Astrologer Jan Spiller shows you the key to discovering your hidden talents, your deepest desires, and the ways you can avoid negative influences that may distract you from achieving your true life purpose, as revealed in your chart by the position of the North Node of the Moon. With insight and depth impossible to gain from the commonly known sun-sign profiles, the enlightening self-portrait offered by the Nodes of the Moon can explain the life lessons you came here to learn and how to achieve the fulfillment and peace you desire. Jan Spiller shows you how to locate the all-important North Node of the Moon in your astrological chart and provides a detailed interpretation of its influence and exclusive exercises to help you learn about

Jan Spiller
Astrology for the Soul Vol 1


The Location of Your North Node


How to Use This Book

North Node in ARIES






Healing Theme Song

North Node in TAURUS






Healing Theme Song

North Node in GEMINI






Healing Theme Song

North Node in CANCER






Healing Theme Song

North Node in LEO






Healing Theme Song

North Node in VIRGO






Healing Theme Song



On a practical level, I would like to acknowledge my editor throughout the years, Judith Horton, whose work on this book was truly monumental. Thanks also go to my editor at Bantam: Stephanie Kip.

I would like to acknowledge all the teachers, those spiritually based and those astrologically based, who have helped me along the way. Spiritually: Ramana Maharshi, through Gangaji, Nome, and Bob Spiegel. Astrologically: Morningland, Martin Schulman (for his book on the Nodes), and Gina Ceaglio, my first astrology teacher. This work would not have been possible without the research and intuitive gifts of those who have gone before. I especially want to acknowledge the work of Martin Schulman and Zipporah Dobyns on the Nodes.

For his support, encouragement, and insights on this project, my father, Bill Nunn, together with the influence of his teacher, Bob Gibson. My clients and friends for their willingness to add insights and feedback on this and other projects, including but not limited to: Sheri Zucker, Helen Thomas-Williams, Sandy Ingoglia. Thanks to Philip Weiss for his ideas on integrating the music with the book. For his support and backing that gave me the conditions I needed to write this book, I would like to acknowledge my friend, Russell. Thank you.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the presence of the Guides and Knowledge Banks available to all of us when we listen with an open heart and nonjudgmental mind to deeply understand the inner workings of others.

Jan Spiller


The Location of Your North Node



May 10, 1899—Jan. 21, 1901Sagittarius
Jan. 22, 1901—July 21, 1902Scorpio
July 22, 1902—Jan. 15, 1904Libra
Jan. 16, 1904—Sept. 18, 1905Virgo
Sept. 19, 1905—Mar. 30, 1907Leo
Mar. 31, 1907—Sept. 27, 1908Cancer
Sept. 28, 1908—Mar. 23, 1910Gemini
Mar. 24, 1910—Dec. 8, 1911Taurus
Dec. 9, 1911—June 6, 1913Aries
June 7, 1913—Dec. 3, 1914Pisces
Dec. 4, 1914—May 31, 1916Aquarius
June 1, 1916—Feb. 13, 1918Capricorn
Feb. 14, 1918—Aug. 15, 1919Sagittarius
Aug. 16, 1919—Feb. 7, 1921Scorpio
Feb. 8, 1921—Aug. 23, 1922Libra
Aug. 24, 1922—Apr. 23, 1924Virgo
Apr. 24, 1924—Oct. 26, 1925Leo
Oct. 27, 1925—Apr. 16, 1927Cancer
Apr. 17, 1927—Dec. 28, 1928Gemini
Dec. 29, 1928—July 7, 1930Taurus
July 8, 1930—Dec. 28, 1931Aries
Dec. 29, 1931—June 24, 1933Pisces
June 25, 1933—Mar. 8, 1935Aquarius
Mar. 9, 1935—Sept. 14, 1936Capricorn
Sept. 15, 1936—Mar. 3, 1938Sagittarius
Mar. 4, 1938—Sept. 12, 1939Scorpio
Sept. 13, 1939—May 24, 1941Libra
May 25, 1941—Nov. 21, 1942Virgo
Nov. 22, 1942—May 11, 1944Leo
May 12, 1944—Dec. 13, 1945Cancer
Dec. 14, 1945—Aug. 2, 1947Gemini
Aug. 3, 1947—Jan. 26, 1949Taurus
Jan. 27, 1949—July 26, 1950Aries
July 27, 1950—Mar. 28, 1952Pisces
Mar. 29, 1952—Oct. 9, 1953Aquarius
Oct. 10, 1953—Apr. 2, 1955Capricorn
Apr. 3, 1955—Oct. 4, 1956Sagittarius
Oct. 5, 1956—June 16, 1958Scorpio
June 17, 1958—Dec. 15, 1959Libra
Dec. 16, 1959—June 10, 1961Virgo
June 11, 1961—Dec. 23, 1962Leo
Dec. 24, 1962—Aug. 25, 1964Cancer
Aug. 26, 1964—Feb. 19, 1966Gemini
Feb. 20, 1966—Aug. 19, 1967Taurus
Aug. 20, 1967—Apr. 19, 1969Aries
Apr. 20, 1969—Nov. 2, 1970Pisces
Nov. 3, 1970—Apr. 27, 1972Aquarius
Apr. 28, 1972—Oct. 27, 1973Capricorn
Oct. 28, 1973—July 10, 1975Sagittarius
July 11, 1975—Jan. 7, 1977Scorpio
Jan. 8, 1977—July 5, 1978Libra
July 6, 1978—Jan. 12, 1980Virgo
Jan. 13, 1980—Sept. 24, 1981Leo
Sept. 25, 1981—Mat. 16, 1983Cancer
Mar. 17, 1983—Sept. 11, 1984Gemini
Sept. 12, 1984—Apr. 6, 1986Taurus
Apr. 7, 1986—Dec. 2, 1987Aries
Dec. 3, 1987—May 22, 1989Pisces
May 23, 1989—Nov. 18, 1990Aquarius
Nov. 19, 1990—Aug. 1, 1992Capricorn
Aug. 2, 1992—Feb. 1, 1994Sagittarius
Feb. 2, 1994—July 31, 1995Scorpio
Aug. 1, 1995—Jan. 25, 1997Libra
Jan. 26, 1997—Oct. 20, 1998Virgo
Oct. 21, 1998—Apr. 9, 2000Leo
Apr. 10, 2000—Oct. 12, 2001Cancer
Oct. 13, 2001—Apr. 13, 2003Gemini
Apr. 14, 2003—Dec. 25, 2004Taurus
Dec. 26, 2004—June 21, 2006Aries
June 22, 2006—Dec. 18, 2007Pisces
Dec. 19, 2007—Aug. 21, 2009Aquarius
Aug. 22, 2009—Mar. 3, 2011Capricorn
Mar. 4, 2011—Aug. 29, 2012Sagittarius
Aug. 30, 2012—Feb. 18, 2014Scorpio
Feb. 19, 2014—Nov. 11, 2015Libra
Nov. 12, 2015—May 9, 2017Virgo
May 10, 2017—Nov. 6, 2018Leo
Nov. 7, 2018—May 4, 2020Cancer
May 5, 2020—Jan. 18, 2022Gemini
Jan. 19, 2022—July 17, 2023Taurus
July 18, 2023—Jan. 11, 2025Aries
Jan. 12, 2025—July 26, 2026Pisces
July 27, 2026—Mar. 26, 2028Aquarius
Mar. 27, 2028—Sept. 23, 2029Capricorn
Sept. 24, 2029—Mar. 20, 2031Sagittarius
Mar. 21, 2031—Dec. 1, 2032Scorpio
Dec. 2, 2032—June 3, 2034Libra
June 4, 2034—Nov. 29, 2035Virgo
Nov. 30, 2035—May 29, 2037Leo
May 30, 2037—Feb. 9, 2039Cancer
Feb. 10, 2039—Aug. 10, 2040Gemini
Aug. 11, 2040—Feb. 3, 2042Taurus
Feb. 4, 2042—Aug. 18, 2043Aries
Aug. 19, 2043—Apr. 18, 2045Pisces
Apr. 19, 2045—Oct. 18, 2046Aquarius
Oct. 19, 2046—Apr. 11, 2048Capricorn
Apr. 12, 2048—Dec. 14, 2049Sagittarius
Dec. 15, 2049—June 28, 2051Scorpio

Data courtesy of The Astrology Center of America

On the Internet at:



This book contains my professional secrets: the methods I have used to successfully read personal astrology charts for the past twenty years.

Many of my colleagues think I’m psychic. That may be true, but it’s not the primary mindset I use when I look at an astrology chart. To interpret a chart with confidence and accuracy, astrologers must have a starting point—an area they focus on when they first look at an individual chart. It may be the Sun sign, or the position of the Moon, the Eclipses, the major aspects, the number of planets in Fire, Water, Earth, or Air signs—each astrologer has his or her own personal entry into accessing, “seeing,” and interpreting the rest of the chart.

I use the Nodes. The Nodes have never failed to give me the information I need to correctly guide the individual in achieving success, self-confidence, and balance within the personality. The accuracy of my readings is not due to “psychic talents” but rather to my attention to the activity of the Nodes.

When I look at an individual astrology chart, I first notice the position of the North and South Nodes of the Moon, by sign and by house. Then I notice the geometric relationships (called “aspects” by astrologers) that the Nodes are making to other planets, and any unusual circumstances with the planets that rule the signs the Nodes are in.* Suddenly, the whole chart comes alive and I can understand the individual challenges this person has, and the qualities of character that need to be developed for success and fulfillment in this lifetime.



It is not necessary to have a belief in astrology in order for this book to be of value to you. Astrology, if explored from a psychological or scientific level, has nothing to do with belief. It’s practical. It has to do with gaining knowledge and doing experiments. Are the psychological profiles offered by astrology useful tools of self-knowledge for you? Are the timing predictions astrology can make (when based on your full birth chart) helpful in using your time more effectively?

In evaluating the truth of the material presented in this book, it is important to listen to your own inner knowing and past experiences. Regardless of what others may think, only you know the nature of your own internal battles.

If you choose to do some of the experiments suggested for balancing your North Node personality type, look to your own energy for confirmation of whether or not you are on the right path. If, after running one of these experiments, your energy level soars and you feel happy and free, you’re “on path”! Trust yourself. If not, try a different experiment. You will know if you are on track by whether or not you feel happy and/or free.

If some of the suggestions made in your North Node section do not “feel right” to you, then trust yourself there as well. It may be an area that you’ve already overcome or that, for some reason, is not fully applicable to you. It’s like trying on a pair of shoes—only you know whether or not they fit. Again, trust yourself.

Some of these suggestions might be frightening at first because they’re new for you. But if they feel right to you—if they seem accurate—take the risk and set them in motion. You’ll find yourself emerging from your experiment with a sense of fearlessness and self-confidence that’s permanent. You’ll know changes are taking place because things that bothered you just a few weeks or months ago won’t get to you anymore. Your friends may still be feeling those things, but you’ll be feeling something else—a peacefulness that has eluded you in the past.

For each of us, our deepest core issues are shown in the sign and house positions of the North Node at the time of our birth. However, in the process of writing this book, I realized I had unresolved issues in signs other than my own nodal sign and house. The difference is in the depth of the dysfunction. If a person has North Node in Cancer or the 4th House, the issue of releasing control, trusting, and openly sharing feelings is huge—it’s like chipping away at a block of granite! But someone whose North Node is in another sign may also have difficulty with sharing feelings openly. Reading the chapter on North Node in Cancer may help them heal their issues of vulnerability and suggest practical approaches to create balance and ease. The difference is that it won’t be as difficult to apply the suggestions in these “alternate” areas as it will be in the area of your own nodal placement.

For example, I have the North Node neither in Aries nor in the 1st House, but when I was working on the Aries North Node chapter I realized that I had problems with self-assertion and some of the other issues that those folks are working out. In the creative process of writing that chapter, something in me was healed and I spontaneously began asserting myself more constructively and being more honest. And my life became a whole lot easier! Once I “got it,” it was easy for me to adjust and change. However, in the sign and house containing my North Node, it’s a lot tougher. I started “getting it” twenty years ago, and I’m still working through it.



When astrology is approached from a level of true open-minded understanding, it leads directly to unconditional love. When you fully understand a person’s inner mechanics and where their “glitches” are, how can you be angry with them? We are all doing the best we can with the light we have and seeking to overcome our imperfections. Why? Because it’s practical. The glitches get in the way of getting what we want. We are all in this together.

Sun sign astrology, such as the horoscopes covered in daily newspapers and magazines, are predictions that take into account only the sign position of the Sun. Full natal astrology takes into account the sign positions of ten planets (the Sun and Moon are considered planets in this context, as the galaxy is seen from the point of view of its effect on the Earth), the axis that was active when the individual was born, and several other points: the Nodes, Eclipses, and so on. In fact, each of us is entirely unique; a birth chart isn’t duplicated for 25,000 years because all the planets are traveling at different speeds around the Sun. In the moment you took your first breath, all of humankind—all the people alive at that time—passed through that moment with you. Everyone did the best they could to make the moment joyful for themselves, but then the next moment came along and humankind had to handle it—and the next moment and the next, on into the current moment. But the moment when you were born was stamped on the cellular level of your very being, and it remains a part of you.

With that connection, you took charge of purifying that moment for everyone else on the planet, and you alone have the power to perfect the moment of your own birth. It’s as though you took that sliver of time, slowed it down, and stretched it out to last an entire incarnation. And as you begin to work with that moment, taking parts of your “wiring” that aren’t working too well and adjusting them—thus creating happiness, laughter, and joy in your own life—the positive energy of these changes affects everyone else. Through your own personal life you are essentially altering a moment that occurred in the past, and when you change the past, it changes the present for everyone. I’ve heard many spiritual teachers say that the best we can do for others is to work on ourselves. We are all interconnected on the deepest level—we’re One.



The astrology chart itself is actually a schematic: a graph that shows people’s “inner wiring.” The wiring in each of us is different. It’s not “good” or “bad,” it’s just wired the way it’s wired. Your birth chart provides a picture of the inner wiring you were born with, but what you do with that wiring is up to you.

When you can objectively see the patterns of your own behavior, you can make adjustments for more efficient results and better performance. When any miswiring is corrected, the result is a more smoothly operating life (first internally, and then externally). By having a clear picture of your inner wiring, you can become aware of the built-in “glitches,” and you can choose not to continue behaviors that aren’t working for you.

For example, if a person knew objectively (from seeing the graph of their birth chart) that they had a tendency to assume they already know the answers to everything, and thus become impatient and display a self-righteous attitude that isolates them from others (as would be the case if they had the North Node in Gemini or in the 3rd House), knowing about this tendency would allow him or her to consciously take more time to respectfully receive the factual input of others before venturing his or her own opinion. That single adjustment would make a major difference in the person’s social interactions.

We all have tendencies that lead to inappropriate behavior and feelings of isolation and unhappiness. The trick is to discover our own glitches and empower ourselves to avoid them. With this objective knowledge, we are no longer operating in the dark, not understanding why life keeps giving us feedback that makes us unhappy. Life is too short to walk around blindfolded. It is the intention of this book to clarify what works and what doesn’t within the twelve personality types depicted by the North and South Nodes of the Moon.

This book is predicated on recognizing that you are not just the sum total of your chart. The chart is a picture of your personality structure, but you are the factor that lies behind the chart and have the power to use the personality (the energies depicted in your birth chart) in any manner you choose. Whether you allow the personality to operate unconsciously, or you take charge and purify the energy so that life flows to your advantage, is up to you.



There are ten different kingdoms inside the personality, represented by the ten different planets used in astrology. We can look at the graph of your birth chart and see that some parts of yourself are constantly battling with other parts, creating all kinds of conflicting energy. Other parts of you are in total harmony; there will never be a struggle in those areas of your life. On an even deeper level, we can see the foundation from which everything else in your personality is emerging. The intention of this book is to delve into that foundation, describe it, and make some adjustments to it. These adjustments will allow the energies of the planets to coexist in a more harmonious manner.

Imagine that there is a natural General within you around which everything else is willing to unite at a moment’s notice. All you have to do is sound the bugle call of that General, and right away the parts that are warring with each other will drop their weapons and line up behind the General. The parts of you that are at peace and perhaps getting a little lazy will hear the call, get off their duffs, and also line up behind the General. When this happens, you instantly feel united and centered, and the outer situations in your life begin to change. Most important, your relationship to those situations shifts. From this new vantage point you see clearly what to do, and the action you take will automatically succeed.

In your chart, the North Node of the Moon represents that General. Once you access the underlying formula for uniting and balancing your inner self, it’s like a particle of magic. It will work 100 percent of the time in every situation in your life, if you just “remember to remember” the formula and are willing to try running the “experiments” that will allow the inner energy—and thus the outer situations—to shift to your advantage.

In the beginning, doing these experiments may not be easy. It may even be frightening. For example, if you are in the group whose North Node is in Cancer, you don’t know that being vulnerable and revealing your feelings and fears is going to work out for you. You weren’t used to being vulnerable in your past lives; as a matter of fact, you may feel as though you’re going to die if you actually reveal your true feelings. Everything in you may resist it. And yet, if you do it anyway, a shift will happen for you. You’ll find that something did die, but it wasn’t you—it was a fear that had attached itself to you. When you ran the experiment, that fear dissipated and you emerged with a new sense of fearlessness and confidence. But it’s up to you. Nothing happens unless you take the risk; positive action is the remedy for fear.

In examining the position of your North Node, you are looking at the basic lesson underlying this entire lifetime. Therefore, the changes may not happen all at once. Keep in mind that as you take steps in a new direction, you’re going against habits that have become deeply ingrained over many incarnations. That’s why you need to keep remembering to remember to do things in a new way and keep moving toward resolution of the past life imbalances you’ve inherited.

The purpose of this book is not to give you another tool to “make yourself wrong” and pick out past life habits you haven’t given up. Its purpose is to show you how to experiment with doing things in a new way. You’ll find that every time you remember to apply the formula, the situation shifts to your advantage and the world validates you. Yet even in the face of success, sometimes remembering to apply a new pattern takes time. It’s a process, after all.

Simply reading the chapter on your North Node will make a difference and start a process of natural change. Practicing the suggestions will speed up the process, but ultimately consciousness alone can make the transformation. For example, if a person knew they would be hit by a truck prior to crossing a street against the light, would they do it? Of course not. We all want to experience pleasure and avoid pain. Being conscious of a negative repercussion is often enough to keep from putting the cause in motion.



Material fulfillment is never the key to permanent, unbroken bliss. It is always temporary, and dissatisfaction always follows on the heels of simple material satisfaction. The ultimate resolution to the search for happiness is spiritual. Yet sometimes there is a worldly desire deep within us that cannot be denied or forgotten—it must be materially realized to be released.

To illustrate this point, consider the story of a Buddhist Master who was getting on in years and noticed that one of his favorite disciples had still not reached full enlightenment and bliss. This disciple had been with him for three decades, had been totally devoted to his Master and strict with his practices, and yet he still had not reached that highest state. One day the Master said to his disciple: “Come, I am going on a pilgrimage and you may come with me.”

They walked for miles into the outlying mountain range. The days became weeks, then a month passed, and still they continued on their journey. One day the Master stopped and, pointing to a hill in the distance, said to his disciple: “Do you see that mountaintop?” The mist was just clearing from the top of the mountain, revealing a large castle at its summit shimmering in the rays of the sun.

Disciple: “Yes, Master.”

Master: “And do you see that home standing on the summit of the mountain?”

Disciple: “Yes, Master.”

Master: “For many lifetimes, you have desired a home and that desire has remained unsatisfied. It is the final thread that binds you and blocks your enlightenment and unending joy. None of the practices I have given you have dissolved that deep desire. Therefore, it must be manifested. That is your home now; you own it.”

At that instant, the disciple became fully enlightened.

Some worldly or material desires we can dismiss simply because they aren’t that important to us. After a time, we can let them go. Others will not leave us until we have manifested them on some level. Once the personality has been successfully integrated, desires that are of lesser importance begin to fade away, and those that demand manifestation can be more easily obtained in the material world.

It is the purpose of this book to offer a formula that will facilitate a practical reintegration of the personality structure, so that the individual can more easily gain the material experiences sought. Once the mechanism of self, or personality, is working efficiently and producing happy results in our daily lives, our basic needs are met and we become open to a higher level of happiness and fulfillment, beyond identifying with personal ego and gaining strictly material rewards. As desires are met and outer goals are no longer so compelling, the personality relaxes. Within this calm, we are open to higher states of consciousness and the deeper happiness that is our natural state: what the Bible describes as “experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.”

* The aspects are so important that they deserve a book of their own. This information will be covered thoroughly in a subsequent volume about the Nodes.


How to Use This Book


The Nodes of the Moon are not planetary bodies; they are points formed by the Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth’s path around the Sun. The direction of the nodes is counterclockwise: The North Node is the ascending node (the point closest to our North Pole), and the South Node is the descending node (the point closest to our South Pole). They are always exactly 180 degrees apart. Some astrologers use the “True Node” calculation (which takes into account the actual wobbling of the Moon’s orbit), and some astrologers use the “Mean Node” (which does not take the wobbling into account). I use the True Nodes. The True Node and Mean Node positions are never more than 1 degree 45 minutes apart from each other.



All the planets have a North and South Node. The Nodes covered in this book are the North and South Nodes of the Moon, also known as the “Nodal Axis” of the chart. The information in the chapters is actually a description of the Northern/Southern Nodal Axis, although for the sake of simplicity, I have simply called it the “North Node” position. The South Node position in the chart (located at the point exactly opposite of the North Node) depicts an aspect in our character that has been overemphasized in past lives, and thus tends to take over the personality in this lifetime and throw us off balance. When we are acting without awareness, we tend to “act out” the South Node position in response to our environment because we have been accustomed to that approach working to our advantage. However, in this lifetime, our experiences show us that approaching a situation from the stance shown by the position of the Southern Node in our chart is no longer working. Although the main emphasis in this book is on the North Node, the information in these chapters is actually an integration of both “ends” of the Nodal Axis.

When astrologers refer to “the Nodes,” they are generally referring to the North and South Nodes of the Moon. In astrology, the Moon rules our feelings, our moods, dependency, insecurity, the feeling of belonging—it rules our emotional bodies. The Moon rules our self-image, that is, the way we instinctively see ourselves regardless of what we are expressing in the world. I consider the Moon to be the most important planet in the chart, from a karmic/past life perspective. It underlies the rest of the personality structure. In my first astrology book, writing the chapter on the Moon took more time than the other nine chapters combined. I found the depth of the signs of the Moon to be endless—my research kept going deeper and deeper—until one day I just had to close the lid and say “That’s it!” In following the path of the Nodes of the Moon, and thus rebalancing our emotional bodies, we are going a long way toward easing internal stress and reclaiming confidence in our individual beings.



For each of us, the North Node is located in a sign and in a house. The sign position can be obtained by consulting the table in the front of this book, and the chapter relating to your sign position will provide information and direction designed specifically to help you realize your full potential. For the most complete view, I recommend also consulting the chapter relating to your house position, which can be obtained from a local astrologer or a computerized birth chart.

The sign in which the North Node falls denotes the psychological shift that needs to occur within the personality. The house containing the North Node shows the experiences that allow the person to access this new psychological awareness.

In my experience, the house is at least of equal importance to the sign. The house position indicates the arena in which the life lessons of the North Node are learned. For example, if your North Node is in Cancer in the 11th House, you are learning to get in touch with and communicate your feelings (Cancer) through cultivating the energy of friendships and learning to “go with the flow” (11th House); if your North Node is in Aries in the 4th House, through getting in touch with your gut instincts (4th House) you can discover and communicate who you are (Aries).



If the sign of your North Node is in the same sign as the house containing your North Node (for example, North Node in Gemini located in the 3rd House, which is also Gemini; or North Node in Pisces in the 12th House, which is also Pisces), it simply means double the intensity of the same life lesson.



(This includes North Node in Aries in the 7th House; North Node in Taurus in the 8th House; North Node in Gemini in the 9th House; North Node in Cancer in the 10th House; North Node in Leo in the 11th House; North Node in Virgo in the 12th House; North Node in Libra in the 1st House; North Node in Scorpio in the 2nd House; North Node in Sagittarius in the 3rd House; North Node in Capricorn in the 4th House; North Node in Aquarius in the 5th House; North Node in Pisces in the 6th House.)

If your North Node is in a house opposing the sign of your North Node (as noted above), it will be necessary for you to carefully and continuously check with yourself to find the right blending of behavior. Remember that generally, the house indicates where to learn the lessons of the sign. The house is like a shell—the environment you need to support the content of the sign.

For example, if your North Node is in Aries in the 7th House, you are learning to develop a new sense of self-identity (North Node in Aries) through becoming aware of the identity of others (North Node in the 7th House). Through working cooperatively with other people and supporting them in reaching their goals, you will discover your own true identity. However, when you turn that around and focus on yourself, you lose your identity in trying to please others and be the nice person they expect you to be. In this case, the key to self-identity would actually lie in helping others in their search for identity.



Each chapter in this book begins with an overview. The purpose of the overview is to offer a quick reference point and a way of remembering a practical formula for achieving your life purpose. In a stressful situation, which is when you have the opportunity to implement a new choice in behavior that can lighten your karmic load, it’s useful to have a simplified way of remembering “how to win/how to lose” to hold on to and practice.

In working with the material presented in the overview, I recommend that you take one or two points that seem the most relevant to you, and then consciously practice to purify those qualities in yourself. Little by little, as you practice, the self-defeating tendency will dissipate and joy will begin to take over. Then, when you are ready, choose something else to let go of or consciously practice developing. It’s a process; although it takes effort and may seem like a tremendous personal risk, once you move forward you will never be pulled back into the fears and limitations of the past.

Some qualities take more time than others to purify or to let go of. Even if you are working to release a tendency that you worked on a week ago or a year ago, you will be working on it at a higher level and it won’t be nearly as painful or difficult. In this way, growth is more like a spiral than a circle. As you progress, you will find life a lot less threatening and the things you desire manifesting more easily and naturally. A magic begins to flow as you find yourself emerging fearless, light, and free . . . as the invisible chains from past incarnations begin to dissipate and fall away.

Each chapter’s overview gives a quick reference to Attributes to Develop, Tendencies to Leave Behind, Achilles’ Heel/Trap to Avoid/The Bottom Line, What These People Really Want, Talents/Profession, and Healing Affirmations.



These are gifts—talents—that are at your disposal in this lifetime. Just as you spent so much time and energy developing one aspect of your character in past lives, there was another part of you—the polar opposite—that was totally neglected. Thus, when you came into this incarnation, you were out of balance. (We all were, but the imbalance was different for each of us.) Life wants you to be happy. But as long as the imbalance exists, every happiness is going to be followed by an unhappiness. So you must consciously develop the part of you that was neglected in past lives by experimenting with, and building on, the talents and gifts described in this section. It’s like a muscle that hasn’t been used. Once you start exercising it, pretty soon it’s built up and balanced with the rest of you. Developing the tendencies in this category will enable you to win—every time!



These are tendencies that you, and members of your group, were born with. In past lives these behaviors served you well; when you acted from these motivations, you won. So you came into this incarnation with a subconscious memory of success, and you keep pursuing the same behaviors that enabled you to thrive in your past lives. However, in this incarnation these same patterns do not work (that is, they don’t produce success, confidence, and ease). If you look back over this lifetime, you can see that these behavior patterns have never worked for you, although you keep enacting them over and over again.

These qualities in and of themselves are not negative, but they describe part of your character that was overdeveloped in past lives. Lifetime after lifetime you kept strengthening this one part of yourself from every possible direction until it grew out of proportion. So in this incarnation, it is set up in your astrology chart for these old patterns not to work. Basically, following the tendencies in this section will cause you to lose—every time!



This is a description of the trap that you and the members of your group most easily fall into—the temptation that is so attractive that it’s easy to falter and go back into negative past life tendencies. It’s a part of you that is magnified in this incarnation—an appetite so exaggerated that it’s like a bottomless pit that can never be satisfied. This is the “red flag” category; when you find yourself driven by these motives, your best bet is to walk away, because you’re going to lose.



This category represents an integration of past life motivations and present life gifts. It means having the experiences we were born wanting—manifesting the desires in our hearts—through using the new tools that we were; given in this lifetime to balance the personality.

In the beginning, it can be useful to exaggerate: totally negate (in our own mind) the past life tendencies, and concentrate fully on the present life qualities to be developed. It’s the pendulum principle: Swinging too far in the opposite direction can help us come back to the middle. Ultimately, it is through combining past life strengths and present life gifts that we gain true fulfillment. But the past life paradigms are strong, and initially the individual may have to “blow them up” or walk away from them altogether just to get the energy moving in the right direction.



This is a description of talents, bequeathed by the nodal positions, that could easily be turned into professional success in this lifetime. For a total picture of the profession or vocation, I recommend that the full astrology chart be consulted.



These sample affirmations are designed to defuse the obstructive energy of past life tendencies and release you into the vibrant freedom that is available in the current incarnation. The best way to use this section is to choose one affirmation that feels particularly strengthening for the qualities you want to develop. Then, throughout the day, experiment with saying that one affirmation to yourself in different situations until the quality within that you want to strengthen is reinforced and energized.

When that particular affirmation is no longer potent for you (which may be a matter of a month or several months), then choose another and experiment with that for a while. The affirmations are best used by choosing only one during any specific period, depending on what you resonate with at that point in your development.



In each chapter, this section deals with the idiosyncrasies of each group and how they differ from other groups (their special mannerisms, concerns, unique feelings, etc.). In our own experience, it feels as though we are working with this karma only on the personal, individual level. However, as we clear out the negative energy in our own lives, members of our nodal group (all those who have the North Node in the same sign) are also purified and advanced. The energy of our entire group will support us internally in learning and growing. We aren’t in this alone.



Those factors discussed under the Needs category, specific to each group, are valid desires. We do not have to change our essential selves or invalidate our needs. However, for success, it is sometimes necessary for us to alter our approach—the way we go about getting our needs met. This section describes our basic needs for security, what they feel like internally, and the best ways to fulfill them without getting “off track.”



This section examines how those in our group view relationships, their patterns of relating, and the special tendencies, obstacles, and resolutions that emerge when they are in a relationship (especially a close relationship, such as marriage or partnership).



This section deals with the group’s orientation toward goals—their strengths and weaknesses in obtaining what they seek. The information can assist group members in seeing their “blocks,” thus empowering them to overcome their inner obstacles and achieve their external goals.



Music has a special way of making magic in our lives, as it has access to a part of our brain that isn’t touched by the written word. The people in each nodal position face a different set of challenges, so I have written lyrics for “theme” songs uniquely suited to reaching and healing the underlying misunderstandings in each group. These songs are designed to shift the energy, in a positive way that can come most effortlessly through music. To begin the healing process, partial lyrics from each of the songs follow each chapter. The full lyrics for all twelve songs have been set to music and are available on both CD and cassette tape (for more information). Although the message of each song targets those in a specific nodal group, all of the songs are universally uplifting and have a healing effect on the listener—regardless of their nodal position.



Past lives: Previous lives lived in other bodies, prior to the incarnation in your present body.

Present life: This lifetime, as lived in the body you were born into in this incarnation.

Early environment: The patterns of behavior stimulated and enacted in childhood that you used to survive and cope in your childhood environment. These patterns duplicate past life tendencies; in fact, it is the unconscious, past life patterns that are activated during childhood. Clearly, the environment didn’t create these patterns or cause us to be this way, or they couldn’t be predicted by the natal birth chart. We were born with these patterns ready to be activated.

Achilles’ heel: The weakest, most vulnerable point in the personality structure.

Karma: Cause and effect; the results we experience from actions we have taken.

Native: A traditional astrological term referring to the group of people ruled by the sign being discussed.

The Guides: Each of us is surrounded by our own invisible helpers who assist us in successfully navigating life’s pathways. These positive helpers could be called “Guides,” “Guardian Angels,” or simply the voice of “intuition.”

She/He: At times I’ve used “she” or “he” to refer to a single person, but this is not meant to be exclusive to one gender or the other.


North Node in Aries

and North Node in the 1st House



Attributes to DevelopWork in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

IndependenceSelf-awarenessTrusting one’s impulsesCourageConstructive self-interestModeration in givingSelf-nurturance

Tendencies to Leave Behind

Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies canhelp make life easier and more enjoyable

Seeing oneself through others’ eyesDebilitating selflessnessBeing Mr. or Ms. NiceObsessive attachment to fairness and justiceCo-dependence: attachment to external harmony“Tit for tat” mentality

The Achilles’ heel Aries North Node people need to be aware of is a preoccupation with justice (“My survival is dependent on everyone playing fair with me”; this thought should signal that they are on shaky ground). These folks are very giving by nature, yet their need for justice and absolute fairness is a bottomless pit. They can start “playing fair” with themselves by not giving beyond a point that feels comfortable, even if they know that nothing will be reciprocated.

The trap that Aries North Node people need to avoid is an unending search for an ideal, committed partnership (“If only I can find the perfect partner, I’ll feel complete within myself”). The feeling of completeness they seek can only be achieved individually; it will not be the by-product of a relationship, no matter how wonderful the partner. The bottom line is that they’ll never gain enough approval from others to have permission to be themselves. At some point they must take the risk and pursue activities that are meaningful to themselves. The irony is that once Aries North Nodes go in their own direction, the appropriate people will be drawn into their life to support them.


What Aries North Node people really want is to experience happiness, harmony, fairness, and support with one partner whom they love. To achieve this, they need to be their own partner first. By getting to know themselves, they begin to do the things that bring them joy and increase their level of self-nurturing so they feel strong, confident, and supported. As they treat themselves more fairly, they will feel the sense of balance and justice they seek. Only at this point can they establish a healthy partnership wherein two individuals share equally with each other without feeling debilitated.


These people need to be able to “do their thing” according to their own impulses, without being limited by the input of others. They are the leaders, the innovators, the pioneers. They need a profession that allows them the independence to follow their own instincts. They are successful in professions that require initiative and independent action: as surgeons, technicians, or entrepreneurs, for example.

From past lives, they have the gift of being able to see the other person’s point of view and negotiate diplomatically to ensure fairness. They can use this innate ability to further their own success! However, in professions that emphasize mediating as a final goal, they are generally not as energized as when they use their negotiating talents to reach their own independent goals.


“When I trust myself and follow my impulses,everyone wins.”“Before I can support others, I have to learn howto nurture myself.”“I can help others best by truly being myself.”“It’s okay not to be nice all the time.”“A sense of balance and strength comes frombeing fair with myself.”




Aries North Node people have had many past lives of
supporting others, and they have a natural talent for it. In past
incarnations they were housewives, secretaries, counselors, and
assistants. They were the people “behind the scenes” who gave
others energy and support. This made the others bigger and
stronger, because the natives infused all their own identity, power,
and positive energy in supporting them. Aries North Node people
also have had a lot of “householder” lifetimes and are accustomed
to merging their energy with those in their immediate environment.
To support others successfully, they developed tremendous
awareness and sensitivity. Their tools were love, reassurance, gentle
words of encouragement, and confidence that the other person
would emerge victorious in any situation. Their focus was the other
person; whenever they saw their partner lacking confidence or
needing support, they stepped right in to help—these folks never
have to be asked. They are sensitive to others’ needs and go out of
their way to be accommodating. They have developed an incredibly
loving and generous spirit. They are accustomed to giving, to being
“a team player,” and to supporting others without thoughts of self.
Although they were very giving in past lives, they also had an
ulterior motive: They were part of a team, and if their partner did
well, it also ensured their own survival. By keeping the partner’s
mood harmonious, Aries North Nodes ensured that the partner
would be kindly disposed and generous toward them. So they gave
up paying attention to their own needs in order to devote full
attention to the partner—everything centered around keeping the
partner strong and contented.
In past lives this system worked very well, but the present
incarnation is not set up to work this way. In the process of
supporting others, these folks extinguished their own identity. In
this incarnation their destiny is now to get in touch with the strength
and power of their
own vibration. This is why every time they rely
on a partner to come through for them without asking directly for
help, they end up feeling disappointed. Actually, this is to their

advantage, because depending on another prevents them from
experiencing their ability to survive under their own power. So now
when they sacrifice their own identity to make another strong, they
lose—the rewards they expect don’t come back. It’s time to
rediscover themselves.


