15). If you havetwo main parties from which the government is chosen each time and they vote thesame way on all the legislation that really matters, there is no ‘choice’ for the elector.This is the case with the Democratic and Republican Parties in America. The USA,this home of ‘freedom’ as the presidents are constantly telling us, is a One PartyState. So is the United Kingdom. There is no fundamental difference between theLabour and Conservative Parties. It is impossible to vote for a party in Britain which has any chance of forming a government that is not in favour of furthercentralisation of power in Europe, with one currency and a central bank. I am sureyou will find the same themes all over the world. When people point to other,smaller, parties, offering an apparent alternative, they are missing the point. If theparties who have any chance of winning agree on the fundamentals, electionsbecome an irrelevance, a farce.What confuses people is the way that politicians who are working to the sameends appear in public and even privately among their colleagues and friends, to bepromoting very different, sometimes opposite, attitudes to life. This allows them toappear to be opponents when they are really on the same side. Dr Kitty Little, aresearcher into the infiltration of British politics and intelligence agencies for morethan 50 years, explained the technique in her booklet, Treason At Westminster:It is probable that some of those infiltrators who have in the last 20 years reached thetop of the Labour and Conservative parties, had training in the art of concealing theirtrue opinions. Fuchs the German physicist who worked on the atomic bomb projecthas described his formal instruction in what he called ‘controlled schizophrenia’, andeven boasted that when drunk he could retain his assumed character with the politicalopinions of those with whom he worked. Similarly another member of the subversiveorganisation, Philby Kim Philby, the spy wrote: ‘I will conclude by mentioning a factorwhich has unnecessarily puzzled some western commentators on my case. That wasthe liberal smokescreen behind which I concealed my real opinions. One writer whoknew me in Beirut has stated that the liberal opinions I expressed in the Middle Eastwere ‘certainly’ my true ones. Another comment from a personal friend was that I couldnot have maintained such a consistently liberal-intellectual framework unless I hadreally believed in it. Both remarks are very flattering. The first duty of an undergroundworker is to perfect not only his cover story, but his cover personality.1When we look at the apparently ‘different’ political views, we are so often lookingat a facade. A series of people wearing masks to hide their real intentions andopinions. Behind the mask are the Global Elite and the All-Seeing Eye, and it is this’democratic’ masquerade2 which acts as the smokescreen for the One Party States.America’s One Party StateNothing makes this more obvious than the example of George Bush and BillClinton, two apparent ‘opponents’. One is a Republican, the other a Democrat, butboth are controlled by the same group. Both are frontmen for the One Party Stateand they are connected by the Council on Foreign Relations, the TrilateralCommission, Freemasonry, drugs, murder, Iran-Contra, the Bank of Credit andCommerce International (BCCI), their support for the invasion of sovereign states,centralised institutions, the GATT agreement, the North American Free Trade Area(NAFTA), the Gulf War.. .on and on it goes.Bush swept to victory against Michael Dukakis in 1988 on a tidal wave of Elitemoney. Henry Kissinger’s presence was again at the heart of the Bush government with two members of his company, Kissinger Associates, taking leading roles. Theywere Brent Scowcroft, head of the Kissinger Associates Washington office, andLawrence Eagleburger, the president of the company. Scowcroft was director of thenational security council and Eagleburger, the undersecretary at the StateDepartment. A founding board member of Kissinger Associates, Lord Carrington,was Secretary-General of NATO from 1984 to 1988. Quite a line up for onecompany! Bush also promoted the Elite strategy of ‘saving’ the environment, just asBill Clinton (CFR, TC, Bil) and Al Gore (CFR) would do. On the other side of theAtlantic, exactly in tandem, Margaret Thatcher (Bil), turned a mental somersaultand began to proclaim the need to protect the environment after once callingenvironmental campaigners the enemy within. The word drugs is also aconstant theme which links the Bush and Clinton presidencies. Drugs are a massiveform of income for the Elite and a front-line weapon in the destabilisation of society.We shall look first at the Republican wing of the One Party State in the form of MrGeorge Bush.The Invasion of PanamaThe Bush attack on Panama on December 20th 1989, was connected with drugs,though not in the way it was portrayed by the government and the media. This isanother fine example of how the truth of a situation is submerged in politicalrhetoric and media camouflage. We are told that American troops invaded Panamaand abducted President Manuel Noriega because of his drug running activities andto save American children from the evil of drugs. There is a chance that the veryopposite is the case. Noriega was on the payroll of the CIA while Bush was theDirector and he was being paid some $110,000 a year for his ‘services’, whichincluded running drugs. When Bush was challenged about this after the invasion ofPanama, he said he had never met Noriega, but then suddenly remembered themeeting. Noriega was involved in the drugs market and rigged elections, but theAmerican government and the CIA knew that when they employed him. The 1984Panama election was won by Arnulfo Arias, but Noriega took power with a mixtureof extreme violence and fraud. President Ronald Reagan then dispatched Secretaryof State George Shultz (CFR, TC, Bil, Comm 300), to give legitimacy to Noriega andeven to declare that Panama’s democratic principles were a lesson to the Sandinistagovernment in Nicaragua!The Bush-Noriega relationship began to change during the Iran-Contra period,according to Noriega, when he was visited by Admiral John Poindexter, the head ofthe National Security Council, on December 17th 1985. Poindexter was prosecutedfor his part in Iran-Contra. Noriega told CBS reporter Mike Wallace that Poindexterdemanded that he support the US war against the Sandinista government inNicaragua. When he refused, Poindexter threatened economic warfare and thedestabilisation of Panama. What Poindexter wanted was for Panama to invadeNicaragua with American support, Noriega said.3 At no point was Noriega’salleged involvement in drugs mentioned. But the US Drug EnforcementAdministration (DEA) did contact him about drugs. They wrote to congratulate him on helping them to stop Panama being used as a drug and drug-money-launderingcentre!4 Just one month later, the Reagan-Bush administration demanded thatNoriega be removed on the grounds of drugs, corruption, and lack of democracy.The need for ‘democracy’ in Panama is an insult. Again Noriega was certainly nosaint, but the CIA have supported, and imposed, some of the most grotesque farRight dictatorships across the world to suit their own agenda, including thefinancing of terrorists to murder women and children by the thousands.It is not easy working out the motivations of the Drug EnforcementAdministration, because within it are people committed to stopping the flow ofdrugs into America and others equally determined to increase it. A number of DEAand CIA operatives have described how some officials of the Drug EnforcementAdministration are involved in expanding the availability of hard drugs in theUnited States. Noriega’s former chief advisor, Jose Blandon, has claimed that theDEA has protected the biggest players in the drug empires and that DEA officialspaid Noriega $4.7 million to keep quiet. In February 1988, Noriega was indicted ondrugs charges, all but one of which related to activities before 1984, when he was onthe CIA payroll! Economic sanctions against Panama followed – the economicwarfare which Poindexter had promised. If Noriega had agreed to support the USwar with Nicaragua, or hadn’t fallen out with Bush in some way, he would still bedictator of Panama instead of being in a US jail.When Bush became president, he made the ludicrous statement that Panamaposed an unusual and extraordinary threat to US national security and foreignpolicy. US News And World Report said on May 1st 1989 that Bush had authorised$10 million in CIA expenditure on projects against the Panamanian government.Some of the money was delivered by the CIA’s Carlos Eleta Almaran, who hadrecently been arrested for drug trafficking. Those charges were ordered to bedropped by Bush after Noriega was ousted. By December 20th 1989, with Noriegastill there despite the CIA’s best efforts, US forces invaded Panama. Hundreds,perhaps thousands of civilians, including children, were killed. Noriega wasabducted to America for trial and sentence on drug charges. The rest of the ‘free’world, including Britain’s Margaret Thatcher, offered not a word of protest. Thejudge at his trial refused to allow any CIA documents to be seen in his defence andhe was sentenced to 40 years for running drugs.What would the government and CIA officials get if they came to trial!


They’dhave to reincarnate a number of times to complete the sentence. When you observethe background to Noriega’s arrest, it is extremely relevant to know that the menthe Bush regime imposed on the people of Panama to replace Noriega were closelyconnected with the money laundering, drug trafficking, business. The newpresident, Guillermo Endara, was an official of at least six banks involved in drugmoney-laundering. The money laundered through these sources came from theColombian drug smuggling ring led by Augusto Falcon and Salvador Magluta, whowere reported to be smuggling one ton of cocaine a month into Florida from the late1970s until 1987.5 The new vice president of Panama installed by Bush was RicardoArias Calderon, whose brother was president of the First Internamericas Bank when it was controlled by the Cali drug cartel. Official figures show that drug traffickingand money laundering in Panama after Noriega has been greater than it was whenhe was there. One of those captured by the invading US forces was the Mossadagent, Michael “Freddy” Harari, who, with other operatives like David Kimche,worked with the CIA on behalf of Mossad with the Medellin and Cali drug cartels.He was allowed to escape in an Israeli jet because, if he had been put on trial, thewhole CIA-Mossad drug operation would have been blown.6The War on DrugsGeorge Bush became America’s ‘Mr War on Drugs’. Hard to believe when you seethe company he kept and the operations he was involved in during Iran-Contra andthe invasion of Panama. Bush is a global drug trafficker!He led ‘anti-drug’ campaigns during the Nixon and Reagan presidencies andanother during his own. None of them worked, and, in the words of CongressmanGlenn English, his war on drugs was “little more than lip service and pressreleases”. One of these claimed that his South Florida Task Force, set up underReagan, had ended the marijuana trade in South Florida. This was an outrageousclaim, but when Francis Mullen Jr, of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),challenged the statement, he was sacked. Bush even used the CIA to arrange drug’busts’ that were designed to give the public the impression that he was succeeding.CIA operative, Trenton Parker, has told how the Colombian drug dealers eachdonated cocaine which was landed at Miami International Airport in March 1980and left in a place where it would be found by customs officials.7 This is often doneto give the illusion of success. On other occasions the small fry are targeted whilethe major players, with their links to the highest levels of world politics andintelligence, are allowed to ply their trade unmolested. Only rarely do genuineofficials apprehend the big names. Even then it can be because they have outlivedtheir usefulness to the manipulators. Parker also described how it was the CIA whocalled together the top Colombian drug dealers for two meetings in late 1981 underthe Reagan-Bush administration to form a cartel to improve the shipment of drugsinto the United States. The first meeting, he said, took place at the HotelInternational in Medellin, attended by about 200 drug dealers. The now infamousMedellin Cartel was officially created in December 1981.8 The CIA formed theColombian drug cartels? Yes. But, then, what is amazing anymore?Nothing of substance that Bush promised in his various drug ‘campaigns’ wasever delivered and, more than that, the revelations of his links with drug dealerscontinue to mount, as they do with Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. We have alreadyseen the Shackley-Gregg-Rodriguez connections through the Iran-Contra arms-fordrugs scandal when more – not fewer – hard drugs were brought into the UnitedStates to further destabilise American society. For fourteen years Bush was also afriend of Don Aronow, who (according to one published account9 and a number ofother researchers) was connected with the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate, drugrunning and drug money laundering. Then there is the Zapata Oil Corporation,which was set up by George Bush. This company was a CIA front and that its subsidiary, Zapata Offshore, was implicated in drug smuggling while Bush was itstop man. Michael Maholy, who worked for the State Department and the CIA fortwo decades, said that drugs were brought by sea to the Zapata Offshore rigs,unloaded, and then flown ashore in the helicopters, constantly carrying goods andpersonnel between the rigs and the American mainland. He said he saw thishappening and confirmed it through the cables that he handled. Maholy said theships of a company called Pacific Seafood were used to ferry the drugs betweencountries.10It is a big mental leap, I know, to appreciate that the world market in illegal harddrugs is controlled and supervised by Elite elements within organisations like theCIA and British Intelligence, which are supposed to be there to protect society fromthe consequences of hard drug addiction. But there it is. Nothing is ever what itseems. It has been accepted that the CIA experimented with LSD before it waspromoted as the ‘freedom’ drug of the 1960s. The Elite have been involved in themanipulation of society through drugs for a very long time. It goes back manycenturies and reached a new peak with the Opium Wars against China in 1840 and1858, when Chinese efforts to stop the flow of opium into their country werethwarted by the might of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’s Prime Minister, whowas involved in both wars, was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master ofGrand Orient (Illuminati) Freemasonry and a member of the Committee of 300. Thevehicle for this trade in opium from India to China and elsewhere was the EastIndia Company, a group of Scottish merchants who were aligned with the Knightsof St John of Jerusalem and the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). Some researchersbelieve that the company’s real masters were the banking families of northern Italy,the Black Nobility.11The strategy used by the British in China has become a blueprint for invasionby-drug-addiction ever since. They sponsored a mass addiction to opium untilChinese society and vitality was torn asunder. The British government used anetwork of terrorism and organised crime, like the Triads, the Hong Society, and theAssassins, to carry out the trade on their behalf. When the Chinese rulers reacted tostop the supply, the British used their military and naval might to defeat them. Andthe ‘peace’ treaty after the conflict then gave the British a guaranteed right toincrease the flow of opium; to be paid compensation for the opium the Chineserulers had confiscated; and to have sovereignty over strategic ports and offshoreislands. This is how Hong Kong came under British rule. It was used as the centrefor Far East drug trafficking and that is still its role today.Most of the gold and money transactions on the Hong Kong financial marketsare the pay-offs and money laundering of the drug trade. The Treaty of Nanking of1842 gave Britain control over Hong Kong, plus $21 million in silver. It was writtenby the colonial minister, Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Comm 300), whose writings wereto so inspire Hitler, the Nazis, and others such as Madame Blavatsky. His son wasthe Viceroy of India at the height of the opium trade between India and China, aperiod camouflaged by the writings of Rudyard Kipling about the British Raj(British drug runners). In the book, The Opium Clippers, Basil Lubbock names the owners of the British vessels engaged in the opium trade as the East IndiaCompany; Jardine Matheson; Dent and Co; Pybus Bros; Russell and Co; Cama Bros;Duchess of Atholl; the Earl of Balcarras; King George IV, The Prince Regent; TheMarquis of Camden; and Lady Melville. It was Lady Melville’s ancestor, George,who welcomed William of Orange to the throne and was made Lord Privy Seal.After the second opium war, which ended in 1860, the British merchant banksand trading companies established the Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation asthe central bank of the Far East drug industry. According to all research I have readabout the drug network, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, with its globalconnections, continues to be a financial centre for the drug industry to this day.12 Sowas the Nugan Hand Bank (based in Sydney, Australia), another CIA/Mossadoperation run by Francis Nugan and Michael Hand, a Green Beret and a colonel inthe US Army assigned to the CIA. Hand was in frequent contact with George Bushafter his election to vice president, according to CIA operative, Trenton Parker.13Look at some principal officers of Nugan Hand: Admiral Earl F. Yates, President,chief of staff for strategic planning of US forces in Asia and the Pacific during theVietnam War; General Edwin F. Black, President of the Hawaii branch, thecommander of US troops in Thailand during the Vietnam conflict; George Farris,operative with the Washington and Hong Kong branches, a military intelligencespecialist; Bernie Houghton, the Saudi Arabia representative, a US Naval Intelligenceundercover agent; Thomas Clines, of Nugan Hand in London, a director of trainingin the CIA’s clandestine service who was involved in Iran-Contra and operated withMichael Hand and Theodore Shackley during Vietnam; Dale Holmgreen, of theTaiwan office, flight service manager in Vietnam for Civil Air Transport which laterbecame the infamous CIA airline, Air America; Walter McDonald, head of theAnnapolis, Maryland, branch, the former deputy director of CIA economic research;General Roy Manor, the Philippine branch, the chief of staff for the US Pacificcommand and the US government’s liaison with President Ferdinand Marcos;William Colby, Nugan Hand’s lawyer, a former director of the CIA.14Just the kind of people you would expect to be running a bank, eh? Well, at leastthey would be, if you wanted your bank manager to give you advice on runningcovert operations and training terrorists. A director of Nugan Hand, DonaldBeazley, was chairman of City National Bank of Miami, which handled funds forthe Anti-Defamation League.15 Michael Hand was found dead in his Mercedes Benzin the late 1970s on a remote road outside Sydney. He had ‘shot himself. It was aremarkable suicide in that he had pulled the trigger and then, before he died, hemust have wiped all his fingerprints off the gun because none were found. AnAustralian government investigation revealed that millions of dollars in NuganHand records were unaccounted for and that it was serving as a money launderingoperation for drug traffickers. These profits were being used by the CIA to financegun smuggling, and illegal covert operations around the world. There was alsoevidence that the CIA was using the bank to pay for political campaigns againstpoliticians in many countries, including Australia, to ensure the voters supportedthe CIA choice. Yes, this is still the ‘free’ world we are talking about. Banks with household names across the world are vehicles for laundering drugmoney as it passes from account to account until its origins are lost in the web oftransactions. The gold and diamond industries, dominated by the Rothschilds andthe Oppenheimers through companies like DeBeers, are also used to wash drugmoney. The money buys gold or diamonds from those companies and then theyare sold to produce ‘clean’ money. The network of interconnecting AngloAmerican families in the Elite web of manipulation, who have been responsible forthe engineering of conflict and economic depression through the generations, arealso behind the world illegal drugs market.16 Some of the most famous names,merchant banks, and companies in the world are making a good slice of theirfortunes directly or indirectly from the drug addiction of the young. We areentering the time when those people will have to face that responsibility publiclyas part of their eternal evolution and the public are going to be astonished at someof those involved.The same families and organisations were responsible for the slave trade andalcohol prohibition. The latter was a means to create the massive network oforganised crime in the United States. The structure thus produced was perfect, asintended, for drug trafficking once Prohibition was over. The main groupscampaigning for Prohibition and an end to the “evils of drink”, groups like theWomen’s Christian Temperance Union and its Anti-Saloon League, were financedby the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts and Warburgs via the Rockefeller Foundation, theRussell Sage Foundation, and similar tax-exempt foundations. Prohibition wasanother con by the Elite used for longer-term motives. Incidentally, it also made afortune for Joseph Kennedy, the father of JFK.Professor Alfred McCoy’s 1972 classic, The Politics Of Heroin In South East Asia,and his 1991 update, The Politics Of Heroin – CIA Complicity In The Global Drug Trade,tell of how CIA helicopters in Vietnam were carrying drugs from the fields to thedistribution points, when the American public thought they were there to fight’communism’. He describes how a Pepsi Cola bottling plant was used for this tradeand how the media suppressed this information. 58,000 Americans and goodnessknows how many Vietnamese were killed in that conflict and nothing sums upmore powerfully the lack of respect this mindset has for human life than the waythe CIA smuggled drugs into America in plastic bags hidden in the body cavities ofthe dead soldiers being returned home for burial from Vietnam. CIA operative,Gunthar Russbacher, has told how some bodies were gutted and filled with drugsfor shipment back to the States.17 The bodies carried secret codes which allowedthose carrying the drugs to be identified on arrival at West Coast airbases,particularly the Travis Air Force Base in California. The drugs were then removedand made available for the young people of America.One man who had his eyes opened to all this during the Bush presidency wasLieutenant Colonel James “Bo” Gritz, one of America’s most decorated soldiers,with sixty-two citations for valour, five Silver Stars, eight Bronze Stars, two PurpleHearts, and a Presidential Citation. My outlook on life and that of Bo Gritz couldhardly be further apart, but his experiences deserve to be heard by anyone who thinks that government is still – or ever was – ‘for’ and ‘by’ the people. In anaddress to the American Liberty Lunch Club, recorded on the video, A NationBetrayed, Gritz describes how he twice visited a man called Khun Sa, who was therecognised “overlord” of heroin trafficking in the Golden Triangle of the Far East.Heroin is a derivative of opium. Gritz became involved when he was told that therelease of US prisoners of war (still being held after the conflicts in Laos) was beingstopped by American government officials involved in drug trafficking. He foundthis to be correct. The government did not want the prisoners released becausethey knew about their officials’ involvement in the drug trade and might talkabout it when they returned home. Kuhn Sa and his operatives in the GoldenTriangle told Gritz about some of the Americans they had worked with in the past.They named Theodore Shackley, whom George Bush appointed to a top job in theCIA and used as a ‘speech writer’. They also listed Richard Armitage, then a USEmbassy official and later on the campaign staff of Ronald Reagan, who appointedhim the assistant secretary of defense. No wonder there was so little interest inreleasing US prisoners of war who could blow the whole thing. Armitage isreported to be a close friend and advisor to Colin Powell, the US Chief of Staffduring the Gulf War, who was presented as a possible presidential candidate,standing as a self-styled “Rockefeller Republican”.18The Elite are involved in drugs for three main reasons. First to make unthinkableamounts of money – billions per year – to finance covert operations against electedgovernments and society in general. Drug profits produce money which does notneed to be channelled from government sources where it could be traced. Secondly,the ‘problem’ of drugs has produced (understandably) such a reaction of”something must be done” that people are agreeing to the erosion of rights andfreedoms in a way that they never would unless there was a ‘solution’ required to’stop’ the supply of drugs and its terrible effect on the structure of society. It alsoprovides the US (Global Elite) with an excuse to intervene in the affairs of othercountries. Thirdly, we have the opium-to-China syndrome. If you want to divideand rule and stop people manifesting their full potential, what better way of doingit than to get a significant section of the young generation (and many othersbesides) hooked on hard drugs? What the British provably did to the Chinese iswhat the Elite is seeking to do to the young people of the world, to sap their naturalvitality, their sense of worth, and the knowledge of their infinite potential to achieveanything they wish to achieve. The war on drugs is another phoney war. As BoGritz put it:“No president that’s ever declared a war on drugs has ever fought one.”19And Michael Levine, a former agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration,said that the war on drugs was the:“…biggest, whitest, and deadliest lie ever perpetrated on US citizens by theirgovernment. And who have been the two frontmen for every “war on drugs” since the Nixonadministration? George Bush and Bill Clinton. We’ll hear more of Clinton’s drugactivities shortly.The Gulf WarGeorge Bush is an oilman. Much of his colossal fortune comes from oil and thosecompanies provided the bulk of his election funds. When Bush policies led to a risein the price of oil, both his income and that of the oil cartel went up by enormousamounts. It was the same for another oilman, James Baker, Bush’s secretary of state.In the wider sense, the more the Arab oil producers could be divided, the morepower the United States, the British, and other industrial countries would have overthem. Conflict in the Middle East, which raises the price of oil and causes turmoiland hostility within the Arab world, is good for oilmen and good for divide andrule. If you can arrange such conflict to involve a group of countries fighting underthe United Nations flag, you are accelerating the move to a world army undercentral global control – one of the fundamental aims of the New World Order. TheGulf War did all of these things. If Saddam Hussein, a close friend of Bush for manyyears, was not in on the plot, then he was brilliantly set up.In July 1990 Bush attended the NATO Summit at Lancaster House in London,chaired by the NATO Secretary General, Manfred Worner, who (like his predecessor,Lord Carrington) was a Bilderberger. Some researchers established that the possibilityof a new Middle East War was discussed and so was the deployment of NATO forcesoutside their designated region, the so-called “out-of-area” deployment. From thisSummit came the London Declaration which called for closer cooperation betweenNATO and the countries of the former Soviet Union. This has since evolved, as wasalways intended, into the policy of absorbing those countries into NATO as part ofthe world army strategy. The Elite is obviously anxious to make sure this absorptionpolicy is adopted, because once NATO begins to expand and operate outside Europeand the North Atlantic, it gets ever closer to being a world army. The idea is to extendNATO’s area of operations by inviting more countries to join and to engineer eventsusing the problem-reaction-solution strategy which lead to a fusion of NATO and theUN ‘peacekeeping’ forces and the formation of the world army. This is thebackground from which the Gulf War needs to be viewed.Disputes between Iraq and Kuwait are not new. Kuwait has been under Britishand Elite control back to the days when the economic potential of oil was discovered.It is a dictatorship, an unpleasant one, and the idea that the Gulf War was to ‘free’Kuwait is just ridiculous. If Kuwait is to be freed, the dictators of the Royal Familyelites need to give up their power and the British manipulation of that country andits people has to end. Saddam Hussein was encouraged by the Americans and theBritish to go to war with Iran in 1980. If the findings of some researchers areaccurate, Saddam was led to believe by British and American Intelligence that theKhomeini regime was in such chaos, the war would be over quickly. They lied. Itdragged on for eight years amid appalling suffering and loss of life. But it was goodfor the oil companies, the banks, the armament companies, and divide and rule.


The British government armed both sides in this conflict and some (but onlysome) of this scandal has surfaced through the Scott Inquiry into illegal arms salesto Iraq. I wonder if this inquiry has heard of a company called Midland IndustrialTrade Services, which is claimed to be the Midland Bank’s secret arms operation.This is based, I am told, behind the facade of an ‘ordinary’ branch of the Midlandin Victoria Street, Westminster, London SW1H ONJ. I wonder also if the ScottInquiry has heard any allegations that Midland Industrial Trade Services wereintroduced to the Iraqis by Kissinger Associates? I’m sure there is nothingwhatsoever in these rumours from very well informed sources. The Midland Bank,that pillar of respectability, involved in secret arms sales? The very thought isridiculous. Isn’t it?The Iran-Iraq war is a grotesque example of modified Hegelianism. The CIAlooked after Khomeini during his exile in Paris to ensure he was ready and waitingto take over when the Shah, another CIA puppet, had outlived his usefulness. Atthe same time, as The Wall Street Journal of August 16th 1990 reported, it was theCIA in 1968 who supported the Baath Party in Iraq and installed Saddam asdictator. Now Saddam would be used again, knowingly or otherwise, to start upanother war in the Gulf, another war planned long before. George C. Andrewsreports in his book, Extra-Terrestrial Friends And Foes:A little known fact about the Gulf War is that one month before our Declaration of Waron December 15th, 1990, Secretary of State, James Baker, signed the US Army reportfrom the 352nd Civil Affairs Command on the New Kuwait unclassified, and thereforeavailable to those interested. This report describes in detail how extensively Kuwait willbe destroyed, how the oil wells will be set on fire, and then how it will all be rebuilt’better than before’, with despotism, instead of democracy, even more stronglyentrenched than it had been before. The report includes a list of US corporations whoare to be assigned the profitable task of rebuilding Kuwait and extinguishing the oil wellfires, as well as the Arab names they will be operating under.Why have none of his political opponents thought of asking the obvious questions:How did George Bush’s so called ‘blind trust’ make out during the time frame of theGulf War? Why are the huge business deals between Bush and Hussein still off-limits tothe public’s right to know?21To readers of this book, the answers to those questions will be obvious. The’blind trust’, by the way, is the farce which insists that presidents must hand over alltheir business dealings to a trust during their term in office, which is supposed tomake sure that they can’t make political decisions which affect their owninvestments and companies. Do you believe it works like that? No, nor me. Bush’s’blind trust’ was controlled by William Farish III, his close friend and grandson ofWilliam Farish, the President of Standard Oil of New Jersey when they wereworking with I.G. Farben and supplying Adolf Hitler. I will come to Bush’sbusiness links with Saddam shortly American reconnaissance advised President Bush around July 16th and 17th1990 that Iraqi troops were assembling along the border with Kuwait. Nothing wasdone. On July 25th Saddam Hussein met with the US Ambassador in Baghdad,April Glaspie, who told him she was acting on the instructions of President Bush.She said that the Bush government had no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflict, likeyour border disagreement with Kuwait.221 wonder if the Argentine governmentwere told something similar before they invaded the Falklands? Glaspie added thatshe had instructions from the President to seek better relations with Iraq. She thenleft for a summer holiday, another indication to Saddam that the Americans weredisinterested in the whole thing.That date of July 25th is most significant because it was in the days before that,according to CIA and Naval Intelligence operative, Gunther Russbacher, thatGeorge Bush, Brent Scowcroft (Kissinger Associates), and other close advisors drewup an agreement to be submitted to President Gorbachev, through which he wouldagree not to intervene if the United States invaded Iraq. Remember this was beforeGlaspie met with Saddam and while Bush was ignoring the Iraqi troop buildups.Russbacher says he was briefed on the plan in mid-July by Scowcroft and Bush’sCIA chief, William Webster. Russbacher was one of the pilots of four CIA SR-71swhich flew to Moscow on July 26th from the Crows Landing Naval Air Station inCalifornia, refuelling twice on the way. On board were Scowcroft and Webster.Russbacher, who spoke Russian, met with Gorbachev who signed the agreement.23While all this was going on, Bush still had nothing to say in public about thetroops’ buildup along the Kuwaiti border. By July 31st perhaps 100,000 troops wereinvolved. Still Bush was silent. Two days before the invasion, John Kelly (CFR), anassistant secretary of state, was asked by a congressional hearing if the US woulddefend Kuwait in the event of an attack. He replied: We have no defense treaty withany Gulf country.24 On August 2nd, Saddam invaded Kuwait. That same day, andagain on August 6th, Bush met with Margaret Thatcher at Aspen, Colorado, and atthe White House. The British prime minister was, as usual, highly belligerent aboutthe need to teach Saddam a lesson. Henry Kissinger was behind the scenes, too, inthe form of Brent Scowcroft, the national security advisor, a long-time Kissinger aideback to the days of the Nixon presidency, and an executive of Kissinger Associates.Scowcroft was urging military intervention. The Bush tone began to change. TheSaudi Arabians were told by the Americans that Saddam was likely to invade theircountry next – utter nonsense – and Bush ordered US troops to assemble along the’threatened’ Saudi border. There would be no intervention, the world was told. TheUS forces were only there to protect Saudi Arabia, Bush said. Economic sanctionswere to be the weapon used against Saddam. The Saudi Arabians, Germans, andJapanese would be badgered into contributing large sums towards American costs.But sanctions were never going to be the real weapon. The rhetoric became everstronger. Bush labelled Saddam the new Hitler and he said that the Second WorldWar had shown that appeasement of such people was not the answer. He mighthave added that it also was not the answer to fund both sides at the same time andto help finance Hitler’s war machine, as his father had done. For those who knew the game plan, it was easy to see what was happening. On August 23rd, Kissinger’sman, Brent Scowcroft, said it all: We believe we are creating the beginning of a newworld order out of the collapse of the US-Soviet antagonisms.25 The term, the NewWorld Order, would now be used by Bush and enter into political-speak around theworld to the point of tedium. Bush (Comm 300) received enthusiastic support fromMargaret Thatcher and the Freemason President of France, Francois Mitterrand(Comm 300), who both sent forces to the Gulf to support the Americans. Theypresented themselves as a United Nations force. In effect, a world army. Bush saidin a speech to Congress on September 11th:Clearly no longer can a dictator count on East-West confrontation to stymie concertedUnited Nations action against aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun,and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the PersianGulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic periodof cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a new world order -can emerge…26For ‘fifth’ read ‘first’. On November 8th, Bush announced that the forces in SaudiArabia would be substantially increased. The ‘defensive’ force was now to switch tooffensive mode. A week later Bush left on a tour of Europe and the Middle Eastgathering support for the invasion. He met for three hours with President Assad ofSyria, a tool of the Elite, who pledged to increase his contribution to Bush’s forces to20,000 men. The Bush ‘UN’ forces attacked on Wednesday, January 16th. 120,000 airsorties were unleashed on Iraq, mostly, it turned out, against civilian areas. Theoperation was headed by Bush’s chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Colin Powell,a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, who has ancestral links with manyold American and British families. Every allied supreme commander and USsecretary of defense since the Second World War has been a member of the CFR.The number of dead and injured from the bombing of Iraq, the resulting disease,and the continuing economic sanctions can hardly be comprehended. Conditionsfor the innocent civilians in Iraq are terrible under the economic stranglehold, butthe West looks on. So this is the United Nations in all its glory, this is the bastion ofjaw, jaw, not war, war. This is the promoter of peace. This is the New World Order.The future president, Bill Clinton, supported the Gulf War and the United Nationspolicy. There is another stunner in all this, too. The United States governmentfunded Saddam Hussein to fight the war against the United States and UN forces! Itwas done through a branch of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) in Atlanta.Congressman Henry Gonzalez exposed the BNL scandal in 1991 after he noticedthat this little branch of the Italian government bank had loaned Iraq $5 billion. Thiscame after November 1989 when the White House guaranteed bank loans to Iraq ifthey were used for the purchase of US farm products. If Saddam defaulted, the UStaxpayers picked up the tab for the loan and since he was always defaulting, thatwas obviously going to be the outcome from the start. Instead of buying food,Saddam spent the money on arms, including purchases from the Matrix Churchill machine tool company in England (which was the subject of a court case in whichthe British government was implicated, and this led to the Scott Inquiry). Althoughmany US investigators warned Bush that the money was being used for arms, theloans were allowed to continue.The scam was so obvious, when you look at the other evidence. Son George wasdoing the same as Father Prescott did with Hitler. Funding an aggressor so you canstart a war with him. Some of the money was spent on buying poison gas from aCIA front called Cardeon Industries in Chile.27 When the war started, Saddamdefaulted on the loans and the US taxpayers are now paying for the money spent byIraq to fight their own sons and daughters. The cover-up of this, as usual, led to thescapegoating of the small fry. The whole thing was blamed on the bank manager atthe BNL’s Atlanta branch, Christopher P. Drogoul, who could never havesanctioned that sort of money without the highest authorisation. US District Judge,Marvin Schoob, said the claim that the Atlanta branch could loan $5 billion withoutthe approval of the head office in Rome could only come out of never, never land.The judge said that Drogoul and four other employees at the branch:…were pawns or bit players in a far larger and wider-ranging sophisticated conspiracythat involved BNL-Rome and possibly large American and foreign corporations and thegovernments of the United States, England, Italy and Iraq…Smoke is coming out ofevery window. I have to conclude that the building is on fire.28This is the last thing the Bush administration and the Global Elite wanted tohear. Judge Schoob was removed from the case and replaced by Judge ErnestTidwell, who refused to allow any evidence to be presented about the CIA or BushWhite House involvement in the bank. Drogoul was persuaded by his attorney,against his better judgement, to plead guilty. The funding of the Iraqi arms build upbefore the Gulf War and its prosecution by the UN was a calculated plan to triggerthe conflict, and it involved the Bush administration, the British government of JohnMajor, the Italian government, the Soviet Union, and the other leading governmentscontrolled by the Global Elite. It also involved a familiar name: Henry Kissinger.As early as 1984, Kissinger Associates were arranging loans from the BNL to Iraqto finance its arms purchases from a little known subsidiary of Fiat, the Italian carmakers (headed by leading Bilderberger, Giovanni Agnelli). Charles Barletta, aformer Justice Department investigator, was quoted about this in the Spotlightnewspaper of November 9th 1992. The report said:Barletta added that federal probers had collected dozens of such incriminating casehistories about the Kissinger firm director, Lord Carrington. But Henry Kissinger seemsto possess a special kind of immunity. I’m not sure how he does it, but Kissinger wieldsas much power over the Washington national security bureaucracy now as in the dayswhen he was the Nixon administration’s foreign policy czar. He gets the payoff; othersget the blame. Kissinger will remain unscathed until Congress finds the courage toconvene a full-dress investigation into this teflon power broker. The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)The Bush (Republican) and Clinton (Democrat) wings of the One Party State haveanother mutual connection, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, whichhad close links with the Italian BNL. The BCCI was formed in the early 1970s andexpanded rapidly to boast 400 branches in 78 countries. Its name is remarkablysimilar to the Banque De Credit International (BCI) of the Mossad agent, Rabbi TiborRosenbaum, which was used to fund Permindex and launder syndicate CIA andMossad drug money at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Its successor, theBCCI, was a major player in the drug money laundering network and was used forthis purpose by the Elite elements within the CIA, British Intelligence, Israel’s (or theRothschild’s) Mossad, and others, who control the world market in illegal drugs.Money to fund covert operations, terrorist groups like Abu Nidal, coups throughoutthe world, and the financing of Iran-Contra and Saddam Hussein, was alsochannelled through the BCCI. Money could be transferred between apparentenemies through this network, as with Saudi Arabian money which found its way toMossad. In this case, Saudi and other Gulf money was laundered through the BCCIand transferred to CenTrust in Miami, which was later seized by federalinvestigators. The BCCI owned 28% of CenTrust. Allegations emerged that RobertGates, the man Bush had nominated as his Director of the CIA, had obstructed aninvestigation into drug money laundering by the BCCI. Gates withdrew hisnomination to be CIA Director, as he had once before, when implicated in IranContra. The BCCI crashed amid a worldwide scandal in 1991. It was the world’sbiggest banking collapse and cost investors billions of dollars. Three years before thecrash, Robert Gates was describing the BCCI as the Bank of Crooks and Criminals.29The BCCI began to operate in Pakistan in 1972 with most of its funding providedby the Bank of America and the CIA. Bank of America also loaned money to peopleto buy stock in BCCI, probably to hide the scale of its control, and the B of A knew allabout money laundering. In 1986, it was fined $7 million for 17,000 acts of washingdirty money. Some researchers say that the Bank of America is owned by theRothschilds. At the hub of Rothschild involvement in the BCCI was Dr AlfredHartmann who, at the same time, was the managing director of the Swiss branch ofthe BCCI; the head of the Zurich Rothschild Bank A.G.; a board member of N.M.Rothschild in London; and a director of.. .Italy’s BNL.30 The involvement of theRothschilds at the heart of the BCCI was never mentioned or investigated by the lapdog media, nor the alleged involvement of the Rothschild ‘gofer’, and currencyspeculator, George Soros (Bil).31 George Bush and Bill Clinton both had considerableconnections with the BCCI, among them one Jackson Stephens, owner of StephensIncorporated, a big investment bank based in Little Rock, Arkansas, the home of BillClinton. Stephens was one of the founders of the BCCI. He had connections with acompany called Harken Energy and arranged a loan for them from a Swiss Bankaffiliated with the BCCI. This would have greatly pleased George Bush Junior, thepresident’s son, who sat on the Harken board. Another son, Jeb Bush, also had numerous dealings with the BCCI. He was often seen in the bank’s Miami office32 andGeorge Bush’s deputy campaign manager, James Lake, worked for a major owner ofthe BCCI at the same time. When Bush’s ‘opponent’, Bill Clinton, ran for president,his main financial backer was Jackson Stephens who made the donations via hisWorthen National Bank which was connected to the BCCI. Stephens was implicatedin deals in which the BCCI secretly and illegally took over the First American Bank ofWashington and others. This was the man who funded the president.George Bush’s involvement with the BCCI was considerable, according to theChicago journalist, Sherman Skolnick, who made a detailed study of the bank. Hehas claimed publicly, including an interview on Radio Free America, that Bush,Saddam Hussein and others, used the BCCI to split $250 billion in oil kick backs,the skimming off of money paid by western oil companies in the Gulf. He claimsthe records implicating Bush in deals with Saddam and Manuel Noriega were in thehands of the Bank of England and that the money was channelled through the BCCIand Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), branches in the USA. Henry Gonzalez, thechairman of the House Banking Committee, identified links between the BCCI andBNL. Skolnick told interviewer, Tom Valentine, on Radio Free America:The bulk of the money went through BCCI. That bank was formed in the 1970s withseed money from the Bank of America, the largest shareholders of which are theRothschilds of Chicago, Paris, London, and Switzerland…The bank is also linked to thefinancial affairs of former President Jimmy Carter, and his friend and one-time budgetdirector, banker Bert Lance.Some of the…Democrats who have been involved in this whole affair have beenpublished, for example, in the May 3 issue of The Wall Street Journal. During the 1988presidential campaign, additionally, BCCI was one of the major financiers of the MichaelDukakis campaign. …BCCI financed the Democratic Party in the United States andarranged deals for Republicans outside the United States.33Jimmy Carter personally dedicated a number of BCCI branches and they madean $8.5 million donation to one of his favourite charities. Carter’s foreign travelafter he left the White House was paid for by the BCCI and his banker friend, BertLance, was bailed out of big financial difficulties by a man called Ghaith Pharaon, afront man for the BCCI.34 This would fit with a contact’s suggestion that the manbehind the BCCI was an Arab, Gaph Feherton, a major funder of Jimmy Carter’spresidential campaign. Andrew Young, Carter’s former United Nations ambassadorand a fellow Trilateralist, had a loan of $160,000 written off by the BCCI and he waspaid to promote the bank to individuals and governments in Africa and CentralAmerica.35 The Republican senator for Utah, Orrin Hatch, was making stirringspeeches in support of BCCI even while it was being indicted for drug moneylaundering. The Democrat Clark Clifford and his law partner Robert Altaian, theBCCI’s lawyers, were at the centre of the story, also. Price Waterhouse, the BCCI’sauditors for nearly 20 years, were giving the bank a largely clean bill of health while all the corruption was going on. Skolnick said records detailing the alleged BushSaddam deals were held in the Chicago branch of the BCCI, which was seized bythe Reagan-Bush Administration in 1988 (along with other BCCI assets in theUnited States). Skolnick went on:The same bank has records showing joint business ventures between General ManuelNoriega, former dictator of Panama, and George Bush. In January of 1990, the federalprosecutor in Tampa had former top officials of Florida’s branch on trial. They were allowedto escape prison with only a slap on the wrist and a small penalty. Here’s why: they toldthe Justice Department that if they were going to prison, they had documents from theirbank showing that George Bush had private business ventures through their bank with aseries of dictators including not only Saddam and Noriega, but others as well……Saddam’s oil was shipped to Texaco. In 1985 a Texas jury, at the behest ofPennzoil, issued the largest damages verdict in American history against Texaco.Pennzoil claimed that Texaco damaged them in a deal with Getty Oil. Who ownsPennzoil? George Bush and his friends the Liedtke brothers referred to earlier, inrelation to Watergate. …As a result Texaco fell under the domination and supervisionof Pennzoil. Where did the kickbacks to Saddam reportedly come from? They camefrom the deals between Texaco and its subsidiaries purchasing oil from Iraq.36If you placed end to end all the questions that George Bush needs to answer, butwon’t, they would stretch from Washington to Baghdad. Via Panama City. Anofficial investigation was ordered to expose the BCCI scandal. It was chaired byDemocrat senator, John Kerry, of Massachusets. It exposed nothing. Senator Kerrywas chairman of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which received largecontributions from the BCCI. Senator Kerry is also a member of the Skull and BonesSociety, as is George Bush. The corruption across American politics, media, andbusiness, is staggering and so it is in the United Kingdom wing of the Global Eliteoperation, where the BCCI had its main base.The report on the bank by Lord Justice Bingham decided that the collapse wasdue to a tragedy of errors, misunderstandings, and failures of communication.For goodness sake, it was one of the biggest drug money and illegal arms moneylaundering operations the world has yet seen. It implicated some of the biggestnames in global politics, banking, and business, and financed terrorists, drugcartels, and covert operations by the CIA, Mossad, and others. The Bank of Englandcompleted the cover-up through an arrangement with the bank’s principal ownersat the time of the collapse, Abu Dhabi. This agreement allowed important recordsand witnesses to leave Britain. How convenient. In his review of Dirty Money, abook about the BCCI, the journalist Robert Sherrill said:Dirty Money clearly leaves the impression that many officials are less thanenthusiastic about digging deeper into the scandal. Could it be because of thatrumoured list of 100 politicians that the BCCI paid off? Or because ‘key investigators have indicated that if they continued their probe it might take them ‘into the highestlevels of political power around the world’ in ways that would dwarf even the wildestconspiracy theory? Whoa! That would never do.37On that note we will take our leave of George Bush and welcome Mr BillClinton. He defeated Bush, with support from the Washington Post among manyothers, and on January 20th 1993 he officially became the 42nd president of theUnited States. George Bush (CFR, TC, Skull and Bones Society, 33rd degreeFreemason, and Republican), was replaced in the White House by Bill Clinton (CFR,TC, Bilderberger, Rhodes Scholar, 33rd degree Freemason, and Democrat). Thenames changed, the controllers did not. The One Party State rolled on.Bill ClintonWilliam Jefferson Clinton was born in Hope, Arkansas, and brought up in HotSprings. His Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University gave him a grounding in theWorld government philosophy and he knew what was required for politicaladvancement from an early age. Clinton said in an interview in 1994 that he knewfrom Carroll Quigley’s books that a permanent shadow government of bankers andgovernment officials existed which controlled the political agenda from behind thescenes. He said that, while still a young man, he realised that it was necessary for himto gain access to this inner circle if he was to become part of the decision-makingprocess that shapes the world.38 That is exactly what he did. His desire for high officewas no doubt fired when he shook hands with John Kennedy as a boy. He wasanother product of the Global Elite production line of presidents: easily manipulated,knows how to do as he’s told, and with a mountain of unpleasant information abouthim waiting to be revealed if he steps out of line. We’ll give them a Democratpresident this time, just to let them think they still have a choice, you can almost hearthe manipulators say. David Rockefeller, the Kingmaker of America, had met withClinton in the mid-1980s at Winrock, the farm built by Winthrop Rockefeller, a formergovernor of Arkansas.39 The state of Arkansas is an Elite centre. The southern wing ofthe Scottish Rite of US Freemasonry is based there and it was from this organisationthat the Ku Klux Klan emerged. The Klan’s emblem is the Maltese Cross, the same asthe Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta and the Knights of the Golden Circle,which played a major role in the Rothschild manipulation of the American Civil War.The Ku Klux Klan is the old Knights of the Golden Circle under another name,controlled by the same force. It is said to be funded today by Mossad.40 According tothe German magazine Neue Solidaritat, the guru and foster-father of Bill Clinton wasParson Wo Vaught, a 32nd degree initiate in the Scottish Rite.41If you think the background to George Bush is amazing, well old Bill has a fewsurprises in store, also. Indeed, these ‘opponents’ have so much in common. Heprogressed politically and became governor of Arkansas, the position he held whenhe was summoned by David Rockefeller to the Bilderberg Group meeting in BadenBaden, Germany, in 1991. The invitation came after the controllers had decided thathe would be the next president of the United States.


