Astrologer Jan Spiller shows you the key to discovering your hidden talents, your deepest desires, and the ways you can avoid negative influences that may distract you from achieving your true life purpose, as revealed in your chart by the position of the North Node of the Moon. With insight and depth impossible to gain from the commonly known sun-sign profiles, the enlightening self-portrait offered by the Nodes of the Moon can explain the life lessons you came here to learn and how to achieve the fulfillment and peace you desire. Jan Spiller shows you how to locate the all-important North Node of the Moon in your astrological chart and provides a detailed interpretation of its influence and exclusive exercises to help you learn about

Jan Spiller
Astrology for the Soul Vol 2


North Node in LIBRA






Healing Theme Song

North Node in SCORPIO






Healing Theme Song







Healing Theme Song

North Node in CAPRICORN






Healing Theme Song

North Node in AQUARIUS






Healing Theme Song

North Node in PISCES






Healing Theme Song


North Node in Libra

and North Node in the 7th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and

Diplomacy and tact
Increasing awareness of others’ needs
Selflessness: giving support without expecting
Creating win/win situations
Seeing things through another’s eyes
Communicating self-identity
Tendencies to Leave Behind
Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable
Thoughtless self-assertion
Lack of awareness of others’ needs for support
Lack of good judgment regarding money
Expecting others to be like oneself
Indifference to how one is seen by others
Resistance to compromise
Outbursts of anger
Overconcern with survival



The Achilles’ heel Libra North Node people need to be aware of
is selfishness (“My survival depends on looking out for myself first,
and others should make sure my needs are met regardless of anyone
else’s concerns”). But it’s a bottomless pit: If they feel that others
have to constantly fill their needs for them to feel safe and
connected, they will find that they always need more attention and
energy just to feel okay. They need to find partners whom
they can
give to, who will feel so energized that they naturally fill Libra
North Node’s cup in appreciation. Satisfaction lies in connecting
with people who see them for who they are, appreciate them, and
want to give back to them.
The trap they need to avoid is an unending search for
independence (“If I can just be self-sufficient enough, I’ll have the
confidence to relate successfully with others and I won’t feel so
lonely”). Life has shown Libra North Node people that
accomplishments and independence do not make them feel
complete. The bottom line is that they’ll never feel a strong enough
sense of self to become part of a team. At some point they need to
take the risk of losing themselves in supporting another person. The
irony is that once they start unselfishly supporting someone else,
they begin to feel the joy and glory of their true self shining


What these people really want is to be their own person, to be
the center of attention, to discover themselves in different life
situations, and to surround themselves with people who feed them
energy. To achieve this, Libra North Node people need to refocus
their attention away from themselves and discover the nature of the
people who have been drawn to them. Once they discern which
people truly admire them and want to support them, and once they
begin to feed those people energy, the energy that comes back to
them will create the situation they want.


These people are fantastic counselors, diplomats, and
peacemakers. They have the gift of clearly seeing and successfully
communicating the identity and concerns of person A to person?
(and vice versa) in a way that prompts mutual understanding and
fair, harmonious compromises. Libra North Node people also excel
in fields involving beauty and art, and they make great entertainers
or public speakers when their goal is to uplift, energize, and bring
confidence to their audience. They are extremely gifted and can be
successful—both materially and personally—in any profession
involving a supportive role.
Libra North Node people have innate gifts of independence and
leadership through their awareness of themselves as separate
entities. When they use their past-life gift of self-confidence as a
tool for peacemaking and helping establish justice for others, their
innate abilities create positive results. However, if they pursue
professions that have their own independence as the aim, they may
become dissatisfied and feel they have never reached their goal.
When they use their strong self-identity to support others, Libra
North Node people gain a sense of inner satisfaction and

“When I focus on supporting others, I feel
“When I successfully stimulate self-confidence
in others, we both win.”
“When the team is successful, I win.”
“When I share with others, I have more.”




Lifetimes of personal achievement, self-sufficiency, and
independent action result in a consciousness that is unaware of team
effort and partnership. Libra North Node people have had too many
incarnations enacting the role of the warrior. A warrior on the
battlefield isn’t concerned about anyone else, only with staying
alive and killing the enemy. If he even glances at a comrade, his
body can be destroyed. Thus, his entire consciousness is geared
toward himself:
his body, his fighting ability, his position relative to
These people now have an exaggerated survival urge and a “me
versus you” mentality. It’s all they know. They are competitive, goal
oriented, and tactical, always aware of how they will be affected by
what they do or by what’s going on. They yearn to be with others, to
love others and to feel loved, but they don’t know how. They are
afraid to release their strong grip on their sense of self, because they
fear “the battle” may begin at any time and they must be strong and
on their guard to survive.
But these folks need to recognize that this is not a warrior
lifetime. No one is out to destroy them or take things away from
them. They need to notice that there are comrades on all sides. Their
job in this lifetime is to help
others win battles; and in helping
others, Libra North Node people win.
Throughout all those warrior lifetimes, these folks lost touch with
love, with the ability to work with other people. Thus, they came
into this lifetime feeling awkward about cooperation and relating to
others. But they shouldn’t worry, because their entire chart is set up
to reconnect with people. As long as they are clear about where
they’re going, old habits won’t get in their way. In fact, this entire
lifetime is about partnership for them—and there will be no lack of
opportunity to get it straight, because opportunities for marriages
and partnerships will come to them easily.


Owing to past-life warrior experiences, Libra North Node
people have developed a “no questions asked—no nonsense”
discipline that is foreign to those in other nodal groups. Their past
lives in the military stressed orderliness with dress and personal
possessions, so these folks come into this incarnation valuing
organization in their environments and in their lives. They have a
strong tolerance for discipline and harsh limitations, and they think
others should be willing to endure the same punishment and
deprivation. It’s hard for them to understand when others won’t
accept the same restraints and sacrifices that they are willing to
shoulder—a factor that undermines their relationships.
No other nodal group has the same capacity for taking
constructive action under conditions of strict personal discipline and
deprivation. Actually, Libra North Node people thrive on the
challenge of personal survival under adverse circumstances. It’s a
“high” for them! The intense drama of striving to reach a goal
through personal sacrifice, harnessing their resources, being put to
the test, and emerging victorious gives them a sense of personal
These folks have such a strong sense of self that they imagine
everyone is just like them, and subconsciously, they are looking for
someone who is just like them to be their partner. They can become
very frustrated and feel shortchanged when the other person does
not exhibit the same qualities.
One of the lessons Libra North Node people are learning in this
lifetime is the beauty of individual differences. Who they are and
what they have to offer in a relationship may be very different from
who the other person is and what he or she has to offer. The
challenge is to pay attention to individual differences and to
appreciate the strengths that others bring to the relationship. For this
to occur, they first must re-examine their definition of strength.
Owing to so many incarnations spent in the warrior mode, their
definition of strength usually includes only the following: courage,
intense effort, willingness to sacrifice and endure deprivation, 100
percent goal-focused orientation, insistence on immediate results,
discipline, impulsive initiative (the hero mentality), high-energy
modes, and willingness to take personal risks.
Yet there are other strengths that these folks do
not have that
partners may bring into their lives. These include the ability to

appreciate the process of reaching the goal (which can slow down
Libra North Node people and give them more staying power);
communication skills (which can create rapport and understanding);
empathy (which can make Libra North Node people finally feel like
they belong); playfulness (which can make the process of reaching a
goal enjoyable); analytical abilities and a capacity for working with
details; diplomacy; sensitivity to others’ needs; the ability to create
synergy (which can enormously empower both parties); a sense of
adventure; managerial skills; creativity and inventiveness; and the
capacity for compassion (which can heal Libra North Node people).
In this incarnation, Libra North Node people need to partner with
others for success and fulfillment. To receive the benefits of
partnership, their challenge is to appreciate how others are different
from them.


Libra North Node people have a penchant for angry outbursts,
which they must learn to leave behind. They have a temper like that
of a child. When they don’t get their way, they throw a tantrum to
force the other person to go along with them. If the other person
resists, they escalate the situation until they get their way.
However, creating win/lose situations does not work for these
folks. In the long run, such situations only isolate them from the
very people with whom they want to be close. When they “win” by
getting their way at another’s expense, they pay the price—the other
person will close down and withdraw, not wanting to be vulnerable
to such violent tactics. Libra North Node people may emerge all
smiles, totally unaware of the damage they have done to the other
person. They think the other person should be happy for them
because, after all, they did “win.” They will experience many bitter
lessons until they learn that nobody wins through intimidation and
temper. Victories won by attacking others result in those people not
wanting to be involved with Libra North Nodes anymore, and
thereafter the mutual exchange, energy, and admiration that these
folks so covet vanish from their relationships.


These folks tend to be swift decision makers. They are
accustomed to immediate action, since they take only themselves
and their own goals into account. They are usually unaware of their
effect on other people, and without realizing it they may use people
to further their own goals. This has bad repercussions for Libra
North Node people, however, because it’s very painful for others.
When these folks make decisions without allowing other people
to support them, they may fail to get the things they want because
they have discounted the benefit of others’ energies and ideas.
Before taking action, they should remember to consciously include
others in their decisionmaking processes. Part of their reluctance to
include others comes from the former battlefield mentality that
“people are basically against me.” Much of this false thinking can
be resolved through an understanding of proper communication—
how to check in with others in a way that is mutually beneficial. I
once had a client with this nodal position who confessed to me:
“I’m so busy working on my marriage by myself that I can’t see my
husband, I can’t hear him, I don’t know who he is!” It would be
much easier for these folks to just check in with the other person.
Lack of consideration in decision making can cause Libra North
Node people a lot of unnecessary pain. They may be so afraid of not
getting their way that they are ruthless in campaigning for what they
want. They may fear that if they hesitate for a moment to engage
another person in making plans, the other person will block their
course of action. What they don’t understand is that considering
others does not mean abandoning their agenda. It
does mean caring
about the other person’s concerns and being willing to work toward
a compromise that satisfies both parties.
For example, I had a client who was in a relationship with a Libra
North Node native. They had been living together monogamously
for nearly a year. One day the Libra North Node said he had to
leave and would be back late that night. She was very intuitive and
got a psychic picture that caused her to say: “David—you’re going
to make love to somebody else!” He became angry with her (these
folks don’t lie easily, and they tend to get upset when they are
caught). She started asking questions, trying to understand what was
going on, but he was so intent on his goal that he refused to take the

time to talk with her. He didn’t want to be late for his appointment
with the other woman, so he left the matter unresolved. Hours later
he called her with profuse apologies: He had made a mistake, he
loved her, she was the only one for him, it would never happen
again. But it was too late—her heart had closed to him and she had
already decided to leave.
According to my client, it was not the
event that caused her heart
to close, it was the way the Libra North Node had handled it. She
couldn’t forgive that he did not care enough about her feelings to
talk out the situation with her. When these folks close themselves to
input from their partners, everyone loses.


Libra North Node people can be overly concerned with survival,
but in this lifetime such a focus is inappropriate. They’ve already
learned how to survive; now they are here to help other people, to
infuse them with the energy and confidence that will make the
others stronger. In giving, the Libra North Node people gain
tremendous self-confidence and peace.
These folks need to apply everything they learned as warriors and
use it constructively in relationships with others. This means putting
down their weapons and looking around to see how their comrades
are doing. Does the person next to them need a pat on the back
before going into battle? Their job is to empower
other people to
win. And no one is better equipped to help others win than Libra
North Node.


Libra North Node people must guard against a tendency for
narcissism. They put on a front of being in control and having
qualities that others admire. Others give them compliments and they
feel good, but they are always secretly afraid that who they
are and what they really like may run counter to their projected
image. Sometimes they gather people around them who are
acceptable for their “look.” For example, I had a client with this
nodal position who was attracted to very heavy women, but he
would never let any of his friends find out because he was afraid of
their ridicule. He kept his real desire a secret because it didn’t fit the
image of himself he wanted to project.
These folks like it when others compliment their looks; so they
act out what they think the desired stereotype is, and expect people
to see this and feed their ego. Wanting to be attractive to others,
they manipulate their image to be what they think will attract the
other person. But this process prevents them from gaining a true
sense of inner confidence through knowing that others love and
accept them as they are. They will never learn this unless they take
the risk of revealing themselves.
Libra North Node people are in danger of indulging in self-love
—and excluding others who could expand their true sense of
security. They may have a tendency to be concerned only with their
own happiness or fall victim to vanity—such as keeping themselves
in prime physical condition for the purpose of winning the best that
life has to offer. Their values can be naively superficial. But in this
lifetime, they are scheduled to gain an
expanded sense of their own
soul by truly loving another person as much as they love


Overconcern with self, self-sufficiency, and self-preservation
will function as Libra North Nodes’ basic motivations until these
folks become more conscious. They must consider who else is in
the game. Often they don’t even know who the other people are,
because they’re so used to focusing attention on themselves.
Whenever they impulsively say “Me first!” other people pull away.
But because of their natural counseling abilities (a gift given at birth
to facilitate their transition from focusing on self to supporting
others), people automatically confide in them. As they spend time
listening to other people’s problems, they wonder if they are getting
their “fair share.” If they’re not, they think they are being used.
Then they resentfully push people away.
Everything depends on their
motivation in listening to others. Are
they doing it to get this person “out of their hair” so they can put the
attention back on themselves? Or are they listening with the sincere
motivation of wanting to help, not expecting anything in return
other than the happiness of knowing they participated in healing the
other person?
To win, Libra North Node people need to get in touch with a
feeling of internal social harmony that will help them focus on
others and stop putting themselves first.


Libra North Node people can be painfully self-conscious and
judgmental of what they deem to be their “negative” qualities. This
is why they lose power when they focus on the self. All they see are
their “unacceptable” qualities, which they focus on hiding. But this
process prevents others from getting close to them. Not knowing
what these folks are hiding, others don’t trust them and back away.
Then Libra North Node people get the feedback that something
wrong with them—which is exactly what they suspected in the first
Also, in the process of holding back they are not fully open to
receive others and therefore can never fully partner with them. They
are afraid to let down their guard, lest others will see who they
really are and then harshly judge and reject them. Instead, by
focusing on the other person and what they can do to bring out the

strength and goodness in that person, Libra North Node’s own self
stands open to receive other people.
It is in the best interests of Libra North Node people to stop
judging themselves and simply
be themselves. If they have some
attributes that are not quite “right,” others can give them feedback.
After all, they’ve had warrior incarnations—what do they know
about the social graces? They can’t expect to know what experience
has not taught them. They need the help of those who have lived in
society for many lifetimes to learn the rules. By being honest, they
can learn how to change and start connecting with people and
developing positive relationships. They need to become attuned to
the world and to others, instead of themselves. When they focus
only on themselves to see what the other person is giving back to
them, they see only their own incompleteness and their confidence
drops. But when they focus on supporting and healing the other
person, they will no longer feel self-conscious. As they put their
energy into others, they will receive the approval and energy they
need. Indeed, the key to their own self-confidence lies in
stimulating the confidence and enthusiasm of others.


Libra North Node people tend to assume they know what is
going on with others, so they often bypass communication and go
directly to action. This undermines trust in their relationships, yet it
is understandable in light of their past-life military experience. They
were taught to view the “enemy” (that is, the “other”) from a
distance. They observed the enemy’s actions but never interacted
with him directly until the battle. Now, in this incarnation, they
observe other people from a distance, making assumptions about
their identity, behavior patterns, likes and dislikes, and so on. For
these folks, the truth is what they see—they assume “truths” about
the other person and then act on those “truths.” They don’t listen to
the other person. They interpret the other’s actions according to
they would be thinking if they were doing those things.
They can also be judgmental of others for not resolving their
situations or reaching their goals as quickly, or in the same way, as a
Libra North Node would. If others don’t do it “their way,” these
folks might assume: “They’re not doing what I told them. They’re
not taking responsibility and dealing with this.” But the other
person may be dealing with it in his
own way, arid Libra North
Node just hasn’t checked in to find out what’s going on.
They also judge others when they observe them hurting
themselves. They don’t understand why people do things that go
against their own best interests. They can’t figure out why others
don’t have the discipline to stay in shape, or finish their projects, or
maintain order in their environments. Because Libra North Node
people feel that actions speak louder than words, they often
underestimate other people’s ability to overcome obstacles, simply
because they have not done it yet.
Libra North Node people are learning that everyone has a unique
style. They are so single-minded and goal oriented that they project
onto others the goals that are important to themselves; then they
advise others how to reach those goals by the quickest, most direct
route. They become judgmental when other people don’t follow
their advice. They fail to take into account that others may have

their own agendas and that there are other values besides reaching
the goal in the fastest possible way.
In this incarnation, rather than being judgmental or intolerant,
these folks need to find their own vulnerability in others. If the
other person says she can’t do something, Libra North Node could
think back on a situation in his own life when he felt he couldn’t do
something; then he will feel more compassion for the other person.
In this lifetime, Libra North Node people need to learn to relate
successfully to others—to inspire and empower them to win
victories in their own lives. But to do this successfully they need to
learn to discover the
other person’s objectives, values, and style of


Libra North Node people establish their own system of values
and assume that everyone else will meet their standards and follow
their rules, simply because the rules make sense to Libra North
Node. This is a Pandora’s box. Only negative things occur when
they are inflexibly attached to “the rules.” When other people don’t
play by “the rules” (that is, Libra North Nodes’ rules), Libra North
Node people experience disappointment; when others resist “the
rules,” Libra North Nodes’ tempers rise. They don’t realize the
other person didn’t get a chance to vote—nor was the other person
notified of what “the rules” are.
Sometimes when Libra North Node people think others are being
unfair, it’s because others aren’t following the invisible rules.
However, their sense of fairness is essentially selfish because it is
based only on their own rules. Libra North Node people must
become aware that there are other rules. Their own rules are no
more sacred than anyone else’s.
In all fairness to these folks, the problem with rules isn’t their
fault. Subconsciously they are still in the military, where everyone
is highly disciplined and follows clearly understood regulations,
protocols, and behavior. The good thing about the military, from
Libra North Nodes’ point of view, is that it’s not personal. They’re
not stepping on the other person’s toes when they say what to do—
they’re just giving orders! If the other person doesn’t cooperate,
they feel: “Well—you’re not being a team player.”
Everyone has rules: standards, ideas, and values. Most people are
aware of their ideas as “ideas”—not as absolutes. But for Libra
North Node people, their rules are the constitution they live by
—“the law.” Other people can have their own standards and ideas
but still be open to others’ views. Libra North Node people often
can’t see any view except their own.
An example of how hurtful this can be is the story of a client
whose father was a Libra North Node. On her wedding day, he felt
that his father (the client’s grandfather) should walk her down the
aisle. Because of childhood abuses, my client hated her grandfather.

But her father cared more about “the rules” than his own daughter,
and he insisted that the grandfather walk her down the aisle “out of
respect.” Those were “the rules”—there was no discussion. His
past-life military programming was allowed to run roughshod over
the feelings of his own daughter, even on her wedding day.
Libra North Node people must sit down with their friends and
partners to work out rules that both parties accept. Only when the
rules are mutually accepted can these folks expect others to live by
them. Also,
how the others respond when the Libra North Node
people share their rules will reveal a lot about the relationship—and
whether it is appropriate.
By discovering the others’ standards and rules, Libra North Node
people can expand their own value systems. In fact, their ability to
develop a sense of inner freedom depends on this. When there are
mutually accepted rules in a relationship, the resulting unit will be
powerful, efficient, and personally rewarding. And the relationship
will be based on a foundation that lends permanence.


Because Libra North Node people are so tied up in their own
identities, they may be unaware of who they are actually dealing
with in relationships. They project their own identity onto the other
person and then try to relate to that person—which, strangely
enough, doesn’t work!
When people don’t turn out to be the way these folks think they
are, it surprises them. They picture the other person’s role, and
when the partner doesn’t
play it, they become upset. They think the
other person is not being “fair” with them (that is, the other isn’t
being true to the role). Once again, they are relating to others in
terms of their own past-life military experience, where everyone
was considered an object and judged in terms of how well they
fulfilled their function.
These folks have difficulty seeing the other person outside of the
role they have projected. For example, I had a client with this nodal
position who discovered, after twenty-three years of marriage, that
her husband had sexually molested their daughter for several years.
She had absolutely no idea it had been going on until her daughter
went into therapy. There can be many reasons for this kind of “not
knowing”; but in the case of Libra North Node people, they never
see who the other person really was.
As a by-product of projecting their identity onto others, they
expect others to be as strong as they are, as generous, as confident,
as disciplined—and they feel cheated when the partner doesn’t
exhibit these characteristics. They need to step into the other
person’s shoes. In this way, they can discover the levels of strength,
generosity, confidence, and discipline inherent in the other person,
and thus have more realistic expectations. Also, they will discover
certain positive qualities (ones that the Libra North Node person
doesn’t have) that the other person brings to the relationship. They
are learning that we all have different identities, and therein lies the
capacity for growth in unexpected and rewarding




Libra North Node people are hungry for approval and want to
be included in the other person’s energy field. They feel relaxed and
happy when others “feed” them love. This is a valid need: In this
incarnation, love from others will give them the spiritual balance
they require.
The problem is the methods they use to get others’ attention and
energy. To this end they may get caught up in competition,
overachievement, and taking the initiative without consulting
others. They show off, trying to look good to attract the attention
and loving energy they so desperately need. Because they hunger
for the spotlight, when other people are talking these folks will
often say something about themselves so that the attention comes
back to them. They aren’t really tuned in to the other person—only
to their own need for love and approval. These needs can also cause
Libra North Nodes to be competitive in situations where
cooperation would work more to their advantage.
The resolution lies in shifting their focus from making
themselves look good, to making the other person feel good. When
these folks tune in and take their partners’
feelings into account,
they will know how to further joint goals in ways the partners can
accept. If Libra North Node people help those around them to be
happy, they will automatically feel the good vibrations. They don’t
have to “extract” this energy from others; acceptance, love, and
approval will automatically flow to them. It’s part of the natural
process of being sensitive and doing what they can to make others
happy. The energy these folks need is the energy they will feel when
they validate others for just being themselves.


These folks can lack confidence in relationships owing to lack
of experience in partnership and sharing in past lives. Also, they
tend to undermine their own self-confidence by focusing so much
energy on self. For example, if there’s a misunderstanding in a
relationship, rather than checking in to find out what the other
person is thinking and feeling, Libra North Nodes’ tendency is to
immediately focus on themselves—either their own hurt feelings or
what they did wrong. They never look beyond their own mindset to
determine what’s going on with the other person, and this erodes
their confidence in the relationship. They may assume that the other
person doesn’t like something about them, and they end up feeling
“unacceptable.” Or they may make a harsh judgment against their
partner, which leads them to think there are very few people they
can connect with in the world.
Libra North Node people actually have a lot of confidence, but
they aren’t in touch with it on a social level until they begin to share
it. By focusing on how they can help others feel more confident,
they feel more confidence as well. The ability to “do” relationships
is actually an incredible talent for these people, but they don’t know
they have it. They become discouraged when relationships don’t
seem to work out. What they want is not incorrect, it’s just that their
methods are “off.” The part of them that knows how to “do”
relationships is like an interior room where they have remarkable
tools for creating successful relationships—but they have to
remember to open the door!


These folks are real “people promoters.” For example, Johnny
may have just invented a device that takes all the pollution from
exhaust emissions out of the air—but he’s not doing anything with
it. Others may say: “Johnny, you should sell your invention! Think

of the money you’ll make—think how you’ll help the
environment!” But Johnny has a million excuses for procrastinating:
“Well, it’s really not good enough yet.” Then a Libra North Node
person comes along, says a few words to Johnny, and something
about the way he says it causes Johnny to put things in motion.
These folks have a tremendous ability to empower others to be
warriors—to give them the confidence and energy that send them
on their way. But they fear that others will become dependent on
them. They don’t want others to drain their energy, their ideas, or
their life force. In fact, the other person will give back to them—but
then they have the challenge of accepting the gifts that others give.
This requires humility and acknowledgment that Libra North Nodes
are not totally self-sufficient. It’s part of learning to give and to
receive—to be part of a team.


Sharing is important for Libra North Node people. They’ve had
many past lifetimes of isolation and missing the joys of having a
mate. In this lifetime, their desire to have a mate is enormous; it
needs to be honored for them to feel complete and nurtured
emotionally. An unselfish love, with no thought of personal reward,
is the key to actualizing the closeness and rapport that will fill their
hearts. They need to give simply for the sake of sharing their wealth
and bringing support and joy to their partner. Then, as the other
person gains strength, his or her happiness will in turn permeate and
satisfy the Libra North Node person.
These folks have a tremendous love of life, and in this
incarnation they are learning to expand it by including others. They
need to take the other person into account, discover the other’s
limits, and then go out and share experiences. They need to
remember that sharing experiences with that one special person is
more nurturing than reaching their own goals.
Libra North Node people are learning the art of selflessness:
putting their feelings aside for the sake of supporting someone else.
When they give to another with no thought of return, they become a
channel for giving. The universe gives more to them, because they
are actively passing on the energy. As they selflessly give to other

people, they clear the way for their partners—and for life itself—to
give back to them. There is no need to keep a ledger for “fairness”
in giving and receiving; when Libra North Node people give to
others, they are truly giving to themselves.


Owing to so many past incarnations as warriors, these folks
have developed a trait of inaccessibility. They are very selective
about the image they project, and if people see them differently,
they become upset. They try to control how people see them: “How
could they say that about me? That’s not how I see myself!” This
defensiveness makes it tough for other people to relate to them.
Libra North Node people may indulge in unexpected behavior,
because they don’t want others to be able to figure them out. It’s a
tactical maneuver. Fearing that people won’t find them interesting,
they resist being completely “known.” Also, this nodal group
regards all the other groups as the same, and they don’t want to be
like everyone else. They’re afraid that exposing their emotions and
checking in with people will make them like everyone else—and
they won’t be different and exciting anymore.


The warrior in Libra North Node people wants to have sharp
wits, independence, and no emotional ties so that it can move on at
will. In their psyches, the muscle of independence has been
overexercised in past lives and now can rear its ugly head at the
most inappropriate times and ruin relationships that might have
been nurturing.
It can be somewhat unnerving for Libra North Node people to
check in with others and support them. They are afraid that if they
give to someone they’ll start to feel responsible for that person,

which goes against their “on the road” warrior mentality.
Subconsciously, they don’t want to be tied down.
These folks need to keep in mind that this is a people lifetime.
Their best rewards will come through interdependence, not selfisolating independence. They’ve already experienced extreme
independence; to rewalk that path will only result in missing the
deep connection with others that they crave. When they do step past
their fears and support another, they create a bond with that person
and receive the appreciation and validation that they so desperately
need. In supporting someone with no motive except genuine caring,
their loneliness is healed.
When Libra North Node people support others, they
automatically empower people. So, in reality, they are not creating
dependency but are helping others achieve a higher level of selfsufficiency. However, sometimes they become resentful, thinking:
“Why aren’t other people already as independent as I am? If
everybody were like me, the world would be a fine place!” They
don’t mean to be vain, but past-life habits are strong, and the
discipline of the warrior is a mindset that is difficult to break.
These folks have been isolated from society and the peaceful
satisfaction of nurturing relationships for so many incarnations that
it’s frightening for them to even consider taking the plunge and
joining in. But it’s not that they don’t know how. Once they make
up their minds, these folks can accomplish anything. In fact, once
they get into it, they’ll find they have a
talent for creating successful
relationships. But first they must make the conscious decision that
interdependence is a higher road than isolation.


Libra North Node people are tired of war; in this lifetime, they
want to experience peaceful relationships. Nonetheless, they have
intense relationships that are highly emotional, and their lack of
communication can promote that intensity. But they are ready to
move on to the next level—a place of more caring, more
interdependence, and more compassion. They need to choose peace,
hang up their shield, and participate in relationships in which they
can be vulnerable.


In this lifetime, Libra North Node people are learning patience.
There are other people on the planet, and Libra North Nodes’ lives
will unfold most happily when they take the time to include others
in their plans. Temper tantrums are a symptom of their impatience.
Often, if they don’t get their way immediately they’ll leave, when
it’s exactly the situation that would have made them most happy.
These folks have an excess of impulsive energy. In past lives,
their rashness was seen as courage that resulted in success and selfglorification—they were heroes! However, “heroism” also created a
sense of superiority and isolation from others. In this life, impulsive
tendencies lead to defeat rather than victory. When Libra North
Node people act on their impulses, they may trample other people’s
feelings in the pursuit of their own desires and seriously injure the
goodwill others have for them.
Because of their impulsiveness, Libra North Node people need to
nurture their patience and understand that a certain process of
events needs to happen for their plans to be realized. They are often
so directed and want things so intensely that the process seems
agonizingly slow. They’re running at high speed—but there’s no
war to fight anymore, and slowing themselves down and thinking
things through is necessary for true fulfillment in this lifetime.

Because of their impulsiveness, these folks, may not fully
understand why they want something. If they could be patient, they
would see the bigger picture. Then they could explain it to the other
person involved, and a lot of problems would dissolve. The other
person would be given the opportunity to cooperate and understand.


Libra North Node people are very sensitive—in an insensitive
way. They feel things very deeply themselves, but they can be
shallow when it comes to understanding other people’s feelings.
They experience hurt on a
very deep level. Because of these intense
feelings, they think they have a wonderful understanding of
everyone else. But the process fails to take other people’s
idiosyncrasies into account or acknowledge that Libra North Nodes’
actions may affect another person in a negative way. This is behind
much of the misunderstanding in their relationships. Libra North
Nodes need to actively search for that deeper level in their
connections with others.
Tuning in to another person means temporarily leaving oneself.
It’s like listening to the radio: To clearly hear the music, you have to
stop humming the song in your own head. In the same way, these
folks should leave their own mindset and tune in to others’
melodies. After they “hear” the feelings and perceptions of the
other, they can determine whether they can harmonize with the
melody of that person.
These folks have to remind themselves to be aware of other
people’s needs and feelings. For example, if two friends are walking
down the street and one is burdened with packages and the other is
carrying nothing, likely the friend carrying nothing is a Libra North
Node—no one else would be so unaware of the other person.
Things that seem obvious to everyone else simply do not occur to
these people. They don’t mean to be hurtful; they are just unaware
of the damaging effects their self-preoccupation has on others. In
this life, if they want the joys of successful, happy relationships,
they must consciously cultivate selflessness and an awareness of
others’ needs and feelings.




Because of their past lifetimes in military environments, LibraNorth Node people lack experience in personal relationships. In amilitary setting, relationships are governed by protocol and firm,objective regulations that are understood by everyone. When itcomes to relating outside of a strict set of codes, these folks don’tknow how to do it. The simplest things about relationships—sharing, mutual helpfulness, and interrelatedness—that come sonaturally to all the other nodal groups are totally new areas ofdiscovery for Libra North Node people. When they make mistakesin their relationships it is not intentional or malicious, but ratherowing to a habit of following “the rules” instead of relating topeople.Another problem is that warriors don’t usually stay in town tobuild a family—they move on to fight the next battle. These folkscan be classic “one-night stand” people, making a conquest andthen moving on to the next person. For them, love and sex can becompetitive. They love the game of romance. Once they succeed(and the other person has been “captured”), they need to face thenext challenge. It’s all they know. Yet, as a lifestyle, this tendencyfor quick, superficial relationships leaves them feeling peculiarlyempty.The irony is that when Libra North Node people understand howrelationships work, they can be masters at it. They have superior(latent) talents for sensitivity and diplomacy, once they understandhow to access and apply them. Because their life purpose is tobalance past lives through partnering with others, they will alwayshave an abundance of people attracted to them.Some of these folks are afraid to love anyone because they aren’taccustomed to exchanging love. In this life, their early attempts mayfail because they haven’t learned how to exchange love. They closethemselves off emotionally in response. However, they are learningthat some people will love them for their innate individual spirit,and some will not. People are different, after all. It is not only howthese people present themselves that determines how others respondto them, but also the nature of the other person. Therefore, theyneed to be open and let others see who they are. Then they can feelsafe by knowing who loves them for who they really are, and becautious (in terms of giving 100 percent of themselves) with thosewho do not accept them.


These people want a partner with whom they can share the joysof life on an equal basis, who will reciprocate by feeding themappreciation. But for this energy to come back to them, they mustchoose the right partner. Part of a successful relationship involvesdiscrimination—seeing who the potential partner really is and notsimply how that person fills the Libra North Node’s needs.Sometimes their tendency to project aspects of their own identityonto other people is so strong that others feel uneasy around them.Libra North Nodes feel that they won’t be understood oraccommodated anyway, so what’s the use? This problem can robthese folks of true intimacy. An example is a client whose motherwas a Libra North Node person. When this client was promoted andbegan buying expensive suits appropriate to her new managementposition, she knew her mother would object to the expense. Becauseshe didn’t want to be made to feel uncomfortable, she hid theclothes in the hall closet until she had the privacy to transfer them toher room. This robbed both her and her mother of the fun of lookingat the new purchases together, which could have brought themcloser.Another way these folks misjudge relationships is by focusingonly on the qualities about the other person that they like. They maynot like all aspects of the other person, and they may block out theless appealing qualities, thereby overlooking what is actually goingon.The first step for Libra North Node people is to be willing tolearn about the other person. Does this person have goals and idealssimilar to their own? Does the person have aims that they feel theycan support? Is the other person a giver or a taker? What are theother person’s values? What kind of identity do they want to build?Libra North Node people must have the humility to be genuinelycurious about the identity of the other person and not project theirown ideas onto them. To understand another’s values, one must ask,put one’s own identity aside, and allow awareness of the other totemporarily engulf oneself.Generally it works better when the Libra North Node asks theother person questions first and then states his or her position. Thetendency is to say immediately: “Well, I would like to have amarriage where there are no children and both partners work andmake lots of money. What would you like?” If the other personwants to please, he or she will give a response that can beinterpreted as supportive of the Libra North Node’s position.But this is how these folks get into trouble. Their identity carriesso much strength that the other person may sidestep a directconfrontation because it could put an end to the connection. Otherswill generally yield, either by understating the importance of theirown position or by “going along” with what the Libra North Nodeperson wants.I had a Libra North Node client whose experience illustrates thisproblem very well. In his second marriage he was tremendously inlove with his wife, who was twelve years his junior. He had onechild from his first marriage, and he and his second wife had agreedthat they would not have children. This was his idea, but she talkedherself into it because she loved him so much. Once the agreementhad been reached (which he considered to be “mutual”), he had avasectomy. The marriage seemed “on track” for the first four years,and he was very happy. Then came the traumatic weekend when sheasked for a divorce because she wanted children. The marriage wasfilling his needs, but not hers. He was traumatized, and it took himyears to recover emotionally from the experience. Disappointmentfor both parties could have been avoided if my client had taken thetime to truly ascertain his partner’s desires. Then he could havedecided if he loved her enough to compromise his originalpreference in order to satisfy her need for a child.Libra North Node people should trust their own internal sense ofhappiness in choosing a partner. They will not be able to rely onlogic, but they can trust their feelings of love and attraction to be anaccurate guide. Once they identify an appropriate partner and entera relationship, the challenge for these folks is to be vigilantregarding their partner’s changing needs. When they cultivate thehabit of checking in and keeping in touch, they engender suchloving feelings in their partners that the results are overwhelminglyabundant.


These folks often are disappointed in relationships because theycreate expectations without accurately assessing the needs, ideas,preferences, or timing of the other person. They think it’s up tothem to reach the “goal” through their own efforts. In relationships,they seek relevant facts that will help them reach their goal with thatperson. Then they pull back and plan their strategy, based on whatthey believe are the partner’s characteristics, needs, and desires. Theonly problem is, they never ask for the other person’s input!Libra North Node people often presume to know the “charactertrait” behind someone’s behavior. But when they are wrong, it leadsto painful misunderstandings on both sides. They can also becomevery angry because they think others don’t appreciate who they are.They expect the partner to see how their talents could add to andbetter the other person’s life. Sometimes they become arrogant,downplaying the other person’s intelligence because the partnerdoes not seem aware of how much they have to give. They becomeangry and erect a wall of judgmental thinking that keeps othersaway.These folks need to expand their perspective to gain a moreobjective viewpoint through communication. Often, when they feelthat others don’t appreciate them, they haven’t clearly understoodthe other person’s concerns. To avoid feeling isolated and betrayed,they should ask the other person to define himself or herself fromhis or her own point of view; this will help Libra North Nodes gainan accurate understanding and far more realistic expectations.


These folks can appear to be very inconsiderate. They don’t takethe other person’s reactions, desires, or needs into account whenmaking decisions. They act without getting any feedback from theother person.For example, I had a client whose husband had this nodalposition. When they went on vacation, he would spend the entiretime sight-seeing and exploring. My client would protest that shewanted some relaxation as well. When they returned home,however, she would excitedly tell their friends about all thedifferent things they had seen. From her behavior, her husbandassumed that by doing what he wanted, she was also enjoyingherself. He didn’t take her protests seriously because he knew “howgood it was for her.” The Libra North Node often assumes that heknows what will strengthen the other person, regardless of thefeedback the other person gives him.The irony is that often these folks do know what the other personwill enjoy, but they need to temper that knowledge with feedback.In the above example, it would mean listening to the wife’s protestsand asking questions to determine her anxieties. Once the husbandwas aware of her concerns, he could work out a plan thatencompassed her expressed needs, and he would be rewarded withher appreciation of his leadership. This is how teamwork works bestfor these folks.


In the matter of giving, Libra North Node people must pay moreattention to their partner’s timing. When the partner expresses aneed, that is the time for them to give. They should put everythingelse on hold and listen to what the partner needs at that time. If theywait until they feel ready to initiate giving, the opportunity willhave passed them by.For example, the partner might ask for help with a project. TheLibra North Node person might say: “Oh, come on now. You can doit by yourself.” He doesn’t want to divert his energy and getdistracted by his partner’s problem. This instinctive selfishness canhave a subtle but destructive effect on the relationship. Libra NorthNode people can’t have the benefits of partnership without thereciprocity of giving. When they find someone they want to bewith, they need to take the cue on “timing” from the partner if thisis a person they don’t want to lose. This is a relationship lifetime;when they put their primary relationship first, everyone wins.


As much as Libra North Node people want and need a partner inthis incarnation, some part of them is terrified. They are afraid ofembarrassment—but they need that special relationship withanother person so badly that they simply must risk it. One of theirfears is of “being stuck”—making a poor choice and not being ableto get out of it. They are such perfectionists that they want theirprimary partnership to be perfect, too. If they choose the wrongperson and it doesn’t work out, then they will have to admit thatthey are having problems. What they’re really saying is: “I don’twant a relationship because I don’t want to look as foolish as otherslook to me if it doesn’t go well.”Because “looking good” is so important to these folks, it’s alsoimportant that their mate “looks good.” If they find some quality intheir partner less than compelling, they’ll want the partner to changeand may start to nag the other person. This never works when theLibra North Node person’s motive is to “look good” to others byhaving an attractive mate. Once again, the motive is self. However,if the partner also wants to change, and if Libra North Node iswilling to give support and help, both people can win.Until they lend their strength and discipline to help the otherperson overcome the limitation, often the partner’s condition willworsen. For example, if a Libra North Node person notices that herpartner has gained weight and seems unhappy, the first thing sheshould do is check in with the partner to determine what he wants.She could say something like: “I’ve noticed that you’re concernedabout your weight, and I’ve noticed that you continue to overeat.Are you upset about something? I’d like to know what’s going onwith you, and if there’s anything I can do to help.” In the process ofcaring and seeking to understand the other person, she can learnhow to help him overcome his problem. These folks are learning tocare about the relationship more than they care about their image.Libra North Node people don’t understand why others put upwith being treated badly. They don’t understand how muchsomeone can love another, and they fear passion and bonding. Theyare afraid that if they truly love someone, it may lead them to aplace that isn’t good for them. They must trust their hearts andbelieve that in alliance with the other person, they can develop ahealthy relationship. In this incarnation they can discover the joysof extending the love they feel for themselves to include anotherperson.


These folks are terrified of “co-dependent relationships.” Theirony is that because they want to be on the receiving end all thetime, they naturally become dependent on the partner’s giving. Butthe partner cannot also become dependent, because he or she is notgetting anything back from Libra North Node. When the partnerleaves (physically or emotionally), these folks are devastated andcan’t figure out why the relationship didn’t work.If these folks want true independence in a relationship, theyshould always try to give more than they receive. Then they will bethe “strong” one and can experience the joys of being vulnerableand interdependent with another person without the threat ofabandonment. It’s very important that they make a conscious effortto be helpful and giving in their close partnerships. They often holdback from giving fully lest they lose their identity. But not to worry—their identity is so firm, it’s not going anywhere!Libra North Node people need to be careful about using theirneed for independence as a defense against participating in theirrelationships. Their demands for independence are often poorlytimed and appear abrupt, abrasive, and alienating. This causes theirpartners to think the Libra North Node people don’t care aboutthem, and that both parties aren’t looking out for each other.Naturally, the other person doesn’t want to be the only vulnerableone in the relationship, and so begins to detach emotionally. Thisneed for time alone can be absolutely disastrous in intimaterelationships. If it is not handled properly, the people closest tothese folks feel unloved, unappreciated, unprotected, and withoutthe “special mutual awareness” that makes going through thechallenges of a long-term relationship worthwhile.Libra North Node people are so used to being independent andsecretive that when others start to really see them, they becomeembarrassed. They fear that being vulnerable to another person willmake them weak. They want to be independent all the time and theywant a relationship—and the two don’t go together! When they’releading, the focus is on them and they feel good. But when someoneelse is in charge, it can be embarrassing because they don’tunderstand their role. They need to recognize that usually otherswill allow them to lead if they’ll just take the time to check in andcommunicate. Others do not necessarily want to be in charge; theyjust don’t want to be told what to do without their feelings beingtaken into account.Libra North Node people place a high premium on independence,but in all fairness they support their partners in being independentas well. They think: “It’s fair if everybody follows the rules.” But astheir priorities change, their rules change and they expect everyoneto follow along. They’re so used to being leaders in pastincarnations that they think their job in this lifetime is to lead. Infact, their job now is to help others grow into positions ofleadership.


Compromise is an essential part of a happy relationship. Onlyby recognizing and acknowledging the other person’s needs, as wellas one’s own, can a win/win situation be created. When Libra NorthNode people operate from a vacuum, considering only their owndesires, they create a win/lose situation in relationships. Eventually,the person who is “losing” wanders off to find someone who willplay more fairly. The first thing Libra North Node must do isacknowledge the individuality of the partner and understand thatperson’s needs and insecurities.However, sometimes these folks don’t want to compromise. Theydon’t want to take the time to establish a clear understanding withthe other person. They may fear that if they are aware of the otherperson’s position, they’ll have to sacrifice their own. However, byrefusing to acknowledge the need for compromise, they negate theimportance of the other person and, once again, sow the seeds forending up alone. Sensitivity to the other person is essential. Whenthe partner voices an insecurity, that is the time to stop everythingand do whatever it takes to re-establish rapport.


Libra North Node people tend to have a “tit-for-tat”consciousness. They want everything to be equal, and they wanttheir partner to share in the sacrifices they have to make. Forinstance, if they have to get up at 5:00 A.M., they want the otherperson up with them. Rather than recognizing his partner’s need forsleep and caring that the other person is balanced within herself, theLibra North Node wants her up (making breakfast or doingsomething to help) so that she is balanced with him. But truebalance is each partner supporting the other 100 percent in beingbalanced and happy within themselves. Happiness in therelationship will be a natural byproduct. The relationship will thriveif the Libra North Node stops checking to see that he’s getting his“fair share” at every moment.When they do give, these folks should do it without “tooting theirhorn.” They have a tendency to take note of exactly how much theyare giving and then expect exactly the same amount of energy inreturn. At the very least, they expect recognition and profuse thanksfrom the other person; if it isn’t forthcoming, they remind theirpartner of how much they’ve done. Of course, by demandingrecognition, Libra North Node people have taken the gift back andturned it into a trade—warrior style! The secret of giving is that itcreates an opening to receive. Others will always give back morethan these folks can imagine if their giving is pure, with noexpectation of return. If they focus their energy on the other person,their partner’s resulting happiness will fill their hearts and makethem happy as well.These people want to experience the joy of having a partner tointeract with—and the joy of two people sharing a load. Theproblem is that according to their ideas, each person should carry 50percent of the same load. They must recognize that people arestronger and weaker in different areas, and that to measure givingagainst the “50 percent marker” in every area defeats a relationship.When they learn to give 100 percent where it’s needed, they willfind their partner is giving 100 percent in an area where they needsupport. Their willingness to do more than their share will comeback to them—in more than equal measure—over time.


These folks are accustomed to competition from past lives aswarriors, but in this lifetime their competitive spirit can hinder themin getting what they want. They are so used to fighting thateverything seems like a battle to them. They create oppositionwhere none exists, and by assuming that others are going to opposethem, they provoke the very opposition they fear. For example, theymay impulsively take off for an adventure without notifying theirpartner, thereby provoking worry and negative feelings. Otherbehaviors that sabotage their relationships include carelessness,rashness, defensive outbursts, noncommunication, and other subtle(and not-so-subtle) tactics based on the idea that they have to defeatothers in order to get their way.These folks are learning that their partners want to support andhelp them, as opposed to thinking that their partners are going tocreate problems. A shift in perspective is required: viewing theirpartners as being “on their side” and wanting to be supportive. Bydefinition, special relationships signal a willingness to let oneanother in on the deepest levels, to share from a position ofvulnerability and closeness. That’s what partnership is: two peoplehelping each other overcome obstacles that neither could haveconquered alone.


Relationships should be reciprocal and cumulative. When oneperson continually gives to another only to contribute to the wellbeing of that person—with nothing expected in return—therecipient feels that purity of intent and becomes more kindlydisposed toward the giver. Out of thankfulness, the recipient willspontaneously want to give back to the partner. It’s a natural process—we cannot force another person to want to give any more than wecan force that person to love. True giving is a loving response to thepositive way another person affects us.All too often, rather than truly giving for its own sake, LibraNorth Node people trade: “If I let you do this, then I expect you tolet me do that.” The partner does not receive a gift but somethingthat has to be earned. This robs a relationship of the feeling ofbenefit and the graciousness of giving. But when Libra North Nodesput the partnership first and are genuinely concerned about helping,both partners have a heartfelt desire to give back.


These folks are learning that, as the Bible says, “It is moreblessed to give than to receive.” It is not only more blessed; it is alot more intelligent. As a person gives, it creates a void; and naturecannot tolerate a void. Immediately life sends new energy to fill thespace. The problem is that Libra North Node is looking for thepayback to come in a certain form.For example, I had a client who went out of her way to comfort afriend who was going through a divorce. She took her out to dinnertwice and spent many intense hours counseling her, encouragingher, and helping restore her self-confidence. Two years later myclient was moving and needed a place to stay for a week. She calledthis friend, but the friend was unable to offer her lodging. My clientwas crushed. She had been keeping track of the kindness she hadshown this woman, and she only wanted help from her. Because hervision was limited to help coming only in that form, she overlookedall the other possibilities that life was sending to support her.When Libra North Node people keep score of how much they aregiving in personal relationships, they limit the vision of what theycan receive and where it comes from. Sometimes they cut off theirgiving prematurely, even though their hearts are enjoying theprocess: Instead of following their hearts, they follow theirscorecard. They may stop giving just at the point when the returnsfrom the other person were about to be forthcoming. As long asthey are feeling joy in the process of giving, they just need to followtheir happiness.By having a specific idea of what they want back from someone,they miss the rewards that are natural by-products of therelationship. For happiness, these folks must learn to appreciate theunexpected gifts they receive along the way.


Libra North Node people often attract partners who havetremendous potential but who lack the self-confidence to convertthat potential and reach their goals. Often, these are people to whomthey owe a “debt” from a past life. Perhaps the other personsacrificed self-identity and helped them to win in some way, andnow it is up to them to return the favor.On some level these folks know this is a “partnership” lifetime,and they actively seek a mate. But they keep attracting peopleweaker than themselves, which can make them angry and resentful.Owing to many warrior lifetimes, they have mastered selfdiscipline, single-mindedness, and efficient attainment of their goals—and think that other people should be the same. They tend todisdain others’ weaknesses, scorn their lack of self-discipline, andlook down on what they perceive to be their lack of courage. Theyneed to recognize that if they attracted a fellow warrior as a mate,this would be another lifetime of competition rather than a time ofpeaceful sharing.In fact, Libra North Node people have such strong self-identity intheir aura that it operates as a barrier to other people. They need towork on dissolving that force field, and they can do this mostefficiently by giving that energy to others who actually need it.They need to get rid of the excess energy around their self-identityso they attract people who need more self-identity: The other persongets a “charge” of self-confidence and the Libra North Node persongets a release. Both people win. The result is an opening in the auraof the Libra North Node person through which he or she can receivemore love and energy.


Learning how to relate with others in a meaningful way is theprimary challenge in this lifetime for Libra North Node people. Inany area of their life where they are “winning,” there is a strongpartnership behind them. In areas where they are “losing”—whetherprofessionally or in terms of personal happiness—they have not yetlearned the lessons they must pass through in order to buildsuccessful relationships.One way or another, these folks are destined to learn the value ofincluding other people’s energies as part of their plans. They canlearn the hard way—through battling and disappointment; or theeasy way—by acting on some of their life lessons. Each time theystrike out on their own, they either fall short of their goal or, whenthey reach it, find it to be hollow and unsatisfying. They arelearning to recognize that: “Hello . . . there are other people on thisplanet! Who are you?” They are also learning to recognize that theyneed the energies of others to nourish their own well-being andreach their goals.


These folks have such a talent for supporting and building upthe strength of other people that they may experience a long stringof relationships that don’t last. Those close to them become strongin their own right and then, for various reasons, a parting of the wayoccurs. This sometimes happens because—subconsciously—LibraNorth Node people work to build the autonomy of the other personso that they can be “equals,” rather than building a team. They cansee where the other person lacks confidence, so they reinforce thepartner’s strength. Once the partner becomes self-sufficient, he orshe doesn’t need the Libra North Node person anymore. Andbecause the focus has been on building mutual autonomy, it is onlynatural that both individuals go their own ways. But Libra NorthNode feels crushed—it seems unfair that as soon as the partnerbecame strong, the partner left.For Libra North Nodes, relationships should not be based on theconcept of two fully self-sufficient comrades sharing experiences inthe context of their own self-contained, separate identities. Thatsystem is based on barter, trading, 50-50 sharing, and sensitivityonly to self. It leaves out the magic ingredient of emotionalsensitivity that is so satisfying in a long-term relationship.When the emotional interconnection—the sensitive awareness ofthe other person and the desire to make him or her happy—islacking, Libra North Nodes’ partners often leave them. For thepartner, the alliance can become dry and loveless—based onsystems of expectations, rewards, demands, and “fair play”—so thepartner leaves to find nurturing elsewhere.The key for these folks is to notice and act when their partnerneeds support. Then the partner will be happy to stay because offeeling connected, and the Libra North Node will be getting all thathappy energy back. It’s a win/win situation.


