Face Reading: Unlock the Secrets of Chinese Physiognomy and Discover How to Read People Like ClockworkPalm Reading: Unlock the Secrets of Palmistry to Discover About You and Your FutureWhat if I told you that your entire life story is written on your face? Or if you learn to read faces, you can determine a person’s past, present, and future, and you will be surprisingly accurate.Face reading is an ancient Chinese art that is still widely practiced, especially for modern health analysis. Subtle signs on a person’s face, like moles, scars, discoloration, and even the shape, tell a lot about a person’s life story and characteristics.The first part of this book is packed with information about the Chinese secrets of face reading. You will be able to detect a person’s thought process, characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. You can also determine your future with this ancient art.

Mari Silva
Face and Palm Reading

Table of Contents

Part 1: Face Reading


Chapter 1: History of Chinese Physiognomy and Face Reading

Chapter 2: Face Basics: The Facial Map

Chapter 3: The Five Elements and Personalities

Chapter 4: Reading the Past, Present, and Future

Chapter 5: Face Reading in Practice


Part 2: Palm Reading


Chapter One: An Abridged History of Palm Reading

Chapter Two: Common Misconceptions About Palmistry

Chapter Three: Right or Left – Which Hand to Read?

Chapter Four: Reading Hand Size and Shape

Chapter Five: Texture and Color

Chapter Six: Reading Fingernails

Chapter Seven: Reading the Elements – Hand Shape

Chapter Eight: Reading the Fingers

Chapter Nine: Reading the Mounts and the Plains

Chapter Ten: Reading the Lines


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Part 1: Face Reading


Unlock the Secrets of Chinese

Physiognomy and Discover How to Read

People Like Clockwork


Studying a person’s face to tell if they are truthful is one of the most common ways to assess their integrity. In fact, it’s a fundamental trait that most of us have without even knowing it. At the same time, we also look for concealed emotions behind a person’s face, whether it’s a relative, friend, or coworker.

Did you know there are ways to tell a person’s emotions and decipher their luck just by reading their face? Face reading is an ancient practice in Chinese and European civilizations dating back several millennia.

If you wish to learn more about how face reading works and to try it on yourself or with others, then this book is for you. It will not only help you explore ancient alternative practices but also teach you to interpret the minds and thoughts of those around you. You can use this knowledge to better understand the people in your life, including family members, close friends, new acquaintances, or ordinary by-passers. As opposed to simply understanding the history and theoretical aspects of face reading, this book will teach you how to read faces and interpret a person’s thoughts as well as their temperament.

If you are fascinated by the people you meet and want to get to know them on a deeper level (without flat-out prying), then physiognomy is a great art to learn. This book will give you a detailed history of face reading and how it works. You will learn the facial map and how to read it, complete with diagrams and step-by-step instructions. You will also learn how to decipher character traits, assess health, and read the past, present, and future of those you know, as well as those you will come to meet. By the end of this book, you are bound to see faces in a different way, with a deeper insight and compassion for the people in your life. Without further ado, let’s begin our journey!

Advantages of Face Reading

While the most obvious benefit of face reading is the ability to interpret people’s thoughts, several other advantages come with physiognomy, including:

· A deeper understanding and insight into people and their lives

· Compassion for others

· An eye for detail

· The ability to empathize with others

· Gratitude

The ability to read faces can significantly affect a person’s life as well as their habits. Most people underestimate the amount of information that faces can reveal. How we communicate, behave, expend energy, and express our emotions are thoroughly conveyed through our faces. Along with this, your face also reveals your ability to work either independently or collectively. Moreover, your face will let others know whether you are materialistic or if you place greater value on emotions and experiences. It also shows whether you are in love, in emotional agony, had a challenging childhood, or are awaiting good fortune in the future.

So, which aspects can you hope to discover with face reading? Let’s find out.

· Health: A person’s face is divided into “zones” (per the modern terminology) to figure out health issues in specific organs or internal parts of the body. Whether it’s a nutritional deficiency, lack of physical strength, or an underlying condition, you can read a person’s face to determine the precise root cause. With this, you can also resolve these issues by treating them with proper remedies, natural or otherwise.

· Wealth: You can look at a person’s unique facial features to grasp the amount of wealth they had in the past, what they have now, and how much they will have in the future. There are certain points on the face that tell you whether they will acquire abundant wealth through hard work or by inheriting ancestral property.

· Personality and Character: You learn about a person’s character, traits, and personality by reading their face. Some people can be deceptive and pretend to be someone they are not, which can make it rather difficult to discern their genuine personality. With face reading, you can look beyond the facade

and understand them for who they are. Their strengths, weaknesses, needs, and behaviors will be laid bare for you to assess.

· Career: By simply contemplating a person’s face, you can appraise their luck, talent, and competence, which can help you advise them on their ideal career path. If you are confused about yourself, it can encourage you to choose your professional vocation as well. You can learn how to read the hidden talents and successful attributes in a person, along with their interests and shortcomings. Lastly, facial features also determine a person’s ability to handle money, make connections, and lead others, which are necessary aspects of any professional environment.

· Love and Marriage: If you are lucky, you will meet your ideal life partner early on, but many often struggle to find the soulmate they will spend the rest of their lives with. This is when the art of face reading comes in handy. Whenever you go on a date or meet a would-be life partner, you can easily overlook their superficial features and make out their true, intrinsic self. By learning the art of face reading, you can also analyze a couple’s faces and determine whether they love or are truly meant for each other.

· Children: The vital points on someone’s face determine their luck when it comes to having kids. It also tells the health, luck, fate, and future of their offspring. Since the top part of one’s face is the “Heaven” section, which represents childhood, you can easily determine the child’s fate and the childhood they are destined for.

· Destiny and Life’s Purpose: We often live according to others’ expectations, which suppresses our true selves and can even result in feelings of inadequacy or self-hatred. With face reading, you get to learn what you truly want in life and define your sole purpose. For some, excelling at their work gives them ultimate satisfaction, whereas others will find solace in traveling and world exploration. With this art, you can figure out your life’s real purpose and steadily achieve your goals. Likewise, you get to learn about your own destiny – what your life was

and what it will evolve into. If you don’t like what you read, you still have a chance to change it, giving yourself an opportunity to make amends and get reacquainted with success.

As you can see, a person’s face can reveal virtually everything about them – from their childhood to how their life will be when they retire.

Faces are open books ready to spill their secrets to those who master the art of face reading. Take an open-book exam as an example; you are given the liberty to consult your textbooks, notes, and cheat sheets, but if you don’t know how to locate answers in the materials at your disposal, you will most likely fail the test and earn a poor grade. Similarly, a human face gives you all information; all you need is to learn the art of finding and interpreting answers, which is what this volume is all about.

In the following chapters, you will learn a great deal about the history, techniques, and approaches to effective face reading.

Chapter 1: History of Chinese Physiognomy and Face Reading

This opening section will focus on the history of face reading and its evolution through time. It is intended to give you a sound understanding of how, where, and why face reading originated and why it still exists today.

Briefly, face reading is about analyzing a person’s facial features to understand their character, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and more. Every feature of the face – nose, eyes, mouth, lips, chin, etc. – reveals something about the person and their unique attributes. If you look carefully and learn to read facial features properly, you can unravel hidden stories, some of which could even be dark, layered secrets of their past. In addition, it also gives deep insights into a person’s fate and future. In many ways, a face resembles a blueprint that lays out a person’s life story, right from their childhood to their golden years. That said, it is not as easy as it sounds; you must learn how it is done and keep practicing consistently to become a master of face reading and analysis.

Aside from learning about a person’s story and predicting their future, you can also determine the state of their health through face reading. This practice has endured many centuries since Taoist monk healers used the art of face reading to diagnose underlying health issues and diseases. This technique’s accuracy was so remarkable that Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM) still employs it in medical practices today.

Before we discuss the history and significance of physiognomy, it is first important to understand what physiognomy is and what it entails.

What is Physiognomy?

Physiognomy is the art of deciphering one’s character and personality through their facial expressions and outer appearance.

Stemming from ancient Greek times, the term “physio” means nature, and “gnomon” means interpreter or judge. Though sometimes considered a form of pseudoscience, this technique influenced a great many scholars and teachers throughout Europe during ancient times. It is often also referred to as the art of learning about an object or terrain through specific physical attributes. For instance, physiognomy would explain the genetic connection between a person’s physical traits. If someone had Down syndrome, it was apparent through their slant eyes and flat face. In time, the study of physiognomy progressed and was actively incorporated in other scientific disciplines, such as biochemistry and physiology.

Ancient Greek Physiognomy

While the study of physiognomy was exceptionally popular in European culture throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the practice can be traced back to 500 B.C. when Pythagoras, the Greek scholar, judged his students based on their looks. If they were not

“gifted” enough, he would instantly reject them. The term

“physiognomonia” appeared in the fifth century B.C. in Of the Epidemics, a treatise written by Hippocrates. It also appeared in a scripture authored by Antisthenes, another eminent Greek philosopher.

In one historical finding, Aristotle’s assessment of people’s traits based on their face’s size and shape further established the study of physiognomy. According to Aristotle, people who possessed broad faces were half-witted, small faces were faithful, round faces were courageous, and large heads were hostile. He also studied the noses in particular, as this body part was believed to reveal a lot about the person. The philosopher believed that people who had a sharp, pointed nose could easily be provoked, while those with a thick and bulbous one were insensitive. People with a slender and hooked nose embodied the might of an eagle, and an obtuse nose signified the courage of a lion.

In his treatise, Aristotle also clarified the approach to his study of the general and particular characteristics of the subjects’ individual traits that conveyed stupidity and genius, along with strengths and weaknesses. These aspects were then studied individually and collectively to determine the outcomes. Individual features such as hair, voice, color, body, and gait were all considered.

These studies and findings slowly evolved and spread to all of Europe during the 16th century. All kinds of intellectuals, including scholars, physicians, scientists, and philosophers, set out to find the connection between a person’s face and their personality and fate.

Several classical Latin authors like Suetonius, Juvenal, and Pliny, the Elder drew inspiration from these studies and conducted their own research. However, in the late medieval era, these studies were more astrological than descriptive, which inspired people to use them in magic and esoteric spells.

Other European scholars also dipped their toe in the study of physiognomy and contributed their own versions to this discipline.

These scholars were the most well-known figures at the time, of whom were Sir Thomas Aquinas, Avicenna, John Duns Scotus, and Albertus Magnus.

Here are the most notable works in physiognomy that date back to Ancient Greece:

· Physiognomonics by Aristotle – A book divided into two parts.

The first volume focused on human behavior and how nature is aligned with the human form. The second part tackled animal nature and behavior, along with the gender roles of animals in their kingdom.

· Polemon of Laodicea, de Physiognomonia (2nd century), in Greek

· Adamantius the Sophist, Physiognomonia (4th century), in Greek

· An anonymous Latin author, de Physiognomonia (4th century)

Sir Thomas Browne

Sir Thomas Browne was an English physician and philosopher who influenced the discipline of physiology. In 1643, he authored a book entitled Religio Medici, in which he discussed the possibility of a person’s inner qualities being reflected in their external appearance and facial features. In part 2:2 of the book, he writes the following:

“There is surely a Physiognomy, which those experienced and Master Mendicants observe. (…) For there are mystically in our faces certain Characters that carry in them the motto of our Souls, wherein he that cannot read A.B.C. may read our natures.”

Browne also claims that the eyes and nose communicate without speaking and that the eyebrows can tell the truth. He posits that a person’s individual features, complexion, and overall constitution also give away truths about them. He also coined the term

“caricature” to convey political satire in visual form.

Giambattista Della Porta’s work on celestial physiognomy was also a breakthrough in the discipline. The Italian scholar argues that a person’s temperament was responsible for their outer appearance,

not the stars as it was commonly believed. In another one of his works, he represented the human form with animal woodcuts.

Browne and Della Porta concurred on the fact that a plant’s roots, leaves, fruits, and structure were responsible for the effectiveness of its medicinal properties, a concept also known as the “doctrine of signatures.”

John Kaspar Lavater

John Kaspar Lavater was a Swiss writer, pastor of St. Peter’s Church in Zurich, and founder of physiognomics, a movement associated with religion and anti-rationalist beliefs. He was always the subject of vivid controversies, most of which related to religion. Lavater was deported to Basel in 1799 for leading an illegal protest. Upon his return to Zurich, he was injured in a fight with French soldiers, after which he died.

Given his interest in religion and “magnetic” trace conditions, he conducted several studies that he claimed could help trace and ascertain the divine energy present in all humans. He believed that the mind and body were in constant interaction, which led to the awakening of spiritual energy and its influence on a person’s body.

His findings can be read in Physiognomische Fragmente zur Beförderung der Menschenkenntnis und Menschenliebe, his most notable work, and the reason behind his notoriety.


Taoist Mien Siang Ancient Practice and Finding

the Wu Xing

Mien Shiang (or Mien Xiang) is an ancient Chinese face reading art that has been in practice since 2700 B.C. during the reign of the Yellow Emperor. The art of face reading was especially significant during that era. In fact, it was deemed to be one of the five integral art forms in China, also known as Wushu. It was and still is compared to other arts and fields of study involving metaphysics such as Feng Shui, which is the study of land, and Bazi, the art of reading one’s destiny.

The word Mien translates to face, and Xiang translates to the study of facial features. Ancient Taoist practitioners believed that a person’s past is clearly apparent on their face, as it was recorded in the past. As such, you could easily tell a person’s story by simply looking at their face. Many people confuse the art of Mien Shiang (which is all about face reading) with interpreting one’s expressions; these two are completely different in practice. Mien Shiang can be conducted on expressionless faces as well. Facial features like the depth of one’s eyes, the prominence of wrinkles and cheekbones, the length of the nose, and marks on the face, can all be read and analyzed to understand a person’s history and even predict their future.

The Principles of Mien Shiang Include

· Three sections of the face – upper, middle, and lower

· Yin/Yang

· Five main organs of the face – eyes, ears, eyebrows, nose, and mouth

· Wrinkles, lines, moles, scars, and speckles

· The shape of the face

· Twelve Houses on a face

· Sheng Shiang – a person’s sound or voice

· Nei Shiang – a person’s chest, waist, shoulders, abdomen, neck, breasts, back, and forearms, among other body parts

· Gu Shiang – the practice of reading bones, including the skull

· Dong Shiang – a person’s basic movement and behavioral pattern such as walking, crying, sleeping, eating, standing, and sitting.

Wu Xing is the art of studying the Five Elements, Five Phases, Five Agents, Five Processes, Five Planets, Five Stages, Five Virtues, Five Poisons, and Five Ways of different disciplines – from a person’s innate energy to the medicinal properties of a plant. In essence, any subject can be studied by categorizing it into five stages of development.

With face reading, Wu Xing can be depicted as the Five Phases or Five Elements, namely wood, fire, metal, earth, and water. These elements are distinguished based on different facial features and represent a specific region of the face, but there is no specific designation; your face can be represented by one or more of these elements at a time.

The History of its Popularity and Skepticism

As time passed, the study of physiognomy evolved and began to be perceived as a scientific approach. By the 18th and 19th centuries, it was considered and used in forensics to identify criminals, but it was not of much use and partly discontinued thereafter. By the advent of the 20th century, physiognomy was discarded and has been relegated to the rank of a mere historical subject ever since.

That said, it was still used in various cultural works such as romantic novels, short stories, and literature dramas. Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories and Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray briefly use physiognomy in their plots.

The face reading techniques that are followed and practiced today greatly differ from those employed a few centuries ago. The evolution and changes in ancient face reading techniques are also quite remarkable. You can still come across lengthy scriptures for effective face reading techniques in ancient Chinese classics and notice how these patterns of interpretations evolved.

In the 20th century, a French psychiatrist by the name of Louis Corman coined the term morphopsychology, which contends that the internal workings of people’s bodies and other vital forces join to develop various face shapes. For instance, the expression of instinct is visible through round, full-bodied shapes, whereas self-preservation is expressed through flat or hollow shapes.

Several studies related to physiognomy have been conducted in modern times. Some research in the 1990s has established that honesty, warmth, and power were three personality traits that could be assessed using face reading. Another study on hockey players also revealed the correlation between a player’s penalty minutes and their wide faces. Fast-forwarding to 2010, physiognomy was primarily considered as a part of machine learning to introduce facial recognition in artificial intelligence. Just by looking at a person’s face, researchers could appraise their level of strength and prominent characteristics.

In 2017, yet another study shed light on an algorithm that could supposedly predict or detect a person’s sexual orientation, which

was eventually proven to be dangerous and false. Evidently, it was a topic of heated discussion and controversy.

Due to increased individuality and vulnerability in modern individuals, the practice of physiognomy is often considered discriminatory and insensitive, but this technique has been applied to understand human evolution and people’s emotions in its authentic form.

Because of these scientific and emotional implications, this pseudoscience is still practiced across the world, but with a more practical and prudent approach.

Physiognomy as it is Perceived Today

In today’s world, plastic and cosmetic surgery have become quite popular. Many people might be asking themselves, “Will the face alterations caused by enhancement surgeries impact face reading in any way?” Cosmetic surgery is never the answer when you are unhappy with a certain face feature. To improve your exterior, you must work on the interior. For example, recurring facial acne and spots can be caused by a bad diet or an underlying health issue. By switching to more wholesome foods and treating the condition, you can get rid of these spots and discoloration, which will eventually give you a clear face. In parallel, you should learn to face and handle your insecurities. Working on your mental well-being and thought process is bound to bring subtle yet encouraging improvements in self-image. Other aspects that could alter your facial features could be experiences, behavior, tolerance, and your overall attitude.

As an art, the practice of face reading is relatively easier compared to techniques such as palm reading, since it is not as obvious and can be practiced without the person (or other people) noticing. In fact, whenever you meet someone, you might be reading their face instinctively, by unconscious reflex. You cannot figure out a person’s character and intentions with just one meeting, which is where face reading can prove helpful. This is particularly beneficial in formal meetings or high-stress situations. For example, suppose you are meeting a potential business partner. There, you can determine whether they will be loyal, trustworthy, or capable of running a business and driving it to success.

Similarly, you can assess a person’s character based on a date (birthdate) and ascertain whether they are fit to be your permanent partner. It applies in almost every setting.

A major issue, which was also prevalent in the past, is the way of living. Regardless of a person’s nationality, culture, ethnicity, and social standing, everyone is expected to conform and live a certain pre-established way. The attributes a person is born with are conditioned by their elders, society, religion, and the media’s expectations. Most of us are stuck in this loop, trying to live differently and detach ourselves from the environment we were born

into. You either get a reward for behaving in an “acceptable” way or are punished and ostracized if you do not fit in. While certain behaviors are expected for the sake of morality and tradition, many individuals simply decide to change their outlook on life entirely.

As a result, most of us do not feel like “ourselves”; a part of us is missing. There comes a time in everyone’s life when we feel lost and grow unkind towards our own selves. The expression of self-love gets lost along the way. Since your face is an open book to your soul, past, and destiny, you get to learn who you truly are and what you are destined to become. You get to know why you are this way and acquire the ability and power to change yourself for the better. At the same time, you also come to understand the people around you and why they show a certain behavior towards you. Ultimately, this helps you become the best version of yourself and empowers you with feelings of empathy and acceptance; you not only accept and love yourself but also let others be who they are and who they want to be. Down the line, you will no longer feel anger or hatred towards others, which will also help balance your mental health and grant you inner peace.

Chapter 2: Face Basics: The Facial Map Now that you have acquired a solid background knowledge, this chapter is all about learning the basics of face reading and exploring the different sections of the face. With this practice knowledge, you can easily grasp a person’s traits simply by looking at the shape of their face and studying their individual facial features.

Face Shapes

As established, your facial shape can indicate your character, prominent traits, and overall personality. Let’s take a look at the basic face shapes and what they say about your personality.

Square Shape

For starters, square-faced individuals are usually driven and have good leadership qualities. They often dream about becoming CEOs or leading a company. If you meet a person with a square-shaped face and a broad forehead, it is likely that the person is dominant, unethical, and aggressive. Whenever you converse, they will be polite to you, but any form of crude or condescending comment can make them aggressive. They are also blessed with agile decision-making skills, which explains their leadership skills and entrepreneurial minds. They are highly driven and go to great lengths to make things happen, hence being stellar leaders. In parallel, they are also fit for the wrestling ring due to their combative behavior. A square-shaped face is often referred to as an “earth face” in traditional Chinese face reading.

Common Attributes of a Square Face

· Pragmatism: These people always have a practical approach to life. Whether it is in business, their studies, or their personal life, they will always take practical, thought-out decisions instead of considering their emotions. They often take a methodical approach in their work, which helps them excel in their endeavors.

· Down to Earth: They are grounded and humble and are hardly ever seen boasting about their achievements, wealth, or lifestyle.

· Safe Players: These people prefer to play it safe, as they fear taking risks. Whether it’s their personal relationships or career, they would rather keep away from danger by sticking to conventions and norms.

· Quiet and Reliable: Should you give them any task, they will fulfill it and produce satisfying results, making them highly reliable. They are quiet, reserved, and would rather stay in their own zone.


· Perceptive: They have their own point of view, which they don’t mind sharing. Others rely on their perceptive nature as they always seem to make logical, well-argued points.

Heart Shape

Individuals with a heart-shaped face are passionate and romantic, especially in the bedroom. Since a heart shape reflects feelings of romance, people with this face shape are often sexually uninhibited.

If one’s face is wide and short, it could mean that the person is sexually active and has a lively libido. A heart-shaped face is often referred to as a “wood face” in traditional Chinese face reading techniques.

Common Attributes of a Heart Face

· Modest Physique: These people tend to be lazy and do not enjoy outdoor work, which results in poor physical condition.

Evidently, a sports career isn’t the wisest choice for these individuals.

· Responsible and Great Leaders: These individuals are responsible and capable enough to lead a team to success.

· Naturally Curious: People with heart-shaped faces are naturally curious and always prepared to grow their knowledge and pick up new skills. They also spend most of their time analyzing new subjects and gathering knowledge from wherever they can.

· Ability to See the Greater Picture: They make effective decisions and are always closer to their goals thanks to their ability to step back and see the big picture. They are focused and pay attention to the smallest goals or milestones, which helps them reach the objectives rapidly.

· High Mental Capacity: People with a developed mental capacity are more likely to make intelligent decisions, which also makes them a proper fit as political figures and CEOs.

They also have great persuasion skills.

A heart-shaped face also indicates that someone is a people pleaser and wants to be around others all the time. They are often considered ambiverts, standing halfway between introversion and extraversion, although that depends on the situation and circumstances. The way they define their relationships and leisure is a prominent trait in their personality. If you notice a woman with a recessed chin, slightly bigger nose and lips, and blunt jaws, it indicates that she is sociable and enjoys meeting new people. In contrast, women with a sharper jawline and a blunt or smaller nose are generally introverts and prefer to keep to themselves. They will not go out of their way to make new acquaintances unless absolutely necessary. Lastly, they are also great planners, which makes them proficient employees and managers.


Round Shape

Oddly enough, a peculiar trait that this face shape relates to is snoring. Individuals with a round face tend to snore heavily, regardless of their age, weight, and overall state of health. While this is not true for all round-shaped individuals, the chances are highly likely. Also, the habit of uproarious snoring is not bound to just round-shaped faces but can also affect individuals with certain health issues. A round-shaped face is often referred to as a “water face” in traditional Chinese face reading techniques.

Common Attributes of a Round Face

· Smart and Diligent: These people are serious about their work due to their conscientiousness and self-established rules.

Since they are also smart, they often succeed in carrying out the tasks put in front of them.

· Diplomatic and Business-Minded: People with round faces are very diplomatic, mainly because they want to play it safe and steer clear of trivial debates or conflicts. And their strong business minds encourage them to become successful entrepreneurs or CEOs.


· Optimistic and Caring: These people are highly optimistic and prefer to see positivity in negative situations. They prefer to learn from challenging circumstances and believe that everything happens for a reason. Everyone loves to be around them in light of their caring nature.

· Creative and Intuitive: These people are usually creative and have an exemplary imaginative power. As such, they are well-suited for creative jobs in art, content creation, or marketing. They have a strong intuition, which often saves them from sticky situations.

People with big eyes and arched or high eyebrows tend to agree with most things that are thrown at them. They usually have a narrow or short forehead. They agree with most people around them due to their openness and ability to accept different points of view without casting judgment. At times, these people also show complacency to others just to please them, even if they don’t fundamentally agree.

Lastly, they are dreamers and often have vivid sexual dreams.

Oval Shape

Oval shaped faces are the most attractive. People are instantly attracted to an oval face as it differs slightly from other common face

shapes. In fact, people with oval faces are so good-looking that they are fit to partake in beauty pageants. An oval-shaped face is often referred to as a “metal face” in traditional Chinese face reading. It is characterized by perfect symmetry, chiseled jaws, and a sharp chin.

Even if a person with an oval face doesn’t have all these prominent features, they will show at least one of them.

Common Attributes of an Oval Face

· A High IQ: These people are highly intelligent and often win in debates thanks to their effective rhetoric and logical reasoning.

· Honest: They are always honest, which makes them trustworthy and loyal relative, friend, or spouse.

· Firm: When required, they can be extremely firm. They have a great sense of judgment, making them great leaders. Also, since they play by the rules and are forthright, they can be successful judges, diplomats, managers, or a similar role.

· Self-Critical: Oval-faced individuals can be somewhat hard on themselves. When things don’t go according to their expectations, they regret their actions and criticize themselves, but they know how to learn from their mistakes and swiftly move forward.

· Weak Physical Strength: These individuals often lack physical strength, which is why they often fail in athletics.

Those interested in a career in sports should rethink their decision.

Another prominent trait of people with this face shape is that they can widen their perspective and evaluate their future perspectives.

They can see the bigger picture and decide accordingly. Also, these individuals are able to solve problems easily, which adds to their value as effective decision-makers. They keep track of their tasks expertly and work hard to fulfill them. A face shape that is equal in width and height is blessed with power and radiates a positive aura.

Since they have the ability to look at the bigger picture, they can stay focused on achieving the milestones that will lead them to their ultimate objectives.

Diamond Shape

People with a diamond-shaped face are the most dependable and make friendly neighbors. If you need assistance, these are the people you can approach without any reservations. They tend to be more upright than others. A person with a diamond-shaped face often has a narrow jawline, high cheekbones, and a small chin. Even though this shape is considered aesthetically average compared to others, most people approach it due to its cheerful and friendly vibes.

This also has to do with psychology; most people are generally either jealous or intimidated by beautiful people, as they may pose a threat to their social life. Since diamond-shaped faces are considered somewhat average, they come across as less threatening and more approachable.

In stark contrast with their friendly trait, people with this face shape may get angry easily. They can be short-tempered and quick to react. They are amiable, but if you push them over the edge, they are bound to strike back and show their aggressive nature, which can prove quite fierce.


Rectangular Shape

Much like square-shaped faces, people with this shape also make skilled leaders. Since a rectangular shape is often considered strong, it also reflects in the traits of those who bear this face shape. If you meet a person with a rectangle face, a broad forehead, high cheekbones, and sharp jaws, they are highly likely to have powerful leadership skills and be stronger than people with a narrow face.

Rectangular-shaped faces are often compared to long faces. And while long faces have the same skillset and leadership qualities, the former makes for stronger and more effective leaders. You may notice that CEOs with rectangular faces tend to be more powerful and often drive their company towards commercial and financial success.

Like people with diamond-shaped faces, a major negative trait of those with rectangular faces is that they can be short-tempered and quickly aggressive. In extreme cases, these individuals may need anger management classes. On the plus side, they are great thinkers and often think with logic instead of emotions and instinct,


but they are prone to overthinking and self-inflicted stress, which can ruin their decisions or plans.

Triangle Shape

A triangle shape is also often referred to as a pearl-shaped face. It is characterized by a wide jawline and a narrow forehead. The chin is usually flared out and quite dominant compared to other facial features. People with this face shape often want to lead others and be in charge, which makes them superb business managers or company owners. If the forehead is too narrow, this reflects their unending urge to be in charge. They can go to any length to prove their leadership abilities and take control. Party planning and event managing are ideal career choices for them. Overall, this need to control and manage stems from their desire to succeed, which helps them reach their goals sooner and earn money through hard, honest work. A triangle-shaped face is often referred to as a “fire face” in traditional Chinese face reading.

Common Attributes of a Triangle Face

· Bright and Illuminating: These people spread joy and laughter around them, enhancing their capacity to attract others and build friendships. As soon as they enter any room, it lights

up. This illuminating quality means they can convince people to agree with them and change their mindset with relative ease. It can be quite beneficial in certain settings, such as a PR or a sales job.

· Forgiving: They are too joyful and driven to hold grudges and believe that humans make mistakes. According to them, everyone should be given a second chance.

· Sociable and Networking Skills: Out in the working world, people with triangular faces make contacts easily, which is beneficial for their career and professional development. Since they can lead a team and are able to motivate others, they make excellent motivational speakers and presenters. They always seek an audience to showcase their skills and feel important.

· Short Temper: Triangle-shaped people get angry easily.

Although they are highly driven and talented, their short temperament can get in the way and spoil valuable opportunities. In intense situations, these people may get distracted from their goals and see their success delayed due to their quick and vehement temper.

Individuals with a triangular face shape are highly extroverted can make friends without pretense. They are fun to be around and exude happiness and positive vibes. They shine brightly and want others to shine as well, which explains their inspiring and motivating nature.


Understanding the Twelve Houses – One of the

Prominent Jargons of Mien Shiang

Also known as the Twelve Palaces or Twelve Sections, the Twelve Houses refer to the twelve basic ways of reading faces. The number twelve is significant in face reading because ancient Chinese physiognomy books established twelve sections of the human face.

The location of these twelve houses aligns with the individual’s fortune. In parallel, other factors believed to influence the face pertain to these twelve houses’ arrangement, shape, gloss, and color.

1. Life House

Location: Between the eyebrows and above the nose.

What it represents: The individual’s fortune throughout his journey.

What it suggests: If the line is thick and is devoid of any fine lines, pits, and moles, it means that the individual will be blessed with wealth and success in their later years.

2. Sibling House

Location: At the eyebrows

What it represents: The relationship one has with their siblings, friends, and close acquaintances. The right eyebrow stands for their relationship with their sisters, and the left eyebrow suggests their relationship with their brothers.

What it suggests: If the individual has thick and smooth eyebrows, they have an extended circle of trustworthy friends. On the other hand, if someone has messy eyebrows, it means that their friends are vile.

3. Wealth House

Location: At the apex and wings of the nose.

What it represents: How a person will perform in their professional career and how much wealth they will amass.

What it suggests: If the wings and apex of one’s nose are bright and full, it could indicate good opportunities coming their way. In contrast, a person who has an apex with a mole might struggle in their career and lack opportunities for a prolonged period, but if the apex appears

bloodshot or harbors pimples, it could indicate unexpected financial losses.

4. Health House

Location: Bridge of the nose.

What it represents: An individual’s state of health and the quality of their physical attributes.

What it suggests: If the bridge of the nose is glossy and without any scars, breakage, lines, pit, or mole, it indicates fortunate health and happiness.

5. Marriage House

Location: Corner of the eye.

What it represents: The health of a relationship or a marriage.

What it suggests: If the corner of your eye is glossy and full, it indicates a healthy relationship and a long marriage. If it is sinking or has moles, it could predict a tortuous relationship. While a dark left corner for a woman means that her spouse is having an affair or is partaking in extra-marital indulgences, her dark right usually means that she is facing obstacles in her marriage.

6. Children’s House

Location: Below the eyes.

What it represents: The health, occurrences, and information related to your children.

What it suggests: If your eyes have bags under them or if the skin is sinking, this may indicate that you have no children. If the area and skin under your eyes are plump, it indicates that you will be or are already blessed with kids. But it shouldn’t be overly plump as it could predict unfavorable outcomes. If the under-eye area is filled with wrinkles or has moles, it means that you worry too much about your children’s well-being and future. In men, the left of the Children’s House indicates sons, whereas the right side suggests daughters.

7. Career House

Location: Middle of the forehead.

What it represents: Your position in your workplace and career.

What it suggests: If the Career House is slightly raised and goes up to your nose, it indicates that you will perform well at work and excel

in your career, but if it has wrinkles, pits, lines, or moles, it could mean potential issues with your professional life, such as getting fired, job loss, or prolonged unemployment. Chiang Kai-shek, a renowned Chinese historical political figure, has the desired Career House.

8. Traveling House

Location: At the sideburns.

What it represents: Your travel journey, opportunities, and travel fortune.