Bill Clinton, according to the American Freedom Network, is a member of manysecret societies, including an Uluminised Freemasonry order which claims allegenceto the martyred Knights Templar leader, Jacques de Molay. In Arkansas, Clinton satat the head of a complex network of drug running, money laundering, and generalcorruption. His biggest financial backer when he ran for president was, as we’vediscussed, Jackson Stephens, one of the founders of the BCCI. The Citizens forHonest Government organisation produced an investigative video into BillClinton’s background in 1994 and they interviewed a former friend of Clinton in theArkansas days, Larry Nichols. It would appear that Clinton misjudged Nichols. Hethought he could be trusted to keep quiet and take the perks. Clinton gave him thejob of Marketing Director of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA).It was a State-run operation created by Clinton to, he said publicly, invest taxmoney in low interest bond loans to local businesses, colleges, schools, andchurches. It would stimulate jobs, he said. When Larry Nichols took up his post, hesaw the truth. Nichols said:…I’d been there about a month and I realised that I was at the epicentre of what I’dalways heard about all my life…I was literally working, sitting, in the middle of BillClinton’s political machine. It was where he made his pay offs, where he repaid favoursto people for campaign support. I was in an interesting seat and I knew it. If you neededa million dollars, you had to get your application handled by the Rose Law Firm and paythem $50,000. There were five other companies in the state of Arkansas that wereactually more qualified in bond structuring and applications, but the Rose Law Firm got’em all. This, by chance, was the law firm run by Hillary Clinton (CFR)I started checking around, and I kept asking…the comptroller, Bill Wilson. …how didpeople make payments on these loans? He looked at me and said: They don’t.’ Hethought I knew. Well, that blew my mind. And this is about two months in. It was gettingtough then. So I started gathering documents. After everybody left I would stick aroundas if I was working on the annual report.That would give me access to the documentsand I made copies of them all.Nichols established that Bill Clinton’s Arkansas Development Finance Authoritywas laundering drug money! ADFA was a front for giving loans to his businessfriends, who would then fund his election expenses, while at the same time it wasalso used to launder drug profits. Nichols went on:There was a hundred million a month in cocaine coming in and out of Mena anairstrip in Arkansas. They had a problem…you create a problem in a little state likeArkansas. How do you clean one hundred million dollars a month? ADFA until 1989never banked in Arkansas. What they would do is.. .ship the money down to.. .a bank inFlorida which would later be connected to BCCI. They would ship money to a bank inGeorgia, which was…later connected to the BCCI. They’d ship to Citicorp in New York,which would send the money overseas. At the centre of this operation was Clinton’s closest friend, Dan Lasater, whowould be jailed with the president’s brother, Roger Clinton, for cocaine offences.Doc Delaughter, the police investigator in charge of the Lasater case, said hegathered detailed statements from people connected with Clinton’s friend and hisuse of drugs to get young girls hooked and under his control for sexual favours.The policeman revealed how he suffered harassment from his own policedepartment during his investigation and, he said, he knew that was because of theconnection between the state police and Governor Clinton’s office. Lasater spentless than a year in a minimum security prison for his drug offences and when hewas released, Bill Clinton granted him a full pardon. Legislation enacted byGovernor Clinton helped Tyson Foods to become the biggest company in the state.The owner, Don Tyson, was given $10 million by ADFA and never paid a cent of itback. He did, however, put $700,000 into Clinton’s election campaign. DocDelaughter said he had enough evidence on Tyson to launch an investigation into apossible drug distribution racket. The interconnected corruption was astonishing.Larry Nichols said:The first loan made at ADFA was to Park-O-Meter.. .As I started looking, I found that thesecretary-treasurer was Webb Hubbell…Guess who drafted the legislation… whichcreated ADFA? Webb Hubbell. Guess who introduced the legislation to our legislatorsand got it passed through our house? Webb Hubbell. Imagine this. Guess who did theaudit and the evaluation on the (Park-O-Meter) application. Rose Law Firm, you guessedit. Who signed it? Webb Hubbell, Hillary Clinton.43Nichols said that when reporters made inquiries about the Park-O-Meter loans,they found that instead of making parking meters, Park-O-Meter was actuallybuilding retrofit nose cone compartments that were being shipped to Mena. Thenose cones were being used to smuggle drugs back into the country and onto thestreets of America! Nichols went on:Webb Hubbell, the Rose Law Firm, are guilty, I say to you, of conspiring to defraud thestate of Arkansas, the Federal Government, and conspiring to solicit the sales and thelaundering of money for illegal drugs. This is your president. This is his circle of power.These are the people when he got elected president…he took them straight toWashington with him.Webster Webb Hubbell was named acting US attorney general by Bill Clintonwhen he was elected to the White House! Hubbell was soon back in Arkansas,however, to plead guilty to charges of defrauding clients at Hillary Clinton’s RoseLaw Firm of an estimated half a million dollars. This was the man who wasresponsible for the Ethics in Government Act, which required Arkansas legislatorsto report conflicts of interest. Astonishingly, this act specifically exempted governorBill Clinton, his appointees, and relatives. Go on, pinch yourself. You’re notdreaming this. Before Hubbell left Washington he was responsible for finding a permanent attorney general for Bill Clinton. This was Janet Reno, who became headof the hilariously named US ‘Justice’ Department (which decides who, when,where, and whether, to prosecute). Webb Hubbell is not the only governmentappointed crook that Janet Reno has come into contact with in her career. She hadbeen District Attorney for Dade County, including downtown Miami, which wasexposed as perhaps the most corrupt judicial system in the country. Reno’s lack ofaction in the face of the evidence, led to an FBI undercover investigation which, in1990, resulted in nearly half the judges in Miami being indicted on extortioncharges. The decisions and judgements during Janet Reno’s term at the JusticeDepartment have served perfectly the aims of the New World Order, including thegenocide at Waco (of which more later) and the suppression of information aboutdrug running operations (including those out of Mexico, involving the leaders ofthe Mexican government). Researchers believe that Reno is a front for WebsterHubbell to be the real attorney general.One of America’s biggest drug trafficking operations, perhaps the biggest, wasset up at the Mena airstrip in Arkansas in 1982 by Barry Seal, a pilot for the DrugEnforcement Administration!44 He moved his trade to Arkansas because of thehassle he was having from the authorities in his home state, Louisiana. He had nosuch hassle in Arkansas. Russell Welch, the policeman in charge of the Sealinvestigation, revealed: He said 1983 was his most profitable cocaine smugglingperiod ever. He said that the airplanes that he had placed at the Mena Airport, therewere four of them, a couple of Cessnas, a couple of Panthers, and one or twostragglers here and there, different airplanes. He said they were purchased solelyfor the purpose of cocaine smuggling. Welch added that the planes had special,and illegal, cargo doors which could be opened in flight to drop the drugs andmoney at other sites in Arkansas.But where were the prosecutions? In the ten years during which the Mena drugoperation was common knowledge, there was not one major prosecution. Yet whenClinton became president, he announced… guess what? Yes, a war on drugs. Thiswas shortly before he revoked random drug testing for White House staff anddropped 121 posts at the Office of National Drug Control. Barry Seal is also part ofthe link between Bill Clinton, Oliver North, the Reagan-Bush administration, andIran-Contra. According to court records, eye witness reports, and press accounts,Oliver North held a series of meetings at Little Rock in the early 1980s to set up theillegal Contra weapons pipeline. One of the main operatives was Barry Seal andanother was Terry Reed, a former combat pilot in Laos, who moved to Little Rockin 1983 and set up a training base for Contra terrorism at Nella Ark, eleven milesnorth of Mena. Reed said at his own trial in 1989 for fraud charges that at least oneof the early meetings to plan the Nella Ark centre was attended by Bill Clinton’sbrother, Roger, and he said other meetings were attended by Clinton’s closeassociate and drug runner, Dan Lasater. Yet again we see the One Party State inaction. While the Republican Reagan-Bush presidency was involved in IranContra, the ‘opposition’ in the form of Democrat governor, Bill Clinton, wascovertly supporting it in Arkansas. The power of the Elite to control the major newspapers and broadcast media wasseen again in January 1995, when a 4,000 word article exposing the Barry Seal drugrunning operation at Mena and its connections to Iran-Contra and the CIA waswithdrawn from the Washington Post. It was immediately dubbed The GreatestStory Never Told. The article was due to appear in the Sunday Outlook section,after eleven weeks of debate and argument among the staff. Lawyers had beenthrough every line and approved it legally, the type had been set, and theillustrations completed. The contracts with the authors had been signed and LeonardDownie, the executive editor, had given his consent. Then suddenly, it was pulledand the Post’s managing editor, Robert Kaiser (CFR), said it was a non-existentstory and a reprise of rumours and allegations. Sure it was. The owner of theWashington Post is the Bilderberger, Trilateralist, and member of the Council onForeign Relations, Katherine Graham. The authors of the article were Doctor RogerMorris, formerly of the National Security Council under Johnson and Nixon, andSally Denton, the former head of the Special Investigations Unit at the newsagency,UPI. Both have long records of this type of investigation. Their expose was compiledfrom detailed research which included access to Barry Seal’s bank and telephonerecords, invoices, appointment books, handwritten notes, personal diaries, andrecorded conversations, plus police records and surveillance reports. The article saidthat Seal was flying planes out of Mena to export weapons to Bolivia, Argentina,Brazil, and the Contras in Nicaragua, and they returned full of cocaine for sale inNew York, Chicago, Detroit, St Louis, and other cities. Morris and Denton say thatSeal had such close ties with the CIA that he believed he could smuggle what hewanted, whenever he wanted, and they point out that nine separate attempts bystate and federal authorities to stop him were blocked. All this took place,incidentally, during the Reagan-Bush War on Drugs. The article withdrawn by theWashington Post had said: Over the entire episode looms the unmistakable darkshape of US government complicity in vast drug trafficking and gun running. Andit asked the questions that the mainstream media have failed to ask:For three presidents of both parties – Messrs Reagan, Bush, and Clinton – the oldenduring questions of political scandal are once again apt: What did they know aboutMena? When did they know it? Why didn’t they do anything to stop it?45The involvement in drug trafficking of Bill Clinton, George Bush, and the CIAwas also revealed by businessman Terry Reed and his co-author, John Cummings,in their 1994 book, Compromised: Clinton, Bush, And The CM.46 Reed was a former USAirforce Intelligence Officer who became a successful businessman. He wasrecruited by the CIA to set up a CIA front company in Mexico selling hightechnology and consultancy. When Reed realised it was being used to ship drugs,he tried to get out of the operation and to return to Arkansas, then governed byClinton. As usual, Clinton and the CIA sought to silence and discredit Reed byaccusing him of what they were doing. He was charged by Clinton and theArkansas authorities with drug running! Reed also reveals in his book how Time magazine and other publications and newspapers were involved in disinformationand cover-ups to keep the truth about drugs from the public.Barry Seal was not convicted for his drug crimes. Instead he was murdered. Thishappened as he was beginning to speak openly about what he knew. He told howhe was ordered by the CIA and the Drug Enforcement Administration tophotograph Sandinista officials in Nicaragua loading drugs onto a plane forshipment to the United States. This photograph was used by President Reagan in atelevised speech in March 1986 as propaganda against the Nicaraguan regime. Thisled to Congress voting another $100 million in aid to the Contra terrorists inNicaragua who were running drugs in league with the CIA. This drug runningoperation was done with the knowledge of the then Vice President Bush. Seal lateradmitted to reporters that the Sandinistas in his photograph were not loading drugsat all. He also spoke of the Contra drug smuggling network and its connection withthe Colombian cartels. Soon after this, in February 1987, Seal was dead.This period was littered with murders and suspicious deaths in Arkansas. OnAugust 23rd 1987, two boys, Kevin Ives and his friend Don Henry, were out walkingin the early hours in the area of the Mena airstrip. Later they were found dead on arailway line. The State Medical Examiner, Fahmy Malak, a man appointed by BillClinton, ruled that the deaths were an accident. The parents disagreed and asked fora second opinion, a request that was met with resistance from the authorities on allfronts. They won a court order requesting samples for the second opinion ofeverything the crime laboratory had, but Malak still refused to hand them over.Eventually other opinion showed that Don Henry had been stabbed in the back andKevin Ive’s skull had been crushed before they were placed on the railway line.Malak still said it was an accident. The boys had both fallen asleep on the tracks, hesaid. It’s just the place you would choose to go to sleep, isn’t it?Six people who talked to the police about the boys’ murders were themselveskilled. Keith McKaskie knew what was planned for him. He said goodbye to hisfamily and friends in 1988 and days later he was murdered. The following year, JeffRhodes, a young guy from Benton, Arkansas, rang his father to say he had to getout of town because he knew too much about the deaths of the boys and McKaskie.Two weeks later Rhodes was found shot dead. Keith Coney was fleeing for his lifeon his motorcycle when he collided with a truck; Gregory Collins was shot; RichardWinters and Jordan Ketelson were both killed by shotgun blasts. The head of theSaline County Drug Task Force who had uncovered evidence of the Arkansas PoliceDepartment’s involvement with drug smuggling and the cover-up of the boys’murder, was forced into hiding. This was all going on while President Clinton wasgovernor for Arkansas.Investigating Bill Clinton or making allegations against him would appear, fromendless evidence, to be a very dangerous occupation. Danny Casolaro, a reporterinvestigating Clinton and an alleged bonds racket, was found dead in a WestVirginia hotel. Paul Wilcher, a Washington lawyer, was investigating Clinton andwas due to meet Danny Casolaro’s former attorney. Wilcher was found dead sittingon the toilet in his apartment. Prosecuting attorney, Charles Black, asked Governor Clinton for funds to continue the Mena drugs investigation. The money never came,but Black’s mother was brutally murdered. Police said there was no connection. EdWilley, the manager of Clinton’s campaign finance committee, was killed withgunshot wounds. Verdict: Suicide. John Wilson, a city councillor in Washingtonwho was reported to be planning to expose Clinton’s dirty tricks, was foundhanged in 1993. Verdict: Suicide. Kathy Ferguson, the wife of Danny, an Arkansaspolice patrolman and Clinton bodyguard, talked about a number of sexualincidents involving Clinton, and she said her husband had taken Paula Jones toClinton’s hotel room where he, allegedly, dropped his trousers and propositionedher. Kathy Ferguson was found dead with a gun in her hand. Verdict: Suicide.Husband Danny then denied Clinton’s connection with Paula Jones. Danny is stillalive. Paula Jones says Kathy was telling the truth. Jon Parnell Walker, a seniorinvestigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation, was pressing for an investigationinto the collapsed Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan company, linked to Clintonunder the heading the Whitewater Affair. He fell from the balcony of a newapartment in Arlington, Virginia. Verdict: Suicide. C. Victor Raider II was cochairman of Clinton’s presidential campaign, but they fell out. Raider and his son,Montgomery, died when their small plane crashed. Herschel Friday was a memberof Raider’s committee and an expert pilot. He died when his plane exploded.Dentist Ronald Rogers was on his way to talk to a journalist about Clinton when hisplane crashed in clear weather. Luther Jerry Parks from Little Rock had compileda study of Clinton’s sexual activities. Clinton owed him $81,000 for providingguards during the presidential campaign and his wife said he had threatened toreveal the information he had unless he was paid. Parks was shot dead onSeptember 26th 1993. Park’s son, Gary Parks, said his father had names, dates,places – everything about Clinton’s liaisons. He said he also had details of Clinton’sdrug taking and that of his brother, Roger. Shortly before his father’s murder, thephone lines at his home were cut, the security system turned off, and the files onClinton were stolen. In Arkansas, no autopsy need be performed on anyone ruled tohave committed suicide, even if the evidence points to murder. This law wasintroduced by Bill Clinton in one of his last acts as governor.The death most publicised in connection with Bill Clinton is that of his lifelongfriend, Vincent Foster, a lawyer at Hillary Clinton’s company, the Rose Law Firm.His death by ‘suicide’ came during investigations into the financial scandal knownas the Whitewater Affair. The Clintons said their investment in the Madison Savingsand Loans company was a loss-maker. Others say it was a scam to skim off federalmoney. What is beyond question is that it cost the taxpayers $60 million. RobertFiske was named as special prosecutor to lead the ‘investigation’ into Whitewaterand that same week, the Rose Law Firm began to shred documents. One of theshredders, Jeremy Hedges, said: They had his Fosters initials pretty much allover.. .everything from the box to the manila files to – I even saw his signature onone of the Rose Firm letterheads.47 A demonstration was held outside the Roseoffices when people heard what was going on. Again in that same week, there wasa fire at the Worthen Bank Building owned by Jackson Stephens, one of the founders of BCCI, and Clinton’s main financial backer. Stephen’s bank advancedthe Clinton presidential campaign $2.8 million. Less than two years earlier, the bankhad earned a profit on a transaction involving student loans controlled by BillClinton. The size of the profit? $2.8 million.48 Clinton channelled ADFA fundsthrough the Worthen Bank after 1988. The fire there destroyed documents related tothe Whitewater investigation.On July 20th 1993, Vincent Foster, a senior partner with Hillary Clinton andWebb Hubbell in the Rose Law Firm before his appointment as White Housedeputy counsel, and the man handling the Clinton’s personal legal affairs, wasfound shot dead at Fort Marcy Park, off the George Washington Parkway on thewest bank of the Potomac River across from the capital. The verdict was our oldfriend: suicide. The gun was still in his hand, which is hardly what would havehappened as he reacted to the consequences of the shot. The suicide verdict wasmade before there had been either an autopsy or a ballistics test. Larry Nichols has apolice memo proving that Foster was found in his car, not the park.In March 1994, when the speculation would not go away, the White Houseissued a photograph of Foster’s body at the scene which was said to prove that itwas suicide. The gun was in his right hand. Foster was left-handed. The photoshows the body surrounded by brown leaves. But he had died in the summer andreporters at the scene soon after he died said there were no leaves on the ground.The White House also announced (five months after Foster’s death) that fourmembers of Bill Clinton’s staff had ransacked Foster’s office the night he died! Theyincluded Patsy Thomasson, Hillary Clinton’s personal assistant. It was done, theysaid, for reasons of national security. God help us. Patsy Thomasson was aleading assistant to Clinton’s pal Dan Lasater, when he was, as shown in court,dealing drugs.49 Thomasson was also named in law enforcement files for drugtrafficking and it was she who stopped drug testing for White House employees.This is the President of the United States we are talking about here. This is theWhite House, the supposed centre of power in the most powerful country in theworld. And people go on allowing it to happen. Clinton was actually re-electedin 1996!There is another intriguing aspect to the Foster story. Documents shown to theLondon Sunday Telegraph reveal that Foster was jetting around the world andmaking strange visits to Switzerland while still working in private practice at theRose Law firm.50 Records show that he was flying with Delta Airlines (at discountrates only available to senior government officials or those involved in work for thefederal government), before he was publicly connected in any way to thegovernment. Twice he made trips to Switzerland with American Airlines and SwissAir, staying for little more than 24 hours before returning home. Switzerland is amajor coordinating centre for the Global Elite. These visits took place on November3rd 1991 and December 7th 1992. The latter was in the transition period between theBush and Clinton administrations. On July 1st 1993, Foster used his American Express card to purchase another ticket to Geneva, but then cancelled. Later thatmonth he was dead. His wife, Lisa, knew nothing of these trips to Switzerland,apparently. Many researchers link Foster to the Arkansas computer firm,Systematics, owned by.. Jackson Stephens. They also link him to Mossad.The suspicious deaths and the intimidation go on. In the midst of all of this,Larry Nichols was approached by attorney Gary Johnson, who wanted to help himexpose the money laundering and general corruption at Clinton’s ADFA scam.Coincidentally, Johnson lived next door to Gennifer Flowers, one of the womenClinton denied having a sexual relationship with. What anyone does in their privatelife is up to them, but it is what followed here that Americans might consider worthaddressing. Gary Johnson had a security camera at his front door and this capturedClinton entering Gennifer Flower’s apartment. He went in with his own key.Johnson had this recorded on tape and could prove that Clinton was lying.Attorney Gary Johnson was attacked at his home and suffered the most terribleinjuries. The people who did this stole his tape of Bill Clinton. This is America in the1990s. How could all these things be covered up, glossed over, and the Clintons notface a public investigation into all these matters I have highlighted? Larry Nicholshas the answer:A lot of people wonder how Bill Clinton could control a state the size of Arkansas withthe absolute authority that he did. It’s not hard. You see, after twelve years, afterkissing the people that have the money, Bill Clinton controlled the legal system, hecontrolled the judges, he controlled the attorneys, he controlled the banks.51Which is precisely what the Elite do on a global scale. And when Clinton wentoff to the White House, he played the same game. Democracy is no longer justphoney, it is virtually non-existent. A new kid on the block in the American mediais House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the latest ‘star’ of the Republican Party, wholambasts Clinton and demands ‘change’. This is what Clinton demanded beforecontinuing business as usual. What happened to the proposed Clinton blitz on themedical system? He and Hillary were going to take on the drug companies, theysaid, and the shares in those companies went down. Then the Clintons changedtheir minds and the shares went up. What happened in between? It doesn’t matterwho is president of the United States or prime minister of the United Kingdombecause the same force will be in power until we do something about it.President Bush helped to engineer the Gulf War, pressed for the introduction ofthe GATT ‘free trade’ agreement, and the expansion of the North American FreeTrade Area (NAFTA) throughout the Americas. His successors from the ‘opposing’party, Bill Clinton and Al Gore, both supported the Gulf War, and they havesupervised the passing of the GATT through Congress and proposed the expansionof NAFTA into South America.52 Who led the Republican Party in its support forGATT and voted with the Clinton Democrats? Who also voted for NAFTA?Clinton’s great ‘critic’, Newt Gingrich, and another Republican leader, Bob Dole. Atthe Trilateral Commission meeting in Copenhagan, Denmark, in May 1995, two US members, former Speaker of the House, Tom Foley, and Senator William Roth, werereportedly questioned about why Gingrich and Dole had made mild criticisms ofthe World Trade Organisation before supporting it. Foley and Roth assured theTrilateral Commission members that Gingrich and Dole were merely involved innecessary political posturing and their support was never in doubt.53 Sums upthe political process, really. When ‘Republican’ Dole ran for president, his cochairman for finance was… Jackson Stephens.. .the backer of ‘Democrat’, BillClinton!It was the same Newt Gingrich, a vehement promoter of Israel, who made aspeech at a gathering of military and intelligence officers in Washington in 1995calling for the subversion of Iran. The scheme he articulated was first expressed byan Israeli government propagandist called Martin Indyk, who was appointed byBill Clinton to serve as Middle East policy ‘expert’ on the National Security Council.


The same anti-Iran and anti-Iraq policy appeared in the March/April 1994 issue ofForeign Affairs, the magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations, of which Gingrichis said to be a proud member. Bill Clinton is also a member of the CFR and so ishis national security advisor, Anthony Lake, who called for the dual containmentof Iran and Iraq in the Foreign Affairs magazine. How nice to have such amazingagreement between ‘opponents’. On September 2nd 1994, Avonoam Bar-Yosef,writing in the prominent Israeli daily, Ma’Ariv, said that seven of the leadingmembers of Bill Clinton’s National Security Council were Jewish. The article,headlined The Jews who run Clinton’s Court, quoted the rabbi of the AdathYisrael synagogue, as saying: .. .for the first time in American history.. .the US hasno longer a government of Goyim Gentiles, but an administration in which theJews are full partners in decision making at all levels.Newt Gingrich’s wife, Marianne, is collecting $2,500 a month as vice-presidentfor business development for the Israel Export Development Company, which aimsto attract American businesses to a high tech business park in Israel. She first mether boss, David Yerushalmi, while on a tour of Israel sponsored by the Israellobbying group, the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee.54 Arne Christianson,a former official of the same American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, is now a toppolicy advisor to her husband, Newt Gingrich. The Bush and Clintonadministrations, as with Clinton and Gingrich, share many common threads and onanything that involves the New World Order agenda, they all vote the same way.They are also awash with members of the Council on Foreign Relations and theTrilateral Commission, the vehicles for the Rockefellers and the Elite to manipulatethe US and the world.The British One Party StateIn the United Kingdom, as elsewhere, there is a nexus of people and organisationswhich connect banking, business, and politics. We have government ministerslinked to companies and organisations which their legislation has affected. We havemembers of parliament taking bribes to ask questions in the House of Commons onbehalf of companies. We have them paid to ‘lobby’ for interest groups. We have former cabinet ministers walking out of government and into top posts. LordWakeham was the energy secretary who supervised the privatisation of the UK’sstate-owned electricity industry. The merchant bank, N.M. Rothschild, has made afortune from its work on government privatisations – including that of theelectricity industry and the coal industry, thanks to contracts agreed while LordWakeham was in charge at the energy department. When Lord Wakeham left thegovernment, he became a director of…N.M. Rothschild. Norman Lamont, theChancellor of the Exchequer, was sacked by Prime Minister John Major and becamea director of.. .N.M. Rothschild. Lamont worked for the Rothschilds before goinginto government, as did the Treasury Secretary, Anthony Nelson, and John Major’sformer Welsh Secretary, John Redwood, who unsuccessfully challenged him for theleadership in July 1995.The story of the Redwood challenge is very interesting. John Redwood, formerlyof All Souls College, Oxford, was ‘seconded’ from N.M. Rothschild to head theDowning Street policy unit of Margaret Thatcher, a role Lord Victor Rothschild, thepolitical manipulator and alleged spy, had enjoyed under the premiership ofEdward Heath (Conservative, Bil) and unofficially under Harold Wilson (Labour,Bil). Redwood’s policy unit was behind the orgy of privatisations of state utilitieswhich has handed control of essential public services to the banking elite. Thispolicy has made enormous sums of money for N.M. Rothschild. Redwood thenreturned to Rothschilds before becoming an MP via the safe Conservative seat ofWokingham in Berkshire. If a monkey stood for the Conservatives in Wokingham, itwould be elected. Once in parliament, he (Redwood, not the monkey) wasappointed to the Department of Trade and Industry at the time his originalprivatisation plans were being introduced.55 Now there’s a coincidence for you. Isn’tlife just amazing?In early June 1995, the Bilderberg Group met at Burgenstock in Switzerland.According to Spotlight sources,56 the Bilderberg elite decided that John Major wouldbe given a choice: get back into line and support a Federal Europe with a centralbank and a single currency or be removed from office. In that same month, Majorwas persuaded to resign as leader of the ruling Conservative Party and offerhimself for re-election. He said he was fed-up with the rumours of a challenge to hisleadership by MPs opposing further centralisation of power in Europe. Put up orshut up, was the message. The man who put up was John Redwood whopublicly opposed a federal Europe. His main supporter in the election was his N.M.Rothschild buddy, Norman Lamont, another man ‘opposing’ a centralised Europe.What was the outcome of this challenge, however? Redwood lost and Major usedthis as an opportunity to purge his cabinet of those arguing against a FederalEurope. More than that, a deal was probably done in which Major agreed to handover power to Michael Heseltine who favours a federal Europe. Major andHeseltine had a three-hour meeting on the day of the vote and after his ‘victory’,Major appointed Heseltine as Deputy Prime Minister at the head of a network ofpower. It may be that Heseltine was given the reins of government (under thecontrol of the Global Elite) and in return Major was assured of enough votes to survive as a figurehead, puppet prime minister. So who benefited by that challengefrom John Redwood and Norman Lamont, the two anti-federalists from N.M.Rothschild? Those who want to see a United States of Europe – the very thingRedwood said he stood to oppose. What another amazing coincidence then, that afew days before the Redwood ‘challenge’, we find among the guests at theBilderberg meeting in Switzerland the name.. .Norman Lamont. He went as aRothschild representative together with Emma Rothschild, Lord Victor Rothschild’sdaughter. Well, I never. Norman save our sovereignty Lamont attending ameeting of the organisation that has been behind the manipulation to create aFederal Europe for more than 40 years. The same meeting which decided that JohnMajor must come into line on Europe or be ousted. Norman, my old son, you havebeen rumbled.The Labour MP, Giles Radice, the chairman of the EuropeanMovement, would have seen Lamont at Burgenstock because Radice was also there.How strange he didn’t mention that while Stormin’ Norman was so publicly’opposing’ a federal Europe. Radice must have forgotten. Another Britishgovernment ‘name’ at Burgenstock was Lamont’s Conservative colleague WilliamWaldegrave, the then secretary of state for agriculture and a man implicated in thearms to Iraq scandal. Waldegrave has close connections with the Rothschilds andserved under Lord Victor Rothschild in Ted Heath’s Downing Street Policy unit(1971-73). Interestingly, James Goldsmith, the billionaire financier who formed apolitical party to oppose a European superstate, is a frontman for the House ofRothschild and a second cousin of Baron Edmund de Rothschild. He’s also a closefriend of George Bush. It is important to remember that the Elite seek to lead theorganisations both for and against what they desire, to ensure complete control ofthe debate and its outcome.Also on the board of N.M. Rothschild are Lord Armstrong (TC, Bil), the formerhead of the civil service and cabinet secretary during Margaret Thatcher’sprivatising mania. So are Sir Clive Whitmore, former permanent secretary at theHome Office; Sir Frank Cooper, former permanent secretary at the Ministry ofDefence; and Sir John Fairclough, former chief scientific adviser. N.M. Rothschildhas twenty-six non-executive directors on the board, several connected withgovernment. The company was involved in the privatisations of British Gas, BritishCoal, the electricity industry, the water industry, the Forestry Commission, and theRoyal Ordnance Factories. According to the Daily Telegraph of January 26th 1995, ithas developed the image of the government’s favourite bank in the light of itssuccess in being selected so often by a process independent of governmentdepartments, which chose the banks to advise the companies being privatised. SirMichael Richardson was vice chairman of N.M. Rothschild and chairman of theRothschild company, Smith New Court, when this privatisation work was beingwon during the Margaret Thatcher years. Sir Michael, a senior Freemason, is a closeassociate of Margaret Thatcher.We can always rely on the media to expose these matters, however. TheSundayTelegraph of January 29th 1995, ran an article justifying the Rothschild/Wakeham/government connections and saw nothing wrong with them. The SundayTelegraph, like The Daily Telegraph, is owned by the Bilderberger, Conrad Black, and on theboard of Telegraph Newspapers plc is Evelyn de Rothschild, the chairman of.. .N.M.Rothschild! The article failed to mention that. They must have forgotten, too. TheHouse of Commons Register of Members’ Interests revealed that 200 of the 243Conservative backbenchers during the Major government elected in 1992 held atotal of 276 paid directorships and 365 paid consultancies. The potential forcorruption is quite, quite, extraordinary. And when do they find time to representtheir voters? Maybe this is why virtually no MP or member of Congress actuallyread the detail of the GATT agreement before voting it into law! The same withrepresentatives throughout Europe who didn’t read the detail of the MaastrictAgreement on centralising power in a European Union before they voted in favour.And what of the Labour Party, that other wing of the One Party State? Theysupported both GATT and the Maastrict Agreement, as did the Liberal Democrats.Here we see modified Hegelianism again. Two ‘opposite’ forces, socialism andcapitalism, were brought into opposition by the Elite in the early years of thiscentury in Britain and they have fused into one force, which now differs only inwords, not deeds. There are certainly scores of unanswered questions relating toleaders and high ranking members of the Labour Party through this century.Doctor Kitty Little is a long time researcher into the corruption and infiltrationwithin the British Intelligence agencies. Her scientific career has included researchfor the Ministry of Aircraft Production during the Second World War followed bynine years at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell. In hersubmission to the 1995 Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life, she tells thestory of an attempt to recruit her to the Communist Party at Oxford University in1940. Oxford University, you will recall, was a bastion of the Milner Circle and theRound Table, particularly All Souls, New Chapel, and Balliol. The communists, shesaid, had gone underground by joining the university Labour Party and sheattended a meeting of a Labour Party study group in a room at University College.The main speaker at the meeting, who clearly believed he was among friends,began to reveal the plot to destabilise the United Kingdom and Commonwealth,ready for a Marxist takeover. She later realised that this was part of the plan tointroduce the global centralised control called the New World Order. The plot wasoutlined by the speaker at that Oxford meeting to destroy United Kingdom defences,engineer a Marxist takeover of Rhodesia and South Africa, and to use what becameknown as the European Community as a smokescreen to hide the changeover to acentralised, Marxist, rule of Europe. The plan was also to destroy Britishmanufacturing industry. He went on to describe how members of the politicalsection of this subversive organisation were going to infiltrate the British parliamentand civil service, some entering each of the political parties. Many would go into theright wing of the Labour Party, others to the left wing of the Conservatives.Eventually there would be a fusion into a new Centre party. He said that theBritish distrusted extremists and so posing as moderates occupying the centreground would allow them to dismiss their opponents as Right wing extremists.This subversive organisation did not have a name, he said, because that would make it harder for people to prove it existed. The speaker said that he had been chosen tobe the head of the political section of this organisation and he expected himself oneday to become the prime minister of the United Kingdom. All this was said in 1940and that man did indeed become prime minister.His name was Harold Wilson.Wilson was the British prime minister throughout the period between 1964 and1976, except for the four years between 1970-74 when the Conservative Party leader,Edward Heath, was in office. Harold Wilson and Ted Heath were both Bilderbergersand both close associates of Lord Victor Rothschild. Wilson took over the LabourParty leadership with the death of Bilderberger, Hugh Gaitskell, in 1963.Significantly, Gaitskell was not in favour of a federal Europe. His death was veryconvenient because Wilson became leader at an opportune time. ConservativePrime Minister, Harold Macmillan (Comm 300, RIIA), was driven from office by theProfumo spy scandal in the same year that Gaitskell died, opening the way for theBilderberger Sir Alec Douglas Hume (Lord Home) to take over the Premiership.Hume would later be a chairman of the Bilderberg Group and also served on theCommittee of 300. The following year Hume faced – and was defeated by – HaroldWilson, in the 1964 election. The political upheavals in Britain mirrored those in theUnited States where Lyndon Johnson became president in 1963 after the Kennedyassassination in which, in my view, Lord Victor Rothschild was involved.Dr Little says that when she made her story public, the Daily Express journalistand writer of intelligence ‘exposes’, Chapman Pincher, showed a copy of herallegations to Harold Wilson. He was issuing libel writs like confetti at the time, buthis only reaction to Dr Little was to say she had mistaken him for a Tom Wilson. Sheknew she had done nothing of the kind, but she checked the entire universityrecords and there was not even one T Wilson enrolled there in this century! Sheknew Wilson as an Economics Fellow at Oxford because it was he who researchedand compiled most of the Beveridge Report which created the welfare state and thesocial security system after the war. Beveridge, she says, was little more than afigurehead who put his name to it. On the surface, the report was admirable in manyways, but from the perspective of the 1990s it can perhaps be seen to have widerimplications. It created dependency and control while destroying opportunities forself-reliance and independence outside the Elite-controlled system. Now thatdependency has been created, the welfare state is being dismantled and what is leftis being handed over to ‘privatisation’ – the elite bankers in other words. This isleaving people at the mercy of some very unpleasant people and organisations.Should the underclass react violently to this, the Elite have another opportunity tointroduce harsher laws under problem-reaction-solution.Dr Little said in her submission to the Nolan Inquiry, that the intentions set outby the young Harold Wilson in Oxford were transmitted to Moscow and by the endof 1941 a double agent in the Kremlin had given the details to Britain’s MI5. Thiswas circulated to senior MI5 officers, but no action was taken. During this period, Kitty Little said, the senior subversive infiltrator within British Intelligence wasLord Victor Rothschild, the man who controlled the use of Regulation 18b duringthe war. He was also named in a 1994 book as the unidentified fifth man in theBurgess-Maclean-Philby-Blunt communist spy scandal, although his involvement incovert activities was far, far greater than claimed in that book.Dr Little has had access to sources at some very high levels over the last 50 years.She says that Lord Rothschild was not the fifth man in a KGB spy scandal.Instead, he was the spider at the centre of a web of infiltration and corruption. Hecontrolled the activities of Philby, Burgess, Maclean, Blunt and Guy Liddell, theacting head of MI5. She names another man in this circle as Tommy Harris, aboutwhom little is known, except that he was a good cook. Harris cooked meals for thegroup when they met regularly at his home. Maclean was not directly involvedwith them. His work at the Foreign Office was to feed geology reports to GuyRothschild in France who used them to control essential resources, especiallyuranium. According to Dr Little, the Rothschilds now control 80% of the world’suranium. This spider’s web of corruption within the British establishment was notabout spying for the Soviet Union. This is more camouflage. The aim was to furtherthe ambitions of the New World Order. Harold Wilson’s nameless subversiveorganisation had (has) three sections, the political (led by him), the economic, andthe ‘biological’. The head of the biological section was the overall controller. Untilhis death, that was Lord Victor Rothschild. Who is it today?Lord Rothschild helped to finance MI5 agent, Peter Wright, in the production,with Chapman Pincher, of the ‘expose’ book called Their Trade Is Treachery, whichnames the late MI5 chief, Sir Roger Hollis, as the fifth man and ‘clears’ LordRothschild. Later Rothschild arranged for Wright to produce another book, theinfamous Spycatcher, which also named Hollis. Margaret Thatcher’s vehementopposition to the book’s publication ensured it was a best seller around the worldand added to its credibility as an ‘expose’. Leading this opposition to Spycatcher onbehalf of the government was Lord Armstrong, the cabinet secretary to MargaretThatcher and friend of Rothschild. It was in a court hearing over Spycatcher thatLord Armstrong (Bil, TC) made his famous distinction between lying and beingeconomical with the truth. When he retired from government office, LordArmstrong became a director of.. .N.M. Rothschild. In a letter to the Speaker of theHouse of Commons on May 1st 1987, Dr Kitty Little says:Early in the war Wing Commander Arnold, then head of a section in MI5, had reason tothink that Rothschild was not to be trusted. He took steps to have the most sensitivematerial kept from him, but found Rothschild’s backers too powerful to do more thanthat. Later, when Sir Roger Hollis was Director-General, he asked Wing CommanderArnold for a detailed report of events from that era.When Wilson became leader of the Labour Party a very serious problem arose, since itwas the head of the political section of the subversive organisation who was in line tobecome the next Prime Minister. Shortly before his death, the late Sir Theobald Matthew, the then Director of Public Prosecutions, told me that he considered that heand the Director General of MI5 had almost sufficient legally admissible evidence toprosecute. Sir Theobald said that in his opinion when a Minister used his officialposition to take action to promote objectives of a criminal organisation…in a mannerthat would be criminal if he were acting as a private citizen, then those actions are stillcriminal. This is only logical, since Ministers are better placed than private citizens to doirreparable harm to the nation. Sir Theobald died while Wright organised a smearcampaign against Sir Roger Hollis and the Deputy Director-General, that was launchedwith the aid of Lord Rothschild and Philby. And so Wilson escaped prosecution.57It is astonishing how many people die at the most convenient times. Dr Littlesays that Lord Rothschild was actively seeking to discredit MI5 and after 1979ordered Peter Wright and Chapman Pincher to indulge in character assassinationand disinformation. It is notable that Spycatcher claimed an MI5 plot to destabilisethe Wilson Labour government in the period we are talking about. Could this not beyet another smokescreen to hide the truth that in fact MI5 was making legitimateinvestigations? Rothschild covertly collaborated with ‘socialist’ Harold Wilson (Bil)and worked openly with ‘Conservative’ Edward Heath (Bil, TC), who occupied 10Downing Street between them for eleven years.


Heath invited Rothschild to headhis government’s policy unit, the Central Policy Review Staff, and to select itspersonnel!58 One of Rothschild’s roles was to supervise British Intelligence and toreorganise the Foreign Office. I wonder if this included Group 13, the Foreign Officeassassination squad? Yes, the British Foreign Office has its own assassination squad.From this time the run down of Britain’s aircraft, shipbuilding, car, steel andmachine tool industries began to quicken – exactly as Wilson had predicted in 1940.And the man behind the plan under Wilson and Heath was Victor Rothschild whowas working towards a European superstate and the end of national sovereignty.During their periods in office, both Heath and Wilson made organisational changesto MI5. Wilson limited the techniques of investigation that were allowed, anddemanded to be told if any MPs were under investigation. Heath went further andplaced many other decision makers out of bounds for the security services andthe police. These two opponents had a number of things in common, including theirenthusiasm for the European Community. Edward Heath took Britain into Europeand is to this day a vehement campaigner for full integration into a centralisedEurope with a European central bank and currency. Wilson began the move tometrication in Britain, which is ending British forms of measurement and replacingthem with the European version. Dr Little says she was told that Heath and Wilsonwere friends when they first arrived at Oxford University in the 1930s. She says ofHarold Wilson’s sudden resignation little more than a year after winning the 1974General Election:I have every reason to think that before the end of 1975 they MI5 were within sightof having sufficient legally admissible evidence for a prosecution. Wilson resigned.Callaghan succeeded him as Prime Minister, and had the members of MI5 who had been carrying out the investigation of Wilson’s criminal activities removed, on thegrounds that they were ‘Right wing extremists’.59Jim Callaghan (Bil) has since kept abreast of foreign policy as a joint president ofthe Royal Institute of International Affairs. His fellow presidents are LordCarrington (TC, Bil, Comm 300) and Harold Wilson’s former chancellor and homesecretary, Lord (Roy) Jenkins (TC, Bil), who, with Lord (David) Owen (TC, Bil), BillRogers (Bil), and Shirley Williams, left the Labour Party in the early 1980s to form acentre party, the SDP, now the Liberal Democrats. All these people worked closelywith another prominent Labour government minister under Harold Wilson andJames Callaghan: the Bilderberger, Trilateralist, chairman of the IMF InterimCommittee, Committe of 300 member, and council member of the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs, Denis Healey. I wonder if, when they were in the highestpolitical offices in the land, Wilson, Heath, Jenkins, and Healey ever got togetherand pondered on the remarkable twist of destiny that led four people who were atOxford University in the same period, to become the leading political names of the1960s and 1970s, just as the United Kingdom was committing itself to the EuropeanCommunity. Indeed Jenkins would go on to be president of the EuropeanCommission and Heath would take the UK into the community. Wilson (JesusCollege, University College), Healey (Balliol), Jenkins (Balliol), and Heath (Balliol)are such an inspiration to us all. Look what an Oxford education can do for you. Inthis same period, even the Liberal Party leaders did Oxford proud in the form of JoGrimond (Balliol, Bil), and Jeremy Thorpe (Trinity College), the author of the book,Europe: The Case For Going In. Later leaders of the Liberal Party (now the LiberalDemocrats), David Steel and Paddy Ashdown are also Bilderbergers and supportersof the European superstate. Once again, maybe all these connections are simply acoincidence, but you have every right to know they exist. It’s called democracy. Allthose members of the Bilderberg Group involved in the creation of, andmembership of, the European Community does challenge the idea of coincidence alittle though, don’t you think? But then, as George McGhee, a US ambassador toWest Germany and Bilderberg attendee said: the treaty of Rome, which broughtthe Common Market into being, was nurtured at Bilderberg meetings.60 Precisely.One other point about the findings of Kitty Little and similar researchers is thatof Rhodesia, the country named after its creator, Cecil Rhodes. It is now Zimbabwe.The new Constitution for Rhodesia replaced dictatorship by white rule withdictatorship by Robert Mugabe for the benefit of the Elite. It was agreed upon in theautumn of 1979 at a conference at Lancaster House in London, chaired by LordCarrington, who had taken over as foreign secretary from David Owen afterMargaret Thatcher’s election victory a few months earlier. The constitution waspresented to the assembled Rhodesian political leaders, black and white, byCarrington, who insisted on an answer by the end of the week. One man in theRhodesian delegation who would have seen the inherent flaws in this was JohnGiles, a constitutional expert. On Tuesday October 4th 1979, on the very day that theRhodesians were due to discuss the Carrington proposals, John Giles went missing and was later found dead. Dr Kitty Little was at Lancaster House that day to meetIan Smith, a friend of many years. She has been trying ever since to make thebackground to both the conference and the death of John Giles public. The previousday, Dr Little says, Giles had been to Hamley’s (the famous London toy shop) tobuy Christmas presents for his children. On the morning he disappeared he rang hiswife, sounding very cheerful and upbeat, but later that morning he was observedlooking suddenly very worried about something. In the afternoon, an official car, aGranada Ghia, came to pick him up. He was never seen alive again.While Lord Carrington’s proposals, in the absence of Giles, tied the Rhodesiandelegation in mental knots and won the day, the police were advised that Giles wasmissing. The next morning, John Giles was found dead on a path close to the rearentrance of Lancaster House. Verdict: Suicide. His death would not have beenmade public at all, unless an ambulance man had alerted the press. The coroner,who did not call policemen at the scene to give evidence, decided that Giles hadjumped from a first floor window at Lancaster House, which those who have beento the spot say was an impossibility, given where the body was found. And that’sanother thing. The Lancaster House staff used the service door of the building andwould have had to step over the body to get in and out. It was supposed to havelaid there through a whole afternoon, evening, and night. Yet it wasn’t found untilthe following morning.The case was handled by the local police and the authorities refused to discuss itwith the Rhodesian-Zimbabwe Special Branch. No police file exists on John Giles, Iunderstand. Kitty Little insists that Ken Flower, the head of the Rhodesian CentralIntelligence Organisation was, or had been, a member of Britain’s intelligencesection, MI6. She also says that it is now known that MI6 was working to destabiliseRhodesia in order to force the dictatorship swap that Lancaster House was reallydesigned to produce. According to Dr Kitty Little’s impeccable sources, Ken Flowermight qualify for the Guinness Book Of Records as the doublest of double agents!While head of Rhodesian Intelligence he was also working for MI6, the KGB, EastEuropean Intelligence, the CIA, and a number of African Intelligence networks. Heworked with the D group of MI6 operatives who, to quote Dr Little, did nastythings and had them blamed on Ian Smith. Zimbabwe is obviously very importantto the Elite and the multinational corporations, one of which, Rio Tinto Zinc, hadenjoyed the experience of having Lord Carrington on its board.There is considerable evidence to support Kitty Little’s contention. Two monthsafter the Lancaster House conference, it was revealed that Margaret Thatcher (Bil)and Lord Carrington (TC, Bil, RIIA, Comm 300) had ordered a massive surveillanceoperation on the delegates. Telephones were tapped, rooms bugged, diplomaticcommunications were monitored, and the British used Rhodesian security tointerpret the African language. This was revealed by reporter Barrie Penrose in theLondon Sunday Times of February 3rd 1980, under the headline, Minister’s Phonewas Tapped by Secret Services. This, said the article, was why Lord Carringtoncould conduct the conference on the basis of brinkmanship. The intelligence servicestold him what the brinks were. Which leads to another question: if the rooms and phones were bugged, why did they not know what had happened to John Giles untilhe was found dead the next morning? Ummm. Kitty Little contends that MargaretThatcher was kept in the dark by Carrington about a host of foreign policy subjectsand only selected information was allowed to reach her. This clearly would havecoloured her views of which policy to follow. It is emerging that for all her apparentpower, the Iron Lady was another puppet, perhaps even more than most.In the light of what Kitty Little says, it is interesting that (as I mentioned earlier) Iwas approached by the wife of a former official of the South African government,who said she had seen documents explaining how the Trilateral Commission hadordered Britain out of Rhodesia. Both foreign secretaries involved, Lord Carrington(Conservative) and David Owen (Labour) are connected to the TrilateralCommission. Carrington was a member and Owen would become one soon afterCarrington replaced him as foreign secretary.Since the sudden death of John Smith (TC, Bil), the ‘new’ Labour Party has cometo power under Prime Minister Tony Blair, an Elite chosen one, who was supportedby the establishment and Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. Gordon Brown, hisBilderberg Chancellor of the Exchequer, immediately conceded the government’sright to set interest rates to the Bank of England. The leadership of the three mainpolitical parties in the UK are agreed on almost all that matters to the New WorldOrder agenda, as they were in the days of Wilson, Heath and Jo Grimond/JeremyThorpe. When you look behind the words and camouflage, there is hardly a jot ofdifference between them on the way ahead – integration into the European Unionand a single currency and bank. They only differ, in public anyway, on thetimescale. On the fundamentals of economic policy it is hard to prise them apart.So what has been the effect of all this on a key ambition of the manipulators – thecreation of a Federal Europe with centralised control? While we’ve been having thisfarce of a debate over whether the UK should agree to a single currency and aEuropean Central Bank, the truth is that we are already committed to it. Thepoliticians involved know it too. They are just kidding you, laughing at youprobably. The UK Conservative Party claims (for public consumption only) tooppose the centralisation of power in Europe while Conservative members in theEuropean Parliament are also members of the alliance grouping known as theEuropean People’s Party, which openly calls for a United States of Europe. This isactually written in its constitution!61 One way the confidence trick has been hiddenis by increasing dramatically the numbers of laws being introduced at all levels ofgovernment, particularly in Europe. By the mid-1980s, the published lawsemanating from Brussels together with parliamentary legislation, Ministerial Rules,and Orders in Council, exceeded in just six months, the sum total of all lawsintroduced in Britain before 1900.62 This tidal wave of legislation is not an accident.It is there to ensure that millions of pages are voted into law without the lobbyfodder politicians, or even the government ministers, having time to read them, letalone assess what they really mean amid the calculated gobbledygook andambiguity. Another smokescreen is the belief that those who run the EuropeanUnion are stupid and incompetent. Not at the highest levels they’re not. Butter mountains and wine lakes may seem to be the result of incompetence, but whobenefited from these policies? The multinational corporations who were able toabsorb all the smaller farmers and producers put out of business by the surpluses.That was the idea. It all has to be done covertly because if the public knew what afederal Europe really means they would not agree to it. In 1947, a group ofConservatives and Liberals produced a document called Design For Europe and oneparagraph revealed their approach very clearly:Moreover – and it is as well to state this bluntly at the outset – no governmentdependent upon a democratic vote could possibly agree in advance to the sacrificewhich any adequate plan must involve. The people must be led slowly andunconsciously into the abandonment of their traditional economic defences…63Edward Heath was agreeing to the political union of Britain in Europe as early asApril 1962 when he was Lord Privy Seal. He told the Ministerial Council of theWestern European Union that, .. .you have decided that those who join theEconomic Communities as full members must also join the Political Union. I amsure that this was the right decision. (Command Paper 1720.) Meanwhile thepeople were being told that the Common Market was only a free trade zone. BeforeMr Heath (Bil) took Britain into Europe, he attended a meeting in Paris in October1972 to negotiate the conditions with the French President, Georges Pompidou (Bil),a former employee of Guy Rothschild. John Davies, Heath’s Secretary of State forIndustry, was at the meeting and told the Conservative Party’s Monday Club thatthe following had been agreed: UK technology would be merged with Europeanindustry. Britain had led research and development for more than 50 years and so itwas ‘only fair’ that someone else should have a turn – France. As Britain ran downher manufacturing industry, London would become the money market of Europe.Heath further agreed to run down sterling and abolish the monarchy.64 (The barrageof bad publicity that has destabilised the Royal family in recent years is designed todestroy the monarchy. Who has been tapping their ‘phone calls? The manipulators.Prince Charles and Princess Diana are being played off against each other by’advisors’. The target year for the end of the monarchy is 1999.) Edward Heath (Bil)and Sir Alec Douglas Hume (Bil) signed on behalf of the UK, a Treaty of Accessionto the Treaty of Rome and we were in the European spiders web.Also accepted by Mr Heath at the time of Britain’s entry and by Harold Wilsonand James Callaghan during the ‘renegotiation’ of British membership, was thatBritain would renounce her national sovereignty and become part of a federalEurope. Local government was reorganised to reshape the country in preparationfor this, and devolution of power to the regions of the UK is being promoted toprepare for the plan for a Europe of ‘regions’. These regions would be given limitedpowers akin to the county councils of today and they would be administered bythose who control the European superstate. The Maastricht Treaty on EuropeanUnion even uses the word municipal elections when it talks of national electionswithin Europe.65 Very appropriate, given the game plan. In 1980, the European Commission published their map of regions. Those which have been proposed inthe former Yugoslavia as a result of the war are virtually the same as those on thatmap. When the absence of ‘England’ on the map was questioned, Dr Little and hercolleagues were told that the national government would no longer be anadministrative unit. But while all this agreement was going on behind the scenesaround the time of British entry, Mr Heath was denying in public that there wouldbe any loss of sovereignty. The lack of interest in the people’s wishes reached a newlow when a document published by the European Assembly in February 1984 saidthat anyone who even voted in the June 1984 European elections, would be deemedto have supported the idea of European Union! Equally outrageous was that theMaastricht Treaty on European Union had not even been published at the time ofthe UK general election which Prime Minister John Major claimed had approvedthe document! Isn’t democracy just fantastic? We’re having elections now in whichonly the clairvoyant can make an informed choice. When Douglas Hurd, the thenforeign secretary, signed the Maastricht Treaty in February 1992, he committedBritain to a United States of Europe. He and the government will tell youdifferently. They will say there is a get-out clause which says:Unless the United Kingdom notifies the Council that it intends to move to the thirdstage political and monetary union, it shall be under no obligation to do so.What they don’t tell you is this Protocol was over-ruled by another on pageP/UP-UEM/en61, which has these paragraphs:The high contracting parties…declare the irreversible character of the Community’smovement to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union by signing myemphasis the new Treaty provisions on Economic and Monetary Union.Therefore all Member states shall, whether they fulfil the necessary conditions for theadoption of a single currency or not, respect the will for the community to enter swiftlyinto the third stage, and therefore no Member state shall prevent the entry into thethird stage.Mr Hurd signed those provisions and therefore committed the UK to thoseterms. In other words, having lost the power of veto, the UK either accepts politicaland monetary union or pulls out of the show altogether. The public ‘debate’ is afraud. Mr Hurd, Mr Major, and the pro-Europe Chancellor, Kenneth Clarke (Bil)knows that. So does Tony Blair (Bil), an Elite chosen one and Paddy Ashdown(Bil). Mr Hurd was one of those who stood in the Conservative leadership electionafter Margaret Thatcher was removed, on the orders of the Bilderberg Group, forher opposition to political and monetary union. Mr Hurd, who recommendedHenry Kissinger for his knighthood, was well schooled in European affairs. He wasprivate secretary to Ted Heath (1968-70) when Heath was leader of the opposition,and was then appointed his political secretary (1970-74) after Heath became Prime Minister. Hurd was also a minister of state at the Foreign Office under LordCarrington in the run up to the Falklands War. One of the people who helped towhip up the atmosphere which led to the demise of Mrs Thatcher, was Sir Geoffrey(now Lord) Howe (Comm 300), a former president of the European Council ofMinisters. So what awaits us now, unless we get off our backsides very quickly? AEurope of regions controlled by the unelected European Commissioners and the sixmembers of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank who will havecontrol of the single currency and the reserves of each member ‘State’. These sixpeople, who will control the whole of the European Union, shall be appointedfrom among persons of recognised standing and professional experience inmonetary or banking matters. (Maastricht Treaty, Article 109a, page UPUEM/eu41.) In their eight years of guaranteed security of tenure, these super sixbankers of the Global Elite may not seek or take instructions from CommunityInstitutions.. .or any other body. The European dictatorship will be complete.That is what the One Party Staters have been working towards behind theirmasks of opposition. Their ambitions are almost fulfilled. Only you – we – canstop them.The Global One Party StateMeanwhile the wars, which achieve so much for the Elite, continue. When the truthabout the Iran-Iraq War, the Gulf War, and the Bosnian conflict comes out, as one dayit will, the trails will lead to some very famous people and some front line companies- especially those involved in armaments – in the United Kingdom, the UnitedStates, and other countries. Who armed Saddam Hussein? Britain and America did.Who armed the Iranians? Britain and American did. Who armed the Serbs in Bosnia?Britain and America did. The time will come when the proof will be overwhelmingthat this is the case and some leading armament companies and politicians are goingto face some serious questions. If you know more, please tell me.In an article in The Spotlight on December 19th 1994, writer Warren Hough,claims that Henry Kissinger was accused by French President, Francois Mitterand,of being the master manipulator of the Yugoslav conflict. The allegation is said tohave been made at a meeting of the European Security Conference in Budapest,Hungary. Warren Hough’s article continued:As part of their war plans, the Serb leaders spent millions of dollars on contracts andpayoffs in the US Wall Street sources say that most of these short-lived deals wereapparently set up to make money for Kissinger’s consulting firm, Kissinger Associates,founding director Lord Carrington, a ‘peace’ negotiator in the former Yugoslavia and fortwo of Kissinger’s cronies, Lawrence Eagleburger and Brent Scowcroft. This populistnewspaper, after reviewing confidential bank records in New York City, warned as earlyas 1992 that Eagleburger (a former secretary of state) and Scowcroft (White Housenational security director in the Bush administration) concealed a compromising ‘cashnexus’ to the Serbs while they were formulating supposedly impartial US positionstoward the warring ethnic factions of the former Yugoslavia.