Putting awareness and consideration of the other person first isessential if Libra North Node people want to have a successfulrelationship. To maintain a consistent base of communication andunderstanding takes more time than they are accustomed to giving,since they are used to only having to take themselves into account.But if they want a relationship to last over the long haul, these folksmust learn to be sensitive and listen to their partner’s needs.They also need to be careful not to injure others (physically,psychologically, or emotionally). Their partners may not make a lotof demands, so Libra North Node people may ignore them. Theyare shocked when the seemingly accommodating partners walk out.They hadn’t taken the others’ identity—their idiosyncrasies andneeds—into account.A team is two individuals taking care of each other, being awareof one other, compensating for each other’s strengths andweaknesses, and helping each other instinctively without beingasked. For example, if I injure my toe, I put a Band-Aid on it. Idon’t think about it or ask: “What has my toe done for me lately?”Nor do I expect the toe to recognize how wonderful I am for puttinga Band-Aid on it. I take care of it instinctively. It’s the same withteamwork—you are sensitive to your partner and instinctively stepin to help when there is a problem, because the partner is a part ofyou.Libra North Node people must be sensitive to their partners’insecurities and, sometimes, respond just to ease their fears. Not allquestions are asked with the intention of receiving an accurate,factual answer. Sometimes, in partnership, a person may ask aquestion with the motive of gaining reassurance or a feeling ofcloseness. For example, if a newlywed asks: “Do you think we’llalways be in love this way?” he doesn’t want to hear: “Well, I hopeso, but I guess one just never knows” (which would be a typicalLibra North Node answer); he wants to hear: “Of course we will be!”



These folks can be selfish. They can act impulsively and with
total disregard for others’ situations. They tend to take over
unexpectedly when their goals aren’t being met quickly enough.
They are prone to acting on their assumptions without checking in
to find out what is going on with the other person. Even though
their motive may be to promote the best interest of everyone
involved, others feel stripped of power and resentful because they
weren’t part of the process. Trust—a key issue for these folks—is
undermined on both sides in the relationship.
Although checking in with a partner is an easy resolution for
many obstacles, these folks fear doing it. A part of them thinks: “If I
check in, they’ll think I don’t trust them.” Actually, it’s
not checking
that leaves the other person questioning their trust, and once
again, Libra North Node people end up feeling isolated,
misunderstood, and unappreciated.
For example, I have a client with this nodal position who is in the
restaurant business. In the typical warrior “chain of command”
approach, he gave his manager the instruction: “There’s a special
party coming in, I want the table set up by 7:00.” At 6:40, the table
was not set up and the people started to arrive. My client thought:
“Oh my God! He’s not going to have it done!” So he set the whole
thing up himself. He was shocked and angry when the manager
approached him later and instead of thanking him, said: “You didn’t
trust me.” The old warrior had forced a result without considering
the timing and feelings of the other person.
These folks need to take the time to communicate instead of
forcing their way. My client could have said to his manager: “Stan,
I’m a little worried that this table isn’t ready. Is everything okay, or
can I do something to help you?” By
checking in with the manager,
he could have assured himself that the job would get done and

created the bond of teamwork that these people so desperately need.
When they take the time to access it, these folks have a rare gift for
diplomacy that can create tremendous affection on both sides, while
at the same time accomplishing the goal.
Libra North Node people need to relate with the other person in
the process of giving orders. It is not enough for them to simply
“state the facts”; the other person needs to gain a sense of their
power in the situation. These folks must explain why the orders are
important in the context of the overall situation and impart their
confidence that the other person can do the job successfully. Libra
North Node people think they’ve made the instructions so simple
that anyone could do it, but the truth is that what would be easy for
them might be a very difficult assignment for others.
Before giving the orders, these folks should also notice how the
other person is feeling. For example, if the other person is already
flustered, getting more orders might push him or her over the edge.
Their best bet is to acknowledge the other person, emotional
frailties and all,
before giving the orders. Taking the time to
establish a solid base for the relationship makes carrying out the
orders joyous for the other person and is added insurance that the
job will be done correctly.
Another good approach—especially in goal-oriented situations—
is to say: “This is where we’re going, this is how I want it done . . .
but how would
you do it? If you have a different idea, please let me


Libra North Node people find it difficult to fit freedom and
creativity into their lives. They like things to be direct and orderly,
and it can be hard for them to go with the flow. Other areas of
conflict can stem from the fact that these folks like to “test the
fates.” On some level they believe: “I’m the center of the world!
Nothing can touch me!” And generally they don’t get hurt, even in
high-risk situations. This unique style of operation works for them.
The problem comes when they decide that other people should have
the same approach. “Just press through your limitations” is their
recommendation. But what works for them is not necessarily going

to work for another person. Their job is to support the other person
in reaching his or her own goals, taking into account that person’s
unique style.


Consistently, the solution for these people is partnership. Even
in reaching personal goals, their success is ensured if they approach
that goal with a partner. For example, if a Libra North Node person
is having an impossible time losing 20 pounds, his best bet is to find
a friend with the same problem and lose the weight together. In the
process of helping the other person stick to the diet or exercise
program, the weight will simultaneously start dropping off the Libra
North Node person. The same holds true for any personal goal he is
having difficulty reaching: If he finds another person to do it with,
both will win.
These people have the ability to “transplant” courage into others,
giving them confidence to take the initiative and do things that—
without their help—the other person never would have attempted.
They have the ability to validate others’ identity with so much
confidence that others start to believe in themselves. They are great
successes as business consultants, psychologists, teachers, coaches,
or any other role that brings out confidence and courage in others.
However, Libra North Node people need to be certain there is no
selfish motive involved, or the process will backfire. Thus, the
ability to be objective is essential: They need to discern the
person’s goals


Libra North Node people need to develop their capacity to be
vulnerable. They are learning to be sensitive to others: open to
others’ feelings and perspectives. They are learning to allow others

to experience them: sharing their feelings and fears. These folks
have strong defenses against being vulnerable. Their strong
programming says: “Never let anyone know your weaknesses.” But
they are learning that there is great strength in vulnerability—
indeed, the best warrior is one who knows when to fight and when
to make peace. But if they don’t check in with the other person,
they won’t know which is which.
For their relationships to work on a lasting level, they also need
to learn how to become more intimate. Intimacy is a by-product of
being more sensitive to the other person’s insecurities and more
open to revealing their own vulnerabilities. When they are more
intimate, they are able to grow. But when they don’t become more
intimate, they remain unapproachable and inaccessible.
When they are hurting, Libra North Node people’s first instinct is
to pull back and not let others know they have been affected. In this
lifetime they are learning the value of opening up and allowing
others to take care of them. In sharing their vulnerability, what they
were originally ashamed of becomes something they can celebrate,
and they find themselves bonding with others in an authentic way.
Now they can allow others to know them—rather than the image
they project. These people have innate honesty, courage, and
directness. It can be a leap forward in self-discovery when they
allow themselves to be vulnerable with others.
Libra North Node people are afraid that if they expose their
vulnerability—if they don’t have it “all together”—they’re going to
lose the people they want to impress. Instead, exposing their
vulnerability endears them to others. Further, it helps others know
how to support them and give them confidence. They include the
other person in their lives on a deeper level and feel accepted by
that person at the same time. The old feelings of isolation melt
When these folks allow others to share their fears, their innate
courage inspires everyone to make deeper connections. They find
that others have been through similar situations and made even
more drastic mistakes. Making mistakes, learning, and growing is
part of being human—quite different from the “war machine” Libra
North Nodes experienced in past lives. For these folks, pulling
down the wall between themselves and others can be like a warrior
putting down his shield—it’s scary. But to be fulfilled, they must be
willing to set that shield aside and be vulnerable.

Libra North Node people don’t have a sense of teamwork.
They’ve had no past life experience with it. As warriors, they take
on the entire job themselves. They become annoyed with others
who want to share the responsibility. They want to manage the job
on their own because they’re afraid the other person will “mess
up”—and they won’t attain their goal because someone else didn’t
do their part. Also, they have no patience for somebody taking two
or three days to do what they can do in one day—and better!
Yet in this lifetime they are not here to do the job by themselves
—they already know they can do that. They have tremendous
confidence in achieving short-range goals. But now, when they do
reach a goal on their own, they don’t feel the happiness they
expected. In this lifetime, their job is to accomplish their own goals
within the context of a team effort while transferring confidence to
other people who need it.
Thus, in working with a team of six other people, they need to
remember that there are seven of them. Libra North Node people
have an incredible ability to empower others and can see in those
six people where each one needs confidence. They welcome the
“glitches” that highlight where others lack confidence because it
shows them where they can “boost” others, making themselves an
invaluable and beloved part of the team.
They always need to first consider what’s best for the team. It
doesn’t work for team members to fall out of communication; it
works for them to go out of their way to stay in touch with one
another to foster positive feelings of interdependence. To this end,
each member must be willing to express his or her needs objectively
—not as a resentment or a “tit for tat,” but as a means to empower
one another in partnership by being open about his or her needs. It’s
another way of being vulnerable.


For Libra North Node people, the strong parts of their identity
are the qualities they bring to benefit their relationships. The other
person brings different gifts that may be exactly what the native
needs. Through the partnership, these folks find their balance with
others and can access parts of themselves that would otherwise be
inaccessible. With a partner, life is no longer drudgery but a positive
exchange of energy that makes self-discovery and self-actualization
a lighter, happier process for both people.
Since the other person is bringing qualities to the relationship that
the Libra North Node person may lack, it behooves Libra North
Node to see objectively who the other person actually is, what that
person is offering, what talents and qualities he brings to enhance
the team. He may not bring confidence or initiative, but perhaps he
brings the gift of emotional sensitivrty and nurturing, or playfulness
and fun, or seeing life as an adventure, or compassionate
forgiveness. If Libra North Node can understand what the other
person is bringing, she can be more open to accepting and being
energized by the gift.
What Libra North Node people truly want is to unite with
someone else and
empower that person’s dreams and plans. Thus, it
is their responsibility to carefully discern the details of what the
other person is seeking so they can discover if it resonates within
their own soul. These folks are learning to recognize that their
personal survival is based on doing what’s best for the relationship.
As they take care of their partner with a whole heart, they finally
begin to experience joy and fulfillment.


These people are tremendous fighters from past lifetimes and
are accustomed to the energy of combat. In relationships, they may
provoke fighting simply because they are used to the
energy. They want to win at all costs and thus sometimes push away
the very relationships that are most dear to them. They fight when
there is no need to fight and often end up losing in the end. Their
relationship can become a contest of “your needs versus my needs”
if they view it as two separate individuals, rather than recognizing

that a partnership is actually an entity itself. In fact, the very thing
that makes the partnership strong actually feeds both people
They need to learn to put the goal of the relationship ahead of
their impulse for conquest. They are much more likely to attain
what they want through diplomacy, tact, and consideration of the
other person’s position. But these folks are also learning not to use
diplomacy to manipulate (that is, making something seem “fair” to
the other person just to get their way). They are discovering the
value of being a true diplomat: listening to the other person and
sharing their own point of view to see if they can reach a
compromise. This will satisfy both parties in a lasting way.
Libra North Node people are also learning to consider how to
express their impulses. They must weigh what they want to say and
the actions they are considering taking, and think about the effect on
other people. They are learning to think before speaking.


Libra North Node people are the natural peacemakers of the
zodiac. They have a talent to clearly see both sides of a situation or
conflict and effectively communicate person A’s position to person
B, and vice versa. Harmony is established through objective
understanding of the other’s position. This ability qualifies them as
marriage and family counselors—or any role that requires balancing
two different points of view, including diplomacy. As a side benefit,
when Libra North Node people help others become objective, they
enhance their own ability to respect the identity of others. They
exercise the muscle in their psyche that helps them find personal
balance, peace, and happiness.
These folks have the talent to make a relationship work
successfully with rapport, understanding, teamwork, and
satisfaction. When they remember to exercise that talent, they
almost always create a win/win situation. For example, a Libra
North Node man may love to ride fast motorcycles. He has a wife
and three small children, and his wife worries about the risks he
takes. Rather than understand her point of view, he becomes angry,
feels his independence is being threatened, and throws a temper

tantrum (a “me versus you” mentality). The issue becomes an
“impasse” in the relationship. Over a few years, the situation
becomes one of many impasses in which there is no reciprocal
communication, and thus no resolution. The couple drifts apart and
the marriage is over (emotionally, if not physically).
Let’s look at a win/win alternative. The first time that his wife
voiced concern about his motorcycle, the Libra North Node man
could have taken a deep breath and sat down to talk with her. He
could have asked her questions to find out
exactly what she was
concerned about. Just the fact that he took the time to sit down with
her and wanted to know her point of view would have created an
atmosphere of rapport, caring, and support. Once he understood her
concerns, they would have had the opportunity to work out a
The key is in finding a resolution
together—after all, this is not a
“do it yourself” lifetime for Libra North Node people. If the wife
feared he might have a fatal accident and she would be left with the
financial responsibility for their three children, perhaps they could
take out a hefty life insurance policy that would give her a greater
sense of security and allow her to support him in the joy of riding
his motorcycle. They have the innate ability to face things head-on.
They must develop a willingness to understand their partners’
concerns and work with them to turn each challenge into a win/win


I have written a healing song for each nodal group to help shift
its energy in a positive way, since music is a potent vehicle for
emotionally supporting us to take risks


The message of this song is meant to gently shift Libra North
Nodes’ attention to a deeper awareness of others. It will
subconsciously inspire them to help others in ways that give them
the feelings of love and fulfillment they have always longed for.

Selected lyrics:

Your brother’s trying, but he’s getting weak
Pushing his rock up the mountain peak
His rock is heavy, about to break through
He needs some help for a moment or two
Can you take one hand from the rock you bear
To help him with his load, his breaking point is near
. . .

Come on, People—step into his shoes
Wake up, People—to see his point of view
Come on, People, help all you can today . . . ’cause
All you can take with you is what you’ve given away

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”



North Node in Scorpio

and North Node in the 8th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

Choosing constructive change
Releasing whatever causes stagnation and low
Eliminating nonuseful possessions
Enjoying things without having to own them
Accepting support from others (ideas, money,
Enjoying high-risk situations that make one feel
Awareness of others’ psychology (their desires,
wants, needs, and motives)
Openness to partnering, supporting, and merging
power with others


Tendencies to Leave Behind
Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable
Attachment to comfort and the status quo
Overconcern with accumulation and ownership
Questioning past decisions
Getting bogged down in sensual appetites
Repeatedly doing things one way (the hard way)
even though another way is easier
Resistance to change and others’ input

Scorpio North Nodes’ Achilles’ heel is comfort (“The goal of
life is to be comfortable; I need lots of possessions to survive”),
which can lead them into the trap of an unending search for
accumulation (“When I finally have enough money and
possessions, I will feel good about myself and can relate to others”).
This thinking leads to stagnation on all levels: material, physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual. Life experience has shown that
Scorpio North Nodes never get enough “stuff” to feel comfortable
in making the changes that will add vitality to their life. Scorpio
North Node people need to be willing to risk losing their current
level of comfort to gain a higher state of power and vitality.
The bottom line is that they will never have enough money and
personal property to think they can afford to bond with another and
feel that there is enough to take care of all their needs. At some
point they simply have to let go of self-concern and put their full
power into the partnership. The irony is that when they finally bond
with another, the mutually empowering relationship can make them


What these people really want is money. They want to
accumulate financial resources and material possessions to gain a
sense of comfort and stability so they can begin to “really live.” To
achieve this, these people need to be willing to form partnerships
with others, finding those who have similar values and resources
(money or talent) that they can share.
If Scorpio North Node people use their talents to enhance their
partner’s energy, truly linking with the other as a team rather than
maintaining a sense of separation (my money/your money, my
resources/your resources), the result can be great financial rewards
for both parties. With the contractual understanding that they will
get a percentage of the profits, Scorpio North Node people are free
to focus on enhancing their partner’s energy and power in ways that
the other person feels will increase the success of the team. In terms
of financial arrangements, Scorpio North Node people are; better
off asking their partner what would be fair, because others
appreciate them more than they value themselves.


These people are great editors, since they have the ability to
delve into the minds of others, discern their intentions, and bring the
material to light in a clear way. They have a talent for empowering
the projects and businesses of others, and when they do so, the other
person tends to generously reward them. This can be especially true
in working with other people’s money—as in banking, insurance, or
investments. They also excel as psychologists (in the process of
helping others to change, they can also change) and private
investigators, or in other lines of work that involve delving into
Scorpio North Node people have innate gifts of thoroughness and
determination, which can build lasting results. When they use these
past-life gifts as a means for creating stability in crisis situations,
their dependability creates an environment that feels comfortable
and safe to all concerned. However, if they involve themselves in
professions that are status quo oriented, that require maintenance
without growth, they may soon become stagnant, bogged down, and
lacking in vitality. They are better off in professions that are crisis
oriented or involve constant change and growth, as this brings
excitement and the potential for personal evolution.

“Embracing change will lead to vitality.”
“When I choose energizing change, I win; when I
choose the status quo, I lose.”
“The alternative to change is stagnation.”
“As I empower others, they recognize my
“When I look deeply into others’ values and
motives, I know whom to trust.”




Scorpio North Node people came into this incarnation with rigid
past-life ideas about what they have to do to feel good about
themselves—which is a very heavy burden for them.
Most babies are born naked, but not these folks! It’s as if Scorpio
North Node people were born wearing ten shirts, fourteen
sweatshirts, twelve pairs of pants, and a half-dozen overcoats. They
bring all their past-life burdens with them, and this makes walking
through life a lot more difficult than it needs to be. Their primary
challenge in this lifetime is to let go. Otherwise, too many material
possessions, unreasonable attachment to past-life values (“the way
things ought to be”), and reluctance to relate with others may cause
these folks to stagnate.
They need to be open to life’s energy and listen to others’ ideas.
When someone says: “Look—that overcoat isn’t attractive. It would
be much better to take it off and wear the one underneath,” their
first instinct is to hold on to what they’ve got. But if they listen and
discard that overcoat (the old value), they feel much lighter. If they
look at a value and their energy level starts going down,
that is a
value they need to release.
For example, if these folks hold a value requiring that every
morning they get up, light a candle, and touch each corner of the
bedroom before starting their day, the ritual can bog them down.
Their past-life ideas of how things should be may keep them
“stuck.” But they are learning to recognize that these values are no
longer accurate and are actually draining their energy.
They can do two things to help themselves let go: First, they need
to reevaluate the values and ideals that are holding them back—
values regarding work, religion, relationships, self-worth, ethics,
creativity, family, goals, and so on—about what people have to do

in order to be “okay.” When they think: “I need to do this to be
okay,” if they feel a sense of heaviness around it, they know they
can release that idea and feel lighter. Second, they need to become
more interested in other people’s values. They need to truly listen to
others think is important, since other people can offer valuable
perspectives that energize the Scorpio North Node person and
lighten his or her load.
Scorpio North Node people also benefit by helping others attain
their goals, because this process shows what the other person thinks
is important about
them. In this lifetime, others often have a clearer
sense of these folks’ value than do Scorpio North Node people
themselves. This is because Scorpio North Nodes’ job is to help
others build tangible results, and others know what they need from
the Scorpio North Node person in order to do that.
As they empower other people and help them manifest their
dreams, others reciprocate by feeding these folks the energy that
lets them change and grow. They need to allow other people and
other people’s values to help them expand beyond the confines of
their limited world into the vitality of the present.
Scorpio North Node people can even become attached to spiritual
values in a way that leads to contraction rather than expansion. For
example, let’s say the native values honesty, integrity, and loyalty.
These values are always correct when practiced in the here and now.
But if Scorpio North Node people remain in a job for twenty years
when, after five years, it severely suppresses their life force, they
are not being loyal to themselves. Even their spiritual values need to
be translated into the moment. What is loyalty? Loyalty means
being true to the deepest part of oneself, and that may change as life


It will also be useful for these folks not to become singleminded and overly focused. Once they define their goal, they need
to deliberately approach the project or task by expanding their view.
When they allow other people and other creative styles to
participate, the endeavor is more fascinating and fun. Then the
purpose becomes enjoying the close relationships of bonding with
others to reach a common goal. This helps Scorpio North Node
people put the emphasis on the people involved, rather than the
If they don’t deliberately experiment with keeping their mind
expanded, they may get so locked into seeing only “one way” of
doing things that they create a compulsive energy around having
things go a certain way. They suffer more than anyone, as it leads to
immense amounts of overwork on their part.
The key is to become aware of their “tunnel vision” mode. Once
they realize what they are doing, they can stop, take a deep breath,
expand their thinking, and see that maybe getting their way isn’t so
important after all.
To gain mastery over this “tunnel vision” tendency takes a great
deal of effort on their part. It really is difficult for them to move out
of that emotional space—trying to prove that their way is right—to
a space where they can listen. It’s a new habit; but once they begin
really focusing on the other person’s motives, needs, and desires,
they have more talent than any other nodal group in combining with
the other to create more power and vitality for both.


Scorpio North Node people have had many past-life experiences
of comfort and pleasure; they are no strangers to the sensual side of
life. Actually, this past-life tendency can lead to overindulgence in
food, drink, and accumulation. Because of their instinctive
attunement to the sensual, they think that if something feels good it
will keep feeling good as long as they repeat it. But in this
incarnation, that idea doesn’t work. For these folks, repetition of
pleasure leads to the burden of accumulation—whether possessions,
pounds of flesh, work habits, or stagnation.
For example, if they like soft-shelled crabs, they can eat them
without limit. Or if it’s a good wine or bourbon, they could drink it
forever. Ultimately, the only way to rein in their senses is to
eliminate excess and recognize that the long-term consequences are
not worth the momentary joy. There’s no middle ground for these
folks—it’s a matter of totally giving up things that hold them back
and not indulging anymore. Their sensual and physical pleasures

need to be mitigated by self-discipline in order for them to attain
Sometimes it takes an external crisis to prompt them to change
excessive habits. For example, if they have a health scare involving
their heart, they may instantly switch gears to a healthy diet. Then
they are in a new rut—but one that is beneficial.
These folks derive a lot of genuine pleasure from all their
physical senses: touching, tasting, smelling—they were born with
an attunement to Mother Nature, and the physical realms yield a
great deal of nurturing for them. That’s why they often enjoy
gardening: They like working with their hands and gain satisfaction
from relating to the earth. They gain a sense of calm-’ ness and joy
when they are in touch with the energy of nature rather than their
mental pictures of how things
ought to be growing. When they
become aware of what each plant needs in order to thrive, and
provide it, it teaches them the value of tuning in to an energy
outside themselves to determine individual needs.


Scorpio North Node people were hard workers in past lives:
farmers, landholders, and builders. These were lifetimes where
survival depended on their self-sufficiency—forging their own way
and building what they thought was valuable. They earned their
way through their own efforts; possessions and accumulation of
wealth were the prizes that validated their worth.
These folks were master builders. Thus, in this life they approach
everything with the mindset of a builder—slow and steady, not
skipping any steps. They have an attachment to pride in their work,
to thoroughness and doing things “their way, the hard way” to be
sure the results are exactly what they want. Although this approach
worked well in past lives, in this lifetime it bogs them down and
slows their progress to the extent that they often give up—the task
becomes too much for them.
In past lives, wealth, possessions, a full larder, and material
comfort were the goals. To concentrate on meeting their families’
material needs, they had to tune out their sensitivity to
psychological needs. They developed the habit of considering only
the task at hand.
Their sense of self-worth was based on what they did, not on who
they were as individuals. The irony is that in this life, real material
success is denied them until they link with a partner. In past lives
they built what
they thought was important, but now they have to
build what is useful to society. To achieve this, they need to link
with others. They are not allowed to do it “on their own” any
longer, as that would only increase their sense of isolation,
powerlessness, and stagnation.
Although in past lives these folks did not notice the value of the
people around them, now their challenge is to recognize the

strengths and talents of others and join with them for mutual
empowerment. In this incarnation, they are scheduled to let go of
resistance to partnering and sharing resources. They are learning
how to merge their power with others, reenergizing their life and
making their path easier. They can regain their power through
supporting—and being supported by—those who have power in
their own right, and through gleaning material and spiritual benefits
from the mutual energies exchanged.


Scorpio North Node people are attached to thoroughness: “my
way, the hard way.” In this lifetime, other people are supposed to
give them fresh ideas, materials, money, and so on to help them. But
they don’t want help. Even in simple things like mowing the lawn,
they have their own way of doing it. They make life much more
difficult than it needs to be; at the time they may think “there’s no
other way,” but in the end they feel exhausted.
Although they are generally unaware of it, their extreme task
orientation can be defeating for those around them. They are
learning to delegate in a way that is empowering for others and
enlists the other person’s creativity. For example, if they are
teaching their daughter to make a cake, and they allow her to do it
her own way, it gives the child the opportunity to develop her skills,
apply her creativity, and gain confidence in her own ability.
Creativity is energy. For a person to want to put energy into
something, she must feel she’s being creative and can do it her own
way. This idea is new for Scorpio North Node people. Rather than
thinking of the child’s creativity, they would normally focus on:
“We have this job to do, to make a cake, and of course you always
follow the recipe, and of course you always use the right utensils,
etc.” Their focus is on the task rather than the person. Now they are
learning to refocus on the person and how to support him or her in
developing confidence to do the task at hand. The rewards of
shifting focus
from the task to the person are enormous.


These natives have had so many lifetimes where survival was
physically difficult that in this incarnation they may feel
“comfortable” with life being one long, hard process after another
because, subconsciously, they are accustomed to it. This is not
correct, even though it feels like it is. Scorpio North Node people
need to trade “being comfortable” for the excitement and vitality of
doing things with others.
Also, these folks’ resistance to receiving help from others is
based on a feeling that they already “know it all”—so they don’t
want to listen. They insist on doing everything their way to validate
themselves through their own efforts. Unfortunately, it’s a
bottomless pit. In this incarnation, they can never sufficiently build
up their sense of self-worth—on their own—to feel good about
Recognizing this pattern is the first step in escaping it. But when
they are going down a “tunnel” of preprogrammed actions from
past-life experiences, it can be very tough to listen to others, even
though the answers that worked in a past situation usually don’t fit
the current problem. By being open to others’ input—the way
energy and psychology alters the situation—the native can see how
to adapt what was learned in the past to the current problem, and his
or her efforts become more effective.
Scorpio North Node people have such good and simple hearts,
others want to help them if they’ll only accept it. This takes the
humility to let others in and the willingness to release sole
ownership. The ability to do this comes through appreciating the
goodness of the other person. As they begin to value others, they
naturally open to accept the help that others offer them.
They are tired of all the hard work of past incarnations—and the
hard work in this lifetime—but they equate change with more
effort, and thus resist it. Actually, change is the key to their
revitalization, freedom, and joy! So a willingness to take risks and
go through changes—even if it means a loss of control and comfort
—is the right path.
Their lives can become hard because they’re trying to do
everything on their own and they don’t want to have to deal with
one more idea. Actually, they don’t even hear what the other person
says (they don’t
want to hear it) because it feels like “one more
thing” to make their load heavier. They think people are going to

require more energy of them, but if they open to the input of others,
others feed them the energy they need. In fact, they need the
knowledge of others to get out of their ruts and be freed from their
monumental tasks.


To some extent, Scorpio North Node people have an innate
resistance to other people being “right,” which works to their
detriment. Without realizing it, they can turn away those who are
seeking to add to their energy and resources.
They have a tendency to be extremely stubborn, and they are
victimized as much by this trait as those around them. In past lives,
they had to muster absolute determination and single-minded
intention to reach their goals; through overuse, their determination
has become irrational stubbornness. Now this blocks them from
accepting the ideas that they need to revitalize their energy and free
themselves from obstructions.
Stubbornness can be a major roadblock for these folks. If
someone tells them to do something, they may deliberately not do
it; if someone says “Don’t do it!” they may do it anyway simply
because they don’t want to be told what to do. These folks are so
stubborn because they look at things as “my way versus your way,”
which turns everything into a win/lose situation. Instead, when
someone tells them to do something, their best bet is to
and ask the other person: “Why are you telling me to do that? What
is your goal and your intention?” There’s an energy in stubbornness
that repels the other person. But when the native investigates:
“What are you trying to accomplish by doing it this way?” the
feelings of competition and stubbornness disappear.
Once they understand the other person’s purpose, Scorpio North
Node people are more willing to support him. By asking the other
person what his motive is and what he is trying to achieve, it opens
these folks to thinking: “Wait a minute, maybe this
is something we
could do together and create a win/win situation.”

Often, when these folks get stubborn, it’s a matter of timing.
They tend to proceed slowly, step by step, thinking this is the best
way to reach their goal. Then, when other people offer suggestions
that could help them achieve their goal more quickly, they may feel
frightened of speeding up their timing. They fear going too fast,
missing a step, and losing control. Then the results may not be 100
percent “their own,” and they are so attached to ownership that the
thought of sharing it makes them insecure.
And in some ways they may be right. If they
trust all input from others, they take a chance that some of it may
lead them in a different direction rather than streamline their
process. So they need to attune to the motivations of others,
temporarily allowing themselves to join with the other person’s
force field to see if they feel more empowered and energized by
combining. If the answer is yes, then it behooves them to relinquish
sole ownership, blend with the other person’s timing, and join in
creating a mutually empowering partnership.
When they are going slowly, they feel reassured and comfortable
because they can see that, step by step, they will reach their goal in
a predictable manner. When people with faster timing enter the
picture, they’re afraid of speeding up lest they encounter instability
and failure. What they are overlooking is the power of the other
For example, they may not want to risk missing the train from
New York to Delaware because the next train doesn’t leave until
tomorrow, even though the partner who has come along owns a
private jet! They need to consider that people with faster timing
may have talents and resources that can help them reach their goals
more quickly by a more direct route—with exciting adventures
along the way. Although they may miss the ponderous feeling of
ownership, they will gain the vitality of achieving mutual goals
much more quickly and easily, and the process itself will be far
more enjoyable.


As long as these folks think they know everything, they limit
their field of experience. This is how they get stuck in ruts. Also,

they think they know everything because they know it from their
side. They know their needs, so they think they know what’s going
to work for them
and the other person, and they are surprised when
the other person doesn’t automatically agree. When they forget to
investigate things from the other person’s point of view—the
other’s values and needs—they may be shocked when their plans
are resisted. The secret is in taking the extra step of investigating
where the other person is coming from
before assuming they know
how to proceed.
Scorpio North Node people do have special knowledge about
building things (a relationship, a business, etc.); they can build
things in a way that will last forever. However, they can become so
locked into making things tangible and solid that they miss the
excitement of change—of appreciating the joy and intense energy
from expanding beyond old boundaries into new dimensions that
evoke freedom, love, power, and self-confidence.
There are two kinds of security: the security of owning so many
material possessions that one is insulated from change, and the
security of having grown beyond personal limitations to gain a
sense of power. From that position, personal security is also ensured
—because regardless of what changes occur, one is secure,
confident, and powerful inside oneself. And for that to occur,
Scorpio North Node people need the expertise of others and the
personal humility to appreciate that others may be bringing them a
knowledge that could be more valuable than anything they had in
the past.




As long as Scorpio North Node people focus on material needs,their needs seem endless. The irony is that when they stop feedingthe inner mechanism that urges them to possess, they beginreleasing what they own and feel much better. A new energy enterstheir lives. The peace and contentment they seek come in a new andunexpected way: a spiritual way. In this lifetime they are scheduledto give up trying to fill the emptiness inside through material thingsand instead pursue pathways that will lead to fulfillment of theirspiritual needs. Acknowledging the intangible, spiritual part ofthemselves will bring them a sense of self-worth. Any step they takein the direction of gaining insight—by keeping a journal,undergoing psychotherapy, or learning self-mastery through takingrisks and having transformational experiences—will reap immediaterewards.


These folks often seem to have money at the forefront of theirconcerns. There is a feeling of crisis around money, and always thedesire to accrue more. There can also be a lack of logic aroundmoney, either holding on to it too tightly or spending it too freely.Often they feel they are constantly struggling—working incrediblylong hours “just to get by.”They have serious “money karma” and a lot of ideas aboutmoney that are not accurate; by allowing other people to advisethem about money, they would experience a lot less stress. But theyare stubborn and want to do things their way—the hard way. Everytime they do that, they lose. For example, someone might say tothem: “Well, all you have to do is get rid of this electric heater andyour electric bill will go down by $50 a month.” The Scorpio NorthNode person will say: “No, no! I have to keep this electric heaterbecause my daughter used it in college, etc., etc.” Such attachmentskeep them poor. To gain prosperity and ease, they have to let go.The secret to accumulation is proper distribution. If they want tobe wealthy, these folks must learn to be stewards of money ratherthan hoarders of money. They think the key to having money isholding on to it, whereas in fact the opposite is true. Money loves tocirculate and is attracted to people who will keep it in motion. Ifthey don’t allow money to flow to others through them, only acertain amount can come back to them because they are not a clearchannel.They are beginning to learn that as they release money with love—gladly using it to increase the wealth of others—more moneycomes to them. It is an attitude about money, as well as appropriateaction. They need to love both parts of the process of money—thereceiving and the giving—in order for money to be easily attractedto them. However, these folks often have a difficult time letting goof anything—and money most of all!There are many things Scorpio North Node people can do tofoster the habit of releasing money with love. When they pay theirbills, they can consciously feel love around the process (they haveto spend the money anyway; they might as well feel loving aboutit!). When they write the rent or mortgage check, they canconsciously send love and wishes for prosperity to the person orbank. If they add the ingredient of gratitude (“Thank heavens I haveenough money to be able to pay my bills”) rather than begrudgetheir expenses, they become receptive to more money coming in tomeet their expenses and thereby strengthen the energy of goodfinancial karma coming into their life.Another key to increasing their capacity as money magnets is toconsciously praise the universe for the financial bounty currentlyoperating in their life. Even if it’s only a little, the idea is toappreciate and feel grateful for what is there rather than desiringmore—which, on an energy level, translates into fear and anxietyabout not having enough. Gratitude for what they have releasesanxiety so they no longer block the flow of money and materialthings. If they let money and possessions pass through them in love,more will always be there.


These folks are so used to accumulation from past lives thatthey think solutions have to do with more accumulation. They thinkthat if they can describe their problem they will own it. They knowthemselves—all their functional and dysfunctional areas—so theythink there’s nothing else to know.If they share a problem with a friend, even if the friend offers asolution that could lift the problem from them, when they leave theytake the problem rather than the solution. They don’t wantsolutions. They want the feeling of accumulation, and that meansholding on to their problematic patterns. They don’t realize thatthrough the process of accumulation and ownership they areaccepting limitation after limitation, until soon their life is boringand stagnant. For Scorpio North Node people, gain is equivalent toletting go of limiting ideas. In this incarnation they are learning tovalue the input of others and to gratefully allow the solutionscoming through others to lift their self-imposed limitations. Thenthey become free and begin enjoying life’s vitality.The theme of accumulation was a primary focus in past lives forthese folks, and it carries over on every level in this incarnation. Inthis life they tend to save everything long beyond the point ofusefulness or need. They are learning that too many possessions arean encumbrance, slowing down their mobility and the vitality ofchange. Having excess possessions is like weighing an extra 40pounds—it’s tiring!In the Bible, the old wine had to be poured out before there wasroom to receive the new. If Scorpio North Node people want newactivity in their lives, they must get rid of excess. For example, theyhave clothes in their closets they haven’t worn in fifteen years—maybe even of a different size—yet they think they “may need themin the future.” The best thing they can do is go through their closetsand pack up stuff for Goodwill or other charitable organizations.The idea is to have more trust in life: If they have a need, theuniverse will fill it. They don’t need to hang on to things to protectthemselves from lack.They will be amazed at how this re-energizes their lives. Oncethey have decided to give something away—or walk away fromsomething—they must not look back. These folks have such strongaccumulation karma that if they look back at a relationship they’veleft, or think about a possession they’ve decided to part with,they’re goners. They’ll bring it back into the house again.Scorpio North Node people make their lives a lot easier whenthey release attachment to ownership on all levels. They are evenreluctant to allow the input of others because they want totalownership over ideas as well as material things. They don’t want tosay “It was his idea” because they want the ownership and thecredit. Also, they want to be part of the deal—they’re afraid that ifit isn’t completely “their thing,” they might be left out. In fact, aslong as they are a source of power for a project, others won’t wantto leave them out because they depend on these folks.


To regenerate their lives, make money, and gain a sense ofpower, Scorpio North Node people need the help of others. Thatrequires the humility to say: “Look—you’ve got an energy I need.What do I have to do to get an interaction going?” They need toexperiment to find out what is going to get the energy they needcoming back to them on a practical level, since identifying andfeeling that kind of energy in the physical world is new for them.They are not familiar with it because they are not used to looking toothers to get their needs met. But the energy they need can onlycome from other people—who will only give it to them when thesefolks are giving the other person exactly what that person needs.Scorpio North Node people need to tune in to what others are tellingthem and support them in exactly those ways. If they feel boggeddown in any way, they can team up with another person who iswilling to invest time, energy, or money with them—and suddenlythat area of their lives will be bursting with vitality.


Scorpio North Node people may think they have self-discipline,but actually it’s a character trait they need to develop in thislifetime. These people tend to excess and often don’t set healthylimits in their lives. In fact, they have no choice but to acceptdiscipline imposed from without because they don’t have it withinthemselves. Sometimes they mistake “being driven” for selfdiscipline, but their compulsive overdoing is really a sign of excess.Self-discipline involves leading the self in a balanced, self-awareway to a predetermined goal—the ability to conceive and execute aplan.Once these folks do decide to discipline themselves, they go forit! They postpone for a long time with halfhearted efforts, and thensuddenly they just do it—they don’t give themselves anyalternatives. It’s easy for them to stray; when they do, they oftenslide back into excess and feel terrible about themselves afterwards.Eventually, they learn that they experience more self-esteem whenthey maintain their self-discipline.For these folks, self-discipline also means directing themselves inways that are in their best interest. They need to begin treatingthemselves in the way they are learning to treat others: being kinder,more sensitive, and less driven. They need to periodically askthemselves: “In this situation, what is going to give me a sense ofpower and a feeling of freedom and vitality?” Rather than goingfrom task to task, they should notice their own needs for rest andrecuperation and then to do those things that re-energize them. Theidea is to be open to forces outside of themselves—whether peopleor nature—to redirect them in ways that make their tasks and theirlives easier.So-called obstructions can actually be helpful ways of breakingtheir stubborn and debilitating single-mindedness. For instance, ifit’s a rainy day and they can’t fix the shed, maybe it’s the universe’sway of saying that they need to slow down and rest. When otherpeople appear to be “opposing” them, the universe may be saying:“You’re working too hard. Here’s some outside intervention tomake you take a breather!” If they look at it that way, they willrelax their overfocused energy and accept others’ input.Sometimes Scorpio North Node people hear advice from othersand know it’s something they “should” do, but they have an innerresistance to doing what is in their own best interest. When theyfocus on their immediate needs for gratification, those needsbecome magnified and their feelings go totally out of control. Toprevent this, the key is to stay mentally focused on only what theyreally want. This will give them the power to rise above the trap ofneeding immediate gratification, and they will automatically havethe self-discipline to teach their goals.Often Scorpio North Node people have to be pressured from theoutside to make a change. When they have a crisis, it stimulatesthem to action. But rather than wait for a serious crisis (a healthproblem, bankruptcy, etc.), they are better off accepting changesooner. By “planning” a crisis (giving themselves a deadline ofthree months to prepare their house and put it on the market, amonth to figure out a new dietary plan, etc.), they access the energythey need to change without having to face a situation that threatenstheir well-being. But either way, they have to make the decision andthe commitment to go through a temporary period of hard work anddiscomfort in order to get out of their rut. And it helps when they letothers help them, rather than doing it their way—the hard way.


Scorpio North Node people need their whole value system to bereborn because the old is wearing them down. One way the universehelps them let go is by bringing them into contact with peoplewhose beliefs and values are contrary to the specific things thatthese natives need to change. If they need to let go of believing thatthey should wait three seconds after the traffic light changes togreen before they proceed, because that belief is limiting them, theywill attract a person who believes that “Time is of the essence;when the signal turns green, it’s the universe’s way of prompting usinto immediate action.”As soon as the new value or belief is presented, Scorpio NorthNodes’ opposing value will rise to the surface. Right then and there,these folks start feeling tense: What should they do? Which wayshould they follow? If they “tune in” and feel that the new value isactually more useful and accurate, they need to immediately dropthe old value, embrace the new, act on it, and not look back. This ishow they change. It takes integrity, courage, self-discipline, andaction. When they choose change, they win; when they choose theold way of doing things, they lose.These folks are learning to be more open in terms of what willwork for them—they can be too rigid about their past-life valuesystems. The principles they are attached to are often correct; but ifthey become fixated on the form in which those principles aresupposed to manifest, they lose the spirit and are bound by thebehavior. For example, they may value beauty (a spiritual attribute)and then become attached to everything in their environment beingin “perfect order.” They may value devotion in marriage and thenbecome attached to a specific form of devotion. They tend to nottake into account other people’s ideas about form, which, ifcombined with their own ideas, could actually promote a heightenedexperience of the value they seek.For example, rather than being compulsive about “Perfect orderin the home equals beauty,” they could say to their housemates: “Iplace a high value on beauty. Do you have any ideas for how wecould bring more beauty into our home?” This could lead to anexpanded idea of beauty beyond what Scorpio North Nodeconsidered. They need to remember that in this lifetime, their sourceof nourishment will come not from the value or task but fromsynergistically combining with other people.Scorpio North Node people are also learning how to meet theirneeds without going to extremes. For example, if they value beautyand order, putting energy into creating those things is energizing forthem—up to a certain point. But then comes the law of diminishingreturns: They tend to continue past that point and feel enslaved towhat they’ve created. Or they may expect others to continue theirefforts (their way) so things can be beautiful and orderly. And thatkeeps them invested in the task at the expense of other people.On the other hand, if these folks feed that same energy to aperson they want to support, the other person will eventually startfeeding them energy back—which will empower the native to feedhim even more. Scorpio North Node people think they don’t knowhow to feed that essential energy to another person, but actually it’ssimple. Other people know their own needs, so all these folks haveto do is have the humility to ask the others what they need, listen towhat they say, and give it to them.


Scorpio North Node people are learning to let go of old patterns.To do this, they need a partner—or partners—with whom to build arelationship and empower one another. Often these folks are fine ingroup situations but are fearful of one-on-one connections, becausethey have not asked themselves: “What does the other person need?What would support him? What would empower him?” When theytake the focus off themselves and truly tune in to what the otherperson needs, it establishes a feeling of rapport.To do this, they must overcome the fear that they won’t be likedor that people will be angry with them. In fact, these responses fromothers only happen when Scorpio North Nodes are not exercisingtheir innate talents for mutual empowerment. If their motive is tosupport the other person regardless of the response, they won’t gethurt. In the process of sincerely exploring what will work for theother person, these natives open up—and that’s when they connectwith the reciprocal, rejuvenating energy they need.Scorpio North Node people may come across as nice, humble,salt-of-the-earth individuals, but true modesty involves beingreceptive to the input of others and does not seek to dominate thesituation. Underneath, these natives have an arrogance andstubbornness—an ego encrustation from past incarnations—thatneeds to be released. They are learning to relax their tight grip oncontrolling outcomes and let go of the rigid past-life values thatoppress them.Scorpio North Node people need the validation of others, as thisis what allows them to open and change. The energy of other peoplerecognizing and valuing their worth is nurturing for them and is anaccurate barometer of whether they are on the right path. This isanother reason why they work so hard—they think if they follow ahard work ethic, others will notice and value them. So they put outtremendous time and effort to reach a goal, yet others don’t givethem the positive feedback they’re looking for. The problem is theirmethod for gaining validation. If they try to get it by being passiveso as not to displease others, they start boiling inside; and it’s notempowering for either person. The task itself can’t give back energyto them; and if they do it their way, without integrating the needsand contributions of the others, they won’t get the validation theyseek. The resolution involves taking time to ask: “What does thisperson need? What is important to him in this situation?” If theytake the other person into account, when they make theircontribution they will be appreciated.In this lifetime, Scorpio North Node people do not have to be“right” or prove that their way of doing things is best. They’vealready done that. A higher value involves learning how to combinewith others to build a greater success than either person could haveaccomplished alone. This requires being receptive to others’ ideasand truly supporting the others’ spirit. Scorpio North Nodes must becareful not to superimpose their values on the other person, but todo what they can to enhance and help that person’s values to workmore powerfully. This will create the synergy these folks need forcompletion.


Scorpio North Node people think they have a solid sense oftheir own self-worth—and in some ways they do—but at times theyexaggerate their worth and at other times they undervaluethemselves. Because they are accustomed to doing things on theirown, they seem very independent. They are confident in that theyknow they can rely on themselves to pull through any situation.They are aware of their talents, abilities, and willingness to workhard, and they value their own resourcefulness.The problem is that they only value themselves from their ownperspective and tend to underestimate their value to others. This isone reason why they may have money problems. They inadvertentlylimit themselves because, by the other person’s standards, they areoften worth a lot more than they realize. Thus, it behooves them totake the time to learn what the other person values about them, andthen to strengthen those qualities.Underneath, Scorpio North Node people have deep feelings ofunworthiness. However, these feelings only surface when ScorpioNorth Nodes begin comparing themselves to others (in terms oftalent, beauty, money, ability, popularity, etc.). Whenever theycompare themselves to others, they feel inadequate. However, whenthey focus on the gifts and talents that others have, enhancing thosegifts by making others aware of their abilities, suddenly these folksbecome aware of their own value. In the process of helping othersto manifest their dreams in practical ways, they shine. They knowthey’ve played a part in making the other person successful; and ifthe other person’s values are similar to their own, then what theyconsider important also becomes actualized.But these natives need to guard against being so focused on thetask that the people become secondary. They may not even realizethat is the message they are projecting. Their self-worth is largelybased on what they do, not who they are; so to feel good aboutthemselves, they think they have to constantly prove their abilities.In this lifetime they are readjusting their definition of self-worth—learning that it has to do with who they are as a person, the qualitiesthey possess, and how they relate to other people.


In this incarnation, Scorpio North Node people are destined formajor changes. Only through complete transformation can theyescape the ruts they so easily fall into and regain the vitality andsense of aliveness they desire. For them, transformation has to dowith other people: getting in touch with what others considerimportant and pursuing new directions that trigger excitement.These folks need highly creative energy to rouse them out of theircomfortable routines. Crisis situations stimulate them in a positiveway to disengage from the steady, reliable pace that has becomeoppressive. They change, grow, and gain excitement in their liveswhen they’re rising to the occasion and taking risks that requirereaching into the unknown. This type of creative stimulation and“living on the edge” needs to be expressed on a regular basis if theyare to enjoy life.Scorpio North Node people were once master builders. However,in this incarnation, in order to build they first must clear the groundfor fresh, new structures. They can’t expect to build one skyscraperon top of another. It’s time to let go of everything that oppressesthem: the past, excessive material possessions, anything that hasoutlived its usefulness in the present.But these folks are afraid to let go of things lest they’ll forget thepast. And the fact is, they will. That’s good; that’s part oftransformation. When misunderstandings are transformed, theydissolve—much as the caterpillar turns into the butterfly. Whyshould the butterfly look back to its caterpillar days? It needs to flyaway and enjoy its newfound beauty and freedom! Likewise,Scorpio North Node people need to let go of the past in order tobetter enjoy what they have become.


It’s important for Scorpio North Node people to discriminate intheir risk taking. There is a difference between taking inappropriaterisks that bring a sense of carelessness and appropriate risks thatbring a sense of growth. If Scorpio North Nodes are in doubt, theirbest bet is to ask others to appraise the situation.For example, I had a client with this nodal position who found ahouse she fell in love with. Everything about it was right, but onsome level she didn’t feel comfortable with it. So she asked herfather-in-law for his opinion, and he said he didn’t like it because ofthe woods in back of the house. It made him nervous, as she hadtwo small children and spent a lot of time at home. So she drove byagain on her own and let the energy of the house impact her, andshe didn’t get a happy feeling. Then she investigated the schools inthe area and heard things about the curriculum that made heruncomfortable. As she investigated, the feedback she got did notstimulate a sense of vitality for her, but rather a sense of fear.However, since her desire for accumulation was strong, she had anengineering report done. It indicated structural problems with thehouse. So she finally let others’ input help her make her decision,and in spite of her desire for ownership she did not take the risk.This is a perfect example of how these folks can combine theirhighly attuned sense of “comfort” in a constructive way with inputfrom the outside.But there’s a difference between comfort on a psychic level andcomfort on a physical level. When these natives make choices basedon what’s physically comfortable (that is, what is easy andpredictable), it is usually not the road that will stimulate change andmake them happy. When they link up with a person or projectoutside themselves and they feel psychically happy and energetic,that is a signal they can trust. In pursuing that, happiness awaitsthem.


In this incarnation, Scorpio North Node people have strongspiritual needs that must be honored: quiet, relaxing time forreflection, creativity, and renewal. They are so tired from the hardwork of past incarnations that in this lifetime they need to rest. Theproblem is, they are not accustomed to resting! They are so used tobeing responsible for keeping their material world in order that theyare still preoccupied with survival.These folks need to recognize that in this incarnation, theirspiritual and psychological needs are as important as their physicalneeds. In fact, their spiritual needs are more important. They’vealready mastered the material realm; now it’s time to explore thespiritual realm, involving themselves in experiences that promotepersonal transformation: psychology, consciousness-expandingseminars, or self-help classes. They need to be involved in pursuitsthat will free them from the bondage of the material realm.As long as they base their sense of self-worth on materialoutcomes, they depend on the external world to maintain their senseof well-being. This leaves them with a deep feeling ofpowerlessness, as it is impossible to prevent change—change is theone absolute that underlies all material existence. A primary lessonfor Scorpio North Node people is to embrace change, becausetrying to hold on to anything material is hopeless: Everythingmaterial is born, matures, disintegrates, and dies.But spirit never dies, and these natives are learning to alignthemselves with the spiritual side of life. Rather than saying: “Iwant things to go my way,” they are discovering the spiritual powerof saying: “I want it to be exactly the way it is.” And then they win—they see what actions to take and their lives become magical!They are learning to attach themselves to universal energy and trustthe natural unfolding of life.Scorpio North Node people are finding out that “When one doorcloses, another door opens.” As they allow things to pass out oftheir lives without the emotional attachment that is so draining, theygain an independence, strength, and freedom they have never beforeexperienced. Their load is lightened enormously, and they canexperience life without being “sucked in” by changing materialcircumstances. When they align themselves with spirit and takechances that are in alignment with the universal plan, they are “onpath.”In the material realm their needs are endless, and they neveraccumulate enough or do enough to feel complete. The only thingthat will give these folks the feeling of satisfaction they seek is thespiritual realm. So the key is to stop making more materialcommitments and begin making commitments that will increasetheir spiritual awareness. If they can pursue spiritual matters in thecompany of other people, the participation of others will give themthe energy they need to change.




