With over 2 million copies sold worldwide, Gillian McKeith’s You Are What You Eat is a national bestseller that has changed the way people think about food and nutrition. You Are What You Eat features real-life diet makeovers and case studies, easy to use lists and charts, and beautiful full color photographs. By encouraging you to eat more nutrient-dense, flavorful whole foods, You Are What You Eat will teach you how to stay healthy and satisfied.You Are What You Eat also includes:Gillian McKeith’s “Diet of Abundance” A 7-Day jumpstart plan The Food IQ Test Complete shopping guide and meal plan Healthy and delicious Mediterranean-inspired recipesYou Are What You Eat is a clear, no-nonsense nutritional guide to a healthier life.

Gillian McKeith
You Are What You Eat :The Plan That Will Change Your Life




One You are what you eat

Two Get to know your body

Three The diet of abundance

Four Top 5 bummers

Five Clean out

Six Looking good and feeling sexy

Seven 7-day jumpstart plan

Eight My 20 super quick tips

Nine The next level






This book is dedicated to my two wee lassies.
Hugs, love and kisses from Mummy. Eat your greens!!




About the Author


Dr Gillian McKeith (PhD) is an internationally acclaimed holistic nutritionist. She is the presenter of You Are What You Eat, the hit Celador primetime television programme for Channel 4. She is also the author of the bestselling You Are What You Eat Cookbook, Dr Gillian McKeith’s Ultimate Health Plan and Living Food for Health (Piatkus). Raised in Scotland, Gillian now travels extensively, giving lectures and seminars.


Some people paint me as the unrepentant ruthless nutritionist, obsessed with natural foods and healthy diet. My own mother is afraid to spend Christmas dinner with me, because she is worried that I’ll start lecturing her on good food and bad food, and my daughter has been known to call me a ‘food freak’.

OK, I admit it. I am passionate about what goes into your body. However, I wasn’t always like this.

Years ago I ate only foods that were frozen, or in a plastic packet, and I could not get through the day without my daily ration of crisps and chocolate bars. Growing up in the Highlands of Scotland, I loved my diet of mince and potatoes, fish and chips, custard and jam rolls.

And then I fell in love with an American, a health nut. I went to live near his home in Philadelphia, but I refused to let his weird ways influence my normal lifestyle. That is, until my 24th birthday, which is when everything changed. My boyfriend surprised me with an envelope. All it said on the card was that I was ‘going on a long journey to a special place’ on my special day. At that very moment, I had no idea as to just how long my journey would be. We jumped in the car and began the very long drive to an undisclosed location. During the six-hour-long drive, I imagined luxury hotel rooms with hot tubs, perhaps overlooking the mountains or prairie, by a river or a hot spring. After a few hours on the highway, I spotted a sign blaring, ‘New York State Welcomes You’. I then started to imagine visiting the Empire State Building, Broadway, the Statue of Liberty, staying on 5th Avenue or Madison Avenue. My heart was pounding with anticipation. This Scottish lassie was on her way to the ‘Big Apple’ in this big country with this big man. Wow, what a birthday!

Just before the seventh hour we arrived at our destination. No Big Apple, no mountains and certainly no hot tub in sight.

“We are going to a macrobiotic lunch for your birthday,” Mr America shockingly gushes.

“To a what?” I shoot back.

“You’ll see,” he calmly assures.

We entered a ramshackle hut filled with dozens of people sitting around makeshift folding tables and folding chairs with paper plates and plastic forks. The setting looked more appropriate for a tots’ tea party, but here were adults of all ages, clearly from all walks of life; some dressed smartly and sophisticated, others casual and relaxed. Was my boyfriend part of some scary cult, I wondered? My parents warned me about things like this before I left Scotland.

The programme finally commences. The keynote speaker, Elaine Nussbaum, a slight, soft-spoken slender lady with the most sincere eyes and a strong New York accent and author of a small underground book, titled Recovery, is introduced. She begins to tell her story and it turns out to be the most profound story of my life. I listen in disbelief first, then awe, and finally inspiration and hope.

Elaine was given two weeks to live. Every bone in her body had been riddled with cancer and she could barely walk, talk, breathe, sit or stand. The hospital sent her home to die. They could do no more for her.

On her deathbed, a friend decided to spoon-feed her an esoteric diet, called ‘macrobiotic’. This incorporated natural vegetarian foods like brown rice, green vegetables, seeds, seaweeds, beans and lots of soy or ‘miso’ soups. Within one month, Elaine began to regain strength. Within two months, she felt like she was no longer ill.

She then went back to the hospital for tests and the doctors discovered that her cancer had disappeared in full. They had never seen anything like it, and I had never heard of anything so incredible.

That’s when my journey began, when I realized just how powerful food is. We indeed are what we eat. I was suffering with a litany of normal health complaints that we all know too well when we work and play too hard. I had headaches, tiredness, body pains, aches, spots on my face, I suffered from candidiasis, an insidious yeast infection and I was over my ideal body weight. When I stopped long enough to genuinely think about it, I realized that I was one of the least healthy persons I knew.

Today I see the same parallels with my own patients at the McKeith Clinic in London. When patients first arrive, they are usually poor eaters, many are overweight, and some are at crisis point. My goal with you, as with my patients, is to get you to know what is best for you to eat, and which foods will help you to lose weight, stay slim and improve your health for life.

You really can do it if you follow my plan. Do much of what I tell you most of the time, and you will surely be healthier, fitter, stronger, sexier and happier. That’s my promise to you. I have treated literally thousands of people with fantastic, unprecedented results. People will travel from every region of the globe to get help. I’ve seen patients from just about every nationality and walk of life, including Hollywood stars, royalty, world leaders, footballers, and Olympic athletes. But they’re mostly people like you and me. And they all have one thing in common: all of them, regardless of their background, are made up of what they eat! And those who eat horribly are generally, and not surprisingly, sicker than those who eat healthily.

My patients often have different goals: the athlete, for example, may want to achieve better performance; the housewife may need more energy; the office workers may need to strengthen their adrenal glands to be able to handle stress; the elderly man may need more constitutional support, and so on. But in every case, the food that goes in becomes the body’s medicine, and if you feed your body the wrong stuff it’ll simply lay down fat, lower your energy, sex drive, even your brain power.

In picking up this book you have taken the all-important first step on the road back to a slimmer, healthier you. You can choose the wrong drug or my correct prescription. It’s your choice, but if you make the right decision your body is really going to thank you for it. And this is a prescription for the whole family, too, so don’t feel isolated. It’s simply going to be about changing a few habits and recognizing the harm that certain foods are inflicting on you.

After more than 15 years in clinical practice, I have found that the people who take decent care of their bodies, and eat the right foods, are generally the healthiest specimens. They are stabilized at their natural, healthy weight, plus they are more energized, have better sex lives, are more relaxed about life, enjoy smarter brain function and are even, on balance, happier. This can be you too.

To a large extent, this book is about discovery and knowledge. If I can educate you and turn you on to the right foods, then you will have the best chance of being slim, well and healthy. I want you to benefit from my many years of research and successful treatments on thousands of people. As you’ve seen on the programme, anyone can do it – just let me show you how.


The food we eat is like fuel. It gives our bodies the energy they need to function well. If you don’t make sure that the fuel you pump into your body is of the right quality or quantity, you just won’t feel as healthy as you could.

We all have up to 100 trillion cells in our bodies, each one demanding a constant supply of daily nutrients in order to function optimally. Food affects all those cells, and by extension every aspect of our being: mood, energy levels, food cravings, thinking capacity, sex drive, sleeping habits and general health. In short, healthy eating is the key to wellbeing.


The first step to turning around your life and your health was in picking up this book. But how can I now convince you to take the all-important next steps and break your bad diet habits?

The relationship between food and health is significant. Diet plays a vital part in promoting good health and wellbeing. The first crucial step is to make the connection between good food choices and good health, and poor food choices and bad health.

I realized this when I looked at the food diaries of the participants for the TV show, You Are What You Eat. Not only were all participants overweight at the beginning of the series but they all had other health complaints, many of which were caused by the poor food choices they made. These foods were the catalyst for most ailments and complaints. When I prepared a table of the bad foods that they had eaten for a week and explained how these foods affected the body, the relationship between food and health suddenly became shockingly apparent.


  1.  A diet high in fat (particularly saturated fat) and high in salt is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.
  2.  It is estimated that, on average, a third of cancers could be prevented by changes in diet. A diet which is high in fibre and whole grain cereal and low in fat has the potential to prevent a number of cancers, including colon, stomach and breast cancer.
  3.  Many fertility experts believe that an unhealthy diet, high in fat, sugar, and processed foods and low in nutrients essential to fertility, can lead to infertility and increase the chances of miscarriage.
  4.  A diet high in fat, sugar and salt leads to weight gain and increases the risk of obesity. Carrying excess weight doesn’t just increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and infertility, it is also associated with fatigue, low self-esteem and poor mental and physical performance.
  5.  An unhealthy diet increases the risk of depression and mood swings. It’s also linked to PMS, food cravings and anxiety.
  6.  A diet high in additives, preservatives and refined sugar can cause poor concentration, hyperactivity and aggression. This is because foods high in sugar and additives lack chromium which is removed in the refining process. Chromium is needed for controlling blood sugar levels; when these levels are out of control it can trigger these behavioural problems.
  7.  A diet that is low in the essential nutrient calcium (needed to keep your bones strong) increases the risk of bones becoming weak or brittle – a condition known as osteoporosis.
  8.  A diet low in nutrients puts enormous strain on the liver. The liver is essential for the proper digestion and absorption of life-sustaining vitamins and minerals. For optimum health you need your liver to be in peak condition. The liver cannot cope with large amounts of saturated fat and alcohol and this can lead to liver and kidney problems, such as kidney disease and cirrhosis (a life-threatening condition where the cells of the liver die).
  9.  A diet too high in sugar can lead to too much glucose (a form of sugar carried in the bloodstream) circulating in your body. Too much glucose in the blood indicates development of blood sugar problems such as diabetes mellitus. Its symptoms are thirst, frequent need to urinate due to excess glucose, problems with vision, fatigue and recurrent infections.
  10.  If diet is poor this can compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to colds, flu and poor health. We need a steady and balanced intake of essential vitamins and minerals to keep our immune systems working properly, to provide protection from infections and disease.



This top 12 list of popular foods that many people eat on a regular basis may at first glance not appear too alarming, but just take a look at the nutritional analysis overleaf. I have converted the statistics to teaspoons of sugar and blocks of lard to drum the facts home. Do you really still feel hungry?

  1. 01 Fish and chips
  2. 02 Pizza
  3. 03 Spaghetti Bolognese
  4. 04 Burger meal
  5. 05 Fried chicken
  6. 06 Kebab
  7. 07 English breakfast
  8. 08 Chicken tikka masala (Indian takeaway)
  9. 09 Sweet’n’sour pork with special fried rice (Chinese takeaway)
  10. 10 Shepherd’s pie
  11. 11 Chips
  12. 12 Toast
  • » Fish and chips
  • » calories: 1078 » protein: 43g » carbs: 86g » fat: 65g
  • » fibre: 56g » equivalent to 17 teaspoons of sugar and ½ of a block of lard
  • » Pizza (medium deep pan pizza)
  • » calories: 1746 » protein: 80g » carbs: 159g » fat: 88g
  • » fibre: 8g » 31 teaspoons of sugar and ⅓ of a block of lard
  • » Spaghetti Bolognese (300g serving)
  • » calories: 237 » carbs: 32g » fat: 5.7g » fibre: 3g
  • » 6 teaspoons of sugar
  • » Burger meal (large burger, fries and cola)
  • » calories: 1300 » protein: 34g » carbs: 189g » fat: 44g
  • » fibre: 13g » 38 teaspoons of sugar and over 1/5 of a block of lard
  • » Fried chicken (3 pieces chicken and chips)
  • » calories: 933 » protein: 62g » carbs: 72g » fat: 45g
  • » fibre: 6g » 14 teaspoons of sugar and almost 1/5 of a block of lard
  • » Kebab (shish with salad in pitta bread)
  • » calories: 704 » protein: 61g » carbs: 78g » fat: 19g
  • » fibre: 5g » 15 teaspoons of sugar and nearly 1/10 of a block of lard
  • » English breakfast (2 rashers, 1 sausage, 1 egg, 1 tomato, 1 portion beans, fried slice of bread)
  • » calories: 831 » protein: 46g » carbs: 52g » fat: 50g
  • » fibre: 10g » 10 teaspoons of sugar and 1/5 of a block of lard
  • » Chicken tikka masala (take-away)
  • » calories: 709 » protein: 71g » carbs: 72g » fat: 15g
  • » fibre: 1g » 14 teaspoons of sugar and 1/20 of a block of lard
  • » Chinese takeaway (sweet’n’sour pork with special fried rice)
  • » calories: 520 protein: 16g » carbs: 72g » fat: 15g
  • » fibre: 1g » 14 teaspoons of sugar and 1/20 of a block of lard
  • » Shepherd’s pie (300g)
  • » calories: 336 » protein: 18g » carbs: 28g » fat: 18g
  • » fibre: 2g » 5 teaspoons of sugar and 1/20 of a block of lard
  • » Chips
  • » calories: 655 » protein: 8g » carbs: 74g » fat: 38g
  • » fibre: 5g » 14 teaspoons of sugar and more than 1/6 of a block of lard
  • » Toast (2 slices, white, thick with butter)
  • » calories: 348 » protein: 6g » carbs: 35g » fat: 21g
  • » fibre: 1g » 7 teaspoons of sugar and almost 1/20 of a block of lard

Now for the scary part, these are everyday foods that a lot of people consume regularly as part of their diet. What if you started your day with a lovely cooked breakfast, had a burger for lunch and went out for a pizza in the evening? (Don’t forget I am not even counting snacks or drinks, just three meals.) Your total calories would be:

  • » calories: 3877 » protein: 160g » carbs: 400g
  • » fat: 182g » fibre: 31g

Normal daily average calorie intake is 2550 (17,850 per week) for men and 1940 (13,580 per week) for women. The above is almost double the recommended figure for women and over 1½ times for men.

It is the equivalent of eating 20 candyflosses a day and half of a block of lard. Start to add in the between-meal snacks, drinks, alcohol and not enough exercise and you become a ticking bomb of potential heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, digestive tract problems. Choose your poison – or as I hope, don’t!




Let’s get something straight here. Conventional and traditional fad diets usually do not work, full stop. Calorie-counting diets, the ‘point system diet’ or even the high-protein foods diet with no carbs – in my opinion these will all fail you and, even worse, most of them are tedious, pointless and downright dangerous to the body. Sure, they might help you to lose some weight in a few weeks or even in a few months. In the long run, though, you won’t be able to continue with these fad diets because ultimately you will gain the weight back, and you won’t be doing your body any favours.

Fad diets operate on restricting you, and in effect will usually starve you of something important that your body needs. For example, the extreme high-meat protein/low-carb diet craze is fundamentally, scientifically and nutritionally flawed. Every living human being must have complex carbohydrates to function, to think, for energy, for good sex and for a positive attitude. Complex carbohydrates include the important grains like brown rice, millet, quinoa, rye, barley and buckwheat. My patients who stopped eating complex carbohydrates for mostly high-protein foods started to seriously suffer from constipation, mood swings, anger fits, dizziness, headaches, stomach cramps and depression – even the most happy-go-lucky types. And in the long run, they had to come back to my lifestyle programme for the most successful results.

In addition, most fad diets restrict the intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs). Again, this is bad science and it’s bad for you too! EFAs actually help the body to dissolve fat. So to cut out foods high in them is like cutting out fat-burning agents. I call my programme The Diet of Abundance, which is about not cutting out foods. Go on and eat those avocados, and those brazil nuts, almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts, and the list goes on and on.

A ‘diet’ to me is not about starving yourself, but rather a new lifestyle with an abundance of healthy foods. You Are What You Eat works better than anything else that has ever been tried, because my plan is based on scientific study from around the world, clinical research and biochemistry in the lab. Choose from a wonderful range of foods and embark upon the Dr Gillian McKeith Lifestyle.

My aim is for you to make simple changes that will begin to take effect almost immediately and will last for life.


These foods will:

  • » Boost your thinking power
  • » Lift your mood
  • » Reduce stress
  • » Boost your vitality
  • » Give you a healthier heart

When it comes to heart disease, a healthy diet is the prime player. It can:

  • » Supply chemicals in the blood that can unclog arteries, reduce cholesterol, create blood clot solvents and send hormones to relax artery walls, reducing blood pressure
  • » Play a part in the fight against cancer by releasing agents that can cause abnormal cell growths to shrink or disappear
  • » Help fight ageing and slow down your body’s natural deterioration
  • » Help chase away common colds and flu and stimulate your body to make more natural killer cells to ward off infection
  • » Prevent headaches and asthma attacks
  • » Create substances that can mute the pain and swelling of arthritis
  • » Attack bacteria and viruses
  • » Boost your fertility and sex drive
  • » Make your skin, hair and nails glow with health

There are countless other benefits, and it would be impossible to name them all. But my message here is loud and clear:

Healthy food choices can make you look and feel great.


These foods will:

  • » Accelerate the ageing process
  • » Cause weight gain
  • » Cause digestive problems, including bloating, gas and cramps
  • » Make you feel drowsy and lethargic
  • » Play havoc with your concentration
  • » Give you mood swings
  • » Adversely affect fertility and libido
  • » Set in process silent attacks that weaken the joints and clog the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease and arthritis
  • » Make arteries narrow and stiff – just right for the formation of blood clots
  • » Promote toxic activity within the body that years later may end up as cancerous growth
  • » Weaken your immunity
  • » Trigger headaches and asthma attacks
  • » Increase the pain and swelling of arthritis
  • » Give you unhealthy-looking skin, hair and nails

Basically if your diet isn’t healthy, you won’t feel healthy and you won’t lose weight.



Living foods or raw foods

Living foods are raw foods. These foods have not been cooked, boiled, stewed, microwaved, frozen, baked or steamed. As a result, they are still in their original state and contain their food enzymes. Food enzymes are the life force of food and help the digestion process. Raw fruits, raw vegetables, sprouted grains or sprouted seeds all contain food enzymes. We need an abundant supply of food enzymes to nourish our bodies, provide us with energy and balance our metabolism.

The most noticeable deficit in the old diets of the participants on You Are What You Eat was that their meals were completely missing food enzymes. Most of the participants never ate anything raw.

Good carbs

These are the carbs without the added refined sugar: for instance, fruits, wholemeal breads, grains, rice and vegetables. These healthy carbohydrates (called complex carbs) contain naturally occurring sugars that the body can easily and slowly metabolize for balanced brain function, mood attitude and useful energy. They are not stripped of their nutrients.

Organic foods

Organic foods means foods that are free of chemicals. Foods that are organic have been grown in soils that have not been sprayed with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Remember, if chemicals have been sprayed on the produce that you eat, from chemically treated soils, then those chemicals, which are toxic, will enter your body cells and bloodstream. Who knows what damage they will do? There are numerous studies which show that chemicals inside our bodies do not help our health.

Good protein

Vegetable proteins are easy to break down in the body. Quinoa is an example of a vegetable protein that is very easy to digest. It looks like a grain and you can make a tasty porridge with it. Sprouts (not Brussels sprouts, but sprouts that are grown from seed) are a more efficient, cheaper and healthier form of protein than meat. Combining beans and grains together forms a complete protein too, easy to digest and enhancing to the metabolism.

Good fats

Fats have a terrible reputation. In this era of low-fat foods and fat-free diets, the crusade against fats has almost gone mad. The most zealous campaigners even condemn oil-rich nutritious foods like nuts, seeds and avocados, but no one can ever blame heart disease on avocados!

I generally advocate good fat foods such as nuts, seeds and avocados to my patients. These oil-rich foods contain healthy fats which are necessary for aiding weight reduction, lowering cholesterol, enhancing immunity and nourishing the reproductive organs, skin, hair and bone tissue, effectively lubricating our bodies. These are the good fats, vitally important and necessary for life itself. And these fats help you to metabolize fat. They are so important that they are called essential fatty acids (EFAs).

Your body cannot make EFAs, so you must get them through the foods you eat. I think they really should be called Essential Thinny Acids. That’s how I refer to them in my practice and my patients seem to like the thinny concept better. Flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sea vegetables, fish and avocados are good examples of these essential, thinny fats.

The crusade against fats has gone mad.

Unprocessed foods

These are foods that have no added chemicals or other additives. This food is in its orginal state, the way nature grew it. It has not been changed. Some packaged foods still contain foods and ingredients in their original state. Start reading labels and become more familiar with what goes into the foods you eat.


Overcooked veggies

Most of my patients, when they first come to see me, overcook vegetables. Many tell me they don’t even like vegetables. I contend that they simply do not know how to prepare them. For some reason, we British often have a tendency to boil our veg to death, and in the process lose all of their vital nutrients.

To get the most out of your veggies, either eat them raw or simply steam them lightly for 2–3 minutes maximum in most cases.

Bad carbs

Simple carbs are the sugary, refined type of carbohydrates which are not good for you. These include chocolate, cakes, biscuits, sweets, and anything made with added, refined sugar or flour or processed white rice. During the refining process, the majority of the minerals and vitamins are removed, and these foods behave like pure sugar when they enter the body. They rush into the bloodstream, causing blood glucose disturbances and sugar cravings. Eat too many of these foods and you will undoubtedly have mood swings. You may get depressed, angry and irritable. If you want to be fat and ill, eat bad carbs. Excess bad carb residues are stored as fat in the body. And finally, years of bad carb eating could lead to diabetes. It’s not worth the risk.

Non-organic foods

Non-organic foods, such as non-organic fruits and vegetables, have been sprayed with chemicals and grown in soils that have been treated with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The residues of these chemicals make their way into our bodies when we eat these non-organic foods. They harm our cells and organs and damage our digestive systems. These chemicals become toxins in our bodies, polluting and poisoning us.

Bad protein

Depending how strong your digestive system is, some proteins may simply not be good enough for you. Most people on You Are What You Eat had very weak digestive function, so proteins from red meats were hard for them to break down.

Too many high-protein, fatty, red animal foods can toxify the body and acidify the blood, deplete calcium, overwork the kidneys and liver, stagnate digestion and destroy the beneficial bacteria. This can also lead to kidney stones and liver fatigue, colon and bowel disorders, constipation, arthritis, osteoporosis and heart disease.

Even cow’s milk is too difficult for many people to digest. It can trigger allergic responses such as sinusitis, asthma, earache, congestion, runny nose, skin rash, eczema, fatigue, lethargy and irritability. Whole cow’s milk is too high in saturated fat, low in vitamins and the mineral content is out of balance with human biochemistry; as a result, many of the nutrients cannot be absorbed by humans. Also, cows are normally subjected to hundreds of different drug injections, hormones, pesticides, drug residues which in turn make their way into the milk. If you must drink cow’s milk, boil it first to make it easier to digest.

Try goat and sheep’s milk as alternatives, as the molecules are smaller and easier to break down. There is also an abundance of alternative milks on the market that are easy to digest: rice milks, soy milks and other grain milks.

Refined foods

The modern diet contains many refined foods. All the participants on You Are What You Eat had diets full of refined foods. Refined foods are stripped of their original, natural nutrient content and fibre. The consumer is left with a more concentrated, unnatural sweet version of the original food. Refined white flour and white sugar are the two most common examples of refined foods. These ingredients are then used in a multitude of other ‘foods’. Baked goods, chocolates, fast foods and ready meals to name a few are the types of foods filled with additives and preservatives to give them a longer shelf life. These foods really should be called ‘non-foods’. They cause havoc with the health of the body as the body is not designed to deal with these nutrient-depleted, industrial, false foods.

On the show, I met one participant who only ate refined, processed, preservative laden foods. Yvonne, who was overweight, depressed, exhausted and constipated, survived mainly on crisps and microwaved meals. She never, ever ate real food. To bring Yvonne to her senses, I teasingly suggested that if she were to drop dead tomorrow, her body would literally take years to decompose because she was so full of all these preservatives. That was a bit of a shock, but she definitely got the message!

… years of bad carb eating could lead to diabetes. It’s not worth the risk.

Bad fats

Saturated animal fats are heavy and turn to stone inside the body, hardening the arteries, leaving you at risk of heart attack and stroke. Red meat, pork, dairy products, butter and cheese are examples of foods that are fat saturated. The body is not designed to deal with these types of fats. High bad-fat diets raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels, can interfere with blood sugar levels and cause liver stagnation, which can lead to depression and weight gain. The body cannot effectively process bad fats, so many are turned into toxic balls and stored in the body, making you even fatter.

Hydrogenated fats are the results of a process that hardens liquid vegetable oils. Shortening and margarine are hydrogenated fats, so potato chips, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, pastries and baked goods all contain hydrogenated fats. The hydrogenated fats change into the evermore dangerous trans fatty acids which have been shown to cause diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Trans fatty acids also cause you to gain weight as they interfere with the metabolism and breakdown of essential fatty acids. They increase the bad cholesterol in the body and deplete the good.

Processed foods

The processing of foods changes the original food and the proportions of the nutrients within these foods. Many pre-packaged and plastic wrapped foods, quick fix, microwaveable, fast and boil-in-the-bag type foods have gone through a multitude of processes before they end up in the supermarket. These foods have little or no nutritional value.

The food industry allows more than 3000 food additives to be used in the processing of food. And just because many of these additives and chemicals used in the processing of our foods are deemed safe, it does not mean that they are. So, chemicals, food additives, colouring agents, sweeteners, artificial flavours, dyes, nitrates, nitrites, preservatives to prevent spoilage, acids, maturing, bleaching agents, emulsifiers to maintain consistency are all finding their way into our bodies via these easy-to-prepare packaged foods.

These processes can cause allergic reactions, stress on the liver to process such chemicals, many of which are cancer forming. Children exposed to such processes can become hyperactive and display learning difficulties.


Andy, a 26-year-old computer specialist from Essex, took part in the pilot programme for You Are What You Eat. His girlfriend had just left him a week before and it had been a terrible shock. He was devastated and severely depressed when I first met him.

Andy’s life consisted of gorging on food during the day and bingeing on drink at the pub in the evening. A sample of his everyday diet: crisps, chocolate, white bread, burgers, more burgers and even more burgers, chips and loads of beer. This young, blond, strapping 6-foot 2-inch man with chiselled features weighed 28 stone. Andy was clinically obese and his poor food choices were ruining his life. He was exhausted, out of breath, had terrible indigestion, wind and bloating, and was really down in the dumps. His gooey, sticky, slimy, unhealthy stools stank to high heaven and he was sweating far too much, even when sitting down.

My biochemical tests revealed that his mineral and vitamin profiles were dreadful and he had the lowest level of essential fatty acids (EFAs) I have ever seen in my many years of practice. This meant he could not break down fats properly.

I gave him an ultimatum: Follow my programme or die young. Do what I tell you and I will continue to work with you. Step out of line and I walk out on you. Andy made the right choice. He wholeheartedly embarked upon my programme, which was as follows:

  • » No red meat
  • » No refined white-sugar
  • » No refined floury pastries
  • » No crisps or chips
  • » No alcohol
  • » Unlimited amounts of fresh raw fruits and vegetables, raw seeds, nuts and some legumes, pulses and grains
  • » Moderate daily exercise

This pub-crawling greaser even started to juice his own wheatgrass and carrot juices every day, instead of downing pints at his local. End result: Andy lost over 4 stone in less than three months and he felt great. Although he is still in the process of losing additional fat, today Andy is a new man and he looks great too.

Good food = better life

So you can see how food makes all the difference to your health and wellbeing. It provides the great majority of the nutrients you need to stay healthy and happy. Food has the most incredible influence on your emotional, mental and physical states. Eating healthy, high-quality food is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to create a better life. By thinking more closely about what you eat and making healthier food choices, you can get the most out of your food and the best out of your life. Because you truly are what you eat!


Here are the most common body signs to look out for to assess the state of your health. Each one is followed by information on what it means, plus pointers on what to do about them. Follow them and you’re on a sure-fire path to good health.



The tongue is an important indicator of health so I’d like to start by focusing on it in some detail.

I always think of the tongue as being like a window to the organs. The extreme tip correlates to the heart, the bit slightly behind is the lungs. The right side shows what the gallbladder is up to and the left side the liver. The middle indicates the condition of your stomach and spleen, the back, the kidneys, intestines, bladder and womb.

A healthy tongue should be smooth, supple and slightly moist. It should be pale red in colour with a very thin, white film. The most common tongue indicators I look out for are cracks, ravines, coatings (i.e. yellow/furry/thick/white), lines, swellings, patches of red and cuts.

Crack down the middle

  • » A midline crack not reaching the tip seems harmless enough but if you have one, it means you have a weak stomach and your digestion is not what it should be. You are most likely nutrient-depleted. And I bet you are often bloated after eating and maybe even a victim of energy slumps in the middle of the day, especially after lunch. You are certainly not as energized as you could be. But then again, most people have no idea how well they could really be.


  • » Learn how to food combine – this means avoiding eating certain food groups at the same time .
  • » Take a digestive enzyme with meals – this is a supplement which helps to break down food during digestion .
  • » Eat soups, stews and blends – foods that are easy to digest. Millet porridge would be good for you.
  • » Don’t guzzle fizzy drinks and don’t drink liquids at mealtimes.
  • » See Foods to Nourish the Tummy, below.

Foods to Nourish the Tummy




Millet sprouts




Sweet potatoes








Teethmarks round the sides

  • » Teethmarks round the sides of the tongue are a sign of nutritional deficiency. The likelihood is that your digestion is also impaired and you have a spleen deficiency.

Sluggish spleen function is very common. Around 70 per cent of the patients I meet for the first time suffer from it. If your spleen is weak, you probably put up with gas and bloating.


Eat foods which nourish the spleen:

  • » Aduki beans
  • » Yellow squash
  • » Mung beans
  • » Kidney beans
  • » Alfalfa
  • » Lychees
  • » Barley
  • » Millet
  • » Beetroot
  • » Oats
  • » Carrots
  • » Parsley
  • » Celery
  • » Parsnips
  • » Chicken
  • » Pumpkin
  • » Fennel
  • » Root vegetables
  • » Fish
  • » Sweet potatoes
  • » Turnips
  • » Yams

    Food high in chlorophyll:

  • » Leafy greens
  • » Algae
  • » Kale
  • » Chard

Herbs and Spices to Nourish the Spleen


Black pepper


Cayenne pepper




Dill seed

Pau d’arco


Science bit

The spleen is a small organ that has many functions. It works in tandem with your stomach for the uptake of nutrients from the foods you eat and is responsible for getting rid of worn-out red blood cells by recycling them and transforming them into iron to build the blood. It also neutralizes unhealthy bacteria, so helps prevent colds and flu when it is strong. Yours is not doing this effectively if you have teethmarks round the side.