Interestingly, an ‘advisor’ to the Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, has been Sir
Alfred Sherman who has operated from an apartment in Pale near Sarajevo, next
door to Karadzic’s office, according to published research. Sherman is known as the
“inventor of Margaret Thatcher” and he was at the forefront of the manoeuvring
that led to her election as leader of the British Conservative Party. She later awarded
him a knighthood and together they founded the “think tank”, the Centre for Policy
66 from where the economic madness of the 1980s partly originated. The
Serbs were funded by the Elite via Belgrade banks involved in massive drug money
laundering. It is also amazing how many ‘foundations’ were set up in the former
Yugoslavia by the financial speculator and Rothschild frontman, George Soros (Bil).
He has them in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and Belgrade. Soros is a close friend of
Lawrence Eagleburger at Kissinger Associates, the former US ambassador to
Belgrade and close ally of Slobodon Milosevic! Now what’s that I can smell? Air
freshener anyone? According to writer and researcher Ben C. Vidgen, writing in
Nexus magazine in February 1996, America, Germany and Israel were running a
secret airlift of arms to Croatia and Bosnia from the start of the conflict.
French journalists revealed in 1994 that CIA agents were luring Bosnian Muslims
into reckless and hopeless counter-attacks against the Serbs on false promises of US
support. The White House call these reports “malicious lies”. But then George
Kenney, an American official in charge of Yugoslav affairs at the US State
Department until he quit in disgust on August 11th 1992, said that Muslims were
indeed tricked into rejecting a number of partial truce offers on the assumption that
American aid would ensure them victory. Warren Hough says that while the
Muslims were set up, the Kissinger network was playing the “good guy, bad guy”
game, which the manipulators use so often. It involved the two Serb leaders,
Slobodan Milosevic and Radovan Karadzic. Hough wrote:
“Under this scenario, Milosevic – the client of Kissinger Associates – publicly repudiate:
and condemned the illegal onslaught of Karadzic’s troops against Bosnian Muslims. But
covertly the Milosevic government furnished the ‘renegade’ forces of Karadzic with all
the armaments and other support they needed to wage an implacable ‘war of
extermination’ against their Muslim neighbours. Muslim resupplies were, of course,
blocked by the UN arms embargo.”
The research claims also that Saudi Arabia, itself a fascist tyranny, was being set
up by this plan. According to Spotlight, King Fahd was repeatedly reassured by his
ambassador in Washington that the US planned to lift the arms embargo in time to
allow decisive reinforcements to reach the embattled Muslims. As a result the King
convinced other Islamic leaders to have faith in Washington. Now the Saudi
monarchy is denounced as a gullible fellow-traveller of the CIA, or as a traitor to
Islam. Which, of course, suits the manipulators wonderfully well. In the light of all
this, there are some interesting connections between the ‘peace’ negotiators in
Bosnia. Lord Carrington (RIIA, Bil, TC, Comm 300), Lord Owen (Bil, TC) and
Sweden’s Carl Bildt (Bil) followed each other as official peace negotiators for the
European Union in the former Yugoslavia. The United Nations peace negotiator,
who worked closely with his great friend, Lord Owen, was Jimmy Carter’s
Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance (CFR, TC, Bil, Comm 300), and a director of the
Rothschild bank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust. When Vance resigned, the UN
appointed another negotiator to work with Lord Owen – Thorvald Stoltenberg, of
Norway. Yes, you guessed it again, a member of the Trilateral Commission and the
Bilderberg Group. And when they each failed to achieve peace, who was it who
suddenly flew to Bosnia, amid worldwide publicity, as an ‘independent’ peace
negotiator? Why, it was Jimmy Carter (CFR), the Trilateral Commission’s first
President of the United States. Later came Richard Holbrooke (TC, CFR, Bil), the
peace envoy of Bill Clinton (CFR, TC, Bil) and the US ambassador to Yugoslavia
was Warren Zimmerman (also TC, CFR), who reported, like Holbrooke, to
Clinton’s Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, of the CFR and Trilateral
Commission. And who was it who arrived in Rwanda on an undisclosed
“diplomatic mission” days before the outbreak of that horrific conflict? Lord
Carrington and Henry Kissinger!
Maybe this is all smoke without fire. Maybe the Trilateral Commission and the
Bilderberg Group just happen to run peace negotiation courses. Maybe pigs can fly.
Make up your own mind. My feeling about the former Yugoslavia when I wrote the
first edition of this book was that the conflict was being used overwhelmingly to
embarrass the UN Peacekeeping Forces and NATO. This was designed to create a
situation of “something must be done” which would lead to greater powers for the
UN/NATO alliance and, in effect, create a world army. As usual, the more atrocities
and suffering that the public see, the greater the demand that “something must be
done”. What has happened since? The Bosnian conflict has led to the creation of a
60,000-strong NATO ‘peacekeeping’ force which includes some 30 countries. It is a
world army under central control – exactly as the Elite plan demanded. It is the
biggest multinational force to be assembled since the second World War and it has
been made possible by untold human suffering. The main front man for this NATO
world army was Bill Clinton (CFR, TC, Bil), the yes man for David Rockefeller and
the Elite. One of those appointed to oversee the civilian operation in Bosnia after the
‘peace’ agreement was Carl Bildt (Bil), and the officer in charge of the multinational
force (world army) was named as US Admiral Leighton Smith (CFR). If you want
confirmation that the world army in Bosnia is part of the Elite plan look no further
than a full page advertisement in the Washington Post on December 6th 1995. It was
placed by an organisation calling itself the Committee for American Leadership in
Bosnia and it supported Bill Clinton’s plan for a world army in Bosnia. The ad was
signed by, among others, Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR, Bil and a founder of the
Trilateral Commission); Congressman Stephen Solarz (CFR); Rothschild frontman
and currency speculator, George Soros (Bil); Michael Armacost (CFR), the president
of the Elite’s Brookings Institute; and Leslie Gelb (TC), the president of the Council
on Foreign Relations and a columnist on the New York Times. The policy on Bosnia is
the Elite’s policy from start to finish. We have one party states within a one party
world under a one party army.
How many more have to suffer before the political stooges stop being duped?
How many more tragedies do there have to be before the human race says
“Enough!” and takes control of its own destiny? If that is to happen, we need to
stop looking to politicians for the answers and start organising ourselves in our
own communities to build local economies and organisations which can operate
outside this manipulation. A good statement of intent, in my view, would be a mass
boycott of all state, national, and European elections. To vote under the present
circumstances is to give credence to a system that is an insult to freedom and
democratic choice, a system that is designed to control us and not to set us free. By
refusing to vote and have any part of it, we can show how we feel. We can say to
the manipulators: We know what you are doing and the game is up. We will no
longer be manipulated into supporting and maintaining the one party state and a
one party world.
1 Treason At Westminster. Text of a memorandum submitted in October 1978 to the Royal
Commission on Criminal Procedure by Dr Kitty Little (p3). The Philby quote comes from his
book, My Silent War. Dr Klaus Fuchs left Germany before the war and, thanks to Lord Victor
Rothschild, travelled to the United States to work on the Manhattan Project which producec
the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan. He was later jailed for giving British and
American atomic secrets to the Russians.
2 The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines the word masquerade as: “masked ball; false show:
pretence; appear in disguise; assume false appearance”. This is what you are observing in
the parliaments and governments of the world.
3 “Panama: Atrocities of the ‘Big Stick’,” American Leviathan, p39-40
4 American Leviathan, p41-42
5 George Bush, The Unofficial Biography, p537
6 Defrauding America. A Pattern Of Related Scandals, p512
7 Ibid p312-313
8 Ibid p306-307
9 Thomas Burdick and Charlene Mitchell, Blue Thunder (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1990
10 Defrauding America, p312-314
11 The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p279
12 “State Organised Crime”, the presidential address by William J. Chambliss to The American
Society of Criminology, 1988
13 Defrauding America, p355
14 Defrauding America, p355
15 Final Judgement, p92
16 For a detailed explanation of the global drug industry and who is behind it, see Dope
Incorporated. The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy, by the editors of Executive Intelligence
Review (Washington DC, 1992)
17 Defrauding America, p295
18 The Spotlight (May 8th 1995) p2
19 The video, A Nation Betrayed
20 Michael Levine and Lauri Kavanau-Levine, The Big White Lie. Also quoted in Defrauding
America, p293
21 Extra-Terrestrial Friends And Foes, p288
22 Transcript of the meeting released by the Iraqis and quoted in The Immaculate Deception.
The Bush Family Crime Exposed, pl46-147
23 Defrauding America, p433
24 Extra-Terrestrial Friends And Foes, p287
25 Bush’s talk of a “New World Order: Foreign Policy Tool or Mere Slogan?”, Washington Post
(May 26th 1991)
26 Washington Post (September 12th 1990)
27 Defrauding America, p426
28 Defrauding America, p430
29 A statement made by Gates to the Head of Customs, William von Raab, in 1988. Defrauding
America, p416
30 Secret Societies, p287
31 Ibid
32 Defrauding America, p410
33 Quoted in The Immaculate Deception, pl65
34 Defrauding America, p408-409
35 Ibid
36 The Immaculate Deception, pl66
37 Washington Post National Weekly Edition (April 13th-19th 1992) p34: Mark Potts, Nicholas
Kochan, and Robert Whittington, “Dirty Money. BCCI: The inside story of the world’s
sleaziest bank”.
38 Interview with James K. Kilpatrick of The Wanderer, Also reported in Don Bell Reports (No.
15 on August 1st 1994)
39 Arkansas Democratic Gazette (May 21st 1995)
40 Secret Societies, pl28
41 Ibid pl30
42 The Clinton Chronicles, produced in 1994 by Citizens Video Press, a division of Citizens For
Honest Government, PO Box 220, Winchester, CA 92596
43 The Clinton Chronicles
44 “State Organised Crime”, the Presidential Address by William J. Chambliss to The American
Society of Criminology, 1988
45 Details of the article were reported in the London Sunday Telegraph (January 29th 1995)
46 Terry Reed and John Cummings, Compromised: Clinton, Bush, And The CIA (1994)
47 Interview on the video, The Clinton Chronicles
48 Quote from Jim Johnson, former Arkansas State Senator and State Supreme Court Judge.
on the video The Clinton Chronicles
49 Nicholas Guarino, the editor of The Wall Street Underground, wrote an article accusing
Bill Clinton of being implicated in murder, drug running, extortion, rape, threats, beatings,
break-ins, bribery, thefts, arson, conflicts of interest, money laundering, insider trading,
election fraud, obstruction of justice, campaign fraud, witness tampering, and destruction
of subpoenaed documents. The content of the article was summarised in The Spotlight
(December 19th 1994) p1, 3
50 “Secret Swiss Link to White House Death”, Sunday Telegraph (May 21st 1995) p22
51 Interview for The Clinton Chronicles
52 The Spotlight (May 8th 1995) p6
53 David Rockefeller praised Clinton publicly for his support for GATT in the Arkansas
Democratic Gazette of May 21st 1995, and Rockefeller was described as a “leading voice
advising Clinton on trade policies in Central and South America. Advising? Dictating.
54 The Spotlight (February 27th 1995) p6
55 Private Eye magazine, No. 875 (Friday June 30th 1995) p5
56 The Spotlight (July 3rd 1995) p1
57 Letter to Bernard Weatherill, Speaker of the House of Commons, May 1st 1987
58 “Subversive infiltrators into Westminster and Whitehall. Promotion of a Federal Europe.”
Submission to the Committee on Standards in Public Life by Dr Kitty Little, January 1995.
The Nolan Committee decided not to accept her detailed information about the calculated
destruction of Britain. They said it was “outside their brief”. Sure it was.
59 Letter to Bernard Weatherill, Speaker of the House of Commons, May 1st 1987
60 Robert Eringer, The Global Manipulators (Pentacle Books, Bristol, 1980). Quoted in Treason
At Maastricht, pl7
61 Treason At Maastricht, p82, 89
62 Dr Kitty Little, “Subversive Infiltrators into Westminster and Whitehall. Promotion of a Federal
Europe” (January 1995) p5, paragraph 19
63 Ibid p8, paragraph 29
64 Dr Kitty Little, “Subversive Infiltrators into Westminster and Whitehall. Promotion of a Federal
Europe” (January 1995) p10, paragraph 34
65 Treason At Maastricht, p54
66 Secret Societies, p279



chapter 14

psychological fascism

The underlying theme of all you have read is the manipulation of the humanmind. You cannot control billions of people with tanks in the streets and soldiersat the door. You can only do it by divide and rule – and by programming the massconsciousness (public opinion) into believing that what you want to do is a goodidea or the only option.This is crucial to both understanding how the manipulation works and to thinkingon a more streetwise vibration which will make it far more difficult for us to bemisled. For example, say that you want to introduce cameras in the streets, an armedand more authoritarian police force, and the erosion of personal freedoms. You don’twant the public to oppose these policies, indeed you want them to demand that youintroduce them. What do you need for this to happen? More high profile, violentcrime, which creates enormous fear in the community. Achieve that and people willbe knocking on your door demanding that you put cameras in their streets and givemore guns and power to the police. Problem-reaction-solution. And what better wayto induce more crime than to create a society of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ dependent onwelfare payments and then start dismantling the welfare state? You give people achoice of going without basic needs or of taking someone else’s money and property.And when they do the latter, the victims of the crime and the mass of people who seethe reports of the crime demand that “something must be done”.All aspects of society are being used to promote this mental coup d’etat. The’education’ system is not there to inform children and young people, it is there toindoctrinate them; the same with the media and advertising. The tax exemptfoundations coordinate the Elite’s ‘education’ policy in the United States schoolsand universities, and in the United Kingdom this is done, in part, by a secret cliqueknown as the All Souls Group. This meets three times a year at (most appropriately)Rhodes House at Oxford University. Such education policies are designed to turnout clones of the system and world government supporters, although theoverwhelming majority of people in the teaching profession will not realise this. I included in The Robots’ Rebellion an extract from a document found, apparentlyby accident, in 1986 called Silent Weapons For A Quiet War. Another version isreported to have been in the hands of US Naval Intelligence in 1969. It is a wonderfulexplanation of the technique of mass brainwashing. The version I have was foundinside an IBM photocopier bought at a second hand sale in America and it describesa policy of mass mind control. This lengthy and detailed document was dated 1979,but it outlines a policy that has been implemented since the 1950s. The documentsays that: “The quiet war was… declared by the international elite at a meeting heldin 1954”. The Bilderberg Group first met in 1954. It is likely that the methods laid outin the document will be inspired by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations inLondon and its interconnecting offshoots. Here is a flavour of the content:“Experience has proven that the simplest method of securing a silent weapon andgaining control of the public is to keep them undisciplined and ignorant of basicsystems principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganised, anddistracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand.This is achieved by:1. disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-qualityprogramme of public education in mathematics, systems design and economics,and discouraging technical creativity.2. engaging their emotions, increasing their self indulgence and their indulgence inemotional and physical activities by:a) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) byway of a constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media – especiallythe TV and the newspapers.b) giving them what they desire – in excess – “junk food for thought” – anddepriving them of what they really need.c) rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thusbeing able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricatedoutside priorities.These preclude their interest in, and discovery of, the silent weapons of socialautomation technology. The general rule is that there is profit in confusion; the moreconfusion, the more profit. Therefore the best approach is to create problems and thenoffer solutions.In summary:Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, andcaptivated by matters of no real importance.Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law,and real history.Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth grade level.Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with theother animals.” That doesn’t describe today’s world, does it? All the main aspects of the coupd’etat are there and we can see this strategy at work every day. When agovernment is planning to introduce legislation against a target group as part ofthe plan to enforce conformity and remove freedoms, the process of softening uppublic opinion against that target group begins months, sometimes years, beforethere is even a hint of new laws. The idea is to turn public opinion against thetarget group through propaganda and engineered events. When the legislation isfinally presented, the potential opposition is already either greatly reduced ordestroyed altogether. Take the example of the Criminal Justice Bill introduced bythe British government in 1994. It was a dreadful piece of work and a tremendousstrike against basic freedoms, but it sailed through Parliament with virtually allparty support. One of its many targets were the ‘travellers’, the groups of peoplewho live in mobile homes of many kinds and move between various placesthroughout the year. They have been dubbed ‘New Age’ travellers by the media.The travellers are not perfect – who is? – but it will be enlightening to look at howthey were treated. In the year to eighteen months before the Criminal Justice Billwas announced, you could hardly open a newspaper or watch the TV newswithout seeing a story which suggested that travellers were a ‘problem’ in need ofa ‘solution’. Police were stopping and harassing the traveller convoys as theymoved from site to site; councils were refusing to allow them to cross their borders;conflicts were breaking out between travellers and police as the anger andfrustration mounted. All was captured and broadcast on the main television newsbulletins. Agents provocateur connected to British Intelligence were in therestirring things up just as the cameras were on the spot, in the way such agenciesoperate all over the world.Once negative events and propaganda have been projected at public opinion, outgo the opinion-polling organisations with their clipboards. The people who ask thequestions on the street don’t know what they are involved in. They are just askingthe questions they are told and paid to ask. But opinion polls are not there tomeasure public opinion so the people can be given what they desire. They are thereto direct public opinion, often using loaded questions to attract the desired reply.Tell people that 80% of the population believe something and those of the sheep -baa, baa – mentality will quickly conform and believe the same. Eighty per cent ofpeople cannot be wrong, can they? Oh yes they can, if they have given their mindsaway. The other role of opinion polls is to check if the propaganda against a targetgroup is working. Once the opinion polls say that a sufficient majority now believethe target group is a problem and “something must be done”, the legislation (thesolution) is taken out of the file and put before Parliament. This approach hasanother advantage in that the potential political opposition, what little there is, fearsthe electoral consequences of opposing laws to ‘solve’ a ‘problem’ about which thepublic has now been programmed to believe that “something must be done”.Therefore highly controversial legislation like the Criminal Justice Bill (whichremoves basic freedoms) goes through Parliament and into law virtually on thenod. Once this Bill was making its way into law, suddenly all the “travellers are a problem” stories disappeared and at the time of this writing, have neverreappeared. They will only return when even more harsh legislation against them isbeing planned. Until then, public opinion will go on being softened up to acceptlegislation against other target groups on the Elite’s hit list and the public will go onreacting like robots in exactly the way required. Unless we choose to take control ofour own minds.Organisations like the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (and their brothersand sisters in the United States such as the Stanford Research Institute, and theRand Corporation) research into how people will react, individually andcollectively, to events, changes, and ‘buzz words’. It was Tavistock, according toresearch that I’ve read,1 which devised the policy of ‘future shocks’, the means bywhich the collective human mind is bombarded with so many changes, events, andcontradicting information that it overloads, switches off, and becomes subservient.This is happening all over the world today, most obviously in the United States andJapan, where the population is being given one event after the other to fill themwith fear and insecurity. The aim is to destabilise Japanese society and break itsresistance to fundamental change.Many of the so called ‘spontaneous’ trends that are taken on by the young areintroduced by these and other organisations and then hyped into a frenzy byadvertising and the controlled media. People talk about the “latest craze” and veryfew stop to ask, “Where did this start and who was behind it?” We hear about the”craze that’s sweeping America” and that’s all. The ‘Flower Power’ period of the1960s was hijacked and directed by this same mind manipulating force. The CIAand British Intelligence were experimenting with the effects of the drug LSD in the1950s, before it was unleashed on the market and destroyed any possibility ofsubstantial positive change emerging from that time. In 1953, the CIAcommandeered the entire supply of LSD from the Swiss manufacturers, Sandoz(which was owned by S.G. Warburg of London). Later they did the same with EliLilly when it began to produce LSD in the United States. People were so doped andduped that they thought LSD was a weapon of ‘freedom’. Some still do. I’m notsure the CIA and British Intelligence had that in mind, somehow.The Diversion TechniqueAll that I am talking about here comes under the heading of ‘diversion’. This is oneof the most effective of the mind manipulation weapons used against the humanpsyche. It takes many forms. If you are being held captive, one way to escape is tostart a diversion. It may be an argument or a fight among fellow prisoners. Once thetrouble starts, everyone’s attention, including that of the guards, focuses on theincident. This gives you the opportunity to slip away unseen. The bullfighter’stechnique is another obvious form of diversion as he focuses the attention of thebull on his cape, so allowing himself to avoid injury.In the world of propaganda and public mind manipulation, we are constantlybeing subjected to this. Accusations of anti-Semitism against New World Orderinvestigators is a classic example of diversion. You concentrate attention on the issue of the messenger’s alleged racism and divert attention from what he or she issaying about their research. We have the strategy of infiltrating ‘moderate’ wings ofpolitical parties while covertly following an extreme game plan. This is a diversionwhich stops extremists being identified while they, themselves, denounce theirlegitimate opposition as extremists. We hear from time to time of ‘revelations’ aboutintelligence agencies, but how many are real revelations and how many aresystematically leaked to divert people from what is really going on? An example:publish a book by a ‘spy’ who names certain people as foreign agents. Hype it upthrough your controlled media and get the government to vehemently oppose it, soadding to its credibility. Persuade people to accept that the names revealed by the’whistle-blower’ are correct and those who were really involved are in the clear. Ifyou want to introduce controversial legislation or a government is being forced toreveal unpleasant information about itself, then under the rules of diversion, thisshould be done on a day you know another major story is going to break. Thislessens the space and prominence given to what you say because of the massivemedia coverage of the other big story.On the day the British Home Secretary, Michael Howard, announced theintroduction of identity cards, the Loyalist Paramilitary groups in Northern Irelandannounced a ceasefire in line with the one agreed by the Republican IRA. Thisreduced by a tremendous amount, the coverage and reaction in the media toMichael Howard’s identity cards. I do not believe this was a coincidence, especiallysince the paramilitaries and the British government are in regular contact throughthe secret society network and other channels, no matter what they may saypublicly. Indeed, the secret communication between the IRA and their ‘enemy’, theBritish government, has been publicly exposed.The attempts to blame two Libyans for the bomb on Pan Am Flight 103 whichkilled 270 people at Lockerbie, Scotland, in December 1988 is another case ofdiversion. None of the evidence points to Libya. That is a convenient scapegoat tomove attention from what really happened and to undermine the Gaddafi regime.The evidence of independent studies and documentaries clearly points to otherMiddle East connections, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies. The Lockerbiecrash site was swarming with American agents, as locals and journalists havepointed out. Police surgeon, David Fieldhouse, said he issued death certificatesafter examining 59 bodies, but later he found that police records contained details ofonly 58 bodies.2 What happened to the missing body, no-one seems to know.


Couldit just have been the body that would have shed some light on what happened andwho did it? And if the authorities didn’t know what was going to occur, why were’VIPs’ warned not to take that flight after their seats had been booked? Amongthem were Pik Botha, the South African minister, and others accompanying him,including the head of BOSS, the South African intelligence agency (which has closeties with the CIA and Mossad). They cancelled their reservations on Flight 103shortly before departure after a tip-off from intelligence sources.3 Pik Botha told theBritish businessman, Tiny Rowlands, that these sources were the kind that “couldn’tbe dismissed”. Libya has been used as a diversion for years. Colonel Gaddafi was portrayed asthe monster of monsters, until it became more useful to give that title to GeorgeBush’s old friend, Saddam Hussein. The bombing of Tripoli by US planes flyingfrom British bases in 1986 was part of this. Dozens of Libyan civilians, includingchildren, were murdered by the Americans (with British support) in retaliation for”Libyan terrorism” at a disco in West Berlin, for which, again, there was noevidence, as later conceded by German investigators. I know nothing about Gaddafifor sure, but I have heard suggestions that he’s hated by the US. There is anotherview that this “hatred” is a front for CIA terrorist training based in Libya, which, itis said, has honed the skills of the IRA, the Red Brigades, and other terrorist groups.It’s hard to tell, but here I am looking only at the strange connections surroundingthe Lockerbie bomb. The man who wrote the paper for Ronald Reagan whichproposed a campaign to destroy the Gaddafi regime with lies and disinformationwas (by his own admission) the CIA operative, Vincent Cannistraro. He worked forthree years on the campaign with Oliver North and this led to the bombing ofTripoli. Who was the man appointed to head the CIA ‘investigation’ into Lockerbiewhich decided that two Libyans were responsible? It couldn’t be? Yes it could:Vincent Cannistraro. Part of the CIA campaign against Libya included the murderby the CIA of the British policewoman, Yvonne Fletcher, in St James Square,London, on April 17th 1984. This murder was blamed on the staff at the LibyanPeople’s Bureau. Some researchers believe she was shot by a CIA marksman from 8St James Square, close to the Bureau, say some researchers. This building had beenoccupied from only a few months before by a company with known CIAconnections.Despite this information and the fact that no evidence points to an involvementby Libya in the Lockerbie bombing, the United Nations (Global Elite) continue toimpose sanctions on that country! And the British prime minister has refused toallow a trial of the two Libyans to take place in a neutral country. Either the Britishgovernment at the highest levels is breathtakingly dumb or they know more aboutLockerbie than they are prepared to reveal to the people who elected them. TheUnited States and the Elite use the create-a-monster technique all the time to divertattention from the fact that they are installing and pulling the strings of far moreextreme regimes throughout the world. There was no talk of monsters andterrorism in 1988 when the USS Vincennes fired a missile ‘by accident’ to shootdown an Iranian passenger jet with 290 on board.5 The Vincennes was in the PersianGulf to support Saddam Hussein, then America’s friend and ally in the Iraqi warwith Iran. The commander of the ship was ‘severely punished’: he was awarded theLegion of Merit Award by George Bush for “exceptionally meritorious conduct inthe performance of outstanding service” and for the “calm and professionalatmosphere” under his command during the period the jet was destroyed.6The stepping-stones strategy is another diversion. The Elite know the goal theyare aiming for and the stepping-stones required to manipulate public opiniontowards that end. But if they are going to persuade people to accept those steppingstones, each one must be presented in isolation. If once they are seen by the general public as links in a chain leading towards a global centralised tyranny, obviouslythe game is up. If you want barcoded human beings linked to a central computer,you must first get them to accept credit and identity cards. You can be even moresubtle by announcing first of all that the identity cards will not be compulsory, asMichael Howard did at the Conservative Party Conference in 1994. Shouts ofdismay from the audience who want them to be compulsory make you lookpositively moderate in comparison, and initial opposition from the civil libertiesgroups is diluted because the government says, “But they are not compulsory;people have the choice”. Of course, the plan is to make them compulsory and thengo on to barcoding, but the stepping-stones diversionary approach demands thatthis be done in distinct stages, so that people in general don’t realise what is goingon. These tactics are used at all levels of society. If you want to develop an area ofunspoilt, isolated land, and you announce plans to build a housing estate orindustrial complex, it would attract enormous opposition. Instead, the first stage isto propose a road to allow people greater ‘access’ to the area. Once this has beenachieved a few buildings begin to appear, then more and more, until you have built,in stages, what you intended all along. This is one reason why the information inthis book and others like it is so important. Once you know the ultimate aims, thestepping-stones towards them become so easy to see.The ‘Free’ PressNone of this mind manipulation could happen without the media. Again, only afew people in the media know they are playing a key role in programming thehuman mind to walk the road to a global tyranny. The overwhelming majority ofjournalists have no idea how they are being used. I would go further. From myexperience inside the media for many years and more recently on the other side ofthe microphone and notebook, I believe the two least knowledgeable and streetwiseprofessions – in general – are journalism and politics. As I suggested earlier, theyare two aspects of the same illusion. The politicians act as if they rule the world andthe media report events as if politicians are the global decision makers. Thus, thereal controllers can stay in the shadows, unreported and unidentified. There areexceptions when you meet a very bright journalist who can see behind the facades.They know they are imprisoned within a media structure which severely limitswhat they can say and do. But they take every opportunity to get across as muchinformation as they can. I have met a few of those people and they are a joy to talkto. If only that were true of the rest. Most journalists on local and regional papersand local radio are either time-servers, who are programmed to turn out the sameold establishment line without question while thinking their years in the professionmake them streetwise, or they are youngsters fresh out of university who have noexperience of the world and the manipulation that goes on. There are, I stress,exceptions, but I am speaking generally here. I don’t say this out of condemnation,but as this mindset stands between the events in the world and the way theinformation about them is communicated to the public, it is important that weknow the nature of the filters and the filtering that goes on. I remember talking in Southern England one night in the terms I have outlinedin this book. There was one person in the audience who seemed to have apermanent question mark above her head. This turned out to be the local journalist.When I saw her report, it was headlined “Icke’s old theory about the New WorldOrder”. I was intrigued. “Old theory?” Had this newspaper talked about the globalconspiracy before, then? No, as it happens. The headline referred to the reporter’scontention that what I said that night about the nature of the New World Order wasnot new because George Bush had used the same words years before! If that was anisolated example of the thought processes which provide our news, it wouldn’t be aproblem. But it isn’t. I could fill another book with stories of my experiences withpeople bravely claiming to be journalists who have asked questions and writtenarticles that would make a two-year-old look like the peak of maturity.At the national and international level, the number of journalists knowinglymanipulating the human mind is far greater than the local and regional media, butit is still a relative few. The rest just conform to the traditional structure andapproach and allow themselves to be manipulated to manipulate their audience. Iworked in the BBC Television national newsroom for years and everyone aroundme appeared to be extremely genuine. Most of them were very nice people wholoved their children and would not wish to leave them to face a centralised globaldictatorship. But every day they turn out stories which feed their millions ofviewers the line the Elite want them to see and hear.To manipulate the world, you don’t need to have people running around all thetime, like one of those stage performers trying to keep a dozen plates spinning onthe end of a stick. Once you have created the structure, anyone coming into thatorganisation, say a newspaper or television newsroom, has to conform to what isalready there. If you can get your representatives into the positions which appointothers into that organisation, it is even better, because you can then fill the placewith clones of your own attitudes. Also, journalists are there to report events. If youcan engineer significant events, the journalists will report them. You don’t have tocontrol every journalist to do this; the event will be reported anyway. Most of thetime, the background information and explanation of that event will come fromofficial sources. Watch a television news bulletin today if you can, and see where thewords the reporter is speaking are overwhelmingly coming from: official sources.So without even manipulating a single journalist, your engineered event, be it a”terrorist bomb” or “economic problem”, is both reported and explained in the wayyou want.The coverage of the horrific bombing in Oklahoma City in April 1995 was yetanother example of puppet-strings journalism. Whatever official statements wereissued, the media jumped on them immediately and accepted them as fact, withoutquestion. I listened to the BBC’s Radio Five at that time and they introduced a ladyfrom an organisation I had never heard of in America. There was not one questionabout what her organisation represented, who funded it, or what its backgroundwas. The interviewer just fed her questions and allowed her, unchallenged, to giveher ‘expert’ opinion on the people she believed had carried out the attack. In BBC Television’s review of 1995, the so called “heavyweight” news presenter, JohnHumphreys, parrotted the government line on Oklahoma and named McVeigh andthe militias as the “enemy within” even before there had been a trial! And they callthemselves ‘journalists’. It’s unbelievable.When you are looking at the news, make a note of how short the individualitems are. There is usually only enough time, even in major stories, to say this iswhat has happened and this is the (official) explanation. I was laughed at bymillions when I questioned that the figure I was seeing on the television news wasthe real Saddam Hussein back in 1991. There was this man on the screen and thereporter or newsreader was saying it was Saddam. We were told whom he had metthat day, and, on one occasion, how he had swum across a river to show his peoplehe was alive and well after the Gulf War. Now we know from a defector from Iraqthat it was not the real Saddam, but his stand-in lookalike. The media is beingconned day by day and it then cons its audience. Ask 99% of journalists about theBilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, andthe Elite in general, and they will look at you in bewilderment. They won’t evenhave heard of them, let alone know what their role is.But there are some journalists in strategic positions who do know and supportwhat those organisations are doing. The media is such a vehicle for the coup d’etatthat if it ever got into the hands of the Elite, the potential would be limitless. But wedon’t have to worry because, as we are told so often, we have an independentmedia. Ummm. Independent of what and whom? In the August/September 1993edition of the Netherland’s based magazine, Exposure, details were published of thecontrolling boards of the three television networks in the United States, NBC, CBS,and ABC. These networks are supposed to be in ‘competition’ and it is this very’competition’ that is part of the ‘independence’ which ensures we enjoy unbiasednews. That’s the theory, anyway. The Exposure research came from the work of theAmerican New World Order investigator, Eustace Mullins. From what I read,Eustace and I would have very little in common on most things, but either thepeople he names were controlling the networks at the time of the article, or theywere not. The following is provable fact: NBC is a subsidiary of RCA, a mediaconglomerate which appears regularly on the career details of a number of peoplenamed throughout this book. Among the NBC directors named in the Mullinsarticle were: John Brademas (CFR, TC, Bil), a director of the Rockefeller Foundation;Peter G. Peterson (CFR), former head of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co (Rothschild), and aformer Secretary of Commerce; Robert Cizik, chairman of RCA and of First CityBancorp, which was identified in Congressional testimony as a Rothschild bank;Thomas O. Paine, president of Northrup Co (the big defence contractor) anddirector of the (Elite-controlled) Institute of Strategic Studies in London; DonaldSmiley, a director of two Morgan Companies, Metropolitan Life and US Steel;Thornton Bradshaw, chairman of RCA, director of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund,Atlantic Richfield Oil, and the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies (both of thelatter headed by ‘environmentalist’ and elite Bilderberger, Robert O. Anderson).Clearly the NBC board has considerable Rockefeller-Rothschild-Morgan influence.