Scorpio North Node people approach relationships in the sameway they do everything else—from the perspective of the masterbuilder. From past incarnations, they are accustomed to the seasonsand the natural progression of time and effort leading to predictable,lasting results. In relationships they are willing to take their timewith the other person, hold hands, talk, and discover what they liketo do together. Each thing becomes a building block, and therelationship either grows or doesn’t, based on their enjoyment ofeach stage and the extent to which they respect each other asindividuals.Yet at the same time Scorpio North Nodes can be largely unawareof others and not really address the other person’s needs. Forexample, I had a Scorpio North Node client who was a workaholic.He was driven to make money to provide a good lifestyle for hisfamily and send his four children to the best colleges. His wife,whom he deeply loved, kept telling him that she didn’t need theluxury houses; what she needed was for him to spend more timewith her. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t value his spendingso much time making money—after all, he had to pay for thechildren’s college; that was the main thing.So he postponed spending more time with his wife, thinking thatwhen the children had graduated from college they would beginenjoying their lives together—which he greatly anticipated. Beforehis fourth child had completed college, his wife died. Needless tosay, he felt a lot of remorse. Perhaps subconsciously his wife was intouch with how little time she had. Her need to spend time with himmay have been based on an awareness that he had no way ofunderstanding—except by valuing what was important to her.Sometimes these folks get so focused that they become brusquewithout realizing it. One client with this nodal position, agrandmother, was so task oriented and efficient that one of hergrandchildren grew completely silent around her. She had so muchto take care of in shepherding everyone around, her voice soundedimpatient: “Come on, come on! We have to get going!”—and hergrandson would clam up. After a week with the kids, she noticedwhat she was doing and said: “You all need to understand that whenGrandma gets in that frenzied state, it doesn’t have anything to dowith you. Sometimes I feel so worried about getting everythingdone that I don’t notice how I’m talking to you and what my voicesounds like.” Right away her grandson started talking again.Scorpio North Node people are recognizing that when theybecome overly focused on the goal, they affect other peoplenegatively. They don’t mean to; it’s something they don’t evenrecognize until they begin paying attention. But when theycommunicate to those around them about what’s going on, othersdon’t take it personally.


These folks are comfortable with a certain way of doing thingsand a certain set of values. They don’t want to be challenged byother people’s value systems. If they discover that someone theyrespect lives according to values different from their own, their firstinstinct is to react personally and be disappointed, rather thanexpanding to allow for a fuller understanding of the other person.They are learning that other people’s values are not a threat totheir own. Values are a reflection of inherent personal needs andtastes. For example, a person who is very thin and gets cold easilymay value bulky winter coats, whereas another person may prefer adifferent type of coat more suited to her own body. One person mayvalue refined elegance, whereas another feels more at home in asporty environment. One person may place a high value on physicalaffection in relationships, whereas another may place moreemphasis on mental rapport.There is no “right” or “wrong” about any of these values. Themore these natives are open to learning about another’s values, themore they can understand and appreciate the other person and his orher reality. Then they can more easily accept what others areoffering without thinking they have to change them—or themselves—in order for constructive interaction to take place.Scorpio North Node people have great business karma, since, inthe business world, they tend to be more open and accepting of newideas. In business, people share a common goal: making money.When it comes to making money, very little conflicts with ScorpioNorth Nodes’ value system because they are able to focus on thelarger goal. Someone could approach them with a business ideabased on ideals very different from their own, but they would stilllisten because the end result would be something they value. Andthat is the key. In any area of their life, these natives need to focuson shared values and be willing to adapt their process to work withthe other person.If their values in any area are too limited or narrow, they are inconstant conflict with others to maintain their ground. For example,if their religion is limited to only one belief system, they must be onconstant alert to repel all contrary beliefs. However, if they searchfor a deeper value (for example, the purpose of religion being topromote universal values of love, forgiveness, harmony, selfunderstanding, ethics, etc.), then they can accept different pathwaysfor reaching those larger goals, which could be enriching.


In relationships, Scorpio North Node people tend to take overthe decision making for the team. Their partners may say: “Whycan’t you just be in partnership with me? You always go off on yourown and do it the way you want to do it.” Scorpio North Nodepeople don’t realize that when they leave their partners out of thedecision-making process, they inadvertently invalidate the others’worth.These folks have a tendency to “push against” the other person,to use the other’s energy as motivation to do things their own way.They can use the energy of the partnership to fuel their owndirection, without recognizing that it is the partnership that isempowering them. They need to be aware of and have the humilityto acknowledge the difference in their own personal power that theirpartner has made. Once they realize how much the other person hascontributed, it will be easier for them to include their partner in thedecision-making process. Sometimes Scorpio North Node peoplejust want to go off on their own and not have to consider others, butthey will have better quality time alone when they include theirpartner in their plans, because then the other person will supportthem.If they have a problem, their first instinct is to keep it tothemselves rather than invite the perspectives of others, and theytend to project that other people are also that way. They assume thatothers want them to stay out of their business, when in fact theopposite may be true. When these folks attune themselves to theother person to see how they can truly help, others welcome theirideas, perspectives, and suggestions—the Scorpio North Nodeperson feels validated, and everyone wins! And just as they have thepower to help others, others have the power to help them when theyhave the humility to receive.In becoming involved in other people’s business, motive is thekey factor. If Scorpio North Nodes’ motive is to make a judgmentor try to “fix” the other person so he’ll do something their way, theother will sense it and become resentful. Or if the silent message is:“You should have done more,” the other person will sense it,become discouraged, and rebuff the Scorpio North Node person.But if the motive is truly to become lovingly involved with the otherperson, he’ll feel that and respond with appreciation.These folks are in charge of their underlying motive. If they arein doubt about whether to approach another person and ask abouthis or her affairs, they can first ask themselves: “What is my motivefor asking?” If the motive is to change the other person, their bestbet is to back away because they will lose. If the motive is to gain abetter understanding of the other person, they can trust that theirinterest will be welcomed. They are natural therapists who healpeople by listening and sharing their deep understanding.When Scorpio North Node people “tune in” to the other person,with the motive of truly wanting to lighten the other person’s load,they always see what they can do to help. Sometimes it involvestaking a small part of the load on their own shoulders: offering to dothe other person’s laundry, fill out a form, or run an errand. Theymay be “off path” if they offer advice about how the other personshould do it: “If you would just do your wash the same day eachweek, you wouldn’t run into this kind of time crunch!” If the otherperson responds with irritation, the native will know her suggestionwasn’t helpful. If she says: “Look, I have a few extra minutes,would it help if I put in a load of wash for you?” and the otherperson responds with appreciation, she will know that was the helpthe other needed.When their motive is to be supportive, Scorpio North Nodepeople can see what is easy for them but would be a tremendousrelief for the other person. When they offer to do it, the appreciationthat comes back is enormous. If they are unsure of what to do, theycan always ask: “What can I do to support you?” And the otherperson will tell them—it’s very simple and practical. Through suchinteraction they will forge a loving bond with the other person thatwill bring rewards far beyond their expectations.It’s a new habit for these folks to approach people in this way;but the more they do it, the easier it will become. Their lives willgain a new dimension of fullness and love, as they experience theunique satisfaction of being deeply connected with other people.


To increase their power, Scorpio North Node people are learningto validate the worth of others so that they can be open to successfulmerging. However, sometimes they reverse the process and tearothers down—their importance, value, and good qualities—in orderto demonstrate their own worth. It’s as though they subconsciouslyfeel that to devalue someone else will make them more valuable.But it never does; it just leaves them feeling isolated and drained.At work, for example, if someone says the head of the accountingdepartment is doing an excellent job, a person from this nodal groupmay say: “Well, I knew the head of another accounting departmentwho could run rings around this fellow.” When an employee does agood job, instead of complimenting her on her success and goodpoints, Scorpio North Nodes may make light of the accomplishmentwhile faulting her in another area. Something in other people’sperformance is always wrong or “less than” it could be, accordingto these folks’ appraisal. As a result, those around them becomediscouraged—they feel their light has been diminished and theirvalue discounted. Scorpio North Node people truly do not realizehow much damage they do to those around them or how they losepoints in the eyes of those they would like to impress. It would be intheir best interest to become aware of and release the habit ofdowngrading others.One experiment that can help them break this habit is to beginnoticing one good thing about each person every day. Perhaps thesecretary has â pleasant voice or a way of putting customers at easewhen they are waiting for appointments. Perhaps the accountantgoes out of her way to have the figures the decision makers need sothey can act quickly and make the most of good opportunities. Theidea is to consciously appreciate one good thing about each personeach day. This will be a great help in reprogramming their past-lifetendency to diminish others, and in enhancing their innate ability toappreciate them.Scorpio North Node people need the validation of others in orderto feel good about themselves in this lifetime. Partnerships work forthem—they need the energy—and they are learning to have thehumility to recognize this. Being essentially practical people, theycan say to themselves: “Okay, the truth is that I need the validationof others to be happy. Now, what do I have to do to get it? I’d betterfind out what’s important to them and give it to them. And, if Iinclude them in my process and make them feel important, they willmake me feel important.” This approach will work for ScorpioNorth Nodes as they remember to openly notice, appreciate, andvalidate others—their good qualities and the work they have done.Scorpio North Nodes neglect this crucial step when they forget thatthey need others’ validation to feel good themselves.In every area of their lives, it works best when these folks have apowerful partner whose strengths they admire and talents theyrecognize. As they learn to consciously appreciate the uniquetalents, knowledge, and perspectives of others, Scorpio NorthNodes see how to combine their own resources and talents withanother’s to create something different than either would havethought of on their own. This is synergy. Through combining, bothpeople will be able to use and display their unique talents in waysthat demonstrate how “The whole is greater than the sum of itsparts.” Scorpio North Node people are scheduled for magic in thislifetime—synergy, empowerment, and the exciting vitality ofongoing creativity!


Scorpio North Node people think they already know everything,so they’re not open to others giving them insights that would maketheir path easier. This means they are constantly missingopportunities to break free from their limitations.Sometimes these folks are “stuck” because of underlying feelingsof inadequacy. For example, I had a Scorpio North Node client whobecame a voice teacher. At first she had many clients; she was wellqualified by education and experience. However, after a time herclients began dropping away and no one would tell her why. In fact,people were coming to her to improve their singing—but she wasgiving them weeks of breathing exercises to expand their capacityto sing. She wasn’t giving them what they wanted, and she had allkinds of justifications for it. But underneath, she felt inadequate inher ability to play the piano and feared she wouldn’t be able to playthe pieces her students brought to sing. Once she voiced herconcerns, others provided many ideas. She ultimately hired a musicstudent to accompany her clients while she concentrated on theirsinging.When these folks finally acknowledge their feelings ofinadequacy, others are able to help; but when they think they knoweverything, they’re not open to learning and may stay trapped.When others approach them with new ideas that conflict with one oftheir values, even if they are excited about the input, they tend tosquelch it immediately. This is one of their greatest errors.Eventually others cease to offer suggestions that could resolve theproblems because they know these folks aren’t receptive.The resolutions they will accept for their problems can be solimited that their obstacles become unresolvable. For example, theymay want to sell their car, but they feel attached to it so theyestablish unreasonable conditions for the sale: The buyer must haveblond hair, at least two years of college, and be a nonsmoker.Naturally they’re never going to sell the car!Scorpio North Node people can be “stuck” in these problematicsituations far longer than those in other nodal groups. To break free,they need to hear an entirely different view based on a value systemdifferent from their own. Then they can bounce their concerns offthe other person: “What about my attachment to the car? What if thecar becomes abused?” After they hear how the other person wouldresolve those concerns according to the other’s value system, theycan rethink their position. Sometimes it’s easier for them to take theadvice of a stranger than to listen to their partner. They may haveprejudged their partner and discount his or her input, yet usually itis the people closest to them who can give the most accuratefeedback and best recognize their strengths. So it behooves them toreally listen to those who know them best, and allow themselves tobe influenced if they feel truth and energy in what they hear.When they think they already know everything, theirrelationships revolve around filling their basic, physical needs. Butonce those needs are filled, they still feel flat and lifeless. They needto go beyond their own physical needs to experience vitality,empowerment, personal growth, and transformation. That is thehappiness they seek, and nothing less will satisfy them.


Scorpio North Node people have an inner fear that others’ ideasmay be right and they themselves may have to change. There isalways fear and/or excitement that accompanies great change; it’snatural. And on the deepest level, these folks want change. Theywant to cast off the oppressive burdens that make their lives sodifficult; they know they need to be open to the flow of suggestionsand knowledge from others. They are learning to see other peoplenot as invaders but as rescuing helpers.Once they decide to be open, the issue becomes one ofdiscrimination. Their success often depends on a careful choice ofwhom they partner with. Not everyone is a “rescuing helper,” sothey need to discriminate regarding whom to allow to deeply affectand change them. The key is to tune in to the other person’s energyfield. If they tune in to the motives of the other person and feeldegraded, that person probably has harmful intentions toward themor is appeasing them for personal gain.The right partner will spark new ideas that stimulate their ownenergy, creativity, and excitement. There are people with whomthey connect very powerfully; when they become energized about acertain person, they are finally willing to relinquish outmodedvalues. Now they are dealing with a force that is more powerfulthan their values, and when they follow it, the relationship works.(If finances are involved, they can be motivated to take the risk byreminding themselves that they will make more money when theyteam up with the financial energy of another.)


Scorpio North Node people are destined to experience a totalbonding with another on a one-to-one basis. The problem is thatalthough bonding is what they most long for, at the same time theyare terrified of it. They fear that if they let go of what they know,there will be nothing for them to hold on to. The irony is that whenthey begin experimenting with new ideas, they feel less need forcontrol because the excitement is so satisfying.These natives have an amazing capacity for bonding, owing totheir ability to make others feel understood. When they listendeeply and understand the other person, their attentive listeningmakes the other feel loved and accepted. Their talent for listeningalso allows them to connect with the psychic energy of another andto bond with that person if they choose. It is this deep bonding withothers that is their passport to renewal and release from stagnation.


Scorpio North Node people have the ability to “tune in” to thehidden thoughts of others. When they stand near someone, if theyopen up to receive that person’s energy they will know his or hercharacter and motives. When they misjudge someone’s character,it’s because they are projecting their own values on the otherperson. When they do this, they can be fooled. However, they arenever fooled when they genuinely “tune in” and trust what theysense about the other person.When these folks feel the inner turmoil of others, they want tohelp—but they don’t know how without feedback. When someonethey care about is upset and feeling helpless, their best response is:“What can I do to support you?” The other person may respondwith something that sounds like total idiocy: “I need you to call meat 9:00 A.M. every morning and remind me to get up and make mybed.” Yet by supporting the other person in exactly that way theyempower the other, who will subsequently validate their worth. Thiswill create success in their relationships.If problems arise, it’s because Scorpio North Nodes want to “fix”the other person—their way! They have many ideas about how toalleviate the other’s pain and better the situation. They project whatthey would do in the situation and neglect taking the other person’sneeds into account. Instead, they must be receptive to what the otherperson is telling them.However, this doesn’t mean that Scorpio North Node people mustsacrifice themselves. If the other person says he needs to getmarried in order to feel secure in the relationship, it doesn’t meanthe Scorpio North Node should marry him if it’s not something shewants to do. Rather than try to talk the person out of feeling a needfor marriage, or tell him what he ought to do to successfully pursuemarriage, her best bet is to directly ask him what he needs forsupport: “Look, I can feel your turmoil and I want to help. I wouldlike to continue with our relationship, but I don’t want to getmarried at this point in my life. So how can I best support you? Doyou want me to encourage you to find someone else who is readyfor marriage, or do you want me to support you in getting past thefears that you think will be resolved through marriage?”Scorpio North Node people need to let the other person tell themwhat will ease his or her inner conflict and answer his or her needs.They will know if they are “on track” by the other person’sresponse: Others will enthusiastically validate their support when ithas really been helpful.


When Scorpio North Node people feel anxious, they may bereluctant to reveal their true feelings. They don’t want to get into aconflict, so they bury their emotions and communication stops.Instead, they are learning to move past the block by discussing itwith the other person. They need to get beyond their assumptionsabout the other person by risking a confrontation—by being willingto be uncomfortable for the sake of forming a closer bond throughhonest communication. If their motive is to gain moreunderstanding of the other’s values and needs, it can be veryproductive. This is how to build a relationship with the otherperson, rather than trying to do the whole thing on their own.When these folks feel anxious because they don’t know how torelate, it’s a signal from the universe saying: “You need to gofurther into the person’s psyche.” Habitually, when Scorpio NorthNode people feel that fear, they pull back, which is the opposite ofwhat will work. They need to investigate at a deeper level tounderstand the other person’s desires, motives, and values. That willresolve their anxiety.For example, when someone counters what they’re saying, theyautomatically feel a need to defend their point of view. At thatmoment, if they deliberately turn it around and investigate the otherperson’s perspective, simply changing the focus takes the pressureoff. They could say: “Look—I’m not sure I understand whereyou’re coming from. I’d like to know more about what you’rethinking.” Their automatic response is always on themselves, butthey need to refocus on the other person.


For Scorpio North Node people, this is a partnership lifetime.Whether a spouse and/or a business partner, they need a partner tofeed them the energy that keeps them stimulated and free fromstagnation. This is a soul mate lifetime, so life will bring themopportunity after opportunity to experience a soul mate relationship.A soul mate relationship is really a combining—on an energeticlevel—with someone with whom they have the right “chemistry”;who gives them a sense of excitement. As they empower theirpartner, the partner responds by validating and taking care of them.The mutual energy revitalizes those parts of the Scorpio North Nodeperson that became stagnant during past incarnations.Soul mate relationships are not limited to sexual relationships. Iftwo people share a common goal—such as writing a book, runninga restaurant, starting a business—it can be a soul mate relationship.Both people become one on an energetic or psychic level to morepowerfully produce their project. Each person has to be willing tolet go of personal issues to allow both partners’ energies tointegrate. These folks need to be willing to understand the otherperson, what he or she is offering, and what his or her resources arein order to combine and achieve maximum mutual gain. That iswhere they shine!It’s the same principle in romantic/personal relationships. IfScorpio North Node people focus on “my values versus yourvalues,” they will lose. On the other hand, if they are clear about thehigher goal they want to experience with the other person, and that’sagreed on, then these folks are willing to adjust their methodologyto work with the other person and gain the experience.This could be as basic as deciding the kind of relationship theywant to create, and then supporting each other in reaching the ideal.When couples are younger, they may have the goal of raisingchildren. Later it might be the goal of living together according tocertain spiritual ideals, growing together through self-help ortransformational experiences, supporting each other in reachingshared health goals, and so on.The best approach to creating personal relationships is to get toknow the other person and see if that person’s values, desires, andmotives are compatible. Having shared values is very important,and Scorpio North Nodes may be fooled. If there’s too muchinstinctive projection of their own values, they won’t get anaccurate picture. But if they are really open to the other person’ssharing, they will be able to feel if they are energized by the otherperson’s values. These may be values that Scorpio North Nodeshave not even thought of—the next step on their path!Owing to past lives of being very attuned to the physical senses,Scorpio North Node people are generally quite interested in sex andphysical demonstrations of affection. They are aware of their bodiesand know how to enjoy them. However, they can be so aware ofsensual enjoyment that they miss the transformation that is possiblethrough sexual interaction on an energy level.If they tune in to the psychic energies of their partner (that is,consciously appreciate the resources and energy of the otherperson), then, when they combine sexually, the experience farexceeds anything they could have imagined. Scorpio North Nodepeople have latent talents in this regard, as soon as they becomeaware of the value of psychic/spiritual attunement and bonding incombination with the physical. Through their openness to theirpartner’s energies they can share an enjoyment beyond sensualpleasure, expanding into the dimension of spiritual alchemy andempowerment.




Because Scorpio North Node people tend to think in extremes
(“my way or your way”), sometimes, in an attempt to combine with
others, they completely let go of their values. They become “people
pleasers,” which doesn’t work. In this lifetime they want to stop
relating to others from a “me/you” position and start relating from a
position of “what’s best for us.” Then they can share the power of
appreciation and respect from the motive of
mutual empowerment
and reciprocity.
They have a talent for offering encouragement, enthusiasm, and
support to the other person, which heals the other person and makes
his or her life easier. The other person senses a soul mate and a
source of strength in the Scorpio North Node person, and responds
with love, appreciation, and gratitude.
However, when others reciprocate by asking Scorpio North Node
people what
they need, they may close down and act as if
“everything’s under control.” But they need to allow others to see
their situation and suggest ways to make their lives easier. It’s
reciprocal. As these folks see how others accept support and are
empowered by it, they can learn to begin graciously accepting
support themselves.
They only know how to see themselves as givers or receivers.
They are totally unaware of the reciprocal process of how to receive
through giving—how they get back an energy that enriches them
and helps them grow. For example, if they volunteer to head a
charily event, in their mind it is simply a matter of giving their time
and energy to make the event successful. They may miss the reality
of what they are getting out of it.


For Scorpio North Node people, this is a lifetime of receiving
legacies from others. Inheritance is healthy for them. People are

supposed to give them money, energy, ideas, and so on. Their job is
to release what they’re holding—to empty themselves—and be
open to receive the benefits of others’ energies. This applies to
every area of their lives.
It works for them to run problems by someone else for feedback.
If another person offers a suggestion that they “know is right” but
have resistance to implementing, it may be time to practice selfdiscipline—reining in their need for immediate gratification in order
to accomplish their goal. If in doubt, they can always experiment
with trying the suggestion to see if it works on a practical level (for
example, not making demands on a boyfriend for one week to see if
he stops being so distant).
When these folks ask for advice from people who are successful
at what;
they want to learn, they really enjoy hearing others’ ideas
and perspectives and they become more powerful. This has to do
with the practicality of looking at what works and adopting that
style—whether they thought of it themselves or it came from
someone else. It also has to do with gaining the benefit of other
people’s experience and not always having to learn on their own,
the hard way. Other people are supposed to help them along with
fresh ideas and energy.


Scorpio North Node people often seem focused on themselves.
When they are not tuned in to others, their words reflect it. To
establish comfort with another, these folks need to genuinely seek to
connect with them from a motive of establishing deeper
understanding—then they will naturally use words that prompt the
other to trust them.
These folks actually feel very frustrated when they focus on
themselves, because from that position they can’t really understand
what’s happening. They can understand
only by relinquishing their
own position and submerging themselves in the other person’s
position—without judgment.
One thing these folks are learning in this lifetime is the humility
to see that they do need others and that it is empowering to connect
with the vibrational fields of other people. It is important that they

discriminate between which people boost their energy field and
which ones don’t. Then they need to have the humility to validate
the worth of those people.
Scorpio North Node’s job is to connect with another person who
has a goal that stimulates her energy, and ask herself, “How can I
feed the other person the power to reach his goal?” When Scorpio
North Node’s entire focus is on empowering the other person, she
automatically knows what to say and do that will give the other
person confidence in his ability to succeed.
As Scorpio North Node people help others achieve, they feel that
they have achieved something themselves and gain self-confidence.
Because they have linked their creativity and power with others, the
energy and joy of success skyrocket! Others know they couldn’t
have done it without the energy and support of these folks, so they
naturally want to give back. This is the key to Scorpio North Node
people enhancing their sense of self-worth in a way that energizes
them and makes them free.
Sadly, Scorpio North Node people often don’t value the gifts that
could lead to freedom from their self-imposed bondage. If they
don’t value and respect these gifts, they can’t really use them. In
this way, their egos cut them off from recognizing the opportunities
—and benefiting from the gifts—that life brings them through other
people. These folks are learning to appreciate not only what they
have earned through their own efforts but also the gifts that others
bring them.
If they only value what is obtained through their own hard work,
they are not open to grace. In the end, only grace can take them
beyond their own rigidity. Their job is to have the humility to let go
and let grace—through other people—operate in their lives.


Scorpio North Node people are better off when they apply their
talents to other people’s projects or join a project based on someone
else’s idea. The exception is if their idea has an intangible or
spiritual source. They are better off pursuing projects and pathways
that emanate from a presence outside of their rigid, conditioned


Because Scorpio North Node people have spent many past lives
building a sense of self-worth, they are astonished when others
around them do not recognize
their own value. They don’t
understand it when others don’t appreciate their own natural
abilities and do what’s needed on a practical level to use their
talents and feel good about themselves. Scorpio North Nodes’
greatest challenge lies in successfully empowering their partners or
those in other close personal relationships.
It’s easy for them to have a positive spirit about their partner.
They can “talk up” the other person’s talents and encourage that
person. The problem is that the romantic partners these folks attract
don’t seem to have the will to take the action needed to accomplish
results. They are often not motivated to achieve practical, selfempowering goals and/or lack the qualities that would allow them
to do this.
If their partner is not motivated from within, these folks don’t
understand and don’t know how to get the partner going. So they
turn to their own resources and use the energy of the partnership to
fire their own ability to create solid results. Unfortunately, this is the
same old “I have to do everything myself” scenario, which makes
the partner feel powerless and left out of the creative process.
If Scorpio North Node people find themselves in this situation,
they need to take the time to get more deeply in touch with their

partner. If they approach the partner with a genuine interest in his or
her motivations, they can begin to discover the other person’s
desires and needs. People have the enthusiasm to initiate action only
when they are motivated by something they want. Because Scorpio
North Node people are inherently motivated by money and comfort,
they assume everyone else is fired by those desires; but this is not
true. They need to help their partners get in touch with what
motivates them.
For example, the other person may want to break free from
inhibiting fears of success. Such a person would be motivated to
take action for the sake of breaking through his or her feelings of
limitation, and Scorpio North Nodes can remind the person that by
going after a new job, he or she will be taking a step toward
overcoming those fears. Perhaps what motivates the other is making
a contribution to society, or a desire to be in the limelight and get
attention from others. Scorpio North Node people are experts at
uncovering the hidden desires and drives of others, and they can put
their partners in touch with their own inner motivation. This in itself
is an empowerment. When the partner is supported by the Scorpio
North Node’s talent, he or she will go into action and the result will
include financial rewards. This is what these folks wanted—to build
self-esteem in their partner, and to achieve security and comfort for
both of them!
From past lives, Scorpio North Node people already have
confidence in their ability to get the task done. Now they are
teaching others to value themselves. By valuing others enough to
help them, they automatically empower the other person.
The only glitch occurs when these folks try to tell others how to
do things. This never works because they
don’t know the other
person’s talents and powers; they only know their own. For
example, if the Scorpio North Node person decides to run a 50-yard
race, he knows exactly how long his stride needs to be relative to
his height, leg length, and amount of speed needed to win. Now, the
person he’s empowering may be much shorter and have very short
legs. If
she tried to use the same stride as the Scorpio North Node
person, it wouldn’t be correct relative to her body and she would
never win the race.
Thus, these folks need to avoid the temptation to always tell the
other person what works for
them, and then conclude that the other
person’s way isn’t right. Such self-centeredness is tough for them to

control. But their job in this lifetime is to adapt what they know to
other person’s value system to help him or her win.
For example, if the shorter person wants to run the race, she
might say: “I want to figure out what my stride needs to be in
proportion to my height and my leg length.” The Scorpio North
Node person knows how he figured it out for himself, so he can
apply the same formula to the other person, taking into account her
body size, temperament, weaknesses, and strengths. These folks can
help others come up with a plan they feel good about that will work
for them—rather than doing it Scorpio North Nodes’ way.


Scorpio North Node people make excellent psychologists. They
are naturally attuned to the worries and longing of others. This is a
special talent that they haven’t had in past lives. When they free
their minds of the prejudice of their own values, they have an
incredible ability to enter the mindset of another person and
understand the other’s motives, needs, and values.
These folks know how to create success. They are learning that to
help others create success, they have to take the other person’s
psychology into account. Sometimes people take advantage of
Scorpio North Nodes’ giving nature without their being aware of it
until after the fact. They can avoid this by not accepting others’
proposals until they have had time to think about it and tune in to
the others’ motives: “Gosh—that sounds great! Let me think about
it and I’ll get back to you.” They tend to respond too quickly; they
are better off taking some time to tune in psychically to the other
person and the situation. If they feel energized, they can go for it.
However, if they get a bad feeling or begin to lose energy, it’s a
It’s important for these folks to pay attention to people’s motives.
This seldom occurs to them, so they sometimes get disappointed
and feel let down. They project that others operate from the same
values and are always being honest. But when they take the time to
study people’s motives, they can tell what people pretend to be and
what they really are.

The idea is to really investigate potential partners—Scorpio
North Nodes are the
best detectives! For them, it’s a partnership
lifetime, one-on-one, so it behooves them to examine the other
person’s ideas, motives, purposes, and values on a deep level.


These folks have a difficult time changing directions. They set a
goal, figure out how to get there, and their energy becomes so
focused that it’s almost impossible to turn around—even if they
discover halfway down the road that they’re on the wrong path.
I had a Scorpio North Node client, a teacher, who was on the
“Building Leadership Team” at a high school. The team was
working on making some changes. She came to the meeting with a
precise plan already worked out in her mind. When someone
suggested a different plan, she became very impatient. She tried to
convince the other that her way was the right way, and either that
the other’s idea was insignificant, or that it wouldn’t work, or that
the group didn’t have time to think about it. She had the exact plan
in her mind of “the only way to do it,” and anything else
represented a threat to her.
Synthesis can be difficult for these folks, since it is hard for them
to let go of their position long enough to actually take in what the
other person is saying. They need to deliberately train themselves to
focus on the shared objective—the result—and to think in terms of
how their ideas and the other person’s could combine to bring about
maximum success.
They are learning the art of synergy. The first step is to remember
that the people involved must always be more important than the
goal. It behooves Scorpio North Nodes to constantly remind
themselves of this. In the example at the high school, my client
should have focused on the people as most important. Then when
others brought up their ideas, she would have listened to their
perspectives and discovered what creative gifts they were bringing
to the project.
Seeing the people as more important is tough for Scorpio North
Nodes, and it takes practice. Usually they are in the middle of a
situation before they realize they’ve trampled on someone.

However, at that point they can stop and apologize: “I just realized
that I got so focused on
my idea that I didn’t hear your suggestion
clearly. I apologize if I’ve hurt your feelings.” Then they can make
a deliberate attempt to hear the other person’s idea.


Scorpio North Node people have a great deal of difficulty
breaking out of their stagnant ruts—they get “stuck” in situations
that are not satisfying for them. These folks have to be really
excited to break out of their routine. And when they are presented
with something that excites them, they must have the self-discipline
to follow through and stay on the path that feeds them energy. They
have to be willing to let go of factors that are holding them back.
In a way, Scorpio North Node people like to be in a rut, because
it’s comfortable and familiar. On the other hand, they know they’re
not getting enough out of life or having the experiences they want.
But there has to be a certain level of dissatisfaction for them to want
to do things differently. Discomfort and dissatisfaction prod them to
change and broaden their horizons.
For example, a Scorpio North Node person may want to move
because he is no longer comfortable in his current situation. Moving
takes a lot of energy: sorting through possessions, fixing up the
house to sell, and so on. He has to be willing to exert himself, and it
takes self-discipline to do the work required to make the change.
But if he does, the energy of “crisis” will feed him excitement and
spur him on—especially if he is going through it with a partner and
is willing to
not do everything “his way, the hard way.”
Thoroughness is an asset in the process of building but can be a
hindrance in making changes.
The energy of change is different from the energy of building.
The energy of building requires a thorough, step-by-step process.
However, the energy of change requires rapid, intense motion.
Scorpio North Node people must discard the old, go in a new
direction, get rid of things that are holding them back, and choose
quick results over perfection. If they move too slowly, they’ll lose

the momentum needed to make the change. Change itself will feed
them the adrenaline they need to get out of their rut, but they have
to keep moving!
It’s like a surfer in the ocean—if you deliberate too long, you
miss the wave. Scorpio North Node people have to catch the wave
of change; even though they may lose control temporarily and feel
fearful, if they stay on that wave it will take them to shore. To make
the change, they have to stay in touch with the new energy they are
feeling. In walking away from the old, it is bettet for them to
discard too much rather than too little. Hindsight will show that
making the change was a far wiser and more satisfying path than
anything they may have discarded along the way.


Scorpio North Node people don’t have an innate sense of
balance in their lives. They head in one direction, and their
consciousness becomes so tuned in to that direction that they can’t
see anything else—they just keep on going.
They become bound to the physical world, manipulating matter
and forgetting spirit. That’s why their lives are so difficult—they are
too materially oriented and there’s too much density around them.
For their own sake, they need to lighten up so they can travel more
easily through life. These folks are better off pulling back from their
material situation and reflecting on what they actually want to
experience in this lifetime. How can they put their material affairs
in order in a way that will give them the freedom to explore the
horizons that excite them? Since the input of others is helpful in this
lifetime, a monthly counseling session or a power meeting with a
friend for clarifying where they are going would definitely be wise.
It’s best for these folks not to allow themselves to pursue lines of
action or thinking that bog them down. They are learning to be less
attached to worldly things so that they can be free to soar in
spiritual realms and enjoy their psychological/astral connections
with others. This is a whole new realm of pleasure beyond the
strictly physical enjoyment they are accustomed to from past lives,
and it requires releasing attachment to the material plane. By

allowing their energy to combine with others, they detach
themselves from bondage to the strictly physical.
For example, if they buy a home and are faced with the project of
redecorating it, their first instinct is to do it
their way so they can be
attached to every part of it, because it reflects their style. This
approach leads to a perpetuation of bondage to past-life values and
the material realm; it equals “how to lose” for Scorpio North Node
If instead they bring in a decorator—or a friend with artistic
talents—and allow the other person to add expertise, remaining
open to doing it the other person’s way, then Scorpio North Nodes
will have a beautiful environment that they are not attached to. Then
they can live in comfort, supported by their environment without
being limited by it. This leaves them free to expand into the
psychological and astral worlds that are so invigorating for them.



Because of the compelling way that music can emotionally
support us in taking risks, I have written a healing song for each
nodal group to help shift its energy in a positive direction.



The healing message of this song can arouse Scorpio North
Nodes’ recognition of the energy available to them through
accepting change and successfully combining with others to create
mutual empowerment and reciprocity. Through welcoming the new
opportunities life brings, the tendency to “get stuck” can be
effortlessly bypassed.

Selected lyrics:

What’s the point in hanging on?
Your dream is true, but not the form
What brings you joy in life today
May come true a different way

Reach your arms up to the sky—
Greet the new that’s in your life today
Life sent it just to you,
’Cause You’re ready for something new
But you’ve got to let go of what’s already gone
You’ve got to let go, it’s time to move on
. . .

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.



North Node in Sagittarius

and North Node in the 9th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

Reliance on intuition, prophetic abilities, and
invisible guidance
Speaking from Higher Consciousness
Spontaneity—developing a sense of freedom and
Direct communication free from censorship
Trusting oneself
Spending time alone and in nature
Intuitive listening—hearing the meaning behind
the words


Tendencies to Leave Behind
Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable
Second-guessing what others are thinking
Perpetually seeking more information
Saying what others want to hear
Invalidating intuitive knowing with logic
Impatience—wanting immediate answers
Trusting others’ perceptions instead of one’s own
including others’ perceptions about oneself

Sagittarius North Node people’s Achilles’ heel is mental
security (“If I can figure out what other people are thinking and then
say the right thing so they’ll agree with my ideas, I will always feel
secure”). This can lead them into the trap of an unending search for
information (“If I can just get enough facts, I’ll be able to find the
‘truth,’ and then I will know what to do”). But it’s a bottomless pit:
They can never read people’s minds well enough to assure
themselves that they will say the right thing. They need to let go of
control and heed their own intuition. Trusting and acting from their
own truth brings out their integrity, which will draw the right people
to them to help them gain the security and peace of mind they seek.
The bottom line is that they will never have enough information
know what the “truth” is. At some point Sagittarius North Node
people simply have to go beyond logic to their intuition, and
demonstrate what their higher truth is telling them. Ironically, when
they have faith in their spiritual guidance, they will also gain a
correct perception of what is occurring around them.


What these people really want is to feel connected with others
while confidently being themselves. They want the total agreement
of everyone around them—for everyone to understand their point of
view, to accept and support them, and to recognize their positive
motivations. To achieve this, they try to manipulate people into
thinking their way. Using their talent for understanding others,
Sagittarius North Node people think they can say exactly the right
words to make others change their minds and agree with them. But
it doesn’t work; in order to reach their goals, they need to refocus
their attention on their own truth.
When Sagittarius North Node people speak the words they
intuitively feel, situations in which they find themselves come into
harmony. When they live and speak from their higher self,
companions who are not suitable withdraw and new people appear
who are compatible. As Sagittarius North Node people act in
accordance with their higher truth, others who are similarly attuned
innately understand them and prove the most trustworthy of friends,
as they share the same spiritual values.


These people are highly intuitive and excel in the psychic fields,
channeling and “reading” for others from their intuitive awareness.
They can also be highly successful in situations involving
interactions with foreign countries. These folks are the happiest, as
well as the most financially successful, when they use their talents
to find solutions. Good choices include: lawyer, religious or
spiritual leader, professor, publisher, or a role in advertising—any
way they can be involved in distributing ideas on a mass level or
promoting a cause they believe in.
Sagittarius North Node people have inherent gifts for
understanding the mindsets of others, so they often foresee probable
outcomes—the “writing on the wall.” When they verbalize the
truths they see through their intuitive process, their natural
communication skills create a win/win situation. However, if they
work in professions where understanding and reporting how others
think is the goal, they may not fare as well. Teaching mundane
subjects, or writing projects that deal with fact rather than
inspiration, can promote their uneasiness and fears of being hurt
unexpectedly. They are better off when they use their innate
writing/speaking abilities as a means of communicating and
implementing hig
her truths.

“When I follow my own sense of truth, I win.”
“My intuition will show me the right road,
spontaneously, as events occur.”
“When I let others be themselves, I am free.”
“When I trust my intuition and verbally
communicate what occurs to me in the moment, I




Sagittarius North Node people have spent many past lives in
positions where it was essential for them to understand how others
think: as teachers, writers, orators, and salespeople. Teachers aren’t
successful unless they understand their pupil’s thought process and
impart information in a way the pupil can accept.
Sagittarius North Node people came into this incarnation with the
talent of seeing everyone else’s point of view, but in the process
they have lost touch with their own truth. Now they need to connect
with their spirituality—and rediscover themselves.
The gift of understanding also means that these folks can talk to
anyone about anything—they have the gift of gab. They can see into
the mindset of the other person and keep small talk going for hours,
making the other person feel comfortable through an easy exchange
of friendly conversation and acceptance.
But they are so aware of the mindsets of other people that they
often overtranslate the others’ ideas. They think they need to speak
the other person’s words to be understood, and soon they get lost
and forget what they really wanted to say. Thus, when they “get
something” from their intuition, they should say it directly without
trying to edit or “translate” it.


Sagittarius North Node people have a tough time making
decisions. They are accustomed to seeing both sides, so even when
know what to do they also see the alternative viewpoint and get
confused. For example, if they ask themselves: “Should I go to the
party or stay home and rest?” they have an instinctive “knowing” or
“feeling” that tells them which choice will make them happy. But
then they question their knowing: “Yes, it would make me happy to
stay home and I need to rest, but if I don’t go to the party, maybe
I’ll miss something. . . . On the other hand, I really need the rest—

I’ve been out three nights in a row. . . . And yet this party might be
attended by some very interesting folks . . .” and on and on. Pretty
soon they can’t make a decision. To avoid this problem, they must
not allow themselves to question their first feeling of “knowing.”
Their intuition is almost 100 percent accurate. They are learning to
recognize it, rely on it, and allow it to lead them. Additionally, they
need to trust that they won’t “miss” anything or anyone that is truly
destined for them. When they follow their spontaneous inner
knowing, they will always be “on track.”
These folks are indecisive because they think of so many reasons
for going in any direction. It’s never just between yes and no—it’s
“yes, because of such-and-such” and “no, because of something
else”—until it becomes so convoluted that they can’t decide at all.


Sagittarius North Node people go through a lengthy and nervewracking process of second-guessing themselves (and others)
owing to insecurity. They don’t trust their intuition. In past
incarnations, they were so accustomed to being part of other
people’s lives and ideas that they lost touch with their own identity.
All their past lives of identifying with society have taught them
reliance on others. But now they need to rely on themselves—
without trying to “explain” their intuition. When they apply logic to
intuition, they become even more confused.
This process is very painful for them. They become so internally
conflicted that they feel they have no stable base. These people can
see the pros and cons of any decision, and by the time they’ve
thought through all the possible ramifications it feels like a “no
win” situation. The entire process is associated with loss: What do
they stand to lose with each of the different options? By focusing on
this negative aspect, they become more and more insecure.
Yet what these folks really want is to
win something. They have
to stay focused on their goal, and when they consider others, it
should be in terms of who can assist them in getting what they want.
The irony is that the minute they make a firm decision, the universe
supports them and everything works smoothly and beautifully!

However, before they reach this point, they drive the people
around them crazy because they want to check each decision with
everyone they know. Their good friends can hear what these folks
really are seeking behind their frantic, “logical” points of view and
lovingly point them back to their original, intuitive knowing.
Sagittarius North Node people need a lot more help to make their
dreams come true than they realize. They need spiritual help—
straight from the universe itself—to reach their goals, and it is
available to them in this lifetime if they are open to it.
They are learning that to take the next step toward their dreams, it
is necessary to let go of the step below. Loss is always part of a
greater gain. To gain the benefits of an independent lifestyle, they
must let go of dependency on their parents; to gain the benefits of a
promotion, they must let go of their former job. They need to stay
focused on gain—the new growth, environment, and people that
surround them as they work toward their goals and follow their
spontaneous inner prompting.
Sagittarius North Node people need to switch their sense of
responsibility from
evoking a desired response to being an accurate
for their gift of inner guidance. Instead of being the
caretaker, in this lifetime they are to be the initiator. It’s so simple if
they let it be! The minute they make the decision: “I’m choosing
this,” or “I’m taking that road,” they reach a new level. They don’t
have to go through the painful intermediate process of secondguessing themselves. All they have to do is to trust what they
intuitively feel to be right, decide to follow their intuitive path, and
use their logic to figure out the best way to make it happen.
When they’re trying to figure out how others will react, what they
are seeing is how others would react
before they make their
decision. But when Sagittarius North Node people
make the
decision, it actually changes the other person’s reaction. Thus,
Sagittarius North Nodes cannot logically predict how others will
respond to them. All their experience with decision making brings
them back to the same point: In this lifetime, it works when they
trust their intuition and follow their own path.


Owing to past lives of being enmeshed in society and dependent
on others, these folks have learned how to “get along” with just
about anyone. And in past incarnations they used deductive
reasoning to reach their goals. They came to a conclusion based on
the information they gathered, together with their awareness of the
desires of those around them. Their decisions were based on a
complex system of weighing all the factors, which led them to the
“right answer” for their situation. The process worked well for them
in past lives; however, in this lifetime deductive reasoning is not
scheduled to work for them. What is scheduled to work now is
inductive reasoning. This process is based on intuitively knowing
the “right answer” and using logic to figure out how to make it
happen on the practical level. It involves seeing the solution first
and then working backwards to determine how best to implement it.
Sagittarius North Node people have permission to be illogical in
this lifetime. In past lives they overused logic, and now they will
see everything as “somewhat right” because they can see the truth
in any point of view. Therefore, logic cannot bring them to any
accurate conclusion.
Overthinking causes other problems for these folks, too. They
have a tough time saying “no,” chiefly because they hate the
possibility of missing a potential opportunity for anything. Also,
they don’t want to alienate anyone’s goodwill. But when they
communicate a decision they have made, it’s perfectly fine for them
not to give all their logical reasons. They should just be honest
about it: “Thank you for offering me the opportunity. It sounds
wonderful, but I feel I should go in another direction right now.”
They will be surprised at how easily people accept their decisions
without the need for justification. If pressed, they can always say:
“It’s just a feeling; I really don’t have an explanation for it.” It’s
much better than doing things they don’t really want to do simply
because they can’t think of a good excuse to decline. It’s also better
than lying: In this incarnation, lies tend to confuse their identity.
Thinking or speaking in terms of options is counterproductive for
Sagittarius North Node people, and it doesn’t work for them to give
others options, either. They need to be direct: “This is what I want
and when I want it.” If the other person doesn’t like it he or she will
leave, making room for someone of greater affinity. If the other
does like it, he or she will support and respect the Sagittarius
North Node person and the relationship will become closer.

Facts are also not helpful to these folks, unless they are using
them as a springboard to launch their intuitive process. If they are
seeking more and more facts for the purpose of finally making a
decision, it’s an endless process. They can never get enough
information to feel certain about their decisions. When a decision is
based only on information, they change their mind when new
information becomes available.
But truth doesn’t change; so when they are making decisions
based on an inner feeling or intuitive knowing, they have the power
to stay with it. For example, I had a client with this nodal position
who was having digestive problems. She read a myriad of books but
was unable to heal herself. She would start down one path, read new
information, change her mind, and go in another direction. Then
one day she started a program that put her in touch with her own
truth: She fasted for three days and then gradually began to
reintroduce foods in a prescribed order, noting how her body
reacted to each one. She then concluded—from her own personal,
internal experience—which foods caused her problems. She is now
committed with 100 percent certainty (rare for these folks!) to
staying within her dietary guidelines because the decision is based
on her own personal experience.
If these folks have really lost touch with their intuitive knowing,
they could make a list of pros and cons regarding the matter
(“Should I buy a new car?” “Should I apply for this job?”). They
should write down
all the pros (“A new car would boost my spirits,
give me more self-confidence, provide reliable transportation, etc.”)
as well as
all the cons (“I would have to come up with extra money
each month; my mother will say I’m being extravagant; I’ll have to
sell my current car; etc.”), leaving nothing out. This helps empty
their minds of all concerns and considerations. Then, once
everything is written down, they can stand back and assess the
situation objectively. The process releases them to see the “bigger
picture” and puts them back in touch with their intuitive truth.


Too much “explanation” generally does not work for Sagittarius
North Node people. For example, if someone says something that
they interpret as “against” their goal, they insist on a full
explanation of what the other person meant. They will go over it
again and again, trying to use logic to talk the other person out of
his or her perspective. By hashing it out this way, they are actually
doing what they fear most: bringing negative ideas into powerful
focus and injecting negativity into the relationship. They are better
off letting the “small stuff” slide, unless their motive for questioning
the other person is actually to listen and learn more about the other.
If their motive is to talk someone out of his or her point of view,
they will generally lose in the interaction.


Debates do not work for Sagittarius North Node people. They
have too great a need for others to see life from their point of view.
For them, a debate is not a stimulating interchange between two
people meant to give both parties a broader view—these folks want
their point of view validated, so debates are about control. Others
sense this and tend to pull away.
When Sagittarius North Node people are trying to force their idea
of truth on others, they do very little listening. They focus on
manipulating the other person’s mind into alignment with what they
want. This approach can temporarily overpower the other person,
but the battle will continue!

These folks sometimes enter a debate inadvertently. If they
haven’t made a decision in their own minds, they may try to involve
another person in their intense logical process of wrestling it out.
The other person often gets angry and feels manipulated or forced
to come to a prearranged conclusion. Sagittarius North Node
doesn’t understand why the other person gets angry, but the other
person thinks Sagittarius North Node is trying to force acceptance
of a personally inappropriate opinion—the other person feels in a
battle to maintain his or her own integrity.
These folks are much better off staying away from debates
altogether. Whenever they try to win a point by getting their “logic”
involved, they are treading on thin ice. In such moments of
temptation, they should pull back to a peaceful place inside


If Sagittarius North Node people use their capacity for
understanding others to deceive others, they can get themselves in
trouble. Sometimes they get away with it for a while, but eventually
it backfires.
They may see a situation unfolding that—when they look at the
logical, linear progression of events—seems likely to leave them
with the short end of the stick. They panic and try to figure out how
to secure their position. They look at different ways the situation
could play itself out, then they go about influencing others’ thinking
so the results will turn out in their own favor.
However, when these folks get what they want by manipulating
others, they can only hold on to it through unending manipulation.
And it’s exhausting!
Their destiny in this lifetime is to channel healing truth,
optimism, and faith into the world. If they violate their destiny by
resorting to trickery to get their way, they inadvertently attract an
opponent stronger than themselves. All the opponent has to do to
win is be honest. If they refuse to align themselves as a channel of
honesty, they attract a situation where the truth will defeat them.
Sagittarius North Node people often panic when they view life
only from a logical base. For all of us, there are times when things

don’t go our way and the possible scenarios look pretty scary. This
is the time to remember faith. Logic does not include goodwill or
the fact that in the big picture, everything is working to our
advantage. If these folks look back over their lives, they will see
that every change has meant increase and improvement for them.
There are a thousand ways that a situation can unfold as people add
their own unexpected ingredients. If one has faith in an ultimately
positive outcome, the positive path will reveal itself.


Because Sagittarius North Node people are so friendly and want
to get along with others, they can slip into the habit of telling white
lies. Sometimes they seem to get away with it, but they are filled
with uneasiness because they know they are not standing on solid
ground. They have to stay alert to keep the lie going, and this
creates tension. Misrepresentation is not good karma for them, and
it inevitably backfires in unpleasant ways.
If they indulge in only a “little white lie”—hoping the other
person will forget the original agreement or will go along with a
“slight” lack of integrity on their part—they might as well forget it.
The discrepancy they sought to “cover” will inevitably come to
light in a way that is most embarrassing for them. But once they are
aware of the repercussions, these folks are too intelligent to waste
their mental energy on “covering up.”
Using manipulation to deal with others also severely limits
Sagittarius North Node people on a personal level—it is painful and
unnecessarily restrictive of their freedom in ways they may not even
recognize. These folks fear that if they can’t manipulate the other
person, they will have to go along with the other person’s will.
Aside from artful manipulation, they feel they don’t have any
power. But quite the contrary is true. Their strength in this
incarnation—their special gift—is truth. When they honestly and
directly reveal their own point of view, others respect what they say.
Other people will yield to them or respond in a straightforward way
that leads to greater understanding and trust.


Winning is very important to Sagittarius North Node people,
which is another reason they carefully consider all their options
before making a decision. The desire to move forward is so strong
for these folks that every decision becomes monumental—they
don’t want to make a mistake. Yet, if they look back over their lives,
they will see that when they followed their intuition they never
made the mistakes they feared they would. When they follow their
inner prompting, they don’t have regrets. The bottom line for these
folks is their desire to win and reach the next level—the desire to
win is correct and healthy for them.
In this lifetime, they want to escape the maelstrom of other
people’s thoughts; they want vitality on a new level. Thus, to base
their decisions on thinking from the old level will not help them
win; it will keep them “stuck” in the same place. They need to trust
whatever gives them a sense of energy and vitality, and that’s the
“win” they’re seeking. The “win” is a feeling for them—it’s growth
and the desire to move forward and up. So when an idea occurs to
them and they intuitively feel: “Yes, I should do that,” accompanied
by exciting, vital energy,
that is an energy they can trust and a path
that will lead to the new level they seek.
The opposite is also true for Sagittarius North Node people.
Whatever seems oppressive and makes them anxious is not an
appropriate choice. It’s better for them to say “no,” because
something about the situation will not turn out to their advantage.
However, their overactive mind will try to intervene and say: “It’s a
good thing and you have to do it, etc., etc.”
But when they give themselves permission to follow their
intuition, they can respond authentically. However, they must wait
until they have decided where they stand before responding. When
these folks are clear within themselves, they automatically present
their decision in a loving way the other person can accept.