Aries North Node people have spent so many incarnations
supporting the identity of
others that in this incarnation they have
no sense of who they are. On an energetic level, they are missing
the insulation of a sense of identity. When a baby is born, there’s a
band in its aura called “identity,” and people in other nodal groups
have this. It acts as a shield against the strong energy fields of
others. Because of it, people can interact intensely without
damaging one another.
For example, if Bill meets Sue on the street he may say:
Sue!” and have a tremendous amount of energy behind it. Sue
responds in kind, they interact enthusiastically, and then they walk
away without either having been changed. But if Bill meets an Aries
North Node person and, with the same amount of energy, says:
“Hello, Jim!” Jim is blown over! He feels overwhelmed by all that
energy. Owing to the weakness of the “identity” band in Aries
North Nodes’ aura, these natives are very sensitive to others and are
easily affected by others’ moods and ideas, and they need to
remember to do things to fortify their self-awareness.
These folks even tend to take on the identities of others.
Generally, they pick up accents easily and unconsciously duplicate
other people’s mannerisms, even if they are only around them for a
short time. Harmony is so important to them that they try to be all
things to all people. One byproduct of their receptivity to others is
the tremendous love that is easily sparked within them. Since their
own identity is weak, they readily feel a sense of oneness when they
connect with others.
In this incarnation, Aries North Node people face the challenge
of strengthening their sense of identity. Because they have no
preconceived idea of “self,” they are open to discovering what is
real and natural within themselves. It’s an innocent process. Their

natural impulses validate their identity, and their identity is
strengthened through their actions.
These folks need a lot of time alone to get to know themselves.
They need a specific time each day when they can talk with
themselves. Their first challenge is to find out who they are in their
own right.
Then they can learn how to maintain their boundaries
with others. This process happens gradually. Self-discovery can’t be
rushed, but Aries North Node people make progress when they
resolve to pay more attention to themselves.


Aries North Node people have a tremendous amount of love
stored up from past lives. They know about relationships, and they
have received much appreciation and love in return for the help they
have given others. Thus, they came into this incarnation feeling
loved by others. All that love shines through them—and is passed
on to almost everyone they meet.
They have an ability to see not just the rough edges in other
people but the loving qualities too. They perceive who others really
are, and then they celebrate that truth. In that state they feel totally
high, because they are fully appreciating and celebrating the glory,
strength, energy, light, and life in the other person—and it makes
them feel incredibly loving! Their challenge in this life is to begin
to see the same beauty in themselves.
Although these folks are open and loving, if others violate their
space they become angry. Then, when their “not so loving” part
begins to emerge, they feel guilty. Yet this dark side is part of the
human experience. They are discovering themselves and learning to
integrate both sides of their energy. Their loving energy becomes
the backdrop for the personality and mood changes that happen to
all of us. Their challenge is to remain centered in themselves.
Aries North Nodes’ motive of wanting to give is correct, but if
they are trying to give when they feel drained, at best, they are only
creating a superficial harmony. Every time they become too
outwardly focused, appreciating others and not valuing themselves,
the “demons within” emerge to bring them back in touch with
themselves. They don’t want to be with people when their dark side

is showing—it doesn’t reflect the supportive, loving person they
feel they should be—so they tend to feel guilty and go off by
Actually, when the dark within them arises, it’s a good sign. It is
the neglected part of themselves demanding attention. When they
turn within and begin consciously loving themselves, noticing their
own beauty and taking care of themselves, the demons melt away.
Thus, Aries North Node people need to regularly take time to focus
on themselves and see what they need to do to support themselves.
Then they will be able to interact with others from a place of
internal strength and harmony.


Having spent many past incarnations being the support system
for others, Aries North Node people developed a constant openness
to others’ identities. They intentionally remained aware of the other
person and could sense the slightest unhappiness or disharmony in
that person’s mood. When they focused on keeping the partner’s
mood happy, they shared in that mood and remained happy
Although this worked well in past lives, in this incarnation
another person’s happiness is not enough to evoke true happiness in
these folks. They don’t have enough personal identity left in their
“battery” to hold the “charge” from the other person. To be deeply
happy in this lifetime, they must focus on developing their own
identity and recharging their own battery.
These folks tend to pacify others, saying whatever is necessary to
keep the peace. When they do this, they think they’re being “nice”
and serving others. But it’s only a temporary solution; it postpones a
more permanent resolution that would promote a solid relationship
based on the identity and integrity of both individuals.
Aries North Node people are so sensitive to the atmosphere
surrounding others that they tend to make “maintaining a
harmonious atmosphere” their focus in relationships. They do need
harmony in their lives to feel content and happy, but they get into
trouble when they allow their personal sense of balance to depend
on another person. Then they feel they must manipulate the other
person into staying harmonious with them: “If you’re happy, I’m
happy.” They think that if they balance the other person by filling in
where he or she lacks strength, that person should happily
reciprocate. They can’t understand when others don’t “do their part”
to keep the harmony going, and they often feel as though they’re the

only ones doing their fair share. Maintaining harmony in the
relationship can become a full-time job for them.
But it’s not set up to work that way in this lifetime. In fact, this
habit can enslave both partners: The other person loses autonomy
and becomes dependent on Aries North Node to produce harmony,
and Aries North Node becomes bound to the role of providing the
harmony, regardless of the personal cost. Sadly, because of this,
relationships can become burdensome for these folks.
What does work for them is to pay attention to their relationship
with themselves. What activities promote their own feelings of
inner harmony? If their balance is “off,” what should they give to
themselves in order to regain their inner harmony? These folks want
to be Mr. or Ms. Nice, and nice people don’t upset other people.
This “peace at any price” syndrome may lead to self-negation,
which is a form of dishonesty. Their motive is one of love, but love
without honesty leads to resentment.
Aries North Node people have spent so many incarnations
helping others obtain their desires that they often equate
“supporting others” with “doing what the other person wants.” So
they sacrifice what
they need to be happy in order to fill the other
person’s needs. In this incarnation, they are learning to re-evaluate
what “support” actually is. It is not supportive to give more than
one has to give. These natives love the energy of giving to others,
but if they give beyond the point of feeling comfortable, they are
not really supporting the other person. If they continue to call on
their inner reserves of energy, they wear out their “battery” and
nobody wins. These folks must trust themselves. When they feel an
inner resistance to giving, it is a signal to pull back and begin taking
care of themselves.
It does not work for them to be unaware of their separate identity.
When they feed energy into the forcefield of the relationship (rather
than to the other person as a separate entity), they create only
temporary harmony at best. This is because they are feeding energy
into something that’s not really there. A relationship doesn’t “exist”
in physical reality—it’s an energy connection between two people,
and the energy constantly fluctuates as the two people have
different experiences and changing moods.
When the relationship is harmonious, it is the result of both
partners being strong and peaceful within themselves. Aries North
Nodes lose when they try to constantly “prop the other person up”

through manipulating the energy in the relationship. However, when
they encourage independence and individuality in their relationships
—dealing directly with the other person and supporting him or her
in being strong and separate—they win, because the other person
will give back in the same way, supporting Aries North Nodes’
independence and individuality.


Aries North Node people have such a history of being the
“support person” that they are instinctively open to others’ moods.
But in this incarnation, it’s a habit that can be extremely draining.
They may appear to have a boundary between themselves and the
other person, but it’s a very thin line. In actuality, they are merged
with the other person’s energy field in a very co-dependent way.
Sometimes, recognizing that they end up feeling drained, these
folks avoid participation: They seem to be involved but, on an
energy level, remain inside themselves. They are still saying “hello”
and being polite, but they’re really not connected with the energy.
However, when they remain totally outside the dynamics of the
interaction, afterwards they end up on the
other extreme and
become overly excited—bouncing off the walls with excess energy.
For these folks, being drained and being overly excited are two
sides of the same coin: not dealing with what’s actually happening
in the moment. They have either given too much of themselves and
feel drained, or given too little and absorbed others’ energy, so that
they feel overcharged. Both reactions are a by-product of not being
present or grounded in their bodies and responding to the situation
moment by moment as a separate person. The balance lies in being
consciously aware of others’ energy without being consumed by it.
Aries North Nodes need to stay connected to their own power and
be in touch with what they can comfortably contribute. The idea is
to share their talents freely, to be of service, and to give from the
heart without trying to be more—or less—than they actually are.
Aries North Node people often try to work within the dynamic of
the merged energy field (theirs and the other person’s)—they plug
into the other’s energy and add whatever ingredient is needed to
keep things harmonious. And they feel good about doing this; it’s an

expression of their love. But another motive may be that they want
to blend their energy with others’ to avoid standing out as an
individual. Then they can participate in the flow of things without
being noticed. They have a fear of being acknowledged, which is in
fact the fear of acknowledging themselves.
Because they are so sensitive and vulnerable, they fear that being
acknowledged could be overwhelming. There would be joy in
having their positive aspects reflected back to them, but they fear
having the negative reflected back as well. They don’t want to face
their “demons” as a result of another’s feedback. Maybe they won’t
be liked. Maybe the other person, in order to protect himself from
dealing with his own demons, will lash out at them. They have a lot
of concerns about the possible repercussions of being themselves,
so they would rather just “go along” and not really be seen as an
However, concerns about how others will see them are a factor
only when Aries North Node people seek to see themselves through
others’ eyes. In past lives it was a positive thing to see themselves
through their partner’s eyes, as it showed them how to adjust their
behavior to more effectively support the other person. However,
through many lifetimes of overuse, their habit of “fitting in” has
extinguished their own identity. In this incarnation it is
not to their
advantage to see themselves through others’ eyes, as this inhibits
their ability to build their own sense of self.


When these folks make up their mind to go in a given direction,
it’s sometimes difficult for them to move in a straight line! Part of
them may question whether or not it’s what they really want, and
then they consider all the other factors that might be involved. It
may take them a long time to decide which direction they want to
The process goes something like this. They make a decision and
tell all their friends about it, and then they have doubts. For
example, they may decide: “I want to write adventure novels.” Then
they start thinking: “You know, I also like other kinds of books.”
They try to embrace one idea and are able to feel that “this is really
right.” But somewhere down the line they say: “No . . . I don’t feel
quite right about it,” and then they are back in indecision!
When Aries North Node people do make a decision, they have no
problem justifying it. They can find ways to make any decision
right or wrong. However, this mechanism can actually deflect them
from a true knowledge of where they stand. For example, when a
decision arises they have an instinctive response, but then they
think: “Well, I want to be fair about this, so I’ll look at it from the
opposite point of view.” This causes them to become confused and
lose sight of what they want.
In this lifetime, Aries North Node people are developing singlemindedness. Rather than weigh everything before making a choice,
they are learning the value of following their initial impulse—just to
see where it goes! It’s fine for them to make a decision based on
their spontaneous sense of inner excitement, and then put the full
force of their intellect into implementing it. It’s an experiment.
Later on, if they lose a feeling of “tightness” about it and something
else excites them, they can responsibly tie up the loose ends and go

on to the next thing. This is a lifetime of new beginnings for them,
so it’s natural that many decisions they make will be subject to
Actually, this incarnation is not set up to be one of decision
making—which usually implies considering two points of view and
then finding a compromise. Rather than be the “referee,” in this
lifetime these natives are supposed to
be one of the points of view!
That is why it is in their best interest to form the habit of noticing
their first impulses, which will guide them to correct decisions.
Then the vitality, confidence, and joy will come back into their lives
and it will be a blessing for everyone.
A major obstacle to this single-mindedness for Aries North Node
people is that they can appreciate the beauty in all their choices.
Owing to past incarnations of being deeply involved with others’
lives, they are accustomed to appreciating the beauty in everything
outside of themselves. They aren’t in touch with having “favorites”
of anything. Because they don’t know what their own tastes and
preferences are, they have a tough time picking out one thing and
saying: “This is it!”
What they can do is make time to visualize different things
“inside” themselves and learn to feel what their preferences are. For
example, if asked what their favorite color is, they may waver. But
if they go off by themselves, visualize the colors “inside” them, and
tune in to how they resonate with each one, they will discover their
When these folks have to make a decision, they often
feel what
the right choice is. But sometimes they are forced to decide before
they’ve gotten in touch with that intuitive impulse. Again,
visualization can help. They can take a few minutes and visualize
themselves following one option, to see how they feel about it in
their physical body. Then they can visualize following the other
option, and see how they feel about that. If it’s an important matter
and they don’t have an immediate impulsive response, it’s fine to
take as much time as they need to visualize so they can make the
right choice.


If Aries North Node people allow others to be part of their
decision-making process, they lose touch with themselves and are
dissatisfied no matter how the situation turns out. In past lives their
decisions involved “the team”—they had to consult the other person
so the outcome would work for the partnership. But in this lifetime
they want to develop their own identity, so it’s better to ask
themselves: “How do I feel about this decision?”
When they tell another person their decisions, they become
vulnerable to that person’s approval. And since they’re so sensitive,
if the other person doesn’t agree, then they start thinking: “Maybe I
didn’t make the right decision.” So it is better for them to keep
decisions to themselves, knowing that their decisions will change as
they themselves change and grow.
Because Aries North Node people are influenced by what they
think other people think (especially if it’s someone they respect),
they have a tendency to trust others’ judgment above their own
instincts. But in this lifetime they are learning to take a stand for
their own judgment, which has less to do with “being right” than
with discovering more about themselves!
These folks fear others will judge them harshly if they make a
decision that isn’t based on sound logic. They see others making
decisions based on logic, so if they make an impulsive decision,
they think it is not as valid. However, for them it’s correct to follow
impulse, whereas a member of another nodal group may be better
off following logic. For Aries North Nodes, decisions based on their
first impulse generally work out best—then they can use logic to
find the best way to implement the decisions.
If Aries North Node people are facing a decision and no initial
impulse arises within them, it’s okay
not to make a decision. It may
be a sign that it is not the time for them to make a decision, or that
they really don’t have a preference. Then it’s fine to just say: “I
don’t know.”
These natives always feel more comfortable responding to a
situation when another point of view has already been put on the
table. Then they can either agree or disagree with that opinion. It’s
scary for them to offer their opinion first. But it’s their specialty in
this incarnation to offer innovative ideas, seemingly out of
nowhere! Aries North Node people are
great at supporting another’s
decision, but in this lifetime they need to impulsively feel where

they want to go, put their idea on the table, and support it 100
percent. In this lifetime,
they are the trailblazers!



Owing to so many incarnations in which they sacrificed their
own identity for the sake of supporting others, Aries North Node
people enter this lifetime without an inborn sense of identity.
Rediscovering and re-establishing a true sense of self is now a
primary need. Especially in the early years, their entire sense of self
is based on how others see them. They may go along with others’
definition of who they are, or resist it completely. Regardless, it is
their identity—it’s a reaction to others’ construct of who they
are. To begin the path to self-discovery, they need to ask
themselves: “Who am I . . . apart from others’ projections?” They
will find an answer only by looking inside themselves.
To answer their need for self-awareness, it would be helpful for
these folks to begin “checking in” with themselves on a regular
basis. When they’re not in touch with themselves, they often end up
acting in extremes. With others, they feel they have to be a
lightbearer—loving, supportive, and self-sacrificing all the time.
This represses the part of themselves that cannot possibly be that
way all the time, which creates an intense polarity.
They’re trying to always be loving and supportive because that’s
the role they played in past lives, but the extremity of this positive
role will also evoke the depths of darkness. If they take a closer
look at the darkness, they’ll see that it’s really just their more
assertive side, which they haven’t allowed themselves to express.
It’s part of their yang nature—their masculine side. It’s polarized
because it has been suppressed over so many past lives that it’s not
integrated with the rest of the personality. So it may come out in a
very intense way, which causes Aries North Nodes to become
embarrassed and think: “Where did
that come from?”
The best resolution is to stay congruent with themselves: Stay
inside their own energy field and stay in touch with what’s going on
within them. Then, when they are upset, just spontaneously
communicate: “Gosh, for some reason I feel upset about this.” Their
job is to simply be themselves. When they first experiment with
this, they may feel uncomfortable; but they need to trust that since
their underlying motive is love, whatever comes out is going to be
fundamentally correct.
Aries North Node people are learning to take charge, do what
they need to do for themselves, and become self-sufficient by
following their desires. When they feel an impulse to do something
that they know would bring them a sense of satisfaction, they need
to follow through with it. Owing to the self-purification
accomplished in past lives, they can trust that their impulses are not
harmful to others and, in fact, signal the direction in which they
need to go. In every area of life, the idea is to operate freely on their
first impulse of what action would be best in any situation. Any
resistance from the ego should be disregarded. In this way, they
maintain a balance with others that is based on authenticity and
taking responsibility for themselves.
Since these folks are not innately aware of the value of selfsufficiency, they don’t realize how much others value it. They may
evoke a negative response when they start supporting someone who
hasn’t asked for their help. They enter the other person’s force field
and find out what he or she is feeling and thinking. It’s fine for them
to be aware of others’ needs, but they are learning that others have
boundaries and that they themselves have boundaries as well. As
they learn to respect others’ self-sufficiency, they begin to value
self-sufficiency for themselves.
Aries North Node people tend to be reactionary when they see
other people taking care of themselves. They become judgmental
and think that others are self-involved, uncaring, and selfish. Yet
becoming involved with themselves is the very thing these folks
need to do! It bothers them when they see it in others, because
they’re not doing it themselves. When they notice “selfishness” in
others, they could use it as a reminder to check in with their own
needs. They must begin giving attention to themselves, even if at
first they go a bit to extremes.
They might begin by allotting 30 to 40 minutes of solitude for
themselves every day, no matter what. In a room by themselves

with no interference from the outside world, they might have a cup
of tea and plan their day, write in their journal, read an inspiring
book, or just sit and reflect. The point is, it’s
their time; during that
time, they come first. If they arrange that one thing for themselves,
they will be able to give to others all day long without becoming
resentful. Paying conscious attention to their breathing also helps: It
keeps them in touch with their bodies. When they are with others,
they could consciously take a deep breath from time to time to keep
themselves inside their own boundaries.
Some nodal groups are here to learn about selflessness. But Aries
North Nodes already know about selflessness—in this lifetime they
need to learn about
selfishness. When they stay in touch with
themselves, it works for everyone. It’s not logical, but it’s practical.
When they’re being themselves they’re afraid they may hurt others,
whereas being themselves actually helps others on a deeper level
than they could have anticipated. But Aries North Nodes have to
experiment with being “selfish” (that is, acting on an idea solely
because it gives them a sense of satisfaction) and see how it works
out. It’s time for them to be responsible for creating their own


From past lives, Aries North Node people are accustomed to
helping others, supporting others’ ideas, and carrying others’
projects through to completion—so they understand “completion
energy.” However, in this incarnation their job is to
start things.
They need to initiate and then let others carry on. If others don’t
come along to help, then it’s fine for them to take sole
responsibility. But if others do show up, their job is to allow others
to support them and complete things for them, so they can get the
ball rolling on the next idea!
Sometimes these folks don’t want to give their project to others
because they fear someone else will get the recognition. They think
that if someone else can do it, they are less valuable. They also
worry that others will take over and leave them behind. They ask
themselves: “What do I do then? What is
my job? Where is my
These reactions are an outgrowth of painful misunderstandings
that arise when Aries North Node people comingle their identity
with others. To restore their equilibrium, they need to separate
themselves so they can clearly see the role they are playing and the
roles other people are playing. Then they can feel their worth in
discovering the seed idea, and let other people bring the idea to
Sometimes their desire for taking credit and gaining recognition
becomes so strong that they repel the creative energy of others who
might have made the idea better and more profitable. If Aries North
Nodes’ idea is truly potent, other people will be drawn to support it,
and each will bring his or her special talents. If Aries North Node
people want their own ideas to become reality, they must
acknowledge the individual talents of the people they have
attracted. By recognizing others’ special talents, they can learn to
validate others without diminishing themselves.
Occasionally, Aries North Node people become so preoccupied
with getting the credit that they try to diminish the importance of
others’ contributions. They want all the credit. Of course, if they
want all the credit they have to take all the responsibility and do all
the work, so a lot of their ideas never bear fruit. They need to
realize that the most important thing is that their original idea gets
recognition—that the seed idea is actualized and spread to the
widest possible audience. For that to happen, they need to step out
of the way and allow others to help. This is a role reversal for Aries
North Nodes; they are the leaders but must allow others to support
them and promote their ideas.
Since it’s their destiny to develop a sense of identity in this
lifetime, in a way their desire for recognition is an attempt to
establish a sense of self. However, motive determines the result. If
their motive is satisfaction and self-discovery, it is correct and they
will win. If their motive is to win recognition from others, then
they’re still hooked on needing feedback for their sense of selfworth. They need to release the idea that others must recognize
them in order for them to recognize themselves, and begin directly
giving themselves credit. The irony is that when they let go of
control and begin recognizing the special talents of those who are
helping them, others will be inspired to contribute more and the
entire project will be permeated with love. And no one else can do

their job—they are discovering the seed ideas for everyone else to
build on.


Aries North Node people need a grounded, structured existence
to enable them to share their message of love with the world. The
key is in releasing preconceived images of the ways in which love
can be expressed. If they limit the way they express themselves to
fit their
ideas of love (harmonious, gentle, sensitive, caring, giving,
compassionate, etc.), they’re going to miss the boat, because love
extends beyond the boundaries of any definitions. If a child is
crossing the street in the path of an oncoming car, love may involve
grabbing the child’s arm and roughly jerking him out of the way!
These folks already know that love is the only reality and all else
is illusion. Thus, they are learning to trust that their impulses will be
the correct expression of love in each situation. When these natives
follow the feelings of love and appreciation within themselves, they
being themselves. However, they need to be grounded with the
energy so that it’s a solid place for them, rather than a state of being
that allows them to be pushed around by others.
Aries North Node people have a need to experience this love with
others. Their challenge is to maintain the integrity of their own
inner being. The irony is that being just the way they are will teach
others and evoke feelings of love. To do this, these folks must give
up trying to manipulate the other person’s view of them and focus
instead on being themselves with as much authenticity and integrity
as possible in each moment. It seems hard at first, and it takes
discipline and gently reminding themselves to practice their new
focus. But ultimately, they can only come from an honest, selfless
place by staying true to themselves.


One thing that helps these folks stay grounded is to be aware of
their bodies—allowing their bodies to be a natural boundary that
gives them a sense of self. They have a tendency to “get into” other

people’s consciousness and lose a sense of their own center. So it’s
healthy for them to exercise regularly in order to stay more
grounded and experience the feeling of balance and harmony they
Having a routine is also good for them—it is a way to check in
with themselves every day. It can be very mundane: making the bed
first thing in the morning, brewing coffee, opening the blinds,
following a daily exercise routine, meditating, preparing a healthy
breakfast, walking the dog. Their tendency is to make the bed one
day, the next day partially make the bed, the third day not make it at
all, the fourth day—make it—maybe!
Inconsistency and lack of routine undermine their personal
strength, so daily consistency in the routine is important.
Additionally, they could have a weekly routine or ritual: Once a
week they go to their place of worship, or meet the same group of
friends for lunch. This will counter their tendency to feel victimized
by the randomness of life; it will give them a sense of structure and
discipline emanating from within. Rather than floating in and out of
other people’s energy and consciousness, a routine helps enhance
their own identity.
However, Aries North Node people despise routine, and for good
reason. In past lives, having a routine would make them less
available to support others whenever they were needed. They didn’t
develop their own routines—their own life—so they could more
easily adjust to others’ needs. But in this incarnation, it is to their
advantage to develop strong routines and allow others to adapt to
them. Also, having their own routines keeps them from falling into
other people’s routines. The discipline this develops is
strengthening for them: It evokes the warrior in them, and they feel
great about it!
Exploring hobbies and talents is also a good way to develop a
sense of self. As Aries North Node people spend time on their own
interests, apart from their primary relationship, their identity
blossoms. They need to develop these talents through consistent
application: regularly taking the time to do the things that bring a
sense of personal satisfaction. For example, if they have artistic
talents, they might enroll in an art class. If their talent is music, they
might take lessons. If they love dancing, they might take dance
lessons and/or go dancing regularly with their partner or friends.


Aries North Nodes’ sense of being grounded involves selfdiscipline. Everything that will work to their advantage requires
discipline: spending time alone on a daily basis, following a few
self-chosen routines to make their lives strong, and remembering to
appreciate themselves.
One experiment that will help these folks practice self-discipline
and checking in with themselves is to become aware of their eating
habits. The idea is to not eat unconsciously (out of boredom or to
cope with feelings) but to notice when their bodies are hungry and
then tune in to what their bodies would like to eat. They can use
visualization in this. They can imagine having a bite of salad and
notice how their bodies
feel in response. If they imagine soup in
their mouths, or a sandwich, or fruit, or mashed potatoes, they can
tell how their bodies will respond.
Aries North Node people are so sensitive that when they visualize
eating a particular food, their bodies will actually tell them whether
that food will make them feel good, or sluggish, or energetic. Then
they can eat depending on what they want to experience at the time.
But they are so “out of touch” with themselves that even this
process may be challenging at first. They may have to work on it;
yet when they do it, it’s very satisfying and will strengthen their
connection with themselves.
Self-discipline is not a punishment, it’s a practice. It involves
strengthening the “take-charge” muscles and doing things on a
habitual basis that promote strength, health, and well-being. These
folks can use self-discipline as a tool to uncover their identity.
Consciously practicing self-discipline will evoke the warrior within
them in a balanced, harmonious way.
On a spiritual level, Aries North Node people are discovering
who they really are—allowing a new, innate, and natural identity to
emerge. How ever, sometimes they can use their lack of clear
identity to their advantage in breaking troublesome habits. One easy
way for these folks to practice self-discipline is through simply
reinventing their identity. Since they have no preconceived, rigid
perception of themselves, by changing their identity in their own
minds they can make healthy changes in their lives. For example, I
had a client with this nodal position who wasn’t a smoker in his

youth, but who began smoking heavily five years prior to my seeing
him. One day he suddenly stopped smoking, with no side effects or
withdrawal symptoms. He simply “remembered himself” as a


Aries North Node people have had so many lifetimes of
identifying with others that they have confused their “center”—their
inner sense of self—with that of their partner. They are
hypersensitive to the partner’s moods because the other person
actually rests at their “center.” Thus, if the partner is unhappy or
dissatisfied, Aries North Node will feel it. He can spend all his time
and energy trying to make his partner happy so that his own sense
of well-being and contentment remains undisturbed.
The problem is that nobody can take on the responsibility for
making another person happy. The best one can do is “appease” the
partner, adding an ingredient that will temporarily change her
mood; but the partner must then constantly be appeased in order to
stay happy. And it just isn’t set up to work that way for Aries North
Nodes in this lifetime.
Actually, the growth required of them is best achieved by deemphasizing the idea that relationships are necessary for their
survival. They are learning to stand alone and relate to others from a
new perspective. However, despite their sensitivity, these folks are
often blissfully ignorant about other people: what motivates them,
what they are seeking, and what kind of success they would like to
achieve. Sometimes they only see the other person (and themselves)
on the superficial level of having immediate needs and desires that
are, or are not, satisfied. They only see deeply enough into the other
person’s identity to manipulate him into keeping the mood
harmonious. This is why people surprise or disappoint Aries North
Nodes—they never saw who the other person really was.
In many ways, Aries North Node people are not relating to the
other person at all—they are relating to the
relationship between
themselves and the other person. This does not lead to truly helping

their partner—or themselves—to grow. The relationship is not an
entity; it cannot grow unless the two individuals grow. Thus, no
matter how much time and energy these folks devote to the
relationship, it cannot give back to them. So they are better off
examining the needs for autonomy and individual creative
expression of both partners. By encouraging and inspiring the other
person to achieve results on his or her own, they free both the
partner and themselves to evolve as individuals.
Another drawback to Aries North Nodes’ focusing on the
relationship rather than on the other individual is that they can’t
really validate their partners’ identity. When Aries North Node
people believe in their partners’ ability to be self-sufficient—rather
than constantly appeasing them, reassuring them, or “picking up the
slack”—they will begin to notice the other person’s strengths and
can encourage him or her to exercise those strengths. This sets the
stage for also seeing
themselves on a deeper level, noticing their
own strengths and pursuing their own impulses for growth.


Aries North Node people are preoccupied with ideals of justice
and fairness; when they think something is unjust, they fly off the
handle. They want the world and other people to meet their rigid
standards. They figure: “I’ll play fair with others, and others should
play fair with me.” These folks sincerely wish the world were more
just, but it’s actually in their best interest that it doesn’t work that
way! Because their ideas of justice don’t work, they are motivated
to act directly from their instincts—their identity—as opposed to
“being nice.” For many incarnations they’ve been waiting for a time
when it’s okay to be themselves—and this is it!
In this lifetime their sense of fairness and justice is not an
accurate barometer of whether these folks are on track or whether
they have a right to be angry with another. In fact, whenever they
“get on their high horse” about injustice or fairness, they are off
path. First, their definition of “fair” has a lot to do with the fact that
they sacrifice their needs and desires for others—they constantly
violate the boundaries of how much they can give without loss to
self. Then, in “fairness,” they expect others to do the same. These

natives are learning to stop violating their own natural limits and to
not entice others to go beyond their boundaries.
Aries North Node people become resentful if they think
something isn’t fair. If they feel resentment, it’s a signal to pull back
and recharge. It also signals a need to express their emotions: “I
seem to be feeling resentful, so I’m going to take some time by
myself and work it out.”
Honest expression validates and strengthens their sense of
identity. It also gives the other person a chance to become aware of
Aries North Node’s needs and boundaries. From the other person’s
response, the native has a clearer idea of who he is dealing with. If
the other person says: “Did I say something that offended you?”
Aries North Node has the opportunity to work it out on the spot. He
cannot expect others to be as sensitive as he is, since others have
had different past life experiences. But once he openly expresses
himself, he can tell from the other’s response how much selfassertion will be necessary before the other person hears him and
honors his needs.
Aries North Node people are learning to be assertive in a
constructive way that promotes fairness through clear selfexpression. For example, I had an Aries North Node client who was
in the process of purchasing—through rather large monthly
payments—some real estate from a friend of hers. One day the
friend approached her with a need for money for an unexpected
problem, and my client immediately gave her the money (the
instinctive Aries North Node desire to help and share). She assumed
the other person would either repay it or deduct the amount from
her next payment. However, her friend never repaid or
acknowledged that money in any way. My client felt hurt and
resentful but never brought the matter up. Naturally, she
emotionally distanced herself from her onetime friend.
This type of incident seems to occur frequently in Aries North
Node peoples’ lives; as a consequence, they feel let down by others.
From a broader point of view, this is life’s way of teaching these
folks to assert themselves. They need to take responsibility for
themselves in their interactions with others. In the example, when
the friend approached her, my client could have said: “Sure—I’ll
just take the amount off my next payment, or I could take a third off
on the next three payments, or, what will work for you?” In this

way, she would have satisfied her need to share and taken care of
herself in a direct, honest, fair way.
Aries North Node people truly do love to give—it’s their nature.
But their motive needs to be love, not creating co-dependence.
Their giving must be pure, without an expectation of result, in order
for them to be free of disappointment in their relationships. If they
find they are giving in an imbalanced way, they can openly bargain
with their partner so that both people’s needs are equitably met. It’s
when they
expect others to reciprocate, without letting them know
exactly what they expect, that they go off track—they need to give
their silent expectations a voice!
It’s their job to be sure things are fair by asserting themselves and
letting others know what they expect in return for their giving. If
they do this they will feel happy because
they were the ones who
ensured that fairness came about. This builds their confidence.
Rather than being displeased with others, they will be pleased with
Since they are the ones who know about fairness, they can teach
others by openly stating their standards. Then they are not only
giving to the other person but also sharing their knowledge of how
to give and take in relationships.
These folks can access the fresh energy that is emerging in this
lifetime through honest self-assertion—not by waiting and reacting
to the expectations of others, but by getting in touch with (and
expressing) the impulses of their own being. Even though their
sensitivity to others is strong, they must continue to build a sense of
their own identity. Through practicing self-sufficiency a new
confidence will emerge, empowering them to relate to others in
healthy, innovative ways.





Dependence on harmony with others (especially the marriage
partner) is the primary issue for Aries North Node people in this
lifetime. Actually, the problem goes beyond dependence—it may
involve total identification with the partner, and sometimes with all
significant others. Aries North Nodes often become so identified
with their partners that they are overwhelmed by the other person’s
emotions. When the other person feels distraught, their first reaction
is to rush to say whatever is necessary to restore harmony so that
they (Aries North Nodes) can feel better. They handle the partner as
an extension of themselves, and then they lose patience trying to get
the other person to “straighten up” and be harmonious so that they
can feel comfortable with themselves again. But their sense of
urgency generally makes things worse.
These folks need to notice that when they try to regain their own
inner harmony by manipulating their partner, it doesn’t work. What
does work when they feel a lack of harmony from their partner is to
politely excuse themselves and spend some time alone. Aries North
Nodes need to respect others enough to allow them to experience
whatever they are feeling and to work through it on their own,
unless they ask for help. This is how people reach a deeper level of
Additionally, these natives can gain a better understanding of
what is happening with their partner when they get a little distance.
This is why it is crucial for them to have their own space
surrounded by their own personal possessions to reinforce their
sense of identity. They need a private place to go when they become
overidentified with the partner—a place where they can be alone.


These folks can never experience inner tranquility as long as
they refuse to acknowledge their own boundaries—and their

partner’s—and allow another person to be their “center.” For
example, I had an Aries North Node client who came to me hoping
to resolve marriage difficulties. He had been married for twentythree years, had a great deal of money, and his pattern had always
been to appease his wife’s moods by buying her things. They
traveled extensively—anything to keep her happy—because when
she was happy, he was happy. But it was all manipulation on his
part so he could remain undisturbed and have a sense of solidity,
because he had placed her at his center.
Over the years she became increasingly difficult to please, and
eventually nothing could satisfy her. She became verbally abusive
to other family members as a way of generating a sense of her own
substance and individual personhood. The destructiveness
accelerated until the negative energy even made her unhappy.
My client was beside himself; nothing he could do would keep
his partner happy and his own center undisturbed. This is a lesson
Aries North Node people are learning: Even under ideal conditions,
it is impossible to remain peaceful when someone else rests in your
center. None of us really knows what can keep another person
happy, and we rob them of the challenge of discovering and
fulfilling themselves if we take on that responsibility. If my client
had not distracted his wife from her moments of unhappiness so that
he could stay calm, she would have had the opportunity to learn to
handle her own moods. This might have averted her need to become
destructive as a means of finally being in charge of her own inner
state of being.
Aries North Node people are not accustomed to declaring the
boundaries of their own identity—immediately, as those boundaries
arise within them. They still feel a need to support their partner,
even if it goes against their own best interests. So if their partner
disagrees with something they want to do, they may say: “Okay, I
won’t do it,” but decide they are going to do it anyway. By not
honestly standing up for themselves, they reinforce the unhealthy
dependence within the relationship.
Some of these kinds of problems stem from the tremendous love
and compassion that these folks are born with. They have spent so
many past lifetimes developing sensitivity that now it is not unusual
for them to feel more compassionate toward another person or
situation than their partner does. Sometimes the partner may not
want to deal with a certain problem and the Aries North Node says:

“Okay, we won’t,” in order to avoid disharmony. Then he starts to
feel resentful, yet helpless to correct the situation. His need to
support others can lead him to go behind his partner’s back and lend
a helping hand; but then his partner feels a breach of trust, which
damages the relationship, and the Aries North Node person feels
unsupported in being who he really is.
Resolution for this problem can come through both parties
expanding their idea of “we” to become more flexible: sometimes
as a team, and sometimes as two separate individuals. In the above
situation, Aries North Node should communicate what he is
experiencing—which takes a lot of courage. For example: “Okay—
I hear that you feel resistance to supporting this situation, and I
want to put energy into it. So I will do this independently.” When
the recognition of a different preference arises, these folks need to
risk saying: “I don’t feel that way about it.” The problem isn’t in
doing what they feel is correct; the problem is in lying about it.