What it suggests: If your sideburns have wrinkles, pits, lines, or moles, it means that there could be potential issues with your upcoming travel plans. So, it is advised to stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel. On the other hand, if they are glossy and plump, you are safe to travel and await enriching trips in the future.

9. Assistant House

Location: On each side of the chin.

What it represents: The amount of help you get from your subordinates, spouse, or assistants, and how competent they are.

What it suggests: If the sides of your chin are straight and smooth, it indicates that your subordinates are helpful and will guide you throughout the journey. But if they are sunken, it could mean that your aids are not competent enough to help you in your work. It could also mean that they are dishonest and that you should not entirely trust them.

10. Parents House

Location: Above the starting point of the eyebrow.

What it represents: Your parents. The right eyebrow point represents your mother, and the left eyebrow point represents your father.

What it suggests: If the starting point of your eyebrows is glossy, plump, and smooth, it indicates the longevity and health of your parents. But if it is brazen, rough, or has a mole or a pit, it could considerably affect these two aspects. In this case, make sure that you keep good track of your parents’ health.

11. Property House

Location: At the upper eyelid.

What it represents: A person’s property, inheritance, residence, dwelling, and family love.

What it suggests: The Property House is apparent when the upper eyelid is raised, particularly the spot furthest away from the eyebrow.

In this case, the child finds it easier to inherit ancestral property, and it is often given to them without asking. However, if the eyebrow is too close to the upper eyelid, or if you notice that someone has a sunken eye socket, it typically means that they will face an issue in inheriting their ancestral property.

12. Fortune and Emotion House

Location: Above the eyebrow bend and at the sides of the Career House.

What it represents: Fortune, emotional health, and mental health.

What it suggests: If the Fortune and Emotion House is plump, it means that you are optimistic and at peace with yourself. But if it is sunken, it could indicate a negative mindset and pessimistic nature.

It could also mean that you lack self-confidence. Finally, if the Fortune and Emotion House is a dark color, the person might suffer soon due to their bad luck.

Heaven, Human, and Earth

Ancient Chinese face reading also followed another method for reading faces and marking their attributes, namely with the sections of Heaven, Human, and Earth. The area spanning from the forehead to the point of the upper eyebrows is known as Heaven, the middle part between the upper eyebrows and the tip of the nose is called Human, and the last section of the face, below the nose down to the chin, is called Earth. Heaven is associated with one’s early years or youth. Human is associated with an individual’s middle years, and Earth is associated with their old age. If you notice any scars, discoloration, or scabs in any particular section, it can relate to issues in the person’s life during that relevant period. For example, if you witness discoloration near a person’s chin area, it means that the person may suffer in their old age.

If the marks are temporary, this indicates that the person will suffer temporarily and overcome the hardship once the difficult phase is over. So, before you read a person’s face through their mark, ask whether the spot is a temporary bruise or a permanent birthmark.

Even if there is a speck of light on someone’s face, it could still mean something. Generally, any form of discoloration or divination relates to the intuition of the face reader.

According to the ancient Chinese face reading tradition, these three areas depict the following attributes:

1. Heaven

This section is located between the hairline and the tip of the upper eyebrow, representing a person’s childhood and their fate during their early years.

Positive aspects: If the area is free of spots, marks, bumps, scars, discoloration, or any other apparent flaw, it means that the person has had a happy childhood and a good start in life. It denotes a healthy relationship with their parents, friends, and peers. Also, the person was blessed with remarkable education, values, and a healthy lifestyle.

Negative aspects: On the contrary, if the person shows scars, bumps, lines, or discoloration within the Heaven section, it could mean that they have had a troubled or traumatic childhood, which

could also affect their later life stages. While a wide forehead is generally preferable, it is not entirely desirable for women as it could foretell poor relationships. If the disfigurement is noted on the right side, it is harmful to women. In contrast, a left-side disfigurement is undesirable for men. Most people have lines on their forehead, which suggests a person’s major traits, while some lines indicate luck; others stand for hardships and misfortune.

2. Human

The middle section of a person’s face indicates their traits and fate during adulthood.

Positive aspects: If the area is free of spots, marks, bumps, scars, discoloration, or any other apparent flaw, it means that the person will be productive, happy, and is promised a great career. They will be blessed with a desirable professional life and excel to reach success. It also means that they will enjoy happy and stable relationships.

Negative aspects: On the contrary, if the person has scars, bumps, lines, or discoloration within the Human section, it could mean that they might face a blockage in their love life and career. They can see their success delayed or even lose their jobs. Their relationship could be affected due to an unexpected breakup or failed marriage.

Besides the scars and coloration, the Human section’s length and size also matter; if it is longer than the other two sections, it means that the person is determined and driven to fulfill their goals. It also portrays a self-disciplined personality and character.

3. Earth

The bottom section of the face, traditionally referred to as the Earth section, spans from the bottom of the nose to the chin’s end.

Positive aspects: If the area is free of spots, marks, bumps, scars, discoloration, or any other apparent flaw, it means that the person will have a fulfilling old age with stable, long-term relationships and loving kids. It also indicates a successful career and a comfortable retirement life. At the same time, it could also mean that they are blessed with good health despite advanced age.

Negative aspects: On the contrary, if the person has scars, bumps, lines, or discoloration within the Earth section, it could mean that

they might have an unhappy old age. They might either suffer from poor health or undergo unexpected loss, leaving them lonely in their later years.

This method of reading a face is the easiest and most accessible and can predict a person’s life throughout different stages. If you quickly want to read someone and warn them of any possible negative occurring, this may help them take the necessary actions and turn the situation around. If any among these three divisions seems more compressed than others, it signifies that the person has had or will endure a challenging life during that period. For example, if their forehead (Heaven section) is smaller than the Human or Earth section, they experienced a difficult childhood.

Thirteen Divisions

Another detailed way of reading someone’s face in traditional Chinese philosophy is by dividing the face into thirteen sub-sections, starting from the bottom of the hairline to the chin’s lower tip. Unlike the Twelve Houses explained above, these thirteen divisions are more specific in terms of location and alignment. The divisions begin from the top of the forehead and stretch down to the chin, spreading across horizontally over the length of one’s face.

The three main sections (Heaven, Human, and Earth) are further divided into 13 sections. Here is a detailed breakdown of each: 1. Tien Chung

Location: Directly below the hairline, the first point – in the Heaven section.

What it suggests: Since it is located in the Heaven section, it represents a person’s life during childhood. If it is free of scabs, discoloration, or any other marks, it indicates that the person has had or will have a happy and healthy childhood. At the same time, they will enjoy fulfilling relationships with their parents, teachers, friends, and acquaintances, not only in their childhood but also in a similarly joyous experience throughout their youth. But if there are any marks or spots in that specific area, it could indicate a painful childhood full of hardship and suffering. If you notice dark marks or veins in that area, it could mean that the person might have suffered from a serious accident. You should also warn the person of a sudden loss, which could be either financial or pertain to a personal relationship. If it’s a widow’s peak, this could signify that their father might pass away before their mother.

2. Tien Ting

Location: Below Tien Chung, in the middle of the forehead – in the Heaven section.

What it suggests: This mostly relates to family relationships, particularly with the mother and father. If the spot is marked or colored, it could point to negative circumstances in their personal relationships. Also, a mark in this spot indicates dishonesty and instantly reveals that a person is not speaking the truth.

3. Ssu K’ung

Location: Just above the center of the eyebrows – in the Heaven section.

What it suggests: It represents an individual’s fortune and career. No discoloration or an even complexion means that the person shouldn’t worry about their career. They are bound to succeed professionally.

If you notice any discoloration or spot at this point, it could indicate an obstacle in the individual’s career. It might be temporary or permanent, depending on the person’s situation and history of discoloration (resulting from an accident or acne scars).

4. Chung Cheng

Location: Around the center of the eyebrows – in the Heaven section.

What it suggests: If this area harbors a mark, spot, or any form of discoloration, it indicates bad luck. The person is either indecisive or unable to work hard to achieve their goals. It can also imply a person’s inability to enhance their personal image, which can hinder their life plans and future goals. If the spot is dented, this may be the sign of below-average intellect and poor assessment skills. Lastly, any spot, mark, or bump means an uneventful social life and the inability to make new friends; the person will hardly have any friends or meet any in the future. But if the spot is clear and smooth, it indicates that they will make wise decisions, act on their plans, work hard to achieve their goals, and have a gratifying social life.


5. Yin T’ang

Location: Right above the center of the eyebrows – in the Heaven section.

What it suggests: If the eyebrows meet, either fully or partly, this also indicates bad luck and could mean that the person does not receive enough respect. In Chinese face reading, this is believed to be one of the most visible and obvious forms of bad fortune. Any spot, mole, bump, or discoloration in this area reveals bad luck in terms of inheritance, health, or adoption. It is also considered a sign of future imprisonment. If the individual is over forty and shows wrinkles or lines in this area, they have nothing much to worry about, except a bit of stress or tension that could affect their health. Someone below the age of forty with these wrinkles or creases is usually stressed

about their career, personal relationships, and other important aspects of their life. They also have a jealous nature and may be easily intimidated by others. Flaws in this area also indicate the possibility of having faced difficulties during the youth, but if the spot is smooth, clear, and healthy, it means that the person will perform well in business and is likely to gain an inheritance.

6. Shan Gen

Location: The center of the eyebrows or at the Third Eye – in the Human section.

What it suggests: As mentioned above, a unibrow primarily suggests bad luck. If the spot is gray or shows dark discoloration, it can mean that the person may be suffering from an illness. If you see a green patch in this area, this can reveal adulterous practices. Any other form of spot, mole, or bump indicates digestive and stomach related issues or even imprisonment. It can also mean that the person is looking forward to emigration. If the spot is clear, though, it means that they are blessed with good health and stability in their life.

7. Men Shang

Location: Below the central point of the eyebrows, the starting point of the nose – in the Human section.

What it suggests: A clear spot indicates good health and stable personal relationships, especially at a young age. If the spot is dark, the child can fall ill or face sudden health complications. If the spot has discoloration or moles, it indicates digestive and stomach-related issues for both them and their partner. If not this, then the individual might also face trouble in their personal relationship, specifically with their spouse.

8. Shou Shang

Location: At the center of the nose bridge – in the Human section.

What it suggests: If a female has a mole or discoloration on the bridge of their nose, it could indicate issues in their personal or romantic relationship. They should also warn their husband of sudden illness or health issues. The woman may face many hardships in her life, especially concerning relationships and long-term involvement. Men with similar discoloration or moles in this area may also face health problems, even if they are not yet married. If a

person’s nasal bone structure appears bumpy or somehow out of shape, it could cause issues in their business or career. But a smooth nose bridge void of any spot or discoloration signifies success in their profession, better health, and steady personal relationships.

9. Chun T’ou

Location: Tip of the nose – in the Human section.

What it suggests: If the tip of one’s nose has moles, spots, or discoloration, it indicates bad luck in all aspects of their life –

personal life, relationships, career, health, and the like. However, if the tip is free of blackheads, marks, spots, moles, or otherwise, it points to good luck and happy fortune in all areas of their life.

10. Jen Chung

Location: At the recessed spot above the lips and just below the nose – in the Earth section.

What it suggests: This recessed area, which is also known as the philtrum of the fallen line, also represents a person’s luck. Unlike other spots that only denote luck through color and texture, this spot tells a person’s story through its shape and depth. If the philtrum is wide at the base and narrow on top, it signifies that the person will be blessed with riches and healthy children. In this case, the dent between the top and bottom of the grooved area should be neither too flat nor too deep. Along with wealth and kids, they will also achieve respect and a higher social status. If the philtrum is wider on top and narrow at the bottom, this can signify difficulties in having kids. In men, this shape indicates a sour nature and dubious ethics.

The person may face issues with others and often get involved in fights due to a lack of proper manners. Lastly, they will also face complications in their personal relationships.

If the grooved part has a middle line in the center that goes down, it means that the person will have children later in life. But if the grooved area is bent ever so slightly, it means that the individual will suffer in their social life because of their deceitful nature. They may experience a lack of respect and recognition and find themselves subjected to unpopularity. They also run the risk of not being able to have any children.

11. Shui Hsing

Location: At the mouth, over the lips – in the Earth section.

What it suggests: If the corners of the mouth face downwards, this could mean poor health and strenuous relationships. If the lips are dull and lack color, it is a typical sign of bad fortune. Conversely, full pink lips indicate prosperity and good luck. The corner of one’s mouth, if turned upwards, denotes happiness, good luck, and healthy marriage. Even if the lips are temporarily discolored, this can reveal intermittent issues in one’s relationship or health.

12. Ch’eng Chiang

Location: At the recess below the lips and above the chin – in the Earth section.

It is suggested that men who lack hair in this small gap may suffer from poor digestive health and stomach issues. This is also the case with women who harbor spots, marks, or discoloration in this area.

Their stomachs are often weak, and they must closely monitor their food intake and follow a strict diet. If the gap seems temporarily discolored, especially during a specific time of the day, like mornings, it can mean that the person may face issues during their travels.

These individuals are advised to avoid water or boat travel, especially during the day (if the discoloration is noted in the morning, for example).

13. Ti ko

Location: Tip of the chin – in the Earth section.

What it suggests: The last section of the face, which is also at the bottom of the center line and known as Ti ko, indicates appearance and emotions. If the chin is round and smooth, the person may have a strong personality and appearance. If they have a pointed chin, especially sideways, it means that the person is unapologetic and holds grudges against others. A sharp chin is also undesirable as it indicates bad fortune. If this area shows moles, scars, or any form of discoloration, it can be a foretelling sign of sickness, major financial losses, accidents, or an issue with inheritance. But if the chin is free of discoloration, moles, and scars, it indicates good luck, stability, and a successful and rewarding career.

These thirteen points appear from the top to the bottom of the face, as illustrated. They can be easily remembered thanks to the three divisions of the face – Heaven, Human, and Earth.

Chapter 3: The Five Elements and Personalities This section covers the five traditional elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, which coincide with seasons or any individual’s personality traits. This is the Taoist Mien Shiang theory. Before we learn about these five elements and their meanings, let’s first understand why such an analysis is relevant. Since the five elements and the season associated with each are a natural part of our universe and ecosystem, they relate to our natures. Basically, all of us are our own system, making the parallel with nature easier, but since we all have different fortunes and upbringing, our characteristics and personalities vary. So, this justifies the relationship between ourselves and the forces of nature.

Simultaneously, the inclusion of these natural elements with seasons encompasses all kinds of individuals, giving everyone a chance with expanded horizons and a combination of different traits. Depending on the elements and particular combination, they can be both an introvert and extrovert in different situations. This correlation explains our dominant traits, weaknesses, and personalities that could be quite impactful. For instance, an individual can relate to spring while having traits of winter.

By learning about these elements and applying them to the study and practice of face reading, you will better understand a person’s behavior and personal life. At times, we are too quick to judge someone based on their demeanor and outer appearance; not many comprehend that they might be going through a difficult time or have suffered a loss, causing their bitter behavior. Once you learn to read a person’s traits, you will be able to relate to their predicament on a deeper level and understand them better. You will gain answers to questions such as:

· Why did they behave the way they did?

· Were they under stress? If so, what is the cause?

· Why do they feel they can go through life without a plan?

· Why do they always stay alone? Why do they rarely go out?

· How do they deal with their relatives and friends?

· How are they so open? How come they never feel shy?

· Why do they never fully express themselves?

· Why are they always angry or frustrated?

In what follows, we will learn more about these elements, seasons, and the relationship between them, in an attempt to understand and interpret a person’s unique personality traits.

The 5 Elements and What they Mean

1. Wood

Association with the season: Spring and the energy of this season.

What it signifies: The spring season epitomizes rebirth, growth, and rejuvenation. Just like flowers and trees grow in the presence of sunlight, this element signifies moving forward towards the light. It is also about snapping out of stagnation and dullness. The Wood element in a person indicates movement, evolution, and growth. If you block the path of a person who represents the Wood element, it could delay their progress due to the inability to move forward and find balance.

Association with facial features: The person with this element has a well-defined eyebrow shape and a strong jaw. The shape of their face is generally either rectangular or square.

2. Fire

Association with the season: Summer and the peak of this season.

What it signifies: Summer represents vibrancy, growth, light, and joy.

Just like bees roam around in search of nectar, flowers bloom, and the air gets fresher, an individual with this element will be happy, vibrant, and always searching for ways to achieve their goals. More often than not, the person with the Fire element will have an attractive and positive personality. They will be naturally curious and try to pick up new skills whenever and wherever they can.

Association with facial features: The person may have freckles and dimples on their cheeks and chin. Their facial features are usually pointed, and their eyes are wide. You may notice a sparkle in their eyes. Whenever they speak, their eyes grow wide open and shimmer. Their smile adds to their positive aura and brightens up their surroundings.

3. Earth

Association with the season: Late summer and the harvest in this season.

What it signifies: In the same way people come together to collect the season’s harvest, this element represents a person’s sense of unity. It also indicates abundance in one’s life. If a person with the

Earth element is not blessed with abundance, they will seek comfort and attention from their friends and family, encouraging them to make new friends and contacts as well. They also swear by comfort, especially in their home.

Association with facial features: The features of this person are usually plump and round. Typically, a person with this element will have full lips, large eyes, plump cheeks, and a round face.

4. Metal

Association with the season: Autumn/Fall.

What it signifies: Just like in fall, when people realize the importance of sunlight, greenery, and freshness, those with the Metal element will want to keep things and hold on to them tightly. It is difficult for them to let things and people go. Whether it’s a fun outing with their friends or a tasty meal, they will savor every moment and extract as much joy from it as possible. Whenever you want to relinquish memories of any experience, you should always turn to an individual who possesses this element. At the same time, it is easy for them to let go of things, too; if you hurt them or if they feel that something is no longer precious, they will never think twice before letting it go.

Just like trees let go of their dead leaves, individuals with the Metal element also shed anew.

Association with facial features: The face of this person is generally symmetrical and spaced out. Their features are sharp and pointed. A person with this element may have clear skin, high arched eyebrows, sharp cheekbones, and a pointed nose.

5. Water

Association with the season: Winter.

What it signifies: Both water and winter represent depth and darkness. Just like a sea or ocean is deep and mysterious, individuals with this sign also portray a mysterious personality and often prefer to be left alone. They can appear one way on the surface but be different and secretive underneath. Even if they are left alone or in darkness for a while, they don’t seem to mind. In accordance with the proverb, “Silent water runs deep,” they have a lot going on inside their minds but hardly ever express or reveal anything.

Association with facial features: The chin of this person may be quite prominent. They may also have large ears, a rounded forehead, and bags or puffiness under their eyes that give them a tired and solemn look.

How to Read the Elements (What Each Facial

Feature Suggests)

Now, apart from these basic elements and the shape of one’s face, individual features also denote hidden meanings and traits in a person.

Let’s take a closer look at what these features reveal: Eyebrows

Your eyebrows represent your luck and the state of your relationship with your siblings. They also speak of a person’s social life and their ability to make connections. A unibrow suggests that someone can be easily triggered and willing to get into a fight or an argument over petty issues. This is also the case with eyebrows that barely meet.

Ideally, a pair of eyebrows that represent good luck is often well-groomed, longer than the length of the eyes, and draws a slight curve.

In addition, the direction of your eyebrows can also point to various meanings.

· If the eyebrows point downwards (arched at the starting point and slanting towards the end), it means that the person is kind, generous, and always straightforward. They are also open-minded.

· If the eyebrows point upwards (arched at the starting point and towards the end), it means that the person is highly ambitious and motivated to achieve their goals. They like to be competitive and will work hard to win. This explains why they despise losing.

· If the eyebrows are too close to the eyes, it means that the person is an introvert who prefers to keep to themselves. They are usually shy, conservative, and cannot talk to people with confidence and ease.

Common Traits Based on the Shape of Your Eyebrows

· Curved Eyebrows: These people tend to build connections with others easily and make the environment more comfortable for everyone around them. Since they are people-oriented, they make an effort to connect with others by first understanding

them. If you want to explain a concept to these people, use practical examples to make it simpler and keep them engaged.

· Angled Eyebrows: People with angled eyebrows have leadership qualities and want to lead a team in every situation.

Whether it’s a casual party or a business presentation, they always like to stay in command. Now, when it comes to being right and making a decision, their stubborn nature never fails to show up. They work hard to prove that they are right. And while they may very well be, the effort to prove it can come across as pretentious and off-putting. Lastly, they are focused and headstrong in whatever they set their minds to.

· Straight Eyebrows: These people are logical, practical, and driven by information that relies on analysis and proof. If you want these people to concede a point or agree with you, the best bet is to present them with factual and verifiable data.

They will never let their emotions take over, instead of resorting to logic and practicality to make a decision or evaluate a situation.


Big bright eyes are attractive and tend to diminish instances of social awkwardness, which is a dominant trait of people with conjoined eyebrows. If the white part of the eye is clear, it means that they can easily make friends. Often, these people are the most popular in their vast social circles. As the saying goes, one’s eyes are the windows to their soul, which has never rung truer with these individuals.

Besides this, the direction of your eyeballs and the under-eye area also suggests various meanings.

· If the eyeball is closer to the bottom eyelid, the white part is visible on the top and both sides of the eyes. This is known as

“Upper Three White-eyes” and indicates that the person is

unfaithful, selfish, and does not obey the law. This is why they are also known as Snake eyes.

· If the eyeball is closer to the upper eyelid, the white part is visible on the bottom and both sides of the eyes. This is called

“Under Three White-eyes” and indicates the person is self-centered, generous to their friends, stubborn, and prefers to take the lead in all kinds of settings.

· Also known as the Children’s Palace, the under-eye area indicates a person’s luck in having kids. The under-eye area, if full, indicates that the person will be lucky enough to have kids with great health.

· If the under-eye area is sunken, dark, discolored, or bears any scar, it means that the person may struggle to have children. If they do, their offspring may face health complications during or after birth.

Traits Based on the Size and Color of Your Eyes

· Small Eyes: These people are usually narrow-minded and focus on a methodical, pragmatic approach when undertaking projects. They are highly selective and get deep into the subjects that grab their attention. Basically, it’s all or nothing for them. They are also meticulously organized in their work.

· Big Eyes: These people are curious and open-minded. Their intellect aligns with their curiosity to produce things that are completely outside of the box. While they have strong

imaginative power, they can get distracted easily. Their creativity is praiseworthy, and their hypersensitive nature is often misunderstood.

· Black Eyes: These people are highly mysterious and quiet but have a lot going inside beyond their stark facade. Some people may even have psychic powers. They want to know more about those around them, yet rarely open up or share details about them.

· Brown Eyes: Brown-eyed people are blessed with all Earth qualities, which include creativity, fertility, courage, energy, and endurance. They favor experiences and adventures over material possessions. Also, they want to be in and around nature as much as possible. They prefer to be independent but can easily collaborate with others when the circumstances call for it.

· Hazel Eyes: These eyes are not just beautiful to admire but also give the carrier something to showcase their carefree and courageous nature. They are always looking for someone who knows how to express their feelings. These people can be highly sensitive, too.

· Green Eyes: Green is the color of nature and Earth. A person with green eyes is more nature-oriented and is typically attracted to what’s fresh and organic. They believe in healthy eating and living, as well as in spiritual energy and mystical studies. They also tend to be very compassionate and generous.

· Blue Eyes: Blue eyes are not just attractive; they portray a high sense of self-awareness. People with blue eyes are very curious and observant of their surroundings. This is because they cannot rely on other people and hardly trust anyone in a heartbeat, but they are still warm and kind towards others.

· Gray Eyes: Individuals with gray eyes have admirable internal strength. They are emotionally robust and invulnerable, but their wisdom and heterodox views make them somehow moody and irritable, especially when someone does not agree with their beliefs or viewpoints.


The forehead typically represents a person’s power in formal settings, such as a large company. If the forehead is broad or high, it means that the person possesses strong power and is the head of any entity. If it is low, it can indicate a lack of effective and inspiring leadership.

Additionally, a Broad or a High Forehead Also Denotes the Following Traits in a Person:

Confidence: These people are highly confident and seem to own the room as soon as they step foot in it. As a result, they attract others towards them and can reap many beneficial opportunities along the way.

Maturity: You will hardly find these people getting into childish banter, as they prefer to handle delicate matters the way grown-ups do. If you need any help to make wise decisions, these people are your go-to.

Practical and Good Financial Management Skills: This is why they make great accountants. Also, they never weigh in their emotions to make decisions. They always choose a more practical approach, especially on the job.

Early Success: Thanks to their pragmatism, confidence, maturity, and inherent leadership skills, these people always succeed earlier than their peers. They are go-getters and do not stop until their final goal is fulfilled.

The Size or Type of One’s Forehead Declares: High Forehead: These people are curious, ready to learn, and excel at complex subjects like mathematics and physics. Also, they always want to be sure of their decisions and of what their choices entail, as they are not particularly keen on taking risks and prefer to play it safe. They are highly secretive and can keep secrets as well. They will encourage you to take methodical steps yourself to achieve your goals with flying colors.

Average Forehead: Similarly, these individuals are highly intelligent and curious. They inspire others around them to work hard, think positively, and keep their focus. Their intuitive nature and problem-

solving ability make them invaluable company assets, which helps them perform well in their career.

Low Forehead: These people hate being caged and would rather stay free. Also, their spontaneous nature enables them to make quick and decisive choices. They do not think before acting and make spontaneous decisions, which may push them towards failure.

Nevertheless, they have a great sense of judgment that often brings about favorable outcomes.

So, by reading a person’s forehead and analyzing its shape and size, you can determine their level of intelligence, expertise, and how well they perform professionally.


A person’s ears signify their childhood, usually between one and fourteen years of age. The ears also represent a person’s ancestral luck.

Low ears, which are farther away from the head, are generally a sign of low intellect. High ears that are also closer to the head means that

the person is highly intelligent. They not only excel in their studies and work but also as leaders.



The Thickness of the Ears Also Suggests Various Meanings

· Thick ears close to the head indicate a person’s sensitive nature, thoughtfulness, and the ability to organize and plan (desks, meetings, or any other professional endeavor).

· If the ears are thick and high (imagine the handle of a teapot), it means that the person will gain success at a young age thanks to their intellectual capabilities. In parallel, they will also enjoy the fame that comes with these hard-earned achievements.

· A person’s earlobes also suggest certain strong traits about them. If they are thick and full, it means that they were raised in a happy, healthy, and wealthy family. They have had constant support from their family from the beginning and still do.

Mouth and Lips

Also representing the water element, a person’s mouth usually does the talking, which is an effective way to make quick judgments. A lopsided and crooked mouth is a sign of poor communication skills.

This, in turn, means that the person is not confident enough and lacks the ability to make friends. If a person has a large mouth, it often means that they are generous and kind.

The Shape and Position of the Lips Also Suggest Various Meanings

· If the ends of one’s lips point downwards, it means that the person is shy, conservative, suspicious, and unhappy most of the time. They are not particularly friendly and drive people away because of their cold, stubborn demeanor.

· If the ends of one’s lips point upwards, it means that the person is confident, positive, cheerful, and friendly. They attract people towards them and befriending them is always a pleasurable and fulfilling experience.

· If the lips are thick, it means that the person is kind as well as physically and mentally healthy, but they are not especially good at speaking in public, which can be a serious challenge in their professional and social lives.

· If the lips are thin, it means that the person is a gossip fanatic. They love to judge and talk about people behind their backs. They also tend to be very chatty, which may be favorable in social settings to avert awkwardness and build rapport.

Traits Based on the Size and Volume of a Person’s Lips

· Thick or Full Lips: Thick lips are rather attractive and add to a person’s beauty. These people tend to be very confident, warm, and always look forward to learning new things. They thrive on honing their skills and adding new ones to their set.

They also appreciate those who give back and care about sharing new experiences with others. Finally, they like to meet new people and make friends.

· Thin Lips: These people prefer quality over quantity and are usually extremely picky. This is because they are attracted to the finer things. They prefer objects, thoughts, or food that is

presented well; in other words, presentation matters greatly to them. They are sophisticated and want to do things their way.

That said, they do not stop others from doing things the way they see fit.


The shape of your nose measures your wealth. People with large noses are usually wealthier than those with thin and snubbed noses.

And while beauty standards favor small, well-defined noses, people with naturally thicker noses are luckier as far as wealth and overall life success.

The Shape and Bridge of Your Nose Also Suggests Various Meanings

· If the nose bridge is tall and has thick wings at the base, it means that the person is strong-willed, sincere, popular in their social circle, and has the ability to grow rich and successful.

This is also known as the Garlic Nose.

· If the nose wings are thick and full, it indicates that the person will be blessed with money. It will not be difficult for them to gather a great amount of wealth, either with luck, through hard work, or both.

Traits Based on the Size and Shape of a Person’s Nose

· Long Nose: People with long noses are highly responsible, caring, and curious. They want to learn new skills and show a sense of practicality in their approaches, but it is difficult for them to love and get their minds across. They are quite serious and often take things too personally.

· Short Nose: People with short noses have an open mind and are always up for new adventures. They are extremely flexible and dependable. While they may face difficulties in getting along with others, they still try their best. They lack financial planning skills and tend to spend compulsively, often living beyond their means.

· Pointed Nose: Pointed noses are somehow associated with femininity. These people’s strong intuitive power is remarkable.

They are often drawn to culture and arts, especially music.

· Flat Nose: People with flat noses are loyal, patient, and hardworking. They will do anything to succeed and put in maximum effort to reach their personal and professional goals.


The tongue as a facial feature is rarely considered in face reading, as it is not always obvious or immediately perceived (unless, of course, you ask the other person to stick their tongue out for a reading, which we do not recommend). Since the tongue is a crucial part of face reading in several studies, learning about it can be greatly beneficial and complement your knowledge.

The Shape and Length of the Tongue Denotes Various Meanings

· If the tongue is short, it means that the person lacks discipline and personal drive. They can hardly focus on their roles and are hardly ever competitive. They also tend to lack ambition.

· If the tongue is long and thick, it shows that the person is able to learn new languages with ease. They are also quite

proficient in communication and self-expression.

· If the tongue is long and thin, it means that the person is very talkative and can make others uncomfortable, seeing as they rarely think before they speak. They also tend to babble and talk about others.

Chin and Jaws

Since the chin and jaws are connected, they are often read together.

Traits Based on the Size of the Chin and Jaw

· Small Chin and Jaw: People with a small set of chin and jaws favor quality over quantity. They are sophisticated and prefer long-term relationships over episodic flings. Their approach to any subject can be quite conventional and “by the book.” At the same time, they prefer to stick to their roots or traditions to ascertain their personal values.

· Sharp or Prominent Chin and Jaw: A sharp and chiseled jawline is immediately visible on one’s face. These people like to be in charge at home and in the workplace. They are aware of their exceptional leadership qualities, which makes them deeply judgmental and opinionated. They are inherently strong and like to hold their ground. If they believe in something with all their heart, they will stand up and fight for it tooth and nail.


The color and texture of one’s hair can reveal things about them as well. The most common hair colors are black, blond, brown, and ginger.

Traits Based on the Color of a Person’s Hair

· Black Hair: People with black hair tend to be calmer than their counterparts. If the hair is straight, it means that the person is also melancholic. People with straight black hair seem to emit negative vibes around them. They are often pessimistic and cynical in their vision of life, but if they have

black and curly hair, they may be more jolly, caring, and affectionate.

· Blonde Hair: These people are the most curious of the lot and have a phenomenal memory. Even if they are not physically weak, they may appear so at times, but compared to other hair types, these people are indeed often physically weak.

They have a unique talent for making a good impression and can ease any situation. Even if they don’t show it, they are often self-conscious. Lastly, they are obedient and show youthfulness through their cheerful nature.

· Redheaded or Ginger Hair: People with red hair may come across as angry and skeptical, always ready to argue or start a fight. They are also short-tempered, which makes it easy to trigger them. Their strong physical energy and brutality may be scary, which is why most people tend to avoid engaging with them.

· Brown Hair: Brown-haired individuals enjoy traveling and are always seen out on an adventure. They have personality and character, which makes them very charming and attractive.

They can easily blend in with others but may offend some due to their outspokenness or dissident views. Although they are mostly liberal, they may be surprising at times. Lastly, they are avidly romantic and passionate in bed.


Here, we take a look at famous personalities to understand the Five Elements of face reading and their apparent traits: 1. Wood

Famous personalities: Former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and former US President Barack Obama.

