7 Dark roses - Audio ebooks

Make a better world
Make a book

7 Dark Roses is the place where you can put your thoughts in a book. The power of technology will send your thoughts all over the world. If you have something to say, this is the right place. Make one or more digital books and make a better world.

Basic rules

  • User is responsible for the content that uploads to 7darkroses.com
  • Not allowed advertisements in books
  • Not allowed stolen content in books
  • If you are publishing books by other authors, you must mention the author’s name on the book
  • Not allowed pornografy
  • Not allowed religion abuse
  • Αll books are published for free
  • Do not upload text in PDF format . Speech book ability will not work
  • By registering on 7darkroses.com you accept all these rules

On the top of home page click ‘Account’ and ‘REGISTER’

Fill the fields (username , password and your email )

You will receive a link confirmation in your email.

Click the link confirmation.

After successful registration you can login from
home page ‘Account’ .
Your user name will appear on the top

Edit your profile

Click your username

In profile page click ‘Edit profile’

Fill the fields .

Upload a profile photo and a background photo .

(You can change any time this fields)

Create a Book

Click ‘My books’

Click ‘New book’

  • Fill the fields.
  • Category : Your book category (Romance , Adventure etc..)
  • Book Language : The language that you will write the book
  • This book is a part of series : If you have a big content or separate stories that belongs to a series , fill the field the name of series . All books that you will create from that series must have the same series field. If the book is independent , just leave it blank
  • Author of this book : The author of this book .
  • The day this book was created : If your book was created in the past , fill in that day
  • Book Title : The title of your book
  • Synopsis : This is important field for search engines . Fill your book Summary . Recommended at least 100 words
  • Book Style : Choose one of 3 book styles , That will add beautiful pics and background at pages .
  • Comments control : Allow or disallow comments from other users in your book
  • Ages who can read this book : Set age for your readers
  • Book contents : Fill this field with chapters of your book . If you wanna set the pages numbers in contents , you can fill this field when you finish your book . A new page will add in the beginning of your book with contents . If you leave it blank this page will not appearing
  • Book cover Image : Upload an image that will appear in book cover

(You can change any time all this fields)

Add pages in your book

After successful book creation , your book will appear in ‘My books page’ with the mark ‘PRIVATE’ . That means , nobody can see your book except you.

Click on ‘Options’ of book



In Book tab options

Click ‘New page’

In ‘page field’ , type or copy and paste text

If you want to add pics in page , click ‘Image field’ and upload your image . After uploading , a thumbnail of your image will appear , right click and copy on thumbnail , then right click and past in page field . For another image in the same page , delete thumbnail from (x) and upload a new image . Do same action for unlimited images .

When you finish your page , click submit and create next page .You can add 5000 words per page and 60 pages per book.

(You can change any time this fields)

Public your book

In book tab ‘Options’ click ‘BOOK STATUS’


Set ‘Book status’ field in ‘Public’ option . and click ‘Submit’

7 Dark roses - Audio ebooks

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