Sore tongue

A sore tongue is a sure sign of a nutrient deficiency – often iron, vitamin B6 or niacin.


  • » Take liquid mineral supplements and start to drink nettle teas, which are high in these much-needed minerals.
  • » Get your iron levels checked. Iron deficiency can sometimes be caused by vitamin Β12, folic acid or copper deficiencies. See a nutritionist for advice.

Burning tongue

A sign that the stomach is lacking in gastric digestive juices. You may also experience tummy trouble if you have this symptom.


  • » Try taking a teaspoon of Swedish Bitters daily. It will really help to increase your gastric juice secretions.
  • » Drink a cup of dandelion tea twice a day.
  • » Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal.
  • » HCL (hydrochloric acid) tablets can help to adjust the gastric juices in the stomach.

Swollen tongue and/or thick white coating

These are indicators that there is too much mucus in the body. They are also signs of a lack of beneficial bacteria and also, possibly, an elevation of yeasts.


  • » Cut down on dairy products. These foods are mucus-producing and your inner organs are too damp to deal with them.
  • » Read the section on superfoods . Introduce one green superfood into your life.
  • » Read about yeast control.
  • » Get Acidophilus powder or capsules from a health store to replenish your body with healthy bacteria. You will need a six-month course.
  • » Drink pau d’arco tea (pronounced poh darko), available from health stores. This is a superb way to lower the yeasts in your body.
  • » The homeopathic remedy Bryonia (available from health food shops) may help, especially if your mouth is dry and you are quite thirsty.

Horizontal cracks, small cracks/grooves

Sometimes referred to as a geographic tongue. Cracking on the tongue is a sign of malabsorption, especially of B vitamins, and is often accompanied by a lack of energy. Most overweight patients I see for the first time are deficient in this vital nutrient. The deficiency is likely to have been over a lengthy period of time – cracks like this take a long time to develop.


  • » Add vitamin B Complex (50mg a day) to your diet.
  • » Take a digestive enzyme supplement with meals .
  • » Change your diet to include foods that are high in food enzymes and easier to absorb
  • » Take echinacea tincture (20 drops daily for two weeks) – to help move lymph and eliminate toxins that are impeding nutrient absorption.
  • » Drink slippery elm or peppermint teas to help calm the stomach.
  • » Nettle tea will help fortify the body with B vitamins.
  • » Drink 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice before meals.

Thick yellow coating

A thick yellow coating on the tongue indicates excess heat in the gut. It also means you don’t have enough healthy bacteria in your body. If the coating is at the back of the tongue, you need to pay attention to your colon. Your bowels are not working as well as they should be.


  • » You may be run down from doing too much, so start to take things easier.
  • » Cool yourself down with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice before meals.
  • » Start eating the foods in Chapter 3 The Diet of Abundance and these problems should ease.
  • » Drink sage tea (2 cups a day for a month). Alternate with camomile tea.

Red tip

A red tip on the tongue indicates emotional upset or emotional stress. It could be something from the past that you are still unconsciously holding on to, or due to present circumstances. A red tip on the tongue can also indicate emotional strain in your body.

Emotional upset disturbs the normal energy balance within the body, causing your inner energy to stagnate, especially if the strain is prolonged. You may have an excess of stress hormones flowing through your system.

Some people are better than others at dealing with upset. A young woman in her early thirties once came to see me. When I looked at her tongue, I noticed a very red tip so I asked her if she had experienced any emotional upheavals in her life. She quickly snapped back that she hadn’t. But about five minutes later, she burst into tears and explained that she had just broken up with her boyfriend of seven years and was heartbroken. It showed… on her tongue.


  • » Read  how to deal with stress.
  • » The herbs Siberian ginseng and rhodiola – both available from health food shops – are helpful for stress.


Dandruff on the scalp

This can be due to yeast overgrowth and/or deficiencies of EFAs, vitamin B6 and/or selenium.


  • » Take 2 dessertspoons of flax oil a day.
  • » Take the anti-fungal herb pau d’arco, either in the form of tea (2 cups a day) or capsules (3, taken twice a day) and immediately reduce the amount of sugary foods you eat.
  • » Eat foods high in food enzymes .
  • » Add the following hair-nourishing supplements to your diet every day: selenium (200mcg), biotin (600mcg), and 1 Reishi mushroom capsule.
  • » Wash your hair with camomile or tea tree shampoos. After washing, rinse with 1 cup of cider vinegar and 10 drops of peppermint oil.


Veins close to surface on cheeks/raised capillaries

A sign of digestive enzyme insufficiency or low stomach acid.


  • » Take HCL supplements (1 tablet before your largest meal of the day) and a digestive enzyme supplement, taken with a sip of water halfway through the meal. One dessertspoon of apple cider vinegar before meals can help too.
  • » Be aware that your body is screaming for food enzymes . You need to eat more sprouted seeds, sprouted grains, raw fruits and raw veggies.


Cracks behind the ears

Cracks behind the ears are a sign of a zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiencies can take a long time to correct – at least six months to a year.


  • » Start with 1 teaspoon of liquid zinc supplement mixed in juice daily, then move on to zinc citrate capsules (25mg a day).
  • » Eat pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and papayas.

Wax oozing from the ears

You have an EFA deficiency – a very common problem in this country. Too many people avoid fats in an effort to lose weight. The mistake they make is they avoid good fats as well as bad. Then, when they want a treat, they usually opt for the bad fat treat instead of the good.


  • » Drizzle 2 tablespoons of flax oil or linseeds over your salads.
  • » Take extra evening primrose oil, borage oil, Omega 3 or SLA (1000mg a day).
  • » Cut down on cow’s milk products.


Breaking/splitting/chipping nails

These are an indication that your liver needs help. They may also be a sign of calcium, zinc, or EFA deficiencies, or low stomach acid.


  • » Take the herb milk thistle (2 capsules a day).
  • » Eat broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, whole grains, amaranth, chicory, seeds and the sea vegetable nori.
  • » Drink 2 cups of nettle tea a day. Nettle tea is a panacea for delivering nutrients to the body. I love it.

White spots

White spots on the nails are a sign of zinc deficiency. By the time the white spots reach your nails, your zinc levels are pretty low, and you need to do something about it soon


  • » Start taking 1 teaspoon liquid algae and 1 tablet of zinc supplement daily.
  • » Snack on pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Cracks on the skin/tiny blisters on the fingertips

A sign of zinc deficiency.


  • » See Solutions, above, for White Spots.

Swollen fingers or puffy hands

A sign of B6 deficiency.


  • » Eat plenty of food high in B vitamins, such as brown rice, sunflower seeds, avocados, buckwheat and legumes.
  • » You may need an additional daily dose of 35mg B6.
  • » Drink red clover tea (3 cups a day).

Red, scaly skin on hands

You could have zinc, EFA, vitamin C and E deficiencies. Red, scaly skin can also be a sign of food sensitivities.


  • » Try adding 25mg zinc, 1000mg EFAs, 1000mg vitamin C and 400iu vitamin E to your daily diet.
  • » Get yourself tested for food sensitivities. You could start by eradicating the most likely suspects: wheat and chocolate.


Pale inside lower eyelid

Pull the lower eyelid down. Inside the lower rim, the colour should be pinky red. If it’s extremely pale, you may be anaemic. You may need iron plus vitamin B Complex with B12.


  • » Get this checked by your GP or a specialist nutritionist.
  • » Start taking a liquid mineral supplement following the dosage on the packaging, or daily multivitamin/mineral supplement.
  • » Nettle tea is a great natural iron booster.

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes usually indicate food allergies and possible weak kidney energy.


  • » Rotate your foods; in other words, do not eat the same foods every day.
  • » Eat the grain quinoa.
  • » Drink cranberry juice (2 glasses daily for a week).
  • » Build up your kidneys by eating the foods listed opposite:





Wheat berries

Sweet rice


Aduki beans

Black beans

Kidney beans





Mung beans

Water chestnuts

Black sesame seeds




Cinnamon bark







Gravel root

Rose hips


Uva Ursi (or in capsule form 500mg)







Spring onions









Magnesium (300mg, twice a day)

Horsetail (500mg, twice a day)


Cracks at each corner of the mouth

A sign of vitamin B2 deficiency.


  • » Drink 2 cups of red clover/nettle tea every day.
  • » Take a vitamin B Complex supplement that contains B2 (riboflavin) (50mg daily).
  • » Drink a glass of carrot juice with a teaspoon of the superfood spirulina every day.
  • » Eat plenty of dark green leafy veggies, almonds, parsley and wheatgerm.

Puffy lower lip

Unless you’ve been injected with collagen to give your lips a fuller appearance, a puffy lower lip indicates digestive stagnation. It could even suggest constipation. Bear in mind that even if you move your bowels every day, it does not mean you are not constipated. Not everything we eat comes out as effectively as it should!


  • » Eat simply, food combine , drink warm herbal teas and eat hearty vegetable soups.
  • » A digestive enzyme supplement along with the superfood spirulina should make a difference.
  • » Slippery elm tea will soothe your system.


Tender spots where the shoulder meets your arm

An indication of vitamin B12 deficiency.


  • » Get B12 sublingual lozenges from a health store (1000mcg daily).

Deficiencies of the mineral magnesium are at epidemic levels in this country, causing constipation, high blood pressure, depression, leg cramps, PMS, insomnia and excessive tiredness.

Small pimply bumps on the arm

A possible sign of beta-carotene, B Complex and EFA deficiency.


  • » Take the above supplements (beta-carotene 15mg daily, B Complex 50mg daily and EFA 500mcg daily).
  • » Take digestive enzymes to help you absorb other nutrients.
  • » Start eating a wide range of foods which contain high levels of B12, including sprouted seeds, fish, tempeh, miso soup and dulse.

Red spots on the front of the thigh

A possible vitamin A deficiency.


  • » Take wild blue-green algae supplement (6 tablets or 1 teaspoon daily) or the superfood spirulina in powder form or tablets (1 teaspoon daily or 6 tablets).
  • » Add seaweed to your cooking .
  • » Take a good multi-vitamin supplement daily.
  • » Try an additional supplement of beta-carotene (15mg daily) – it sounds strange but it’s a very good source of vitamin A.
  • » Eat plenty of foods from the following list, all high in Vitamin A:
  • » Broccoli
  • » Brussels sprouts
  • » Carrots
  • » Dandelion greens
  • » Halibut
  • » Kale
  • » Mustard green
  • » Papaya
  • » Parsley
  • » Pumpkin
  • » Red pepper
  • » Salmon
  • » Sweet potatoes
  • » Watercress
  • » Watermelon
  • » Yellow squash

Sore knee

If your knee is sore where the kneecap joins the main bone of the leg, it could be an indicator of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


  • » Try 400 mcg selenium and vitamin E for two to three months.

Sore lower leg bone

A lower leg bone that is sore when pressed is an indicator of vitamin and mineral deficiency.


  • » Take calcium (1000mg daily) and niacinimide (500mcg daily).

Leg cramps

Cramping leg pain means your calcium levels are low. You may also have a magnesium deficiency, since magnesium is needed to mobilize calcium into the bones.


  • » Take 750mg magnesium and 500mg calcium twice a day.
  • » Add seaweed to your soups and stews.
  • » Eat lots of green leafy vegetables.
  • » If you exercise often and sweat, it’s a good idea to take a magnesium supplement after your work-out.

Varicose veins

An indication of nutritional deficiencies and/or congestion in the liver.


  • » Take vitamin E (400iu daily), bioflavonoids (500mg daily) and magnesium (1000mg daily).

Cracked feet

Cracking on your feet indicates a possible rise of yeast in the body.


  • » Add a biotin supplement to your diet (50mg daily) to prevent yeast organisms from budding full cycle.
  • » Massage your feet with flax oil.


Tender, gassy stomach that is sometimes painful

An indication of low stomach acid and insufficient digestive enzymes.


  • » Take an HCL supplement.
  • » Take a digestive enzyme with each meal.
  • » Cut out cow’s milk products, because the molecules are too large for many people to break down in the stomach.
  • » Try food combining .


Greasy stools that won’t flush

Floating stools that will not flush show a liver imbalance.


  • » Start sprinkling linseeds on your salads or into soups every day.
  • » Practise the Liver Rub .
  • » Drink 3 cups of sage tea a day.
  • » Take a teaspoon of spirulina every day.
  • » Eat more foods to strengthen the liver .
  • » Take L’glutamine powder before all meals.
  • » Cleanse your body out with the ayurvedic cleansing tri herb combination Triphala. If you can’t find that anywhere, get psyllium husks and treat yourself to a home enema .

Foul-smelling stools

Foul-smelling stools are a sign of poor digestion and food stagnating in your large intestine. This means you are toxic and your gut is overly acidic. You are sorely in need of digestive enzymes.


  • » Start taking a digestive enzyme capsule with every meal.
  • » Buy some liquid chlorophyll from a health food shop and take a teaspoon before meals.
  • » Take 100mg Co-Enzyme Q10 every day.
  • » It would do you the world of good to start juicing your own juice (for example, 2 carrots, 2 sticks of celery and 1 cucumber, juiced together). I know that sounds like a pain but it’s well worth the bother.

Skid mark stools

Your stools have too much mucus, so they slide and stick to the edge of the toilet. You are lacking good-quality fibre in your diet and need to eat more foods high in food enzymes . The stickiness is a sign of dampness inside the body – a very common condition in Britain.


  • » Reduce your intake of mucus-producing foods such as dairy products and alcohol. Yep. Skip the pub visits for a while or stick to still mineral water. I am not trying to be a party pooper but you will feel miles better within just a few days.
  • » Eat the superfood wild blue-green algae, available from health food stores (6 capsules a day).


If you are producing rabbit droppings, then your liver needs help as it is congested. I urge my own patients at the clinic to embark upon my one-day detox but I make them do it for two days!


  • » Take 2 capsules of milk thistle, three times a day, and alpha lipoic acid (500mg daily) for a month.
  • » Use an internal cleansing powder called Psyllium or Triphala (2 tablespoons mixed in juice or water a day) and take 1 teaspoon liquid chlorophyll before meals. You can get all of this in a health store.
  • » Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of Lecithin granules on cereals or salads.

Light-coloured stools

If your stools are light beige in colour or have a yellow appearance it’s a sign that you have difficulty digesting fatty foods. You are also most likely deficient in essential fatty acids, the good fats.


  • » Eat more foods with EFAs, to help you to metabolize fats. Add fish, avocados, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sea vegetables such as nori and dulse to your diet.
  • » Sprinkling 1 tablespoon of flax seeds over salad will also help normalize your stools.

Food in your stools

It is normal to find sweetcorn skin in your stools as the outer skin is fairly indigestible. However, if you find remnants of other foods, then it may mean your digestive system is weak. Also, you may not be chewing your food enough. Chew your food thoroughly and remember that your stomach doesn’t have any teeth.



Worms in your stools

A horrible thought, but it’s more widespread than you can imagine. Children often have them and pass them on to adults through poor hygiene. You can also pick them up from kissing your pets on the mouth, eating poorly cooked pork, raw meats or raw fish.

Deworm yourself right away. If you have worms, you will be low in nutrients. The worms are living off your nutrients and your nutrient absorption will be compromised. People with worms often have anaemia (low iron levels). Get your iron levels checked out.

You will most likely have a very itchy bottom, especially at night. Try not to scratch as they can spread this way.


The following can help and may sound alien to you but they work. It means making a trip to the health shop for some of the items but it’s worth it:

  • » Black walnut tincture destroys worms. Take it three times daily on an empty tummy. A combination of cloves, wormwood and Black walnut tincture works best, but don’t take this combination if you are pregnant.
  • » Gentiana root tincture, three times daily, is superb for treating worms.
  • » Eat lots of pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and figs to expel the little creatures.
  • » Drink aloe vera juice one or two times a day before meals to help prevent re-infection.
  • » Take a good multi-vitamin with high levels of B vitamins.
  • » Grapefruit seed extract (20 drops in water three times a day) is a good natural remedy.
  • » Eat lots of onions, dark green leafy vegetables and salads.
  • » Cut out sweets, pasteurized milks and processed foods. Worms thrive in that environment.
  • » Drink senna tea to pump out those little creatures.
  • » Zinc oxide cream smoothed on the opening of the anus will help relieve discomfort.
  • » It may sound crazy, but put a couple of garlic cloves inside your socks/shoes. As you walk, the garlic will be crushed up and will absorb into your skin into the blood to the intestinal tract. Worms hate garlic and you absorb the antiparasitic properties through your skin. Of course, eating raw or cooked garlic would work too!

Loose and runny stools all the time

This is not the same as a single bout of diarrhoea caused by a bug. This is a situation whereby you always have runny stools that are never formed. It’s a sign that your spleen function is exhausted .


  • » This is the one time where I would not encourage you to eat too many raw veggies until your stools have improved.
  • » Add the following to your diet: onions, leeks, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, garlic and nutmeg.
  • » Rice, oats and spelt are great breakfast starters for this condition.
  • » See list of foods beneficial to the spleen.
  • » Take Acidophilus supplements (follow dosage instructions on the packet).
  • » Eat warm foods and drink herbal teas or warm water, especially during cold or rainy months. If you want to eat salads, always have a warm food with it, or grate ginger over the salad. Grated ginger will have a warming effect on the spleen.

Thin, shreddy stools

Your colon is screaming out for help. Please clean me!


  • » Giving yourself an enema or having colonic irrigation would be a good idea .
  • » Eat a diet high in fibre, i.e. lots of fruits, vegetables and dark green leafy salads.
  • » Go on my one-day detox  for more than one day!
  • » Get psyllium husks or Triphala and follow the directions on the label.

Top Tip: How much time?

If you want to see how long you are taking to digest your veggies, then eating corn is one way to find out. From the moment the corn enters your mouth until it reaches your stools, the process should take about six hours. Any longer and your digestion is not as efficient as it should be. If it is taking longer try drinking 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice before meals and a digestive enzyme supplement with all meals to help break down your foods.


Don’t feel embarrassed about this one. Loads of people have itchy bottoms. This usually indicates one of the following three conditions: worms or parasites , food sensitivities or haemorrhoids. Please be fastidious about hand washing.

Food sensitivities

To check out if this is the case, try the Food Sensitivity Pulse Test opposite. The average pulse rate is fairly even, but when you eat foods to which you may be sensitive, your heartbeat increases. Do the test and if your pulse changes after eating a meal, you may have food sensitivities. All you need is a watch with a second hand.


  • » Take 1 teaspoon of L’glutamine powder before meals to help minimize food reactions.
  • » Eggs, citrus fruits, soya products, corn, wheat, dairy products, tomatoes and spicy foods can often aggravate the problem. Avoid them where possible.


When your liver is congested, you usually end up with haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids are swollen bluish, reddish or purple, often large, inflamed veins and capillaries around the anus. They appear in various sizes generally from the size of a pea to the size of a grapefruit. They can be seriously uncomfortable. You will congest your liver through poor food choices. Too much sugar, chocolate, coffee, cream, pastries, biscuits and milky products from cows will be enough to do it. It is possible that you have less swollen haemorrhoids which remain inside the rectum, so that you may not always see them. They can be sore, itchy, even bleed at times.


  • » First thing in the morning when you wake up, take your radial pulse. Place your pointer finger on the radial pulse (on your wrist). Count the number of beats in a 60-second period. Your reading should be somewhere between 50 and 70 beats per 60 seconds.
  • » After eating a meal, take your radial pulse again. If the pulse reading score has increased by more than 10 beats, then you may have a sensitivity to a particular food within the meal. You will then need to separate out the foods to find the one to which you are reacting, using the same method outlined above.


  1. 01 Try a rotation of the following natural herbal creams. You can buy them in a health food shop. Start with the first cream and continue use until the haemorrhoid disappears, or the cream runs out. If the cream runs out, and you still have the haemorrhoids, then start on the second herbal cream and so on.
    1. (a) Hamamelis Virginica (witch hazel), especially if the haemorrhoid is painful to touch. Witch hazel compresses can help to constrict and shrink the veins.
    2. (b) Pilewort ointment
    3. (c) Horse chestnut ointment
    4. (d) Plantain and Yarrow ointment
  2. 02 Try the following homeopathic remedies:
    1. (a) Hamamelis 30 c – if the haemorrhoid is painful to touch, bruised, sore
    2. (b) Sulphur 30 c – if haemorrhoid is hot, on fire, burning and/or itching
    3. (c) Sepia 30 c – if haemorrhoid feels like a ball on your rectum.
  3. 03 Drink extra dandelion tea to clear congestion of the liver (3 or 4 cups a day).
  4. 04 Sit in a basin of cold water. This may sound shocking, but it will help lessen inflammation and reduce the engorged blood vessels.
  5. 05 Apply green clay (available from a health food store). Mix it with water. It’s messy, but may relieve the swelling and pain. To remove the clay, take a bath or shower.
  6. 06 Add the herb bilberry to your dietary regimen. It is high in bioflavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory compounds that help to relieve haemorrhoids. Take 1 capsule of bilberry every hour in acute cases until healed.
  7. 07 Add 1 tablespoon of flax oil to your diet and take before each meal.
  8. 08 Take 1 capsule of milk thistle twice a day to help soften the stool and cleanse the liver.
  9. 09 Don’t strain on the toilet. This will only make matters worse.
  10. 10 Eat liver-building foods such as cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Learn to sprout your own broccoli seeds .


Is this you?

  • » Poor bladder control
  • » Scanty/dark/cloudy urine
  • » Urinating every five minutes
  • » Stiffness in your little toe
  • » Headaches


Difficulty in peeing

If you feel the need to pee, but it won’t come out easily, this is a sign that you need to balance your bladder and kidney energies. You can do that with the foods and herbs listed in the bladder chart below.


  • » Eat the foods and herbs listed in the Bladder chart . If the problem persists, see a specialist.
  • » Try eating quinoa . It’s one of the best kidney/bladder foods.

Too much pee and always running to the loo

I am talking about every 15–30 minutes. This is a sign of low kidney energy and a tired bladder. It can also be caused by drinking too many soft drinks loaded with sugar and additives.


  • » Introduce barley, wheat berries, sweet rice, aduki beans, black beans, kidney beans, wild salmon and trout into your diet to help your kidneys. Also add parsley to savoury foods where possible.
  • » If you are prone to bladder infections, try eating cranberries or drinking cranberry juice (cranberries are the best fruit for the bladder); make soups or broths from veggies that are effective for the bladder, such as celery, carrots, squash, asparagus and lima beans; drink dandelion tea and eat flax seeds.


A sign that your body is damp and acidic, due to eating the wrong foods. Sugars, animal products, dairy, eggs and refined grains such as white rice and too much wheat acidify your insides, producing large amounts of chlorine and toxins. When the body is overly acidic it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Some people with cloudy urine exhibit other symptoms of damp such as lethargy, heavy limbs, sluggishness, a feeling of stiffness and a fuzzy head.


  • » Eat the superfood wild blue-green algae to help dry up the damp.
  • » Also aduki beans, millet, turnips, sweet potatoes and other root vegetables.


Be sure to include plenty of the following in your daily diet:





Sea Vegetables






Wild salmon






Plenty of water

Soups made from celery, carrots, squash, asparagus, lima



The herb Uva Ursi (500mg twice a day) works wonders




Tea (with caffeine)


Pimples point to congestion or imbalances. Depending on where they are situated on the body, you can tell which organ is affected.


Forehead: Intestinal area


  • » Clean yourself out with 1 tablespoon of psyllium husks daily in water.
  • » Give yourself regular enemas or even get a few colonics .

Cheeks: Lungs and breast area


  • » Drink mullein tea and take Astragalus supplements, three times a day.
  • » Take oil of evening primrose supplements, 1000mg daily.
  • » Take echinacea liquid tincture (20 drops twice a day).
  • » Avoid cow’s milk products, saturated fats and red meats.

Nose: Heart area


  • » Take hawthorn supplements, 500mg twice daily plus 100mg Co Enzyme Q10.
  • » Eat barley grass (1 teaspoon a day).
  • » Drink 2 cups of hawthorn tea daily.

Jaw: Kidney area


  • » Eat quinoa.
  • » Drink dandelion teas.
  • » Take a magnesium supplement (1000mcg daily) and B Complex (100mg daily).

Shoulder: Digestive area


  • » Take digestive enzyme supplements with all meals.
  • » Drink 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice before meals.

Chest: Lung and heart area


  • » Drink mullein teas and ginkgo biloba teas regularly.
  • » Take Co-Enzyme Q10 supplements (100mg daily).
  • » Sprinkle lecithin granules on salads and cereals.

Upper Back: Lung area


  • » Take Astragalus (500mg twice a day)
  • » Take Germanium supplements (200mg daily).
  • » Include the following herbs in your food preparation: basil, cayenne, fennel, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, mullein, nettles, peppermint.
  • » Drink celery juice and mullein teas.
  • » Eat simple, small meals avoiding dairy products and sugars.
  • » Cut out peanuts for a while.

Around the mouth: Reproductive area Solution:

  • » The herb agnus castus can help to correct hormonal imbalances that manifest as pimples around the mouth. Take this supplement twice a day.


It is not always a sign that you are bored. You are probably running on empty and may be suffering from hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar).


  • » Take a teaspoon of the superfood spirulina twice a day, morning and afternoon. Or try my Living Food Energy Powder to balance your blood (available in health food shops).
  • » 15 drops of ginseng tincture in a tiny amount of water after meals could help regulate your blood sugar.

My goal in helping you get to know your body is to show just how much of an effect food has on your body and how you feel each day. These basic tips could make an amazing difference, and you will also likely find that you start listening to your body beyond the signs listed in this chapter. You’ll soon detect whether a food makes you feel vital and healthy, or gives you a bloated stomach or a headache! This knowledge is powerful – it’s the key to really living and experiencing health at the highest level.


Even a minor shift in your eating habits can transform your whole sense of wellbeing. My emphasis is not about telling you what not to eat but in turning you on to hundreds of new foods that you may never have known about. This isn’t a diet of restriction – rather, it’s one of abundance. I want you to eat more foods, not less. I want to shatter your expectations of dieting.

In my own clinical practice, patients who first come to me wanting to lose weight (however much), end up achieving their desired goal and looking fantastic. But they need to make the commitment to eating more of my healthy foods, and less of the unhealthy foods. And I promise that if you follow my diet of abundance, you will never have a weight problem.



The first big issue I run into at the clinic is when I ask the new patient about the quality of his/her diet. Inevitably, most patients tell me they eat a healthy diet. It is only after probing, questioning, and asking them to provide a detailed food inventory for the week that we discover that most people eat terribly, even when they think they’re eating just fine. So, before we go much further, I would like you to complete my Food Intelligence Quotient Test (FIT-IQ) now.

Depending on your FIT-IQ grade, you will either be able to quickly skim this chapter, using it as a simple reference guide (if you’re a high FIT-IQer), or, alternatively, will have to keep this chapter – and this book – with you at all times, and never let it out of your sight!


Answer Yes or No to the following questions:

1 Do you eat at least one piece of raw fruit each day?

2 Do you eat at least five servings of vegetables each day?

3 Do you eat rice, quinoa, oats or other grains at least three times a week?

4 Do you eat a serving of raw vegetables each day?

5 Do you eat raw seeds at least three times a week?

6 Do you use seaweed in your cooking?

7 Do you include fish in your diet at least twice a week?

8 Do you chew your food thoroughly until it’s liquefied?

9 Do you go out of your way to avoid foods containing preservatives, additives, colourings or Ε numbers?

10 Do you avoid foods that contain sugar or added sugar?

11 If you are stressed do you wait until the feeling has passed before eating?

12 Were you breast-fed as a child?

13 Do you always make sure that you take time to eat properly, even if you feel tired or busy?

14 Do you eat breakfast every day?

15 Do you drink bottled spring water every day?

16 Do you drink at least eight glasses of filtered, spring or mineral water every day?

17 Do you avoid beer/alcohol/fizzy drinks when eating?

18 Do you drink water approximately 25 minutes before eating your main meals, instead of drinking water with meals?

19 Do you eat a varied diet instead of eating the same foods every day?

20 Do you make raw vegetable juices at least once a week?


Add up the number of your Yes answers.


Please look at this chapter, familiarize yourself with it, and you should be just fine.


You’re trying, which is good news, but not hard enough. You had better study this chapter – and this book – faithfully! Start following my Diet of Abundance at your earliest convenience.


STOP! Don’t move! I am really worried about you. You are in a serious mess. I am ordering you to take to heart every word of this chapter and book. I am literally begging you to start my Diet of Abundance today, without delay.



Let’s start with some very simple quick preliminary eating tips:

  • » Go for variety in your diet. It will deliver more nutrients and make you feel more satisfied.
  • » Add one or two new foods each week to your routine diet.
  • » Eat organically grown foods where available.
  • » Use whole grains instead of refined processed grains and brown rice instead of white. Wholegrain flour, bread and spaghetti are better than refined flour.
  • » Take a break from wheat whenever possible and introduce other grains such as barley, spelt, millet, amaranth, quinoa and rye.
  • » Eat fresh vegetables every day.
  • » Use unrefined sea salt instead of regular table salt.
  • » Use unrefined cold-pressed oils, such as sesame, corn, olive, sunflower.
  • » Use no-added-sugar jams.
  • » Drink pure (not concentrated) fruit juices.
  • » Rice syrup and barley syrup are better natural sweeteners than white sugar.
  • » Eat white wild fish (not farmed) rather than meat and chicken.
  • » Eat protein foods such as beans, tofu, quinoa and tempeh instead of meat and cheese.
  • » Use sea vegetables for your cooking . These vegetables are a valuable source of nutrients, including calcium, beta-carotene and vitamin B12, which help reduce cholesterol, rid the body of toxins and strengthen immunity.
  • » Introduce new foods into your life and eat more of them, especially from my Abundant Food List . Be open-minded!

How fantastic is it that you don’t need to feel hungry again? At the beginning of their transformation, the biggest concern of the participants on the TV show was ‘Will I be hungry?’

On my Diet of Abundance, you will end up eating a much wider variety of foods than you ever thought possible. And the beauty of it is that you can eat as much of these foods as you like. Your cravings will be banished for good because you will finally be feeding your body.


Joanne, a TV participant who had lived her entire life on burgers and a very limited diet, was extremely worried about how hard it would be to change. She thought I could not possibly understand what she was going through. How wrong could she be.