The logic developed in past lives allows Sagittarius North Node
people to realize that it is self-defeating to view life from a negative
perspective. How we view our lives and circumstances determines
our emotional state. To augment the positive makes us happy and
Unfortunately, from so much past-life reliance on logic and
mental agility, these folks lost touch with the power of truth. They
tend to ignore the warning signals of their keen intuition and
continue to think positively, only to see important situations fall
apart. Then they feel totally unprepared—they didn’t see it coming.
To prevent this from happening again, they develop a “logical”
structure of fear to “protect” them from future pain. The following
scenario unfolds: Using logic, they think positively about a situation
and feel happy. Then, remembering past disappointments that
occurred when they felt confident, fear sets in. To avoid
disappointment, they think of all the possible negative outcomes
and become afraid and unhappy. The result of these mental
gymnastics is a basic distrust of life, of other people, and of
themselves. Therefore, in this lifetime, they need to learn to trust
intuition in order to avoid pain.
Their logic tells Sagittarius North Node people that no person or
situation merits total trust. People change, situations shift,
unexpected events occur, and we ourselves make mistakes. Who is
to be trusted? If they look back over their lives, the one thing that
has always accurately shown them the outcome of a situation is the
clear voice of their intuition. That is the factor they can trust.
As an illustration of how their gift of intuition works, recall old
horror movies. A familiar theme would repeat itself: The haunted
house would be on an isolated hill, way out of town. A carload of
teenagers would be driving by, laughing, carefree. As they passed
by the haunted house, the camera would zoom in on one of the tires,
and suddenly it would go flat. From the camera work and the scary
music, the audience would think: “Don’t go in that house!” The
camera would show a close-up of the face of one of the teenagers,
and intuitively he knew it, too! If they went into that house, terrible
things would happen. But his friends were careless and confident,
so he discounted his inner prompting and followed them into the
house—and, in fact, terrible things did happen.

This is a perfect story for Sagittarius North Node people. They
always know what’s going to happen beforehand. When they
discount their intuition and walk into a situation because of “logic”
or out of concern for what others will think, they always lose—and
sometimes terrible things happen. When they listen to their inner
prompting and follow their intuition, they always win. Their lives
become magical; they avoid pitfalls and keep experiencing


Sagittarius North Node people ate positive, cheerful, and
outgoing. They have happy, lighthearted connections with others,
and they have a helpful disposition. They are attuned to insight from
their Guides and Angels, and are open to higher inspiration. These
folks have a natural optimism and are willing to work hard to get
the results they feel are awaiting them.
Even if their thoughts are giving them negative messages, these
folks still act from their positive expectations for the future. They
may talk about their fears, but in their behavior they follow their
optimism. They know good things will happen for them if they do
their part.
Sagittarius North Node people have a feeling they’re going to
make it—and that’s what supports their cheerful disposition. They
see all the things that could go wrong, but they go forward and do it
anyway—no matter how much it costs. When they become
negative, it’s because they’re thinking too much. Their minds have
been very overactive in past lives, so their best bet now is to turn
things over to their higher self and ask their Guides to lead them in
the right direction. As they relax their minds, their natural faith in
positive outcomes will be able to re-establish itself.
One of the greatest gifts Sagittarius North Node people can share
with others is their unique ability to help people overcome negative
thoughts and to show them how to take a positive point of view.
When their writing or speaking takes that slant—directing people’s
minds toward faith in positive outcomes—their message is
welcomed by all who are exposed to it. Also, when they help others

focus on the bright side, these natives become brighter in their own




Although in past lives these folks were accustomed to
surrounding themselves with people, in this lifetime it’s essential for
them to spend a significant amount of time alone. When they get
away from people they gain clarity, connect with their truth, and
establish a sense of peace and well-being. Sometimes they are better
off when they don’t communicate and share their ideas. They may
get an insight and, because they were teachers in past lives, their
first instinct is to generously share their knowledge with everyone
else. But as they share, the power of their insight begins to
First, if people disagree with Sagittarius North Nodes’ truth, they
immediately try to see it from the other’s point of view. Even if the
other person doesn’t overtly disagree, Sagittarius North Node
people are so sensitive to the others’ reactions that they can feel any
objection at all; then they become insecure and the energy
dissipates. Instead, they should keep a new insight or revelation to
themselves until they have been nourished by it, integrated it, and
begun to demonstrate its effects in their own life.
For example, if these folks think that facing fear head-on turns it
into laughter, they should work on translating that insight into
action in their daily lives. In this way they become a personal
demonstration of this truth.


It’s very healthy for Sagittarius North Node people to retreat
from society: to spend time outdoors and get back in touch with

what is natural. It reminds them about being themselves and
strengthens their confidence in the power of their authenticity.
Nature’s cycles give them peace of mind and help them remember
that there is a plan unfolding that is larger than the manipulation of
people’s minds. The minutiae that tend to obsess them lose
importance. Spending time in the country gives these folks an
expanded view. Without that perspective, they can short-circuit:
Their minds are so active that they become overstimulated when
they spend too much time around people and the city.
Spending time with animals also helps Sagittarius North Node
people relax and gain clarity. When there is another living being in
their environment that is basic, simple, and real, they can center on
a calmer frequency. These people really benefit from seeing the
world through the eyes of a creature that is less complex than a
human. They need to keep their perception focused on simple
Likewise, foreign travel is good for these folks. With a foreign
language and an unfamiliar mindset, they are forced to see the
people around them in an uncomplicated, basic way. They become
aware of the simplicity and beauty of their fellow beings: their
customs and manners, and how they dress and interact with one
another. Sagittarius North Node people may think that what they are
enjoying is a simpler culture, but what they are actually enjoying is
their own capacity to view people and events in a simpler way.
These folks are hungering for simplicity. And for them, the path
to simplicity involves taking people at face value and trusting their
own intuition. As they learn to simplify and remain honest with
themselves, they automatically begin to view others in the same
way. As they begin to operate from a place of authenticity within
themselves, they will be able to imagine others also operating
without deceptions or ulterior motives. As their minds relax in this
way, their lives become more joyful.
On all levels, Sagittarius North Node people must get back in
touch with what is natural. For example, I had a client with this
nodal position who had a new puppy. One day while I was visiting
her she became agitated, repeatedly looking at her watch because it
was time to take the puppy for a walk. But the puppy was sleeping!
According to her “how to raise a puppy” book, it was time for a
walk—and all she could see were the rules.

This client was out of touch with what was actually occurring.
The puppy was sleeping, so, let her sleep! These folks need to get
back in touch with the miracle of life’s natural, peaceful unfolding
—and to trust the natural rhythms of people, relationships, and


For Sagittarius North Node people the key to being understood
and accepted—not on a temporary basis, but on a deep, permanent
level—lies in being themselves. Although these folks can often
predict how those around them will respond, sometimes they can be
surprised. For example, I had a Sagittarius North Node client who
had written a play about her early years and the people in her
family. She was terrified for certain family members to see it
because she thought it might be hurtful to them. While writing it,
she was second-guessing herself and trying to predict their
responses to every line.
She was particularly concerned about how her mother would
react to the play. Ultimately, the play was performed off-Broadway
and several of her relatives attended the opening night, including
her mother. Much to her surprise, they
loved it! Her mother was
beaming with pride at her daughter’s success. The relief my client
felt was incredible. Communicating her truth the way she saw it
created a win/win situation for everyone involved. Also, because
the play was honest (she told the story from
her point of view, not
from everyone else’s) it was a success with the general audience as
When the motive behind direct communication is to express
themselves—without intending to hurt or manipulate anyone else—
it always turns out well for these folks. It can even work for
Sagittarius North Node people to get a little bit righteous. They
have too great a tendency to go along with others’ ideas—fitting
into the nooks and crannies of other people’s lives, allowing
themselves to be taken advantage of. But when they say: “Hey—
you can’t do that to me! I don’t deserve that kind of treatment!” and
stand up for themselves, it works!


Sagittarius North Node people are so desperately seeking a
point of view that will give them peace of mind that they can
become attached to the philosophy of another person. For a while,
this system may work for them. They may even accept the
parameters of that belief system as the only truth” and be reluctant
to step beyond those boundaries.
This can cause problems in meaningful communication, as these
folks tend to insist that others conform to their vocabulary and basic
precepts before relating to them on a deep level. But they are using
logic to find Truth, and logic can only work when certain
assumptions are mutually agreed on. The philosophy they espouse
has given them comfort, and they don’t trust themselves to find
Truth on their own, beyond the limits of a structured definition.
They may try to use rationality and logic, instead of immersing
themselves in the energy of Truth itself.
It is fine for Sagittarius North Node people to temporarily adopt
the philosophy of another as a springboard to boost them toward
Truth; but once they have connected with the energy of Truth, their
best bet is to let go of the words that got them there.
These folks have much to learn from others to find the fullness of
the truth they are seeking. But they must listen and allow life to
teach them, rather than relying on books or outer authority figures.
Input from other people can help them see flaws in their thinking, as
well as offer alternative perceptions that enable them to achieve
practical success.
They are learning that any set belief system blocks them from a
living, vital connection with the wholeness of Truth. Truth is
beyond any point of view. It is an energy, not a concept. It is
eminently practical—it works! Truth is also moving (fluid), and
Sagittarius North Nodes are learning to allow Truth to lead them.


Sagittarius North Node people have been teachers in past lives,
and they continue trying to teach others now. Acceptance of their
ideas—their truth—by others is important to them. However, in this
lifetime acceptance of their ideas is not a barometer of whether they
are on track. Instead, they should focus on becoming an example of

their truth—applying Truth in their own behavior so it is selfevident.
These folks feel a tremendous spiritual void: They think they lack
something that is needed to give them strength and self-confidence.
Indeed, what is being overlooked is their own self. They have had
so many incarnations enmeshed in society that they have lost touch
with the silence and presence of their spiritual connection. Thus,
they have a deep need to reattune themselves to their spirituality.
Taking up the spiritual quest as a primary aim in this incarnation is
altogether appropriate for Sagittarius North Node people.
On one level, this need can be satisfied by reading spiritual books
and spending time by themselves in prayer or meditation. On a
“daily life” level, they can strengthen the connection with their
spirituality by acknowledging their desires. They tend to hold back
in communicating what they want for fear that their desires will not
be accepted by others. Yet desires are a prompting from the internal,
spiritual part of ourselves, urging us to go in a certain direction so
we can experience our own completion. Thus, when these folks
accept their desires and communicate them to others, they take a
step toward accepting themselves.
The irony is that as they begin to practice self-acceptance, they
find themselves feeling less desperate about being accepted by
others. They have been honest, true to themselves, and had the
courage to reveal their own desires. As a result, they feel a
tremendous satisfaction, fulfillment, and peace—a sense of
completion within.


An important goal for Sagittarius North Node people is to
practice the art of direct communication. This can be intimidating,
because in past lives they were manipulative and indirect. In this
lifetime they dislike those qualities in others but can inadvertently
participate in such behavior themselves.
These folks have the gift of words from past lives. They can
frame their communication so that others will agree; and they
referee arguments between groups or individuals who don’t
understand each other, not just by being diplomatic but by
manipulating both sides. They don’t like confrontations. If they can
make others agree with their point of view, they won’t have to risk
being direct because the other person will already see things the
way they see them. But in that process everyone loses, because the
interaction is not based on directness and truth. And then these folks
feel awful. They have betrayed themselves and betrayed the truth,
and some part of them knows it.
It’s better for Sagittarius North Node people to look at the truth
behind the situation and simply communicate what they see,
without logically “figuring out” what would be to their best
advantage. By trusting this, the power of Truth itself paves the way
for their success. The good feeling they will have is confirmation
that they are on the right path. It takes remembering and practicing,
but as they experience positive results, they will learn to trust it


These folks tend to mitigate what they have to say by first
considering how the other person will accept their words. This
results in an indirect communication, which means they’re sharing
only whatever they think will lead the other person to accept their
point of view. They fear losing the acceptance and support of

others, and they seek to keep the conversation on a light-hearted,
social level.
However, when Sagittarius North Node people communicate
directly, a happy exchange of mental energy can resume after the
issue has been openly addressed. If they see every “obstacle” (that
is, the other person having a different point of view) as the next step
in creating greater rapport, trusting that the universe is providing
things that will bring them closer to others, then each obstruction
becomes simply the next area of focus that will take them to their
Owing to past conditioning, these folks have a tendency to “pull
their punches,” fearing they’ll get in trouble if they speak up. But
habits that worked in past lives are not scheduled for success in this
incarnation: When they don’t speak up is when they get in trouble!
If they don’t tell others where they stand or what they want, they are
overlooked or ignored—which they really dislike.
Sagittarius North Node people have to be very direct. If they
compromise their words they’ll forget their point and lose their
energy. It can be scary for them to be themselves, but they can do it
if they see themselves as being a channel for the truth within.


It’s better when these folks make up their minds about where
they stand and what they want before discussing their decision with
others. For example, I had a client with this nodal position who was
an actress. A well-established New York producer offered her the
opportunity to audition for a part that called for a dancer and singer.
My client was a strong singer, but not so strong a dancer. Her
spontaneous response was: “Oh, no. This is going nowhere. Do I
really have to go through the ordeal of this audition?” Then came
the “logical” second-guessing of her original “knowing”: “What
will the producer say if I decline? Maybe he’ll take it personally and
not invite me to audition for his next play. What if this is an
opportunity leading to something really big and I just don’t see it?”
Finally, she called the producer and explained that she didn’t feel
she was right for the part because her strength was singing, not

dancing. After reconsidering, he agreed that it probably wasn’t the
right opportunity for her. The interaction ended on a positive note.
My client knew—in advance of the call—where she stood. The
conversation was a matter of communicating her point of view. She
had reached her decision
before talking to the producer, so she
could communicate directly and tactfully. The challenge for
Sagittarius North Nodes is to figure out where they stand. Once they
do this they automatically communicate their decision in a way that
allows others to be accepting and cooperative.


Sagittarius North Node people have a tremendous fear of being
misunderstood. To a large extent, they base their security and peace
of mind on having established feelings of rapport with others. Yet
for them to feel a solid sense of acceptance, this rapport must be
based on revealing their own truth.
These folks often get a sense of “right and wrong” as soon as
something is presented to them. Yet when they share what they
sense, others may think they’re “off the wall.” Time usually proves
their first impression to be right—so it’s okay for them to speak up
and remind others that their past intuitions have been correct.
Because of their desire for acceptance, they don’t want others to
think of them as “arrogant,” so they often downplay this ability. But
in fact, these perceptions aren’t their own ideas; they simply “see”
them intuitively. By pointing this out, they can make other people
aware of the advantage of connecting with their own intuitive
Sagittarius North Node people are learning to trust the accuracy
of their first inner feeling and not second-guess themselves later on.
Often when they interact with someone who is important to them,
they have an “all is well” feeling afterwards. Later, something they
said during the conversation comes to mind: “I wonder if he knew
what I meant by that? Oh,
no! He probably thinks that I think that
. . .” and they have an anxiety attack! The entire conversation
replays within their mind. They dissect it, noting all the places
where miscommunication might have occurred. Soon they are

convinced that there is a huge misunderstanding between
themselves and the other person.
They may think about calling the other person to explain
everything. But this generally confuses the situation—and the other
person may begin to doubt Sagittarius North Nodes’ sincerity.
These folks sense this, and then feel embarrassed and even more
insecure than before. In questioning the interaction they put
negative mental energy into the relationship, which harms their
connection with the other person. This entire process works against
Sagittarius North Node people need an accurate barometer of
what occurred in the original conversation. They have to learn to
trust their inner knowing: the feeling they have about the
immediately after wards. If they have an uneasy sense
that something was “not quite right,” their intuition is most likely
correct. Either the person wasn’t “being straight” with them, or
there was a misunderstanding. If their first feeling is that things
went well, they need to trust that feeling and not rehash the
conversation, using logic to tear it apart. For these people, intuition
is much more accurate than logic.
Sagittarius North Node people also have an incredible gift of
silent communication through the atmosphere. If they feel uneasy
about any relationship, they should go within themselves and send
love to the other person. That alone can be enough to stimulate a


One of the greatest challenges Sagittarius North Node people
face is achieving peace of mind. One viewpoint that could help is:
“Hey, this is all just an adventure! It’s an experiment, a discovery!”
The word “adventure” is magical for them: It means fun, expansion,
and learning.
While on the adventure they’ll discover more about other paths,
different from the one they’ve known. That requires a leap of faith
into the unknown; yet when they do it, everything turns to their
advantage and they feel vital and alive. Others see them as
enormously brave, but when they view their situation as an
adventure, they feel free to take chances and explore.
When they go with their own instincts, magic happens. And the
positive response in their energy field will feed them the
encouragement and enthusiasm they need to keep going.


Sagittarius North Node people are learning about patience. They
often want to rush results. What they see with their minds, they
want to have happen immediately. They are so identified with their
mental processes, and their mind works so fast, that they end up
traveling faster than the “natural flow.” When things don’t seem to
be going right, or seem out of order, these folks need to deliberately
slow themselves down and have patience. They need to wait and see
what is going to unfold next in the natural sequence of events.
But these folks often have the feeling that time is running out,
and their nervous energy can be very taxing to their bodies, their
nervous systems, and their general health. Sometimes a health
warning can jolt them into slowing down and becoming more
observant. They are learning to be more receptive to life—not
trying to control it. Slowing down allows them to get in touch with
the truth within the moment.

Sagittarius North Node people can also practice patience with
themselves. If they feel that something is “off” about an
opportunity, but something about it also makes a lot of sense, it may
be that the timing is not right. Their intuition is simply telling them:
“It is not right for you to proceed at this time.” Later on the internal
message may change, when the outer environment has come into a
more positive alignment.


Because of their tendency to become mentally overstimulated, it
can be tough for these folks to relax. Their minds are going
constantly, revving up their nervous systems, and they may have
difficulty sleeping from time to time. One challenge is to find ways
to relax. Many things can increase their sense of peacefulness.
Meditation is a great remedy: It calms the nervous system and
recharges them with peace. Hot baths and swimming are soothing,
as well. In fact, all kinds of interactions with water have a calming
effect—even a fish tank, a water view, or a tape of water sounds.
Regular exercise helps balance Sagittarius North Node people,
bringing their minds in tune with their bodies. Sports or outdoor
activities are great for them: jogging, biking, hiking, walking, rock
climbing, or camping. For deeper relaxation involving the mind,
they will be amazed at the wonderful results they can reap from
studying philosophy and spiritual or religious practices.




These folks have had a lot of people lifetimes: fitting in with
others, being interested in their daily routines, getting to know the
inner workings of their lives. Consequently, especially in the early
years, there’s always a lot of social activity with people calling,
“hanging out” with friends, and attending social events. Yet in this
incarnation, socializing doesn’t fulfill their deepest needs. In fact,
being with people too much drains their energy and makes them
overly sensitive and insecure. They feel clearer when they spend
time alone.
If Sagittarius North Node people become more direct in their
communication and lessen their involvement in conversations that
don’t really interest them, they find that people with whom they
have little in common begin to leave their circle of friends. Yet their
good friends appreciate their directness, so being direct helps them
discriminate between people who belong around them and those
without any deep connection.
These folks can be great advisors. They readily listen to
everyone’s stories and try to help them; because they understand
how others think, everyone feels comfortable with them. But it’s to
their advantage when the quantity of people around them
diminishes, as they can spend more time with like-minded friends
who nurture them in return.
Sagittarius North Node people sometimes remain in superficial
relationships because they have an insatiable need for attention.
They will do anything for it: make up stories, pretend to be curious
about people when they are not really interested, and even create
unnecessary problems in their lives so they can be the center of
attention. Underneath this need is a sense of restlessness and a fear
of boredom. They are so terrified of boredom that every time they

come up against it, they run the other way and try to distract
In their friendships, these folks need to be careful about indulging
in gossip. Other people seem to get away with it, but whenever
these folks participate in gossip, life really lets them have it. It’s just
one of those things they are not allowed to do in this lifetime.


Sagittarius North Node people are learning that if they
manipulate their partner, they end up being trapped themselves. In
romantic relationships, they seek control by forming a close bond
with their mate. They keep the lines of communication open all the
time—at least superficially—so they can share their partner’s “mind
space” and keep the situation under control. These folks stay
connected with their partners through constant phone calls and the
like, and they are very sensitive to any pulling back on the other
person’s part.
Unfortunately, this communication is happening on a superficial,
“chatty” level, and it never addresses the underlying, significant
issues in the relationship. But these folks feel very insecure without
the constant checking-in; they’re afraid they’ll lose control and the
other person will leave. They can spend the whole day “chatting”:
discussing this and that, bringing the partner up to date on the latest
news, and sharing their thoughts.
Over the years, Sagittarius North Node people grow weary of the
constant mental interaction they think they need just to maintain
control. They may become bored and think about leaving the
relationship, especially if they haven’t been able to manipulate the
other person into doing what they want. Yet by that time, they have
not only trapped the other person into dependency—they have also
trapped themselves. And they become increasingly confused and
mentally weak the longer the co-dependency continues. Often they
try to break the bond they have forged, becoming angry with the
partner to create mental distance and regain a sense of freedom and
independence. Sometimes they devise a “plan of escape,” taking the
partner totally by surprise when they leave.

There is nothing wrong with having preferences regarding a
mate’s behavior; however, these folks would save time and energy
by taking a more direct approach in the beginning of a relationship.
They have the idea that after marriage, through cheerful
manipulation of the other person, they will slowly change the
partner’s behavior. But this technique is not scheduled to work for
them in this lifetime.
Once mutual attraction has been established, Sagittarius North
Node people should reveal their ideas about creating a life filled
with a sense of adventure and fun. When they have openly shared
their fantasies of their future, they will see whether or not the other
person resonates with their dreams. If they meet resistance, no
amount of mental manipulation over a thirty-year marriage will
change the other person. If they meet with enthusiasm and support,
the potential is there for a good relationship.
These folks occasionally get so caught up in their mental
processes that they lose touch with their bodies and their sexuality.
They almost seem to get lost in their minds! To come down to earth,
they might try a camping trip or an outdoor adventure. Being in
natural environments calms their high-frequency nervous system
and allows them to re-establish their natural sensuality and bodily
rhythms. Also, when they view sex as fun or an unexpected
adventure, they reconnect.
Sometimes these people think they don’t attract the right
romantic candidates. But this happens because they are not being
themselves; they’re being a chameleon in order to be accepted.
They use logic to pick a romantic partner, then they use their ability
to understand how the person thinks to create artificial harmony.
But when they constantly alter their ideas so the other person will
accept them, they dilute their own sense of who they are and what
they want.
Relationships based on truth maintain themselves naturally. Just
by being oneself, the other person stays happy and giving.
Relationships based on manipulation must be maintained by
manipulation. When these folks respond naturally and directly,
those who are attracted by their true nature will draw closer.
Sagittarius North Node people need to be with a mate who can
resonate with
their truth! And they can only find such a person by
being themselves and speaking directly.


Sagittarius North Node people are learning that loyalty is not
based on pitting one person against another. This is temporary
loyalty that breaks down under stress. Loyalty really means
consistently supporting loved ones in reaching goals and doing what
they say they are going to do. Until these folks learn to keep their
word—simply because they have
given their word—loyalty from
others will elude them.


In close relationships, these folks face the temptation of using
their mental agility to trick the other person into changing. They are
trying to be tactful, but it is really manipulation—and the other
person will resist. For example, the native may say to herself: “He’s
perfect, but
he has to change in this one area. If I make him see life
differently, he’ll change.” But this tactic doesn’t work over the long
haul. It results in resentment, anger, and wasted time.
A direct approach works much better. For example, Sagittarius
North Node could say: “Look, I love everything about you.
However, the right man for me will
also have this one certain
quality. Are you willing to develop that quality within yourself?”
These folks have natural tact. They don’t need to worry about
saying the wrong thing. Their challenge is to take a stand and then
see how the other person responds.
Being direct does not mean being angry with the other person.
Being direct simply means they have to tell the truth. They should
be assertive but not aggressive. Assertiveness involves stating
things as they are; aggressiveness involves having anger as a
motivation. Aggressiveness is aimed at the other person, but
Sagittarius North Nodes need to aim for their own truth.
Sometimes when these folks speak directly, they become very
emotional. They feel vulnerable, and their feelings are very intense

because they’ve been bottled up for so long. Initially, when these
folks begin to speak, these emotions may flow out with their words.
But that’s fine—it will work to their advantage.


Sagittarius North Node people see everything from so many
points of view that they have a tough time holding any belief or
perception as “sacred.” Because of this, they may mislead others
about their motives or intentions. For them, it can be a matter of
deciding what they have to say to get what they want. They may
even put others down for being honest: “Why did he say that? That
was stupid! Now he won’t get what he wants. He
should have just
said what they wanted to hear.” These folks often don’t recognize
the inherent value of telling the truth. They lack faith in the
goodness of life and the benefits of following natural law. They
think everything depends on their ability to outmaneuver others. But
they are discovering the strength, calm, and confidence that emerge
when one’s words are a true reflection of one’s inner being. There is
nothing to hide, no reason to be “on guard,” and no need to use
mental energy “covering their tracks.” They are also learning to
trust in positive outcomes—if they are honest, the “right things”
will happen.
When they are not operating with integrity, they often project this
onto others and become suspicious about what people are “up to.”
This leads to paranoia, mistrust, and anguish, since they assume that
others are also trying to trick and outmaneuver
Honesty—Truth—Freedom . . . these three energies are
interdependent. Without Honesty, Sagittarius North Node people
will never see Truth and obtain Freedom. The habit of dishonesty
leads to confusion, and when we confuse others, we end up being
victimized by confusion in our own lives. Sagittarius North Node
people are learning that their greatest protection against ambush or
trickery from others is to be straightforward themselves.


In spite of the fact that these folks have a strong ability to
understand others, they often do not truly listen to what the other
person is saying. They get so distracted by sharing their own
predetermined point of view, or by what they want the other person
to think of them, that there is no true communication or mutual
Sagittarius North Node people need to develop more
peacefulness in their conversations—a stronger desire to find Truth
through a mutual sharing of ideas. In this process they will retain
their own truth at the same time that they heed their intuition
regarding others’ words being accurate and relevant. They have had
so many past lives as teachers and interpreters that they tend to
listen too “exactly” to the words people use. In this lifetime, rather
than listening to the words with both ears, they are better off
listening with one ear and attuning their other ear to their own
intuition. When they listen with their intuition rather than with their
logic, they will truly understand what is being said and will be able
to create a nurturing rapport with others.


Because these folks have a tough time defining their own
personal truth, they assume that others have the same problem. But
this is not the case. They are learning to accept that what others say
about their (the others’) motives, desires, interests, and values
is true. True communication requires a willingness to go
beyond logic to the truth the other person is offering. The tendency

of Sagittarius North Node people to reduce conversation to a
sharing of predictable words, rather than allowing it to be a vehicle
through which a higher truth emerges, can lead to misunderstanding
in relationships.
Motive is everything. If the native’s motive is to listen and grow
closer to Truth through the interchange of words, he will win and so
will the other person. When his motive is to appear intelligent and
show mental superiority, his spontaneity leads to carelessness,
painful misunderstandings, and missed opportunities.


Sagittarius North Node people need to see their interactions
with others as opportunities to find “higher solutions” to their
not as times to tap into an endless stream of information.
Questions and curiosity do not work for these folks. They already
see too many options. They need to let go of their desire to question
and simply be open to what their intuitive process shows them. On
the intuitive level, they are brilliant.
Even in the closest friendships, misunderstandings arise. If the
Sagittarius North Node person doesn’t honestly, directly, and
immediately communicate his hurts and fears, negative thoughts
will “simmer.” Over time, these “withholds” accumulate and the
relationship dissipates. In this way, Sagittarius North Node loses
friendships that could have brought nurturing rewards over a
lifetime. But if the Sagittarius North Node person directly
communicates what he is feeling and thinking, his friend has a
chance to accept him, understand him better, and be more
supportive. The obstacle becomes a way for a deeper alliance to be
These folks are learning that the best resolutions come out of a
blending of two people’s ideas—a higher perception than either one
could have attained on his or her own. Truth is an energy, not a
personal opinion; it cannot be reached with two concepts struggling
against each other to be “right.” The energy of Truth is accessed
through two people who are being open to each other’s ideas and
wanting to find Truth together.


Owing to so many past incarnations spent in the midst of
society, Sagittarius North Node people have become overly
sensitized to others’ opinions and overly attached to doing things in
a way that is socially acceptable. They place too much emphasis on
“good manners” and are constantly mindful of the social graces,
including tact, courtesy, and discretion. Thus, they do not
understand when others behave with rudeness, crudeness, or just a
general lack of etiquette.
Each of us has our own karmic history, and only the Sagittarius
North Node people have an overabundance of past lives spent
learning about the rules of society. Rather than condemn people for
not embodying the social graces, these folks can help others learn
how to interact in a way that is supportive to society as a whole.
This is a gift they have to share.
For instance, these folks don’t want to put anyone in a situation
of having to say “no”—they want to be gracious and keep the
interchange friendly. They are aware of how others think and have a
keen sense of when the timing is right to present an idea. Therefore,
they do not understand when people put
them in the often awkward
position of having to say “no.” When others put them in this
position, these natives think it is purposeful and unfair. In fact, other
don’t realize they are putting anyone in a difficult situation.
Sagittarius North Node people are so aware of others’ thoughts
that they can tell when something they said or did hurt the other
person, and they feel badly. They are kindly people and don’t want
to hurt others. However, it is also important to take their own
feelings into account. When they hold back and don’t speak
they get hurt. But when they have been direct (not in a
hurtful way, but in a forthright way), they have taken responsibility
for themselves. Only then are they in a position to help others.


Sagittarius North Node people can be insecure in social
situations. Primarily, this is because they are oversensitive to what
other people think about them. They may start out feeling inwardly
calm and happy from having spent time alone. Then, after an
evening of interaction, they return home besieged with thoughts
about what others said, what they meant, how they treated the
native—and all the possible hidden meanings. In defense, they form
harsh judgments about how they think others were viewing them,
and then they shut down, pull back, and resolve never to go out
again. Social interactions can be hurtful for these folks when they
allow their minds to become overstimulated.
For example, I had a Sagittarius North Node client who told me
about something that was a consistent source of upset for her. Every
day she would go to a coffee shop near her office, order a large cup
of hot water, and pay five cents for the cup. Because her digestive
system was sensitive, she preferred to drink only hot water. Each
day, the same young girl at the counter gave my client a look that
she interpreted to be degrading. Finally, my client said: “Do you
have a problem with my order? I have the impression that it bothers
you, and I want you to know that I can’t drink anything but hot
water, so that’s all I can order.” The girl broke into a big smile and
said: “I don’t have any problem with that!” And my client felt at
ease again.
When Sagittarius North Node people finally communicate in
these situations, they almost always find that what they took
personally is actually just a reflection of the other person’s mood
and a lack of awareness of how they ate affecting others. Rather
than pretending that the other person isn’t affecting them, or
running away from people because of their sensitivity, Sagittarius
North Node people should take a direct approach that allows them
to maintain their own integrity. In the process of acknowledging
their vulnerability, they become
invulnerable to victimization by
others’ thoughts.


Sagittarius North Node people are proud of being able to see
things from everyone else’s point of view—but doing it drives them
nuts. They are so aware of how others are viewing them moment to
moment that they close down because they feel too vulnerable.
Although they appear friendly and open, many times they are
actually “closed” out of fear of being judged by others.
These folks need to step back from the situation and become
aware of the overall picture. Once they gain perspective, they can
use their power with words to say something that will make the
other person feel better. For example, stepping back and
recognizing how much pressure the young girl at the coffee shop
was under, my client could have said: “I guess things get pretty
busy around here at lunchtime,” which would have validated the
waitress’s situation and established the rapport she was seeking.
There is no one better equipped than these folks to project mental
lightness, ease, and a feeling of acceptance. And when they do that
in the moment, with that one other person, it benefits not only
themselves but the whole planet. They have used their past-life
powers of communication to help their neighbor. This is not a
lifetime where they should limit the scope of their interests to those
in their immediate environment. They are here to restore a positive
mental attitude to whoever comes across their path.


These folks often think they have a hard time with words and
communication. In fact, they communicate very well; but they often
feel they’re struggling. Because they are so accurate with words and
are so aware of the mindset of the other person, they are hoping to
find the exact word that will speak in the other person’s language as
well as convey precisely what they mean. Obviously, going through
such mental gymnastics in the process of a simple conversation can
be a struggle.
Sagittarius North Node people don’t realize that most people
communicate with less precision. Others are less preoccupied with
words—and perhaps more careless—more intent on simply
expressing what’s inside of them. But the issue of words is
important to Sagittarius North Nodes. They have a tendency to
listen too closely to others’ words and miss the meaning. They may
even keep interrupting and correcting the other person, which
misses the point entirely—and makes the other person frustrated!
These folks are not trying to antagonize the other person by
changing his or her words; they’re
trying to communicate.
Sometimes, Sagittarius North Node people will pick out one
word the other person has used and go off on a tangent: “What is
this person talking about—’real’ . . .” and they go on and on about
what “real” means to
them. When a word “stops” them, they need to
ask the other person what it means to him or her. That helps the
Sagittarius North Node person attune to the other person and
loosens the attachment to specific words. Even though these people
are often highly intelligent, their attachment to words can impede
their intellect and “bog down” the conversation for others. They
must see beyond the words to the meaning of what is being said.




Sagittarius North Node people are learning to trust themselves
and their inner knowledge of what is “true.” Theirs is an irrational
kind of knowing—an intuitive feeling about the truth of a situation.
Because it’s irrational, they often question their conclusions, and
their ability to make decisions becomes paralyzed. But when they
trust logic as an accurate barometer of the situation, they generally
lose. As long as they trust their inner knowledge, they generally
Sagittarius North Node people worry about others’ responses to
every move they make. They jump past their intuitive knowing to
what they “should” do to please everyone else. Their challenge in
this lifetime is to stick with what they feel and take action
appropriate to that initial knowing. Once they have made a decision,
other people come into alignment with them and give them support
and strength—it’s simple! They have such complex minds that it
can be a challenge to defy their logic and, instead, trust the
simplicity of their intuition.
These folks are strongly motivated to help others. But they need
to recognize that the best help they can be in this lifetime is to share
with others what they’re
intuitively given, allowing themselves to be
a channel for their gifts and keeping their ego (and their secondguessing) out of the way. As long as their motive is pure, Sagittarius
North Node people can trust their inner knowing in any situation.
Discerning the other person’s motive will help Sagittarius North
Node people know when to be open to another person’s point of
view and when to be cautious. What ate the needs and desires of the
other person? What does the other person consider important in

For example, if the other person considers social image important
(having more money or possessions than her neighbors, or the
approval of her peers), then all her ideas will reflect her perception
of how to succeed in the material world. If the Sagittarius North
Node person’s values are different, he might not get much out of the
other person’s ideas of “truth.”
Sagittarius North Node must also ask: What is the specific motive
of the other person toward me? Does she want to be helpful and
supportive, or is she just seeking a sounding board for her own
opinions? When Sagittarius North Node listens to his intuition, he
can feel the other person’s motive: If it is to help and support, then
it is to the native’s advantage to allow the other person’s truth to
reach him.


The absolute necessity of living a life of integrity can be a
difficult lesson for Sagittarius North Node people. They are so
accustomed to justifying their position by seeing all points of view
that it is very easy for them to overlook the integrity of aligning
oneself with the truth of one’s own being and acting from that
center regardless of the consequences. This can be tough, because
these folks so often get their way through being “nice,” using tact
and saying what people want to hear.
However, for their lives to become strong, these folks must
commit to living by the principle of morality. Just as one cannot
violate the law of gravity without falling, these folks cannot violate
spiritual laws without suffering painful consequences. Thus, it is to
their advantage to acquaint themselves with the spiritual laws
operating on this earthly plane and cooperate with them rather than
resist them.
Sagittarius North Node people are also learning that the outcome
of lying is always destructive. Lies may seem to succeed
temporarily—or lull a difficult situation into status quo—but this
only postpones facing an outcome based on truth. The
postponement may even cause a deteriorating situation to go
beyond the point of no return. The underlying truth in any
circumstance is always the key to change, renewed growth, and

greater aliveness; and it is the only way to discern natural
Sagittarius North Node people are discovering that even on the
most mundane level, lies in all forms represent a breaking of a
higher, universal law. Ultimately, lying results in lack of clarity
about one’s own nature, distrust of others, isolation, and anxiety.
The “temporary fix” that lies provide holds no true resolution, but
instead leads to more lies, more confusion, and decreased personal
power. On the other hand, speaking with love, honesty, and caring
creates receptivity in the other person, empowering both people to
be themselves in a way that leads them to even greater intimacy.
Being of service wherever they can is a quality of love in this
nodal group. They are capable of handling lots of information and
doing lots of things at once, so they become a cog in the wheel that
makes things run smoothly for everyone else. Their desire to help
needs to be focused on being true to the voice within themselves,
rather than all the other voices they hear. Once again, they need to
release worry about what everyone is thinking and just do what they
know is right. By setting an example, they more deeply serve others
through their own expression of a Higher Power. The infusion of
truth into daily life is a key lesson Sagittarius North Node people
are learning; and as they learn, they teach.
Through direct communication of what they
sense to be true, they
are acting in alignment with a larger picture that they may not
understand but
feel is correct. Experience has shown them that
others didn’t respond as expected once they took their stand. So
they might as well align themselves with the power and protection
of speaking their truth—being a mouthpiece for what they feel to be
correct—and see how the drama around them unfolds. They will
find that taking the leap of faith adds more adventure to their lives!


These folks have spent so many lifetimes seeing things from so
many different points of view that they are often naive and
shortsighted, not looking far enough ahead to realize the
consequences of their actions. They feel vacant spiritually: bereft of
the joy, faith, and substance others seem to have. In this incarnation,
Sagittarius North Node people have the job of connecting with their
spirituality and walking the spiritual path.
To restore their spiritual connection, they must work to maintain
integrity, morality, and commitment—putting their allegiance to
Truth instead of falling to the temptations of manipulation and
trickery. When they walk the spiritual path and trust and follow
principles of Truth and honesty in their daily lives, the whole world
yields to them and they attract those things that truly make them


Sagittarius North Node people see everything as a point of view
and thus tend to discount integrity as an absolute. If they are
tempted to do something for personal gain at someone else’s
expense, their conscience will admonish them: “No—don’t do that.
That’s not right.” But then they may use logic to rationalize their
way out of it: “It doesn’t feel like that’s the right thing to do. But if I
don’t do it, this thing or that thing could happen. And it isn’t really
such a bad thing.” By considering the situation from so many
different points of view, they lose sight of the
truthful view and end
up justifying a decision based on self-interest.
Truth is not a point of view; if Sagittarius North Node people act
against the voice of their conscience, they always lose. They lose
the connection with their own spirituality—because their bad
decision closes the door to the sense of well-being they seek. They
also expose themselves to unexpected material loss, since the

situation may well backfire further down the line. They cannot
expect to gain the benefits of spiritual peace if they are not living
truthfully in their daily lives.
These folks rob themselves of divine protection when they rob
others by disobeying their conscience. When they turn their back on
the Light by not choosing Right Action, they open themselves to
manifestations of negative energy. Negative things, seemingly
unrelated to things they have done, begin to affect their lives. They
may suffer unexpected financial losses, betrayals, even public
disgraces; emergency and crisis follow one after another. Other
repercussions of ignoring their conscience include general unrest
and anxiety—a sense that “all is not well.”
Their only redemption lies in turning back to their spiritual path
and promising—on the deepest level—to follow the voice of their
conscience and intuition. For these folks, loyalty to Truth is vital in
order to disconnect from the realm of superficiality and reclaim
their moral and spiritual strength. They know that when they
consistently practice the principles of Truth and Integrity in their
own personal lives, they gain the peace of mind they seek. When
they choose Right Action over desired results, they make
themselves worthy of receiving the greatest gifts life has to offer.


Sagittarius North Node people have had so many past lives
making decisions that benefited them temporarily that they are
accustomed to a shortsighted view. Yet commitment—keeping their
word, no matter what—builds moral strength that will lead to peace
and joy. These folks can easily talk themselves out of keeping their
word by seeing an alternate perspective that justifies their behavior.
Commitment doesn’t mean staying with something (a job, a
relationship, etc.) if it becomes destructive or devitalizing.
Commitment means being direct about one’s intentions and, if the
situation changes, communicating honestly with the other person.
Essentially, it is commitment to follow one’s own integrity—it is a
commitment to Truth.
Sagittarius North Node people are learning to keep their word. If
they promise to do something or to be somewhere at a certain time,

they should keep the appointment as if their life depended on it. In a
way, it does. When they keep their word 100 percent, their word
gains strength. Any breach of integrity causes their word to lose
power and the universe to pull back its support. If they always
support their commitments (or communicate in advance when they
cannot), others will come into alignment with them to support the
things Sagittarius North Node people seek. They are learning the
power of loyalty. It’s simple: Their joy and peace lie in walking the
straight and narrow path.


Sagittarius North Node people are most successful when they
listen to their internal responses. For example, when the outside
environment gives them something to make a decision about, their
inner knowing will immediately say “yes” or “no.” They don’t
always realize they’re being directed, but these folks have a special
connection with their Guides—their personalized sense of Higher
Power—that clearly shows them which direction to follow.
Sometimes they feel the guidance is unavailable, but actually
they’re just blocking it. It’s always there for them when they quiet
their minds, tune in, and listen for an answer.
Along the way on their adventure, spiritual truths and insights
will occur to them, and they will need to begin applying them in
their daily lives. Their pathway may not display much logic, and
they may occasionally feel foolish following their guidance without
any preplanned route. Sometimes this guidance may cause them to
go in an unexpected direction and have an adventure they can’t
predict—yet when they follow it, they win.
These folks are learning to discriminate between impulsiveness
and spontaneity. When they act impulsively, they lose. For them,
impulsiveness can be an obsession. When they allow their minds to
go into overdrive, especially relative to their fears of how a situation
may turn out, they feel compelled to do something to regain their
peace of mind. But here, motive determines the result. When
Sagittarius North Node tries to change the other person’s point of
view so he (Sagittarius North Node) can get what he wants, then
impulsive action results in less security for him.
On the other hand, spontaneity is the absence of obsession—it
means being free to act without thinking. Spontaneity is in
alignment with Truth; there’s no manipulation behind it.

Spontaneous people are sharing their truth in the moment, with no
fear, ego involvement, or conscious motive driving them. When
these folks respond to a situation in this way, they always take the
right action or say words that are in their best interest. Also, they
gain peace of mind because they know the action was not driven by
any hidden agenda. Owing to the purity of their motive, they can
trust that the long-term results will be in the best interests of
everyone involved.


In past lives, Sagittarius North Node people became reliant on
the “social mind”—the part of their thinking that tells them how to
survive in the context of society. Through many past incarnations of
losing themselves in the mindsets of others, they came into this
incarnation without knowing what their own ideas are. In a way,
this is beneficial. They have no preconceived beliefs and are
therefore open to ideas from their higher—or intuitive—mind. Yet
they are totally unaccustomed to trusting this gift of spiritual
In this life, they have such wonderful psychic and intuitive gifts
that they can help others, even professionally, if they want to. They
are natural channels of Truth. They can be unparalleled in reading
Tarot cards. The “feeling” messages of the pictures, combined with
Sagittarius North Nodes’ natural mental fluidity, can boost them and
others to new, creative ways of viewing life.
These folks also have the gift of direct access to their spiritual
Guides. When Sagittarius North Node says: “Okay—this is what I
want” and starts following her defined aim, then she is “on path.”
Her job is to allow her inner guidance to lead her directly to her
goal. For example, she may decide she wants an active social life
and a happy romantic relationship, and then a friend says: “Would
you like to go to a party Saturday night?” If her energy soars, that’s
her Guides’ way of telling her that going to the party will further
her goal.
But then Sagittarius North Node starts second-guessing herself:
“Well, the people who invited me will invite other people who are
not likely romantic candidates anyway. And my other friend invited

me to see a movie Saturday night. And I don’t have the perfect
outfit, so even if I did meet someone, it probably wouldn’t work out
because I wouldn’t look good.” After these complex mental
gymnastics, she doesn’t go to the party. Later she complains: “I
never get what I want!” Second-guessing equals “how to lose” for
these folks!
When her spirit spontaneously soars, her job is to follow that
soaring feeling, that intuitive
“Yes!”—regardless of what her mind
says. It’s an adventure to see where that path will lead if she follows
that happy feeling. In this way, she allows her Guides to help her
realize her dreams.
These folks are surrounded by Guides and Angels. It is not a “doit-yourself” lifetime for them. This higher information and guidance
translate through the intuitive process, so it’s perfectly fine for them
to be illogical in this lifetime—relying on “feelings” rather than the
conscious mind.
Sagittarius North Node people spend so much time thinking
about what
others think, they should worry about their poor Guides
and how
they feel! Their Guides’ job is to direct them toward what
will make them happy—and these folks keep invalidating the
guidance. The Guides can see a lot farther than they can, so the
Guides go to great lengths to get everything set up just right—but
then the Sagittarius North Node person starts following logic
instead of the happy feeling his Guides give him! If Sagittarius
North Node people don’t follow their intuitions, their Guides can’t
help give them what they want. But it could be so easy: All they
have to do is to follow their sense of adventure and their intuitive
knowing—and joy will find



Music has a unique power to emotionally support us in taking
risks, so I have written a healing song for each nodal group to help
shift its energy in a positive way.



The lyrics of this song impart a message meant to bolster
confidence and encourage Sagittarius North Nodes’ subconscious to
take the leap of faith necessary to follow their inner knowing,
instead of their mental process. Once they learn to trust in the
positive spiritual forces surrounding them, they reconnect with the
peace of mind they have been seeking.

Selected lyrics:

So now I’m here, and it wasn’t so hard at all
To become what I saw, ’cause I believed it in my heart
And it’s so much more than words—but I had to do my part
Looking back I can recall, that the hardest part of all
Was a risk to my whole Being
It took so much trusting
. . .

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”


North Node in Capricorn

and North Node in the 10th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

Approaching life from an adult position
Staying goal oriented
Sensible approaches to problem solving
Keeping commitments and promises
Letting go of the past
Accepting responsibility for success


Tendencies to Leave Behind
Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable
Insecurity leading to inaction
Limiting self through fear
Using the past to avoid the present
Isolation—spending too much time at home
Lack of self-respect
Avoidance of personal risk
Controlling overreactions others through emotional



The Achilles’ heel Capricorn North Node people need to be
aware of is dependence. The desire to be taken care of (“If there’s
no one to take care of me, I won’t survive”) can lead them into the
trap of an unending search for security (“If I can just get a strong
enough foundation under me, I’ll have the energy I need to take
charge of my life”). They develop emotional dependencies on
others, which force people into becoming a basis for their security.
But it’s a bottomless pit: They can never get enough reassurance to
feel safe, so they never gain the security they think they need to be
capable adults and take charge of their lives.
The bottom line is that at some point they simply have to be
willing to run the risk, take charge, and assume full responsibility
for the consequences. When Capricorn North Node people
recognize a goal that’s truly important to them and live by it, they
gain the self-respect and assurance they need to live responsibly.
The irony is that once they take charge, they feel secure and in
control of their own destiny.


What these people really want is an environment in which to
feel safe, protected, cared for, and doted on—a place where they
feel they truly belong. To achieve this, they must be willing to let go
of the idea that one special person—or group of people—is going to
provide it just because they think they need it. Instead, Capricorn
North Nodes must take charge of creating what they need for
themselves. By pursuing a goal that energizes them, or by finding
an ideal or set of principles that builds their self-respect, they will
develop feelings of belonging in whatever circumstances they find
Capricorn North Node people need to find a focus beyond their
scattered emotional needs and those of people around them. When
they bring themselves into alignment with a higher principle or
spiritual belief, they feel protected and nurtured.


These people excel at being the “boss,” so management, public
speaking, politics, and entrepreneurship are good choices for them.
Othets are willing to cooperate with their goals, since they approach
people under their authority with sensitivity. To achieve success in
any area, these folks need to be “in charge” of their own piece of
the puzzle.
Additionally, Capricorn North Node people have finely honed
instincts for empathy. They are always aware of the feelings of
others, and when they use this ability in a management situation
their sensitivity encourages people to assist them with goodwill and
enthusiasm. However, if they involve themselves in professions that
stress nurturing as the end result, they often become enmeshed in
feelings of helplessness, unable to get “on top” of the situation.
They are better off in goal-oriented professions or positions that
enable them to use their sensitivity to lovingly organize others to
work toward a specific goal.

“I cannot control others, but I can control
“In releasing the past, I deal more effectively
with the present.”
“When I take charge, I win.”
“When I feel self-respect, I’m on the right path.”
“I don’t need to depend on anyone else to take
care of me.”
“I can take charge in this situation.”
“I am in charge of my inner state of being.”




Capricorn North Node people have spent many lifetimes as
householders: As central figures in the home and on the farm, they
were thoroughly identified with their family or clan. Through these
incarnations, they developed a natural understanding of how
families work and the emotional attunement to others that is
characteristic of this nodal group. But they have not had a lot of
past-life experience being out on their own. And although in this
lifetime their greatest joy will come from being out in the world, the
problem is getting them out there! By giving up worldly experience
to be in the home, they sacrificed their sense of competence and
self-respect. In this incarnation, they are learning to be in charge of
their own destinies.
In past lives the home was everything to these folks, and all their
needs were taken care of by the family: They were fed, clothed,
given shelter, and protected. So they came into this lifetime with
tremendous dependence needs and now look to others to help them
“get their life together.” When things don’t go as they want, they
overreact emotionally, subconsciously hoping that others will see
how upset they are and change their behavior. But other people
perceive this as a means of controlling and are unwilling to modify
their behavior just to appease these natives.
Capricorn North Node people are learning that in order for their
lives to work, they must approach situations from a position of
being “in charge.”They must discard all tendencies to manipulate
people through emotional outbursts, and instead approach others
from a position of authority with quiet self-respect that is removed
from emotional reactions. It is a byproduct of taking charge of
themselves and having their own life goals. From a take-charge
position, they can relate as equals without depending on others’
goals for security.