Another American TV network, ABC, had on its board of directors: Ray Adam,director of J.P. Morgan, Metropolitan Life (Morgan), and Morgan Guaranty Trust;Frank Cary, chairman of IBM, and director of J.P. Morgan and the Morgan GuarantyTrust; Donald C. Cook (CFR, Bil), general partner of Lazard Freres banking house;John T. Connor (CFR) of the Kuhn, Loeb (Rothschild) law firm, Gravath, Swaineand Moore, former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, US Secretary of Commerce,director of the Chase Manhattan Bank (Rockefeller/Rothschild), General Motors,and chairman of the J. Henry Schroder Bank and Schroders Inc, of London (see thefunding of Hitler); Thomas M. Macioce, director of Manufacturers Hanover Trust(Rothschild); George Jenkins, chairman of Metropolitan Life (Morgan) and Citibank(which has many Rothschild connections); Martin J. Schwab, director ofManufacturers Hanover (Rothschild); Alan Greenspan (CFR, TC, Bil), chairman ofthe Federal Reserve, director of J.P. Morgan, Morgan Guaranty Trust, HooverInstitution, Time magazine, and General Foods; Ulric Haynes Jr, director of the FordFoundation and Marine Midland Bank (owned by the Hong Kong and ShanghaiBank). Again, we see the same Rockefeller-Rothschild-Morgan line-up on the boardof the ABC network which, we are told, is independent of NBC. The ABC companywas taken over by Cities Communications, whose most prominent director isRobert Roosa (CFR, Bil), senior partner of Brown Brothers Harriman, which hasclose ties with the Bank of England. Roosa and David Rockefeller are credited withselecting Paul Volcker to chair the Federal Reserve Board.Which brings us to CBS, the third of the ‘independent’ networks. Its financialexpansion was supervised for a long time by Brown Brothers Harriman and itssenior partner, Prescott Bush who was a CBS director. CBS banks through theMorgan Guaranty Trust and reports of CBS connections with the CIA and BritishIntelligence are legion among New World Order researchers. Some know it as theConspiracy Brainwashing System. The CBS board included: William S. Paley(Comm 300), the chairman (for whom Prescott Bush personally organised themoney to buy the company); Harold Brown (CFR), executive director of theTrilateral Commission, and former Secretary of the Air Force and Defence; RoswellGilpatric (CFR, Bil), from the Kuhn, Loeb (Rothschild) law firm, Cravath, Swaine,and Moore, and former director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Henry B.Schnacht, director of the Chase Manhattan Bank (Rockefeller/Rothschild), theCouncil on Foreign Relations, Brookings Institution, and Committee for EconomicDevelopment; Michel C. Bergerac, chairman of Revlon, and director ofManufacturers Hanover Bank (Rothschild); James D. Wolfensohn (CFR, TC, Bil),former head of J. Henry Schroder Bank, who has close links with the Rothschildsand the Rockefellers, (in 1995, Bill Clinton successfully nominated him to head theWorld Bank); Franklin A. Thomas (CFR), head of the Ford Foundation; Newton D.Minow (CFR), director of the Rand Corporation and, among many others, theDitchley Foundation, which is closely linked with the Tavistock Institute in Londonand the Bilderberg Group. People connected with research into how the publicmind reacts to events and information are on the board of a United States televisionnetwork? What? Again with CBS, we are looking at the same names at the helm, and all threenetworks are closely interlocked with the Council on Foreign Relations and theTrilateral Commission. How can it possibly be claimed that the three televisionnetworks in America, through which the overwhelming majority of Americans gettheir news, are independent? They are controlled or strongly influenced by thesame people! Look at the potential for recruiting only those producers, journalists,and editors who support your views and aims, and for sacking those who challengeyour interference in what is and isn’t shown. Look at the potential for selling acommon line on events and news stories to ensure the American people have noother explanations than those you want them to believe. In July 1995, ABC wasmerged with the Walt Disney empire and the giant Westinghouse Electric made itsmove to buy CBS. Two months later, Turner Broadcasting, the company behindCNN Television, announced plans to merge with Time Warner. The deal was struckbetween the Time Warner chairman, Gerald M. Levin (TC) and Ted Turner (Comm300), a leading supporter of the new global order. We have seen the history of TimeWarner in Chapter 12. The concentration of power gathers pace.The same familiar Elite control the three television networks and America’s mainnewspapers, like the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times.This is without even mentioning all the other media outlets and international newsagencies (like Reuters) which the Elite control and the agencies run by the majornewspapers which feed a common line to the smaller papers via the wire machinesand syndicated columnists. The mind manipulation possibilities this offers are justincredible. Scores of leading US journalists and editors are members of the Councilon Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and they are covertly workingto that party line in their selection, dissection and presentation of news andinformation. Typical was a ‘report’ by the famous CBS News anchorman, WalterCronkite, into the wealth and power of the Rockefellers. He closed by saying that ifany family had to have as much power and money as the Rockefellers, it was agood thing it was the Rockefellers.7 Violin, anyone? I am grateful for the researchinto UK media ownership in the early 1990s by Colonel Barry Turner, which hepublished in 1992 as a paper entitled Control of the Communications Media andConditioning of the Public Mind. Much of the following information about namesand newspapers is thanks to his painstaking work. The leading ‘quality’ newspaperin the UK is the Daily Telegraph. This is owned through the Hollinger Group by theCanadian, Conrad Black. The group owns more than 200 newspapers andmagazines in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Israel, and thegroup started life as a front company set up by the British intelligence as I explainedearlier. Conrad Black is a member of the elite Steering Committee of the BilderbergGroup, a Trilateralist, and a member of the Institute for Strategic Studies. The seniorinternational advisors to the Hollinger Group are Henry Kissinger (CFR, TC, Bil,RIIA, Comm 300) and Lord Carrington (TC, RIIA, Bil, Comm 300). Some membersof the Hollinger International Supervisory Board are Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR, TC,Bil); Giovanni Agnelli (Bil, Black Nobility, Comm 300); David Brinkley (CFR), newscommentator with ABC News; Paul Volker (CFR, TC, Bil), the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board responsible for Reaganomics and Thatcherism; LordRothschild, chairman of Rothschild Holdings; and Lord Hanson, chairman ofHanson plc. On the board of The Daily Telegraph is Evelyn de Rothschild, chairmanof the N.M. Rothschild merchant bank. N.M. Rothschild are merchant bankers tothe Hollinger Group to complete the cosy relationship.A former editor-in-chief and board member at the Daily Telegraph is AndrewKnight, another member of the Bilderberg Group Steering Committee and theDitchley Foundation, and formerly of The Economist magazine (director, Evelyn deRothschild), a publication set up to press for an end to the Corn laws and promotethe principle of ‘free trade’. Knight moved on to become executive chairman ofRupert Murdoch’s News International which owns The Sun, The News Of The World,and The Times and Sunday Times. Murdoch owns newspapers, magazines, andtelevision networks that are estimated to have a potential audience of three billionpeople. That is without his interests in the film industry. He is now linking in with aglobal telephone and communications network, MCI, and has made a bid for partsof the vast Berlusconi media empire in Italy. According to The European newspaperhe is also planning to substantially increase his media interests across Europe.8 In afeature in The Spotlight newspaper headed: What is Murdoch Up To And Who IsBacking Him? the writer Dan McMahan linked the rise of this media mogul tonames like Harry Oppenheimer (South Africa, Anglo-American, De Beers), ArmandHammer (Occidental Petroleum), the Bronfman family (who are close to theHollinger Group and the Anti-Defamation League), and the Rothschilds.9 It is notthe front men we need to look at so much as who is behind them pulling theirstrings. It is they who make the money available and manipulate the politicians toallow great media takeovers and cartels to emerge. With unbelievable hypocrisy,Conrad Black’s Daily Telegraph said of Murdoch’s domain: This is a huge andpotentially dangerous concentration of media power…10 And the Telegraphowner’s empire is not?The controlled media can feed the same basic messages to the public andhypnotise the collective mind to accept them. And if the same messages are comingfrom apparently unconnected media outlets, it must be true because they are allsaying it. Just as we have a One Party political state, so we have a One Media StateIn the UK, you would think that the Murdoch Sun and the Independent or Guardianwere miles apart and offering different opinions. But if you analyse what they areall agreed on and the way they operate, none are vehicles for a radical alternative towhat we have. They actually say the same. They just say it differently. The leastradical newspaper in Britain is the one claimed to be most radical: The Guardian, thetome of the mindset I call the Robot Radicals. The founding editor of The Guardian’s’rival’, The Independent, was Andreas Whittam Smith. He was a member of theTrilateral Commission during his years at the top of that newspaper. The political’choice’ is an illusion and so is the media ‘choice’. Indeed the two are indivisible.When I started to have more and more success in making this suppressedinformation available to the public, the campaign to discredit me was stepped up. Iwas delighted in a way, because it proved I am twitching a few nerve ends among those who wish to control the human mind. The Jewish Chronicle, which parrotswords like freedom and truth, began to write outrageous misrepresentations ofwhat I am saying and doing. I was having conversations with the press officer ofthe Board of Deputies of British Jews – a lovely woman – who was speaking to oneDavid Icke, while she was reading about a very different David Icke in the JewishChronicle. Understandably she was confused. I wasn’t because what was happeningwas so predictable. The sight of a paper like the Chronicle posturing its moralitywhile lying through its teeth is not a pretty one.However, it was the Guardian, the daily house magazine of the Robot Radicalmindset, that I found most interesting. One of its reporters, a Paul Brown, arrived ata meeting in Glastonbury and built an article around one man who had not read mybooks, yet was handing out leaflets opposing them! The anti-Icke piece came from anewspaper which claims to represent freedom. Excuse me while I fall down,laughing hysterically. In the article were the (barely) one-dimensional cliches about’disciples’ and other childish nonsense, but nowhere was there a mention of theBilderberg Group and its RIIA, CFR, TC network which I had spent much of theevening talking about. But what is it the Illuminati Protocols say?All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions – aristocratic, republican,revolutionary, even anarchical – for so long, of course, as the constitution exists…Likethe Indian idol, Vishnu, they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will havea finger on any one of the public opinions required. When a pulse quickens these handswill lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power ofjudgement and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeatingthe opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or anyopinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organof their party, they will in fact follow the flag which we hang out for them.Protocol 12And most journalists, probably including Mr Brown, will not have a clue abouthow they are being used. Someone wrote to me who had read The Robots’ Rebellionand was a daily reader of The Guardian because he thought it had the integrity thatothers lacked. He was stunned to read Brown’s article, which he said was a grossmisrepresentation of what I am saying and doing. I thought I could trust TheGuardian he said. You can’t. You can’t trust any of them. It was the same with a’journalist’ called Rosemary Carpenter on the Daily Express. She was given access tothe information revealed in this book and yet she dismissed it without any checkingor research. Mind blowing. From where do the public get their information aboutpolitical parties at election time? The controlled media. If the media will notsupport you, or are vehemently against you, it is virtually impossible to be elected.If you are a politician looking to win or stay in power, you have to listen to what themedia is demanding. If you don’t, they will turn against you and even reveal someunpleasant information which they have long known about, but have kept underwraps while you were playing their game. When Rupert Murdoch began to make positive statements about the British Labour leader Tony Blair (Bil) following the’untimely’ and sudden death of his predecessor, John Smith, this was consideredhighly significant for Blair’s chances of becoming prime minister. The sad thing isthat it was significant.The media have to keep the banks and advertisers happy. That’s where thepower really lies. The Global Elite pyramid coordinates major advertisers intopressurising papers into following or not following, a particular line. Print thatand we withdraw our advertising is a powerful weapon. But, of course, we havethe media ‘watchdogs’ which are there to protect us from media abuse. Thechairman of the newspaper ‘watchdog’, the Press Complaints Commission, is LordWakeham, the former cabinet minister, who controversially went from governmentto the board of N.M. Rothschild. And while Lord Rees Mogg (Bil), the formereditor of The Times, was chairman of the television and radio ‘watchdog’, theBroadcasting Complaints Commission, he was also a Rothschilds’ director. SirZelman Cowan, another former chairman of the old complaints body, the PressCouncil, was involved in 1991 with the takeover of the Australian Fairfax Groupby Conrad Black’s Hollinger Group. Lord Armstrong, the former head of the CivilService and cabinet secretary (who went on to become a director of N.M.Rothschild) also joined the board of Carlton Television, which broadcasts toLondon and the ‘Independent’ television network in the UK. I could go on and onacross the UK media, revealing the interconnections between certain names andcompanies. Rest assured, however, there is really nothing to worry about. As thethen Home Secretary, Douglas Hurd, said in The Financial Times on January 19th1989: Broadcasting will not be run by tycoons. Phew, that’s a relief! I ratherprefer the opinion on the true state of affairs within the media of John Swinton, ajournalist on the New York Times, who is reported to have told his staff at hisretirement dinner:There is no such thing as a free press. You know it and I know it. There is not one ofyou who would dare to write his honest opinions. The business of the journalist is todestroy truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and tosell himself, his country, and his race, for his daily bread. We are tools and vassals ofrich men behind the scenes. We are jumping jacks; they pull the strings, we dance; ourtalents, our possibilities, and our lives are the property of these men. We areintellectual prostitutes.But here again, we come back to the same theme. The media is our creation. Itreflects the collective mind of humanity and if it did not, it could not survive andprosper as it does. We can debate which came first, the collective mind’s attitudes orthe programming of those attitudes, but if you read the average tabloid newspaperand then spend an hour in the average bar, you will see that the thought patterns ofthe paper and the people are largely the same. Vast numbers of people think and actlike a tabloid newspaper. They have allowed themselves to become tabloid thinkerswith tabloid minds. We now have tabloid radio and tabloid television, too, which follows from the success of the tabloid newspapers. They all want it short,incredibly superficial, and with each item full of either mockery, condemnation,instant judgements, the official line, and/or defence of the status quo. Oh yes, and ifyou can get lots of tits and bums in there at every opportunity, so much the better,because women are only here to lust after. Have I just described the content of atabloid newspaper or the content of a conversation you will hear in almost any barwhen ‘the lads’ get together? Both. And that’s the point. Those thought patterns inthe collective mind created the reality we call the media. Tabloid newspapers reflect,and program, the thoughts of great tracts of humanity in an ever-downward spiral.The more our thoughts are programmed, the more open we become to even moresevere programming. The media won’t change until the collective mind changesand that will result only from changes in individual thinking. We create our ownreality and the media is no different. Whatever dominates the thought patterns ofthe collective mind will be the physical reality. The members of the human race ingeneral want someone else to do their thinking for them, and they have allowedtheir minds to close to the point where they do not want to discuss anything thatisn’t superficial or full of mockery and instant judgements of others. Hence themedia we have today. We have thought that into existence, too. When we change, itwill change.Mass HypnosisThe media’s greatest effect on the human mind is not so much its detail, but themass hypnosis created by the same basic themes occurring over and over. Mostpeople don’t pick up detail from newspapers, let alone the broadcast media whereyou get one chance to hear something and there is no way you can go back and hearit again, let alone extract more detail from it. These themes include the criteria forhow we should judge ourselves and each other; for what is credible or incredible,sane or insane. This background bombardment of our subconscious with a common’party line’ of information plays a major part in the way the conscious andsubconscious sees itself and the world. As a result, we are allowing the sum total ofthe media to program our thought patterns and create our reality. I learned so muchabout this process when I was the focus of unbelievable national ridicule in theearly 1990s. Most of what the media said about me was 100% the opposite of what Iwas saying and writing, but the people overwhelmingly believed what the mediatold them and I was ridiculed by millions for things I wasn’t saying and didn’tbelieve. This is happening to other people every day. The mass hypnosis has alsoturned millions into spectators of the world, rather than participants. We allowothers to do, while we observe and sit in the stand, watching the few play the gamewhich decides the future of the human race…our human race. This is symbolisedby sport and the endless television soaps in which we are spectators of themanufactured lives of overwhelmingly cardboard, one-dimensional characters. Weoften live their lives instead of our own. I love sport and there are soaps that I enjoy,too, but the danger comes when that is all we have in our lives. As one of theIlluminati Protocols said in the 1800s: In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we furtherdistract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces…Soonwe shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds:these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should findourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more unaccustomed to reflectand form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we,because we alone shall be offering them new directions of thought…of course throughsuch persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us.Protocol 13We think of hypnotism only in terms of a single person lying down on a couchand listening to the words of a hypnotist speaking softly into the ear. Or we maythink of the stage hypnotist who has a group of people doing silly things in front ofa guffawing audience. Some even demand that this should be banned because it isdangerous. These are obvious forms of hypnosis. But we don’t realise that we aresubtly being hypnotised and encouraged to do and think silly things every day ofour lives. Instead of lying on the couch listening to the soft words of the hypnotist,we sit in the chair listening to newsreaders, film stars, advertising voice overs, andsundry presenters. The messages pound our conscious and subconscious mind andwe are programmed to think the way the controllers who own the media, the banks,the drug companies, the armament companies, the oil companies, ad infinitum,want us to think. Is there anyone left reading this book who still believes that theidea of a global conspiracy with the tiny few controlling the vast majority is afantasy, and impossible? Surely not.The esoteric knowledge about the nature of the human psyche is used to greateffect. While those in the spiritual movement are laughed at for their explanationsof the human mind-spirit, this same knowledge is being used by the manipulatorsto covertly hypnotise us and program our subconscious. Doctor Wilson Bryan Key,a professor of journalism, made a study of these techniques and wrote three books,Media Sexploitation, The Clam Plate Orgy, and Subliminal Seduction. He discoveredthat millions of dollars are being spent by advertisers for the subliminal11programming of the subconscious manipulation and indoctrination of audiences.Dr Key revealed the existence of the Tachistoscope, a film projector with a highspeed shutter which flashes messages every five seconds for 1/3000th of a second.These messages could not be seen by the naked eye, but were absorbed by thesubconscious. The message would then filter down from the subconscious to theconscious level as a thought, desire, or opinion, which the person believes is theirown. Years ago, a flash-frame picture of a Coca-Cola bottle used to be inserted intoa cinema film just before the interval. The audience couldn’t see it, but theirsubconscious could. Sales of Coca-Cola during cinema intervals went upsignificantly.Through the 1950s and 60s the experimentation into this subliminal interactionwith the subconscious expanded rapidly. In 1962 and 1966, Doctor Hal C. Beckerpatented subliminal devices which increased the potential of such technology. He operated a successful weight reduction clinic in New Orleans using subliminalmessages directed at the subconscious and his anti-theft programme was operated indepartment stores in Canada and the United States. Messages which were inaudibleto the ear were broadcast across the stores, saying don’t steal. Thefts from thestores were reduced. In 1986, a more advanced security system emerged whichbroadcast its messages under piped music. A computer ensured that the sound ofthe message went up and down with the loudness of the music. These subliminalmessages have been shown to work. So what else are they being used for?Some years ago there was a furore in France when the picture of FrancoisMitterand was seen to flash into view on the opening titles to the news. This waswhen Mitterand was running for president. It was a mistake by the TV company,for sure. But what kind of mistake? An error in putting the flash picture in the titlesat all, or a mistake in leaving it in for too long, so that the conscious and as well asthe subconscious saw it? The potential for subliminal messages to affect theoutcome of elections and to direct the thinking of the mass population is simplyfantastic. If they can make more people buy bottles of Coca-Cola with thesetechniques, why can’t they make more people vote for the party and the candidatethey want? They can. Of course they can. And given what you have read up to now,do you think they would use that potential to manipulate the public mind or wouldthey refuse to do that because it was undemocratic? Once the technology and theknowledge is available, there is nothing that can’t be communicated to thesubconscious through this technique of mass hypnosis.Once more, we come back to the esoteric knowledge. The manipulators knowhow the psyche works and how it is possible to program responses without theconscious level of awareness knowing it is happening. The technology now existswhich can be set up near a television or radio transmitter and will send outmessages which lock into the wavelength of the television broadcast as a ‘carrierwave’, a carrier of the subliminal message. These subliminal messages are comingout of the television set without even the television station knowing it is happening.The messages can tell people how to vote, who they should love and who theyshould hate, what they should buy, and what they should think. Say you want tostart a riot. Send out subliminal messages to the area for a while, and then produceone or two agents provocateur and an event to focus anger. In no time you will havethe people, already primed subliminally, going absolutely crazy. Then you say youneed more power for the police and the military to ‘solve’ this ‘problem’.The television has become the greatest tool of mind manipulation and it startswith children only a few years old. Some researchers believe children are especiallysusceptible to this form of programming. Most people watch the television as ifmesmerised by the screen. Conversation is destroyed. Instead of talking to people,we are talked at by the television set. Our lives are conditioned by the themes andindoctrination pouring from the screen. We are told what is right and wrong, goodand bad, success and failure, in and out. It is our resident hypnotist in the corner ofthe room. Many people fall asleep in front of the television because their minds arebombarded to the point of overload by the incessant flow of opinions and information. What does a hypnotist do before he or she begins b make thosesubconscious suggestions? They put their clients into a state of elaxation, a dozyhalf-sleep, because that is when the conscious mind is quiet and the subconsciouscan be most effectively accessed. What better way, therefore, to program televisionviewers with subliminal messages than to have them half asleep in the chair. In fact,people could even be put into that state by the subliminal messages coming fromthe set. And what is the real effect of the computer games and virtual realitytechnology that turns some children into zombies? Virtual reality is a good namebecause the whole system is designed to encourage the human race to accept avirtual reality and call it life. Dr Wilson Bryan Key, the investigator of these matters,said that subliminal technology can so affect many people that they can beprogrammed to start eating and drinking too much, change their sexual habits, andembark on an almost endless list of other manifestations of extreme behaviour. Thesubconscious is programmed with thought patterns and it creates that physicalreality. These techniques are becoming more sophisticated and developed all thetime. Susan Bryce highlighted one development in her article in Exposure magazinein the June/July 1993 issue:


Data on the relationship between heartbeats and suggestibility reveals that music orvoice timed to the rhythm of the human heart beat of 72 pulses per minute, can affecthuman behaviour…Experimental commercials prepared using 72 beats per minute aspacing for drumbeats, music, and voice have been tested in a special theatre with arandom audience of housewives and husbands. The advertisement was for a newanalgesic headache potion. Results showed that had the analgesic commercial beenbroadcast to the roughly 30 million people watching NBC Evening News, five millionwould have developed headaches within three hours of viewing it.12The technology has been developed to send out messages as microwaves andextremely low frequency waves (ELFs) which can speak to the mass subconsciousand cause physical illness. It is important to appreciate that the knowledge heldsecretly about the human mind and body is far more advanced than anything weare allowed to see in the public arena. Again, it is part of the need to know policy.If someone has knowledge and technology which most people do not realise exists,the potential for manipulation is enormous. The esoteric knowledge passed throughthe secret society network across the years has been a major factor in the creation ofthis two-speed science. The public is told about a limited and intentionally flawedscience which goes back to Darwin and others, while the far more advanced versionremains hidden. The mind-spirit, the eternal part of us, is a series of interconnectingand interacting magnetic energy fields. These react with other magnetic energyfields and this is why people who live under electricity power lines are more proneto certain illnesses. The electromagnetic field thrown out by the power linesimbalances the magnetic mind-spirit of the people living nearby. This imbalance ispassed through the multiple levels of our being to the physical body where itmanifests as cancer or some other dis-ease. It can also directly affect cellular functioning to create physical illness. Therefore, if the manipulators can broadcastwaves at certain frequencies, they can imbalance our cellular and non-physicalmagnetic levels and cause physical, mental, and emotional illness. Former FBIagent, Ted Gunderson, has said that magnetic radioactive discs have long been usedcovertly as cancer-inducing silent killers to remove unwanted politicians andothers. These can cause cancers which grow at astonishing speeds. Experiments onthe effects of ELF waves and chemical warfare substances are routinely carried outon unsuspecting populations around the world. We hear about these things on thenews with reports of a strange and unexplained plague/disease which hasbroken out over a small area of a country. I am told that an area of New Mexico isplagued by a hum that no-one can explain, which causes headaches and illness insusceptible individuals.Some people find it hard to believe that messages can be broadcast to thesubconscious. But what is television and radio? They are words and pictures whichare broadcast in wave form and decoded back into words and pictures bytechnology. When you think of the advanced knowledge that is secretly knownabout the nature of the human brain/psyche, is it too much of a mental leap to seethat it is possible to broadcast messages on wavelengths designed to communicatewith the subconscious? In fact, as I explain at length in The Robots’ Rebellion, theexistence of such technology is provable. Experiments have shown that if peopleare subjected to these waves for little more than a minute, they begin to react as themessages tell them to. In their minds, these messages appear to be their ownthoughts, when in reality they are tuning into wavelengths broadcast from outsideof their psyche. In such a situation, these people are fully-paid-up robots. Two suchtechniques are called Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and ElectronicDissolution of Memory. Researchers say that these can remotely induce anhypnotic trance, deliver suggestions, and erase all memory of both the instructionsand whatever it is the person has done in response to those instructions. What atool if you want to assassinate a ‘troublemaker’; create some terrible event todiscredit a group or person; abduct someone and blame it on ‘aliens’; or produce aproblem-reaction-solution situation. In 1975, the journalist James Moore claimed tohave secured a 350-page manual on the subject from CIA sources. Part of thatdocument said:Medically, these radio signals are directed at certain parts of the brain. When a part ofyour brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision,hearing, etc, an emotion is produced – anger at the sight of a gang of boys beating anold woman, for example. The same emotion of anger can be created by artificial radiosignals sent to your brain by a controller. You could instantly feel the same white hotanger without any apparent reason.It makes you wonder about some of the messages being received by mediumsand channellers. Psychically sensitive people are consciously tuning into otherwavelengths of reality. It is possible, indeed probable, that some are tuning into wavelengths broadcast from technology on this planet. In the world of secretscience, they know it is possible for channellers to communicate with otherwavelengths of reality. They know how it is done and they usemediums/channellers in their experiments. According to the books on the mindcontrol and advanced science establishment at Montauk13 in the USA in the 1970s,the Elite scientists were able to produce the image on a computer screen of whattheir psychic was thinking. They later broadcast his thought waves from atransmitter at the base and found that people in the area had been affected in theirown minds by the thoughts being broadcast. The manipulators know also that moreand more people are listening to what channellers say. What a great opportunity touse this process to further manipulate. Once again, our protection is to think forourselves and accept no information on face value without thinking hard about itand checking the facts as best you can. That includes what you read in this book.Project MKUItraAlongside the development of mass mind control techniques have come thoseaimed at specific individuals. The most notorious is the MKUItra programme runby the CIA. Other offshoots and variations on this have been programmes known asMonarch, Bluebird, Artichoke, MKDelta, and MKNaomi. Their even more advancedsuccessors still go on today and the victims have often hit the global headlines asTone assassins’. MKUItra began in the 1950s under the Canada-based Scottishpsychiatrist, Doctor Ewen Cameron, who became a close friend of CIA chief AllenDulles after Cameron served as the Canadian/United States psychiatrist at theNuremberg War Trials. Cameron was one of the psychiatrists who examined theman who claimed to be Rudolf Hess. That was an appropriate appointment becausewhat Cameron did to his ‘patients’ under the CIA’s MKUItra programme mirroredsome of what the Nazis did to their victims, too. Under the supervision of peoplelike the Dulles brothers and other members of the US Elite establishment, many ofthe Nazi mind control experts and leading scientists were secretly removed fromGermany, as the Allies closed in. They were taken to the United States to continuetheir work into mind control and what we would call flying saucers, anti-gravitytechnology. Some estimate that as many as 10,000 active Nazis escaped, leaving thefarce of the Nuremberg War Trials to deal out ‘justice’ to those who had often beenguilty of far less terrible crimes than the ones the Americans had helped to escape.Yes, the Nazis carried out horrible experiments on people, including children. Ofthat I have no doubt. But does anyone really think that is not continuing in theunderground establishments in America and elsewhere today? The Nazi mentalitydid not end in 1945. It just changed locations and, literally, went underground.The CIA was formed out of the wartime OSS, the Office of Strategic Services.This formation of the new Central Intelligence Agency was done under thesupervision of British Intelligence, which had centuries of accumulated experiencein covert operations. Many of the key personnel in the CIA were Nazis who hadserved under Hitler. One, Reinhard Gehlen of the SS, was employed by Allen Dullesto set up the CIA network in Europe after the war. I say ’employed’. In fact Gehlen has said that it was more like a partnership between the CIA (headed by the Hitlersupporting Allen Dulles) and the worldwide Nazi network. Gehlen said that thecollaboration with Dulles was a gentlemen’s agreement which for a number ofreasons was never set out in black and white.. .such was the element of trust thathas been built up between the two sides during.. .intensive personal contact, thatneither had the slightest hesitation in founding the entire operation on verbalagreement and a handshake.14 The ‘verbal agreement’ wouldn’t have anything todo with the danger of written evidence seeping out and blowing the story, Isuppose. Writer and researcher, Noam Chomsky, says that Gehlen set up a secretUS-Nazi army, which extended its operations to Latin America (where it supportedthe Nazi-type regimes imposed on the people by the United States). The CIA wasformed by Nazis, for Nazis, to promote the Nazi mentality. British Intelligence wasa major instigator because it too is a Nazi organisation at its core, and so is thedeeply corrupt international ‘police’ operation known as Interpol, which has beenheaded by known Nazis. The CIA, under Allen Dulles, funded psychiatrist EwenCameron from the early 1950s, as documents released in 1977 under the USFreedom of Information Act have confirmed. Most of the documents weredestroyed or not released, but there were enough to offer just a glimpse of thenightmare that was MKUltra. The project included the use of drugs (like LSD) andgrotesque mind manipulation techniques known as ‘depatterning’ and ‘psychicdriving’. The CIA admitted supporting research into human mind and behaviourcontrol at 150 institutions and these included hospitals, prisons, drug companies,and 44 universities. At least 185 scientists were involved. Like the Nazis’experiments, the targets were largely those considered lesser human beings’ suchas prostitutes, foreigners, people with non-white skins, and drug addicts.Thousands of prisoners were also forced to take part, and hospital and mentalpatients were used without their consent as experiment-fodder for these crazypeople. Let no-one tell me this is not still happening today all over the world,including the UK. Soldiers in the US forces were used, too. Thousands were givenLSD in the 1970s while being told they were testing gas masks and other protectivegear. This puts in a new light the severe damage to the health of soldiers givenvaccinations during the Gulf War, who are now demanding compensation.The CIA funded Ewen Cameron through an organisation called the Society forHuman Ecology, yet another CIA front, which was connected to Cornell Universityin New York. Cameron and Dulles wanted to develop forms of drugs, electronicstimulation, and hypnosis which would remove a person’s natural personality andreplace it with an ‘improved one’. Another major aim was to preprogram people tocarry out assassinations which could then be written off as the work of some Tonenutter’. This goal was quite quickly achieved. In 1969, the CIA psychologist, JoseDelgado, published his book, Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A PsychocivilisedSociety. He wrote:Physical control of brain functions is a demonstrated fact…it is even possible to createand follow intentions, the development of thoughts and visual experiences. By electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures, movements can be induced by radiocommand, hostility may appear and disappear, social hierarchy can be modified, sexualbehaviour may be changed, and memory, emotions, and the thinking process may beinfluenced by remote control…15Speaking in 1966, Delgado said that his experiments …support the distastefulconclusion that motion, emotion, and behaviour can be directed by electrical forcesand that humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons.16 Which is preciselywhat happened to the killers of people like John Lennon,17 the would-be assassin ofPresident Reagan, and, almost certainly, the assassin of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia,who was shot dead in 1975. The King, who routinely had free copies of theProtocols distributed to foreign tourists, was murdered by a relative who travelledfrom America to do it. This technique is also used to program people who run intostreets or restaurants shooting in all directions, and to carry out the most awfulcrimes which add to the fear and the something must be done mentality. Thisdemands – and gets – harsher laws and sentences, a more armed police force, andcameras in the streets. By the way, Lennon’s assassin, Mark Chapman, wasmentally assessed by Bernard Diamond, the same psychiatrist who assessedSirhan Sirhan, the patsy in the Bobby Kennedy murder. Just a coincidence!LSD was widely used in the Cameron experiments. It creates confusion, a keyaspect of mind control. One of the early victims was Frank Olsen, a chemistspecialising in airborne disease. He was given LSD while suffering fromdepression and paranoia and two weeks later threw himself to his death from thewindow of a New York hotel. The CIA funded a series of ‘safe houses’ forexperimentation in San Francisco and New York. Here MKUltra operativesobserved through two-way mirrors how the clients of CIA-hired prostitutesresponded after being secretly given LSD. At Ewen Cameron’s headquarters, theAllan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada, he ‘treated’ unsuspecting people fora variety of mental problems and systematically dismantled their personalities inMKUltra experiments. In the Observer magazine of October 16th 1994, writerElizabeth Nickson told the stories of many of Cameron’s victims, including her ownmother. One patient, a woman from Vancouver, was suffering from post-nataldepression and fatigue. She was kept in a drug-induced sleep for 86 days byCameron and when he was finished with her, she had lost all memory of her life,including the ability to read and write. She even needed toilet training. As a resultof this pressure on her family, she lost her husband and six children. This was thesame Ewen Cameron who was feted by his fellow psychiatrists and made presidentof the string of leading psychiatric bodies, including the World PsychiatricAssociation. The president and directors of the MKUltra project included thepresident of the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Centre and the head of theSmithsonian Institute. This was the establishment top brass, not some madprofessor working alone.One of Cameron’s techniques links in with what I said earlier. He used a tapemachine called the Cererophone which was placed under the pillow of the sleeping victim to repeat messages over and over. He would also record a key phrase usedby the victim in conversations with him and play it back at 30 second intervals asthe victim slept. This was psychic driving. The result was that the victim becameobsessed with the phrase and could not think about anything else. Such was theemotional result that drugs would be used to sedate the person. Psychic driving, theinput of the ‘new’ personality, often followed electro-therapy, the destruction of thenatural personality. This was called the depatterning process.Cameron used a technique called the Page-Russell shock treatment, named afterthe two British doctors who developed it. The victims would be given an initialelectric shock, followed by five to nine smaller ones, two or three times a day for upto thirty days. Hospital workers at the time have reported that the screamingechoed around the hospital. The ‘patients’ would try to escape from this horror.Once this depatterning was completed and the victim thoroughly confused, ahelmet would be clamped on their heads and negative messages would be repeatedinto the victim’s mind for maybe twenty hours a day. These messages would repeatphrases like My mother hates me, my husband hates me, I am a failure, and soon, using recordings of the victim’s own voice. Cameron would also wire their legsand give them an electric shock after the completion of each message.With the old personality now destroyed, the process would be used to build anew one in Cameron’s image. And this, lest we forget, was funded by the CIA withtaxpayers’ money at the behest of Allen Dulles, the man who, with others,controlled the Nuremberg War Trials that sentenced scores of lower-ranked Nazis todeath for doing far less than he and Cameron were doing. All of this continues in amuch more advanced way today. I have been told of mind control research of asimilar kind in some UK universities and if you know more, please tell me.Most people have no idea how easy the law makes it for you to be imprisoned ina mental institution. It really is so easy. A friend of mine who was going through atraumatic spiritual awakening (he was seeing the world for what it really is) waspressured by his family to agree to attend a private mental hospital. He chose to gofor their sake. But when he decided to leave the hospital after chatting with thedoctors, he was forcibly stopped. He was also forced to take drugs. What the staff ofthat hospital were doing was perfectly legal. Once you agree to have treatment atsuch a place, you lose all your rights to leave if the staff decide that you should not.As the doctors at that level of the profession largely have no idea about the natureof the psyche, despite being called ‘psychiatrists’, they can imprison you and forceyou to take drugs to ‘treat’ quite natural phenomena. If we are not vigilant, theexcuse of ‘mental illness’ will be used to intern those who say they cancommunicate with other frequencies ‘schizophrenia’ and those who claim there isa global conspiracy ‘paranoia’. Someone like me who talks about both becomes a’paranoid schizophrenic’, which is exactly how they imprisoned dissenters in thepsychiatric hospitals of the Soviet Union.Eventually, at the start of the Bush presidency, the CIA settled out of court withnine of the victims of MKUltra for the largest sum of money possible without theapproval of the Attorney General. Another 69 are still battling for compensation. This is not helped by the admission of Richard Helms, the CIA chief at the time ofWatergate, that he destroyed most of the MKUltra documents in 1973. What we arelooking at here is the sharp end of the policy to turn the human race from uniqueand free-thinking expressions of creation into a herd of sheep and robots. It is acombination of technology, engineered events, and control of both politics and(crucially) the media. Behind it is the familiar roll call. The document SilentWeapons For A Quiet War reveals the input of the Rockefeller Foundation infunding research through Harvard University into the potential for computers tocontrol human thinking. The aim is to have physical money replaced entirely bycredit card electronic money, and then to replace credit cards and identity cardswith a microchip just under the skin. Intel Corporation was awarded a five-yearcontract in 1994, to develop just such a device at its Rio Rancho, New Mexico,facility. This chip would be linked to a global computer using the excuse that allfinancial transactions had to be registered at the new world central bank. Thecomputer would know everything there is to know about us at all times andwould be able to send messages the other way, from the computer to us,feeding us messages and programming our consciousnesses. Robots wouldbe exactly the word.This prospect is nothing new. CIA psychologist Dr Jose Delgado said in 1966 th.the day would come when brain control could be turned over to non-humanoperators, by establishing two-way communication between the implanted brainand a computer. In the 1970s, Sweden was stunned to hear that microchips werebeing implanted into hospital patients without their knowledge, as part of a mindcontrol experiment. This was sanctioned by Olof Palme, the Bilderberger PrimeMinister of Sweden. The dangers are so potent and so obvious. As Senator Sam J.Ervin, the head of a Senate subcommittee on behaviour modification, said in 1973:…behavioural technology…in the United States today touches upon the most basicsources of individuality, and the very core of personal freedom. To my mind the mostserious threat…is the power this technology gives one man to impose his views andvalues on another…If our society is to remain free, one man must not be empowered tcchange another man’s personality and dictate the values, thoughts, and feelings ofothers.18Throughout the Silent Weapons document and the Elite philosophy in general,we see the desire to do exactly that. We see the theme of the chosen elite controllingthe ‘stupid herd’ in all areas of our lives. It starts with the children in the schoolsand the young people in the universities. Get ’em young and you have got them forgood. I never cease to wonder when I speak at universities how the majority ofstudents are already programmed to think like clones of the system by the age ofseventeen and eighteen. Their inability to think for themselves is quite stunning,with very honourable exceptions. Silent Weapons For A Quiet War emphasises to itsown agents the importance of controlling what children and young people are told.The teachers are trained to think in a certain way and to believe that the information they are communicating is true. Even if they doubt it, the authorities insist that it istaught anyway. If you don’t like it Mr or Mrs Teacher, get out and we will replaceyou with someone who will do as they are told. As the rock group, Pink Floyd, sayin their well-known song, children are programmed by the education system to beJust another brick in the wall. But how much debate goes on about these matters?Teachers, parents, the teaching unions, and the politicians go on endlessly about thefunding of schools and the shortage of school books. Where is the concern aboutwhat is actually taught in the schools and what is written in those books? And yetthere is no other subject on Earth that is more important than the programming ofthe human mind. From that all else comes. The Silent Weapons document describesthe mind-controlling technique brilliantly. It says of the Quiet War:It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of grainsof gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer,instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a militarygeneral. It makes no obvious noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, anddoes not obviously interfere with anyone’s daily social life.Yet it makes an unmistakable ‘noise’, causes unmistakable physical and mentaldamage, and unmistakably interferes with daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trainedobserver, one who knows what to look for. The public cannot comprehend the weapon,and therefore cannot believe they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but because of thetechnical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rationalway, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry forhelp, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presenceand learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychologicalvia economic) becomes too great and they crack up. Therefore the silent weapon is atype of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individualsof a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources ofnatural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths andweaknesses.In others words, divide and rule, and introduce your global dictatorship via thestepping-stones approach and few will realise what is really going on until it is toolate. In fact, many will even laugh at or condemn those who point out what ishappening. Well the readers of this book, and many others like it, do know what isreally going on. And if we are truly committed to a better world and to freedom ofthought and expression, the information is impossible to ignore. The work we allhave to do to break the hold the programmers have on so many human minds isconsiderable, but it is perfectly achievable – and will be achieved – if we are prepared to get involved. There is nothing more powerful than a human minddetermined to think and act for itself. Such a phenomenon is a manipulator’snightmare and, like everyone on this planet, you have that power.You only have to use it.SOURCES1 See Dr John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 3002 The Sunday Telegraph (February 5th 1995)3 Oswald Le Winter, CIA operative 1968-85, speaking on the documentary, The MalteseDouble Cross, which was shown to British MPs in 1994.4 Ibid5 There was another air disaster in the 1980s, which cost 329 lives. It was the bombing ofthe Air India flight off Ireland in 1985 which has since been traced to a paramilitary campAlabama where mercenaries are trained for terrorist activities.6 Noam Chomsky, Letters From Lexington (AK Press, Edinburgh, Scotland) pll9-1207 The Rockefellers, CBS (Friday, December 28th 1973). Today the ABC News anchorman andsenior editor, Peter Jennings, is a Bilderberger.8 Is Rupert Murdoch preparing an assault on fortress Europe?, The European (July 7th-13th1995)p219 Murdoch takes five days to win news group for £800m, Daily Telegraph (February 4th1986)10 Three Part Series, January 30th, February 6th, February 13th 198411 ‘Subliminal’ refers to messages which bypass our conscious level of awareness andprogram our subconscious, the level which creates our reality.12 Exposure magazine (June/July 1993) pl213 Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon, The Montauk Project and Montauk Revisited (SkyBooks, New York, 1992,1994)14 Casebook On Alternative 3, p3215 J.M. Delgado, Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psychocivilised Society (1969)16 Quoted in When The State Rapes: The Mind Control Papers, Part II, p2, 6. This study isdistributed by Mediaecco and Contact Network International, PO Box 66, 8400 AB Gorredijk,The Netherlands.17 Files released inder the Freedom of Information Act reveal what a threat John Lennon’sinfluence was considered to be by the US authorities.18 Introduction to the 1974 report of the Senate sub committee on the role of the USGovernment in behaviour modification.


chapter 15

cult or con?