Many years ago, when I moved away from home to go to university, I survived on a very stodgy diet of saturated meat and potatoes, drank dozens of cups of caffeinated tea until buzzing point and snacked on packets of crisps. I then moved to Spain for a year, and lived on a regimen of chocolate éclairs and Spanish pastries with a few sangrias to wash them down, as well as processed white rice and pork chops. I was overweight and totally depleted of nutrients. Needless to say, I had no energy, my skin was a right mess and I felt quite sick.

I dragged myself kicking and screaming to change my ways. It was not easy and took a while. But the transformation in my health was worth the effort. The participants on the show were forced to make their changes in only eight weeks! I want you to take the time you need to make these changes, but the good news is that you will start to feel the benefits almost immediately.

Once you have reached your health goal, I often tell my patients if you follow the 80/20 rule, you will be fine. Do what I suggest 80 per cent of the time and that leaves a 20 per cent window of food naughtiness. But you might just find that your body does not want to be food naughty. It likes the new you and does not want to spoil the exhilarating feeling. If you do indeed cheat or you fall in the 20 per cent naughty activity, don’t beat yourself up. Accept it, then get back on track.

So challenge yourself and open your mind to the new possibilities. I bet you have no idea how well you can really feel, how much energy you can attain, how sharp your mind could really be, how much happiness you can exude, until you take the steps. It’s almost like if you never get your eyes tested, you have no idea how well you can see. If you don’t challenge yourself with your health and offer your body good food, you have no idea just how great you can feel.

If you eat dead, lifeless food, your body will be lifeless. If you eat vital, vibrant foods with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, you will be full of life force and vitality too. It’s the way it works. It’s that simple.


Rich in nutrients, grains are your basic energy food. Almost all whole, unrefined grains can be beneficial to your health, while refined grains, such as white rice, white bread and white pasta, are devoid of most nutrients and fibre due to the refining process. These processed grains behave like sugar when eaten, rushing into the blood system and causing havoc. This can result in blood sugar imbalances, sugar cravings, mood swings and weight gain. That’s why a healthy diet should always include the unrefined versions of grains such as brown rice, pot barley, amaranth, millet, rye groats, wheat berries, buckwheat groats and so on. Generally, the darker the colour, the more unrefined the grain and the healthier it is for you. Here are some of the grains I recommend.


Amaranth is very strengthening to the lungs – so very beneficial in these days of high pollution and ozone intoxication. And it contains even more calcium and magnesium than cow’s milk!

In Nepal, amaranth seeds are eaten as porridge called ‘sattoo’ or milled into flour to make chapatis. Amaranth can be cooked as a cereal, ground into flour, popped like popcorn, sprouted, or toasted. The seeds can be cooked with other whole grains, added to stir-fries or to soups and stews as a nutrient-dense thickening agent.


Two types of barley are available: pearl barley is the refined version; pot barley is the whole grain. Go for the pot barley. Barley is sweet tasting and good for your stomach and digestion. If you suffer from indigestion, barley can make a difference. It does have some gluten but levels are low.

(Note: Barley is not to be confused with the superfood barley grass. Barley grass does not contain gluten.)

Brown rice

Brown rice is extremely beneficial for the nervous and digestive systems. Of all the grains, it is the least allergenic – even for the most sensitive individuals.

Rice Rules

  • » Short grain: Eat in autumn and winter to warm your insides.
  • » Long grain: Eat in summer to keep you cool.
  • » Basmati: Perfect for people who are overweight or internally damp with mucus and catarrh.

Buckwheat groats

Buckwheat groats are gluten-free, rich in healthy minerals and (unlike wheat) are non-allergenic. If you are sensitive to wheat, this is a superb alternative for you. It contains a decent amount of protein, about 20 per cent, as well as the bio-flavonoid rutin, which helps strengthen circulation and veins. If you suffer from varicose veins, this is the grain for you. Great for livening up salads.


Also known as maize, corn is very common. You will find it in a lot of baked goods. When ground, corn is often added to pre-packaged foods. As a result, corn is a bit like wheat: added to too many foods and, as a result, a potential allergenic if you eat too much of it. To release the nutrients from corn kernels, you need to chew the kernels really well as the skin is indigestible.


Kamut is closely related to wheat, but many wheat-sensitive people tolerate kamut. It contains twice as much protein as wheat, more minerals, especially magnesium and zinc, as well as 16 amino acids and essential fatty acids too.


Millet is an excellent grain food source. High in iron, magnesium, potassium, the B vitamins and vitamin E, it supports the digestive system, improves nutrient uptake and is a great energy booster as it supports the spleen, your energy battery.


Quinoa (pronounced keenwa) is a South American grain that is becoming more widely available and contains all the essential amino acids. It is therefore a complete protein but is easier to digest than meat protein and has a far lower fat content than most meat.


Oats contain more good fats than other grains – fats that will help you to actually lose weight, not gain it. Oats are also a rich source of vitamin B Complex, good for the nervous system and for strengthening your bones.


A good grain for sourdough baking. Some of my patients grow sprouts from the rye berries . Rye is excellent for the liver. Make a broth with the grain if you are a headache sufferer.


Spelt, like buckwheat groats, is loaded with minerals and protein, and strengthening to the constitutional organs. It is a tasty, nourishing alternative for those sensitive to wheat. Constipation, colitis and poor digestion are some of the conditions spelt can help. It’s the only grain that contains mucopolysaccharides which stimulate the immune system. It’s a good source of constant energy.


Teff is a tiny seed with lots of flavour. Its high protein content provides good levels of calcium, magnesium and iron, making it a good choice for people who are salt cravers. Teff contains more potassium than most other grains, helping to clear poor diet acids from the blood.


Most of us eat far too much wheat. Although it’s a healthy grain, eating too much of it can ultimately exert a negative effect on the blood and organs, leading to food intolerances and allergies. It has, in fact, become highly allergenic due to its excessive intake in the West. I recommend you substitute other grains for wheat wherever possible, but don’t worry about eating wholewheat in moderation.

Helpful Hints About Grains

  • » Eat only unrefined grains, not processed ones.
  • » Wash grains well before cooking.
  • » Cook until the grains are soft and all the water has been absorbed (see Grain Cooking Chart, opposite page).
  • » Chew grains well. This will improve digestion.
  • » Did you know the gluten content of wheat virtually disappears, once germinated via sprouts? Try sprouting your favourite grains .
  • » Store grains in sealed containers, and use within four months of purchasing. A bay leaf can be added to keep cereal-nibbling critters away. I normally keep my own grains in the fridge or freezer (especially during warm summer months).




Amount of grain in cups

Amount of water in cups

Cooking time in minutes




Brown rice




Buckwheat (roasted)








Oats (whole groats)




Pot barley








Note: If you soak the grains for a few hours prior to use, you may be able to reduce your cooking time by half.



Also known as legumes or pulses, beans are basically seeds from a pod of a specific group of plants. Most of them are packed with complete protein and contain almost no fat.

Beans are great for weight loss. They also lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease and purge the body of unwanted toxins. Finally, they are a good source of complex carbohydrates, the good healthy type. Because the truth is that carbohydrates such as beans, grains and veggies are essential to our biochemistry and physiology. We need them to be healthy, strong, and even to flourish as a species. If you don’t eat enough good carbohydrates you will feel ill. All my patients who stopped eating carbohydrates became weak, constipated, gaunt, irritable and depressed. It’s like playing Russian roulette with your body. I agree that it’s a good idea to cut out the bad refined carbohydrates such as cakes, cookies, biscuits and sweets. But the message here needs to be very clear: complex carbohydrates, such as beans, are essential for good health! Eat them regularly.

Aduki: The weight loss Bean

Aduki beans are an excellent bean food source, high in nutrients but low in calories. In Japan, aduki beans are noted for their healing qualities, and are used in the treatment of kidney and bladder infections. But in my own clinical practice, I use them for patients who need to lose weight. This bean, with its exceptionally high levels of fibre, vitamin B Complex, and minerals (iron, manganese and zinc), acts as a natural diuretic to relieve the body of excess fluids. It also removes unwanted mucus, congestion and stools, burns fat and balances metabolism for weight management. If you want to lose weight, this is the bean for you.

Mung: The detox Bean

Mung beans are another good food source. I have used this bean in my practice to help lower high blood pressure, treat gastro-intestinal ulcers and urinary problems, and to cleanse the blood by introducing more oxygen. They are a wonderful liver cleanser and I have always incorporated mung beans in my detox at the clinic.

Fava, Soy and Lentils: The meat Beans

Fava, soy and lentils are all high protein, and gram for gram they are even more efficient complete protein providers than red meat – without the fat content. In addition to their perfect protein profile, lentils also nourish the kidneys and adrenal glands, while fava beans are high in amino acids, B vitamins, calcium and iron. Soybeans have become a popular alternative to meat due to their complete protein content. They also contain several anti-cancer compounds including phytoestrogen, and have a balancing effect on both male and female hormones.

Every cell in your body needs protein; it is required for the growth and repair of everything from muscles and bones to hair and fingernails. Protein also helps us create enzymes that enable us to digest food, produce antibodies that fight off infection and hormones that keep the body working efficiently.

Go wild

I prefer wild fish from the seas instead of farmed fish, since the farms tend to be overcrowded, thus sometimes breeding illness. Go for fish from Scotland (especially the Hebrides and Shetlands), Iceland and other less polluted waters.


Although protein is vital for our health and well being, eating too much isn’t good for you as the body cannot store the protein it doesn’t immediately need. Instead, the liver converts excess protein into glucose and toxins, which increases your risk of poor health and weight gain.

Meat, fish, poultry, eggs and milk are rich sources of protein but they aren’t the best sources as the liver finds it hard to digest all that fat as well as the antibiotics and other chemicals used in the raising of animal produce. Your body simply has to work a lot harder to digest meat proteins.

It’s far better to vary your protein sources and get some protein from less well-known sources, such as grains. Many grains are superb sources of protein, in particular quinoa, which is a more usable protein than meat, but also buckwheat, millet and amaranth, legumes, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and sprouted seeds.

All soybean products, such as tofu and soymilk, are good sources. If you do eat meat, avoid red meat and go for lean meats, such as turkey and chicken, which have a lower fat content, and oily fish which is rich in essential fatty acids. When choosing dairy products, opt for the low-fat variety so you get the protein but not the fat.


Choose from non-fatty white meat fish, such as carp, cod, haddock, trout or, occasionally, organic or wild salmon. Oily fish are rich in essential fatty acids, and very good for regulating hormone and blood sugar levels.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds should be included in your diet regularly. These contain high levels of essential fatty acids (EFAs), or good fats. When you eat these good fats you won’t put on weight – they even help you lose excess weight.

Nuts and seeds contain a powerhouse of other nutrients, especially the full profile of amino acids needed to form complete and digestible protein, plus vitamins A, B, C and E and the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese. Sunflower seeds, flax seeds (or linseeds), alfalfa seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, chestnuts, cashews, pecans, brazil nuts and walnuts are particularly beneficial.

Nuts and seeds are so nutrient-dense that you don’t need to eat a lot of them – a teaspoon or two a day, or every other day, would more than do. I often soak my raw nuts or seeds in water for several hours. It gives them a lovely texture and consistency and makes them easier to digest. Try soaking your almonds – you’ll love it. For a fluffy topping. for desserts and puddings, try soaking raw cashews for a few hours, then put them in a blender and whip up into a cream.


Not all sweets are bad for you. In fact, almost all the sweets given to us by Mother Nature are great for us. These are, literally, the fruits of the Earth. Fruits are nutrient-rich and a great source of live enzymes and antioxidants to boost your immune system and energy levels. The best fruits include blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, apples, apricots, cherries, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, raisins and tangerines. I recommend you eat at least one or two fresh raw seasonal fruits every day.

Sweeteners that are fine to use occasionally as snacks or in cooking are brown rice syrup, rice and barley malt, honey, molasses, diluted apple juice, diluted grape juice and pure maple syrup.

I won’t let you get all sugared out…



I make my own patients fill out food and drink inventories for at least 10 days before they come to see me. They have to write the time and details of everything they eat and drink for that 10-day period. They also keep a track of moods, feelings and health complaints alongside the foods for each day. This data can provide a fantastic insight into a person’s life. Often I will tell people to bring in the wrappers of pre-packaged foods and cans they have eaten so that we can go through ingredients they may have eaten without realizing.

The Nasties Challenge is designed to make you think about any bad habits you have and what it means to your health. So, put your hand on heart and be completely honest here.

How many of the following do you consume on average in a week? Keep a tally of your scores.

  • » Cups of coffee
  • » Cups of regular tea
  • » Fried food
  • » Ready meals/fast/packet foods
  • » Chocolate
  • » Sweets
  • » Pasta
  • » Baked goods
  • » Sugar in your tea or coffee
  • » Tinned food with added salt
  • » Red meat
  • » Non-organic poultry
  • » Glasses of cow’s milk
  • » Slices of white bread
  • » Units of alcohol (on average a small glass of wine is 1 unit and a pint of lager is 2)

Below 15: Great! You may be eligible as a ‘Dr Gillian groupie’!

You should be proud. Please keep up the good work.

Your long-term prospects for a healthy life are superb.

Score: 15–25: Getting there

You are the kind of person who could easily cut out the rubbish in your diet. It’s not too late. Maybe you are bored? Life is a bit dull. Get some exercise, take up a hobby. You do not feel quite as good as you could and you know it. Do something about it now.

Score: 26–50: You are a player

You are dumbing yourself down and playing with your health. But ask yourself: for what reason? Do you need to get ill before you make the change? What’s it going to take? Follow my Detox Day  this weekend and get back on track. Make a promise to yourself to do better. You are worth it.

Score 51–100: You are a right mess. You’re not OK!

I am not happy, and you shouldn’t be either, because you are a mess waiting to happen. You are playing Russian roulette with your health and body, and I’m worried. Even if you think that everything is fine right now, your lifestyle and diet will eventually catch up with you. So your long-term prospects are scary, if you don’t do what I am telling you.

Score 101–150: You flunk, big time!

This is really bad. You should be ashamed of yourself! Either shape up by reducing your score with my advice in this book, or you’re wasting my time. I am begging you, ordering you, to make significant changes, starting today. Time is a matter of urgency in your case.


There are certain foods – the nasties – that must be avoided. You must either delete these cold-turkey, or at the very least, cut down on them significantly. The bad nasties can be downright harmful and counter-productive in getting you the results that you want. I don’t want to get hung up on telling you what not to eat or do. My emphasis is exploring the exciting new food choices and fun new lifestyle that we can embark upon together. I’ve given you á short list of bad nasties below, to keep things simple. You’ll see that there aren’t that many of them, and I hope this will encourage you more. But please, I repeat please, accommodate my requests here. Ultimately you will be delighted, thankful and looking and feeling like a million bucks!

Here’s my short list of Bad Nasties.


Coffee contains caffeine – a stimulant drug also present in tea and cola drinks. When you drink too much coffee, your blood pressure rises, leaving you feeling anxious and restless. The paradox is that although coffee is a stimulant, it overworks the adrenal glands, tiring out both them and you.

Moreover, all coffee, even decaff, can stimulate skin-ageing. It also reduces the absorption of iron and zinc by up to 50 per cent, which can compromise your immune system. Wean yourself off coffee slowly. Instead, start drinking a rotation of herbal teas, such as peppermint, chamomile, dandelion, nettle and red clover, or simply some freshly squeezed fruit juice in hot water.

Too much coffee can make you susceptible to colds and flu.

Fatty foods

Too many fatty foods, including red meats, dairy products, fried and ‘junk’ foods, can clog the arteries, deplete calcium levels and compromise the function of the heart and other vital organs. There’s no diplomatic way to put this, but excessive intake of fatty foods makes you fat. It also leads to high blood pressure, food allergies, heart disease, diabetes, eating disorders, liver and kidney problems, osteoporosis, arthritis, colon, breast and uterine cancers.

Sweet foods

Too many sweet foods and refined white sugar, dextrose, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and chocolate can cause severe blood sugar imbalances, mood swings, a lower resistance to infection, hyperactivity and hamper the function of the spleen, liver, pancreas and intestines. Use alternative natural sweeteners such as honey, molasses and pure fruits and juices, but use them sparingly.

Dairy products

Cow’s milk is high in fat and the protein casein, which is hard for humans to digest properly. This is why cow’s milk can trigger allergic responses such as asthma, earache, runny nose, catarrh, skin rash, lethargy and irritability.

Furthermore, some people lack the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose in milk. If you are lactose intolerant you may suffer from bloating, wind, flatulence, diarrhoea or constipation. Instead, try the more easily digestible alternative goat’s milk or soy, rice, nut, triple grain and oat milks. If you cut out dairy foods, keep your calcium intake up by eating calcium-rich foods such as tofu, legumes, nuts and seeds and leafy greens; amaranth  is also very high in calcium and magnesium.

Finally, if you really must drink cow’s milk, then please boil it first. The boiling process breaks down the large indigestible molecules.


Alcohol puts a big strain on your digestive system and liver. The liver converts alcohol into acetaldehyde, a toxic cousin of formaldehyde used in tanning leather and the embalming process. Too much alcohol can lead to obesity and its connected problems, blood sugar imbalances, fatigue, sluggish organs and cell tissue degeneration.

Note to smokers

Smoking strips your body of vital nutrients, prevents nutrient uptake from food, weakens your digestion and poisons your blood.


You don’t need to avoid these foods for ever, but just know to eat them only in moderation.


Nearly all baked goods contain added yeast as a raising agent and to enhance flavour. Packaged goods often contain yeast additives which might be described as autolysed yeast protein, yeast extract, hydrolysed vegetable protein, vegetable protein, baker’s yeast, brewer’s and torula yeast, so read the label before buying. Fermented foods (i.e. vinegar, soy sauce, cheese) and alcoholic beverages (especially wine and beer) are another source of yeast. Yeasts are problems only to those who are sensitive to them: if you suffer from allergies, candidiasis, asthma, yeast infections, eczema, hives, headaches or migraines, then the chances are you will need to eliminate excess yeast.

Yeast sensitivities can be created by eating too many of these ‘yeasties’, as I call them. I’m not saying that you must never eat foods with yeast. I just want you to be aware that you should limit your intake of yeast-containing foods. A final note: Most baked goods are made with loads of added sugars too. So, occasional treat, not a dietary staple.


If you think white pasta is a nutrient-dense food, think again. Commercial pasta is made from white flour. White flour is devoid of fibre, very low in minerals and contains inorganic iron, which can accumulate in the body (inorganic iron depletes other good vitamins). I’m not saying you can never eat white pasta; but I am asking you to eat it in moderation. My best advice here is to introduce other types of pastas into your diet. Instead of white pasta, better choices could be rice, spinach, spelt, corn and soy pastas, all of which are available in health food shops and even some supermarkets.

Red meat

Too much red meat can toxify and acidify the blood, deplete calcium, overwork the kidneys and liver, and stagnate in the intestines, killing the beneficial flora. This can lead to kidney stones, a sluggish liver and/or liver disease, bowel and reproductive cancers, arthritis and osteoporosis. Red meat puts a strain on the body’s ability to produce enzymes and hydrochloric acid, which are necessary for digestion. If you are eating red meat, learn to food combine properly so that you make your digestion of the meat more effective (see opposite page). And try to eat organic meats wherever possible.


Avoid foods from the Nightshade family of foods (tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines and peppers) if you are prone to muscular, arthritic, joint or bone problems.

Arthritic sufferers need to especially avoid the nightshades because they contain a substance called solanine, which interferes with the enzymes in the muscles, often causing pain and discomfort and aggravating joint problems. If you really love these foods, the best thing you can do is to roast, bake or cook these veggies with a little miso soup. This process will neutralize the solanine compound.


The process by which commercial chickens are reared means that diseased animals may land up on your plate. Therefore, I recommend that you eat organic poultry if available.


Many of my patients come to me for help with their diets. Most of these people have been overweight, gassy and bloated after meals. Food combining can provide the perfect solution. When you food combine, fat is able to burn away properly; so you are not left with undigested food particles lurking throughout your body. The main thing to remember is that foods fall into different groups , and it is important not to eat certain groups at the same time as this will hinder good digestion.

When done properly, food combining will:

  • » Help your body to burn fat more efficiently
  • » Ensure the maximum absorption of nutrients, enzymes and proteins
  • » Prevent burping, bloating, gas and indigestion
  • » Generally correct or prevent most issues connected with obesity

Without food combining, you:

  • » Make complete digestion impossible
  • » Upset digestive enzymes
  • » Prevent nutrient uptake
  • » Risk a host of ills, including bloating, heartburn, indigestion, malabsorption, constipation, cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence, or worse

The problem is that some foods are digested more quickly than others; some require different digestive enzymes, and others need different conditions in the stomach for proper absorption. For example, proteins need acid digestive juices, while carbohydrates need alkaline juices for their digestion. When my own patients embark upon my food-combining methods, they often notice significant improvements in their physical symptoms within just a few days and also report enhanced energy levels, elevated moods and overall vitality.


Food combining is a great way to manage your weight. The idea is that if you eat a single food by itself, or more than one food in the right combination with other foods, you maximize your digestive capacity and ability to break down the foods effectively. This means your body doesn’t hold on to undigested food which then gets turned into fat balls of toxins and cellulite. Proper food combining allows the body to efficiently burn fat. In my practice, I have found proper food combining to be one of the most effective ways to lose and control weight.

How It Works

Group 1: Proteins (meat, poultry, cheese, fish, eggs, milk, nuts) produce acid juices for their digestion. They digest slowly.

Group 2: Carbohydrates – these are all grains and the foods made from them (bread, pasta, cereals, flour, biscuits, etc.) and starchy vegetables (such as potatoes, yams and sweetcorn) which produce alkaline juices. They digest quickly and require different enzymes to proteins.

If you eat Groups 1 and 2 together, the competing enzymes and digestive juices will fight and neutralize each other. The result is that food doesn’t get digested properly and rots inside the gut, causing gas, bloating, heartburn, stomach pains, malabsorption, indigestion and energy drain, to say the least.

Group 3: Salads, non-starchy vegetables, roots, seeds, herbs, spices, nut and seed oils. These can be digested with either Group 1 or Group 2 above.

Group 4: Fruit. This is out on its own and holds the record for the fastest digestion rate. Fruit uses completely different enzymes from all other groups above.

The Solution:

  • » Don’t eat Group 1 (proteins) and Group 2 (carbohydrates) together at the same meal.
  • » Group 3 (vegetables) can be eaten with Groups 1 or 2.
  • » Group 4 (fruit) must always be eaten on its own, at least 30 minutes away from other food groups. It’s best to eat fruit on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning with no other food types. If you eat fruit after a meal, it can’t go anywhere, because it’s stuck behind food that takes much longer to digest, so it will ferment in the gut. When fruit is indeed mixed with other food groups, you can expect bloating, flatulence, indigestion. (Never mix melons with other fruits. Melons digest the fastest of all fruits. Therefore, eat alone or leave alone!)
  • » Leave two hours after a carbohydrate meal before eating protein. Leave three hours after a protein meal before eating carbohydrates. Protein takes four hours to reach the bowel, and carbohydrate meals take two hours from mouth to bowel.




  • » Cheese
  • » Eggs (free-range)
  • » Nuts
  • » Fish
  • » Game/rabbit
  • » Meat
  • » Milk
  • » Poultry
  • » Shellfish
  • » Soybeans, tofu and all soya products
  • » Yogurt



  • » Grains, including oats, pasta, rice, rye, maize, millet
  • » Grain products, biscuits, bread, cakes, crackers and pastry
  • » Honey
  • » Maple syrup
  • » Potatoes and starchy vegetables
  • » Sugar and sweets


Non-starchy vegetables

  • » Salads and fresh herbs
  • » Seeds
  • » Butter, cream, spreading fats
  • » Olive oil (cold-pressed)


  • » All fruit

Join the path to perfect health. Follow my chart opposite and improve your digestion, energy and stamina:




Grain with dairy or meat = gas

Fruit with vegetables = gas

Fruit with meats = gas

Fruit with grain or dairy = gas


Fruit by itself = no gas, proper digestion

Grain with vegetables = no gas

Pasta with vegetables = no gas

Beans with vegetables = no gas

Fish or meat with vegetables = no gas

Pulses/beans and grains = no gas



Don’t let anyone tell you there’s nothing left to eat these days. I want you to eat more food than you’ve ever eaten before. But now you’re going to eat the right foods that will keep you slender, fit and lean. And you can eat as much as you want, and you will not get fat or become overweight!

Here is my Abundant Food List. It outlines the Top 100 Foods to eat in your everyday life. And this is just the beginning. If you truly start to eat all of these different foods on a regular basis, I can assure you that you will be doing a grand service to your body, mood, and general overall health. As you can see, there is an abundance of many foods that you probably have not been eating or are not even familiar with. Well, now it’s time for you to introduce this plethora of foods and start living life to the fullest.

When you adopt my Diet of Abundance, you will feel stronger, sexier, more energized and happier.

Leafy green vegetables

Beet greens



Dandelion greens



Iceberg lettuce


Loose-leaf lettuce


Mustard greens






Swiss chard

Turnip greens


Raw nuts


Brazil nuts

Cashews (in moderation)





Pine nuts















Bok choy


Brussels sprouts





Chinese cabbage



Green peas
















Durum wheat





Sunflower seed


Sea vegetables (seaweeds)








Sea palm





Basmati rice

Brown rice


Bulgur wheat











Black turtle



Great northern






Fresh herbs

(for seasoning)




















Umeboshi plums

Herbal teas








Lemon balm




Pau d’arco


Red clover

Red raspberry

Rose hips

Slippery elm


Valerian root












Passion fruit















Kiwi fruits









Cactus fruit

i.e. Prickly pears


All dried fruit





Banana melon








I have found that there are five problem areas into one or more of which just about everyone falls – and I call these ‘the bummers’.

I would say that almost 95 per cent of my patients have a condition that falls into one of these categories. If you recognize any of these then you’ll find some helpful hints for each in this chapter.

My top 5 bummers:

Always struggling with weight

Tired all the time

Digestive disorders

PMS and other hormonal issues



It is extremely common to be always struggling with weight. You gain weight when the amount of energy taken in from food and drink exceeds the amount of energy used for metabolic processes and exercise. Excess energy is then stored as fat. By following my Diet of Abundance in Chapter 3, you will address all of the following factors which may be currently inhibiting weight loss.


  • » Dirty colon, bowel problems
  • » Eating the wrong foods
  • » Excessive food intake (especially fatty/wrong foods)
  • » Insulin imbalances (caused by too many sugary carbohydrates)
  • » Lack of enzymes
  • » Lack of exercise
  • » Mineral and vitamin imbalances
  • » Parasites or worms causing a voracious appetite
  • » Poor adrenal function
  • » Poor digestive function
  • » Poor eating habits, i.e. not chewing thoroughly, irregular eating times
  • » Poor metabolic function
  • » Sluggish liver
  • » Thyroid problems
  • » Water retention
  • » Weak kidneys
  • » Yeast overgrowth





Parasites or worms in the gut, or emotional issues can make people overeat.  And a disruption of organ function or gland imbalances can cause this too. When we eat too much meat, for example, we can inflame the stomach lining which causes an excess of heat in the stomach itself. This heat makes you want to eat more.

Food cravings

Sugary, carbohydrate-rich foods and sweets raise the level of the feel-good chemicals in your body (these are the endorphins serotonin and norepinephrine). The trouble with eating high sugar foods is that sugar enters your blood stream very quickly and causes a rush of insulin along with a rush of serotonin. If there is a sudden rise in sugar levels, the insulin breaks it down very quickly, leading to a drop in both sugar and endorphins. This leaves you feeling worse than before and you may reach for more sugary foods to boost your mood, setting up a cycle of food cravings, weight gain, fatigue and mood swings which is hard to break. Every single participant on the show had a sugar addiction. Most of them did not even realize until I showed them just exactly how much sugar they consumed in a week.


You will crave sugar if your blood sugar levels are constantly out of balance; if you have nutrient deficiencies, yeast overgrowths; if you eat a diet high in refined, processed carbs and junky foods. Sugar cravings are a sign that you may suffer from a condition known as hypoglycaemia, causing you to crave even more sugar. You end up becoming the victim of a see-saw effect of soaring and plummeting sugar levels. This is why if you start to eat just one chocolate bar, you are bound to crave more. The sugar gives you the rush, but this drop is never far behind. The best way to beat the sugar fix is to go cold turkey: no sugary foods or sweets for a month. The herb Astragalus can give you a natural energy lift (500mg daily).

You need to support your system with live nutrient-dense super foods to balance your blood. The superfood Spirulina would be a good choice . A liquid mineral supplement that contains chromium, manganese and magnesium is important too. Deficiencies of any one of these three minerals cause sugar cravings as blood sugar levels are out of balance. (More than 80 per cent of chromium is destroyed in the processing of foods.)

Certain foods help to regulate blood sugar levels and tame sugar cravings. Wholegrains and fresh veggies are great choices. Yams, sweet potatoes and squash help to curb a sweet tooth too and they don’t elevate blood sugar levels in the way that sugary foods and sweets do. I often ask my patients to take half a teaspoon of L’glutamine powder before meals to inhibit food desires. It really helps.

Insulin imbalances

When we eat food, glucose from the digestive breakdown of the food is absorbed into your gut and blood. The body takes what it requires and then produces insulin to lower glucose levels back to normal, converting the excess glucose into a compound called glycogen which is stored by the liver.

On a healthy diet this process works perfectly, but excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates, particularly sugary foods, upsets the balance and everything starts to go haywire. Your body has to produce increasing amounts of insulin to break down the sugars. Eventually you become resistant to the insulin, and instead of converting excess glucose into glycogen, it turns into fat. You are then caught in a vicious cycle where the more unstable your blood sugar levels, the more prone you will be to craving sweets and unrefined carbohydrates like bread.

An imbalance of the hormone insulin can often be the root cause of overweight. Too much sugar causes glucose intolerance in the body, and when you are overweight you break down sugar less effectively. It’s a Catch 22 situation.


If you recognize three or more of the symptoms listed below, you may have a problem with the regulation of insulin and glucose in your body.

  • » Difficulty in concentrating
  • » Excessive consumption of caffeine, chocolate or cigarettes
  • » Excessive sweating
  • » Excessive thirst
  • » Extreme difficulty in getting out of bed.
  • » Falling asleep in the middle of the day/feeling really drowsy
  • » Inability to get going without a caffeine/nicotine fix
  • » Irritability without frequent meals
  • » Need for more than eight hours’ sleep a night

Food intolerances

We often crave the same foods day in and day out. I had one patient, an artist, who told me that she had to have her oatmeal every morning for breakfast, and only ate breaded chicken legs for dinner every evening for the last 30 years! She was exhausted, no longer wanted to paint, and lacked interest in life. When I forced her to change her same food regimen she became energized, felt creative, started to paint again, and even lost over a stone in weight within a month.