These folks have difficult family karma. Too often, they are
born into a situation where immediate family members have many
emotional problems, and the Capricorn North Nodes spend a lot of
time being sensitive and empathetic. However, they are drained by
the incessant demands of those around them because they take on
others’ problems but don’t feel capable of helping them change.
From past lives, Capricorn North Node people are so used to
nurturing family members that they have lost a sense of their own
direction. Thus, in this lifetime they tend to have difficulty when
they get too close to members of their immediate family. Actually,
the problem isn’t the closeness but rather their subconscious intent:
“If only I can get this person on track, then finally I can have my
own life, pursue my own goals, and be a person in my own right!”
Because of this subconscious motive, their “support” of family
members has an unpleasant emotional intensity. They want to “get it
over with” so they can live their own life. The problem is twofold:
(1) trying to get the other person on track is a way to postpone
making the commitment to taking care of their own lives; and (2)
trying to help someone else achieve success is premature when they
have not yet learned how to do it themselves.
The first job for these folks is to decide to distance themselves
from total emotional involvement with their family. Once they let
go, they are in a position to proceed with their own life. It is fine for
them to be in touch with family members when they can objectively
understand others’ emotional needs from a detached position. When
their happiness is no longer dependent on resolving the problems of
everyone in the family, they are actually quite good at managing the
family in a way that brings productive results for all concerned.
If Capricorn North Node people were to manage their families
the way they run businesses, their family life would be extremely
successful. In fact, they are
expert managers because they have a
natural understanding of people and can gently align others to
cooperate in reaching the goal in ways that don’t hurt anyone’s
feelings. They need to approach family members in the same way:
from a position of authority, not of need. To do this, they need to
discover what the other person’s goal is and objectively support him
or her in reaching it. Alternatively, they need to have specific goals
in terms of how to run the family, assume the role of manager, and

facilitate family members in reaching the goals that promote
everyone’s best interests.


These folks are extremely sensitive to their own emotions and
those of others. Because of this innate awareness, they understand
why people become upset and can’t do things. They are so aware of
the reasons people fail that they often become too accepting of their
own lack of accomplishment. When they are having a “bad day” or
don’t feel like being disciplined enough to work toward their goal,
they apply that same understanding and sympathy to themselves as
an excuse to postpone direct action—and it becomes a selfdefeating escape hatch!
Capricorn North Node people are also very tuned in to the realm
of emotional connectedness and understand how people’s feelings
can affect others. This is both an asset and a detriment. On the plus
side, it enables them to negotiate life more smoothly. The liability is
that they sometimes feel for other people more than others are
feeling for themselves—and this can be debilitating. They can’t
handle negative energy, so they mitigate their own behavior—their
plans and their own personal direction—in order to accommodate
others. In this way they don’t have to deal with others’ emotional
distress—but they can easily end up being controlled by the feelings
of everyone around them.
These folks take personal responsibility for other people’s moods;
they want to make the other person happy so that
they can feel
better! They can’t separate themselves from the generalized mood
of people in their immediate environment. And the other people
may resent not being allowed to express their true feelings because
it upsets the Capricorn North Node person.
For example, if a family member invites Capricorn North Node
for dinner and she really doesn’t want to go, she will generally go
anyway to avoid bad feelings. These natives live in avoidance of
anything that might stir up emotions—in themselves or in others.
This is one more technique to avoid responsibility: They don’t want
to make decisions because they’re afraid that any decision might
cause negative feelings in someone else.

Capricorn North Node people are learning to stop controlling
other people’s moods and simply allow those around them to feel
what they feel. Sometimes people have to experience negative
feelings in order to resolve important issues; when these folks try to
block that experience, they rob the other person of the opportunity
to grow. If someone puts his hand on a hot stove and gets burned,
that’s part of learning not to put his hand on stoves. The same holds
true on the emotional plane. To a large extent, these folks operate
from their emotions, and this equals “how to lose” for them in this
lifetime. Their unique challenge is to take charge of their emotions
rather than being victimized by them, and to allow others to take
responsibility for their own feelings, and to grow and mature as a result.


Capricorn North Node people are very emotional. They cry at
movies and at sad stories; their feelings are very present and
available to them. These folks can be so overrun by their emotions
that they can’t think, they can’t function, and they don’t know why.
This can happen when they are faced with personal loss or in
professional situations involving confrontation or performance; they
can’t seem to control it—it simply escalates.
One thing that helps when their emotions take over is to
concentrate on slowing down their breathing. They need to relax,
focus on letting go of the thoughts that are making them nervous,
and visualize memories that have made them feel happy and
peaceful: a beautiful mountain, a time by the seashore, and the like.
Then they will calm down and be able to function again.
When these folks face circumstances requiring them to take
charge, they may think the situation is beyond their ability to
control, and they panic. They think of the possible negative
consequences, their fears and insecurities arise, and all the muscles
in their body tighten up. Thus, when emotions start to overwhelm
them, they need to deliberately breathe, relax, and
expand beyond
the emotions. They can visualize themselves becoming bigger than
the emotions and regaining their serenity.
Ultimately, they should not allow themselves to get into this kind
of frenzy to begin with. To that end, they can notice that whenever
they allow something to become excessively important to them,
they become anxious. Recognizing this can make a significant
difference in maintaining their peace of mind.


Capricorn North Node people hate the possibility of rejection—
in fact, even the thought of being rejected is crippling for them. If
someone rejects them, not only do they feel bad about themselves

but they also think it was their fault. These folks are so insecure and
so terrified of rejection that they enter situations very cautiously.
Part of this fear of rejection stems from their past lives, when
they were shielded from the world by stronger family members.
They harbor a perception that they aren’t worth much by
themselves; and when they are rejected, it proves to them that
they’re not worth much. This response is irrational, but it reinforces
their inner fear, and when they think someone has rejected them,
they can’t sleep all night! Understandably, then, these folks hate
rejecting others. They tend to take responsibility for other people’s
feelings and spend a long time going over all the reasons why they
were justified if they have to reject someone. But they know how it
feels, and thoughts of how others are feeling can upset them for
Making a decision to take charge will empower Capricorn North
Node people to rise above their anxieties and take steps to resolve
difficult situations in a responsible way. In a personal relationship
where a misunderstanding has occurred, they can take the initiative
and call the other person: “I’m concerned we may have a
misunderstanding, and I want you to know I would never do
anything to intentionally hurt your feelings.” Or: “I think we may
have had a misunderstanding, and I don’t want you to feel rejected.”
If they come from the position of taking charge to create mutual
harmony, they will know what to say to promote that harmony. If
they are temporarily too upset to make the call, their best bet is to
wait until they’ve calmed down. They can say to themselves:
“There’s nothing I can do about this right now. So I’m going to call
tomorrow and resolve the issue in a caring way.”


Capricorn North Node people are so open to their feelings that
they also tend to keep open a door to feelings from the past. They
don’t want to close off any of the happy times, because they don’t
know what’s going to happen in the future. They usually avoid
thinking about the future at all costs. But until they begin to
consciously visualize a positive future, their only reality is the past
and the present. When the present does not make them happy, they

drift back into thinking about the past. This process is not healthy
because it distracts them from taking constructive action in the
When they look back at the past, these folks are seeking to regain
memories and feelings of joy and love. But they also become aware
of things they didn’t do and wish they had, which makes them feel
remorseful. This diminishes their power to take charge in the
present. They need to remember that their past oversights occurred
simply because they didn’t have the Light at the time to know what
they should do. But what they know
now can empower them to
reach their goals if they remain focused in the present and look to
the future. The past is only beneficial when they use it to take note
of which behaviors were self-defeating and which behaviors led to
self-respect and strength.
Capricorn North Node people have a difficult time letting go.
They are very sentimental, and they don’t want to hurt anyone’s
feelings. When they start to leave a situation, even if it’s clearly not
working, they get depressed—so they tend to “hang in there” until
they realize, deep down, that there’s no hope. They do all they can
to make the relationship, the job, or the situation work. When their
survival is threatened, they will leave; but they would De much
better off letting go
before the situation escalates to that point.
Their difficulty in letting go occurs when they lack goals for the
future. Then they dwell on the past, which makes leaving an old
situation far more difficult. For these folks, the best way to let go of
the past (or a difficult situation in the present) is to focus on a
specific goal that gives them a sense of purpose and direction. For
example, if they have left a romantic relationship and miss the
intimacy, their first tendency is to feel nostalgic and dwell on the
closeness they no longer have. A better resolution would be to focus
their energy on establishing a new relationship by joining a dating
service, going dancing, or participating in other enjoyable social
activities. The past must be released in order to experience the
empowerment of acting in the present.
One of the most difficult things for Capricorn North Node people
to let go of is their drive to control. They always want to make
situations work out
their way. They think that if they are in control,
they are realizing their potential—but they need to recognize the
difference between control and management. Trying to
control other
people so that their own emotions remain undisturbed means that

Capricorn North Nodes are operating from an emotional plane with
a self-centered view.
However, when their intent is to
manage a situation, they
organize things according to a bigger picture—they have already
determined what will work for everyone. Now they are coming
from a place of mental process (
not emotions) and goal orientation.
But to reach that place, they must first release the desire to control


Capricorn North Node people always want more—more
attention, more time, more nurturing—in order to feel good. Their
whole world revolves around their family, and they expect the
dynamics to be reciprocal. But more nurturing from family
members usually isn’t forthcoming—it’s just not set up that way in
this lifetime.
Moreover, these folks avoid taking action by always thinking
they need more help, more advice, more confidence—more of
“something” first! They think that the “more” they are seeking will
come from other people. Actually, the “more” that will truly fulfill
them involves focusing on goals that will expand them personally—
and then taking consistent, daily action to reach those goals.
As parents, Capricorn North Node people often seem like “one of
the kids,” because they approach children as equals rather than as
parents. They are reluctant to assume the responsibilities of
parenthood; they question their capability to take care of others
when they are not even sute they can take care of themselves.


Especially when they are young, these folks do anything for
attention. Often when they act moody or snap at another person, it’s
an attempt to gain attention. This attribute sometimes keeps them
from exercising their achievement “muscles”—they think they
should be given attention for who they are, not for what they do.
They may even create crisis in their lives so other people will
become interested in them. However, it’s a double-edged sword
because they often sense this problem in themselves (the fact that
they are “manic” for attention), so they feel guilty and berate
themselves when they think they are getting too much attention.
When they are holding back and not reaching for their goals, they
feel they don’t deserve attention and thereby keep themselves from

receiving the very thing they crave the most. The irony is that when
they set a goal and go for it, others
do notice and willingly give
them attention and respect in a healthy, satisfying way. In addition,
when Capricorn North Nodes are taking chances with their lives and
working toward their goals, they feel worthy and become open to
noticing and receiving the attention they need from others.
It would also help these folks to begin paying attention to
themselves; to give themselves credit for making improvements in
various areas of their lives. When they show care and concern for
themselves it mellows them; they begin to feel better about
themselves and less dependent on others.


These folks hesitate to take full responsibility for themselves—it
goes against their grain. They would have to “leave the womb” and
go out into the world! Sometimes it takes a sledgehammer to wake
them up and get them to take charge. They often
appear to be
taking responsibility, and with the “small stuff” they usually do:
paying the bills, buying groceries, listening to family problems, and
so on. But they continue to avoid larger issues. For example, when
they try to figure out what to do with their lives, they just sit around
and consider an endless stream of ideas. When they finally become
motivated, they ask themselves: “Do I really want to do this?” Then
they give up again!
Capricorn North Node people have a thousand excuses emanating
from their subconscious, urging them to postpone working toward
what they are here to do in this lifetime—what would truly make
them fulfilled. If they finally say to themselves: “This is
I’m just going to
do it!” the commitment is made and they begin
taking steps toward the goal.
Because these folks are very loving, their habit of yielding to
others tends to interfere with their life. They may allow sympathy to
cloud their vision because they don’t want to evoke an emotional
response from others. They let others have their way, rather than
holding to their own principles.
They need to re-examine their values in relation to how they
show love. One value should be keeping commitments, which

creates a basis of inner strength. Capricorn North Node people need
to let others know what the rules and limits are, and then stick to
them unflinchingly. If they say to their teenage son: “You may go
out, but be back by 10
P.M. or you can’t go out for the next three
nights,” they need to stand by that statement. If the teenager returns
at 10:30
P.M., they must be willing to endure his temper tantrums
over the next three nights to stand by what they said.
Of course, if they have done this consistently, the teenager will
already understand that if he breaks the rules, his parents will stand
by the punishment. But if the parents become “sympathetic” and let
their son go out, he will cease to respect them, and they will cease
to respect themselves. These folks must learn to stand behind their
word. Their commitment must be stronger than their fear of
upsetting the other person.
Capricorn North Node people are learning to become responsible
for themselves in this lifetime: figuring out “what they want to be
when they ‘grow up’” and clarifying their goals. Being responsible
for themselves includes supporting themselves financially and
finding other levels on which they have never taken charge before.
That’s exciting and challenging—and it will give them a chance to


Capricorn North Node people are learning to be adults in this
lifetime and to discard their tendency to have childish reactions. To
be adults requires them to actually make a commitment to a goal.
When they do this, that area of their life becomes absolutely
magical. Suddenly everything works to their advantage, they are
filled with vitality and confidence, and they walk the pathway to
success easily and with great joy. They need to use the technique of
making commitments in areas of their life that are not yet yielding
the results they want. Being willing to face the fear and develop the
habit of making commitments is their key to self-respect and
These folks often have a “hyper” quality—they want to “get to
the next thing.” This emotional restlessness prevents them from
understanding what is important to them and following through. As

soon as they focus on a specific personal goal, the restless
emotional energy is channeled in a productive direction. Until then,
they will only be working toward
others’ goals, and will never
notice the opportunities that are being presented to themselves.
Also, Capricorn North Node people sometimes doubt their own
competence to take advantage of opportunities for themselves. In a
childlike way, they think they’re supposed to know things that they
truly don’t know, and they try to hide their lack of experience by
pretending the information isn’t important to them. The adult
perspective is to understand that everyone needs information from
others to reach their goals—no one reaches a goal without input
from others who are more experienced.
These people may also be too ready to obey outer authorities
rather than listen to their own inner truth. They may blindly follow
another’s expertise—especially if they’re paying a lot of money—
even if, in their hearts, they know that something else works better.
However, they are learning to trust themselves and remember that
no one knows what will work for them as well as they do.
These folks have a tough time being the ultimate authority. They
can take charge, instruct others, be the boss, and supervise lots of
employees—under the auspices of someone else. It’s easier for them
to work toward someone else’s goal. They don’t care about getting
the credit, and they certainly don’t want the ultimate responsibility.
The irony is that Capricorn North Node people, more than any
other nodal group, are gifted in their ability to be “the boss.” They
are so emotionally sensitive to others that when they take charge,
they do it in a way that does not diminish others. They are not
blocked in reaching their goal because they haven’t alienated
anyone along the way. As a result, however high their goal,
everyone will support them in reaching it. In fact, they are
scheduled for easy professional success this lifetime, once they’ve
made the commitment to create it.
Often these folks think they are not good communicators, but
they only have difficulty in this area when they become emotional.
When they allow themselves to get lost in their emotions, they can’t
think straight; then, when they speak, it’s just a jumble of emotion!
However, if they pull back from their emotions and speak from the
“in charge” part of themselves, they find the perfect words to evoke
respect and cooperation from others. The difference is the part of
themselves they access: the emotional part, or the adult part. If they

become emotional, they can regain inner equilibrium by asking
themselves: “What can I do to take charge of this situation from an
adult point of view?”
For Capricorn North Node people, strength increases with age.
This applies to every aspect of their life, but especially to their
professional life or other areas of goal fulfillment. The passing
years also help these folks to take things less personally. When
things go “wrong” they understand that they are not personally at
fault—different things come together to create a difficult situation.
As Capricorn North Node people begin to expand and take a larger,
more compassionate view, they also ease up on themselves. When
they stop blaming themselves for everything, they also stop blaming




Capricorn North Node people have an insatiable need to feel
secure. From past lives they are accustomed to being nurtured and
protected, and although in this lifetime
they are the ones scheduled
to provide for others, they remain content to just breathe their way
through life—to just get through it with as little exertion as
possible! They like the safety of routines: waking up at a certain
time, eating at a certain time, coming home, watching television or
reading, going to bed at a certain time. Ultimately, however, they
will have to leave their routines behind to find the greater security
of self-confidence: knowing they can take risks and succeed.


These folks have a deep need to “belong.” In past lives, they
strongly identified with their families and took comfort in being part
of a group. Now they must learn to be discriminating and choose to
spend time with people who give them that feeling of belonging—to
satisfy their need in a responsible way. Home and property are also
important in giving them a sense of security. (However, unless there
are other factors in the birth chart indicating otherwise, these
natives do not have very good “real estate karma” in terms of
making money.)
Because of the focus on home, they may spend too much time
there. When they do, the home can keep them from expanding and
taking charge of their life. If these natives run their own business, it
is generally a good idea for them
not to run it from their home, but
to rent a space—even if it has to be in someone else’s home. They
need to get out into the world on a regular basis to keep their energy
in motion. Excessive time at home can make them too comfortable
and life can become a routine they use to avoid interacting with the
outside world. Then the opportunity for true vitality, growth, and
progress is aborted.

Capricorn North Node people are afraid that they don’t belong—
and they don’t know how to behave in order to be accepted. So they
look around to see what behaviors are approved of by “the group”
and then emulate those behaviors. They crave intimacy, and the
only way they can think to get it is by yielding to the group.
However, going along when they don’t really want to can be a
source of deep disappointment for them. The group generally
doesn’t reciprocate by yielding to them.
These folks can also get derailed when they become part of a
“clan” or “clique” because they apply their “adopted” principles to
other groups, which leaves them feeling alienated. And they don’t
understand why! The problem with trying to meet their need to
belong by becoming part of a clique is that it implies exclusion of
other groups—they think they only belong with a limited number of
people. Although it
does work to pledge themselves to a cause that
is greater than their personal life, problems arise when they forget to
discriminate. For example, if they have fervor about Republican
politics when they’re in a group of Republicans, that group will
make them feel as if they belong. But the same fervor will make
them feel alienated in a room full of Democrats. If they want to feel
accepted, they should focus on whatever principles they have in
common with the people they’re speaking to.


Capricorn North Node people have such an exaggerated fear of
failure that it cripples them, stopping them from making the
changes that could lead to success. As long as they are afraid they
are going to fail, they think they can “get away with” depending on
others. They think they “aren’t quite ready” to be adults and seek
opportunities for success. However, sooner or later they recognize
that no one else is going to take care of them—it’s just not set up
that way in this lifetime.
Sometimes these folks use any excuse whatsoever—even their
age—to avoid facing their fears and going out in the world. After
years of wrestling with themselves and finally deciding they won’t
be fulfilled until they accomplish their “mission,” they may decide
that their age will interfere with attaining the goal. Fear of aging can

—for these folks—be a reflection of the part of them that doesn’t
want to grow up.
However, Capricorn North Nodes are the very people who should
embrace age: “Thank goodness I’ve finally reached maturity!”
What they’ll be embracing is a willingness to start working toward
a goal that will make life meaningful, bring them fulfillment, and
give them self-respect. With these folks, it is illogical to think that
age could work against them professionally: The roles they seek are
usually enhanced by age, as it gives them more power, credibility,
and authority. While they can also achieve their goals early on,
often it is in the second half of life that Capricorn North Nodes
finally take a stand. Thus, when they feel pressured by age
considerations, it’s really their psyche saying: “It’s time!”
These people recognize that they will be much more unhappy if
they never try to attain their goal than if they try and fail—as long
as they give it 100 percent of their effort. The voice that keeps
saying: “What if you fail?” is part of the past-life mechanism that
doesn’t want them to be out in the world. It’s really saying: “Don’t
grow up . . . Don’t go out,” and this is self-defeating. If they listen
to that voice, they will never gain self-respect.
In a past life the Capricorn North Node may have had a husband
who didn’t allow her to go out, or an overly protective parent whose
voice she has internalized. But it finally boils down to saying:
“Okay—that’s it,” and taking charge of her situation. In that instant,
her position in life makes a complete turnaround. When these
natives are willing to take full responsibility, they begin to exercise
control over their lives and gain a sense of self-respect, which is
what they need more than anything else.
In fact, when Capricorn North Node people are in doubt about
whether a specific action is correct, they can use the barometer of
self-respect to determine if they are “on path.” For example, if they
are anxious about making a phone call, they can ask themselves:
“Regardless of the outcome, will making this call give me a sense
of self-respect?” If the answer is yes, they will “win” by making the
call. If the answer is no, they should re-think their position.
Capricorn North Nodes like to float along in an emotional haze,
which automatically puts them in a “one down” position. But when
they approach life from a “take charge” position, everything shifts
and they feel empowered. Yet there’s a lot of fear around doing this
because they’re not accustomed to it, and they’re afraid of not being

perfect or not being competent. But regardless of how long they
postpone, sooner or later in this lifetime they will have to stand up
and take charge. The sooner they make this shift in attitude, the
sooner they’ll start enjoying themselves.
For example, I had a Capricorn North Node client who wanted to
be a teacher. Many educators go right into teaching after college,
but he postponed it until he had earned
three college degrees—and
even then he didn’t feel ready to be in a position where he would be
expected to “take charge.” Ultimately, he just did it—and that’s
what it takes for these folks. Once they take the plunge and “just do
it,” their success validates their abilities.
Once these natives are in charge, they are in control of their
emotional needs and can be sure they are taken care of. No longer at
the mercy of other people, they finally feel self-sufficient and


Capricorn North Node people are good at encouraging others to
pursue their dreams by offering motivation, enthusiasm, and
supportive energy. Now they are learning how to encourage
themselves. Although these folks are subject to dark moods, they
are very resilient. They don’t “get down and stay down”; when
they’re pushed down, they get back up. They just have to remember
that if things don’t turn out exactly as they want, that’s okay. Their
challenge is to go out and give it their best shot.
These folks have an unparalleled connection with their emotions.
When they say: “I’ll bet you can do it!” with feeling, it reassures
others and themselves that they can indeed accomplish their goals.
Because they have such a strong mind-feeling connection, they also
are good healers. However, to truly be a source of encouragement
for themselves and their loved ones, they need to overcome the
habit of dwelling on the potentially negative consequences of every
situation. They think they’re “protecting” the other person from
being hurt down the line, but actually they’re creating roadblocks in
that person’s path. They need to focus only on achieving
results. These natives are not normally courageous and do not take
the chances that those in other nodal signs might be inclined to take.

Thus, when people they care about are excited to take a chance in
life, these folks need to consciously show a positive attitude.
The best bet for Capricorn North Node people is to overcome
their fear by concentrating on creating success. For these folks,
looking at the negative side only drains energy from the focus they
need to win. They must remind themselves of past successes and
concentrate on the nuts and bolts of how to attain specific goals.
When they learn to focus on the positive, their emotions will
support them in creating the results they want and in encouraging
others to succeed as well.


These folks often come from a framework of limited goals.
From past lives of spending all their time in family environments,
these natives are new at being in the world, and they lack the
confidence that comes from experience. But in this lifetime, it’s set
up for them to win every time they take charge and accept the
opportunities presented to them. Through positive experiences they
will gain confidence in their own abilities. They need to recognize
that since their goals are often “safe” and not based on taking risks,
it will benefit them to be open to other people’s input. This input
can help them expand to new levels they wouldn’t have thought of
on their own.


Capricorn North Node people may think they’re very open, but
actually they have a lot of trouble sharing how they feel. They can
appear shallow to others, since they don’t see very far beyond their
immediate situation. They may understand things easily—they are
often very intelligent—but putting their ideas into practice is tough
for them. They have so many negative thoughts that it’s difficult for
them to accomplish things or to face issues in a positive way.
They avoid issues partly because they imagine so many reasons
why the other person responded in a certain way—without asking
the other person what is really going on. They get “feelings” and
“hunches” about why the person rejected them, or said what he said,
and so on. However, their instincts are nearly always wrong. If they
look back over previous experiences, they notice that what they
suspected was behind other people’s behavior
was often inaccurate.
Thus, their best bet is to directly ask the other person why he
responded in the way he did, and then
listen to what he says.
It helps if these folks have a specific goal in mind before trying to
resolve an issue with another person: wanting to create unity,

wanting to end the relationship, wanting feedback so they can
modify their behavior to get better results, and so on. If they have a
defined goal—separate from the feelings of the people involved—it
helps them remain objective. For example, if they have to fire an
employee, focusing on the goal—firing the employee—is the only
thing that keeps them from being lost in the intensity of the ensuing
In resolving a misunderstanding in a friendship, their best bet is
to have a goal in mind and let the other person know their intention:
“Look, there’s something I want to share with you, and I want you
to know that my intention is to create greater closeness between us.”
When Capricorn North Nodes take charge and let the other person
know their feelings have been hurt, they often find that the other
person didn’t realize how they were affected.
These folks are learning to be forthright and have integrity about
what they do and do not know. Because they tend to feel
incompetent when they don’t have all the answers, they often do
nothing in situations that seem overwhelming—or else they respond
with a behavior pattern from their past. They are learning to
acknowledge when they do not have the answers—by speaking
directly to the other person—and to get more feedback about what
the other person needs. For example, I had a client with this nodal
position who taught high school students how to play all the band
instruments. He was proficient on the drums and knew the other
instruments only superficially. One day a student approached him
with a question about the trumpet: “How do you play an F note?”
My client was worried: “What if I tell him the wrong thing? I’ll
look stupid!” But he knew there were different ways he could
respond. He could intimidate the student: “What do you mean? You
know?”—which would deny the student the help he needed.
Or he could say: “Listen, I don’t know right now, but I’ll check on it
and get back to you.” When these folks say “I don’t know,” it makes
them equal with others and promotes the feeling of intimacy they
seek. When they follow through and find the information, they
generate respect and appreciation.

The first step is to have the humility to admit “I don’t know.”
Then they can seek more information. When they take the other
route (intimidating the person with an overly emotional response),
they distance themselves, and mistrust and defensiveness result
instead of the intimacy they desire.


Capricorn North Node people often dislike, and feel alienated
from, one or both of their parents. They may not overtly express
this, but deep down it is true. They may think their parents didn’t
give them the support they needed to successfully go out into the
world. Or they may think their parents tried to make them into
someone other than the person they were destined to be. These
thoughts can cause them to achieve less than what their innate
capabilities would allow. In a subconscious attempt to punish their
parents for this injustice, they may keep themselves from reaching
their goals. For example, if a parent once told the Capricorn North
Node she was a failure or made her feel that she was “not good
enough,” she may sabotage herself in order to punish her parent for
the mistreatment: “See—I’m
not a success, and it’s all your fault!”
To be successful, these folks have to be willing to put their own
best interests and self-respect ahead of the desire to cast their
parents or others as wrong. They have to be willing to say: “Yes,
you are right. I
am capable of more than what I was achieving
before.” This requires maturity. It also requires a conscious effort
not to dwell on the past, and to stay focused on what makes their
lives strong in the present—
doing things that bring them selfrespect.


Capricorn North Node people are so sensitive that they are
aware of all levels of communication, including others’ words,
feelings, and body language—and all the discrepancies and

uncertainties that accompany them! When someone communicates
a decision to them, they are immediately aware of all the
contradictory feelings underneath. For example, if they are invited
to someone’s home for dinner and they say “No thank you,” even if
the person says “Fine, another time,” these folks will stew for hours
about how, underneath, the person had many other feelings—which
may or may not be true! These folks need to remember that the
friend, taking into account his or her feelings of disappointment,
sadness, understanding, and caring, decided to respond by saying:
“Fine, another time.” They are learning to attune to others’ actual
responses—not to the feelings they imagine are underneath.
These people always do better if they have time to think things
through, because an unexpected event or new information can cause
their emotions to boil over and confuse their thinking. Sometimes, if
they can’t find a solution or make a decision immediately, they react
with frustration. They can’t get a handle on how to respond because
there is so much emotional interference. But taking a stand involves
making a decision, and there are contradictory feelings about nearly
every decision one makes. The idea is to focus on the decision and
not on the possible repercussions. Handling negative repercussions
is simply an opportunity to grow and become stronger.
These natives also need a defined goal to keep from being lost in
their emotions. If you place a handful of crabs in a barrel, the crabs
will remain on the bottom of the barrel even if the lid is off and they
have the opportunity to climb up to freedom. Occasionally, one crab
may start climbing up the side of the barrel, and all the other crabs
will pull him back down to the bottom again. For Capricorn North
Node people, their emotions are like fearful and possessive crabs:
They always pull these natives back down until they simply make
up their minds to go for the freedom and let nothing hold them
Sometimes these folks need to suffer an incident that wakes them
up to the necessity of facing their emotions—then life becomes
much easier. Up to that point, they are victimized by their emotions
—totally overwhelmed by their feelings on a regular basis. Until
they learn to put their feelings in perspective, their emotions
represent something scary and “out of control” that they want to
avoid. When these natives indulge in negativity, the negative
feelings overwhelm them and they even begin to experience
physical reactions.
One of their greatest challenges in this lifetime is discriminating
between positive feelings and debilitating, negative emotions. There
are four primary emotions that, when indulged, are a Pandora’s box
for Capricorn North Node people: Fear, Anger, Guilt, and
Insecurity. They absolutely cannot afford to indulge in any of these
four emotions, because they don’t know when to stop! Once they
get into Guilt, for example, they can never feel guilty “enough”—
they keep piling it on and it lasts for a lifetime.
These folks are so conditioned to indulging the negative feelings
that they don’t even know they’re doing it. The first step is to notice
when they are experiencing one of the four emotions and to be
aware of the consequences. For example, when they allow
themselves to become angry, for a brief period they may actually be
“mad” (that is, insane). They say and do things they wouldn’t say or
do if they were thinking clearly. They need to notice the
consequences of acting on any of those four emotions, and they will
see the disintegrating effect. Then they can learn to stop, just as they
wouldn’t keep their hand on a hot stove once they see that it’s
getting burned.
Other nodal groups know where to draw the line and can use
these emotions as a “wake-up call” to change their behavior. But
Capricorn North Node people are addicted to their emotions and
absolutely cannot allow themselves to indulge in any of the “big
four”—just as alcoholics cannot allow themselves to take even one
drink. Fear, Anger, Guilt, and Insecurity are not only mentally
debilitating but physically dangerous as well. On the other hand,
Joy, Love, and Appreciation are pleasurable and healthy. In fact,
any other emotions—aside from the “big four”—are fine for these
folks, because they don’t lead to uncontrolled excess.




Everyone wins when Capricorn North Node people learn to pull
back and don’t allow themselves to be caught up in others’
emotions. Other people win because they can express how they feel
without the native reacting inappropriately. Capricorn North Node
people win because they don’t have to appease others for fear of
their emotional response. They can just watch the other person
objectively and say to themselves: “Well, that’s Joe having a temper
tantrum,” or “That’s Mary being Mary.” They can allow other
people to be themselves without being swept up in the negative
energy. To acquire the habit of a healthy emotional distance, they
can silently remind themselves: “When I let others be themselves, I
am free.”


In past lives, these folks got used to other people rushing to their
rescue whenever they became upset, which led to reliance on others
for emotional stability. However, the price was high: This behavior
robbed them of the strength of knowing that they are capable of
solving their own problems and being in charge of their own
emotional states.
Too much support from others actually became a liability for
them, creating a deep insecurity that they might not be able to “get
it together” on their own. Thus, in this lifetime they are no longer
allowed emotional dependence. When they get truly upset and “fall
apart,” it doesn’t work for them—it’s not set up in their charts that
way. Whenever they become overly emotional, they might as well
know that rather than taking care of them, others will walk away.
This is life’s way of curbing self-defeating emotional dependence.
Capricorn North Node people’s emotional upsets are a bottomless
pit. They want attention: They want someone to enter their
emotional state and resolve it for them. But when they act on this

they don’t feel good about themselves after the emotional frenzy
and are left hoping the other person doesn’t think less of them. This
is why consciously behaving in ways that gain respect from others
—and, more important, increase their own self-respect—is so
important for them. It is a compass that keeps them on track and
leads them through the mire of shifting moods.
These folks are often especially susceptible to developing an
overdependence on family—a feeling of “us against the world.”
This is why they tend to be patriotic—it’s an extension of the “us
against them” principle. Often they go out of their way to pay full
taxes, feeling obligated to do their share to support the expanded
“family unit” of their country. Subconsciously, they still feel
dependent on family for survival. In past lives, if the family rejected
them, they were banished to fend for themselves and their survival
was in jeopardy.
Capricorn North Node people think they need to rely on others.
They want to know that someone else is there, and they tend to
create a habit of dependence: giving people rides, buying things for
them, and so on. Their entire life revolves around the other person.
When they feel someone is there to back them up, they can
summon the courage to successfully enter the world. Yet should that
person suddenly leave, these folks fall apart professionally as well
as personally. Suddenly they’re terrified that they can’t achieve their
goals, even if they have been successful for years.
Actually, these folks are the ones with the power. When they
misunderstand that and give their partners the power, it spells
disaster for the relationship. When they let others be in charge and
make all the decisions, they aren’t being adults and they ultimately
lose the respect and love of their partners. However, at any point
they can turn the situation around and say to themselves: “Okay—
now I’m going to take back my power and start being an adult in
this relationship,” and change their behavior.
Sometimes the “child pattern” is triggered when the Capricorn
North Node gets married. As soon as he has that secure “family”
feeling, he starts giving the other person all the responsibility. As
long as he does this, he’ll never have a happy marriage. Whenever
the overly emotional child part of these natives emerges, the
situation goes downhill. But all they have to do is consciously
access the adult part of themselves and start practicing right where
they are! Once they take responsibility for their own success, others

never let them down. Capricorn North Nodes are in charge, and
their lives become magical.


Capricorn North Node people have problems being assertive
because they don’t want to upset others. If they hurt the other
person, they know they will feel bad, so they tend to go along when
they really don’t want to. If someone close wants to do something
and they don’t want to, they are likely to go along and be miserable
rather than make the other person unhappy. To take charge in that
kind of situation, their best bet is to say “I don’t want to do it,”
explain how it would be counterproductive, state what they would
rather do, and stick to it. This builds self-respect. When they do it
without an emotional charge, the other person is generally fine with
it, so both people are happy.
Because Capricorn North Node people feel controlled by the
emotional reactions of others, they try and control others through
their own emotional outbursts. When they get upset, their emotions
fill their words and their energy field, and others often acquiesce
simply because it’s not worth dealing with the intense emotions that
emerge when Capricorn North Nodes don’t get their way.
It is their
style in asserting themselves that determines the result.
For example, if they are going to be working late, they tend to make
excuses: “Well, I think I can get this done in 30 minutes and then
I’ll hurry and come down and get dinner . . . and what would you
like to eat . . . oh my God, oh my God.” That’s not being an adult;
that’s a child trying to please. An adult would say something like:
“I’m going to be working until 9:00 tonight, so you might want to
go out and get your own dinner because I won’t have time to make
Alternatively, if another person wants them to do something and
they say: “I don’t want to do it!” with an emotional charge, the
person will back off. But this doesn’t promote closeness. The idea is
for these folks to establish a sensible, in-charge-of-self position: “I
don’t want to go with you this weekend because I have to get up
early for work on Monday and I need to catch up on my rest.” They

need to let the other person know why they have decided it is not in
their best interest to “go along,” and then
stick to it.
If they want some time to think it through, they should say: “It
sounds like a great idea. Let me think about it and I’ll get back to
you.” They are learning to stand up for themselves in a rational way
instead of allowing themselves to be influenced by other people’s
emotional intensity or seeking to control the situation through their
own emotions.


Capricorn North Node people sometimes overlook problems
because they don’t want to deal with anything that is emotionally
unpleasant. They fear they may somehow create a crisis by facing
things directly. If no one else brings it up, they let it pass and hope it
will go away.
The problem is that they don’t speak up about things that hurt
their own feelings. They overcompensate by taking on too many of
the little responsibilities in a relationship because they’re afraid of
losing their partner. They think: “Well, if I really love her, I’ll just
accept it.” They avoid direct communication and instead get angry
and quiet with the other person—and then the relationship ends
Another technique of denial is using a lack of understanding as a
way to postpone taking responsibility: “I don’t understand it enough
to take charge yet.” Capricorn North Node people also use the word
“understand” when they actually mean “accept.” They may
don’t understand why you are doing this to me! I don’t understand
why you are so upset!” But they are just putting the attention back
on themselves; they’re
really saying: “I don’t accept that you are
doing this to me! I don’t accept that you are so upset!” They use
denial as a means of avoiding responsibility for finding a resolution.
Owing to their sensitivity to emotions, these folks are acutely
aware when problems exist in their relationships. Denying the
discontent may work for a while, but the problems don’t “go away.”
Capricorn North Nodes never want to bring up unresolved issues
because part of them fears they may not be able to handle the
conflict. Actually, a festering issue becomes more difficult to

resolve over time—a difference of opinion can lead to a divorce.
Facing it right away and exposing the underlying feelings are the
keys to talking it out and restoring good feelings on both sides.
When the partner says “I’m upset—I have a problem in this
relationship,” going into denial is absolutely “how to lose.”
For Capricorn North Node people, exposing the problems they
see is the key to keeping the relationships that are important to
them, but everything depends on the approach. If they approach the
other person from a position of taking responsibility for guiding the
relationship to a predetermined goal (a happy marriage; a longlasting, permanent friendship; a long-term business partnership,
etc.), they can expose the problem in the context of seeking a
mutually satisfying solution. For example: “There is an issue in our
relationship that is upsetting for me, and I want to discuss it and
learn more about how we both feel, what we need, and how we can
handle it in a way that works for both of us.” They should identify
the problem, explain how they feel, and solicit information about
how the other person feels, keeping the positive goal in mind.
Once they have initiated an exchange of information and
viewpoints, they open the way to a higher level of emotional wellbeing for both people. In a marriage where a situation has been
unresolved for a long time, taking charge may mean going to a
marriage counselor to make sure that each person understands the
other. After all, the relationship exists because at one time both
people wanted it; with proper communication, the original
enthusiasm can be restored and perhaps even enriched.


Owing to past lifetimes of dependence, Capricorn North Node
people think they need a strong partner for protection and support.
Sometimes they attract the wrong person to partner with—someone
who wants to take care of them and keep them in the home. But if
this happens, their inner self begins to rebel after a time, and they
end up repelling the very person they were attracted to. In this
lifetime, something inside them wants to prove their capacity to
take care of themselves. What they really need is a partner who can
support them in developing their own professional and personal
When these folks come from a position of neediness, their
relationships break down. However, when they enter a relationship
with the resolution to take responsibility for their own happiness,
the relationship can assume its proper importance. But the
fulfillment they seek can never come primarily from a relationship;
it will come from actively pursuing their mission and participating
in life from a take-charge position that builds self-respect.
Even in close relationships, these natives are better off
maintaining a sense of their own authority—not compromising
themselves to appease their partner. For example, I had a client with
this nodal position who had tremendous creative energy and a real
talent for writing—she was published nationally while still in
college. When she married she stopped writing, putting all her
energy into emotionally supporting her husband and children. She
“didn’t want to upstage [her] husband and undermine his
Twenty years passed. When her children left home she was filled
with resentment toward her husband, blaming him because she
hadn’t pursued her writing career. Her husband had actually

encouraged her writing, but she projected that her success would
have upset him emotionally even though he encouraged her
verbally. I had occasion to speak with her husband, and he truly
her to pursue her career! It even would have helped out the
family financially. This particular story does not have a happy
ending: The wife chose to continue blaming others for her sense of
failure, which prevented her from actively taking charge of her own
This is what happens when the Capricorn North Node uses
others’ feelings as an excuse for not living her own life. In fact, she
is responsible for using her time in ways that build self-respect. The
first person who needs to understand where she wants to go and
what she wants to do is Capricorn North Node herself. Then, when
she lets her partner know what’s important to her, the relationship
begins to accommodate her!
Once these folks are actively pursuing their own goals, acting out
of integrity and being themselves, they can see whether the people
who are attracted to them will be an asset or a liability. They can be
objective, because they don’t
need the other person for their
survival. In fact, the right person will be attracted to them when
they have found a goal, made the commitment, and are actively on
their own path. Then they emit an energy that is aligned with their
spiritual self, and people who can support that energy will be
attracted to them. If they are already married, taking charge will
give their partners an opportunity to support them in a new way.


Capricorn North Node people too easily take on an exaggerated
“mother” role in personal relationships. This absolutely does not
work for them—or their loved ones. They often become lost in the
role of nurturing mother, subject to the constantly changing
emotional force fields of others. When they find their lives
swallowed up in catering to other people, they feel victimized. In
fact, no one requires the amount of “presence” that these folks tend
to provide.
Their motive in playing the role of the nurturing mother is to
keep the moods of those around them happy. But others perceive it

as interference, and Capricorn North Nodes experience an energy
drain, so both people lose. Also, oversensitivity to others’ moods
can cause these folks to be manipulated. Others become dependent
on them to supply physical things to keep them in a good mood. It
is a form of constant nurturing, and these natives generally feel
good providing it. But they should protect themselves from those
who approach them in hopes that they will play the “caretaker” role
all the time.
Philosophically, Capricorn North Node people think that all
people should help each other and, if everyone did so, the world
would be a better place. So they usually try to help if they can, and
they do it without an ulterior motive. But although they instinctively
take care of people, it’s often without knowing what will really
help. They consider others’ physical needs but not the deeper issues.
They would like to be able to take care of others’ spiritual needs,
but they don’t know how.
Instead of playing the nurturing mother role in this lifetime, they
need to put more emphasis on the “father” role—taking
responsibility to help others achieve constructive goals. This means
listening to accurately discern the intentions of the other person, and
then consciously deciding to help. Sometimes they take on a
mothering role in the hope that it will evoke a “take-charge” attitude
in the other person. Ultimately, for their relationships to work, these
folks must become conscious of how others are really feeling and
then take charge. If they need help in making a decision, they
should call on an invisible father figure—their Higher Power—to
enable them to assume the father role in difficult situations.


Capricorn North Node people value intimacy: being able to talk
freely, bare their souls, and be close without fear of judgment. They
don’t understand when this intimacy doesn’t happen. When they
find someone they want to be close to, they usually work hard to
create intimacy; but sometimes no matter what they do they
ultimately feel shut out. One of their lessons is learning not to take
things personally: Some people
don’t want intimacy. Not everyone
holds the same values as they do. They are learning not to waste
their time trying to create intimacy with those who don’t want it. If
it isn’t working, their best bet is to let it go. They need to allow
other people to
choose whether or not to be intimate, and respect
their choice.
On the other hand, some people may indeed want to be intimate
with the Capricorn North Node, but she may not value closeness
with them. The person might be a business associate whom she sees
regularly; but when they establish intimacy, the Capricorn North
Node ends up feeling drained or depressed. Perhaps underneath she
doesn’t really respect the other person’s principles. Once again,
discrimination is the key. It may be that there are some people with
whom it is not appropriate for the Capricorn North Node to be
intimate, even if the other person desires closeness. The native can
tell by monitoring her energy level. If she feels happy and
invigorated, then creating intimacy with that person is appropriate.


A primary factor in the problems experienced by Capricorn
North Node people in relationships and intimacy is their
disinclination to listen. They can be practically impossible to talk to,
unless the other person is willing to do all the listening. They are so
thrilled when the attention is on them or when someone asks their
opinion that they lose touch with what the other person wants. They

mean to be helpful, but since they don’t really listen they can’t see
where the other person is headed or the answer he is looking for—
so they just go on and on without any focus. Their minds jump in a
lateral direction. It reflects a lack of discipline on their part.
To truly hear the other person, listening has to be very deliberate
for these folks. Often they don’t listen because they don’t think they
have anything to gain. Unless it directly involves them, they don’t
take the trouble to come out of themselves and connect with others,
empathize, and actively participate—it requires too much effort.
They tend to think only in terms of: “How does this affect
When something larger is presented, they don’t always understand
its importance. Indulgence in this tendency keeps them from
establishing the intimacy they long for, since they aren’t really
connecting with others.
If what the other person is saying doesn’t immediately affect
them, they start thinking about something else, so their response
may be inappropriate and invite rejection or misunderstanding.
However, they gain more from their interactions when they
do take
an interest in the other person. When they deliberately pay attention
and try to hear the other person, their responses are much different.
Both people feel more at ease in the interaction, and Capricorn
North Nodes realize that putting energy into hearing the other
person is worthwhile. They will gain more satisfaction and a better
understanding of both themselves and others.
Capricorn North Node people also tend to project their own needs
onto others, rather than hearing the other person’s needs. They may
even say: “Tell me what you want, and I’ll see if I can do it”—but
then they don’t hear what the other person says. They hear the
words but don’t understand the meaning, so they can’t act on it.
Especially if the relationship has emotional or personal overtones,
the other person’s communication may seem threatening. This is
because deep down, they think they are incapable of filling other
people’s nonphysical needs. They’re afraid that even if they
understand, they won’t be able to do anything about it—and then
the other person will be disappointed and they will feel
To make their relationships work, Capricorn North Nodes must
deliberately concentrate on listening. Even if it’s something that
they fear may upset them, they must be open to hearing it in order
to gain accurate knowledge of what is happening. Their minds work

quickly, but unless it’s a poignant or pragmatic matter they know
they can’t process the information instantly, so they don’t even want
to allow the information in. It is perfectly understandable that these
folks don’t process information as quickly as those in other nodal
groups because their emotions are connected with their minds. It
takes them awhile to separate their mental process from their
feelings, and they need private time to reflect on the overall picture.
Being willing to think about it later gives them the space to listen
without feeling they have to respond on the spot.
Sometimes in conversation Capricorn North Node people become
flustered because the other person asks for feedback or advice.
They’re surprised that the other person would respect their
judgment. But when they haven’t listened, they haven’t taken
responsibility for wanting to help the other person and aren’t
able to
respond. When they are focused on helping others, they can bypass
their emotional response and connect with their ability to see the
larger picture.
Another block to communication occurs when these folks think
they already know everything. And they do know how everything
operates in the context of their own world. They know how to
maintain the status quo in their family unit, and they’re comfortable
in their “womb.” They fight to maintain the principles of
world rather than recognizing that there are other “worlds” from
which they could benefit as well.
They will grow and gain from
what they don’t know, not from what they already know
. If they
become more solution oriented—open to ideas beyond what they
already know—they will no longer fear not having “the answer.”
Not listening also causes them to miss opportunities because they
are concerned only with their immediate affairs and not the larger
view. In order to stop missing these opportunities, they can
consciously say to themselves: “What opportunity is this person
bringing me? What is the opportunity in this situation?” By
focusing on opportunities that are being presented, Capricorn North
Nodes’ capacity to listen will shift to a focused, take-charge mode.


Capricorn North Node people often are self-centered, and that is
one of the reasons they don’t use their gift of empathy: They don’t
want to exert themselves. They regard themselves as very practical
people. If they don’t think there’s something they can do about a
problem, they don’t want to “waste” the energy. They may think
they’re being sympathetic with someone, but it’s not true caring
because it doesn’t contribute to the other person’s well-being.
Empathy involves being with someone. It’s an active process:
“getting into” the other person’s situation and feeling what the other
person feels. What can help these folks make the transition from
sympathy to empathy is realizing the shortcomings of sympathy:
Sympathy doesn’t solve problems.
No other nodal group has such tremendous capacity for empathy,
yet Capricorn North Nodes may be afraid to actively empathize
with someone. They sense how the other person is feeling, and they
fear that if they allow themselves to experience it, they’ll get hurt
too and
still not be able to help. When they do step out of
themselves and empathize with the other person, suddenly the
answers come to them and they are able to constructively improve
the situation.
For example, I had a Capricorn North Node client whose father
recently passed away. The day before his father died, my client
entered the hospital room and his father—who was in an oxygen
tent—stretched out his arms and said: “I’m having a hard time
breathing.” My client didn’t know what to do to help. So he stayed
for a few minutes longer, made an excuse, and left. When he
reflected on the incident later and empathized with his father, he
realized that he should have simply stayed and held his father’s
These folks have beautiful and loving ways of helping—when
they take a few moments to empathize, they know exactly what to
do. When they clearly distinguish between sympathy and empathy,
they want to be em-pathetic. They realize it is good to exert
themselves and contribute in some way so they feel connected and
can establish the intimacy they seek.




The salvation for Capricorn North Node people lies in becomingmore objective and goal oriented in all areas of life. Without a goal,they drift in a sea of emotions and are pulled under by their ownmoods and feelings—and those of the people around them. There’sno way out of the fluctuating emotional morass other than to attachthemselves to a goal that is larger than their personal life. Byholding to that goal, they can pull themselves out of the emotionalforce field.In any area of life where they feel bogged down by emotions andneeds, they must set a specific goal. For example, if they findthemselves bogged down by their children, they could set a goal forways of dealing with the children (for example, to concentrate onbreathing, to maintain a state of serenity). Actually, they may wantto establish a specific goal in relation to each child (to supportJohnny in being more lighthearted, to help Cindy gain confidence,etc.). By focusing on the goal rather than the child’s currentemotional state, they will be able to maintain their own emotionalbalance and be more effective as parents.Commitment is key for these folks: making the decision toachieve a role with dignity, self-respect, and the integrity ofactualizing their potential. In working toward their chosen goal,considerable character development takes place. Reaching a goal isextremely fulfilling for these folks; it validates their power,expertise, and competence in a way that nothing else can. In theend, the self-assurance and self-respect that has been gained fromthe process is their true reward.


Having a defined goal is an absolute necessity for CapricornNorth Node people. In the process of working toward a goal, theirwhole life takes on power and vitality. Thus, finding a goal that theyfeel is appropriate, and then going about attaining it, is the real keyto enjoying their life. Once they define a goal, their access toemotional power helps them get there; this is a highly positive useof their emotions.In any area of life, when they exercise self-control it’s healthy forthem. If they take control of their diet and pay close attention totheir eating habits, it’s positive and nurturing and they feel greatabout themselves. If they schedule a regular exercise routine, itgives them the self-respect of applying discipline to reach a goal.Capricorn North Node people have a desire to demonstrate thatthey can handle their life and prove their competence. They’re notafraid to work, but they don’t have much confidence—and the onlything that will give them confidence is the success ofaccomplishment itself. No matter how intelligent they are, if theydon’t put anything into practice they will fall short of realizing theirfull potential.For these folks, part of being able to achieve goals involves beingrealistic in terms of what they can do. Once they see the biggerpicture, they can set smaller goals to get there systematically. Whenthey set goals they know they can achieve, meeting each one givesthem confidence to go on to the next.For example, they may want to lose 50 pounds. Rather thansetting one ultimate goal of losing 50 pounds, they are better offsaying: “I want to lose 2 pounds in a month.” Then, if they losemore than 2 pounds in the first month, they can expand the goal to 4pounds in the second month. If the result is too difficult to attain,then the next month the idea is to set their expectations lower. It’simportant that they be flexible and not pressure themselves—theycan readjust the goal according to the results they achieve. If theyhave a smaller goal and attain it, it makes them feel good. Theyvalidate what they accomplished, and they have more confidence toproceed to the next goal.I once had a Capricorn North Node client who wanted to exerciseby swimming. At first he swam one lane at super speed and wasexhausted. He wanted to be able to swim back and forth, and hecould see people 70 years old who were going back and forth—howdid they do that? So he talked to them and he practiced, and after awhile he was able to swim back and forth. His next goal was to beable to swim a mile, and after that he set a goal of swimming hismile in 45 minutes. Then he got it down to 32 minutes—and afterthat he felt like he was training for the Olympics! This is how thesefolks become experts at accomplishment: They set attainable goalsand then expand them. They are learning how to accomplish goalsby staying focused and not getting frustrated. Then the entireprocess is exhilarating!