Prominent attributes based on the Wood element: The face type is usually oval or an inverted triangle with a slim profile and tall structure. The forehead is typically wider than the chin. In most cases, the forehead is broader. People with this element are often found in positions of authority and power, often higher than most entities. Their bodies are not fleshy, and they have long limbs. They

are blessed with literary aptitudes and high intelligence. They prefer to think and work mentally rather than physically.

2. Earth

Famous personalities: The leader of the 1890s Korean independence movement, Kim Gu.

Prominent attributes based on the Earth element: The most common characteristic of these individuals is a thick body along with a large nose and full lips. The tip of the nose, wings, and bridge are all wide and bulbous. These people are known for their diamond-shaped face. Their high cheekbones stand out among other features, which is why their forehead and chin look narrower than the middle part of their face. They are respected due to their credibility and outstanding social skills. One of their most valued traits is that they listen to understand, not to speak back or argue. Finally, they have a rather relaxed personality, which makes them approachable and easy to talk to.

3. Water

Famous personalities: South Korean politician Ahn Cheol-soo and famous South Korean singer PSY.

Prominent attributes based on the Water element: People with this element mostly display a round-shaped face with mildly pronounced features. Their body is plump. Even though most of them have a narrow forehead, there are always exceptions. Those with Earth as an element and wider foreheads tend to be ahead of others, especially as reformative leaders and high-profile politicians.

4. Fire

Famous personalities: Former gold medalist in women’s weightlifting Jang Mi-ran, and famous Korean entertainer Kang Ho-dong.

Prominent attributes based on the Fire element: Just like the shape of a flame, these people are often fiery and cheerful. They have a bright aura and are extremely vibrant, as opposed to those with the wood element. Although they are cheerful and lively most of the time, they are more oriented towards conservatism. They are very strong and have impressive physical stamina and flexibility, making them distinguished athletes. They are also believed to be gifted with quick reflexes, a crucial attribute in any sport. These people are

attracted to specific athletic categories such as weightlifting, martial arts, or wrestling.

5. Metal

Famous personalities: Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group Chung Mong-Koo, and acclaimed actor, fitness idol, and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Prominent attributes based on the Metal element: The most prominent features in these people are a strong jawline and a well-defined face, which is mostly square or rectangular. Moreover, their nose and nose wings stand out and are the most visible features on their face. These people have excellent leadership skills and are known for their integrity and self-righteousness. They are highly competitive and like to dominate and be the best. They are fit to be public figures, politicians, or successful entrepreneurs.

These five elements are so prominent in Chinese history and ancient medicine that they are considered, to this day, an effective way to assess a patient’s inner nature. In fact, certain types of diagnoses involving the five elements are still used in modern practice.

Whenever a patient has undergone internal changes due to a health condition, Chinese doctors always made sure to note any changes in their facial attributes. This paved the way for face reading to become an integral part of diagnosis and patient assessment in Chinese medicine.

Because this approach is essentially holistic, it aligns with the principles of Chinese medicine. A patient is seen as a whole rather than targeting specific body parts that suffer from aches, pains, or other discomforts. This approach considers the patient’s body, mind, and spirit to treat them and help them regain optimal health. Lastly, these five elements help doctors determine the important attributes that are in balance and those that are not. Together, these reasons are enough to explain the significance of the five elements of face reading in Chinese medicine.

By studying these five elements, you will gain a better understanding of people and their behavior. You will learn about yourself in both private and public settings and gain insights into others around you.

It will help you deal with people sensibly and give you enough

reaction time before judging a person. At the end of the day, everyone is unique, and each individual possesses a different set of strengths and weaknesses.

Chapter 4: Reading the Past, Present, and Future A person’s face can be analyzed to read their past, present, and future. It is based on the ancient Chinese face reading technique that divides human life in a cycle of 99 to 100 years, from a person’s birth to their death. A specific facial feature represents each year. In other words, a person’s 99 years, which is the full life cycle, are marked on the face. You can easily figure out their past, present, and future by spotting the year patches with their facial features. In this section, we will be analyzing each life phase and its corresponding facial feature.

Let’s take a look at these stages with respect to the facial features they represent and what they say about the person.

1. 0 to 14 Years

Represented by: Ears.

The ears represent a person’s childhood, from birth to fourteen years of age. If the ears are thick, fleshy, and well-defined, it means that the person is or has been blessed with a supportive entourage (family, friends) and great health during that time. While the left ear designates a person’s early childhood, from birth to seven years of age, the right ear represents their late childhood, from eight to fourteen years of age. To predict a person’s past during these years, take a look at the respective ear. If one has a scar, discoloration, or is shaped differently than the other ear, it means that they have endured a difficult life during that phase. If both ears are out of proportion or bear scars, they most likely had a troubled childhood.

2. 15 to 30 Years

Represented by: Upper forehead.

Learning more about a person’s past starts with reading their forehead, as it tells a lot more than the ears can. The top of the forehead, which is also known as the celestial region, speaks a lot about someone’s past. A person’s childhood is always fated and is never the result of hard work or talent. In other words, the childhood phase is written when a person is born, and they will endure it the way it was meant to be. This is why the upper part of one’s face is also known as the Heaven region, which indicates that our birth and childhood fates are already predestined.

If the forehead shows scars, marks, discoloration, or bumps, it could mean that the person has had a challenging childhood. The easiest way to predict a person’s past or childhood is to analyze the skin tone in that area. If it is dull or patchy, it could mean that they had trouble in school, a poor academic record, an inability to make friends, or even poor health. They might have also faced issues with their relatives and siblings. On the other hand, a clear and smooth forehead indicates a happy and healthy childhood. They are also blessed with a supportive family, immense wealth, ancestral property, help and protection from their elders, and a comfortable lifestyle. As kids, they are driven, curious, and on the right path to fulfill their goals.

While the phase between fifteen and thirty years old does not exactly qualify as childhood, it explains the person’s life during their adolescence or young adulthood. The ages of fifteen to nineteen, which are the teenage years, are considered late childhood, when people still live with their parents, whereas those aged twenty to thirty are considered young adults. Although their written fate still dictates their circumstances, they can write their own destiny with dedication, perseverance, and hard work.

3. 31 to 40 Years

Represented by: The forehead, eyebrows, and eyes.

Just like the skin tone of the upper forehead reveals a person’s childhood and youth, the skin tone and condition of the entire forehead determines the person’s adulthood and career. If the forehead is clear, smooth, and round, it indicates that the person will attract many opportunities and enjoy a good career boost early on.

Eventually, they will succeed sooner than others. On the other hand, a dull skin color indicates that the person may have to or might have struggled to achieve success. In some cases, they may not even succeed during this phase.

In parallel, the eyebrows focus on a person’s life between the ages of thirty-one and thirty-four. If the eyebrows are closely spaced or even joined, this represents the unapologetic nature of a person.

They are unable to forgive easily and do not let things go and may hold grudges against people for a long time. If the eyebrows are

slightly curved, well-defined, and firm, it means that the person is positive and cheerful. Thanks to this, they will attract and build valuable personal and professional relationships. If the same set of eyebrows are widely spaced and thick, the person may also accumulate a lot of wealth within this period. It also means that the person is destined to live longer.

If the eyebrows are thin, it points to a person’s introverted nature.

They are unable to make friends easily. However, if they do make friends, the bond is everlasting. They choose friends carefully –

friends who turn into family. If you notice any form of discoloration near the person’s eyebrows, it could mean that the person will face trouble in their career. It will prove very difficult for them to fulfill their work goals. At the same time, they may also face health issues.

Lastly, if the eyebrows are well-defined and evenly shaped, this shows that the person is driven to collect wealth; they will work hard to achieve their goals and become rich.

To determine a person’s past, present, or future between thirty-five and forty years of age, also take a look at their eyes. If the person has big, bright eyes, they will easily succeed in their career during these years. In contrast, if the eyes are small, sunken, or deep, it could foretell a major obstacle in their career throughout this period.


4. 41 to 50 Years

Represented by: Nose

The nose depicts a person’s wealth between forty-one and fifty years of age. If the nose is streamlined, straight, and soft, it means that they are blessed with good luck in regard to their financial situation.

They may accumulate wealth by working hard in their early years or by inheriting ancestral property. Even if the person failed to achieve their goals or earn money before the age of forty-one, this decade could be entirely different and life-changing for them. They are blessed in terms of amassing wealth, enjoying life, and living it on their own terms. This middle-age period is crucial to keep progressing career-wise and to start preparing for retirement. These individuals also dedicate enough time to determine their life choices and plan accordingly.

On the other hand, if one’s nose is small, snubbed, sunken, it means that the person may face difficulty in facing their family due to never-ending arguments and fights. For these people, family conflicts are perpetual, which could also lead to wreckage in their relationships.

5. 51 to 55 Years

Represented by: Philtrum (the curved part between the nose and the upper lips).

If the philtrum is long and clear, the person is blessed with kids, grandkids, and a happy family. They are or will be successful in raising a family that is healthy and fulfilled. They will also be blessed in their twilight years. In fact, a clear and long philtrum is so valued that it is often considered a sign of prosperity. However, if the philtrum is short, narrow, or scarred, it may indicate trouble in raising a family. It also means that the person may not be blessed with many kids and grandkids. A shallow or scarred philtrum is often considered inauspicious.

Since the philtrum is known as the fertility and energy region, it depicts a person’s luck and ability to have kids, along with the resources they have. It also tells you about a person’s longevity. If the person has a short philtrum, it means that they could die early.

On the other hand, if they have a long philtrum, it means that they will live longer. Lastly, if the philtrum is flat, the person may not be blessed with kids or suffer from weak physical strength and low energy.

6. 56 to 57 Years

Represented by: Nasolabial folds.

Nasolabial folds are the lines or creases that extend from the side of the nose and run down to the corners of the mouth. When a person laughs or smiles, these lines become more prominent. While the left nasolabial fold designates a person’s fifth-sixth year, the right represents their fifty-seventh year. If the folds are well-defined, clear, deep, and extend to the corners of the mouth in a downward-sloping position, the person possesses immense leadership skills and authority. This makes them proficient bosses at this age. By the age of fifty-seven, a person will have acquired enough knowledge, wealth, and experience to lead a company, which is where their luck

helps push them forward. Additionally, these people tend to be optimistic, cheerful, bright, and get respect from others. They are blessed with optimum health and are inspiring individuals.

If any of the nasolabial folds extend beyond the corners of the mouth, it signifies that the person may suffer from health issues, mainly related to stomach and digestive health. In some extreme cases, the person may also be anorexic, which could result in poor physical health. Other than this, if a person’s nasolabial fold is not properly defined, it could mean that they possess weak leadership skills, which could make it difficult for them to be great leaders.

7. 58 to 59 Years

Represented by: Cheekbones.

The left cheekbone represents a person’s fifty-eighth year, whereas the right one represents their fifty-ninth year. People with fleshy, plump, and round cheekbones are blessed with good luck and fortune during these late years. It means that the person may finally succeed in their career (depending on their retirement age) or prosper. If the cheekbones are flat and glossy, they are blessed and will receive protection from their loved ones. On the other hand, dull and sunken cheekbones can indicate a person’s uneasiness and inability to feel peaceful. Even if they manage to achieve their goals and grow successful, they will often target ill-intentioned enemies.

Their jealousy could destroy a person’s career and effort. This could add to the feeling of uneasiness, making them overly stressed and restless.

A person’s cheeks are also known as their love region, which determines a person’s love of life and their romantic relationships. If someone has round and plump cheeks, it means that they will delve deep into their relationship, and love and admire their partner. If the cheeks are uneven or low, then the person may be involved in an affair that could eventually result in a break-up or divorce. Wrinkled cheeks are also unfavorable as they are a sign of unhappiness and reckless old age.

8. 60th Year

Represented by: Mouth and lips.

A person’s mouth and lips enable them to communicate ideas, emotions, feelings, and information. They represent your maturity and display your thought process to others. Since wisdom and maturity come with age, the mouth is the sole representative of a person’s sixtieth year. If the mouth and lips are rosy, thick, and point upwards when they smile, it means that they are blessed with a happy and peaceful life at this stage. They will have a loving family with happy and healthy members. It could also mean that the person will be blessed with tremendous profits by closing a business deal or inheriting or selling their ancestral property.

An upright mouth with slightly upturned corners is also favorable as it indicates a major gain, a joyful family, and peace of mind in the sixtieth year. Thin lips that droop down are not favored as they indicate an unfulfilling social life and family relations. It could also mean that the person is always prone to sadness and depression.

You may find these people abusing due to their short temper and a rough, pessimistic perspective towards life. Due to this, they will often be living alone, without their partner or family. Others may despise or fear going near them.

9. 61 to 75 Years

Represented by: Chin.

The chin falls under the “Earth” section of the face, which denotes the person’s after-years or old age. The period between sixty-one and seventy-five years old relates to retirement, enjoying free time, and savoring precious life moments. If a person has a round and prominent chin, it means that they are blessed with happiness and health in their retirement years. The most favored chin shape is round, plump, and fleshy as it indicates that the person will enjoy a comfortable and carefree old age. They will receive respect from their entourage, love from their spouse, and protection from their children.

On the other hand, a person with a short, fleshy, or pointed chin will most likely be unlucky in their old age. Those with scars, marks, or discoloration in this area will be unhappy and lonely due to the absence of valuable friends or their spouse. Likewise, if the small area around their chin is discolored, hued, or dark, it could also be a

sign of loneliness and the absence of their spouse and children. In worst-case scenarios, the person may succumb due to food poisoning, drowning, or water-borne diseases. Needless to say, those are not the most revered ways for a life’s end.

Practical Approach

This section will explore the points on one’s face and help the reader understand how to read a spot to determine the subject’s past, present, and future based on their age.

As you already know, the upper part of your face and your ears represent your childhood and early years, until you reach early youth. As you age, your face’s age points move downwards and reach the bottom, which is when you turn old. By referring to this diagram, you can easily pinpoint the facial features relating to your current age.

If your age point is spotted on the left side, it means that you spend most of your time worrying about your career and work. In contrast, if the age point is spotted is at the center, it means that you are at a critical crossroads. Also, if you notice any discoloration or marks in this area, it means that you could face challenges soon. The best part about this exercise is that you will be aware of an issue beforehand, for which you can ready yourself and prepare accordingly. However, whether it pertains to relationships, career, or health, the type of problem is always unclear. For this, refer to the other ways and techniques to read a face, which we will explain later on.

Let’s take a practical example to understand this in a clearer way. A birthmark or mole on any ear indicates that you may have faced issues during your childhood. Next, take a look at your forehead.

Does it look flawed as far as its shape, size, and color? If yes, pay attention to your parents, as this may signal a grave health concern or relationship problems with them. On the other hand, it could also mean that you possessed a rebellious nature as a teenager. If that is the case, your relationship with your parents should be safe. If you were subjected to a lot of pampering in your childhood and adolescent years, you might have a broad or wide forehead.

As you age, if you notice that certain moles and marks on your face are disappearing or have changed over time, it means that your fate can or has, in fact, changed. Not everything is set in stone, and things can evolve spontaneously. This can be due to either your own luck or your continuous hard work and efforts. Also, if you have done good deeds or possess a pure soul, your earth luck may mingle with a positive aura to influence and change your heaven luck.

Chapter 5: Face Reading in Practice This section includes different case studies of faces, complete with relevant diagrams for illustration. You will become familiar with a wide range of faces with different features or traits discussed throughout the book. Additionally, this chapter includes ways to read large facial signs and individual features and look at a person’s face to dig into their past, present, and future. Lastly, you will also learn the character traits of a person, along with their health, wealth, children, and relationships in the present and future.

Reading Moles, Lines, and Wrinkles

Since lines, wrinkles, and moles on a face represent a person’s luck, it is necessary to understand these elements’ location, size, and color to be aware of their fate.

Reading Moles

Moles are dark or light spots on the face that vary in size, color, and location. Some also contain hair, a specificity we will discuss further.

First, let’s look at how the color, size, and location of the moles affect or tell a person’s fate.

Color and Shape: Round moles, which are also raised, are considered the most favorable. The mole should be bright with a dark red or black shade. These colors were the most notable in ancient Chinese emperors, who were often considered the luckiest.

However, you should still be careful with black moles on some areas of the face, as it could mean the opposite. Even if one has a black mole, these should be hidden and not prominent on the face. On the other hand, red moles should be clearly visible. Moles that are yellow, brown, or gray in color are generally regarded as inauspicious.

Hair on Moles: While hairy moles are despised due to their unsightliness, scientifically speaking, these are less likely to provoke cancer. According to ancient Chinese face reading, hairy moles signify good luck and longevity. The person is blessed with abundant wealth and success. They will have a smooth life, receive help and support from others, and enjoy constant prosperity. Hairy moles are also known as “landlord” moles, as the carrier is generally wealthy and respected in society. If you are a man with a hairy mole, do not be tempted to trim the hair; it may reverse these desirable effects.

However, women with hairy moles can cut the hair that is visible on the surface.

Moles on the face of men and women carry different meanings and have varying spot designations. Let’s have a closer look at the moles’ different locations on a man’s and woman’s face and compare the outcomes.


In Men: Moles on the upper part of the forehead indicate a man’s relationship with his family. While the specific spot on the forehead matters for predictions, the mole’s color should also be taken into account. If it is red, the man is more likely to excel in his career and strengthen his relationships. In contrast, if the mole is black in color, it could mean that the person is confident but lacks the ability to cooperate with his subordinates. Also, when it comes to profit, he may betray his friends.

In Women: Moles on a woman’s forehead represent her luck and relationship with her family and partner. While certain spots imply a bad marriage or bad luck with her romantic partner, other spots may indicate a threat to childbirth.

Eyebrows, Eyes, Cheeks, and Nose

In Men: The main career spots in a man are the cheeks and eyebrows. Red moles are preferred over black ones because the former is known to represent a successful career. The men will be financially independent and able to spend without any worry. While some points around the eyebrows indicate evilness and ruthlessness in a man, others indicate that they are bad luck for their partners, children, and family.

In Women: The Property Balance, which is the area between the eyebrows and eyes, should not carry a mole as it could indicate a poor long-term relationship. It also means that the woman may encounter trouble in their marriage. Although they are believed to grant good luck to their husbands, they may suffer due to their partner’s extramarital affairs.

Chin and Jaw

In Men: Moles on the upper lips are always promising signs. If a mole is spotted on a man’s chin, important structures like the house, its foundation, and the terrain are a consideration. If the mole is prominent in this area, the man will get into a real estate deal to purchase a property or a piece of land. It also means that the man has good tastes and prefers the finer things in life.

In Women: Just like men, women are also lucky when they have a mole on their upper lip or chin. However, certain spots in this region are considered more serious when compared to other spots. If that is

the case, the woman may suffer from serious health issues, mainly related to gynecology, or sometimes harassment from her peers or partner.

Lucky and Unlucky moles: As you know, some moles are considered lucky, whereas others are not. So, how does one distinguish between the two? Let’s take a look at the individual spots on the face and consider the presence of moles there:

Moles on the Forehead

A mole on the forehead is largely considered inauspicious. If it sits right in the center of one’s forehead, it could mean that the person suffers or will likely suffer from career setbacks. This is mainly due to a lack of cooperation with their colleagues or from dealing with an unpleasant and repressive boss.

Moles on Eyelashes

A mole on the eyelashes is a bad sign. Even though these are barely noticeable, prominent moles indicate the seriousness of one’s life.

Noticing a mole in this area hints that the person may suffer in their long-term relationship or married life. Also, it means that the person may be unpopular or unattractive to the opposite sex, which could make it even more difficult to find a partner. For women, a mole on the eyelashes could mean more serious health issues, especially the ones related to gynecology. Men with moles on eyelashes are also prone to health issues, particularly in the kidneys.

Moles on the Hairline

A mole on the hairline is considered auspicious. For this, the mole should be hidden beneath their hair. In fact, the less apparent it is, the better their luck is. Also, the mole should be black and shiny rather than light-colored and dull.

Moles on Eyebrows

A mole on one of the eyebrows is also considered auspicious. While they may not be clearly visible in thick or bushy eyebrows, you can easily discern them under thin eyebrows. If you have a mole on one of your eyebrows, chances are you are highly intelligent and an excellent student. You manage to earn good grades most of the time. You may be more inclined towards literature and have ambitious educational goals, like graduating with honors or from an

Ivy League university. Men with moles on eyebrows are luckier than women, as they possess more leadership skills and tend to be more cooperative. They get along with their subordinates and manage to excel in their professional life.

Moles on the White Area of the Eye

This is a rare phenomenon, but some people do have light moles on the white part of the eye. Finding a mole there is often considered inauspicious. Although these people are luckier in other areas of their life, they may suffer a great deal when it comes to romantic involvement and long-term relationships. They are very loyal and faithful, yet their relationship often ends up in breakup or divorce despite these admirable traits.

Moles on and around the Nose

A mole on the wings, bridge, and tip of the nose is also considered auspicious. Since the nose represents a person’s wealth and financial status, it could foretell a major financial loss. This is specifically targeted at people with moles on their nose bridge who would suffer from an unexpected monetary loss in their midlife. Also, a mole in this area could mean that the person may suffer from health issues affecting the lungs and respiratory system. Moles on the wings of the nose are highly unfavorable as well. A mole on the left-wing of the nose is unfavorable for men, whereas a mole on the right side is unfavorable for women. While the gentlemen are with a left-wing mole may be unable to make proper financial decisions, saving money will prove difficult for the ladies with a right-wing mole, leading both genders to a pitfall. Lastly, a mole on the nose tip signifies that a person makes poor choices or indulges in bad habits that could result in a failed long-term relationship or marriage, or pose a threat to their professional career.

Moles on Earlobes

A mole on the earlobe is considered highly auspicious. Since the earlobes represent a person’s luck, moles in this area bring even better fortune. These people are not only kind, warm, and generous, but they have also been blessed with long life and a stable financial situation. Apart from the earlobe, it is also considered lucky to have a spot on the helix or inside the ear; while the former is linked to good

education and high intelligence, the latter promises a long and prosperous life.

Moles on Cheeks

A mole on the cheeks is also an auspicious sign, especially for those who hold their career in high regard. A cheek mole indicates they are very cooperative with their subordinates and are exemplary in their work. Since they are also driven, a promotion or a raise may come their way sooner than anyone else. A mole on the cheek brings luck for men who are serious about their professional development. They work hard, are highly motivated, and possess remarkable leadership skills. They are also good-looking, respected, and popular among their peers. On the downside, they may suffer from poor management skills or have a troubled love life.

Moles on the Lips and Around the Mouth

If a person harbors a mole on their upper lip or on the corners of their mouth, they are considered very lucky. A mole near the lower lip corner suggests that the person may have rich tastes in food.

They like to cook, eat gourmet meals, and have a penchant for the finer things in life. Despite their apparent materialism, their taste in clothes, cars, and other lifestyle items is praiseworthy. A mole on the upper lip, if shiny and black, indicates that the person will enjoy a life of pleasure and luxury. They are often geared towards opulence and first-class experiences, such as fine dining and wine tasting Moles on the Middle of the Chin

While a mole on the chin is generally considered lucky, a colored spot right in the middle of the chin may be troublesome. It means that the person may have to endure constant life changes, making it rather difficult for them to adapt. Also, since they tend to rush their decisions, it only makes their situation worse. It can prove difficult for them to move to a new city or relocate, alone or with their family. A mole in this area also indicates health issues, chiefly related to the heart and cardiovascular system.


Reading Lines and Wrinkles

Lines and wrinkles on a person’s face indicate differently. Let’s explore the different spots for face wrinkles and lines and find out what these say about a person.


If a person has several lines and wrinkles on their forehead, it means that they have endured a hard life with little gains and many struggles. It also suggests that the person has had a rough childhood with no love or support, poor education, and unhappiness.

A forehead with three lines or less is considered the most favorable in face reading. If a person starts to develop forehead lines early on, it could indicate tough times ahead in their midlife or a failed marriage for women. However, for some men, it could also suggest that they will start their working career early. A person should always develop forehead lines after the age of thirty-five for women and forty for men.

Between Eyebrows

Also known as the ophryon, this region between the eyebrows indicates a person’s luck based on their career and wealth. Those who have wrinkles between their eyebrows are often impatient and cannot tolerate their own actions. At the same time, they are overly stressed about their career. Women who have lines between their eyebrows typically look for a stable emotional life, whereas men want to own as much as they can through their hard work. However, men with wrinkles in this area do not face any struggle with women and are often sought out by them.

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are lines that form around the outermost region of the eyes, a phenomenon that occurs naturally with age. These lines are part of a cluster and become more visible when the person smiles or laughs. Since this region is also related to the Marriage House mentioned earlier, it represents a person’s matrimonial life and their luck with long-term relationships. Men who develop crow’s feet early on are unable to sustain their married life and often fail at it. Women with crow’s feet are somehow more condescending and often the victim of abuse in a marriage. Those who have vertical lines at the

outer corners of their eyes are also likely to experience marriage problems.

Under-Eye Wrinkles

This spot is the Children’s Palace. It depicts the morals, good deeds, and merits of a person throughout their life. If the undereye area has more than two sets of clear, glossy, and well-defined lines, it indicates that someone has done well for others. Due to this, these individuals are blessed and often highly regarded by others. They are also lucky in terms of offspring and have a long life. However, if the undereye area is void of wrinkles, sunken, or black, it means that the person was involved in bad deeds and could be unlucky when it comes to having and raising healthy children.

Bunny Lines

Located on the nose’s starting point (the ridge between the eyes), bunny lines represent a person’s physical and mental health. If a person suffers from poor digestive health or is under constant stress, their bunny lines will be more prominent. They are hard workers, extremely competent, and will not face any trouble in being promoted at work. On the other hand, having too many bunny lines suggests that the person will endure a failed marriage. In this case, one of the partners is often emotionally or sexually inactive. They also fail to show their love and support for their mothers, with whom they lack a deep emotional connection.

Wrinkles on the Nose Bridge

If a person has too many lines on the bridge of their nose, they may be suffering from recurring migraines. They put in a lot of hard work, which causes constant aches in that region. Lines on the nose bridge can either be a stack of horizontal wrinkles or manifest themselves in the form of a cross. In the former case, people may notice a change in their situation. If the lines are too prominent, they may notice significant or life-altering changes. Finally, a cross in that area indicates good health and a strong immune system.

Wrinkles on the Nose

These represent a person’s wealth and prosperity. If the lines in this area are stacked vertically, it could indicate the person’s inability to handle money matters properly. Also, people with this feature are

constantly looking for new ways to earn money. If the nose is small and shows wrinkles, it could mean that the person lacks ambition and is not keen on building a solid career. Despite hard work and great efforts, they will often fail to achieve their goals. Any form of wrinkles on a person’s nose represents their money management skills and their professional ambition (or lack thereof).

Wrinkles on Cheekbones

Lines on the cheekbones depict a person’s capacity for labor and communication. Any kinds of wrinkles on the cheeks, vertical, horizontal, or mixed, are a warning sign indicating that the person is aware of their actions, words, and deeds. Regardless of how minor it may seem, a slip of the tongue may induce problems with their friends, relatives, or peers. If they don’t stay low-key, they could lose their position, status, or power. So, even if the lines are not yet visible on your cheekbones, keep track of growing lines and wrinkles in that particular region. If you notice lines on your outer cheekbones, this indicates that you will need to work twice as hard to reach your goals.

Lines of Cheeks or Laugh Lines

As you already know, the lines beginning from the nose wings and extending to the corners of the mouth are known as laugh lines.

These lines, which are also referred to as the cheek lines, nasolabial lines, or Fa Ling lines, are represented as the Assistant Palace and are clearly visible when a person is smiling, smirking, or laughing.

They represent a person’s order, power, and coordination. It tells whether the person can cooperate with others and work productively and in harmony. If a person has prominent, clear, and beautiful laugh lines, it is a sign that they are blessed with good fortune and a desirable career path. In contrast, broken or unclear laugh lines that show moles or scars are highly unfavorable.

Wrinkles at the Mouth Corner

Wrinkles or lines at the corners of the mouth are a bad omen, as these indicate loneliness, hard work without any gains, and sometimes even financial losses. While the bearer manages to attract success and reach their goals, they may suffer from unexpected losses along the way. Also, despite being blessed with

long life, it is not always favorable. They may find themselves living alone during their old age, have bad luck, or face indifference from their entourage. They are not respected or valued in their old age, which can be demoralizing and heartbreaking. Now, if these lines are tiny or cut short, you should pay attention to your digestive health as this is often an indication of stomach issues. If the lines extend downward from the left corner of the mouth, it means that the person may suffer from liver or gallbladder ailments. Similar lines on the right side indicate issues with the spleen.

Reading Health

As you already know, facial features can be used to analyze a person’s health. When you face certain health issues, your face acts as a map that can reveal worrying symptoms. For example, when you get jaundice, your eyes turn yellowish, which is a clear indication that something is wrong with your body. Likewise, even though they are harmless, moles often indicate potential health hazards in the future. If you notice a mole on your body, scrutinize it carefully. If it looks asymmetrical, even jagged, and seems to be growing, it might be the manifestation of an underlying health issue.

The same goes for other visible features such as scars, bumps, excessive facial hair, or pale skin. While these signs do indicate your current health condition, you can also use face mapping and face reading techniques to determine a person’s state of health in the past and future. These reading techniques were widely used in the ancient Chinese period for the purpose of diagnosis and assessment. As explained in one of the previous chapters, every point on your face is related to a specific organ. If any form of discoloration, scars, marks, or pimples appears on your face, it is a sign that the organ in question is under stress or out of balance.

While there is no concrete, scientifically-backed evidence behind face mapping for health, centuries of observation and research have led people to specific answers which cemented these beliefs. They also believe that the energy qi (or the flow of energy) is responsible for the inner organs’ vitality. It is invisible to the naked eye but runs through defined internal pathways.

In the past, traditional Chinese health practitioners studied the facial features to examine a person’s health. In fact, you can learn about the vital health points and features on your face and conduct a self-analysis. That way, you will be able to tell whether your organs are healthy just by contemplating yourself in the mirror.

Now, let’s take a look at the points and features of the face to help us determine a person’s state of health.

1. Forehead

Linked to: The stomach and digestive system.

If you notice any marks, scars, or discoloration on your forehead, it indicates an issue with your stomach or digestive health. These marks or scars are traditionally associated with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. If you notice anything going on in the upper forehead, it is often due to your body’s inability to break food down and the release of harmful toxins. The best way to remedy this is by detoxifying your body with a diet that’s rich in antioxidants, including nutritious fruits and vegetables. Digestive enzymes and bitter herbs also work.

The lower forehead is often linked to the spirit and mind, meaning that any imperfection in this region may be due to mental health challenges. If your sleeping pattern is irregular and you are always under stress, you may notice acne, marks, or discoloration on your lower forehead. Adequate sleep is necessary to reduce marks and breakouts and limit stress, boost productivity, and keep you energized during the day. Make sure you rest at least seven-to-eight hours per night for optimal wellbeing. Other than this, practice meditation and journaling to keep your mental health balanced and in tiptop shape. Listing three things you are grateful for at the end of the day will release stress, make you happy, and give you inner peace. All in all, do whatever you can to maintain your mental health, as it could affect your face and skin negatively.

Traditional Chinese face-mapping techniques combined with modern-day dermatological studies and observations are used to determine health care and to diagnose and treat common health and skin issues. This approach was first launched by the American brand Dermalogica, which then spread widely in the cosmetic and dermatology industries.

Modern Face-Mapping Perception: The forehead is divided into Zones 1 and 3. Today, face mapping practitioners believe that signs and marks on the forehead are primarily caused by harmful dietary practices (too much fat, sugar, and salt). However, there is no concrete evidence or serious studies to support this claim. Another reason for breakouts, which is indirectly related to one’s health, is poor hygiene. For example, if someone is not too careful in removing their makeup or rinsing off shampoo, it could cause congestion and

block their pores. This often results in acne, which lends its name to the modern issue of “acne cosmetica”.

Acne face-mapping is one of the most effective ways to target trigger points and assess specific health issues. This is done by examining and studying these acne breakout points in certain regions and prescribing adequate treatments. This is how most modern face reading practitioners diagnose health issues. With this method, you will not only treat your inner organs and become healthier, but you will also be able to prevent acne breakouts and replenish your skin.

2. Temple

Linked to: Bladder and kidneys.

Your temples are the areas between the forehead and the ears on each side of the face. Any issue with your kidneys or bladder can manifest itself in the form of acne, boils, inflammation, or infection on your temples. Also, if your body is finding it difficult to digest or is reacting to a new medical treatment, it is often apparent in the temple region.