If you eat the same foods every day, for years, in many cases you can often become sensitive to those very foods, sometimes referred to as food intolerances. And usually the foods that we crave are the same ones that lead to weight gain. It is a vicious cycle.

If you are food intolerant, a delayed immune response occurs in your body. This can happen over several hours or days after the offending food is ingested. Side effects to these foods can be from irritable bowel-like symptoms to skin eruptions, ulcerations in the mouth, Crohn’s disease or inflammation of the digestive tract, colic, ear problems and tiredness, to name a few. It is not always so obvious. But food intolerances can have a direct effect on the assimilation of nutrients, digestive organ function and weight management. The more common foods such as wheat, dairy, sugar and corn are often implicated as food intolerance triggers, simply because many of us eat too much of these foods anyway. They can be found in so many prepackaged foods. So, it is easy to become food intolerant these days, especially if you eat too many chemically altered and processed foods.

The problem is that when you eat foods to which you are intolerant, every day, you cause a drastic slowdown of metabolism. Digestive enzyme function is impaired, which means that your body will not break down fat properly.

In addition, by eating the same foods every day, you limit your intake of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and co-factors. So my best advice here is:

  • » Always rotate your foods. In other words, if you eat a food today, then try not to eat it again for say three or four days. Thus, you may prevent food intolerances.
  • » It is a good idea to get tested for food intolerances or allergies. In this way, you can know exactly which foods are possibly causing you to gain weight or feel horrible or overly tired and lethargic. I require all of my weight loss patients and many other patients too, to get tested at my clinic for food intolerances. If you would like us to test you for food intolerances at the McKeith Clinic, then please let us know. Also, do the pulse test .

You can find out about the ‘McKeith Food Allergy Test’ by emailing us on: tests@mckeithresearch.com or fax 020 7431 9700. Or simply check out my website: www.drgillianmckeith.com (click on ‘Biochemical Tests’).

How will eating well break the cycle?

Eating a balanced, nutrient rich diet will help you break this cycle of cravings, sugar and weight gain. This is because eating well not only nourishes your body but regulates your blood sugar levels so that you don’t get those lows when you crave sugary pick-me-ups. Your energy levels are less likely to dip, which means you are less likely to crave food that you don’t need or isn’t good for you.

Chronic dieting

Fad diets, or yo-yo dieting, won’t help you lose weight in the long term. You may get some short-term weight loss but it will be virtually impossible to sustain. This is because the rate at which food is broken down and used by your body – a process called thermogenesis – is weakened by the stress of constant dieting, making it virtually impossible for you to lose weight and keep it off. Here are my top tips for getting back on track if you have been a chronic dieter.

  • » Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is high in nutrients.
  • » Eat widely from my good food list of choices.
  • » Eat little and often to keep your blood sugar levels stable, reduce food cravings and set you on the right path.
  • » Choose foods that keep blood sugar levels stable, so anything you like from my Diet of Abundance . Cut out foods that cause hikes in your sugar levels, particularly sweets and processed foods.
  • » Get more active. Exercise is an essential long-term weight management tool and ingredient for a healthy, happy life.
  • » Cut down on salt and drink lots of water to reduce fluid retention (6–8 glasses a day).
  • » Make breakfast and lunch the biggest meals of the day as you are more likely to be active during the day and burn off the calories.
  • » The herbs cinnamon, ginger, cayenne, cardamom and ginseng can all help stimulate thermogenesis (the rate at which food is broken down) and promote weight loss.
  • » Make sure you get enough good quality sleep. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of unhealthy eating and weight gain.


  • » Think about why you want to lose weight and how good it will be for your health and wellbeing.
  • » Start today writing down everything you eat and drink. Once you become more aware of your eating patterns and what triggers food cravings you can start to deal with them.
  • » When you do eat take your time. Chew your food really well. Put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls and really savour your food. It takes a while for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full and many of us eat so fast we never get the signal in time.
  • » Write down your weight loss and/or healthy eating goals and make a commitment to yourself. Studies show that writing down your goals helps you stay focused on achieving them.
  • » Tell yourself that you are not on a diet. Dieting for a day, a week or a month or a few months belongs to the past. From now on you are simply eating healthily to create a new and exciting you.


The thyroid gland controls the metabolism of your entire body by regulating energy production and oxygen uptake. Continual stress can negatively affect the thyroid gland, depressing its normal function. Over stimulation of the thyroid is caused by the consumption of sugar, coffee and alcohol, sending the thyroid into an exhausted state, which can cause weight gain (especially around your middle, hips and tops of legs) that is very hard to shift.


  • » Kelp supplements can help an underactive thyroid, so can green superfoods . Seaweeds which are high in iodine can also help bolster metabolism.
  • » Eat tyrosine-filled food, such as pumpkin seeds, avocados and almonds, to feed your metabolism.
  • » If you are a compulsive eater, taking a tyrosine supplement (500mg, four times a day) along with a zinc supplement (50mg daily) should do the trick.















Sesame seeds


Brazil nuts

Split peas


Brown rice

Sunflower seeds










Whole grains


Nutrient deficiencies may cause weight gain, particularly deficiencies in magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Magnesium deficiencies cause sugar cravings.

Calcium deficiencies inactivate enzymes involved in metabolism. If you are a big meat eater, calcium becomes even more important as high protein diets can create calcium loss.

Potassium deficiencies often occur in overweight people because they drink too much coffee, eat masses of sugar, drink alcohol, use laxatives and diuretics. Potassium helps your heart and regulates water balance in the body. Lowered potassium levels allow the body to harbour excess acids from the residues of bad foods and dietary medications. When potassium levels are normal, the body can attack unwanted acids more efficiently. Excess acids interfere with metabolism and the body’s ability to break down foods. When potassium levels are lowered, sodium levels are usually too high. Overweight people with low potassium levels and higher sodium levels usually have too much added table salt in their diets. The more table salt we shake on our foods and the more hidden salt we consume in packaged foods, the more potassium we need.


Is this you?

  • » Cold hands, and/or feet
  • » Constant headaches
  • » Constipation
  • » Exhaustion, even after sleeping for hours
  • » Feeling cold all the time; taking ages to warm up
  • » Inability to sweat
  • » Infertility
  • » Lethargy in the mornings, while feeling energetic at night
  • » Loss of outer third of eyebrow hair
  • » No desire for sex
  • » Permanent heel cracks
  • » PMT
  • » Swollen eyelids, ankles or hands
  • » Very dry skin and hair
  • » Yellow tint to skin

    If you answer yes to three or more of the above questions, you may have an underactive thyroid. Ask your GP for a blood test to check it out. Be aware, however, that sometimes if you have a very mild form of thyroid malfunction, it will go undetected in a blood test.



  • » Eat early. Late-night eating is a recipe for weight gain because the body stores more food during sleep.
  • » Food combine .
  • » Abandon refined or processed foods .
  • » Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Water is a natural appetite-suppressant.

    Note: Nettle tea is a great weight-loss tea as it supports metabolism and has diuretic properties.

  • » Avoid margarine, full-fat milk, cheeses and cow’s milk dairy products. These foods are difficult to digest. You could opt for grain milks instead.
  • » Avoid sugar – it lowers the metabolism.
  • » Cut out wheat (especially bread) because it contains a high level of gluten and many people are intolerant to gluten.
  • » Eat the good fats and rubbish the bad. Good fats can be found in avocados, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, fish, nuts and vegetables. Don’t avoid these foods. They are high in good fats that fire up your metabolism so that you can lose the weight and keep it off for good. Bad fats are saturated fats, as found in red meats and butter. They are very hard to digest, clog your arteries and lead to illness and weight problems.
  • » Don’t skip meals and always eat breakfast. Your stomach and spleen are at their strongest first thing in the morning. You also have the whole day to burn off the meal. If you want to raise metabolism, you have to eat at that time. If you don’t, a signal goes to your brain. The brain interprets food as being scarce. Stress hormones are then released into your body. Muscle tissue is then shed in order to lessen the body’s need for food. When you eat later, your body releases more insulin to make more fat as food may be scarce!
  • » Go on my Detox Day . Toxins are stored in fatty tissue. It is possible that if you are full of toxins you may have a higher fat to muscle ratio. So helping to rid your body of poisons and chemicals can only help improve weight management.
  • » Do not go on fad diets. Dieting slows down the metabolic enzyme function in the body. Your fat cells bloat, become toxic and store in your tissues. You lose muscle tone. You get depressed. Instead, go on my diet of abundance. Eat more than before but the right foods .
  • » Exercise. Burn that fat. Exercise raises the metabolic rate so calories are used up faster. To get started, simply start walking – it is a great way to shift fat.
  • » Get your metabolism going. First thing in the morning, drink a cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon.
  • » Cut out alcohol. It weakens your liver, the basic organ for fat metabolism. Beer and wine are also full of sugar, plus alcohol stimulates your appetite.
  • » Take supplements. All overweight people are deficient in major nutrients. There are also some other helpful nutrients that can help burn fat, increase metabolism and so on. Below I have made a basic list of important nutrients and supplements. I am not suggesting that you take all the supplements I mention all at once.



  • » B vitamins to help metabolize carbs and proteins. Take 50–100mg a day.
  • » L tyrosine to reduce appetite. Take 500mg before all meals.
  • » Co-enzyme Q 10 helps facilitate weight loss. Especially useful when you’re tired. Take 100mg a day.
  • » Triphala to clean out your colon.
  • » Superfoods to fire up your metabolism and balance blood sugars.
  • » Digestive enzyme supplements to aid nutrient uptake and help suppress appetite. Take 1 capsule with every meal.
  • » Dr Gillian McKeith Living Food Energy Powder as a great meal replacement when eating on the run.
  • » Flax oil supplements or linseeds to replenish EFAs.
  • » Chromium polynicotinate to regulate blood sugar swings. Take 200mcg a day with lunch and dinner.
  • » Chickweed to help break down stubborn fat deposits. Drink 2 cups of chickweed tea a day.
  • » Kelp to support the thyroid gland and weight loss. Take 3 tablets a day or use the seaweed kombu in cooking.
  • » Lecithin to utilize body fats. Take a tablespoon of granules twice a day.
  • » Good-quality fibre to cleanse your system. Take psyllium husks in between meals – with lots of water.
  • » Ginseng to nourish the metabolic system and help the liver to break down fats more effectively. Take 2 tablets daily (500mg) or drink ginseng tea twice daily.
  • » L-5HTP can help appetite suppression. Take 500–1000mg twice a day before meals.
  • » HCA decreases the conversion of sugar into fat and helps curb the hunger pangs (take 500mg twice a day).
  • » L’ carnitine (an amino acid) helps control sugar levels and raises the metabolism. Take 2000mg a day, divided equally between breakfast, lunch and dinner.




The single most prominent reason for patients coming to see me is to get more energy. They’re tired of feeling tired! You can change all that. You needn’t be tired any longer. To maximize energy, we need to include certain foods in our diets, especially those that boost the metabolism and sustain consistent energy levels. The most important nutrients required for energy production are the Β Complex group of vitamins. Deficiencies in Β vitamins can often be the underlying cause of poor adrenal gland function which results in energy slumps. Other metabolism-boosting nutrients include vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, iron, co-enzyme Q10 and the herbal plant Astragalus.


Sprouts – all types

All types of sprouts (seeds of legumes or grains that have been germinated) are high-energy, life-enhancing foods that help improve, revitalize, strengthen and regenerate your body. They contain a high concentrate of antioxidants as well as all the trace minerals, plus protein, enzymes and fibre. When seeds are sprouted, their nutritional power swells.


Grains release sugar slowly and give you a steady flow of energy instead of a quick high followed by a low. They are also a good source of Β vitamins which are needed to assist the spleen, your energy battery. Without the Bs you will definitely need a ‘jump start’.


Oats are not only packed with energy nutrients but they help keep blood glucose levels at an even keel to maintain concentration and alertness. Enjoy a bowl of porridge in the morning for the perfect release of sustained energy throughout the morning.


Parsley is a nutrient powerhouse. It contains high levels of vitamin B12, more vitamin C than citrus fruits and just about all other known nutrients.


Sea vegetables, or seaweeds are the highest digestible source of all minerals as well as energy-boosting vitamins Β and C.


The range of Β Complex vitamins, plus the energy nutrients magnesium and iron, can be found in fresh green (preferably raw) vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus and spinach. Broccoli is also a good source of co-enzyme Q10, a critical nutrient for energy production at a cellular level.


Peaches have a high water content and have a laxative effect. They are wonderful in alkalinizing the blood stream and can be used to regulate the bowel and build the blood. Peaches are one of the best energy fruits because the body assimilates them very easily, giving an instant boost. I often use them in fruit smoothies. They are also great in helping eliminate toxins from the body and are a good food to eat on a weight loss programme.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds, or linseeds, contain abundant levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) and in perfect balance. EFAs are involved in energy production and oxygen transfer.

Sunflower seeds

The sunflower seed is packed with magnesium, iron, copper and protein, vitamin B Complex, EFAs, zinc and iron, and is an excellent source of protein.


The therapeutic value of grapes is thought to be due to their high magnesium content. Magnesium is involved in the first stage of the process that converts energy to glucose.

Yams and squashes

Yams are packed with energy minerals and loads of vitamin C. Yams are also detoxifying and balancing to hormone and blood sugar levels, ensuring that your energy supply is constant. Squashes motivate the circulation of energy meridians, especially strengthening digestive function.

Wheat grass

Wheat grass is a rich nutritional food that looks like grass and contains one of the most prolific arrays of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It contains 25 times the nutrients of your choicest vegetables.

Mung beans

To feel full of beans means you are bursting with energy. And that’s just what mung beans can provide you with: bags of energy.

Avoid the afternoon energy slump

Afternoon energy slumps are a sign of poor adrenal function, poor metabolism of carbohydrates and sugars, natural or otherwise, as well as nutrient depleted foods. Reduce your intake of sugar, caffeine and dairy foods at lunch and opt instead for brown rice, legumes, yams and sunflower seeds. Snack on sprouted seeds too for a quick pick-me-up. You can also feed your adrenals with the B Vitamins. Take a B complex, 50mg at lunchtime. I drink cups of hot water with herbal tinctures of Astragalus and Ginseng for my afternoon lifts, a natural source of the B vitamins.

Digestive Disorders

It’s normal to pass wind now and again, but excessive gas, smelly stools and heartburn are signs of poor digestive function, nutrient depletion, putrid intestinal bacterias, lazy bowel and stomach function. These can lead to all kinds of health problems if left unchecked.


You need to empty out your bowels approximately twice a day, regularly and without effort. Any less than once a day and you are very likely constipated. Difficult bowel movements such as sitting on the toilet for ages, trying to force something out, or dropping little ‘rabbit pellets’ are also signs that you may be constipated. Follow my dietary guidelines below if you are suffering from constipation.


  • » Dairy products
  • » Meats
  • » Saturated fats
  • » Spicy or hot foods
  • » Sugar and sweets
  • » Tea and coffee


  • » Fresh fruits (eat fruit in the morning by itself, not with other food groups).
  • » Green vegetables
  • » Sprouted seeds
  • » Whole grains
  • » Have plenty of rest
  • » Drink plenty of fluids
  • » Take moderate exercise
  • » Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly

On-Going Constipation Support

  • » Eat raw sauerkraut.
  • » Beneficial bacteria in the form of Acidophilus (1 or 2 capsules a day).
  • » One digestive enzyme supplement with every meal.
  • » Linseeds and pumpkin seeds (2 tablespoons of linseeds ground with 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds). Eat with a salad. Alternate with a tablespoon of black sesame seeds.



  • » Aloe Vera, 1 tablespoon twice daily (mix with apple juice if preferred)
  • » Triphala, 1 teaspoon in glass of water or juice, 1 hour before bed
  • » Wild blue-green algae or spirulina, 2 teaspoons daily or 2 tablets a day
  • » Flax oil, 1 capsule or 1 teaspoon a day
  • » Psyllium husks, 1 teaspoon in 10 fl oz glass of water or juice
  • » Milk thistle, 1 capsule or 20 drops of liquid tincture in water three times a day
  • » Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, 1000mg, three times a day
  • » Vitamin B Complex (rice based), 25–50mg, twice a day with meals
  • » Magnesium, 400mg, three times a day


  • » Cascara sagrada (for short-term relief)
  • » Senna (for short-term relief)
  • » Barberry
  • » Rhubarb root
  • » You will also be able to find herbal formulas specifically for constipation in your local health food store
  • » Teas:
  • » Nettle tea: 3 cups daily is a great bowel wakener
  • » Slippery elm




It is normal to have occasional gas. But continual wind, bloating and/or flatulence are not the norm. Junky diets, too much sugar, wheat and dairy make the problem worse.


  • » Drink liquids 20–25 minutes before meals, or one hour after meals. Don’t drink liquids with your meals.
  • » Eat dinner early. Eating late at night depletes the stomach of fluids at a time when its energy is at its weakest. You will end up with indigestion and will not absorb nutrients properly.
  • » Food combine.
  • » Eat when you’re relaxed. Total relaxation while eating renders maximum digestion. There’s no point in eating if you are angry, upset or emotional.
  • » Drink 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice and a teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll before your largest meal to stimulate digestion.
  • » Take a digestive enzyme supplement with meals.
  • » Use herb seasonings (e.g. dill, fennel, thyme and mint) to reduce gas in the gut. Don’t use salt, which hampers protein digestion and absorption of nutrients. Use seaweed seasonings instead.
  • » Eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
  • » Eat smaller meals.
  • » Miso soup, whole grains, fresh veggies and fruits are all good for flatulence.
  • » Drink peppermint and fennel teas.
  • » Take digestive enzymes with every meal to break down foods and an Acidophilus supplement daily to help restore good bacteria in your gut.


The symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are unpleasant and varied but are often a combination of tummy pain, bloating, cramping, constipation and diarrhoea. An additional sign is mucus in your stools.

Many people blame stress for IBS. Certainly, stress can induce gastrointestinal spasms but the main cause is likely to be what I call a ‘back up’ in your body’s ‘plumbing system’ – which means your digestive system is under too much strain and your intestines do not work properly. This results in an erratic quality to the strength of contractions which move your food waste through the intestinal tract. When the contractions are too fast and strong, you get diarrhoea; when they are too slow, you become constipated. You also end up quite depleted nutritionally as this condition interferes with the absorption of nutrients.

Note: IBS can be mistaken for a more serious condition such as ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis or Crohn’s disease, so please consult your doctor.

The no-nos

  • » Cut out wheat, cheese, dairy, eggs, corn, processed foods, sugars, sweeteners, margarine, red meat, alcohol and coffee for two months and monitor the results. You may have overburdened your system with the glutens and mucus from these foods.
  • » Do not overeat and chew your food really well. It’s a good idea to drink veggie juices once a day.
  • » Eat a high fibre diet of whole grains, vegetables, legumes and sprouted seeds . These pass smoothly through the intestinal tract.
  • » However, go easy at first on broccoli, cauliflower, onions and cabbage, which may aggravate this condition.


  • » Take protein digestive enzymes.
  • » 2 tablespoons flax oil daily.
  • » Sprinkle 1 tablespoon linseeds over salads.
  • » 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice before meals to calm down inflammation in the gut.
  • » B complex 50mg daily to help you break down your foods as well as a digestive enzyme supplement with meals.
  • » 1000mg twice daily of L’glutamine powder can do wonders.
  • » Triphala tablets and milk thistle tincture, 15 drops, three times daily helps too. Drink pau d’arco teas.
  • » A good six months on an intestinal probiotic powder or capsule is beneficial too.


  • » The best one for this condition is gentiana root (available from health food shops). Thirty drops in water before all meals should do the trick.
  • » Peppermint oil capsules are helpful too. Follow directions on the packet.


This is usually caused by heavy consumption of greasy or spicy foods or eating too much, too fast. It’s normal to pass wind now and again, but excessive flatulence and burping, smelly stools and heartburn are signs of poor digestive function, nutrient depletion, putrid intestinal bacteria, lazy bowel and stomach function. These can lead to all kinds of health problems if left unchecked.

Here are some solutions:

  • » Pear and peach juice – two pears and two peaches put through the juicer and sipped slowly will do wonders. A dash of powdered ginger and a squeeze of lime can help too.
  • » Banana blend juice – blend a banana with pear or mango juice. It is smooth, easy to digest and will relieve your stomach inflammation.

And to help prevent it:

  • » Take L’glutamine (one teaspoon before meals).
  • » Avoid heavily spiced foods, junky foods, fried foods, caffeine, alcohol, fizzy drinks, rich creamy foods, full fat cheeses or wheat based foods.
  • » Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful digestive tonic. Add 1–2 teaspoons to a little warm water and sip slowly before meals.
  • » Drink fennel, catnip, slippery elm, peppermint, camomile or thyme teas.

    Note: Commercial antacids neutralize stomach acid but over the long term can lead to your stomach producing even more acid. And many antacids contain aluminium, which leaches calcium from your bones.


Since the liver must process the by-products of whatever we eat, make the job easy. Eating the right foods is crucial here. Eat unprocessed foods as much as possible. Quickie, pre-packaged foods laden with chemicals, preservatives, colourings and flavourings, overwork the liver. Cakes, sugary biscuits, processed, refined or fried foods lack nutrients and are improperly absorbed, further weakening the liver. Instead, eat more of the following food groups, which are specifically nourishing to the liver and liver function:


Eliminate fizzy drinks as they interfere with digestion. Many are loaded with phosphates that deplete the body of vital minerals. Drink fresh water and juices instead.


Certain fresh fruits help to stimulate energy flow through the liver, especially dark grapes, blackberries, huckleberries, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries (Note: Always eat fruit by itself, preferably in the morning).

Grains, vegetables and legumes

Include foods which balance the flow of emotional and physical liver energy: grains, vegetables and legumes. Some of these foods tend to contain a slight natural sweetness; but it’s a good sweet which harmonizes the liver. The natural inclination for a tired or stressed mum is to reach for a quick high-sugar fix though – cookies, cakes, ice cream, chocolate. When you feel that desire for high-sugar sweets coming on, opt for a sweet vegetable such as a yam or sweet potato. Sweet potato and squash soup can curb many a craving. Also, train yourself to indulge in some of the following:


  • » Amaranth
  • » Millet
  • » Quinoa


  • » Kidney beans
  • » Peas
  • » Soybeans
  • » Tofu


  • » Asparagus
  • » Basil
  • » Bay leaves
  • » Beets
  • » Black pepper
  • » Cardamom
  • » Celery
  • » Cucumber
  • » Cumin
  • » Daikon radish
  • » Dill
  • » Fennel
  • » Garlic
  • » Ginger
  • » Lemon
  • » Mustard greens
  • » Onions
  • » Radish
  • » Radish leaves
  • » Red beets
  • » Romaine lettuce
  • » Rosemary
  • » Seaweeds
  • » Umeboshi plums
  • » Watercress

Foods with sulphur

Sulphur-containing vegetables are high in specific liver building enzymes. Therefore, include generous amounts of:

  • » Broccoli
  • » Nuts
  • » Brussels sprouts
  • » Seeds (especially flax, sunflower and pumpkin)
  • » Cabbage
  • » Kohlrabi
  • » Cauliflower
  • » Turnip roots


Sprinkle lots of Lecithin granules over salads. Lecithin helps the liver.



Period pain, angry moods and PMT can play havoc with your life. I used to feel like the ‘Queen of Periods from Hell’. Without fail, at that time of the month, I was a basketcase: migraines, cramps, swelling, bloating, engorged breasts, fever, nausea, vomiting. Luckily it is now a thing of the past.

Once I was invited to attend the American Health Foods Industry Conference. This was a large national exhibition, where all the natural health companies came to display their wares. Before giving my talk, I decided to roam the convention hall where there were hundreds of different companies displaying healthy products. There was one problem, however. I was in the midst of my monthly menstrual cycle. And yes, it was the ‘Mother of all Periods’! As I entered one booth, I was suddenly overcome with intense nausea and dizziness. Everything began to spin.

Then I fainted. I lost consciousness right in the middle of one of the busiest locations at the nation’s largest natural health convention. As I came to, dozens of natural food retailers and health food manufacturers were standing above me while I lay on the floor. One man was screaming for a doctor, another person was hollering for smelling salts. And all I could think was, ‘Calm down boys, it’s just my monthly period.’


  1. 01 Take the herb milk thistle (2 capsules three times a day), four days before and during menstruation. Milk thistle protects the liver and helps normalize oestrogen levels. If you do nothing else, take this supplement.
  2. 02 Decongest your liver with the use of lipotropic agents. Lipotropics quicken the removal of fat deposits and bile. PMS has been linked to faulty liver fat metabolism. A good liver formula should consist of approximately 1000mg of choline, 500mg of methionine and/or cysteine.
  3. 03 Deficiencies of either magnesium or zinc will affect liver function. For example, a deficiency of magnesium results in increased lead absorption. Most patients I see suffering from PMS have low magnesium and/or zinc levels, and high lead or heavy metal toxicity. Magnesium deficiency is strongly implicated as a contributing factor to premenstrual syndrome. The zinc is important because it helps normalize hormones. Take approximately 1200mg magnesium and 50mg zinc daily.
  4. 04 Increase your intake of Β vitamins, including B6 (a magnesium deficiency can lead to decreased Β vitamin activity). Do not use isolated B6; instead, take B6 with a Β Complex or from botanical royal jelly. Take 50–100mg Β Complex every day, or 2 capsules of royal jelly three times a day.
  5. 05 Vitamin A has been shown to reduce PMT symptoms. Take approximately 10,000iu daily in beta-carotene form. Do not take supplements of vitamin A if you are pregnant.
  6. 06 Vitamin E in double blind studies has demonstrated a reduction in physical symptoms of PMT as it regulates hormone levels. Take 400iu a day.
  7. 07 Take 1 tablespoon of flax oil or evening primrose oil or borage oil every day. Women with menstrual problems have been shown to exhibit essential fatty acid abnormalities.
  8. 08 The following herbs may be helpful a couple of days before and during:

    Ongoing: agnus castus – breast pain and hormonal balance

    Rotate: angelica dong quai – cramps

    Cramp bark – abdominal discomfort

    Licorice – water retention

    Black cohosh – fibroids

    If you had to choose just one of the above, then opt for the agnus castus. It can work wonders.

  9. 09 Eat the right foods as outlined in this book. Cut out the milky products at least ten days prior to period onset. This can make all the difference. Use a complete superfood such as spirulina, wild blue-green algae or chlorella, along with royal jelly. You should increase the intake of these superfoods as the period nears.
  10. 10 Regular moderate exercise throughout the month helps regulate hormones, removes toxins, enhances nutrient absorption, strengthens the organs, and ultimately lessens PMS symptoms.


A healthy, fully functioning liver is crucial for good health during menopause. It provides vital energy for all the body systems, helps regulate digestion, assists the release of toxins and waste, improves metabolism, balances hormones and nourishes hair, skin, nails, eyes and cells. Menopausal women tend to be low in substances and fluids which nurture the liver and it is absolutely crucial during this time of hormonal flux that the liver is properly nourished and supported.

Strengthen the liver with the liver building foods and the supplements outlined below, and your menopausal symptoms will either disappear or be dramatically reduced.

Foods for the menopause

  • » Apples
  • » Aduki beans
  • » Fennel
  • » Flax seeds
  • » Kidney beans
  • » Soya beans
  • » Oats
  • » Olives
  • » Sesame seeds
  • » Split peas
  • » Sunflower seeds
  • » Yams
  • » Drinking sage tea (2 cups a day), or 15 drops of sage tincture in a small amount of water, can do wonders for hot flushes and related menopausal symptoms. Black cohosh (40mg a day) has also been shown to diminish hot flushes through the production of oestrogen.
  • » The homeopathic remedy Lachesis 12c is helpful too.
  • » Agnus castus, also known as vitex, can rebalance hormones by helping to produce more progesterone. It works for menstrual women and it can work for you too. Take this in combination with the herb donq quai for maximum effect.
  • » The supplement DHEA (10mg a day) is helpful. It’s an adrenal hormone that can increase oestrogen levels. As you get older, production of DHEA declines with age. At present, DHEA is only available on prescription. But if you are having a really bad time of it, then check this out with your doctor.
  • » The herb red clover, high in B vitamins, and the supplement gamma oryzenol have made positive changes with my patients. All of these supplements are available in health food stores. Don’t be afraid to ask for them.
  • » Natural progesterone cream from wild yam has been shown to make some improvement in side-effects. It contains naturally occurring DHEA.


Everybody tells me that they are stressed. Stress rears its ugly head everywhere: in the workplace, at home, in our personal relationships, and even in the kitchen through the poor food some may eat.

Stress is the manifestation of how we handle our life episodes. Some people are innately and genetically better at dealing with stress. Others can train and teach themselves to handle stress more efficiently. The right food choices can dramatically assist the body in better handling stress. Therefore, we have more control over stress than we might realize. Nonetheless, the bottom line is that stress causes a pumping out of toxic substances in the bloodstream which makes you tired, irritable and angry. Stress also depletes the body of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It degrades digestive function and slows the metabolism, which leads to weight gain.

The good news, however, is that you can do something. We can reduce our reactions to stress. We can also enhance our lifestyle to improve biochemistry and physiology to better deal with the stress. Instead of eating rubbish foods when we get stressed, we can choose healthy de-stress foods that will calm your body down. See my list for the ‘De-Stress Foods’ to keep you calm and relaxed.



Fight or flight

The initial response to stress is the alarm reaction, often referred to as the fight or flight response. This is triggered by reactions in the brain that cause the pituitary gland (the master gland of your body’s entire hormonal system) to send chemical messages to the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline and other stress-related hormones.

The fight or flight response is designed to help you deal with danger. The muscles, heart, lung and brain are given priority fuel and all other bodily systems are subdued. Your heart rate increases, oxygen and glucose are sent in increased amounts to your muscles and you’ll notice that you breathe faster and you sweat to lower your body temperature. Your blood sugar also goes up as your liver dumps stored glucose into the bloodstream and your adrenal gland pumps out stress hormones, such as adrenaline, to keep the fight or flight reaction going.

All these and many other complex changes occur, some of them in a split second. They all serve one purpose: to gear you up for immediate action or to sharpen your responses in a crisis: for example, your quick response when you grab your child just as he or she tries to run into a busy road. When the danger is over, the biochemicals of stress are used up as intended and the body adapts to normal stress and equilibrium. No harm is done.