A primary purpose of this incarnation for Capricorn North Nodepeople is to learn the art of goal achievement, and they are destinedfor great success once they learn how. Ultimately, it is their destinyto learn how to take care of themselves. By postponing the timewhen they take charge, they waste the resources of vitality andyouth—after all, it takes energy to build a financial base or abusiness that will support them. The sooner they take control oftheir life and start to plan ahead, the better their chances for success.Their best bet is to identify a long-range goal they can beginworking toward energetically and get right to it!These folks often worry that by pursuing a larger goal, theirpersonal life will suffer. So they become immersed in their dailypleasures and problems, ignoring the fact that they’re not takingsensible steps to ensure their future. They don’t take opportunitiesbecause all they think about is what they don’t want to do, ratherthan focusing on the larger picture of what they do want to do—andthen going for it. They don’t want to disrupt the status quo to buildfor their future, when in fact putting their attention on planning forthe future ensures their happiness in the present.Because no one else is going to take responsibility for CapricornNorth Nodes’ happiness and security, there is no escaping theirdestiny. The sooner they take charge, the easier it will be and themore nurtured they will feel. For example, I had a Capricorn NorthNode client whose money from her divorce settlement was almostgone. She had an opportunity to buy a successful pet groomingbusiness with nothing down and an affordable payment schedule.She was good with animals and loved them, and she had the artisticability to do the grooming. This opportunity was truly a gift ofcircumstance.Immediately, rather than seeing the fortuitous nature of theopportunity, this client began creating emotionally chargedconcerns. Was it truly the “destiny” she was born for? Was it whatshe wanted to do with the rest of her life? Was it going to interferewith her community theater activities and her favorite morning classat the gym? She approached me with the question of whether sheshould accept this opportunity or, instead, sell her mortgage-freehouse to buy more time before deciding how to earn a living.Once again, Capricorn North Node people are learning to focuson the reality of the future in a sensible way. Selling the housewould only postpone a decision and leave this woman in a worseposition. And because she would have to pay rent somewhere else,she would need even more income. However, if she rose to theoccasion and accepted this business opportunity, she could easilyprovide for her future. It would require pouring her fullconcentration and energy into the business for the first year or two,but once it was established and operating smoothly, she could hirepeople to take over (and she could use her native talent to manageothers). After two or three years, she would have more free time andthe security of still living in a mortgage-free home, supportingherself with earnings from her own business.


When Capricorn North Node people focus on the goal they wantto attain, they can easily create success. Thus, it is crucial for themto see the big picture—truly understand the larger goal—so theyhave confidence in playing their part. If they don’t understandexactly how their part affects the total picture, they lose confidence.


To transform their needs for dependence into strength, thesefolks would do well to align themselves with a spiritual presence orHigher Power that they can depend on to take care of them. Thiswill help them focus beyond their scattered emotional needs andretain a sense of being in control without being controlling. If thesefolks feel they aren’t in control of a situation, they go nuts. Fotexample, if they’re driving and the traffic is slowing them down,they often overreact. Actually, it is valid for them to want to feel incontrol of their lives. However, as in the example, this is not alwayspossible; they need to understand that they are ultimately in controlof themselves, regardless of outer circumstances.One way of doing this is by recognizing that a Higher Power isalways in control and, thus, whatever is happening will ultimatelywork to their benefit. In the example, being delayed in traffic mightmean they won’t meet someone they would rather avoid! Whenthey keep their eye on the bigger picture, it prevents them fromfeeling helpless. Then, when they are in a position in which theyhave no apparent control, they can say: “There’s a reason for this,”and just let it go.Capricorn North Node people have a feeling that there is a jobthey were born to do, a “higher mission” that is part of their destiny.If they don’t realize this life purpose, part of them feels deeplyunfulfilled and guilty. That destiny is different for each of thesefolks, but inwardly they know which direction to take. It willalways involve achieving a position of authority, acceptingresponsibility, representing an ideal, or demonstrating a truth that ismore important than their personal lives.They will know their mission because it is the natural pathwaythat opens before them. They may even pursue it for a while, feelwonderful about themselves and achieve remarkable success, andthen abandon the path for one reason or another. Until they go back,pick up the pieces, and follow that sense of mission, they will feelrestless. The issue of success or failure is far less important thanmaking the commitment and actively pursuing the goal. These folksmust rise above the temptation to get so bogged down anddistracted that they accomplish nothing beyond meeting personalneeds. When they exert themselves and put a social good abovetheir personal desire to remain comfortable, they are filled with asense of love and the feeling that “this is right.” Then they knowthey are performing their mission.


Capricorn North Node people love role models—they want tobe like their ideal of someone else who has a good wit, “presence,”a command of the language, or success in achieving a goal theyadmire. This can be positive for Capricorn North Nodes. When theyhave a role model to emulate, it helps them grow and everyonewins!It works for these folks to emulate successful people. They cantake courage from how the role model does things and learn how tosucceed themselves, if they really pay attention. In past lives, theyinvalidated the authoritative part of themselves that tookresponsibility for guiding the ship. In the process of allowing othersto be in charge lifetime after lifetime, their own capacity to takecharge became weakened. But in this incarnation it is their job todirect the ship; like it or not, others are depending on them to do so.Every time they take responsibility, others appreciate and supportthem and all of life supports them as well. It’s up to them to fill therole for which they were destined and, in the process, become a rolemodel for others.Capricorn North Node people tend to let others take credit fortheir work. Secretly, a part of them doesn’t want to be publiclyacknowledged as being responsible for the outcome—even if theoutcome is successful. They’re happy just to see their missionfulfilled; they aren’t particularly motivated to get the credit. On apractical level, however, it’s in their best interest to be willing toaccept credit when they’ve earned it.For one thing, public recognition is a healthy energy for them—itvalidates their self-esteem and acts as a barometer to show whenthey are on track and fulfilling a public need. Someone has to takecredit for the success, and it might as well be these folks becausethe energy of acknowledgment is not an ego trip for them and doesfeed an area in their psyche that lacks energy.Moreover, accepting recognition gives them more credibility asindividuals who can create success in the projects they undertake.For example, if they organize co-workers to make a change that isgood for the company, and accept recognition as the one whoheaded the project, their managerial talents will be validated andthey may be promoted to positions where they can better use theirabilities. Recognition is a key to opening up more opportunities toexercise their sense of public responsibility.


This is a lifetime in which the universe supports CapricornNorth Node people taking public positions and pursuingprofessional goals. They do especially well when they are in charge,because they are excellent managers. They are most confident whenthey approach a situation from a position of authority; this appliesto both their personal and professional lives.Also, in the process of managing others, these folks learn how tobetter manage themselves. For that to occur, they need to manifestintegrity and an absolute commitment to keeping their word. Inorder to stay in touch with their power, Capricorn North Nodepeople must be on time, do what they say they are going to do, behonest with others, and always behave in a way that promotes selfrespect. This will make their lives strong. They are not allowed to“get away with” childish or irresponsible behavior.From past lives, these natives developed tremendous emotionalsensitivity. When they take a moment to “tune in” to the emotionalstates of others, they accurately understand other people’s needs andconcerns and can speak to them in a way that rallies the necessarymental and emotional support to reach the goal. They do thisautomatically, although it is a gift that most other people do notpossess. In this lifetime, they also have the gift of seeing the biggerpicture and being aware of the correct path to follow in order toachieve goals. This is a new gift (not from past lives), which theymust begin to exercise in order to recognize that they have it. Thesegifts make them highly successful as managers because they’remanaging and motivating with an awareness of how others arefeeling and directing them with understanding.Capricorn North Node people become upset when those in higherpositions do not manage them—or others—well. Something withinthem deeply resents mismanagement from lack of knowledge and/orinsensitivity, because they instinctively know how to manage in away that inspires willing support without diminishing others. Theycan become very unhappy and critical. They tend to hover aroundtaking responsibility, and they’re filled with opinions about howthings should be run. They come close to “stepping over the line”when someone else is in charge because they think they should “runthe show”—and indeed they should! They are often afraid to takecharge, and at the last minute they say: “Oh, no—you do it, and I’llhelp you.” When they hold back, they never really know if theirideas would work.Because these folks do have a talent for humane and wisemanagement, they have the responsibility to try to shift the way anymismanagement is handled when a lot of people are being affected.They need to apply for a promotion or otherwise do what they canto bring good management to the situation by sharing theirknowledge in appropriate ways. For instance, if their feelings arehurt owing to insensitive management, they could communicate itin a responsible way: “You may not be aware of it, but it hurt mevery much when . . .” and then let the manager know what can bedone to make it right. “When you changed my title it hurt me verymuch. I respond better when I have a title that gives me a feeling ofimportance.” By helping others to learn better management, theyvalidate their own knowledge and satisfy their sense of mission.


Capricorn North Node people don’t usually see the vision ofwhat can be. They are generally good at whatever they ate doing,they like the safety of it, and they’re hard workers; but they are notaccustomed to recognizing opportunities. It’s important for them toseize opportunities in order to avoid regrets later in life.When these folks allow themselves to become too limited in theirown worlds, they can’t envision possibilities for the future. Theysee other people taking risks and admire them for it, but they arereluctant to do the same because they are afraid of losing what theyhave. They must recognize that safety can lead to stagnation.This is a lifetime for learning to take advantage of opportunities.They need to focus on one goal and then make a 100 percentcommitment to reach it. The instant they make the commitment,they have the power to do it—and suddenly opportunities streamacross their path. As they take each opportunity and complete it,they have taken one more step toward accomplishing their finalgoal. Each time they complete a step, the energy of success feedsthem power and confidence to seize the next opportunity. They gainso much strength and competence from the path itself that by thetime they reach their goal they are fully qualified—and centeredinwardly—to be in that position.


Owing to so many past lifetimes spent in family environments,it’s natural that Capricorn North Node people think in a supportiveway rather than an opportunistic way. They have a natural desire tohelp people, and this is why they attract people who need help. Butthey need to be open to the possibility that they could help the otherperson and help themselves at the same time, creating a win/winsituation. In this incarnation they are learning to utilize theopportunities life brings to further their own position, prove theirown competence, and personally get “on top.”For example, I had a Capricorn North Node friend who sold lifeinsurance. One of his clients died. My friend was working with thewidow, who now had a large business and didn’t know what to dowith it. Wanting to help out, my friend connected this woman with abusiness broker, and she received a lot of money and some veryvaluable stock from the deal. The broker asked my friend: “What doyou want out of this?” He answered: “Well, I just want her to comeout all right.” He should have made a commission and gotten somestock, but these folks often miss opportunities that fall in their lapsin just this way, and then regret it later.They must be alert for unexpected opportunities, which are giftslife wants to bring them. If they miss the opportunity by virtue oftheir naïvete, someone else will point it out to them as the businessbroker did. Owing to their lack of past-life experience, CapricornNorth Node people can’t expect to always spot opportunities ontheir own—but they can listen to others. When someone asks thema question regarding personal gain for themselves, their best bet isto say: “Gosh, let me think about it, and I’ll get back to you.” Theyneed to slow down and give themselves time to think it over.Life and other people know, on a deep level, that these folks arenot used to being in the world. So it’s perfectly fine for them tocheck out what is fair by asking others who are already successfulin the world. Better yet, they could say to the person who ispointing out the opportunity: “What do you think would be fair inthis case? What would you do if you were in my position?”Capricorn North Node people are highly active and tend to actwithout thinking. But restless, nondirected motion iscounterproductive for them. They become so involved in doing thatthey don’t stop to think about where their energy is—or is not—taking them, what the end result will be, or how it will affect otherpeople. They must be more aware of the possible consequences oftheir actions and deliberately channel their energy in ways that willhelp them get on top of things. Since they ate responsible for theresults, it behooves them to take charge of the process to ensure thatthe results are in alignment with what they want.For example, I had a client whose father was a Capricorn NorthNode person. She came from a very close family, and over the yearsher uncles and other relatives had given her father manyopportunities to become wealthy. They brought him real estatedeals, business partnerships, and investments. But her father stoodfirm: “No, I’m a working man; I don’t invest.” So he never boughthis own home or invested for his future or the future of his family.He took care of day-to-day responsibilities, working long hours sixdays a week, but never took the initiative to be responsible in afuture-oriented, sensible way.Today my client’s uncles and cousins are all wealthy, but herfather is running out of money in his retirement and doesn’tunderstand how he got into this situation. He just kept putting onefoot in front of the other, going along in his comfort zone.Subconsciously, he was thinking that someone else would takeresponsibility, which equals “how to lose” for Capricorn NorthNode people.These folks often get “stuck” in a conservative position as a wayto avoid “upsetting the apple cart” or risking emotional responsesfrom others. Also, by supporting the established way of doingthings, they are less likely to have to take a stand. Until theyunderstand that this is a lifetime of accepting opportunities, theydon’t want to take risks. They are afraid of losing the day-to-daysecurity of their stable life and of taking responsibility for change.I had a client with this nodal position who ran a small franchisebusiness and rented an office in a large building. He wasapproached by the owner of the building with the opportunity topurchase it for a good price. My client didn’t take it because hedidn’t have the money. He might have found a way to do it, but hedidn’t see the opportunity. His first thought was: “Why would Iwant the burden of owning an office when I can rent it?” Theproperty later sold for such a high price that my client would rathernot even have known about it!In becoming goal oriented, these folks are learning how to useevery “obstacle” to their advantage, so that everything becomes astepping-stone for reaching their goal. As factors they didn’tanticipate arise to distract them, they are learning to see the largerpicture and regard everything as an opportunity they can use to theiradvantage, rather than becoming emotionally overwhelmed.For example, if the Capricorn North Node is training for amarathon and strains a calf muscle so he can’t run for a few weeks,he should use the time to develop his upper-body strength. Ifsuccess is in his mind, he can accept everything that happens anduse it to his advantage. The sense of self-sufficiency gained throughthis process will be enormous, as these natives recognize that allalong they had the qualities they needed to manifest their dreams.


Owing to many past incarnations immersed in family life andfocused on feelings, in this lifetime Capricorn North Node peopleare born with direct access to raw emotion. The only problem is thatthey’re stuck in the middle of it! Emotion is an incredible power,and they are learning how to direct it in a positive way.The irony is that these folks always seem to think they lack thepositive qualities inherent in the negative emotion they are holding.For example, those who have a lot of pent-up anger generally feellacking in assertiveness, initiative, courage, and independence—aspects of the positive side of the raw emotional energy whosenegative expression is anger. By consciously directing this energyinto a take-charge attitude, it will naturally be discharged in aconstructive direction—working for them rather than against them.Interestingly, in astrology the same planet that rules initiative,courage, assertiveness, and independence—Mars—also rules anger.To get the angry energy out in a positive form, Capricorn NorthNode people must take charge, assert themselves, and take theinitiative in all areas of their lives.For example, I had a client with this nodal position who went outof her way to take a friend to a big clothing sale. They arranged togo at 1:00 in the afternoon. My client was free until 6:30, when shehad another appointment. However, her friend arrived late, took aninordinate amount of time at the sale, and insisted on “primping” inthe bathroom before going home. My client became more and moreangry as she watched the time slipping away. She mentioned to herfriend that she had a 6:30 appointment, but the friend didn’t seem tocare. In the end, my client was late for her appointment and feltangry and frustrated throughout the rest of the evening.How could she have converted the angry energy into initiative?She could have taken charge at the very beginning and said: “Wehave to be done shopping by 5:00.” By stating the goal at the verybeginning, these folks can bypass getting angry when they don’t gettheir way. When their motive is pure—they want to help—theyneed to let others know in advance what the parameters are: “I’llhelp you with this, and I need to be done at this time. Does thatwork for you?” There will be awareness and agreement about whatis going on—and they will have converted anger into executiveenergy.



As music is an empowering medium for emotionally supporting
us in taking risks, I have written a healing song for each nodal
group to help shift its energy in a positive way.



The message of this song is meant to effortlessly shift Capricorn
North Nodes’ consciousness into a more courageous mode,
encouraging them to leave the confining safety of the home they
know and reach for a new home of splendid accomplishment!

Selected lyrics:

Have you ever felt like I do
Knowing you must walk on ahead
And take the next step into something new?
You can’t see beyond the level You’re on
Afraid to let go because inside you know
There’s no returning—back to where you’ve been?

The level you’re on isn’t working
Let go of the past and keep walking
Think You’re leaving home?
No, no! You’re going, You’re going, You’re going Home

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”


North Node in Aquarius

and North Node in the 11th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents


Objectivity (seeing the “total picture”)
Desire for friendship
Making decisions for the group’s best interest
Willingness to share unconventional ideas
Willingness to champion humanitarian causes
Active participation in groups
Awareness of equality
Relating to others as individuals, apart from their
specific roles (gardener, doctor, lover, etc.)
Creating win/win situations
Recognizing how others are special


Tendencies to Leave Behind
Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable
Insistence on getting one’s way
Making changes just to exercise authority
Attachment to taking risks (romance or
Willfulness and stubbornness
Attachment to the need for approval
Melodramatic tendencies
Doing what’s expected instead of following one’s
Unbridled passion—going to extremes
Unawareness of others’ importance
Prideful responses based on fear

The Achilles’ heel Aquarius North Node people need to be
aware of is their need for others’ approval (“My survival depends
on others giving me approval”) and thinking that if they have
others’ approval their life is on the right track. But it’s a bottomless
pit: Aquarius North Node people can never get enough approval to
feel satisfied or to feel free to be themselves. Actually, for them the
approval of others is a false barometer. They must risk
and be true to their own unorthodox ideas in order to develop the
deeper and more satisfying feeling of
The trap that Aquarius North Node people fall into is an
unending search for risk taking—especially in romance (“If I can
just have a happy love life, then I will feel complete and can begin
to do my part to help the planet”). However, if they don’t balance
this romantic energy with a daily commitment to some type of
humanitarian cause, it becomes too intense and they inadvertently
destroy the very relationship they want so badly.
The bottom line is that they’ll never feel free to dedicate
themselves to humanitarian concerns unless they can forget their
personal desires. When they add their considerable talents to
making universal causes successful, their efforts are energizing and
rewarding for everyone concerned. The irony is that when Aquarius
North Node people dedicate themselves to a larger cause, they find
that the universe will fulfill them on the personal level as well. They
need only be mindful of the old adage: “Be careful what you ask
for, because you just might get it”!


What these people really want is to be in love: to be adored and
share “center stage” with someone who returns their passion. To
reach this goal they must learn to go with the flow—to tell the
universe what they want and let life (with its perfect timing) bring
others who will recognize and adore them. They need to learn to
receive love naturally—to be alert to the window of opportunity and
respond to those who come into their lives to love them. Spending
time with like-minded people, openly expressing their unorthodox
ideas and visions of the future, attracts lovers who can also be
friends and give them the support they need. When they focus on
enacting their altruistic dreams, life will send them special people to
charge their dreams with romantic energy.


These people are effective with groups, as they can see how to
promote open, harmonious cooperation. Their interests are
nonpartisan, so they are capable of doing what’s best for the group
as a whole. They are successful at furthering idealistic causes or
humanitarian goals in which they believe. Aquarius North Node
people are good in positions that require objectivity; they succeed as
scientists, astrologers, electricians, technicians, computer experts, or
in any occupation where the ability to see the future and bring it
into the present is an asset. They are successful and happy in work
that brings innovative ideas to the public. These natives produce
positive results through their own properly applied creative energy,
and they are able to see things through to completion. Broadcast
work in radio or television is another field in which they have innate
Additionally, Aquarius North Node people are extremely creative
and ready to bring enthusiasm, passion, and raw energy to get any
job done. When they use their determination to carry through in
ways that empower the group or further a higher cause, they
energize others. However, if they willfully enter professions that
spotlight themselves rather than a higher principle (for example,
movie star, corporate head, military or political figurehead), it
leaves them hardened and unable to relate to others with equality.
They are better off in fields where they can use their skills to further
important universal causes.

“When I release willfulness, I win.”
“I don’t know what ‘ought’ to be.”
“When I do what’s best for everyone involved, I
“Once I decide what I want, the universe will
bring it to me.”
“I don’t have to dominate others to feel okay
about myself.”





Aquarius North Node people were kings and queens in past
lives, or entertainers—people accustomed to being “special.”
Receiving all that applause and admiration formed an ego
encrustation that now keeps them from feeling equal with others—
they came into this incarnation still feeling “special.”
To regain a sense of equality and belonging, these folks need to
give others all the excess energy of fame that was given to them,
and they can do it by using their tremendous strength to further
humanitarian causes. They are here to help bring in the New Age.
Their destiny is to come down from their isolated thrones and reestablish themselves as part of the collective.
When something unfortunate happens, they tend to respond with:
me? It’s happening to me?” They don’t believe they are
deserving of bad luck. One of the lessons they’re learning is that
“life” happens to everyone. But from past incarnations of privilege,
these folks are outraged when they are treated like everyone else—
they’re naive and spoiled.
In other past-life positions of rulership—as chiefs, kings,
dictators, or heads of household—they were Very Important People
(VIPs) and accustomed to getting their way. Thus, they tend to be
demanding and take it as an affront when others don’t heed their
wishes, although they do have good hearts. They have so much
emotional energy that they often bulldoze others without even
realizing it. They are experts at pushing the energy of the id to
obtain the results they want, and in this incarnation they are here to
share the power of their will with others. They need to consciously
focus on the people they interact with and encourage them to get in
touch with their own needs and to manifest their own dreams!


Because Aquarius North Node people overdeveloped their will
in past lives, in this incarnation it is sometimes out of control—
trying to change things, even against their best interests, just for the
sake of change. They may be having a nice time in the most
pleasant circumstance, when suddenly their will flares up and
demands to have its way. This can be very disconcerting. Aquarius
North Nodes’ best bet to re-establish equality when this happens is
to acknowledge what’s going on: “Sorry—that was my will getting
out of hand again. What did you say your idea was?”
These folks were also well-known artists and other highly
creative people in past lives. This caused them to develop an
attachment to pride, arrogantly promoting their vision above all
others. Their powerful will works to their advantage when they
apply it to reach a goal, as it gives them the strength and
determination to see difficult projects through to completion; but
it’s a negative influence when it spreads indiscriminately into other
areas of their life. They have spent so many lifetimes building ego,
determination, and personal will that they lost their group
awareness. Thus, in this incarnation they need to intentionally
expand their thinking to include the individual needs of others.
Their will must be focused on promoting the general good in
order to be supported by others. Problems arise when Aquarius
North Nodes try to control every step of how their dreams are
manifested. If they try to control the process, frustration results.
What they want is valid; but they are learning to release attachment
how it comes about. The universe wants to meet their needs, and
as they learn to bypass their ego, all they require will come to them.
Aquarius North Node people do have an innate confidence in
their power to overcome life’s obstacles. Perhaps this is why they
have such tremendous resilience and are able to bounce back from
catastrophes with a happy heart and a spirit that is willing to go on
to the next adventure. They accurately appraise their talents and
needs, and then set about creating positive solutions. They don’t
seek security through conventional means—they depend on their
own wits to ensure their destiny.
In past lives these folks did everything on their own, and this is
one reason they are so willful. They push until the desired objective
is obtained or until the resistance is so great that they simply have to
give up. When they finally do let go of something that isn’t
working, they see a higher answer for why the situation didn’t work

out as they wanted. And they have lots of help: The Angels and
their own intuition will show them the larger picture, and they can
count on help from friends who share the same ideals. This is not a
“do it yourself” lifetime for Aquarius North Node people; when
they allow others to help them reach their goals, it creates a lot of
positive, reciprocal energy.


Aquarius North Node people hate to lose when they take risks.
Even in playing a simple card game or gambling with low stakes,
when money is involved these folks are not “good sports.” They
take it very seriously and forget that it’s a game. They were
gamblers in past lives, so now they’re not afraid to take risks. Yet
owing to a lack of objectivity, they are generally not good gamblers
in this lifetime.
These folks never stop to think about the potentially disastrous
consequences of whatever risk they are taking—consequences that
would cause those in other nodal groups to shudder! They think
they are invincible. Often they don’t slow down long enough to
evaluate the odds, weigh the situation, and make a practical
appraisal that takes into account the wishes of others. They feel an
incredible surge of emotional energy, and they take the leap.
Consider love affairs. When Aquarius North Node’s passion is
ignited she wants to jump in and invest 100 percent of her devotion
—and her mind will create whatever fantasy is necessary to keep
the fervor going. She only sees positive qualities in the other person
and puts him on a pedestal, making the relationship bigger than life
—which creates the emotional charge to which she is addicted.
She is so completely and quickly invested that the stakes of
winning or losing the love object become exaggerated. This blurs
her vision, and she often finds herself in the middle of a drama
where she is the only player. It’s the same in business deals. If she
thinks she’s going to make a “killing” following her gambling
instincts, she sets herself up for loss. It is important that she take her
time and not gamble with more resources than she can afford to
lose, whether it’s her money or her heart! When Aquarius North Node people blindly follow passion (the
“high” that accompanies what appears to be an “easy win”), they
always lose, whether the situation is a love affair or a financial
gamble. When passion is aroused, their best bet is to force
themselves to slow down and evaluate the risk. Then they will have
the clarity to make a wise decision. They lose when their only goal
is self-gratification. When higher, altruistic “stakes” are involved—
an objective awareness of the other person’s situation—it gives
them the “edge”—the expanded vision they need to strategize


Aquarius North Node people have spent so many past lives
developing the ego that the superego was neglected. (Here, “id”
refers to primal needs and desires, “ego” to the aspect of self that
mediates those wants with the outside world, and “superego” to an
awareness of other people’s needs, society’s mores, etc.)
All the past lives spent building the ego have given these folks
the power to get what they want. However, sometimes they become
so involved in getting what they want that they don’t stop to make
sure it answers a true need (id). Or they may not get what they want
because they discount the superego and forget to ask themselves
whether what they want is going to diminish or benefit the other
people involved. In this incarnation Aquarius North Nodes need to
develop their connection to the superego: The stronger this
connection, the more effective their use of personal ego in this
lifetime will be.
Aquarius North Node people’s primary lesson is to transform
their overactive ego into a vehicle for furthering the evolution of
humankind. To rein in the ego requires a spiritual connection and
strong self-discipline. They simply must not allow themselves to
indulge in petty, negative emotional states. Those patterns of
thinking feed their egos and hurt their hearts. Others may “get away
with it,” but these natives don’t. They have an overabundance of
highly charged creative emotional energy, and whatever they focus
on expands and assumes a life of its own. They must turn their backs on thoughts that promote envy, arrogance, and pride—it is
dangerous for them to indulge in any negativity.
They are well equipped to use their powerful will in this lifetime
—to keep the ego from feeding them counterproductive thoughts.
For example, when things don’t go their way these folks tend to
blame themselves or others for the outcome and become very
frustrated. This is the time to stop the bombardment of negative
thoughts and remind themselves: “I don’t know what ought to be.”
That thought, summoned at key moments, stops their runaway will
and brings them peace.
Affirmations are excellent in helping them break free from
negative thoughts: “I am filled with loving kindness. Love
permeates my being.” By deliberately repeating this type of thought
during the day, they can reconnect with their true nature.
Aquarius North Nodes can also work to free themselves from ego
entrapment by ceasing to judge and compare themselves with other
people. “Well, she’s better off than I am. She’s got more public
recognition, more money, more property . . .” Such comparisons
make them angry and envious. They may look at someone else and
think: “She has a less prestigious job, she makes less money, she
doesn’t have a good relationship . . .” and then begin to feel
superior. They always lose when they judge in this way, because it
precludes any true connection or mutual support. And if they resent
someone who is close to them, they do not feel good about
To avoid falling into this trap, they need to recognize when it’s
happening and immediately substitute other thoughts: what to buy
for dinner, what to do at work, and so on. They also need to
recognize that whether a person is striving to become president of
the United States, earn a college degree, or make enough money to
feed the family, the struggle is the same. If Aquarius North Node
people look beyond external appearances and realize that we all
share the same struggle, they will relax and feel equal with others
These natives were kings and queens in past lives, and they were
not petty. They must use their innately regal qualities of dignity,
benevolence, and determination to rise above petty emotional
reactions unbefitting the temperament of royalty.


Arrogance is inherent in Aquarius North Node people, as they
have spent many past lives in positions “above” others. The energy
of arrogance can result in isolation, preventing them from getting
and keeping those things in life that are most important. However,
arrogance can also be translated into a force that empowers them to
do their part to bring about evolutionary change and help initiate the
New Age for their generation.
These folks think: “My way is best. If I ruled the universe, things
would be a lot better.” When they say “my way is best,” the energy
of arrogance is driving them to solve problems and contribute to
what is happening on the planet. Nonetheless, it must be coupled
with humility: “My vision is best, but maybe I don’t always know
the best way to
implement it—the vision may be coming about in a
way I didn’t anticipate.”
When the idea that “my way is best” is strongly based in a
perception of what’s going on in the larger picture, then Aquarius
North Nodes’ way generally
is best—if everyone involved is taken
into account. But if it’s: “I want my way regardless of what others
want,” then the approach doesn’t work. These folks need to be
willing to be flexible—not so attached to a certain sequence of
events that they miss the opportunity being presented.


Because of past lives of privilege, Aquarius North Node people
expect things to work to their advantage. If an unfortunate event
occurs, their first response is often indignation: “I don’t deserve
it!”—which implies that there might be other people who deserve
misfortune more than they do. When they think in those terms, they
lose touch with their innate generosity and start feeling more special
than others—and that’s when others take a stand against them. (It’s
the “Marie Antoinette syndrome”: Their pompous behavior

provokes others to bring them down.) But these folks are operating
from a basic naïvete; even when they provoke others, they don’t
realize they are doing it.
These folks
are operating from an inner framework of goodness
and kindness, are basically well disposed toward others, and believe
in the goodness of life. Because of these attributes, they generally
seem to have “good luck.” However, when things don’t go their
way, the spoiled child within often emerges and they feel outraged
at the universe and at life itself. Their anger compounds the problem
because they block their receptivity to good and get emotionally lost
in the bad luck—which creates
more bad luck!
If they allow themselves to sink deeper into negative
comparisons, their attitude toward people becomes either
resentment or disdain. This makes them unpopular—the people they
disdain want to bring them down, and those they perceive as “better
off” are not inclined to help them because they can sense Aquarius
North Nodes’ resentment.
Aquarius North Node people are learning to suspend judgment
and take the time to get to know others more deeply: to investigate
why others think the way they do and to find out what they may
have in common. They cut themselves off from many happy
interactions because they are so quick to judge superficial
appearances. The only way out of this self-destructive pattern is for
Aquarius North Nodes to consciously evoke their inherent
generosity. Through many past incarnations of being “special” to
others and protected by the universe, these folks have become
generous and usually give back from their good fortune. When
these natives bless the efforts of others and rejoice in others’
victories, they open the floodgates to their own good fortune.


Another strategy that will keep open the gates to good fortune is
for Aquarius North Node people to consciously appreciate the good
things that are already coming their way. It’s important that they
come from a place of appreciation rather than arrogance. For
example, if they are invited to an exclusive party and inwardly
respond with arrogance (“Well, it’s about time they invited me!”),

they may feel happy temporarily, but this attitude often attracts
misfortune. If for some reason the invitation is withdrawn, their
arrogance may cause them to react with: “How dare he do that! I
deserve to go to that party! Life is against me!”
Unfortunately, since they have enormous creative energy,
focusing on the negative becomes a constant battle. But if they
believe in—and are receptive to—life’s goodness, when
opportunities are presented they recognize them and naturally move
in the direction of success.
For example, I had a client with this nodal position who had an
accident and broke her pelvis. As she was carried out on a stretcher,
she said to herself: “Life loves me [all Aquarius North Node people
know this!] and something good will come out of this.” Indeed,
during the time she was bedridden she wrote a proposal for a new
project that propelled her business to the national level. A
relationship that had ended came back into her life to help her, and
as of this writing the two are still happily together. Her whole life
was redirected and changed because her receptivity to good allowed
her to use this seemingly negative event to her advantage.
On the other hand, I had a friend with this nodal position whom I
agreed to meet at a popular New York spot before going to the
theater. I couldn’t find her inside, so I went outside and found her
waiting in line with about thirty other people—and there was a very
handsome man standing right behind her in line. She was furious
with me for being late and spent the entire time walking to the
theater “making me wrong.” What she was
really upset about was
the fact that she hadn’t been allowed inside, which she interpreted
as a personal insult. (These folks can be as sweet as honey when
they are being treated with deference, but heaven help those around
them if they are treated as equal with others—as “commoners”!)
She didn’t get her way, so she made everyone around her miserable
(including herself) and missed the generous opportunity that life
had brought her: the chance to meet the handsome man who was
behind her in the line!
These people are learning to trust the Flow. They are very
generous, and life responds to them with generosity. If they don’t
get their way—or if someone says “no” to them—they need to
expand their vision to see what other opportunity life is bringing.
They must let go of their limited picture of what will make them

happy and be open to life’s bounty—then a wealth of new
experiences will bring them unexpected pleasure.


Aquarius North Node people have had too many lifetimes of
being the center-stage star and having constant public attention, so
in this incarnation part of them resists being in that position. Fear of
not playing their role correctly and inviting disapproval is a great
emotional risk, and now they, are generally not rewarded when they
take the “star” position.
In this lifetime the enthusiastic applause of others does not
nurture these folks. But they are great audience members,
supporting others in taking center stage. Their natural enthusiasm
evokes excitement from the rest of the audience. In this way, they
give back the energy of approval to others and remain free to be
If they can’t avoid being the center of attention, their best bet is
to shift the focus to something outside themselves. For example, if
Aquarius North Node is a public speaker, he could focus the
audience’s attention on the topic. If he wins approval for his
principles or projects rather than seeking it only for himself, his
enthusiasm becomes boundless and he has tremendous creative
power. Approval is like food for Aquarius North Node people.
Conversely, their fear of disapproval may be so enormous that they
avoid sharing their true opinions or feelings.
In past lives, Aquarius North Node people were VIPs who had to
spout the conventional line—that was part of their job. However, in
this incarnation they are here to share unconventional knowledge,
and they may not always get approval because they are voicing
something new. People seldom accept new knowledge easily
because it takes time to see its value, come into alignment with it,
and integrate it. These folks need to be willing to risk disapproval in

voicing their innovative ideas. They must allow themselves to feel
the empowerment of their own self-approval.
When they see themselves as channels for knowledge to flow
through, it frees them enormously because they don’t have to be
“right.” It also frees them from the vulnerability of needing
approval from others. When they realize that they’re just “picking
up” free-floating ideas and bringing them through, then whether
other people approve or not isn’t a factor.
When these folks are in group situations, very often they have
excellent ideas that others accept with enthusiasm. An idea comes
to fruition and no one remembers that it was Aquarius North Node’s
idea. These folks may have delusions of grandeur, but when they
keep a low profile they reach their greatest potential and have the
most success.
Not waiting for applause keeps them unencumbered to go on to
the next, great thing. When they receive a lot of attention, it blocks
their access to new ideas. Thus, their fate is to work behind the
scenes and with others to make things happen. Then, if fame should
come to them, they can accept it in a balanced way and not take it


These folks want everyone to like them—it’s the motive behind
much of what they do. If they do something and
don’t get
validation, they have a hard time dealing with it. Because of pastlife experiences, they subconsciously use approval from others as a
barometer of whether they are on track and doing a good job. On
one level, Aquarius North Node people are still burdened by
thinking they have to “live up to” an image. Although in this
lifetime they rebel against that restriction, they are so accustomed to
sacrificing their real selves to perform a “role” and earn approval
that they all too easily behave in ways they feel are expected—
contrary to their own hearts.
Their desire for approval often causes them tremendous inner
conflict. They are so aware of others’ responses to them that they
often manipulate their image in the others’ eyes. They don’t

respond naturally to the flow of events because they want to say
exactly the “right thing” to win approval.
But by focusing so much on themselves, they inadvertently
deplete their natural self-confidence. If they continually worry
about how they appear to others and need a certain amount of
approval to be happy, the balance is very fragile. They are under
constant pressure to present an image they think is required for the
positive feedback they think they need.
These folks are much better off when they respond authentically
from who they really are—and then see how the
other person
responds and whether or not they approve of the other person.
When they interact honestly with another person, the other’s
response will show them whether they want to spend time with that
person. This is a stronger, healthier position for the Aquarius North
Node person.




Before Aquarius North Node people can gain the selfconfidence needed to successfully pursue their goals, the hindrance
of excessive personal ego must be discarded. The ego has been so
built up that in this incarnation they practically have to starve it to
regain inner balance. Their hunger for prestige can be a bottomless
pit, causing them to live beyond their means, adopt a superior
attitude, and always want “more, more, more.” Others are allowed
to enhance and expand the ego, but Aquarius North Nodes are not.
Their desire for acclaim can too easily become an ego trip with an
arrogant attitude that summons disaster. So the universe often keeps
success from them until they learn to respond in a balanced and
gracious way.
Life gives them lots of chances. Because they are inherently
confident, energetic, and willing to take risks, their spirit of
enterprise rightfully puts them in a position to be victorious. And
then life watches to see how they handle each success: If they
become pompous, life removes some of the spoils. However, if they
handle small victories graciously, life brings an abundance of what
they seek—as long as they avoid pride and arrogance and continue
to receive with thankful humility.
Aquarius North Node people have a mechanism in the psyche
that reflects on self-glory and inflates the ego—then the power goes
out of their lives and they attract defeat. Whenever they notice the
mechanism activating, their best bet is to immediately disengage it.
They must stop thinking how glorious they are and consciously
remind themselves: “Okay, I don’t know if I’m going to win or lose,
but I think maybe I could help others have a positive experience.”
This will allow them to re-establish a balanced perspective.
Another approach to circumvent the problem of overdeveloped
ego is to deliberately use the ego to benefit other people or
humanitarian causes. These people were royalty in past lives; now,
by focusing on benefiting “the people” instead of enhancing their
own reflection, they will win.


Aquarius North Node people have vivid imaginations and often
entertain themselves with fantasies of grandeur. For instance, if they
become bored in their professional life, they may imagine they’re
going to write a best-selling book and appear on all the talk shows.
It doesn’t matter if the fantasy is unrealistic; it’s pleasant and
becomes satisfying in its own right. Unfortunately, such fantasies
take the “edge” off, giving Aquarius North Nodes a certain level of
satisfaction that blocks creative action.
The irony is that these folks have all the creative power they need
to make their fantasies come true—but their
motive determines the
outcome. In the example, if the motive for writing the book is fame
and glory, success will elude them because, in this incarnation, it’s
set up for the ego to defeat them whenever they try to feed it.
However, if the motive is to help other people, there’s no limit to
the heights they can attain! The humanitarian side of their nature
must be developed.
Another problem with fantasizing is that it moves reality into the
future, which makes Aquarius North Node people much less
effective in handling the present. For example, if they focus on
fantasies of fame as authors of best-selling books, they may pass up
opportunities to write articles for a local magazine. They miss the
stepping-stones that would lead to their dreams actually coming
The same tendency undermines their relationships. If they are
romantically attracted to someone, they begin fantasizing and make
the person the ideal future mate of their fantasy. They begin living
so much in the future that they start relating to their partner as that
ideal person and miss the steps in the present that could, over time,
bring about what they want. Thus, their challenge is to stop
fantasizing and, instead, respond to the opportunities unfolding in
the here and now. When there is not a fantasy attached to their
present circumstances, they always know what to do to succeed.
Luckily Aquarius North Node people have plenty of will and mental
discipline, because it takes every ounce of both to keep their minds
from wandering into the dimension of fantasy and delusions of
grandeur that block action in the here and now.

To ensure success, these folks always have to be aware of their
intent. When they allow the motive of self-aggrandizement to take
the upper hand, it immediately drains the energy they need to
succeed. For example, if they want to help people by starting a
meditation group, they need to stay focused on their altruistic
motives. In this way they will have the energy, clarity, and joy
required to manifest the idea. The way to make their dreams happen
will occur to them as they move ahead, and doors will magically
open to make the path easier.
However, sometimes they allow themselves to think of personal
gain or loss: “Gosh, maybe I’ll become a guru and people will begin
following me,” or “I wonder what my professional peers will think
if they find out I’m into meditation.” Either way, as soon as they
allow themselves to think of personal gain or loss, all the energy for
accomplishment begins to dissipate and they end up doing nothing.
Also, involvement with ego interferes with their vision to such an
extent that they may overlook what people actually need from them.
This limits their success. But when their conscious motive is 100
percent altruistic, they will tune in to the specific help needed on the
planet at a given time in a given situation. Once they truly see an
existing need and respond to it from a place of nonego, they reap
success and fame.


These folks are better off when they choose a more humble
path, walking away from the spotlight and acclaim. They
instinctively seek credit and fame; but when they get it, it inflates
their ego and they lose their sense of graciousness and equality.
When Aquarius North Node people adopt an attitude of humility,
their lives become magical and everything works to their advantage.
They finally see clear, practical outlets for their gifts. But if they
maintain a prideful position, their talents may not find expression so
For example, I had a client with this nodal position who wrote a
book containing many New Age ideas. Right away she swelled with
pride, considering which major publisher she wanted to handle her
book. It didn’t occur to her that because she had no pre-established
reputation in the field, she might also want to approach a smaller
publishing house. The large publishing houses turned her down, she
turned up her nose at starting smaller, and she ultimately abandoned
the project. Everyone lost, including the people who would have
benefited from her ideas if she had been willing to begin more
Arrogance can also be a problem when the universe sends others
to help bring Aquarius North Nodes’ ideas to completion. Often
these natives don’t want to share the credit or the money, and they
don’t want to lose control. They fear that if they work with others
they may have to give up some of what they want. “Their way” and
“their ideas” become paramount; they become less interested in
solutions that will actually help other people—the humanitarian
attitude they need to develop in this lifetime.
An example is my client whose husband, a North Node in
Aquarius, was a therapist. He was writing an advice column to
teenagers and showed his wife a response he was writing to a girl.
The wife (my client) disagreed with his approach, and in this case
her ideas were actually much better. Her husband was missing
something, and he felt it too, yet he went ahead with his own ideas

and never again showed her any other responses. If he had the
humility to put the goal of helping first—regardless of whose idea it
was—he would have been objective and open to her input.
These folks have their own vision and know exactly how they
want it to turn out. They want to do it their way. However, if two
people come together with a shared altruistic ideal or vision, that
will become more important than either one’s idea of how to get
there. This is what actually happens when Aquarius North Node
people are humble enough to work with others.


In this incarnation, Aquarius North Node people need to make a
choice: personal, ego-centered life versus impersonal dedication to
humanity. When they choose to focus on personal life, they lose;
when they choose impersonal dedication to humanitarian causes,
they win—and the personal life they always longed for is magically
To fulfill their need for appreciation, they need to get past the
limitations of personal ego and give back to humankind as a whole
—to find some humanitarian service or cause they can support.
Dedicating their lives to something bigger than ego gives them a
purity of purpose that enables them to invest themselves without
taking the results personally. In fact, altruism helps them develop
their tremendous capacity for self-confidence.
Otherwise there are times when they don’t trust their motives.
Especially during their youth, these folks may wonder if anyone
really does things from pure altruism. But if their conscious
intention is to help, their concentration will automatically be on the
alert for whatever will work to get people what they need.
Aquarius North Nodes have such a generous nature that they
often are devastated when others do not accept their gifts or respond
with applause. They can prevent this problem by actively seeking
information about what others want and need, and what they are
doing that is keeping them from getting the response they want.
These folks may have a tough time hearing feedback in a
constructive way, but they are learning to see the larger view.
For example, if they write children’s stories, they first find out
which publishers are interested in that kind of story. If they receive
a rejection slip, they should find out what the publisher needs and

then tailor their creative product to fit, or write another story that
better meets the publisher’s needs.
Moreover, they are recognizing that they can’t take credit for
their ideas anyway, because none of them are truly “theirs”! New
Age, innovative ideas are floating in the air, and Aquarius North
Nodes’ gift is that their “antennae” are tuned to the right frequency
to pick them up. Recognizing this can release their fears of both
success and failure, because their ideas really have nothing to do
with them personally. Their job is simply to “pick up” the ideas and
transmit them to others.
These folks have access to knowledge that helps free people.
Thus, when their intention is to empower others, the motive is so
clear that the necessary ideas just “come through”—intuitively, or
from other people. The only way they can know which information
is truly helpful in a particular situation is by paying attention to
others’ responses. Ideas that are useful will be well received. If
Aquarius North Nodes share knowledge with others that is
accepted, it simply means they need to proceed to the next idea and
see if that one is useful. Others will pull the knowledge they need
from these folks—it’s a very impersonal thing.
For example, if Aquarius North Node writes a book on
philosophy and the publishers turn it down, perhaps that philosophy
is not the vehicle people need in order to hear the message.
However, if he presents the same message in a novel, perhaps there
will be an instant demand. Aquarius North Node can tell by others’
response which format is correct.
If Aquarius North Node people believe that by putting effort into
helping their fellow beings something positive will come back to
them, then they have endless energy to keep trying until they
discover which of their talents others respond to in a positive way.
Life is like a boomerang: When they use their creative energy to
help others, whatever they need comes back to help them. There is
great power for these folks in altruism. When the ego is not
involved and they are not personally invested in the results, it’s easy
for them to become creatively involved. Self-gain will be a natural
byproduct. The universe keeps filling them up because they’re
passing on the benefits of their creative energy to others.


Aquarius North Node people need impersonal feedback to gain
perspective, because they are so identified with themselves that they
can’t see themselves clearly. Input from someone they trust can be
helpful—they want to see the larger view so they can cooperate and
get what they desire! For example, in a romantic relationship they
are usually blissfully ignorant of what is going on. Then, because of
factors in the larger picture that they didn’t see, they get hurt. To
avoid emotional pain, they need an objective guidance system for
their personal life.
These folks need to modify the ego and bring themselves into
alignment with the Flow. The Esoteric Sciences (Astrology,
Numerology, Tarot, Handwriting Analysis, etc.) can provide the
objectivity to restrategize. These resources increase Aquarius North
Nodes’ powers of correct observation and modify their tendency to
automatically react to situations in an ego-centered way. The I
Ching is an excellent tool for this; it gives the “inside scoop” on
what is troubling them, and it empowers them to come into
alignment with what is actually happening.
Astrology is also an excellent tool for fostering objectivity: It
allows them to see themselves and others impartially, releasing
them from the frustration of trying to evoke things in the other
person that are not there, and providing otherwise hidden
knowledge of who they really are. It helps them lovingly accept
themselves and others, and value others’ individuality.
Aquarius North Node people are very talented in these sciences
and could easily enter one of these fields professionally. They have
an ability to “read the map” of the astrology chart, or the Tarot—
any divination base that is an objective “launching pad” from which
to direct their antennae toward the innovative knowledge that can
help free themselves and others.
Another resource is their friends. They have great friendship
karma. Honest feedback from friends can help them understand
where ego is blocking their happiness. Gaining knowledge is their
key to freedom, showing them how to avoid defeating patterns of
ego expression. In this way, they gain a measure of control over
their destiny.
When they step back and deliberately look at situations from the
other person’s perspective (what the other person wants and needs),
then they can make choices in alignment with what will work for

everyone—including themselves—in each situation. But ultimately,
to gain the full measure of freedom and love they so fervently seek
requires these folks to not only objectively view others but also
objectively view themselves. They need to watch themselves
brushing their teeth, walking down the street, interacting with
others, and so on. As they begin to observe themselves in action,
watching without judging, they gain the perspective to authentically
be themselves without fear.


Aquarius North Node people are learning to recognize that if
they can’t make progress on a current project, the universe is trying
to send them in a different direction. They should allow the flow of
natural events to show them where to put their time and energy,
rather than trying to dictate those decisions from their own point of
view. If something doesn’t turn out the way they want it, perhaps
the outcome is destined to be something they aren’t yet aware of.
They can free themselves of the negative and obsessive energy
of: “I’m not getting my way; it’s not turning out the way I
envisioned” by allowing themselves to be distracted in a direction
where they can constructively express their creative energies. They
need to notice where the universe has opened the doors and be
willing to walk through!
Rather than putting out so much personal effort, they need to
relax and remain open to the Flow—then they will travel with true
power behind them. For example, even though it’s the job of
Aquarius North Node to bring in the New Age, if they don’t allow
the Angels to help them, they will become too attached to their own
personal effort and won’t have the power they need to accomplish
this goal. If they rest in the Flow, they will find themselves using
minimal effort to accomplish maximum results.


These folks sometimes inadvertently defeat their own happiness
through simple misunderstanding. In past lives, others gave them
what they wanted and they were happy. But in this lifetime, when
others give them what they want, they don’t feel as happy as they
thought they would. This is because being so attached to a
of what they need to be happy limits the bounty they can
attract. In this lifetime their job is simply to be receptive, to see

what life brings; they will discover that this will actually make them
Aquarius North Node people are learning to release their
expectations of what they
think will bring them happiness and
believe that life wants them to be happy. Then they can just accept
the next thing along the road that brings them a feeling of joy. When
they fight for something, they generally don’t get it simply because
the intensity of trying to grab it pushes it further away. In this
lifetime they are learning to
receive love. If they push with their will
and get it, generally they aren’t happy with it. They are learning that
if life brings it
to them, it is right for them at that time and they can
enjoy it. Their greatest pleasure comes from experiencing with awe
and gratitude the bounty of the Flow.
Many of their expectations come from the fact that they have
already played out a situation in their head and given everyone their
proper lines—so when they are actually with those people, they
subconsciously force them into the role of their fantasy. This leads
to two problems. First, when the other person doesn’t go along with
the script, Aquarius North Node is confused and angry; her
expectations are disappointed. Second, when she’s focused on the
“script” she can’t see what is happening in the present, so she loses
touch with her ability to change the situation to her advantage.
Aquarius North Node people are learning that when they try to
remind everyone else of their lines and expected behavior, they
forget to play their own authentic part. They need to stand back and
observe others objectively. Over time, the other person’s qualities
will become clear. The native won’t be disappointed because she is
simply observing who the other person is without any expectations.
Then she can tune in to how the other person’s behavior affects her.
Rather than trying to change people, she can decide who she feels
good spending time with.
A further advantage of this approach is that by allowing the other
person to be himself, it gives Aquarius North Node space to be
herself as well. Then, keeping her goal in mind, she can
spontaneously express her reactions in ways that are appropriate to
the situation as it unfolds.