In seeking a mate or any other close connection, Aries North
Node people are subconsciously seeking a relationship in which
they can lose themselves. They wish to become so submerged in the
other person that they are totally “safe.” It’s the old “1/2 + 1/2 = 1
whole” theory, but it doesn’t work for these people. Rather, they are
here to learn that “1 whole + 1 whole = a healthy team.”
However, until they become aware, they will attempt to find
someone with whom they can identify, and then they pour all their
love and support into reinforcing that other person. But when they
seek a partner from this position, it never works out. Often they are
attracted to people who abuse them or let them down. In fact, just
the opposite approach is scheduled to work for these folks. They
need to stop focusing on others and concentrate on themselves
instead. As they begin to focus on being themselves, allowing their
own true, unique identity to emerge, and going in their own
individual direction, their energy will attract the right person—
someone who will appreciate and value them.
Aries North Node people are so accustomed to the joys of
partnership from past lives that they subconsciously associate being

happy with being in a relationship that is mutually, joyfully
symbiotic. They came into this lifetime wanting to do everything
with their partner, all the time. They are basically cheerful people,
but an energy drain is taking place beneath the surface of the
relationship that is based on feelings of dependence. Aries North
Nodes’ need for attention and to be included as part of the other
person’s identity are a bottomless pit.
Subconsciously, these folks believe they cannot survive without
the energy of others. So they tend to cultivate a mutual dependence
with stronger people around them. They take time and energy away
from their own goals to help the partner reach hers. They give of
their understanding, being more sensitive to others’ needs than to
their own. In this way they create a dependence, becoming an
integral part of what the
other person needs to survive.
Then Aries North Node people resent their partners for
“interfering” with their independence and blame them when they
don’t reach their goals, even though the Aries North Nodes created
the unhealthy dependence. They think it’s love (indeed, these folks
are very loving and cooperative), but a lot of their self-sacrifice is
subconscious manipulation. Love never expects anything in return
for giving, and resentment is a by-product of expecting something
and not getting it. Aries North Node people must learn to be honest
with themselves and others about how much they are willing to give
and what they expect in return. Being part of a team means making
they are also supported.


Because these folks are learning the lesson of not depending on
others, they subconsciously attract people who are undependable.
Although this gives them the opportunity to learn to depend on
themselves, the process can be quite painful.
Aries North Node people are often so intent on influencing the
relationship in ways that result in the complete integration of two
people that they don’t fully notice the partner’s identity. They see
the other person only in terms of what it takes to please him or her.
They don’t generally stop to notice who the other person is on a
deeper level, in terms of his or her true inner identity. Worse yet,

because they are looking for someone to fill their center so they can
feel complete, they assume that others also lack a sense of self and
are looking for a partner in order to gain a sense of completion.
Thus, they enter relationships with some very naïve and inaccurate
Operating with flawed ideas of who the other person is and what
he or she wants, Aries North Node people often become deeply
emotionally invested and then end up confused when the other
person leaves or lets them down. Many other people
do have a
sense of their own center, and many independent types will rebel
against the stifling aspect of Aries North Node wanting to be
connected at every moment, in consciousness if not physically.
Aries North Node people tend to gravitate to people who are
selfish and require a great deal of personal attention. They attract
types who expect total attention and accept their energy without
giving back on an equal basis. Through indiscriminate giving, Aries
North Nodes may also inadvertently cause an initially sensitive
partner to become insensitive.
Generally, these folks are better off around people who show
some sensitivity in return. They are more comfortable around
people with whom they don’t have to “clash energy.” They have a
tendency to allow the other person to completely submerge them, so
they need to be with someone who encourages them to be
themselves and who won’t abuse their loving, giving nature. Of
course, letting people know where they stand helps others to be
sensitive in return.


Aries North Node people sometimes are so attached to peace
and harmony that they inadvertently damage their relationships by
avoiding all conflict. They may start out saying: “Okay, I’m going
to be a team player” and then foresee a conflict; rather than deal
with it when it comes along, they postpone it until it becomes a
major dispute.
Their challenge is to be vigilant in consistently standing their
ground and verbalizing their impulses right away. For example, if
an idea excites them, they need to say: “I want to do this” rather
than lie about it or downplay it. What stops them is their fear that
they are coming from a different point of view—or have a different
objective—from that of their partner. They feel threatened because
—when they don’t deal with it instantly—they magnify the
difference in their mind, telling themselves that it is so vast it can
never be resolved. Actually, if Aries North Node people honestly
reveal where they stand right from the start, these differences
become opportunities to connect more deeply with their partner.
Often these folks postpone telling the truth for fear of widening
an existing difference of opinion. If they want to do something and
know their partner will object, they may try to do it without the
other person knowing. Then, when the other person finds out, the
difference of opinion remains, along with hurt and a breach of trust.
By not discussing the situation, they have deprived their partner of
the opportunity to be generous and support them in doing something
for their own growth. Now a discussion may pacify the situation,
but there will be a lot of work to do to repair the damage to the
For example, I had an Aries North Node client who was an
airline pilot. As a side business, he delivered airplanes—which he

greatly enjoyed. He wanted to deliver an airplane to Turkey, but his
wife wanted him to keep other family commitments. He knew she
didn’t want him to go on this particular trip, but he felt he needed to
do it—so he began making plans for the delivery without discussing
it with her. Then, when the time came, he said: “Well, I’m going to
go take this trip” and his wife said: “But we talked about this and
you said you wouldn’t go!” Then he was faced with the fact that he
had lied to her. Now, in order to go, he would have to bring her into
and undo the hurt of the lie. By the time it reached this
point, he gave up and didn’t go.
This is how these folks often lose the opportunity to do what they
want, because they know that solving the communication problem
with their partner is more important than what they want to do. It
brings the relationship back into sync, but they are left feeling
resentful because once again they’ve sacrificed their own desires to
keep the peace. This is why they must be willing to “come clean”
from the beginning and let their partner see not only
what they want
to do but
why it is important to them. They need to sit down with
their partner and discuss their own desires and fears.
In the example, my client could have said to his wife: “There’s
something I want to share with you. It’s something that’s very
important to me, and my concern is that you’re not going to realize
how important it is. I’m concerned that you won’t support me, and
then I won’t do it.” This may seem manipulative, but it’s really an
honest voicing of concerns. Once acknowledged, the fears dissolve.
Then my client could have communicated his desired direction and
motive: “I want to deliver an airplane to a buyer in Turkey. It’s
important to me because I want to build my own business and
establish an independent income. It’s something that will give me
personal satisfaction and build my confidence.”
Once the partner sees that the direction Aries North Node wants
to take has a larger outcome, she has the opportunity to demonstrate
love by supporting him. If the partner
still doesn’t support his
independent direction, Aries North Node should re-evaluate
whether the partnership is truly allowing for
both people’s
individual growth.


Aries North Node people habitually put the other person first
and neglect feeding their own life force the energy it needs to grow
stronger. When they give up the direction of their own life, they
become weak on all levels;—they need their partner’s energy to
survive. They are learning the necessity of participating in activities
that excite them, as an individual.
Out of a desire to be fair, these folks often postpone making
decisions for themselves until they have consulted their partner.
Unfortunately, when they look at a situation from the other person’s
point of view, they may not be true to their own impulses for fear of
hurting the other person.
When in doubt, they can ask themselves: “Are my actions
making me feel good about myself?” If so, their best bet is first to
verbalize what they want, and then ask the other person what he or
she would like. It’s a simple technique, yet one that supports them
in being themselves in a way that is also fair to their partner.
For example, an Aries North Node person may be driving home
from work and sees a marquee advertising the new release of
With the Wind
. Instantly, her sense of excitement says: “Yes! I want
to see that movie with Tom!” Normally, she would go home and
say: “Hi, Tom! Do you have any plans for tonight?” And her
husband might respond: “Gosh, I’m exhausted. I thought we’d just
stay home, watch
Monday Night Football, and take something out
of the freezer for dinner.” Being accustomed to diplomacy, tact, and
manipulation, she would probably respond indirectly: “I’ll bet it
would make you feel a lot better to go to a movie tonight and just
get out of the house.” “I don’t want to go out, and you know how
much I like
Monday Night Football!” “I know, Tom, but we haven’t
been out together in such a long time . . .” At that point her
husband, feeling manipulated, would probably explode and insist on
staying home. She would storm off, feeling resentful and thinking:
“We never do what
I want; we always have to do what he wants!”
Yet the fact is, she never even mentioned the movie.
A better approach is for the Aries North Node person to mention
her preference first, in a direct way, and then ask the other person
what he had in mind. She could have said: “Hi, Tom! On the way
home I noticed they’re showing a new release of
Gone With the
at the theater. I got so excited—I’d just love for us to go see it
tonight! Did you have any plans?” He would have said: “Gosh, I’m

exhausted. I was hoping we could stay home and watch Monday
Night Football.”
Aries North Nodes are experts at compromise.
both positions are on the table, they can see a solution that
will be fair to both sides: “Well, I can see that you’re tired and the
only night for
Monday Night Football is Monday night. So why
don’t we stay home tonight, and then tomorrow night we’ll go out
and see the movie.”


Owing to past lives of feeling manipulated and abused in
relationships, in this lifetime Aries North Node people are afraid of
relationships and marriage—recognizing that they have a tendency
to give too much and lose themselves. So although they are very
attracted to relationships, part of them holds back, preferring the
single life to taking the risk of once again losing independence.
Although in many ways they are natural marriage partners, they
may subconsciously sabotage close relationships before they reach
the stage of making a commitment. Or they may convince
themselves that as much as they long for a partner, they just haven’t
found the right person.
There are various modern-day solutions to their hesitancy: being
in a monogamous relationship and maintaining separate residences,
or living with their partner without a formal commitment. Marriage
can work if they have first made a conscious decision to be faithful
to themselves and their own integrity. Ultimately, it’s the same
challenge: first developing their own independent identity, and then
learning how to relate with their partner in interdependent and
cooperative ways.


Aries North Node people tend to think they need permission
from their partner before it’s “okay” for them to take independent
action. They start “checking in” with the partner in a childlike way,
indulging in extravagant manipulations and justifications to obtain
approval and support. They give away their power to their partner
and then feel they have to become adversarial to be themselves. Or
they may simply give up on what they wanted to do.
In this lifetime it works better for them to approach other people
on an adult level. This means letting their partner know their
intentions and plans with the energy of leadership, courage, and

excitement—without letting themselves or the other person know
how inwardly fragile they feel. If their partner has reservations, they
can explain that for their own self-discovery and personal growth
they need to go ahead with their decision—at which point the
partner will adapt and go along, or else they can begin negotiations
for how both people can win.
For their primary relationship to be successful, Aries North Node
people are learning the value of doing things by themselves and
pursuing activities that bring a sense of personal satisfaction. Then
they won’t need to “share energy” with just one other person in
order to be happy—they can expand and interact with many
different people while developing and strengthening their own
identity. Once they have developed their own sense of
independence, they can really connect with—and enjoy—their
primary partner, because each individual has something to offer.
Because their battery has been charged
outside the relationship, they
have more energy to exchange
within the relationship.
But Aries North Node people aren’t always clear about what they
want to do. It can be more difficult for them to make up their minds
than for many of the other nodal groups. These folks are always
trying to discern what others want, what they want, and what would
be fair in any situation.
Naturally, weighing all these considerations takes time. If Aries
North Nodes allow themselves to be pressured into making a hasty
decision, they are generally unhappy with the results. These folks
cannot allow themselves to get stampeded! When an emotional
component is introduced into the situation, they lose clarity and
become vulnerable to “going along” with something that may not be
in their best interest. They are learning not to make any decisions or
agree to anything under emotional pressure. When they feel this
kind of energy in a situation, the best thing is to say: “I’m not going
to make this decision under emotional pressure.” That will give
them time to regain balance and clarity. Or they could say: “It’s
going to take me some time to weigh what’s been said. Everything
sounds valid to me, but I need some time for it to settle in. I’d like
to continue this at a later date.”
Especially in personal relationships, they need to speak honestly
and directly. “There’s emotional pressure here. That’s not the way
I’m going to decide.” Their feedback gives the other person the
opportunity to become aware of what they are doing. It also

validates one of the facets of the Aries North Node person’s
identity: sensitivity to others and awareness of what is going on in
relationships. Being “up front” with their identity in this way helps
Aries North Nodes to gain strength and self-confidence.
In this culture, selfishness is considered a negative quality.
However, Aries North Node people have overdone the quality of
selflessness in past lives, so now they must consciously practice
selfishness just to get back to center! The irony is that when they
take action that they consider “selfish”—trusting themselves and
acting on their initial impulse to do what makes them feel happy
and strong—later they find that it was actually the best decision for
everyone involved.
It can be tough for these folks to put themselves first. For
example, if they are at a party and not feeling well, it takes a lot of
courage for them to say: “I need to leave” or “Can you take me
home?” They’re thinking: “If I leave, what will others think? Do
they need me to be here to make it easier for them?” They become
so fixated on others that sometimes their bodies have to
overreact to force them to pay attention to themselves.
When Aries North Node people acknowledge their feelings and
express their impulses, without having to be rational, it works for
everyone. After all, no one can see the bigger picture. In the
example, it could be that their need to go home will take the other
person out of a situation that, had they stayed, would have resulted
in a serious problem that no one could have foreseen.
Aries North Node people’s honest, impulsive responses
automatically bring justice to the circumstances around them. For
example, they may feel uncomfortable in a situation and say: “For
some reason I feel upset; I don’t know what it is.” Then the other
person may say: “Gosh—I bet when I mentioned _____, it triggered
that upset. That really wasn’t fair.” When Aries North Nodes
communicate in a nonconfrontational way, it gives others a chance
to recognize what they’re doing and alter their behavior.




The joy of self-discovery is one of the greatest highs for Aries
North Node people in this lifetime. Their best technique for selfdiscovery is the courage to follow their impulses. It may seem
illogical, but this approach will manifest vitality in their lives. Their
style may resemble that of the Aries Ram (sometimes butting their
heads, taking chances, and getting hurt), but that’s how they find out
who they are. The path of self-discovery involves taking risks and
experiencing the different facets of themselves, rather than results.
If self-discovery is their conscious, underlying motive behind any
action, they will never lose—because whatever happens will reveal
more about who they are.


When these folks see themselves through the eyes of others,
they can see who others think they are or who others want them to
be—but it isn’t really
them. They have to be themselves, no matter
how others perceive them. And they aren’t going to find out who
they are until they begin expressing their inner impulses and letting
people know what’s really going on with them.
Seeing themselves through others’ eyes equals “how to lose” for
Aries North Nodes. It dilutes their confidence in making decisions
based on their own nature. As they begin seeing themselves through
own eyes, they can start doing the things that please them,
increase their energy, and bolster themselves so that they feel
confident and nourished. They are learning that their behavior
doesn’t always have to be “logical” and that they don’t have to
justify themselves and their decisions.
They are also learning to shift focus from being sensitive to the
ebbs and flows of
others’ needs and emotions, to being sensitive to
the ebbs and flows within
themselves. As they develop this skill and
begin to live in a way that is fair to self, they find the sense of

justice they have been seeking. Only by respecting and honoring
themselves can they expect others to treat them fairly. They respect
themselves when they let others know their needs and expectations
in relationships. When they are honest about who they are and what
they expect, they will attract people who resonate with their values
and can give back to them what they need.


Aries North Node people are learning to turn their welldeveloped capacity for love to loving themselves. One of the
reasons they postpone letting others see where they stand is that
they are insecure. Thus, one of their challenges is to validate and
give approval to self. They need to support their sense of self by
allowing themselves to be seen. Once they begin to reveal
themselves to others, they build trust by seeing that self-revelation
actually works.
To motivate themselves to take this risk, these folks can review
their past experiences and see that the other ways they have tried to
balance relationships (compromise or evasion) have not worked. To
change the outcome, they need to change their methods for dealing
with others in close relationships.
In loving self, they are supporting themselves in actualizing their
own dreams. When they get to a place of loving themselves enough
to really want their ideas to work out, they will realize that honesty
is the only way to do it. “How am I going to make this idea work?
The only way I can do it is by taking out the barrier of dishonesty.”
Then, the energy of the relationship supports them rather than
opposes them. In the beginning, their fears make them think they
will face opposition, but they have to be willing to walk through
that fear for the sake of their idea. Then, because they are not hiding
anything, they can focus all their energy in the direction they want
to go, and even enlist the support of others in putting their plans into
When Aries North Node people put themselves first, in a natural
way, everyone wins. What actions make them feel stronger, happier,
more complete, and satisfied? Self-love involves making choices
that support themselves. They can make a start by asking some

basic questions: “What is going to help me survive? What will help
me further my goals? Which road is best in terms of reducing stress
and benefiting my health?”


In realizing the goal of constructive assertiveness, Aries North
Node people must let go of a subconscious attachment to being a
“Nice Person,” which was their identity in past lives. In order for
their new, authentic identity to emerge, they need to express
themselves with no preconceived notions of what they “ought” to
do. The idea is to be impulsive and say what first comes to mind.
Honest assertiveness will teach them who they are and validate their
true identity, apart from others’ projections.
Rather than wait for others, these folks need to allow their own
inner impulses to motivate them to take immediate action. As they
validate their impulses by acting on them, their impulses will
become stronger and more energizing.
Aries North Node people are learning another aspect of
assertiveness, which is to let others know the boundaries of their
identity, to stand up for themselves, and to not allow others to abuse
them. They assume that others will be sensitive to them out of love,
but this is not always the case. Their job is to learn to be sensitive to
themselves and have enough self-love to not allow themselves to be
There is a story of an Enlightened Master who was traveling
through India. He came to a village and noticed there were no
children playing. “Where are all the children?” the Master asked.
“Master, there is a huge serpent in the woods who comes at night
and eats the children,” replied one of the villagers. “Please help us!”
So the Master went into the woods: “Serpent, show yourself before
me!” And because all beings are subject to an Enlightened Master,
the serpent slid out of his hiding place. “Serpent, it is wrong of you
to eat the children of this village. You must
never eat another
child!” admonished the Master. The serpent was ashamed and
replied: “Yes, Master!”
The Enlightened Master continued his travels, and ten years later
he carne to the same village and saw children of all ages. But in one

corner he noticed a group of children involved in some intense
activity. The Master approached and in the center of their circle
found the serpent, wounded and nearly dead from their torture. The
Master chased the children away and said to the serpent: “My
friend, how is it that you have let this happen to you?” The serpent
replied: “But Master, you said I was not to eat the children.” The
Master answered: “Oh foolish serpent, I told you not to bite; I didn’t
tell you not to hiss!”
This is what Aries North Node people are learning: to “hiss” at
the very beginning of abuse in relationships. They need to let others
know when their sensitivity has been wounded, or when they feel
inequity in giving, or when they need more support. The idea is to
let others know
before they feel taken advantage of and withdraw
from the relationship, either physically or psychologically. If they
allow others to abuse them, everyone loses.


A major goal for Aries North Node people is learning to trust
themselves and be themselves—to find a healthy way of relating
that doesn’t trap them into being a support system for other people.
In their relationships, the end result won’t be love and fairness
unless they risk the honesty and integrity of being exactly who they
are. It means trusting their intuitive wisdom—that it’s coming from
such a strong base of love that if they
really express that inner
spark, it will work out for everyone involved.
This takes courage and a willingness to experiment, but when
these folks trust enough to risk it, they’ll find that it works. Because
they’re not used to being a leader, they tend to fall back if others
initially resist their direction. They think it’s an indication that
they’re off track. Actually, their ideas are unique and innovative, so
often the first response from others
is resistance. (People nearly
always resist a new idea because it means change. It’s a natural
response, and part of being a leader is understanding that.) As Aries
North Nodes continue to “make a show of confidence” and follow
their inner impulses, they’ll find that others will often adapt and go
along with their decisions.
They are learning to experience the joy of self-discovery. Life is
an adventure, and as they view it that way and begin following up
their spontaneous impulses and ideas with action, a sense of fullness
and happiness begins to grow within them. But they have to make
that decision to trust their own instinctive impulses.
For example, I had an Aries North Node client who had paid into
an Oscar pool at work—she had her own intuition about who was
going to win. But then she started talking to other people about their
opinions, lost confidence in her choices, and went with someone

else’s decision. When she lost in the pool, she felt very defeated and
wished she had trusted her own instincts instead.
These folks need to stop doubting themselves and simply start
being themselves. Their challenge is to act on their spontaneous
impulses. When they take responsibility for creating their own
happiness by actively pursuing a direction that could help them
reach their goal, they are led to activities and/or people that answer
their needs. After taking one step, the right idea about what action
to take next always seems to come to them.
For example, I had an Aries North Node client who had been
yearning for an appropriate romantic partner for years. However,
scarcity of
any potential partners was interspersed with a few
disastrous relationships. Unhappiness and depression plagued her
until she had to turn to antidepressants for relief. Finally she let go
of her fantasy of finding Prince Charming and began pursuing
activities that gave her a feeling of confidence and made her happy.
She started feeling better as she became more actively involved
in things. Jogging was a source of enjoyment for her, but she didn’t
want to begin a routine all by herself in the dark, early morning
hours that were best for her schedule. Rather than postpone jogging
until she met someone who had a similar schedule, she took the
initiative and placed an ad for a morning jogging partner in the local
paper. Four people responded, she began running with them, and
one turned out to be Prince Charming! But this only came about
when she ceased looking to others for fulfillment and began filling
her needs in a direct and logical way.


Aries North Node people always want to pretend that everything
is fine. They feel guilty about having so-called negative emotions.
Owing to lack of past life experience being in touch with their
individuality, they aren’t always aware of their emotional responses
at the time they are happening. Sometimes they experience an
emotion and do not recognize it until a few weeks later when they
think back and realize: “I was really angry.” A friend may say:
“How was the month of January for you?” And they’ll say: “Now
that you mention it, I felt really lonely and depressed.” But during

January, if someone had asked how they felt, they would have
responded: “Just fine!”
So it is to their advantage to give themselves “time out” on a
regular basis to get in touch with what’s going on inside. When
they’re not aware of their emotions, they often react to things in an
irrational way that surprises them. When this happens, their
tendency is to go off by themselves, re-experience the emotion, and
think about it so they can be more rational. This works well,
especially if they can let the other person know: “For some reason I
feel upset, but I’m not sure why.” In this way they are honestly
acknowledging their feelings without taking it out on the other
person. Even if they do explode, afterwards they can say: “For some
reason I got upset. I’m not sure why, but I’ll think about it and get
back to you.” Even after the fact, it’s a helpful process.
Sometimes these folks are cruel and hurtful, and they feel good
doing it. They are angry—there have been too many past
incarnations when they were “nice” at their own expense. So now,
out of the blue, they lash out at someone who’s close to them—
someone whose love they can count on anyway. They unleash their
anger and then apologize. Subconsciously, they want to see if these
people will love them no matter what (as they have so often
accepted others), so they can better accept themselves.
In this lifetime, Aries North Node people are learning to integrate
negative emotions: anger, resentment, and the like. This energy is
healthy for them to express. It’s their power that they suppressed in
past lives to get along with others, and now these feelings demand
attention. These so-called negative emotions are their strength, but
in a coarse, unrefined form.
Rage, anger, and the like are all part of the yang energy (the
potent, assertive, leadership energy—the masculine part of
themselves) that has been so heavily repressed. Now Aries North
Node people must tap into this energy and integrate it with the
gentle, sensitive energy they have developed so well in past
incarnations; this will facilitate the healthy expression of their
warrior nature.
An excellent technique to help them with this process is a regular
program of physical exercise. Taking a martial arts class would be
perfect for releasing and integrating this intense energy. And if that
energy is being released consistently and constructively, it won’t
come out inappropriately. These folks need hard physical exercise:

aerobics, boxing, raquetball, tennis—activities that give expression
to their warrior nature—and they’ll feel great about doing it!
Aries North Node people have an aversion to competition, but
actually competition is very good for them. They get nervous
watching others compete, but when they themselves compete it
brings out the best in them and they handle it beautifully. It
strengthens and validates what has been suppressed in past lives.
They may fear losing, but if they review their past experience, they
are always able to shake it off—and then they are glad that the other
person won. If they do win they feel good, and they handle winning
in a way that’s “nice.” So they “win” either way, as long as they go
wanting to win.
For these folks to enjoy competition, they must feel that there is
something worth competing for. They also can build strength by
competing against themselves. Instead of giving up after five miles,
they should try to go farther. They need to do things that reveal how
strong and capable they are. Also, they may see other people doing
things, and that gives them the impetus to try something new. In this
sense, they are comparing themselves to others in a positive way
that encourages their own growth.


Aries North Node people are learning to claim their own power
and to stand in their power when relating to others. They are
coming into their own. Sometimes they get scared when they see
how powerful they can be when they’re present in their own bodies
and fully grounded in their own identity. These natives still feel shy
and have a fear of expressing themselves. When they don’t stand in
their own power, often it is because their minds are making them
afraid of being wrong.
“Being wrong” is not the problem for these folks. They’re afraid
that if they’re wrong, their power is at risk of being invalidated. But
if they look back on experiences when they’ve put themselves on
the line and been wrong, they’ve still felt validated because they
took a stand and discovered something new about themselves.
Being present in their power and taking a stand are more important
for them than the outcome.
They must follow their impulses and take action—
that is what
makes the difference in feeling good about themselves. Then they
are owning their power, and they feel good about their life because
they are in charge. When these folks verbalize their needs and
follow through on their own ideas, they feel exhilarated.


Aries North Node people have had many past lives supporting
others and being followers. In this incarnation they are to lead: first
themselves, and then others—so it is healthy for the warrior within
them to emerge.
From a very early age, these folks tend to find gratification
working in unusual areas, doing jobs that others usually don’t do.
This can lead to a position where they’re doing harder work; but in
the process of becoming really good at it, they gain a lot in terms of
personal growth and development. They hesitate to enter jobs in

which they are just “another number,” regardless of material
benefits, because it’s so important to them to be an individual.
When they analyze things, they have a slightly different point of
view than most people and enjoy being “different” in every regard.
One of the primary “perks” of leadership for Aries North Node
people is that they enjoy using their individuality to benefit others.
If they are the leader, they can control the work atmosphere and set
a positive mood for those around them.
Owing to so many past incarnations being the support person for
others, these folks are born knowing how to be supportive: They’re
sensitive and know what other people need to be happy. Since we
all subconsciously project that everyone else is like us, these folks
assume that others also know about support. So when they begin to
lead, they don’t understand why others don’t support them properly.
After all, they are providing the leadership, the idea, the
environment—even the good mood!
The reason others don’t respond with support is that they don’t
have a clue about how to be good support people. Therefore, when
they are acting as leaders, Aries North Node people must
consciously focus on what they need from others to feel supported.
Rather than silently expect that others will be sensitive to their
needs, they need to communicate directly and objectively what they
want. Rather than tell others what they are doing wrong or how they
are a disappointment, Aries North Nodes must positively point the
way, which gives others the energy to rise to the occasion. In this
way, they allow others to grow and learn how to be supportive.
One of Aries North Nodes’ jobs in this lifetime is to teach other
people (primarily their partners) how to love and how to be
sensitive to the identity of another person. They are learning to
creatively teach others how to be supportive, rather than resenting
them for not knowing how. A support person has to be conscious of
the other person all the time. It takes effort, but that’s what makes
people feel supported. This is some of the knowledge that Aries
North Node people are uniquely equipped to impart. By being
themselves, they teach others how to be supportive through love
and compassion.


Aries North Node people tend to be classic “co-dependent”
types. They have a history of depending on others to fill their needs
and then feeling that people have let them down. In this incarnation
they want to develop their independent self, without closing
themselves off to the benefits of a primary relationship. To gain
success, they need to view their relationships in terms of
interdependence—whereby two people assist each other in
developing their own independent strengths, encouraging each other
in their capacity to fend for themselves. Then, complete within
themselves, they can have separate adventures appropriate to each
one’s unique identity—and two different worlds of experience to
share with each other.
A healthy relationship is one in which two people bolster each
other’s identities as separate individuals while working toward a
common goal. Rather than being caught up in the energy of the
relationship dynamic, the idea is for each to consciously remain in
his or her own power while participating with the partner.
These folks have had many past incarnations supporting others
with no thought for themselves. So they tend to discount their
instinct that tells them when they are giving beyond the point of
balance, which drains their life force. They don’t usually notice the
energy loss as long as the other person is there; but when they’re
alone, they feel drained. In this lifetime they are learning to reattune
themselves and allow their internal sense of moderation to regulate
their giving. The process of sharing energy needs to be mutually
After all, the supply of golden eggs one has to give others
depends on the goose being alive and healthy. In past lives, these
people gave others all their golden eggs and then started giving
away the goose! Now they are learning to keep the goose strong and
well so they can give away the golden eggs without depleting the
In one-on-one relationships, avoiding co-dependence means not
seeking to “fill in” when the partner has a need, but rather to
encourage her in knowing that (1) she has plenty of talent and
energy to handle things on her own; and (2) there are others she can
work with to get support. For example, the partner may want to
have her paintings displayed in local galleries. Rather than “pitching
in” and calling the galleries, Aries North Node could suggest that

she ask a friend to help or hire someone, or get an agent. This leaves
Aries North Node free to pursue his own interests.
The transition from co-dependence to interdependence is a threestage process: (1)
co-dependent stage—two people totally tuned in
to each other and compensating for each other’s weaknesses so that
the team can survive; (2)
independent stage—each person being
completely self-reliant; each person taking full responsibility for his
or her own projects, money, and day-to-day survival; (3)
interdependent stage—one person, independent and self-sufficient
in his or her own right, uniting with another independent, strong
individual to form a mutually supportive relationship and work
toward shared goals.
When Aries North Node people reach the stage of personal
growth where they are ready for interdependent relationships, they
really start to shine!



Music has a unique power to emotionally support us in taking
risks, so I have written a healing song for each nodal group to help
shift its energy in a positive way.



The message of this song is meant to encourage Aries North
Node people to shift from co-dependent tendencies toward reliance
on their own impulses—which are firmly grounded in love—to lead
them in the right direction.
Selected lyrics:
You can read all the books that ever have been written
You can ask of those around you to show you the way
You can study the mysteries, a long time hidden
But you’re the only one who can take you through the
Judgment Day

And you can’t rely on anyone else for glory
Don’t depend on the outside to show you the way . . .
Put away the books—go beyond the brain
Trust the Light within to guide you through the pain, and
You’re the only one who could ever know
What it takes to make you whole . . .
And it’s the Light within you that’ll guide you through
the Judgment Day


 These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”


North Node in Taurus

and North Node in the 2nd House


Attributes to DevelopWork in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents
Awareness of boundaries
Taking things one step at a timeA sense of self-worth
Awareness of personal values
Honoring expressed needs of self and others
Enjoying the five physical senses
Awareness of nurturing from Mother Earth


Tendencies to Leave BehindWorking to reduce the influence of these tendencies canhelp make life easier and more enjoyable

Attraction to crisis situationsOverconcern with other people’s businessImpatienceInappropriate intensityJudgmental tendenciesPreoccupation with the psychologicalmotivations of othersResistance to cooperating with what others wantOverreactingDestroying something in order to eliminate onepartObsessive-compulsive tendencies

The Achilles’ heel Taurus North Node people need to be awareof is seeking self-worth through others (“I can only feel okay aboutmyself through the validation of others”), which can lead them intothe trap of an unending search for a soul mate (“If I have this onespecial person’s energy, I’ll feel complete”). In truth, Taurus NorthNode people can only achieve a sense of completeness withinthemselves—it will never come as the by-product of a relationship,even with a soul mate. No matter how much support and validationthey get from others, they always think they need more. In fact, forthem, others’ validation is a false barometer of whether they are onthe right track. Living according to standards they know are right forthem, regardless of what others think, will help them develop asense of self-worth.The bottom line is that at some point they must stop beingenmeshed with others and involved in others’ business, and simplywalk their own path instead. The irony is that when they begin to dothis, others will support them, both financially and on an energylevel.


What these people really want is to merge with someone else’senergy and feel mutual empowerment. They are looking for total,permanent commitment. They want a partner whom they can counton to take care of all their material needs, and they will take care ofall the partner’s emotional needs (or vice versa)—a synergisticrelationship that is mutually empowering and completelydependable. To successfully establish this type of relationship, theymust be discriminating and find someone with similar energy andvalues. The shared goals must be innately valuable to each of themas individuals.For this to happen, Taurus North Node people must first get intouch with their own values. They must become strong withinthemselves, aware of what they want, and tune in to what is real andmeaningful for them. The challenge is to establish their own energysystems and figure out who they are as individuals. As their energybecomes stronger, they will automatically attract mates of similarenergy with whom they can form successful partnerships.


These people are the master builders—whether it’s a home, arelationship, or a business. When they’re willing to follow the rules,they can successfully build anything. They excel in professions thatare in alignment with what they consider to be truly valuable. Forexample, if they consider massage to be a tool for healing othersthat could also be profitable for them, then they would be successfulin that field. They also have talents with money; focusing on waysby which they can make money on their own and be comfortablewill also lead to an appropriate profession.Any field that emphasizes appreciation of the physical aspects oflife and the five senses would be enjoyable and profitable: farming,construction, engineering, cooking, or teaching physical education.Genetally, Taurus North Nodes’ best bet is to “do their own thing”:either manage their own project or business, or work for a companywhere they can feel autonomous. They need to learn to foregoimmediate results and build one step at a time, becomingcomfortable with each step before moving on.Taurus North Node people also have the gift of being veryeffective in crisis situations, and they have a natural affinity withpsychology. Their awareness of the needs and desires of others canhelp them further their own aims. By openly acknowledging andusing the energies of others in mutually empowering (win/win)ways, Taurus North Node people can help achieve the results thatboth are seeking. However, if they involve themselves inprofessions that focus on psychology or crisis management, they aregenerally not satisfied and end up feeling empty. They are better offusing their talents to establish something of tangible value, whichgives them an increased sense of stability.


“To win, I need to proceed slowly and
persistently, step by step.”
“When I live by my own values, I feel good
about myself.”
“Mother Nature supplies me with the energy I
“When I satisfy my own needs and the expressed
needs of others, I build a stable base for
“If I’m comfortable, I’m ‘on path.’”
“What others think of me is none of my




In past lives, Taurus North Node people entered inseparable,
bonded relationships with people in positions of power and
influence. They were the Queen or Courtesan behind the King and
were privy to the “inside scoop,” but in the end the decisions were
made by the other person. They were the Counselor to the Chief,
Prime Assistant to the President, or Confidant to the General. They
fed all their power, energy, and charisma to their more powerful
soul mate and in exchange received validation and appreciation
from that one person as acknowledgment of their worth.
In past lives, the person of power clothed, fed, and pampered
Taurus North Node. All Taurus North Node had to do was stay
bonded to that person and help fulfill his or her desires, and the
native would experience the finest of lifestyles. So now Taurus
North Node tends to be careless with money (as though someone
else is going to pay off his credit cards), but in this lifetime it’s not
set up to work that way! Taurus North Nodes’ past life dependence
on another person robbed them of the knowledge that they could
earn their own way with their own talents. Thus, in this incarnation
they need to assume financial responsibility for themselves as a way
to regain their self-confidence; when they are not conscious of how
they spend money, they can create disastrous debt.
Other past lifetimes relevant to this one were spent in “ill
repute”—the business of prostitution in one form or another. In
those lives, Taurus North Node people’s success was dependent on
not having their own boundaries so they could successfully merge
with another’s energy field in ways that generated more power than
either person could have done alone. They developed a sensitivity
to others’ needs, which worked very well for them in those
lifetimes. However, such intense merging with others caused Taurus

North Nodes to lose a sense of their own needs and values as a
separate entity. In this incarnation, therefore, when they merge too
closely or quickly with another person, they experience betrayal as
a warning that they should keep their own boundaries, values, and
spiritual ethics.
These folks were experts at psychology in past lives as strategists
and counselors, penetrating the psychology of others to understand
their motives and needs and predict their behavior. They were
around people who were unstable, helping them uncover their
mental or emotional dysfunction, healing them, and receiving
financial protection in return. Their psychic sensitivity enabled
them to predict the mindset of the enemy, as well as attend to the
unspoken needs and desires of their soul mate. However, in this
incarnation their attunement to others distracts them from
effectively pursuing their own direction in a solid, consistent way.
Now it is in their best interest to pull back from deep involvement
with other people and to be more focused on their own business.
Some Taurus North Node people have had past lives in which
they abused power and reacted with violence. In this incarnation
they are learning not to abuse power, and for some this may mean
being victims of abuse themselves. Lessons in this lifetime are not
easy for these folks. They can experience real extremes in life—
ranging from periods of drug or alcohol abuse, to dealing with
severe psychological problems, to sitting in boardrooms in
corporations, to being on a strict spiritual path. Their lives run the
spectrum from the depths of darkness to the highest place of light.