A prime example of the ‘buzz word’ approach to mind manipulation is the term’cult’. The plan has been to engineer events and propaganda which devalue theword cult in the public mind and then, once that is achieved, to apply the labelcult to any group or organisation which the Elite wish to discredit and destroy.That means anyone who is challenging the status quo or living in ways thatundermine centralised control.The Concise Oxford Dictionary definition of cult is A system of religious worshipas expressed in ceremonies; devotion or homage to person or thing. So everyreligion is a cult by that definition, and so is the banking and financial system,where they are devoted and pay homage to a ‘thing’: money. The All-Seeing Eyesecret society network is a cult because it worships the Luciferic, Prison WarderConsciousness through ceremonies, devotion, and homage. The whole of theUnited Kingdom is a cult, or at least those many people who are devoted to andpay homage to the monarchy. Almost everything becomes a cult under thatcriterion. However, that is not what the manipulators want you to think. They haveused events to turn the word cult into a much narrower meaning – dangerousreligious ‘nutters’, brainwashed and programmed to worship a messiah figure. Theplan is well advanced in feeding the public mind with such messages to the pointwhere anything labelled a cult is subject to a reflex action response of: Dangerousnutters – something must be done.There are three ways you can manipulate events to suit that plan. You can set upthe ‘cult’ from the start and control the whole thing; you can infiltrate a group orcommunity with agents provocateur who then act in ways which discredit theinnocent members, or you can simply blame a group of people or sect forsomething they did not do. Whichever way you choose, the outcome is the same -the word ‘cult’ is further devalued in the collective consciousness. Two eventswhich have been enormously successful in poisoning the public to the word ‘cult’have been the Jonestown Massacre of 1978 and Waco in 1993. The Jonestownencampment in Guyana was the headquarters of the People’s Temple sectcontrolled by its ‘messiah’ figure, Jim Jones. Its members, overwhelmingly black,had followed Jones to Guyana from the original base in California, then under thegovernorship of Ronald Reagan. An estimated 900 people died at Jonestown onNovember 18th 1978, in what was said to have been a mass suicide achievedthrough cyanide poisoning and shooting. At Waco in Texas 15 years later, we wereasked to believe the same official story of a mass suicide by the Branch Davidian sect run by its ‘messiah’ figure, David Koresh. Who benefits from people believingthese official explanations? Those who want the word ‘cult’ to mean ‘dangerousnutters’. Intriguingly, therefore, we can point out many connections with theintelligence agencies.One of the main financial backers of Jonestown was Dr Lawrence Layton senior,who was formerly in charge of research and development at one of the US Army’stop chemical and biological warfare research centres at the Dugway ProvingGround in Utah. This has been connected by researchers to cattle mutilationsblamed on ‘aliens’, disease warfare, and genetic experimentation. Layton was alsodirector of the Missile and Satellite Development at the Navy Propellant Division atIndian Head, Maryland. His wife’s fortune came, in part, from the I.G. Farbencartel. Their son, Lawrence Layton Jr, was in the sect firing squad which executedCongressional Representative, Leo Ryan, who had travelled to Jonestown toinvestigate the People’s Temple. Ryan was seriously unpopular with the CIA. Hehad co-authored the Hughes-Ryan Amendment which obliged the CIA to giveCongress prior notice of covert operations. What a coincidence that Ryan, a manbattling to make the CIA accountable to the people, should be in Jonestown,Guyana, at just the moment the shooting started.The Laytons are a prominent Southern family who fought for the Confederatesduring the civil war. They have many connections with the intelligence agencies.Lawrence Layton Jr’s sister, Debora Layton Blakey, was married to George PhilipBlakey, the man who placed the downpayment on the property at Jonestownpurchased by Jim Jones. Blakey was a former contract agent for the CIA in Angolaand a number of researchers claim that Jonestown was used as a cover to train’rebels’ for the CIA covert operations in Angola. There are other CIA connections tothe Jonestown massacre. Richard Dwyer, the deputy head of the US Embassy inGuyana and the local CIA chief, was known to be involved. On a tape recorded atJonestown when the violence flared, the voice of Jim Jones can be heard shouting,Get Dwyer out of here. By his own admission, Dwyer was seen stripping thedead of their wallets and other identification on the orders of Zbigniew Brzezinski,a founder of the Trilateral Commission and then Jimmy Carter’s National SecurityAdvisor.1 The People’s Temple members were active in their support of the GuyanaPresident, Forbes Burnham, who openly admitted his links with the CIA. When JimJones went to Brazil in 1961 to administer to the downtrodden, his transportationand food were paid for by the US Embassy, and he told local residents that he wasworking for Naval Intelligence. He was accompanied by his lifelong friend, DanMitrione, who worked for the CIA instructing Third World police forces oninterrogation and torture techniques. The connections between Jones, Jonestown,and the intelligence agencies are many. James T. Richardson, professor of sociologyat the University of Nevada, published a study of the People’s Temple in the JournalFor The Scientific Study Of Religion, in 1980. He wrote:Because of the negligence of US officials in not ordering immediate autopsies onthose who died in Guyana, we will never know how many died of suicide and how many were murdered. Dr Leslie Mootoo, Chief Medical Examiner for the Guyana Governmentand the first medically-trained person to arrive at Jonestown after the event, toldreporters: ‘I do not believe there were ever more than 200 persons who diedvoluntarily.’ He said this after inspecting a number of bodies and the scene of theirdeaths. This question has been most fully discussed in a series of articles by DeirdreGriswold in Worker’s World…a series which also poses some questions about possibleCIA involvement in the Jonestown tragedy. Griswold, who accuses the US Government ofdeliberately destroying evidence by not performing autopsies, points out a number ofintriguing ties between the People’s Temple and the CIA. She says some of the whiteleaders at Jonestown may have been CIA agents, and Jonestown may have been apawn in political struggles involving the US, Cuba, and Guyana…There is also evidence that Jonestown was a mind control experiment and a partof MKUltra. Large quantities of psychiatric drugs were found there, enough to drug200,000 people a year, and the members were known to wear identification tagssimilar to those that people are given in hospital. Indeed, the Jonestown complexincluded a substantial and sophisticated hospital while conditions in the rest of thecompound were poor. The mix of blacks, women, and prisoners, mirrored thevictims chosen for MKUltra mind experimentation. The blacks were bound andgagged when they arrived in Guyana and taken to the compound to work 18 hoursa day. The links between Jonestown, MKUltra, and Nazi-style ideology are exploredby Michael Meiers in Was Jonestown A CIA Medical Experiment? A Review Of TheEvidence. He argues that Jonestown was the final field experiment of MKUltra andthat Jim Jones was a long-time CIA asset who had been secretly supported byRonald Reagan’s California administration in the years before the operation movedto Guyana. Meiers says the mind control story can be traced back at least to 1965when Jones and the People’s Temple first moved to Ukiah, California. He reports:…the group immediately infiltrated the Mendocino State Mental Hospital which wouldprovide not only test persons TPs as the Nazis called them for his Jones’spreliminary medical experiments, but also a training ground for medical techniciansneeded for the ultimate experiment. Within a very short period of time, every employeeat the hospital was a member of the People’s Temple. From nurses to therapists, fromcounsellors to cleaning women, every worker on the facility was replaced by a Templemember. California virtually gave the Mendocino State Mental Hospital to Jim Jones.2The aftermath and official explanations for the massacre were a familiar tale ofprovable lies and contradictions. The number of people reported to have been livingin Jonestown was around 1100. This was based, it would appear, on a passport count.But after the tragedy, the number of dead was given as only 400 and later 913. Asmany as 200 were ‘missing’. This is a significant figure because the elite guard aroundJim Jones numbered between 120 and 200. While the People’s Temple membershipwas predominantly black, the elite guard was overwhelmingly white. Elite guard orCIA guard? Despite the official figure of 900 dead, only 400 were found and the speculation was rife over what happened to the other 500. It was at this point,according to testimony by the military commander investigating Jonestown, that hewas told by US government official, Robert Pastor, to stop identifying the bodies.Pastor was the top aide to Zbigniew Brzezinski. Surely identification of the bodieswas essential if you really wanted to know what happened! In the days following thisorder from Brzezinski’s aide, the missing 500 bodies were miraculously found. Wherehad they been hiding, pray? I promise you I am not joking here. They were found,according to the official version, underneath the other 400! You only have to look atthe pictures of the first bodies to be found to see that there is no way they were lyingon top of another 500. But that is the official version to this day.Ladies and gentlemen, they are just laughing at us. The charred body said to bethat of Jim Jones was never properly identified and he almost certainly escapedwith the white guards. The whole thing stinks, just like the assassinations of MartinLuther King and JFK which, ‘coincidentally’, were being reinvestigated at the timeof Jonestown by a House Select Committee. One attorney, Mark Lane, hadconnections with both Jonestown and the assassination hearings. He was theattorney for the People’s Temple and for the ‘patsy’ James Earl Ray, the alleged’lone assassin’ of Dr King. Mark Lane, who has also worked for the Liberty Lobby,the publishers of The Spotlight newspaper, called the People’s Temple a paradise or.Earth. This so discredited him after Jonestown that his contention that James EarlRay was innocent was subsequently met with disdain by many.There were rumours that the People’s Temple included a death squad whichdisposed of anyone who threatened or spoke badly about the sect. The governmenthas always denied that, but Jim Jones was known to have a hit list and the leadingnames on it died violently in the months that followed the massacre. At the top ofthe list was George Moscone, the Mayor of San Francisco. He was shot dead ninedays after the tragedy. Moscone’s election campaign had been backed by substantialdonations from the People’s Temple and he had made Jim Jones the head of the SanFrancisco Housing Authority. Many of Jones’s followers were also employed by theCity Welfare Department and they used this privilege to recruit the poor andhomeless to the sect. The second name on the Jones hit list was Jenny Mills, aformer official of the People’s Temple, who wrote a book with her husband, My SixYears With God, which was extremely critical of Jones and his group. In the summerof 1979, Jenny Mills, her husband, and her daughter were shot dead at their home inBerkeley. Their murder remains unsolved. A journalist, Kathy Hunter, who hadreported the deaths of seven members who had been killed for trying to leave theoriginal headquarters compound in California, also died in strange circumstances.It is the old, old, story we have seen repeated so many times in this book. But askmost people today and if they remember the Jonestown Massacre, they will speakof religious ‘nutters’ who committed suicide while under the influence of a ‘madmessiah’ and cult leader. That is what they are supposed to think.Jonestown, the massacre, and its repercussions, served the manipulators well. Itwas a cover to train mercenaries for the CIA’s covert activities in Angola; itprovided on-the-spot political support for CIA asset, Forbes Burnham; it eliminated the CIA’s tenacious political opponent, Leo Ryan; it undermined the House SelectCommittee on Assassinations by discrediting James Earl Ray’s attorney, Mark Lane;it gave valuable information about mind control to the MKUltra Project; and itfurther poisoned the public mind to the word ‘cult’.You will find many of the elements of Jonestown in the story of Waco. On April19th 1993, more than 80 men, women, and children were burnt alive when the USgovernment, in the form of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, andFirearms (BATF), attacked the Mount Carmel compound of the Branch Davidians,near Waco, Texas. We are asked to believe once again that this was a ‘mass suicide’by a group of crazed and brainwashed followers of a weird and dangerousmessiah’ figure, David Koresh. I could not disagree more with the views that DavidKoresh was supposed to have had (if what is claimed is true). He appears to havebeen a very mixed up man. But the focus on Koresh has been used to obscure theissue of how and why all those people died at the hands of government agencies.It is the same with all these mind-manipulating events. At the time they happen,the official version dominates the papers and the television screens. The public soakit up and overwhelmingly accept it. Then, as the weeks pass and more open-mindedresearchers begin to uncover the true background, a very different version of eventsemerges. However, the official version is communicated to a colossal audience allover the world at the height of the publicity and coverage of the event, while thetrue, or at least truer, version comes to light later when interest has died down. Themainstream media usually ignores such information and the challenge to the officialwhitewash is marginalised into books like this or in magazines selling to a relativelysmall audience. So while the alternative explanations, even proof, exists to demolishthe propaganda as a pack of lies, the mass of the people never know that this is thecase. They go on believing that what they were told in the beginning continues to bethe truth of what happened. Because of this, the vast majority of people still believethat Waco was the mass suicide of a mad cult. But was it?The BATF first used guns to attack the Branch Davidian compound on February28th 1993. This attack was ‘justified’ by official claims that the sect members hadbroken gun laws. They bought and sold guns to earn money, as many do in Texas. Idon’t understand how a religious group can buy and sell guns, or even own them,but what they did was legal. Yet here were agents of the BATF trying to shoot theirway into the compound. And, according to Ron Engleman, a presenter at KGBSRadio in Dallas, the BATF had rung the media to tell them about the raid. That’swhy the cameras were there. An investigative video called Waco: The Big Lie, wascompiled by attorney Linda Thompson, of the American Justice Federation. Again,Linda Thompson’s belief system and approach to life could not be further from myown, but if we are only going to accept the research of those we agree with oneverything, we become a dupers dream. Her video uses footage from the Februaryattack and the mass murder at the end of the 51-day siege that followed. I don’tnecessarily agree with everything the video claims and there are many questionsabout it I would like to ask, but it certainly reveals a very different version ofwhat happened. In the first attack in the February, we see four BATF men dressed in black on theMount Carmel building. They are all armed, but no shots are coming from thebuilding. Three of these men are seen to climb through a window while the fourthstays on the roof outside. When his colleagues have disappeared through thewindow, he throws in a grenade and begins to open fire in that direction. Bulletsburst through the wall from the inside. But is this the Branch Davidians returningfire or the three BATF men retaliating in response to their ‘buddy’s’ actions? Allthree of those men who entered that window were found dead, the video claimed.Why would their colleague kill them, if that was what happened? Only he knowsand since he was dressed in black with only his eyes uncovered, no-one outside ofthe authorities knows who he is. However, according to Linda Thompson, the threemen who were killed were all Bill Clinton bodyguards during his presidentialcampaign. Some mainstream journalists have denied this, but you have a right toknow that these other explanations exist.During the weeks of the siege which followed this initial raid, the official story orWaco went around the world. Not only were American minds conditioned to thenegative meaning of ‘cult’, so was anyone who read a paper or watched thetelevision anywhere on the planet. The propaganda against Koresh and the BranchDavidians was incessant. At night, the compound was floodlit to keep everyoneawake and recordings of rabbits being slaughtered were broadcast at full volume.These are the sort of minds that control Taw enforcement’ agencies like the BATF,the FBI and the CIA. Eventually, Bill Clinton and his Webb Hubbell-selectedattorney general, Janet Reno, gave permission for the action which was to cost thelives of so many innocent people. Janet Reno said the action was taken for the sakeof the children. These were the same children who were burnt alive soonafterwards. This justification of saving the children came from the claims that theDavidians were guilty of child abuse. This may or may not have been true in thecase of David Koresh, but Janet Reno has since admitted there was no evidence toprove this at the time of the massacre, and the ‘evidence’ put forward since isextremely questionable, often provably untrue.The public were not told as events in Waco unfolded, that surveillancetechnology is now extremely advanced and by using tiny cameras, sensitive soundequipment, and infra red cameras, the BATF and FBI knew exactly what washappening inside the building and where all the people were gathered. The tanksattacked the compound early on April 19th. On the Linda Thompson video, we seea tank at 6am moving back and forth over a small area at the front of the building.This, Thompson claims, was directly over the underground bunker where thewomen and children would have been sheltering at night from the floodlights andthe noise. The tank was almost certainly crushing the bunker and trapping thepeople. Why else would it have been going back and forth on the same spot? Wethen see other tanks knocking down the walls of the building and fires breaking outwhich quickly consume the complex, killing all inside. Who started the fire? It wassaid to be mass suicide, but why does it appear from the video footage that sometanks had flame throwers on the front? And why was the Parkland Hospital in Dallas called by the FBI at six o’clock that morning and asked how many beds theyhad in their burns unit?3 Again, some journalists challenge this version of events,but the public has a right to hear all sides, not just the government’s. Then they canmake up their own minds.The mind manipulators squeezed full value from this propaganda coup. DavidKoresh was compared with mass murderers of history and Waco was actuallycompared with Bosnia by Steven V. Roberts, a senior writer at US News And WorldReport.4 Unbelievable. He also asked in the article: How does a society deal with amessianic personality who resists all attempts at persuasion or pressure? Theanswer, Mr Roberts, is that they usually elect him President of the United States.Talking of which, Bill Clinton, who had sanctioned the attack, sought to justify whatfollowed by saying: There is, unfortunately, a rise in this sort of fanaticism allacross the world. We may have to confront it again. Well done, Bill. Exactly toscript. I think that State Representative, John Padfield who certainly didn’t supportthe views of the Branch Davidians, was much closer to the truth when he said:I think the BATF intentionally went way beyond their bounds to put on a huge mediashow just to demonise guns and self-sufficient people and to win favor with the newanti-gun President. I really believe the evidence will show BATF had no intention ofserving a warrant or conducting themselves in a professional manner. After all, ifKoresh was such a dangerous person, why didn’t they simply pick him up when he wentjogging or to town?5It was not the first time the deadly duo of BATF and FBI had been responsiblefor killing innocent people in a siege. There is the infamous Randy Weaver case,when 400 agents were deployed against the Weaver family in their mountain-tophome in Idaho in August 1992. Randy Weaver, a court later heard, had been set upas an agent provocateur by the BATF. The idea was to frame him on gun charges toforce him to become an informer. But he refused and eventually the FBI-BATFterrorist squad killed Weaver’s 14-year-old son as he was running away from themback to the house. They killed his wife while she was holding a baby in thedoorway, killed the family dog, and wounded Weaver himself and a friend, KevinHarris. From what I have heard, I would agree with little that Randy Weaverbelieved in, but so what? If we don’t treat all people equally, whether we agree withthem or not, we create a tyranny.In 1994, we were told of another ‘mass suicide’ by a ‘cult’ in Switzerland. Givenwhat I knew about Jonestown and Waco, I watched the coverage of the story withadded interest. When the story broke, it was a ‘mass suicide’ by followers of two’messianic’ leaders. The next day, it was suddenly a mass murder by the two leadersand an international police hunt was launched. A day or so later, one of the twoleaders was found to be among the dead. Now it was mass murder by the otherleader. Another few days passed and he was also found to be among the dead. InDecember 1995, another 16 members, or alleged members, were found shot dead inFrance. So who killed them? No-one seems to know or care, but such is the attention span and the retention of detail by newspaper readers and televisionviewers that most will have absorbed only the theme that here was another mad,bad, and dangerous cult. This lack of attention to detail by most people, in the faceof the tidal wave of information with which we are deluged every day, is a highlyeffective tool of the mind manipulators. According to Professor Massimo Introvigneat the Centre for the Study of New Religion in Turin, Italy, there are at leastcircumstantial and historical connections between the Order of the Solar Templeinvolved in the Swiss tragedy and both the French secret service and the P2Freemasonry cell.6 We have since had the accusations against a Japanese sect overthe poison gas released into the underground system and by the time you read thisthere may well have been other stories to devalue the word ‘cult’. Either thisSupreme Truth organisation is an Elite front (very possible) or it is the victim ofanti-‘cult’ propaganda. The BATF agent, Dan Curtis, summed up the game when hedefined a cult at the trial of eleven Branch Davidians as a group of people who livetogether differently from the rest of society.7 And that would never do, would it?Just as the Elite seek to destroy countries who are in danger of setting a goodexample of alternative lifestyles and economics, so they do the same with groupsliving in ways which show that the status quo is not the only option. ‘Choice’becomes ‘bad’, ‘different’ becomes ‘dangerous’.The media yet again play their role to perfection as the messenger boys and girlsof this propaganda. When the Waco story broke, I was questioned by the mediaabout my ‘cult’. I have no ‘cult’ of any kind because I don’t worship or pay homageto anything, but I was described by the Daily Record newspaper in Scotland as a ‘CultLord’, and I found a picture of myself in the paper next to that of the murderer,Charles Manson! I was on the same page as David Koresh, too. Can you believethese people who run newspapers? On the day the ‘mass suicide’ was discovered inthe Swiss community, I was asked by the supposedly ‘thinking person’s’ BBC newsprogramme, Newsnight, to be interviewed about such ‘cults’, presumably because Iwas considered by them to be a ‘cult leader’. Maybe they read the Daily Record. Talkabout barely one-dimensional! It is simply pathetic. But what a dream to have thatmedia mindset available if you are a manipulator. I am a leader of nothing, exceptmy own mind. The media ought to try it sometime. It’s wonderful.In the light of this background to the ‘cult’ tragedies, it is important that ‘cultbuster’ groups are questioned and investigated just as much as the ‘cults’ theyattack. These groups have sprung up all over the world. I can understand themotivation behind some of them because there are mind controlling sects preyingon the emotions of people, particularly the young, and many, if not most, of thesecan be linked with the intelligence agencies. They are part of problem-reactionsolution with the Elite creating or exploiting the ‘cult’ and controlling theopposition to them, the ‘cult-busters’. One of the latter is the America-based CultAwareness Network (CAN), a front for the Anti-Defamation League. GlennKrawczyk, a freelance writer and former researcher with the satellite TV scienceprogramme, Beyond 2000, has made a study of CAN, and his findings werepublished in the October-November 1994 edition of Nexus magazine.8 He found one of the prime movers behind CAN is Doctor Louis Jolyn Jolly West, who isconnected to a similar group called the American Family Foundation. West was thepsychiatrist the authorities chose to ‘analyse’ Jack Ruby in Dallas, after Ruby hadmurdered Lee Harvey Oswald, the ‘patsy’ in the Kennedy assassination. In 1973,West was Director of the University of California Neuropsychiatric Institute andchairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University, from where came TomGrubbs, a psychologist linked to Jonestown.West proposed a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, at which heplanned to treat ‘undesirable behaviour’ with the latest neuropsychiatric andgenetic manipulation techniques. Goodness knows what he would have got up to,and yet he had enthusiastic support from California Governor, Ronald Reagan.Fortunately the California legislature could see what was happening and labelledthe idea, Nazi science. West knew all about that because he had been, asconfirmed by CIA records, a long-time operative on the agency’s mind controlprogrammes, including MKUltra. Dr West’s specialities include interrogation usingdeprivation techniques, hypnosis and psychoactive drugs, behaviour modificationthrough electrical stimulation of the brain, and electronic devices to track andmonitor his victims.


That is the mentality of one of the main figures behind the CultAwareness Network (CAN). So what constitutes a ‘cult’ in this man’s misguidedmind? According to his own published papers, they include the following:1: neo-Christian cults; 2: Hindu and Eastern religious cults; 3: occult, witchcraft andsatanism cults; 4: spiritualist cults; 5: Zen and other Sino-Japanese philosophical cults;6: race cults; 7: flying saucer and outer space cults; 8: psychological cults like CAN,presumably; 9: political cults; and 10: certain communal and self-help or selfimprovement groups that become transformed into cults.What about the walking to the shops to buy tonight’s dinner cults? I can’tthink why he missed that one. The list confirms what I was saying earlier about theway the Elite want to discredit the word ‘cult’ and then apply it to any group orlifestyle they wish to undermine and destroy. The aim is to marginalise and wipeout all thinking that challenges the desired norm. One of West’s cronies, Dr MartinOrne, a former head of the Office of Naval Research’s Committee on Hypnosis,said: Even in present day America, when an individual hears God speak to him, itis a toss-up whether he will become a successful leader of a new religious cult orwill come to the attention of a psychiatric unit. It was a ‘deprogrammer’ or, intruth, a reprogrammer with CAN, called Rick Ross who tipped off the BATF aboutguns at the Waco Compound. It was Ross who ‘deprogrammed’ 14-year-old KiriJewell, who claimed that Koresh sexually abused her, ‘evidence’ which has beenseriously questioned. Ross was working at the time with Priscilla Coates, a nationalspokesperson for the Cult Awareness Network. The use of ‘lethal force’ against theBranch Davidians was recommended by Patricia Ryan, the President of CAN.9Significantly, it was during Dr Jolly West’s campaign for the ‘behaviourmodification’ unit in California in 1974, that the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) came to public prominence when they kidnapped Patricia Hearst, thedaughter of the newspaper tycoon, Randolf Hearst. This happened in the samestate of California under Ronald Reagan, from where the Peoples’ Temple of JimJones also emerged. The SLA was supposed to be a Marxist urban warfare groupand the propaganda about them terrorised the state for months. In fact, only ninepeople were involved. Patricia Hearst became active in SLA actions after herabduction. This included an armed bank robbery and the stories began to flowabout her being brainwashed by this ‘cult’. The SLA was destroyed when 150officers and agents expelled 5,000 rounds of ammunition in front of live televisioncameras during prime time. Later Patricia Hearst was given a mental examinationby two ‘experts’ on brainwashing.. .Dr Louis Jolyn West and Dr Martin Orne, ofthe Cult Awareness Network.The founder of CAN, Ted Patrick, has a long list of criminal convictions againsthim which result from his ‘counselling’ techniques on cult ‘victims’. These includekidnapping, conspiracy, false imprisonment, abduction and assault, possession ofcocaine, and violation of probation. A case brought against Patrick in 1976 revealedthat he had held one of his abductees prisoner for 86 days at 12 locations andsubjected her to frightful experiences.10 These are just some of the people who areprotecting the innocent from cults! You now increasingly see the word cult used todiscredit groups and alternative communities that are anything but ‘brainwasheddangerous nutters’. Once the word ‘cult’ is applied, it is considered OK to treat thepeople involved as subhuman, with no rights as human beings. Yet, as US judge T.S.Ellis told ‘deprogrammer’ Galen Kelly: One man’s cult is another man’scommunity, no matter how wacky you or I might think that is.There are other groups dubbed as ‘cults’, however, which suit the Elite and thevare allowed to become global empires. One is the Unification Church, started inKorea and now based in New York. It is led by Sun Myung Moon and is betterknown as the Moonies. This is an extremely sinister organisation, in my view, withNew World Order overtones. On January 15th 1995, the London Sunday Expressrevealed that the former British Prime Minister, Edward Heath (Bil), had been paidhandsomely to make the keynote speech at the Moonies’ Summit Council for WorldPeace in Korea. In March 1994, he also spoke at Sun Myung Moon’s World PeaceConference, where the main speaker was the former Soviet Union leader, MikhailGorbachev, the friend of Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. The Knight ofMalta and former US Secretary of State and Supreme Allied Commander of NATOAlexander Haig, has spoken at Moonie events. So has the former US DefenseSecretary, Frank Carlucci (CFR, TC). The Unification Church has a worldwidebusiness empire which includes The Washington Times, The New York City Tribune,and The Middle East Times. Their list of front groups and businesses in the NameBasesystem runs to 28 pages and 667 names.11 Moon’s son and heir apparent, Justin, runsan arms company in Massachusetts called Saeilo Incorporated.12 Once more thelinks with the intelligence agencies of the Elite have been identified. The Mooniespaid $50,000,000 to buy the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and one of thenew trustees named was Jack E. Thomas, the assistant chief of staff at US airforce intelligence, and special assistant to the CIA director for nine years. The UnificationChurch has support from the South Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). BoHi Pak, the KCIA liaison officer to US intelligence stationed at the Korean Embassyin Washington, became one of Moon’s top aides and president of The WashingtonTimes. Moon’s editor at the Washington Times is Arnaud de Borchgrave, a formerleading correspondent of the CIA-connected Newsweek, owned by the WashingtonPost company of Katherine Graham (CFR, TC, Bil). De Borchgrave is closelyconnected by marriage to the Rothschild family, the longtime and leading financialand political backers of Israel, a state they were, in effect, responsible for creating.The Church of Scientology (established by L. Ron Hubbard) was named byformer CIA officer, Miles Copeland, as one of two religious-type groups with whichthe CIA made ‘arrangements’. The other was called Moral Re-Armament. The Elitemake sure they work through both sides whenever possible, in this case the ‘cult’and the ‘cult-busters’. In doing so they control the actions and events the publicmind sees and absorbs. From the evidence that I have seen and my own intuition, Isense the time approaching when a coordinated global campaign will be activatedwhich seeks to discredit all alternative thinking, movements, and lifestyles. It is atime to be strong and determined and allow the power of love to win through.This same technique is being used against investigators into the globalconspiracy. As more of the web and background is unravelled, there is a desperateneed by the Elite to discredit this information by discrediting the messengers. It is atechnique known as Ad Hominem – if a truth you don’t like is beingcommunicated, attack the messenger, not the message. I am now seeing anexpanding range of articles about ‘conspiracy theorists’ and how they are all ‘Rightwing extremists’. As with the word ‘cult’, the propagandists want to stimulate animmediate public reaction of ‘Nazi’ to anyone who reveals information about theglobal manipulation. This is where the ‘Left’, those I call the Robot Radicals, are sohelpful to the Elite. They parrot this nonsense by reflex action. Another buzz term ishistorical revisionist. This is also being used in a negative way. What such aperson is doing is challenging the conventional version of history. Do those whospeak of historical revisionists as Nazis really believe that everything we are toldabout history is true? Surely not. Then why can’t we be adult enough to look atwhat the revisionists say and make up our own mind about what we think is right?Because the Elite would lose control of history, that’s why.My experience and observations lead me to believe that parts of the New Agescene are among the most easy to manipulate. It is the naivety which makes it so. Ihave heard Bill Clinton described as a lightworker by some in the New Agemovement who have done no research whatsover into the background to the man. Ihear all the instant, off-the-shelf responses about ‘cults’ from people involved in thevery groups, organisations, and lifestyles which the word ‘cult’ is beingmanipulated to target! Some of those who have done most to spread false storiesand gossip about me have been those who speak of truth and light. I used to beamazed at that, but no more. One story doing the New Age rounds is that I have somuch money I live as a tax exile in Jersey. As I’ve only been to Jersey for a total of four days in my life, I clearly don’t get home much! I read in spiritual magazines ofthe need for a world government as the expression of Oneness and the comingtogether of all peoples in One World. It sounds great, unless you do the researchand see how the New Age Movement is being manipulated too.I attended a lovely spiritual event at Wembley, London, in the summer of 1994. Itwas to celebrate the Oneness of all things and the need to express love in the worldall of which I agree with. But manipulation of the human mind doesn’t only comein one all-pervading blob. We have designer-manipulation which is targeted at aparticular belief system. As people were leaving Wembley, there was a groupoutside handing out little glossy leaflets carrying the message of Babaji Francesco,the man who has come to bring love and wisdom to all the Earth. Mr Francesco, itturns out, is the founder of an organisation called Associazione S.U.M. – Stati Unitidel Mondo (the United States of the World). On the first page of the leaflet is amessage about love from Mr Francesco in which he tells us that our tears are histears and for those who follow him all pain shall be removed. Excuse me, I feelquite ill suddenly. He says that he has come to teach us that everything is One.Thank you very much. But wait, what else has he come to teach us? That only bymeeting the Earth’s problems at a worldwide level can they be overcome. Thiscouldn’t mean, could it, that we need a world government, currency and army? Ohyes it could. His leaflet says:Babaji Francesco, in order to resolve all problems, proposes the unification of theNations of the Earth and maintains the need of a one and only World Governmentcomposed of delegates of each nation. He deems important the realisation of a oneand only world army composed of volunteers of each country, for the protection of allPeoples of the Earth, that they should be effective and timely to avoid useless genocidelike that which took place in Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Somalia, etc…He also affirms that, inorder to cancel the public debt of each country, all states should cancel all debtsbetween each other and that it is necessary to eliminate all present currencies andreplace them with a one and only world currency that should have equal value in eachnation so that speculations, competitions, and wars would be replaced by unity,brotherhood and peace among all human beings.All of which is straight from the pages of the Global Elite game plan and theIlluminati Protocols. Either the man who has come to teach us and lead us into thisUtopia needs to do some urgent research into the New World Order or he has otherreasons for equating the need for love and Oneness with a centralised globaltyranny. The Raelian Foundation I spoke of earlier is also promoting all the Elite’sambitions because of what their ‘messiah’, Claude Rael, claims he was told by theextraterrestrial Elohim. When I attended a New Age type exhibition in the northof England, it was fascinating to see how many organisations I came across eithersupporting the United Nations and the concepts of world government and/oroffering people another excuse to give their minds away to some Supreme Masteror other. Don’t be thought-controlled by a religion – be thought controlled by a guru instead! I picked up a magazine called Share International, the publication edited bythe Scottish-born painter and ‘esotericist’ Benjamin Creme who, the publicity says,has been trained and supervised over many years by his own Master. Themagazine, which claims to circulate within 70 countries, is based in the Netherlandsand the United Kingdom with branches and connections in many other countries,including the United States. The magazine promotes the Maitreya, the WorldTeacher, who, according to Creme, has miraculously appeared to people all overthe planet. This World Teacher will only appear to everyone, he says, when themedia invites him to. We have so far waited since 1977 for this while the WorldTeacher has, says Creme, continued to live in the Asian Community in Londonbetween his materialisations all over the world. When invited by the media,Maitreya will, says Creme, address an international press conference which willlead to the Day of Declaration, the time when the World Teacher will appear onradio and television networks worldwide and will mentally overshadow all people,simultaneously. All will hear his words through telepathic communication,apparently. Ummm, again. What’s going on here, I wonder? Costly advertisementsappear constantly in the New Age magazines about Maitreya. Everyadvertisement features the Maitreya appearing miraculously to thousands ofpeople in Nairobi in 1988, although I can’t say the picture looks anything like that tome. The exact locations of the Maitreya manifestations are never given. To do sowould contravene the free will of the people involved, Creme tells us.The April 1995 edition of Share International which I bought at the exhibition wasdominated by an interview with Sir Shridath Ramphal, the former SecretaryGeneral of the Commonwealth, calling for world government and the need for aleader of the calibre of Franklin D. Roosevelt! The interview is followed by a reporton the Commission on Global Governance headed by Ramphal which includedcalls for, in effect, a world (UN) army, centralised global economic control, and aworld government. This, in turn, was followed by three pages called Priorities fora New World Order. Benjamin Creme, in answers to letters, also informs us thatthe only way to counter events like Bosnia and Rwanda is to have a UnitedNations with an army powerful enough, supported by all nations, who must giveenough men and armaments. Coincidentally, that is just what Henry Kissingersays, and Babaji Francesco. Creme adds that if Jimmy Carter lives long enough, Ibelieve he will become a member of a ‘group of wise men’ which will function asthe future ruling committee of the United States. The Trilateral Commission will bedelighted, I’m sure, and what’s this about a ruling committee? Whateverhappened to democracy? Mind you, an article in the magazine tells us that:…a true disciple will apply himself to his ‘indicated task’ with all the energy at hisdisposal, forgetful of his own personality, with the one purpose of contributing all thatlies within him towards serving and the realisation of the Plan. This must inevitably alsolead to his own progress – not towards self-satisfaction, but by evoking dormantcapacities that will mould him into an ever more efficient instrument of service in thehands of the masters. my emphasis Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Here we go again. People follow, masters rule.Maitreya is one of the Alice Bailey ‘Masters’ and it is on her ‘teachings’ thatCreme’s organisation is based. At the same New Age exhibition I found two otherAlice Bailey-inspired organisations, the Lucis Trust, formerly the Lucifer13 Trust, andits offshoot organisation, World Goodwill. The latter was founded by Alice Bailey in1932 in the run up to the Second World War which led to the creation of the UnitedNations. World Goodwill is now little more than a New Age promoter of the UnitedNations from its centres in Whitehall Court, London, Geneva, and New York. Itsmany publications offer gushing praise for the UN as the answer to the ills of theplanet. One leaflet is called The Great Invocation Cooperation with the UnitedNations. It says:An inclusive attitude of mind and heart and active cooperative goodwill betweenpeoples and nations are necessary prerequisites to the establishment of a new worldorder of peace and prosperity for all humanity…As a result of mental conflict,separateness, and lack of understanding, a point of tension has now been reached inworld affairs; therefore a new opportunity of creative progress exists for which theUnited Nations stands. …The United Nations is today an instrument of universality ancan agency for unity, peace and prosperity in the world.Give me strength. The World Goodwill arm of the Lucis Trust distributes articlesby UN staff and links the spiritual view of wholeness and oneness with centralisedglobal institutions. It publishes a quarterly newsletter which reads like a UN fanclub. The one I picked up in the spring of 1995 included, like Benjamin Creme’sShare International, an article about Sir Shridath Ramphal and his Commission onGlobal Governance a world government and world army are the only wayforward. It also included a message from Global Elite frontman, Dr BoutrosBoutros-Ghali, the UN Secretary General, who tells us that: .. .a new array ofproblems of undeniable global dimensions are beyond the ability of any singlecountry or group of states to solve. We’d better have a world government then, eh,Boutros? Other publications distributed by World Goodwill call for all people to begiven identity cards, and one says that:The United Nations, through the General Assembly, specialised agencies, and itsvarious councils, commissions and committees must be supported; there is, as yet, noother organisation to which man can hopefully look. Therefore, he must support theUnited Nations, but, at the same time, let this group of world leaders know what isneeded.It is worth subscribing to the World Goodwill newsletter, if only to see the extentof the infiltration of the Global Elite mentality into areas like spirituality andeducation. One UN education project alone, I read, involves a network of 3,200schools in 122 countries. The UNESCO Associated Schools Project is dedicated topreparing children and young people to live in a global society and to develop the attitudes of ‘Earth patriotism’ See global village, global neighbourhood, etc thatare vital in an increasingly interdependent world. Children and young people arebeing indoctrinated to look to the United Nations for the answers and the LucisTrust/World Goodwill organisation are supporting this. As with most peoplehelping the Global Conspiracy, 99% of them will have no idea what they are reallybeing used to promote. Most of the people who support these organisations will bedoing so because they believe in what they say. They have children andgrandchildren and the last thing they want is to leave them a global fascist tyranny.But that is what they are, unknowingly, helping to create.I spoke to a guy at the Share International stall at the New Age exhibition and hewas a lovely man. He had no idea what he was involved with and answered everyquestion with Well, as I understand it… and Well, it says in the magazine…He’d given his mind away. At another stall I found another group of genuinepeople promoting The Brahma Kumaris, the World Spiritual University with morethan 3,000 teaching centres in 62 countries. This is a non-governmental organisationaffiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information and winner ofseven UN Peace Messenger Awards. It has consultative status with the UNEconomic and Social Council and UNICEF and has endless links with the UN. In1988, it launched the first Peace Messenger initiative dedicated to the UN. Part ofthis was the publication of a book called Visions Of A Better World, in whichinternational leaders and famous people from all walks of life made theircontributions. Again, at least 99% of those involved with the Brahma Kumaris willnot realise what they are being used to promote by the One World Governmentbrigade. I also never cease to be amazed at the numbers of apparently open-mindedpeople who have, in truth, given their minds away to the man, sorry the living godon Earth, called Sai Baba. These are people who dismiss religion as mind controland urge others to think for themselves!Designer manipulation of belief systems is very subtle, but extremely effectiveand the same centralised tyranny can be presented in many ways to suit themindset of different groups of people. We can expect a stream of guru-type figuresand ‘spiritual’ organisations being manipulated to do this or knowingly doing so. Ifspiritual people and groups accept the one world government plan as part of thejourney to wholeness and oneness they will be supported by the UN and themanipulators. If they do not, they will be labelled a ‘cult’. That is the manipulators’dual approach to the re-emerging spirituality. We need to remember that nothing isever what it seems at first glance. If we look at everything from that perspective, webecome so much harder to disinform. This is vital because there is one ‘cult’ thatdominates all others on this planet. It is the ‘cult’ which is devoted to, and payshomage to, a highly negative consciousness which is expressed as the worship ofpower and control. It is called The Global Elite and the All-Seeing Eye. SOURCES1 Kenneth Wooden, The Children Of Jonestown (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981) pl962 Michael Meiers, Was Jonestown A CIA Medical Experiment? A Review Of The Evidence,Studies in American Religion, Vol. 35 (The Edward/Merlin Press, 1988)3 KGBS radio presenter, Ron Engleman, told Radio Free America that he confirmed through acontact at the hospital that this call was made.4 US News And World Report (May 3rd 1993)5 The Spotlight (April 24th 1995) pl86 New Dawn magazine (Melbourne, Australia, May/June, 1995) p77 Dick Reavis, Witness for the Prosecution, The San Antonio Current (February 10th 1994)p68 Nexus magazine is an excellent publication which covers stories and information themainstream media will not print. See bibliography.9 Houston Chronicle (April 8th 1993)10 Helander vs Patrick, Bridgeport, Conneticut, USA, 197611 Investigative Research Specialists, List of Moonie Fronts, 199212 The Spotlight (December 11th 1995) p213 The term Lucifer is believed by some to mean Bringer of Light, as I outlined in The RobotsRebellion. Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman claims in To Eliminate The Opiate that the change ofname from Lucifer to Lucis in 1924 was to hide the fact that it was involved with Devilworshipping groups linked with the All-Seeing Eye cult. (p54)


chapter 16

the global village

Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the opinionof a day, but a series of oppressions, begun at adistinguished period, unalterable through everychange of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate,systematical plan of reducing us to slavery.

Thomas Jefferson

The New World Order has come a long way since the start of the present bankingsystem, the creation of Freemasonry, the United States, and the FrenchRevolution.When you look at how far the Elite plan has been allowed to progress, it is asobering thought. And one which I trust will activate the determination within eachof us to regain control of our own destiny. This we can and will do, but the bottomline is knowing that the manipulation exists, how it works, and to what end.Without that knowledge, we are at the mercy of the manipulators, because acalculated long-term strategy will go on being presented as singular eventsunconnected with each other. For those who still believe that the plan for a worldgovernment, central bank, currency, and army, together with a microchippedpopulation linked to a global computer, is a conspiracy ‘theory’, I will end thissection with a summary of just how far along that road we have travelled withoutrealising it.World GovernmentThe United Nations is evolving rapidly into just such an institution. From its earlydays as a global talking-shop, it has created a massive network of interconnectingorganisations which cover all areas of our lives, from health to aid to environmentto a world police force to science to religion, and so it goes on. The time isapproaching when it will be given its own source of funding, independent of thenation states. Perhaps some funding ‘crisis’ will be engineered, with some majornations failing to keep up contributions and a ‘solution’ will have to be found – aform of United Nations taxation of some kind or other. In 1993 Joseph Connor(CFR) was appointed undersecretary-general for administration and managementat the UN. He was chairman of Price Waterhouse, the Elite accountants, who have adesignate on the Committee of 300. Mr Connor has been warning that the UN faces bankruptcy and something must be done.1 Now there’s a surprise. More conflictwill demand more ‘solutions’, and in desperation people will look to the UnitedNations for answers. Centralised answers. Most of the people who work for theUnited Nations believe they are doing the right thing. They don’t know what theyare involved in. They are pawns in a game they don’t understand. The real agendais hidden behind terms like global village, global neighbourhood, the globalcommons and the need for One World. The covert plan for the United Nations isexactly the same as that unfolding in Europe. The pressure is being applied withever greater severity for centralisation of political power and decision makingwithin the ever-expanding European Union which is now a maze of centralisedpower structures and legislation affecting every facet of daily life. The face of thatorganisation has changed beyond measure in the last forty years. It has been ametamorphosis from trading area to centralised tyranny and the same steppingstones process is happening within the United Nations. The President of theEuropean Parliament, Klaus Hansch, made his ambitions clear in The Europeannewspaper of May 1995, when he called for a European Union in which nationswould ‘pool’ their sovereignty for the greater good centralised control; a Unionwhich assumed its full responsibility for peace and security, acting in closecollaboration with the United Nations world army; a Europe which lives up tothe dreams and the vision of its founding fathers world government, central bank,currency, and army. Popular enthusiasm for this new European project had to begenerated, he said. I’ll give it a miss, if it’s all the same with you, Klaus.One of the most vehement advocates of political and monetary union in Europeis the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. This is no surprise when, like hispredecessors Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt, he is a loyal member of theBilderberg Group. Kohl is alleged to be a Grand Orient Freemason and is connectedto B’nai B’rith which bestowed its highest honour, the Order of Joseph, upon him.2Kohl knows the game plan, alright, and works passionately for its success. JacquesSanter, the president of the European Commission, is another Bilderberger runninga tyrannical campaign for political and monetary union.This evolution to centralised control has been done gradually, quietly, andsecretly and only by looking back over the years can we see how much power thenation states, the regions, and communities, have given away. Decision making thataffects our everyday existence has moved further and further away from the towns,cities, villages, and countries in which we live. First to the national parliaments andcivil service cartel, then to Europe, and, unless we stop being puppets on a string,eventually it will continue to move away still further to the global government. TheTrilateral Commission’s influence can be seen in the support by the EuropeanCommission for Japan to become a permanent member of the United NationsSecurity Council and to have a greater say in UN affairs.3 The Trilateral Commissionwas created to coordinate the work of the manipulating elites in the US, Europe,and Japan, as part of the move to world government. The game plan is comingcloser to the surface with every month, as the Global Elite begin to filter theprospect of a world government into the public domain. The former Secretary General of the Commonwealth, Sir Shridath Ramphal, voiced the plan at anInternational Development Conference in Washington in January 1995, when hesaid that the UN should be empowered to raise global revenue for globalpurposes. The conference supported the policy with great enthusiasm. Ramphal,the co-chairman of the Commission on Global Governance in Geneva, Switzerland,added that national sovereignty was outmoded. The time has come to establisharrangements of global governance, he said. We need a new order in worldaffairs. Large numbers of people recognise this and understand by a ‘new worldorder’ nothing less than the birth of a new world.The attempt to achieve this coup on the human race will be done by making thepresent world so awful and chaotic that anyone promising a new world will befollowed like the Pied Piper, purely out of desperation (just like they did with Hitler- the ‘saviour’ for Germany’s post-war misery). I believe the Elite have a globalcomputer into which all the data of world events and public reaction is constantlyfed. The computer is programmed to process this data and produce a list of eventsprojecting years ahead, which need to happen if the human mind is to accept worldgovernment. This way the Elite plan can be prepared far in advance. Ramphal is along-time standard-bearer for world government. He has also served on otherglobal commissions like the Brandt Commission and the Brundtland Commissionon Environment and Development. It was members of these Global Elite-createdcommissions, and another led by the murdered Bilderberger, Olof Palme, theSwedish Prime Minister, who formed the Commission on Global Governance in1992, chaired by Ramphal and another prime minister of Sweden, Ingvar Carlsson.And who, pray, is this I see listed on the Commission on World Governance? Whyit’s…Maurice Strong (Comm 300), the ‘Green’ oil millionaire, the Maurice Strongwho fronted the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil, and sits on the board of the AspenInstitute owned by elite Bilderberger, Robert O. Anderson of Atlantic Richfield Oil.Also listed is Jacques Delors, that archcentraliser and former top man in theEuropean Union. Commission on Global Governance = New World Order. Anotherworld government lobby event, the Global Forum on the First ‘Global Civilisation’,was arranged by the Gorbachev Foundation USA, for the autumn of 1995.Gorbachev played his part magnificently in triggering the prearranged ‘freedom’ inthe Soviet Union and its subordinate states to set the scene for the absorption ofthose countries into the European Union and the United States of the World. The’Cold War’ was also a case of thesis v antithesis = synthesis. The ‘freeing’ of theSoviet Union was planned, not spontaneous. Among those invited to the event inSan Francisco, the official birthplace of the UN, were George Shultz (TC, CFR, Bil,Comm 300, Kissinger Associates), George Bush (TC, CFR, Comm 300), MargaretThatcher (Bil), Al Gore (CFR), Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC, CFR, Bil), Paul Volcker (TC,CFR, Bil), and Ted Turner (Comm 300), head of the CNN global news channelwhich has merged into the Time Warner empire. The pre-event literature publishedby the Gorbachev Foundation said the forum would challenge political leaders toprovide a framework for stability and regulated human interactions my emphasis.The Foundation added that the forum was designed to: …focus on the fundamental challenges and opportunities confronting humanity as weenter the next century and a new millennium. It is being held in the belief that at thismomentous juncture in history, we are giving birth to the first global civilisation.In other words, world government and all the trimmings. Expect to see a seriesof ‘commissions’, ‘conferences’ and ‘summits’ to discuss the creation of worldgovernment in the months and years ahead. Expect, also, an attempt to rewrite theUS Constitution to allow the New World Order to impose its policies on the USA.Another group to watch is the Bilderberg-related, New Atlantic Initiative (NAI),headed by the same crowd with Margaret Thatcher as a patron. It seeks to fuse theUS with the European Union and make NATO a world army.World Central Bank and CurrencyRamphal also calls for the establishment of an apex economic body within theUnited Nations, an Economic Security Council. This fits in with the Global Elite’splan to fuse all economic power under one roof, or within one computer. TheUnited Nations and its economic arms, the World Bank, the International MonetaryFund (IMF), the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),and their stream of interconnected offshoots, control the world’s economicdevelopment, along with other Elite groupings like the Bank of InternationalSettlements and the International Banking Commission. They decide who hasdevelopment funds, what they are spent on, and the economic changes that musthappen within nation states before any money changes hands. It is a worldeconomic dictatorship run at the behest of the few. Within this network, too, is theWorld Trade Organisation and the GATT ‘free trade’ agreement, which is gatheringever more power to prevent nation states from protecting their home industries andproduction from unwanted imports. Many of these imports come from areas of theworld where the native population is exploited in the most inhuman way.With countries increasingly unable to protect their own population from thiseconomic warfare, the people of the world become ever more dependent on a worldeconomic system over which they have no control. As cross-border tariffs onimported goods are removed by GATT, so that loss of revenue is being met by thepeople of those countries. They are subsidising the New World Order. A report bythe US Treasury in June 1994 suggested that GATT will reduce tariffs by nearly $750billion over the following decade. Along with the pressure for centralisation ofpolitical power in Europe has come the connected demand for a European CentralBank and a single European currency. For political power to be effective, it has to bebacked up by economic power. If you control the currency and the central bank towhich all other banks are subordinate, you control the whole of Europe. This willeventually encompass the states of the former Soviet Union, also. If we allow this tohappen, the centralised European tyranny will have been achieved by a mentalcoup d’etat, without a gun being fired. The American continent’s version of this, theNorth American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), and the Asia-Australia version (APEC),are designed to evolve in precisely the same way, until all connect with the United Nations as a world government, central bank, and currency. The plan is for NAFTAto become the American Union, APEC to become the Pacific Union, and togetherwith the already established European Union, they would come under the controlof a global government. At a 1995 meeting of the Trilateral Commission inDenmark, inside sources suggest that the plan was revealed for a Transatlantic FreeTrade Area (TAFTA) to combine the European Union with the North American FreeTrade Area. Sir Leon Mr GATT Brittan, the European Trade Commissioner, hassince called for something similar and the British Foreign Secretary, MalcolmRifkind (Bil), did the same at the 1995 Conservative Party Conference. Ireland’sPeter Sutherland (Bil, TC), the GATT negotiator and first Director-General of theWorld Trade Organisation, was at the Trilateral meeting to speak about thechanging world economy. At the same time the German Foreign Minister, KlausKinkel, was in Chicago addressing the Council on Foreign Relations about theTransatlantic Free Trade Area. Bill Clinton and the European Union have formerlyagreed on joint action on many issues including trade. Anyone who challengesthe Elite plan for Europe is immediately jumped upon. Bernard Connolly, theBritish economist working for the European Commission on the single currencyplan, was suspended by Jacques Santer (Bil) for writing a book exposing the scam.Neil Kinnock, a European Commissioner and former UK Labour leader, waspublicly censured by Santer for merely questioning that the timetable for a singlecurrency might be too tight, at a private meeting. The European Union is already acentralised dictatorship. They are spending £40 million of our money on a publicitycampaign to condition people to accept their policy of a single currency, the Euroas it is to be called.4Remember the motivation and the methods. If you want to install a singlecurrency and bank, you have to create a perceived need for them. Therefore youtrigger a banking crisis and currency chaos. On the face of it, when such thingshappen and they are reported on the news, they appear to be bad for the bankersand financiers, and for many they are. But not for the Global Elite, because theyneed such crises to manipulate their plan into reality and, as they know what iscoming, they not only can insulate their own resources from the effect of theiractions, they can actually make an economic killing. George Soros (Bil), theHungarian with a US passport, is one of the most famous currency speculators. He’gambles’ billions of dollars to destabilise currencies and markets, makingunimaginable fortunes in the process. Soros, a former student at the London Schoolof Economics, moved to the US to establish his vehicle for speculation, theQuantum Group, which is dominated by Swiss and Italian financiers. Funnilyenough Switzerland and Italy are also the base of the Black Nobility. Researcher,William Engahl, names Soros as a frontman for the Anglo-French Rothschildbanking group.5 One of the board members of the Soros Quantum Fund isRichard Katz, the head of Rothschild Italia S.p.A. in Milan and a board member ofN.M. Rothschild.6 Another Quantum director is Nils O. Taube, a partner with LordRothschild of St James’ Place Capital.7 An associate of Soros in several speculationshas been Sir James Goldsmith,8 a Rothschild relative who now claims to oppose centralisation of power in Europe. It was Soros who fronted the attack on the poundthat led to the British Chancellor, Norman Lamont (Bil), withdrawing the UK fromthe European monetary system, the ERM, so increasing calls for one Europeancurrency. Lamont is an employee of the Rothschilds, and Soros is a frontman forthem. Currency ‘speculations’ are neither speculations nor accidental. They arecarefully planned and executed to ensure a specific effect.In late 1994 and early ’95, the Elite plunged Mexico into economic chaos whichseriously affected the value of the dollar, just as they did before when Mexicowanted to use its oil potential to gain economic independence from the USA. Indoing so, those US banks who knew the peso’s collapse was coming, made afortune. While the Mexican people suffered from the consequences, Citibankreported an 81% increase in earnings for the last quarter of 1994 and the New Yorkdaily, Newsday, reported profit gains for Chemical Bank of 22% and theRockefeller/Rothschild Chase Manhattan of 19% for the same period. All wereheavy investors in the peso, but switched their investments at exactly the right timeto take advantage of its imminent fall.Mexico is being pushed into an economic catastrophe through debt to the banksof the Global Elite because they want to forgive the debt, or some of it, in return forcontrol of all of Mexico’s oil and other natural resources. Who proposed the $40billion bail out of Mexico which has substantially increased its debts to America, soaccelerating the scam? The Democrat, Bill Clinton.


