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1942, Nazi-occupied France. Sandrine, a spirited and courageous nineteen-year-old, finds herself drawn into a Resistance group in Carcassonne – codena
Read more…1942, Nazi-occupied France. Sandrine, a spirited and courageous nineteen-year-old, finds herself drawn into a Resistance group in Carcassonne – codena
Read more…In 1891, young Léonie Vernier and her brother Anatole arrive in the beautiful town of Rennes-les-Bains, in southwest France. They’ve come at the invit
Read more…In 1891, young Léonie Vernier and her brother Anatole arrive in the beautiful town of Rennes-les-Bains, in southwest France. They’ve come at the invit
Read more…July 2005. In the Pyrenees mountains near Carcassonne, Alice, a volunteer at an archaeological dig, stumbles into a cave and makes a startling discove
Read more…July 2005. In the Pyrenees mountains near Carcassonne, Alice, a volunteer at an archaeological dig, stumbles into a cave and makes a startling discove
Read more…Imagining this extraordinary event, the most powerful element is the brief, silent moment between the explosive end of this noble creature and its won
Read more…When the National Security Agency’s invincible code-breaking machine encounters a mysterious code it cannot break, the agency calls its head cryptogra
Read more…Discover an extraordinary tale of innocence, friendship and the horrors of war.’Some things are just sitting there, minding their own business, waitin
Read more…In 1942, Charlotte Gray, a young Scottish woman, heads for Occupied France on a dual mission – officially, to run an apparently simple errand for a Br
Read more…Eight people, all strangers to each other, are invited to Indian Island, off the English coast. Vera Claythorne, a former governess, thinks she has been hired as a secretary; Philip Lombard, an adventurer, and William Blore, an ex-detective, think they have been hired to look out for trouble over the weekend; Dr. Armstrong thinks he has been hired to look after the wife of the island’s owner. Emily Brent, General Macarthur, Tony Marston, and Judge Wargrave think they are going to visit old friends.When they arrive on the island, the guests are greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, the butler and housekeeper, who report that the host, someone they call Mr. Owen, will not arrive until the next day. That evening, as all the guests gather in the drawing room after an excellent dinner, they hear a recorded voice accusing each of them of a specific murder committed in the past and never uncovered. They compare notes and realize that none of them, including the servants, knows “Mr. Owen,” which suggests that they were brought here according to someone’s strange plan.
The book is set in 1984 in Oceania, one of three perpetually warring totalitarian states (the other two are Eurasia and Eastasia). Oceania is governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the population into unthinking obedience to its leader, Big Brother. The Party has created a propagandistic language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party’s doctrines. Its words include doublethink (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in the Party’s slogans: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.” The Party maintains control through the Thought Police and continual surveillance. The book’s hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary living in a London that is still shattered by a nuclear war that took place not long after World War II. He belongs to the Outer Party, and his job is to rewrite history in the Ministry of Truth, bringing it in line with current political thinking. However, Winston’s longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government.
Το βιβλίο γράφτηκε το 1948 από τον Τζωρτζ Όργουελ, μιλάει για το 1984 και συμβαίνει πλέον σήμερα. Ένα προφητικό μανιφέστο που περιγράφει ένα δυστοπικό μέλλον, όπου το ολοκληρωτικό καθεστώς του «Μεγάλου Αδελφού», παρακολουθεί συνέχεια τους πάντες και τα πάντα. Η κοινωνία που περιγράφεται στο βιβλίο κυβερνάται από το “Κόμμα”. Κεντρικός χαρακτήρας της ιστορίας είναι ο Γουίνστον Σμιθ, ο οποίος είναι μέλος του «Κόμματος» όντας δημόσιος υπάλληλος. Ζει στην απόλυτη μοναξιά, γεμάτος φόβο και μίσος για τον “Μεγάλο Αδελφό”. Βαθιά μέσα του γνωρίζει πως δεν μπορεί να κάνει κάτι ουσιαστικό ώστε να αλλάξει τα πράγματα, δεν μπορεί όμως και να συμφιλιωθεί με την υπάρχουσα κατάσταση. Γνωρίζει πως δεν πρέπει να εμπιστευτεί κανέναν και είναι αναγκασμένος να καταπιέζει συνεχώς τα συναισθήματά του και τις σκέψεις του, αφού το αντίθετο μπορεί να θέσει σε κίνδυνο τη ζωή του. Πηγή: Protagon.gr
As a leading book editor in the United States said after reading Icke’s manuscript: “It is difficult to put into words the excitement I feel about this. It is a book that I have been waiting to see for a long, long time. I knew it would come and now it is here. I am practically overwhelmed by the sense of urgency I feel in getting this book to press and into distribution.” David Icke exposes the real story behind global events which shape the future of human existence and the world we leave our children. Fearlessly, he lifts the veil on an astonishing web of interconnected manipulation to reveal that the same few people, secret societies and organisations control the daily direction of our lives. They engineer the wars, violent revolutions, terrorist outrages and political assassinations; they control the world market in hard drugs and the media indoctrination machine. Every global negative event of the 20th Century and earlier, can be traced back to the same Global Elite, and some of the names involved are very well known. Never before has this web, its personnel and methods, been revealed in such a detailed and devasting fashion.