Havoc with your hormones

The trouble is when the stress is prolonged because it is something you can’t immediately deal with or do much about – a delayed train, screaming children, the phone ringing, the cashpoint machine swallowing your card, being late for an appointment, a frustrating meeting or job. Instead of the stress reaction being short lived, it persists for long periods of time and when this happens, it can have profound effects on your body. Your body stays in this heightened state of alert, adrenaline continues to pump around your body and your hormones can’t return to their normal state.

The hormonal chaos prolonged stress causes can increase your risk of blood sugar problems, high blood pressure, fatigue, adrenal exhaustion and weight gain.


A well-balanced diet is crucial in preserving health and helping to reduce stress. Certain foods and drinks act as powerful stimulants to the body and hence are a direct cause of stress. This stimulation can overwork the liver, upset blood sugar levels and be harmful in the long run.

  • » Caffeine. This is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, etc. It causes the release of adrenaline, thus increasing the level of stress. Caffeine addicts wear out the stress hormone-producing adrenal glands. These stress hormones interfere with metabolism. So, caffeine will cause weight gain in the long term, especially if combined with a poor diet. Consuming too much caffeine has the same effect as long-term stress.
  • » Alcohol is a major cause of stress. The irony is that most people take to drinking as a way to combat stress. Alcohol and stress, in combination, are quite deadly. Alcohol stimulates the secretion of adrenaline, resulting in the problems such as nervous tension, irritability and insomnia. Excess alcohol will increase the fat deposits in the heart and decrease the immune function. Alcohol also limits the ability of the liver to remove toxins from the body. During stress, the body produces several toxins. In the absence of its filtering by the liver, these toxins continue to circulate through the body, resulting in serious damage.
  • » Sweets. Sugar has no essential nutrients. It provides a short-term boost of energy through the body, resulting possibly in the exhaustion of the adrenal glands. This can result in irritability, poor concentration, and depression. High sugar consumption puts a severe load on the pancreas. There is increasing possibility of developing diabetes.
  • » Salty foods. Salt increases the blood pressure, depletes adrenal glands, and causes emotional instability. Use a salt substitute that has potassium rather than sodium. Avoid processed foods high in salt, such as bacon, ham, pickles, sausages, etc.
  • » Fatty foods. Avoid the consumption of foods rich in saturated fats, such as animal foods, dairy products, fried foods and common junk foods. Fats put unnecessary stress on the cardiovascular system.
  • » Cow’s milk and dairy products. These stress the body because they contain substances, such as the protein casein, that are difficult and unsuitable for humans to digest and can trigger allergic responses.
  • » Red meat. High-protein red meat elevates brain levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, both of which are associated with higher levels of anxiety and stress.
  • » Refined and processed foods, such as white refined bread and flour, stress the body because they are low in nutrients and high in empty calories. Moreover, in order to digest refined foods your body has to use its own vitamins and minerals, so depleting its stores. Foods containing white flour include cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries.
  • » Margarines and other processed vegetable oils. These are high in trans fatty acids and a diet too high in trans fatty acids can have a negative effect on cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease. They can also block the body’s assimilation of health-boosting essential fatty acids.
  • » Spicy foods. Spices contain volatile oils which are capable of physically irritating the lining of the stomach. Hot curries, chillies and chilli sauces used in Mexican and Indian foods and some drinks are best avoided. A very hot chilli or curry dish that contains a blend of pungent spices can literally bore a hole in the stomach lining.
  • » Additives, preservatives and other chemicals. Additives place a huge stress on your body because your body has to work harder to deal with them, with the result that energy and valuable nutrients are spent when they could be used more profitably, for example in boosting the immune system.



Your body responds to stress with increased production of adrenal stress hormones and these hormones are responsible for many of the symptoms we associate with stress: elevation of blood pressure, muscle tension, digestive upsets, etc. Overproduction of adrenal stress hormones can also lead to nutritional deficiencies and an exhausted adrenal gland. When the adrenal gland is exhausted, this can alter your response to stress and lead to chronic exhaustion and anxiety. Because of the importance of the adrenal gland for proper nutrition and the stress response, nutrient rich foods that support adrenal gland function are particularly beneficial for stress reduction.

  • » Celery. An old folk remedy to lower blood pressure. I recommend 2–4 celery stalks daily to my stressed-out patients. Compounds within the celery lower the concentrations of stress hormones that cause blood vessel constriction. Celery contains nutrients that calm, including niacinimide. A stalk of celery before bedtime may even improve your sleep.
  • » Sunflower seeds. Not only are sunflower seeds a rich source of potassium, they are also rich in Β vitamins (in particular B6 and pantothenic acid) and zinc which play a critical role in the health of the adrenal glands. Evidence suggests that during times of stress the levels of these nutrients can plummet.
  • » Brown rice is a slowly absorbed carbohydrate that can help trigger the release of the body’s feel good chemicals, serotonin and norepinephrine. It can help you deal better with stress by helping to lift your mood and giving you a more sustained burst of energy.
  • » Algae. The body’s feel-good hormones, serotonin and norepinephrine, can also be made from trytophan and L-phenyl alanine, amino acids present in certain protein foods. Algae contains approximately 60 per cent protein and is derived from all eight essential amino acids. Algae exerts an energetic effect on the liver and can help to facilitate the elimination of toxins, thus lowering stress levels in the body. Algae contains virtually every nutrient known to man, including all those that have a positive effect on the nervous system. It provides the essential nutrients that stress will rob from the body. You can buy algae in a health food store.
  • » Cabbage is a good stress-busting source of the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, beta-carotene and the mineral selenium. Antioxidants fight the damaging effect of free radicals in your body released in response to stress and they also help the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin, thus playing their part in boosting mood.
  • » Almonds are rich in magnesium which is especially important for supporting adrenal function as well as the metabolism of essential fatty acids. Low levels of magnesium can be associated with nervous tension, anxiety, irritability and insomnia. Almonds are a great source of magnesium (soak them overnight for easy digestion).
  • » Berries. Blackberries are rich in manganese and vitamin C. Insufficient vitamin C can weaken your immune system and make you feel generally stressed and run down. Other good food sources of vitamin C and manganese include strawberries and raspberries.
  • » Sesame seeds. The need for zinc increases during times of stress, and it is important for the metabolism of fatty acids and for the production of serotonin. Sesame seeds are a good food source of zinc.
  • » Cucumbers. The old saying ‘keeping cool as a cucumber’ is literally true because of its cooling effect on the blood and the liver. When the liver is properly nourished and not overheated, this critical organ can help to balance hormones, boost mood, beat stress and deliver vibrant health. Try drinking cucumber and celery juice.
  • » Asparagus. Many of the elements that build the liver, kidneys, skin, ligaments and bones are found in green asparagus. It also helps in the formation of red blood capsules, and is also high in the antioxidant enzyme glutathione which helps the liver function at optimum levels. Anything that has a positive effect on your liver has a positive effect on your mood and your ability to deal with stress.
  • » Garlic. This has been used throughout history to treat colds and flu and for feeling generally run down; now folklore has been backed up by science. Garlic contains a detoxifying chemical called allicin, which is responsible for its characteristic taste and smell. When you can get rid of circulating toxins, you feel less stressed. Garlic can also have a huge impact on the lowering of blood pressure associated with stress. A powerful antibiotic, allicin has both antiviral and antifungal powers as well as cholesterol-lowering, blood-pressure-lowering and mood-boosting effects.
  • » Avocados. These contain 14 minerals, all of which regulate body functions and stimulate growth. Especially noteworthy is its iron and copper content which aids in red blood regeneration and the prevention of nutritional anaemia – one very common cause of fatigue and inability to cope effectively with stress.

Herbs to help you cope

My patients have reported great results using the following.

  • » Eleutherococous Senticosus, commonly known as Siberian ginseng (100–500mg a day). Siberian ginseng and panax ginseng increase the tone and function of the adrenal glands, helping to balance the hormonal excretions. Ginseng has been shown in studies to protect against the effects of physical and mental stress.

    Note: Do not use extracts of panax (Chinese) or American ginseng if you have high blood pressure.

  • » Licorice root (70mg capsules or 15 drops of a 5:1 liquid extract three times a day). Licorice is most beneficial for correcting low cortisol output and will give the adrenal glands a chance to rest and recover.
  • » Rhodiola increases the body’s natural resistance to stressors.
  • » Astragalus supports the immune system and helps the body adapt to stress (500mg, once or twice daily).

Vitamins and minerals

Your body’s levels of these key nutrients plummet during times of stress. Try the following anti-stress package to be taken daily:

  • » 1000–2000mg vitamin C (choose one which contains bioflavonoids for extra protection)
  • » 300mg magnesium
  • » 200mg calcium
  • » 500mg vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • » Mega B Complex (choose one which contains around 75mg of each of the major B vitamins)
  • » Antioxidant formula (pick a brand containing about 25,000iu beta carotene, 200iu vitamin E, 30mg zinc and 200mcg selenium)
  • » 100–500mg tyrosine (an amino acid) twice a day when under significant prolonged stress
  • » Or take a multi-vitamin powder


Herbal teas can be very effective at relieving many stress symptoms. These teas are derived from the flowers, leaves, seeds, stalks, stems and roots of plants. They contain natural substances that nourish the central nervous and glandular systems. Give them a try.

Find which ones work best for you.

  • » Camomile
  • » Hops
  • » Lemon balm
  • » Oatstraw
  • » Skullcap
  • » Ginseng
  • » Kava
  • » Licorice
  • » Passionflower
  • » Valerian




Sprouted broccoli seeds

 Scientists have discovered that sprouted broccoli seeds contain 30–50 times more active and more absorbable levels of specific antioxidant immune properties than regular non-sprouted broccoli. (Regular broccoli is still really good for you, though, and I highly recommend it.) Sprouted broccoli seeds are high in sulforophane, a powerful antioxidant. They boost long lasting immune support. Eat these sprouts twice weekly.


500mg twice daily provides an immunity tonic which maintains our defences. This super herbal food raises the body’s resistance to external pathogens and strengthens your body’s effectiveness in fighting viruses and infections.

Ginseng root

Ginseng is a nutritive tonic. It neutralizes the effects of free radicals (destructive molecules) during periods of stress. It sends messages through the immune system, acting as a catalyst for the release of certain hormones essential for immune defence.

Reishi and shiitake mushrooms

Use in soups, stews and as a side dish. These incredible mushrooms are a natural source of a protein which induces immune reponse. They contain a compound called lentinal which mobilizes our natural defences, and protect the body by lowering heat toxins created from overly acid diets. They are also an excellent source of the antoxidant Germanium which supports your immune system.

Oregon Grape

Easily obtainable from a health store, it contains a compound called berberine which supports the fight against nasty bacteria.

Olive Leaf

This herb contains an effective natural antibiotic support against dozens of bacteria strains.

Ginger Root

Ginger nurtures the regulation of compounds important for immunity. It has a soothing, antiseptic support action on the body’s ability to handle external wind and cold.

Licorice Root

This herb and tea helps to counteract the immune suppressive effects of stress. It also moisturizes and soothes immune organ membranes.

Lemon Peel

Place the peel of a lemon and squeeze a little of the flesh juice into a cup of warm water.

Pau D’Arco tea

This tea contains an active compound called lapachol, which is anti fungal, anti parasitic and anti microbial. It also helps to maintain the integrity of red blood cells and other immune supporting organs. If you ever feel under the weather, this is the tea for you.


Echinacea helps to maintain immunity and clear infections. It is available in tincture, tablet and tea form, best to take in rotation; one week on, one week off.


My clinical experience tells me that backaches are on the rise due to stress and poor nutrition. It is worth considering that the spine is a major pathway for the nerves of the body. All emotional, psychological and physical stresses can therefore manifest in the back, especially the lower back – the seat of your kidneys. The kidneys are a purification system for the body. When you are under stress or your body is malnourished from a poor diet, the kidneys have to work overtime and their purifying system may not work as efficiently. Therefore, nutrition can play a vital role in the prevention of backaches.

Nutritional Backache Help

  • » Drink more water, at least 6–8 glasses a day. Dehydration will cause backache even in those who are not normally prone to back afflictions. Water also helps flush out the excess acid particles from the kidneys.
  • » Avoid red meats, caffeine and, in some cases, dairy from cow’s milk (if you have a line down the middle of your tongue, this is an indication that you are unable to digest the large molecules of cow’s milk). Sugar, alcohol and processed foods may also aggravate your back.
  • » Eat more green leafy veggies. Nuts such as walnuts and almonds, seeds and cold water fish are good food choices too. Add more raw fruits, vegetables and whole grains to your diet.
  • » Reduce the bad fats in your diet. Bad fats create compounds in the body that contribute to spinal disc degeneration.
  • » Ensure that you have an adequate supply of magnesium and calcium in the diet .
  • » If you suffer from lower back problems, take the following supplements every day:
  • » Magnesium (1000mg)
  • » Calcium (750mg)
  • » Silica (1–2 tablespoons of liquid silica)
  • » Liquid minerals
  • » Green juice drinks to flush out acids
  • » Boron (3mg) for better uptake of the above nutrients
  • » Aloe vera juice (2 tablespoons) an hour before bed.


Patients who have implemented my simple detox tips for everyday life, and then embarked upon my easy Detox Day plan, were able to eradicate all kinds of health problems, including:

  • » Low sex drive
  • » Infertility
  • » Impotency
  • » PMS
  • » Indigestion
  • » Ovarian cysts
  • » Headaches
  • » Joint pains
  • » Bad breath
  • » Allergies
  • » Constipation
  • » Brittle nails
  • » Skin eruptions
  • » Poor memory
  • » Depression
  • » Insomnia
  • » Excess weight

And most important, they feel great! In the first part of this chapter, I will give you my six simple tips you can incorporate into your daily routine. This will keep your body relatively toxic-free. Then in the second part, you can follow my Detox Day plan.


The body stores foreign substances and toxins in its fatty deposits. So, in many cases, people may be carrying up to 10 or more extra pounds (4.5kg) of unhealthy mucus-harbouring toxic waste!

And you wonder why you are so tired, have PMS, digestive disorders, headaches, joint pains, bad breath, allergies, constipation, brittle nails, skin eruptions, poor memory, depression, insomnia, excess weight and so on. It is a toxic world we live in, and you may be living in an increasingly toxic body.

For a time, your body will struggle to protect itself from noxious toxins by trapping them in a ball of mucus or fat so that they are impeded from triggering adverse immune reactions. But this Band Aid will only last temporarily. Before long, the toxins will seep into the bloodstream and into cell membranes, disturbing metabolic function and causing tissue damage.

If I still haven’t convinced you then take the Detox Challenge and see if your body is in need of a cleanse.


A toxin can be any kind of substance that causes harmful effects to the body, leading to intolerances, allergies and a general feeling of illness. We are surrounded by potential toxins from the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe. The most insidious toxins are actually not seen, invisible, leaving us unaware as to the grave risks. The good news, though, is that the body has a gift of being able to expel toxins quite readily if we have the knowledge, tools and my Plan to rid them.



Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to each of the following questions.

Do you live in a city?

Do you work in an office?

Do you use underground transport regularly?

Do you frequently jog, run or walk alongside busy roads with traffic?

Do you regularly use a mobile phone?

Do you regularly use a computer?

Do you live near electrical pylons, nuclear or electrical power plant or mobile phone mast(s) ?

Do you regularly smoke cigarettes or other substances?

Do you frequently use recreational or prescription drugs and medications?

Do you regularly drink alcohol on a daily basis, or binge-drink on the weekends or at other times?

Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle whereby you never exercise?

Do you catch more than three colds, flus and/or viruses in an average year?

Do you have any mercury fillings in your teeth?

Do you regularly drink on a daily basis any of the following: coffee, fizzy drinks, tap water, cows’ milk and/or carbonated sodas?

Do you regularly eat on a daily basis any of the following: sugar, sweets, chocolates, white bread, tinned or canned foods, frozen foods, microwaved foods, fried foods, meats, cured lunch meats, biscuits, cakes?

Do you normally add white sugar or sugar substitutes to tea or coffee?

Do you regularly add salt to your food when cooking, or add salt when the dish arrives?

Is reading food labels for chemicals or preservatives before making selections irrelevant to you?


If you answered ‘yes’ to more than five questions, then you may be a toxic junkie. I suggest you embark upon my Detox Day Plan at your earliest convenience. This weekend perhaps?

If you answered ‘yes’ to more than ten questions, then you are a toxic dump monster. You are most likely loaded with toxins throughout your organs, cells, blood and body. You might even have bad breath, flatulence and body odour. If not, you’ll have it soon enough along with a host of serious ills if you fail to act immediately. Therefore, you must embark upon my Detox Day Plan immediately. And I mean today. I am not giving you a choice here!



My Simple Everyday Detox Tips I have found that patients who implement my simple detox tips for everyday life, and then embark upon my easy One-Day Detox, are able to lose weight much more easily. They are also able to eradicate all kinds of health problems including: low sex drive, infertility, impotency, PMS, indigestion, malabsorption, ovarian cysts, headaches, joint pains, bad breath, allergies, constipation, brittle nails, skin eruptions, poor memory, depression, insomnia, excess weight… the list goes on. Most important, the people who follow my detox tips feel great! Here, I will give you six simple tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine to keep your body relatively toxin-free. I will then follow with the One-Day Detox.

1 Study the top foods list below

Be sure to keep it handy at all times, because it will show you which are the most detoxifying foods for everyday life and which are the most toxic.

Top Detox Foods

  • » Fruit and vegetable juices
  • » Water
  • » Raw food/sprouts/greens
  • » Fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, seeds

    Foods to Avoid

  • » Sugar
  • » Fried foods
  • » Dairy
  • » Alcohol
  • » Caffeine

2 Buy and start using the following items today

  • » A juicer to start making your own vegetable juices. Don’t worry about buying the most expensive model – just get whatever you can afford. Once you really get into the juicing, you can look for fancier, quicker models later on.
  • » A blender to start making your own delicious, easy-to-digest smoothies.

3 Start skin brushing

Buy a skin brush and please make sure you use it. Dry skin brushing speeds up the rate at which toxins are expelled from the body, because it motivates blood cells and lymph tissue, two key physiological detoxification avenues. Skin brushing is not something you do in the bath or shower, but when you are dry. You can bathe afterwards but not during the process.


Smoothly brush the soles of the feet, working your way up the legs, then up the arms and down the back. Brush in long sweeping movements towards your heart, as it increases circulation and improves skin tone and texture. Always brush lightly and gently, and avoid broken skin, thread veins and varicose veins.

4 Breathe!

The way you breathe can have a dramatic effect on your health – oxygen is á powerful detoxifier. Deep breathing is the key. Most people breathe in a shallow manner, thus depriving the cells, organs and glands of much-needed oxygen. Oxygen literally feeds the blood and cells, as it detoxifies the organs and glands, and is just as important as adequate supplies of water and good-quality food. A lack of it actually starves the brain, nervous system, adrenals, pituitary, kidneys, gall bladder, spleen, liver, diaphragm and colon.

In my breathing method I’ll expect you to adopt more full and ample breathing from the lower diaphragm, while filling the entire lungs on a regular daily basis. But in order to get to a point where deep breathing becomes a part of your everyday life, I would like you to practise the following breathing method for just a few minutes each day. Once you master it, you will find it so much easier to incorporate deep breathing into normal life, when you’re walking, talking, sitting, working or relaxing.


  • » Lie on your back on the floor in a position that is most comfortable for you: for instance, you might want your knees bent and your feet apart. Close your eyes if it helps you to relax.
  • » Place one hand on your tummy and one hand on your chest. Then breathe deeply. Which moves first: the hand on your chest or the hand on your tummy? If the answer is the hand on your chest, then you are not using your lungs to optimum capacity. You are undoubtedly starving your cells and organs of oxygen.
  • » Now slowly breathe in through the nose. Count to 10 if it helps you to focus.
  • » Make an oooh sound slowly through your lips. Then blow out any remaining air as gently and slowly as possible, simultaneously applying light pressure to your lower abdomen to help expel all stale air.
  • » Slowly inhale through your nostrils, keeping one hand on your stomach just above your belly-button. Visualize your breath literally expanding throughout the lungs, ribs and sides (middle and upper segments of the back). It’s like putting air into a balloon. When you inhale, it fills with air. This air expands to your sides, ribs and back. When you exhale, the balloon deflates.
  • » When you breathe out, feel the ribs move down and your tension melting away as the tummy and upper body deflates. Repeat the oooh sound, and gently blow out air, completely emptying your lungs. Once you become more experienced, you may not need to make this sound.


You don’t need to over-breathe while doing this. It’s meant to be a slow, gentle, calming, meditative exercise. Use visualization (to see or) to think about the slow movements of the air, and, most importantly, feel calmness, tranquillity and serenity as you do it.

5 Take daily exercise

In order to properly detox the body, exercise is essential. I am not suggesting you have to embark upon a vigorous body-building plan that takes you to the local sports centre each day. I am talking about simple, gentle movement – the type that will keep your body nimble, supple and young! Some stretching, walking, step-climbing, mini-trampolining, dancing, salsa, disco, swimming, bicycling, aerobics, Pilates, even tai chi or karate if you can find it in your neighbourhood, or any other moderate fun movements would be excellent on a regular basis. Anything that makes you break into a sweat is even better.

6 Drink water

Regularly drinking still water – not from the tap unless it is filtered – is one of the most efficient detoxifying fluids we can give ourselves each day. I recommend 6–8 glasses of water a day.

Dr Gillian’s Detox Day For the detoxification process to work properly, you should not starve yourself. You will simply give your organs a holiday from what you normally eat. You will cut out the naughty foods, add lots of good foods that cleanse your organs and facilitate the expulsion of toxins from your body. And as a result you will brim with vitality and energy.


On your Detox Day, say goodbye completely to foods that destroy your cells, drain your energies, are difficult to digest and sap your vitality. Here is a list of Naughtys. And if you can stay away from the Naughtys for longer, then more power to you! It will do you the world of good and make your path to a slimmer, healthier you even easier.

Avoid the following:

  • » Coffee
  • » Seafood
  • » Sugar
  • » Tea
  • » Milk
  • » Salt and pepper
  • » Cigarettes
  • » Eggs
  • » Carbonated beverages
  • » Alcohol
  • » Cheese
  • » Fried foods
  • » Red meat
  • » Cooking oil
  • » Commercial mayonnaise
  • » Poultry
  • » Bread
  • » Mustard
  • » Fish
  • » Medications (unless you have a pre-existing condition that requires it)



The most important thing is that you do something that’s fun on your Detox Day. You don’t need a partner for this. Simply turn on the radio, find a tune you like and start dancing. It’s great fun, moves your blood and circulatory system, tones your bod and lifts your spirits. And if you have children at home, they too will love to dance with you. It’s something you can do together with anyone or just yourself, have fun and rejuvenate all your bodies at the same time.

Keep dancing for 30–45 minutes if you want a decent aerobic workout. I tell my patients who work at sitting jobs to get up every hour on the hour and dance their brains out for five minutes. But on your Detox Day, feel free to do whatever feels right for you without overdoing it. By flexing, moving, stretching and relaxing the muscles, the lymph fluid effectively pulls out toxins. Sweating does the same.

Science bit

The lymph gland and its fluids are the major machinery for moving out unwanted matter from the body. Exercise provides the pump that initiates the lymphatic system which moves toxins out of the body. So if you fail to exercise, the lymph cannot and does not work effectively. I would argue that it is moderate daily exercise, more than anything else that can keep us young physically, mentally and sexually. So please keep up with the exercise even after the detox day.

Nutrients during the detox day The following supplements should be taken during your detox day, as they will assist cleansing of the liver, bowels and cells while supporting your overall constitution strength:

1 Green superfoods

You need to make sure that you have 2 generous teaspoons of a green superfood on your Detox Day. Choose any one or more of the following:

  • » Wild blue-green algae
  • » Spirulina
  • » Chlorella
  • » Wheatgrass
  • » Barley grass
  • » Dr Gillian McKeith’s Living Food Energy Powder

2 Digestive enzymes

Take where instructed or with any warm meals/drinks.

3 Linseeds or flax oil

1 tablespoon of either daily.

4 Milk thistle

Take milk thistle or alpha lipoic acid to support your detox organs (2 capsules daily). (If you wish, open the capsule contents and pour into one of your juices in the middle of the day.) To check if you need milk thistle or alpha lipoic acid supplements take a look at the symptoms in the box below. If you tick even just one, then you will need to take either milk thistle or alpha lipoic acid during your detox – and for two weeks afterwards.

5 Acidophilus

If you opt for an enema or colonic hydrotherapy, you will need Acidophilus supplements.

6 Sprouts

Learn how to grow your own grasses and sprouts.  Buy them ready sprouted.






Post-partum Depression


Digestive upset





Hot palms



Hot soles


Splitting nails

Painful eyes


Red eyes

Red face

Blurry vision

Tenderness under right rib

Amalgam fillings

Quivering tongue (tongue shakes a bit when you stick it out)


On rising

(Times may be modified to your personal lifestyle):

7:00am Warm lemon water

Squeeze some fresh lemon into warm water. Warm water with lemon allows a gentle start to the day, as it goes straight through to the bowels, helping to expel faecal matter from the day before. (Cold water, first thing in the morning, shocks and stops at the tummy, creating gas or bloating.)

7:30am Linseed

Choose from:

  • » Place 2 heaped teaspoons of organic linseeds in a large glass of filtered water.
  • » Soak 1 tablespoon of linseeds in a cup of boiling water the night before. Drink only the liquid in the morning.

8:00am Breakfast

Choose from:

  • » Fruit, your breakfast fruit should be served at room temperature. Eat enough so that you are not hungry and chew it really well. Avoid oranges or orange juice as they are too acidic. If you opt for grapes, don’t mix them with anything else. Choose from: apples, pears, papayas, pineapples, cherries, peaches, plums, watermelons, apricots, berries.
  • » Miso soup
  • » Vegetable juice, made up of: 1 cucumber, ¼ piece of root ginger (peeled), 4 celery stalks, 100 g (4oz ) alfalfa sprouts, 3 sprigs parsley, and 1 carrot (peeled).

9:30am Tea break: Drink a cup or two of herbal tea

During this Detox Day, we will take several tea breaks. After all, what would we do without our tea breaks? So this day is no different. I have built in a number of them for your sipping pleasure. Nutritionally speaking, though, my tea breaks will be nourishing, healing and will enhance the detox. You will need to choose from the list of teas that I tell you. You cannot drink your regular caffeine-laden black tea, but you can drink: nettle, dandelion, camomile, sage or echinacea teas.

10:00am Fruit juice break

Choose seasonal fruit, freshly squeezed or pressed with your juicer – see opposite for some ideas. If you are getting rather hungry mid-morning, then please make more juices for yourself.

If one or more of the following applies to you, please warm your fruit either by gentle steaming or placing fruit in a pan of warm water (you are not boiling the fruit, simply warming it).

  • » It is winter-time and/or you do not live in a warm climate
  • » You feel cold or have poor circulation
  • » You have a weak spleen. (You can easily tell this by looking at your tongue in a mirror.


6 apples

2 pears

  • » Peel, core and chop the fruit. Steam lightly and blend. Take 1 digestive enzyme capsule with this warmed fruit delicacy. Simply open up the capsule and pour the contents into the blend.


All fruits and vegetables should be peeled and cored before juicing. Ginger root should be peeled and grated.


1 apple, 175g (6 oz) alfalfa sprouts or clover sprouts, 6 fresh mint leaves, 3 carrots.


8 carrots, 1 apple, juice of 1 lemon, 2.5 cm (1-inch) slice ginger root.


2 firm papayas, 2 pears, ½ teaspoon grated ginger root.


20 green grapes, 10 strawberries, 1 apple, 2 sprigs fresh mint.


2 apples, 2 pears, small piece of ginger root.

This is a terrific breakfast enlivener that will perk up your whole system, providing a wake-up call for the taste buds too.


1 punnet of your favourite berries or even mixed berries (strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries),

2 peaches, 1 apple.


Juice of 1 pineapple.

12:30pm Lunch

You’ve made it so far. And I’ll bet you’re doing just fine. Now here’s lunch. Choose from one of the following:

  • » Raw salad with sprouts
  • » Raw Mint Cucumber Soup
  • » Raw sauerkraut
  • » Grain such as millet, quinoa, rice, amaranth.

After cooking the grain , add one or more of the following raw herbs to mix with it: dill, chives, chervil, or dandelion leaves. Serve with a side dish of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, dark green lettuce leaves, celery or Brussels sprouts.


Juice of 3 cucumbers and 2 celery sticks

1 cucumber, chopped

¼ cup fresh chopped mint leaves

¼ cup fresh chopped parsley

¼ leek, finely chopped

  • » Put all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth.

2:00pm Herbal tea break

2:30pm Dr McKeith’s Veggie Detox Juice

Choose from the following freshly made juices using your juicer


This is delightful and very nourishing to the liver.

6 carrots, 2 celery stalks and 1 apple.

(Try a version without apple too.)


½ beetroot, 2 carrots, 1 celery stalk, ½ a small cucumber.


2 whole cucumbers, ¼ – ½ beetroot, a dill sprig.


2 cucumbers, 4 celery stalks, ¼ of a piece of root ginger (optional), sprig of basil or coriander. This is my favourite.


A handful of parsley, 1 kale leaf, 5 carrots and a tiny piece of root ginger.


2 celery stalks, a handful of parsley, 1 garlic clove, 5 carrots and 100g (4oz) alfalfa sprouts (optional but great if you do).

3:00pm Herbal tea break

3:30pm It’s snack time!

Snack on sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and/or raw sauerkraut.

4:00 p.m. Dr Gillian’s delectable veggie smoothie

6 carrots (with tops if possible)

1 soft avocado

10 basil leaves

1 apple

1 lemon slice

Juice the carrots and apple through a juicer. Add to the other ingredients and blend in a blender or food processor. Squeeze a dash of lemon into the drink.

5:30pm Dinner

You are almost finished for the day. You can now eat a hearty raw salad with a handful of raw sprouts. Plus, add a small amount of grain if feeling really hungry.

6:30pm Potassium broth break

You are doing very well. Keep it up.



Potassium Broth infuses a cocktail of minerals and vitamins – especially potassium for electrolyte balance – into the body’s organs, glands and tissues. Mineral imbalance is a catalyst for decreased organ function.

I want to keep up your mineral profile while infusing you with vitamins too.