When Aquarius North Node people become indignant that
others are getting something they are
not getting, they may indulge
in an overly dramatic reaction that alienates those around them and
undermines their own position. This can be anything from a careless
“attitude” on their part to a serious misunderstanding that eventually
results in disaster. These folks are often too quick to resist the wills
of others. When someone else asserts his or her will, these natives
tend to automatically respond with resistance. It’s like a reflex.
Even if the other person’s action or comment is based on wisdom,
the natives’ reaction will still be to try and get their way, which will
be exactly the opposite of what the other person wants. This can
cause others to lose interest in them.
When these folks use willfulness to achieve their goals, without
considering the people involved, they alienate others. They tend to
move too quickly; they see the goal and want to get there
immediately. This short-circuits the entire process of cooperative
partnership—for others as well as for themselves—and no one wins.
Often the process is filled with a series of false starts and confusion
—all because Aquarius North Nodes did not wait for the logical,
successful pathway to reveal itself. They are learning to stand back
and watch the situation: to observe what is occurring instead of
always being so intensely involved. Then they will find themselves
less threatened by others’ assertiveness and less reactive in ways
they later regret.
Aquarius North Node people can be so willful, and so intent on
what they want, that they sometimes blatantly disregard whether or
not something is fair for the other people involved. When they get a
little “puffed up” with their own importance, it can lead to
carelessness in their relationships with others. Although other
people have helped them reach success, they may think they should
have the lion’s share of the rewards and forget to consider what is
fair. When others become aware of their lack of concern, they may
question these folks’ good intentions and whether they can be
trusted with leadership. Others become uneasy about how far
Aquarius North Nodes would go to get their way. They need to let
others see how they (the others) are also going to win, and then
those people will be more supportive of the natives’ plans.
These people are learning a very important lesson: Life has to be
a win win situation! Others won’t want to play unless their own

needs will be met. If Aquarius North Node people consider what is
fair for others, it will help them relax about getting their way and
create situations that are in everyone’s best interests. Then others
will welcome their enthusiastic participation. Also, they will gain a
clearer perspective of the motives of the people around them. They
may find that a person they have seen as an enemy is actually
someone who truly wants to support them. By deliberately
cultivating a humanitarian attitude and staying aware of the larger
picture, their innate generosity is freed and their energy infuses a
group bonding that empowers everyone.




In past lives others put Aquarius North Node people on a
pedestal, and over many lifetimes they lost their awareness of how
to be part of the “human collective.” But this led to isolation and
loneliness, and now they are reestablishing identity with humankind
and gaining a sense of equality. When they focus on what they can
do to enhance others, they begin to recognize that their happiness is
not a by-product of getting their own way. Rather, it comes from the
happiness of the “collective”—be it their partner, their family
group, or the whole world.


One way these folks can break through the isolation of having
been special in past lives is to begin recognizing the specialness in
others. When they deliberately acknowledge and encourage the
unique, creative life force in others, they feel energized, equal, and
part of humankind again. They have a tremendous ability to put
another person at “center stage.” If they are ever in a situation
where they lack confidence, all they have to do is put the spotlight
on someone else. Then they will automatically feel more secure and
at ease with themselves.
Aquarius North Node people have an incredible gift for
friendship when they access it. Once they come down from their
thrones and take an interest in others, they are joyously included.
For this to happen, they need to develop a genuine curiosity about
others: their lives and struggles. These folks are so charged with the
creative energy of success that their confidence is infectious and
encourages others to rise above their problems. Then everyone
wins, because the Aquarius North Node finally feels loved and
included for who he is as a person, rather than for the role he plays.
Their innate confidence, combined with their childlike trust,
enables Aquarius North Node people to reach out freely to others,

and they make friends easily when they want to. These folks have
great friendship karma; if they relate to others from a position of
friendship first, they have their best chance at a successful
relationship—whether it be with a child, lover, spouse, parent, or
co-worker. Cultivating friendship as the basis for all their
relationships is the key for their success.
Friendship is an equal relationship in which both people
objectively consider what is best for the other, supporting the other
person in what will make him or her happy. For example, if a friend
has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accept a job offer 1,000
miles away, these natives will, without hesitation, encourage the
friend to accept the job regardless of the fact that they will miss the
Unselfishness in supporting the other person leads to wonderful
friendships for Aquarius North Node people. Trust is built, because
the other person sees that the native is truly thinking of what is best
for the friend, without any ulterior motive. And these folks give
great advice! Their friends are loyal because they feel the natives’
enthusiasm and good intentions.
In romantic relationships, Aquarius North Nodes’ tendency to
feel “more special” than others sometimes defeats them. They do
not usually initiate romantic situations, so it is often completely
unexpected when someone is attracted to them. But if the feeling is
mutual, their powerful passions are instantly aroused. The other
person usually makes them feel very important. They are put on a
pedestal, and past-life memories of being admired begin to stir.
If they don’t recognize that the other person needs to admire
them in order to fall in love, they lose perspective, begin to take
their own importance seriously, and inadvertently start dominating
the partner. This attitude can cause the partner to “turn off,” and the
Aquarius North Node is left with another romantic disappointment.
The lesson is to remember that romance involves admiring the
in each other.


Owing to their past-life experience, Aquarius North Node
people instinctively approach a project with the idea of doing it by

themselves, their way. But when they do, not a lot of energy comes
back. They are better off uniting with peers who have similar ideals.
This is why they have such excellent friendship karma: When they
do things with others, they are filled with creative energy.
Anything they approach on their own becomes bogged down and
difficult for them in this lifetime. They want to make all the
decisions, but when others are involved, they’re forced to stay open,
so they naturally expand and become more innovative and creative.
And much to their surprise, when they do link with others it’s much
more fun (even though they don’t like sharing the control).
In choosing projects, their best bet is to follow the energy that
attracts them. Once involved, if their energy soars, they are “on
path.” They should do what they can to creatively further the
project. Every group has a need, and because their antennae are so
sensitive, these natives can see innovative solutions that will create
successful results for everyone. The more they give credit to just
“seeing ideas” rather than personally “having ideas,” the more ideas
will come to them.
If they get feedback: “Your idea is great, but it needs more
development,” perhaps it’s time to link with others to modify and
develop it. Their motive is to help, and the universe will open the
path to successful manifestation.
Sometimes Aquarius North Node people notice the talent and
creativity of others and become envious. They don’t want to admit
that someone might be “better” than they are. Yet it is only when
they access their natural generosity of spirit and stay focused from
the perspective of equality that they become open to being
successful themselves. Furthermore, it’s important for them to
generously acknowledge and appreciate others’ talents, because
their greatest individual power is expressed when uniting with
others to reach a common goal. Moreover, just as others benefit
when these folks point out ways they are special, Aquarius North
Nodes also benefit by being open to what others consider special
them. The aspects that others value in them are the qualities
they need to accentuate, the strengths they need to build to gain the
influence they seek.
Another important factor is carefully choosing whom to work
with. They do better with like-minded people who are not
controlling and are open to new ways of doing things. Aquarius
North Node people are kids at heart—they don’t want any “adult”

telling them what to do! They need to work with people who are
generous, who respect them, and who value their ideas. When they
involve others, their creative process becomes energized and the
successes generated by the shared energy are far greater.
These folks have tremendous powers of persuasion. If their focus
is on the “greater good” and their way of getting there is indeed a
better way, they will have no problem persuading others. Indeed,
others welcome their creative, innovative ideas. When they focus—
and keep others focused—on the higher purpose that is being
served, all self-defeating limitations of ego depart. The natives
become objective and are able to access their power.
Aquarius North Node people are talented and have much to
contribute, but they seldom achieve their highest goals when they
resist sharing the credit and the glory. This is a group-oriented
lifetime. It takes a lot of people to bring in a New Age, and when
these folks unite with others to manifest new values and ideas,
success comes easily and everyone has a lot more fun!


Aquarius North Node people love being in love, but they need
to apply the same unselfishness and objectivity in their love affairs
as in their friendships. By taking the time to build a friendship
before allowing romance to fully ignite, their willingness to “be
there” for the other person comes through. This leads to trust, and
the relationship has a chance at success.
These folks require equality in every area of their lives,
especially romance and marriage. They need to meet their match:
someone who is as strong as they are so they don’t overshadow the
other person. Both partners should feel complete in their own right.
They need to make sure that their basic needs are being met through
some vehicle other than the romantic partner. Then they can be a
little more objective—not so desperate to get what they want—and
they will be more successful with their relationships.
In romance, as soon as they are given special attention it activates
past-life memories of when—to keep the attention and adulation
going—they performed and gave the audience what it wanted. Now,
in relationships, they inadvertently begin to “perform”—to be what
they think the other person wants. They can become “people
pleasers,” which causes the other person to lose interest, and once
again they experience romantic disappointment. They need to stay
in touch with their own dreams and actively pursue their goals aside
from the relationship.
Aquarius North Node people have an incredible capacity to give
love; when they channel all that love into only one person, the
receptacle isn’t big enough to contain the energy. They need
something bigger. That’s why it is crucial not to focus exclusively
on the object of their passion. If they want a romantic relationship
to work, they must consciously divert some of their intense energy
to other friendships and toward humanitarian causes.


Passion is an intense configuration of vital life energy. When
that level of energy is ignited between two people, an instinctive
desire for union and bonding arises. However, the process of
successful bonding takes time, and Aquarius North Node people
don’t want to wait. An addiction to romantic passion is a primary
area of challenge for this nodal group.
Generally, the other person begins showing romantic interest in
the native. At first, these folks don’t “get it,” but if the other person
continues to pursue them, and some physical bonding takes place,
then forget it! When passion hits (that is, a combination of physical
“chemistry” and a person who meets their romantic ideals), they
dedicate their lives to following that feeling and the person who
activates it. Because they are so desperate for romantic passion,
when it’s activated it’s like getting a summons. They want to live
life without regrets of not having experienced the high points.
Past-life feelings of loyalty and allegiance emerge, and these
folks become devoted to their romantic ideal. Suddenly these
cheerful, friendly, and emotionally self-sufficient natives become
totally influenced by the actions of the other person. If the
relationship is going well, they float through the day in a state of
bliss; but if their beloved isn’t responding, they become insecure
and depressed.
When they are apart from the beloved, Aquarius North Nodes’
imaginations go wild. They use their enormous power of creative
visualization to imagine all the possibilities of the relationship and
to idealize the other person. Throwing caution to the wind, they
immerse themselves in a blissful romantic fog. It doesn’t matter
how old they are; when passion hits they become like teenagers in
love, which can cause problems in settling down to a committed
However, these folks usually don’t get a chance to settle down
with someone they are truly “in love” with—someone who fully
activates their passion—because once passion takes over, they lose
clarity. They may exaggerate the glory and attractiveness of the
other person, put him or her on a pedestal, and feel “lesser” in
comparison. They stop being themselves and try to “act out” the
part they feel will make the other person love them. Then they can’t
see what’s really going on, and they make foolish mistakes that

sabotage the relationship. They pour too much intensity into the
relationship too soon and inadvertently destroy it.
Sometimes they become so involved in the romance of their own
inner drama that they lose touch with the partner: They don’t hear
what the other person is trying to communicate. The partner begins
to feel that the Aquarius North Node is only interested in a love
object, and the partner loses interest in the relationship. Then these
folks’ hearts are broken and they don’t understand what happened.
They think they are giving, but how can they give when they are
not even hearing what the other person needs? The first step is to
disengage from their passions and take the time to become
interested in the other person as an individual. They need to find out
who the other person really is—his wants, problems, thoughts, and
needs. They must establish a foundation of mutual trust,
understanding, acceptance, and caring, upon which romantic
passion can thrive.
Owing to their passionate instincts, Aquarius North Node people
have a strong need to be in a relationship. But they tend to lose the
relationships in which they feel profound mutual passion and often
end up marrying people they care less deeply about. When they are
with someone they enjoy but who doesn’t arouse their passion, they
can establish the distance to be themselves and make appropriate
decisions. Their basic qualities of friendliness and support shine
through, and the other person feels safe and desires a closer union
with them.
Sometimes these relationships work out well. Having a marriage
partner that is essentially a friend gives them the independence they
need to focus their unlimited creative energy on humanitarian
projects. As mates, these people are loyal and very committed to
monogamy. However, if they are not getting the feeling of romance
they need at home, they may become vulnerable to encounters
outside marriage. Owing to their innate sense of loyalty, there’s
confusion when primary relationships become stale. But further
down the road, if they meet someone who
does inspire that romantic
passion, they may throw their entire life aside to pursue it.


Aquarius North Node people are learning to accept love with
thankfulness and humility, rather than overreaction. Underneath
their need for approval, these folks carry the seed of: “I am not
worthy of being loved.” That is why they put out so much effort:
They are trying to earn the right to be loved.
However, when someone genuinely falls in love with them (for
themselves—not the “role” they are playing), at first they don’t feel
anything. Then, when they do “get it,” if they feel a reciprocal
attraction they overreact and send out signals that repel the other
person. Subconsciously they push the other person away because
they don’t feel worthy of being loved.
Often these folks act very superior when someone falls in love
with them. This is another type of overreaction. Someone wants to
share the experience of romance with them—that’s all—but they
take it as though they are really something special! Then, while they
are busy being “puffed up,” the other person loses interest, never
knowing that the native was deeply interested in return.
Aquarius North Node people need to recognize that within each
of us is love itself, worthy of being recognized. When someone is
attracted to them, it simply means that the frequency of love in that
person is recognizing the frequency of love in the native. We all
want to share the experience of love with someone with whom we
resonate. Aquarius North Nodes are discovering how to graciously
accept and flow with the experience of being loved.
Another lesson these folks are learning is the element of timing.
They see what they want and they want it right away—and end up
destroying it because they don’t allow the timing to unfold
naturally. This is especially a problem in intimate relationships.
These natives are learning that what is meant to be theirs will come
to them through its own perfect timing.
They love romance, the vitality of being totally involved in a
situation that is in the midst of being created. It feels like gambling;
but owing to their lack of objectivity, their timing is off. A
successful gambler recognizes when it is appropriate to press
forward and when to pull back.
But Aquarius North Node people think they can only move in
fast-forward! They need to recognize that it takes time and
cultivation to integrate individual energies and allow romance to
develop successfully. Time is needed for each person to influence
the other. There are times of coming together and times of pulling

back to integrate and adapt to the other: to reflect on what’s been
said and come to understand the other person’s mindset, values,
character, dreams, and goals. These natives need to see how open
they are to expanding to include the other’s values. Then they can
come together harmoniously, and the relationship will be based on
reality (the true identities of both partners) instead of fantasy. In
determining when to advance or retreat, their best bet is to be aware
of the other person’s energy. If the other person invites an advance,
they can continue without fear, but if the other’s energy is closed,
they need to rein in their will and wait for a more receptive
In this lifetime, these folks are learning that whenever passion
crosses their path the best bet is to pull back and let the other person
give to them. Their job now is to receive love—to allow others to
give at their own pace and in their own way. It is the natives’ job to
graciously receive love from others without trying to rush it or
change it. Their challenge in romance is to discipline their passions
long enough to establish a solid bond of friendship with those who
truly activate their heartstrings.


Aquarius North Node people have a basically happy, carefree
nature. Their willfulness and determination, which can appear to
others as arrogance and selfishness, are really a result of their naive
lack of awareness of their own equality. At birth, they automatically
started ordering everyone around—including their parents! They
assume that other people will give them what they want simply
they want it! They are confident that they can have
anything and be anything they want. Like teenagers, they are willful
yet dependent on the approval of peers, and filled with new ideas
not accepted by the established generations.
They want immediate gratification and become desperate if they
don’t get it. Like a child in a candy store, they think if they can’t
have the candy right then, when it’s in front of them, they’ll never
be able to have it. Also like children, they think the present will last
forever. If they are in a “dry” period romantically—or not feeling
happy—they think it’s always going to be that way. They are
learning that in reality, sometimes the tide is out and sometimes it’s
in—life is changing all the time.
Aquarius North Node people need to be honest with others about
their own nature. They believe what others tell them and are deeply
hurt when “adults” (that is, all others!) break their word. They
behave in a straightforward way and don’t understand when others
treat them unkindly or play “games” with them. Their only defense
against the more sophisticated thinking of others is to honestly be
themselves. People will not be threatened if these folks reveal the
reasons behind their actions. They need to let others know what
they’re thinking, fearing, and so on. When others recognize their
simple sincerity, they will treat these natives like the vulnerable,
creative, kindhearted “children” they are.

They may make mistakes, they may be naïve, and they may be
bossy and willful, but there is a basic goodness in their nature. They
are aware of this goodness, which gives them enormous confidence.
These natives are innately generous and truly care about uplifting
those around them. They go out of their way to buy a card or gift for
a friend, or to listen with support and encouragement to others’
problems. They genuinely want to make those around them happy
and inspire them to be the best they can.
Even though this is the true heart of their nature, occasionally
they lose sight of their inherent generosity and begin to feel envious
of another person’s position. This only happens because these folks
are so naïve that they don’t stop to honestly think about what it took
for the other person to get there: They overlook the hard work,
intelligent strategy, and method that created the result. They may
tell themselves it was just “the luck of the draw”—but every good
poker player knows that victory is really determined by how you
play the game. In this lifetime, if the native feels envious about
something, it may mean that he’s supposed to have it, too. The next
step is for him to make an honest appraisal of how to bring about
those same results in his own life: to discern the proper strategy,
summon the self-discipline, and begin the hard work involved in
gaining the prize.
Their best bet is not to focus attention on whether the other
person’s circumstances are better or worse, but on what they can do
to help the other person attain a greater victory. In this way they reestablish a sense of their own equality. When they start thinking in
terms of helping others and working to bring in the New Age, lots
of magical good luck comes their way. Because they’re giving to
others, the universe gives to them.


Aquarius North Node people have had extensive past-life
experience being at center stage—knowing how the script was
written and what their lines were in the play. So they came into this
lifetime with a mental picture of how their life is supposed to unfold
—and fortunately for them, it isn’t unfolding as they expect.
Otherwise their lives would be devoid of the surprises and vital

experiences that bring out the playfulness of their childlike nature.
They are learning to release their mental picture of the way
relationships, projects, events, and the like are supposed to unfold,
and pay more attention to the opportunities that do arise.
These folks are learning to approach relationships from a position
of friendship and experience the excitement of the unknown. If they
have scripted expectations, but the other person doesn’t follow the
script, they are upset and disappointed. If they are reading their
“script” when the “love of their life” walks in, Aquarius North
Nodes may think the other person has to look or act a certain way in
order to fulfill the script. This person may in fact be exactly what
they need and want, but other aspects of the person may blind them
to this fact. These folks should not try to fit the other person into
their concept of the perfect partner. It causes them to discount who
the person is and what he or she really has to offer.
However, if they have no expectations, the other person’s unique
style of giving love may bring all sorts of happy surprises! At the
very least, Aquarius North Nodes will see the other person
objectively and know whether he wants to pursue the relationship.
There is a larger timing of events going on beyond Aquarius North
Nodes’ script. Everyone has the right to be themselves and go at
their own speed. Sometimes these folks will need to withdraw and
say: “Well, this person isn’t ready for me” and let it go, without
being angry or judging the other person as inferior. If they can
completely let go in this way, then—if the relationship is meant to
be—it will come back to them.
However, these folks are so hungry for approval that it’s hard to
let go; they may be willing to play any role necessary to win the
approval and love they want. But they won’t have a good sense of
what role to play (what is actually desired by the loved one) if they
haven’t objectively observed the other’s fantasies. Since they lack
the objective perception to play the game well, it is much better for
them not to play at all. Instead, they need to relax, go with the flow,
and tell the truth about who they are and how they feel as the
situation unfolds. Then the other person will either resonate or not,
so the romantic relationship can be based on the same honesty as a
The irony is that Aquarius North Node people are coming from a
place of such goodness and love that when they allow others to see

their inherent innocence by releasing willfulness and revealing their
honest responses, the other person most often responds with love.




Aquarius North Node people are here to help bring in a New
Age. They are taking the power accrued from past lives and giving
it back by building a bridge between the future and the present.
They are talented in applying humanitarian ideals to current
circumstances. They clearly see what is for the good of humankind,
are excellent networkers, and—when working to translate their
vision into reality—are extremely happy. Also, because they are
doing what they are uniquely equipped to do, life supports them and
their projects succeed.
As they contribute to humanitarian goals, using their power and
energy as a channel for unconventional ideas, their past-life pride
dissipates and self-confidence returns. They are natural doers—they
know how to get results. Their job is to act without identifying with
the results of their actions; then they are truly free to experiment
and be themselves.
These folks do have a natural attunement to the future; however,
this can be confusing in a number of ways. On a personal level, they
may see that their future contains a particular outcome and then feel
frustrated when the outcome is withheld from them in the present.
For example, they may see themselves running their own company,
feel completely comfortable with that idea, and not understand why
they are still working for someone else with no opportunity to go
out on their own. But it may just be a matter of timing: They may
need to do their current job in order to learn skills that will be
required for success later.
In fact, they are nearly always “ahead of their time.” They may
love a particular shade of violet ten years before it’s the rage, or be
attracted to music that doesn’t become popular until eight or nine
years later. Recognizing that they have an attunement to the future
can help them feel more comfortable with being a bit unorthodox.
Aquarius North Node people see the next step that humankind
needs to take for its own growth. They are messengers from the
future, and by sharing their innovative ideas they empower

humankind to evolve in consciousness. So it is important for them
not to hold back because of their desire for approval.


These folks have a larger purpose than simply fulfilling the
interests of their personal life. They are here to take an active role in
furthering human evolution—both through the personal
transformation necessary to set an example, and through
contributing their energy to humanitarian causes that help others
gain a more universal view.
The sooner Aquarius North Node people begin playing their part
to further the idealistic causes they are drawn to support, the sooner
they will feel more of a sense of wholeness. Their action might take
the form of group efforts to protect the environment, recycle, save
animals, build playgrounds for inner-city kids, end world hunger,
and the like; or they might donate monies to humanitarian causes.
They might begin their own project, using their creative talents
(writing, painting, music, photography, etc.).
If they are actively doing their part and someone else “discovers”
something that had also occurred to them, they are able to respond
with generosity: “Oh, good, that’s taken care of. Now I can move on
to the next thing.” They don’t have to worry—there’s plenty of New
Age work to go around! And when they are adding creative energy
to the movement, they are part of the larger group effort. Thus,
when others are successful in working toward the mutual goal, it is
Aquarius North Nodes’ victory as well.
However, it is important that these folks do what they have been
individually called to do, because they can’t count on others to
handle it. There may be five people scheduled to introduce a law
that protects the environment, but the other four may drop out. So
the native must be sure to do his or her part.


Aquarius North Node people have wonderful group karma
(three or more people constitute a group). Their best qualities
emerge to support, solidify, and inspire the groups of which they are
a part. They are great networkers—they love connecting with others
and are talented at finding a common bond among people.
However, when they work in group situations they like to be the
undisputed head of their own area. They like their role to be defined
and prefer to do it in their own way.
Often, Aquarius North Node people access innovative ideas that
can greatly assist the group, but owing to past-life needs for
approval they refrain from sharing these ideas—or their
spontaneous reactions to others’ ideas—for fear of disapproval. If
they keep their truth locked within, they end up feeling isolated.
However, openly sharing their ideas and personal reactions makes
them feel connected and often turns out to be exactly what was
needed to move the group forward in a cohesive way.
They think their reaction is personal, but usually their antennae
are picking up the group’s reaction and combining it with their own
New Age insight. For example, if someone proposes a measure and
Aquarius North Node feels uncomfortable, she might say: “For
some reason, I don’t feel comfortable with this.” The idea is to be
honest about whatever her antennae pick up at the time—and often
she discovers that it was exactly what others were feeling as well.
As these natives work to further the humanitarian goals that
stimulate them (that they feel they were born to be a part of), they
will meet others who were born to work toward the same goals.
Joining with these people in group situations actually facilitates the
manifestation of those goals.


Aquarius North Node people must release their abundant
creative energy toward directed goals in order to feel happy and
balanced. If not directed, the excess fiery energy causes bad moods,
resentment of others’ good luck, and the tendency to make
mountains out of molehills. Unless these folks are “creating,”
dissatisfaction undermines other areas of their life.
Their creativity can be released through a business, an art form,
the furthering of humanitarian causes, or acceleration of their
spiritual growth. Whether they are re-creating themselves through
spiritual disciplines or initiating projects in the tangible world, it is
in their best interest to be conscious of what they want to create and
use their passion to actively pursue it.


These folks have a tremendous amount of passion and creative
energy. They are happiest being involved in projects that allow them
to express this in their own way. They love to contribute, but they
need to be free to be innovative and creative. They don’t want to
follow someone else’s directions—it limits them and lowers their
“frequency.” If they try to slow down their high-frequency, intense
energy, it makes them crazy. When they ignore their own creative
impulses and do what they
think they should do, their energy
Aquarius North Node people were such powerful creators in past
lives that in this incarnation they are able to manifest anything they
want—they know how to do it. They can “source” things,
confidently creating something out of nothing. They are innovators,
not imitators. They can start businesses and creative projects on
their own and bring them to completion.
However, to achieve success they need to remember that there are
two parts to the creative process: observation and action.

Observation consists of research: What does the public need? What
does the other person want? This part of the creative dance moves
ahead in a measured way that objectively considers prevailing
circumstances and allows others to adjust to cooperate with the
Action requires will and determination to manifest a result and
capture the prize. Creative action requires ego; observation requires
nonego objectivity. If these folks experience a rebuff, their best bet
is to pull out of ego and move back into nonego observation mode
so they can objectively evaluate what has occurred. Then, when the
path ahead is clear, they can re-connect with ego and press for
As long as they are not seeking self-aggrandizement, Aquarius
North Node people have the ability to intuit what will help people
and what will actually work for the good of the group. All the
power of the universe will support them because they’re
contributing to a higher cause—and this gives them access to
incredible power.
People may respond by putting the natives on a pedestal, but it
will be out of a sense of thankfulness because they have really
helped. They have helped from a position of equality, rather than
from a position of being “above” others—from being who they
really are rather than from playing a role.
These folks can create anything they decide they want. By having
the humility to enlist knowledge and help from others and the
openness to allow the natural timing of events to unfold, they can
easily manifest all their dreams that are in alignment with the larger
purpose of their life.


Aquarius North Node people have a tremendous amount of
creative passion; when they use it to produce a work of art or a
product, their focused intensity can be to their advantage. However,
when they apply the same intense passion to negotiating in the
world, they encounter problems. They tend to overfocus their highly
charismatic energy, and that’s one reason things “blow up” around
them! Their intensity actually repels what they’re trying to attract.

When their creative process isn’t going the way they want, it’s
usually an indication that they need to gain more knowledge before
moving ahead. They may need a deeper understanding; in fact, it
often helps to use a friend as a sounding board. When they aren’t
quite sure what to do next, the best bet is to do nothing and wait for
more information. If they charge ahead anyway, they generally end
up causing bigger problems.
These folks tend to react to external stimuli in an overly dramatic
way that intimidates others. Before considering what the other
person is saying, they may respond in a way that circumvents
further communication. They may try to force their will by having a
temper tantrum: becoming enraged at the other person, crying, or
being otherwise dramatic to get the other person to live up to their
expectations. But willfulness and pride block the energy of the
They may also respond with impatience: “Why doesn’t he take
control of his life? Why doesn’t he do this for himself?” But in fact
others are doing what is right for them at the time. There’s no point
in these folks judging the other person for not living up to
When Aquarius North Node people get melodramatic, it’s
because they are magnifying reality and are afraid they won’t get
their way. They take any incident (a slight, a rejection, etc.) and
magnify it out of emotional proportion. However, whenever they
allow themselves to have excessive emotional reactions, that area of
their life will not work out. If they react dramatically to changes in
financial status, money will continue to be a source of difficulty. If
they get overly excited about a love affair, their intensity may push
the other person away.
Another “glitch” that occurs when their passion is aroused
(whether a romantic relationship or a goal that is extremely
important) is their tendency to take things too seriously. They often
become weighed down with the importance of their quest and lose
the lighthearted mental agility that would show them the way to
These folks can even become “drama queens,” because the
intensity and intrigue of their life resemble a soap opera. The
problem is that although the action continues, the fun begins going
out of the play. Shakespearean drama always has a tragic ending.
When passion is involved, Aquarius North Nodes lose all

perspective and inadvertently set into motion unbalanced energies
that cause emotionally tragic consequences.
To maintain perspective, Aquarius North Node people need to
think of life as a comedy instead of a drama. There are many people
they are destined to meet, experiences they are meant to have, and
knowledge they ate supposed to share with others. Rather than
overreacting, they are better off using their creativity to see the
“higher reason” and cooperate with the Flow.


In past incarnations, these folks developed ego at the expense of
superego, thereby weakening their sense of morality as dictated by
society, family, and religion—and their awareness of humanitarian
ideals. For balance, they now need to develop an awareness of the
larger picture. Then they can assert their will in alignment with the
best interests of everyone around them.
By accessing an expanded level of consciousness, they will find a
goal that allows them to rise above ego. For example, I had an
Aquarius North Node client who was a photographer. Her work was
extremely creative; emitted a very loving, spiritual feeling; and was
altogether in alignment with doing her part to bring in the New Age.
However, because her motive was a strong ego desire for
acknowledgment and fame, she couldn’t see clearly how to get her
photography out into the world. She kept pursuing conventional
methods (private showings, etc.), none of which produced adequate
Finally she began to make her primary goal that of simply
exposing her art to the general public. She began to place her work
wherever she felt it would be seen (in bagel shops, bookstores, etc.)
—and overnight, her photographs began to sell! This took humility,
as my client’s work had been exhibited in museums and leading
universities. But she found the path to success when she acted on
the bigger picture, even if it didn’t feed her ego.


Aquarius North Node people are accustomed to getting their
way, and they often become very upset when events don’t unfold
according to
their timetable. Instead of allowing themselves to be
redirected, they become outraged at the obstruction. Rather than
recognizing that the tide has changed, and that perhaps life itself has
a larger plan that requires present events to unfold exactly as they

are, these folks resist. In this way they make the path a lot more
difficult than it has to be.
These folks need to be on the lookout for their own willfulness.
The personal will was so indulged in past lives that they came into
this incarnation and, as young children, said: “I want this!”—and
were truly shocked when their parents said “no.” As adults, they are
still shocked when the universe says “no.” They are learning to
transform personal will into a willingness to go with the flow and
lovingly accept the gifts that life brings.
When they try to force a result, they become strong, determined,
and obstinate. Their will can be a positive force when used as a
warrior’s strength for good, but negative when translated into a
tantrum. Part of the work of transforming an overdeveloped will
into a willingness to cooperate is to recognize good and bad timing.
For example, if Aquarius North Nodes’ will has become fixed on
going to the beach on Saturday, they will want to go even if it’s
snowing! It’s difficult for them to objectively factor in changing
conditions and modify their course accordingly. Thus, they miss
opportunities to advance by adapting to the larger picture, which is
always for the greater good—including their own.
Life doesn’t want to hurt them, but they ultimately hurt
themselves by resisting the timing of the universe. They are
learning to accept whatever happens in their lives as appropriate in
order to take the next step.
These folks are learning that when one door closes, another
opens. For example, they may have the opportunity to experience
the joy of a wonderful love affair. Someone new comes along and
sweeps them off their feet. But they have a serious career objective
in mind, try to postpone the love affair, and lose the opportunity to
experience love. Ironically, the career move they were seeking may
not materialize until six months later, which would have given them
plenty of time to experience the joy of the relationship. They often
cheat themselves of the gifts life brings, thinking they “know
better,” and then they feel regret.
Life may be bringing an opportunity for an entirely new career
endeavor that will give them more joy than anything they did
before. In subconscious readiness for the change, they begin to tire
of the old job but have no intention of leaving because of the good
benefits, income, and so on. Suddenly, events at work force them to
leave, and they become indignant and resistant: “Why is the

universe doing this to me?” Their anger may prevent them from
seeing the new window of opportunity; they are too distracted by
what they “don’t want” to see what is opening up for them.
Once again, self-discipline is the key: to keep from always
“having their way” by staying objective and focused on the larger
picture. This is not an instinctual response, so it requires conscious
intention. For example, if they are raising a daughter and their goal
is for her to grow up to be a strong woman, keeping that goal in
mind will help them rein in their ego and allow the child to have her
own way some of the time in order to support her strength. Or if the
goal is for their children to grow up in a harmonious atmosphere,
this may keep their ego from having to argue about how to load the
dishwasher. To discipline the ego, they have to consciously have a
larger goal that is personally meaningful to them.
Aquarius North Node people are learning to trust that there is a
bigger picture and that the Flow is always bringing opportunities for
their greatest good and happiness. They are learning to embrace
humility and graciously accept the gifts that life brings
when those
gifts are presented—according to the timing of the universe rather
than through their own will.


In this lifetime, others are automatically drawn to Aquarius
North Node people to support them in altruistic projects. Also, they
are surrounded by Angels and spiritual Guides. It’s almost as
though before incarnating they were part of a larger group, and now
they are here on earth while other members of the group are in the
invisible realm to guide and help them.
Because these natives are incarnated in a physical body, they
can’t always see ahead clearly. Because they are accustomed to
being self-sufficient, they bluster ahead and often get hurt—but they
don’t have to do this. All they need to do is tune their antennae and
listen to their guidance, and the path will be much easier to follow.
This is not a “do it yourself” lifetime; their Guides are part of their
destiny and want to help them succeed, but it’s up to them to keep
the connection open.

In this incarnation, Aquarius North Node people are instruments
for higher forces. Thus, when they have an idea that is truly in
alignment with what is needed on the planet, the universe will set it
up so that they connect with the right people to help manifest the
idea. These folks are eclectic, combining the best of the associations
they are involved in under the auspices of their larger life path and
inner knowledge about the New Age. In this lifetime, the idea is for
them to
transfer some of their strong loyalty to the Infinite, to their
own spirituality, and to cooperating with the larger Flow. In this
way their incredible creative will from past lives can click in and
their path to success will become magical. As long as they give
credit to “good luck,” the Angels, or the universe itself for the ideas
they put out, they are totally free to succeed. Nothing holds them
back because they are not interpreting success in a way that
overinflates their ego.



Music has a unique power to emotionally support us in taking
risks, so I have written a healing song for each nodal group to help
shift its energy in a positive way.


The message of this song is meant to gently shift Aquarius
North Nodes’ focus to an awareness of the bigger picture the
natural order and timing of life thus empowering them to relax
their resistance. Then they can become aware of and “tap into” the
natural Flow, proceeding in a direct path to making their dreams
come true.

Selected lyrics:

Why do we prevent our own happiness
By resisting the timing of life
Trying to decide what’s wrong and what’s right
With our foolish human minds

And the sun comes up each morning
And it goes down every night.
And in the night, it’s the moon that comes
It never is the sun.
There is system and order here
And it’s reflected all around
Why not trust in the laws of life
They never let us down

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”


North Node in Pisces

and North Node in the 12th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

Being nonjudgmental
Surrendering anxiety to a Higher Power
Freeing the mind through meditation and selfreflection
Focusing on the spiritual pathway
Trusting in positive outcomes
Acknowledging connection with the universe
Welcoming change


Tendencies to Leave Behind
Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable
Hyperanxiety reactions
Obsessive worry
Exaggerating the importance of details
Critical first reactions
Fault finding—making others wrong
Excessive anxiety over making mistakes
Being Mr. or Ms. Perfect
Staying in unpleasant situations

The Achilles’ heel Pisces North Node people need to be aware
of is their compulsive need for order (“My survival depends on
everything being in order according to my view of how life ought to
be and how others ought to behave”), and it can lead them into the
trap of an unending search for perfection (“If only the people
around me were more perfect, I could relax and trust”). But it’s a
bottomless pit: Since life and other people are never in a static state
of perfect order long enough for Pisces North Nodes to feel secure,
their expectations can lead to continual tension and anxiety.
Because life—and others—are never ideal enough for them to let go
of control, they continually postpone trust and joy.
The bottom line involves accepting that the universe’s plan is
better than theirs and that things
are unfolding properly, regardless
of how it seems. The only place they can create “perfect order” is
within themselves, by surrendering to a Higher Power and trusting
that everything is indeed in order. The irony is that when Pisces
North Node people blindly trust the Infinite and accept that
everything contributes to their greater happiness, they suddenly
become aware of the larger picture and begin to sense how things
are working to their advantage. Then they can let go of control and
be happy.


What these people really want is to be right all the time and to
be perfect in the sense that they—and everyone else—are following
“the plan” 100 percent of the time. But they want everyone to be in
total, perfect alignment with “the plan” that
they think is right. First
they need to accept that they do not know what “the plan” is. They
need to turn away from rigid physical and material planning and
refocus on the larger, spiritual vision. Through trusting and
surrendering to the wisdom of the Higher Power, they can watch
life’s circumstances with the conviction that what is unfolding is
indeed part of “the plan.” Then the way becomes clear. They are
filled with calm and feel in alignment with “the plan” because the
spiritual vision is the energy of perfection they are seeking.
Pisces rules enlightened states of consciousness, the oceanic
feeling of oneness with all life. At times Pisces North Node people
have slipped into an enlightenment state—a state of total connection
with the universe. Their life purpose is to nurture that state and
make it part of their daily experience.


These people need to have their own private office or space.
They work very well alone and enjoy projects that involve
discovering and carrying out a vision where the work is done in
private (such as research, library work, or computer work). Pisces
North Node people succeed in any profession that involves the
individual pursuit of spiritual Truth, including working and living in
monasteries or convents. They can be fantastic artists, craftspeople,
performers, or musicians—bringing their private dream to others.
They are also great promoters, because they are so good at “behind
the scenes” activities. Even if they work in a regular job, they need
to allow themselves ample time for solitude and reflection.
Pisces North Node people also have inherent gifts for noticing
pertinent details and analyzing the significance of information.
When they use these past-life gifts as a backdrop for manifesting
their dreams, their innate practicality will help them. However, if
they involve themselves in professions that stress attention to detail,
in-depth analysis, perfection, or accuracy (such as bookkeeping or
systems analysis), they are likely to experience anxiety and
restlessness. These folks are better off when their profession focuses
on manifesting a vision, empowering them to use their practical
skills to bring it into reality.

“All is well and everything is unfolding as it
“God’s spiritual government can never fall out of
“When I ‘Let Go and Let God’—I win.”
“My survival is not threatened by disorder.”
“This isn’t my job—it’s God’s job.”




Pisces North Node people spent many past lifetimes as physical
healers and helpers: They were the surgeons, doctors, and nurses in
many different cultures. These were critical positions where they
had to focus and “do it right,” because a person’s life depended on
it. Thus, there’s a lot of attachment to and a sense of urgency about
doing things perfectly in this lifetime. When things go according to
plan, Pisces North Nodes feel confident and strong; everything’s
under control and the “operation” is proceeding successfully. But
when the unexpected occurs, they panic. Subconsciously, they think
when something has gone “wrong,” someone’s going to die.
As medical personnel they had set rules and procedures—there
could be no mistakes. Thus, in this incarnation they carry an
overattachment to doing things in an exacting, flawless way. They
not only burden themselves with this expectation of impeccable
behavior, but they tend to apply the same rigid standards to those
around them, especially in the workplace. Perhaps because of their
past lives in the medical field, they are often very health-conscious,
have a fear of contamination, and feel a need to keep their
environment spotlessly clean.
Additionally, Pisces North Node people have had past
incarnations representing spiritual truth by being of practical service
in the world through perfect, “by the book” behavior—as monks,
nuns, and “Mother Teresa”-type people. They were role models;
others looked to them to learn how spiritual people should behave.
Because their behavior resulted in admiration and rewards, they
have a subconscious association between being “perfect” and
having things in the material world go their way. However, in those
past lives they got “stuck” on the perfection of form and lost touch
with the essence of their healing power. This is understandable
because they had to perform rituals and always dress and act in a
certain way. Thus, in this lifetime they want to release attachment to
form and get back in touch with essence. It’s time for them to claim
the rewards of peace and inner contentment for their past-life


In past lives, Pisces North Nodes’ analytical processes were
overused and overdeveloped, so now they are born with a
propensity to analyze everything. They are constantly pulling things
apart to see how they work, and they tend to be dissatisfied until
they understand. Their mental processes are in high gear all the
time, often analyzing things that should be left alone. Like peeling
an onion, they take off layer after layer until there’s nothing left—
and then they end up feeling empty and anxious. This lifetime, it’s
not set up for them to find the answers they are seeking through
These folks analyze problems from every possible direction with
an intensity that drives the other nodal types crazy! They think of all
the things that could go wrong—things they can’t control. Once
they decide there’s something to worry about, it puts them in an
intense, frantic state that, when activated, is very hard to disengage.
It isn’t the present that worries them so much as what might happen
in the future. The overwhelming majority of their worries never
materialize, but that doesn’t stop these folks from living in a
continual state of anxiety.
There are several reasons why their projected “worse-case
scenarios” are unlikely to happen: (1) They don’t consider new
insights or actions that can circumvent the feared outcome; (2) they
don’t allow for outside intervention; and (3) most important, they
don’t allow their intuition to provide an accurate “sense” of the
future—whether there is actually something to be concerned about.
They have to
stop thinking in order to tune in and “feel” the future.
Many problems arise for Pisces North Node people because of
their tendency to overanalyze. For example, they have a vision and
then try to force it into manifestation without allowing the universe
to unfold it in its own way. They do see a path, but it’s not
necessarily the whole road; it may be just a narrow trail. Perhaps
one person can go that way, but when there are others involved it
requires a larger vision.
These folks are so accustomed to implementing that they become
too narrowly focused on the task at hand and don’t take other
circumstances into account. Their best bet—when things stop
working according to their plan—is to step back. Rather than panic,

they need to remind themselves that a higher plan may be unfolding
of which they are unaware.


Owing to past lives spent creating order in situations of chaos,
these folks are born with the feeling that they are always supposed
to have the answers. So they constantly seek ways to create healing
and restore order—both for themselves and others. When they are
faced with a problem, they begin to tense up and try to figure out
the answer—then the situation worsens and so does their anxiety. It
can take days to get over their feelings of inadequacy at not being
able to find the “right answer.”
The irony is that these people
do have access to the answers, but
only when they first acknowledge that, all on their own, they
have the answers. They must surrender the problem to a Higher
Power and be open to insights that come through their intuitive
process, not their analytical process. Then the “right” answers do
come, either in the form of an insight or through a general sense of
well-being in the situation.
For example, I had a Pisces North Node client who, after years of
study in Europe, was highly schooled in traditional techniques for
teaching people how to sing. But when she applied these techniques
to her students, the results were frustrating and time-consuming.
Only when she began to relax and allow their individual vocal
dysfunctions to permeate her being, releasing “the problem” to a
Higher Power, was she able to intuitively see how to communicate
the exact perspective that each person needed to unblock his or her
voice. Ironically, by not feeling pressured to immediately know “the
answer,” she found that part of her subconscious did know the
answer and that she did have a true gift for developing her students’


Pisces North Node people are always trying to figure out where
they “belong”: where their slot is, what their job is, how they fit in
with everyone else. This pressing urge is based on an inner feeling
that they have no value apart from their job or duty; and the idea of
not being defined is terrifying for them.
What they are looking for (the ultimate security) is where they
“fit” within themselves. Until they recognize this, they spend time
and energy in a futile search, because in this incarnation they are
not scheduled to fit in a tangible position. To feel their “fit,” they
must access the spiritual dimension of life; this is where meditation,
relaxation techniques, yoga, and spiritual pursuits are so valuable.
These practices focus attention on the intangible context within
which all tangible, material things exist.
Focusing on the spiritual atmosphere behind what is happening in
the material world gives Pisces North Node people a comfortable
and secure sense of being connected with others and helps them
expand their vision to include a larger awareness—a sense of the
wholeness of everything that transpires. As they experience
wholeness and serenity within themselves, they will grow more
aware of the atmosphere they create. By learning to identify with
their own energy field, they will be able to “fit into” the
surrounding them wherever they go.


Pisces North Node people have had so many lifetimes of
needing to be “perfect” that they came into this incarnation with a
“be perfect” script embedded in their subconscious. They think they
have to be “Mr. or Ms. Perfect” all the time. The good news is that
in this lifetime, it’s fine for them to make mistakes. In fact, they are
allowed to be perfect—a “glitch” always arises at the last
minute to upset their “perfect” image. This is the universe
reminding them that in this lifetime it’s okay to make mistakes, to
be human, and to be themselves.


These folks are really into planning. They focus on where they
want to go and structure
exactly how they will get there. Then,
because in past lives they were so accustomed to keeping their eye
on details, they become fixated on the plan and lose sight of the
vision! The slightest alteration of their plan makes them “go
ballistic,” because they think they’re not going to get what they
They think that if they do everything “just right” they can keep
their world under control. They are shocked when, in spite of their
attention to detail, their world starts to fall apart (the wife leaves,
the business fails, a child begins acting out, etc.). Just when they get
their plans all “set,” life sends in something from left field to shake
everything up. This is the universe’s way of letting them know that
when they get too rigidly attached to their
method for reaching their
goal, it won’t work—because they’re excluding themselves from
the fun and adventure of unexpected things happening along the
way. When they have their mind set on
exactly what they want, the
best that can happen is limited by their own preconceived ideas.
For example, a Pisces North Node person and a friend may want
to go from New York to Los Angeles. Pisces North Node will
probably plan out the entire route in a specific way that is direct and
practical. When they start out, the friend looks ahead, sees that a
blizzard is predicted to cross their route, and suggests taking a route
that will bypass the storm. Pisces North Node is likely to become
upset: She is totally attached to her plan and fears that if they don’t
follow that precise route they may never reach Los Angeles.
These folks also have a tendency to overplan, pressing
themselves to get a lot done in a short period of time. However, the
solution does not lie in structuring their time to accommodate all
their activities, but in totally unstructuring it—just observing
themselves in action. This approach will create a natural, proper
distribution of time that brings ease and balance to their lives.
One thing Pisces North Node people can do to encourage this
process is to consciously do
less: Plan less, schedule less, and allow
for more spontaneity. In this way they can best stay in touch with
their vision, which will lead to a more productive use of their time.
They need a stronger sense of purpose and a more relaxed idea of
how to get there. If they allow everything to flow, it leads them to
an inner certainty, a
knowing that things will go well for them.


Pisces North Node people tend to be excessively judgmental.
They are harder on themselves than anyone else, and this constant
judging of “right or wrong” results in tension and guilt. They feel
responsible for anything that goes “wrong” in their environment,
including what happens to the people they are close to. They feel
they personally caused the problems because their behavior wasn’t
perfect. This can lead to paralysis in making constructive changes in
their lives, for fear of causing problems for others.
These folks have a tendency to blame themselves for little things
that don’t meet their self-imposed image. They hate to be wrong,
and when they make a mistake they are hard on themselves. They
want to analyze it, rationalize why they did it, and explain
themselves. It can be very difficult for them to say: “I’m sorry, I
made a mistake.” Owing to their past-life perfectionism, they carry
a subconscious fear of behaving in a way that reflects badly on the
ideal they represent. Thus, in this life “being right” almost feels like
a sacred obligation.
The irony is that when they admit they’ve made a mistake, they
gain the position of strength because they are standing in Truth.
Then they can just say: “I’ve made a mistake, and where do we go
from here?” When these folks beat themselves up in their effort to
be perfect, they lose and everyone around them loses. They must
give up all judgments in order to gain the peace they seek.
Whenever they hear themselves say: “I caused that because I
didn’t do a good job,” they know they are plugging in to their pastlife Achilles’ heel. Whenever they start judging themselves—or
someone else—against an ideal, they’re off path. The universe is
teaching them humility by putting them in situations where they
“goof up,” so that they can let go of the need to be perfect and get
over the idea that “something is wrong.” Nothing is wrong;
everything is just “happening.” When they realize this and go with
the Flow of life, they are on the right path. Then they are in a
position to heal through their own confidence in the natural
unfolding of events.


Pisces North Node people are extremely serious because they’re
always focused on what is wrong so they can fix it. They are so
hyper-aware that when there’s any deviation from “smooth,
uninterrupted flow,” they panic and their critical, anxious mood
upsets and disrupts everyone around them.
Their past-life work gave them a very narrow focus, and in this
life they also tend to become focused in a narrow way. Part of the
problem has to do with
where they put their attention: on the details
of what is happening on the tangible level. Many times, Pisces
North Node people become fixated on a problem because they are
so close to it they can’t see anything else. They’re like a child with
his face pressed against the glass. When they get “stuck” in the
middle of a problem in this way, feeling frustrated and ineffective
because they are unable to restore order, they can easily become
obsessed with some detail that seems to be “out of place.” This can
lead to a state of tension and worry that is difficult to shake—like
trying to separate a dog from his bone!
Ironically, the way out of this dilemma is also found in their
ability to focus: They need to shift focus from the mechanics of the
problem, to releasing the situation to a Higher Power. In this
incarnation, when they get attached to results in the physical world,
they are overcome with nervous irritability that affects their
relationships and everything they do. They get so tense that it
almost turns their stomach into a knot. When they feel that
tightening in the stomach, it’s a signal to step back from the
situation and let it go.
Sometimes the best way to detach themselves is to say the
affirmation: “All is well, and everything is unfolding as it should.”
They may need to say it several times in order to cease
overanalyzing the situation and to get the psychological distance
they need. Then they can pause and see what comes to them. They
don’t have to figure anything out; they just need to see what comes.
By surrendering the problem to a Higher Power and just being in
the situation, the healing energy emerges and the proper resolution
is revealed to everyone involved.
For example, I had a Pisces North Node client whose mother-inlaw was quite abusive. She became defensive and took it personally
if my client didn’t come to visit. She had a problem with alcohol
and generally made those around her feel badly about wanting to

lead their own lives. For many years my client tried to help this
woman to feel better, but she got nowhere. Then suddenly, when
she stopped helping, her mother-in-law told her that she had begun
seeing a therapist and would like it if each family member would go
with her as part of her treatment. My client was thrilled and totally
supported her mother-in-law. Her biggest surprise was that it didn’t
happen until she accepted the situation as it was, stopped trying to
help, and released it: “I didn’t do a
thing.” she said.
Magical results happen when these people truly release a problem
and get out of the way. They think the world depends on their
participation and are surprised when they don’t participate and
things get done anyway. When things
do fall into place without their
intervention, they may take it personally: “You mean they can get
without me?”


Pisces North Node people often have a problem with obsessions
—compulsive mental patterns that are not in their best interest. Or
their minds can have an obsessive quality that causes them to
continue to analyze a situation but fail to come up with a resolution
that brings peace of mind. Sometimes, out of the blue, the problem
or the addiction will be lifted. Their best bet is to not analyze why,
but to simply recognize that the problem is gone and to consciously
express feelings of appreciation and gratitude. They need to accept
the gift, not analyze it.
When they obsess on “why,” they are actually driven by fear that
the problem might return. But in the process of analyzing it, they
often re-attract the problem. Their best bet is to simply allow
negative conditions to disappear from their lives without having to
understand “why.” They are learning to appreciate the wonder of
life, to recognize how everything flows together and to feel a sense
of awe at the solutions that life itself brings to them.