Modern Face Mapping Perception: If a person’s temples appear red or show any form of discoloration, it could be a sign of allergies or skin irritation. Low-quality makeup products, as well as their application and removal, are other common causes.

Face Mapping for Acne: The region around your temples may display excessive hair growth if not controlled. Apart from acne build-up resulting from bladder and kidney problems, the main reason is often improper makeup and shampoo removal. Pomade acne is a term used to describe acne breakouts caused by hair and cosmetic products.

3. Ears

Linked to: Kidneys.

While the symmetry, proportion, and location of the ears matter when it comes to face reading, they are often checked for marks or any form of discoloration to assess a person’s state of health. If someone’s ears show any form of discoloration, it could signify an issue with the kidneys.

Modern Face Mapping Perception: The ears are divided into Zones 4 and 10. In modern face mapping, ears that are red or hot is

a major sign of unhealthy kidneys. The person should drink plenty of water to keep themselves hydrated. At the same time, they should avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine. Reducing salt intake can be beneficial as well. Improper makeup removal can cause clogged pores and acne on the forehead and cheeks. The ears may suffer from discomfort or redness due to excessive phone conversations, wearing headphones, or heavy jewelry.

4. Eyes (Particularly Under the Eyes)

Linked to: Imbalance in bodily fluids.

In the case of dehydration, chronic stress, or anxiety, your body will start to show puffiness, bagginess, or discoloration under your eyes.

This can be easily treated by drinking more water and balancing your body fluids. Consume fruit juices and low-sugar energy drinks to adjust the mineral levels as well. To reduce dark circles and puffiness, use eye creams or apply cucumber slices. Also, try meditation to evacuate unnecessary stress and relax. Again, quality sleep is crucial.

Modern Face Mapping Perception: The eyes are divided into Zones 6 and 8. Other than an imbalance in body fluids, eyes are also believed to reflect a person’s kidney health. Apart from dehydration, which is also the main cause of under-eye puffiness and dark circles, poor lymph flow and certain allergies are also plausible reasons.

5. Eyebrows

Linked to: Liver.

Since the liver is responsible for the detoxification process in your body, it is necessary to keep it healthy. Detoxification helps rid the body of harmful toxins and free radicals that could otherwise cause potential health threats. These also tend to increase body weight and should be flushed out. In case your liver is unhealthy, this will manifest as acne or marks in the space between your eyebrows.

Detoxification is also a way to get rid of negative emotions and balance out mental health. The best way to keep your liver healthy is to consume superfoods that are rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, green tea, and kale. Also, stay away from alcohol.

Meditate, take some time off, and engage in your favorite hobbies to optimize your mental health.

Modern Face Mapping Perception: The eyebrows are divided into Zone 2. Modern practitioners believe that excessive acne breakouts may be a cause of lactose intolerance. Again, the main culprit is a bad or inadequate diet. By consuming fried, oily, and unhealthy foods in excess, your liver becomes overwhelmed and is unable to fulfill its detoxifying functions. As such, the best and simplest way to keep your liver healthy is to adopt a balanced diet composed of quality nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, minerals, and more.

Cutting back on ultra-processed and caloric foods can also help restore your liver’s health.

Face Mapping for Acne: Acne located on or between the eyebrows is often due to poor diet choices and excessive consumption of fatty, oily, and processed foods. So, as mentioned above, if you want to this region clear of any acne, limit your alcohol consumption and focus on a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

6. Cheeks

Linked to: Respiratory system, spleen, and stomach.

An even skin tone on your cheeks means that your respiratory system is in great shape. Redness, or any other form of discoloration in this area, is unfavorable as it suggests an issue with your stomach, mainly inflammation. Also, notice sudden breakouts on your cheeks or a sinus (an abnormal cavity caused by destroyed internal tissue). This could be the sign of an allergy affecting your respiratory system, stomach, or spleen.

Modern Face Mapping Perception: The cheeks are divided into Zone 5 and Zone 9. Nowadays, it is believed that the major cause of respiratory issues is poor lifestyle choices, such as smoking or vaping. This can cause hyperpigmentation around the area surrounding your cheeks. In parallel, poor hygiene, such as using a dirty cellphone or sleeping on unwashed pillowcases, can result in bacterial infections and acne. Improper makeup removal or the application of cosmetic products can also cause skin allergy. Another reason pertains to poor dental health; if someone suffers from tooth or gum related issues, this can cause noticeable changes in their cheeks.

Face Mapping for Acne: As mentioned, the main reasons for acne and excessive breakouts on cheeks are often a bad diet, dirty pillow covers, and unclean cell phones. So, the easiest way to avoid acne on the cheeks is to maintain food hygiene, regularly clean your pillow covers, and wipe your cellphone screen. Focus on a healthier diet and exercise a few times a week. Recently, excessive sugar and dairy intake have been established as potential reasons for face acne, specifically the cheeks area. As such, it is recommended to limit foods like white chocolate, candy and sweets, milk, yogurt, and cheese as much as possible.

7. Mouth and Lips

Linked to: Colon or stomach.

Among the facial features that are linked to the stomach, the mouth and lips comprise some of the most visible and obvious signs of stomach health. If you notice any boils, pimples, or ulcers on your lips or inside your mouth, it means that your stomach may have also developed ulcers. Also, if you consume a lot of cold or raw foods as part of your diet, your stomach may overwork itself to produce heat to metabolize the food and convert it into energy.

Modern Face Mapping Perception: The upper lip is divided into Zone 12A. The entire patch above your lips is directly linked to your reproductive health, just like the chin and jaws area. However, you may also notice some pigmentation or hyperpigmentation there caused by hormonal imbalances and melanin overproduction. When paired with excessive hair growth on your upper lip, a condition also known as hirsutism, you should get yourself checked for PCOS or PCOD.

8. Nose

Linked to: Heart.

The left side of the nose is linked to the left side of the heart, whereas the nose’s right side is related to the right side of the heart.

If you notice acne, boils, scars, blackheads, or excessive sebum or oil on your nose, it means that your heart may suffer from high cholesterol levels or irregular blood pressure. To keep your heart healthy, exercise every day for at least thirty to forty-five minutes to boost your cardiovascular health. Consume foods that are packed

with healthy fats such as fish, olive oil, avocado, nuts, and berries.

These items also contain Omega-3, a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that’s great for the heart and cardiovascular system.

Modern Face Mapping Perception: The nose is divided into Zone 7. Nowadays, experts believe that broken capillaries can result from a bad diet or poor hygiene. While changes in blood pressure and cholesterol levels may be more prevalent reasons, you cannot ignore the effects of pollution or pimple squeezing, which can cause acne breakouts. These may also be due to genetics. If you notice excessive redness, this may be a sign of high blood pressure.

9. Chin and Jaw

Linked to: Hormone production and the reproductive system.

If you notice any zits or sores on your chin and jaw, it indicates a change in hormonal levels. This phenomenon is notably apparent in women who undergo natural hormonal changes during their menstrual cycle. Also, if you notice excessive facial hair growth along with frequent hormonal imbalances, women should get themselves examined for reproductive health conditions such as PCOS or PCOD. If left untreated, it may negatively impact their reproductive system and the ability to have children. Excessive pimples on the chin and jaw also indicate mental health issues, such as stress, anxiety, or chronic depression.

Discoloration and breakout on the chin may also be related to gut health. Since your stomach and small intestines are represented by the chin, irregular bowel movements can cause acne in that area.

Improve your diet and include more fiber-rich foods such as chia seeds, leafy greens, and rolled or steel-cut oats. Also, probiotics and fermented food promote healthy bacteria growth in your stomach, which is why kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, and sauerkraut can be immensely beneficial if included in your diet and consumed regularly.

Modern Face Mapping Perception: The chin is divided into Zone 12. Just like traditional practice, modern studies also hold that hormonal imbalances cause acne around this region. The center part of one’s chin is often related to the small intestine. As a result, any form of food allergies, dietary changes, or unhealthy eating habits

can result in acne in the middle part of your chin, which is why adopting a balanced, wholesome diet is of the essence.

The jawline is divided into Zones 11 and 13. Other than hormonal imbalances that can affect the chin and jawline, breakouts and scars in this area can also be due to poor dental hygiene. Since the jawline is linked to a woman’s ovaries, they may suffer from excessive acne breakout during their monthly cycles. It can also be due to improper makeup removal that clogs pores; opt for non-comedogenic products instead.

Face Mapping for Acne: As mentioned above, the main reason for acne breakouts on a person’s chin and jaws are hormonal imbalance, a claim that happens to be scientifically proven. If a woman’s metabolism produces higher levels of male hormones or suffers from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, she may end up with excessive acne. The only way to combat this issue is with regular physical exercise, a balanced diet, and weight loss if necessary.

Hydration is also crucial, hence the importance of drinking at least eight glasses of water every day.

10. Neck

Linked to: Adrenal glands.

It is fair to say that the neck is not a central feature in face reading.

Nevertheless, it can help determine the internal health of a person’s body. Your neck is related to the health of your adrenal glands; when these are overworked and start releasing hormones, your neck and upper chest turn red. Adrenaline is one of those secreted hormones that pump you up and make you excited. Due to this, your neck becomes red. And while it is generally not a cause for concern, you should check for other conditions such as skin allergies, irritation, or sun damage.


Use organic cosmetic products to prevent the appearance of boils, zits, or cysts. Also, drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and even out your skin tone. More importantly, focus on your diet to promote digestive health. Lastly, make sure to get at least seven-to-eight hours of sleep each night to avoid stress and maintain both your physical and mental health. Exercise at least three to four days per week and aim for a daily meditation session of ten-to-fifteen minutes. Ultimately, a good diet, plenty of exercise, and small lifestyle changes will help you lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Consider These Signs as Indications of Possible Health Issues

· Long Lashes: While long lashes are often considered a sign of beauty, it can indicate an issue with one’s eyes, particularly dryness.

Your lashes should be one-third in proportion to your eyes. The cornea releases a certain amount of water, which is mainly controlled by your eyelashes. They also control the amount of air that flows in

and out of your eyes and keep dust particles away. If a person has long lashes, the air circulation around their eyes increases, ultimately causing dryness.

· Excessive or Deep Wrinkles: Profound lines and wrinkles mean that the person may have a weak bone density, depending on their age. A modern explanation for this points to the early onset of menopause in women; as women age, their bones get weaker in density. This explains the relationship between deep wrinkles and low bone density.

· Eyebrows and Weight Gain: Thinning eyebrows, especially near the ends, are a sign of thyroid diseases. Despite being at a premature stage, you may suffer from a thyroid issue later on. So, if you also notice a sudden weight gain, it is advised to get tested for thyroid issues.

· Crooked Teeth and Gum Disease: From a purely scientific perspective, crooked teeth make food accumulate in the corners, which results in plaque build-up. Eventually, this could result in oral damages and gum disease.

· Red Nose Tip: A red nose tip is typically a sign of excessive stress. As the level of fire “chi” heightens, this causes complications such as high blood pressure, anxiety, and stress. If you experience a recurring red nose tip, you should get yourself checked for blood pressure issues.

These pointers are a combination of traditional face reading techniques and modern-day studies and findings.

Reading Wealth

Your face can reveal a lot about your wealth – your previous financial condition and what the future holds. In fact, modern face reading techniques mainly pertain to wealth. Mountains and rivers are significant symbols in terms of wealth and abundance, which is why it can be useful to consider these indicators while reading a face.

Face reading experts begin from the central axis of the face and move in alternate directions to determine a person’s wealth. Next, they examine the face’s symmetry and balance to corroborate their initial readings. The more balance in symmetry and harmony, the more stability the person will have in their financial situation. Both of these aspects should be studied accurately to determine wealth.

Here is a breakdown of the “requirements” on one’s face to assess their financial prospects:

1. First Wealth Spot – Symmetry Vital

This is the most crucial requirement when reading wealth. Both sides of your face should be symmetrical and possess a nice balance. On the one hand, if that is the case, your life and financial prospects will be smooth and indicative of stability and abundance. On the other hand, if the face lacks symmetry and balance, be prepared to endure a difficult life. As mentioned, to determine the symmetry of one’s face, look at the central axis carefully. Both sides should be even. If your face shows perfect symmetry, you are considered extremely lucky. However, certain hairstyles may offset a person’s facial symmetry, which could lead to an inaccurate reading. To avoid this, choose your hairstyle carefully; wear your hair in a way that does not cause disequilibrium.

2. Second Wealth Spot – Forehead High

As you already know, high and rounded foreheads are very favorable, especially when it comes to wealth. In fact, it is the second most accurate indicator of a financial situation. The forehead is represented by the prosperity mountain, which is a vital indicator of wealth. In the same way that mountains are high, round, gently curved, and a bit protruding, a forehead with these attributes is considered a sign of good fortune and financial prosperity. It also represents power, intellect, and authority.

An individual with a high forehead may also be blessed with abundant wealth at an early age. Since the forehead is located in the Heaven section, it is believed that people with high foreheads are blessed with wealth since birth. In other words, they are destined to live comfortably and have a lot of money. As mentioned, these people have authority over others and are blessed with a confident personality, which encourages other people to listen to them and seek their advice. However, these foreheads are quite rare. Even if someone has a mildly prominent forehead, they are still considered lucky and blessed financially. Besides this, the person possesses the ability to make quick decisions and is highly intelligent.

A perfect forehead is represented by the heavenly celestial dragon, an omen of great luck, power, and abundance. The reason for the area being the second-best indicator of luck and wealth owes to the fact that it is the spot of yang. Black moles located in the center of the forehead are rather unfavorable; that said, you can have them removed with professional help. However, if you spot any red moles on your forehead, they are believed to bring luck, so they are best left as is.

Taking care of your forehead to avoid pimples, acne, and blemishes is crucial. Wash your face in the morning and before bedtime, apply moisturizer, and use an organic scrub twice a week. If you have an oily T-zone, clean your face with a foam cleanser, and apply pore-cleansing masks. It is okay to use skincare products to keep the area clean, smooth, and blemish-free. You can also use cosmetics to keep the skin tone even and prevent the area from growing dull.

3. Third Wealth Spot – Money Nose

The third prominent wealth spot is the nose. Face reading experts examine the volume and size of the person’s nose to determine their wealth. While a big nose may appear ugly and out of proportion on the face, it is still considered a lucky feature. It also indicates the person’s money-making gateways or sources. It is believed that reading noses to determine wealth is more effective in women than in men. The rounder the nose, the luckier you are in terms of wealth and financial stability. The nostrils’ size should also be factored in; average-sized nostrils (not too big, nor too small) are another sign of good fortune.

If a woman has a large, round, and high nose, she will attract wealth towards her and bring luck and wealth to the man she marries.

However, accurate readings for wealth cannot be conducted on surgically altered noses as these are inauthentic and unnatural. As a general rule, a person’s nose shouldn’t be corrected for aesthetic purposes. It is believed that famous pop star Michael Jackson suffered a downward spiral and a tragic death after he underwent several rhinoplasties. The changes were drastic and transformed his face entirely.

With this said, artificial aids like makeup or skincare products can still be used to keep the nose smooth, spot-free, and shiny. Try to keep the nose clean, free of hair and blemishes, and to eliminate blackheads. Since spots, blemishes, discoloration, or scars on your nose are unfavorable, you need your nose bridge to be bright and luminous to experience an affluent and comfortable life.

Your nose is represented by one of the significant rivers that symbolize the face, which is the river Jie, famously known to depict wealth and prosperity. This spot is the third most crucial indicator of luck and wealth because it is the spot of yin. Just like the forehead, moles on noses, especially on the tip, are also unfavorable as these often signify bad luck.

So, the next time you notice your large nose in the mirror, do not feel self-conscious; be happy as you will be blessed with abundant wealth in the future.

4. Fourth Health Spot – Pearl Lip

Up next, another wealth indicator is the protrusion on top of one’s lip, otherwise known as the Pearl Lip. If a person has a pearl lip, it means that they are fated to have abundant wealth and stable financial life. Pearls, as gemstones, are regarded as one of the most precious things in traditional Chinese philosophy and symbolize prestige and class. Also known as phoenix pearl, this feature represents a person’s strong communication skills and highly developed speech.

Like the shape of a pearl, the protrusion above the lips looks round, a feature acquired at birth. It is apparent and visible on the person’s

upper lip right from a young age. In this case, it is safe to say that the child will be blessed with immense wealth in the future.

A pearl lip is not only favorable in terms of wealth but is also regarded as a characteristic of beauty. It is often compared to exotic features such as a dimple or a cleft chin, which makes a person attractive. This feature is often more prominent in women than in men. Even though it is considered a sign of luck for both genders, it is particularly appreciated and looked for in women. The reason for this is that females with a pearl mouth tend to bring luck, wealth, and prosperity to the men they marry.

5. Fifth Wealth Spot – Lotus Mouth

Aside from its shape and plumpness, the main factor that determines an attractive mouth is moisture. In this analysis, the mouth can be small in size; the only requirement is that your lips should be moist and shiny at all times. Your Lotus mouth is represented by one of the rivers that symbolize the face, namely the river Huai. It is the second most important one, despite it being smaller than other rivers. Now, since it is small, delicate, and succulent, this fifth wealth spot should portray the same features. Black moles on or around the mouth are highly unfavorable. You can choose to remove them with professional help. On the other hand, if you detect any red moles in that area, leave them alone as these are a sign of luck and indicate that you will never run out of food.

The name Lotus mouth derives from the flower that thrives in moist environments. This sign of abundant wealth and financial stability comes with a mouth and lips that are always moist. Just as a dry river is unfavorable, a dry mouth indicates poor luck in terms of wealth. So, do your best to keep your mouth and lips moist by applying lip balms and drinking plenty of water. Additionally, a bright red lipstick is also favored for women, as it is believed to bring good luck. Simultaneously, bright color on the lips is believed to attract yang chi, another highly favorable omen.

6. Sixth Wealth Spot – Strong Chin

The chin is represented by the base mountain and should ideally protrude to reproduce its shape. In this case, the person is blessed with great wealth, mainly with the help of physical assets. Along with

the chin, a sharp and prominent jawline is also preferred. The chin should be fleshy and prominent as well. A shape that resembles a mountain is highly favored. Along with wealth and prosperity, a sharp and prominent chin also represents a person’s longevity.

On the other hand, if you notice receding jawlines, it means that the person could face immense bad luck in their old age. In extreme cases, the person could also die a tragic and premature death.

7. Seventh Wealth Spot – Bright Eyes

Bright eyes are not just mesmerizing, but they can also depict a person’s wealth and tell whether a person is alert and aware. While the shape and size of most facial features are considered to assess a person’s luck and wealth, the vitality of the eyes is more relevant here. When it comes to determining wealth, the size, color, and position of one’s eyes don’t matter; what matters is their brightness.

If your eyes are bright and possess a steady gaze, you are blessed with good fortune and abundant wealth.

The seventh spot is also measured by the eyebrows, which also act as an element of protection. If you have arched eyebrows that protect your bright eyes, it means that you are blessed with good health, wealth, and fortune. It is desirable to have thick and well-defined eyebrows. So, if you are thinking of shaving them for a new look, rethink your decision. A face devoid of eyebrows is considered undesirable. Even if you want to pluck your eyebrows, refrain from plucking them above the eyebrow line as it could affect your luck.

It is also believed that the eyebrows protect a person from jealous people’s negative energy and ward off evil spirits. You can still use makeup such as eyebrow brushes and eyeliners to groom and shape your eyebrows and introduce symmetry between both eyes.

Just like your face needs symmetry and balance for good luck, your eyes and eyebrows should be symmetrical as well.

8. Eighth Wealth Spot – Plump Cheekbones

The cheekbones fall under the Human section, which defines a person’s midlife. When defining wealth, bright, smooth, and plump cheekbones are desirable. Additionally, if they are luminous and shiny, it indicates immense wealth in a person’s life. Bony or thin

cheekbones are highly undesirable as they symbolize yang energy, which is harmful.

If your cheekbones are fleshy, they may look tempting enough to pinch (you might have even experienced that a couple of times).

Lastly, face reading experts also determine a person’s wealth through the color or shade of their cheekbones. On the one hand, bright pink cheekbones indicate that the person is blessed with good fortune. On the other hand, dry, dull, colorless, or sunken cheekbones are unfavorable and suggest possible losses in the near future.

9. Ninth Wealth Spot – Ears

The ninth and final wealth spot is a pair of well-defined and positioned ears. This is represented by the Yellow River, also a symbol of good fortune. To measure a person’s wealth, long ears are usually preferred over shorter ones as they depict class and prestige. Besides, since the Lord Buddha had long ears, they are more favored in traditional Chinese face reading. Along with the ears’ proportion and position, Chinese face readers also examine whether the person’s ears are fleshy, seeing as fleshy ears are more favorable.

You may have noticed that a majority of the wealth spots are located in the middle of the Human section, as everyone is responsible for changing their luck and attracting success through hard work and effort. The youth and old age section contain just a few wealth points because you will work hard to achieve your mid-life goals, meaning that your wealth points are well-defined by the time you grow old.

Fertility and Gender Prediction

Face reading is quite popular among couples who are trying to have a baby. It indicates a person’s fertility and can help predict the gender of their baby.

1. Temple

Gender prediction for baby: If this region is bright, smooth, and free of any kind of discoloration, it indicates that the father may have a baby girl. The couple will not face any difficulty in conceiving a child.

They will enjoy an effortless pregnancy journey. On the other hand, if you notice that this region is dark or scarred, the couple may have to endure a difficult pregnancy journey. It is also a sign of expecting a baby girl.

2. Eyes

Gender prediction for baby: The mother’s eyes can say a lot about her baby’s gender. If she has wrinkles near her eyelashes (measuring around four to seven millimeters in length), she may have a baby boy. However, if the woman has no wrinkles on or around her eyes, she may expect a baby girl.

3. Eyebrows

Gender prediction for baby: This is more evident in the eyebrows of the father. If he possesses long, well-defined, and shining eyebrows, the chances of having a boy is sixty percent or more. With the same set of eyebrows and harder hair texture, the odds increase to around eighty to ninety percent. If his eyebrows are thin, sparse, or short, he may have a girl. Likewise, the baby’s gender can be predicted from the mother’s eyebrows. If her left eyebrow is longer, she may have a baby boy; if her right eyebrow is longer, she may have a baby girl.

Just like the father, if the mother’s eyebrows are thin, sparse, or short, she may expect a baby girl.


4. Ears

Gender prediction for baby: One of the easiest ways to predict a baby’s gender is by taking a closer look at the mother’s ears and earlobes. If you notice the presence of large ear lobes on a mother, she is highly likely to have a boy. In contrast, an absence of earlobes could be a sign of a baby girl being born.

5. Lips

The color of a woman’s lips relates to her fertility and helps predict her baby’s gender. If the color is rich or normal, it means that the woman will have a higher chance of getting pregnant.

Gender prediction for baby: In parallel, the father’s and mother’s philtrum can determine their baby’s gender. A man’s left-inclined philtrum indicates a higher chance of having a baby boy, whereas a right-inclined philtrum indicates a baby girl. The amount of hair on the philtrum region is also a factor to consider in a man; if he barely has any, the father could have a baby girl. The color of the lips also reveals the gender of the baby. For instance, if the mother’s lips are red, pink, or rosy, she may have a boy. On the other hand, if the color is blue, white, or deep red, she may have a girl.

6. Chin and Jaw

A round chin depicts a person’s luck in having abundant wealth and healthy relationships and indicates that they will be blessed with having many children and grandchildren.

Gender prediction for baby: If the jaw is square-shaped and the chin round, it means that the person will have a baby boy. If the chin is pointed at the end, it means that the person will have a baby girl.

Reading your Relationships and Marriage

This section will discuss how facial features relate to the state of a relationship for men and women. Both genders need to have two or more of the following features to have a successful relationship or a long-term marriage.

In Women:

· She should have a broad nose that represents high confidence, self-awareness, and independence.

· If a woman has Phoenix Eyes, she is witty, elegant, and can easily attract men. She is also very classy, which is another attractive trait.

· A rounded and average-sized forehead (four or fewer fingers in height) means that the woman is intelligent enough to make wise decisions, especially when it comes to choosing her partner and getting into a long-term commitment.

· If she has slightly curved eyebrows, it means that she is gentle, caring, and is able to express sentiments and feelings.

· If the nose’s bridge is high, the person is confident and believes in equality between both genders. As her partner, if you ever try to suppress her, it may result in a clash or a breakup.

· If the woman has balanced lips, meaning that both the upper and lower lip are proportionate and equal in size, the woman can show physical affection and is sexually active. She tends to satisfy her man in bed.

In Men:

· If a man has a broad and high nose, it means that he is extremely confident and self-aware. However, he should have no ridges or bumps on the nose.

· Just like a woman, if the man has proportionate lips, it indicates that they are capable of showing physical affection and are distinguished lovers, especially in bed.

· A set of thick and well-defined eyebrows on a man indicates that he cherishes his relationship, to the point of foregoing other important aspects of his life (work, social circle, etc.).

· A well-defined hairline that sits away from the temples (at least at a distance of two fingers’ width) is a strong sign of respect and trust in a relationship. Both partners have a mutual sense of understanding and respect for each other. Neither partner controls the other or shows too much complacency, which indicates a solid and happy marriage.

· Lastly, if the man has a wide chin, it means that he enjoys spending time at home with his wife. Simple pleasures like cuddling, watching a movie, or cooking together are what he always looks forward to.

Late Marriage Implications

People who are not lucky enough to find a long-term partner at an early age, or choose to marry late, should also consider certain factors when reading facial features.

· Bulging Forehead: A bulging forehead is an apparent sign of late marriage for both men and women. Since the forehead is represented by the fire element among the five elements, the forehead’s protrusion depicts the blazing fire form. These individuals seem to be irresolute and uncompromising, which often leads to late marriage. A man who marries a woman with a protruding head may suffer due to mental complications and stress. Apart from a protrusion, a high forehead is also a sign of late marriage. As mentioned, the forehead is represented as the fire sign, which is why people with a high forehead prefer to choose passively. They also show a great deal of patience and do not rush their decisions to find a partner or get married.

· Thick or Thin Eyebrows: Typically, people with thick eyebrows are overthinkers who are unable to narrow down their options. Even though they wish to marry early, their indecisive character stands in the way. On the other hand, if a person has thin eyebrows, the chances are that they favor their own convenience over that of others. They are also unmoved by emotions and are quite selective. It is also difficult for them to stay devoted or be serious in any kind of relationship, whether it is marriage, children, or family, which is why they usually marry later than others.

· Thick and Straight Hair: Ancient Chinese face readers believed that the denseness of one’s hair is linked to the thickness of their blood. The denser the hair is, the later the person is likely to get married. It is mainly due to their inflexibility and lack of patience. Also, Yang’s symbol is linked to hard and straight hair, which means that individuals with this feature may marry later than they anticipate.

· Crow’s Feet: While crow’s feet are acceptable or not generally a bad omen, too many lines are often a sign of late marriage. This is because crow’s feet are related to a laborious

life. These people take care of every aspect of their life on their own and never depend on others to get things done. This would explain why they are often stressed. Young people with crow’s feet barely have any time to meet new people or cultivate their existing relationships due to their busy lives, which is why they often ignore marriage in their twenties or early thirties. Bright eyes with crow’s feet are still preferable, as these depict a person’s charm, popularity, and sense of humor.

· Big Eyes: Individuals with big eyes are often indecisive and anxious when it comes to making important life decisions. In light of this, they are unable to decide on their partner for a long-term commitment.

Potential Partners

It is believed that a person’s facial features can also reveal a lot about the kind of partner they attract, in accordance with their own appearance. The features of men and women are different, which is why they attract different kinds of partners. Take a look at the traits of potential partners for each gender:

A person’s Marriage Palace usually foretells their future partner’s features. For example, if the Marriage Palace is plump, along with symmetrical and matching eyes and eyebrows, it means that they will have a beautiful or handsome spouse. On the other hand, if their Marriage Palace is sunken or their eyebrows and eyes are unmatching, it could indicate an unattractive partner. That is also the case with big eyes and small eyebrows, or small eyes and bushy eyebrows. Lastly, if the person has asymmetrical or ill-proportioned eyebrows and eyes, it means that their partner may look average or plain.

For Women: Curved and long eyebrows will attract a tall and slim partner for most women. In contrast, women with shorter eyebrows may marry a bulkier man. If a woman’s eyebrows point upwards at the end, it is possible that she will marry a man with a round face and a short temper. She may get into fights or even be the target of constant abuse. That said, if her eyebrows face downwards, the woman may attract a man with an oval-shaped face and a good-willed and tranquil nature.

For Men: A man’s nose, eyes, and eyebrows are often considered when determining their partner’s looks. For instance, if a man has a well-proportioned nose that is rounder and straighter than others, he is likely to meet and marry a beautiful woman. Also, the nostrils should be unexposed. On the contrary, if the man has exposed nostrils, they may marry an average-looking woman. Men with long eyes and well-shaped, proportionate eyebrows will attract a beautiful woman, with whom they will enter a long-term relationship. Finally, men with ill-proportioned and dusky eyebrows may marry an average-looking woman.

While a partner’s looks shouldn’t prevail over their nature and compatibility, predicting your future partner’s appearance can be a

fun and entertaining exercise with facial reading.

Reading Character Traits for Children

Last but certainly not least, you can assess a child’s character, strengths, and weaknesses by looking at their face and visible features. Even though you already know most of these traits, let’s focus on the most obvious and important ones relevant to reading children’s faces.

Using the Five Elements discussed early on is perhaps the simplest way to decipher a child’s personality. Let’s see what each element can say about them.

The Wood Child

These kids are extremely curious and always eager to learn and discover new things. They are intelligent and can often be found reading books. They will ask you “why?” in almost every sentence, and if they fail to get the answer, they keep at it until they do. Aside from refusing to take no for an answer, they tend to be highly adventurous. Their energetic attitude is refreshing, yet they can be difficult to tame. Take a leap with them and join them on an adventure to understand that life is not dull.

Prominent Features of the Wood Child

· A well-defined jaw

· A bulging brow bone

· A straight and well-delimited hairline

· A square or rectangular-shaped face

· Thick eyebrows

The Fire Child

Just as the flame of a fire is bright, vibrant, and unstable, a Fire child is always happy and cheerful, eager to spread their joy to others around them. They are full of energy and can hardly stay put. They are chirpy and often called chatterboxes due to their tendency to talk non-stop. The Fire child needs to be stimulated; if not, they may act up. These kids are highly sociable and like to hang out with their friends and meet new ones. Finally, they tend to be short-tempered and angry.

Prominent Features of the Fire Child

· Curly hair

· Bright and sparkly eyes

· Freckles and dimples

· Skinny arms

· A prominent or mild blush on their cheeks

The Earth Child

These kids are known to have a practical and methodical approach when handling projects, a surprising trait at such a young age. They are organized and prefer to finish important tasks before they have their fun. Even though they like to be with their friends and are sociable, they prefer not to be center-stage. They may not mind some limelight every now and then but tend to be quite modest and humble about it. They are emotional, fun, and loving people who are also loyal. However, they may be prone to jealousy. They need their friends to be sympathetic and understand them inside-out. If left alone, an Earth child may suffer from separation anxiety at times.

Prominent Features of the Earth Child

· A fleshy nose

· Thick or full lips

· A peach skin complexion with a yellow undertone

· Low cheekbones

· A round-shaped face

The Water Child

Just like the tranquility of a flowing river, a Water child is calm and serene as well. They often show a strong imagination and are highly creative. Even though they may seem like extroverts who share more than necessary, they prefer to keep the important things to themselves. They may only open up to the people they like and trust above all. They are intelligent, perceptive, and usually get good grades in school. At times, they can be a bit sensitive over trivial issues. Their energies vary according to their mood; they may be jumpy at one point or sensitive at another. During these times, controlling them can prove a very challenging task.

Prominent Features of the Water Child

· A rounded upper forehead

· A strong and pointed chin

· Large ears and earlobes

· Thick, long, and lustrous hair

· A nicely-shaped philtrum

The Metal Child

Finally, a child with a metal element knows how to stand their ground and act and speak in any situation. They can blend well in a group as well as play individually. You can call them “ambiverts.” They like to learn new things and are always curious. If you want to make them happy on a special occasion, such as their birthday, opt for something simple, useful, yet modest, or ask them what they would like. This is because they tend to be reserved and do not like surprises. They prefer to have a steady routine, finish their homework on time, and enjoy enough stability in their academic and family life. They can be a bit stubborn, which can make it difficult to control them. However, these kids are extremely friendly, jolly, and lovable when presented in a public setting.