Who supported him? TheRepublicans, Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole. In June 1995, the leaders of the 67industrialised countries met in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a week after the Bilderbergmeeting in Switzerland, and agreed to increase the role and powers of the IMF.Their excuse for this? The financial collapse of the Mexican peso! Bill Clinton alsocalled for a national identity card in the United States to deal with the wave ofillegal immigration from Mexico that was sure to follow. Meantime smallbusiness people the world over are being ruined by a market rigged in favour of themultinational banks and corporations which control the politicians who pass thelegislation.World ArmyThe progress to a world army has advanced quickly through the 1980s and ’90s. Theidea is to manipulate conflicts which will lead to demands for greater militarypowers for the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. They will then be fused withNATO into a world army. What would a world army do? Invade any country orcommunity that refuses to bow to the world government, central bank, andcurrency. The Gulf War in 1991 was created in part to hasten this process withNATO countries funding and fighting that conflict under the United Nations flag.The conflict in the former Yugoslavia has been manipulated to this same end. As aresult of the horrors of Bosnia, we now have a 60,000-strong, 30 nation world armyassembled in the former Yugoslavia working under centralised control, the biggestmultinational force to be seen since the second World War. Exactly to the Elite plan.Any occasion which sees NATO forces operating outside their designated area is another precedent which takes us closer to the world army. We can expect to seemoves, too, which extend NATO’s area of operation, particularly into the MiddleEast and the former Soviet Union, and you will see moves to expand the number ofnations in NATO in the same way that the European Union is expanding. The UNtroops will continue to evolve from peacekeepers to peace enforcers and then, oncethat precedent is set, to enforcers of policies issued by the global political andeconomic elite. When the UN troops are seen to be ineffective in places likeRwanda, the former Yugoslavia, and Somalia, the public perceive this as a badthing. But for the manipulators, this failure is essential. If the UN Peacekeepingoperations were working effectively, there would be no demand to give them morepowers. They have to be seen to be not working (problem) to attract the desiredreaction (something must be done), and open the way to the greater powers (thesolution). The immediate victims of this are the men, women and children,slaughtered by the Elite-engineered civil wars designed to show that the UN forcesneed more power. We can expect more Rwandas and Bosnias until public opinioneither bows to the manipulation for a world army or acts to bring an end to theNew World Order. The former UN Secretary-General, the Elite-stooge, Dr BoutrosGhali, was echoing the words of Henry Kissinger at the 1991 meeting of theBilderberg Group when he called for the formation of a UN Army under its owncommand with the right to go into a nation state at will and without the need toconsult other countries for permission. In his Washington speech, Sir ShridathRamphal said that the UN should be backed by the ability to rapidly deploy UNforces, and he said that protecting the security of states was clearly authorisedunder the UN charter. The following day, Jessica Mathews, a senior fellow of theCouncil on Foreign Relations, called for exactly the same, a UN Standing Army,when writing in the Elite-controlled, Washington Post.Readers of The Spotlight newspaper have been sending in pictures of UN troopsin the United States on manoeuvres all across the country and UN tanks andequipment being transported by rail trucks. The authorities have denied theexistence of any such thing. As I detail at some length in The Robots’ Rebellion,government organisations like the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) are fronts for the creation of holding areas (concentration camps) for thosewho oppose the New World Order conspiracy once it has launched its physicalcoup d’etat across the world, particularly in America and Europe, against thosewho challenge the tyranny. Indeed in some areas this has already begun. FEMA wascreated under an Executive Order (which required no debate in Congress), andsigned by President Jimmy Carter, the Trilateral Commission frontman. This allowsFEMA to take control of the United States during any national emergencydeclared by a president. These powers include martial law and the right of themilitary to enforce whatever FEMA decides. All the laws are already in force whichallow a military take-over of the United States. They have been passed byPresidential Executive Order and any time a president calls a state of emergencythey can be invoked. At the forefront of this plan are the Delta Forces in their blackuniforms and unmarked black helicopters. These have often been seen at the scene of cattle mutilations, which some researchers connect with extraterrestrial activity.People can ignore all this and walk away if they like, but their children will reap theconsequences if we hand over our responsibility for much longer.The Spotlight edition of December 5th 1994, revealed the creation of a joint UNNATO force called the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) which will have fourmultinational divisions of some 80,000 troops when combat ready. According tothe article, the designated commander-in-chief is Sir Jeremy MacKenzie, aLieutenant General in the British Army. The justification of this force was the failureof the UN and NATO operations in the former Yugoslavia! A report quoted bySpotlight from the North Atlantic Assembly, an offshoot of NATO, says that themultinational interventions in the Balkans have been characterised by massivefailure and shortcomings (problem). To cope with this new challenge, the reportcontinued, NATO required a new organisation (solution). The joint NATO-UNAllied Rapid Reaction Corps had already completed its first exercises under UNauspices by the time of the Spotlight article, a NATO report obtained by the paperconfirmed. Some 2,000 troops were involved in a rapid deployment of riot controlforces from northwestern Germany to .. .an imaginary crisis spot in the UnitedKingdom. The veteran military analyst Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Coulterm,said when told of this:Troops that practise multinational military intervention in the internal domesticquarrels of Great Britain today will be preparing to do the same thing in the UStomorrow. We must cut off the head of this one-world monster before it bites us.9Ironically when the Bosnian hostage crisis unfolded in May 1995, somepoliticians called for a UN-NATO rapid reaction force. It already existed! Theprocess of centralising the world military is also happening with the police forces.A little debated or publicised clause in the Maastricht treaty for European Unionestablished the K4 Committee to create a European police network operatingoutside democratic control. This must have been one of the clauses the votingfodder politicians missed when they failed to read the treaty before passing it intolaw. K4 is supposed to coordinate pan-European police action against drugtrafficking, money laundering, and illegal immigration. It will also establish aEuropean police network called Europol and a massive database of informationabout the population. Some have described it as a European FBI. Under theMaastricht Treaty, the ‘democratically’ elected European Parliament will have theright to be ‘consulted’ about the policies of K4, but has no right to change or vetothem! The membership of K4 is also to be kept secret and inaccessible to journalistsand human rights groups. Tony Bunyan, a director of the civil liberties group,Statewatch, said that K4 is a major step forward in the creation of the Europeanstate infrastructure that will be largely unaccountable and undemocratic. TheBritish government and establishment which talks from time to time of its concernabout the centralisation of power in Europe is a keen supporter of K4. This isbecause the rhetoric of those in power is only for public consumption. The overwhelming majority of them support the centralisation of Europe, whateverthey may claim.The Microchipped PopulationThis is the part of the Elite strategy which some people find hardest to accept. Webelieve that we would never allow it to happen. Well, let’s take a look at how closeit is. Already domestic animals are being microchipped in ever greater numbers andlinked to a computer. It’s been sold to pet owners on the basis of: You’ll never loseRover or Fido again. The Queen of England has had some of her corgismicrochipped. Who next, Prince Charles? Alongside this, the move to phase out theuse of coins and notes is being quickened and all money transactions will beelectronic via a credit card and/or smart card. This is planned to become a jointidentity/money card with all personal details on a microchip. If things go to plan,all these transactions will be recorded by a global computer – the beast, possibly,mentioned in the Biblical Revelations. The mark of the beast, the microchip, isplanned to be moved from the smart card to the human body when a story can behatched to persuade people to accept it. Some researchers suggest that the humanbarcoding system will include three sets of six digits in the computer – hence 666,the number of the Beast. Once we have agreed to the end of cash and there is noturning back, we will have to accept the microchip implant or we will have nomeans of purchasing anything when they decide to phase out smart cards. Also itwill be sold to people as a convenience which will end credit card fraud and lostcards. It is the ultimate control. Everything about you, including your location, willbe constantly observed by the computer. I am told by a very good source that theGlobal Elite computer system is based underground in Brussels, Belgium. It iscalled the Krypt or Crypt because it is located in 100,000 square feet of office spaceunderneath the Church of the Sacred Blood of Jesus, known locally as the BloodChurch. The main entrance to the underground facility is from buildings across theroad from the church. Similar computer centres are located at the Air ForceAcademy, Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, USA, and the Satellite ControlCentre, Alice Springs, Australia. These systems lock into government computersacross the world to gather information on everyone on the planet who has a socialsecurity number or identification code of some kind. Your details will be on thiscomputer now, waiting for the start of microchipping.Today if you go into a shop to buy food and your credit card is refused by thecomputer, you can pay with cash. What happens when there is no cash? You are atthe mercy of the computer. If it refuses your card or microchip, you have no meansto purchase anything. We will then be robots in every sense, an extension of acomputer program. In the US, Food Stamps and some other benefits are beingconverted to the card based Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) and the whole socialsecurity system is planning to do the same. The plan to phase out cash movesapace. A United Kingdom company, AIM UK, which specialises in automaticidentification, produced a face with a bar coding on the forehead as part of itspublicity material. One of this company’s products is Radio Frequency Identification which reads electronic labels in manufacturing, warehousing, shops,and on people. The technology now being developed will allow every thought andaction to be monitored and recorded. The London Sunday Times of April 16th 1995,also reported that:The next computer you buy may be the last one you will need. In future, scientists wantto insert electronic chips into our heads so we can plug directly into the informationsuperhighway. British researchers are among international teams working on an implantto translate human thought into computer language. In a generation, one group says,people with a peppercorn-sized chip in the back of the neck will be able to talk tomachines.Or, rather, the machines will be able to talk to them. People with satellitetelevision are amazed to find that their individual decoder cards can be programmedfrom the TV headquarters. When you ring to subscribe to a ‘scrambled’ channel, theoperator activates a beam which programmes your card and the picture appearswhile you are still on the phone! If they can do that to a card, they can do it to amicrochip inside a human being. The Elite plan includes the microchipping of allbabies at birth. It would take only a fraction of a second to do. The technologyalready exists and the only thing that remains is to persuade public opinion to acceptit, or even demand it. One way this will be done is to highlight missing childrenstories, including the abduction of babies from maternity wards. While I have beenwriting this book, there have been such incidents in the United Kingdom andimmediately the ‘solution’ offered was electronic tagging. This is a tiny step from animplanted microchip. The electronic tagging of criminals is also a stepping-stone tothe microchip. With the mind control techniques I discussed in the last chapter, it isno problem to program a woman to go into a hospital and steal a baby to create thesomething-must-be-done scenario. She would have no recollection of herprogramming and she would believe it was her decision. A highly acclaimedelectronics engineer in the United States was developing a microchip implant to helpspinal injury patients when, he said, the project was hijacked by the one-worldbrigade. The story of Dr Carl W. Sanders was reported in the investigative magazine,Nexus, in the summer of 1994. He said that he attended 17 meetings of the OneWorlders in places like Brussels and Luxemburg. The meetings, he claimed, weretying together the finances of the world. Dr Sanders said:I was at one meeting where it was discussed: ‘How can you control a people if youcan’t identify them?’ People like Henry Kissinger and CIA folk attended these meetings.It was discussed: ‘How do you make people aware of the need for something like thischip?’ All of a sudden the idea came: ‘Let’s make them aware of lost children, etc.’This was discussed in meetings almost like people were cattle. The CIA came up withthe idea of putting pictures of lost children on milk cartons. Since the chip is nowaccepted, you don’t see the pictures anymore, do you? It’s served its purpose. Dr Sanders said the manipulators want the chip to contain a name and a pictureof the person’s face, an international Social Security number, fingerprintidentification, physical description, family and medical history, address, occupation,income tax information, and criminal record. Another selling point of this, nodoubt, would be the end of passports. The chip recharges itself by turning thechanges in body temperature into a dynamo system and the most effective placesthey have found for this are the forehead and the back of the wrist. The BBC’science’ programme, Tomorrow’s World, revealed in September 1995, how in the UK,people are already being microchipped with their medical records. This stuff ishappening NOW! The implications of allowing ourselves to be microchipped are farwider than I’ve even outlined. It also involves the suppression of the spiritualtransformation now underway. The Sanders chip, he said, can be used to modifybehaviour. During the Vietnam War, he told Nexus, they had a Rambo Chip whichstimulated a greater flow of adrenaline. Timothy McVeigh, the man charged withthe Oklahoma bombing, says he was microchipped while serving in the US Army.How many mind-controlled service and ex-service personnel are out there withmicrochips within them that can be activated at will? Dr Sanders pointed out that ifyou stop the output of the pituitary gland, you can stop the flow of oestrogen, causeinstant menopause, and stop conception. The chip can be a form of mass birthcontrol, another theme of the New World Order. Messages from the computer to theimplanted chip can change mass behaviour, act as an emotional upper and downer,a sexual stimulant and depressant, and trigger violence at will. And the majorstepping-stones to the microchipped human being are the microchipped identitycard and the end of cash. Don’t let it happen.Supermarkets are now experimenting with barcoded cards which customers willuse to keep a tally of their purchases and then pay for them when they leave,without the need for a checkout assistant. The big supermarket chains already havethe facility for customers to pay by credit card in ways very similar to this. The nextstep is to say how much more convenient it would be if customers had a littlemicrochip under the skin without the need to use a card. Give your freedom away.You know it makes sense. Look at the supermarket queues you will avoid! InFebruary 1995, the now defunct London Today newspaper included a centre pagearticle predicting that cash would be phased out by the end of this decade andreplaced with electronic money. ‘Trials’ are underway in England, as they are acrossthe world. The new European currency will almost certainly be electronic.As I write this, there has been a story on the news that the new Europeancurrency will be delayed until the next century because of the time it will take toprint all the money and mint the coins. I can hear the punch line now: Oh wehave found a way of speeding up the process – we’ll have an electronic currency!The British government has made the UK the first country to introducecompulsory DNA profiles of everyone charged with a criminal offence. The DNAmakeup of a human being is a potentially catastrophic tool in the wrong handsbecause the underground science knows far more about these things than thepublic are told or even mainstream science knows. In the light of all these provable developments, it focuses the mind to reflect on the predictions in theBiblical Revelation:And he the beast or antichrist causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, freeand slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no-onemay buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number ofhis name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of thebeast for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.Revelation 13:16-18The Hopi native American people also have an ancient prophecy that no-onewill be able to buy or sell without the mark of the bear. When this mark becomesvisible, the prophecy says, the third Great War will come. If you look at the mark abear makes when it sharpens its claws on a tree, there is a remarkable resemblanceto the bar code of today. The New World Order is pushing ahead at this time fasterthan ever before to secure food control, energy control, business and credit controland the sum total of all these things and more: people control. That’s what themanipulators mean when they speak of One World and the Global Village. A globalfascist tyranny. A global plantation. The plan now is to divide and destabilisesocieties with terrorism and economic upheaval to dupe their collective minds intoallowing what is left of basic freedoms to be destroyed. Japan is one obvious targetof destabilisation, but all are in their sights unless we get wise to it. The idea is tostimulate fear in every heart. Nothing is too unspeakable to the Global Elite inpursuit of this. We can stop all of it and we will stop it, but only when peoplechoose to stop being pawns and victims. The Global Elite are not all powerful. Theyexist and control only because the human mind has opted out of responsibility andallowed them to run the world. With everyone who regains control of their ownmind, the task of the Elite gets harder and harder.If people are shocked by what they have read here, then I’m glad. I saw a badge,made in America, which said: The Truth will set you free – but first it will piss youoff! Reality often does shock and it’s time for human beings to look reality in theface – and change it to a better one. The reality which has been exposed here is thereality the collective human mind has created. It’s time to grow up. Human apathyand naivety are the greatest weapons of the Elite. Opening ourselves spiritually andrealising the full glory of Creation is wonderful. But if people float around in somespiritual mist, their feet dangling from the ceiling, they are copping out, in my view,and the complacency I see in so many areas of the spiritual movement is staggeringin the light of events in the world.I hear people who think that addressing or talking about something that is’negative’ must be avoided at all costs. It is disempowering, I hear. Knowledge isnever disempowering. But ignoring it is. What is more negative anddisempowering than being manipulated every day towards a global fascistdictatorship while having no idea that it is even happening? What is more negativethan having thoughts planted into our minds which we believe to be our own? And what does negative energy do, if it is not addressed? It stays negative, or gets moreso. Is that what the spiritual movement wants? Is that empowering? Or is it mucheasier to live in some semi-dream world where words like love and peace arescattered around like confetti while the Elite go on unchallenged because to exposetheir manipulation is considered too ‘negative’?It is easy to speak words, much harder to live them. And if we are going tochange this world for the better, then words like love, peace, respect, and freedomneed to be lived and not just parroted like some New Age speaking clock. As itsfoundation, any guide to freedom needs a thorough knowledge of why and howthat freedom has been removed in the first place. Without that, there can be noanswers. But answers there are if we have the courage and the vision to stopplaying around and get on with it.People of Planet Earth. It is wakey, wakey, time.Postscript to 21st century editionTen years after those words were written we can clearly see that the agenda heredescribed is now a fact. We have the European Central Bank installed with its unelectedbanker dictators controlling the single currency, the Euro. We have the former countriesof the Soviet Union being absorbed into NATO and the European Union and the effortsto turn Europe into a full-fledged centralised dictatorship unfold by the week. Since9/11, the microchip agenda has been pursued with vigour and thousands of people arenow chipped, exactly as predicted in this chapter. Proposals have also been revealed toreplace credit cards with microchips under the skin.How much longer are the vast majority going to ignore the obvious?(See headlines page for daily updates)SOURCES1 The Guardian (December 12th 1995) p122 Secret Societies, p218 3 Reported in the London Financial Times (March 9th 1995) p44 The Sunday Times (December 17th 1995) p25 Secret Societies, p2856 Ibid7 Ibid8 Ibid9 NATO, UN Contract, Marriage Made In Hell, The Spotlight (December 5th 1994) p110 Nexus magazine (June/July 1994) pl5


part two

the freedom

I believe in … me
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is
that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us. We ask ourselves “who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You
are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s
nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel
insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do…
we were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us.
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
Attributed to Nelson Mandela

chapter 17

we are the prison warders

Freedom may seem so far from our grasp when you read of the global
manipulation. In reality, it is but a thought away. That thought is our freedom. If
we are going to remove the global dictatorship – and we are are – it will be done by
changing the way we think and feel about ourselves. Who are the real Prison
Warders who have systematically delinked us from our true and infinite potential?
We are.
You, me, all of us. I outlined some ideas in The Robots’ Rebellion for the way we
can organise and evolve our societies to ensure the freedom of thought and
expression we seek. But they were only ideas, not rigid structures. Society, and how
it is organised, reflects, like everything, human thought. If we feel fear, guilt,
resentment, and hatred, and we desire for others to take over our responsibility,
those thought patterns will create the dictatorship institutions of today. However, if
we feel love, respect and forgiveness, for self and others, and we desire to retake
control of our minds and responsibility, then society will express those thoughts.
The answer to the ills I have described in this book is within us and how we think
and feel about ourselves. Everything that happens in this physical world is the
result of a thought or thoughts. If we change thought, we change the physical
world. In this closing section of the book, I am going to address this process because
it is the means through which we can, and will, create a better world. The inner
revolution becomes the outer revolution. The Earth is a mirror of the human mind.
It is appropriate at this stage to recap on a major theme of the book: creating our
own reality. Look at your world and your life and you are looking at what you
think of yourself at the very core of your being. It is easier to look outside ourselves
for someone else to blame for what is happening to us. But we attracted those
experiences and so the answer lies within, not without. We are absorbing magnetic
energy from the cosmos and higher levels of ourselves and broadcasting that energy
out through the chakra/vortex system into the world, all the time. As that energy
passes through us, it picks up our energy pattern. This precisely reflects our
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual state of being. Through this means, the
subconscious creates a physical replica of itself before our eyes, in people, places
and experiences which reflect its sense of self. At any moment in any day, we are
casting around us a magnetic image of what we think of ourselves. It is this which
creates our reality by magnetically attracting to us experiences which correspond
with that pattern. If you think you will always be poor, that is the magnetic energy
pattern you will cast around you. This will attract poverty to you on the basis of like
attracts like. Look at yourself and most of the people you know. Observe for a while
how many negative statements you and they make about the world and
themselves. “I can’t do this”, “I could never do that.” The common theme is: “I’m
not good enough”. As a result, we achieve little because that is what we expect to
This is understandable to an extent, because thanks to religion and the
education/media system, we are deluged with messages telling us we are ‘sinners’
or ‘unworthy’ in some way. If you are a woman without a ‘perfect’ body, you are
unworthy; if you are a little man with a bald head, you are unworthy; if you work
in a factory, you are unworthy compared with the guy in the suit; if you were born
out of wedlock, you are unworthy compared with those with ‘official’ parents.
There is a never-ending list of images which, if we do not conform to some or all of
them, we are considered, and consider ourselves, a failure or less worthy than
someone else. All this is crap, but it is persuasive crap if people are told it often
enough from childhood. This is, in fact, the most powerful and effective of the mind
manipulations I have been exposing. If we can be made to feel unworthy, of little
consequence, and only here to do as we are told by our ‘betters’, then that is the
magnetic energy field we broadcast and that is the physical reality we create. In
doing so, we are handing our minds and our world to those who broadcast a reality
in which they have the right to control everything and everyone.
Years ago, as a journalist, I visited a hostel for women who had been attacked by
their husbands or partners. I was amazed to find that a number of these women were
on their second, third or even fourth partner who had been physically violent
towards them. I am not amazed anymore, because I can see why this was so. The
women were attracting that punishment to them by what they thought of themselves.
I did not meet one woman in that hostel who had any self-esteem and when I chatted
with them, that lack of self-esteem clearly went back long before the first man
attacked them. This is not to dismiss what they suffered, nor to excuse what the men
did to them. The men were also reflecting what they thought of themselves, because
anyone who exhibits hatred and violence towards others is projecting outwardly a
hatred of self. The victims are only mirrors for what the men think of themselves. The
reason these two inner imbalances are attracted to each other is because the woman
(who has such low self-esteem that she has an inner belief that she deserves to be
punished), attracts the man (who wishes to punish others to avoid looking within).
This is done through the attraction of two magnetic ‘capes’. When one violent
relationship breaks down, the woman simply attracts another until the cause (the lack
of self-love) is removed. It’s the same with the man. Love at first sight, dislike at first
sight.. .all such reactions are the result of this process.
The family connection is important to emphasise here. Apart from the relative
few who eventually break away from the mental and emotional domination of their
parents, most people are massively influenced by the messages of childhood.
Everyone is, to some extent, and these messages can be positive or, far too often,
negative. Our overwhelming source of information in the first few crucial years of
our physical lives is our parents. And what they tell us about the world is a reflection
of what they think of themselves. They were the products of their own upbringing
and what their parents thought of themselves. If our parents and grandparents were
given negative images of themselves and their potential, they are likely to have
passed this onto us. This is not done out of malice, merely misunderstanding. Our
parents are the products of their upbringing, just as we are of ours. Each generation
of victims creates, largely unknowingly, the next generation of victims. But we don’t
have to. The cycle can be broken and that is what we are here to do. We are here to
take the baton of conditioning and limitation from our parents, break those patterns,
and hand a baton of freedom onto our children.
As the mind control and the human divisions of class, job, sex, colour and creed,
have grown, the childhood messages for the majority have been extremely negative.
If you are a woman, you are led to believe that you are here to serve men and
conform to your place in a man’s world. A career of your own? What about your
husband? In these circumstances, standing in a man’s shadow becomes the
woman’s reality and that is the life she attracts and therefore creates. If we are born
into a vast council housing estate amid poverty and unemployment, it is easy to see
how through childhood and into adulthood we can be persuaded that life will
always be like that. We can believe that there is no way out of this cycle. It becomes
our reality. We don’t expect to escape from our lot in life and so we don’t, because
we are attracting to us what we expect. We don’t expect to have a say in what
happens in the world and, again, that is what we create. It is the same with those
who suffer from inhuman deprivation in parts of Africa, Asia, and Central and
South America. Children born into those conditions naturally believe that this is
what life must be like because they have known nothing else. They inherit, and then
pass on, the mindset that the West is rich and they are poor and it will always be so.
As a result they remain poor and exploited because that is the magnetic reality they
attract. If you can create the mindset, you create the physical reality, and this is what
the manipulators seek to do.
Now look at this from the Global Elite point of view. The children of the key
families at the peak of the pyramid are brought up through childhood to believe
that not only will they always be rich materially, they are also programmed to
believe that they have a birthright and a genetic inheritance which ensures they will
control the world and deserve to do so. That is what they believe and that becomes
their magnetic reality. This energy pattern which they broadcast around them
attracts the experiences and opportunities to manifest in their lives what is going on
inside. They do indeed control a world made up largely of people broadcasting, and
creating, the reality that they are unworthy and have no control over their lives.
One reality dominates the other and it is not difficult to see why. Of course, the
attitude of the Global Elite which says they are superior and have a right to control
others is a reflection of deep imbalances within them, a lack of love and respect for
self, manifesting outwards as a lack of love and respect for others. This will make
them unfulfilled and unhappy people, always seeking happiness and a sense of
fulfilment by yet more control and domination of others. But at the level of
controlling the world, their day by day reality is very much that they are the
controllers. Therefore they are. And each generation within the families of the
Global Elite will program that into their offspring, so maintaining the reality
through the decades. Whatever else is going on inside, someone who believes they
are born to control will always dominate those who believe they are unworthy and
need to look to others to tell them what to think and do. The ‘master’ and the ‘slave’
create each other.
There will be those who claim that all this cannot be true because while they are
always saying they are confident of achieving this or winning that, they never do.
That’s because they don’t really believe it. Far from describing what we feel inside,
words are often used to hide what is happening within us. They are fronts,
smokescreens, to our true self. Words only have real power when we believe what
we say. This is why two people can make the same speech and one will get a
standing ovation and the other polite applause. If we truly feel the words we speak,
they project an energy of enormous power, for it is the combination of the words
and our inner self in unison. If another person just reads the words competently
and professionally without feeling them with all their being, that potential power
will not be there. I can say I am a black woman. I find it easy to say that. But I don’t
believe it because I am not a black woman, I am a white man. Words are just words
unless we believe them. It is not words that create our reality, it is what is going on
inside of our multidimensional, magnetic, self.
When people verbally attack politicians or those in power of any kind, they
believe they are proving that they won’t be pushed around by authority. Often the
opposite is the case. People may attack politicians as “useless” or bankers as
“greedy parasites”, but what happens when anything goes wrong? To whom do
those same people look for answers and responsibility? Themselves? No. Politicians
and bankers. What are “they” going to do about it, they ask. The words are just a
facade, an illusion that people are taking control of their lives. The inner being is
still giving its mind and life away to others and that continues to be the physical
reality, no matter what the words may say.
The New World Order is the natural outcome of each generation handing over
its responsibility and potential. The collective mind of the human race is the sum
total of all human thought. Whatever dominates human thought will dominate the
collective mind and this also creates a global magnetic reality. If the dominating
thought patterns in the collective mind include a desire for someone else to take
responsibility for our lives and do all the things we can’t be bothered to do, then the
magnetic pattern thus produced will create a collective, global, version of that – the
network called the New World Order. It will attract together the imbalanced energy
fields of the Global Elite to fulfil that reality. The Global Elite are the collective
equivalent of a dominating husband who tells his wife everything she must do and
think. That woman will have attracted that man and vice versa because of what is
going on within both of them. So it is with the collective mind and the New World
Order. It is our creation.
We are the Global manipulators because the people identified in this book are
the global reflection, the mirror, of the way we manipulate each other. Look at how
we all manipulate people by using fear and guilt to get our own way. We often do it
without realising it because it has become so much a part of the human psyche. The
Global Elite are simply doing the same on a global scale. Look at how people play
two sides off against each other to bring about a desired result in a family or
business. The Elite are only doing the same on a bigger stage. It is only the scale that
is different. They represent the sum total of human behaviour on that vibration of
control and domination which billions of people are using in their own lives day by
day. So when we look at the Rothschilds, the Henry Kissingers, and the David
Rockefellers who are provably manipulating the human race along a dark and
deeply unpleasant road, in my view, they are only the reflection of what is
happening in the collective human mind. When we love, respect, and forgive
ourselves and each other, and when we desire to take responsibility for our own
lives, that will be the reality we will create around us and, together, we will create
globally. The New World Order of centralised dictatorship will not be able to exist
in such circumstances because it will not be the collective desire and, therefore, the
collective reality. We will have thought it out of existence. There is no such thing as
a “natural order”. What we call the “natural order” is merely the physical
expression of the dominating thought patterns in any society or on a particular
frequency. When the thought patterns change, so does the “natural order”.
There are many thought patterns that form together to create our inner sense of
self and our outer physical reality. It’s not only the way we think now. It includes all
the thought patterns, the inner resentments, hurts, fears, and guilts, we have held
on to from earlier in our lives and in previous physical lives, sometimes going back
aeons. If your life today does not reflect the way you are consciously thinking, it can
be that way for a number of reasons. One is that you are holding on to patterns
from the past which you may not even be aware of. How can you tell what they
are? Look at your life. It reflects what is going on inside. What is it about your
attitude to yourself that is attracting your present experience? It is only by our
subconscious creating an outer, physical, reflection of itself that we can identify
what we are carrying deep within our psyche. Many people, at this time of the
Great Transformation of the Earth and the human race, are going through highly
negative experiences, mostly affecting the emotional level where so much of this
psychological baggage from the past is accumulated. Although it may not seem so
at the time (as I know from my own experiences), this process is actually very
positive. It is giving us the opportunity to face our inner self and let go of the pain
and weight of the past. We don’t live in and enjoy the now because our ‘now’ is
dominated by the baggage of the past and the worry of the future.
Two other forces that help to create our present experience by affecting our inner
pattern are our desire to serve the Earth and the human race, and, connected with
that, the astrological vibrations we are feeling day by day. When we come with a
specific task to make a contribution to improving life on Earth, and there are
countless millions, potentially billions, of such people on the planet at this time, we
carry preprogrammed patterns which will help us to do the job. Sometimes such
people will not be doing what they consciously want to do, but they will be
following a pattern from their higher consciousness which will attract to them the
experiences necessary to carry out their chosen task in this incarnation. Astrological
factors will be part of this, as they are for all people. The planets are like
transmitters broadcasting a distinct vibration. Depending where they are on their
orbits in relation to the Earth, different planetary vibrations, or combinations of
them, are more powerful at different times in their effect on this planet. A good
astrologer identifies these combinations and outlines their likely effect. Things don’t
have to happen in response to these astrological changes because we have freewill,
but they are more likely to happen.
At birth we absorb the energy pattern in the atmosphere of our birthplace. This
will reflect the positions of the planets at that moment. So, as the planets continue to
travel the heavens during our physical lifetime, we will be affected by them in a
rather different way from someone born at another time and place because our
inner ‘birth pattern’ will be different. Again a good astrologer – and the ability
varies enormously as with every other profession – will be able to predict likely
effects on people if they know their exact time of birth and where they were born.
They will also be able to make a reasonable assessment of what we have chosen to
achieve in this life by assessing the energies we absorbed at birth. When and where
we are born is rarely random. The movement of the planets and changing Earth
vibrations they trigger are affecting us every second, and I believe it will be shown
as the transformation proceeds that our DNA is synchronised with the planets.
There are many factors which go into the make-up of our inner energy pattern
and therefore the physical reality it creates. But one thing above all will lead us to a
positive, joyous, freedom more effectively than anything else. That is to love,
forgive, and respect ourselves. The first step to that is to deprogramme our minds
from the manipulated messages of the Global Elite and allow ourselves to be, think,
and feel, what we really are. The real us, not the robot version.
Deprogramming the Mind
An ever-increasing number of people are deprogramming themselves from a
lifetime of subtle and less than subtle mental dictatorship. The minute-by-minute
messages from the media, religion, and the ‘education’ system, together with the
inherited ‘values’ we absorb without question, have been designed to create a
concrete prison of dogma in our consciousness. I refer to religion and the other
empires of manipulation as psychological fascism. It turns our mind into a rigid
enemy, when it should be our flexible friend.
Letting go of dogma is the key. It doesn’t matter what form your dogma may
take; there will be an opposing dogma to challenge yours. As these are brought into
conflict, a divide-and-rule scenario follows. This is why religions and political
parties were created. To the Global Elite, and therefore the Prison Warder
consciousness, the so called ‘far Left’ is just as important as the ‘far Right’. The
dogmatic Christians are just as important as the dogmatic Muslims or Hindus. The
unions are just as vital as the ‘bosses’. You need two to tango and two to fight.
Creating extremes and playing them off against each other has been one of the most
effective weapons in the Prison Warder control of this physical world. Tyranny
takes many forms, most of them not obvious. More than that, most people who
behave in dictatorial, authoritarian ways, don’t even realise they are doing so. They
are so sure that they are right, they don’t stop to observe that they are imposing
their beliefs on someone else and using the banner of ‘freedom’ to do it. Mental
dictators don’t all look like Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin. They can also stand in picket
lines, go on freedom marches, or sit around a candle in Glastonbury.
We desperately need the re-emergence of female energy on the planet, but not to
the extent that we replace one dogma with another. When it was suggested that I be
interviewed on the BBC radio programme, Woman’s Hour, the programme researcher
asked what a man could possibly tell women about female energy. This lady
opposed, quite rightly, male chauvinism, but then expressed female chauvinism,
another dogma which operates on exactly the same thought pattern as the one she
was opposing! Some homosexuals who, again rightly, demand an end to their
oppression and victimisation, campaign for their beliefs in ways that oppress and
victimise others, often other homosexuals. They will, collectively, stop attracting
discrimination when they stop giving it out. A British MP demanded that violent
criminals be thrashed on live television after the National Lottery draw. What effect
would this have, did she say? Less violence in society! And in the United States,
perhaps the sickest and most violent society in the world, the death penalty is being
extended to more states. Why? To deter violence and murder. They are killing people
with electric chairs and firing squads because, presumably, they say life is sacred and
anyone who takes life should be murdered. The mental gymnastics required for this
beggars belief. All these examples are the same thought patterns promoted as
opposites. They are dogmas, prisons of the mind. What we believe is right for us we
surely need to believe is also right for everyone. If we don’t, we are not serious about
freedom for all, only freedom for ourselves and our own dogma.
The difference between dictatorship and freedom is allowing all information into
the public arena and respecting another’s right to make of it what feels good to
them. Disagreement and harmony are not contradictions if respect for another view
is there. When I challenge people and organisations in this book, it is not because of
what they believe. They can believe what they like, that is their choice. I challenge
them because from my perspective they seek to impose those views and to suppress
others. They can believe to their hearts’ content that a world government and a
microchipped population is a great idea. It is when they impose those things on
others that a challenge becomes legitimate and necessary. We need to keep in focus
what we mean when we talk of freedom. If we don’t do that, we might,
unknowingly, be acting in ways that stop ourselves and others being truly free. I
will highlight here three groups who campaign for freedom in various ways and it’s
interesting to see how the old thinking and dogmas can be promoted as the new. If
we don’t see the difference, then we remain programmed, manipulated, and
freedom will be beyond our grasp.


The Robot RadicalsThis is the name I give to those locked into the thought pattern considered to be onthe ‘Left’ or ‘radical’ wings of the Elite-created Left/Right spectrum of allegedpolitical ‘opposites’. This thought pattern has its whole view of life controlled bywhere it considers itself and others to be on that mythical Left/Right scale. You areeither Left or Right. There is no ‘in-between’ to a Robot Radical, precisely as themanipulators intended. It all appears so simple. Left is good and Right is bad andvou must be one or the other. It is a thought pattern which speaks of freedom, butactually believes in anything but. It is another form of inflexible, mentaldictatorship decked out as freedom – the freedom to pursue and impose its owndogma. The Robot Radicals are a manipulator’s dream. Smash the Tories and allwill be well. Summon the revolution of the people against the fascist state. That’swhat they said in France during their revolution. That’s what they said in Russiaduring theirs. Millions were slaughtered in the name of ‘people power’ and onetyranny was replaced by another. Those on the Robot Radical vibration do notappreciate that the same force that controls their ‘opposition’ also controls them.They are the foot soldiers and propagandists for the Elite and the overwhelmingmajority have no idea that this is so. Any suggestion of a global clique manipulatingLeft and Right is such an attack on their simple good-guys-bad-guys/freedomfascist view that they find it easier to ignore or condemn the messenger than toopen their minds to the evidence.The nature of this mindset was brought home to me when The Robots’ Rebellionwas published in the UK in 1994. It contains a wealth of information about thebackground to the ills that the Robot Radicals say they oppose. I do not claim thatevery last word and detail is accurate, because we are dealing with the history of asecret strategy, after all, but it makes (I and many, many, others believe) a significantcontribution to the debate. Was it accepted as such by the Robot Radicals? Notquite. My use of extracts from the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion was too muchfor political purity to take. It didn’t matter that I had emphasised, as I do in thisbook, that this is not a plot by Jewish people; it didn’t matter that I renamed themthe Illuminati Protocols for the specific reason of getting away from theirassociation with Jewish people; it didn’t matter that these Protocols, which came tolight in the late 1800s, contain details of the very plan of manipulation which hasprovably unfolded through the twentieth century. It doesn’t matter because theNazis used the Protocols against Jews after Hitler was given a copy by a man ofJewish extraction, Alfred Rosenberg, and so anyone else who mentions them mustbe condemned. How the Elite must laugh with glee. A Robot Radical refuses to beselective or discerning and divide the two issues of who was blamed for theProtocols from what they actually say. What they are missing is a flexibility of mindand yet it could be theirs now, this second, if they summoned the courage to makethat choice.For some years in the 1980s, I was a national speaker for the British Green Party.I was attracted by their desire to protect the planet and their alleged support forfreedom of information. When a Green Party group in Salford, Manchester, asked me to speak about my book at the Green Party national conference in the Autumnof 1994,1 was banned by the party hierarchy for, in effect, inciting racial hatred. Thecampaign was whipped up by two Robot Radicals called Derek Wall and DavidBlack, the author of a charming little article about me headed “Son of God or Son ofthe Devil?” They were supported by others in the Green Party’s Robot Radicalclique, like Penny Kemp. I have a letter from the conference organiser which saysthat of the members of the committee who issued the ban only two had read thebook and both went into the meeting determined to say it was not racist. Theyended up being persuaded to vote for a ban by those who had not read it! And themembership which is so ‘anti-hierarchy’ allowed its own hierarchy to deny theirright to hear me speak.There are many genuinely open-minded people in the Green Party groupsaround the UK, but at the collective level, it is just another strand in the Elite web ofmind control and self-deception. The sad thing is, they don’t realise it. I hadintended to use the opportunity at the conference to talk about the underlyingmanipulation which is creating the problems the Green Party was set up to address,and the way that pollution-free energy sources are being suppressed whichsupercede anything the Green Movement has been promoting. The membership didnot get the opportunity to hear this, however. The hierarchy in this ‘anti-hierarchy’party had decided what they should and should not hear. Much better to do thatthan to have a black-and-white belief system challenged. It has become anotherRobot Radical party, at the hierarchy level, which talks of freedom, but refuses tolive it.You see this attitude constantly expressed in the various forms of RobotRadicalism, represented in the UK by newspapers like The Guardian, The NewStatesman, and The Socialist Worker. So it is with other ‘radical’ parties andorganisations who see freedom as having the right for their beliefs to take over thecentres of control from those they disagree with. One form of imposition replacinganother. And each new generation is enticed into the web and locked into thisRobot Radical thought wave which not only makes life easy for the manipulatingelite, it also imprisons the new recruits in a barely-one-dimensional view whichshuts out their higher consciousness. It is just another mental prison.It is a reflection of the thought patterns of the Global Elite. The Elite manipulateminds by emphasising some information and suppressing or ignoring the rest. Sodo the Robot Radicals. They claim to be anti-racist, but, in reality, they are onlyagainst non-politically-correct racism. If you claim to be against racism, it mustmean all racism, surely. To see any race as inferior is not only deeply unpleasant, itis downright silly from the view of life that I hold. Our minds, our consciousness,incarnates into endless physical bodies and life situations, white, black, yellow,Jewish, Arab, all of them. To judge someone by their genetic spacesuit – body – isthe ultimate misunderstanding, I feel. But the Robot Radicals posture their politicalpurity (or knowingly work for the manipulators) by attacking as racists those whoare legitimately investigating the global conspiracy, while they ignore completelythe blatant examples of Jewish racism. The child-like mind of the Robot Radical cannot challenge Jewish racismbecause the Nazis they so despise are anti-Jewish, and so they must not say aword against Jewish racism because they might be seen to be supporting theNazis. Showing themselves to be against all racism is far less important to a RobotRadical than playing their silly political games on a black and white chessboard.So while New World Order researchers are condemned as racists because theyname some people who happen to be Jewish (and far more who are not), nothingis said by the Robot Radicals about the Talmud, the Jewish Book of Law, which isamong the most appallingly racist documents on the planet. There is silence, too,about rabbis who say they would never drink wine that had not been bottled by aJew. Yet there would be vehement condemnation of someone who said theywould never drink wine that had been bottled by a Jew. The stench of hypocrisyfills the air.In the same way, there is silence from the Robot Radicals when people like theFrenchman, Jean Briere, are fined or jailed for expressing an opinion. Briere, aformer spokesman for the French Green Party, was given a three-month suspendedprison sentence and fined £1,800 for “anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli remarks”. He hadsaid the Jewish lobby had influenced the US to start the Gulf War and he describedIsrael as “racist, militaristic, theocratic, and expansionist”. The Robot Radicalswould have been united in their condemnation of Briere and yet had he spokenthose words about America and Americans, those same Robot Radicals would haveburst into spontaneous applause.What is the difference between the anti-Jewish laws in Nazi Germany and lawsunder which you can be fined and imprisoned for saying what Briere said? What isthe difference between the controlled anti-Jewish media under Hitler and the waythe Japanese magazine, Marco Polo, was closed down by its parent company in1995 because of a campaign by the global Jewish hierarchy to stop its advertisingrevenue after it published an article questioning some of the official stories of theNazi concentration camps? Both come under the heading of authoritarianism, butdon’t ask a Robot Radical to see that. Their dogma could not cope with it. Theseapparent ‘opposites’ like Right and Left, fascists and Robot Radicals, are actuallyoperating on the same thought patterns. They just use different words to describethe same thing: imposing their dogma on everyone else while seeking to deny aplatform to views and information they disagree with.When I spoke in Glastonbury, Somerset, in 1995, a Robot Radical from the localGreen Party handed out leaflets and went to the media condemning me and TheRobots’ Rebellion for spreading racial hatred. This campaigner for freedom, aDavid Taylor, wanted to ensure that I would not have the opportunity to speak inGlastonbury again, so denying the people the right to make up their own minds.He listed a series of staggering misrepresentations and untruths on his leaflet insupport of his case. This did not surprise me when I realised that Mr Taylor,despite his campaign and condemnation, had not actually read the book! I kid younot. When asked about the manipulation of the Freemasons, he replied that theywere an organisation that did a lot for charity, and when faced with the information about the way Roosevelt had provably manipulated America into analready manipulated Second World War, he said that unless the Americans hadcome into the war, Hitler would have won. Mr Taylor was speaking and acting fora collective mindset that grips the consciousness of hundreds of millions of RobotRadicals all over the world. No wonder the Global Elite have had such a free ridethus far.The Robot Radical mindset is a telling mixture of naivety and arrogance and thatis one heck of a combination! How ironic that the people who have done most toattack me for trying to make suppressed information available are those who claimin their angelic, politically-correct, lily-white sense of their own purity, that theystand for freedom from tyranny. The Robot Radicals are a tyranny and they are justtoo full of their own political perfection to realise it. And on the other ‘extreme’ youhave the Robot Right, the same tyrannical thought pattern as the Robot Radicals,but wearing a different uniform. The Robot Radicals are convinced of their moralpurity and the Robot Right are convinced of their genetic purity. But they are thesame thought pattern disguised as opposites.Nothing has illustrated the arrogance and naivety of the Robot Radical mindsetin my recent experience, more than two people called Matthew Kalman and JohnMurray. They publish a magazine in Britain called Open Eye. This is some ironybecause I have rarely come across eyes and minds that were more obviouslyslammed shut. They claim to be interested in exposing manipulation andcorruption and yet appear to take every opportunity to attack and undermine thosewho are successful in raising these issues in the main public arena. It was they whohave led people to believe that I am a Nazi or Nazi sympathiser and anti-Jewish.They wrote two grubby articles, one of which was published in the Robot Radicalweekly, The New Statesman, under the heading “New Age Nazism”. The fact that Iam neither ‘New Age’ or a ‘Nazi’ is brilliantly symbolic of the standard of theirresearch. Apparently, anyone who has an open mind about history and the officialline is, by definition, a potential Nazi to Kalman and Murray. They also admitcontributing ‘information’ about me to The Guardian and for an outrageous articleby ‘journalist’, Mark Honigsbaum, in the London Evening Standard, entitled “TheDark Side of David Icke”. At no time before these articles were written did eitherKalman or Murray even take the trouble to talk to me. Kalman is also editor of aJewish ‘alternative’ magazine called New Moon, the November 1995 front cover ofwhich portrayed me as Adolf Hitler. Inside was a Kalman and Murray ‘review’ ofthis book in which they claimed I was saying it is all a plot by Jewish people to takeover the world. You’ve read the book and you can see the opposite is true. So whyare they saying this? Virtually every article attacking me in this way was written byKalman and Murray or had the ‘information’ supplied by them. Either this duo arejust being incredibly immature and silly (a strong probability) or they have anotheragenda. In my view, whatever their motivation, they have revealed magnificentlyhow the best defence the Elite have against exposure is the Robot Radical mentality.If people were in control of their own minds, the nonsense communicated byKalman and Murray would be of no consequence. Unfortunately the Robot Radical mind can’t wait to giveitself away. Most depressingwas the number of peoplewho believed the laughable’research’ behind thesearticles. Some began tohand out protest leaflets atmy meetings. Many werefrom the Anti-Nazi League.The leaflets were equally,often staggeringly,inaccurate. Most of thepeople doing it had not readmy books or heard mespeak. They were reactingto what they read in themedia, almost all of whichwas inspired by our friendsKalman and Murray! Someinvitations for me to speakwere also withdrawn on the strength of the same information. The manipulatorsmust be laughing themselves to death. Others behind the efforts to dub me a Naziare, I am told by a good source, connected to the Raelian Foundation of which Iwrote earlier.What the Robot Radicals can’t see, and don’t want to see, is that the Global Elitefund Jewish groups and anti-Jewish groups; communist groups and anticommunist groups; the far Left and the far Right. The Elite have no need to bringthese ‘opponents’ into conflict because they are so imbalanced within their beingthat they find each other like heat-seeking missiles and attempt to destroy eachother without any help from anyone. Whenever a person stands up to makesuppressed information public, the Elite network uses both wings in thediscrediting campaign. It uses its Robot Right organisations to come out in supportof the writer or speaker and then activates its Robot Radical organisations to attackthe person for being a tool of the far Right. That is precisely what has been triedwith me, and most of the people involved will not realise how they are beingmanipulated.If you really want to discredit someone, you arrange for anti-Jewish or antiwhatever events such as the smashing of graves, assaults on people, even a terroristbomb in the extreme. You then point the finger at your target person or group. Yousay they are either directly responsible or ‘incited’ the actions by what they arewriting and saying. Adolf Hitler used this very technique when the Nazis burneddown the German Parliament building, the Reichstag, in 1933 and blamed it on thecommunists. This method has an added bonus for a manipulator – it creates fear intheir own community or group, thus making them easier to control. I am not saying that there are no genuine attacks on Jewish and other groups by desperatelyunbalanced and misguided people, but to say that all of them are genuine is equallynaive. The combination of naivety and arrogance will ensure that most of themembers of both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ don’t realise that they are being used by thesame force (Figure 16 on previous page). I would recommend that both the RobotRadicals and the Robot Right repeat over and over those words of John F. Kennedy.Whether he really meant them or not is by the by. The words themselves arebrilliant:“We seek a free flow of information…a nation that is afraid to let the people judge thetruth and falsehood in an open market is a nation afraid of its people.”That is what we have in this world today. Self-interest groups afraid of thepeople, and the Robot Radicals and the Robot Right are the same as all the rest.New Age – or the Old Age Revisited?The inflexibility of thought I am addressing here can be found in all areas of’alternative’ thinking and lifestyles, including that which is known as the NewAge. Significant parts of the New Age are, I believe, becoming little more thananother religion which believes in reincarnation and it is seeking to impose itsgathering dogma on others.