In past lives these folks developed an ego encrustation that
revolved around being “right” all the time. Doctors and surgeons
are like gods: Everyone reveres them, and it’s easy for them to buy
into their own publicity. Then the process of serving other people
becomes an ego trip.
So Pisces North Node people often come into this incarnation
with a superiority complex. They feel they have to be a role model
(teacher, minister, firefighter, police officer, etc.) because, in one
way or another, they represent an archetype that needs to bring a
certain value to the human stream of experience. As a role model
they feel they have to be impeccable. Yet to do things perfectly
implies superiority, and this is the beginning of the end for these
folks. This is true both in terms of being trapped by the role they are

playing and in terms of abusing power in ways that result in others
taking a stand against them.
These folks identify strongly with the work or service they
perform. They may become immersed in work and be unable to
separate themselves from it. What begins as noticing “one more
detail” before leaving their job soon becomes the workaholic
syndrome. Although their job enslaves them, they may not see
themselves as being obsessive—they’re “just doing what has to be
done.” They must let go of identifying with their work; then they
can do a good job without losing so much of themselves. Even if
they are not spending lots of hours on the job, they may spend a lot
of time worrying about work. Either way, work is a central, allpervasive issue in their lives.
They also have a tough time with employees or co-workers. It’s
hard for them to let go of wanting to control others’ behavior—
they’re not sure others can do the job. Pisces North Node people are
learning that their idea of the “right way” to do a job might be
different from the other person’s idea, yet both ways might produce
good results. They need to give people the latitude to have different
styles. They also need to recognize that others may be learning
“how to get the job done”—they can’t expect everyone to already
know the best way.
These folks feel they have to stay apart from others because they
have a certain duty to perform on the earth. They are afraid that if
they let themselves be equal and become emotionally involved they
might forget their job, and that would strip away their selfdefinition. To play out their role they have to keep the mask on,
because to let go of the mask and yield to their emotions would
make them part of the collective whole, rather than a role model.
In fact, when they
do act out a role, they attract others to them
who actually expect them to play that role. When someone says:
“Be this for me,” it feeds their ego but then they’re trapped in that
role. The irony is that they
are bringing a higher energy onto the
planet, but they are ineffective as long as they try to do it on an ego
level. They are learning that instead of
doing something, they
simply have to
be who they really are.


Pisces North Node people are attached to a sense of duty for the
purpose of creating order. They think they must play a particular
role or enact a particular ritual or routine, and that it’s their
responsibility to perform this duty or service. To them, becoming
part of the Flow would mean agreeing to be nobody. Yet agreeing to
be nobody makes them think they’re not doing their job—and that
brings up guilt. “If I don’t fulfill my duty, I’m doing something
wrong.” It’s a self-perpetuating cycle that is entirely in their minds.
It’s based on the idea that they are superior to others and thus have a
lofty mission.
Something has to “jolt” them in order to release them from this
cycle and force them to accept their own humanity. They may find
themselves embroiled in a situation that is truly out of their control.
Humility and acceptance are the only way out, the only way they
can let go of the vicious perfection/duty/guilt cycle. At some point,
letting go would mean saying: “Well, I guess I can’t do a perfect
job. I guess I’ll just have to give it to God.” That is when their
consciousness shifts and they are able to see a much larger vision.




Pisces North Node people notice the details of everything and
seek to categorize everything. They do this partly because moving
into a situation that isn’t defined makes them very uncomfortable.
They think they need a rigid definition of who they are—their role,
their job, the service they provide, their routine, their rules and
regulations—to feel stable. But in truth, the fewer self-definitions
they have, the better off they are, as it is easier for them to move
through life
more in touch with themselves and less connected to
the ups and downs of their environment.
These folks need to recognize the difference between knowing
where they want to go and having a rigid definition of how they will
get there. To have a defined sense of purpose, a goal, or a vision is
healthy for them and gives them the stability they need. However,
their ideas regarding the means for reaching the goal needs to
remain fluid—who knows what they will need or how it’s going to
happen? They need to release preconceived ideas of what it’s going
to take and just keep focused on the goal. They are learning to let
experience precede definition, rather than allowing their rigid
definitions to limit their experience.
Their inborn tendency to define everything can be to their
advantage when it’s kept fluid. They can loosely define present
circumstances to see how they best fit with their private dreams. But
it should be a temporary definition, left open for future adjustments
as they receive more information. If the motive behind their
defining a situation is to see where they “fit,” they will lose,
because the definition becomes a limitation. If the motive is to see
how they can best relate the situation to their vision, they will win,
because they are able to receive new input.


Pisces North Node people are comfortable with predictability
and routine and have an innate resistance to any kind of change.
Even a promotion, if it’s unexpected, is likely to be met with
resistance! They are attached to their systems, which give them a
feeling of security. Unfortunately, this can evoke a rigidity that
prohibits them from freely experiencing life’s blessings.
In this incarnation, these folks are learning to release their grip on
“the known” and greet change willingly. They can do this only
when they have consciously thought through their relationship with
“the unknown.” If they fear the unknown, they will try to hold on to
their routines, even against their own best interest. When they are
unhappy in a situation or their circumstances begin to change, they
need to open their arms in acceptance. After all, maybe the current
situation is breaking down because something better is awaiting
them. If they can acknowledge that they are facing the unknown,
they may recognize what is emerging around them as a possible
next step to a greater level of satisfaction.
In reality, these folks get bored very easily—they need change to
keep them vital and alive. Their nervous systems are so sensitive
that if they try to resist change or control their environment, they go
on overload and something starts breaking down, physically or
psychologically. Thus, the sooner they can relax and open
themselves to accepting change, the happier and more peaceful they
will be. Their challenge is to allow the changes that flow through
their lives to reposition them and smooth out the rough edges.
Rather than being in a power boat trying to go upriver, they need to
take a canoe and follow the flow of the stream. They can still steer,
but they don’t need to fight the current.
For example, I had a client with this nodal position who decided
to make his morning exercise walk more enjoyable by taking his
child along. In only a few blocks they came to some standing water.
The son wanted to stop and look, but my client wanted to go ahead
with his walk. His child got a little misty-eyed and said: “Well, I’m
tired. I don’t want to walk.” My client, frustrated because things

weren’t going as he had planned, threatened to take his son back to
the house and never take him on a walk again. Upset, the boy sat
down and looked at the water. Finally my client accepted that he
wasn’t going to be able to continue his walk until they looked at the
water. It turned out to be a beautiful walk! They stopped to look at
ants and pieces of glass and rocks—and they did end up walking a
couple of miles (he ran up and down some hills along the way to get
his heart pumping). He didn’t get his medium-impact exercise walk
as planned, but he spent time with his son and saw sights he had
passed a hundred times before and never noticed because he was
too focused on walking. Life doesn’t always go according to plan,
but if these folks just cooperate with the way it’s
already going, the
joy they thought they would get from the plan is multiplied by what
actually happens.


Pisces North Node people are always rushing around. Despite
their incredible ability to focus, their timing is a bit jagged since
they are usually trying to do too many things in too few hours. This
is why they can have a problem being on time—although generally
they are punctual because it’s one of the “social rules.” Nonetheless,
they frequently feel there are not enough hours in the day.
The resolution for this dilemma is in slowing down until they
match the rate of the Flow—the timing of life’s natural unfolding.
The universal Flow has its own timing, frequency, and speed; when
one is in alignment with it, there is a natural ease to life. Events
seem to occur simultaneously with the time one is prepared to
handle them, and there are fewer “rough edges” when one walks in
the rhythm of its heartbeat.
Thus, by slowing down and doing less, Pisces North Node people
accomplish more. When the frequency they are emitting doesn’t
match the frequency of the Flow because they are operating at such
a frantic pace, things around them start “glitching.” These folks
actually “overshoot” the situation; they suddenly come to a brick
wall and wonder: “Why can’t I get things done?”
When they meet this type of resistance, the best thing is to slow
down. This allows other people or new ideas to come in to help

them. By slowing down, they come into sync with the other parts of
their universe; their frequency aligns with what’s going on around
them and they become part of the Flow.


Pisces North Node people feel a need for self-purification
before opening themselves up to an energy that can truly transform
their consciousness. But this can be an unending process. These
folks never think they are pure enough or their behavior perfect
enough to open up to higher energies. Moreover, their approach to
self-purification is based on rigid rules regarding behavior. These
folks try to live up to their own expectations, pushing through
obstructions in the name of “duty” in order to “purify” themselves.
But in reality, the purification they need is to let go of self-limiting
definitions. They are learning to disengage their identity from their
function: Their job does not define them; their duty doesn’t make
them human.
To attain the higher realms of consciousness they yearn for, they
must release all self-definition of being any particular kind of
person playing any particular role.
Pisces North Node people have already developed worldly
competence; in this incarnation they primarily need to relax and
find inner peace. But owing to constant mental activity (trying to
analyze everything around them and “fix” what—or who—they
perceive to be less than “perfect”), they are often in a perpetual state
of stress and tension. As they try to implement these changes they
think they need in order to find inner peace, they are constantly
These folks need to spend time alone, to resolve their worries by
going inside themselves. They have to pull the issue they are
concerned with inside and think about it, feel it, and go through an
inner process to release it. They need time to process the anxiety
pulsing through their system. Pisces North Node people need this

private process of inner purification, and they can only do it when
they have solitude.
Once they are able to detach from being so involved in
everything, they can begin to objectively
watch themselves respond
to each situation as it comes along. Through this process, the
attachments that held them in bondage to the material plane will
begin to dissipate. Everything within them that is resisting the
natural flow of events will begin to drop away, and this is the only
self-purification they really need.
If they try to interact with their environment without taking the
time to resolve their tension, they will continue to be plagued by
anxiety-producing thoughts and worries. Their need for solitude and
meditation must be understood and honored by them and by those
close to them. They must systematically spend time in some type of
meditative activity to release tension and allow their inner
happiness to grow.


As soon as things in the outer world start to “go wrong” and
they begin to feel tense, the best thing Pisces North Node people
can do is to take it as an “omen” that it’s time to pull back and take
a second look from a distance. To their amazement, they often find
that less is better. When they apply
more energy they become more
enmeshed, feel more anxious, and make more mistakes. As the
outer problem seems to get worse instead of better, they finally
become so frustrated that they throw their hands up and surrender.
It would be much better if these folks surrendered right at the
beginning. One of their greatest tools is their capacity to open to
their own spirituality through the process of surrender. No matter
what may be occurring in their lives, they need to trust that the
Infinite is on their side and that something better is unfolding for
them. As they give the resolution of the situation at hand over to the
Infinite, they expand into a higher place in their own consciousness
that empowers them to recognize how events could resolve in ways
that are more to their advantage.
For example, I had a client with this nodal position who owned a
small nursing home. She became increasingly involved in all the

details of the business until she had no time for anything else: for
play, for family, for fun. Unexpectedly, three violations were filed
against her home in rapid succession, leading to the possibility that
her facility would be closed. All three incidents were unrelated and
“out of the blue.” She panicked for fear of losing her only source of
income. She prayed unceasingly for the outcome to go “her way” so
she could keep her business. Then, at some point, she simply
relaxed. She realized that if she negotiated with the board, rather
than close her down they would send an administrator to run her
business for a trial period. And although she would have to pay the
administrator, she could see what an advantage it would be for her
to pull back and let someone else run the business. Then she could
focus her energies on promoting her home and filling the empty
beds, which would yield enough money to cover the salary of the
administrator and actually increase her income. Most important, she
would have her life back again.
Pisces North Node people are learning that the universe’s plan for
their happiness is generally a lot better than their own!


Pisces North Node people have had so many incarnations of
service that in this lifetime they are ready to rest and recharge their
souls. This is why they become physically exhausted when they
spend too much time in the outer world; they need to retreat into an
inner world of peace to heal. This is correct for them; there needs to
be time in their lives to escape from daily routines.
These folks occasionally slip into higher states of consciousness
without even trying. Once they have experienced this they always
want to reclaim it. They may spend hours in meditation, practicing
every technique they can think of, and may even become
completely isolated in order to regain that state. But when they try
to push for it, they push it away. The idea is for them to relax and
accept that they are surrounded by it, as a fish is surrounded by
When they are in that state, they are happy just to enjoy life. But
they have so many ideas about the roles they should play (the
teacher bringing others to the Light, etc.) that their mental activity
pushes away that natural state of bliss. If they simply relax—
without a myriad of activities scheduled for the day—they will find
the energy they seek naturally flowing around them. Pisces rules
enlightened states of consciousness—the oceanic feeling of oneness
with all life. Pisces North Nodes’ life purpose is to do whatever
increases that higher state of consciousness—to make it part of their
daily life—which will automatically help those around them.
These folks’ ability to create organization and definition is a
tremendous asset, but not when it’s applied to the material world.
When they are in tune with the larger picture (keeping their
peripheral vision open and simply moving through life with an
expanded awareness of what’s going on), they can make sense of

the chaos and see the Flow. Then they will know what to do to align
with the Flow in a practical way that accomplishes their dreams.
Pisces North Node people want to surrender to the Infinite, to a
Higher Power. If they cannot do this on their own, they sometimes
become addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other means of escape. They
are trying to silence the anxiety from their overly analytical
processes. They may unconsciously turn to substance abuse as a
pathway to get them into Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics
Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, or other groups that focus on
surrender to a Higher Power. Interestingly enough, the sign of
Pisces rules drugs, alcohol, excessive sleep, self-destructive
behaviors—all forms of escapism—but also rules meditation, the
highest forms of spirituality, and unconditional love and bliss.
To prevent problems, these folks need a place of solitude, even in
the workplace. Work can be a major source of stress for them
because it stimulates their tendency to “fix things.” At work, they
are much better off with their own space: a private office or a corner
where they have a sense of privacy. If they work with a group of
people, it helps to turn their desks away from other people and face
the wall. They are much happier and more productive when they
have a “space” with no one else’s energy around them. It helps them
remain calm and see situations from an expanded point of view.


The one thing Pisces North Node people can commit to on a
lifelong basis is learning and growing. Often a need to understand
and accept the people around them will point to exciting directions
for research and study.
These folks excel at any type of work that is inspirational,
spiritual, or promotional. They have brilliant imaginations; when
they focus on ideas that help manifest a vision, they are on track.
Their job is to stay in touch with the vision and impart to others
how to take care of the details. They are great at charging others
with enthusiasm when they share their ideas from the vantage point
of the vision, reminding others of what everyone is aiming for.
Pisces North Node people are able to apply this mindset,
whatever their job or position. As bank tellers, they could have the

larger view of wanting to serve people compassionately through
their understanding that many people have financial worries and
come to the bank feeling upset. As salespeople, they could keep in
mind the larger view of wanting the store to do well, working to
keep the customers happy by relating to them from a position of
love and service, and being conscious of not making judgments
about the salesperson next to them.
Unfortunately, for many of these folks, the worst confrontations
seem to occur in the workplace. They love to be the ones who keep
the project moving forward. However, their egos can get a bit
puffed up if they lose sight of the larger vision. They need to stay
focused on: “This is the work that needs to be done.” It’s easy to get
caught up in:
“I’m the one getting the work done. I’m organizing it,
I’m getting this person to do this . . . I’m getting that person to take
care of that detail . . . And where’s my coffee, Mac?” They will only
have enough energy to keep the project on track if they are humble
and stay connected to the vision. Otherwise people resist them, and
then they don’t know what to do. They become disconnected from
their power.
Another issue in the workplace is that Pisces North Node people
are subject to mood swings: They go along happily, but all of a
sudden their energy drops and they become anxious. Others around
them are greatly affected by their mood changes—they have the
power to create an atmosphere that everyone responds to. When
they are happy and peaceful, they bring the mood up and everyone
around them feels better. But when they’re down or anxious,
everyone feels that as well. This is an awesome power, and they
may not even be aware of it.
When these folks become anxious, others feel anxiety and begin
to perform less efficiently. When they feel calm and confident,
others feel it and naturally become more productive. Thus, Pisces
North Nodes can correct the behavior of others simply by filling the
atmosphere with positive, confident thoughts and energies.
What precedes their affecting the atmosphere in a negative way is
a reversal in their own mood. Their mind may become too involved
and critical about details. They get upset when things aren’t
working the way they think they “should” or when another person
isn’t doing the job in a way they think it ought to be done. Or if
something unexpected happens they may think the universe isn’t
supporting them and get absorbed in a whirlwind of tension and anxiety. So Pisces North Node people need to recognize that they
really don’t know how life “ought to be” unfolding. Maybe the other
person has to make a certain mistake because that will facilitate
seeing a far
bigger problem that has been overlooked.
If their suggestions meet with resistance, people may be rejecting
their negative energy rather than their ideas. Focusing on success
will help to create success; when they communicate, it will be with
a positive attitude. When they focus on the vision, the mundane
details will take care of themselves.
What doesn’t work for these folks is letting go of the vision and
trying to become one of the workers. It is
not their job to take care
of all the details and organize success on that level—their job is to
keep everyone focused on the overall positive vision. That’s where
their genius and natural leadership abilities shine.




In relationships, Pisces North Node people have everything
backwards. They should be detached from external results and
reliant on the flow of a; Higher Power, which enables them to be
very personable with other people. However, when they adhere to
their role and feel attached to controlling external results, they
appear impersonal to others. They put all their energy into their
role, and other people cannot see the real person underneath.
When they release the role, they become more human again,
allowing their personal power to shine through. In the role, they
stay within their definition of how their “character” is supposed to
act. But when they become themselves, they react openly to what’s
going on around them, responding naturally in ways that lead to
mutual respect and appreciation in their relationships.


Pisces North Node people tend to be very earthy and enjoy the
sensual side of life. However, they may feel awkward in joining
fully with another person in true intimacy—combining both the
physical and the emotional. Thus, although they are physically very
responsive, emotionally they tend to remain withdrawn and
unavailable. They may even go to great lengths to create workaholic
schedules to avoid deep emotional connections with others. They’re
uncomfortable relating with others on an equal level and allowing
themselves to be vulnetable.
They are so accustomed to living their lives according to an
analytical process that to allow themselves to be emotionally open
is unfamiliar territory. Part of them wants to be pulled into a new
way of experiencing the other person, but they often get caught in
their fear of the unknown. Emotions can be a barrage of undefined
energy, causing experiences to go in unpredictable directions.

Emotions don’t make sense, and yielding to those waves of emotion
would take them beyond the realm of logical explanation.
They prefer to operate without spontaneous feelings. They know
their role: They perform certain duties, act a certain way, and have
defined reactions and feelings in specific situations. To step into the
natural flow of emotions dissolves their known structures and
requires them to be vulnerable. Surrendering to the flow of emotion
terrifies them—it feels like death itself! What they are sensing is
actually a death of the part of their ego that keeps them from feeling
emotional and spiritual connectedness with others. Truly, in this
incarnation Pisces North Node people are promised the gift of bliss
that unites them with all people. But for this to occur, they must be
willing to release their hold on structure and surrender to the
unknown. This is the key to their salvation and completion.
One thing that will help in their intimate relationships is to take
the time to create a specific atmosphere with their sexual partner.
Dinner out once a week, music that promotes a romantic
atmosphere, candles, flowers, or whatever else puts them in a
romantic mood can go a long way in freeing them from their rigid
roles and adding emotional depth to their relationships. The joy and
pleasure such rituals will bring are well worth the extra time and
effort. Relationships are work, and one of the things these folks are
learning is the importance of doing their part. Rather than assuming
certain things are going to happen, they need to put forth the effort
to consciously create a positive situation with their partner.
For Pisces North Node people, the challenge is to focus on love,
to allow it to create every possible vision—the ultimate pleasure
and bliss—by accepting love without trying to dictate what
direction it should take. If they put their total faith in the love that
exists and just let it be, the results will amaze them.
Of course, the love may only be apparent in moments. The idea is
to enjoy it while it’s there; when it’s not there, Pisces North Nodes
need to recognize that it was real. Rather than thinking in terms of
giving or receiving, simply accepting the other person—with no
barriers and no judgments—will allow them to access unconditional


Because Pisces North Node people were focused in past lives on
their own concerns, they often forget to take other people into
account when they make plans. Life is going on for everybody, not
just for them. We all have dreams to be manifested, mistakes to
make, and lessons to be learned, but these folks seem to be
innocently unaware of this total picture.
It is not that they do not want other people to manifest their
dreams. They are oriented to service and sincerely want to help, but
their focus is so narrow they often fail to take others’ visions into
account. And when others feel their dreams and agendas are not
being considered, they often become adversarial. Then Pisces North
Nodes’ tendency is to blindly resist the initiative of the other
person. Every time the other person tries to assert his or her plan,
the Pisces North Node person reacts with frantic resistance—all
they can see is that it goes against their plan. The result is a standoff
where neither party wins and communication shuts down.
These folks have had too many past lives when they weren’t
allowed to make a mistake, so in this lifetime there’s a chip in their
mental computer that says they absolutely cannot be “wrong.” This
causes them to become defensive and unable to hear the other
person’s point of view, which is the basis of most of their
misunderstandings. To establish a channel of communication, the
first thing the other person needs to do is to relax Pisces North
Nodes’ “be right” mechanism by validating their idea. “You are
right. And . . . from my point of view, it looks like this:
. . .” The operative word is “right.”
Pisces North Node people are as victimized by that mechanism in
their brain as are those around them. The need to be “right” propels
much of their anxiety. When they start thinking too much, it helps to
reassure themselves: “I did the right thing. I did the best I could
with the Light that I had in that situation.” Then they will feel more
These folks are very sensitive to shifts in energy. When they tune
in to the material world, they respond to other people’s energy all
the time. By contrast, if they work to develop a more spiritual focus
—through watching themselves objectively and detaching from the
material world—they can chart their course from their own vision
instead of allowing others to influence them. It’s an entirely
different reality. They will find themselves responding to a spiritual

energy field rather than the emotional energy fields of other people.
Turning their powerful concentration away from the material world
and toward the intangible world requires conscious focus. When
they objectively observe themselves and the way their bodies
respond in different situations, they are able to make choices that
are not influenced by the force fields of those around them.


Expectations—for themselves and others—are the biggest
source of disappointment for Pisces North Node people in this
lifetime. These folks need to stay in touch with their vision in order
to really shine—it brings out the best in them. Thus, in a
relationship, if they have a vision or a larger goal of what they want
to experience (to consistently put positive energy into the
relationship, to keep the flow of unconditional love going, etc.), it
will work beautifully. They will know what to do at every step of
the way. If, however, they are looking at what’s going wrong and
the ways in which the other person isn’t meeting their expectations,
everything starts going downhill. They need a higher cause—loftier
than their daily activities—to give spiritual significance to whatever
they are doing.


Pisces North Node people fear criticism more than any other
nodal type. They can’t bear the thought of anyone (especially
themselves!) thinking they aren’t perfect. So they’re caught in a
cycle in which they have to perform perfectly in order to avoid the
criticism that would make them feel badly. They can lead their
entire life around the attempt to avoid criticism—deep down, they
fear it would be a tremendous embarrassment or even a public
disgrace to make a mistake.
Owing to past lives when their behavior had to be perfect to save
people physically or spiritually, they have a critical eye and easily
see others’ flaws. In the desire to correct and heal, they constantly
judge the people around them. They may not verbalize their
judgments, but others feel the weight of their critical eye and
analytical mind. In the workplace, they can be so critical that they
alienate co-workers. And their criticism can cause their children to
become insecure.

These folks think that if only the other person would fix the flaw
they are so aware of, they could both find love and peace of
mind. But it’s not set up to work that way. Subconsciously, others
know that it is the native’s job to learn unconditional love in this
lifetime. Sometimes, the other person feels victimized by an
unwanted habit that is actually—on a subconscious level—being
held in place by the Pisces North Node’s refusal to accept the other
completely. The native feels victimized because the other person
isn’t changing the behavior that the native thinks would bring peace
of mind. Both people lose.
To turn this into a win/win situation, these folks need to alter the
silent, critical thoughts in their own minds. Rather than focusing on
“the flaw” and viewing it as intentional, they need to shift the way
they see the person. As they view the other person in terms of his or
her helplessness and unconscious habits, their hearts will be filled
with love and compassion and their minds will be filled with peace.
Then both people win: The other person feels supported and has the
freedom to change his or her behavior (or not!); the native is already
feeling peace, whether or not the behavior of the other person


Pisces North Node people are always on the lookout for a
problem; they think it’s their personal responsibility to see that
everything is working smoothly. Because of this constant anxiety,
they end up tampering with things inappropriately, which can
frustrate and annoy those around them. When their desire to help
emanates from their compulsive desire to fix things, people are
likely to reject their input. In this lifetime it’s their job to accept
things as they are and to offer people a broader view of what’s
going on that gives them confidence. Their job is to provide
comfort, support, and compassion rather than criticism—no matter
how “constructive” it might be.
Also, instead of focusing on the other person’s problem, Pisces
North Nodes should look at themselves to see if something they are
doing is a problem. Rather than saying: “Gosh, there’s no way to get
along with this other person—they’re just too difficult,” they can

look inward and change themselves to evoke a different response
from the other person.
In all their relationships, these folks need to surrender to the
Infinite. Indeed, the natural unfolding of events may show them that
their partner is not compatible. The partner may have deep-seated
psychological problems that result in negative behaviors, and Pisces
North Nodes’ Achilles’ heel is thinking that they can “fix” the
partner. They’ve been doctors and nurses in many past lifetimes,
and they think they can put other people together again in a healthy
way. But the fact is that if the other person doesn’t want to change,
he or she is not “fixable.”
Pisces North Node people need to discriminate between those
who are asking to be fixed and those who are not. Many people
don’t want to be fixed; they think they’re fine just the way they are.
In that case, the natives must fix those parts of
themselves that have
allowed them to become involved with someone who is engaged in
such destructive behavior. When they allow negative energy to
injure them, it hurts not only them but the people around them as
well. It robs their energy, prevents them from helping others, and
sets a bad example for their children and others.
Another problem arises from Pisces North Nodes’ preoccupation
with “fixing people”: They naturally attract someone who needs
fixing! This can be a subconscious ego trip for them. They have
been in the position of “fixing” so many times that they view
themselves as better than others. It’s always an ego trip if they think
they can help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. In this
lifetime, to release a situation with the acknowledgment “I can’t fix
this one” can be an act of true humility and the correct path.


Pisces North Node people sometimes become trapped in
relationships out of an extreme sense of responsibility to the other
person. They are driven by their sense of duty. If they don’t live up
to their self-imposed ideal of perfect behavior, they feel tremendous
guilt—and this can be a major factor in remaining in a situation
long after it has ceased to be of any benefit to them.
These folks can’t say “no” to loved ones or those they feel
responsible for, and this can trigger situations where they are taken
advantage of. If they are giving because of rules and regulations,
they will expect others to give back to them and the exchange will
lack the blessed ingredient of love. To bring love into their
interactions, they must trust themselves and not give past their
personal boundaries. Actually, others are not nearly as needy and
dependent as these folks think, and that is why others don’t give
back. They don’t really require the amount of sacrifice and service
the Pisces North Node person is enacting.
Part of what propels Pisces North Nodes’ sense of duty is a
feeling of inadequacy. They think: “All I have to give is me.” They
compensate by giving and giving, and they never feel that it’s
Sometimes Pisces North Node people will release this pattern
because it gets so hard they grow tired of it. They finally realize that
if they spend their entire life being of service to other people, they
have nothing left for themselves. Once they realize that others are
taking their service for granted, without appreciating what the
sacrifice is costing them, then they change.
A major step in resolving the dilemma is to put themselves first
—not their idea of themselves or their “role,” but their humanness.
They need to ask themselves: “If I do this, is it going to benefit me,
or is it just for others?” They love to help others, but if they violate
the voice within—their own humanity—then they’re performing an
empty service and no one wins.
The only way these folks actually know if they’re helping another
person or doing damage (“enabling” them or usurping their

responsibility and power) is by how they feel about it. If they are
doing a service for someone and they feel good and enjoy it, then
it’s accurate. But if they feel badly about themselves or unhappy in
that environment, it isn’t really a service.
The answer lies in developing a sense of duty to self rather than
to everyone else. When Pisces North Node people include duty to
self as part of the picture, things begin to come into balance. Their
lesson in this lifetime has less to do with how they relate to other
people and more to do with how they relate to themselves. Their
only barometer is their own inner state of being—their sense of
peace and contentment. They need to trust that the self is spiritual,
their intentions are good, and when the inner self says “no,” it’s a
correct response to outer circumstances.


Pisces North Node people seldom partner with those who
primarily evoke feelings of love and inner peace. They marry
someone with whom they can remain secure in their self-imposed
role. Then they may discover, as the other person begins to take
Pisces North Nodes’ service-oriented behavior for granted, that the
attraction and structure that felt so comfortable at first have become
a jail from which they want to break free. But by that time there
may be other responsibilities (children, shared resources, business
connections) that keep them bound to the situation through a sense
of personal duty—they feel they must live up to their image.
They also connect to the partner on an energy level, and once
committed, they think they can’t leave until that energy has been
worked out. The other person has to release them from the bond
before they feel they have fulfilled their duty and are free to go.
Their sense of duty and the need for perfect behavior can keep
these folks in the very worst of marriages, and sometimes they even
provoke abuse through their subservient attitude. When they are
responding to the other person from their role, rather than from the
truth of how they really feel, they are of endless, long-suffering
service regardless of how the other person treats them. But if their
natural, human response is honest, it tells others where their
boundaries are and engenders mutual awareness, respect, and

appreciation. It is the key ingredient. It cannot be sidestepped if
they want happy, nurturing relationships.
Pisces North Node people are extremely sensitive to energy
currents around them. They think they must constructively
participate with those currents for their lives to work in a magical
way. This is another reason why they stay in relationships—no
matter how painful, stressful, or unhappy—until the energetic
connection is somehow dissolved. They feel the karmic pull, the
magnetism, and think there is something to “work out” before they
can move on—their partner isn’t through with them yet. So they
keep serving the other person, hoping to complete the karma.
However, those attachments
can be released on one level by a
recognition that the Pisces North Node has been not only
unappreciated but used by that other person.
Pisces North Node people think they’re doing their partner a
favor by sacrificing themselves, but they’re not helping anyone.
They are giving the message: “You can be abusive to others and not
appreciate them, and they will stay with you anyway. It’s okay to
get your way at another’s expense.” And that is not the truth. When
they subconsciously attract a spouse that needs “fixing” and the
spouse becomes abusive, they must recognize that in the perfect
scheme of things, perhaps their partner’s next lesson is that it’s
impossible to abuse people and get away with it.


It can be difficult for Pisces North Node people to leave abusive
marriages for several reasons. First, they have a tough time
admitting that they made a poor choice. Also, when Pisces North
Node people marry, they are relieved to find they have a companion
with whom they can share all their anxieties—and they do! The
spouse is likely to hear all the problems and injustices that occur
every day at work, and may begin to feel like a sounding board for
all the anxieties and fears of the Pisces North Node. To the outside
world, these folks may seem to be on top of things, but their partner
comes to know the frantic child underneath the exterior.
Although these folks tell their partners all their problems,
anxieties, and fears, they rarely listen for answers. If the other

person offers suggestions, he or she is usually pushed away because
the Pisces North Node is looking for a “higher resolution” on a
spiritual level. No practical ideas or human empathy will help.
However, Pisces North Nodes do come to depend on the spouse as a
sounding board, and that is another reason they tend to stay in one
relationship. They don’t think anyone else will be able to accept
their anxieties, so they cling to the spouse they have.
On another level, these folks feel guilty because they realize their
own behavior has not been “perfect”; they allow the partner a wide
berth of imperfection that even extends to tyranny. The abuse that
they endure can be terribly damaging to their self-worth; they may
lose confidence in their ability to ever leave the situation and begin
again on their own. But they must be willing to leave relationships
that are destructive to their mental and spiritual peace. No analyzing
or making judgments—simply leaving the proximity of those who
are disruptive to their well-being. This means trusting the inner
feeling of spiritual peace to lead them to new situations that are
There is a story that several decades ago in Japan, an argument
arose among the followers of three of the martial arts: Karate
(mastery of offense); Judo (mastery of self-defense); and Aikido
(mastery of dodging). The top master in each discipline was
summoned to see which martial art was most effective. After the
competition, it was the Aikido master who was left standing. Aikido
is the art of dodging: You just step out of the way. You never strike
a blow or raise your arms in self-defense; you simply move out of
the way and the force of your opponent’s attack will cause him to
fall over. Pisces North Node people would do well to learn from this
story: When there is negativity, their best bet is to not interact but to
simply move out of the way.


Pisces North Node people need to be conscious of where they
are (not their fantasy) and truthful with themselves about their
feelings. Often they really aren’t happy but refuse to admit it. They
may be in denial about their sense of entrapment in the roles they

play. They feel guilty and think they “shouldn’t” feel that way or
they should play out their role regardless of how they feel.
Unconsciously, they are overly optimistic—trusting everyone and
everything and constantly being influenced by other people’s energy
fields. They are more concerned with what is happening moment by
moment in the relationship, rather than with their vision. But when
they stay in touch with the larger picture, they are able to follow
their intuition and don’t run into things blindly.
There are no shortcuts for Pisces North Node people, but
fortunately they are accustomed to hard work. In this lifetime, the
hard work required is to not let themselves be controlled by their
circumstances. Then they can establish situations that are more in
accord with who they really are. If they want to be happy, they must
give up the role and start relating from the authenticity and strength
of their true nature.




On a deep level, Pisces North Node people know they are
headed into the unknown—that is their destiny! Yet they dig their
heels in. They are used to organization and form; any new
experience is frightening and is met with initial resistance. They
don’t know what role to play or what is expected of them. There are
certain definitions in their role, and when they move into the
unknown, there are no definitions. They fear being swept away.
Another reason they dread the unknown is that they have had
negative experiences where something unexpected “blindsided”
them. Thus, they are afraid of what they cannot yet see. They focus
on analyzing the details, hoping to keep their world under control.
Unfortunately, this is exactly the opposite of what will work for
them. By being so focused on the details, they lose touch with the
larger vision and don’t notice what’s happening on the periphery.
Then unexpected things actually
can surprise them. (It’s like a
driver being so focused on not hitting the car in front of him that he
misses the fact that the car on his right is weaving over the line.)
These folks need to step back from the here and now so they can
gain a broader view of life unfolding around them.
Pisces North Node people may think they have to purify their
personality as much as possible before it’s safe to bring in energy
that can truly transform and open their consciousness. They think
that any blocks in their consciousness will stop the flow of energy,
depriving them of the strength to deal with the unknown. Indeed, on
their own they don’t have the energy to handle it with clarity and
focus, which is why they need to align themselves with a Higher
Power. Once they move into the unknown, the clarity and focus
they seek will emerge.
These folks hate disorder and chaos. It evokes tremendous fear
of getting lost and not knowing where they belong. They need to be
willing to trust that a positive Higher Power is in charge and that
order is actually the intrinsic nature of the universe. The only way
they can reach a higher level of order is by letting go of the current
level of order and allowing the chaos to dissolve it so the new order
can emerge.
When Pisces North Node people release their iron grip on the old
structure, they move into a new realm of experience. In the process,
what will dissolve and change is the old way of experiencing. Since
that’s what they know as “self,” it feels like the self is dying—
which allows a new, more vital and expanded self to emerge.
For example, if a person doesn’t drive, she may have developed
many behaviors to compensate for that limitation: forming
attachments to people who have cars, depending on others for
transportation, asking others to run errands for her, and so on. She
may have made an entire life out of that! Then, when she gets the
opportunity to own a car, she feels the panic of leaving her old
patterns of relating. Yet when she actually begins to drive, a whole
new, expanded self and freer lifestyle will emerge. Change is
inevitable. When these folks learn to greet change rather than resist
it, they’ll find their lives becoming much easier and a lot more fun.


Pisces North Node people often go through acute mental
anguish before taking action in the outer world. They can fall into a
state of obsessive worry about what others will say and how they
will respond. Basically, they fear they are inadequate to handle
confrontations, so they tend to postpone taking action until the last
possible moment. Much to their surprise, it’s rarely as difficult as
they thought it would be. Yet they don’t seem to have much
carryover from one success to the next. They complicate the issue
so much in their minds that even when they’ve had successful
confrontations, the next time they go through the mental anguish all
over again.
This is one issue that is too difficult to resolve on the tangible
level. Their lesson is to simply rise above it and recognize that a

Higher Power is in charge that brings certain situations as
opportunities for expansion and growth. Pisces North Node people
need to pull back and reflect on how current circumstances can
move them closer to their goal. Then they can take action without
being attached to the outcome—and just by taking action they will
know what to do next. Each step points out the
next appropriate
step. The key is to not be attached to the result of the action.
There’s no middle ground for Pisces North Node people. All their
thinking, second-guessing, and analyzing will not make their lives
easier. Without consciously and consistently relying on a Higher
Power to see them through their day, life is one anxiety after
another—no amount of service seems to protect them from
confrontations. When obstructions arise, all they need to do is put
the situation in the hands of a Higher Power and take care of each
step as it unfolds.
For example, if the Pisces North Node is at a restaurant and his
credit card is refused, his immediate response would be panic and
resistance: “Why did this have to happen? I was having such a great
day, and
this came along!” Or “Oh, no! Someone has stolen my card
and is running up my bill!” He will go on and on, making a huge
upset out of a relatively routine event, feeling sorry for himself and
believing that the incident never would have happened if the
universe loved him. He traumatizes himself and everyone else by
not accepting what has happened.
Actually, the first step is obvious: Call the credit card company
and find out what’s going on. In the larger scheme of things, maybe
he should have paid more attention to how much he was spending
with his credit card, and this is the universe’s way of waking him up
before he gets too deeply in debt. Or maybe someone did copy the
number, and this is the universe’s way of alerting him. Or perhaps
the credit card company made the mistake, and only through this
feedback can it correct whatever led to the error. Pisces North
Nodes must trust that there is a larger picture unfolding and a
greater good emerging out of the incident.


Pisces North Node people have a tendency to structure their
time with so much routine and so many rules and duties that their
lives become totally predictable. Once they’ve created the structure,
they really don’t want it that way. But when events occur that might
take their lives in an interesting direction, they all too easily fall
back into their daily rut. They’d much rather take a different, more
scenic route, but to do that they have to begin to live more


The first step in living on a more conscious level involves
taking time each day for solitude and reflection. They should set
aside a regular time—at least 40 minutes a day—to do nothing: no
television, no radio, no telephone or other external stimuli. If they
like, they can practice a meditation technique, followed by silence
as they learn to wait for new revelations. Or they can keep a journal,
writing down the activities of the previous day and looking for a
“higher reason” behind events. Or they can read from a spiritual
book: the Bible, the I Ching, or whatever offers them guidance and
insight. They could spend part of their 40 minutes practicing yoga,
breathing techniques, or relaxation exercises—gentle, physical
approaches to connecting with their inner peace.
The idea is this: It’s
their time—no duties, no errands, no work,
no role playing, no distractions. It’s a time to get in touch with the
larger vision for their life: What do they want to build and
experience? At home or at work, what vision would they like to
manifest? What atmosphere would they like to create? Evaluating
these issues, at least once a week, will give them a sense of taking
responsibility for their lives.
This also gives Pisces North Node people a time to tune in to
their relationships and family life: Are they spending quality time

with the significant people in their lives? If they were 95 years old,
what experiences would they regret not having had with each of
their children? What kind of closeness or activities do they want to
have with’ their mate? Are there any places to which they would
especially like to travel? Re-evaluating these issues regularly will
provide insights that can add a new and exciting dimension to their
lives. And the magic is that it’s not linear. Ideas will simply “occur”
to them during meditation about how to bring these things into
During meditation, these folks might also reflect on other people
who could help enact their vision. Are there friends who can further
them spiritually or make their lives more interesting? Are there
classes that will open new vistas for spiritual fulfillment and peace
of mind? Solitude is the key. By taking those 40 minutes a day for
themselves, Pisces North Nodes will be amazed how their lives will


Pisces North Node people have spent so many incarnations
enacting the vision that they have lost touch with what they are
striving to manifest. In this lifetime, it’s vital for them to get back in
touch with their private dream—what they intend to create with
their life. One way to do this is to make regular (perhaps monthly)
“wish lists,” writing down what they want to manifest. This helps
them get in touch with their intentions; as soon as they do it, the
things they want to create magically begin to occur. Once they stop
worrying about what isn’t working, and simply write down the way
want it to be, they will find themselves doing those things that
create their dreams in reality.
When these folks get pulled back into a linear, repetitive way of
living, it triggers their subconscious past-life issues of needing to
have everything rigid and scheduled. Then they get so intensively
involved in immediate circumstances that they can’t see the broader
picture. They let themselves get caught up in that position time and
time again; and although it never works, they believe that’s what
they need to do to be successful in life.

Pisces North Node people are learning proper discrimination
between what is important in terms of their larger values and their
vision, and what is a temporary upset that will soon pass. When
they put aside their analytical mindset and their hectic activity, and
just allow themselves to be and to pursue their dream, life is much
easier. Magically, their dreams begin to manifest.


Detachment is a major issue for Pisces North Node people in
releasing themselves from their role. When they can detach from
their emotional state, rise above it, and observe it, they can grow
and change. The key is self-observation. They must
watch themselves: relating to coworkers, with family members,
driving down the road, and so on.
When these folks can watch themselves without judgment and
see how their need to satisfy other people is damaging, then they
start to change. For instance, if they become upset on the job or
stressed out trying to meet someone else’s deadline, they need to
notice how it makes them feel. Then they are using their eye for
detail—not to watch the outside, but to watch their internal response
(both physical and emotional).
When they begin the process of objectively watching themselves,
everything will begin to change. Their health will improve and they
will begin to feel more comfortable with themselves and others.
Through this process, their focus shifts from worrying about how
they fit in with others to how they fit with themselves. That’s when
growth begins.


The purpose of this incarnation for Pisces North Node people is
to find a spiritual path that will help release their overemphasis on
the tangible and tune in to the comfort that is available within the
context of a higher consciousness. They need to allow their sense of
a Higher Power to permeate every facet of their lives. Then it will
work for them to “go with the flow” and allow other people to
direct them along their path, as long as their inner being feels
peaceful with the advice they are receiving.
These folks are so used to pushing to get things done that they
sometimes go into the mode of “I will make this work.” Then they
are “off path.” They need to remind themselves to stay in touch
with their Higher Power and to allow that Power to guide and direct
them, moment by moment. They need to relinquish the incessant
analysis and simply watch for the signposts or “omens” that show
the next step. Then they must trust those signposts, take a risk, and
follow them.
Pisces North Node people are also born with the ability to see the
future. They can
feel the sequence of events, once they relax into
their psychic sensitivity. They often overreact at the first prophecy
they see. A picture (a person or a situation) will come across their
mind, and they will feel incredible anxiety and insecurity. They
know there will be a problem in the immediate future. They have
accessed a new gift of this incarnation: the gift of psychic intuition.
This is a wonderful gift—it can protect them from negative
situations by warning them in advance. However, their first reaction
is panic because they feel helpless. Because forewarned is
forearmed, they will eventually realize that if they can
see what is
coming they can either sidestep it or figure out how to use it to their
advantage. Their best bet is to refrain from action until they have

more information. They need time and solitude for the insights and
correct resolutions to come through their intuitive process.
These folks have a lot of Angels around them—all they need to
do is to stay open and watch for the vision of how to use current
circumstances to advance their plans. But they mustn’t “analyze”
the situation. Their job is to be patient and wait until their psyche
reveals how each circumstance is actually a stepping-stone to
successfully reaching their goal.
Once they are tuned in to their psychic gifts, Pisces North Node
people can see problems months in advance and avoid them. When
they pull back a little, they can use the vision of timing and
opportunity to make their life more peaceful and serene. They are
learning to connect with a newfound confidence in their ability to
handle day-to-day situations.
Pisces North Node people have had so many incarnations
monitoring their behavior that in this lifetime they tend to not speak
their minds. They hold back, not wanting to add “bad energy” to the
situation. This leads to a good deal of time spent in wishing they
had said something they didn’t say.
Once again, resolution lies in trusting themselves and being
aware of their motive. If what they want to say will involve casting
the other person as “wrong” or changing another’s behavior, they
will lose. However, if they are pulled back from the situation and
speaking from a position of love (just being open to the flow of
what occurs to them to say in the moment), their words will be
appropriate and accurate. It might be frustration or a surge of energy
—it could be anything—but the idea is not to censor it. When they
say it, it helps make a correction for the other person, and the Pisces
North Node person will have risked being himself in the moment.
The irony is that when these folks are being themselves—without
a “role”—that’s when they’re really teaching! When there’s no “be
perfect” script for what they should say or do, they best demonstrate
to others the spiritual principles they value. When they let the
Infinite within them respond naturally, it works.

These folks are ready to experience a higher realization of their
own perfection—not through manipulating physical matter to “look
good,” but through trusting the intangible perfection of things as
they are. The inner work these folks are scheduled to do involves
letting go of self-defeating patterns—sabotaging themselves by
trying to have things perfect according to their self-imposed ideals.
When they trust the universe, they are no longer afraid of change.
Everything unfolds as part of the Flow, their intentions are good,
and the Infinite (or God, or a Higher Power) is on their side. They
can see that everyone who enters their life is sent by a Higher
Power as part of a larger plan, so the end result must be positive.
When they trust the flow of life, the right people come, the right
changes happen, they can feel the positive energy, and they can see
the larger picture. The idea is to look for the good. Once they have
released their worry to the universe, their feelings of inadequacy are
transformed into feelings of ease and quiet power.


From past lives, the minds of Pisces North Node people are so
complex that in this incarnation their goal is
simplicity. The simple,
uncomplicated answers will work best for them now. When they are
able to slow themselves down and stay fluid, they can pick up on
the bits and pieces of information from their Angels showing them
that “all is well.” This recognition alone empowers them to see the
correct action to manifest their vision.


In this incarnation, Pisces North Node people are learning
acceptance and compassion. Their job is to suspend judgment; when
they cease criticizing others, they will cease being so hard on
themselves. This opens the way to the tranquility they have always
sought. All the silent judgments they make against the other person
—the critical things they notice—prevent them from letting down
their barriers and truly combining in love with the other person.
These folks are learning that their thoughts about others are
actually the thoughts they subconsciously fear others have about
them. Thus, when they view someone else, if they see her in a
critical way (“Her hair’s too long,” “Her hair’s too short,” “She’s
behaving badly”), they project that others are having the same
critical thoughts about them. On the other hand, if they consciously
know that the other person is doing the best she can with the Light
she has, or if they deliberately think of some good point about her
and view her with love, then subconsciously they will think that
others are viewing them in the same accepting way. That will relax
their own self-judgment.
Of course, once they start doing this they’ll want to be perfect
and will tend to judge themselves harshly if they forget. When
they’re not perfect it’s really to their advantage, because it keeps
them humble. Then they can notice that they, too, are doing the best

they can with the Light they have at the time, and it will be easier
for them to love themselves.
Pisces North Node people have had times in their lives when
they’ve slipped into an enlightened state—a state of total
compassion with the universe. As they suspend judgment of others
and themselves, they gain access to this state of consciousness on a
more consistent basis.


Pisces North Node people want to remain in a state of
interrupted bliss, and the things that pull them out of it are all the
unexpected events in the mundane world that disrupt their plans.
One practice they could implement to maintain their inner peace
would be to say—no matter what happens—“The Universe loves
me, and somehow this will work out to my advantage.” They can
repeat it several times if they need to. If they greet all changes with
this verbal affirmation, they will be amazed at how their viewpoint
The idea is to be thankful for every situation that comes their
way, regardless of how that situation may appear: “Thank you, God,
for this problem with my health”—whatever it is, they must be
grateful for it. This can work miracles. As they gratefully
acknowledge their current situation and remain open spiritually,
their resistance will dissolve; with that, the next step becomes
These folks can have a difficult beginning owing to the worries,
anxieties, and duties that consume their lives. But once they make
the transition to focusing on the spiritual reality behind the world of
tangible appearances, theirs can be the most blissful of lives! Once
they are in touch with being conscious and learning to objectively
observe themselves, they become aware of the more subtle energy
pulls in the Flow—where things are going and how to navigate to
reach their goal. The Infinite seems to take care of them; and as
long as they stay conscious, they can accurately see where to take
the next step.
Pisces North Node people are immersed in an atmospheric field
of magical spiritual power. The irony is that they are totally

unaware of it. They act as though they have no power at all and try
to succeed from an ego level. All they have to do is relax into the
spiritual atmosphere surrounding them, and magic will take over
their lives. Theirs is the easiest of all incarnations, if they will only
let go of their attachment to making it difficult. If they “Let go and
let God,” they can move in the peacefulness of the Infinite itself
guiding them.
The most difficult part of their journey is to understand that what
is “real” to the other nodal types—the tangible, physical world that
everyone agrees exists—is not destined to be their primary reality.
To focus on the
intangible as the basis of their reality requires a
willingness to risk being misunderstood by others. Their job is to
bring the experience of spiritual reality to the planet, and they can
only do that through awareness of it in their own lives. It is only by
being absorbed in the spiritual atmosphere themselves that they can
communicate this reality to others through their own quiet joy.



Because of the compelling way that music can emotionally
support us in taking risks, I have written a healing song for each
nodal group to help shift its energy in a positive direction.


The soothing message of this song is meant to gently shift
Pisces North Nodes’ subconscious toward an awareness of the
overall perfection and natural unfolding of everything around them,
awakening their spiritual qualities and allowing them to embrace a
more peaceful and accepting approach to life.

Selected lyrics:

When I, by myself, just can’t get it straight
Stumbling backwards when I just had it made
Wanting right now to be
All that I see—if I only could . . .
If I only could
. . .

That’s when I remember
Everything in life is good—
Even if not understood . . .
All will come to you in time
So put the thought into your mind
That everything’s unfolding . . . as it should

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”



About the Author

JAN SPILLER is known throughout the world as a trusted and
perceptive leader in astrology. She contributes monthly columns to
Dell Horoscope, the largest-circulation astrology magazine in the
world. She teaches regularly at New Age and astrology conferences,
and is a highly sought-after radio and television guest. She was a
contributing editor for the anthology
Astrology for Women, and she
has written
Spiritual Astrology(with Karen McCoy), Astrology for
the Soul
, and New Moon Astrology. To date, her books have been
translated into ten languages. Her website is,
and she lives in New York City, and Santa Fe, New Mexico.

41 Pages
AlbanianArabicBulgarianChinese (Simplified)EnglishFilipinoFrenchGermanGreekHungarianIcelandicIrishItalianJapaneseKoreanPersianRomanianRussianSpanishSwedishTurkishUkrainian
Room with fireplace
Room with fireplace
Rain on foliage
Rain on foliage
Rain storm
Rain storm
Rain in the forest
Rain in the forest
Sea waves
Sea waves
Sea waves with birds
Sea waves with birds
Sea waves very close
Sea waves very close
Wind in the forest
Wind in the forest
Wind in trees
Wind in trees
Wind heavy
Wind heavy
and sounds