Prominent Features of the Metal Child

· Lower, sunken cheekbones

· A pale complexion

· High and long eyebrows

· A well-defined bone structure

· Prominent cheekbones

A kid’s face and its corresponding elements are enough to determine their traits, strengths, weaknesses, past, present, and future.

Knowing about your child can help you control them better and remedy the shortcomings early on to turn them into strengths. It is not only essential to make them better humans as they grow up, but it is also a major indicator of their happiness.


Ultimately, learning to read faces to understand a person’s thought process, emotions, fortune, and the current situation can positively impact your understanding of them. You may start looking at people with a different point of view and take some time to decipher their circumstances before jumping to conclusions. With these techniques, you can make out the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and behave accordingly.

Whether it’s a date or a potential employee’s interview, you can easily figure out a person’s character and their future by reading their face, giving you a heads up to make a wise choice.



Before you end this book, let’s address a major question that most people face – Will plastic or cosmetic surgery of any kind affect the way faces are read? Even though we discussed this earlier, it is worth examining from a different angle. Face reading is mainly about who the person truly is, instead of relying on their superficial features and external facade. Even if you alter your face with cosmetic surgery, it will not change your inner self and the destiny you are born with.

Nevertheless, cosmetic surgery and alterations to your face may cause an issue with the people you are meeting, as they may have mixed feelings. You are presenting a new or different external self while feeling like the same person on the inside. Professional face readers may also give you a different or vague assessment, which is ultimately inaccurate. For example, if your ears are pointed outwards, it means that the person is a scholar and a non-conformist. However, if you do not like the look of your ears and try to hide or alter them through a medical procedure, this may indicate that you want to hide your non-conformist values from others.

We mentioned taking care of your face and eating healthy food to avoid acne, marks, and discoloration. This is because acne and excessive breakouts are a sign of poor health. By drinking more water, exercising, eating healthy, and using skincare or cosmetic products (not cosmetic surgery), you can certainly treat and remedy this condition effectively and permanently.

As our destinies unfold, our facial and physical attributes change accordingly. Since our facial features are symbolized by mountains and rivers, mainly for wealth, you must realize that these flatten and dry up at some point. For this reason, you should be careful and notice the changes occurring in your face throughout different stages of life. At the same time, it is crucial to take care of your face through natural and artificial means. While plastic surgery is not advised (as it alters one’s look and results in an inaccurate reading and assessment), it is advised to use cosmetic products to keep your face clean and healthy and avoid pimples, scars, and discolorations.

Face reading is fun and gives you a sense of understanding about yourself and the important people in your life. In many ways, it can help you redirect your path and make significant changes to enjoy a better and more fulfilling future.

Now that you have a solid knowledge of reading faces, it is time to put it into action. Good luck!


Part 2: Palm Reading

Unlock the Secrets of Palmistry to

Discover About You and Your Future


If someone told you that all details of your life are hidden in your palms, you probably wouldn’t believe them. But indeed, your palm can tell you more about yourself than you think! Every single line on your palm is interconnected to different aspects of your life. If you can learn to read your own palm, then you do not need to go to tarot readers, astrologers, or palm readers to discover more about yourself. Many people don’t realize it, but everything about your palm is an opening to learn more about yourself. The basis of palm reading is to use the shape, size, texture, colors, and the length of your hand and fingers to achieve self-realization on a deeper level than you can comprehend.

Some believe that the practice of palm reading or palmistry is one that only a select few people with unique gifts can use. Due to this, many people go to professional palm readers to learn more about themselves. This is not entirely right because palm reading is a practice you can engage in by yourself.

Palm reading can be learned and used by anyone willing to put in the work. If you are willing, you can also use this knowledge to help and impact those around you. By learning and understanding the art of palm reading, you can gain access to confidential information about your life, relationships, career, and basically everything that influences who you are as a person and the life you live. Palm reading can reveal your career path to you, so you don’t waste your time pursuing something different. You can also learn about your social and romantic relationships. From your health to your family background and personal traits, there is much to learn through your hands.

Naturally, there are several resources online that claim to teach people everything they need to know about the practice of palm reading. Still, most of these resources often end up being more theoretical than practical. This realization can be genuinely frustrating and disappointing for people who genuinely want to learn how to read their palms and access information about themselves. If you are reading this, you should count yourself lucky since you don’t

have to worry about wasting your money on materials that do nothing for you.

Palm Reading: Unlock the Secrets of Palmistry to Discover About You and Your Future is your ultimate guide to mastering the art of palm reading. This book breaks down everything you need to know about palm reading with simplified and straightforward language, from the basics to the advanced. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or someone already familiar with this practice; there is something for everyone in this book. The first chapter gives you a brief insight into the history of palm reading. You cannot understand the present if you don’t learn about the past. Throughout the rest of the book, you will learn about basic and advanced palm reading techniques, including how you can read the hand size, lines, fingers, colors, mounts, etc. More importantly, you will also learn how to make sense of whatever you read in your palms. This book was written to be your one-stop-shop for palmistry, and that is precisely what you will find.

Let’s get you started on your journey to mastering palm reading and discovering more about yourself and your future!


Chapter One: An Abridged History of Palm Reading

Palm reading, or palmistry as it is also called, is often dismissed as another of those parlor tricks that psychics use to trick unsuspicious people into giving them a couple of bills. Many people don’t believe this practice is real in any sense. Some even believe that palm reading is a new practice recently introduced to the psychic world.

None of these beliefs are true. A lot of these beliefs are founded on a lack of knowledge about palmistry. This, precisely, is why I want to begin this chapter by giving you a brief look into the history of palm reading.

Palm reading, also called chiromancy or chirology, is the practice of reading a person’s character and personality and predicting their future through the lines and undulations of their palms. To put it simply, palm reading entails foretelling a person’s character and their future by reading the palm of their hands. It is not sure where palm reading originated from specifically. Palm reading experts don’t agree on one place of origin, but what is certain is that palm reading

has been around for centuries. Some believe that palm reading originated in ancient India and spread to other parts of the world.

Knowing that the Roma gypsies once had their homes in India, this may be where they first learned the art of reading the palms.

Regardless, palm reading has always been a widespread practice in China, Egypt, Tibet, Mesopotamia, and Persia. It was also popular in Ancient Greece, where it underwent significant developments.

Briefly, let’s talk about how palmistry spread from culture to culture.

According to Yoshiaki Omura, a renowned acupuncturist, palm reading has its roots in ancient Hindu astrology. This explains the relationship between palm reading and astrology, which you will learn about in a subsequent chapter. Millenia ago, the Hindu sage named Valmiki has produced a book on male palmistry with over 567

stanzas. The book’s title means “The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry.” From India, palm reading traveled and spread to China, Tibet, Persia, and Egypt. From there, it spread to the European countries. The first place palmistry progressed was Ancient Greece. Some say that Anaxagoras, the pre-Socrates Greek philosopher, was an ardent practitioner of palmistry. According to reports, Aristotle, the philosopher, also found writing on the practice of palmistry on Hermes’ altar. Aristotle reportedly presented his finding to Alexander the Great because he had a great interest in studying his officer’s characters by examining and analyzing the lines on their hands’ palms.

During the Renaissance Age, palmistry was regarded as one of the seven forbidden magic practices. The others are geomancy, necromancy,





scapulimancy. In the 16th century, the Catholic Church actively suppressed and fought the practice of palmistry. I should note that palmistry is referenced in one book in the Bible, specifically the Book of Job. Although this reference is indirect, it proves that palmistry has been around for thousands and thousands of years, contrary to what many people believe. The art of palmistry was soon revived in the 18th century, specifically in 1839, through the work of Captain Casimir Stanislas D’Arpentigny. This work was a publication titled La Chirognomie.

Katharine St. Hill later founded the Chirological Society of Great Britain in London in the year 1889. This society’s objective was to procure advancements in palmistry and make palmistry a strategic art so much so charlatans couldn’t abuse it. The Chirological Society’s American branch was founded in 1897, eight years after the British branch was established.

One of the prominent figures in modern palmistry study was William John Warner, an Irishman usually called Cheiro. Warner studied and learned palmistry under Indian gurus, after which he established a palm-reading outfit in London. Cheiro became a very popular palmist. He had several quite high-profile clients, including the author Oscar Wilde. Cheiro’s practice was pivotal in the spread of palmistry across Great Britain. Even people who didn’t believe in occultism went to Cheiro to read their fortunes through their hands. In the following years, there were several attempts to establish a scientific foundation for the art of palm reading. In the 1900s, William G.

Benham published The Laws of Scientific Reading for this very reason.

Despite the efforts made to suppress palm reading during the Middle Ages, the art has become one of the most popular occultic practices for divination. Palmistry is flourishing in this stressful modern age.

Humans are relentless in their journey to search for answers and know the truth about themselves. One thing to know about palm reading’s spread worldwide is that many original practice variations have developed in different cultures. This doesn’t mean that the variations are watered down or less effective. The variations are mostly due to slight cultural differences. Having learned about palm reading’s brief history, you must understand what palm reading entails in modern times.

Palm reading is a personal and ancient form of divination that reveals things within you and informs you of what you may expect in your future. Like any practice in esoterism and occultism, palm reading can be taught in different forms. It is also a very complicated practice, usually more complicated than other forms of readings or fortune-telling, such as tarot readings. Palm reading may be complicated, but this does not outrightly mean it is difficult or impossible to learn. It means that anyone who wants to learn this art

must dedicate themselves to learning and understanding the practice’s intricacies.

Reading a person’s palm entails observing the lines and mounts of their hands and interpreting them based on their sizes, texture, quality, and intersections. In some variations of palm reading, a palmist (someone who practices palm reading) may also observe the fingers, fingerprints, fingernails, skin color, palm shape, skin patterns, and the hand’s flexibility. Medical scientists and psychologists agree that the hands can reveal the truth about a person’s health, character, and mental states. While palmistry is generally considered a science and an art, you are more likely to understand a person if you also have basic psychic abilities. Intuitive gifts such as clairvoyance make palm reading much easier for psychics.

Many people often wonder if palmistry is as accurate as other forms of psychic reading. You probably have this on your mind as well. It is difficult to say whether palm reading is more accurate than other forms of readings. The accuracy of palm reading depends on several factors. The first factor is the skill level of the palmist. When you practice palmistry, you cannot expect your readings to be as accurate as those of an experienced palmist practicing much longer than you. The more experienced you are, the higher your chances of getting an accurate reading. To become experienced, you need to put in many practice sessions and devote yourself to learning the art.

Often, people learn palm reading to get it all in one go, but it does not work like that.

It may take months to get an accurate first reading. Now, getting one reading right differs from getting multiple readings right. To be consistent, you must practice often. Remember that palm reading is more of a learned skill than an innate ability one just possesses. You need to practice it as you would if you were just trying to learn a new language or a new musical instrument. The more you practice with yourself and other people, the more your reading accuracy will improve.

The second factor that determines palm reading accuracy is the age of the person getting a reading—your hands age alongside the rest of your body. In your younger years, the lines of your palms are as

sharp as possible. You can see them clearly, so they are easier to read and interpret. But as you get older, the lines on your palm may blur with age. Some may also become more pronounced with age.

Due to this, a palmist may find it challenging to get an accurate reading of your hand.

If you are a palmist, you may find it hard to read an older person’s palms because of their age. Thankfully, some lines remain easy to read regardless of changes in age. Throughout a person’s whole life, two main lines do not become difficult to read. You will discover more about these lines as you read on.

Accidents may also affect the accuracy of palm reading. Any accident that involves your hand may hinder your ability to read your own palms. Naturally, most people’s hands often show signs of wear and tears. But if a person gets into an accident that results in burns or cuts in their hands, it becomes difficult to get accurate readings of their palms. Depending on the severity of the burns or cuts, readings may become difficult altogether. This means that people with significant scarring in their hands are unlikely to get palm reading.

They must forego the possibility because the chances of getting accurate readings are arguably nonexistent.

Several other factors can affect palm readings’ accuracy, but these are the three most significant reasons. To read your own palm or that of another person, you begin from the right hand. This is often the hand that most people use the most. Interestingly, some people argue that the right hand for reading is the dominant hand.

Contextually, the dominant hand is whatever hand you regularly use to write, eat, and other activities. They believe that the dominant hand represents the conscious hand, while the other hand represents the subconscious. In some variations of palmistry, it is believed that the other hand contains information about hereditary traits or a person’s past life. It depends on the beliefs of the palm reader. In palm reading, you must know the dominant hand before you start reading. Knowing whether a person is right-handed or left-handed will make all the difference in your reading. If you don’t determine this before you begin your reading, you will probably end up with inaccurate results. The dominant hand reflects an individual’s position on their essential inborn traits and attributes.

But the non-dominant hand gives you insight into the individual’s family, parents, etc. By reading the non-dominant hand, you can ascertain which parent your subject takes after the most. More importantly, the information you find in a person’s dominant hand is verifiable by what you find in their non-dominant hand. More likely, the dominant hand in most people is the right hand. But you should try to ask your subject about their dominant hand before you begin reading. Even when a person is versatile at using both of their hands, they often have one they utilize the most.

Your left hand is controlled and managed by your right brain, which is the part of your brain responsible for relationship understanding, pattern recognition, and other functions. The left hand represents your natural self, inner self, anima, and your lateral thinking ability.

You may think of it as part of your personal and spiritual development. Your right hand is controlled and managed by the left hemisphere of your brain, which is in charge of language, logic, and reason. The left hand represents your objective self, outer self, education, social environment, and experiences. It also reflects linear thinking.

In palm reading, the right hand determines 80 percent of the reading, while the left-hand dictates the remaining 20 percent. Overall, a palmist focuses on reading the right hand and then adds or subtracts depending on the information they get from the left hand.

There is a scientific or systemic approach to palm reading that most people don’t realize. To tell whether a palmist is real or a charlatan, you can do this by observing how they read the palm lines. As funny as this may sound, some palmists don’t understand the science of palm reading. They just stare intensely at your palm and pretend to receive some revelation. Your hands form in the early gestation stages. Scientific researchers believe that the hands possess fossilized records of early human development. These records can be used to gain insight into what is yet to come.

Symmetry is one of the key things to observe in palm reading.

Symmetrical hands in people can indicate athletic traits in people. If a man has symmetrical hands, it may mean he will have many children in his future. Abnormality in fingerprints is another thing that matters when taking a scientific approach to palm reading. According

to researchers, men have more abnormal fingerprint patterns than women. This is usually because of their vulnerability to their environment. Suppose a man has an abnormality in their fingerprint patterns. There, it may indicate underlying health conditions such as diabetes or schizophrenia. Sweaty fingers in people indicate they are likely to be food addicts.

The bottom line here is that you have to be systemic in your approach to palm reading if you want to be more than just another palm reader. Many people already believe that palm reading is not real or authentic. To convince skeptics, you have to let them understand that palmistry is both a science and art by combining both approaches to improve your accuracy level.

Before I move on to the next chapter, below are some of the most frequently asked questions about palm reading and their answers.

Commonly Asked Questions About Palm


It is natural to be curious. As a matter of fact, you require curiosity to be an accurate palm reader. The purpose of curiosity is to help you get answers, which is highly important. Understandably, there are lots of questions surrounding palm reading and practice. Unless you actually understand palm reading and what it entails, it will be difficult to practice yourself or the surrounding people. So, to aid your understanding of palm reading and how it can help you unlock hidden knowledge about yourself and your future, here are detailed answers to five of the most commonly asked questions about palmistry.

1. Is Palmistry a New Psychic Gift?

First, palm reading is one of the oldest psychic practices in history. It has been around for thousands of years, and it isn’t going anywhere.

Second, I like to tell people that palm reading is a skill anybody can hone, rather than a psychic gift that only a few possess. When people hear something like “gift,” they automatically assume that it is an ability possessed by a select few.

Contrary to what we were made to believe through movies and shows while growing up, psychic gifts don’t belong to a handful of

“special” people. Every human has latent psychic skills that can be awakened through understanding and consistent practice. You need not pay a fortuneteller to reveal your future to you. You can become your own fortuneteller. While learning on your own can take a long time, it doesn’t negate that you have that natural ability to hone whenever you feel like getting started.

2. Why are Palms so Important?

Everything about your palm is unique to just you, from your fingers to fingerprints. Your hands and palms are unique to you. Nobody else has the same fingers, palms, or hands as you. At a glance, our hands may all look. But when you take a more in-depth look, you can notice the slight changes in sizes, texture, colors, etc. Energy healers generally believe that one’s hand is the extension of one’s heart.

In retrospect, the heart is an extension of the soul and holds the secrets hidden deep in your soul. Basically, you can always tell whatever is in a person’s heart by observing their hand (or palm).

You can easily see that your hands are indeed an extension of your heart. You need your hands to touch, caress, express love, care, hug, and make love. You need your hands to give and receive. To hurt another person, you also need your hands. How you use your hands reflects the person you are deep within your soul and what you carry in your heart.

3. Is Palm Reading a Proven Science?

Palm reading didn’t just originate out of nowhere in this modern day.

It is a vast ancient practice that has survived thousands of years. So, you can tell it is more than just uninformed speculation like people assume. Over the years, modern authors have expanded on the knowledge of palm reading.

With the practice of palmistry, some palmists use a combination of psychology, astrology, superstition, and intuition, plus tiny bits of the original ancient palm reading knowledge. This discredits palmistry to many people. Even though intuition is accurate, sometimes it is not credible to make it all about palm reading. The reading itself is not the most important part of palmistry; interpretation is. Reading is one thing, and interpretation is another thing. Without proper understanding or knowledge, you can read correctly and then interpret inaccurately.

In answer to the question, palm reading is a science, but it is not yet a proven one backed by scientific research. But like I said, some studies in science have highlighted that the hand is truly a window to the soul, implying that palmistry is most likely an authentic practice. I like to compare the science of palmistry to Psychology. Even though there are founding principles on which palm reading operates, what matters the most is diagnosis and experience. Diagnosis is the reading, and with time, you become more experienced and versed at interpretation.

I should reiterate there is a scientific basis for palm reading. The number of nerves in your hands, which is outrageously enormous, is directly connected to your hands.

4. Is There a Connection Between Palm Reading and Astrology?

Contrary to what many people think, there is no connection between palmistry and astrology. If there is a connection, it is that both practices are used for fortune-telling and divination. Other than this, palmistry and astrology are two different streams of esoteric knowledge. But it is possible to combine readings from palmistry and astrology; this is up to the reader’s discretion. Ancient palmists may have named the mounts of your hands after the planets, but this doesn’t make astrology and palm reading intertwine. If you wish to combine both practices, that is your prerogative.


5. How Long Does Palm Reading Take?

The length of a palm reading session is subjective to the kind of reading you want. To explore yourself deeply, palm reading can take a long time. But suppose you just want information about your important qualities and traits or your destiny points. There, this reading may be brief and concise. How long your reading takes depends on what your intentions are and what you want to know.

These are five of the most common questions people ask about palmistry. In the next chapter, we will discuss common misconceptions about palmistry and the benefits of this practice.

Chapter Two: Common Misconceptions About Palmistry

Palmistry is one of the most famous psychic practices, which naturally means it is also one of the most misunderstood. The more popular and widespread, the more susceptible it is to misinterpretations and misconceptions. Thus, not surprisingly, palmistry is highly misunderstood, both as a science and an art.

During the Renaissance, the suppression of the practice resulted in a culture of fear and skepticism around palm reading and other psychic phenomena. This created huge misconceptions around any topic in the psychic field and resulted in a deviation from palmistry’s true purposes and processes.

To understand palmistry, you must get rid of any reservations you may have about it due to misconceptions and myths. Otherwise, you may not actualize your full palm reading potentials. How can you effectively practice something you don’t honestly believe in?

One of the most common misconceptions about palm reading is the false belief that palmists are born with a supernatural gift. The media encourages this misconception through movies, TV shows, and other outlets. When you meet a palmist and see how easy it is for them to read and interpret your palms, you may think this is because they are born with that supernatural ability. You may not realize that they put hours into learning, studying, and practicing the skill. You don’t just become a palm reader because you were born with the gift. You become a palm reader through dedication, patience, and consistency. Palmistry and clairvoyance are two skills that go hand-in-hand, and to develop these skills, you need to learn and practice.

It is similar to how you learn how to fix the sink in your house.

Understandably, some people pick up the skills faster than others.

But this does not mean they were born with magic or supernatural gift. It depends on how fast of a learner you are. Palmistry is more science-based than magical. If you are sharp at picking up details, you will do well at palm reading, no matter how subtle. Remember that the practice is based on observation. You don’t need magic to become a great observer; you need practice. As long as you are

willing to be patient in learning the different types of lines, mounts, line breaks, shapes, sizes, patterns, and other indicators connected to specific brain patterns, you will make a great palmist.

Another common misconception about palmistry is that it can predict death. This is entirely false and outrageous. Again, this is a misconception that was pushed and promoted by the media. Many people don’t go for palm readings because they are scared they will come back with news or information about their death. Palmistry cannot predict when and how a person will die. The lifeline is wrongly considered the line that reveals the length of a person’s life.

Believing this, some palmists use it to predict when a person will supposedly die, justifying the fear many people already have about palm reading. The lifeline represents your level of passion for life, not how long you have left on earth. This will be discussed more in the chapter about lines.

Palmistry is also misinterpreted to be a practice that accurately predicts the future. Many people go to palm readers to expect that they will give them an in-depth, step-by-step prediction of what their future looks like. Palm readers cannot do this. A palm reader cannot tell you what you will have for breakfast tomorrow, but many people think they can or should be able to. Contrary to what many people think, the future is not predetermined. If the future isn’t predetermined, anybody who tells you they can reveal what will happen to you in five years is a fraud.

The hands provide insight into the tendencies of your character and your personality, not your predetermined fate. You can infer projections about the future based on the pattern of behaviors you read on your hands. This is how palmists can make predictions about the future. Because behaviors can be changed, a palmist’s

“future” or projected outcome can also change. An experienced and empowering palm reader can help you change unhelpful patterns.

This subsequently improves or changes the projected outcome of your future.

Generally, it is wrongly believed that a palmist should only read the dominant hand. Some also believe that only the right hand should be read. These are misconceptions that breed inaccuracy in readings.

When you first begin reading palms, you will find that your right and

left-hand lines are different. With the wrong information about the hand that should be read, it is easy for a beginner to lose interest in studying or practicing palmistry quickly. No one wants to continue learning a skill where they are not making any headway. There are two main misconceptions regarding the hand to use for readings.

The first misconception is that the left palm should be read for women, while the palm should be read for men. Some people believe this because the body’s left side is for femininity and other related things. The right side concerns masculinity. This is true, but it does not affect the palm to use during a reading. Second, many believe that the hand one uses for writing should be used for palm reading. This is not true. The general agreement amongst palm reading experts is that the right hand, which is usually the dominant hand, should be used for reading since it is directly correlated to the logical brain. The hand connected to your brain’s logical side reveals specific thoughts and behavioral patterns, which means it is suitable for readings.

One point of debate in palmistry is whether hand lines change or don’t. Many people believe that hand lines don’t change, which confuses beginners to palmistry. How can one get accurate readings if the hand lines are susceptible to changes? The answer to this goes back to palm reading’s founding purpose, which many still misunderstand to date.

Palmistry is not precisely the art or science of revealing the future, as many like to believe. The original purpose of palmistry is to reveal patterns of behaviors and how they can change over time. The hand lines change according to changes in the brain; no one is born with a permanent set of lines – they change occasionally. Sometimes they become lighter, and at other times they become darker. If you pay attention to your lines, you might have noticed that they also change direction. For instance, if a person used to be high-strung, they can learn to become calmer and more levelheaded. When this happens, their hand lines may also shift in response to the behavioral pattern changes.

Also, many people think that palm reading is only about reading hand lines. This is a popular misconception, and some start palmistry believing it. The lines are not the only feature of your hand

or palm. You can observe the hand in different ways. Palmists who know what they are doing will observe the length, shape, and texture of the fingers and the hand before they even go to the lines. They also observe more subtle features, such as the space between the fingers.

If you go to a palmist expecting them to give you information about when you will get married, you may leave disappointed. A palmist cannot tell you your marriage’s timing by looking at your hand because that information isn’t available there. What your hand can tell you is about your relationships. One can see strong or weak relationships. When palmists read about relationships, it does not necessarily have to be about romantic ones. Relationship readings can be about any close relationship. The belief that palm reading can reveal when and whom one is getting married is just another widespread myth.

Finally, palmistry cannot be learned in a few days or months.

Expecting to learn or master the art of palm reading in just a few months is equal to setting yourself up for disappointment. This can take years to master. Practice is a critical component in mastering palm reading. So, don’t set yourself up for failure by starting your lesson with the belief you will master how to read palms in a few months. Also, remember that palm reading is not paranormal.

Thanks to the media, many people believe palm reading is paranormal. But really, it is just a study of the hands.

Debunking these common myths and misconceptions about palm reading is very important because it helps you and other new palmists understand what you are signing up for. Remember that understanding is the key to learning. You cannot learn unless you understand.

Benefits of Palm Reading

If palm reading cannot directly predict one’s fortune, then what are the benefits? Well, you stand to gain a lot from learning the art of palm reading. Even though palm reading cannot tell you your destiny as it is set in stone, it can guide you on making changes that will affect your life in the best of ways. Palmistry links your past to your present to get insight into what you can expect in your future. The main benefit of palm reading is that it connects you with your dedicated, inner self. Your hand is the mirror of your soul. By learning to read your hand, you can open up a path to your soul to discover who you are and your purpose in life. An individual’s task in life is to discover their purpose and fulfill that purpose. That is precisely what palm reading helps one achieve.

Palmistry is a means for you to journey deep within yourself and achieve true self-realization. More importantly, you also discover self-empowerment. You can address issues ranging from relationships to achieving your future goals and finding your spiritual path through palm reading.

Your life, like that of every other person on earth, is ever-changing.

Life continually moves as we all endure the passage of time. Every moment in your life has been recorded on your palm. This is why five different lines represent different aspects of life, from love to work, reproduction, and life itself. Reading and interpreting these lines can reveal humongous information about your life, leading to true self-discovery.

It is often said nobody knows one better than oneself. This is true to some extent, but it is not the whole truth. You view yourself through a distorted lens. You may believe that you are a very charming and kind person, but if you look a little closer at yourself, you will undoubtedly find traits that cannot be described as charming.

You will discover things that contradict everything you believed you knew about yourself. Fortunately, your true self can be revealed through the palms of your hand. Through a palm reading, you can gain unbiased insight into your real personality. Friends may lie or distort the truth when you ask them what they think of you, but your hand would never hide the truth from you. A friend is unlikely to give

you a hundred percent constructive criticism of your personality. Still, your hand can well do that. Your hand will tell you exactly who you are without overlooking any area of your personality, no matter how undesirable it may seem.

To know your strengths and weaknesses, palm reading can also help with this. Palmistry can help you gain insight into what motivates you and what holds you back. With an accurate reading, you can uncover your strengths and weaknesses and how they impact your life and the decisions you make. More importantly, you can identify your best qualities and determine how you can use them to improve your life.

Decisions are hard to make, especially when they are life-changing.

But decision-making need not be hard. Whether you are thinking of quitting your job or moving in with a partner, palm reading can help you make the right decisions to steer your life towards the best path.

By reading your palm, you can know the right direction to proceed in your relationships, career, and other areas of your life.

Palm reading won’t spell the decision or solution out for you. Still, it will give you insight into what lies ahead of whatever path you want to choose. If you discover the path is the wrong one, you can easily change your decision and move on to the right path. When you know the right direction to follow, it means you are on the path to discovering your life’s purpose. You can discover the perfect career path for you. Which field are you most likely to succeed in? This is one question you can get the answer to through palm reading.

Palmistry can help you understand why you are here on earth. Like everyone else, you have something to do on this earth. But not everyone knows what that purpose is. Unless you take active steps to discover your life’s purpose, you may not realize what it is.

Determining one’s life purpose is one of the most challenging things to do as a human. It is hard to figure out what your destiny on earth is. Thankfully, a palm reading can be your key to knowing what that thing is.

Other Benefits of Palm Reading

It can help uncover memories of past lives and how they relate to your present and future.

Through palm reading, you can unleash your creative side and optimize your productivity and output.

It can awaken your mind and set you on the path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Palmistry can be used to address and solve issues in every aspect of life. Some things palm reading focuses on are the future goals of an individual and their choices regarding emotions. If you want an art that can help you with your career, relationships, finances, and other vital things, palmistry is the right choice!


Chapter Three: Right or Left – Which Hand to Read?

“Which hand do I read in palm reading?”

This is one of the most debated questions in palm reading. Although I have briefly explained this in the earlier chapter, discussing this more elaborately is vital to your understanding of palm reading. The hand is the single most crucial thing in palm reading. Without the hand, reading cannot take place. As important as the hand is in reading, reading the right hand is even more critical. In this context, the right hand may refer to the right or left hand, depending on the palmistry variation a palm reader uses.

There is a sort of dissonance between the ancient and New Age forms of palm reading. They are both split on the hand to read and the one to exclude during palm reading. Some palm readers believe that the right hand should be read for men and the left hand for women. This is how reading is done in India, where the left hand

represents the goddess Shiva and the right, Shiva’s male consort, Shakti. In the Chinese variation of palmistry, though, it is the opposite. Chinese palmistry believes the right hand should be read for women (Yin) and men’s left hand (Yang). This doesn’t make the Indian technique more effective than the Chinese technique, or vice versa.

One thing generally agreed on is that the hand you use for reading makes a big difference in palmistry. Another thing that palmists generally agree on is that both hands should be used in a reading.

So, as a palmist, never mistakenly read just one hand. It does not matter whether the hand you read is the right one to read – there will be inconsistencies in your reading. Any experienced palmist understands the essence of reading both the right and left hand and their reading differences. There are several differences in reading the right and left hands, based on the many palm-reading variations.

Still, the only difference that matters is what they show to a palmist.

Overall, palmists agree that the hand you read in palmistry determines what is revealed to a palmist. This means that palm reading isn’t about right vs. left hand. So the difference is based on hand dominance; you channel your energy through the hand you use the most. It is not advisable to make assumptions about the hand when doing a reading. For example, to do a reading on a friend, it is best to ask them for their dominant hand and their passive hand. The dominant hand represents a person’s outer persona, which they reveal to friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Your outer world persona is whom the surrounding people interact with every day. The active hand gives insight into how you interact with the world and how the world perceives you.

But your passive hand represents your inner self – the part of you you only reveal to those that are closest to you. This is the side of you that comes to play when you are alone. It is whom you feel like when you are alone with yourself.

What if you use both your right and left hands equally?

This means you are ambidextrous. Ambidexters are harder to read for palmists. To determine which hand to read in an ambidextrous person, you have to check only their thumbs’ strength in both hands;

whichever hand has the more robust thumb is the dominant hand.

Regardless of how one uses both hands skillfully, there will always be one more dominant than the other. Now, if you do your reading from the view of the left or right hand, both will give different insights.

The left and right hand both focus on two versions of yourself: what you are and what you will/could be.

The left hand is often associated with what could/will be, rather than what it is presently. Your left hand can give insight into the opportunities you were born with. For example, if you read a person’s left hand, you can tell whether they have a wealthy background. The left hand reveals information about the family, background, and opportunities a person is born with. It may also disclose information about a person’s potential. Every human is born with potential, big or small, but only the right hand can reveal what is achievable with your potential, i.e., what you will be if you put that potential to work. So, the left hand only reveals what could be. The left hand can also provide insight into your personality and character.

The passive hand can also do this, whether or not it is the left or right hand. Since the left hand is passive and less action-oriented in most people, it can expose your fears, quirks, and admirable qualities.

The right hand is the dominant hand in most people, which means it’s used to engage in many daily life activities. This also means that the right hand carries the most action-based energy. In palmistry, the right hand reveals information about what you do with your potential.

It tells you what you are. It can show you what you did to maximize your potential or where you fell short of that potential. Your right hand may also tell you your destiny or the likeliness of you fulfilling that destiny. It may also reveal your purpose to you. More importantly, your right hand can provide you with a broad scope of your present life, the actions you are taking, and how they can shape your future. This is what some misconceive as predicting the future.

Essentially, the most crucial thing in palm reading is to read both hands. Reading just one hand is akin to watching a movie halfway; you will never get to know the whole story or the outcome. By reading one hand exclusively, you are leaving out important information that can affect your interpretation. The best thing is to read both hands to get different details and consider when making

your interpretation. For example, if you read your right hand exclusively, you might find you are about to experience a career change. Unless you read the other hand, you will not know the reason for the career change. If you read both hands, you might find that the career change resulted from a new opportunity you were privy to.