Lifetimes of power struggles with others have resulted in a
consciousness that attracts crisis, trauma, and “living on the edge.”
Taurus North Node people are addicted to the adrenaline rush that
comes from crisis. In order to experience that “high” they disregard
their bodies, their health, and the peacefulness required to sustain a
state of well-being. Time after time, even when it’s unnecessary,
they take risks that throw them into a state of crisis. Then they
thrash and struggle and allow their destructive intensity to wreak
havoc in all areas of their lives. Sometimes they abuse drugs or

alcohol, which creates new crises on a daily basis. Or they may
have a partner in that situation—a person who they saw was
wounded and thought they could heal.
When confronted with an apparently inflexible situation that runs
counter to what they want to create, Taurus North Node people
often overreact with so much intensity that they create a crisis
where none existed. These overreactions are most likely to occur
when Taurus North Node people face a possible separation from a
symbiotic relationship, or feel that the other person may not be 100
percent bonded with them. Lacking a sense of their own self-worth,
they are utterly dependent on the constant approval of their
“primary other” (the person who provides money or energy)—the
dependence means survival. They keep “close tabs” on the other
person’s psyche so they can mitigate their own behavior according
to what the other person considers important. In this way, they feel
they will become indispensable and their survival will be ensured.
If they fear the other person is doing something to hurt them,
their first response is to take action based on revenge. However, if
revenge is their motive, they always lose. They need to focus on
getting their needs met by approaching people and situations in a
practical way. Then they can drop their defensiveness and say to the
other person: “Look, this is really important to me.” Rather than
resorting to power, following the humble approach will work for
The idea is to stay focused on the positive results they want to
create. To take care of their needs is valid for these folks; and if
they fear being wounded or betrayed, they need to do something to
protect themselves. The problem is that they have a tendency to
overreact and blow the whole thing out of proportion.
Taurus North Node people are so passionate that their drive to
experience intense emotion sometimes blots out awareness of what
they’re doing. One of their challenges in this lifetime is to take
charge of that passionate energy and redirect it in constructive
directions. Passion pursued for its own sake and taken to its limit
results in destruction. In this incarnation they are learning to build
rather than destroy, and successful building takes more time than
the intensity to which they are accustomed.
When they are coming from fear, they destroy; when they are
coming from love, they build. They are learning to dedicate their
passion, energy, and mental power to create something worthwhile

—and when they do that, they feel great about it! They are learning
that there is more to life than a stubborn indulgence in taking risks
(financial, personal, or sexual) that lead them into crisis and destroy
their bodies. It is not necessarily
what they do but their drastic
approach that wreaks havoc in their lives. They need to slow down
and recognize that by working on themselves, slowly and steadily,
they can establish the sense of grounding and substance that has
eluded them.
These folks have a tremendous need for peace after so many
lifetimes of power struggles with others. They are learning that
when they indulge in a desire to force a situation, the entire
situation will collapse. Conversely, when they add the ingredient of
peace, the situation will shift to their advantage in a way that works
to the good of all concerned.


In this lifetime, Taurus North Node people are learning to
experience their own self-worth. In past incarnations they gave up
what was important to them in order to integrate their power with
another. They used validation as a barometer of whether they were
“on track” in successfully empowering the other person—and this
worked in past lives. But they became attached to receiving
validation and began doing whatever was necessary to get it,
sometimes violating their own personal morals and ethics.
Because they have extinguished their own value system, they
came into this lifetime with no sense of self-worth apart from the
feedback of others. This makes them incredibly vulnerable to
adopting the values of those around them.
Although it was correct in the past, in this incarnation it is not set
up to work when they focus on empowering their partner with the
silent expectation that the partner will take care of them financially
or validate them in some other way. In this lifetime they are
learning to build a sense of self-esteem
directly, by living according
to their own value system. They need to empower others only when
it is what
they want to do, it fits with their own values, and they
have no expectation of getting anything in return.


Taurus North Node people have a tendency to toot their own
horns. They often jump in and use something another person says as
a springboard to focus the conversation on a past victory, a way
they have helped another, or a story illustrating how powerful they
are—then they talk incessantly! Subconsciously, what they are
seeking is validation.
During interactions with others they begin to feel insecure, so
they try to compensate by focusing attention on themselves in order
to gain outward validation. They hope that others will see their

worth and appreciate and respect them so that their insecurity will
subside. Unfortunately, it’s a “temporary fix.” They have to keep
doing it; and in reality, the habit of focusing on themselves turns
other people off. The irony is that Taurus North Nodes’ feelings of
inadequacy only arise when they begin to judge themselves or
compare themselves with others.
These folks carry a lot of anger. However, if they take a deeper
look, they will see that their anger is really based on fear: fear of not
being respected, not being liked, not being treated like a human
being. So when they feel angry in a specific situation, they can ask
themselves: “What am I afraid of?” This will help put them in touch
with a resolution.
Taurus North Node people often become frustrated and feel
robbed of self-worth when they do not get the validation they think
they deserve from others. All their fears are around the issue of:
“How am I going to be acknowledged or recognized?” They feel
afraid and angry because they’re giving and they’re not getting back
what they need. But this need can never be satisfied externally.
They can never get enough validation from others—no matter how
much wealth, prestige, and power they have—to feel good about
themselves on a deep level. The resolution to their anger involves
beginning to live in ways that are self-validating, in accord with
their own values. When they stop looking to others to provide their
sense of self-worth and start looking inside
themselves, suddenly
their anger becomes productive energy.
Sometimes Taurus North Node people pursue careers that are not
really what they feel called to do, but are what they think will draw
validation from other people. They are vulnerable to pursuing
professions that others view as “lofty” so that they can get applause.
Then if they’re not feeling appreciated, it can poison their
enjoyment of their job. In such a situation, their best bet is to reflect
on what aspect of their job makes them feel good: Is the job
furthering values that they think are important? Are they using skills
that make them feel good about themselves? Are they doing an
outstanding job that gives them confidence? Are they making the
money they think their work deserves? They need to get in touch
with what they appreciate about their job and consciously validate
themselves for being “on path” with those values. This is validation
they can count on consistently—appreciating themselves for being
themselves rather than for meeting someone else’s needs.

Validation from others is “energy food” for these folks. They
always enjoy a phone call or visit from a friend because it’s an
acknowledgment of their existence. They need to establish ways of
feeding themselves energy so that they become self-contained. Then
they can interact with others because they want to, rather than out of
One positive, self-validating action would be to set up a financial
plan for themselves. In addition, spending time each day putting
energy into things that are personally meaningful for them is selfvalidating—such as preparing good meals. The idea is to engage in
regular activities that nurture and help them feel good about
themselves, regardless of the input of others. When they do this,
they are “on track.”


In childhood, the parents of these natives sought to impose their
values on the Taurus North Node child. This is “normal” parental
behavior, but most children simply discount parental values that are
noticeably different from the internal values they are born with.
However, Taurus North Node children have no preestablished
internal values, so they are totally open to absorbing the values of
their parents. They cannot see that they are separate from the
parents. Breaking the subconscious bond with their parents is one of
their major life challenges.
These folks are learning to express what
they need and to avoid
thinking about others’ needs first. They often feel they are moving
through life reacting to other people’s situations and “falling into”
things, as opposed to consciously recognizing where they are and
where they want to go. They tend to be too focused on the
motivations of others—subconsciously seeking what they need by
first defining what the other person wants. However, they often go
off track when they do this. They may think they fully understand
another’s motivations, and take action or respond to the person on
that basis, only to find that their appraisal was incorrect.
It works best when they avoid tuning in to the desires and
opinions of others, and instead focus on their own needs: “This is
what I need. . . . These are
my reasons.” To build an unshakable
sense of security and successfully reach goals, Taurus North Node
people need to keep in touch with their level of comfort and
determine their boundaries. When they are considering a goal, they
need to ask themselves: “Do I feel comfortable about this goal?
Does it feel right?” They can also use their internal sense of comfort
to determine when they are moving too quickly; if they are, they
need to slow down and continue at a pace that is comfortable for
them. When they stand firm within their own boundaries,
progressing in the development of what is truly important to them,
they will find others more willing to make adjustments to
accommodate what these folks deem important.


Taurus North Node people have a tendency to “shoot
themselves in the foot”—to do things that keep them from
experiencing success. Their goal is important to them, and they’re
pledged to it wholeheartedly. But they also feel unworthy and
subconsciously put up roadblocks so they can’t achieve the goal.
And then they keep banging against the door, knowing that it won’t
The motive for defeating themselves is generally something they
are not aware of; thus, some introspection or psychological probing
is necessary for these folks. Sometimes it is self-punishment for a
real or imagined experience, or something they feel guilty about,
that pulls them back from successfully reaching the goal. For
example, when they were five years old, they may have pushed
their little brother, who hit his head and had to go to the hospital—
and subconsciously they
still feel guilty.
Reaching goals involves taking tried-and-true, systematic steps
for getting there. But these natives have so much inner resistance
that they leave out the one obvious thing that would ensure their
success. If they want to go to medical school, are fully qualified,
and have good grades, they may apply to several top medical
schools but not also apply to an easier-entry medical school. Then if
they don’t get accepted at any of the top schools, they’ve blocked
their entire path.

Another way Taurus North Node people subconsciously defeat
themselves is by going too far out on a limb without a safety net.
It’s like jumping without a backup parachute or driving without a
seat belt: They take unwarranted chances. The bottom line is that
they need to rely on their own energies to reach the goals they seek.
They can hope that the promises of others will come through, but in
the end it’s up to them to ensure that all the bases are covered
regardless of what unexpected things may happen. They need to use
more than logic: They have to use common sense and
their lives.
The key is a practical, step-by-step approach focusing on the next
step they need to take rather than becoming fixated on the exact
means of reaching their goal. Since they don’t have a lot of practical
past life experience, it’s fine for them to check out their strategies
with others who have successfully created results similar to what
they want.
These folks sometimes want to be “more” than they are (they like
to impress other people), and this can lead to problems. They are
learning that they are okay just as they are. The self-sabotage comes
from wanting to move too fast or to be “bigger” than they are at the
moment. They need to stay with themselves, grounded in their


Taurus North Node people are largely unaware of the serious
damage they do to others when they make harsh judgments.
Without regard for the other’s feelings, they thoughtlessly rip to
shreds another’s belief system with a great deal of righteous
enthusiasm. They hold nothing sacred and therefore have no qualms
about destroying what may be sacred to another.
Needless to say, being judgmental does not win them any friends.
In fact, it alienates them from those who would otherwise want to
be close. People don’t trust them because they fear being judged.
These folks are learning to stop destroying what others have built,
and instead focus on building what is important and valuable to
themselves. The best way to fight “evil” is for them to make
energetic progress for “good.”
In fact, the things that upset them about others’ behavior can be a
clue to finding their own values. For example, if they are criticizing
another for having two sexual relationships simultaneously, perhaps
it is a clue that they themselves value monogamy—and
“monogamy” should be written on their “Values Important to Me”
list. As they begin to live by those values, they will start to build a
sense of self-worth. As they remain consistently true to their own
values, they will become less judgmental about others who have
different values.
Taurus North Node people also tend to be highly judgmental of
themselves and undermine their own self-worth. They have a code
of correct conduct against which they measure everyone—and most
harshly themselves. They can be their own worst enemy. When
things don’t work out in the way they expect, they blame
themselves for being out of alignment. Therefore they suffer twice:
once with the momentary bad mood, and again by casting
themselves as wrong for having had the bad mood.
They often compare themselves to other people and feel jealous
of what others have—this makes their lives much more complicated
and much less happy! For any of us, if what we are doing in our
lives is making us happy, then we’re on track. But the moment we

compare ourselves to others, we lose. Someone is always higher or
lower, depending on the standards we use. Taurus North Nodes are
learning that it’s not their job to judge; it’s their job to simply walk
through life handling each situation the best they can and moving
step by step in the direction they feel is personally meaningful.


Because they are often unclear about their own boundaries,
Taurus North Node people have a tendency to meddle. These folks
feel free to get involved in other people’s business but are shocked
when others get involved in
their affairs—and they can be terribly
opinionated! When they speculate on the subconscious motivations
of another, they form all kinds of conclusions about the other
person. Then they become upset because they’ve decided what the
other person ought to be doing, and he’s not doing it.
The problem is that these folks are projecting their own values
onto others and then judging them when they don’t measure up. The
other person’s goals may be totally different, and the path she is
traveling may be exactly correct for her. For example, if the Taurus
North Node person wants marriage and commitment, she may be
extremely judgmental about a friend who enjoys dating men who
are not “marriage material.” However, the friend may not want to
settle down at this point in her life, so dating men with whom she
has nice, short-term relationships may be correct for her. Taurus
North Nodes must have the humility to understand that others may
have different values and goals. They need to stay out of other
people’s business and focus on their own self-development.
Taurus North Node people also tend to inadvertently
communicate their ideas in an intense and judgmental way that
causes discomfort for those around them. They are pointing out
others’ dysfunctions without admitting that they have that same
tendency. Because they have not yet “owned” these qualities in
themselves, they are unable to make comments without heavy
emotional overtones. The key is to recognize that trait or behavior
in themselves and forgive themselves for it—then they won’t have
to justify themselves by trying to define Right Action for others.

As their personal conduct becomes grounded through
exemplifying the qualities they value, they will feel at peace. They
will no longer be tempted to be judgmental when they see qualities
don’t admire in others, because they will have gained the
knowledge they need: They will know who they are and what they
stand for.
Another aspect of Taurus North Nodes’ tendency to get involved
in others’ business comes from past lives as mental healers
(psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, witch doctors) specializing
in exploring the depths of another’s subconscious. However, in this
lifetime it is in their best interests to separate themselves from the
energy fields of other people’s minds and focus on their own
business instead.
These folks are very sensitive to the judgments of others, and if
someone affects their energy field in a negative way, it’s okay for
them not to spend a lot of time around that person. In past lives,
they developed attunement so they could be as close with the other
person as possible. They became very aware of how that person
viewed them so they could adjust their behavior instantly to better
accommodate the unit. However, in this incarnation, using their
sensitivity to pick up on how others may be viewing them will
disconnect them from the power of just being themselves. Their job
is to
stay out of other people’s minds and business. A good
affirmation for them is: “What others think of me is none of my


Sometimes Taurus North Node people are drawn into positions
of great influence. They become attorneys in high-powered law
firms, executives in large corporations, and so on. Holding these
positions sometimes triggers an unscrupulous side of their nature.
When that aspect emerges, they are not loyal to their employees,
their own ethics, or themselves—they become attached to ego gain.
When they opt for full ego involvement they are willing to do
anything to get ahead, and they begin to think they are “selling their
souls” to progress in the world of money and power. Often they
“sell out” by allowing other people to give them things
with strings
attached. Pretty soon they’re going along with someone else’s
game, living according to others’ values.
These folks are so accustomed to giving their power to others that
when temptations arise in this incarnation, it’s easy for them to yield
in order to gain power and special privileges. And they have a lot of
power in that position: They hire, they fire, they can make or break
people. This inflates the ego. They may abuse that power by letting
employees “sweat it out,” worrying about whether or not they still
have a job. However, these tactics lead to a breakdown of employee
morale, and Taurus North Nodes lose the goodwill, trust, and
loyalty of the workers.
They are learning to resist temptations to abuse power. After all,
“what goes around, comes around”; when they abuse power, it
always comes back to haunt them. They are learning that they
cannot go against their own values without severely undermining
their self-worth. And that’s pretty serious, because self-esteem is
what Taurus North Node people are aiming for in this lifetime.
Even when these folks have chosen the path of Light, they are
aware of their “dark side.” For example, I had a Taurus North Node
client who worked as a waitress. Her Higher Self was very aware
that the most difficult customers are those who need love the most.
When she consciously gave them love and positive energy, in most
cases they became more agreeable. But she would go back to the
kitchen and pantomime punching somebody! That action was her
past life tendencies being released. She would then go back to the
customer and come from the loving place she knew was “correct.”
But sometimes these natives’ instinctive response is to let their pastlife side “beat the heck” out of someone.
Taurus North Node people sometimes live on the dark side,
suspecting others’ motives and projecting evil
(looking for it) on
those around them. They will learn much about themselves by
viewing the evil they see in others as a reflection of their own
subconscious. Also, when they look for evil they become vulnerable
to negative energy that holds them back. To avoid being victimized
by this tendency, their best bet is to stop focusing on the “dark side”
in others and pay attention to the strength they are building in their
own lives. They need to be like a horse with blinders, focusing on
the positive things they want to manifest. As they use their powerful
psyches to focus on the Light, they will attract positive forces.




The reason Taurus North Node people become so dependent on
another person is because they have moved out of their own internal
sense of comfort. Then they have nothing to hold on to except their
connection with the other person—a vulnerable and unstable
position at best. If they consciously stay in touch with their own
comfort level, their relationships work much better because they
have created something solid and stable within themselves. They’ve
been through so many radical changes in past lives that in this
incarnation they are scheduled to rest, accumulate possessions, and
enjoy the simple pleasures of life: good food, good sex, and a
comfortable, stable home environment. An inner feeling of
“comfort” is an accurate barometer of being on path. They will win
if they remain true to the boundaries of their own comfort zones.


From time to time, jealousy arises as an issue for Taurus North
Node people. They see others’ possessions and covet them. These
folks often have an endless chain of “wants” based on longing for
others’ possessions. They see a neighbor’s new car and right away a
mechanism inside says: “I want that.” But when their wanting is
based on insecurity, it never works out for them—it’s a bottomless
pit. To gain the sense of substance they seek, their best bet is to turn
their focus away from what they don’t have and begin appreciating
the bounty of what they already have.
This is a lifetime of material accumulation for Taurus North
Nodes, so desiring things is not a mistake. However, they have to be
willing to earn the things they want through their own efforts. When
jealousy arises, they can use it to identify whether or not it’s
triggered by something they actually need; then they can decide
whether it’s worth striving for. Rather than be victimized by

“wanting,” they are learning they can have whatever they want if
they are willing to earn it.
Taurus North Node people have a tendency to be distracted by
others’ wants and motives. Underneath, their issues around survival
motivate their concern with others. They need to simplify things: to
stop “getting into other people’s minds” and just get in touch with
themselves. “What do I need here? What do I need in order to feel
comfortable with this situation?”
What these folks really want is for their insecurity to be resolved
—to know that all their needs will be met. This is a lifetime of
appreciating the bounty the universe is offering, not grabbing what
others have. If they panic and try to speed up receiving bounty in
their lives, they lose touch with the comfort of their natural timing.
Taurus North Node people are destined to accumulate that which
increases their inner sense of substance. Their challenge is to slow
down long enough to receive the gifts that life offers. By taking the
emphasis off of specific people as their “source,” and by partnering
directly with life itself, their insecurities over survival can finally be
healed. They will find that life sends the right people—who often
show up unexpectedly—to ease their journey as every new need


Taurus North Node people are “in a hurry” about everything.
Even when they are taking a drive, instead of enjoying the scenery
they just want to get there, and they wonder why it’s taking so long.
These folks want instant results. They are incredibly intense and ate
learning to rein themselves in, remain within their comfort zone,
and stay connected to their own strength.
These folks are learning to build slowly so that their foundations
are secure. It’s tough for them to go slowly because they are not
accustomed to it; however, in this lifetime they are destined to
replace fast intensity with slow and steady progress.
To give an example of the transition required of them, when a
skyscraper needs to be replaced, there are two teams of people
involved. One team destroys and removes the existing skyscraper
with dynamite, crane, and bulldozers. They may take only a week,

but the process of rebuilding the new skyscraper may take a year. In
past lives, Taurus North Node people were on the team of
destroyers—but now they are here to build. Building takes much
mote time, and no stages may be hurried or skipped or the entire
structure will collapse!
These folks are learning to slow down and carefully build what is
important to them—without rushing: a relationship, a business, or
manifesting a dream. If they feel uncomfortable, it is a warning that
they have missed a necessary step in the building process. They are
learning to trust themselves and to appreciate the peaceful feeling
they gain from slow and steady progress, accomplished on their
Although they need to go slowly to create successful results,
Taurus North Node people also require a certain amount of
stimulation to get themselves going. In a crisis they are motivated to
action, and not having that crisis energy can keep them from
progressing with their projects. When there’s no crisis surrounding
their goals, one thing that could help them is to establish time limits
for themselves.
Time limits can act as an “artificial crisis.” Taurus North Node
people can look at the steps they need to take and write them down.
For best results, the process should be in black and white: what the
goal is, what the steps are, and the completion date for each step.
This gives them built-in “crisis energy.”
These folks need to make their plan a top priority: Reaching that
one goal has to become the most important thing in their lives, and
everything else needs to be subject to that consideration. For
example, if they want to lose 30 pounds, they need to make that the
most important thing—their “first value”—for a predetermined
time. Everything else takes a backseat: job, recreation, everything.
At work, their diet comes first; regardless of what others are doing,
they eat precisely what is on their diet because that is their first
value. If they feel low energy in the afternoon, they have a cup of
coffee or take a Chinese herb—anything except break the diet. If
they are tired, they go to bed early—but they do not break their
commitment to the diet. Everything revolves around that.
It’s important for Taurus North Node people to be realistic and
choose practical times for attaining their “first value” goal. For
example, if a Taurus North Node works in an accounting firm, it
would be a mistake to make losing 30 pounds his first value during

tax time. His job will probably be first value, and rightly so, during
that time. So he needs to choose a time for reaching this goal that
will not be unusually stressful. Once Taurus North Node people are
committed to a direction, they can use their obsessive energies from
past lives to fixate on their first value, and then they’ll get there on
schedule no matter what!


The first step toward self-acceptance for Taurus North Node
people is to acknowledge that there is a needy person inside and to
take personal responsibility for filling those needs. If they try to
appear self-sufficient and suppress that needy part, it will come out
full-blown to make itself recognized. They have denied and
postponed their own needs in so many incarnations that now the
needy part is overenergized. And that is to their advantage—they
have earned the right to embrace and encompass that part of
They cannot hope to experience truth and honesty in human
relationships if they do not demonstrate this behavior in their own
lives. This includes no more “sins of omission” (for example, letting
what someone says pass by without acknowledging feelings of hurt,
or pretending to be in agreement). These folks must start
communicating their discomfort or hurt with what another has said
or done. To discern and build healthy new patterns of behavior, they
must release the old. Self-revelation will enable others to see who
they really are, discern their needs, and help them further their aims.
Taurus North Node people are tuned in to the hidden desires of
others. They are often very perceptive in helping others become
more self-aware and less victimized by self-defeating, subconscious
motivations. But these folks have a blind spot: They can see clearly
how others “shoot themselves in the foot,” but they can’t see how
they themselves do it. Worse, they strongly resist feedback about
their own subconscious motivations. It can be vividly clear to those
who care about them that they are hurting themselves or holding
themselves back. But when the behavior is brought to their
attention, they tend to go into denial. To progress in this lifetime,

they must bring into awareness—and release—subconscious guilt
and self-defeating behaviors.
Part of their resistance to help stems from the fact that they ate
accustomed to being the ones doing the helping. These folks are not
used to accepting that others have power to recognize and help
perfect what is valuable in
them. They are also so sensitive to
criticism that they often interpret the input of others as invalidating
their worth, rather than as encouraging their fuller self-expression.
The key is to focus on what they want to build: their own ideas and
aims. Taurus North Nodes’ job is to allow others to empower
for a change.
A major turning point is when they focus time and energy on
projects that are important to
themselves, not being diverted by what
they think is important to another person. For example, I had a
Taurus North Node client who loved to buy people books in their
area of interest. It was a very generous act, and she went out of her
way to find just the right book with a message she thought would be
valuable. One person she sent books to was a friend of mine who
doesn’t even read! This is an example of how these folks divert
energy from pursuing their own goals for the sake of others who
haven’t asked for their help and may not appreciate it.
In this incarnation, Taurus North Node people are here to take
back their power. When they stand in their power they can afford to
be loving and helpful to others—not from a place of neediness but
from a sense of contentment that enables them to be generous.
Thus, their first responsibility is to themselves: to do things that
bring recognition of their self-worth and the contentment of
enjoying life. There are no more battles to fight, nothing more to
give up, no part of themselves that has to be thrown away. This is a
building lifetime: building a sense of comfort through their
connection with themselves.


In order to achieve full self-acceptance, these folks must release
those who wounded them in the past through the process of
forgiveness. This includes people in the present lifetime, as well as
any feelings of suspicion and outrage that stem from past

incarnations. Forgiveness is essential to keeping their own power
intact. And their best motive for forgiveness is not generosity, but
rather taking care of their own needs.
In past lives, Taurus North Nodes’ method of protecting
themselves was revenge: If someone hurled one stone at them, they
hurled a stone back—plus an additional stone to make sure that the
person stopped. To stand up to the power of others was enlivening
in those incarnations, but in this lifetime it is a waste of energy—a
distraction from their new, peaceful direction. They just want to
build lives of comfort and stability and enjoy being on the earth.
To achieve this, however, Taurus North Node people need to face
the necessity of forgiveness when dealing with abuse or wounding
—it’s the only way they can cleanse the other person from their
psychic field and regain inner peace. Regardless of what the other
person did to them, they need to forgive the abuse and forgive
themselves for allowing the abuse to occur. It also helps if they
identify the strength they gained from the experience.
If someone has wronged them beyond the point of forgiveness,
they may need to confront the person before they can release the
situation. One way to accomplish this is for Taurus North Node to
go where he won’t be disturbed, close his eyes, and imagine the
person he is unable to forgive sitting in a chair, facing him. Through
visualization, he can confront that person and let her know how he
feels. Then he needs to listen intuitively for a response from the
other person.
If in his mind the person responds with sincere apologies, Taurus
North Node can forgive. However, if the person responds with
arrogance or justification—or obviously is still not aware of the
gravity of the injustice—vindication may be in order. In his
imagination, Taurus North Node can take the perpetrator through
the experience of abuse and allow her to experience the pain that
she caused him. Then he will be able to forgive and release her from
his life.
Forgiveness is essential for these folks; it is the key to their
release from painful early memories. If they are angry with
someone and haven’t forgiven him or her, it binds them into a
negative psychic connection with the other person.
One reason they withhold forgiveness is fear. If they forgive the
other person, they don’t know what that person may do to them, and
they’re afraid they will no longer be shielded from attack by their

angry memories. They think they might be vulnerable again to
someone who has abused them. But actually, if they truly forgive,
they break the bond with that person. Then, whatever the other
does, Taurus North Node is totally invulnerable.


Taurus North Node people have spent so many incarnations
enmeshed in the bonded energy fields between themselves and
others that they have lost touch with their sense of physical
grounding: being in touch with their bodies and enjoying the
physical aspects of life. In past lives they wanted to experience
higher realms—to “fly”—so they took one foot off the ground to
experience other realities; and then they took
both feet off the
ground! Thus, in this incarnation they have no sense of grounding
or inner stability. Their challenge is to get their feet back on the
ground and regain a sense of their own inner strength.


One of the main keys for satisfaction in this lifetime is for these
folks to consciously evoke the feeling of appreciation. This practice
alone will make a significant difference in their lives. In past lives,
taking time to feel appreciation was the last thing on their minds.
Their consciousness was geared to crisis management, and they had
an addiction to excitement. Their desire was never satisfied, always
wanting more. To balance overactive desire in this incarnation they
need to exercise the antidote, which is appreciation for what they
already have.
Part of cultivating the energy of appreciation involves
acknowledging the bounty that is already present in their lives. As
they feel gratitude for what life has already brought them, they relax
and feel peaceful and loved. The energy of appreciation pulls them
back into themselves, and when they are centered in this way they
open to life bringing them more.
For example, no matter how much or how little money they have,
Taurus North Node people can say: “Thank you, Universe, for
providing enough money so that I can afford [whatever they do
have: a roof over their head, food on the table, etc.].” If they don’t

have a partner, they can say: “Thank you, Universe, for the friends,
family, co-workers, children, pets, etc., you have sent into my life to
love me.” This is the key to the fullness they have been seeking. It
has nothing to do with what is happening externally; it has to do
with graciousness in accepting and appreciating what they have. As
they take the time to appreciate what they do have—with openness
and feeling—they begin to experience the fullness of love inside
them, which replaces the agitation they have so often felt.


Everyone needs to receive nurturing energy in order to feel
renewed and satisfied. In past lives, Taurus North Node people
became dependent on soul mate relationships to provide that
nurturing. In this lifetime, whenever they depend on others to fill
these needs, they feel let down. It’s set up this way, because their
lesson is to become independent in meeting their own needs.
In this incarnation, these folks have a magical relationship with
Mother Nature and with the earth, and that is where much of their
nurturing is destined to come from. Their attunement to Mother
Nature empowers them to connect directly with her energy and
absorb it in a healing and reenergizing way. For peace of mind and
inner strength, Taurus North Node people need to spend time in
nature on a regular basis, consciously appreciating the support
Mother Earth is giving them. This process will magically shift their
basic emotional state to one of serenity. Situations with others that
evoke insecurity will occur less frequently when these folks are
consistently reinforcing a base of calm support inside themselves.
Some of these folks have a green thumb, and they may find
working with plants or spending time gardening soothing. It is in
their best interests to fully absorb the energy from Mother Nature—
to touch a plant or tree and let the earth nurture them. Hugging a
tree can evoke the same energy and happiness for them as hugging a
person. Hugging a person is also good (sensual affection is always
beneficial for them), but if they feel any reservation about whom to
hug or what their motives are, a tree will always provide the
“connectedness” they need.

Their ability to receive energy from nature is a gift they can share
with others. For example, if they’re walking in the park with a
friend and share their knowledge of “tree energy,” the friend will be
more aware of the gift of nature’s energy while in the presence of
the Taurus North Node person and will be permanently enriched by
the experience.


To keep themselves focused on furthering their aims requires
facing the issue of self-worth. These folks may feel unworthy
spending time and energy on themselves; however, such feelings are
totally off track. Taurus North Node must spend time doing things
they consider to be important, as this will build the resources
they need to experience life and relationships from a foundation of
The fact is that for spiritual balance, their destiny in this
incarnation is to experience the sensual enjoyments of life, to
become grounded, and to regain a sense of their own earthy
substance. In past lives, Taurus North Node people developed a
deep enjoyment of the spiritual/psychic senses. Now it’s time to
develop a deeper awareness of the five physical senses. In this
incarnation, their senses are generally quite sensitive and well
developed. The idea is to pay attention to the pleasure their physical
senses offer them: the smell of springtime, the taste of a good meal,
a perfume they enjoy, or the touch of their lover. Even lifting
weights or other physical exercise can be sensual—anything that
gets them in touch with their bodies in a way that results in pleasure
and/or self-esteem.
Music is an excellent source of enjoyment for these folks that
eases their mental frequencies into harmonious patterns; they may
benefit by having music playing regularly in the background. They
are attuned to the sounds of nature—waves crashing on the beach
and birds singing. To enjoy their sense of hearing is altogether “on
path” for them. They also gain pleasure from their sense of sight—
noticing beauty around them, appreciating artistic creations, or
taking time to enjoy a sunset.

Taurus North Node people generally have well-developed taste
buds; fully enjoying the pleasure of a good meal and going to posh
restaurants are totally “on path.” To become aware of their sense of
touch is also beneficial. Taking the time to touch a tree, a leaf, a
piece of wood, or fabric—and to experience physical comfort—is
altogether appropriate. Even being aware of the sensation of snow
crunching under their feet can be a sensual pleasure.
Another way to enhance their sense of grounding is to become
more conscious of their clothing in terms of how it feels on their
bodies. Does it feel sensual or comforting? Do they like the touch of
that fabric? These are the clothes they should put on their bodies in
order to take care of and pamper themselves. Clothing can also be a
powerful vehicle for establishing self-worth. For an important
appointment, if the choice is between an outfit in which they are
comfortable and confident versus an outfit they think will impress
the other person, their best bet is to wear the clothing in which they
feel comfortable. That way, regardless of the other person’s
response, they feel comfortable within themselves.
Other sensual experiences that are “good karma” for these folks
include giving or receiving a massage or being pampered with a
manicure, facial, body wrap, sauna, or Jacuzzi. When they spend
time giving themselves physical rewards and sensual pleasure, they
won’t need as much from others.




Taurus North Node people are born looking for their soul mates.
This can lead to promiscuity during their youth, with a tendency to
jump into relationships too quickly because they want the bonding
so intensely. Their challenge in this lifetime is to focus less on
bonding and more on building their own values—then they will
attract the right mate.
From past lives, these folks are accustomed to giving everything
and having the other person reciprocate. But in this incarnation,
much to the natives’ surprise, it’s not in their charts for others to
take care of them in the same co-dependent way. This is the
universe’s way of helping them break abusive co-dependency and
learn to be more self-contained. Deep in their hearts, more than
anything in the world, they want a soul mate—that special person to
travel with through life in a state of mutual vulnerability,
commitment, and empowerment. To have this dream come true,
they need to first experience being complete within themselves.
When they no longer need another person to make them feel whole,
only then will they attract the right life partner.
Taurus North Node people feel acutely lonely sometimes, aching
for their mate. They long for the comfort of consistent, dependable
companionship, and this
is a lifetime where loyal companionship is
their birthright. But as with everything else in this incarnation, they
must earn it. As they work to experience their own wholeness and
direction and become a powerful river in their own right, they can
merge with another powerful river that is going in the same
direction, and together they can flow to the sea.


Yearning for the soul mate causes Taurus North Node people to
probe the psychology of others. In past lives this technique worked
for them: Their understanding of another’s psychological makeup

facilitated a bond of mutual empowerment. However, they became
so accustomed to stepping into other people’s psyches that they lost
touch with their own boundaries! Now, when they enter another
person’s force field they go too far and become invasive—and both
people begin to lose their sense of autonomy. Also, the other person
can sense that Taurus North Node wants the bonding energy, rather
than simply appreciating and empowering the other as a person in
his or her own right.
These folks think everyone wants the same emotional things they
do: love, acknowledgment, appreciation. So they give others this
emotional support and encouragement. But if they rush in and try to
change another’s mood, sometimes they are surprised when that
person responds with anger because he feels his boundaries have
been invaded.
Also, Taurus North Nodes often inadvertently become too
enmeshed in another person’s force field and begin to feel
uncomfortable. If they get too absorbed in another’s moods it
dissipates their own energy. When this happens, their best bet is to
excuse themselves and take a break to get grounded—walk around
the block, or touch a tree and allow nature’s nurturing energy to
pour into them. Then, when they feel calm, confident, and centered
in their own energy, they can again approach the person or situation
and know what to do.
In this lifetime, Taurus North Node people need to be able to
maintain their own psychic energy field as a separate entity before
they attempt to bond with another. When they do bond, they need to
create “space” in their relationships. They tend to do anything in
front of their partner that they would do in private, which isn’t
necessarily a good idea because the partner may begin to feel like a
part of them rather than a separate individual. Establishing
boundaries that support their individuality and self-worth is
essential in creating the space Taurus North Node people need for
their relationships—and themselves—to thrive. Being
unaccustomed to boundaries, at first they have difficulty
recognizing other people’s boundaries and establishing their own.
Yet if they stay calm, they will gain the awareness to define their
own so that their lives can be strong and they can have a greater
sensitivity to the boundaries of others. Healthy boundaries promote
self-respect and respect for others.