I have been fascinated to experience how those whospeak of freedom of thought and expression really mean freedom of thought andexpression which agrees with their own. This is what the old thinking does, asrevealed by the Robot Radicals, and yet here the old thinking is packaged as newthinking for a New Age. I feel we have to be careful about this because much ofthis ‘new thinking’ appears to me to be like an old car resprayed. On the outside itlooks new and fresh, but it is the same old vehicle underneath and the rust isstarting to show.One of the foundations of the New Age thinking is to urge people to ignorewhat the world may tell them they should think and to follow what their heartand intuition tells them. I could not agree more. But what do I see happening? Isee people being told by elements within the New Age what they should thinkand do. This is not done as a suggestion, it is almost an order. Failing to acceptthis ‘advice’ is seen as confirmation that you have gone “off your path”. For “offyour path” read “the path that someone else thinks you should be on”. Are suchpeople not seeking to impose their intuition and their belief system on othersinstead of respecting another’s right to follow their heart and instincts in the waythey demand to be allowed to follow their own? I thought this was something theNew Age was supposed to be challenging, not perpetuating. I see censorship inthe New Age to keep out what would question the gathering and solidifyingdogma at its core, and if people now awakening to a new reality are sucked intothis, they could be swapping one form of thought control for another. What isright for one is not right for everyone and once you begin to impose dogmas, it’sthe Old Age revisited. If you look at any organisation or movement, it invariably follows the samepattern. First it emerges to question the status quo of the time with another set ofbeliefs. Then, instead of evolving in the light of new information and experience, itsolidifies and turns those original beliefs into a dogma which becomes the statusquo of the next generations. This dogma is defended with the same unyieldingvehemence as the old dogma displayed in the past. Anyone who continues to seekand move on in their thinking and perceptions, is condemned as “extreme”,”loony” and not to be taken seriously – the same response of the old dogma when itwas defending itself. At this point, such a movement or organisation ceases to be avehicle for positive change and becomes a block on that change. The GreenMovement has been through this process. It is now a block on furtherunderstanding because it refuses to encompass areas of spiritual and scientificthought which question its original thinking. The New Age Movement movedbeyond the Green hierarchy by encompassing the multidimensional view of peopleand planet. But it, too, is now solidifying. It is fast becoming, in significant areas,what the Green Movement has become: a form of suppression, dogma, anddiversion, not freedom. The New Age says we are all equal and yet creates the samehierarchical divisions of us and them, teachers and pupils, gurus and followers, thatthe Old Age has done.One mindset which has swept the New Age is the idea that some “AshtarCommand”1 is going to send down spaceships to take off the chosen few. Maybe it’sjust me, but that sounds remarkably like a cop-out and another version of the themeof ages – the messiah coming to save the good guys and good gals. All this can do -and does – is to create another form of dependency, another rigid belief system,when surely the transformation of humanity is about triggering everyone’spotential to be whatever they wish to be. I have learned of an Elite project calledOperation Bluebeam which is sending out thought waves on the wavelengths thatchannellers use. These messages are designed to mislead and divert people bypurporting to come from extraterrestrials and other dimensions. Two of theinventions of Operation Bluebeam, according to an excellent source, are the “AshtarCommand” and the “Ascension” information. But make up your own mind.Workshops, meetings, and such like are great if they are designed to set free, toallow people to remember who they are and what they can do. But if they arestructured as the ‘Enlightened One’ teaching the less enlightened, it is anothermeans of giving the mind away. I see people promoted as “Britain’s leading healer”or “Britain’s leading psychic” or even “Maitreya, the Christ and World Teacher, ahero, a titan in men’s midst”. What is going on here? We are all healers and allpsychic. Who on Earth can say that one is better than the rest and why do we feelthe need to claim that anyway? We are all each other, all part of the same whole, allwith the potential of tapping into the healing force and passing it on to others. Ibelieve we should be working together, not claiming superiority. But parts of theNew Age are showing every sign of being the Old Age under another flag.The New Age has made a positive contribution and in many areas it is positivein its intent and achievements today. The world is a more enlightened place with the New Age movement than without it. The same with the Green movement to anextent. But if we allow ourselves to be sucked into their dogma, we will be heldback from further discovery. No-one knows it all, or even nearly so. Therefore thereis always more to know. Getting caught up in rigid perceptions will keep us fromthat never-ending flow of knowledge that is ours for the taking if, and only if, wekeep our minds and hearts free from dogma.Christian PatriotismThe phenomena of the same thought patterns dressed up in different ways is true ofmany areas of global conspiracy investigation. This consists of a vast array ofdifferent people and backgrounds, and I am not generalising about everyone. But Ifind here, too, the dogma and the illusion of freedom. The question I always askwhen someone is proposing “freedom” is “Freedom to do what?” If you look atmany of the conspiracy investigators and organisations, particularly in the UnitedStates, you often find that they are not talking about freedom, at all. In the USA, theloudest voice challenging the New World Order is that of Christian Patriotism. Thisthought pattern believes that the problems in America and the world result fromthe decline of Christianity and the answer is to restore the United States as apatriotic Christian nation. That’ll fix it. Is this the same patriotic Christian nationthat destroyed without mercy the Native American civilisations which had lived onthat continent for thousands of years? Is this the same nation that forced childrengeneration after generation to be taught someone else’s beliefs and to becondemned if they didn’t accept them? It surely is. Those two dogmas ofChristianity and Patriotism are, irony of ironies, two of the rigid mindsets whichhave been used continually over the centuries to bring about the very New WorldOrder the Christian Patriot now so opposes. They have been used because they areviews of life with no shades of grey and whenever such thinking appears,manipulation is never far away. A child could do it.I hear and read the views of some of those who are seeking to expose the NewWorld Order and I am glad that they are speaking out. But when I see where theyare coming from with their alternative society, I sometimes cringe in horror. I wroteto one guy in America congratulating him on his efforts to expose the conspiracy,but when he sent me material about his organisation and its views, I was appalled. Iwas looking at tyranny spelled out as freedom. If all we are doing is seeking toreplace the control and imposition of the Global Elite with the control andimposition of Christian Patriotism, or some other dogma, we are wasting our time.There is a difference between having smaller units of government with control inthe hands of people and communities and the chest-out-chin-up-fight-for-yourcountry-flag-in-hand-god-on-our-side patriotism that has been used by the Elite toplay country against country century after century. So again, if we fall into thedogma trap, we can jump out of the pan and into the fire. We need to be selective inwhat we accept because no-one has all the answers.This process of personal selection is not something that is encouraged, nor ofteneven understood. The Robot Radical thought pattern, for instance, believes that if you take a piece of information from a person or group you must, by definition,agree with everything that person or group stands for or says. Because I takeinformation from sources like The Spotlight newspaper in the USA, I must thereforeagree, according to the Robot Radicals, with everything that newspaper believes. Idon’t. There is an enormous amount about its outlook on life that is not onlydifferent, but opposite to mine. It is a bastion of Christian Patriotism, for a start. Butit does some excellent research and has a long and proven record of accuracy. I amnot going to ignore that research because I don’t agree with everything the paperstands for. I am searching for truth, not someone else’s version of politicalcorrectness.Because I quote from research by the Lyndon LaRouche organisation, theExecutive Intelligence Review, I must, by definition in the Robot Radical mind, agreewith everything they say and do. I don’t. Nothing like. But the Robot Radicallooks on in bewilderment at that. If you only look at information that comes frompeople who share your own view of life, you deny yourself unimaginableamounts of information from other sources. This is what the Robot Radicals do,which is why they are so naive and limited in their appreciation of what ishappening in the world. They are not interested in whether information is true,only the source from which it came. If the source is not politically correct in theirchildish minds, the information is condemned and dismissed without a secondthought.One of the most compelling aspects of conspiracy research is the way thatthousands of people who would agree on almost nothing else, agree on the basicfoundations of the manipulation, names, organisations, events. There are peopleinvestigating the conspiracy with whom I have virtually nothing in common interms of our views on life. But if they come up with information which cross checkswith what others are coming up with, then I will use it.In Britain, Colonel Barry Turner has provided some excellent background for mefrom time to time. I don’t share his views on some things, nor he mine, but we doshare a passionate desire to expose the global tyranny. Therefore there is mutualexchange of information and support towards that end. It’s called being adults. Ihave spent years challenging the policies of British Conservative MPs like TeddyTaylor and Theresa Gorman, but that doesn’t mean that I am not going to supportthem in their contention that the United Kingdom has gone too far in handingsovereignty to a centralised European cartel. The very idea of supporting aConservative MP on anything would give a coronary to a red or green RobotRadical. Yet it is this very selectivity and lack of dogma that frees us from theprogramming quicker than anything else and sets us on the road to mental,emotional, and physical freedom. Being selective and following our own intuition isthe only way to avoid that. Opening our minds doesn’t require us to accepteverything we hear. It requires us to look at all views and information and to takefrom them what feels right to us and not just to someone else.One final point about the conspiracy research scene which relates very much tothe theme of the same thought patterns manifesting in different guises. There is an I-know-it-all arrogance in some areas of conspiracy ‘research’. Apparently, aconspiracy researcher has been telling people that I stopped going to his shopbecause I realised he knew more than I did. I know nothing of the man or his shop,but his invented story reveals much about the mentality of some involved in thisarea. Why aren’t we sharing information and supporting each other instead ofclaiming superiority? Conspiracy research is becoming another ‘club’ with itshierarchy and ‘gurus’. Such rigidity makes it child’s play to manipulate andinfiltrate. Once we think we know it all, we are revealing how little we know. Thisbook runs to 500 pages and yet it only scratches the surface of what is happening.So What is Freedom?Those three versions of ‘freedom’, the Robot Radicals, elements of the New Ageand Christian Patriotism, are not to my eyes, freedom at all. They are differentways of saying: “I know best”. Freedom, for me, is the right of everyone to followthe path they feel is correct for them and to respect another’s right to choose adifferent path. The only time their behaviour deserves to be challenged is whenthey seek to impose their views on others. This requires a switch in our attitudes.It means allowing people to believe things that we don’t agree with and tosupport their right to speak of those views openly without suppression. We needto start trusting ourselves. If a person says something we find distasteful, and weare correct in that response, the people in general will reject what is being put tothem. Better it is out in the open, anyway. When all information and views areallowed access to the public stage, people can make a genuine choice of what theywish to believe. We have a fusion of knowledge and not an exclusion ofknowledge.Centuries of the latter have led to the imbalanced understandings of the humanrace because we have been subjected to imbalanced, one-sided, information. Truthdoes not come in neatly packaged parcels with names like socialism, fascism,Christianity, or New Age. We need to search for it by looking at all information andfollowing our hearts. Yet one-way freedom is what I so often see. It is one-wayfreedom when Christian or Muslim fundamentalists try to stop meetings of thosewho disagree with their view of life and when prison and death sentences areissued on people for believing something different. I don’t agree, as you may havenoticed, with the Robot Radicals, but they have every right to speak their views. Iffreedom means anything, it means freedom for all.This is crucial to the process of personal deprogramming. We cannot be free untilin our minds and our hearts we allow others to be free. The idea that we arementally and spiritually free because we are following what we believe to be rightis an illusion. We are only truly free when we are as determined that others shouldbe able to do the same. The suppression of one human being or animal is thesuppression of all of us. When we have no desire to impose our views on others andwhen we celebrate diversity of thought and lifestyle that have been freely chosen,then we can begin to say that the programming of this world and the Elite machineis breaking up and falling away within us. But not until.


Getting Streetwise
When people begin to soften their inflexible thoughts and responses, the influence the
daily programming has upon them is diffused also. They begin to see the subtleties of
mind manipulation in a way a rigid mind cannot. This mental switch is open to
everyone, no matter how unyielding their minds might be now. It can happen in an
instant, once you decide you want it to happen. Scanning the information and the
views available to us and picking out those aspects which we each feel good about
involves taking pieces from everywhere and fitting them together to form our own
evolving truth. When we are asked to put a label on what we think and believe in
these circumstances, we cannot answer. We are not ‘Left’, nor ‘Right’, nor ‘Centre’. We
are not a ‘religion’. We just are. There are no instant labels for that. There are no labels
at all. We refuse to be pigeon-holed because we are constantly seeking and evolving.
If people can name an “ism” of any kind to describe what they believe, they are in
some form of mental prison. The difference it makes when you let go of the labels and
the off-the-peg opinions and views promoted by the “isms” is beyond words. You see
the world so much more clearly. The smokescreens begin to disperse. An open mind
is not a naive one. Quite the opposite. Deprogramming demands that we are
constantly selective in what we accept minute by minute through the media and other
sources. For example, if people are opposing something it would seem obvious that
they are against it. But is this always the case?
If you want to do something controversial, it is much easier if you also control
the ‘opposition’ to what you are doing. You can ensure that while people have the
illusion of democratic opposition and the right to protest, those leading the main
opposition group or groups will lead their followers to ultimate, if ‘glorious’,
failure. Everyone goes away thinking they all did their best and could do no more,
when the whole thing was being controlled as an exercise in ‘democracy’ which was
designed to fail in its goal of stopping whatever policy is involved. The sheep
mentality is so ingrained in the human race that it takes very few to infiltrate, direct,
and control. Look at how one of the key officials of the Nation of Islam was working
for the FBI in the period of Malcolm X and the black civil rights movement in the
1960s. That story could be repeated a million times and more in ‘radical’
organisations all over the world. Some of the protest groups use violence. The
Animal Liberation Front and Class War in Britain are two of them. When Class War,
which claims to be ‘anti-state’, trigger violent clashes with the police during
peaceful protest marches, who benefits? Those in authority who want to dismiss the
peaceful opponents to their policies as “violent extremists” and those who wish to
introduce more authoritarian laws to meet the challenge from the growth in
(manufactured) “violent extremists”. Put it this way. If Class War was an arm of
British Intelligence, they could not do a better job of undermining the vast majority
of people who wish to protest peacefully. When thousands of people gather to
protest peacefully against the treatment of animals and a few idiots become violent
or plant bombs, who benefits? Those in authority who wish to continue to treat
animals with great cruelty while dismissing the protesters as “violent extremists”.
An open mind can see this, a rigid mind cannot.
Feeling and Healing
Even more important than thinking for ourselves is to feel for ourselves. In the
centre of the chest we have a feeling centre called the heart chakra or heart vortex. It
is from here that we express love in the fullest sense. It is from here also, and the
solar plexus chakra, that we instinctively feel if something is right for us. It doesn’t
need words or explanations, it just feels right. This is our intuition speaking to us
and our intuition is our connection to our higher consciousness. When I am faced
with a choice between what my mind or my intuition is telling me, I go with the
intuition every time these days. I often can’t explain why I go to a certain place or
embark on an area of exploration and research. It simply feels right to do so. The
mind, even an open one, can be influenced by the daily programming to some
extent and it can go through lists of reasons why what our intuition is suggesting is
not a good idea. “What will my friends think? What about this or that consequence?
Don’t do it, you fool!” The feeling centre is not subject to those pressures because it
is connected to a level of consciousness and knowledge that is beyond the
manipulations of this physical world. As the spiritual renaissance proceeds, the
feeling centre is being powerfully reactivated among those who are awakening, and
intuition is going to be the guide of the future. It will not always lead us to where
our rational mind wants to be, but it will always lead us to where we need to be for
our own and the planet’s evolution. If I had followed my rational mind since 1990,1
would still be sitting in television studios presenting sports programmes. I find the
thought of still doing that quite awful!
It is the intuition more than anything that can help us to weave a path through
the maze of misleading messages and manipulation our eyes and minds face every
day. When this feeling centre becomes more sensitive to us, we will know that
something feels instinctively right or wrong. When the mind opens and becomes
less influenced by dogma and trivia, the more powerfully we feel our intuition. The
mind steps aside, gets out of the way. It has a part to play, of course, as part of a
balance, but it is not there to dominate. A rigid mind, full of programmed
perceptions, overpowers the intuition and delinks us from that flow of inspiration
and guidance from our higher levels of understanding – mission control. In these
circumstances, the feeling centres shut down like dormant volcanos. Therefore I do
not accept that everyone on the planet is doing precisely what they came to do, as
some New Age thinking believes. We are all born into the circumstances we choose,
but as we travel through life we can be diverted by other influences if we allow
ourselves to accept the programming and close down the potential of the feeling
centres, particularly the heart vortex, to guide us. If we do that we can become like
a ship without a rudder and complete very few of the tasks we came to achieve. I
am sure there must be many people who incarnated this time to play a big role in
the transformation who have become so shut down by their programmed minds
that they are laughing at, or condemning, those who are doing what they came to
do! This situation, however, can be put right very quickly. Once we allow that flow
of inspiration from higher levels to gather its power and guide us, the magnetic
interaction with other energy fields – people, places, situations – will draw to us all
the support, experiences, and opportunities we need to evolve both individually
and collectively. This flow of inspiration and guidance is not to give our
responsibility away. The guidance is not coming from some outside force. It is
coming from a higher level of us. It is still the “I”, the multidimensional self. When
we reconnect powerfully with that, we are instantly deprogrammed.
I am asked by many people for advice on what they should do and I always
reply in the same way. I don’t know what is best for anyone else. I only know what I
feel is best for me. The only person who knows what you should do, where you
should go, or what you should think and say, is.. .you.
What does your heart tell you? Right. Go for it!
1 The “Ashtar Command” information sounds really doubtful to me. I get seriously negative
“vibes” whenever I hear the name. Still, as with Sai Baba, each to their own.


chapter 18

the freedom called love

We can only be truly free when we respect ourselves and love ourselves, but
humanity, collectively and individually, finds this so hard to do. As a result,
we project into the world this self-dislike, even self-hatred, the spiritual cancer
within us. The inner turmoil becomes the outer turmoil reported on the news
bulletins. Some of the most aggressive people I have met have been those who hate
themselves and have no love or respect for themselves. If our thoughts and
attitudes change, so must life on this planet. If we heal ourselves, we heal the world.
The Prison Warder Consciousness knows all this. To maintain the outer chaos and
conflict, they know that we humans have to be manipulated into inner chaos and
conflict. We will then be broadcasting the thought waves, energies, that reflect our
inner state of dis-ease and dis-harmony into the energy fields of the Earth, thus
creating the outer, planetary, dis-ease and dis-harmony, which is so essential to the
maintenance of the vibratory prison. Dogmatic religion has been used to fantastic
effect over thousands of years to fuel and exploit emotions like fear and guilt, and
the feeling of being ‘unworthy’. This has encouraged people to hand over their right
to think and feel to a Bible and a priest because they have not had the confidence or
self-belief to realise that they have a right, and an infinite gift, to make their own
decisions. As the power of religion has waned in the face of ‘science’, politics, and
economics, these have become the new religions with new books and priests –
scientists, politicians, economists – to whom we can concede our right to think and
feel. We are encouraged to deny our own infinite potential. We are “born sinners”,
apparently, and I cringe when I hear the mass of humanity described as the
“common people” or “the ordinary man and woman in the street”, or when
politicians describe the population as “our people”, as if we are children who must
be looked after by their higher intelligence.
There are no ‘ordinary people’. There are no ‘common people’. There are only
glorious expressions of the one consciousness that is creation. Each aspect is
unique, equally special, and loved by the source of all that is. Each one is on an
eternal journey of evolution through experience and all have the potential to do
anything and be anything we want to be.
The process of awakening and deprogramming will be stifled and, at worst,
suffocated unless we let go of these programmed responses like fear, guilt, and the
sense of worthlessness. Every second, we are taking in energies from the cosmos
around us and from other levels of our own consciousness. These are the ‘feeling’,
‘intuitive’, energies I have spoken about. This flow and connection comes in
through the base chakra (vortex) in the genitals area and up through the central
channel to the other major chakras. It also flows the other way, too. From here it
affects all areas of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being. When this
flow is powerful and harmonious we are operating at our full intuitive potential,
but this can only be achieved when we are at peace with ourselves. Like everything,
emotions such as fear, guilt, and resentment, are an energy. These deep-seated and
often long-held emotions act like dark knots of energy which eat us away and are, if
not dealt with and released, a major cause of dis-eases such as cancer and heart
problems. They block or diminish the natural, powerful, flow of intuitive energies,
as they pass through our levels of being.
You might see these knots of energy symbolically like dams or big rocks in a fast
flowing river, slowing down the flow and causing disharmony as eddies and
whirlpools are created. In a way, the vibratory prison is like a vast knot of negative
energy which is holding back the flow of energies in this part of the cosmos; hence
other levels and civilisations are as keen as we are to remove it. When we lack selfworth and have feelings of fear and guilt, it holds us back from reconnecting with
our true, whole, selves. Yet, when you look from the spiritual perspective at what
makes us feel fearful and guilty, it all seems so ridiculous. Fear, guilt, and
resentment are not emotions we have to feel. They are emotions we create for
ourselves by locking into the programming which is passed on and intensified
across the generations.
Look at the bottom line of human existence, something that cannot be taken away
from us: today is the first day of the rest of our eternity, and the Source of all that is
has a love for all of us that is equal, beyond words, and eternal. As we reconnect
with levels of ourselves which are outside the jamming vibration, we can begin to
feel this incredible love and broadcast it into this physical world. When you connect
with that love, a love without judgement or condition, there simply is no fear or
guilt. You know there is nothing to fear. It is of our own creation and it is within the
power of our hearts and minds to un-create it. To be without fear is not to be
without awareness. I have heard it said that fear is essential for survival because it
is that which stops us walking across the street in front of a car or jumping into a
lion’s cage. But fear and awareness are not the same. You don’t have to be fearful to
know the consequences of something and avoid them. In fact fear is often the cause
of unpleasant events, not the protection from them.
It is the use and manipulation of fear that has allowed people like Averell
Harriman and Henry Kissinger to tell two countries the (often invented) aggressive
intentions of the other and so bring about conflict. Each country strikes out of the
fear of what the other is planning, or alleged to be planning, to do. Each one thinks:
“We must destroy them before they destroy us”. “Get your retaliation in first,” as a
soccer manager I knew used to say. War is overwhelmingly the physical
manifestation of fear. It is the opposite polarity to love, trust, and respect – the
protectors from war and disharmony. If we remove fear from ourselves, we remove
our contribution to fear in the world. Removing fear from the world, removes war
and disharmony. Once again it starts with us.
Fear is indivisibly connected with a lack of self-worth and self-respect. All three
are the result of looking outside ourselves for confirmation that we are ok. The
reason most people say they can’t speak in public is fear. And the fear comes from
being concerned about what the audience thinks of them. They are looking to the
audience to confirm that what they are saying and doing is right and they fear those
people will either reject what they say or think them to be an idiot. Put the would-be
public speaker in an empty room or among their trusted family and friends and they
would be fine expressing their views. Put them in front of an audience and they can
hardly speak for nerves and lack of confidence. When you begin to reconnect and
understand the true nature of the human being, you begin to look within for
confirmation that you’re an ok person. It doesn’t matter what people think of you
and what you say. They have a right to think what they like – and so have you.
The only person you have to convince that what you are doing is right, is you. Of
course we need to listen to all views and information, but if you are in tune with
that flow of intuition from higher levels of yourself, you, and no-one else, will know
what is right for you to do and say. Once you realise that, and live it, you no longer
stand up in front of an audience worrying about what they will think of you
because you accept that they have every right to disagree. You know that what
really matters is what you think of you. Perhaps the most effective form of
information suppression is the fear of those who think differently to the status quo,
but are frightened of speaking out and passing on what they know and feel. It is
time for that to end.
Many people tell me they fear for my safety because of the ‘powers’ I am
challenging and exposing in this book and The Robots’ Rebellion, and for what I say in
the media and on the speaking tours. I can honestly say, hand on heart, that I feel no
such fear. I try to avoid unnecessary hassle that will affect my ability to communicate
information to a wide audience, but when I believe something to be right and in need
of communication, I do not fear the consequences. First of all, I feel enormously
protected in a way I could not express in words, and secondly, what’s the worst that
can happen? My eternal self leaves this physical shell and moves on to another
parallel world, another wavelength of reality. That doesn’t sound too bad to me. I
have had the benefit of experiencing years of severe and, for a while, constant ridicule
in the United Kingdom. It was impossible to walk down a street, literally anywhere,
without being pointed at, shouted at, and laughed at. This has diminished, but it still
goes on today among those who have accepted without a thought or question what
the media say I stand for. Such experiences have shown me how completely the vast
majority give their minds away and, most important on a personal level, that no
matter what people say about you or do about you, no-one can stop you if you refuse
to be intimidated and you look to yourself for self-assurance and not to others. What
does it matter what others think of you? People change what they think all the time
and if we constantly seek to conform to the prevailing beliefs we just become clones
of another’s opinion – often programmed opinion – instead of masters of our own
hearts, minds, and destiny. There is nothing to fear.
When I host weekend workshops and we talk about guilt, I never cease to be
amazed at the wonderful people before me who speak, movingly, of the guilt they
feel. Beautiful spirits who ooze warmth and love reveal sometimes a lifetime of
inner turmoil and emotional pain caused by guilt. It blights their lives and, in terms
of self-worth and the flow of intuitive energies from the higher realms, it is terribly
destructive. Guilt, like fear, is a creation designed to control. But, again, when you
analyse what makes us feel guilty, it is programmed ‘values’, mostly from
generations long passed. There are Roman Catholic priests all over the world with
sexual feelings they battle to suppress and with a sense of guilt at those natural
feelings which fills their days with emotional distress. Do you know why they are
forced to go through this nonsense? Because one Pope decided in 1074 that clergy
should be celibate. Sex and relationships are perhaps the most awesome of the
countless vehicles for the creation of guilt. If people have had a sexual experience
with someone who is not their official partner, they feel guilty and if news of it gets
out, they are made to feel even more guilty by a society which has been
programmed to inherit ‘values’ without question.
How would the tabloid newspapers fill their pages every day without passing
judgement on the morals of the rich and famous? And how many people with
much to offer the world have been destroyed by such ‘exposes’, in papers who
would not know a moral if it bit them on the bum? But hold on a minute, here. Who
said that expressing love for another human being (another aspect of ourselves) is
wrong unless it is the official partner? Did you decide that? The guy down the
street? Who? Religion decided it thousands of years ago, as I explain in The Robots’
Rebellion. And who or what was controlling religion? These same people were also
vehemently insistent at the time they decided on this form of “morality” that the
Earth was flat and Jerusalem was the centre of the universe. And yet we go on
judging ourselves and others and either feeling guilty or making others feel guilty
on the basis of what people thousands of years ago decided was right. It’s just crazy.
Who owns your body? You or someone else? Who owns your emotions and your
spiritual self? You or someone else? If you accept the above imposition the answer
is someone else. You are allowing them to impose thought and behaviour patterns
upon you which, if you go against them, create an enormous sense of guilt. This
area of love, sex, and relationships is a minefield of guilt which is holding back so
many people from reconnecting with their true and whole self. When you look
behind the words and the cliches surrounding relationships, we are not looking at
love. We are looking at a form of possession. I love you, therefore I own you. Yet
what is real love? It is a love so endless and without judgement or condition, that
we love a person for what they are, not what we say they must be if we are to love
them. We love them so much that we want them to experience whatever they need
to experience to ensure that they can learn, evolve, and achieve what they have
come here to do. We have no wish to possess another human being, only to love
them. How many can truly say on that basis that they love someone? I am not
saying here that we shouldn’t respect the feelings of a partner. Of course we should,
but we have feelings, too, and a lifeplan for our experience, service to Creation, and
evolution. When you look at what makes people feel emotional pain over sex and
relationships, it is largely the result of programming. It has little to do with what is
right or wrong and everything to do with what that society has been programmed
to perceive as right or wrong over hundreds of years.
If a person was born into a rigid, sexually suppressive society, their emotions
would be blitzed by their partner expressing physical love for another, even though
the love that partner had for them remained undiminished or was even
strengthened. But if that same person was born in a loving and sexually open
society in which expressing physical love for each other was as natural as the sea
and sky, there would not be the same emotional pain in exactly the same
circumstances. Sex has been turned, by design I most strongly feel, into a form of
suppression, control, and limitation. Guilt is the major factor in achieving all three.
And if the power of the base (sexuality) chakra can be diminished, we don’t absorb
energy to our full potential. This affects our life span and creativity. On the one
hand, sex has been presented as something sinful and dirty, thanks to the influence
of religion, and on the other it has become for many a merely physical experience, a
means of releasing physical desires and frustrations. Both, I believe, are a travesty of
what sex really is. Indeed I would say there was a chasm of difference between sex
(physical) and spiritual love (physical/ spiritual).
The act of spiritual love is an explosion of spiritual energy. It is the
multidimensional expression of spiritual, emotional, and physical love and all those
energies are created and merged to affect positively both the individuals and the
Earth. Spiritual love between two people is a positive contribution to the world
because of the love and thought patterns it creates. So why are we supposed to feel
guilty about it? Some Eastern philosophies acknowledge this truth and their view of
sex and relationships is consequently different from the Western version which, as I
saw in a quite awful publication by the British government’s Health Education
1 has turned sex into the spiritual equivalent of artificial insemination.
At the moment of orgasm our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels
are as One and we are as One with our highest potential. All our energy centres are
wide open. This is a moment when we can reconnect and feel the bliss of that
experience if the intent is loving and spiritual. As with everything, however, there is
a downside to this if the intent is negative. Orgasm under those circumstances
opens up the energy centres to connection with the lower vibrational, malevolent
consciousness and this, I believe, is why so many of the dark esoteric ceremonies
involve sex and orgasmic experience. Whenever I look at something which helps us
to reconnect with our highest potential, be it sexual love, self-love, or the free flow
of information, I find that it has been, by calculated design at the Prison Warders
level, distorted and manipulated. Our view of sex and relationships is one very
important example of this and it creates a tidal wave of guilt in the collective
human mind. I will return to this theme in a future book devoted to this subject.
Again, we need to follow our intuition. Does it feel right to express physical love for
someone, whoever they may be? Your mind may be shouting “guilt” at you in a
gathering panic. But what does your feeling centre, your heart, say? If it says yes
and it feels like the most natural thing in the world, then what could possibly be
wrong with that? It is possible to love more than one person at the same time. It is
possible to love all people and all lifeforms at the same time, in many different
ways. It is possible to love those who love us and love those who hate us. So why
do we say that everyone needs to love everyone to build a better world and yet feel
guilty on the occasions when our bodies are involved? What a contradiction it all is.
The body is only a vehicle for the eternal self, after all. A magnificent vehicle, yes,
and an extension of us while in incarnation, but still a vehicle and not the eternal
self. I am not calling for a sort of open-house-all-in-together-free-love society. It is
up to the individuals involved to decide what their heart and intuition tells them. If
people want to live together and not have sexual experience with anyone else,
great, wonderful, fantastic. But while they have a right to make the decision of what
they believe is right for them, others have an equal right to make a different choice.
It is not a better or worse choice, it is merely different. So there is no justification for
guilt to be felt by those involved, nor for guilt to be imposed by others who seek to
make everyone else conform to their version of morality.
There is so much that society demands we should feel guilty about. We look back
at the way we treated our parents. We feel guilty if we did not fulfil in our lives what
our parents wanted us to achieve. We think we have let them down. We feel guilty at
the way, perhaps, we treated our own children or other loved ones. We feel guilty if
we work so much that we don’t see enough of our families. We feel guilty if we don’t
work enough and can’t give our children the material things they are programmed
to want. You name it and someone, somewhere, will feel guilty about it.


Enough!Fear and guilt are there to control us, divide us, diminish us, and limit us. Letthem go. These things have to be seen from a much bigger, spiritual, perspective.First of all we choose where and with whom we incarnate. We choose our parentsand they choose us. Instead of holding onto the guilt and resentment of what we seeas an unpleasant childhood or the feeling of letting down our parents, we need toask ourselves why we chose those experiences and why our parents did. What wasthat interaction of people designed to achieve for all parties? My father gave me ahard time mentally and emotionally, but that experience turned out to be essentialto tap the mental and emotional toughness I needed to cope with what hashappened to me since 1990. The experiences my wife and children have had as aresult of what I have said and done has had the same effect on them. Experiencesthat seem terrible in the moment can be seen, with the hindsight and knowledge ofpassing years, to be gifts which allow us to deprogramme from the shallow, manipulated, superficial world we have allowed to solidify around us. We are nothere to fulfil our parents’ ambitions for us. We are here to serve the planet in themost effective way, fling open the prison door, and speed our own, and thecollective, evolution. In the same way, we are not here to impose our beliefs andambitions on our children. We have not come to serve a system created by themanipulators which insists we must work day after day under someone else’scontrol or feel guilty or unworthy if we don’t. Nor are we here to play the materialgame by allowing guilt about our children to make us feel terrible when we can’tgive them what their friends may have. We can give them something that is beyondprice. We can give them unconditional love and we can help them to reconnect withtheir highest potential. You can’t buy that at the computer game store.Another form of guilt is that felt by awakening people at not thinking ‘perfect’,loving thoughts about everyone all the time. We need to be kind to ourselves here.In this imbalanced world, some terrible events happen and we are not going to beimmune to the emotions they attract. When I saw Bill and Hillary Clinton sittingwith assembled children and television cameras in the White House taking politicaladvantage of the Oklahoma bombing, I did not have loving thoughts, I can tell you.Nor am I immune from the frustation of being attacked by those who talk offreedom. It is the way we deal with those emotions that matters. That is verydifferent from not feeling them. We really would be robots if that were the case. Themore we open up to our higher consciousness, the easier it is to keep thinkingpositively, but it’s a process we evolve through and if we feel bad about feeling bad,it will only hold us back by accumulating more guilt.Pattern BreakingAnother form of guilt is this word, karma. It is expressed in many religions andcultures and can be summed up by what you do to others will be done to you. Iaccept that karma exists and I believe it can be expressed as creating our own reality.It is not a punishment, it is a gift. I also feel, as I have said in other books, that karmais created by the intent behind an action, not the action itself. If we do somethingwith good intent and it doesn’t work out, we learn from the experience, but there isno ‘karma’. If, however, we do something that appears to be positive, but it has anulterior, negative intent behind it, there will be a karmic reaction which will lead usinto a situation in which we face what we have done to another. The reason for this isthat positive intent and negative intent create different thought patterns and soattract a different reality. But there are two points to make about karma. One is that itis too often presented as punishment and people feel guilty when negative thingshappen to them because it must be the result of something terrible they have done.And the second is that to explain everything that happens to us as our ‘karma’ (howwe have behaved in the past) is, in my view, misleading and simplistic.In this amazing period of spiritual and, therefore, physical transformation, largenumbers of people are going through sometimes extreme experiences, negative andpositive. These are not all ‘karmic’ experiences, from where I am sitting. They arethe prearranged means by which we are being given the opportunity to deprogramme ourselves. These experiences may be the breakup of a long-termrelationship, the loss of a job, an illness, or our whole life being turned upside downin some other way. The common denominator of all of them is to make our statusquo disappear. Whatever choices we make in the light of these events, one thing iscertain: the status quo, life as it has been, is not an available option. They ensuresome kind of change, often a massive one.The colossal spiritual awakening that I experienced in 1990-91 happened sopublicly that my television career was destroyed. My status quo was demolishedand a great change in my life had to take place. That was not my ‘karma’, in thesense of punishment for past deeds; it was the opportunity to break out of the prisonof thought control. If life gets too comfortable and cosy in the same thought pattern -rut – it can be very difficult to step out of it and move on. Sometimes an upheaval inour lives is necessary to present us with such an opportunity. It seems terrible at thetime, but from my own experience and the countless people I have met who havebeen through this process, you always look back at such events as gifts and notpunishment. Energy codings in our consciousness are triggered, often by astrologicalinfluences, to create change within our magnetic aura and, therefore, our physicallives. This is especially true today with the Great Transformation upon us.The process I have described is pattern breaking, in this case, our personalthought patterns. But we are also affecting other, collective, thought patterns as weopen up to the higher frequencies. A lot of people ask why life can be so toughsometimes, even when we have given our commitment to do whatever is necessaryto support the transformation. I have asked that question myself, many times! As Isaid earlier, some of it will be caused by the facing and cleansing of inner thoughtpatterns from the past we didn’t know we had, but I believe that people who havecome specifically to support the transformation also operate like spiritual kidneymachines. They absorb negative emotions and thought patterns into their energyfields and transform them into another, higher, state. At the time these are beingprocessed by the person, however, they will be living that emotion and experience.They might feel depressed, angry, or in despair, when there is nothing apparentlyhappening in their life that should make them feel like that. Then those feelings willgo quite suddenly without any obvious reason. This, for me, is the process ofcollective pattern breaking and negative energy dispersal. It is a very positivecontribution. But people who are doing this without knowing it often feel guilty atsome of the emotions they are feeling. So much is happening that we don’tunderstand and only when we stop judging ourselves from the viewpoint of theprogrammed status quo will we be able to release our feelings of guilt and fear.ResentmentThis is another emotional cancer which manifests in so much individual and globalself-destruction. If we create our own reality, whatever we experience is of ourcreation. We attract to us an energy field – person and experience – which canreflect our inner self as a physical reality before our eyes. Or, as in the case of theRobot Radicals, they unknowingly help to highlight information by attacking it, so helping us to fulfil our task. Those other people we resent for what they have doneto us have their own imbalances to face and maybe we can help them to do that byour reaction to their behaviour. How we react is an opportunity to look at our innerself. And there is certainly no justification for the resentment we still hold againstanother person because they were an outer expression, a mirror, of the inner us.Responsibility for what happens to us begins and ends with us. People resent thesuccess of others when the only difference between them is the different realitiesthey have created. And who suffers from the resentment we hold onto aboutothers? We do. We punish ourselves by clinging to such patterns and it negativelyaffects our sense of self and reality. We’re the losers in this, not those we resent. Onegood way I find of letting go of guilt and resentment is to visualise the person orexperience involved with a thread connecting them to me. I then project love at theperson and experience, thank them for the gift of knowledge, and visualise thethread being cut and the person/experience drifting away, no longer part of myinner pattern. The Global Elite use resentment to great effect to start conflicts and tokeep them going as each side becomes more resentful at the acts of the other. Oneexpression of this is the so called tit for tat killings in the world’s trouble spots. Ifwe release our resentment, we help the planet and humanity as a whole to releasetheirs. But the biggest winner when we do this is ourselves.If you have done something in your life that you regret or you feel guilty for theeffect it has had on others, remember this: you have all eternity to put right whatyou have done and the experience you put someone through was precisely whatthat person needed for his or her evolution. You are sitting there feeling guiltywhen, viewed from a higher level of understanding, you have made a positivecontribution to their eternal journey. Turn this around from the other perspective ofwhat others have done to you and you see resentment in the same light. And if youhave made ‘mistakes’, how do you know they have not been an essential, andpreplanned, part of your own learning which can help you and others? Who is thebest person to help an alcoholic or drug addict? Someone who has read about it in abook or passed an exam? Or someone who has been there and knows exactly whatit is like? There are no such thing as mistakes, only learning from experience.Accept ‘mistakes’ as a gift, absorb the knowledge, and move on. Fear, resentmentand guilt are yet more by-products of dogma. They result from rigid responses torigid ‘values’. Step out of the dogma and you step out of the by-products.I Am What I AmThere is a great song by Shirley Bassey called I Am What I Am and there is oneparticularly telling line which says: I am what I am and what I am needs noexcuses. Says it all. When you follow the guidance of that feeling centre, yourheart, you are doing whatever you need to do with whomever you need to do it.You are not your brother, or the guy across the street, or the famous person on thetelevision screen. You are you and you are a wonderful you. Every bit as special andunique as anyone else. And your path is not my path or anyone else’s. It is yoursand yours alone. So while we are all part of the same whole, all part of each other, we are the sum total of all our experiences since we first became conscious and thatmeans we are at different points in the journey, with different things to offer anddifferent things to learn. If we allow fear, resentment, and guilt to make us conformto another’s thought pattern and value system, we give away the uniqueness of ourcontribution to the world and we lose the opportunity for experiences designedspecifically for us. It doesn’t matter what you have done in the past. That has gone.It is what you are now, this moment, that is important. I don’t care if you haveserved a prison sentence for an unpleasant crime. I don’t care if you have been JesusChrist or Adolf Hitler. What are you now, this second?Hold on to the uniqueness that is you. Why should you conform to someone else’spattern? Why should you be what someone else insists that you be? You have spentforever developing that uniqueness. Why be a clone now? The pressure to conform issimply the pressure to control. The Global Elite and its Illuminati-Brotherhood cannotcontrol and manipulate billions of people who are expressing their full potential andtheir uniqueness of view. It can only be done by mass mind control that directs theoverwhelming majority to think the same. Only then do you have the herd mentality,the unthinking, unquestioning sheep, following the guy at the front. How would youcontrol a herd of sheep if they all went their different ways, refusing to follow the oneat the front and instead following their own hearts and what felt right for them? Yousimply cannot control them. So being the unique you and resisting the pressure to bea clone is not only to follow your own path and express your true self. It is also, bydefinition, to dismantle the means of global control.Nothing has succeeded in denying our uniqueness more than religion. God saveus from religion. It has been a tool and a creation of the Prison Warders and it hasdone more than anything over the centuries to enforce the uniformity essential tomass control. It is, as I have said before, psychological fascism. The divisions of raceand colour are used in the same way. If you are born into a certain religion or culture,you must follow their rules. If you do not, you are a traitor. Such an approach is notan expression of love and freedom. It is the suppression of both. If you are a victim ofsuch a religion or culture by birth, you do have a choice. You can conform and take, inthe short term, but only the short term, the road of least resistance. Or, like gatheringnumbers, you can acknowledge your own uniqueness, your own mind, and yourpower to control your own destiny. Remember, too, that you chose to incarnate in thesituation that you have. So why did you make that choice? Just to be another clone? Itis rather more likely that it was to give yourself the opportunity to serve Creation,your own evolution, and your fellow men and women by striking out from themental prison and shouting to everyone who can hear: I will not be imprisoned bythe mind of another. I am what I am and what I am needs no excuses!I read an article by a Jewish-born writer called Jon Ronson who wrote of the wayhis religion and culture have reacted to him. He could quite easily have beenspeaking of the extreme versions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or so many youwill-believe-this-because-I-say-so cultures and belief systems. Jon Ronson wrote anarticle in the London Time Out magazine about his attendance at the Jewish funeralof his grandmother, in which he recalled: I’m the only person in the room who doesn’t understand what the hell’s going on.I’m jealous of the warmth of their identity, embarrassed and guilty of my ignorance.Everybody is singing the Hebrew verse, and I am reading the England translations…2,000 years of 100 per cent, pure-bred Orthodox Ronsons without a hint of goyismGentile in the genes, and the bloodline ends here.Ronson wrote another article three weeks later in another magazine or paperdetailing the reaction of fellow Jews to his remarks. Someone sent me a photocopyof this anonymously through the post and so I can’t tell you the date or thepublication. He highlighted one letter which spat out, as he put it, the fact that hewas no better than David Irving, a man who has been vilified for challenging theofficial stories of the Nazi gas chambers. The letter went on: I speak for all myemphasis Jews when I say how you have betrayed and shamed us. We are pleasedthat your bloodline ends here. There we have yet another individual claiming tospeak for all and telling everyone what they should think and do. A clone leadingclones. The people who have bodies which are Jewish or Roman Catholic or Islamicor whatever, cannot be legitimately referred to as one entity. They are, like all racesand peoples, an example of Creation’s infinite beauty and uniqueness. The Jewishhierarchy in their desperation to control are denying the full expression of thoughtand potential that Jewish people can offer the world. It is the same with otherextreme religions, too. And this is causing so much pain for those who wish to bethemselves and not what the self-appointed thought-police demand that they be. Inhis article, Ronson said of the letter from the man claiming to speak for all Jews:The letter shocked the hell out of me at first, and then it made me smile.I photocopied it, and sent it – as reply – to the scores of Jews who had written to me inempathy with the column: Jews who have discovered heathenism to be a pleasanter,and more viable, experience than the cut-throat, school-bully, world of official Judaism…On top of the photocopy, I wrote: This is what we’re leaving behind. Makes you prouddoesn’t it?’And does it make me proud? It’s hard being part of the new, disenfranchisedgeneration of young Jews: Jews who feel, deep down, that our culture is a destructive,arcane, racist, and sectarian one. (I hate hearing Jews bad-mouthing Blacks and Asians.Why do they do this? To deny our past? To help us forget we were the oppressedminority, the ‘dirty immigrant?’ To make us feel more British?)And still we refuse to allow our children to mix with non-Jews. We still clutch,unquestioningly, onto Zionism, even its distasteful aspects. We are self destructing…One aunt, after reading my column, phoned the rest of the family to accuse me of antiSemitism. My family were split down the middle… The idiot that compared me to DavidIrving will undoubtedly read this and become even more incensed. But don’t you realise- you’re the one who’s driving us away. And, judging by the volume of mail I received,you’re driving us away in droves. However, freedom for one must mean freedom for all and Jon Ronson wouldlater reveal his one dimensional view of freedom. While he wishes to be free to behimself, he is less inclined that others should enjoy the same priviledge. As ajournalist on the London Guardian, he rang a BBC TV programme called GoodMorning With Anne And Nick which had invited me to discuss the first edition of thisbook. After Ronson’s call the invitation was withdrawn by the programme, adecision justified by an excuse which insulted the intelligence. Ronson later wrotean article about me which, as witnesses will confirm, gave an outrageouslyinaccurate account of our short meeting. When you respect another’s freedom, MrRonson, you will enjoy freedom yourself. But not until. You create your own reality,as we all do.If you are being imprisoned by Judaism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism,or one of the others, you have the opportunity to make a great contribution to thefreedom of yourself and those in your position. The awakening of the humanconsciousness will turn the droves into a tidal wave of people walking away fromthis intergenerational thought and behaviour control. Many volunteers haveincarnated into these cultures and religions at this time to do just that. As thesestructures crumble and fall, the hierarchies will be seen as they really are: able tolead and cling on to power only by fear, guilt, and mental and emotionalsuppression.Don’t deny what you believe, what you think and feel, just because they aredifferent to the prevailing culture in which you find yourself. Those beliefs andfeelings are you. If you deny them, you are denying the real you. What good is thatto anyone? Fear, guilt, dogma: these are the vehicles of human control. Withoutthem there can be no control, no Global Elite. You can let them go now if you sochoose. In doing this, you will be contributing to creating the world we wish to seefor ourselves and those who follow. The means to build that world lies within youand within me. So what are we waiting for?SOURCE1 The 69 sic Bravest Sex Questions (bold, spicy, frank… they’re the ones you’ve alwayswanted to ask!). Yawn. Published by Company magazine in association with the HealthEducation Authority .


chapter 19

free at last

The river is flowing, flowing, and growing,
The river is flowing, back to the sea.
Mother Earth carry me, a child I will always be;
Mother Earth carry me, back to the sea.