To put it more succinctly, a better understanding of who you are and who you could be is only achievable through dual-palm readings. By reading both your left and right or dominant and passive hand, you will understand your potential, where it can take you, and, More importantly, how you can utilize your potential to improve your life.

I should note there are cases where single-hand readings may be ideal. For example, if you just want a quick look into your personality traits, a single-hand reading can do that for you. You can get this information by reading only your left hand. You are unlikely to need a right-hand reading unless you want guidance on what personality changes to make. One more thing to note in reading is that you may change your reading styles depending on which hand you are reading.

Superstitions that Influence Hand Choices in

Palm Reading

There used to be many superstitious beliefs about which hand to use in palm reading. Unfortunately, although most of these superstitions don’t exist anymore, many traditional palmists still use them to determine which hand to read. Some palmists believe that hand choice in reading should be based on the gender of the person.

Some believe that age is a determiner in the choice of hand for reading. Others believe that luck, accuracy, and line changes all play a determining role in which hand to read. Suppose you want to take the use of your palm reading knowledge beyond yourself. There, you must understand the reasoning behind these superstitions.

In the past, gender was often used to determine which hand to read, even though it makes no actual difference. Traditional palmists prefer to read women’s left hand and men’s right hand. Sometimes, they disregard reading the other hand, based on this belief. This belief was then because the right hand is the dominant and active hand in most people. Men used to be the ones with career and economic power, and as a result, palmists used to read their right hand.

On the contrary, women were more passive, with fewer career options and little to no economic power. So, traditional European palm readers disregarded reading a women’s right hand. Instead, they focused on their left hand to discover more about their personality traits. As women’s rights expanded, readers took a more egalitarian approach to palm reading. Still, some palmists stick to this technique regarding traditions.

Another belief that affected hand choice in palm reading is that the right hand should be read for people above 30, while the left hand is read for people under 30. This belief was because reading the right hand reveals what you become as an adult. Palmists then believed that reading the right hand for people under 30 would reveal too much information or, sometimes, divulge inaccurate information.

Fortunately, this belief is not common among modern palmists because its validity has been disregarded over the years. You can find accomplishments and changes in the right hands of anybody,

even children. There is no age-limit to accomplishments; hence, age shouldn’t affect which hand you use for reading.

Traditional palmists used to believe that luck plays a part in hand choice for palm reading. The left hand used to be associated with bad luck. Actually, the word sinister originates from the Latin word for

“left.” Being left-handed used to be a form of stigma for many people in those days. If you were left-handed, you were automatically believed to carry bad luck. So, palmists often avoided reading the left hand because they don’t want to spark lousy luck for themselves.

Although this belief is almost nonexistent, many palmists still use it as an excuse to get out of reading both hands during a palm reading session.

The bottom line is that it does not matter which hand you read if you read both hands in a palmistry session. You cannot read one hand without the other. If you wish to unravel the truth about your life, you must read both hands. Reading each hand individually is the key to discovering their unique qualities. But dual-hand reading is crucial in interpreting what you learn separately from both hands to arrive at a wholesome outcome.

Now that you know which hand (or both) to use in palm reading, let’s look at how to read hands based on size and shape.

Chapter Four: Reading Hand Size and Shape

The size and shape of your hands say more about you than you even know about yourself. Your hand size reveals a lot about your personality explicitly. If you are just starting in palm reading, hand size is one of the easiest things to learn and practice off the bat. This is why I am introducing you to actual reading with hand size. A person’s hand size can either be small or large. But before I delve into what a small hand means and what large hands represent, you need to know what determines a large or small hand first. How do you know whether your hand is small or large?

It is easy to make assumptions about small and large hands. At first, you may think that. When you consider that short people tend to have hands smaller than taller people, and adults generally have

hands bigger than children, you will realize that the answer is not that simple or obvious. To determine your hand’s size and whether it is small or large, you have to measure it relative to your body proportions. You cannot get your correct hand size if you measure it in relativity to other people. It doesn’t matter whether your hand appears smaller beside that of another person.

One easy way to measure your hand size accurately is to hold your hand straight in front of your face, leaving the base of your palm to rest on your chin. Your fingers should be facing upward. Let the hand be straight, and try not to curve it around your nose. If your nose keeps you from holding your hand straight, leave some space between your hand and your face. If you have a large hand, you will find that your hand stretches beyond your forehead’s middle point.

The larger your hands, the more it stretches above the midpoint.

In contrast, a small hand reaches just below the middle point of your forehead. The smaller your hand, the farther it is from the midpoint.

Suppose your hand reaches the midpoint of your forehead. There, this implies it is average-sized, and it likely combines qualities prominent in both small and large hands.

People’s hands are relative to their body size. But there are people with disproportionate hand sizes. So, just because a person has a large body does not mean they have large hands. This goes for people with small bodies too. An individual can have a small body and somewhat large hands.

People with small hands tend to look at the bigger picture when making a decision. The smaller your hand, the more likely you are to consider the big picture when making any decision. Small hands mean you pay little attention to the tiny details; you focus on the critical details. This means you don’t appreciate the details that may help break down a problem into smaller parts. Small-handed people try to solve a problem as a whole instead of doing it in parts. They are the definition of all-or-nothing.

Also, small-handed people tend to work in practical and creative fields. A small-handed person is more likely to be a sales manager than a large-handed person. They also delegate work to several people instead of participating in that process themselves. They

want to see the progress of multiple endeavors at once, so they’d rather not be the one to deal with one problem in small, deep steps.

This is because dealing with things on their own requires them to pay attention to the intricate details. As resourceful as small-handed people are, they prefer to work behind the scenes without seeking recognition for what they do.

Small-handed people may not like solving problems in steps and paying attention to the tiny details because they are prone to be quick-thinkers. Due to this, they like doing things fast and snappy.

Solving a problem in steps while paying mind to the tiny details is a long process that takes quite a bit of time, and that is why small-handed people don’t like to do this. This process is more suitable for people who take their time to solve a problem or address a need.

If you have small hands, then you are likely a quick decision-maker.

You don’t like to mull over things. You’d instead do it quickly and be done with it. This might make you act impulsively or take risks without analyzing all the details first. You may also prefer a busy life and complicated social situations where everything is fast-paced due to you being a quick thinker. You thrive best when things are busy and fast-paced.

The larger the hand of a person is, the more they like getting into all the details. Large-handed people find paying attention to details, no matter how small, enjoyable, and satisfactory. More importantly, they prefer to do things on their own rather than delegating to others. This attention to detail makes them notice problems faster than others. It also makes them more critical than small-handed people.

Regardless of gender, large-handed people tend to focus on one thing at a time. They cannot get involved in several processes simultaneously. To solve a problem, they carefully consider all the facts and figures before they arrive at a conclusion or use the outcome to decide. Because of their need to consider all the details, decision-making is a relatively lengthy and slow-paced process for them. Slow and steady is the best way to describe a large-handed person. The negative of paying attention to all the details is that a large-handed individual may get lost in the details. They often fail to see the bigger picture. Because of that fact, they need someone in their life who will regularly remind them of the bigger picture.

In palm reading, hand size is associated with the earth element. The larger your hands, the more earth element you have in your hand. As you will find in a later chapter, the earth element makes people steady and grounded. So, large-handed people tend to have those qualities that define steadiness. Even in social situations, they tend to be observant, patient, and thoughtful.

When doing a reading, you cannot make your conclusions by reading just the hand size. You need to consider the size in relation to the shape and other things such as the length of your fingers. It is common for palmists to see a small-handed person with other hand features that only make them potentially impulsive. Here, they may be less impulsive and more analytical in certain situations. For example, suppose you do a reading on a small-handed person. You get one sign that shows them to be impulsive and two other signs that imply they are cautious thinkers. This might mean they are generally cautious thinkers, but they often have moments of quick thinking and impulsiveness.

One of the most important things to consider when analyzing small or large hands is the hand’s shape. The shape of the hand determines the kind of hand a person has. Below are the types of hand you will find when doing palm readings.


Types of Hands

Just as your face is unique to you, your hand is also unique to you.

No two people have the same hands. Although hands may all look the same at first glance, you will find that people’s hands are not identical. Still, to help you understand hands, experienced palmists have categorized the human hand into seven types. This helps for better classification and analysis when doing palm readings.

Note: In palmistry, hands are classified based on size, shape, elements, etc. The classification below is based on hand shapes. In a subsequent chapter, we will discuss the types of hands according to the elements. Remember that these things are intertwined. Below is a chart with illustrations of the type of hands.

Elementary Hand

Elementary hands often have a thick texture, and the fingers appear to be short and stubby. This gives them a club-like appearance. The fingernails are usually broad, and the fingertips are somewhat squarish. The elementary hand is what you often find in people who fall under the labor class. This is the hand you see when doing a reading on a manual worker. The hand lines may be hard to read because they are lost in the coarseness of the hand. You may find it

hard to spot distinctive lines, but they are usually short and straight when you see a line. Individuals like this tend to be hardworking and stubborn. Contrary to expectations, they often love their work because it genuinely makes them happy. Their hands reflect the years of hard work they have put in over their lifetime.

An individual with elementary hands may also have a pale hand color and coarse skin texture. Such a person may be temperamental, emotionless, unsympathetic, and slow thinking.

They rarely think much of the future. Plus, they are pain-resistant more than any other hand. Note that elementary hands also have a tendency to be large. But sometimes, you might find a person with both small and elementary hands.

Square Hand

The square hand naturally appears to be a square. You can tell a square hand from the equal length of the palm and fingers.

Sometimes, the base of the palm and the tips of the fingers appear almost equal. The thumbs are moderate-sized and well set. The nails of a square hand also look like a square, more or less. A person with square hands often has smaller hands compared to the rest of their body. The skin texture of a square hand is thick, rough, and coarse. Suppose you have square hands. There, you lead a convenient and realistic life. You also have a propensity for the smaller details when solving a problem or analyzing a condition.

A square-handed person is more likely to work in the business field than in any other field. They make very successful businessmen and businesswomen. This is mostly due to their social and outgoing disposition. But their tendency to be social and outgoing also makes them prone to volatility. If you have square hands, that means: You look at the practical side of things more often than not.

You are not one to daydream about things. You would instead take action and get what you want to be done.

You are more logical than emotional when making a decision.

You are very strategic.

You don’t enjoy doing things in a hurry. You like to take your time.

Conic Hand

You may also refer to this type of hand as the artistic hand. From the name, you can tell that this hand appears to be a cone. The fingers of the conic hand are tapering. The texture of this hand is often soft and fleshy. Just because a person has artistic hands does not mean they are in the artistic field. Conic hands belong to people who are highly creative, imaginative, and artistic. Palmists call it the artistic hand because people with this hand tend to enjoy artistic things, such as paintings, drawings, colors, music, and nature.

A conic-handed person may be highly emotional, almost to the point of volatility. Also, they may be indolent and lazy. For a conic-handed person to achieve success and growth in life, it is crucial to keep laziness under control. Otherwise, it may become a stumbling block on their way to success. Conic-handed people often succeed as teachers, politicians, speakers, artists, etc.

But it is not advisable to make conclusions just by looking at the shape of the hand. When reading a conic hand, read the headline and observe the thumb in-depth to get a more resounding accuracy.

Spatulate Hand

The spatulate hand has an irregular shape and look. It often looks crooked with big pads in the fingertips. Another name for the spatulate hand is the active nervous hand. Generally, spatulate hands have massive fingertips. From the name, this hand looks somewhat like a spatula. Although the fingers are tapering like a conic hand, the palm’s base is often broader. The thumb is also wide and large. The fingers’ root is wider than the wrist, or the wrist is wider than the root of the fingers. It can go both ways. People with spatulate hands have an enormous amount of energy and strength.

They can’t keep their hands still because they frequently need to be channeling that energy towards something. This is one reason it is also called the active nervous hand.

If you have the spatulate hand, you love invention and discovery.

You are innovative, and you put your imagination to work a lot. You also have a constant need for knowledge, so you may like reading books and searching for knowledge through other sources. Being spatulate-handed means you are excitable and restless by nature.

This restlessness may also indicate enthusiasm towards achieving your goals. It also means you take risks without considering all possible angles. Due to the broader wrist, spatula hands mean you are impulsive. The broader finger roots represent practicality in everything you do.

If you have spatulate hands, you are likely to succeed in fields that require innovation and invention. You will make a great inventor, explorer, navigator, or engineer.

Philosophic Hand

Philosophic hands have a long, thin, and bony look, coupled with knotty joints. They often appear to be angular. A rule of thumb in palmistry is that people with philosophic hands are studious people.

They have an excellent affinity for literature, and they consume books voraciously. A person with a philosophic hand would rather spend their time reading than spending time with friends.

For this reason, they may lead a lonely and ascetic life. Most people with philosophic hands enjoy sedentary work, which means they are usually involved with religious, spiritual, and philosophical activities.

Those who contribute to science, philosophy, art, occultism, alchemy, and similar fields often possess philosophic hands. In this modern age, you can recognize such a person through their mechanical lifestyle.

To identify a philosophic hand, look out for a square-looking or angular base and knotty fingers. An individual with this kind of hand is efficient and driven by research. They have a thirst to know, so they often create new science, art, and literary theories. This is due to their studious and practical nature. One thing about the philosophic hand is it very rarely indicates material success. Also, people with philosophic hands have difficulty hoarding money, yet they may appear materialistic. Philosophic-handed people are mentally gifted.

Psychic Hand

This is also called the idealistic hand. Similar to the philosophic hand, the psychic hand is long and slender. But unlike the philosophic hand, the psychic hand often comes with smooth joints.

The palm is thin and narrow, with a pale and smooth appearance. In

this hand, you will find different lines along the surface. These lines signify the spiritual channels that a person will take along the way to their life path. The connection with spiritual energies and channels makes psychic-handed people idealistic. They don’t concern themselves with material success and worldly achievements. They may appear to be less successful in life.

A psychic-handed person may take a more spiritual approach to issues because they are not thinking practically. But they also are imaginative, contemplative, and patient. Finally, they have high hopes for themselves, especially on spiritual matters.

Hand size and shape are pivotal in palm reading, but they are not the only things to look out for. Next, let’s discuss hand texture and color and what they represent in reading and interpretation.

Chapter Five: Texture and Color Many palmists go straight to hand lines during a palm reading session because they believe that is where the answer lies. But you can’t get an accurate reading unless you take other things into perspective. Skin texture and palm color are two of the most essential things that can give you critical background information on a person’s character, energy, and strength.

So, before you even proceed to the hand lines, you need to take an in-depth and critical look at the hand’s texture, consistency, color, and flexibility. You can get a full understanding of a person’s composition by noting these things. In more ways than one, these factors can influence your interpretation of what you read. For instance, there is a difference between how delicate skin and coarse skin affect health.

Texture is the first thing I want to explain in-depth because it affects the hand’s color and consistency. Texture refers to the feel of the skin. When you touch your hand, how does it feel? Does it feel rough or smooth? The texture is your key to knowing your natural refinement. If your skin has a soft and delicate texture, that means you are a sensitive person. Everything you do is influenced by the quality of refinement of your skin texture. The quality of skin texture can estimate character and health. To determine texture, you have to rub your hand over the skin on the back of the hand.

Slightly Smooth

Skin texture can be slightly smooth. This is a point between smoothness and coarseness. When someone has slightly smooth skin, it means that the texture is average. An average skin texture is often found in women. This skin texture is not so soft to where it feels silky. You can see relatively visible ridges when you look at the texture. More so, it feels like paper when you rub on it. Slightly smooth skin represents a moderate amount of sensitivity and energy. People with this skin type are usually receptive with fairly good conversational and social skills. You are likely to find this texture in doctors, lawyers, or an office worker.

Slightly Coarse

Texture can also be slightly coarse, which means it tilts towards coarseness more than softness. A slightly coarse skin texture shows somewhat visible ridges on the palm and fingerprints. It is almost similar to the slightly smooth texture, but it feels a little coarser than paper. You will find this skin type in individuals who are physically and mentally vital to a reasonable extent.

But they are neither particularly sensitive nor refined. People like this are motivated, hard-working, active, sporty, and well grounded.

Thin Skin

Thin skin is another texture you will find in people. This skin type comes with more delicate lines than others. You will notice a fine line scattered all over with ridges almost invisible on the palm. The palm may appear to be transparent with veins and blotches showing. A person with thin skin is less vibrant because of a lack of sufficient physical energy. They also have increased physical and physiological sensitivity. They don’t deal well with criticism. They also turn out to be impulsive and impatient.

Smooth and Delicate

Smooth and delicate skin texture rarely has visible ridges and fingerprints. You can’t easily pick out the ridges when reading a smooth and delicate hand. So, you have to be keen and observant to make sure you miss nothing. The palm of a smooth skin feels like silk to the touch. It is also covered in several fine lines. This is the most refined and sensitive skin.

People with this skin type have a gentle, receptive, and introspective nature. They are often quiet because they would rather think about things than participate in gossip and needless talks.

Coarse Skin

Coarse skin is also called rough skin. This is the skin type with hyper visible ridges. It often comes with significant lines on the palm. You are more likely to find this skin type on a man than a woman. When you touch this skin, don’t be surprised it feels

like sandpaper. Coarse skin is often abrasive and hardened to the touch. Rough-skinned people are less sensitive. They may not be sensitive. They often have a hard time with empathy.

Someone with rough skin may prefer to live an outdoor lifestyle.

They would rather be out with nature than be stuck in closed spaces for long. They often find careers that involve hard work and manual labor, which is why you will mostly find this skin type in builders, farmers, and mechanics. If a person with rough skin isn’t in the labor class, it can represent long-term stress.

Thick Skin

Some palmists confuse thick skin and rough skin for each other. Some believe they are the same, but thick skin differs from rough skin. Unlike rough skin, thick skin comes with visible and deep lines. You can also see the ridges and fingerprints when you look at the skin. Note that thick skin can be coarse or smooth, depending on the person. But generally, thick-skinned people are healthy, energetic, and full of vitality. They are also less sensitive to criticism, but not in the same way as rough-skinned people.

Soft and Flabby

Texture may also be soft and flabby. This is when the skin is loose. There is a discerning lack of firmness when you touch a skin like this. Usually, you find this texture in aging people.

Otherwise, that means the person is indolent and daydreams or procrastinate. There is little evidence of muscular development in flabby skin, partly due to inactivity. Someone with this skin type may need to spend more time engaging in physical activities. Sometimes, loose and flabby skin is an indicator of ill health. It also indicates nervousness and sensitivity in some people.

Delicate skin portrays sensitivity and refinement. Delicate skin is often found in ambitious, goal-oriented, and practical people. But coarse skin portrays a lack of refinement or sensitivity. Coarse-skinned people are adventurous – yet noncompetitive. The thicker a person’s skin, the more unrefined that person is. This lack of refinement comes with a lot of benefits. For example, rough-skinned

people do not get nearly as ill as sensitive people because their skins protect their body from toxins. But when they do get sick, it comes down hard on them.


Besides texture, color is also vital in palm reading. The color of your palm can tell the state of your health. By observing the palm of your hand, a professional palmist can discover any problems with your body and assess your physical condition. You can also use it to predict a set of patterns connected to your fate. Color can also be used to examine personality and character. To know someone’s character, you can easily do this by studying his or her palm, precisely the color. Everyone has different palm colors. You may have pink palms while the person next to you has a yellow or red palm. Palm may also have a beige or white color. If you check your palm and that of another person simultaneously, you will observe a color difference. This difference may be subtle or vivid, depending on certain factors.

The color of your palm is your key to seeing how blood circulation goes on in your body. It also shows when there is a lack of circulation. Your blood runs through veins and arteries, and it absorbs and carries away impurities that can affect your life quality.

In doing this, your blood is helping to renew and support your life. As the blood purifies your veins and arteries, your lungs also help purify your blood. Without the help of the heart, blood cannot run through the body continuously as it does.

Your skin gets its color from the quality and amount of blood flowing through your body. If the blood flowing through your body is impure, it shows on your skin and your palm. And it is often an indication that your health will suffer if you don’t do something soon. Even if the blood is only half-pure, it affects the quality of your health, regardless. When the blood is flowing, it is evident from the skin.

Should blood circulation become impure to the extent where it results in ill health, it can affect a person’s mind and temperament.

And this is how you can use palm color to know the state of a person’s health, character, and behavioral pattern.

Before you do a reading, note that temperature could change the color of your palms. This is why the environment you do your reading in shouldn’t be cold or hot. It should be just right. Also, when reading, observe the color of the palm, not the back of your hand. Color is

less likely to change due to being outdoors or getting sunburned.

The hand’s thickness will also make a difference in your palm’s color, which is why you must consider other features such as fingernails and palm lines.


White hands

White hands are pale-colored hands. They rarely show any sign of blood. Instead, they express a lack of warmth, coldness, desirability, and life. Pale-colored hands portray a lack of interest in social activities and pleasantries. They don’t like to do things to please other people. The palm is white because the blood isn’t circulating adequately. Maybe they have a weak heart, which makes it difficult for blood to pump effectively. White-handed people lack passion and enthusiasm. They are emotionally cold and have no interest in love.

But they are almost mystical. People like this also have a highly imaginative and active mind, which steers them towards literature.

Health-wise, a white-handed person may be showing signs of anemia or some other dangerous blood disease. If both the palm and the fingers are pale and white, this may be a sign of hypertension. If the whiteness affects just the middle of the palm, it may mean the person is recently dealing with stomach trouble.

If someone has white hands:

They lack enthusiasm for work or relationships

They prefer to live alone

They don’t attend parties or social functions

They deal with many financial problems

They are mentally stressed

Sometimes, the white on the palm might appear bright instead of dull. Here, it means they are a little enthusiastic about their work. It also indicates a peaceful person.

Pink Hand

The pink hand indicates a healthy blood flow in the body, a sign of vitality and good health. Pink hand means that a person is warm, vibrant, and happy. They have just the right amount of blood pumping through their veins, so they do not feel pressured by overflow or weakened by an underflow. Pink may be light pink or dark pink. If someone’s palm is dark pink, it means they can be

made happy quickly. Generally, they experience and express emotions easily. They can also become angry quickly if they don’t get what they want. Their thoughts are ever-changing. They may say something now and change their mind when the time comes.

Light-pink hands mean that a person is good-natured with happy thoughts. They are patient and peaceful. Happiness is a constant for them, and people admire them for their qualities. Regardless of their condition, they are always happy and grateful. They are always optimistic. They enjoy having people around them because they believe that is the key to enjoying life.

If someone has pink hands:

They carry good luck around

They often get double the amount of their input in anything They are physically and mentally vibrant

They are surrounded by positive energy

The pink color is overall a sign of positivity all-round, from career to relationship to life as a whole.

Red Hand

If your palm is red, it indicates an intense blood flow. The redness of the palm is based on the force of the blood flow through the body. It shows a level of intensity applied to everything from business to love or social life. Someone with a red hand may have difficulty controlling his or her emotions. They lose their temper over the flimsiest issues. The lack of self-control can push them to the point of aggressiveness and even physical violence. But sometimes, it depends on where the redness is on your hand. If the redness is more prominent in the palm than any other place, this may mean they can’t control their anger. Conversely, if the red is shiny and smooth, it indicates financial prosperity and auspiciousness.

If the redness only appears in some parts of the palm, it may indicate that a person has blood pressure problems. Deep red means that the person may soon suffer from a nerve-related health problem.

They may also deal with high blood pressure and other related conditions. Red-handed people are usually hospitable. If the red is bright, it indicates that such a person likes to take a hands-on approach to solve problems and addressing their needs. This does

not mean they don’t trust or believe in other people. They just like to do things by themselves.

If someone has red hands:

They are temperamental

They have a problem with self-control

They are often serious-minded and responsible

They are prone to succeeding at things they do

Someone with a red hand needs to be careful of their temper because it makes them vulnerable to being hit by a stroke or falling ill to other conditions.

Blue or Purple Hand

The hand may be bluish or purplish looking because of inadequate blood flow. This usually means you are in poor health. Blue rarely affects temperament; it often indicates health. If your hands appear to be bluish, it may reveal a weak pulse in the heart. If the palm shows blue or purple all over, it is an indication of critical health. But if the blue only appears as spots on your palm, it means that blood flow is imbalanced in the body.

There, you are not in a critical state of health. Suppose you check someone’s palm, and you get something that shows they might have health problems. There, it is best to advise them to see a doctor instead of outrightly telling them they likely have a heart problem or something else. This is to avoid frightening them.

If someone has blue hands:

They are generally indifferent and introverted

They may be prone to heart problems

They need to pay more attention to their health They are dependent on others

Blue also suggests that a person is dealing with fear, likely irrational or not.

Yellow Hand

Yellowish palms can be a pointer to over-secretion of bile, which could lead to liver dysfunction. In the body, bile is crucial to the digestion of food. Typically, it shouldn’t be found in the blood to the extent where you can see it on your skin. When bile somehow ends

up in the bloodstream, the body perceives it as a foreign invader it must naturally get rid of. If it becomes too much in the bloodstream and eventually shows on the skin, it makes the palm assume a yellowish look. Excess bile in the bloodstream can irritate your brain and nerves. This might cause you to become cranky, moody, and cynical. Depending on how yellow your palm is, you might even become gloomy.

When you are easily irritated and unsociable, you don’t make good company. This inadvertently affects your social life and possibly your relationships with loved ones. If the yellow color goes beyond the palm to your nails and hand lines, it could mean you are dealing with a more severe condition.

If an individual has yellow hands:

They may be dealing with more than one disease

They easily attract partners

They need to check their diet and eating habit

Their health requires more attention

Yellow hands may also indicate that they are unlucky with gambling and activities related to money.

Black or Muddy Hand

Some people have blackish or muddy hand color, which reflects a life of struggles. Black indicates negativity in health, career, and relationship. It may also be a pointer to the conflict in the future. A person with black hands may face many problems in life. They are prone to health and financial problems, as well as social isolation.

Black hand is often taken as a sign of bad luck. If the blackness only appears as spots on the hand, this could be a sign of disease.

Someone with this hand color should continuously find ways to improve their physical and overall condition. Otherwise, they may live their whole life, moving from one struggle to another.

Note: Colors are not permanent. Whatever color a person’s hand shows at a specific time reflects their health and character then.

Meaning, a person’s color cannot always remain the same.

Sometimes, palms change color due to inadequate blood circulation in the body. Other times, color changes occur because of some adverse event. It helps to pay attention to your palm and watch as

the color changes. If you regularly pay mind to these changes, you can turn situations in your favor. The best color to have is pink color, which indicates good health, good character, and a quality state of mind.

I would like to note you should never outrightly diagnose a medical condition through palm reading. Whatever you get in your reading, always back it up by consulting with a licensed medical practitioner.

Don’t diagnose diseases just from palm color or texture alone.

Remember, these indices are ever-changing depending on the person involved.


Flexibility refers to the ability of your hand to adapt itself to different conditions. The flexibility of your hand reflects the flexibility of your hand. It also shows the quality and overall condition of your mind.

Basically, a flexible hand equals a flexible mind, and a stiff hand equals a stiff mind. Yet, it is not that simple. There are gray areas when examining the flexibility of your hand. When doing a hand analysis, flexibility is checked to evaluate the mental state of a person.

The flexibility of your hand is portrayed by how easily it bends backward. To examine your hand’s flexibility, stretch your right hand outward with the palms looking upward. Then, use your left hand to exert pressure on the stretched hand until it bends as backward as possible. The farther your hand goes, the more flexible it is. When you do this simple exercise, observe whether your hand as a whole is flexible or if you can only bend it at the joint of your knuckles. If your whole hand is flexible, you will find that your fingers bend alongside your knuckle joints. During your examination, you may notice there are varying degrees of flexibility. The hand can stretch back up to 45 degrees. In someone else, it might bend to where it takes some time even to straighten your fingers. It depends on how flexible your mind and your emotions are.

Usually, there are three degrees of flexibility in the hand. First, you have the standard flexibility. Also called regular or average flexibility, when you press back on your hand, it opens wide and straight to its full extent. This kind of flexibility is considered good enough in palmistry. Second, some hands form a graceful arch when you bend them back, and it doesn’t cause pain when you do this. This is considered very flexible. Then, you have the hands that don’t open up no matter how you press them backward. Even if you want them to open to their full extent, they can because of the fingers’ inability to extend. These are called stiff hands because they barely have any flexibility.

When you have average flexible hands, it means you find it easy to adapt to life. You are versatile in how you approach issues. If you have stiff hands, it implies that you don’t appreciate change. You

always want things to remain as they are. You may find it hard to change your habits or behaviors. It also means you don’t particularly consider other people’s perspectives on issues. You prefer to stick with your own view.

If your hand is what we call very flexible, that means you are very adaptable and versatile. But if you have hands like this, coupled with other features that also indicate versatility, this can pose a problem.

You may become too versatile to the extent where you can’t master one thing. Remember that saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none?” Well, that would be the perfect saying to describe you. The thumb you have may determine whether you can control your flexibility. We will refer to this in the chapter about thumbs.

Stiff Hand

People with stiff hands are typically unprogressive. They are rarely innovative because they prefer to stick to the traditional ways of doing things. They believe in working hard and saving to generate wealth. Stiff-handed people don’t think success is achievable in any other way except through hard work, saving, and deprivation. So, you won’t find them spending their money on the latest gadgets.

Though, just as their hands are stiff, their mouths are also tightly closed. You can trust a stiff-handed person with your secret because they are unlikely to tell it to another person. This is partly due to their stinginess. Yes, they are stingy, even with information. Below are traits common with stiff hands:

Closemindedness and immobility of the mind

Overly cautious of new people and adventures

Inclined to stinginess and narrowness

Lack of adaptability

Fear of adventures and new ideas


Average Flexible Hand

This is the hand of someone that likes to approach things moderately. They are balanced in everything they do. People with averagely flexible hands take life seriously. They are continually trying to understand life. They strive to understand the difficulties of

the human race. As thoughtful, earnest, and broad-minded as they are, they are within bounds in their thinking. They defy extremism.

A balanced sense of self-control

Likes to remain within safe boundaries instead of pushing for the extreme

Listens and understand before responding to issues Neither rash nor over-enthusiastic

Ability to use and spend money properly

Reasonably charitable and outgoing

Sympathetic towards others

Not held back by traditions

Very Flexible Hand

When the hand is flexible, it also means that the mind is highly mobile. It portrays someone who can quickly adapt to any situation, almost to the point of faultiness. The more flexible your mind is, the more brilliant you are. This shows in the characters of people with very flexible hands. They can do many things at once. Their talents are diverse, which makes them prone to an inability to focus in one direction. If you have a flexible hand, you are likely to be very generous, sympathetic, and empathetic. You don’t believe money should be hoarded. You believe it should be used in securing your wants and possibly that of your close ones.

Emotional and empathetic

Quick-thinking and learning

A tendency to overthink things

Creative, imaginative, and artistic

Extremely generous with money and resources

Self-aware and introspective

Ability to master and understand the impression of others Hair on Hand


When you become very experienced in the art of palmistry, you will find you don’t even need to see the person’s face before you can decipher and reveal things about them. Suppose you have to read a person behind a curtain. This means you can’t see their face. Here, the hair on that person’s hand is important to your study. It helps to

know about the rules around the growth of hair on the hand. The hair is one-way nature fulfills its purpose (s) in connection with our body.

Scientists say that hairs are similar to tubes that connect to your skin and nerves. The energy in your body exits through the hair. Thus, you can determine the nature of a person by examining and analyzing their hair color. Since energy exits through the hair, it affects the color of the hand. Basically, the hair color on your hand reflects the energy coursing through your whole system.

For example, if you have a considerable amount of iron in your system, it flows through the tubes and colors the hair. The color could be black, blond, brown, white, or even gray, depending on the amount of iron or pigment in your body. People with blond or fair-looking hair often have small amounts of iron and pigment in their system. As a rule of thumb, people like this are generally gentle, languid, and listless. They are also more susceptible to influences from their environment than people with darker hair.

Individuals with dark hair tend to be passionate, temperamental, and less energetic when working. They are also highly irritable yet

affectionate than people with fairer hair. Often, the color of the hair on the hand also determines its texture. For instance, red hair is usually coarser than other hair colors such as brown, blond, and black. The tubes through which energy passes to exit the hair may be wider depending on the amount of energy coursing through. It may make a person very excitable and impulsive if the energy is forceful and of great quantity.