In Taurus North Nodes’ previous incarnations, abuse was a
factor—both giving and receiving—owing to the power struggles
that resulted when bonded relationships became too consuming.
One of their primary challenges in this lifetime is to separate their
identity from that of their parents. They have to establish
boundaries for themselves in order to break this bond, otherwise it
continues to create a power struggle.
These folks are learning not to abuse power; sometimes they
learn this lesson by being victims of abuse themselves. By being
victims in early life, they have a choice: They can abuse others
when they become adults, or they can break the pattern and not
retaliate for the abuse they have received. They are learning about
love and forgiveness; those lessons may follow on the heels of
having been wounded unfairly themselves.
Sometimes Taurus North Node people are in denial about their
difficult childhoods, even when the abuse was blatantly apparent to
others. They tend to portray their parents as good and see
themselves as having evoked abuse as rightful punishment for being
“bad.” They are all too willing to carry guilt. I had a Taurus North
Node client with two children whose parents had severely abused
her during her childhood: sexually, physically, and emotionally. Yet
she thought they had been good parents. This woman eventually
sought psychiatric care, and one day the doctor asked her: “What
would your children have to do in order for you to feel they
deserved the punishments you received as a child?” This stopped
her dead in her tracks, as she realized there was nothing her children
could ever do that would justify being treated in that way.
When Taurus North Nodes experience abuse as adults, they have
to first acknowledge that it’s happening. Then they need to extricate
themselves from the situation and break the psychological bond
through forgiveness. Often they do very well with psychotherapy or
some other form of intervention that enables them to uncover and
release past-life and early childhood memories of abuse and
feelings of guilt. Their tendency to perceive themselves as
intrinsically “bad” and disliked by others is actually their
oversensitive probing to evoke validation from others. When these
folks stop seeking validation, they will no longer be so vulnerable to

feeling disliked. Sometimes the people who have abused them do
shun them, and the reason is understandable: When one has abused
another, there’s a lot of guilt involved.
Taurus North Node people are the master builders. When they
focus on building a relationship and do it their way, in tune with
their own level of comfort, it will last forever. Their challenge is to
not allow other people’s energy to disturb their sense of what’s
comfortable—it’s not to their advantage to allow themselves to get
“knocked around” in any way.


Because they were not born knowing what is important to them
in life, Taurus North Node people tend to investigate others’ values.
But this never works because when others share what is important
to them, Taurus North Nodes say to themselves:
“That’s not
important because of _____,” and the other person feels invalidated.
Not only do Taurus North Nodes lose out on what they are seeking,
but the process throws the other person off track in pursuing his
values, and he often ends up feeling upset.
Taurus North Node people have spent so many incarnations being
subject to the value systems of others that they sometimes hide what
they want if they think it’s not socially acceptable or not okay with
those close to them. But in this incarnation in order to build a sense
of self-worth they need to discriminate between others’ values and
their own and honor what
they want. Only when they go after what
they really want do they feel good about themselves. For example,
if making lots of money is important to them, their tendency is to
allow the values of others to invalidate them: “Oh—that’s so
materialistic, and you’re a spiritual person.” Then they feel badly
and try to suppress that desire in themselves. This is typical of how
they undermine their own self-worth.
However, if these folks try to suppress their desire for wealth
because of someone else’s disapproval, they will end up with
money problems. If they try to solve their money problems,
something will work against them—because they feel guilty about
financial success. Then they will be “stuck,” not knowing why they
can’t get that aspect of their life together, and feeling badly about

themselves. Thus, if they desire wealth, their best bet is to openly
pursue it.
Discrimination is also an issue in that Taurus North Node people
attract “troubled” types as candidates for close relationships.
Perhaps owing to past lives of working with emotionally disturbed
people, or their attraction to “living on the edge,” Taurus North
Nodes tend to be drawn to people who are poor risks for closeness.
When they bond with and put their trust in one of these people, they
always end up being disappointed.
These folks are aware; they know when they are dealing with
someone who is so troubled that she doesn’t have the ability to give
anything back, but they are attracted nonetheless. They think they
can help heal the other person, and then they expect the other
person to be grateful and offer reciprocal support. But this equals
“how to lose” for Taurus North Node people! Their job is to
discriminate and form relationships with those who are already
psychologically healthy.
One way they get involved with the wrong people is when they
seek to gain validation from others by taking on their values. For
instance, even if they don’t take drugs, they may talk about them
and put up a front if they think it will make them look good. This
confuses both themselves and others: They repel those who would
normally be attracted to them, and they attract those who have the
same values they are espousing. If they get in touch with what is
really important to them and clearly represent those values, then
they will attract people who truly resonate with them.
In this incarnation Taurus North Node people need stability, not
crisis. To achieve this in the context of relationships, they must not
let their partner invalidate them. If the partner says something that
they are not comfortable with, they can let her know: “I’m not
comfortable with that.” In this way, they make the other person
aware of their boundaries, giving the partner an opportunity to
accommodate them and come into alignment with what they need.
As the relationship evolves, it will become apparent whether or not
this person is an appropriate partner.


Taurus North Node people love the energy of bonding with
another person to accomplish far more than either one could do
alone. This process, in itself, is fine. The problem is that Taurus
North Node “got stuck” on one end of the teeter-totter being
person?—the one who notices the worth of person A and helps
person A reach his or her goals.
This no longer works. It’s time for Taurus North Node to be
person A—the one who allows person? to be attracted and help
person A reach his or her goals. Taurus North Node people are not
selfish. When others empower them in manifesting their dreams,
they make sure the others are taken care of. But to achieve
successful bonded partnerships, Taurus North Node people need to
be the ones that others support! This means clarifying their values
and goals and allowing others to rally around them.
Because these folks are so accustomed to shared energies and
mutual empowerment being the key to their survival,
subconsciously they think they need another person’s energy in
order to live. This is why they often make poor choices in their
early relationships—they rush into highly charged bondings and
consummate them as soon as possible—their desperation blots out
their ability to accurately appraise the other person.
These folks aren’t standing on solid ground when they are caught
up in the intense energy early in a relationship. When they allow
that to happen, they become vulnerable in a way that requires total
trust. Then, if the other person pressures them for a decision, they
are tempted to commit to the relationship too quickly. However,
doing things quickly does not work for them; in this lifetime they
have to take the slow and steady approach to ensure positive results.
Relationships they just “plunge into” are almost predestined for
failure because their basis is a temporary energy connection, rather
than a true fit with the other person. Furthermore, if Taurus North
Nodes go too fast, the relations between themselves and the other
person that
could fit (if given time for slight adjustments) don’t fit
because the partners have skipped the necessary stages of gentle
To achieve successful long-term relationships, Taurus North
Node people need to first recognize that their energy is enough—
they can live off their own energy. As long as they feel incomplete
they will continue to attract people who also have low self-esteem.
But without untamed neediness driving them, they can take their
time in discovering whose energy will actually increase them and
bring them joy!


Taurus North Node people are generally highly sexual. They
seek the intensity and excitement of sex and the bonding that is
possible through a sexual connection. Early in life, they may be
promiscuous. If they feel a connection with a person, right away
they want to get in bed to start the bonding process. Then the
relationship ends as quickly as it begins because there wasn’t a
stable base to support the passion.
These folks spend much of their lives looking for a soul mate—
that one “piece of the puzzle” that goes together perfectly with their
“piece.” When they are impatient and become sexually involved at
the onset of a relationship, without allowing time for a connection
to be established, it’s because they want a soul mate so badly and
think sex will tell them who that person is. The irony is that if they
take their time, the sexual energy will be much more intense and
satisfying because they have established a meaningful base for the
However, they have had so much past life experience merging
with people mentally and emotionally that they often leave the
aspect of enjoying their bodies out of the sexual process. They can
“burn out” sexually in relationships and not understand why. In this
lifetime, it is scheduled for them to pull back from the energy fields
of others and establish a sense of “home base” inside their own
bodies; this is their key to a happy sex life. They need to
deliberately take their time in relationships, not rushing the sexual
aspect until they have fully developed a sensual connection with the
other person.

Taurus North Node people need lots of physical affection:
kissing, hand holding, touching, massaging—really tuning in to
how the other person’s hands feel on their skin and how their
nervous system responds to the other person, strictly on a bodily
level (without the aid of their imaginations). Then they need to see
how the other person’s body feels to them and if they feel a physical
response in the other’s body when they touch. Building this bodyto-body sensitivity will bring their full sensuality into play and will
provide a stable base for their sexuality. If Taurus North Node’s
body does not resonate with the other person, that is important
knowledge: He will not want to pursue a romantic relationship that
has no lasting substance on the physical level.
Over time, Taurus North Node people may begin to have sexual
problems with their long-term partner. When this occurs, it is
generally because they are using sex to barter for something else.
For example, if a Taurus North Node woman wants flowers or
jewelry, she may use sex as a way of manipulating her partner so he
will buy her those things. If a man wants certain behavior from his
mate, he may withhold sex or use sex as barter to get what he wants.
In this way the sexual urge becomes diluted by other motives,
and over time the sexual part of their union becomes less intimate.
The other person feels the attempt to control through sex and begins
to lose interest. As a result, relationships that were once highly
passionate may end up as platonic friendships, or cause a feeling of
impotence or frigidity. By seeking to mentally manipulate their sex
drive, Taurus North Node people lose touch with their own natural
In this incarnation, these folks are learning to appreciate the gift
of sharing sexual pleasure with their partner, without any other
motive. They are learning the value of the simple, natural pleasures
of life: food, sex, being comfortable—enjoyment of the physical
pleasures that are the gifts of having a human body.


Loyalty and commitment are very important to Taurus North
Node people. They do not generally “play around”; they want
someone to go through life with, a partner who feels the same way.

They want to feel fulfilled, so when they marry they tune in to their
mate psychically and begin feeding him or her power, validation,
and energy—expecting that their mate will reciprocate. This doesn’t
work because Taurus North Node doesn’t first discern what his
partner’s needs actually are, from the partner’s point of view.
Instead of tuning in to his partner’s needs, he projects his own
values onto his mate. He projects what he thinks she wants and
needs—and then he fulfills those needs—but his partner’s actual
needs and desires are seldom even recognized.
For Taurus North Node people, solid relationships are based on
each person taking responsibility for filling his or her own needs
and gaining energy from activities outside of the relationship. Then
a healthy bonding can take place that is based on mutual strength,
giving energy rather than draining it from one another.
They are learning that loyalty between two people in a
relationship is based on both people being loyal to themselves. They
need to establish a bond of loyalty to self before they can expect to
be loyal to another in a healthy way. For example, loyalty to self
implies honestly communicating: “I don’t feel comfortable with
this” rather than invalidating personal needs to adapt to the partner.
It implies taking a position of integrity—based on an inner feeling
of what is correct—and standing in that one place, rather than
standing in different places depending on where the most validation
seems likely.
Through living by their own values, these folks allow the right
person to respond to them and support them. This means being
willing to risk losing their partner. If they remain true to themselves,
honestly revealing what their inner comfort level is telling them,
either the other person will validate them by coming closer or the
other will leave and make room for someone more appropriate.
When difficult times create stress in a marriage, Taurus North
Node people view loyalty as the quality that keeps two people
together, working on the marriage, until they can get over the hump.
Loyalty involves integrity and a commitment by both people to
work on the issues rather than giving up. Taurus North Node people
need to feel that the other person will be there, so when they
become fully invested in the bond they won’t have the rug pulled
out from under them.
Because this is an important issue for these folks, when they
begin a close relationship their best bet is to acknowledge: “Loyalty

is important to me—knowing that my partner is going to be there
through thick and thin. Is it an important quality to you in a
relationship as well?” By making it clear from the beginning, they
allow the other person to see the type of relationship they are
This is one of the most effective ways they can take care of the
needy part within: discovering for themselves what their needs are,
acknowledging that those needs are important, and then clearly
communicating those needs to see how the other person responds.
The idea is to move the give-and-take of relationships out of the
realm of expectations and into the realm of open disclosure,
verbalizing what is important as the relationship progresses. Then
they can determine whether both partners want to meet each other’s
needs and make each other happy on the consistent basis that they


Taurus North Node people tend to withhold what the other
person needs, because they are judgmental about what they think
the person really needs. For example, the other person may say she
needs to play bridge with her friends one evening a week. The
Taurus North Node partner may resist: “You don’t need that; those
people aren’t up to your caliber.” But by invalidating his partner’s
expressed needs, he undermines the relationship. His best bet is to
truly empathize with the other person without the overlay of his
own desires.
Because Taurus North Node people are so aware of their own
needs, when the partner asks for something their first response may
be resistance. They don’t want to keep giving because they feel
empty, so they deliberately withhold what the partner has asked for
and defend their position by becoming judgmental of what the other
person wants. In this situation, both people lose. The other person
feels deprived, so she retaliates by giving
less to Taurus North Node
or giving with resentment. This seriously undermines the very bond
they want to build.
It is to these folks’ advantage to release their tendency to
withhold from their partner. Often, the key is discrimination. Does
the other person’s expressed need violate Taurus North Node’s
sense of self-worth? If not, it behooves him to give the other person
what she needs. Just as it is inappropriate for him to live by
someone else’s values, it is inappropriate for him to expect others to
live by his values. Other people are simply being themselves.


There is a difference between expressed needs and unexpressed
needs. An
expressed need is something the partner says she wants
(one hour alone every day, time to do a project, dinner together once
a week, etc.). When Taurus North Node people generously

cooperate with those needs, their partners are happy and respond
with an outpouring of love and appreciation. An
unexpressed need
is something projected onto the other person. This doesn’t satisfy
what the other person
actually wants and leads to dissatisfaction for
both parties.
Sometimes these folks are afraid to reveal what they need for fear
of appearing selfish. Actually, when they don’t reveal what they
want, they deprive their partner of the opportunity to make them
happy. Also, if they don’t communicate their boundaries and let
others know what they need, people begin to lose respect for them.
These folks don’t object to anything; they don’t say: “No! This is
not okay!” Others tend to take advantage of them because they
don’t feel enough self-worth to stand up for themselves.
To Taurus North Node people, others can seem like gods who
hold the key to meeting their needs. But they overvalue others and
undervalue themselves. This is the imbalance that leads to
heartbreak. Once they recognize this, instead of trying to figure out
if the other person can fill their needs, they begin to let their partner
know how they feel and what they require to be happy. No
justification, no compromise—just simple revelation of what they
need in the relationship. By overtly saying: “This is what I need to
be happy in this relationship,” they give others the opportunity to
adapt to them. The irony is that when Taurus North Node people are
true to themselves in this way, the changes others make in their
behavior are generally beneficial for Taurus North Nodes as well.
These folks sometimes feel they’ve given and given and just
don’t have any more to give. This stems from being constantly
aware of their partner’s needs—it takes a lot of energy to keep part
of one’s concentration always attuned to the other person! The
feeling of emptiness is actually to their advantage: It reminds them
of the necessity to turn inward and meet their own needs first.
Otherwise the emptiness persists, no matter how much their partner


In the history of humankind, many negative thoughts and
emotions have been generated as a response to life experiences:

especially inadequacy, guilt, and shame. These feelings are not
personal; they are part of the collective unconscious. Although they
do not accurately describe us as individuals, if we identify with one
of these feelings we have a tendency to hide it. Then we think we’re
the only ones with these terrible feelings.
The process happens in the extreme with Taurus North Node
people. A negative emotion floats by and they grab it, hold on to it,
and try to hide it. In order to hide it, they have to bury it deep
inside. It takes tremendous energy to hide these feelings from
others, and the fear that someone will find out how they feel
generates a lot of anxiety. These folks are so sensitive and
psychically bonded with others that they think everyone knows
what’s going on with them all the time anyway, so they
become intense trying to hide these feelings!
Their best bet to get past this anxiety is to simply expose what
they’re feeling, one layer at a time. When they expose it, they can
release it—the Light will dissipate it. They should practice
revealing their feelings in non-threatening situations where they feel
a certain level of trust with the people involved—although any
situation will seem threatening when they first take the risk.
They may start out: “There’s something I want to share with you,
and I feel a certain amount of fear in saying it.” That peels off one
layer. Then: “I feel anxious inside, and I’m not exactly sure why.
It’s like there’s some kind of feeling going on underneath the
anxiety, and I’m not sure what it is.” That peels off another layer.
As each layer is exposed and released, the next layer makes itself
apparent: “Gosh, I guess what’s going on is that, for some reason, I
seem to feel a sense of inadequacy in this situation.” Period. That’s
it. Once it’s exposed, it dissipates—there’s no more anxiety, no
more feeling inadequate, the whole thing is released. Through this
process, Taurus North Nodes’ inner negative feelings are
permanently discharged, and they begin to experience less anxiety
in all their interactions.




Taurus North Node people are not allowed to rely on others for
success in this lifetime because they need to learn to rely on
themselves. Thus, when they count on another person’s energy to
create what they want and it doesn’t turn out according to their high
expectations, it’s one more reminder from the universe that they are
not allowed to rely on others for their sense of self-worth. The irony
is that once they learn to rely on themselves, others rally around to
help them reach their goals! Their confidence comes from knowing
that because they built success on their own, step by step, no one
can take it away.


When Taurus North Node people look to others to acknowledge
that they have power, they won’t feel like they have any. When they
realize that their power is within them, they have a lot. Part of
claiming their power involves understanding their own value. They
don’t have to work to become something valuable; their value is
inherent—who they are is a gift they bring to the planet. Their own
sense of self-worth is the one thing they can hang on to amid the
constant shifting of public opinion. When these folks let others
determine their worth, they are on a roller coaster.
I had a client with this nodal position who was working with
endangered species. She had to bring a change of clothes each day,
because in handling the animals her clothing would become soiled
and smelly. One day she forgot her other clothes and had to wear
her work clothes home, and she had to bring a caged animal with
her that day. As she waited to catch the ferry boat, she noticed that
other people gave her a wide berth and treated her with disdain.
Then a friend who was in the new car business and needed to
transport three autos on the ferry asked if she would drive one of
them on board. When she climbed into a brand-new Lincoln

Continental, she noticed that the attitude of the people on the ferry
shifted: They were friendly, smiling and waving to her. Yet her
worth (who she was inside) stayed the same. She could recognize
how invalid it is to let other people determine her worth.
In this incarnation, the most important goal for Taurus North
Node people is to pledge themselves to their own values and build a
sense of self-worth. They are learning that they can’t establish selfworth by going along with others’ values to gain validation, nor can
they attain self-worth through resisting others’ values. Either way,
they lose. They win when they discover what is truly important and
precious to them: their own values. Self-worth will come as a byproduct of living according to those values.
They recognize the truth of this but may still feel lost when it
comes to knowing what their values are. And that’s fine. They have
a clean slate—a unique opportunity to get in touch with what is in
the deepest level of their souls. The idea is to
consciously discover
what is important to them; what values give them a sense of being
grounded, confident, and able to face the world without anxiety.
They need to ask themselves: “What principles can I live by that
will make me feel good about myself, give me a sense of my own
self-worth, and give me a solid path to follow?”
For example, if Taurus North Node people decide that honesty in
communication is a value for them, they need to begin letting others
know when they feel uncomfortable. If they decide that starting
their own business is important, they can begin systematically
allotting time to it. These folks have discipline, once they’re clear
about their direction. As they travel through life, if they are
uncertain about which road to take they can ask themselves: “Would
taking this action make me feel good about myself, regardless of the
consequence in the outer world?” If the answer is yes, they can
proceed with confidence.
To further discriminate, they can ask themselves: “Does choosing
this direction make me feel comfortable, or anxious?” When they
choose to move in alignment with their comfort zone, they win; if
they opt for anxiety with no safety net, they lose. “Is this path
leading to inner peace, or will it create more crisis?” Inner peace
will lead to victory for them. “Is my motive self-validation, or to
gain the validation of others?” Those pathways that validate the
principles they think are inherently valuable and that give them a
sense of self-esteem help them win.


Taurus North Node people are so accustomed to empowering
others that they have forgotten how to empower themselves. In this
lifetime, their challenge is to turn the spotlight around and make
themselves powerful. They can discover how to do this by noticing
what they do that empowers others, and then applying those same
tactics to themselves. For example, they sense what the other person
really wants and encourage him or her to go after it. They add to
what is inherent in the other person. Thus, turning it around, what
project or direction gives
them energy? What do they want to build?
Once they know what it is, they need to feed themselves support
and encouragement.
This is a lifetime to take their power back, to use it for
themselves rather than giving it away or sharing it in ways that are
not responsible to themselves. For example, if they spend their
energy on charitable projects when they have trouble coming up
with the mortgage payment each month, that’s furthering the cause
of another without first providing a secure financial base for
These folks are learning not to waste energy, whether in the form
of time, money, or personal talents. They are learning to use their
consciously. It’s very easy to divert their energy away
from building comfort and security. They may even distract
themselves, spending time doing anything else, because they don’t
feel confident in doing things to fill their own needs. Yet when they
approach it on a practical level and proceed step by step toward
their goal, they gain self-assurance.
Taurus North Node people tend to be unwilling to give 100
percent of themselves. They hold back because they are afraid of
failure and don’t want to further undermine their sense of selfworth. Actually, if they do give 100 percent and don’t attain their
goal, they still feel good about themselves because they know they
did their best. But when they hold back and fail, they’re never sure:
“If I really had done my best, would I have succeeded?” and that
does undermine their self-confidence.
Sometimes the best thing that can happen to these folks is to
encounter a situation in which they are
forced to do their best. When
it’s all or nothing and they’re forced to open up the valve all the

way, that’s when they truly get in touch with their own power. And
tremendous self-worth is born from it.
Taurus North Node people are learning to recognize their own
power—that it comes from within and is not dependent on anyone
else. The idea is for them to do things that allow the power within to
come forth naturally. Devoting time to projects that make money for
them or provide comfort or security is empowering for them. They
gain power when they have the courage to walk through difficult
times and experience a positive outcome. They gain power when
they communicate what is truly important to them, regardless of
others’ opinions, and see the situation turn out well. When they step
outside of society’s values and get in touch with their own values,
they find their power every time they are true to themselves.


Taurus North Node people are the master builders. Once they
learn how to take their time, work out each step so that it’s solid,
and not move faster than what feels comfortable, the things they
build will last forever.
These folks’ past lives revolved around the projects of others, so
in this incarnation they are learning to make the decisions and steer
the project. The strength required to see the project through will
come from being clear about their purpose. If, with each step they
take, they clarify their purpose (“What is my purpose in making this
call? In having this meeting?”), it will help focus their direction and
they will make steady progress.
One of their first jobs is to find a project that makes them secure
and happy. If it’s a financial project, their strength will be in seeing
a public need and figuring out what they can do to fill the need that
will also make money for themselves. Then, because it’s
project, when they take responsibility their energy soars. And the
energy that comes from success nurtures them and creates a positive
feedback loop that helps them remain clear about their purpose and
focused on their goal.
Owing to so many past lives of empowering others at the expense
of their own self-worth, Taurus North Node people can be skittish
about allowing the ideas of others into their world. But the fact is
that now the tables are reversed: In this lifetime, after they have
chosen their goal, they are supposed to allow others to help them.
They tend to make the process of success unnecessarily hard on
themselves. They think others are supposed to give them
everything, support them, and take care of all their material needs;
or they have to do everything on their own without any help. This
“all or nothing” approach is neither accurate nor practical.

It is true that Taurus North Nodes need to earn their own success.
However, once they have decided on a goal and are willing to put
forth the effort to get there, step by step, then it is fully appropriate
for other people to support them, empower them, and help them
reach the goal. Others can make their route easier by opening up
opportunities, pointing out pitfalls, broadening their approach, and
helping them cover their bases in a practical way.
They shouldn’t rely on the help of others, but they need to learn
to accept it when it is freely offered.


When Taurus North Node people see how far they have to go to
reach their goal, they panic. All the work involved, the hurdles to
overcome—how can they ever get there? So they pull back from
their larger goals owing to fear of failure. It all seems too
Seen from their point of view, it would feel overwhelming to
anyone! The only way long-range goals are reached is by breaking
the process into individual steps. The idea of being a doctor is
intimidating to a high school student. And yet, if that is a true
dream, it’s worth working through the hurdles. First the aspiring
physician has to complete a four-year college education, then four
years of medical school, then residency. It’s a long process, but it
can be accomplished in stages one step at a time. And the goal will
be reached if each step is completed with total attention.
It’s the same in an important relationship. If these folks meet
someone who “rings their bells,” the idea of reuniting with their
soul mate is so overwhelming that they don’t want to think about it;
they want to jump right into it—and the result is disaster. What they
dreamed of isn’t accomplished because they tried to bypass the
necessary steps. Sometimes when they think about their goal, they
forget that getting there is solely up to them and their willingness to
do the work. They can feel a lot of emotional intensity worrying
about whether they are worthy of the goal.
But this is like looking at a mountain and wondering if they’re
worthy of teaching the summit, when the only thing that can
them worthy is actually climbing it. If they have the proper
equipment, choose a realistic route relative to their experience and
ability, and are willing to put one foot in front of the other, they’ll
get there.
Taurus North Node people are not accustomed to formulating a
strategy for getting to the goal, since in past lives defining the steps
was the responsibility of another person. Now they are learning to
determine the goal they would like to accomplish (a camping trip
for the family, starting a business, etc.)
and to formulate a practical
plan for achieving it. As they take the steps, they’re very efficient
and have a feeling of confidence that “it will work”—and it usually
does as long as they systematically follow the steps.
Even so, it is not always easy for these folks to be clear about
what they want in life. They may need a lot of self-reflection and
soul searching to determine what they want to build. And when they
do decide, it is important that they remember to tune in to their
inner feeling of comfort as a barometer of whether or not a decision
is “on path” for them. Regardless of what their mind tells them, if
they have an inner feeling of discomfort about something and
proceed anyway, they always lose. When they remain true to that
inner sense of what is comfortable (which is a reflection of their
own unique boundaries), everything works to their advantage.
Taurus North Node people need values and ethics to live by, a
path they can walk step by step to achieve serenity. When they find
spiritual principles they resonate with, their best bet is to apply them
on a practical basis in their daily lives. They are much better off
with application rather than theory. For example, 12-step programs
are great for them (Alcoholics Anonymous, Adult Children of
Alcoholics, etc.), as these programs focus on a practical, step-bystep approach to spiritual principles.
To build a solid sense of self-worth, these folks need to follow a
path of doing the “right thing” according to what they feel is
morally correct, rather than “going along” with the values of others.
Their means of guidance may not always be the most pleasant; but
if they follow it, it can lead them out of the dark—being lost
without a sense of integrity and self-worth—into the Light. Shame
or guilt may be an indication that they should re-evaluate their
behavior. Regardless of the opinions of society, they know what
makes them feel good about themselves. When they follow their
own internal guidance system, a solid sense of self-worth is


From the charity work they performed in past incarnations,
Taurus North Node people have gained the right to earn personal
wealth in this incarnation. Charity work is natural for them because,
in past lives, other people paid their bills. So they put their energy
into things that were good for the community. However, in this
incarnation it is better for them to pursue activities for which they
are paid, since the process of earning money helps build their selfesteem.
These folks sometimes are too trusting with money. They know
that “trusting the universe” is a principle that works. However, it is
also true that “God helps those who help themselves.” Trusting the
universe does not mean avoiding personal responsibility and doing
irrational things out of blind faith. If a friend says: “Will you loan
me $3,000?” and $3,000 is all Taurus North Node has to cover his
own expenses, “trusting the universe” does not mean thinking:
“Well, I trust the universe, so I’ll just give away my money.”
Taurus North Node people need to accept responsibility for
taking care of their own finances. Only then can they include others
without fear of losing their personal power and self-worth. When
they feel secure, they can trust the universe in a way that empowers
them to see what life is offering.


To accept responsibility in terms of money and open the doors
to personal wealth, Taurus North Node people need to deliberately
begin paying attention to money: writing things down, keeping
track of what they’re spending and where their money is going. This
is empowering: It enables them to channel their money in
meaningful directions. Accumulating money is a game, for which
these folks have a real talent. Once they put their minds to it, they

can make a little money go a long way and can easily become
Sometimes they feel resentful about having to take charge with
money. They are angry about not having the “easier life” they were
accustomed to in past incarnations. Yet it’s healthy when they
take care of themselves: a steady job, a stable income, a savings
account, and financial plans for the future. The idea is to create a
secure financial base that will allow them to take risks in other
areas. This gives them a feeling of ease and confidence about life
and makes them feel good about themselves.
Although some folks do very well with inherited money, Taurus
North Node people are not in that category. It’s not to their
advantage to be dependent on an inheritance, the financial goodness
of others, or a state or federal assistance program. Any situation in
which they are financially dependent on another debilitates their
sense of self-worth. In this incarnation, it’s crucial that Taurus North
Nodes earn their own money and are paid for their energy.
If they have inherited money, it is in their best interests to use
part of it to start their own business or in some way promote a cause
that builds their sense of self-worth. If they are financially
dependent on a spouse, it is healthy for them to start a small
business of their own or take a job outside the home, even if they
don’t need it or it’s “not much money.” They need to build a sense
of self apart from their connection with another person. Regularly
setting aside blocks of time for working toward an individual goal
or project that is important to them is another way to build their
If these folks are on a state or federal assistance program, they
can begin taking side jobs to make money. If the Taurus North Node
is a parent with children, perhaps she could start a child care
service. The issue is not how much or how little she makes, but the
sense of self-worth that is gained.
Taurus North Node people have a natural understanding of how
money works and the necessity of circulating money. Their
challenge is to circulate it
consciously. Once they start using it to
build with, they can become very wealthy. In past lives they were so
accustomed to using other people’s money that they lost respect for
the value of money; they didn’t have to earn it themselves. In this
lifetime they are learning to respect money and to use it wisely in
ways that help it multiply. Money is their teacher. Once they tap

into their intuition of how money works, money itself will show
them how to make more.


Taurus North Node people may have a problem equating wealth
with debt. I’ve had many clients with this nodal position who
accumulated enormous debt owing to this misunderstanding. For
example, I had one Taurus North Node client who, with her
husband and another couple, started an innovative cosmetics
business. It took off faster than anyone expected, and orders came
in fast and furious! To keep up with the unexpected rush, my client
borrowed against her credit cards to hire more employees, order
more ingredients, and so on—until she had accumulated a debt of
nearly $60,000.
Then there was a falling-out among the partners, the company
collapsed, her marriage ended in divorce, and she was left $60,000
in debt. It took her ten years to pay off the debt. To do it, she lived
in a cheap apartment, allowed herself no luxuries, cut out her social
life, worked two jobs, and endured incredible stress and deprivation.
When the business first got off the ground, my client jeopardized
herself by trying to respond instantly to an outside demand. She
could have allowed the universe to unfold the business organically,
using the profits to expand the business from its modest beginnings.
I had another Taurus North Node client who wanted to make
films showing New Age encounter groups—especially those
dealing with the emergence of new feminine and masculine roles in
our society. She thought the films had a noble mission, and she
“trusted the universe” to provide money for the project. She
borrowed money (thereby accumulating an enormous debt) to make
these films.
My client trusted that the money would be there because “the
universe wanted the project to succeed.” Her life became total chaos
trying to raise more money, do the project, and come up with “delay
tactics” in paying back the money she had already borrowed.
Eventually the entire undertaking collapsed and she had to declare
bankruptcy—for the second time in her life. This time, not only

were the financial institutions hurt but friends and family who had
loaned her money as well.
The accumulation of debt does not work for Taurus North Node
people. They are master builders when they use common sense and
don’t take “leaps of faith” or try high-wire maneuvers without a
safety net. But in some ways they don’t respect money and tend to
be careless about it. Although they don’t think about it much on a
conscious level, they have a lot of fears around money owing to
lack of experience in providing for themselves financially in past
Once these folks realize they have to deliberately be more
conscious about money, they accept the responsibility. However,
sometimes they lose control and go on a spending spree—buying
something they don’t need that they have to pay for later. In past
lives, money was a tool for distraction. Thus, in this lifetime when
they get bored they may have the urge to go shopping, with the
subconscious feeling that they deserve it and someone else will pay.
Rationally they know this is not true, but they almost can’t help
Taurus North Node people can’t stand feeling restricted
financially. Yet the irony is that once they put their nose to the
grindstone and accept responsibility for earning and budgeting, they
can easily accrue the kind of wealth that will allow them to spend
without worry. But once they have made it, they need to continue to
be responsible about handling it—they are not allowed to be
“unconscious” about money in this lifetime.



I have written a healing song for each nodal group to help shift
its energy in a positive way, since music is a potent vehicle for
emotionally supporting us in taking risks.


The message of this song is meant to effortlessly shift the focus
of Taurus North Node people toward turning within themselves to
connect with the wealth of reassurance and peace in their own
nature. Thus the bonding they need for security and a sense of selfworth can happen within themselves.

Selected lyrics:

My guy got sick, needed attention
So I put on my nurses hat . . .
My heart fell when he called it “distraction”
That’s not where I was at

And I remembered:

Seek ye first, the kingdom of heaven
And I turned within—
And before too long, my heart felt strong
The outside got in order again!
So seek ye first . . .
Because inside of you’s the kingdom of heaven


These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”


North Node in Gemini

and North Node in the 3rd House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

Healthy curiosity

Asking questions to learn how others think
Seeing both sides of a situation



Communication of internal dichotomies

A positive approach to life and other people
Purposely cheering up others

Using a nonthreatening approach when
expressing ideas


Openness to new ideas and experiences

Seeking factual information before making


Tendencies to Leave Behind


Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable

Assuming others know “where they’re at”
Thinking one knows what others are saying
without really listening
Needing to be right
Espousing “Truth,” without taking others’ views
into account
Careless spontaneity
Taking shortcuts
Taking oneself too seriously; having a ponderous
approach to life
Acting on intuition without checking the facts
Resisting ideas that are foreign to one’s belief
Prejudging present situations on the basis of past

The Achilles’ heel Gemini North Node people need to be aware
of is self-righteousness (“If other people would just acknowledge
that I am right and appreciate me for it, I would feel understood and
accepted”), which can lead them into the trap of an unending search
for Truth (“If I have all the right answers, everyone will value me;
then I can relax and feel connected to people”). But it’s a bottomless
pit: Since it’s impossible to be “right” all the time, they never feel
good about themselves. And when they argue and try to convince
people that they
are right, others don’t want to connect with them.
However, if they have enough humility and openness to really
listen to a variety of viewpoints—even those that don’t fit with their
previous experiences—they can get to know people in a way that
helps them feel more connected. The bottom line is that at some
point they have to release their preoccupation with absolute Truth
and simply begin to relate to people as they are, listening to others
and learning from them. The irony is that in the process of this more
equitable and relaxed interaction, Truth is more successfully
communicated. And when Gemini North Node people really listen
to what is important to others, their responses are more appropriate
and helpful. Then people
do appreciate them and want to connect
with them.


These people really want to be totally free to pursue Truth, have
adventures, be spontaneous, and be right 100 percent of the time.
They want to speak completely from their Truth and their intuitive
processes, and to have everyone understand them, learn from them,
and appreciate their help.
To attain this goal, Gemini North Node people must stop
focusing on “their Truth” and begin to focus on the people around
them. They need to listen to—and understand—the information that
others share about their lives. When Gemini North Node people
listen in this way, sometimes they have an “aha!” insight that is
exactly the perspective that the other person needs. And because
this information accurately addresses the other’s problem, it will be
gratefully accepted.


These people have the ability (when they listen) to tune in to the
specific thought process of others and supply information that
allows others to view problems from an expanded perspective.
Selling, writing, teaching, and communicating in all forms can bring
them happiness as well as material success.
Gifts in the areas of philosophy and religion, and an innate
awareness of ethics and morality, are also available to Gemini North
Node people. They can use their spiritual and intuitive awareness to
understand the thinking of others without losing their own Truth.
However, if they involve themselves professionally in the pursuit of
Truth or religion as a final aim, they may ultimately feel isolated.
They are better off when they use their natural talents to deeply
connect with others on a day-to-day basis.