I don’t know the person behind the eyes that are reading these words. I don’t know
where you come from or your race, colour, creed, or income. I frankly don’t care
because these temporary states are only vehicles for experience, anyway.
But I do know a great deal about you in other ways. I know that you are part of
me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite
consciousness that we call God and Creation. I know that you are a unique
expression of that consciousness as the sum total of all your experiences. I know
your potential to love and create is without limit and without end. I know these
things because every lifeform on this planet and anywhere else you would care to
name, has those same abilities, that same limitless potential. You can do anything
you want to do and be anything you wish to be. You just have to believe it and
make it happen. It is the awakening understanding of our true selves and the end of
limitation which will bring an end to the manipulation I have detailed in this book.
This is already happening.
The speed with which life will change on Earth in our generation will defy the
imagination. I know that many people who have opened up to another
understanding find it hard to accept just how fast the new world and the new Earth
will emerge over the next 35 years, even the next ten. But think of it in these terms.
We are trapped in a vibratory prison. Imagine it is a physical prison cell. While
inside that cell, our potential to act and achieve is enormously limited. But the
moment the door is opened, that potential soars. Suddenly, it is not only the door
that is opened to us. It is the world, also. Yet the time span between those two states
of severe limitation and freedom is the fraction of a second it takes to step through
the door. In the time it took to make that one step, our lives would be transformed.
The principle is the same with the vibratory prison. The moment that blocking,
jamming frequency is dispersed and humanity returns to ‘wholeness’ and
multidimensional reconnection with its higher consciousness, this world will
change for the better in an incredibly short time. We are now in the transitional
period between those two states of being.. .the prison and the freedom.
I believe that the period we call Atlantis was the last full scale attempt to break
the blocking frequency. Consciousness of high evolution entered the threedimensional prison and became incarnate on Earth to challenge the Prison Warder
vibration. I feel that many of these spiritual volunteers (who arrived with the best of
intent) became intoxicated by this rare vibratory environment and were negatively
affected by it under a thought-bombardment from the Fourth Dimension. Those
Atlantean volunteers who allowed their vibratory state to fall below that of the
jamming frequency, found themselves trapped and unable to leave until they had,
through experience, raised their frequency again to a level that allowed them to
escape. They, like the rest of the prisoners, embarked on a cycle of incarnation and
reincarnation trying to create experiences and learning that would restore them to a
state of love and enlightenment that would open the vibratory door. Those who
managed it were said, in symbolic language, to have ‘ascended’ to the ‘Father’.
Such an achievement was extremely difficult because the consciousness within
the prison was delinked from its powerful connection with the higher
consciousness outside. This has created the reincarnation cycle, which, for some, I
believe, involves incarnating with little pattern or plan. The dense physical world
has become like a drug with minds – souls – attracted to certain lifestyles and
experiences like a cocaine addict is consumed by his or her addiction. I am sure that
many of the people I call the Elite have had scores of physical lifetimes in which
they pursued the same pattern of control and manipulation. Thought patterns of
many kinds can become like a rut, a needle stuck in a record, repeating over and
over. They might be attracted to certain family lines because they know those lines
will allow them to continue with their addiction.
Other Atlanteans managed to stay in greater contact with their higher
consciousness while still in the prison and continued to select their incarnations
with a view to gaining experience of this strange and suppressing vibration in
preparation for a future mass incarnation to break the jamming frequency. This is
the period we are living through today. Since Atlantis, other highly evolved
consciousnesses have entered the prison to experience and prepare for this time.
My own view is that the ‘volunteer’ consciousness has come back from the future
and that the star system known as the Pleiades is very much involved. This relates to
the idea of simultaneous ‘time’ in which the past, present, and future are all
happening at once. Mind blowing, I know. I get a headache just thinking about it. But
I do feel that the consciousness of those who are here specifically to free the Earth and
the human race from suppression and oppression, came from a time-space reality far
in the ‘future’ of this universe. Time travel is very much a reality, as perhaps even the
elite human scientists have now understood. It is possible that from the volunteers’
and the extraterrestrials’ perspective, they have come to change the course of their
‘past’ to avoid some sort of catastrophe unfolding in their ‘present’. Maybe even
Atlantis happened in another time-space dimension of the Earth and not this one. Just
a thought. Now please excuse me while I disappear up my own backside!
There have been memorable group incarnations of volunteers to bring higher
frequencies to the planet and to diffuse the negative vibrations. One of these group
incarnations came 2,000 years ago when the man, probably called Y’shua, was
involved (as I explore at length in The Robots’ Rebellion).
I believe that consciousness came from the future too, and that it is back on Earth
today. If you look at the prophecies of many people and texts like those of
Nostradamus, parts of the Bible, the Mayans of Central America, the Native
Americans, and so many others throughout history, they all have a common theme:
a period of fantastic change when a new world and a new Earth will emerge. Some
believe this will happen in this decade and across the millennium into the next
century. Another common theme between such predictions, I believe, are that they
were channelled to this reality from frequencies outside the prison where the
knowledge of what will occur is available to us.
There are two main reasons, I feel, why all the predictions have pointed to the last
years of the 1990s and beyond. These relate to astrology and something called the
Photon Belt or Beam. There are, according to astrologers, a number of rare planetary
alignments and sequences in the latter period of the 1990s which are likely to trigger
enormous change on all levels of people and planet – a transformation indeed of the
old evolutionary cycle. The vibrations of the planets affect us very powerfully. As the
pull of the moon moves the tides of whole oceans, so our bodies are affected by the
same spiritual magnetism. Our bodies consist overwhelmingly of water because they
are like batteries, storing and processing energy. Blood is the physical version of our
energy meridians and blood is subject to influence by the planets, as is our body in
general. Some highly significant astrological events have already occurred like the
Uranus-Neptune alignments in 1993 and the effects of Pluto in 1995 which are
speeding the awakening of those who are ready. The year 2000 coincides with the
highest point of the upwards cycle of the Orion constellation to which the pyramid
builders apparently aligned their geometry, and it was in the 11th millennium
within the window period suggested for great geological upheavals on the Earth,
that Orion reached the lowest point of its cycle. Astrological events affect
earthquakes and weather systems because of the vibrational change they create on
Earth, as does collective human thought. Also on May 5th 2000, the sun and the
planets, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Mercury, and Mars all align with each other. The
vibrational effects of this are likely to be fantastic. Another important date may well
be December 21st 2012, when the calender system left by the Mayans in Central
America more than 1600 years ago, predicted that a great cycle for the Earth would
end. It appears to me that May 5th 2000 is the moment when the freedom vibration
begins to take over from the fear vibration as the dominant force in the human
psyche as Uranus, the planet of breakthroughs, discovery, rebellion, freedom, and
experimentation, enters into a colossal vibratory tussle in the heavens with Saturn,
the planet of tradition, old values, limitation, discipline, rules, regulations, and
control. The gifted British astrologer, Gloria Treloar,
1 says of this event:
“When these two planets challenge each other it signals a change in mass
consciousness. Events and circumstances during this transit will start to shatter false
‘security’ which has been fixed in old social values and belief systems promoted
through fear. Experimenting with new concepts which give a greater sense of liberty and
independence has been the bottom line since the sixties felt the first vibration of the
Age of Aquarius. Rebels with a cause emerged to fight injustice, narrow vision, and
controlling influences. It was a rehearsal for the final decade of the century when
breakthroughs (Uranus) would begin to happen on an aggregate level, rather than a
generational one. The effect will manifest in disruption and it is meant to – only through
chaos can creative and harmonic change emerge!”
Underpinning these astrological events in this period is the Photon Belt. Many
psychics and esoteric scientists are now agreed on the existence of a belt of highly
charged energy centred on the Pleiades star system, an estimated 500 light years
from the Earth. It is from here that much channelled information which feels right
to me is purported to come. I believe that the Pleiades (maybe in our ‘future’) is a
base for the positive extraterrestrial support we are being given at this time, and
quite possibly the home of extraterrestrials who have abused the Earth and
humanity, too. As with the Earth, the Pleiades will have those of positive and
negative intent. It is no coincidence, either, that the Pleiades was the focus of much
mythology in the ancient civilisations of Greece, China, and others. The astronomer,
Jose Comas Sola, made a special study of the Pleiades – the “Seven Sisters” as they
are called – and he suggested that they form a system which includes our Sun and a
number of others. Each Sun, he said, had its own planetary system. In his study of
the star system, Paul Otto Hesse claimed to have discovered a belt of immensely
powerful energy which he termed the Photon Belt. According to estimates, it takes
this solar system 24,000 (some say 26,000) years to orbit the Pleiades and the star
reckoned to be at the centre of the belt (Figure 17) known as Alcyone (Al-see-ahnee). Again, there is much ancient legend across many cultures about this star. It
would appear that we have reached the point where this solar system is entering
the Photon Belt and its highly, highly, charged energy. The influence of the belt on
the Earth began in the early 1960s and affected the thinking of many people, but it
was as nothing compared with what will happen over the next 35 years. While it
takes 2,000 years to pass fully through the belt, the biggest impact is when we first
enter, and the vibrations and molecular structure of everything has to cope with
dramatically changing conditions. This will affect the thinking, behaviour, and
physical bodies of all lifeforms.
We are now beginning to see the mainstream scientific community confirming
phenomena long predicted by psychics and felt instinctively by sensitive people.
Cosmic rays of (in modern times) unprecedented power are being detected.
Normally the rays are measured in millions of electron volts, but scientists at the
Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, have measured cosmic rays with an energy of
320 billion, billion electron volts. This had previously been considered “impossible”.
Something similar has also been measured by scientists in Japan. Roger Highfield,
the Science Editor of the London Daily Telegraph wrote:
“Something out there – no-one knows what – is hurling high energy particles around the
universe, in this case the most energetic ever observed by scientists…Not even the
power released by the most violent exploding stars could account for them. Indeed
conventional theory says such particles should not exist…”
These are the energies that are changing life on this planet by the minute, never
mind the day, and these same energies are rebalancing the Fourth Dimension, so
dispersing the negativity and manipulation from there. The Global Elite are losing
their power source. I was also fascinated to see how the cycles of sunspots
synchronise so remarkably with the cycles of the Earth’s evolution left by the
ancient Maya of central America. Sunspots are produced when the sun is emitting
an immensely powerful magnetism which comes to the Earth on the so called solar
3 These cycles are fundamental, I believe, to the spiritual transformation and
the multidimensional shifts which the planet, and humanity, are experiencing. We
are going through enormous magnetic change and this has great consequences for
the electronics and computer systems which, of course, are the basis of the world
financial system.
On Earth today in this period of incredible opportunity are millions of
volunteers from many universal civilisations and time-space realities who have
come here to be at the front of the snowplough. Some are former Lemurian and
Atlantean consciousnesses, and others who have come into the prison since then.
But what has happened in the past is of no relevance now, except in the experiences
and the knowledge that has been gleaned to make the task easier. It doesn’t matter
if your consciousness has been an Atlantean or a cabin boy in a previous life, you
are the sum total of all your experiences and it is what you do now that matters.
The volunteers on Earth today have been living what we would call ‘normal’ lives,
mostly with no idea what they are really here for or where they have come from.


This has been essential to become knowledgeable and grounded in the world as it
is, and to lock into the rigid thought patterns they have come to challenge.
Experiences, many extreme and sometimes very negative on the surface, have been
attracted to them to help their minds break out of the programming of this world
and to access their higher consciousness. Often it is when you are as low as you can
go that you shed the old, programmed skin and reveal the new one, the real you,
underneath. As a channelled message said: “Opportunity is often disguised as a
4 This happened to me in 1991, when the fantastic ridicule I attracted from
virtually the entire United Kingdom allowed me to let go of the old perceptions and
the concern of what others thought of me. I entered another reality in which being
true to myself and my heart became far more important than worrying what
anyone would think of me. I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Within the subtle levels of the volunteers were preprogrammed spiritual ‘alarm
clocks’ which have been activated increasingly since the late 1980s. They have
suddenly opened their eyes to another understanding and they are now creating
another reality. Some have been in the financial world, or business, religion,
education, and medicine. Others have been mothers at home, unemployed people,
or those who have retired. Their background and role in life up to this point matters
only as experience. The real reason for this incarnation is just beginning for most of
them and their numbers gather by the day as more wake up and realise who they
are. They are reconnecting across the jamming vibration to wholeness and their
lives and perceptions are changing dramatically. They are remembering. The same
opportunity is available to everyone on the planet. In the years to come, the masks
will be removed. We are going to see how many spiritual volunteers there are
within the system of control. As they awaken, they will bring down these Elite
bastions from within. At the same time, we will see that many of those who have
spoken the words of the New Age, the environmental, and the ‘radical’, are in fact
tuned to a rather less pleasant consciousness. By their deeds we shall recognise
them, not by their words.
The process of diffusing and removing the jamming frequency is very simple in
one way, but, in this misguided world, it can involve some vast emotional and
spiritual upheavals in our lives to deprogramme us to the point where we can
achieve it. As people awaken and let go of the programming, their consciousness
also lets go of that programming’s vibratory suppression which is holding down
their own frequency. When the mind and feeling centres are opened and allowed to
expand, their frequency rises and if this is allowed to continue, it will reach the
point where it can synchronise with frequencies of reality outside the vibratory
prison. This allows these higher frequencies to be filtered down our levels of being
to this conscious level, and then broadcast out into this physical world. When this
state of being is achieved, those people become walking, talking, transmitters of a
higher frequency. The more people who awaken to do this, the more the cumulative
effect is raising the frequency of the planet as a whole. This is allowing non-physical
frequencies within the prison to rise, because in some way, this dense physical level
will hold back the others if it doesn’t shift and raise itself. It acts like a drag or an
anchor on the other frequencies within the prison and until this dense physical level
moves, they can’t.
We are looking here at a multidimensional shift across many parallel universes
in this period of transformation and not just on this single planet. When this
multidimensional shift happens, largely as a result of what we do on Earth now in
conjunction with the effect of the planets and the Photon Belt, the jamming
frequency will be overwhelmed and the prison door will fly open. We will be free
and whole again. The nightmare will be over. The jamming frequency is already
diffusing and breaking up, and light is pouring into our world. As the process
gathers pace, the portals or gateways to other time-space realities (dimensions) are
beginning to open. The period of quarantine is also coming to a close. These
gateways, in places like Stonehenge, Machu Picchu in Peru, Tibet, Knossos in Crete,
Ayers Rock, Lake Titicaca in the Andes, Mount Fuji, Mount Shasta, and the lands of
ancient Sumer and Babylon (now Iraq) are opening as circumstances allow. This is
like opening a valve which allows energies and vibrations from other dimensions to
flood into this one.
A merging of dimensions and realities is beginning to happen which is offering
the opportunity for those who are ready, emotionally and mentally (vibrationally in
other words), to advance to a far higher state of consciousness, love, wisdom, and
understanding. These energies and the effect of the Photon Belt are activating data
stored in our consciousness and our physical bodies. Knowledge is being unlocked
from the cells, bones, and our DNA which will, eventually, be restored to its twelvestranded potential. This will return us to full brain capacity, instead of the 8 to 20%
the human race works with currently. Each cell has a consciousness and its coding is
controlled by our thoughts. This is why we can think ourselves ill and think
ourselves healthy. Our emotions stimulate and release chemicals into our bodies
which have positive and negative physical effects. Laughter is a great healer
because of the chemicals it releases, and hatred, anger, fear, and guilt cause dis-ease
for the same reason. Health is actually free and we will be able to regenerate our
cells by our own thoughts. Our bodies age and become infirm because that is the
reality programmed into the human mind and that is the reality we create. We don’t
have to age in the way that we do. Our thoughts ensure that we age, not our bodies.
The power of thought to heal the body is something the drug companies (Global
Elite) don’t want us to know. Our bodies are going through incredible changes and
this will increase with each year.
As the time-space portals reopen, more extraterrestrials will be visiting this
dimension and we will be seeing more UFO activity. An average of 150 UFO
sightings a day are reported world wide and it is reckoned that only about one in
ten sightings are actually reported. I would emphasise the caution, however, that
the scientists and military of the Global Elite have flying saucer, anti-gravity
technology and we need to be very careful not to be conned by its use in the guise
of an “alien” threat to justify centralised control. I believe this to be a distinct
possibility, the ground for which is being prepared. This whole area of UFOs and
extraterrestrials is a minefield which demands great caution and a very flexible
mind. ETs, like everyone, can be positive and negative in their intent, and it is vital
that we don’t treat them as ‘gods’. They are not to be feared, because we will attract
that reality, nor to be worshiped as saviours. We are our own saviours.
There is a great deal of disinformation circulating about ETs and UFOs and
picking the wheat from the chaff requires a constantly open, but filtering, mind, and
constant vigilance. The opening portals and merging of dimensions is breaking the
linear time locks which distinguish past, present, and future. That version of time is
collapsing and we will realise, amazing as it may seem, that the past, the present,
and the future, are happening at the same time. The effect of collapsing linear time
is that the hours and days will seem to pass incredibly quickly until the point is
reached when another version of time emerges. These are difficult concepts to grasp
because so much knowledge has been kept from us and so much limited thinking
has been imposed.
Many people, more than ever before in modern times, are being attracted to
ancient sacred sites and most are unsure of exactly what is happening when they go
there and feel often powerful energies pass through them into the Earth. They know
something has happened because they can feel it and they know as more people
awaken that the same experiences can be retold by millions around the world. I was
asking the same questions when it began to happen to me in 1990.1 believe that the
energies we feel passing through us at such moments are the higher frequencies
filtering down our levels of being and we are grounding them on this frequency so
quickening its vibration. In 1987, hundreds of thousands of people gathered at sacred
sites all over the world for the event known as Harmonic Convergence when there
was a mass grounding of higher frequencies onto this level. This was the trigger that
activated my own spiritual alarm clock and the pace of awakening has increased in
great leaps since then. This work is helping the frequency of this physical level to
raise itself out of the misunderstandings that have plagued this world.
A frequency carries information, knowledge, and the higher the frequency, the
more developed and evolved the knowledge. It is this frequency change that will
transform the world we live in because information is freedom. We talk of freedom
of information, but it is the information itself which is the freedom. What we think
is what we create and what we think is based on what we feel and know –
information, knowledge. As the frequency continues to rise, there is an explosion of
knowledge re-entering our world. Nothing and no-one will be the same again. The
true origin of the great sacred sites will be known, and since all spiritual change is
reflected on the physical level, this is a period when a constant stream of scientific,
historical, and geological discoveries will be made to overturn our whole view of
history and who we are. There is world-shattering information waiting to be found
in Egypt, I am convinced. In the same way that the rising frequencies are triggering
data and codes stored in our bodies, so it is happening with thought codings stored
in the stones of ancient sites. The energies of these sites are filling with knowledge,
which is available to anyone operating on a vibration high enough to access it.
The higher frequencies can be filtered down and grounded anywhere and once
you are connected with those higher levels, you are doing it all the time, often
without even realising it. But there are points on the Earth’s surface – many of
which are marked by the standing stones and circles, mounds, hills, and other
places held sacred by the ancients – where this can be done most powerfully and
effectively. As acupuncture has long understood, the physical body is kept alive by
a web of energy lines known as meridians and these also connect into vortex points,
the spirals of energy called chakras, where these lines cross. They are like spinning
spiral power stations on a grid of electricity lines. When these energies are flowing
with balance and harmony, the person is physically, emotionally and mentally well.
When they are unbalanced or blocked, they will be suffering from some form of
physical, emotional, or mental dis-ease, dis-harmony.
It is the same with the Earth. This energy grid of the Earth has been much
affected by negative events and limitation of thought. The energy passing through
these lines is a form of consciousness, because everything is consciousness in
different states of being. So these lines are affected by other consciousness – like the
thoughts of human minds. When those thoughts are full of fear, anxiety, guilt, pain,
and other negative emotions, the negative thought patterns are absorbed by the
energy grid and its power and balance diminished. They are also carried around the
globe on the grid network, and so the negative energy created by a war on one side
of the world affects everyone because it is passed around the planet. These lines are
designed to enjoy positive-negative and male-female harmony, but they have
become dominated by the negative and male energies resulting from the inner
turmoil and imbalances of humanity. In this transition period, it is necessary to
repair the grid by removing the negative blockages, and channel high frequency
energies into its system to raise the frequency. Millions are now involved in this.
Other levels of their consciousness are guiding them to the right place at the right
time, via the feeling centre and the magnetism. They are using their physical bodies
as transformers and transmitters to broadcast the new frequency to this planet.
The point of maximum impact on the jamming frequency is the collective mind
of humanity. With every individual mind which opens itself and deprogrammes its
thinking, we are another step closer to that critical mass point of the Hundredth
Monkey Syndrome, when a big collective switch will occur. Those who are working
now to open their own consciousness and to heal and deprogramme themselves,
are at the front of the snowplough, the pioneers, who are adding to that critical
mass and making the big switch possible. If you are one of them, you have every
right to be proud of yourself. Anyone can do it, anyone at all. You just make the
choice, follow your heart at all times, and you are on your way. If we now look at
the Elite’s manipulation from the perspective I have outlined here, we can see that
the themes of spiritual transformation, freedom, and global conspiracy are
indivisible. We can also appreciate the wider picture within which the manipulation
in this world needs to be seen if we are to fully understand its nature:
1. When we close our minds and hearts, our frequency falls (we become less
informed and sometimes incredibly stupid). When we open our minds and
hearts our frequency is raised (we become more knowledgeable, wise, and
understanding). We can also raise our frequency to the point where we can cross
the jamming vibration and escape from the prison.
If you are the Prison Warder consciousness on the Fourth Dimension which
wants to retain this vibratory prison and the negative energy production unit it
has become, you can only do that if human minds, as a whole, remain closed.
Therefore you develop a network of manipulation on this physical level
designed to keep people from the higher knowledge and their infinite potential.
You create religions which tell people what to think – or not to think. You
encourage the population to focus their thinking on absurdities and trivia, and
give their minds away to religious books which most people, even ‘believers’, do
not bother to read, let alone understand.
This gives the power to churchmen to tell the population what the religious
book says and means. When this religious imposition begins to wane as even the
closed-minded humans realise it is a vehicle of oppression, you introduce a new
‘science’ which claims there is no after-life of any kind and when this physical
life is over, the lights go out forever. You ensure that the scientist is seen as the
cutting edge of human knowledge and so if he or she says there’s no after-life,
that’s the way it must be. You also develop other vehicles for this drivel and call
it Humanism. This encourages humans not to relink with their higher levels
because they become convinced they have no higher levels. The mind is the
brain and the brain is the mind, and that’s it, so there.
2. When people who are connected with the higher levels become incarnate on
Earth, you make sure they are condemned and ridiculed, lied about, and
undermined in any way possible, to stop their information being accepted and
taken seriously. When they have gone you even take the opportunity to turn
their words on their head and create a religion in their name which is the
epitome of everything they came to challenge.
3. You develop a media, business, and political network controlled by people
operating on your vibration to manipulate the human mind and keep it closed,
uninformed and confused. You create a money system which keeps people
under a lifetime of pressure just trying to survive. This gives them no time to
think and feel and ask questions about life and the world. They are too busy
getting through to tomorrow to worry about anything like that. Thinking about
the wider world is a luxury they don’t have the time to do, or so they believe. We
work too much and think and feel too little.
You divide and rule via manufactured divisions such as race, colour, creed,
religion, income bracket, and an endless list of other ‘us and them’ devices. This
creates the same division and confusion in the collective mind, thus ensuring
that it is never united enough or on a high enough vibration, which would
breach the jamming vibration in an instant. Those involved with the Elite are just
vehicles for the Prison Warder consciousness to work through them and follow
an agenda which is serving a much wider plan that even the Elite do not
understand. They think they are in control, but they are not. They are stooges, a
means to an end.
4. When you realise that an attempt is coming to remove your control of the Earth
by raising the frequencies within the prison, you step up your attempts to
dominate the human consciousness. You press ahead even faster towards the
global control of government, banking, the currency, information, and the
military, and you increase the pace at which you introduce the microchipped
population because you know that if you can electronically tag every human
being and link them to a centralised computer, you can artificially suppress their
minds and frequency, so preventing them from being vehicles for grounding the
vibrations that will break open the prison or access levels of understanding that
can tell them they are in a prison. You also activate your dirty tricks agencies to
undermine alternative thinking and concepts by branding them as mad and
dangerous ‘cults’.
A global attempt to destroy the ‘grounded’ alternative movements is
underway while, at the same time, another team of dirty tricksters is continuing
to manipulate the New Age movement into floating around in some spiritual
mist following the instructions of ‘Masters’ and ‘Ashtar Commands’. The
manipulators want to stimulate imbalance because that means control and a
limited perspective and potential. They don’t care why people give their minds
away, so long as they do. Sending out broadcasts on what you might call
“psychic frequencies” to mislead the New Age field is, in my view, undoubtedly
happening. If they can get the spiritually-minded to hand over their thinking to
some master or extraterrestrial ‘command’ they can neutralise their effect in the
physical world. It is those people who have a spiritual-physical balance, those
who wish to manifest spiritual values in physical change, that the manipulators
fear, not New Age dogma.
5. You know that if the frequency of the energy grid is raised, so is that of the
planet. You work through compatible human minds to build roads, factories,
power stations, and transmission towers, at key points on the grid. The black
magicians of the Global Elite know that if you can control the energy passing
through the grid, you can control the collective mind of the human race. The
village and road built through the centre of the stone circles at Avebury in
Wiltshire, England, is a prime example. This strategy pours negative energy into
the network at these points, weakening the flow within the lines, and
suppressing the frequency.
I have spoken to many people recently who have begun to identify a pattern
in the United Kingdom of roads and broadcasting transmitters of various kinds
which are sited very near or on well known Earth acupuncture points and
chakra vortices. It goes beyond the bounds of random coincidence. The people
who make these decisions often have no idea of the energy grid significance, but
who is feeding thoughts into their consciousness or who is passing down the
instructions from the upper reaches of the global pyramid of manipulation? The
Fourth Dimensional manipulators. You can also create wars and suffering in
particularly important areas of the grid, like Iraq and the former lands of
Mesopotamia, between the River Euphrates and the River Tigris, the site of
ancient Sumer and Babylon when they knew far more about the energy grid
than mainstream science does today. Everything I talked about earlier in the
book about the physical level manipulation and the engineering of wars is the
reflection of a much higher understanding of energies, vibrations, and
consciousness, and their relationship to the Earth and the human mind. George
Bush would not have said: “We’ll attack Iraq and pour negative energy into the
energy grid because this will affect the world”. But whatever and whoever was
pulling the strings to make war with Iraq sure as heck knew the implications for
the energy grid of doing so.
The effects of the Photon Belt and the vibratory tussle now at large on Planet
Earth between the jamming vibration and the freedom vibration can be seen more
obviously by the week. I passed on channelled information in earlier books going
back to 1990 which talked of dramatically changing weather patterns in this decade
and beyond, with colossal rainfall and floods, and of many other extreme weather
and geological phenomena. The changing weather patterns worldwide are now
obvious with enormous tracts of ice the size of countries breaking away from the
polar ice shelves which were once considered permanent. Nothing is permanent
except life itself. Rainfall records continue to be broken year after year; the seas rise,
and rivers cover the land in ways that defy the eye. In other areas there are great
droughts. Look back at the ancient prophecies and you will find all of these things.
We are told, often with little conviction, that this is the result of global warming,
the Greenhouse Effect. I beg to differ. This is a diversion from what is really
happening, I believe. We are witnessing the result of the Photon Belt and the higher
frequencies being grounded, the portals opening, and the move from a threedimensional reality into the fourth and fifth dimensions.
5 At the same time, the old
vibration seeks to hold on to its domain and this is reflected physically as those
awakening and changing their thinking and the Elite who wish to impose still
further the old patterns of control and domination. This is the tussle symbolised by
Uranus and Saturn. This and the Photon energies are stirring up the subtle levels of
the planet consciousness – Mother Nature, Gaia, the Earth Spirit – and this is having
magnetic consequences in the Earth’s energy field. The planet is the physical body
of a consciousness with a mind and emotions. The Earth is not just a physical
sphere spinning in space. She thinks and feels, just like we do. She is part of us, and
we of her. The weather and geological changes are leading, I believe, to a switch of
the magnetic poles and, possibly, a physical shift of the axis. How traumatic all this
has to be on the road to a better world is up to us, the human race. It is no
coincidence that, looking at the records of insurance companies alone, geological
and weather events have increased in both scale and number very significantly
since the time of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987.


This immense transformation we are living through is likely to be one of
extremes and opposites before all comes into harmony. It is the chaos period as one
vibration breaks up and another moves in. Those with an open mind and heart will
absorb the new space-time realities. Others who follow the propaganda of the
Global Elite and the Prison Warder consciousness will cling on to the old vibration
in their desperation to find security. They will become even more vehement in their
religious, political, and economic dogma. They will resist the rising vibrations if
they choose that path, and this will have mental, emotional, and physical effects.
The two states of being, the programmed mind and the open mind, will be more
obvious with every month to those who know what is happening. The Prison
Warders, via the Global Elite, will increase their efforts to speed the New World
Order, but they will not ultimately succeed. This transition period may well
stimulate many negative events, but if we raise our own consciousness and hold
onto our positive sense of self, we will not attract such events to us, unless, of
course, it is part of our chosen path to experience them. Our state of mind is our
protection from harm. Astrologer, Gloria Treloar, told me:
“Uranus in square to Jupiter (May 5th 2000) signals a time of social and economic
change and a restructuring of values. Belief systems will be transformed. Those already
open to a different study of truth from the one that has been indoctrinated down the
years, will now take a further leap in consciousness; those who have been on the
sidelines, a little apprehensive about even a small step, will suddenly cast aside their
fears, take a look outside themselves and move into that higher state – breakthrough! It
won’t be easy, but a happening so stunningly and refreshingly transformative can never
be described as a breeze. It’s a hurricane which roars through the psyche uprooting old
trees of knowledge and shaking foundations to make way for the new. Although the
transit of these planets will be uncomfortable, whatever the individual and collective
process experiences, it will eventually prove a small price to pay for liberation.”
If we follow our intuition, we will magnetically attract to ourselves everything
we need to guide us through this period. Many people have said that my books,
and others, have fallen at their feet from the shelf of a bookshop. This appears to be
a ‘mystery’, but it is not. The magnetic energy field of the book and the person’s
subconscious interact because the subconscious knows that its conscious level
would benefit from reading the book. At its most powerful, this magnetic attraction
pulls the book from the shelf. It is like two magnets attracting each other. If we are
open minded, this process will ensure that we will be in the right place at the right
time, with the right people, no matter what chaos may be happening around us.
In an ideal situation, the transition from one frequency to another is a very
straightforward process. But given the vibratory prison and the vast number of
closed minds on the planet at this time, this is no ideal situation. The human and
Earth consciousness are not yet rising together as one. There are very different
minds linked to very different frequencies pulling in all directions. As I understand
it, the dense physical level is one place where consciousnesses linked to an infinite
number of wavelengths can live together side by side in the same world. The
manufactured divisions which our generations have inherited and perpetuated are
the result of divided thought patterns. These patterns fighting for supremacy would
cause some chaos anyway, but this is now happening in a period in which much
higher frequencies are becoming part of this reality also, and raising the whole
vibration of the Earth. The subtle energy levels of the planet have become subject to
astonishing vibratory pressures and it is these which are changing the weather so
fundamentally. They will, if they continue to build, bring geological upheavals of a
kind not experienced or even dreamed about in the modern world. There is so
much evidence now emerging that indicates massive changes in our environment.
In the UK, the water tables in London, Birmingham and other cities are rising
rapidly, some by two metres and more per year. This has fundamental
consequences for daily life.
Hard as it may be to accept at first, the geological and weather catastrophes are
created largely by the human mind and the wavelengths it broadcasts. The way the
collective mind thinks affects the planetary mind, Gaia, and if she becomes
imbalanced emotionally and mentally, this has physical effects, just as it does in the
human body. But such a scale of physical change does not have to be. It is within
our minds and hearts to make this transition far smoother than that. As more
people deprogramme and allow their minds and hearts to open, they will cease to
be part of the old vibration as they are able to connect with, and ground, the higher,
freedom vibrations of love and harmony. The greater the number who step out of
the old vibration and into the new, the smoother and more harmonious the
transition will be. But whatever happens, the years of the vibratory prison are
almost over. The only question left is how bumpy will be its last days, and if we are
to lessen that impact, the time for action is urgent.
So, as always, the answers lie with us. If we can heal ourselves and stop being
manipulated by the Prison Warder consciousness, via the Global Elite, the whole
process will be easier and the end of the jamming frequency will be hastened. If we
heal ourselves, open ourselves, and trust ourselves, we will heal each other and we
will heal the world. It is happening now.

1 See bibliography
2 “Hunt for the Most Powerful Particle of All”, Daily Telegraph (July 5th 1995)
3 See the work of Maurice Cotterell, particularly The Mayan Prophecies (Element, Shaftesbury,
Dorset; Rockport, Massachusetts, and Brisbane, Australia, 1995). This is written with Adrian
4 Earth – Pleiadian Keys To The Living Library channelled by Barbara Marciniak (Bear &
Company, Sante Fe, 1995) pl35
5 Nothing is black and white, however. The Elite have at their disposal technology that can
affect the weather and create great storms, particularly in a small area, by manipulating the
magnetic energy fields. Extraterrestrials certainly have this knowledge.
6 “Water levels undermine safety of city buildings”, The Times (October 6th 1995) pl2


chapter 20

love you, Dr Kissinger

This book has been written with honesty, without fear, and in the desire to
uncover the cause of the ills of this planet and the means through which we
can heal them.
Not every last fact will be 100% accurate, nor every assumption, because we are
dealing with people and organisations who wish that such information remains
hidden. Dispersing the smokescreens is a life’s work. I come from the direction of no
religious, racial, or political dogma. I only wish to challenge the imposition of belief
systems by those who use violence, fear, guilt, and the suppression of information.
I also desire for love to flood this planet and for all humanity to access its full and
infinite potential. If anyone decides to take parts of this book out of context and
pronounce it ‘racist’, they will be making a statement about their own state of being,
not mine. I wouldn’t know how to be racist if my life depended upon it.
I seek freedom for myself, for humanity, and for this planet and all her lifeforms.
If there are those who believe, or claim to believe, otherwise, that is their right. But I
know what is in my heart and that is good enough for me. Such people will benefit,
too, from remembering that their children and grandchildren, of whatever colour,
culture, or background, will have to live in the world we leave them. Would they
prefer us to leave them freedom or the New World Order? To be accused of racism
when you have love and freedom in your heart can be frustrating, but no scale of
criticism will stop me. It is time for humanity to stop running away. Time to let
go of fear.
You will have noted, I’m sure, how the first section of the book is far longer than
the second. This is not an imbalance. It is symbolic of how simple the answers are to
all that I have outlined in this book. The principles within these last few chapters
contain all that we need to change the reality of this world. We need to love, respect,
and forgive ourselves and, through that, love, respect and forgive everyone else.
One will come with the other. It begins with self. I don’t have to set out new
economic and political structures and tell people how they must live to create a
better society. Who the hell am I to tell someone else what they should do, anyway?
I know what is right for me, not you. From the transformation of mind which love,
respect, and forgiveness of self will trigger, all these other answers will naturally
evolve. We have the tyrannical structures of today because that is the reality the
collective mind has created by its attitude to itself. When we change that attitude,
we change the world. The pyramid becomes a circle. The human race, in general,
doesn’t like itself, let alone love itself. That is reflected in the physical reality. When
love abounds within us, love will wrap its arms around the planet and it is on that
foundation that all else will follow.
By love, I mean a much greater love than the emotional attachment and possession
that so much ‘love’ on Earth has become. I don’t mean “I love you if I fancy you,
darling”. Nor “I love you if what you do is acceptable to me, or if you conform to
my idea of someone who deserves to be loved”.
I mean “I love you, whatever you do”. It means to read this book and then say: I
love you, Dr Kissinger. I love you David Rockefeller, George Bush and Bill Clinton.
That kind of love. Without condition or possession. It is the love we have for our
children. We don’t always agree with what they do and say, but we love them just
the same.
If we can see each other in that light, the ills of this planet will fade away. With
this unconditional love for self and each other, we would not produce economic
arguments for why homeless people must sleep in the streets. The economic system
would become subordinate to love and reflect that love. The idea that we would
allow one person to be without adequate shelter would be unthinkable. We would
stop charging interest on money, remove the debt so far accumulated, and spend
what was necessary, interest free, to build enough good quality homes for people to
live in. The love in our hearts would accept nothing less. We would dismantle the
economic tyranny and encourage communities to take back the power over their
lives, providing what is necessary for the benefit of people, not some Global Elite.
Love would eliminate the pain and suffering we impose on the animal kingdom.
We would recognise that the privileged minority on this planet cannot, with love,
go on living off the backs of the Third World and then ease their conscience by
putting a few pounds in a charity tin here and there. Love would insist that we
withdraw from such economic dictatorship and allow those oppressed billions to
live their lives for the benefit of themselves and not the multinational corporations.
There would be no more CIA fascist coups to thwart elected governments
determined to serve the needs of the people when love abounds in the collective
human heart.
Love would cease to cooperate with the present structures of global power and
in doing so, it would show just how little power they really have. They only exist
because we created them and because we continue to cooperate and bow to their
will. The real power in a pyramid lies at the base, not the top. Nothing survives if it
is not founded on love and the present structures of control will not survive. The
governments we select in a world of love would reflect that desire to serve, to set
free, and not impose. How many people today vote with love in their hearts?
People vote, overwhelmingly, for what they believe is best, materially, for them in
the short-term. That is the reality they create – governments which serve
themselves, short-term self-interest, and not the interests of others. We get what we
vote for, because we get what we are feeling in our hearts when we, collectively,
decide how to vote.
If the human race voted out of love, it would attract and elect such people into
government. It is no good hurling all the blame at politicians for what is
happening in the world. Politicians can only get elected by telling people what
they have been programmed to want to hear. What people want to hear is what is
in it, materially, for them. The kind of politicians we elect are an exact reflection of
the collective attitudes which voted for them. When the collective human mind
changes, so will the kind of politician we elect. Try getting elected on a policy of
ending the Western dictatorship of the Third World which would affect the
incomes and imports of the industrialised countries. No chance. Only with love
in the collective heart will that be possible. Power to the people with the power
of love.
Love for self will transform our lives, not least in the way we heal ourselves and
others. Today, the medical services are controlled by the multinational drug
companies. Sixty per cent of the US drug industry is owned by the Rockefellers
alone. As a result, what claims to be state-of-the-art ‘medicine’ offers the scalpel or
the drug in response to almost every ill. Both are motivated, at their controlling
levels, by profit, not people. Wealth and not health. The infinite knowledge of
healing in the world which understands how imbalances in our eternal selves create
physical dis-ease is kept out of ‘official’ medicine. The body-as-machine approach
of Darwin and others is still the one taught in medical schools and hospitals. It has
become so farcical, that a hospital doctor I once met treats the nurses with
homeopathy, but cannot treat his patients in that way, except secretly, because the
wrath of the official drug-company-controlled medical establishment would be
brought down upon him. Millions die of cancer while many cures are suppressed. If
you can’t sell it at a vast profit under contract to a drug company, every effort is
made to destroy methods of healing that would remove the so called “incurable”
diseases of today. There are no incurable diseases. Every one is caused by an energy
imbalance – an imbalance that can be returned to harmony and, in doing so, the
body returned to health. This is happening every day outside the medical
Love for self will insist on taking back power over our own bodies. The drug
companies dominate because the human race has, largely, handed over control of
the body to doctors and pharmacists. It is an expression, yet again, of the way
humans look outside themselves for answers. We look outside for confirmation that
we are ok; for someone else to blame when something goes wrong; and for the
answers to our discomfort when our body is ill. The answers for all three are inside
us, in our view of ourselves. Self-hatred and frustration leads to cancer and heart
disease, and every other ill can be linked to a mental, emotional, or spiritual
imbalance, all of which can be corrected. I can thoroughly recommend a book called
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
1 for more detail about this. As we begin to
love ourselves and let go of the fears, guilts, and resentments accumulated over the
years and the aeons of time, disease in the world will plummet. The cause of it will
have diminished. We will see the illness that does occur as a sign of something
amiss inside us. We will then address that, and think ourselves well again. Our
physical dis-ease is also the result of our inner dis-ease, the magnetic pattern our
thoughts create.
Love is not just a word. It is the power that holds creation together. It is the
power that holds us together and, as we can see, whenever love is missing, a life, or
a world, simply falls apart.
This, together with love, is the self-balancing mechanism of any balanced society.
An imbalanced society creates endless rules and regulations to say “you will” and
“you won’t” to overcome the lack of respect. When you have respect for the Earth,
you don’t need laws and government agencies to tell you not to damage or pollute
the environment. You would not dream of doing so. When you respect life as
sacred, you don’t need laws against cruelty to animals because you would not
dream of harming a fellow expression of creation. When you respect another’s right
to live their life as he or she sees fit, you don’t seek to impose your view on them.
You respect and celebrate their right to be different. Not wrong. Different. When
such respect is awash in the collective human mind, people will be living their lives
in a way they believe to be right, while allowing others to do the same. All will
shape their behaviour so they do not impose their thinking upon another. There will
be no need for laws as we know them today because love and respect will be the
balance that allows different beliefs to live in harmony.
This respect for others comes, as always, from respect for self. A lack of respect
for others is the outward expression of a diminished respect for self. When we
respect ourselves, we stop looking to others to tell us what to do and think. We have
respect for our own infinite capacity to decide what we can do in any situation. We
might seek another’s advice and view, but in the end self-respect decides for itself.
Self-respect also has the confidence to go against the majority view when
appropriate and to decide its own morals and values. It refuses to bow to all the
“shoulds” and “musts” that we are subjected to, and subject ourselves to, from the
earliest years of childhood, most of them inherited from previous generations,
sometimes thousands of years before. You must do this, you should do that, I must
do this, I must do that. Who says? The American therapist, Albert Ellis, called this
phenomenon “mustabation”. The musts certainly abate in the face of self respect.
Love and respect for self are the most powerful combination in Creation. With them
as our guiding light, there can be no fear, or guilt, or psychological fascism. And
without those, there is no New World Order.
The burden of guilt carried by the human race, much of it going back to previous
lives, is caused by a refusal to forgive ourselves. If we do not forgive ourselves, we
find it so much harder to forgive others. If we don’t forgive others, we eat ourselves
away with resentment, and seek revenge against those we consider to have acted
badly towards us. Hence we have the conflicts and feuds that span the generations
and the inherited prejudice and divisions which the Global Elite so exploit. If we
vent our anger and resentment on the people I have named in this book, some of
whom will not know what they are really involved in, what good will that do? It is
right that we know what is going on and those who are seeking to control us.
Without that knowledge, we will go on being manipulated. But the people
connected with the New World Order do not need or deserve our hatred. No-one
does. They are victims, too, the physical result of the emotional and spiritual
imbalances within them which desire to control and dominate others. The last thing
they need is more hatred. They need our love. By that, I don’t mean a love that
walks away and allows all this to continue unchallenged. I mean a love that does
challenge the imposition, but without hatred or a desire for revenge.
I love you, I love you, I love you, Dr Kissinger. I am you and you are me. We are
each other. But I will challenge the New World Order mentality until the moment it
is time for me to leave this planet and move on. The two approaches, the love and
the challenge, are not incompatible. Nor is forgiveness of the personnel while
working to expose their game plan.
Forgiveness of self and each other will bring an end to the story I have told. Let
the divisions between us fall away, for they have been manufactured on the classic
principle of divide and rule. That is the reason behind the engineered wars and the
divisions of race, colour, country, class and income bracket. While there is an us and
a them, we are a manipulator’s party trick. When the us and them becomes we,
which is what we really are, all part of each other, the manipulation will end. Let us
put our arms around each other, the Arab and the Jew, the Christian and the
Muslim, the manipulator and the manipulated. It’s been a nightmare, but the
nightmare is almost over. It’s time to dream.
You are a beautiful spirit. You can be whatever you want to be. You are unique
and you are loved in a way that we find so hard to comprehend on this planet.
There are times when I feel that love from all, and for all, of Creation. It is a love
without fear, guilt, resentment, judgement or division. It is an experience beyond
words and it is ours, yours, for the taking, the thinking, the feeling. We’ve been
away too long, my friends. It is time to go home and reconnect with all that is. In
the words of a lovely song recorded for the Comic Relief Appeal:
When we stand together,
It’s our finest hour.
We can do anything, anything, anything, anything,
Keep believing in love’s power.
Love can build a bridge,
Between your heart and mine,
Love can build a bridge,
Don’t you think it’s time?
There are gathering millions who are screaming “YES!” to that question. As love,
respect, and forgiveness sweep across the human mind and we love out of existence
the misunderstandings of the past, we are destined to be the first generations for
thousands of years who will leave our children a better world than the one we
found. That is our gift to, and from, this glorious planet.
My fellow expressions of God, what a great time to be alive.
1 Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life (Eden Grove, London, 1988). First published by Hay
House Inc., USA, 1984.
2 Love Can Build A Bridge (N. Judge, J. Jaruis, P. Overstreet, © London Records 90 Ltd.)



good evening, Mr President

As this book went to press, I attended a performance of a stage show and
obtained the tickets from the box office in the normal way. As I walked up the
stairs into the arena, I met a friend who was looking worried and bemused. What
was the problem? Seconds earlier she had heard a security guard say to someone
that the security seats were in row S, numbers 25, 26, 27 and 28. I could understand
why she was confused. She knew from an earlier conversation that the tickets I had
for myself and another friend, Ayem, were row S, numbers 25 and 26! What goes on?
We went to the seats to see what would happen and as we sat down all the heads
were turning to the back of the arena. Someone was arriving, surrounded by
‘heavies’, amid an explosion of flashing cameras. My friend then came over and
solved the mystery. “It’s Jimmy Carter” she said. “What?” At that moment, Jimmy
Carter, the first Trilateral Commission President of the United States, walked along
my row and sat down with his wife.. .next to me! I shook his hand as he arrived.
“Good evening, Mr President.” I just about resisted the temptation to enquire about
the health of David Rockefeller. Here was I, a man who had exposed Carter in The
Robots’ Rebellion and even more so in this book, now sitting next to him surrounded
by CIA guards. I laughed till I cried. What really struck me was that the energy
working through those genuinely committed to the spiritual transformation is so
strong that the New World Order has no chance of success. Mr Rockefeller, Dr
Kissinger, Mr Carter et al, it’s over my friends. I could have been allocated any seat
among the three and a half thousand in the arena. I could have gone to any
performance of the show over more than a year. But Ayem and I were there on that
night sitting next to that man. Incredible.
During the performance I said to Ayem that I felt I was taking energy from
Carter’s aura. I didn’t know exactly what it was, but there was definitely a flow
from him to me. By the end of the show I was feeling a little agitated and later I was
seriously agitated. In the end I was writhing around on the bed screaming and
growling like some crazed animal. Two friends, including Ayem, kneeled beside me
projecting love towards me. One level of my consciousness was in total control
because I knew what was happening. For maybe 15 to 20 minutes, I was
experiencing the consciousness that controls the world and has done so for
thousands of years. Its malevolence, hatred, arrogance, anger and lack of positive
emotion was utterly stunning. When I felt I had experienced enough, I opened my
heart energy (love) and in seconds the Prison Warder Consciousness was gone. I
learned two things from that experience. Firstly, the Prison Warder Consciousness
has no control over love, and secondly, the personalities behind the New World
Order over thousands of years have been possessed by this malevolence. So were
the Nazis. I could clearly understand why they have acted in the ways they have
throughout history.
Lying there, feeling the grotesque emotions of the Prison Warder Consciousness,
the following words came so powerfully into my mind…
Forgive them, they know not what they do.

26 Pages
AlbanianArabicBulgarianChinese (Simplified)EnglishFilipinoFrenchGermanGreekHungarianIcelandicIrishItalianJapaneseKoreanPersianRomanianRussianSpanishSwedishTurkishUkrainian
Room with fireplace
Room with fireplace
Rain on foliage
Rain on foliage
Rain storm
Rain storm
Rain in the forest
Rain in the forest
Sea waves
Sea waves
Sea waves with birds
Sea waves with birds
Sea waves very close
Sea waves very close
Wind in the forest
Wind in the forest
Wind in trees
Wind in trees
Wind heavy
Wind heavy
and sounds