(Always wash all produce thoroughly, but no need to peel the skins if you are going organic)


2 large potatoes

2 carrots

1 cup red beets (optional)

4 celery stalks with leaves

1 cup parsley

1 cup turnips

A pinch of cayenne, to taste

Use stainless steel utensils and pots. Fill a large saucepan with approximately 1.8L (3½ pints) of water. Slice the vegetables directly into water – never leave your veggies sitting around waiting for ages. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat. Cover and cook on a low temperature (a very light simmer) for 2 hours or so. Strain the vegetables and drink only the broth.

Please don’t fret!

If it’s too much effort or you really cannot be bothered with the Potassium Broth thing, then please don’t worry about it. Instead, get over to your local health food shop, and buy some miso soup packs. All you have to do to is add boiling water and drink. Really easy!

7:30pm Warm water with lemon break

Just squeeze fresh lemon into a teacup with warm or hot water and drink.


8:15pm Dry skin brush

8:30pm Your reward: a mineral bath

You made it this far; you deserve an accolade. An amazing bath is your reward. This is not just for women, by the way. Men will also enjoy this soothing, mineral-rich bath. Once the bath is filled with water, add the following (all available from health food shops):

2 teaspoons flax oil

some liquid minerals

1 teaspoon liquid silica

2 teaspoons aloe vera

3 or 4 drops each of the essential oils of frankincense and myrrh

This will probably be the most expensive bath water you’ve ever had to let drain away! But be aware that the skin is the largest and most absorbent organ we have. And so all of these nutrients, in the bath water, will be absorbed most efficiently through your pores and other obvious openings.

9:00pm Those late-night munchies

Munch on lettuce and celery stalks before bedtime. (Celery is loaded with the mineral magnesium, one of the most calming nutrients.)

Get to bed early (between 9:30pm and 10:30pm) if you can.


Just one or more of the following herbal and plant leaves can add a real zip to your juices. You can either put them through the juicer, or mix the leaves and juice together through a blender.

  • » Basil
  • » Lemongrass
  • » Fenugreek
  • » Coriander
  • » Dill
  • » Fennel
  • » Chives
  • » Spearmint
  • » Garlic
  • » Ginger

Sprouted seeds, such as fenugreek and radish, can also be added to your juices to spice things up and further warm you up.


If you experience hunger attacks, you can drink more herbal teas, miso broth or juice. Warm soup is fine if you feel cold or if it’s chilly outside. Plenty of liquid is important – aim for 2 litres per day (can be a combination of juices and plain water). The problem is that many people don’t drink enough liquid needed to flush out accumulated toxins. In addition, the juices and herbal teas will act like natural diuretics, lessening the possibility of water retention.

Finally, I tell all my patients that there’s no need to be a slave to the juice. If you need to, you can eat some solid fruit and/or vegetables, even salad and seeds. If you absolutely must, amaranth, millet or quinoa are good grains to include. It may take some time before your body is ready to accept a full day of juicing. Don’t force it before it is ready; listen to your gut feeling.


During or after a detox, some people experience what is referred to as a healing crisis. This means that the elimination or detoxification was so efficient or so powerful that they can feel unwell for a few days or few hours during or afterwards. My patients are usually spared because of the gentle and nutritionally balanced manner in which I conduct the detox. If anything, you will probably feel energized, clear-headed, rejuvenated and revitalized. But there is always a chance that you may still have an adverse feeling from such deep elimination. You may experience headaches, joint pains, skin eruptions, and more. Don’t be alarmed by these symptoms – you can stop the detox whenever you like and go back to gradually incorporating the detox principles in your everyday diet.


Take five minutes in the morning and evening of your Detox Day to rub your liver region. Simply lie flat on your back and gently massage the liver using your fingertips. This will further spur the detoxification process, and although it may not sound like it at first, it can feel really nice too!


You will find your liver at the base of your right ribcage. Simply place your hand at the bottom of the set of ribs on your right side. Move your fingers in a clockwise direction around the liver for approximately five minutes. Do not dig into your liver with your nails; use your fingertips, take it slowly and gently. You will be helping to stimulate the liver-cleansing action and the processing of body toxins.


Another form of healing crisis is the emotional crisis which some people might experience when going through a deep detox. Don’t be surprised if you feel weepy or emotional when you start detoxing – you may find that years of pent-up tensions may be processed and released.


Some people may prefer to extend their detox to two, three and even four days. This is OK if you feel ready and if you have previously experimented with the Detox Day on another occasion. There is no right or wrong here. It’s about educating yourself with proper information and listening to your feelings.


If you never cleaned your sink, think what it would look like? Your Detox Day is like a spring clean, but you can dig deeper too with the help of enemas and colonics. You can either buy an enema kit from a pharmacy (instructions are supplied) or you can treat yourself to a colonic hydrotherapy treatment. Either way, it’s best if you do the enema or colonic on the day of your cleanse, in the evening perhaps. If you can spare the time, have a treatment one to two days before your Detox Day in addition to the Detox Day itself. It’s not something you have to do but it can be very helpful, increasing the level of cleansing in one swoop so to speak. Think about it and go with it if it feels right for you.


The colon, large intestine or bowel is situated in the abdominal region and forms the last part of the digestive tract. An extremely important organ in its own right, it carries out a number of vital functions including the completion of the digestive process involving absorption of water, assimilation of minerals, as well as the synthesis of vitamins.

The colon is a major part of the excretory system, and is responsible for eliminating food and other body wastes, as well as protecting us from infection and disease. In a normally functioning colon, all this is achieved with the help of billions of friendly bacteria which inhabit the colon and make up some 70 per cent of the dry weight of our faecal waste.

However, the delicate balance of this internal ecosystem can very easily be disturbed by a number of factors including stress, pollution, electromagnetic influences, poor food and drink choices, medications, smoking and exposure to toxic substances. The worse your colon is, the quicker you will age. Your own internal filth could be slowly poisoning you.



I often describe colonic hydrotherapy as an enema, except that it’s 40 times more powerful in terms of cleaning out the colon. The colonic hydrotherapy procedure gently sends warm, sterile water into your lower bowel and colon to assist in cleansing years of excess mucus, gas, faecal matter, pollutants, medication and toxic substances.

Whether you opt for this or an enema, make sure you take some beneficial bacteria afterwards. You can buy beneficial bacteria supplements in any health food store. They often have different names – look for the words ‘probiotics’, ‘Acidophilus’ or ‘beneficial bacteria’ – and simply ask for help if you’re not completely sure. The supplements come in either powder or capsule form. If you have capsules, open up two, pour the contents into a little water and sip slowly. According to the International Colonic Association, colonic hydrotherapy is often beneficial for weight loss, constipation, haemorrhoids, colitis, yeast infections, diarrhoea and other conditions, and may even help to prevent cancer of the colon. The treatments often result in increased energy, advanced mental clarity, clearer skin, improved circulation, enhanced immunity and proper weight control for the patient. The procedure itself will take approximately 45 minutes. You lie down on a comfortable table for the treatment. A tube is then slightly inserted into your anus. This does not hurt, nor is it painful; you might feel a mild pressure, but nothing else. Just don’t get hung up on it! The benefits are worth it.

Depending on the therapist, abdominal massage may be administered to aid in the movement of trapped gas pockets and waste matter. You can usually see what is coming out. (Psychologically speaking, this can be good for many people.) At my clinic in London, it is not unusual to view whole pieces of broccoli or other food items sailing through the colonic tube – obviously not properly chewed. Remember, your colon does not have teeth! The feeling of a colonic is akin to the feeling you have when you produce a bowel movement. The key is to relax, let go and embrace the cleaning out of your insides.

Colonics are the perfect complement to my Detox Day, but I am quite happy if you don’t want to opt for one. They are not everybody’s cup of tea. The most important thing is to at least implement the other six simple detox tips at the beginning of this chapter, and please embark upon my Detox Day every so often, say once every other month or so. It’s all so simple and easy to do, and the health benefits will be immense.


Many factors affect the health of your skin, including heredity, age, climate, pollution, diet, stress levels and fluctuations in hormones. However, changes in your complexion are usually swayed by two major factors: (a) how well your internal eliminatory organs are working, (b) whether or not your body is lacking in vitamins and minerals. And both these factors, in turn, influence each other.

Every day in my clinical practice, I see many people who arrive for the first time looking haggard with dry dead skin, spots, straw-like hair and broken nails. Sure enough, months later, these same patients return looking revived, with beautiful skin, lustrous silky hair, strong long nails. And if you follow my Plan I hope you will see such amazing results too.


  • 01 Drink plenty of clean filtered water – at least 6–8 glasses every day, though you might need more during hot weather and on days that you exercise. Adequate water is essential for keeping your skin hydrated and for eliminating toxins through the kidneys and colon.
  1. 02 Include lots of fibre in your diet. It keeps your intestinal tract regular, and enhances the elimination of waste products from your body. Some people with skin problems suffer from constipation because they fail to feed themselves with good sources of fibre .
  2. 03 Make sure your diet contains plenty of antioxidants (which help slow down cellular ageing). Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources of natural plant antioxidants.
  3. 04 Food combine. By eating protein and carbohydrates at separate meals, you’ll prevent unnecessary fermentation in the colon and increase nutrient absorption into the blood. See my food-combining programme in Chapter 3.
  4. 05 While bad fats are detrimental to your body, essential fatty acids (good fats) are vital for healthy skin. You can obtain these from whole grains, seeds, nuts, soy beans, dark leafy green vegetables, cold-pressed oils (especially flax, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and safflower) and oily fish such as sardines, mackerel and wild (not farmed) salmon.
  5. 06 On rising, start your day with an early-morning mini-cleanse. This means that you should drink a glass of warm water. Follow this with a mug of nettle tea or hot water with a squeeze of fresh lemon.
  6. 07 Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine or alcohol, all of which drain moisture from your body.
  7. 08 Cut down on table salt. Excess sodium in the system leads to skin puffiness and swelling. Try celery seeds, sea vegetables, salt-free soy sauce, or many of the natural salt-free substitutes. Also avoid strongly spiced dishes where possible.
  8. 09 Reduce foods that clog: the worst offenders are red meat, dairy, refined foods, fried foods and foods that contain hydrogenated oils or fats.
  9. 10 Externally apply honey three times a week to your face (or any other part of your skin). Leave the honey on the skin approximately 30 minutes. Rinse off honey with warm water (preferably in the shower or bath). You will be amazed by the wonderful results of this simple trick. It will leave your skin soft, supple, young and nourished.


Although acne most frequently occurs in teenage years, it can also be commonly seen in adults too. It is often due to hormonal imbalances which stimulate the sebaceous glands to increase oil output. But acne can also be due to poor dietary choices. If traces of sebum become trapped inside skin pores, tissues can attract bacteria, resulting in inflammation and blemishes.

Acne is aggravated by poor internal elimination and a high fat and/or refined food diet. Drink plenty of fresh vegetable juices throughout the day: in particular carrot, lettuce, nettle, watercress, celery and dandelion. Also include vegetables and wholegrains at both lunchtime and evening meals, particularly green leafy vegetables, carrots, onions, garlic, brown rice, millet and live sprouts.

Nutritional supplements

The nutrients I have used most successfully with acne in clinical practice are:

  • » beta-carotene (25,000iu)
  • » vitamin A (10,000 iu)
  • » vitamin B complex 50–100mg
  • » pantothenic acid (25mg, four times a day)
  • » vitamin B6 (50mg)
  • » propolis (500mg)
  • » zinc (50mg)
  • » borage oil capsules daily
  • » vitamin C (1000mg twice a day)
  • » Acidophilus with Bifidus (friendly bacteria) to promote colon health and elimination of toxins.


Herbs that are beneficial include echinacea, dandelion, yellow dock, burdock root and red clover; all are powerful internal cleansers. These herbs also support specific organs which synergistically work on the skin.

Other treatments

As an alternative or as a complement to the herbs, try the homeopathic remedy Sulphur 6c. For an external treatment, try bathing the skin with a combination of tea tree oil and camomile (two drops of each in a bowl of water) for a soothing, anti-bacterial wash.


Eczema is a form of dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), characterized by flakiness and itching. Associated with sensitivities to both external and dietary sources and exacerbated by stress, eczema often manifests itself for the first time in new mothers.

Besides cutting out nasty foods in your diet (see Chapter 3), it would be a good idea to keep a food diary, in case you find a link between your food intake and an eczema outbreak. At different times of stress in life it’s quite possible that you may become more sensitive to certain foods that previously caused you no bother. Keep an eye on synthetic allergenic substances such as detergents, solvents, building materials and paints as well.

Nutritional supplements

  • » Vitamin B Complex (50mg, twice a day)
  • » Vitamin E (400iu, twice a day)
  • » Biotin (100mcg, twice a day)
  • » Zinc (50mg a day)
  • » Plus a source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) such as flax, borage or evening primrose oil.

Skin outbreaks are sometimes caused by faulty fat metabolism. High sources of omega-3 and GLA (gamma-linoleic acid, also known as evening primrose oil) are needed in this case. Rotate the EFAs. So, when you’ve used up the contents of one bottle, switch to a different fatty acid oil. For example, you might take flax oil capsules for one month, and then change to evening primrose oil or borage oil capsules the next month.

Other treatments

Include the homeopathic remedy Graphites 6c where the eczema affects hands and behind the ears; Sulphur 6c where the skin is red, rough and dry and made worse by heat and washing; or Rhus tox 6c where blisters itch more at night but skin feels better with warmth. The topical application of vitamin E and evening primrose oil relieves irritation and promotes the healing process. Calendula cream might also be applied.


More than 80 per cent of women get stretch marks at some point in their lives, either from pregnancy or weight gain/loss, and often due to lowered levels of zinc. And men can get them too, usually from rapid weight loss. Stretch marks can fade over time. What starts out as reddish streaks on the skin of the abdomen, breasts, thighs or buttocks, eventually turns into silvery-white thin scars that will never entirely disappear. Many overweight individuals whose skin is well stretched lose weight without any signs of stretch marks. Nutritional and hereditary factors play key roles. To correct zinc deficiency, see the following list of supplements, and eat foods high in zinc and take the superfood wild blue-green algae.

Nutritional supplements

  • » Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) (300mg daily)
  • » Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (1000mg daily)
  • » Vitamin E (600iu daily)
  • » Zinc (at least 15–30mg daily)
  • » Vitamins B5 and C are generally good for the health of the skin.

Other treatments

Certain homeopathic tissue cells salts such as Calc.fluor and Silica help keep cell tissues firm, strong, and elastic. Exercise, in the form of vigorous walking, dancing, swimming and stretching, may also help stretch marks to recede.



½ avocado (soft, ripened)

6 capsules vitamin E

4 capsules vitamin A

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons aloe vera gel

5 drops liquid zinc or 2 capsules 50mg zinc powder

½ teaspoon blue-green algae powder (optional)

1 teaspoon silica liquid (optional)


Mash a soft ripe avocado until it forms a creamy paste. Open the capsules of vitamins E and A, and pour the contents of these vitamins into the avocado cream. Add all the other ingredients and mix into the paste. Mix well together. Rub the cream into all relevant areas. Allow the skin to absorb cream for 30 minutes each day. It won’t get rid of stretches that are already there, although it may help to lessen their appearance. It also has an incredible softening and nourishing effect on the skin. Your skin will have access to the nutrients it needs to help lessen the future appearance of stretch marks.

Note: Add lemon juice to preserve the cream


Varicose veins are weak or broken spots in surface blood vessels that most commonly occur in the rectum, anus (haemorrhoids) or legs. Besides being unattractive, they might be accompanied by a dull ache, and in more severe cases leg sores may even develop.

There are several factors that are associated with the development of varicose veins including: prolonged standing or sitting, lack of exercise, obesity, pregnancy, and poor food choices. Research also suggests that varicosities run in the family. If your mother or grandfather, for example, had a tendency to the problem, then you may be susceptible as well. By being aware of the possibility, you can take the following necessary steps to avoid or reduce their incidence.

It’s interesting to note that in countries where the diet is rich in natural unprocessed foods, varicose veins are virtually unheard of. This is partly due to the high quantities of fibre present in such a regimen and also to the abundance of antioxidant-rich plant foods, which help keep tissues strong and healthy. Avoid eating processed foods. Foods that have an expansive or tiring effect on the cells, such as dairy, sugar, alcohol, conventional tea and coffee, should also be avoided.


Add 5 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of cypress oil to 20ml of carrier oil such as sweet almond or grapeseed. Gently massage into the legs, massaging towards the heart.

Nutritional supplements

Rotate the following. You should not take them all at once:

  • » Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (1000mg twice a day)
  • » Rutin (500mg twice a day)
  • » Vitamin E (400iu once a day)
  • » Vitamin B Complex (50 mg once a day)
  • » Co-enzyme Q10 (100 mg once a day)
  • » Lecithin 1 (19g twice a day)
  • » Antioxidant formula (see dosage instructions on packet)
  • » Bilberry herbs (500g, 3 times a day)


  • » Drink 1 cup of nettle in the morning and 1 cup of horsetail in late afternoon or evening.
  • » To help ease varicose discomfort, a compress infused with horse chestnut herb can be placed over the affected areas. To prepare the compress mix half a teaspoon of horse chestnut powder with 2 cups of water and use it to soak a sterile cotton cloth.
  • » Witch hazel herb is another remedy that can also be applied; a natural astringent, it tightens tissues and reduces pain.

Other treatments

Try the homeopathic remedy Hamamelis 30c (1 tablet daily for up to seven days).

Top Tip – Skin brushing

To improve the skin’s job of getting rid of internal rubbish (over one pound of waste products are excreted through the skin every day), you can help it in its task by regular body brushing. To skin brush effectively, you need a small, firm natural bristle brush. Brushing is best undertaken just before you bath or shower on a dry body. Method: Start at the soles of the feet and work your way up the legs in long, brisk strokes; then up the arms and down the back. Always brush upwards towards the chest and avoid sensitive spots such as moles, warts and broken veins. Never use the brush on your face.



As hair is comprised largely of keratin protein, then ample protein levels must be guaranteed. This can be obtained by eating beans, seeds, grains, tofu sprouts and fish. Minerals are also required for hair maintenance. The most abundant sources of minerals are found in sea vegetables: for example nori, hijiki, arame and wakame for their calcium, and dulse for its iron content. Add them in small amounts (about 10–15g/¼–½oz dry weight) to soups, salads and casseroles three to four times a week. Silica, which forms part of the starches that make up hair, is found in common vegetables such as onions, garlic, green leafy vegetables, carrots, cucumber and bell peppers and most sprouted seeds.

Finally, growth rate of hair depends on the kidneys. If your kidneys are strong, your hair will be strong. Healthy kidneys produce lots of fast-growing healthy hair. I can almost guarantee it. Therefore, take care of your kidneys by (1) drinking adequate amounts of water, (2) avoiding salt and the nasty foods , and (3) eating foods that strengthen kidney function .

Hair and Nails
Just like the skin, the condition of your hair and nails is a revealing indicator of your general wellbeing. Diet plays a great part in the health of hair and nails.


A healthy nail should be strong, flexible, pink in colour and blemish free. Any change to the surface is a sure sign that something is out of balance. Common signs of nutritional deficiencies include:

  • » Thin and brittle
  • » Splitting
  • » Hard/thick
  • » Peeling
  • » Poor growth
  • » Very pale or transparent
  • » White spots
  • » Vertical ridges
  • » Horizontal ridges
  • » Hang nails
  • » Fungus

Nutritional supplements

Nails are affected by a number of conditions, but the most influential is diet. The structure of the nails is made up largely of a protein called keratin and a combination of minerals, including calcium, sulphur, potassium, selenium and other trace elements. Strong, healthy nails are therefore dependent on the sufficient intake of such key minerals. For tip-top nail care, ensure adequate amounts of protein in your diet. In my practice I use spirulina, blue-green micro algae from the sea, as an efficient source of digestible protein. Its protein digestibility is rated at 85 per cent as compared to only 20 per cent for meat. It also contains a combination of minerals, beta-carotene and essential fatty acids.

Supplement your diet with royal jelly, high in B vitamins and essential fatty acids. Additional zinc (15–30mg daily) can be incorporated, especially if your nails exhibit white marks or flecks. Silica, a mineral that enhances calcium absorption, is essential. The herb horsetail contains significant amounts of silica and calcium, and can be brewed into a tea three times a day. B Complex (50mg a day), borage oil, a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and kelp are all beneficial.

Finally, there is a strong connection between the health of your nails and your liver. If your liver blood is healthy, your nails will be strong. The nails are also a key reflection of the condition of your liver. If the nails are weak or show signs of abnormality, it could mean a problem with this vital organ. To give your liver a boost, implement a diet low in fat, avoid alcohol and drink fresh juices that help purify the liver, including aloe vera, beetroot, cucumber, carrot and apple.

Lustrous hair and firm nails are now within easy reach.


Hormonal imbalances, mineral deficiencies and poor dental hygiene make gums susceptible to bleeding. Teeth too are put under strain, often caused by mineral depletion. If your teeth or gums have been affected, start strengthening them as soon as possible with appropriate foods and supplements.

Teeth require similar nutrition as you would need for strong bones. Calcium can be obtained from sesame seeds, quinoa, dark leafy greens, seaweed, dried figs and soy foods. Although milk or dairy products contain significant amounts of calcium, they are insufficiently assimilated by the human body and best replaced with plant sources. Magnesium, silica and other vital minerals for teeth are found in most vegetables and wholegrains.


Here is the programme which provides great success to my own patients for healthy teeth and gums.

1 Herbs

  • » Horsetail (2 capsules a day)
  • » Oatstraw (2 capsules a day)

2 Herb teas

Choose from comfrey, tea tree, myrrh, liquorice, sage, goldenseal and peppermint. Drink 2 or 3 cups a day of the same herb and then rotate to another herb the next day. So you might start with 2 cups of goldenseal tea on Monday, then move on to 2 cups of sage tea on a Tuesday, and so on.

3 Nutrients

  • » Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (1000mg a day)
  • » Zinc (15–30mg a day)
  • » Co-enzyme Q10 (30mg a day)

4 Tips

  • » Brush your teeth gently after each meal
  • » Floss every day
  • » Rinse with a natural mouthwash that contains one or more of the herbs (herb teas) mentioned in points 1 and 2.


Foods can charge up your sexual energy and enhance potency and fertility. The best way to improve your sex life is by looking at your lifestyle – and the cornerstone of your lifestyle is what you eat. If you don’t eat good foods, you will experience a decrease in libido, as nutritional deficiencies and poor eating habits adversely affect your hormones, glands and organs. But with just a little care you can easily eat your way back to a great sex life.

I’ve compiled a list of specific extra-sexy foods. Don’t eat them exclusively at the expense of other foods – simply incorporate them into your (hopefully healthy) daily diet and lifestyle. And remember, when you eat for great sex you’ll be eating for great health too!


  • » Aduki beans
  • » Apples
  • » Artichokes
  • » Asparagus
  • » Avocados
  • » Bananas
  • » Beetroot
  • » Black beans
  • » Blackberries
  • » Blackcurrants
  • » Blueberries
  • » Brazil nuts
  • » Brown rice
  • » Cardamom
  • » Celery
  • » Cherries
  • » Chives
  • » Chlorella
  • » Cinnamon
  • » Daikon root
  • » Dates
  • » Dulse seaweed
  • » Fava beans
  • » Fennel
  • » Figs
  • » Flax/linseeds
  • » Garlic
  • » Ginger
  • » Gooseberries
  • » Hazelnuts
  • » Leeks
  • » Licorice
  • » Mangos
  • » Mung beans
  • » Nori seaweed
  • » Nutmeg
  • » Oats
  • » Okra
  • » Onions
  • » Parsley
  • » Pomegranates
  • » Pumpkin
  • » Pumpkin seeds
  • » Quinoa
  • » Raspberries
  • » Saffron
  • » Seaweed
  • » Sesame seeds
  • » Soaked almonds
  • » Soybeans
  • » Spinach
  • » Spirulina
  • » Sprouted quinoa
  • » Squash seeds
  • » Steamed kale
  • » Strawberries
  • » Sunflower seeds
  • » Tomatoes
  • » Trout
  • » Turmeric
  • » Vanilla
  • » Watercress
  • » Wild salmon

And the sexiest food of all is…

According to German research, raw sauerkraut. I promise! Watch your lovemaking antics soar once you start eating raw sauerkraut twice a day!


I have devised a simple plan to help you kickstart your transformation. By reading the previous chapters you’ll now have a really good idea about what’s good for you and what’s not, But before you get into the 7-day plan, here is some general advice so you know what to buy and what to avoid in the supermarket.


A diet high in nutrients and low in additives and preservatives is the key to good health, but supermarkets can be confusing places with so many different types of foods, labels and brands. Use the following as a guide to help choose which foods to include and which to avoid to maintain good health.

When you walk through the supermarket, aim for the produce aisles first. This is an aisle bursting with energy from the raw, unadulterated fruit and veg, the way nature intended. Go for what you desire. If you feel like buying a punnet of strawberries, go for it. Which foods speak to you? Often, if your body needs something, you will start to think of the food that will take care of that need. Seek out those fruits and vegetables that seem to be the healthiest, that look in the best condition. Squeeze the peaches for softness. Examine the apples for blemished skins or holes. Do not buy or eat old, decrepit looking, wilted fruits or veg. They will have no life force and little nutrient content. Note: It’s always a good move to choose food that is organically produced as it has fewer chemicals and additives.

Canned beans

  • » Choose beans cooked without animal fat or salt.
  • » Avoid canned beans with sugar, salt or preservatives and frozen beans.

    Why? Beans are a fantastic source of nutrients that can help reduce cholesterol but their nutritional value can be depleted if they are canned or cooked in fat and salt. Canned beans are more likely to be high in toxic preservatives and additives. Beans cooked in saturated fats and salt can counteract the cholesterol lowering effect of beans and increase the risk of heart disease, fluid retention and high blood pressure.


  • » Choose herbal teas, fresh (preferably organic) fruits and vegetables and fruit juices, cereal grain beverages, mineral or distilled water.
  • » Avoid alcoholic drinks, coffee, cocoa, pasteurized or sweetened juices, fruit juices, sodas and teas.

    Why? Your body is made up of two-thirds water and water is essential for all bodily functions so it is important to keep your liquid intake high. Pure water is the best drink for quenching thirst and hydrating the body, but don’t forget that fruits and vegetables consist of 90 per cent water. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages deplete your body of essential nutrients so best to avoid.

Dairy products

  • » Choose non-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt, goat’s milk and cheese, skimmed milk, buttermilk, rice milk and all soy products.
  • » Avoid soft, pasteurized or artificially coloured cheeses and ice cream.

    Why? Dairy products are a good source of protein but soft cheeses, ice cream and artificially coloured cheese products are high in saturated fat, dyes and preservatives. Best to choose the low fat, additive free alternatives.


  • » Choose organic free range if possible. When cooking best to boil or poach.
  • » Avoid fried or pickled.

    Why? Fried or pickled eggs are high in cholesterol raising saturated fat. Best to avoid. Organic eggs won’t contain the toxic hormones and antibiotics pumped into factory produced eggs.


  • » Choose all freshwater white fish, salmon, boiled or baked fish, tuna.
  • » Avoid all fried fish, all shellfish, salted fish, anchovies, herring, and fish canned in salt and oil.

    Why? Freshwater and oily fish are rich in the good fats, known as omega 3, essential for reducing cholesterol and promoting health and wellbeing. They are also low in salt, saturated fat and nutrient depleting additives.


  • » Choose all fresh, frozen, stewed or dried fruits without sweeteners, unsulphured fruits, home-canned fruits. Try to buy organic where possible.
  • » Avoid canned, bottled, or frozen fruits with sweeteners added.

    Why? Fruits are high in essential fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Always best to eat them fresh, because when they are processed or juiced their nutrient and fibre content decreases and their sugar and additive content increases.


  • » Choose all whole grains and products containing whole grains; cereals, breads, muffins, whole-grain crackers, cream of wheat or rye cereal, buckwheat, millet, oats, brown rice, wild rice.
  • » Avoid all white flour products, white rice and white pasta.

    Why? Grains are a great energy source, high in energy releasing nutrients that feed your cells. Whole grains don’t have the additives and preservatives that white products do and give you a sustained burst of energy instead of a roller coaster of highs and lows. Unlike white products, whole grains are also rich in fibre which is essential for healthy digestion.


  • » Go for all fresh, raw nuts.
  • » Avoid salted or roasted nuts.

    Why? Nuts are a good source of protein but you don’t need the extra salt, fat and preservatives that go with salted and roasted nuts.


  • » Choose organic skinless turkey, lamb and chicken.
  • » Avoid beef, all forms of pork, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked, pickled and processed meats, corned beef, duck, goose, spare ribs, gravies, and organ meats.

    Why? Red meats are high in saturated fat. Factory farmed meat and poultry often contain hormones and antibiotics that upset your hormonal, immune and digestive systems. Bear in mind too that many processed meats/foods not only are high in additives but also come in packets ready to warm for heating. They are stored wrapped in plastic and aluminium which adds additional non-food chemicals into your food, especially when heated.


  • » Choose all cold-pressed oils: corn, safflower, sesame, olive, flaxseed, soybean, sunflower and canola oils; margarine made from these oils, and eggless mayonnaise.
  • » Avoid all saturated fats, hydrogenated margarine, refined processed oils, shortenings and hardened oils.

    Why? Saturated fats contain substances that encourage blood clotting and inflammation and help raise cholesterol. Processed oils are also high in additives which can harm your health. Cold-pressed oils don’t contain these substances or as many additives and are rich in health boosting essential fatty acids.


  • » Choose garlic, onions, cayenne, Spike, herbs, dried vegetables, apple cider vinegar, tamari, miso, seaweed, and dulse.
  • » Avoid black or white pepper, salt, hot red peppers, all types of vinegar except pure natural apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar.

    Why? Salt causes fluid retention and can raise blood pressure. Instead of salt, experiment with preservative and additive free alternatives, such as garlic, thought to reduce cholesterol, and seaweed, packed with minerals and providing incredible health benefits.


  • » Choose salt- and fat-free bean, lentil, pea, vegetable, barley, brown rice and onion home-made fresh soups.
  • » Avoid canned soups made with salt, preservatives, MSG or fat stock and all creamed soups.

    Why? Many canned soups are high in toxic additives and preservatives and contain substances which block the absorption of cholesterol lowering essential fatty acids. There are some varieties of canned soups which do not contain added chemicals and salt. Also, check in the fridge sections for fresh soups.

Sprouts and seeds

  • » Choose all types of sprouts, wheat grass and all raw seeds.
  • » Avoid all seeds cooked in oil or salt.

    Why? Sprouts and seeds are nutritional powerhouses. The majority of these nutrients are destroyed when they are cooked in oil, or when additives and salt are added.