“This is a people-oriented lifetime.”
“I can slow down and take the time to connect
with others.”
“When I tune in to how others think, I know
what to say.”
“When I am willing to listen and learn about the
other person, I win.”
“If I don’t understand, it’s okay to ask




Gemini North Node people have had two very different kinds of
past life experiences with one common denominator: the pursuit of
truth. They have had incarnations where they pursued Truth on their
own—as traveling sadhus in India, wandering nomads in the desert,
hermits, or simple people going into the wilderness alone to learn
nature’s secrets. They have also had many incarnations seeking
Truth as a collective ideal, becoming absorbed in religious
organizations. Either way, seeking after Truth, spirituality, ethics,
and enlightenment has motivated their entire lives, and society and
human relationships were neglected.


These folks have had many incarnations as Philosopher Kings.
Lifetime after lifetime, whether Buddhist, Hebrew, Moslem, or
Christian, they left everyone around them to pursue Truth. This is
why, in this life, they still tend to leave everyone and go off on their
own. All throughout their previous incarnations they sought
enlightenment—climbing to the top of the mountain to reach the
pinnacle of Truth. But after so many incarnations with the same
focus, they found it! There’s no need for them to continue the
search in this lifetime. In the end, on their mountaintop, they
became isolated and lonely. Now, in this lifetime, the challenge is to
share their Truth, rejoining society and staying connected with
Self-righteousness can be Gemini North Nodes’ biggest
stumbling block to effectively relating to people and feeling the
peace and love that are inherent in true connectedness. As they were
philosophers and priests in past lives, other people followed their
instructions. They are used to being regarded as always being
“right” without question, so it is understandable that they enter this
incarnation with a certain arrogance. However, other people can

sense this superior attitude, and this prevents them from listening to
the Gemini North Node person. As a result, Gemini North Node
people start to feel that other people are undervaluing their
intelligence because they won’t listen. This is an example of how
they suffer from a communication problem.


Due to the loneliness and isolation of their past lives, Gemini
North Node people may seem like they can carry on hours of
conversation all by themselves. They may remember to ask the
other person a generalized question such as “How’s it going?” but if
the other person turns the attention back on them, they take the
opportunity and run with it. They can go on and on about
everything that’s happening in their lives, recount their memories,
tell a dozen stories and emerge the hero in every one . . . without the
other person adding a single word to the conversation. Never
getting a chance to interact or share his or her own story, the other
person loses interest in the Gemini North Node person.
After so many lifetimes of being lonely, these folks feel a need to
talk constantly. They are not comfortable with silence because they
associate it with isolation. Now they want to relate to other people;
so if there’s a silence in the interaction, they feel like there’s a
“problem” and will talk about anything simply to fill the void.
They are learning that conversation is a process of skillful
interaction: It has to do with sharing one’s point of view with a
sensitivity to how the other person is hearing it, inviting response,
and being open to feedback. These folks need to remember to shine
the spotlight on other people from time to time, asking them
questions about their lives and sharing a point of view about the
others’ lives that might be helpful. If Gemini North Node people
keep the spotlight on themselves for too long, they lose the energy
the other people add to the interaction. When they feel this loss of
energy, it should signal them to let the other person talk.
Conversation is like breathing—an inhale
andan exhale; Gemini
North Node is learning that both people should have a chance to
participate regardless of which person is the focus of attention.

For example, when telling someone about a confrontation they
had with a co-worker, they could say: “What do
you think about
that? Do you think I judged the situation correctly?” After the other
person responds, they could ask: “How was
your day? Was it
peaceful or did you also have confrontations?” If they think the
other person doesn’t want to talk, they need to check it out by
asking: “Would you rather not talk about this, or do you have
something else on your mind?” To keep the vitality going in a
conversation, both people must be actively involved. Once these
folks get the idea of how conversation works, they become experts
at it.
Gemini North Node people are learning to see communication as
a vehicle for curiosity—wanting to learn about the other person.
They need to welcome input from others because, when combined
with their own ideas and insights, it can produce a truth that is more
powerful than either “truth” by itself.
Sometimes these folks appear combative. They think they have
something important to say and are afraid that they will not be
understood. So they put a lot of enthusiasm and energy into the
communication to be sure they get their point across. They can
become so fiery and adamant that others may feel attacked and
respond defensively. Then, because the other person appears to be
resisting their communication, they may become even more
adamant until the interaction escalates in an irrational, overly
emotional way. But they need to recognize that it’s their
presentation that is being resisted, not their point of view.
Gemini North Node people have a tendency to speak in a very
direct manner—delivering their opinion as unalterable Truth—and
any discussion of their Truth can lead to an argument. They may
actually enjoy this and consider it a stimulating interchange of
ideas, whereas the other person may see it as an empty battle of
wits. This can keep them from interacting with friends on a daily
basis, because people get tired of the battle after a while. Gemini
North Node people need to learn to pull back and listen more
carefully to the other person. They need to recognize that their
strength is in clear quiet thought, not emotion. Their insights (when
they have heard the correct question) are often powerful, accurate
solutions, and when they speak them in a nondramatic way, the
power of the idea can really be heard.

These people need to credit the intelligence of other people and
trust that they will recognize Truth without it being jammed down
their throats. Gemini North Node people are learning the
importance of replacing impatience with respect if they wish to
truly get
their point across and connect with people successfully.
Another reason these folks are so ardent in the delivery of their
ideas is that they want acknowledgment that their Truth is “right.” It
validates their self-esteem and helps them to relax to know that their
viewpoint is accepted. But these folks need to recognize that Truth
stands on its own merit and doesn’t need energy from their egos to
propel it, or fanfare to signal its accuracy. In fact, the more quietly
Truth can be delivered, the better, so that the other person feels the
serenity to receive it. Regardless of how noble their motive is, these
folks may not use the fiery energy of personal ego to enforce their
point of view. Others simply won’t listen.


Gemini North Node people are learning to be patient with
themselves and others in working out glitches in communication.
They’re not used to talking. After all, they’ve been on
mountaintops; what do they know about communication? It’s as
though they’re speaking Latin while the people around them are
speaking English. They need to have patience and slow down, take
a few extra moments to translate, and really listen to what the other
person has said.
Most of their problems in communicating are caused by
inappropriate responses, which stem from not really hearing what
other people are saying. Here is a simple example: Gemini North
Node has a friend working in a booth at the County Fair who needs
to count out exactly 100 apples. As she’s counting—“67, 68, 69, 70
. . .”—people keep stopping by and interrupting her, and she loses
count. Well, the friend has a problem, so naturally the Gemini North
Node person will magically show up because he is a person with all
the answers! The friend says: “These apples are for the County Fair.
I need to count . . .” but the Gemini North Node person will hear the
first few words and not the rest. He assumes he knows what the
problem is, so he drifts off. He “comes back” when he notices the

other person has stopped talking, but since he never truly heard
the problem was, he is likely to give an inappropriate answer:
“Oh, don’t worry about it—apples are two for a quarter down at the
fairgrounds!” The friend will be irritated, because she had a genuine
problem and wasn’t given the answer she needed. And the Gemini
North Node person will be frustrated because he went out of his
way to help and his friend didn’t appreciate it. Both people lost.
Instead of getting frustrated, the Gemini North Node person
needs to stop and think: “Okay—since she didn’t accept my answer,
that means I didn’t communicate effectively. Perhaps I didn’t fully
understand the problem.” He needs to return to the friend with an
apology: “Gosh, I’m sorry—maybe I didn’t really understand your
problem. Would you tell me again?” The friend will appreciate that
he cared enough to come back, and when they start communicating
again: “I need to count 100 apples for the fair,” the Gemini North
Node person can listen carefully and see the problem accurately.
Then he may suggest: “Well, why don’t you make ten piles of ten
apples each?” Instantly the friend will be relieved: “Thank you!
That’s the answer I was looking for!” When the other person
gratefully accepts the answer, there is a “high” for both parties and
both people win.


Often, these folks don’t realize the full impact of the messages
they deliver. In the above example, the friend may go home that
night and suddenly realize: “You know, that’s the reason my whole
life doesn’t work! I have it all jammed together, and what I need to
do is to organize it into smaller segments that I can deal with!”
Gemini North Node people must never judge any subject to be not
worth talking about. If someone is sincerely interested and seeking
information, these folks should always try to help the other person
find it. Gemini North Node people are bearers of Truth, and in
helping others find the information they seek, they often reveal a
larger Truth.


In past lives, freedom was very important for Gemini North
Node people—to discover their Truth they had to be free. Now they
have “tapes” in their subconscious that say over and over: “I’ve got
to be free; I’ve got to be free.” But in this lifetime, listening to such
tapes is not to their advantage. If they’re in a relationship, really
understanding what the other person is saying and creating
tremendous rapport, and all of a sudden “I’ve got to be free; I’ve got
to be free” comes on in their mind, they will pull themselves out of
the interaction. Then they go off by themselves and think they will
feel free, but instead they feel lonely (one more mountaintop!) and
say: “What’s going on? There’s no energy here at all.”
But it’s healthy for these folks to go back and say: “Gosh, I’ve
changed my mind.” This is not a lifetime where they have to be
right all the time. They need to be honest when they have two
different responses to something. For example, they may want to
stay in a relationship and at the same time fear that by staying they
won’t be able to do what they want to do. At that point, Gemini
North Node people need to honestly communicate their
dichotomies: “To tell you the truth, I’ve got two things going on
here. On the one hand I want to stay, on the other hand I’m afraid
that if I get really close I won’t be able to do the things on my own
that I need to do.” Or with their children they might say: “I
understand what’s going on with you and that you need a lot of
space, but we need to have a certain amount of discipline in this
family to make the unit work.” When they share both sides of the
issue, the answer will present itself. The person will understand
what they are saying and come into alignment with them.
Just being aware that they have “freedom tapes” is a big part of
resolving this issue. The tapes are like a muscle in the subconscious
that got overexercised, and now it’s going to assert itself at the most
inopportune times. So if they tune in to where the voice is coming
from, they can
choose to not take it too seriously.


In many past lifetimes as spiritual counselors, mentors, or
advisors, Gemini North Node people have had to be in positions of
certainty when others expressed doubts and fears. Their
subconscious tells them: “You’re supposed to know all the
answers.” Their goals required complete faith and trust; so in this
lifetime, their subconscious tries to invalidate any fears or doubts
that come up.
They tend to rationalize by comparing themselves to others in
ways that invalidate their own feelings. For example, a Gemini
North Node person may say: “You know, I’m really not happy in
my job . . . but I don’t know what I want to do right now . . . and
I’m lucky to even
have a job! And nobody likes their job!” These
folks present themselves as having it all figured out. They won’t
say: “I have no clue what I want to do with my life.” They’ll say
instead: “I’m planning to go to law school” and then give six
reasons why they’re doing it. They’ll even list the disadvantages:
“I’ve already thought about the negative side of it, but I think that’s
what I want to do.” When they present themselves to others as
having all the answers, this attitude cuts off—rather than invites—
the communication, interaction, and sharing that could provide them
with new information and insights.
They are hesitant to elicit the ideas and opinions of others
because they don’t want to feel weak—they don’t want to face the
fact that they actually don’t have all the answers. Because they are
afraid that the other person is going to tell them something they
don’t want to hear, they inadvertently converse in a way that
discourages others from having any input in the conversation. These
folks also fear that true communication with others might expose

something deeper about themselves, which would allow their fears,
doubts, and inner confusion to begin to rise.


Gemini North Node is learning that in society there is freedom
of choice. Not everyone is following the same set of rules. As each
one of us pursues our individual pathway, it’s okay to be uncertain
and have doubts and to have the humility to ask others for their
opinion—in fact, it’s encouraged. Cooperation empowers people to
use their talents to express themselves, achieve their desires, and do
things that benefit not only themselves but other people and society
as a whole.
On the mountaintop Gemini North Node people were on their
own, but in society we all have strengths and weaknesses. Folks get
together and share information—the plumber knows about
plumbing, the lawyer knows about law, and so on. However,
Gemini North Node people are not accustomed to seeking help.
They think it shows a lack of intelligence. Yet society operates from
the basic assumption that
nobody knows everything. We’re all in the
same boat, so the person with the most expertise directs the ship.
Gemini North Node people may isolate themselves from the
comfort and camaraderie of interdependence because they are
resistant to other people telling them what to do, especially if the
others seem to know less about Truth than they do. However, in this
incarnation they must learn to live successfully in society—and
there are plenty of people who know more about that than they do!
Gemini North Node people should remember that humility is
beneficial because it allows them to listen to and learn from others.
They need to find out how to “be themselves” and still be a
cooperative part of society. Moreover, humility allows them to learn
that Truth is a universal energy that can come through anyone, so
they should be open to all points of view.


These folks are learning to accept duality: the contradictions in
others and the duality of their own natures. By pursuing only Truth
in past lives, they became isolated from the experience of being
human. In this incarnation, their mission is to learn about human
nature all over again.
Planet Earth runs on the principles of yin and yang, night and
day, cold and hot, receptive and creative, female and male—
seeming opposites that make a whole. Gemini North Node people
will better understand life, people, and situations when they see the
“flip side” of the coin. They are still learning to see, accept, and be
interested in both sides, rather than take the attitude that “It’s just a
coin; big deal.” Rather than discounting internal conflicts, they are
learning about the peace of mind that comes from honestly and
lovingly accepting the contradictory parts of their own nature.
Therefore, Gemini North Node people shouldn’t worry about
having the total picture. It’s okay for them not to “know”—in fact,
in this lifetime it’s
preferable! Thinking they already know
everything blocks their openness to new information that might
improve their understanding of the situation.
These folks are also hesitant to tell people things because they
project that others don’t want to hear difficult truths. So when
someone tells them “I left this job,” “I broke up with so-and-so,” or
“I decided not to go to law school,” then the Gemini North Node
person will say: “I didn’t want to tell you, but I never liked him.”
Or, “I didn’t think law school was a good idea for you.” The other
person may say: “Why didn’t you tell me a long time ago?” But
these folks are afraid of hurting others by “speaking the truth.” They
need to recognize that simply expressing
their own opinion might
be helpful to the other person.
However, the motive behind offering their opinion plays a vital
role in how their advice is received. If their motive is to offer love
and support, the other person will feel their good intention and be
open to their input. But if their motive is to be judgmental or to be
“right,” the other person will respond defensively. If Gemini North
Node people truly want to
help, the interaction works smoothly.
They should offer their perception as another point of view, a gift of
caring, and let the other person figure out whether or not it’s right
for the situation at hand.


Gemini North Node people have a tendency to blind optimism
that can lead them to jump into things without thoroughly checking
all the facts. Sometimes they intuitively feel that someone is being
dishonest with them, but they may override that feeling with high
hopes for great returns and the attitude that “everything is going to
work out.” When they become aware of this imbalance, they need
to force themselves to acknowledge their other options. This will
restore their self-confidence.
When they recognize that they are not in a logical situation, they
need to fall back on their own strength. But they don’t always feel
capable of handling things. They tend to blindly trust people they
feel are better able to take care of themselves in the real world. And
because they are trustworthy, they project that others are
trustworthy as well—and this can get them into a lot of trouble.
These folks
should rely on others to help them; however, they
should not do this blindly. Their challenge is to understand the
people around them, and not to trust just anyone out of fear that
they have no other choices. They need to listen to the other person’s
words, and because Gemini North Node people are basically
truthful, they can tell when others are not being truthful with them.


Gemini North Node people don’t necessarily expect the people
they’re with to tell them the truth. They think that other people
work from some other point of reference where it’s all right to be
dishonest, tell white lies, hide money, and so on. And since they
themselves would never do these things, they feel that others are
operating from a lesser level of integrity. Once again their past life
experience with its strict moral code comes into the picture, and
these folks have a tough time dealing with what they perceive to be
the “dishonesty and games” of other people.
These folks need to recognize that their function is to reinfuse
spiritual ethics and Truth into the mindsets of others. If they cast
others as being “wrong” for not being “moral,” naturally others will
resist their insights—no one wants to feel like a sinner! So they
need to support people in integrating the spiritual path into their
daily lives. At the same time, they must be open to other views and
temper the rigidity of their own position.
When Gemini North Node people give their word, they keep it—
it’s a matter of morality to them. And they expect those around
them to play by the rules both parties have agreed on. When other
people talk about doing something and then don’t do it—for
whatever reason—these folks can get extremely upset. They want
the initial agreement to be acknowledged, and they want to be
consulted about any changes.
For example, if they agreed to clean the attic with someone and
then something came up, they would say: “We said we were going
to clean the attic today, but it’s looking like we’re not going to have
time. Is everybody okay with that?” They hate things to be said and
then not followed up on. Yet they don’t know how to bring this trait
to other people’s attention—they don’t want to upset the others or
have them deny that the discrepancy is happening. It can be an area
of serious confusion for these folks.
When such discrepancies occur, it is usually for one of three
basic reasons:

1. It may be the result of an initial misunderstanding that
the Gemini North Node person let pass without
clarification, even though he didn’t feel good about it at
the time. If he has to clear up something from the past, he
needs to stay with the facts of the situation: “Yesterday I
heard you say _____, and now I hear you say _____.I
don’t understand the discrepancy. Will you please explain
this to me so I can understand better what you’re saying?”
If his motive is truly to understand, and not just wanting
to make the other person appear wrong, this approach will
work. Otherwise, the other person will become
uncomfortable and respond defensively.
2. The other person may not have really said what
Gemini North Node heard—there’s a lot of
miscommunication in these folks’ lives. If Gemini North
Node can remember the words closely, he can say:
“Yesterday I heard you say _____. Did you
mean _____,
or did you mean something else?”
3. It is also possible that the other person felt strongly
about a situation one day, and then—due to a change in
circumstances, perception, or feedback—changed her
mind and felt just as strongly in another direction the
following day. Part of living in society is learning how to
adapt and change direction in response to feedback from
others. People put an idea out into the world, and
depending on how others respond to it, the idea is
continued or changed to best accomplish the goal. For
example, someone might be convinced that advertising in
Magazine A would increase business. Then, after getting
a limited response, he or she might be equally convinced
that Magazine A was
not a good advertising bet, put an ad
in Magazine B, or use an entirely different media outlet.
Gemini North Node people might see these situations as
discrepancies, but they simply represent the process of intelligent
adaptation to feedback from the environment. From past lives in
religious environments, these folks are used to seeking eternal
truths: absolute universal laws that never change. But in this
incarnation they are learning to move about in a social environment,

and they need to have the humility to listen and learn about how the
rules work in this environment. Such recognition will also help
them be more open to others. Others’ responses can help these folks
determine whether or not they are truly making a contribution and
effectively adding positive energy to the situation.




Gemini North Node people feel a sense of urgency about getting
their point across and being “heard.” Underneath this urgency,
however, what they really want is to feel accepted. Acceptance is an
accurate barometer for them of whether of not they are “on path.”
When other people accept what they are saying, it’s a signal that
they are communicating effectively. If others don’t accept their
words, it’s a signal that they need to pull back and recast their
message in words that the others can understand.
For these folks, truths are like sacred stepping-stones—the very
foundations of their perceptions. They hesitate to share their truths
because they are afraid that others will think they’re crazy or judge
them for pondering Truth instead of thinking about making money
or other material concerns. They want to reveal themselves to
others, but their sacred Truth is so intangible that it’s difficult to talk
about directly, and the other person often loses interest. Then
Gemini North Node gets frustrated because he doesn’t know how to
communicate his philosophy in just a few words.
It’s like walking into a dentist’s office with a toothache. The
patient wants to know: Shall we fill the tooth, pull the tooth, cap the
tooth, or do a root canal? She does not want the dentist to tell her
about all his experiences in dental school. Because all the years the
dentist spent studying support his view of what should be done with
the tooth, the patient will feel the learning behind his simple, factual
opinion. Likewise, Gemini North Node people need to learn to
answer the immediate need of the other person, giving what may
seem to be a temporary or simplistic answer rather than an entire
philosophy. This is what is scheduled to work for them in the
present incarnation.
Truth is an energy, not a concept. These folks are actually seeking
the energy of Truth, but they need to remember that it is not
scheduled to come in a ponderous way. As they exchange ideas with
others in order to solve problems in their daily lives, they will get in
touch with the Truth they are looking for. When they help others
break through even a superficial problem or misunderstanding, the

energy of the Truth will come through and everyone involved will
share resolution and peace of mind. In this incarnation, Gemini
North Node people are scheduled to access the Truth through
simple, daily interactions and genuine connections with others.


Gemini North Node people have a tendency to be so concerned
with distant, overall solutions that they don’t allow themselves to
feel the joy of the moment. They are still looking for “eternal
truths.” However, in this incarnation they need to be more
concerned with “here and now” solutions and recognize that if they
(and those around them) are happy in each moment, the moments
will add up and the happiness will last.
The same is true in their business affairs. They can be so
concerned with the “larger picture” that they lose sight of how to
create an immediately successful situation. They need to be more
aware of time, budgeting their projects into specific blocks for
completion, instead of feeling that they have “forever” to handle
material concerns.
For example, I had a Gemini North Node client who owned a
duplex rental property. When one of his tenants moved out, some
minor plumbing repairs were required. Rather than handle that and
rent it out again, he decided it was a good time to do a thorough
plumbing overhaul. Then he decided it would be a good time to
shore up the foundation—which required a major expenditure of
time and money (which he didn’t have) as well as lifting the house
off its present foundation (“in order to do a thorough job”). He kept
thinking that somewhere down the line (these folks always think in
terms of eternity!) it would have to be done, so he might as well
handle it now. Since he didn’t have the resources to finish the job
immediately, the vacancy continued for month after month. When
the family on the top floor moved out, he expanded the project to
include the upstairs plumbing (“it would have to be done
eventually”). The property had been completely vacant for nine

months when he came to see me; due to lack of rental income, he
was in danger of losing it.
These folks are learning the value of temporary solutions,
handling problems when they arise and not projecting too far into
the future. Otherwise, they lose the strong foundation that provides
a base for future expansion. Life on planet Earth is temporary—
eternity only exists in consciousness. They need to shorten their
view and put their current affairs in order. They need to look at all
the salient
facts of a situation—the upside and the downside—and
use their


While in some areas of life Gemini North Node people are too
patient, they simultaneously try to take shortcuts in other areas. But
illogical shortcuts always result in more work in the long run
because these folks will have to go back, slow down, and do it all
over again. They rush to get everything and everyone out of their
way so they can be “free” for more important things. Often this
inner restlessness is associated with feeling lost. In fact, they
need a purpose to give their life direction. However, it’s up to them
to define that purpose—and it has to be more than the pursuit of
Truth. They must have an individual, “in the present” purpose that
connects them to society; until they define that purpose, they will
feel lost. This is one reason these folks change jobs so frequently. If
their current occupation doesn’t satisfy their inner sense of purpose,
they have no qualms about leaving and trying something completely
new to see if it “fits.” They are willing to go through as much
formal education as it takes to prepare for the job they think might
“do it” for them.
The search for “purpose” that calls Gemini North Node people is
a carryover from past lives of seeking Truth. But in this lifetime,
their purpose is to learn the process of connecting with society. For
example, if they’re sitting at a table with four people, these folks are
great at the beginning of the conversation. But if they’re with the
same four people day after day, they become nervous. They think
they’ve already said everything they had to say. Indeed they did, but
they haven’t heard what others had to say in response—and that’s

the next step! These folks need to listen to others and learn how to
build on their responses so the relationship can grow. This kind of
sharing can generate tremendous energy that leads to new realms of
mutual discovery. When the four people at the table have new
experiences, they have new insights to share with one another.


Gemini North Node people have spent so many lifetimes
“trapped” in religious organizations concentrating on Truth, that in
this incarnation they resist limiting themselves to only one thing.
They are starved for worldly adventure: to taste life; to experience
different kinds of relationships, different occupations, and different
places. They are hungry for the benefits of living in the world.
Yet they can be envious of people who settle down to just one
job, marriage, or lifestyle. They wonder: “Wow! What would it be
like to just completely put myself into one life choice?” But their
subconscious knows that when they were dedicated to one thing life
got pretty boring, and they can’t do it! In this lifetime, they need to
have plenty of options to keep their lives interesting and to keep the
energy moving.
The potential drawback of always seeing life as an adventure is
that it can give them a superficial experience of the people they
encounter. They tend to miss out on the others’ depth—their history
and character, how they arrived at where they are now—they just
share an adventure with them and then move on. But only when
they take the time to find out about other people will they
experience the connectedness and peace of mind they are seeking.
Thus, it is to their advantage to slow down and be patient with those
around them—taking the time to ask the other person questions and
really connect.


These folks love to be spontaneous—it makes them feel light
and happy! Spontaneity works for them sometimes, but it can also
be a hindrance in more intimate relationships. For instance, they
have a tendency to try and get together with others at the last
minute, and often the people they want to see are not available. It
would be to their benefit to recognize that a lot of people live with

more planning; if they really want to get together with someone,
they need to let that person know in advance. Often they figure if
that person can’t get together with them, it wasn’t “meant to be.”
These folks prefer spontaneity over planning because they don’t
know in advance if they’re really going to want to be with a certain
person. They prefer to be free to go in any direction—wherever the
energy is and wherever their sense of adventure takes them. But
they are learning that there are times when their love of spontaneity
doesn’t work for them, such as in business matters or when dealing
with people who don’t choose to play on a spontaneous wavelength.


Gemini North Node people are somewhat restless. But from past
life training, they still have the ability to focus 100 percent on
whatever occupation they are in—even if it won’t be long term. For
them, this is healthy. They feel they can’t afford to spend this whole
lifetime on any one thing, because it’s through a variety of
experiences that they are learning how to live in the world.
However, sometimes they get “stuck” in a profession. They may
be successful and make a good living, and on one level they’re
satisfied. Yet they know the best time to make a change is when
they’re feeling really good about themselves and when everything is
going well. Since this is a lifetime of learning and growing, and of
gathering and dispersing information, they think that if they don’t
voluntarily make a change when it’s time, life will assist them in
making changes. Yet these folks don’t lack boldness. They usually
have the self-confidence, optimism, and trust in life to take the
gamble and make the change themselves.
Often the changes Gemini North Node people make are based on
intuitive knowing. They have a sense of the next adventure that they
need to experience. Although their intuition guides them, they also
need to consider the logical route to follow in making these
changes, including others’ input. Otherwise their journey can be a
lot more difficult than necessary. This is not a “do it yourself”
lifetime for them—they need input from people who have had more
experience operating in society to help them reach their goals.

These folks must be wary not to get “bogged down” somewhere
because of their tendency to be more thorough than the situation
requires. They are learning to be content with a “temporary fix”
rather than the permanent solutions they sought in past lives. In
society, everything is continually changing. The idea is to keep life
moving in a positive direction by operating in a helpful way with
other people. If there is no motion in their life, they need to lighten
up and solve their problems in logical ways that may be suggested
by those around them. That will bring back the energy!
Solitude used to bring Gemini North Node people comfort in past
lives, but they know that this is incorrect for them now. That’s why
they’re coming back to society: to bring that internal harmony they
found by themselves into their interactions with others. They’re
learning how to
maintain that harmony while being in relationships
with others, to extend the harmony outside of themselves.
But they are so introverted socially that this is difficult, and
they’re trying to evolve just through their
internal computer. In
other words, they aren’t asking questions of others; instead, they’re
trying to formulate some kind of continuity through the thread of
connectedness that, in past lives, they firmly established within
themselves—the thread of inner peace and harmony.
Now they have re-entered society, and they are trying to maintain
that inner peace while interconnecting with others. This is why
temporary, superficial relationships can sometimes be good for
these folks. By only going to a certain depth, they can more easily
maintain their own sense of harmony when they are with another
person. Once they learn how to do it on a superficial level with
many different people, they can learn how to get more deeply
involved and still maintain the energy and harmony.


Gemini North Node people feel they have so much information
to give to others that all the messages to be delivered seem like a
burden. Yet their lives are not operating at the same speed as their
past lives when they were traveling alone. They need to slow
themselves down. After all, this is a people lifetime.
If these folks try to take shortcuts, they will end up taking the
long way around because they will have to go back and repeat
things. They should keep in mind that right where they are is where
they’re supposed to be, and the person right in front of them might
be the one who needs to hear their message. This can greatly relieve
the pressure they feel; but if they’re going too fast in order to get to
next person, they won’t effectively deliver the first message, and
the weight of it will still be with them.
Another problem is that Gemini North Node people feel a
responsibility not only to
deliver the message but also to see that the
other person
understands it. In a way, this is correct. They are
Teachers in this lifetime, and their job is to deliver the message in a
way that others can understand. But if impatience takes hold of
them, they inadvertently try to force others to receive the message
rather than slowing to present it in the other person’s own
“language.” They need to focus on the fact that twelve messages
effectively delivered to a dozen people is worth hundreds of
messages that are not understood.


More than any other nodal group, Gemini North Node people
have a tendency to stutter in their youth. This is because their minds
are traveling so fast and they’ve had so many lifetimes of silence
and meditation that they’re not used to talking. Their minds are
going ten times faster than their vocal apparatus. They’re
enthusiastic to communicate because they haven’t been in society

for so long and they’re happy to be part of it again, yet they’re
fearful because they don’t know how to relate. All that can
contribute to a tendency to stutter. Once again, slowing down to
meet another person’s “wavelength” facilitates transmitting a lot of
information in a short time with fewer words.
Stuttering can have a useful purpose in other ways. It forces these
folks to find alternative words in case their first choice doesn’t
come out right. This makes them more aware of slowing down and
accurately saying what they mean: It teaches them to respect words
and the art of using them to pinpoint exactly what they mean. By
forcing themselves to use exact words to convey their meaning,
these folks are channeling their highly creative mental energy
constructively in their relationships with others.
They have so much mental energy that if they don’t have respect
for the power of words, the result is frustration. It’s very important
for them not to blurt things out; taking the time to find the correct
words channels their energy and gives them the focus they need.
They know exactly what they want to say, but it can be difficult to
make themselves understood. These folks see others communicating
clearly, and they don’t know why they have so much trouble. In
fact, they enjoy movies with interesting, involved dialogue, since
they learn from watching what people say and how they say it.
The most important thing for these folks to remember is to “slow
down.” They need to be sure that what they say is being understood
by all concerned, point by point, rather than blurting out a series of
ideas before the first one has been accepted. For example, if they
say: “I have not had happy experiences in foreign travel,” they
should pause and see how those around them respond. If others
invalidate their statement by pointing out how much fun the Gemini
North Node should have had in Tahiti, they need to stop and clarify
what they said originally.
Perhaps they could say: “I’m not saying that foreign travel is
unpleasant for everyone, but it’s not where I, personally, have the
most fun.” No one can invalidate another’s
personal experience, as
long as they make it clear that they are not saying it is the truth for
everyone. After taking the time to clarify the first point, they may
realize that they can learn from others’ different experiences. They
may ask: “What have your experiences of foreign travel been like?”
These folks are better off when they try to see how others view life
in order to expand their own perceptions.


Gemini North Node people are learning to think before they
speak. They are also learning how important it is to wait for the
proper timing to make their point. Even if Gemini North Node
offers the other person the perfect answer to a problem, it won’t do
any good if that person is not ready to receive it. And if the other
person is not receptive, these folks need to let it go until the next
opening presents itself. They should focus on rapport and goodwill,
which they can offer only if they have no personal investment in the
communication. When they are invested in the other person
accepting and acknowledging what they have to say, that investment
translates into an intensity that defeats them and may seem like
preaching or combativeness to the other person. These folks are
caring people who want to help, but sometimes their greatest caring
shows in their willingness to support the other person—even in
moments when that person does not seem to understand them.




Gemini North Node people feel a tremendous need for freedom
in this incarnation. If this drive is prompting them to meet new
people, it is healthy for them and will result in an increase in their
vitality. However, if the urge for freedom is based on listening to
their “freedom tapes” or running away from the challenge of
connecting with others, the result will be restlessness and


When others “push their buttons” and upset these folks, their
reaction is to turn off completely and retreat to their “mountaintop.”
They feel it makes them weak to connect with people, and
subconsciously they fear being deeply understood by another
person. Also, it’s frustrating for them to go through the work of
sharing their truths. Although truth comes all too easily to them,
they have great difficulty translating it for others in a way that can
be understood and appreciated.
Since Gemini North Node people are learning how to listen to
others, asking questions is a good habit for them. Being a good
listener is all about asking questions and being interested in the
other person’s life; when these folks are engaged in this process,
they are happy and peaceful. They have a fear of deeply, genuinely
connecting with others; but when they
do it, the feelings of
acceptance and completion are deeply satisfying. They can
reconnect with the tranquility they worked so hard to attain in past
For success in close relationships, they need to start by admitting
they have been in a “cocoon.” They need to rise above fear and
declare their intention: that they want to come out of the cocoon to
connect with the other person—not only on the level of hopes and
dreams, but also fears and doubts. Then when they reveal

themselves in conversation, they can truly be honest. They will not
just share their buoyant, optimistic outlook about the way things
should be—they will share how life really is for them on a day-today basis and talk about their own challenges. Being receptive to
others can really help them achieve victories in their daily lives that
they could never have accomplished alone.
Most of these folks want to “settle down” in a permanent,
committed marriage relationship, but one part of them
simultaneously fears this kind of permanence. They want to be free
to grow and change, move around, and do different things. If they
could connect with another person who has the same temperament,
they might have the best of both worlds. But if they enter a
relationship that limits their freedom, it generally doesn’t work out.
Gemini North Node people do not relate easily to the word
“commitment” in their relationships. What they are committed to is
the thread of Truth and harmony within themselves. They do not
want their philosophy tampered with, and they are not sure how to
become fully committed to another person without merging their
beliefs. They feel their truths are what make them who they are.
However, they can live with a person of dissimilar beliefs as long as
both people are open and accepting of each other’s philosophies.
These folks are also reluctant to do anything that limits their
interactions. They are learning how to relate and how to reintegrate
themselves into society, and they need to experience a lot of
different people in order to expand their awareness of how to do
this. They want to bring the awareness of Truth and that feeling of
inner harmony into society, and to expand that thread of continuity
to include others. As they “practice” with different people in
different situations, they gain more confidence in their ability to
maintain their own inner happiness while interacting with others.
Then they can allow people to get closer, because they know they’ll
be able to maintain their harmony.
Thus, for Gemini North Node people, entering a committed
relationship can take longer because they lose their inner sense of
peace if they go too deep, too quickly. Marriage or a commitment

that would restrict them from interacting with others is actually
counterproductive to their larger goals. They need a partner who
supports their need to move through society. They need a lot of “in
the field” experience to fully manifest their potential. This does not
mean that monogamy is counterproductive for them—it is the need
to interact
mentally with a variety of different people that must not
be limited.