When a person starts getting old, the energy generated considerably reduces. It also no longer emits through the hair tubes since most of it used to keep the body going. When this happens, it results in a decline of pigment flow through the hair. This makes the hair turn white, which is why a person’s hair may become whiter the older they become. Other things that often result in white hair include shock and grief. How does this happen? When one experiences something that triggers grief or shock, there is a rush of nervous energy that forcefully flows through the hair tube with the pigments.

The natural reaction to this is that the hair turns white. Rarely will the hair gain its color back after experiencing such a strain.

Let’s take the United States, for example. Many people in the U.S.

have white hair on their hands due to a mix of different factors. The first is the climatic conditions, which causes people to develop a competitive mindset. The state of mind of people in the U.S. typically keeps them on their feet. Despite circumstances, they don’t mind enjoying life. Another factor that causes white hair is the kind of lifestyle pressure that many people experience. These factors and more can contribute to how hair color appear on people’s hands.

Chapter Six: Reading Fingernails Initially, I wanted to talk about the fingernails under the color and texture chapter, but I decided against it because the fingernail is one of the most critical components to study in hand analysis. It deserves to have its own chapter. The color, texture, and shape of your fingernail can say a great deal about you to someone who knows how to read fingernails.

In palm reading, you can tell an individual’s luck by looking at their fingernail’s shape. The size of the fingernail can also determine the character of a person. You can learn more about yourself by studying your fingernails. Just like skin texture, nails show the quality of different aspects of your life. It also reflects the health of your nervous system. The healthier your nervous system, the healthier your names will appear. Fingernails protect your nerve endings, so your ability to cope with stress is evident in their appearance. The longer and larger your nails, the more you can cope with stress. This also applies to the opposite. One by one, I discuss the meaning of the fingernail’s color, shape, and size.

In most people, the nail shape is based on the type of fingertip, i.e., if the fingertip is narrow or thick. Before we delve into this, keep in mind that your nail can change over time, depending on your habits.

For instance, someone who continually deals with stress, anger, or nervousness may develop a fan-shaped nail. But if the problem causing the stress or anger goes away, the nail returns to its natural shape. Small fingernails can become more prominent over time if a person changes their habit or lifestyle.


The shape of the fingernail is typically classified by length and width.

Usually, the reasonable length a person’s nails should be is half the upper phalange’s length. Realistically, the nail should neither be short nor long. It shouldn’t be bitten.

So, you have:

Large and Broad Nails

The wider a nail is, the healthier and stronger your nervous system is. Physiologically, people with large and broad nails have stamina, which means they are resilient. They can stay calm amid any situation, no matter how rousing the situation is.

They are also very patient. The largeness of the nails makes the excellent shields for nerve endings. This keeps their nervous system in excellent shape, which in turn influences their ability to cope with stressful and triggering situations. If the nail is wide and short with a small space between the fingertip and the nail, it shows an individual who is critical and judgmental of others. Such a person is quick-tempered and quite opinionated. But if the nail is both broad and long, it portrays someone honest and straightforward.

Long and Narrow Nails

Narrow fingernails suggest a sensitive nervous system.

Sometimes, it indicates a lack of strength. People with this kind of nails are usually mild-tempered and romantic. Now, if the thin nails are long, it means you are also a very imaginative person.

You are inclined to pay attention to your environment and your surroundings’ details, which makes you very creative. But you

also tend to believe and trust people easily. As a result, you need to work on increasing your alertness. This will help protect you from potential harm in your environment. Also, long and narrow nails may indicate that you have tough luck with interpersonal relationships. Your relationships rarely work out, and when they do, they don’t last that long. Narrow and short nails portray someone selfish, materialistic, and narrow-minded. Such a person may also be afraid to take risks.

Small Nails

Small fingernails are typically closer to the fingertips. They tend to be narrow, with plenty of flesh on both sides. If you have this type of nail, you likely have a curious nature. You love to know things, so you are always inquiring and seeking knowledge.

You are also sharp, witty, and may find it challenging to manage your emotions. Small nails may also mean that your resistance to illness is low.

Short Nails

Nails often become short due to years of biting. If the nail is short, to where it looks like half of a nail, it shows a critical person with an uneven temper. This person may also be argumentative, meaning they get into conflicts and debates. It does not matter whether the nail is broad or narrow. This characteristic is peculiar to people with short nails. If you have short nails, you may get bored quickly. You may also be hard to please. If your nails are only slightly short, that portrays a quizzical nature.

Oval/Round Nails

This is the most general nail shape. It portrays someone with a well-rounded and balanced nature. Someone like this rarely responds to a situation with anger or spitefulness. If the round nail is long, it could mean that their health is not in good shape.

A broad and round nail suggests an individual with a kind and gentle disposition. This means you can get along with everybody. Your social skill is at an admirable high. This person is also adaptable, versatile, and creative. If round and small, it suggests a lack of physical or mental strength.

Fan-Shaped Nails

A fan-shaped nail is narrow at the base in comparison with the tip. Coupled with a soft skin texture, a fan-shaped nail suggests someone who constantly battles with nervousness, stress, illness, and a lack of vibrancy. On a firmer skin texture, though, this nail portrays someone sensitive and possibly bad-tempered, yet determined. Depending on which finger has the fan-shaped nail, the meaning can change from finger to finger.

On the middle finger, a fan-shaped nail means you continuously worry over your business, career, or money. On the index finger, it shows someone that always stresses overachieving personal and professional goals. On your ring finger, it means you are struggling with artistic expression. On the pinkie, it gives information about intimacy and communication.

Rectangle-Shaped Nails

A rectangle nail also relatively wide may indicate a thoughtful and conscious personality. This means you put deep thoughts into your decisions. You are a deep thinker by nature. You are also sympathetic, easy-going, and tolerant of others. If the rectangle nail is long, it may indicate a lack of diplomacy. A narrow rectangle nail shows you are unwilling to take risks, impatient, and narrow-minded.

Squarish Nails

Finally, you have a square-shaped nail, which is the most robust nail type. It indicates vital and good health, plus an even temper. But if the nail is tiny and squarish, you may not be even-tempered. People with this nail type are reliable, serious-minded, practical, and upfront. They also are intelligent and good-natured.

Nail Colors

Nail colors are typically used to evaluate a person’s hand. When using fingernail colors to look for health signs, you use the same principles as you do with the hand. The principle is to find something unusual in color combined with the nail quality. A nail with a delicate texture has shiny and smooth nails. If the hand is smooth, but the nails are rough looking, this means that something is out of balance.

That may well be the subject’s health. Coarse nails are usually found on large and rough-looking hands.

Typically, nails take up to six months to grow from the base to the tip.

Some markings on a nail are timed based on their location at a point in time. For instance, if you find a horizontal ridge along with the nail, it suggests that a change occurred around two to three months ago.

Pliability can be used to evaluate a healthy nail. A pliable nail is, on average, thick with a smooth texture and has a light pink color. The moons on pliable nails are typically milky white and visible on the thumb.

Bluish or Purplish Nail

If you see a bluish or purplish tinge around the nail bed, it could indicate possible respiratory or circulatory issues. The appearance of this color may be due to weather, which means it is temporary. In early teenage and menopausal years, women often have bluish nails – this is absolutely normal. It indicates no health problems. Blue may appear on and off a person’s nails due to changes in their hormones.

Whitish Nail

A whitish color in the nail bed suggests iron deficiency, liver dysfunction, and low vitality. If the white is pale and greyish, it could indicate that a person lacks warmth. This could also mean that one is selfish. Depending on your nails’ quality, this could also portray a fungal disease, especially if the nail is dry and brittle. If the full nail is white with a cloudy spot on the tip and a yellowish base, it may suggest potential kidney disease.

Yellow or Brown Nail

Yellow or brown nails often mean the same thing. A brownish color in the nail bed may indicate a liver condition. It could also

suggest a person has jaundice. If you have a high level of bilirubin in your bloodstream, it can also result in yellowish and brownish spots. Other conditions that may cause your nails to take on a yellow color include fungal infection.

Red Nail

Red fingernails indicate poor blood circulation. If the nails are too red, it may be due to blood pressure problems or cardiovascular disease.

Signs on the Nail

Colored spots sometimes appear on the nails. The appearance of spots on the nails means different things in relation to the type of moons on the nails.

Black Spots: If you have black spots on your nails, this could mean your blood is impure. As a result, you become vulnerable to diseases that are linked to blood impurity. This could be malaria, fever, typhoid, etc. Black spots often appear on the nails temporarily, after which they disappear. Luck-wise, a black spot suggests someone prone to misfortune and calamity. If a black spot appears on a person’s thumb, it may indicate they will commit a crime in the nearest future. On the index finger, a black spot may indicate the loss of a loved one.

If it appears on the pinkie, it suggests a failure in achieving set goals.

White Spots: Typically indicates an obstruction of blood flow and possible disease. If a white spot appears on your thumb, it could mean you will find love soon. It represents success in business if found on your index finger. A white spot on the middle finger could mean you will go on a journey soon.

If you find a white spot on your Apollo finger, it indicates a potential rise in status or life as a whole. Finally, a white spot on the pinkie means you are close to achieving your aim in life. As I have said, you need to consider this information with other things before you make an interpretation.

Half-Moon at the Root of Nails: This typically represents progress in life. On the index finger, it means you are up for a promotion at work or that you will hear some good news soon.

Half-moon on the Saturn finger means you may be expecting some sort of monetary benefit. On the Apollo finger, it means a rise in your societal status. You are likely to become famous in society. This is a lucky sign. If you find a half-moon on your little finger, it portrays an unexpected success in business. On the thumb, a half-moon indicates the growth and success of all kinds. Sometimes, the moon sign becomes bigger than half.

When this happens, it almost covers half of the nail, indicating that something negative will happen.

Some people don’t have the half-moon (lunula) at the base of their fingernails. Usually, the lunula is ever-present on the base of the thumb. Its absence points to inadequate aerobic capacity and blood circulation. Also, it may be a sign of malnutrition or anemia.

Nail Quality

As you have learned, one can also get information about health through the quality of the nails. To evaluate the health of your fingernails, know what to look for. A healthy fingernail: Has a light pink color

Curved nail plate when you face it towards your eyes Has a visible white half-moon at the base that becomes more visible when you push your cuticle.

There are no permanent spots, ridges, grooves, indentations, or lines.

If your nails do not have at least three of these qualities, you can’t be sure about the quality.

If nails appear to be sunken in, this is called a concave nail. This nail portrays physical stress and a general lack of energy. It could become softened due to overexposure to chemicals or water or due to a nutritional deficiency. A concave nail warns of an impending illness, which may be severe.

Humped nail is the direct opposite of the conclave nail. It is typically associated with respiratory disorders, such as pneumonia or emphysema. A humped nail may indicate a weak lung. Smokers have this kind of nail, which suggests inadequate oxygenation. A humped nail with a swollen and severely bitten appearance points to more severe conditions. Sometimes, nails grow over the fingertips and end up looking claw-like. This is common with people who have a dominant nature. People like this may also be problematic. Where someone has humped fingers and no respiratory problems, it signifies tenacity and arrogance.

When the nails are weak and brittle, it signifies a mineral imbalance, which may be due to a low diet. Sometimes, it points to an under-functioning thyroid gland. A person who regularly works in the garden or uses their bare hand for works that involve the use of chemicals is likely to have weak and brittle nails. Sometimes, weak nails are due to the skin’s dryness on the hand, usually resulting from long-time stress.



Fingernail pitting is when there are tiny holes all around your nail plate. When this happens, your nail may look somewhat like the moon’s surface, except with tiny craters. Nail pitting often indicates the presence of one or more skin conditions. If the pits are scattered all over your fingernail plate, it could mean you are dealing with psoriasis. This causes the appearance of scaly patches on the skin.

If the pits look like a grid, that may be alopecia areata, another skin condition that causes hair loss in small, round patches. Finger pitting could also suggest eczema nail injuries.


These are indentations that stretch from the base of the nail up to the tip. They may be vertical or horizontal. They are common indicators of stress and anxiety. If your nails have ridges that appear on all the fingers, it suggests an abrupt change in health, possibly due to stress, infection, dieting, or trauma. Vertical ridges often appear with old age. But, if you find them on a young adult, it represents hormonal changes, nervousness, or poor nutrition. Some people may have ridges on their nails due to the constant use of nail polishers. Should this happen, it could be a cause of nervousness or stress.

Beau’s Lines

These have nothing to do with relationships. Beau’s lines are named after Joseph Beau, who was the first to describe them and their meanings. Beau’s lines are deep lines with a grooved appearance.

They run horizontally across the nails. These lines often show up when the area under your cuticle stops growing due to injury or severe illness. They appear because of different factors, such as circulatory diseases, diabetes, low blood pressure, malnutrition, grief, and shock. They may also appear on the nails of a person who has just undergone surgery. The surgery time can be determined from the precise location of the beau’s lines on the fingernail.


Fingernail clubbing occurs when the fingertip looks swollen, and the nail takes the shape of a dome, which means it’s rounded and curved. The nail usually has a bluish tinge when fingernail clubbing happens. This condition may appear because of lung disease or low oxygen levels. If over three of a person’s fingers have clubbed nails, it indicates that the disease or illness is advanced. Fingernail clubbing is linked to gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and pulmonary diseases.

Spooned Nails

Spooned nails are concave nails, except they look like they have been chopped out. Spooned nails may indicate health problems from iron deficiency to thyroid, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. An example is Raynaud’s disease, which is a disorder that causes fingernail discoloration.

Sometimes, the nail plate becomes loose and separates from the skin. This usually happens as a response to trauma, infection, or injury. It could also signify a severe skin condition. Depending on your reading, loose fingernail also happens because of drug use and solvents.

Conclusively, change in fortune reflects on your nails almost immediately. Suppose you’ve recently experienced a change in your emotional and financial state and health. There, a good palmist can tell by examining your nails. If the changes are not yet effective but are on the way, this will reflect your nails. The nails work as a channel for all the energies you receive from the different planets.

Therefore, always observe it carefully so you can monitor changes in your fortune and health condition.

The point is that just as the color and texture of your hand (palm) affects your reading, fingernail color and texture also has a significant impact on palm reading. An experienced and professional palmist can consider all factors before making conclusions. Next are the elements and how they define hand shape.

Chapter Seven: Reading the Elements – Hand Shape

Remember that we discussed the types of hand based on shape in a previous chapter. Well, there is another way of determining hand shape. Hand elements are an easy way of categorizing the different shapes of the hand. In the 1960s, Fred Gettings established this method of classifying hands based on elements. This method has since been used in palm reading. If you are new to palm reading, elements can make an excellent starting point for your readings.

Starting with the hand’s shape makes reading more straightforward and less complicated in a palm reading session. It is the quickest way to get a broad insight into your subject’s nature and character, whether yourself or another person. By starting with the shape, the subject can be confident that you are talking about them.

One thing about humans is that we are all true to our hand type.

There is often a behavioral pattern that people with earth hands follow. They are typically providing and steady. An air hand is found in people who enjoy mental stimulation. Fire hands mean that a person is active and volatile to an extent. A water hand suggests that the subject is sensitive, creative, and emotional. Understanding the four elements can influence your understanding of an individual and how they operate. More importantly, you must also understand their variations, complexities, and combination.

Air Hand

Air hands have squarish palms and long fingers. In appearance, they are often long and thin. Air is vital for life, even though we have a tendency to take it for granted. Many people don’t even remember air unless it is windy or they have a respiratory condition. Air is critical to several aspects of life, including communication.

An air-handed individual is a thinker. Such a person functions in a world of thought. They are usually tall, which means they have light bones compared to other elements. Air hands are slightly looking, unlike earth hands, which are heavy and dense in appearance. The squarish palm in an air hand suggests a sense of reality, practicality, and structure. This means that air-handed people are systematic, strategic, and practical in their approach to problems. They are often consumed with logic, planning, ideas, structure, and thoughts.

Air-handedness indicates a quality of inquisitiveness. Air-handed people always want to know the how and why of a situation. Thus, they are ever trying to improve their knowledge and understanding of anything. They seek to refine and deepen. As a result, air-handed people love technical work over other kinds of work. Their curiosity and questioning nature may put them across as neurotic. Actually, they do have neurotic tendencies. Air-handed people love to engage in debates and logical arguments or discussions. They love to structure things and put them in perspective for others. This may also be why they like to exchange plans, ideas, and information with others. Being air-handed portrays a love for verbal and vocal exchanges, which is likely why air-handed individuals respond excellently to auditory information.

Air hands express a need for mentally stimulating conversations. So, an air-handed person will always look for intelligence and mental stimulation in their partner. They would rather be alone than being with someone they cannot engage in stimulating discussions with.

They are non-conformist and quirky but in a cute way. Their eccentricity sometimes attracts people to them. Air hands make great instructors and teachers because of their profound communication skills. And they are more logical than emotional.

They put thoughts above everything else, which often makes them

neglect their emotions and sometimes their loved ones. Then they can’t comprehend sensitivity in other people or know how to respond emotionally to situations.

These people often have an overworked nervous system, the result of multiple cognitive activities at once. They have a tendency to overthink things, so their nervous system is always at work. An air-handed person may be prone to mental disorders more than other elements due to their tendency to overthink and overanalyze situations. Without a clear procession of thoughts in their head, air-handed people become frustrated and noticeably stressed.

Regardless of whatever information they receive, their first reaction is always “how” or “why?”

Air hands love to emphasize their level of thoughtfulness. They want you to know how much they think. They expect you to understand them as soon as they mention their level of logical thinking. Suppose you don’t offer a constructive and positive topic they can really put their mind to. There, they may pick themselves apart mentally. Below are the physical features and qualities of air hands for easy identification.

Square hands with long fingers

Rounded fingertips

Flat mounts and lightweight bones

The middle finger is 7/8th long

Prolonged, multiple lines on the palm

Flexibility, adaptability, and passion

Great communication skills

Quick learners

Earth Hand

Like air hands, earth hands have a square palm. But unlike air hands, they have short fingers. So, when you see a combination of square palms and short fingers on a person, you can be confident they are earth hands. An earth hand is usually strong, plump, and firm, with fewer lines than other elements.

Earth-handed people are the most resilient types. They typically have strong drive and instincts. They combine practical with material and physical because they care about all three. As you can probably tell, they are down-to-earth, steady, and secure in themselves. They like to follow routine and crave stability, so they work in fields that offer stability. Earth hands love to provide just like the mother Earth is providing for all things on earth. An earth-handed person can be likened to the mother hand, the mountain, and the rock all at once.


That is how much they enjoy being supportive of the people around them. They feel their best when they have a supporting role.

Earth hands also have immense physical strength and are tough and rugged. Manual activities provide the ultimate form of fulfillment for them. They love to take a hands-on approach to things, which is why they make good craftsmen. An earth-handed individual is strongly inclined to a stable lifestyle; they don’t enjoy being rushed. They are reliable, honest, and grounded. They enjoy having a sense of rhythm to their daily activities. Structure cannot be given up for anything else. Their short fingers mean they are quick thinkers.

Earth hands call things as it is, which makes them blunter than most.

They don’t know how to color words to lessen the impact. Their broad, square palm indicates a dominating attitude. They want their presence to be felt in any environment they are in. Unlike the water and fire elements, they are rarely affected by their environment or surroundings. Moneymaking is usually the motivation and priority for work, yet they don’t compromise practicality for this. They cannot work in a place where things aren’t real, physical, and practical.

Despite their liking for money, earth hands often do a good job. They are results-oriented.

An earth-handed person is loyal, stubborn, private, conservative, and productive. They hate to waste their resources, whether it is money, time, or energy. Some with earth-hands are highly unlikely to go for palm readings. Their liking for money is based on the need for something that provides stability and security. Earth hands are rarely academics because they would preferably use their hands instead of discussing intangible things. They don’t like to talk about their feelings, so they build a fence between themselves and other people.

Earth hands have a robust and vital constitution. Their digestion is slow but firm, and they tend to store things. They eat less frequently than air hands. Earth is all about sturdiness and endurance, which means an air-handed person is likely to have strong stamina and look physically bulky. Suppose you need support from the elements.

There, you are better off going to an earth type because they are reliable and trustworthy.

You can help an earth-handed individual by helping them establish a sense of routine and structure in their life. This will help them feel more grounded and secure. Also, they should engage in activities that require connecting with Mother Earth, such as building things, spending time outdoors, etc. More importantly, help them understand their tendency to resist change or get stuck in a routine. Here are physical features and qualities to identify an earth hand.

Square palms and short fingers

Big bones and stiff fingers

Strong, firm mounts that are typically fleshy

Few lines on the line

Mounts are sometimes flat with stiff palms

The middle finger is 3/4th of the palm

Good with manual skills and activities

Love to establish structure and routine

Conservative, reserved, and mildly possessive

Prone to volatile reactions if pushed

Water Hand

The water hand is recognizable by its narrow palm and long fingers.

This combination positions someone in the world of thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The narrow palm means that the person is sensitive to their environment, while their long fingers mean they also spend time in their mind. Water element hands make a person caring, emotional, artistic, and intuitive. Water-handed people like to discuss their thoughts and feelings and those of other people. They can spend an entire day happily discussing and analyzing people’s relationships.

A water person takes people and relationships seriously. This contrasts with the fire element people who don’t bother themselves with relationships or anything remotely similar. Water-handed people are at their best when helping people, especially with emotional problems. They love to be with people. Also, they make a lot of decisions based on their feelings. They value feelings much, which is why they care more about people than any other thing. They are empathetic. Thus, they make great therapists, healers, counselors, caretakers, helpers, etc. They are not materially inclined.

Water hands are also very in tune with their creative side. They need an outlet to express their creativity and artistic side regularly. Their creative side can take different forms, but the commonality is that they express their emotions through creative processes. They make

good painters, writers, etc. – any activity that requires them to use their creativity is gratifying and satisfactory. Note that they need not be great at those creative activities they participate in. What matters is the feeling they benefit from the process.

Despite their creativity, water hands have difficulty succeeding in business compared to other elements. They don’t do well with competition, which abounds in the business world. Succeeding in competitive fields is less likely for water-handed people. Fire hands do better in competitive environments.

To thrive and exceed, water hands need to be in an environment where they can do what they know how to do best, interact, socialize, and bond with people. They can’t work well unless it is around people they can share their emotions with. People like this are open-minded and easily impressionable. They are prone to influence by their environment. Physically, they have a youthful look with a soft skin texture. They are likely to be chubby, and they put on weight quickly. They are easy-going and straightforward, and this reflects in their choices of outfits. Their hand lines are delicate and soft. They are also drawn to spiritual and ethereal practices.

A water-handed person is naturally inclined to live with their head in the clouds. So, they need someone to keep them grounded and structured. Advising them to establish a routine can be immensely helpful. Also, taking up hobbies involving physical activities, such as gardening, will help them live out of their heads more. It is a reliable platform for them to put their other qualities to work without stifling their creative side. The following are some physical features and traits that can help you identify a water-handed person.

Narrow-shaped, rectangular palms and long fingers The middle finger is 7/8th of the palm, and fingers are longer than the palms’ width

Very flexible fingers and knuckles

Fine, frail lines on the palms

Fire Hand

Narrow palms and short fingers define fire hands, and they are the opposite of water hand in this sense. The combination of palm and finger pegs down fire-handed people as people always seeking stimulation. The narrow palm portrays that their surroundings influence them. The short fingers mean they experience regular breaks in thinking. Their thoughts are generally short and brief.

Fire-handed people don’t know how to stay without doing. They always have to be doing something. They feel their best when working on achieving something. Their burning passion makes it essential for them to fulfill their need for accomplishment. Fire hands love to get busy and physical. They can accomplish a lot in one day.

If they can’t let off steam through physical work, they may quickly become visibly frustrated. This could lead to aggressive behavior.

Naturally, fire hands are competitive, driven, and intense. This nature allows them to do well in sporty activities. They do well in any environment that encourages competition. You can always count on them to rise to the occasion and adapt to changes. A fire-handed person finds it difficult and frustrating to work with other people.

Before they work with people, they have to be sure that they will take an active role. They don’t like being passive. When you think fire hand, you think driven, competitive, passionate, excitable, and flashy. Typical fire hands love challenges.

The lines on their hands are distinctive in appearance. They usually have a hint of red, and they look deeply etched. When you see lines like this on anyone’s hand, you can be sure that they have the fire element regardless of their fingers’ length or palm shape. The lines suggest intensity and restlessness typically non-existent in other elements.

To help a fire-handed individual, it is best to find physical stimulation for them. For instance, if you are fire-handed, you should always have enough rest and relaxation to avoid burning yourself out. The best ways to unwind are swimming, yoga, walking, and other activities that involve “doing.” The following are qualities and features to identify a fire hand.

Narrow-shaped, rectangular palms with short fingers –

similar to earth hand

Red-colored palm indicating vibrancy and vitality Deeply etched, clear, and reddish handlines

Takes work very importantly

Goal and results-oriented

Based on the elements above are the different shapes of hands.

Some people have hands with a mix of these qualities and features.

They are called mixed hands, and they typically come with one dominating feature from one element. To read a mixed hand, make sure that you understand the four elements and what to look out for.


Chapter Eight: Reading the Fingers

Your finger lengths have different meanings and can tell you a lot about personality. Consider the length, the setting, the fingerprint pattern, and other essential features. But before you consider these things, you must know what each finger represents as well. Also, keep in mind that your fingers’ proportion in relation to one another is crucial in readings. Each finger is representative of a character marking and the strength of that character. To break it down, this means that each of your fingers stands for quality and how strong that quality is.

The forefinger marks ambition, drive, ego, and confidence.

The middle finger marks balance and discipline.

The ring finger marks creativity and emotional expressiveness.

The little finger marks communication skills.

When the forefinger reaches up to the bottom of the middle fingernail, it indicates a balanced ego.

If the ring finger reaches the base of the middle fingernail, that suggests balanced emotions.

A forefinger that reaches past the base of the middle fingernail represents great confidence.

When the ring finger reaches above the middle fingernail’s root, that shows emotional and creative impulses.

A forefinger that does not extend beyond the middle fingernail base portrays a lack of confidence.

When the ring finger doesn’t go beyond the middle fingernail base, it indicates blocked emotions.

A middle finger that stands prominently apart from the other fingers suggests a severe and intense nature.

A little finger that stands apart on your hand portrays an outspoken and independent personality.

Besides the fingers themselves, the signs you find on your fingers also significantly affect palm reading. They are significant in unraveling individuality and pattern of thinking. Below are the signs that often appear on the fingers.

Javelin: This is an arrow-like sign that shows on the top phalange of the finger. When you see this on your finger or another person, it suggests high intellect and mental capacity.

Such an individual succeeds under strenuous and adverse conditions. They can adapt to the needs of their environment, which makes it easy for them to be anywhere. They may develop heart problems in old age.

Tent: If there is a tent-like sign on any of the phalanges, it indicates kind-heartedness and artistic ability. People like this can rise to the very top of society with their talents. But they also tend to take advantage of other people to facilitate their rise to the top. The tent sign on the finger shows mental imbalance and troubled family background.

Circle: If you have a circle sign on your hand, it is considered auspicious. It means you are independent-minded.

You strive to be original in everything you do. It also shows an inclination towards liberalism and modern beliefs.

Triangle: A triangle sign on the finger portrays mystery.

People with this sign tend to be mysterious in the way they think and act. They love to be alone, and you may describe them as orthodox. They enjoy working on their bodies to make them stronger, so they may take bodybuilding activities as a hobby.

Arch: An arch on the finger signifies laziness and suspiciousness. Such a person may be distrustful of others.

They don’t believe in themselves or the people around them.

As a result, they like to create a form of illusion around themselves. They often thrive in careers that revolve around mysticism, such as a detective.

Star: This sometimes appears as the cross sign. It is an indication of fortune and good luck. If a star-like sign appears on your finger, don’t be surprised when people send you money and gifts unexpectedly. Financially, you are always happy and fulfilled.

Rectangle: A person with a rectangle sign on their phalange is laborious, prosperous, and genuinely happy in life.

Net: A net-like sign on the finger portrays challenges, obstacles, and difficulties on the path to fulfilling life’s purpose.

Some with this sign will overcome every blockade on their way to success and come out unscathed. But they are usually less comfortable and happy with their life. This sign often appears on the hands of culprits or petty criminals.

Some people have a combination of these signs on their fingers.

When this happens, such people enjoy the combined meanings of the signs. To make an accurate analysis of whatever sign (s) you see on your fingers, carefully consider all the meanings compared to one another.

The way a person wears rings on their fingers can show you their inner character, rather than the one they express to people around them. If someone wears several rings on their hand, it could mean that they have an emotional fence between them and other people. It

could also mean that they depend on external validation to keep pushing.

A ring on the forefinger indicates ambition and a need to boost the ego.

A ring on the middle finger suggests a materialistic and worldly nature.

Wearing a ring on the ring finger is conventional. But suppose the ring is more than one or more prominent than usual. In that case, it points to the presence of creative and emotional frustration.

On the little finger, a ring portrays difficulties in expressing sexuality.

There are gaps between your fingers. These gaps or spaces are called interdigital folds. They reflect thinking, fortune, behavior, and achievement. To check the gap between your fingers and their meanings, you have to relax your hand and keep it flat on a surface.

Make sure there is no pressure.

A broad and equal gap between the fingers represents love, boldness, enthusiasm, freedom, and action.

A narrow space between the ring and middle fingers reveals a penchant for freedom. It also suggests an inability to approach matters cautiously. With this kind of gap, you are the person that enjoys making a long-term and detailed plan for your future. You are also quite thoughtful.

If you have a vast space between your ring and middle finger, it suggests that you don’t like being restrained. You don’t worry about the future because you are in good material condition. You procrastinate and leave things till the last minute.

A wide space between the middle finger and index finger suggests independent thinking. It means you don’t like it when people interrupt or interfere with your thoughts. You are stubborn and strong-willed.

If you have a vast space between the little finger and ring finger, it suggests that you don’t like being under control. You want to be your own person without interference from anybody.

You may be suffering from fatigue if your fingertips tremble whenever you open your hands. It may also be a sign of sexual dysfunction.

Another way is to put your hand in a relaxed state and then fold the fingers close together to read the gaps.

Little to no space between the fingers suggests that you are conservative, practical, thrifty, thoughtful, and careful. Yet, you are also stubborn, selfish, and inflexible. Soft fingers with no space mean you love steady work and enjoying money.

Wide gaps between your fingers indicate ambitiousness and recklessness. You tend to be rigid in your ways, which may lead to economic and financial losses. You are somewhat thoughtless. Wide-spaced fingers with a heart line that runs across your middle finger suggest extravagance and lavishness.

A vast space between your middle finger and index finger shows you don’t adhere to rules because you enjoy freethinking. It also indicates a healthy level of self-awareness.

You respect other people’s feelings and actions, even though you don’t necessarily care about them. You live an independent life.

Your ring finger tells you about your relationship luck. The middle finger reveals career development. If you have a narrow space between both fingers, it means that your romantic relationship and career are closely knitted. For example, your career may cause you to end a relationship. Or you reach a significant career accomplishment due to your relationship. A wide space between both fingers suggests a reckless nature and a lack of a future plan. If space is even wider, it means that your relationships will suffer twists and turns. You may regularly participate in conflicts with your partner.

A wide space between the little finger and ring finger indicates poor luck. You find it hard to meet benefactors or get help from people. No matter your condition, you are the only person you can count on. And you need to improve your interpersonal relationships and learn to respect others more. A

more expansive space with a slightly bent little finger indicates a poor relationship with your kids in old age.

If the space between the index finger and thumb is wide, it means you are broad-minded and gentle by nature. But a narrow space suggests narrow-mindedness, dependency, and a need for control. If you relax and open your hand and you get a vast space between the thumb and index finger, it suggests that you love your freedom.

The length of a finger can provide varying information about a person’s character. You can use the length to get more in-depth information about yourself or a subject in palm reading. Below explains what each finger tells you based on the length.

Index Finger: In palm reading, the index finger represents a desire for power and domination. The longer the index, the stronger the desire. Individuals with long index fingers are typically ambitious, aggressive, and indomitable. They climb up to positions of authority quickly. If the index finger is about the middle finger’s length, it suggests a harsh and ostentatious personality. Someone with this length spends as much as they earn. Saving is hard for them, so they may need to learn to control their spending and consumption habits. Longer index fingers also portray an enterprising nature. People with this finger have excellent management and communication skills.

So, they can establish good social and interpersonal relationships with others – although they may also be controlling. A shorter index finger suggests jealousy and competitiveness. People with short index fingers have good luck with love, but they may experience hardships in other aspects of their lives.