  • » Choose barley malt or rice syrup, raw honey, pure maple syrup, blackstrap molasses that is unsulphured.
  • » Avoid white, brown, or raw cane sugar, chocolate, sugar candy, fructose, all syrups (except pure maple), all sugar substitutes, jams and jellies made with sugar.

    Why? Sugar and sweets high in sugar have no nutritional value and are packed with calories, additives, colourings and preservatives. You don’t need them.


  • » Choose all raw, fresh, fresh-frozen and preferably organic vegetables.
  • » Avoid all canned or frozen with salt or additives.

    Why? Too much salt added to your vegetable intake can raise your blood pressure. Additives added to canned or frozen vegetables can deplete essential nutrients called phytochemicals – substances that have incredible benefits for your heart, skin, hair and mental and reproductive health. Fresh, raw vegetables contain no additives or preservatives and are higher in phytochemicals.

You will find a full selection of the nuts, seeds, beans, grains, pulses, sprouts and legumes I recommend in your local health food shop. These shops will also stock lots of vitamin supplements, minerals, herbal teas and superfoods. They often stock alternatives to lots of conventional products too, and offer foods which are organic, chemical and preservative free. And if it all looks pretty confusing, just ask.


It’s important to pay attention to food labels and get used to spotting hidden ingredients. Additives in our food have been linked to a variety of health problems including headaches, asthma, allergies, hyperactivity in kids and even cancer. These additives in the form of colourings, preservatives, flavour enhancers, emulsifiers and thickeners can make your body’s own detox system less efficient and increase the toxic load.

We are fortunate today that food manufacturers are required to list the ingredients in their products. And recently in the UK, the Government Food Standards Agency enforced new rules to stop manufacturers of processed food confusing us with inaccurate descriptions and labelling lies. Despite this, studies show that food labels can still be confusing and misleading for consumers. Look out for the following.


A dangerous class of additives, and one of the easiest to avoid, are the dyes capable of interacting with and damaging your immune system, speeding up ageing and even pushing you in the direction of cancer. Steer clear of foods made with artificial colours. Watch out for labels with any of the following: artificial colour added, the words green, blue or yellow followed by a number, colour added with no explanation, such as tartrazine (E102), Quinoline yellow (E104), Sunset yellow (E110), Beetroot red (E162), Caramel (E150) or FD and C red no 3.

Some foods contain natural colours obtained from plants and these are safe. The most common is annatto, from the reddish seed of a tropical tree. Annatto is often added to cheese to make it more orange or butter to make it more yellow. Red pigments obtained from beets, green from chlorella and carotene from carrots are also okay.


The main function of preservatives is to extend a food’s shelf life. Citric acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C, ascorbates, E300–4) are natural antioxidants added to a number of foods and they are safe, but synthetic additives such as BHA and BHT (E320–21) may not be. They may promote the carcinogenic changes in cells caused by other substances.

Alum, an aluminium compound, is used in brands of many pickles to increase crispiness and is also found in some antacids and baking powder. Aluminium has no place in human nutrition and you should avoid ingesting it.

Nitrates (Nitrites, E249–52) are a type of preservative often added to processed meats, such as hot dogs, bacon, and ham. They can create highly carcinogenic substances called nitrosamines in the body. It is best to avoid any products containing sodium nitrate or other nitrates.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG or 621) – a natural product used in East Asian cooking – is added to many manufactured foods as a flavour enhancer. It is an unnecessary source of additional sodium in the diet and can cause allergic reactions. Omit MSG from recipes, don’t buy products containing it and when eating Chinese request that food be made without it. Other flavour enhancers and preservatives to avoid include monopotassium glutamate (622) and sodium osinate (631) and benzoic acid and benzoates (E210–9) found in soft drinks, beer and salad creams.

Emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners

These are often found in sauces, soups, breads, biscuits, cakes, frozen desserts, ice cream, margarine and other spreads, jams, chocolate and milk shakes.

More and more manufacturers are cleaning up their products as people get more concerned about toxins in their food and you will increasingly see ‘no artificial sweeteners’ or ‘no artificial ingredients’. This is helpful, but watch out still for hidden fats, salts and sugars and alternative names for foods that aren’t very good for you when eaten in excess. Sugar, for example, has lots of different names and they include: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, corn syrup, maltodextrin, golden syrup and so on.

Sodium is just another name for salt. Animal fat is saturated fat and transfatty acid is another name for hydrogenated fat. Mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, saccharine and aspartame are alternative names for potentially carcinogenic artificial sweeteners.

Some chemicals are harmless, for instance, ammonium bicarbonate, malic acid, fumaric acid, lactic acid, lecithin, xanathan, guar gums, calcium chloride, monocalcium phosphate and monopotassium phosphate. But how can you tell when there are a long list of long chemical names that look unfamiliar to you? If that’s the case, a good general rule is simply to avoid products whose chemical ingredients outnumber the familiar ones.

Meal planner
The meal planner will help you get started. You can follow it to the letter, or simply use it as a foundation for ideas.


Day 01


Good morning exercise .


1 cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon

1 cup nettle tea.


Go out for a brisk
30 minute walk.

8:15am Breakfast

Large punnet of blueberries.

10:15am Mid morning snack

1 cupful of steamed raw almonds (steam for 2 minutes) and 3 or more stalks of celery.


Go for a fast 20 minute walk.

12:30pm Lunch

Tuna fish on a salad bed of spinach, hold the mayo

6 cherry tomatoes

Heap spinach leaves

Handful of dill herb

Squeeze raw lemon and or a dash of orange.

3:00pm Mid afternoon snack

Steamed almonds

1 whole raw red pepper.


Dance for 20 minutes.

6:30pm dinner

Small veggie juice:

1 cucumber and
1 celery stalk

Miso soup with tofu pieces and scallions

Organic turkey/chicken with steamed carrots and broccoli Handful mung bean sprouts and herbal leaves.

If you are vegetarian, try my Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie .


Goodnight exercise .

9:00pm evening snack

1 or 2 fresh raw peaches.

Day 02


Good morning exercise (as before).


1 cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon

1 cup dandelion tea.


Go out for a brisk
30 minute walk.

8:15am Breakfast

1 bowl of melon or pineapple
Follow with a bowl of Quinoa
Porridge .

10:15am Mid morning snack

Pumpkin seeds and one or more whole cucumbers with the skin left on.


Go for a fast 20 minute walk.

12:30pm Lunch

1 or 2 whole soft, ripe avocados sliced up on a bed of the leftover quinoa from the morning. Decorate with pumpkin seeds and 1 tablespoon of flax seeds and serve with a heaped handful or more of raw or lightly steamed green beans.

3:00pm Mid afternoon snack

1 or more whole raw yellow peppers.


Dance for 20 minutes.

6:30pm Dinner

Aduki Bean Casserole  with squash and yams, and add a load of alfalfa sprouts when you serve. Serve with Millet Mash and Onion Gravy . Make a big pot as it could serve for lunch the next day.


Goodnight exercise (as before).

9:00pm Evening snack

Handful of raw hazelnuts.

Day 03


Good morning exercise (as before)


1 cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon

1 cup fennel tea.


Brisk 30 minute walk.

8:15am Breakfast

Blend 1 mango, 1 peach and 1 banana.

Pour over a punnet of raspberries.

10:15am Mid morning snack

A large handful of brazil nuts.


Get outside for a fast 20 minute walk.

12:30pm Lunch

Haricot Bean Salad  or Aduki Bean Casserole, left over from last night. Serve on a bed of dark green leafies.

3:00pm Mid afternoon snack

Small container of cherry tomatoes

1 chopped fennel.


Dance for 20 minutes.

6:30pm Dinner

Lemon sole (or any fresh fish you fancy) with steamed florets of broccoli, carrots and a basil bed under the fish. Serve with raw mange touts.


Goodnight exercise (as before).

9:00pm Evening snack

1 or more apples.

Day 04


Good morning exercise (as before).


1 cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon

1 cup nettle tea.


Jump up and down on your trampette for 15–20 minutes or go for a brisk walk.

8:15am Breakfast

Big bunch of grapes ½ hour later, bowl of porridge oats.

10:15am Mid morning snack

Handful or more of red grapes or cherries.


Go outside for a brisk
15 minute walk.

12:30pm Lunch

Broccoli Soup , with a beet salad made with chicory, avocado, fine celery stalks, clover sprouts, lettuce, mustard leaves and radishes. Sprinkle with 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds, a squeeze of lemon and a few drops of wheat-free tamari sauce.

3:00pm Mid afternoon snack

Bowl of raw sauerkraut, sprinkled with sunflower or flax seeds.


Dance to music for 20 minutes.


Mung Bean Casserole  with Gourmet Brown Rice . Serve on a salad leaf bed with a handful of clover sprouts.


Goodnight exercise (as before).

9:00pm Evening snack

A few whole dates.

Day 05


Good morning exercise (as before).


1 cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon

1 cup dandelion tea.


Brisk 30 minute walk.

8:00am Breakfast

Fruit salad of fresh peaches, pears and strawberries, sprinkled with mint leaves.

½ hour later, bowl of barley in miso broth.

10:15am Mid morning snack

2 or more carrots.


Brisk 20 minute walk before lunch.

12:30 Lunch

Squash and Sweet Potato Soup . If you need to eat more after that, then go for a chick pea, chicory and fennel salad, served with a generous portion of lightly steamed beans and sprouted alfalfa seeds. Thin slices of carrot to garnish.

3:00pm Mid afternoon snack

1 or more whole cucumbers.


Jump up and down on your trampette to music for 20 minutes.

6:30pm Dinner

Veggie Sushi Rolls  with a heaped handful of sprouted clover and sprouted sunflower seeds. Serve with sauerkraut.


Goodnight exercise (as before).

9:00pm Evening snack

Celery sticks: dip into avocado sauce.

Day 06


Good morning exercise (as before).


1 cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon

1 cup fennel tea.


Brisk 30 minute walk.


Celery, cucumber and carrot juice

½ hour later, bowl of Quinoa Porridge .

10:15am Mid morning snack

Punnet of blueberries.


Brisk 20 minute walk before lunch.

12:30pm Lunch

Hearty Lentil Stew  with a generous handful of bean sprouts.

3:00pm Mid afternoon snack

2 raw carrots

1 whole raw yellow pepper.


Skipping rope for 10 minutes

Jump up and down on your trampette for 10 minutes.

6:30pm Dinner

Marinated Baked Wild
Salmon with Vitality
Salad .


Goodnight exercise (as before).


Beansprouts and celery sticks with vegetable dip .

Day 07


Good morning exercise (as before).


1 cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon.


Brisk 30 minute walk.

8:30am Breakfast

Dr Gillian’s Berry Blast: 1 punnet strawberries and 1 banana

Blend until smooth Add 1 tablespoon of whole blueberries and 3 heaped teaspoons of Dr Gillian’s Living Food Energy Powder.

10:15am Mid morning snack

Veggie juice:

1 cucumber, 4 celery stalks, ½ apple, a few sprigs of mint, dill or basil, plus 1 teaspoon of spirulina mixed in.


Vigorous 20 minute walk.

12:30pm Lunch

Turnip and Leek Soup , sprinkled with lots of sprouted seeds and raw parsley. Alternatively try my Baked Veggie Bean Burger .


Veggie juice: Cucumber Medley .

3:00pm Mid afternoon snack

Veggie juice:

1 cucumber, 4 celery stalks, ½ beet and a small piece of ginger.


Gentle exercise. Walk for 30 minutes.

6:30pm Dinner

Lots of chicory leaves filled with Tabouleh .

Garnish with a few chopped up brazil nuts.

9:00pm Evening snack

2 or more pears.



Chicken Delight (Serves 2)

2 chicken breasts (or turkey)

Handful of basil leaves

8 cherry tomatoes

Miso or bouillon (½ cup)

Handful of mung bean sprouts

or fresh herbs

2 handfuls of green salad leaves

Handful of spinach

Lay a sheet of foil in a baking tray and place the chicken breasts on the foil. Tear the basil leaves, halve the tomatoes and toss over the chicken. Using a teaspoon of bouillon or miso, mix with a half cup of boiling water to make a stock and then pour over the chicken. Fold over the foil to make a parcel and bake in the oven on 200°C/400°F/Gas 6 for 20 minutes.

Serve the chicken on a bed of raw or lightly steamed spinach with a salad made from the fresh herbs, mung sprouts and salad leaves.

Quinoa porridge (Serves 1)

2 cups water

1 cup quinoa grain

Pinch of bouillon powder

Boil the water and then add the quinoa. Season with a pinch of bouillon powder (don’t use table salt). Bring water back to boil and simmer on low heat for approximately 7 minutes. Switch off and let sit for 15 minutes.

Sweet Potato shepherd’s pie (Serves 4)

2 tsp virgin olive oil

1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed

1 onion, peeled and sliced

2 sticks celery, washed and sliced

1 bay leaf

1 small butternut squash, peeled, halved, deseeded and cut into small pieces

450ml vegetable stock (made with 1 vegetable stock cube or your own stock)

420g can ‘no added salt’ red kidney beans, rinsed in a colander under cold running water and drained

2 red or yellow peppers, washed, deseeded and sliced

4 tomatoes, washed and sliced in half

2 medium courgettes, sliced

1 broccoli head, finely chopped

3 medium carrots, sliced

2 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley

1 tsp arrowroot

4 sweet potatoes, steamed for 15 minutes until soft, and mashed

Heat a little water and the olive oil in a large saucepan. Add the garlic, onion, celery and bay leaf and simmer for approximately 3 minutes. Add the squash and heat for further 3 minutes, stirring. Pour in the stock and bring to a boil over a medium heat. Simmer gently for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the kidney beans, peppers, tomatoes, courgettes, broccoli, and carrots. Simmer for a further 5 minutes until the squash is just tender. Stir in the parsley. Add a little arrowroot to thicken.

Transfer into a baking dish, mix the sweet potato mash with a little of the cooking water and a dash of tamari sauce and add as a topping and bake for 15 minutes at 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. Just enough to set.

Aduki bean casserole (Serves 4)

1 cup aduki beans (soak for two hours before cooking)

1 vegetable stock cube

1 tbsp miso paste

2 carrots

1 small squash, roughly chopped

1 onion, peeled and sliced

1 handful chervil

1 handful sprouted seeds

1 head chicory

1 radish per chicory leaf

Use 1 cup aduki beans to 3 cups water. Add the veggie stock cube to the water, bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes. (If you add a strip of the seaweed kombu to the stew, it adds lots of fantastic nutrients to your meal. Rinse one strip under water and add to stew. You don’t have to eat the seaweed to get the nutrients.) Half way through the 30 minutes, add the squash. At the end of the 30 minutes, add the onion and carrots. Add the chervil and garnish with chicory, sprouted seeds and radishes.

Millet mash (Serves 4)

1 cup millet

1 small cauliflower, thinly sliced

2½ cups water

Pinch of sea salt

¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped

Wash the millet and drain well. Add a pinch of salt to the water and bring to the boil. Thinly slice the cauliflower, then add to the water along with the millet. Bring to the boil and then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and mash well with a potato masher. Fold parsley in just before serving.

Onion gravy (Serves 4)

2 large onions, peeled and thinly sliced

1 tsp olive oil

2 cups spring water

2 tsp wheat free tamari sauce

Thickener (1 tsp arrowroot)

Peel and slice the onions. Warm the oil in a pan with a little water and add the onions. Simmer for 15 minutes on a low temperature. Add the spring water. Combine the tamari and arrowroot with enough cold water to dissolve. Add this mixture to onion and water mix and stir over a medium heat until thick and clear. Blend for a smooth gravy.

Alternatively you can use a miso soup pack. Simply add boiling water to the powder and use as gravy over the millet mash.

Creamy Broccoli Soup (Serves 4)

3 heads of broccoli, chopped

6 cups of water or more (enough to cover the vegetables)

1 whole fennel, diced

1 vegetable bouillon cube

Handful of fresh tarragon and handful of fresh sage leaves

1 cup of fresh sprouts

Boil water, add the broccoli and simmer for 7 minutes. Turn off the heat and add all other ingredients except the sprouts. Blend in a food processor. You may adjust soup consistency by adding more or less water. Add the sprouts into the blender once everything else is blended, or serve soup with whole sprouts as garnish. You can vary the recipe by using different types of herbs such as fresh parsley, coriander or dill.

Mung bean casserole (Serves 4)

1 cup mung beans

1 vegetable stock cube

2 carrots

1 onion

1 handful chervil

1 fennel

2 cups kale, steamed for 2–3 mins

¼ tsp turmeric powder

½ tsp coriander powder

¼ tsp cumin powder

1 pinch sea salt

Use 1 cup mung beans to 3 cups water. Add the vegetable stock cube to the water, bring to boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the turmeric, coriander and cumin. After the 30 minutes, add the onion and carrots. Decorate with generous amounts of chervil and serve on a bed of fennel, kale and sprouted seeds. Clover sprouts are great.

Haricot bean salad (Serves 4)

1 can ‘no added salt’ beans

1 celery stick, washed and chopped

3 baby pickles, finely chopped

1 red pepper, sliced

1 yellow pepper, sliced

Sauerkraut and salad leaves

Sprinkle of sunflower seeds

Vinaigrette dressing

Toss all the ingredients together to make this delicious salad.

Gourmet brown rice recipe (Serves 4)

1 cup brown rice

1 vegetable stock cube

½ cup fresh peas

Add one cup of brown rice to 2 cups of boiling water. Add the stock cube. Simmer for 20 minutes until the rice is tender and almost all of the water has been absorbed but not totally absorbed. Take off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes, when it will be ready to serve. Toss in the peas at the last moment.

Squash and sweet potato soup (Serves 4)

6–8 cups water

1 vegetable bouillon cube

3 cups butternut squash, cubed

1 fennel

1 cup sweet potatoes or yams, cubed

1 cup carrots, cubed

6–8 onions, sliced

1 handful tarragon and parsley

1 clove garlic

Sprinkle of pumpkin and sesame seeds

Add the stock cube to the water and bring to the boil. Add the squash, fennel, sweet potatoes, carrots and onions to lightly boiling water for 5–8 minutes until tender but firm. Take away from heat and add the tarragon, parsley and garlic. Blend in the food processor. Soup may be thicker or thinner depending on the amount of water used. Garnish with chopped up radishes, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds.

Veggie sushi rolls (Serves 4)

2 cups soft mashed avocado or avocado cream sauce

raw nori sheets

long thin strips cucumber

1 cup shredded cabbage

1 cup shredded carrots

1 cup alfalfa sprouts or sunflower sprouts or clover sprouts or a combination

1 onion, diced thinly

Sprinkle of fresh dill

2 cups brown rice, cooked

Spread avocado mash onto the nori sheets (shiny side down). Leave one inch of nori sheet exposed at one end to help seal the roll. Across the centre, place a row of each of the following: rice, cucumber, carrot, sprouts, cabbage, dill. Roll the nori from the bottom, squeezing tightly. When rolled, it should be firm and strong.

Avocado Cream Sauce

2 very soft avocados

2 spring onions, finely chopped

¼ tsp of coriander powder

¼ tsp seaweed seasoning (or sea salt)

½ tsp olive oil

3–4 tbsp water (preferably still mineral water)

Place the water at the bottom of a blender. Add the avocados, spring onion, coriander, seasoning, olive oil and algae powder and mix until smooth and creamy.

Hearty Lentil Stew (Serves 4)

1 cup lentils, soaked for 20 minutes and rinsed thoroughly

2 bay leaves

2 onions

4 carrots

2 cups diced squash

1 sweet potato

1 stalk celery

1 vegetable bouillon cube

1 handful watercress

1 tsp wheat-free tamari sauce

Place the onions, lentils and bay leaves in a pot with the water and stock cube, cover and bring to the boil. Simmer for 30–35 minutes. Half-way through, add the squash and sweet potatoes. After a further 10 minutes, add the carrots and celery. Towards the end, add the watercress and stir in the tamari sauce.

To turn this into soup for the next day, add more water, extra fresh herbs of your choice, some more stock and blend until smooth.


Raw Vitality Salad (Serves 4)

Generous amount rocket leaves

1 daikon, peeled and sliced

8 cherry tomatoes

1 stalk of celery, chopped

1 yellow courgette, sliced

6 small radishes chopped into halves

2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds or sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds

1 handful of mung bean sprouts

2 carrots, grated

1 handful of dill

Squeeze of lemon

Toss all the ingredients together for this energy-packed salad. Serve with my Sesame Miso Dressing .

Marinated baked salmon (Serves 2)

2 salmon steaks

2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed

1 tbsp grated ginger

Juice of 1 lemon

Generous handful spinach

2 leeks

1 cup fresh coriander

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Cut the leeks into approximately 12 chunksthen steam or boil for about 5 minutes to gently soften. Rinse and dry the salmon. Place a liberal amount of fresh raw spinach in a shallow oven pan. Place the softened leeks on top of the spinach. Then place the salmon on top of the leeks. Mix the olive oil, minced garlic and grated ginger together; then brush it over the fish. Keep some extra olive oil mixture on hand. Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the fish and spinach. Place into pre-heated oven at 200°C/400°F/ Gas Mark 6 for approximately 25 minutes. While cooking, brush the olive oil mixture onto the salmon every 10 minutes. Decorate the plate with coriander leaves and add a last squeeze of lemon.

Tabouleh (Serves 4)

2/3 cup cooked quinoa

½ cup fresh mint, chopped

1½ cups fresh parsley, chopped

1 large tomato, diced

1 medium cucumber, peeled and diced

2/3 cup onions, chopped

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 whole fresh lemon, juiced

1 pinch sea salt

Mix all ingredients together in large bowl. Cover and chill for 20 minutes. Serve the tabouleh mounded on a bed of lettuce, accompanied by lemon wedges.

Veggie Bean Burgers (Makes 4 burgers)

2 cups cooked beans (use black beans, aduki, pinto, kidney or chick peas)

1 cup squash, steamed

1 carrot

½ onion, finely sliced

1 small shallot

½ cup miso liquid or stock liquid to moisten patties a little

1 tbsp of fresh herbs or powdered (coriander, sage, parsley, thyme, dill, basil, ginger, fennel, cumin, mint or garlic)

½ cup cooked brown rice

Sunflower seeds if you desire

Mash up the beans. Mix in the other ingredients and make patties. Bake for 30 minutes at 200°C/400°F/Gas 6 until brown. Serve with my avocado cream sauce.

Turnip and leek soup (Serves 4)

2 small turnips, peeled and diced

6 leeks, sliced

6 stalks celery, chopped

1 bouillon cube

3 onions, finely sliced

1 garlic clove, crushed

1 handful tarragon

Add the stock cube to approximately 1 litre water and bring to the boil. Add the turnip and boil for 10 minutes. Add in the leeks and then boil for further 5 minutes. Add the onions and garlic and boil for further 5 minutes. Take off the heat, add the tarragon and then blend.


Lemon pudding

2 avocados, mashed

1½ cups lemon flesh

½ lemon for juice

½ pear for juice

2 cups pitted dates

3 tbsp maple syrup

Place all ingredients together and squeeze in the fresh lemon and pear juices. Then mix in a blender or food processor.

Carob fudge delight

1¼ cup pitted dates

¾ cup soaked raisins

½ cup flax seeds, ground

½ cup sunflower seeds, ground

1 cup walnut pieces

2 cups soaked brazil nuts

1 cup water

4 tbsp carob powder

Sprinkle of sesame seeds

Blend the dates, raisins, carob, brazil nuts and water in a food processor. Then mix in the seeds and walnut pieces. Spread onto a tray, freeze and cut into squares. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Sesame miso dressing

⅓ cup sesame or olive oil

¾ cup water

3 tbsp apple cider vinegar

3 tbsp light yellow miso

1 clove garlic, crushed

½ tsp basil

½ tsp oregano

Combine all ingredients and mix or blend until smooth.



1 or 2 ripe avocados mashed

½ lemon, squeezed

½ lime, squeezed

1 red pepper, finely chopped

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

6 small cherry tomatoes

Dill or rocket to garnish

Mash the avocados in a bowl. Add all of the other ingredients and mix well.

Hummous and tahini can also be used for dipping veggie sticks

Veggie spreads

1 cup cooked veggies or cooked beans

1 handful parsley and chive, chopped

1 pinch coriander

1 tbsp tahini

2 tsp miso paste

½ onion, finely chopped

Mash and serve as a spread or dip.

2 cups parsnips, diced (yams or sweet potatoes fine too)

2 cups carrots

½ cup spring water

2 tbsp sesame tahini

½ tsp soya or tamari sauce

Steam the veg. Purée in a blender and then add the tahini and tamari sauce.


The following exercise will help you to become more balanced and energized first thing in the morning. This means you will be calmer, more relaxed, less stressed. As a result your digestion will then work better too, thus making it easier to maintain a healthy body.

STEP ONE: Find Your Emotional Core

It is so easy to lose your original self. All of our emotional holding occurs in our centre core. Both the stomach and the colon are in that general core vicinity, just near or at our centre. When we have an emotional upset, we tend to block the natural flow of energy that should emanate from our core centre. When we sleep, we tend to hold these emotions. We then wake up and often feel tense, agitated, or like we ‘got out of the wrong side of the bed’. We can change all this for the better, and your whole day can be stress-free and loaded with more energy!

So here is all you need to do:

  • » Sit down on a chair (preferably a hard surface chair) with feet firmly flat against the floor. I want you to actually feel the sensation of your feet against the floor. This will help ground you.
  • » Next take your right hand, with full palm open, and place it on the area just below your navel. That’s your centre core. Feel your centre with your hand for a couple minutes, and listen to your breathing.
  • » You are then free to remove your hand, but continue to think about your centre. Just use all of your senses to stay with your core. Sit quietly for one or two minutes and think about your emotional centre.

STEP TWO: Free the Energy

This next step just requires that you stay in the chair with feet firmly and flatly planted on the floor as above for another couple more minutes.

  • » Find your emotional centre again, using your mind. Then visualize an imaginary thin white light or rod-like beam emanating from your emotional centre.
  • » Now visualize the white light moving to the right of the emotional centre toward your right leg. The imaginary light will then slowly move down your leg, pass the knee, as it keeps travelling toward your right foot.
  • » Once it gets down through your right foot, visualize this beam of light starting to travel toward the left in the open space between your two feet. Thus, the light is now making its way toward the sole of the left foot.
  • » The light starts to travel up the left foot and through the leg, as it slowly passes the left knee, and back up the full left leg. At that point, the light beam begins to move toward the right into the emotional centre again.
  • » You may do this again over and over a few times. Please do this exercise in a very slow continuous non-stop flowing movement. My Good Morning Exercise here will help you to be more positive, happier and healthier with a more balanced natural flow of energy through your system.


Many new medical and scientific studies now prove that our body’s cells and molecules listen to the messages that we express and they respond accordingly. If we constantly tell ourselves negative statements like we are too tired, too old, too ill, can’t lose the weight, can’t get the job, can’t make the money, can’t find love, and so on, not only our subconscious but our body’s molecules, cells, organs and blood will listen carefully and ultimately adopt the same attitude of downward spiral.

We can create positive cellular and organ response with affirmative, happy, calm and loving messages to our own biochemistry and physiology. Talking nicely to yourself works. When the body is in harmony with itself and its environment, our own energetic flow and healing vibration work like a charm to render a healthy system. Too often we obstruct our own energetic flow and healing capability with negative messages that disrupt the delicate smooth flow of our organs and cells.

So try my Goodnight Exercise which will assist digestion, calm the nerves, help burn fats, break down carbs, induce sleep, balance the thyroid, thymus, stomach, bowels, while harmonizing the whole body system, physically, mentally and emotionally. I realize that for many of you, at first it might seem a bit silly. You might even feel a bit uncomfortable. But be open to what I am suggesting. Try it, laugh a little, if you feel so inclined, but do give it a go. This exercise will take less than 5 minutes.

  • » Sit down on a hard surface chair in a quiet room by yourself. Have both feet firmly on the ground with your shoes off.
  • » Close your eyes. Imagine a beautiful white light rod entering your body from above through the top of the head. Slowly, deeply and gently inhale and exhale. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.
  • » Breathe in deeply. On your first long exhalation quietly and slowly say the words, ‘I love me’. The words almost end up in a hummm as you slowly breathe them out.
  • » Slowly and deeply inhale again, and on the exhale say the words, ‘I am a being of love’.
  • » On the next exhale, say, ‘calm’.
  • » Breathe in again and on the exhale say the words, ‘I feel fabulous’. Say this three times, each time on the exhale.
  • » You need not try to make anything happen here. You just need to say these words and allow the body to take over. All the while, feel and imagine a beautiful white light shining throughout the insides of your body and emanating outwards.
  • » After the breathing and saying these words, now just remain seated and do nothing. Just be for a couple minutes.
  • » This entire exercise above can be done in less than five minutes total. This is the beauty of it. Never say that you don’t have the time. And if you are really enjoying it, I suggest you do this same exercise before each meal, or at least before your biggest meal of the day. Do what feels best for you.


If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this book it’s that I’d like you to keep this chapter readily available as a quick reference. These 20 super quick tips, even though some are quite easy, could totally change your life for ever. My patients all tell me how much they have benefited from them. I am sure you will too.

01 Drink warm water in the morning

A warm cup of water first thing in the morning (and even better with a squeeze of lemon) goes right through the bowels and cleans mucus out from the day before. Drink another cup of warm water in the evening too.

02 Lubricate, don’t flood

Your stomach needs to be lubricated, not flooded. When you drink fluids with meals, you drown your digestive enzymes and only partial digestion takes place. Therefore, drink fluids, juices, or preferably water, 30 minutes away from meals – say 30 minutes before or after, but not during.

03 Chew slowly

Chewing slowly until food becomes liquefied is one of my most important recommendations. Really savour each mouthful. Feel the texture and capture the flavour of your food. It’s when your saliva comes into contact with your food, as it is being chewed, that the digestive process begins. The chewed food will then pass easily through your digestive system with maximum nutrient uptake.

04 Eat when calm

You physically can’t digest food properly if you are upset or have just had an argument. Eat when calm. Your digestion will be much better.

05 Not too hot – not too cold

The temperature of food and drink entering your body affects the strength of your spleen, your energy battery, and other organs too. Ice-cold drinks weaken the organs. Eating piping hot foods that burn your palate aren’t much better, since they injure mouth membranes, damage gastric stomach lining, and degrade taste buds. Tepid or air temperature foods, drinks and water are best.

06 Decorate your plate

When you smell food, feast your eyes on it or even think about it, your brain spurs into action, sending a message to the salivary glands to secrete saliva which contains a digestive enzyme. So prepare attractive delicious meals to enhance your digestion.