Of all the “tricksters” in their subconscious, the one that most
often sabotages relationships for Gemini North Node people is the
tendency to assume. When they act without gathering facts or
sharing information with others, they set themselves up for
disappointment. When in doubt, they need to talk to the other
person and listen without judgment. When they assume others know
that “all is well,” they often get into trouble. When they check
things out on a daily basis—finding out how the other person is and
giving information about how they are—they will be much happier.
To experience successful relationships, they must go out of their
way to keep the lines of communication open.
When these folks are in a relationship, they tend to assume that
others know what they are feeling and experience what they are
experiencing. For example, I had a client who spent an absolutely
beautiful, perfect night with a man. He never contacted her
afterwards, and she assumed that he had experienced something
different than she did. But the fact is, she doesn’t know! There
could have been a hundred reasons why he didn’t call her: He may
have lost her phone number; he may have been in another
relationship that he hadn’t completed; something may have come up
that he had to take care of first and then he felt embarrassed to call
after so long; or her conclusion may have been correct. But her best
bet would have been to pick up the phone, ask him how his life was
going, share with him how much she enjoyed the evening, and find
out why he didn’t call her. These folks need to apply some of their
faith in positive outcomes and take charge of creating positive
results in their own lives.
When they’re in a relationship, Gemini North Node people often
don’t call the other person for extended periods of time. If they’re

going through anything negative or are unsure of something in their
life, they don’t want to get in touch because they don’t want to have
to say: “Actually, my boyfriend just left me,” or “They took my
credit cards away.” They want to wait until they’ve “got it together”
so they can share the positive—they don’t want to communicate
when they’re not at their best.
Naturally, a lot of people interpret this lack of communication as
a lack of interest. These folks have lost in many a romantic
relationship due to lack of communication, when the other person
assumes they aren’t interested and gets involved with someone else.
If they are truly interested in maintaining a relationship, they cannot
assume the other person knows that “all is well.” They need to pick
up the phone or send a card on a regular basis to maintain the
connection. If they are going through a period of doubt or
uncertainty, they could communicate that: “Well, I hesitated to call
you because I’m not ready to see you right now. I need to complete
some things in my life, but I wanted to let you know I’m thinking
about you and I wanted to see how you’re doing.”
If there’s a misunderstanding, these folks need to take
responsibility for straightening it out. They might also find it
helpful to alert others to potential problems: “Sometimes I don’t
heat what people say because my mind jumps ahead. If you think I
haven’t understood you, please let me know because I want to
communicate clearly with you.” Gemini North Node people can be
thinking something and assume it has been understood by other
people. It’s a shock to these folks to find out that the way
interpret the world is not the way everyone else interprets it. It’s
essential for them to double-check with others and be conscious of
verbalizing what is on their minds. If they tactfully make others
aware of their various thoughts and ideas, they will find their
relationships shifting in new and positive ways.


When Gemini North Node people take the time to accurately
share their point of view about their own personal experiences,
others are deeply moved. As a result, Gemini North Node people
experience the joy of acceptance and empathy. When they share

things without having to be “right” or prove a point, the results will
be heartfelt. To reach others on a soul level, they must speak the
truth about what they are experiencing.
For example, I had a client with this nodal position whose
girlfriend made some unexpected charges against one of his credit
cards at a clothing store. He confronted her, and even though he
already knew it involved clothes, he wanted her to confess what she
had spent the money on. When she said “household items,” he
became so obsessed with making her tell him the truth that she
ended the relationship. These folks hate lies, and they tend to
respond with self-righteous indignation when they think they have
been lied to. However, in this case the man’s response was also not
the truth. He should have said: “There’s something I’d like to
discuss that’s very important to me. I found some unexpected
charges on my credit card, so I checked to see if there had been a
mistake. There were three credit slips for clothing with your
signature on them. You know I’ve always been generous—I want
you to have nice clothes—but I feel hurt and betrayed because you
didn’t ask before using my credit card.”
Then, from that honesty, the next level of truth could have
emerged. By putting forth the facts and his honest feelings, he
would have opened himself to see her character more accurately.
Either she would have changed to be in greater ethical alignment
with him, or he would have seen that she was an inappropriate
partner for an intimate relationship. These folks have to give others
a chance to grow ethically. They can open space for this only by
being willing to act with integrity themselves—honestly revealing
their feelings instead of trying to force the other person to be


Gemini North Node people have a strong resistance to other
people’s “truth”—especially the people they deal with on a daily
basis. This can be one of the reasons why people feel they have to
lie to them—these folks may not really want to hear what is going
on with the other person. But their disinclination to listen can result
in painful misunderstandings with those they care about most.

Even though they say they want “the truth,” they become upset
when others tell them. But if they don’t really want to listen to the
truth, it will have the effect of encouraging people to lie to them. No
one wants to be “made wrong,” and these folks can be so selfrighteous about who is right and who is not that others don’t want to
be around them.
Gemini North Node people are learning to value happy rapport
with others above the compulsive pursuit of philosophical Truth.
This also requires that they suspend judgment. When these folks
judge another person, they are not taking into account the other
person’s code of ethics. To understand this person better, these folks
need to ask questions: “What did you study in school? What was
your first job?” These folks have a tendency to see things so much
in the present that they assume people’s lives have always been the
same—yet it’s fascinating to them when others share what brought
them to their present circumstances.
If they are seeking “truth”—or factual accuracy—from another
person, they should always be very clear with themselves first about
their own motive. Is it to learn about the other person and help that
person reveal himself or herself more clearly? Or is their motive to
“be right”? If their underlying motive is to listen, they will win; if
their motive is to be right, they will lose.
Gemini North Node people must grant others equality if they
want them to communicate honestly. And honesty evolves—it
doesn’t necessarily happen in the first few encounters. As these
folks allow people the space to become more honest with
themselves, the honesty they are seeking will emerge. In personal
relationships, they need to communicate how important honesty is
to them in a constructive way that does not alienate the other
person. For example, they could begin in subtle but clear ways: “We
have more fun when we are honest with each other than we do
when we are trying to deceive each other. Honesty brings us closer
together and helps us accept each other.”


If these folks force themselves to give someone a yes or no
answer when actually there’s a conflict going on in their own minds,

whatever they say will be a lie because the truth is that they haven’t
found the answer yet. So the “answer”—and the correct thing to
communicate to the other person—is that they can see two
alternatives and don’t know which one to choose. Once the other
person understands this, the Gemini North Node person can
experiment with one path and keep the option to choose the other if
it doesn’t work out.
For example, I had a client with this nodal position who was
offered the choice of working in an office or at home. She wanted
the peace and solitude of working at home but was afraid that if she
didn’t go to the office her level of productivity might drop. She
needed to tell her boss exactly what she told me: “I would like to
work at home, and keeping my productivity level high is very
important to me. So I would like to experiment with working at
home, and if my productivity level drops, I would like to come back
to the office.”
In this incarnation, it’s perfectly fine for Gemini North Node
people to change their minds. They were not allowed to do this in
past lives, so they have a sense that they are supposed to say: “
is the way it is.” But now they are learning to see more options, and
as they get more information they will naturally alter their course to
take advantage of the new input.
So when these folks express their decision (or their opinion at the
moment) they should try not to present their views too rigidly, so
that they have the option of changing their minds. Instead of saying:
“This is incorrect and it’s always going to be incorrect,” it’s better if
they say: “This is incorrect. I might change my mind, but this is the
way it appears to me now.” Their views may change, so it’s okay
for these folks
not to have a final answer.


Gemini North Node people have the karma of connecting with a
variety of different people: nerds, jocks, high school dropouts,
college graduates. The people they get involved with are a mixed
bag. Sometimes they wonder who their “type” is because they relate
on a surface level with all these various people! When they gain a
greater sense of their spiritual identity and figure out how to share
messages with people, being with so many different kinds of people
begins to make sense to them. When their “truth” is bounced off so
many different surfaces, they can see it in many different ways. This
helps them know when a concept is really “right,” and they gain joy
from seeing that concept work through the varied perceptions of
For example, they may ask themselves: “What is ‘Poor’?” Then
they watch people who are financially poor and discover that in
some cases, being poor gives a person better values than if they
were rich. Their exciting discoveries stem from their openness to
compare their ideas with what is actually going on in the
environment. The harmony they seek comes from integrating the
other person’s views with their own truth. Their challenge is to
acknowledge an energy that
encompasses variety.
When Gemini North Node people begin experiencing their
sexuality, their tendency is to seek a variety of people to interact
with. They have been deprived of the warmth of human
relationships for so many incarnations that they can be like a kid in
a candy store: They want to try it all! Actually, in their case and
within reasonable limits, this is not a mistake—especially during
their early years. They are learning how to relate with others while

maintaining and sharing that thread of Truth within themselves.
Variety can help them learn to share it without losing it.
These folks have a well-developed sense of integrity from past
lives and would never say anything to mislead another person. They
don’t say “I love you and I’ll stay with you forever” with the motive
of getting the other person under the covers. However, due to guilt
from their religious training in past lives, they are plagued by a
voice that says: “I know this is wrong—I should only be with one
person.” There may come a time when that path is correct for them,
but that decision needs to be based on maintaining their truth while
they are with the other person without allowing themselves to slip
into isolating self-righteousness. When dating a variety of people,
they are charming and maintain their “good behavior” to keep the
connection progressing. When they can retain that same “good
behavior” while being with only
one person, then they are really on
While they are still in the process of dating a variety of people,
their motive needs to be clear. If they are only trying to ease their
loneliness through sex, the result will be temporary satisfaction that
night, but an exaggeration of the empty feeling the next day. To
avoid that destructive cycle, they need to keep expanding their
mental connection with the other person as a foundation for
physical intimacy. They should establish an emotional connection
prior to a physical relationship. Then the physical interaction will be
a joyful expression of that truth, and they won’t feel empty or


Gemini North Node people can be obsessive in their
attachments to others, particularly in romantic/sexual relationships.
If they become overly committed to one idea or one person, they
should deflect their obsession in order to regain a peaceful,
constructive state of mind. If they are obsessed with an idea, they
need to consider another point of view to balance their thinking. If
they are becoming obsessive about another person, they need to find
a platonic friend to spend time with as a balance for the more

intense relationship. Then they can create success in the primary
relationship. Realizing they have options always works for them.
Conversely, these folks can also go to the extreme of
nonattachment. In this lifetime, they tend to want to be the
Philosopher King again—but when they get to the top of the
mountain, who else is going to be there? One of their most
dangerous obsessions is the tendency to internalize their thoughts,
which causes their relationships to become secondary. They can fail
to even acknowledge other people because they are too intensely
focused on their own thought process. “My thoughts are so justified,
so meaningful.” They may totally disregard other people’s input,
and that’s where they can really be hurt. They won’t find the variety
they need if they aren’t open to the viewpoints of others.
Gemini North Node people need to learn to give greater weight to
human relationships; they need to spend more time and energy
getting involved with people, rather than focusing on goals. The
people may in fact end up
being the goal, if they can just stop


These folks are great with first meetings: the introductory small
talk, the charm, the superficial connection. But they are like a
professional greeter in a restaurant—they know how to make the
other person feel welcome, say the first few lines that everyone will
relate to, make the first gestures and smiles; but after that, they’re
lost. In a romantic situation they often get nervous and either go off
by themselves or try to move things to the physical level right away.
These folks are very comfortable with their bodies, so once they
start connecting physically they feel at ease again. Unfortunately, if
a mental affinity and mutual understanding haven’t been established
first, their sexual connections are often brief and only temporarily
satisfying; they do not lead to deep and rewarding relationships.
These folks have had a lot of past lifetimes of high adventure, as
well. When they were headed toward some mountaintop to look for
Truth, an attractive person would come across their path and they
would have a sexual adventure with them. But these folks weren’t
interested in settling down—they were in pursuit of Truth. To

develop nurturing human bonds or take romantic relationships
deeper would have been contrary to their goals. In this lifetime,
such behavior leads to isolation, but these folks continue to run
from deep connections with others. They want to be close to others,
but they don’t know how to do it. And this awkwardness can be
very frustrating for them, especially in romantic situations.
However, Gemini North Node people need to know that they
have a tremendous gift for making connections with people once
they get the idea. The key is to become genuinely interested in—
and curious about—the other person. How do they think? What is
important to them? What are their interests? What message does the
other person have for them, and what message do they have for the
other person?


Gemini North Node people have a tendency to be too direct, and
this gets them into trouble. They need to remember to look more
deeply at what they really want to convey, and then communicate in
a responsible, sensitive way.
For example, I had a client who had been married for twenty-six
years to a Gemini North Node husband. One day he came home and
said—with no prior warning—“I’ve met my soul mate and I want a
divorce.” He had met this woman only two weeks earlier! The
message totally shocked his wife. It took them more than a year of
intense confrontation and soul searching to find out what the
problems were that led to his drastic pronouncement. In fact, the
encounter turned out to be a diversion—what this man really
wanted was to revitalize his relationship with his wife. They had a
good marriage based on mutually strong feelings of love, and as of
this writing they are still together. He got what he wanted: His
relationship with his wife was transformed. However, his wife has
never recovered emotionally, and she is unable to completely
forgive him for what he put her through.
Gemini North Node people are learning that when they speak
without considering the effects, they can be unnecessarily hurtful to
others. This is especially the case when what they say isn’t really
the underlying truth, but simply an attempt to hurt the other person
or get attention. They must clarify in their own minds what they’re
feeling and
then decide on the best way to say it. Is their motive to
rekindle the relationship, or to make the other person feel guilty?
Often, when these folks speak with harsh directness they are not
really communicating how they feel. They need to focus on
resolving problems in a more responsible way.
In the above example, rather than blurting out a conclusion he
hadn’t thought through in advance, the husband could have talked
with his wife and said: “Look, a woman I am attracted to has come
across my path. I haven’t become involved with her yet, but I’m
considering it because I’m so unhappy in our marriage.” Telling the
truth in a factual, logical way would have gotten him what he

wanted—a revitalization of his marriage—without devastating his
wife. They could have worked together to resolve the underlying
problems in their relationship. And although they did end up staying
together, the shock and anxiety were so great that the relationship
was never completely healed.
Gemini North Node people need to put themselves in the other
person’s place and see what approach would make the other person
feel comfortable. Using words with respect helps these folks
connect in positive ways with other people; it is a key part of
maintaining happy relationships.




Gemini North Node people are learning how to deliver the
messages that they are meant to pass on, and how to hear the
messages they need to receive. To do this most effectively, they
must discriminate between the different functions of the mind and
emphasize that aspect which promotes a factual, logical orientation.


These folks have spent many past lives developing their
philosophies and relying on their intuition. In their private, solitary
search for Truth, intuitive knowing was their best guide. However,
now that they are back in society, factual information will help them
connect in a way that restores their inner peace. If they make
decisions based solely on intuition, it almost always results in
isolation from others. If they feel uncertain or upset about a
situation, they need to seek more information. It’s easy for these
folks to misunderstand, and they are quick to feel rejection when
none was intended.
However, if they have a strong intuitive feeling about something
they should not just push it aside. Their best bet is to take the time
to ask questions that will ease their mind: “I heard what you said,
but for some reason I have an uneasy feeling about this. I want to
get some more information so I’m sure what I’m getting into.”
These folks always benefit from gathering the information that
gives them the reassuring, warm feeling of “truth” inside.


In this incarnation, making decisions based on spontaneous
impulses does not work for Gemini North Node people. If they have

a spontaneous urge to get on a plane and go to Peru, they need to
stop and consider the idea from a logical base. Decisions made from
a logical base, rather than from trust or high hopes, will work out
best for them in the long run. In this lifetime, Gemini North Node
people cannot take shortcuts without taking all the facts into
These folks are also learning the value of applying logic to daily
situations. For example, if one of their truths is a belief in the value
of friendship, they need to hold their goal in mind—“creating
friendship”—and then logically observe what kinds of behavior
create friendship. How does a friendship develop out of a casual
acquaintance? What common denominators exist in successful
friendships? Logic will tell them what behaviors work best to create
the friendships they seek. Above all, logic is
soothing for them. It
provides them with a sequential process through which things can
work out, and this is calming for them. When they use logic, they
feel connected and see how they can maneuver effectively through
society. In new situations, Gemini North Node people can deal with
their anxiety by logically strategizing how to proceed, because
planning gives them the feeling of continuity that they need.


Gemini North Node people are here to circulate the energy of
Truth through society. When they are unable to spark another
person to see a higher truth, it’s often because they’re not listening
to what that person is really saying. They aren’t responding
appropriately. When they accurately perceive where the other
person is coming from in the conversation, then they can match
their words and timing to connect with the other person on his or
her level to translate their truth so the other person can hear it.
When they respond appropriately, the feeling of disjointedness will
evaporate. This requires patience on their part. It also requires them
to be sufficiently excited about the possibilities in the potential
connection to invest the time and energy.
But sometimes these folks are judgmental about who is “worthy”
of their patience. The irony is that they have the capacity to create
true communication with almost everyone they meet! They are

accustomed to looking for people who are also seeking Truth, but in
this lifetime they cannot speak exclusively with other philosophers.
They need to listen to everyday people: the mail carrier or the clerk
at the grocery store. There is an endless variety of people they can
connect with and they must find those for whom
they have
But they have to trust the universe to bring the right people to
them. Whenever there’s a miscommunication, that’s the person with
whom they need to have patience. Miscommunication is a red flag
for these folks, signaling them to slow down and pay attention to
whoever is right in front of them.


The main purpose for Gemini North Node in this lifetime is
teaching. When others are not aware of the importance of Truth on a
daily basis, it gives these folks an opportunity to gently teach what
they have learned. The operative word here is “gently” . . . or
“tactfully,” “lovingly,” “diplomatically,” “humorously,” or
“sociably.” They need to share their message in a way that does not
cast the others as “wrong.” Then the others will not feel defensive
and will be able to successfully receive the message.
Gemini North Node people are naturally helpful; when they see
someone in trouble, they are among the first to offer assistance.
However, their tone of voice and their delivery can sound like
“preaching” when they don’t realize that the certainty behind their
ideas has a self-righteous quality. They truly want to give the other
person the answer to the problem at hand. But they are learning that
even if they do have the solution, the other person won’t be able to
hear it if their delivery is offensive. Just like trying to give medicine
to a child, coating it with sugar makes it easier on everyone. These
people need to learn tact: how to package their ideas in a brief,
informative way that others are willing to swallow.


Gemini North Node people are reluctant to seek advice, because
they fear it will show they are unsure and they think they already
know what the other person will say. Actually, the other person may
tell them something totally different from what they expect, and it
may be the very thing they need to resolve their quandary! Other
people can indeed help these folks to see things from different
angles and give them an opening for new insights.
They are always surprised to discover that others are aware of
what’s going on with them even though they haven’t divulged the
fact that they are having a problem. They think if they show an
optimistic face, others will accept that everything is fine. In truth,
others are often quite sensitive to these people’s moods and may
have just the piece of information that will be helpful.


Formal education is good for Gemini North Node people, and
they enjoy acquiring new knowledge and new information. This
kind of broad learning helps them to see the “big picture” and puts
them in touch with the way society thinks. It offers them structure
and exposes them to various points of view, which keeps them from
remaining stuck in their own “truth.” Reading also enables them to
practice seeing life from the perspective of someone else’s mindset.
These folks are like empty hard disks on a computer: They are
hungry for information. They like their reading to cover many
different subjects; otherwise they might get bored with it. As well as
expanding their knowledge, reading gives them a variety of subjects
to talk about with others, which makes them more confident in their
ability to relate.


It’s healthy for these folks to put themselves in situations where
they are surrounded by different people, because each one teaches
them something new about themselves. They often see things in a
moralistic or spiritual way, so they ate willing to take lessons from
others to heart. New situations force them to question who they are
and what they believe in. So they have to start meeting people,
asking questions, reading: in other words, doing everything they can
to learn about each new situation. It’s another chance for them to
see the world from other people’s points of view.
If Gemini North Node people try to settle down and avoid
personal growth, something will happen externally to propel them

toward a new challenge. Since “the writing is on the wall” in this
respect, it’s wiser for them to
choose to go where their intuition is
pointing and willingly move through life. But these folks can be
stubborn about learning the lessons they are scheduled to master.
They need to be aware of this tendency and be
consciously open to
changing—so as to avoid the unnecessary mental or physical pain
of getting a “wake-up call.” When they choose change, the new
situations motivate them and put them back into the flow of life.


One of the best ways Gemini North Node people can experience
the integration they’re seeking is through the process of writing—a
journal, books, articles, etc.—on a regular basis. The physical
process of taking pen in hand and writing down what they are
grounds them in a confident, stable way. Writing calms
their internal restlessness, releasing the tension and anxiety in a
form that brings them peace.
These folks are extremely talented writers, although they may not
recognize this until much later when they look back over what they
have written. They have an ability to clarify thoughts on paper in a
simple way that actually communicates far beyond the words. Also,
when they begin to write about their problems or experiences, it
focuses their subconscious and the answer they were looking for
comes through them and onto the page!
Writing is a tremendous release for them. If they are upset with
someone, or feel misunderstood, one of the best therapies is to write
the other person a letter. Even if they never send it, simply writing it
makes them feel much better. They can even write: “It’s been a
tough day—I feel so stressed out.” The simple act of writing down
whatever they are noticing in that moment will discharge some of
that intense mental energy. In this way they release heavy mental
stress and open themselves to solutions that bring them peace.
For these folks, writing can even be a good profession. There’s so
much flexibility and room for growth that it can be the “one thing”
they are looking for. They needn’t rely on a corporation or a
structure; they can be anywhere and be themselves and do their
life’s work—and that appeals to them.


Gemini North Node people are so used to silence that in large
groups they may be shy about sharing their message—yet they can
make the very best of orators. After they have listened to the ideas
of the other group members, they may notice a discrepancy between
what is being stated and what is actually going on. In this case, it is
their job to share the truth of their factual experience. They may feel
such energy and passion, that they aren’t sure they’ve said the right
thing. But if they are compelled to say something to put things into
alignment, they should go ahead and share it.
The key for successfully doing this is to first acknowledge that
they have heard and understood what the other person said, and then
respond positively about it to validate the other person (for
example, “You spoke eloquently, with heartfelt sincerity, with
courage,” etc.). It can also help if these folks use the other person’s
own words to form a connection with them. As long as they first
acknowledge what the
other person has said, the other person will
be able to acknowledge what
they say.


In this incarnation, Gemini North Node people are here to teach.
They are here to bring the Truths, principles, and practical
application of ethics into society. They understand universal law
and want to help others learn to apply it in practical ways in daily
They are learning that Truth lies behind the words, and that they
must listen carefully to others’ words in order to understand the
questions that others are asking. If they let go of their ideas of Truth
and really listen, they will automatically tune in to the other
person’s belief system and spontaneously say—through a sincere
question or a new piece of information—those words that will shift
the perspective for both of them to a fresh recognition of Truth.
When Gemini North Node people view themselves as teachers,
rather than as philosophers, their entire experience of sharing Truth
shifts and becomes a total joy for them. As teachers, they don’t

expect others to know what they know, which gives them more
patience in relaying their messages. When they assist another
person in discovering his or her own truth, they experience harmony
and share the warm feeling that comes when Truth is present.
As teachers, these folks have to divorce themselves from
prejudicial viewpoints and allow the other person to think freely,
without trying to guide the other to a conclusion that’s identical
with their own. It’s the difference between a true question and a
rhetorical question. A true question prompts the other person to
answer in harmony with his or her own
inner truth, whereas a
rhetorical question maneuvers the other person into reaching certain
pre-established conclusions. Rhetorical questions do not work for
these people; true questions and logic are gifts that Gemini North
Node people bring to help others find a higher level of perception.
When they act as true teachers, these folks behave in a way that
creates a win/win situation for everyone.


Gemini North Node people are learning to value human
relations and the importance of maintaining goodwill in their daily
interactions with others. They have a tendency to be so aware of
their own Truth and their own aims that they are likely to forget the
importance of treating others gently.
Drawing on their many lifetimes of spiritual truth, these folks can
open the doors to honest, self-revealing communication. When they
do, a feeling of timelessness blesses and enlightens everyone
involved. The atmosphere is charged with what feels like a soul-tosoul communication. Afterwards there is a feeling of: “Let’s
celebrate tonight . . . let’s cry and laugh over the past . . . let’s plan
and dream about the future . . . let’s just
be right now and share
together.” Gemini North Node people have the gift of opening an
entirely new level of communication when they are willing to reveal
their intimate selves—without having to be “right” or be the hero.


Questions are an invaluable tool for these people. It can be
better for them to ask a question than to come up with the answer. If
they’re not able to develop rapport with someone, they should ask
the other person a question (not a rhetorical question, but a true
question), honestly seeking to understand what the other person is
thinking. The other person will often stumble into his or her own
truth in the process of answering the question, because Gemini
North Node people have Truth in their energy field!
As long as their motive is to connect, the right way of
communicating—what to say and how to say it—automatically
becomes clear to them. Until they get the hang of it, this can be
difficult and requires a conscious effort. They must force
themselves to listen and to ask questions—and it can be hard for
them to control that restlessness inside. Yet for Gemini North Node

people, asking questions to gain more information is very
important. It helps them feel “in the moment” and involved in the
The misunderstanding that causes difficulty for these folks is the
idea that there are two kinds of talking: regular conversation in
which people simply talk about their daily lives, and much deeper
connections that can only occur while discussing a subject that is
soul searching and significant. The irony is that Gemini North Node
people can have
real communication—deep and meaningful sharing
with another person—without talking about life and death,
philosophy, or major decisions. The connection can occur through
talking about the simple things of life, but these folks must be
engaged and asking questions. When they do engage in this way,
they suddenly find that everyone wants to be around them—because
it’s such a joy for others to talk with them. In turn, they want to be
around lots of different people because they enjoy the variety of
experiences they can tap into.
However, the process involves giving up control. Gemini North
Node people are very good with small talk, but if they ask a friend:
“Why are you going to Chicago?” they don’t know what the other
person is going to say. That means they won’t know how to
respond. Because the other person is going to give them new
information, they’re essentially giving control of the conversation to
that person. It feels good to them on one level, but they’re always
afraid they’re not going to know what to say next! Yet when they do
let go and allow the other person to control the conversation, what
they want to say comes naturally, and their real selves come out in a
positive way.
When these folks take a chance, release control, ask others
questions about their lives, and remain open to connecting—
somehow the connection happens. They can call on their natural
trust that the universe knows what it’s doing when it moves energy
between two people. Ironically, they feel no fear at all when the
other person asks
them questions—it gives them a chance to share
their truth!
Gemini North Node people want to achieve a higher level of
interaction with the other person. They want to expand beyond
where either could have gone on their own. But only through really
communicating with others can new, expanded ideas and
resolutions become apparent.


These folks have been isolated for so long on mountaintops that
they have forgotten the nuances of how to relate with others. They
can be like a bull in a china shop, rushing to accomplish their
purpose with a total lack of awareness of the delicate feelings of
those around them. They are unaware of social graces and good
manners because they are not used to living in society, where people
generally get their way in a manner that evokes the support of
others. Caring and taking the time to
not alienate others is valuable,
as isolation would create unnecessary obstacles to meeting one’s
needs. These folks are learning: Social graces will empower them to
live in society and gain the benefits.


These folks benefit by being aware of others’ reactions and
body language. They are often more intent on their message than on
the effect of their words. They may say something and then notice
that the other person looks shocked. Rather than let it pass, they
should check with the other person: “I noticed that you just stepped
backward. Did I say something that hurt or offended you?” If the
other person says “yes,” the Gemini North Node could say: “Well,
my intention was not to hurt you, so I think we’ve had a
misunderstanding. What was it you thought I said?” Nearly all the
problems they have in relationships can be traced back to careless
In this lifetime, these folks are learning about themselves and
about what it means to be human. As they experience themselves in
different situations, their understanding of human nature grows.
Moreover, all their different life experiences teach them something
about themselves. As they understand themselves more deeply and
recognize the contradictions that are part of the human experience,
they come to accept the different facets of their own nature. This
opens the way to understanding and accepting the contradictions
within others, and they are welcomed back into the family of



As music is an empowering medium for emotionally supporting
us in taking risks, I have written a healing song for each nodal
group to help shift its energy in a positive way


The message of this song is meant to effortlessly shift Gemini
North Nodes’ attention from their own concept of Truth to the bond
they naturally share with those around them. From that base, a
joyous combination of mutual understanding and genuine
connections with others becomes possible, and they can finally
experience the energy of Truth they have been seeking.

Selected lyrics:

Between you and me there’s a memory of trusting
And being let down in the end
Between you and me there is misunderstanding
Ready to come up again
. . .


Yet—between you and me there’s a magnet that draws us
Between you and me there’s a path and a promise
Between you and me are the feelings that bond us
Between you and me—there is Love

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”


North Node in Cancer

and North Node in the 4th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

Noticing and validating feelings
Nurturing and supporting others
Building one’s own foundation and security
Honest disclosure of feelings and insecurities
Accepting others’ foibles and fluctuating moods
without judgment
Staying centered in one’s own feelings

Tendencies to Leave Behind

Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable

Needing to control everything and everyone
Compulsion to take charge without fully
understanding the situation
Ignoring the process; being too focused on the
Feeling completely responsible for everything
Hiding feelings and fears in intimate
Doing things to gain respect or admiration from
Taking care of others’ feelings and neglecting
one’s own
Doing what is “socially acceptable” rather than
what is totally honest
Thinking that things have to be difficult in order
to be important

The Achilles’ heel Cancer North Node people need to be aware
of is their need for control (“If only I can make them get their lives
together, then I can relax and be vulnerable”). But the truth is that
they can never control situations—or other people—enough to feel
that it’s safe to be themselves. When they try to take charge of
situations in other people’s lives without being invited, they are
inappropriately usurping others’ responsibilities.
The trap they need to avoid is an unending search for
acknowledgment (“If only others will recognize my contribution in
a respectful way, I can begin to feel good about myself”). But it’s a
bottomless pit: Others can never give enough recognition for them
to feel satisfied. Only when they acknowledge
within themselves the
importance of the contributions they make (through nurturing others
in a supportive way) will they begin to feel fulfilled.
The bottom line is that they will never have enough authority to
feel that it’s safe to be vulnerable. At some point they must take a
chance and let others know the truth of who they are and how they
feel: their insecurities, fears of rejection and abandonment, and
feelings of inadequacy. The irony is that when they risk letting
others see who they truly are, they finally gain total safety—
because in revealing their feelings they’ve taken charge of
themselves on a deeper level.


What these people really want is to be in absolute control of
every area of their lives all the time. They have an insatiable need to
think they have the power to succeed. To attain this goal, however,
these folks must stay in touch with their feelings and insecurities
and share the truth about themselves with others.
Acknowledging their insecurities will give Cancer North Node
people a stable base from which to create success in the outer
world, for they are no longer fighting themselves by trying to hide
or suppress their feelings. This gives them a calm, inner certainty
from which to accomplish their goals. And by acknowledging their
own emotions, they will develop an awareness of other people’s
feelings. As long as they remain aware and supportive of other
people, they will gain the support they require to help them on their
own path.


Cancer North Node people have the gift of being able to nurture
and support others; therefore, any profession that gives them the
opportunity to nourish others (physically, mentally, or emotionally)
is a joy for them. Good choices would include dealing with food
(restaurants, hotels, hospitality, etc.), house repairs, and working in
the home. They also do very well selling or investing in real estate.
However, they must use their instincts in such investments and
follow their “hunches.”
Cancer North Node people also have a solid and accurate
business sense and an excellent capacity for bargaining and shrewd
negotiating. They instinctively know how to accomplish things and
succeed in business. However, when their profession involves using
only their business acumen, they are not happy because it is too
“dry.” Their profession should make use of their business instincts
only as a backdrop to nurture others in a practical, financially viable

“When I try to control, I lose.”
“When I share my feelings, I win.”
“I win when I acknowledge the capacity of others
to take charge of their own lives.”
“It’s okay to let my feelings show.”
“It’s okay not to manage everything all the time.”
“No one can invalidate my feelings.”





Many Cancer North Node people have had past incarnations in
highly structured monasteries, convents, or other places where they
were participants in strict, community-oriented religious
environments. They were separated from the normal flow of family
interactions. Because of limited experience with interdependence,
dealing with people’s moods, and acceptance of their own and
others’ natural human urges, they lack the instinctive ease of family
relationships that is common to the other nodal groups.
In past lives these folks were trained to repress their feelings,
instincts, sexual urges, and enjoyment of the physical senses.
Abstinence and discipline were foremost, and deprivation of the
joys of being human was rewarded with respect and promotion. In
this incarnation they still tend to put up a wall between themselves
and easy, earthy interaction with others. They are accustomed to
postponing the pleasure of life, and often postponement leads to
permanent denial.
These people have a “lofty goal,” and everything else is put on
the back burner until that goal has been realized. A feeling of
righteousness is attached to this goal, and they do not allow
themselves to be distracted by human temptations. The only
problem is that the goal is perpetual, an endless quest arising from
the subconscious desire to achieve spiritual heights. However,
because the goal is insatiable, these folks end up constantly striving,
with no time for relationships, fun, or really
Cancer North Node people have been trained throughout past
incarnations to suppress their “feeling” (that is, emotional)
responses to life to remain focused on the higher purpose they were
serving. But their hearts long to connect with the rest of humankind.
They yearn to belong and experience a sense of family with those

they love—but they feel awkward. They have had so many lifetimes
of disciplined training that they don’t know how to do it—they’re
ashamed to let their feelings out. Their insensitivity to others is a
product of their ingrained insensitivity to their own feelings.
However, in this incarnation, repressing their feelings in the name
of a higher purpose is contrary to the direction their souls need for
completion and fulfillment.


In past lives these folks achieved positions of public authority,
social prominence, and prestige. They were feudal lords, politicians,
businesspeople, and heads of households. Cancer North Node
people functioned as “the boss”; they managed others and took
responsibility for behaving in a way that epitomized social
Owing to many incarnations of enjoying the spotlight, they are
still looking for their audience! Respect is important for these folks.
They tend to act from a motive of seeking respect from others. They
make tremendous personal sacrifices, stand for principles they
believe in at the expense of their own personal needs—and still get
no respect. They’re accustomed to being in authority, yet now no
one is following their directions—and they can’t figure it out. They
become frustrated because they don’t understand what is happening,
and over time this can harden their hearts.
In reality, their accomplishments stand on their own merit and are
their own reward. But Cancer North Node people are
subconsciously seeking recognition for the nobility of their
sacrifices. This makes completing any task unnecessarily difficult.
If they simply release the need to “get credit,” they can reach their
goals and enjoy personal pleasure along the way.
This lifetime is simply not scheduled for them to win respect for
making personal sacrifices. When they use respect as a barometer of
whether they are “on path,” they get “off track” every time. In past
lives, respect was a valid indication for them. But they played those
public roles and held positions of authority in so many lifetimes that
they became lonely and isolated: so much responsibility and so little
personal nurturing, over and over again! Now their birth chart is set

up to not allow them to put accomplishment, respect, and honor
above other more personal aspects.
Cancer North Node people need to pay more attention to
organizing their lives in a way that meets personal needs as well as
long-range goals. In this lifetime these folks don’t have to maintain
an image for others. In fact, as they work to reach their goals just
because it makes them happy to do a good job and because the work
fills a public need—whether it’s for their own family or the entire
world—the recognition will be there. But if they go looking for it
directly, it takes them off track.
They are still masters of accomplishment. But if their motive for
accomplishment is to gain the respect of others, they will never be
happy with what they obtain because their need for respect is
insatiable—they never gain enough to be satisfied.
Ironically, the key to satisfaction for these folks is to learn to
respect rather than demand it. When success in any area comes too
easily, these people tend to become ego centered and carried away
with their own importance. They may become careless and
unwittingly push away the very prize they were so eager to obtain.
It is essential for them to greet success with humble appreciation.
This will slow them down and put them in touch with the energy of
new beginnings. They need to learn to honor this time—the new
relationship, the new job, the new opportunity, the new home—and
to treat the initial stages with tender awareness. This will create a
solid foundation upon which success can be built. Once they slow
themselves down, they are naturally aware of the correct way to do
When Cancer North Node people consciously respect and honor
something beyond themselves (the opportunities life brings, the
people who help them, etc.), a shift in their orientation occurs and
they approach people with a new attitude. They treat them with
care, attention, empathy, and meticulous clarity—creating a
situation that is positive for everyone involved. Rather than seeking
to gain respect, these folks need to orient themselves to giving
respect. If they are able to do this, their lives will shift in a magical,
mutually nurturing way.