Middle Finger: As you already know, the middle finger is the longest of the four fingers. It represents fate and destiny, and the longer, rounder, and straighter your middle finger, the better for you. A straight, round, and long middle finger indicates a good destiny and fortune. If you have this kind of finger, you will experience favors in your career, relationships, and finances. A short and oblique middle finger with leanings towards the index finger indicates persistence in work. If it

leans more to the ring finger, it suggests an obsession with family. An unevenly thick middle finger points to impulsivity and impatience. Some with this type of finger need to learn to control their emotions to avoid doing things they might regret. If the middle finger’s length is inches above the other fingers, it is a sign of prosperity, wealth, and health in middle age. A relatively short middle finger almost the same length as other fingers suggests impatience with work. Such a person changes work frequently. But they also have a stable financial condition and love life.

Ring Finger: This finger represents romantic and familial relationships. A ring finger with leanings to the little finger represents someone supportive of their children. When it leans to the middle finger, it portrays a responsible and supportive family member. A ring finger that is almost the same length as the middle finger shows love for betting and gambling. A relatively long ring finger means you have unique insights into your career. But a short ring finger suggests individuality and down-to-earth nature. People like this are steady, and they rarely take risks.

Little Finger: The little finger has to with your kids and generation. If you have a short and crooked little finger, it is a sign that your children may cause you to worry in the future.

And the little finger also represents eloquence and wisdom.

Physiognomists call it the second thumb.

Note that throughout this chapter, I have mentioned bent or crooked fingers several times. Quickly, let’s look into what crooked or bent fingers mean for the owner.

What does it mean when a person has bent fingers?

It is not uncommon for people to have slightly crooked or bent fingers. The crookedness of a finger portrays variance in the traits that the finger represents. Sometimes, a slightly bent finger may lean away or towards another finger, which is straight. When this happens, that finger portrays the present rather than something from the past or the future. A bent finger gives some of its strength to the

finger beside it. When the whole finger has a curve, it means that the finger gains strength from the other finger.

In other words, the finger bent towards another finger is strengthening the other finger’s qualities. So, if your ring finger is bent towards the little finger, it is giving it strength. But if it leans towards the middle finger, it is drawing strength from the middle finger.

A crooked index finger curves towards the middle finger and, when this happens, it can mean a couple of different things. First, it may depict a pattern of uncertainty over your direction and the decisions you make in life. It may also suggest a need for security and stability in your life. Another possible meaning is that a person has a jealous personality and is insecure in their relationships. When all of your four fingers are inwardly bent, this shows a timid or insecure personality. Also, it could mean that a person is shrewd and selfish.

When fingers are bent inward together, it shows a lack of openness to others. People with inwardly bent fingers may have a distorted view of reality. This could push them to unlawful or corruptive activities, particularly when they also have a short middle finger.

A crooked ring finger is a sign of shrewdness. If it curves towards the middle finger, it absorbs certain qualities and strength from the other finger. It is typically present in artists. Also, it shows a serious and responsible nature with a high presence of creativity. An artist with a crooked ring finger may cheat their ways to opportunities. If the middle finger slightly leans towards the ring finger, it suggests limited creative expression. This could be due to familial responsibilities and commitments. If the ring finger leans away from the middle finger, this is the opposite of creativity. It suggests someone quiet and rarely expressive. Such a person enjoys living alone and staying away from others. They are compulsive about things that matter to them.

Otherwise, they don’t care generally.

Usually, the middle finger is long and straight. But it can be bent in some people. When you have a bent middle finger, it suggests a leaning towards the extraordinary. Someone with a bent middle finger rarely follows routines. They are also not very good at decision-making. This all depends on the direction the finger is curved towards. It is difficult to spot the bent in the middle finger

because it is subtle. But you can see it by looking from the back of your palm. The meanings change based on the direction. When it bends towards the ring finger, it gives strength to a person’s creative nature. It also indicates a pattern of uncertainty, pressure, and depression. If it leans towards the index finger, which is rare, it suggests an extroverted personality.

The little finger can be curved from birth or as one grows up. The curve of the little finger can indicate confidence in communication. A little finger curved from birth tells you about character, while one that curves in the growing years tells about a person’s history. Generally, a bent little finger shows how a person communicates with others.

When the pinkie leans towards the ring finger, it absorbs from it. This suggests a level of alertness, tact, and shrewdness. When it leans away from the ring finger, it shows a highly diplomatic and independent-minded person.

Also, the way your fingers are set into your palm reflects specific personality traits. When you have evenly set fingers, it means you are confident and successful. An uneven set of fingers shows a lack of confidence, particularly with low-set fingers. An arched setting of the fingers means you have a well-balanced personality.


Reading the Thumb

The thumb represents your whole hand. Much importance is attached to it in palm reading. The thumb is considered more important than the hand lines in palmistry. Your thumb can reveal your whole identity without consulting other features. Hence, it is considered the root of the hand. It is also called the center of willpower. The top phalange of the thumb stands for logic, while the lower phalange stands for willpower.

The longer the first phalange of the thumb directly determines a person’s strong-will. A person with a prolonged thumb phalange is self-willed. With a longer phalange, such a person has no desire to work. A shorter phalange means weaker self-will. If the thumb’s front appears squarish, it shows someone competent in legal matters and highly respected. A wide front of the thumb means such a person is obstinate. If the forepart is long, the person has antisocial tendencies. If the second phalange of the thumb is long, it means that a person is smart, careful, and social. Such a person is highly respected and considered of importance. A short phalange suggests someone that acts without forethought. This person may act clumsily due to a lack of reasoning.

There are seven types of thumbs. They include:

Long Thumb: Self-willed, self-dependent, and controlling.

Considers intelligence to be vital. Typically interested in engineering and mathematics.

Short Thumb: Easily influenced by others. More emotional than intelligent. Typically interested in music, poetry, and painting.

Stiff Thumb: Alert, self-aware, and obstinate. Ability to keep secrets. Lacks emotions but is highly intelligent.

Flexible Thumb: Interested in gathering wealth. Capable of adapting to circumstances.

Obtuse-Angled Thumb: Gentle and sweet-tempered.

Typically interested in music and artistic activities.

Acute-Angled Thumb: Indolent, lavish, and extravagant.

Attracted to corrupt activities.

Right-Angled Thumb: Short-tempered but reliable.

Hardworking yet stays neutral in relationships. Vengeful nature.

Those are the different types of thumbs and what they mean. When reading the thumb, consider the length and shape.

Chapter Nine: Reading the Mounts and the Plains Mounts are some of the most challenging things to read in palmistry.

They are the bumps of flesh on your palms. Reading them is an advanced form of palm reading that takes quite a time to learn. They are close to your wrist. They are called mounts because they look like mountains on the palm. In palmistry, we have multiple mounts, all of which are named after the planets. Each mount represents a different character in a person.

The defining features of the planets are found in their corresponding Mounts. The most prominent planet in the horoscope tends to be the most prominent on the palm. By reading how far-developed a person’s mounts are, you can learn about their lifestyle, romantic inclination, career, and other things. The seven mounts in palmistry are:

Mount of Jupiter

Location: Base of the index finger, just above the Mount of Mars.

Quality: Represents leadership, authority, power, and organization.

The Mount of Jupiter is crucial to progress. It is said to help facilitate progress in life. A well-developed and prominent Mount of Jupiter is found in people who possess godly qualities. Such people care deeply about self-respect. They are always ready to help others.

They are usually learned and intelligent. Rarely do they get bothered or pressured by difficult conditions. Those who work as Justices in the high courts tend to have a fully developed Mount of Jupiter. They can influence the public in their favor. They also tend to be religious-minded.

If Jupiter is not well developed or prominent, the qualities described above are sorely lacking. Physically, someone with an underdeveloped Mount of Jupiter has a healthy and ordinary-looking body.

They are kind-natured and always have a smile on their face. They are likely to be more respected than wealthy. A person can also have an over-developed Jupiter. When this happens, such a person is overly proud, selfish, and self-conceited. The absence of the Mount of Jupiter on an individual’s palms suggests that they have a hard time commanding others’ respect. They also lack self-respect for themselves. Even from loved ones, this person does not get attention and love.

Mount of Saturn

Location: Based at the root of the middle finger.

Qualities: Represents intelligence, integrity, responsibility, and duty.

Developing the Mount of Saturn points to extraordinary tendencies in a person. When this mount is well developed, it means that the person is realistic, independent, friendly, and mathematically skilled.

It also indicates good fortune. But an individual with a developed Mount of Saturn may be aloof towards others. They are set on achieving their goals, and this pushes them away from family. Such a person is usually engrossed in work. They also have a suspecting nature. They make great scientists, engineers, chemists, etc. An under-developed Mount of Saturn means that a person is superficial, disorganized, judgmental, lonely, and depressed.

Someone like this has suicidal tendencies. If over-developed, a person is isolated, cynical, pessimistic, distrusting, overcautious, and stubborn. This keeps them away from forming healthy and mutually beneficial relationships. An individual without a Mount of Saturn has no importance in life. But they might get special recognition or achieve something special in life.

Mount of Sun

Location: Based at the root of the ring finger.






confidence, masculinity, and passion.

The Mount of Sun is also called Apollo. It indicates the level of success of an individual. A prominent Mount of Sun indicates that a person is famous and genius. It shows a high probability of achieving high status in life. A well-developed Mount of Sun often has a pink look. Someone with a prominent mount is typically cheerful and sociable. They love to work in proximity to others. Such a person may become a successful painter, artist, or musician. They are natural geniuses. Also, they are straightforward in their dealings with others.

A well-developed Mount of Sun portrays self-confidence, kindness, gentleness, and grandeur. An underdeveloped mount means an individual is dull, inconsistent, introverted, and a bad decision-maker.

This person will find it hard to succeed in any field. An over-developed Mount of Sun shows a hot-tempered and antagonistic individual. This person may be envious, proud, quarrelsome, and lavish. The absence of the mount points to an ordinary person destined for an ordinary life.

Mount of Mercury

Location: Base of the little finger.

Qualities: Represents logic, practicality, adaptability, and wisdom.

The Mount of Mercury is often associated with affluence and materialistic prosperity. A well-developed mount means an individual is quick-witted, flexible, mentally strong, organized, sensible, and excellent at reading others. It also means that a person has excellent communication skills. Such people are experts in Psychology. Their understanding of human psychology makes them successful in business. If the mount is under-developed, it portrays negativity, shyness, an inability to communicate effectively, and low financial success. An over-developed mount is found in greedy, materialistic people and will do anything for money. If the Mount of Mercury is absent, it indicates a person might be impoverished for the rest of their life. They cannot amass wealth and make money.


Mount of Venus

Location: Base of the thumb, just next to the Mount of Inner Mars.

Qualities: Represents beauty, luxury, love, sensuality, and appearance.

The Mount of Venus represents things that concern passion. People with well-developed Venus can adequately enjoy the world and its luxuries. They are beautiful, classy, and civilized. They are healthy and influential, and they are also bold and courageous. Someone with the Mount of Venus is said to enjoy the finer things in life. They have good fortune with wealth, love, and relationships. But when the mount is under-developed, it suggests that a person is lackluster, cold-hearted, overly critical, and has no interest in romance. The person may also be weak-natured and cowardly.

An over-developed Mount of Venus suggests that a person is promiscuous, superficial, materialistic, overindulgent, and covetous.

Such a person always seeks instant gratification due to their lack of willpower. The absence of the mount means the person is inclined towards an ascetic lifestyle. They have no interest in family life.

Mount of Mars

Location: Center of the palm.

Qualities: Represents masculine energy, action, aggressiveness, and conflict.

The palm has three different Mars, all of which are located in the center of the palm. You have the Negative Mars, Positive Mars, and Plain of Mars. Each of these Mars deals with specific aspects of the qualities listed above.

The Negative Mars, also called the Mount of Inner Mars, is between Jupiter and Venus. This Mount represents one positive and one negative trait—enthusiasm and aggression. A well-developed Mount of Inner Mars means that a person is enthusiastic, adventurous, courageous, and healthy. An under-developed mount suggests indecisiveness, uncertainty, timidity, limited emotional expression, and a lack of self-esteem. An over-developed mount suggests that a person







Positive Mars is called the Mount of Outer Mars. It is based between Venus and Luna and signifies a person’s temperament and resistance level. A well-developed Mount of Outer Mars indicates strong character, courage, good health, and balance; underdeveloped, it represents trouble with emotional expression. An over-developed mount means that a person is defiant and stubborn.

The Plain of Mars is also called the Middle of Mars. It is between the Inner and Outer Mars. The mount here is typically not big, so the interpretations often differ. A thick Plain of Mars indicates sociability, energy, and possible rebellion. Under-developed suggests a quick-tempered and self-centered nature. A dip in the Middle of Mars indicates a calm temperament and a patient nature.

Mount of Moon

Location: Base of the palm beside the little finger.

Qualities: Represents emotion, intuition, creativity, and imagination.

The Mount of Moon makes a person highly imaginative and emotional. A fully developed mount signifies a love of nature and beauty. Someone with this tends to live in a dream world because of his or her ability to imagine. Such a person is a dreamer, a lover of nature, psychic, compassionate, and intuitive. They also love water.

Under-developed Moon means a person is introverted and loves to be alone. It also signifies a lack of innovation, conservatism, and pessimism.

If the Mount is over-developed, the person is over-imaginative, sentimental, overly emotional, and possibly delusional. This person lives in a fantasy world that they’ve created in their head.

Checking Your Health Through the Mounts

The mounts of your palm contain information about your life and health. By reading the mounts, you can keep yourself updated on the state of your health. For centuries, palmistry has been used to diagnose diseases in people. So, how do you check your health through the palm mounts?

The Mount of Luna, also the Mount of Moon, is the direct mount containing information about mental illness, obesity, and women’s diseases generally.

The Mount of Venus is responsible for allergy, kidney disease, stomach disease, and dampness.

The Mount of Mars contains information about inflammation, blood pressure, fever, and arteriosclerosis.

The Mount of Jupiter is in charge of stroke, rheumatism, dizziness, and hepatobiliary disease.

The Mount of Saturn controls depression, rheumatism, biliary disease, hemorrhoids, and osteoporosis.

The Mount of Apollo regulates diseases relating to the heart and blood circulation.

The Mount of Mercury is responsible for hearing disorders, bipolar disorder, language, and the nervous system To use the palm to diagnose diseases and illnesses, you have to examine the mounts’ thickness with the hand lines. Usually, when you are in good health, the mount looks thick, rosy, and prominent. If it looks different from this, it could be a sign of an impending or present illness.

The Mount of Venus indicates the health of your stomach and digestive system, and your spleen. If you see bulging blue veins on this mount, it could be a sign of stomach illness or poor digestion.

Messy lines on the Mount suggest a vulnerability to reproductive system illnesses. With feathery lines, it suggests a disease relating to the nervous system.

The Mount of Jupiter is in charge of functions relating to the stomach, gall, and liver. If the Mount is bloated with a couple of messy lines, it shows a vulnerability to hepatobiliary and stomach

diseases. Also, this Mount corresponds to the heart and the liver. If it appears bloated with negative signs, it suggests susceptibility to cardiovascular disease.

The Mount of Mercury is in charge of respiratory and reproductive functions. Messy lines on the mount could mean a proneness to respiratory diseases and digestive system diseases.

The Mount of Mars takes charge of reproductive and renal functions.

Messy lines on this mount mean one is vulnerable to diseases linked to the urinary, reproductive, and respiratory systems.

The Mount of Saturn takes charge of heart functions and blood circulation. A star sign on Saturn implies a proneness to hypertension or high blood pressure. If it is bloated with scattered lines, it indicates susceptibility to hemorrhoids, paralysis, nervous system disease, etc.

The Mount of Apollo is in charge of sensory functions. If you find tiny lines on this mount, it could sign eye disease or neurasthenia. Messy lines on Apollo could mean vulnerability to heart disease, aneurysm, visual neurasthenia, etc.

Finally, the Mount of Luna corresponds with respiratory and gynecological functions. Messy lines on Luna means that a person may be susceptible to respiratory diseases. Also, if a deep vertical line accompanies the Mount of Luna, it suggests possible numbness in the limbs.

Note: Do not use the palms to make medical conclusions; consult with a licensed medical professional after a reading. Doing this will help you gain more insight into your health. Also, you can corroborate if everything you interpreted is accurate or not.

Chapter Ten: Reading the Lines Look at your palm. How many lines do you see? Like me, you probably see three significant lines and several other minor ones.

Actually, that is what anyone would see when they look at their palm.

Whether big or small, thick or thin, every line on your palm is vital in determining the speed of your life force. Therefore, to make a good palmist, you must know how to study each line on your palm critically.

Every person has three primary lines on the palm, plus others considered minor or secondary lines. The three major lines are the Life Line, the Head Line, and the Heart Line. The Fate Line and Marriage Line are sometimes categorized as significant lines, but the above three come before them. These three lines are significant because they hold valuable information about each aspect of your life that shapes who you are as a person. To aid your understanding, we will discuss each major line separately.


Description: The lifeline begins from the palm’s edge between the index finger and the thumb. From there, it extends towards the wrist and stops at the base of the thumb.

The lifeline is perhaps the most intriguing line to study on the palm.

Many people go to palmists just to read their palm lines. The lifelines are often called the age line or the paternal lifeline. It represents multiple facets of human life, but the general misconception is that the lifeline determines a person’s mortality. Many people believe that the lifeline can tell them how long they will live. This is a case of partial misunderstanding. The lifeline reflects a person’s life force, energy, and physical vitality. Also, one can use it to check for accidents or severe illnesses during one’s lifetime.

If you can clearly see other lines on your palm, but the lifeline is almost absent, this is a negative sign. It suggests that a short life and

poor health. If you have no lifeline, it means you will be prone to accidents and sicknesses throughout your lifetime.

A long, deeply etched, and tender lifeline means you are highly resistant to diseases. It also means you are full of vital energy.

A short lifeline shows you are vulnerable to illness. It does not mean that one has a short lifespan, contrary to what many believe. Personality-wise, a short lifeline shows you are down-to-earth and full of integrity.

A thick lifeline suggests that you are subjected to a life of physical labor.

A vague lifeline indicates that you get sick quickly. It also means that your career may not pick up until your middle years.

A straight lifeline that sticks closely to the thumb signifies limited energy and vitality. You may get tired and dehydrated quickly.

A semicircular lifeline close to the base of your thumb means you are full of energy and vigor. You are also enthusiastic.

A doubled lifeline that runs parallel to another line is also a sign of healthy vitality. It shows you are resistant to disease and illness. And you get adequate mental and emotional support from family members.

Most times, lifelines come with markings and signs. These marks are instrumental in interpreting the meaning of the lifeline. So, pay close attention to them when doing a palm reading.

Chained: If your lifeline has a marking similar to a chain, this could indicate poor health. It means you may have a weak digestive system and repeatedly suffer from shattered health.

Island: An island on the lifeline indicates accidents, illnesses, or hospitalization at specific times during your lifetime. The severity of the accident or illness depends on the size of the island marking.

Broken: The lifeline is sometimes broken. When this is the case, it means you might endure a major illness, accident, or disaster in your life. The wider the interval between the broken

lines, the longer the duration of the illness. If the broken lines overlap, it suggests you will recover from the illness. If you observe a short line below or above the broken lifeline, it means you will fully recover from the severe illness.

Branches: A branched marking above the lifeline represents diligence, positivity, and optimism. If the branched markings are plenty, it shows you have ambitious and lofty plans. But too many lines means you get nowhere due to too many ideas. Branched markings that go downward on the lifeline imply that your physical health is declining. You may feel lonely and tired all the time.

Forks: If your lifeline looks forked at the end, it suggests you will be busy in your middle and late years. This may be because of developing your career.

Tridents: If tridents appear at the end of your lifeline, it signifies you as a traveler. You will enjoy traveling to different parts of the world.

Tassels: These often appear at the beginning of the lifeline.

They indicate loneliness in old age due to the absence of children.

Other markings you may find around your lifeline include crosses, stars, etc.


Heart Line

Description: The heart line starts from under the little finger, runs across the palm, and ends just below the point where the middle finger and the index finger join.

The heart line is also called the love line. It symbolizes your attitude to love and the quality of love you give out and receive. Whether your feelings are complicated or straightforward, your affections are deep or not, your love life is smooth or rocky, and the quality of your interpersonal relationships can all be deducted from your love line.

Generally, a good heart line is deep, curved, clear, and unbroken. It also extends to the midpoint of your middle and index fingers. When you have a line like this, it means you will enjoy a quality and good love life. If the line has three forks at the end, that is even better. It means you will have good-hearted friendships.

A short love line only extends to the middle finger, so your love life may not be all that. If your love life stops under the middle finger, it shows you are a self-centered and narrow-minded person. You are likely to act without weighing the consequences. These traits make you become ostracized by people, which leads to loneliness. Your relationships are generally not smooth.

A long heart line extends to the edge of your palm from under your pinkie and the midpoint of your middle finger and index finger. This length of heart line means you are a straightforward person. Career-wise, you go through a lot of hardship but come out on top. You may experience significant upheavals in your relationships. You often come out of a relationship hurting. If the love line stops at the Mount of Jupiter, it symbolized an abundance of love and success. If it ends between Jupiter and Saturn, it means you will experience true love in the pure sense.

Curved: A love line that curved upward suggests you are a romantic. You know how to create the perfect romantic experience for your partner. You also have dexterity with your use of words. A downward curve suggests a weak character.

You make other people feel uneasy around you. It also means you will experience twists and turns in your marriage.

Straight: A straight love line means you are conservative, stable, affable, mild-tempered, and approachable. You tend to play a passive role in your relationships due to shyness. If the heart line is moderately long and clear with no break, you will have a stable and happy family with the one you love.

Markings on the heart line can change the meanings and your interpretation.

Branches: If you have branches that split at the end of your heart line, it means you are willing to sacrifice for love. Multiple branches at the end mean you are always in love and may clinch true love. Trident at the end suggests universal fraternity, but you often pretend to be challenging in your love life. Two to three upward branches indicate an abundance of love and charm.

Forks: Double forks at the beginning of the heart line signify that you may experience marital disputes.

Island: An island marking on your heart line suggests emotional distress or changes.

Broken: If the heart line is broken, it means you will experience considerable setbacks in your love life. If the broken line has an extended interval, it suggests instability in relationships or marriage. If the break is under the pinkie, it indicates stress over money and material things. You may find it difficult to experience true love because of materialistic beliefs. If the break is under the space between your little and ring fingers and the line ends below your middle finger and index finger’s joining point, that means you might experience a failed marriage. After that phase, though, you can have your own true love and settle in a happy marriage. A break just below the middle finger also points to an unhappy marital life.

You may divorce your partner over a trivial issue.

Broken Palm: If you find you have no heart line, this could be due to an overlap of the headline and the heart line. This is called the Simian Crease or the Single Transverse Palmar Crease. This line represents a stubborn nature.

Chained: If the heart line has the marking of an iron chain, it indicates sentiments. A lot of chain markings suggest emotional entanglements. You may endure marital crises in your middle age.

Triangles: If you observe triangular markings on your heart line, which indicates disease or interference from another in your marriage or relationship. Suppose the triangle is just above the heart line. There, it indicates that you are fickle and likely to be the third person in other people’s marriage. Below the line means you might experience an accident on a date with your loved one.

Square: If a square appears on your love line, it means you will become emotionally depressed. This could even lead to suicidal thoughts.

Doubled: A doubled heart line means you are emotionally expressive. You don’t mind being an initiative when it comes to love. But it also means you have the tendency to be in two relationships together.

Crossed: A cross on the heart line means that your career may be held back by your love life.

If you find many short lines cutting through your heart line, that is a sign of unhappiness and pain due to relationship and love failures.

After middle age, you may not be able to experience love.


Description: The headline begins from the edge of the palm between the thumb and index finger and stretches across the palm. It stops in the middle of the lifeline and the love line.

Also called the wisdom line, the headline reveals the extent of your wisdom, belief, thinking, ability, creativity, attitude, and strain capacity. It also shows your abilities in terms of memory, self-control, etc. Generally, the headline should have a deep and thin appearance. That is good for anybody. The headline’s meaning can be affected by the length, curve, chains, crosses, and stars that appear on, below, or above it.

A long headline extends and stops under the pinkie. If you have this line, it indicates that you have a clear and sharp mind. You are good at thinking and responding. Due to this, you also have a very considerate nature. At the same time, you are prone to overthinking and losing yourself. A medium line stretches up to the ring finger.

Most people have this kind of headline. It indicates that you are smart, intelligent, and brilliant, sometimes more than those with a longer headline. A short headline stops under the middle finger. In this case, it portrays that you are hasty, careless, indecisive, and impulsive. It may also mean you are slow to respond. But the pro is that you are also very strategic.

Straight: A straight headline means you are intensely analytical. You are also practical and dedicated to your work.

You perform well in Mathematics, Science, Commerce, and Technology fields.

Curved: If you have a curved headline, it means you are realistic, gentle, and tolerant with powerful interpersonal skills.

You tend to do well in Media, Psychology, Literature, and Social Sciences fields.

Steeped: If your headline steeps downward, it means you use your imagination a lot. It also points to creative and artistic abilities. Also, you may be prone to emotional influence. You also have a tendency to spend money lavishly when you are in a bad mood.

Markings that often appear with the headline include: Branches: If a downward branch appears at the end of your headline, it suggests that you are good at analyzing and solving problems through critical thinking. The longer the branch, the healthier you are at thinking and analyzing. An upward branch suggests an ability to adapt to any social environment. It also means you are good at handling business. If the branch extends beneath your ring finger, it means you have great talents, and you could be outstanding in art. A branch that extends up to the Mount of Jupiter means you want wealth, fame, and power.

Tassels: If you have tassels at the end of your headline, it is a hint you may get a headache due to low blood pressure. And it could be an indicator of a weak heart. Because of this, you need to do cardio exercises to safeguard yourself against looming heart diseases.

Island: An island on your headline means you are distracted and frustrated with your memory. The bigger the island, the more serious your memory problem is. The location of the island could also change its meaning. If you observe an island beneath your Mount of Jupiter, it indicates you have a nutrition problem. It also means an inability to concentrate. If the island is below the Mount of Saturn, you are prone to depression and headaches. Also, you may suffer from stomach problems. An island beneath the Mount of Apollo means you have a weak vision. Double islands mean you may suffer a memory decline.

Stars: A star on the headline indicates that you need to protect your head to avoid having a head injury. If the star is beside the headline, it highlights your wisdom.

Crosses: Crossings on your headline signify timidity and cowardice. You are prone to anxiety and fear. Again, it also means you should protect your head from injury or accidents.

Three crossings on your headline could be an indication of coronary disease.

Chains: A chained headline is quite common among people. It suggests a lack of concentration and fluctuating attention. If the chains are at the head line’s start, you may have problems involving poor memory and distorted thoughts while, if the chain appears throughout the headline, you may be prone to brain problems. You may also be mentally weak.

Broken: A broken headline suggests that you will suffer from an unexpected illness. If the line breaks intermittently, it means you can’t live harmoniously with a romantic partner. You always end up breaking things off. A broken headline could also suggest an interruption in the progress of your career.

As I mentioned earlier, when the headline meets the heart line, it is called the Simian Line. The Simian Line indicates an ability to create wealth and succeed. Here is an image of the simian crease.

Simian Line on Left Hand

Besides the three major lines, you should also know how to read the fate line and the marriage line. So, below is a brief explanation of both.

Fate Line

Description: The fate line extends vertically from the palm’s base towards the base of the middle finger. Sometimes, it may begin from the middle of the palm.

The fate line is also a significant line on the hand. It points up to the Saturn finger, so it is also called the Saturn line. In Chinese palmistry, the fate line is also considered the career line. This is because it mainly reveals information about one’s career and career changes over a lifetime. A typically good fate line is clear, deep, and straight with minimal crosses. If you have this fate line, that means you have a good fortune career-wise.

Some also call it the Luck line since it mostly reflects luck and success. Some people don’t have the fate line on their palms. The absence of a fate line on the palm does not mean you won’t have a career. It just means you don’t have a permanent career because you are always changing. This could be caused by an abundance of versatility or carelessness, depending on other factors. Or maybe you never find work you have an interest in.

The fate line can be deep and long. This line goes from the base of your palm to the point under your middle finger, your Saturn finger. A deep and long fate line suggests an innate ability to run your own business. It also shows you place much importance on credibility.

Thus, you run a successful business regardless of endless challenges. Suppose the line becomes thinner and narrower from the middle of the palm. There, it suggests a smooth career at your

younger age and harsh fortune as you get older, particularly after middle age.

A shallow fate line means you are a hard worker, and your career will be full of twists and turns. If the line is wide and shallow, it means you may not accomplish great things despite working hard. A shallow and narrow line suggests you are not the type to be held down by a common destiny.

An oblique fate line indicates an ability to develop unique ideas that can push your career further up. You are good at finding shortcuts to success in your career.

The location of your fate line on the palm can make all the difference.

Begins from the Lifeline: If your fate line starts from your lifeline, it means you are full of energy and high vitality. It also means that your social status will be upgraded if you keep working hard. Even though you may not accomplish great things in life, you are bound to live a good and fulfilled life.

Begins from the Headline: If the fate line joins with your headline at the beginning, it means that your achievements may not begin until you are above 35 years. Before 35, there will be a lot of challenges and obstructions on your way to success. Your fortune will experience a swift change after you clock 35. With your wisdom and experience, you can achieve great things.

Begins from the Heart Line: A fate line linked to the heart line at the beginning indicates late success. You may not find stability in your career and life until you are well over your youth. After you pass the 50-year mark, you will likely start enjoying good fortune while working hard.

Marriage Line

Description: The marriage line is below the root of your little finger, a little above the heart line.

The marriage line is often called the relationship line. Although it is relationship and affection, the marriage line differs from the love line.

Some people have one marriage line, while some have multiple.

Some have no marriage line at all. The longest marriage line is typically used for analysis for people with multiple marriage lines.

A straight and long marriage line symbolized deep love; it means you are a passionate and gentle person and will end up with a happy family. A marriage line that is deep and long means you will enjoy a happy and lasting marriage. More importantly, you will also achieve success in your career even after marriage.

A short marriage line indicates a lack of passion for relationships. If the line is also shallow, you don’t have enough patience to build a romantic relationship with another person. It also connotes that you find it hard to fall deeply in love. If you have this kind of line, you will likely get married late.

If your marriage line is curved, it can go two ways. A downward curve means that your partner may depart before you, likely due to an accident. If it touches your heart line, it means you will experience marital crises and dispute, after which a separation may happen. If the marriage line curves upward, it means you will have a stable and settled marriage. You may also be lucky to get married to an extremely wealthy partner. Your marriage will be happy and coordinated.

A forked marriage line indicates separation or divorce, especially if the fork looks like the letter “Y.” If the fork isn’t big, the separation will only be for a short while, after which there will be a reunion and a happy-ever-after. If the fork has split ends, it means you will experience marital disputes and significant crises. Your whole marriage may be one big source of confusion and frustration for you.

A broken marriage line means you are prone to setbacks in your marriage and relationships. The longer the interval between the broken parts, the more setbacks you will experience in marriage. If the break is short, you may make up with your partner.

Islands on the marriage line mean you are mentally incompatible with your partner. It is also an indicator of family conflicts. Suppose the island is at the beginning of your marriage line. There, you may not have a smooth love relationship or marriage. In the middle, it means you will experience twists and turns on your way to marriage.

At the end of the line, it indicates challenges and obstacles after

marriage. Multiple islands indicate that marriage may be unfavorable for you.

What do the numbers of marriage lines mean?

An absence of a marriage line means you don’t desire to love or marry. You want to focus on yourself without paying attention to anybody else. If you are still below 20, your marriage line may still be developing. If you are married and don’t have that line, you are only tolerating the marriage.

A single marriage line means you will fall in love, get married, and live a happy life with the ideal person. If the line is long enough, you will have a lasting and healthy marriage.

More than one marriage line may mean different things. Most people assume that it means one will get married more than once, but this is not right. Two marriage lines could mean you will separate from a partner and reunite again. Three marriage lines mean you have mixed emotions about your marriage. Marriages lines are sometimes up to six in some people. The more the lines, the more complicated their marriage will be.



Now, you know how you can unlock the art of palm reading to learn more about yourself and your future. This book has provided a great deal of information on how you can read your hands to discover what lies ahead for you in your career, relationship, health, and other vital aspects of your life. The next step is to start putting everything you’ve learned into practice to make a difference in your life. Good luck!

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