07 Rotate foods

Don’t eat the same foods every day. You don’t need too much of one single food and it can often lead to food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. So instead eat a particular food just once every four days as opposed to every day. You’ll not only prevent allergies, but will also nourish your body with a broader array of varied nutrients.

08 Listen to your body

Take note of what foods you crave. If you really want a specific food – its colour, the smell or the feel – just enjoy and go with the attractions. It may be that your body needs something nutritionally contained within that food. I’m not talking chocolate cookies here! I’m referring to all those fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables, seasonings, and so on that are readily available in any food shop or supermarket. Walk the produce aisle for fresh fruits and vegetables with an open mind and an open spirit. What looks good? What feels good? What smells good? Which foods look healthy and robust? Then make your choices.

09 Enzymes! Enzymes! Enzymes!

Sprouted seeds, raw vegetables, raw fruits, nuts and seeds are loaded with live enzymes, the key to nutrient absorption and vibrant health.

10 Break the fast

Always eat something healthy and substantial for breakfast. This is the time period when your stomach energies are at their strongest, and your digestive enzyme juices are rearing to go. You will gradually weaken your stomach and digestive function if you skip breakfast. No matter how little it is, eat something decent. Fresh fruit, oatmeal, millet or quinoa porridge are all good morning choices.

11 Nimble at night

Eat your last meal of the day at least a couple of hours before bedtime. When you eat too late, you stress and wear out your body. You cannot digest a late meal effectively if you go to sleep on a full stomach. It’s bad for your digestive organs, heart and liver, not to mention your libido!

12 Choose cruciferous veggies

Eat lots of cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower. These will help you detox and energize your blood.

13 Drink your greens

Once a week, make yourself a green juice. Green juices, made from a variety of green vegetables, have a rejuvenating effect on the body because they are rich in chlorophyll (the life blood of the plant) which helps to purify the blood, build red blood cells, detoxify the body and provide fast energy. Green juice is the perfect fuel for your body. Its high water content means it is easily assimilated and it contains the whole vegetable except for the fibre, which is the indigestible part of the plant. Green juice therefore provides all the healthful ingredients in a form that is easy to absorb and digest. Here is just one option, feel free to experiment with your own ideas: 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, 4 celery stalks, 1 fennel stalk, some spinach leaves, a tiny piece of root ginger, a parsley sprig and a handful of alfalfa sprouts (optional). You could also add one teaspoon of my Living Food Energy Powder or a superfood green powder to this drink for super results.

14 Food combine

Fruit + Meat/Fish = Gas

Fruit by Itself = No Gas

In other words, eat foods together that don’t compete.

For further details on food combining.

15 Kidney massage

The kidneys are the most important organs for overall vitality. At the end of each day, treat yourself to a kidney rub. Before retiring to bed, find your kidneys by placing your hands on your back below the waist, but above your bum. Visualize a warm white light coursing through your body to your hands. Your hands will begin to feel warm as you transfer that heat and light into the kidneys. Massage the kidney region. Then lie down on top of a ready-prepared hot water bottle.

16 My little secret

I keep a trampette tucked away in the cupboard in the office at my clinic. In between seeing patients and presenting the very dignified health practitioner front, I bring out my trampette and start jumping. The patients never know, because I do it the minute they leave my room. Any form of regular moderate exercise, stretching, walking, bicycling, swimming, tai chi – even dancing – will help move lymph, expel toxins, motivate the blood and revitalize the body.

17 Rub a dub

At shower/bath time, but before you actually get in the bath or shower, take a body cloth, soak it in hot water and rub it all over your body. Start at the feet and work your way up the legs, torso and arms, always towards the heart. This will get your blood moving and spur the energy meridians, improving your digestion.

18 Skin brush

Brush your skin with a dry skin body brush once weekly to get your lymph moving.

19 Early to bed

The earlier you get to bed, the better you will feel. The liver and gallbladder conduct their detox work generally between the hours of 11pm and 2am. If you are not in bed by 11pm, you disturb the natural cleansing process, and as a result you will feel sluggish.

20 Just be

Take 5 minutes of quiet time each morning to ‘just be’, stop and reflect, before you start rushing for the day. Don’t think, don’t do, just be. Your eyes can be open or closed, it doesn’t matter. But take a few precious moments just for you. Those few valuable minutes will help to balance your biochemistry for the rest of the day.


As a clinical nutritionist working with patients, I use superfoods for excellent results with preventing illness, strengthening the organs and staying fit. My own wee daughters are fed wild blue-green algae throughout the winter to ward off colds and flu. The superfoods are the most powerful nutrient-dense foods on this planet that contain virtually no calories, no bad fats or nasty substances. They are powerhouses for any transformation to a slender and more healthy you.


I divide superfoods into five distinct groups:

1 Green superfoods

2 Bee superfoods

3 Herb superfoods

4 Sea vegetables

5 Leafy superfoods


  • » Alfalfa grass
  • » Green barley grass
  • » Wheat grass
  • » Wild blue-green algae
  • » Spirulina
  • » Chlorella


They have the best concentration of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal your body. They also contain a range of other substances including essential fatty acids and healthy bacteria which help your digestive system function more effectively, and protect you against disease and illness.


Please note that rotation of the grass juices is recommended for maximum health benefits.

Alfalfa grass: the father of all foods

Alfalfa rejuvenates the whole system by boosting your strength, vigour and vitality. It contains all the known vitamins (four times more vitamin C than citrus fruit) and minerals (a calcium content so high it’s off the charts), plus digestive enzymes, phytoestrogen (plant based hormones), flavonoids, amino acids and chlorophyll.

Alfalfa grass is most commonly used for detoxifying and enriching the liver, assisting weight loss, strengthening and purifying the blood, aiding digestion and as a general tonic, a real boost to the immune system. You can buy alfalfa grass powder in a health store. It also comes in tablets and capsules for ease of use.

Green barley grass: detoxer extraordinaire

Barley grass contains just about every nutrient required by the human body, except vitamin D. It’s very similar to wheat grass, and is easy to digest. It’s a deep green leafy plant containing nutrients similar to that of leafy green vegetables, but with many times the level of vitamins, minerals and proteins. It has as much protein as meat, and is packed with goodness. Barley grass has 11 times the calcium of cows’ milk, five times the iron of spinach, and seven times more vitamin C than orange juice. Barley grass is beneficial for all tissues and organs, especially the heart, lungs, arteries, joints and bones.

When it comes to the health advantages of barley grass, how long have you got? They’re almost too numerous to list but here are a few anyway. It helps protect against pollutants, radiation, cancer, ulcers and digestive problems. It’s a great energy booster, has exceptional anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties and strengthens your immune response. Finally, it’s a great all-round body strengthener, giving your heart and circulation a boost and helping lower cholesterol.

If you’re not managing to eat lots of green vegetables, then dehydrated barley grass is the convenient and nutritious answer. You can buy it from most health food stores. A 5g teaspoon is equivalent to 100g (4oz) of vegetables like raw spinach, kale, alfalfa sprouts or broccoli.

Wheat grass: power packed

The nutritional properties of wheat grass are similar to barley grass, but since the actual wheat grass is virtually indigestible, it needs to be juiced. You can buy a wheat grass juicer or simply take the capsules, powders or tablets now widely available. Be warned that the taste of wheat grass is rather pungent, almost medicinal. But the benefits are worth it. Research shows it’s an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. It’s even been referred to as ‘the richest nutritional liquid known to man’.

The health benefits of wheat grass are many and varied: principally, it provides exceptional nourishment, restores the endocrine system, enhances immunity, assists digestion and promotes weight loss due to its high enzyme content and cleansing effect.


Algae was the first form of life on earth, and its power is immense. Algae provides virtually every essential vitamin, mineral, amino acid, enzyme and protein. It is probably the single highest source of nutrition in existence. And the real power of algae is that it’s so easily digested. There are more than 30,000 species of algae, but for health purposes here are the most important types: wild blue-green algae, spirulina and chlorella.

Wild blue-green algae: the miracle superfood

You can buy wild blue-green algae in your local healthfood store in a palatable liquid form, where it’s mixed with apple juice. (It’s also available as a powder, capsule or tablet.) It’s perfect if you eat on the go, need to lose weight, feel tired all the time and so on. Even if you think you’re healthy, I recommend it as a complete source of everything your body needs. Wild blue-green algae contains virtually every nutrient going: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, live enzymes and protein (60 per cent protein, a more complete amino acid profile than beef or soya beans), and is the best food source of beta carotene, B vitamins and chlorophyll. Algae can help you think better and improve your memory – tests have shown that children do better at school on it and it’s also been linked with reversing the progression of Alzheimer’s. It can strengthen your immunity, and help with viruses, colds and flu.

Spirulina: the dieter’s friend

Spirulina is a cultivated or farmed micro-algae, with one of the richest protein contents of all natural foods. It contains 60 to 70 per cent complete protein. Meat, on the other hand, consists of only about 25 per cent complete protein. It’s thought spirulina can help control blood sugar and cravings, so is a key food for dieters and can be used to assist weight loss and as a general nutritional foundation. Mix 1 teaspoon in juice first thing in the morning for a refreshing wake-up call.

Chlorella: cholesterol curber

Chlorella is a fresh water algae. It is rich in a number of nutrients including: protein, vitamin Β12, zinc and iron, chlorophyll and essential fatty acids. Studies have shown that chlorella can boost your immune system, reduce cholesterol and prevent hardening of the arteries, which can lead to heart attack and strokes. It is also available in supplement form of liquid and tablets or capsules.

Bee superfoods
The bee by-products, essentially those substances produced by bees, have exceptional healing powers. They include royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis.

Royal Jelly: the rejuvenator

The Queen Bee lives almost exclusively on royal jelly; and lives about 40 times longer than the rest of the bees. It’s packed with a wonderful range of nutrients essential for boosting energy levels and combating stress.

Researchers have discovered royal jelly contains an antibiotic almost a quarter as active as penicillin, but without the side effects. They also found that royal jelly halts the growth of bacteria that cause spots and stomach bugs. I prescribe royal jelly for patients wanting to conceive a baby. And boy has that been successful! It comes in liquid and capsules or royal jelly paste.

Bee pollen: the crème de la crème

This is the Rolls Royce of the bee by-products, and is one of the finest natural remedies around. This gold, powder-like substance is produced by flowering plants, gathered by bees and is a powerhouse of nutrients. It can be used to help fight allergies (particularly hayfever and sinusitis), chronic infections, prostate enlargement and nutritional deficiencies. It comes in pellets, capsules and powder form.

Propolis: the natural antibiotic

When you see bees busy at work in your garden, this is what they’re collecting. They use it to coat the outside of the hive for sterilization. Any predator entering their domain is stung to death, and embalmed with propolis to prevent decay. Propolis prevents bacteria from multiplying in an organism, so can strengthen our immune system. Propolis also maintains and enhances the essential healthy bacteria. It is used to improve acne, skin ailments, cold sores, and even arthritis because of its anti-fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities. You can get propolis lozenges and tablets, or in liquid form.



1 Astragalus – Energy Body Tonic

This is an all-round immune booster which improves digestion dramatically. It’s a favourite with my patients, not just for its cold and flu fighting capabilities, but for its use in weight management and fighting fatigue.

2 Nettle – Bowel Buster

A cup of warm water followed by a cup of nettle tea first thing in the morning will get you going in the bowel department. Nettle also cleanses the liver and helps keep infections at bay. You can eat young nettle leaves in spring – they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Cook and use in the same way as spinach and use in salads – once cooked, they no longer sting. When you’re picking young nettles, remember to choose an area well away from roads and other pollutants. Alternatively drink 2 cups of nettle tea daily or take as a tincture. It’s a superb pick me up in the middle of the day. For men with prostate problems, start drinking 2–3 cups daily.

3 Aloe vera – Digestion Reliever

I use aloe for digestive disorders, bloating, gas and flatulence. Take approximately 1 tablespoon daily or follow directions on bottle. Mix with apple or other fruit juice for a more pleasant taste.

4 Siberian Ginseng – Stress Combatter

Ginseng is one of the oldest known herbal remedies, having been used as an energizing tonic for thousands of years. It’s a rejuvenative herb that works by nourishing tired blood and helping the body adapt to stress. In clinical practice, I have found this ginseng particularly beneficial to patients during or after illness and just after surgery for its restorative and anti-infection qualities. It is also excellent for preventing or alleviating jet lag. Drink as a tea, 1 cup daily, or in capsule or tincture form.

5 Echinacea – Lymph Mover

Now available everywhere due to its soaring popularity in recent years, echinacea is a household name when it comes to warding off the common cold. The reason that I like it so much is because it moves the fluid inside the body called lymph. Lymph runs parallel to the bloodstream and carries toxins out of the body. Unless you exercise daily, lymph won’t move enough. Echinacea can come to the rescue. Take in liquid or capsule form, for 2–3 week periods, then take a break.


Seaweed has been eaten for thousands of years in the Orient. It’s surprisingly tasty and I have even noticed that two major supermarket chains in the UK are now selling ‘crispy sea weeds’ in their cooler sections.

Sea vegetables contain more minerals than any other food source. These sea veggies can contain up to ten times more calcium than milk and eight times as much iron as beef. There are three types according to how much exposure to light they have received. Brown types of seaweed, now widely available in healthfood stores and Japanese and other oriental food outlets, include wakame (a constituent of miso soup), kombu and arame. Red seaweed, used as food, includes dulse (particularly linked with cholesterol reduction). Green seaweed includes nori (often used to wrap sushi). Usually sold in dried form, all you need to do is rinse and soak them and they’ll become soft again. They can be used to flavour all sorts of dishes. Try to incorporate them into your diet a couple of times a week.

Top tip

When cooking beans, throw a strip of seaweed into the pot. It will absorb the gas from the beans. So, no flatulence after a bean feast.


Consists of brown stringy strands. Works well when cooked with root vegetables, such as squash, parsnips and yams. Just soak the arame for five minutes until ready to use.


Red-purple colour with smooth flat leaves. Unique spice-like nutty flavour, mild in taste and a great addition to salads as there’s no need to cook it (be sure to wash it carefully).


Mostly from Japan, nori is probably best known for being wrapped around sushi. It varies in colour and is sold in thin flat rectangular sheets. Add it to soups and rice dishes, or use it for making sushi. There’s no need to soak it as it’s ready to use.


It has a sweet flavour and you can actually use it in sandwiches instead of lettuce. Soak for 5 minutes.


Black, firm and nutritionally rich but quite strong tasting. Soak for 20 minutes then rinse – you will only need a small amount as it swells up hugely.


Kelp is available in powder or tablet form if you don’t like the idea of eating sea vegetables. It is also used as a seasoning.


Used for centuries as a flavour enhancer and food tenderizer, and makes food more digestible.



Green leafy vegetables

Most people do not eat enough of these green leafies. Yet their nutritional values are immense. Recent studies have conclusively and definitively confirmed that populations with diets rich in green leafy vegetables run a far lower risk of heart disease and cancer.

Excess weight

For those who are overweight and want to shed those extra pounds, then eating dark green leafy vegetables will shed the weight. If you eat these veggies raw, that’s even better. Start to slowly introduce some of these power veggies into your daily routine.


  • » Arugula (rocket salad)
  • » Beet greens
  • » Sprouted broccoli seeds
  • » Chicory
  • » Collards
  • » Dandelion greens
  • » Endive and escarole
  • » Kale
  • » Kohlrabi
  • » Lettuce
  • » Mustard greens
  • » Parsley
  • » Spinach (If you have kidney stones, best to give this one a miss because of its high oxalic acid content.)
  • » Swiss chard
  • » Turnip greens
  • » Watercress


Fruits and vegetables are at their most healthful when they are eaten raw. The cooking process not only degrades some of the vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but heat destroys all of the life enhancing enzymes.


Raw foods are packed with food enzymes. Enzymes are released as soon as you begin to chew. Enzymes are the essential catalysts for all the chemical reactions in your body – your digestion, your immunity and all other metabolic and regenerative processes. Without them, you would cease to function or exist. Think of them as your body’s labour force involved in every biochemical and physiological function. You depend on them to walk, talk, breathe, digest food and function. For good health and a strong immune system, enzymes need to be plentiful and vital.

When enzyme activity is low, you are likely to feel tired and unwell. So clearly the level of enzyme content in your food is more than important – it’s crucial.


1 Metabolic

Metabolic enzymes occur naturally within your body and act as catalysts in all your bodily functions – eating, breathing, regulating metabolism and so on. You need these enzymes to stay slim and trim.

2 Digestive

Digestive enzymes are produced by our bodies. They are responsible for breaking down the food you eat, and metabolizing and absorbing all the nutrients. If we eat a diet of processed, junky food, we overtax our pancreas organ, to produce more digestive enzymes. If the pancreas is too weak and unable to secrete enough enzyme molecules, it will rob other organs of critical, life-providing metabolic enzymes and will then change these into digestive enzymes. Once this happens, the simplest tasks such as thinking, talking, walking and even breathing will become difficult chores.

3 Food

Food enzymes help the digestive process. They must come from the foods we eat. All raw foods such as raw fruit, vegetables, raw nuts and especially live sprouted seeds are the food sources for food enzymes.


Sprouts are essentially young green plants germinated from the seeds of almost any living vegetation which may include, but are not limited to, nuts, seeds, grains, beans, legumes, as well as various grasses such as barley grass or wheat grass. Some of the most common sprouts are alfalfa, mung, radish, clover, aduki, garbanzo (chickpea), lentil, soybean, sunflower, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, fenugreek, wheat, barley, soy, corn, oats, green peas and lima, just to name a few. Essentially, any seed or bean equipped with the genetic fabric potential to reproduce the next generation of plant life is sproutable.


Sprouts are nutritional superstars. They contain a high concentrate of antioxidant nutrients that fight against the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are substances produced within our bodies that cause damage to cell tissue and accelerate the ageing process. Sprouts are also packed with vitamins, minerals, protein, enzymes and fibre as well as two anti-ageing constituents – RNA and DNA (nucleic acids) – that are only found in living cells.

But what does sprouting mean?

Sprouting is the process of soaking, then germinating the seed, and finally eating the growing live sprouts. Each sprouting seed is packed with the nutritional energy needed to create a full grown healthy plant.

Once the seed is soaked in water, a process necessary for sprouting, loads of enzymes are released. Upon germination, the seed rapidly absorbs water (from soaking) and swells to at least twice its original size.

Simultaneously, the nutrient content swells too. Finally, the germination process effectively pre-digests the seed, making digestion and assimilation of its nutrients easy so there is less likelihood of food allergies. The end result is a superfood with enormous levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, fibre and enzymes in the most easily digestible form. By sprouting, you not only gain the benefits of the raw food, but also dramatically increase the nutrient content of these seeds and grains.

The Science

  • » Sprouting significantly increases the activity of the enzymes. Dr Gabriel Cousens (MD), in his book Spiritual Nutrition, points out that germinating and sprouting increase enzyme levels by 6–20 times, depending upon the specific plant.
  • » A study conducted at Yale University by Dr Paul Barkholden found that B vitamins increased in sprouts by as much as 2,000 per cent.
  • » Another study, at the University of Pennsylvania by Dr Barry Mack, reported an average vitamin increase of more than 500 per cent when seeds are sprouted.
  • » Nucleic acids, the fundamental constituents required for all cell growth and regeneration, increased by 30 per cent after sprouting seeds, as did mineral content.
  • » The protein content of almost any seed also increases by 15–30 per cent when sprouted, according to Dr Elson Hass (MD) in his book Staying Healthy With Nutrition.
  • » Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at the University of Puget Sound, Dr Jeffrey Bland showed that approximately 6 cups of sprouts could potentially supply the recommended daily nutritional intake for the average adult. Dr Bland concluded that sprouts are a ‘more efficient, healthier form of protein than the conventional animal or even other types of vegetable proteins’.

A key to your health

Eating sprouted foods regularly can result in dramatic improvements to digestion, immunity and your general health and wellbeing.

Not only will your digestion be healthy and your body more alkaline when you include sprouted foods in your diet on a regular basis, but you’ll be better equipped to prevent and combat common colds and flu, illnesses, even dreaded diseases. Research has shown that sprouts help to keep the immune system strong. When the immune system is fortified, you are far less likely to be stricken – or to succumb to common or degenerative health ailments.

Consider the following study conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Texas Cancer Center. They found that the cancer cells were ‘99 per cent inhibited’ by the mix of live (sprouted) sprouts, mainly sprouted broccoli seeds. Statistically speaking, this would suggest that live sprouts may, in some cases, have the ability to inhibit cancer cells, full stop. Wow! At the clinic, I have had great success using sprouted broccoli seeds for patients who had been suffering from immune dysfunction. So if you are the type of person who is always catching the next cold or flu, then be sure to add lots of raw sprouts, especially sprouted broccoli seeds, to your daily regimen.


You can literally sprout any seed, grain or legume for food in your own kitchen. The greatest health benefits come from sprouted millet and quinoa, as well as sprouted daikon and broccoli seeds.

The easiest sprouts to seed are:

  • » Adzuki
  • » Alfalfa
  • » Clover
  • » Fenugreek (spicy)
  • » Green/red peas
  • » Lentils
  • » Mung beans
  • » Quinoa
  • » Radish
  • » Wheat

    Also try:

  • » Chickpeas
  • » Sunflower seeds
  • » Broccoli seeds
  • » Millet


The easiest way to sprout seeds is to buy a sprouting kit and sprinkle water over the seeds. Try quinoa, broccoli seeds, clover, alfalfa seeds, mung beans, fenugreek and wheat berries, for example.

To do it yourself at home, all you need is a large jam jar, some seeds or beans, fresh water and a piece of cheesecloth or muslin.

  • » Rinse the seeds well. Place in the jar and cover with a few centimetres of cooled, boiled water. Cover with cheesecloth, or net cloth secured with a rubber band and leave overnight in a warm, dark place.
  • » Rinse seeds next day with fresh water. Drain well or the seeds will rot. Return to the dark. Do this twice a day until seeds start to sprout. Tilt your jar to a 45° angle to allow the sprouts to grow up the jar.
  • » Then place them on a sunny windowsill for a few hours to get an energy boost. Eat or store in an airtight container in the fridge. Sprouts will keep in the fridge for 2–3 days.
  • » Refer to the sprouting chart on the next page and have fun with it. Take your time and enjoy the benefits.




All raw foods and the sprouted seeds are the healthiest foods in existence. The raw foods are packed with life enhancing enzymes, active vitamins, minerals, proteins and other micronutrients. Nutrients are degraded and all of the enzymes are destroyed when you cook, steam, bake, sauté, fry, roast, stew, boil or grill foods, or pasteurize or can them; virtually all the healthful properties disappear. Cooking does not improve the nutritional value of food. Heat makes up to 85 per cent of nutrients unavailable and totally destroys the enzymes.

Destruction of enzymes

When food is cooked, the enzymes are destroyed in full. Research has shown that when any food is heated above 118°F for approximately 20 minutes, there is complete and total devastation of all enzymes within that specific food.

Loss of protein

The process of cooking not only destroys enzymes, but protein too. Most protein is destroyed or converted to forms that are not easily digested. Many of us think of meat as our main source of protein, but the fact is we are probably getting very little from our meat due to the high heat used in cooking.

Lost vitamins

As if the loss of enzymes and protein power isn’t enough, vitamins are also damaged by the cooking process.

Although not all vitamins are destroyed from high heat, studies have shown that vitamin activity is enormously curtailed. In fact, according to one of the world’s leading researchers on the topic, Dr Viktoras Kulvinskas, in his Survival Report into the 21st Century, warns of an average overall ‘nutrient destruction of approximately 85 per cent from cooking’. In other words, when food is cooked we are often getting less than 15 per cent of the nutritive value of the food, a lesser percentage of protein, and zero per cent of the enzymes.



Eating very hot food isn’t good news for your bodily functions either. It can cause other enzymatic problems. For example, research has shown that stomach upsets are likely if you drink beverages that are simply too hot. Too hot food (in temperature) also poses risk of gum problems, mouth ulcers and tongue and throat cancers.

One of the most alarming studies by medical researchers found that a diet full of cooked foods may cause the reduction of brain tissue and the swelling of the key organs. Cooked food also overworks the endocrine glands. The endocrine system, along with the nervous system, regulates appetite. If your endocrine glands know you’ve had enough calories, but nutrients and enzymes are missing from the foods, then your body will keep demanding more food just to keep its strength up. The result may be weight problems, exhaustion and poor health.

The overeating of cooked food also compromises the overall immune system. Cooked foods have been shown to actually adversely alter blood structure. In my own live cell analysis of patients’ blood-work, I have found that the people who only eat cooked foods have blood cells that appear to be in a constant state of alert (as if they were fighting a constant infection). In effect, the white blood cells become over-worked, a condition known as ‘leukocytosis’. This is incredibly weakening to the immune system.

Immunity may no longer be able to perform when a real infection sets in. It’s like constantly revving your car engine; eventually it gets flooded and won’t start at all. In this sense, cooked foods flood your blood system, the immune system and the organs.


The good news here, however, is that the presenting researcher at the International Congress of Microbiology, Dr Paul Kouchakoff (MD), emphatically pointed out that eating raw foods, or even just foods heated below 190°F, could prevent any rise in white blood cells. Perhaps most significantly, though, was that Dr Kouchakoff found that eating an approximate 50–50 ratio (50 per cent raw foods to 50 per cent cooked foods) could also prevent leukocytosis. You don’t need to go cold-turkey on cooking or eating hot food entirely. You can still eat cooked foods, but you just need to balance it with some raw.

Although I want you to know the benefits of increasing your intake of raw fruits, vegetables and sprouts, I am not advocating that you eat all raw all the time. Instead I am saying that you should (a) eat more raw; and (b) whenever you eat a cooked food, balance it with some raw foods. The combination of cooked with raw foods is the best.


So when you fancy something cooked, whenever possible it is better to warm the foods rather than vigorously cook them. For instance, you obviously need to do some cooking if you want to have soup. But you can still manage to get in the raw. Once the soup is hot and ready to serve, you can add various fresh raw vegetables to the soup just moments before it hits the table. In this way, you can enjoy warm soup in the winter knowing you’re still getting a substantial ration of raw (completely uncooked) vegetables contained within the soup.


A useful tip to help you cut down on cooking is to include more warming foods which warm the body, whether served raw, cold or warm. For example: cinnamon, garlic, quinoa sprouts or ginger are ‘warming herbs’. These foods also serve an important function in our bodies, helping to circulate the blood and comfort the organs.

Warming Herbs/Seasoning

Basil, bay leaves, caraway, cardamom, chives, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, mustard, nutmeg, oregano, pepper, spearmint.

Warming Sprouts

Fenugreek sprouts, radish sprouts.

The bottom line

Most of us simply do not eat enough raw foods. You don’t have to cut out all cooked food altogether. You just need to include more raw foods in your daily diet. When you do cook, go for warm rather than hot. Raw food and sprouts provide us with a broader range of active nutrients and enzymes than any other way of eating. Don’t deprive yourself of all their life giving and health boosting properties. My message is simple: eat less of the cooked, and more of the raw.



Heartfelt gratitude to Howard for placing and helping me on the path for this journey, for sharing your clairvoyance, for your words and immense impact on my life. I am forever grateful to Marian Moore for sharing with me her gift of healing. A special thank you to Badiene who introduced me to sprouts (not Brussels) and so much more. In memory of Auntie Rita who impressed upon me the importance of helping others to help themselves.

Thanks to: Alan Martin for doing so much behind the scenes with our TV participants. Theresa and Sarah for your cutting edge research, and Paula too. Nicola Ibison for seeing my vision, Julia, Helen, Jo and the team. Luigi Bonomi for your out of this world skills. Smith & Gilmour for fantastic book design. And to Kate Adams and all at Penguin for their support.

Appreciation to Chaim Solomon for your no-nonsense advice and spiritual teachings to keep me on track.

Love and thanks to Mum and Dad for their support too.


* Note on beans and grains together: vegetarians have an easier time when it comes to food combining. Pulses and beans have a mixture of starch and protein which may seem a problem. However, starch is dominant in most pulses with the exception of soy and navy beans. So, you can combine most pulses and beans with grains as well as salads and veggies.



You now know just how true it is that ‘You Are What You Eat’. But too often, something deep within each of us prevents us from eating the right foods, even though we know we need to if we want to look and feel great. I believe the answer to this lies within the emotional, psychological and physical constraints we create for ourselves when it comes to new ideas and a new lifestyle. Most, after all, are afraid of change. I was just like that at one time too.

I hope that within these pages I have gone some way to opening you up to these changes, however small at first. I would like to share with you my advice for how to become more accepting of new ideas, new foods, a new lifestyle, and the owner of an amazing healthy body too!

Once you understand the powerful nature of energy, you will appreciate the impact of my advice. All weight problems, eating disorders, lethargy, disease and illness have their roots, in some form, in the disturbance of energy. Positive energy flow and good foods will keep you strong and healthy. Negative energy flow and poor food choices will make you tired and sick.

The bottom line here is that in order to achieve great health, youthful spirit and a fantastic body, I want you to be happy, positive and fun-loving. I’d like to leave you, therefore, with two key simple and easy points of advice to infuse positivity into your cells:

First: be proactive, not reactive

We can choose to simply react to our environment or we can make the conscious decision to act with direction, purpose and in search of fulfilment. You become the creator of situations, instead of the reactor. You become the cause, instead of the effect. You become happy and healthy. Next time you feel like life is challenging you, try working through the following steps:

  • » Recognize that a difficult situation has arisen.
  • » Acknowledge that the purpose of this challenge is to help, teach and assist you.
  • » See the difficulty as a gift to improve your life.
  • » Identify your reaction. What are you feeling? Acknowledge those feelings and accept them as being OK.
  • » Take a nice long inhalation of breath. While doing so, imagine a beautiful golden white light entering your body and enveloping you. As you exhale, visualize all of the negative feelings leaving you.
  • » On your next inhalation, allow a sense of calm to enter your body. As you exhale, tell yourself to release all negative reactive behaviour and feelings.
  • » Now take action. Deal with your difficult situation in a proactive way. Act with clarity, certainty and calm.

Second: love unconditionally

Finally, this is my deepest secret to achieving great health and a fantastic life. Yes, you are what you eat. But just as integral is that you are what you love. After many years of biochemical study, molecular research, clinical practice and living life, I have discovered that the most powerful influence for good health is the energy force of love.

Love is the strongest driving force for the body’s energetic balance, healing process, disease prevention, cellular rejuvenation, organ vitality, blood cleansing, molecular revitalisation and vibrational freedom. So just remember to love yourself, your body and the people in your life, especially the stranger a yonder and a hug for your loved ones too.

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and sounds