For the sake of reaching an important goal, these folks will
sacrifice without complaint. Hard work is not foreign to them. They
are perfectly happy working 12-hour days, foregoing personal
pleasures and postponing relaxation. Moreover, they will personally
see to it that the job gets done successfully, regardless of the effort
required. However, they are used to being in authority, and as a
result they like to delegate details as soon as they are in a position to
do so. It’s not that they look down on “detail” work; they simply
want their attention clear so they can focus on the larger goal.
Cancer North Node people are masters at achieving goals. The
talent is so innate that it is almost subconscious. When they have a
goal in mind, they are continually alert for opportunities. They view
everything as a stepping-stone to the goal. However, if they do not
have a goal that they can commit to, their natural abilities are likely
to degenerate and the goal becomes one of controlling others and
maintaining the status quo.
These folks need to be more clear about what they want to
achieve to keep from subconsciously manipulating others in an
attempt to avoid getting what they
don’t want. To do this, their pastlife goal orientation can be used to advantage. For example, if they
are renting out a house and don’t want the rent to be late, they can
tell the tenants what they
do want: “I’ll do everything I can to make
your living here enjoyable; the only thing I’m inflexible about is
that the rent must reach me by the first of each month. If I don’t
make the bank payments on the first, we’re all in trouble. So I have
to have the rent payment by the first—is that acceptable to you?”
In job situations, if they don’t want the employees to be late or
slack in their duties, they can make an impression by saying: “Look,
we’re all a team here. If we don’t do a good job, the company won’t
make a profit and we’ll all be out of work. This is the structure
we’re going to follow to make sure we achieve our goals so we all
prosper: Everyone comes to work on time (etc.).”
Because in past lives Cancer North Node people were rewarded
for attaining goals with high social status, in this lifetime they may
have a subconscious desire to choose goals that will bring them
prestige rather than ones that are truly the desires of their own
hearts—and this gets them into trouble. In this lifetime they must
redefine what is truly important to them. Their devotion to purpose
is fine, but not if it’s at the expense of their relationships; otherwise,

when they reach the goal they will not be happy. This is why they
need to put their own needs above “performing” for someone else.
It’s time to release their image. Attempting to gain respect through
“role playing” for others costs them their own satisfaction and
emotional well-being.


In this lifetime, Cancer North Node people tend to take
everything very seriously. Because they have carried the “weight of
the world” in past lives, they come into this incarnation feeling like
they’re shouldering grave responsibilities. They are drawn to people
and situations that trigger their powerful urge to take charge, and
they end up feeling totally responsible for the fates of everyone
around them. Even as children, they often take on the responsibility
for the well-being of one of their parents, usually the mother. They
are born “old and serious”—even taking jokes seriously; usually
only later in life do they realize it might be to their advantage to
“lighten up.”
With their serious demeanor, they inadvertently send out an
energy that causes others to think they are unapproachable. Much of
this is due to past lives in which they
were unapproachable, and
they continue to subconsciously project that attitude. Now their
manner makes others see them as aloof, “on top of things,” and not
needing or wanting anything from anyone else. However, once you
get past the “keep away” exterior, you find that they are very
vulnerable and down-to-earth. Unfortunately, the people who could
most deeply appreciate Cancer North Nodes for who they really are
can be “put off” by their cool exterior; sometimes Cancer North
Nodes end up attracting social climbers and less genuine folks who
want to manipulate them. Their deepest longing is to feel close to
others with whom they can relate on a genuine level, so it is to their
advantage to recognize and release the aloof attitudes that keep
others at a distance.
These folks are learning to take life—and themselves—less
seriously, but this is not easy. They are attached to the serious
approach, thinking it will help them to accomplish their goals.

Actually, it may surprise them that they get the job done more easily
when they are not so serious. When they lighten up and take a more
playful, open approach to life, it balances their energy and they
actually become much more effective. Others want to “go along”
with them—and they have a lot more fun!


Owing to past lives of being in authority, Cancer North Node
people are accustomed to taking charge. It was their responsibility
to see that the fields were tilled or that the business was successful,
and others depended on their ability to reach the goal to ensure
everyone’s survival. Therefore, they tend to rise to positions of
authority, see how to achieve the goal, and then delegate tasks to
others without always taking the time to explain the importance of
everyone’s role.
These folks often are so focused on reaching the goal that they
forget that true success is based on more than just running
promotions or bringing in accounts. The people who are helping
them can’t be treated like objects. Cancer North Nodes must take
the time to understand the other person’s situation and forge an
emotional connection. The other person will support their goals if
they have taken the time to show interest in that person. For
example, rather than chastising an employee for being late, it would
be to their advantage to ask what’s going on at home—is something
causing the employee to be repeatedly late? They have to
continuously remember to put themselves in the other person’s
place and treat the other with sensitivity, the way
they would like to
be treated themselves.
Cancer North Node people hate to look as if they’re not “on top”
of everything, but they often feel inept at handling emotional upsets.
They discount the importance of feelings, viewing them as a
distraction from getting the job done. When their own moods
interfere with achieving practical results, they judge themselves
harshly. When other people’s problems interfere with getting the job
done, they may judge them harshly as well. This makes them seem
uncaring and makes it difficult for others to relate to them.

Sometimes Cancer North Node people respond to their frustration
at not knowing how to handle people by “blowing up”—which
overpowers and invalidates the feelings of everyone involved.
Others become afraid to be themselves around these folks, because
people never know what might trigger Cancer North Nodes’ anger.
Others “walk on eggshells” until Cancer North Nodes can learn how
to relate to people’s feelings in new ways. These natives are
discovering that all they need do is recognize and acknowledge the
emotional upsets of others, in a caring way, and they will have
healed the problem. Then they can help refocus the other person on
the task at hand.
Cancer North Node people lack consistency in their sensitivity to
feelings—their own and others’: They are either hypersensitive or
utterly insensitive. If they are conscious of emotional rapport with
others on a more consistent basis, they will be less likely to speak or
act in ways that hurt others’ feelings and thus avoid situations that
ultimately hurt their own feelings. They are learning to integrate a
consistent awareness of feelings with the rest of their personality.


Cancer North Node people resist taking suggestions from
anyone—they like to do their own thing. They’re a little bit cocky
because they think they already know everything. To earn
respect, someone has to come up with something they haven’t
thought of—and that makes a big impression on them. They feel
they have finally found someone who can offer them something.
When they do take a suggestion, it’s when someone who is
successful at something shows them how to do it. They only have
respect for people who are doers—not talkers! This is one reason
they ate such good businesspeople. They are not distracted by
others’ ideas or lured by “get rich quick” schemes; they always look
beneath the surface.
Perhaps because of their past-life religious values, Cancer North
Node people are generally not victimized by greed. Once again, this
makes them good businesspeople because they are not lured by
promises of big returns with little investment. They are practical
and willing to work hard, seeing how to reach the goal step by step.

They have an accurate instinct and an innate talent for organizing
all the pieces of the puzzle to realize the larger goal.
Because these folks are so innately goal oriented, when they face
a challenge they figure out where they want to go with it before
sharing it with anyone else. And they often become fixated on it.
They want to make the decisions, because they are going to accept
full responsibility for the results. It is also difficult for them to
accept help from others because they think others don’t grasp the
whole picture. However, the best managers elicit feedback from
others, factoring everyone’s perspective into the equation before
making a final decision. These natives must remember that no one
sees all the possibilities, and life would be a lot easier if they sought
others’ input before taking action.


Cancer North Node people sometimes have difficulty managing
others. They follow a strong work ethic, and they want others to live
up to it as well. The problem is that by holding up themselves as the
ideal, they don’t bring out the best in other workers. People can
never measure up; these natives are willing to commit “whatever it
takes” to get the job done, and others simply aren’t willing to do
that. Others feel defeated from the beginning—they don’t give their
best because they know they can’t measure up to Cancer North
Nodes’ ideal.
These folks have been in authority in so many incarnations that
they came into this lifetime with a strong instinct to tell everyone
else what to do. They have a very strong sense of rules, discipline,
and goal orientation. For this reason, they frequently end up alone.
“The boss” often does end up alone—it’s “The Buck Stops Here”
philosophy. In past lives, these natives played the role of the boss so
well that they lost touch with their own humanity and a sense of
belonging to the world and with everyone around them. Thus, in
this lifetime, their highest goal is to figure out a way to regain their
To begin to feel connected and to bring out the best in their
employees or co-workers, Cancer North Node people can
experiment with many approaches. Most important, they can try to
be a friend to others in the workplace—soliciting others’ opinions,
becoming interested in their lives, and taking the time to get to
know them on a personal level. It doesn’t seem logical to Cancer
North Nodes, but getting to know their fellow workers will
strengthen their business tremendously. Also, they could give others
“a little slack.” By giving others approval and noticing what they do
well, Cancer North Node people feed others’ positive energy. This

includes acknowledging others’ value and letting them know the job
can’t be done without them. Employees who are treated with
respect are more inclined to listen and follow through when there
something they need to correct.


Cancer North Node people have an idealistic view of how other
people should perform. If others don’t measure up, rather than
pampering them or coaxing them along, these natives may decide
they don’t want them around—reflecting a “get it done, no excuses”
attitude. They don’t understand that most people don’t operate in
this way. These folks need to develop sensitivity to others’ feelings
—especially at work. They must be aware of their tendency to
ignore feelings because of their own standards of performance,
which are often very rigid. They need to allow people to
not live up
to those ideals; they are learning that others have their own methods
of operation.
Sometimes, reacting to their frustration of not knowing how to
stay in control of a situation, these folks become angry and walk
out. Later, after thinking about it, they usually come back to make
amends. They may apologize in some way: “I know I get shortfused, but once I get it out I’m through with it.” Or they may try to
make it up in some other way. It is healthy and valid for these folks
to apologize when they have made a mistake or run roughshod over
others’ feelings. Making apologies is healthy because it gives them
a new sense of humility and relatedness, and it gives others the
insight that these folks aren’t made of iron and can make mistakes.
This endears Cancer North Node to others, so
any excuse for a
sincere apology is a good one!
Cancer North Node people have had lifetimes of assuming
“ultimate responsibility” for getting the job done—so in this
lifetime they must let others be responsible and have the experience
of management. One way to accomplish this is by taking on the role
of the person who has the need (which is a learning experience for
Cancer North Nodes), presenting tasks as problems they need help

When they take a “My Way or the Highway” approach, it’s
because they don’t really know how to find a middle road. They
feel awkward. They don’t know how to elicit a positive response.
Because they already know all about goal orientation and goal
achievement, in this incarnation they are learning to convey that
knowledge in ways that empower others. Through this process their
greatest happiness—and their own goals—are achieved.


Regardless of their role (boss, lover, employee, friend, etc.),
Cancer North Node people are highly dependable—they always
keep their word. They pride themselves on an unwavering devotion
to taking responsibility and keeping commitments. However, in this
incarnation, attachment to commitments can be carried to extremes.
These natives make commitments when they are not even necessary
and hold on to them even when it is no longer appropriate. They
may sacrifice taking care of themselves and discount their own need
for security simply for the sake of honoring a commitment.
For example, if they have agreed to attend a certain event, they
are likely to show up even if they don’t feel well and going out
worsens their condition. Or they may remain in a destructive
marriage rather than choose a nurturing relationship because the
marriage was their original commitment. Their word is their bond,
and they don’t understand when other people don’t manifest the
same value. Thus, they are often afraid to make agreements with
other people, for fear that they will be trapped once they have given
their word.
idea of standing behind their word is valid, but attachment to
that idea may put them out of touch with their instincts and the
natural Flow that brings experiences that are emotionally satisfying
and promote their personal growth. Cancer North Node people must
not postpone pleasure for the sake of commitment. When the two
appear to be at odds with each other, they must rethink the situation,
deciding what is most important for
them to experience. Ironically,
when these folks follow their instincts and go for what they truly
want, the situation ultimately works out better for the other people
as well.




Cancer North Node people have a tremendous need for their
feelings to be validated, to strengthen their awareness of feelings,
and to give their own feelings a voice. These folks have come into
this incarnation with the past-life habit of suppressing emotions.
They may subconsciously set up their early environment so that it
appears as though one of their parents is invalidating their feelings
and discouraging them from letting others know how they feel. For
instance, in the American culture nearly all little boys are told: “Be
a man, don’t cry”—but Cancer North Node boys take this
seriously. Their parents may give them a hundred different
instructions, but this is the one they hear the loudest. (This is an
example of how past life patterns are brought through the form of
the present life to cause a resurgence of traits that must be balanced
and resolved in this incarnation.)


These folks must not neglect their personal needs or pretend
their feelings do not exist. Their emotions have been repressed for
so many lifetimes that now they constitute a huge mass of not-tobe-denied energy! Cancer North Nodes are scheduled to experience
a personal life of caring and being cared for by others on an
intimate level. Yet they’ve spent so much time suppressing their
feelings that the idea of being emotionally vulnerable to others is
frightening. “What? I should let others know how I feel? You’ve got
to be kidding! Why should I expose my feelings and give others
power over me?” They’re petrified because they’re accustomed to
being in control. Yet honestly revealing their feelings is exactly
what is scheduled to work for them. In this lifetime, in order for a
rounding and softening of the personality to occur, their feelings
must be validated.

Further suppression makes their feelings more insistent and more
intimidating. The longer they avoid expressing their “feeling”
nature, the more crippled they become. Cancer North Node people
are learning to integrate their feelings with the other parts of
themselves. One of the best techniques to do this is to walk through
situations that are intimidating and experience the feelings that are
evoked. In the process of acknowledging their feelings, the
magnified intensity will dissipate.
The problem, however, is that Cancer North Node people have
developed instinctive responses geared to avoid their feelings at all
costs, so their emotions have become somewhat frozen. Life can be
dry and boring, filled with outer achievements but devoid of inner
meaning and satisfaction. Thus, in this lifetime one of their greatest
challenges is to find the courage to get in touch with their feelings
communicate those feelings to others—honestly revealing their
feelings without having to “do something” about them. This
validates the natives’ emotions and allows them to be integrated
with the rest of their personality.
Also, owing to past lives of suppressing their emotions, these
folks came into this incarnation with a certain shyness. They feel
unskilled in relating with others on a “feeling” level because they
have had so little practice. However, once they get used to it, they
realize they have more talent than any other nodal position for
responding to others’ feelings in a way that is both nurturing and
strengthening. It just takes a while for them to unfold to the point at
which they are comfortable with this part of themselves.


Perhaps owing to past life monastic experiences, Cancer North
Node people have a tremendous resistance to passion and an
enormous capacity for self-control. They are programmed to “never
lose control, never let themselves go.” Therefore, emotionally
passionate relationships represent a tremendous challenge for them
—and ultimately can set them free. They have spent so many
lifetimes disassociated from natural human drives that when passion
—the most intense of human sensations—confronts them, they react
with fear. An automatic “disconnect” button is pressed, and they

turn around and run the other way because they don’t want to lose
When these folks interact with someone who stimulates their
passion, their primal urges become activated and threaten to take
over. Since these urges have been suppressed, they now seem
overwhelming and out of proportion in intensity. The irony is that
what Cancer North Nodes fear most is also what they most want
and need. They long to experience the nourishment and fulfillment
that comes from a deep connection with another person. Nothing
else in life will ultimately satisfy them. Sooner or later they must let
go and allow their emotions to be stirred by another to experience
completion in this lifetime. Passion can be their greatest source of
pain and frustration, or the challenge that takes them beyond the
limitations of internal controls and heals the painful boundaries they
have erected between themselves and others.
Cancer North Node people have a tremendous need for a stable
foundation from which to know they are loved and secure. They
need to feel there’s something—someone—they can depend on and
“go home to.” Deep down, they are looking for someone as strong
and reliable as themselves to love them and take care of them.
However, they need the nurturing and reassurance so much that
when it’s offered, they are often afraid of losing it and seek to
control it so they can keep it. The irony is that in trying to control it,
they end up pushing away the very thing they need most.
As long as they seek that source of love and security outside
themselves, they court disappointment. This is why, ultimately, they
need to develop a sensitivity to their own needs. They need to “hug
themselves”—give themselves nurturing and love before wanting it
from someone else. They need to reassure themselves that “it’s
going to be all right . . . don’t worry . . . I’ll take care of you.” In the
process their energy (which is outer directed and goal oriented)
begins to sink back inside themselves, and they are able to feel
satisfied and nurtured.
When their own energy is centered, they can be vulnerable and
sensitive toward others because they have taken care of their own
needs and now are emotionally secure. When they don’t desperately
need to be loved, other people are able to love them. When they
give themselves reassurance, they gain enough inner confidence to
be with others quietly without having to control, “look good,” or

feel they have to “do something.” When they can simply “be,” they
nurture others just from the fullness of being who they really are.


Owing to past incarnations of success and recognition, these
folks come on the planet with a strong sense of
inner pride. They’re
used to considerable recognition for their achievements, and they
want other people to feed that pride. The only problem is that they
can never get enough recognition to feel satisfied. It’s always the
next goal that, when achieved, will finally make them happy. They
cannot win if they continue down this road.
At this point, their pride from past lives has become a wall of
isolation around them. They are so accustomed to reaching their
goals that they subconsciously look down on those who have not
yet learned the art of achievement. This feeling of superiority
alienates Cancer North Nodes from others. Their purpose in this
lifetime is to teach others how to achieve their own goals; then they
are “on track” and incredibly happy.


Cancer North Node people often are so attached to gaining
respect from others that they subconsciously make life harder than it
has to be—just so they can win recognition for their sacrifice. They
often think that a task has to be hard in order to be worthwhile.
They tell themselves how difficult it is until the whole situation
becomes overwhelming and unmanageable. This is a self-defeating
The truth is that achievement is not difficult for these folks. Even
as children, they reached their goals so effortlessly that they got no
recognition from others. So they re-evaluated. Perhaps if the task
were more difficult, others would give them more attention,
sympathy, and recognition. So now, as adults, they may have
problems they can’t overcome (weight, habits, finances, etc.). They
truly believe these problems are insurmountable even though they

are trying their best, and they may even feel victimized by their
For example, I had a Cancer North Node client who was in her
early forties. Her battle against being overweight had become a
problem in her early twenties, but up to that point food hadn’t been
an issue for her. Then, after a disappointing love affair, she gained
10 pounds. She immediately went on her first diet, followed the
rules, and lost the weight effortlessly. She didn’t know it was
supposed to be hard. Six months later a peer, whose respect she had
been hoping to gain, pointed out that the diet this woman had
followed was found to be a fraud. The peer talked about how
difficult it was to lose weight. My client immediately regained the
10 pounds, added 20 more, and was 30 pounds overweight nearly
all her young adult life. For years she felt utterly frustrated because,
to her, being overweight had become an insurmountable problem.
As soon as this woman thought of her goal as “difficult”—and
tied it in with wanting to gain respect—she lost her power of
accomplishment. Fortunately, when I saw this woman again she had
lost the 30 pounds and had maintained her weight for more than two
years. She had simply decided to take charge of the problem and
make reaching a desired weight her number one priority—and she
put all her past life power of accomplishment behind it. She saved
her money, spent her vacation at a “fat farm,” and followed its
regimen to the letter after returning home.
When these folks finally decide to do something, they always
have the discipline to rise above the problem. They must stop taking
themselves so seriously, begin to take charge, and put their lives in
order. It’s easy. They need to just “do it” and not make such a big
deal out of it—regardless of whether anyone else respects them for
it or approves of their method. Once they have taken charge, they
are automatically on the alert—drawing in the people and ideas that
can assist them in attaining their goal. And it’s to their advantage to
achieve goals they have had for a long time, because it frees them to
pursue new goals as they arise. These people will never run out of


Cancer North Node people have very clear boundaries—in their
own minds—beyond which others may not go. Their limits are not
unreasonable. They need to be treated with a certain amount of
consideration to feel good about themselves. The problem is that
others don’t know where these boundaries are and thus may
encroach on them unintentionally.
In response to feeling violated, these natives generally remain
silent in the presence of the offender and then complain about it to
everyone else. They need to learn to respond directly to the person
they think is treating them disrespectfully. They need to say: “Stop!
This is my boundary!” and let others know how they feel. This can
be difficult, since they fear others emotional reactions and are afraid
they won’t know how to respond if the other person gets upset. This
may intimidate them and keep them from speaking directly, since
they don’t want to have to justify their feelings. It’s enough to say:
“Look, when you said that, it hurt my feelings.” Or in business
situations, it’s enough to say: “Look, that’s how I want it.”
Cancer North Node people are still learning not to let anyone
invalidate their feelings. Feelings are a personal matter; each person
is the only one who can accurately describe what he or she is
experiencing. For example, if I stub my toe among a crowd of
people, I might say: “Gosh, I just stubbed my toe. It’s really
throbbing.” One person might respond: “It doesn’t really hurt that
much; I’ve stubbed my toe before.” But the fact is that I’m the
authority: It’s my toe and I’m the only one who knows how it feels.
In the same way, no one can invalidate how a person feels
emotionally. Only that person knows if he or she feels disappointed,
hurt, insecure, or left out, just as only I know how much it hurts to
stub my toe.


These folks need to focus on connecting with their own
foundation. In this way they will have a secure place to “be,” which
is essential for them to experience authentic, deep sharing. Once
they are in touch with their own foundation they can venture out
and successfully interact with others. If the other people’s energy
becomes too intense or disruptive, they can pull back into
themselves. But if they haven’t connected with their own “home
base,” they may inadvertently identify with other people’s
foundations and try to control
them in order to stabilize the
relationship. When Cancer North Node people are in touch with the
“home” inside their own body, they become more comfortable
being around other people.
Purchasing a home is another avenue that can strengthen these
folks’ sense of having a foundation. Sometimes, when we do
something on a material level, it also produces emotional healing.
This is the case with Cancer North Node people owning a home.
Once their home environment is secure and comfortable, they feel
more confident in accomplishing what they want in the world.
Having a stable home is empowering for them. They feel more
secure, more grounded, and safer just being themselves.
Actually, these people have excellent real estate karma and would
do well in this field. As brokers or salespeople they gravitate to
“good deals” and have the business acumen to know how to make
the sale workable for everyone involved. They can see homes
objectively, as a business, and are not distracted by the emotional
considerations and feelings others have around “their homes.” They
locate homes that fill their clients’ bottom-line needs (close to good
schools, within a realistic price range, etc.). They sense what is
important to the other person. They are also good at structuring

deals creatively so that the purchases can take place, even when it
seems impossible.
On a business/investment level, they are great at finding a “good
real estate deal,” fixing up the property, and renting it out. In this
way they are able to start a business that can grow as far as they
want to take it. They know how a property can be used to its
greatest financial advantage (for example, dividing a large home
into separate apartments and renting them). However, their good
real estate karma applies only to properties that already have a
structure on them—not necessarily to bare land.


These folks have spent many lifetimes standing for causes
outside themselves; now part of them feels nomadic. They are
always on the go, looking for the next goal to achieve or project to
undertake. Their deepest need is to feel comfortable and to feel they
can relax because they belong. But it is difficult for them to think
they truly “belong” anywhere; even with their families they often
feel they don’t really “fit in.” The first step toward changing this is
to gain a sense of belonging within themselves, which they can do
by remaining true to their inner impulses.
For example, if Cancer North Node hears potentially upsetting
gossip about a friend, his best bet is to get in touch with his
instincts. Does he “feel” that the information is true or that there is
any reason to be upset? If his gut feeling is calm, then he can trust
it. Indeed, Cancer North Node people gain a sense of belonging
when they trust themselves and follow their instincts. They also
need to experience a feeling of belonging with others, which they
can gain by letting others know when they feel vulnerable. This
gives others the opportunity to open their arms and let these strong
Cancer North Node people know how much they’re loved.
In this lifetime Cancer North Nodes’ feelings demand attention;
they need to be around others who are sensitive and supportive. It is
important for these natives to develop a technique for
discriminating between those who care enough to be emotionally
supportive of them and those who do not. The best technique is to

honestly reveal how they feel when others take actions that affect
them, and then see how the other person responds.
For example, if one of Cancer North Node’s friends has a party
and doesn’t invite her, the best bet would be to tell the friend
directly: “I felt left out when you didn’t invite me to your party.” No
justification, no manipulation—simply an honest disclosure of her
emotional response to the incident. If the friend says: “You
shouldn’t have felt left out—I invited you to three parties last year!”
and invalidates her feelings, that gives her a clue that she is dealing
with someone who does not really care about how she feels. On the
other hand, if the friend says: “I’m sorry you feel that way, and I
can understand it, but in this particular case . . .” (and explains what
happened), then Cancer North Node knows this is a person who
responds to her feelings.
These folks tend to hide their feelings from others in intimate
relationships. The irony is that this prevents them from developing
the intimacy they seek and hinders them in establishing the
interactions that would help them feel fulfilled. Intimacy is a byproduct of revealing personal feelings and having those feelings
understood and accepted by another. Feelings add fullness to life,
and it is the birthright of Cancer North Node people to open
themselves and experience the satisfaction of mutual caring on a
deep, personal level.




For Cancer North Node people, the tendency to control is the
major pitfall in their intimate relationships. It’s so automatic, they
don’t even know they’re doing it. They are always two steps ahead,
attempting to manage the other person’s behavior by mitigating
their own. For example, if they sense that their partner feels trapped
and is about to leave the relationship, they may take a vacation to
give the other person more space so he or she will stay. They are all
too willing to sacrifice their own feelings and needs for the sake of
keeping those around them satisfied and “under control.” But when
they do this, no one wins.


These folks are actually extremely sensitive to emotion, both
their own and the emotional reactions of others. Others perceive
them as being insensitive, but in fact they are
too sensitive and
don’t know how to handle the feelings that arise in themselves and
others. Until they have developed a system that allows them to
experience their “feeling” connections with other people with
confidence and ease, their automatic response is to try and control
either themselves or others because this eliminates the issue of how
to deal with feelings. They try to organize their partners so they can
control the relationship, but this bypasses the element of caring.
Ultimately they feel alienated.
When Cancer North Node people are operating unconsciously,
they often give more importance to maintaining a smooth working
relationship and getting their way than to the moment-to-moment
interplay of what’s actually going on. They may place severe
limitations on their own behavior—acting the way they think their
partner wants them to be—in order to control the situation. Their
subconscious thinking is: “I’m allowing you to control me;
therefore you will be what I want.” It’s all geared toward creating

predictable, stable situations they can count on—at the expense of
the vitality of true emotional sharing, connection, and intimacy with
the other person.
Sometimes these folks perceive emotions as a weakness. When
others become emotional, they close down and feel cold inside, as
the emotions trigger their instinct of wanting to take advantage of
all opportunities! When this occurs, their best bet is to consciously
not take advantage of the situation. Their challenge is to simply be
without trying to assert control. Then, after they have relaxed,
they will instinctively know what to do that will be genuinely
They are so accustomed to taking responsibility that they tend to
think they are responsible for other people’s feelings. They think
everything depends on them. Again, this can lead to suppression of
their emotions so as not to upset the other person. But they are
doing no one a favor by hiding who they really are and what they
feel. In fact, hiding their feelings and fears prevents full restoration
of the health of the situation. One of the greatest lessons Cancer
North Node people are learning is to
not suppress their own feelings
for the sake of another person.
In fact, these folks must make sure their feelings are being
acknowledged and their needs are being met. If they don’t take care
of their own needs, they won’t be able to help others. In fact, when
they do what they need to find happiness and fullness within
themselves, they set their partners free and their relationships thrive.


Until Cancer North Node people have established their own
emotional identity, they internalize the emotions of others: When
those around them become upset, they become upset as well. Then
they seek to control the other person so they can feel in control of
themselves. They respond to a crisis with instant advice; in fact,
they have a talent for helping others get on top of things. But owing
to their habit of suppressing their own feelings, they tend to
suppress others’ feelings as well. When someone becomes upset,
their first instinct is to deny that person’s feelings and urge him or
her to be calm and rational. These folks have compulsive tendencies

to take charge and restore order—often before they have a full
understanding of the situation. They need to avoid the temptation to
give advice before they’re asked and instead focus on the nurturing,
emotional energy they can share with others. They need to
recognize and accept people’s fluctuating moods as part of the
larger picture.
Sometimes these natives indulge in emotional outbursts—getting
angry, “blowing up,” becoming insulted—as an avoidance of
feelings and a way of bringing the situation to an end.
Subconsciously, they use the outburst as a defense against feelings
that are surfacing within them. They blow up and get over it right
away, but in the meantime they’ve intimidated everyone and got
them all back in line, so they don’t have to deal with the underlying
feelings. Emotional outbursts can be another way of staying in
control. Others don’t want to get into conflict, so they walk on
eggshells around these folks—and once again, the natives feel
lonely and isolated but don’t know why.
Subconsciously, Cancer North Node people are trying to avoid
emotions because they don’t know how to handle them. One of their
challenges is to learn to deal with situations in which they feel
inadequate without becoming angry. One thing they can do is to
consciously be more patient with the person facing them. They
could be curious about the other person and ask questions to better
understand the situation. When they begin to see the larger picture,
they are usually able to reach an agreement without running
roughshod over everyone’s feelings in the process. Sometimes their
caring about the other person’s position relaxes the resistance, and
the other person will help them figure out how to get what they
want. Because in this incarnation Cancer North Nodes are learning
to relate to others on a “feeling” level, rather than a mental level,
they need to slow down. In order to offer suggestions that others
will be receptive to hearing, they first need to establish emotional
rapport. This takes time. Once the other person feels understood
emotionally, he or she will be open to the advice these folks have to
Cancer North Node people are long-standing achievers who give
excellent advice. When they hear a problem, their focus on success
and resolution is so strong that they automatically see a successful,
practical solution. Ironically, they often attract people who have the
they themselves need to learn about in their own lives. By
listening to the answers that flow through them to nurture others,
they will know what they must do themselves. This also helps them
feel connected.
The choice facing Cancer North Node people is one of control
versus caring. Whenever they respond to a situation with the motive
of control, they lose. Whenever they respond from a position of
caring and wanting to be supportive, they win. Thus, an important
thing to do before making a telephone call about which they feel
insecure, or before interfering in a situation, is to take a moment and
identify their motive. In this way they can know if they are on solid
ground in taking action. If they are coming from a place of genuine
concern about the other person, when they interact the other person
will feel it and respond accordingly.


Cancer North Node people don’t realize how controlling they
appear to others. They come into this lifetime fixated on
accomplishing whatever needs to be done, and they often are so
absorbed in the task at hand that they are unaware of the feelings of
the people involved. Then, when others become upset, these natives
feel isolated and don’t understand what happened.
For example, I had a Cancer North Node client who bought a
home in a condominium. She wanted to help make sure her
community was running smoothly, so she volunteered to be one of
the grounds supervisors. Her job was to “walk the grounds” once a
week and issue citations to residents who were breaking community
rules (parking where they shouldn’t, playing the radio too loud,
etc.). She took her job very seriously, and soon she had lots of
enemies. She was so focused on doing the job that she forgot to
consider how people might feel about receiving citations. Cancer
North Nodes are learning to consider the other person’s perspective
and think about how they themselves would feel if positions were
reversed. This helps them gain confidence in knowing how to
interact with others in ways that bring successful results.
Owing to past life authoritarian experiences, they sometimes
appear to be “all business” to others. This is a loss for both sides:
Both people feel uncomfortable relating to each other. The problem

is that Cancer North Node people assume that everyone wants the
same things they want, so they don’t care what it takes as long as
the goal is accomplished. But other people
don’t think that way—
much to these natives’ surprise—and may not be clear on how the
“order” they just received fits into their plans. They may need an
explanation of how their task is part of the larger picture. Others
have not been as goal oriented as Cancer North Nodes in past lives,
and they may not see the strategies that are so obvious to these
natives. Therefore, Cancer North Nodes must slow down and take
the time to communicate; and sometimes they must be willing to
not know the answer.
For example, in the case of the woman with the condominium,
rather than issuing a citation right off the bat she might have gone to
the “offender,” made sure the rule had been understood, and
discussed why the rule was to everyone’s advantage. She might
have asked how the “offender” would enforce the rule. Cancer
North Nodes need to be willing to
not come from an “on top”
position; they should allow others to offer suggestions for getting
the job done. In this situation the “offender” may have said: “Don’t
worry, I’ll move the car right now so you won’t have to issue a
citation. Thank you for letting me know!” The idea is that there’s
more to life than “getting the job done”—there’s the satisfaction of
connecting with others in mutually helpful ways.


What Cancer North Node people really want in their
relationships is to feel secure and know they are loved for who they
are. Yet they make this almost impossible because when they don’t
reveal themselves, how can others know them and love them? The
greatest challenge for these folks is to allow themselves to be
vulnerable. Taking the risk of revealing their feelings establishes
their emotional identity for themselves as well as for the other
person, but to them it feels as if their very survival is on the line—
it’s overwhelming! Yet these are the very steps they must take to be
happy, relate successfully with people, and feel at home.


These folks can be real loners. They’re so afraid to acknowledge
their feelings that it’s hard to risk letting other people get close.
They don’t want to get hurt. What they are learning, however, is
fear of getting hurt is far worse than actually experiencing their
most intense feelings. They shy away from their feelings because
they are unfamiliar; but as they practice revealing them, they’ll find
a new depth to their life and a tremendous sense of satisfaction.
Feelings add color and substance to life—a whole realm of personal
enjoyment without which life on this planet would be dry, flat, and
Cancer North Node people fear being overcome by feelings and
losing control. However, they never have to worry about being
permanently overpowered by their feelings because they have no
desire to be irresponsible. Even if they were to find themselves
swept in a negative direction, they could always escape by simply
exercising their innate ability to take charge. They are learning to
trust that feelings are temporary—like the tides of the ocean. If
experienced and released, they offer a constant variety of moods
and sensations.

Feelings add a dimension to life that makes possible a complete
connection with others. To connect with others only through the
mind leaves relationships painfully lacking. In this lifetime, these
people are learning that when they take others’ feelings into
account, they gain an expanded appreciation of all the subtle facets
of the other person. And by sharing their own feelings, Cancer
North Nodes give the other person a more complete appreciation of
For example, if a Cancer North Node person is feeling very
affectionate toward someone but doesn’t show it, there is no
communication. But if she does show it, then both people have the
opportunity of connecting on the same wavelength. Feelings are
conveyed through body language as well as words. If these folks are
feeling affectionate, it is not a mistake to follow their impulse by
hugging the other person or taking his hand.
Their subconscious urge to control often keeps them “in check,”
always doing what’s “correct,” but this only postpones the reality of
what they are feeling. They may spend a lot of time in manipulative
thinking: “If I do this, this will happen; if I do that, that will
happen”—it all becomes strategy. But they ultimately outmanipulate themselves and miss opportunities to enjoy the “feeling”
side of life until they learn to trust their feelings to guide them in
their relationships.
In this incarnation, Cancer North Node people must let honesty
be the bottom line, rather than what is “socially acceptable.” These
folks are learning that when feelings are not communicated and
acted on, there is no “endless opportunity.” Emotions must be
acknowledged when they arise. These folks must not think
themselves out of acting on their feelings. This may be a solitary
path, in that most people would not recommend that anyone always
honestly communicate what’s going on. But for these folks,
authenticity is the only correct path.


Cancer North Node people need to ask themselves: If a
relationship isn’t based on a truthful connection, what is at the core
to see the partners through the tough times? These folks want and

need to experience intimacy; the way to create it is to be vulnerable
rather than controlling. It may be easier to express positive feelings,
but they need to remember that their intention in communicating
fear, sadness, concern, frustration, anger, or insecurity is not to
justify or prolong these feelings, but to expose them so they can be
released. When these natives suppress such feelings, it doesn’t
Other nodal positions may not have a problem being themselves
and letting others see how they feel, but for Cancer North Node
people it is a challenge that requires a great deal of courage. They
need to reveal and communicate their true feelings. They must
express feelings verbally, with no other motive than disclosing their
inner selves. Then, if the other person invalidates them in any way,
they will know it is a person with whom they cannot share a true
affinity. However, this approach gives those with whom the natives
can develop nurturing, warm supportive relationships a chance to
know them.
In past lives, because Cancer North Node people were always the
responsible ones, they had to be able to justify everything they said
or did. They became wary of speaking before they had considered
all the possible repercussions. The good news is that in this
incarnation these folks don’t have to justify anything—they have
permission from the universe to simply be who they are and share
what they feel, without taking responsibility for how others
respond. They don’t even have to know
why they feel what they
feel; yet sometimes the process of communicating feelings gives
them insight into what is going on or gives the other person an
understanding that promotes constructive feedback.
All Cancer North Node people have to do is communicate what
they know at the time. For example: “I’m feeling uneasy with what
you said, but I’m not sure why.” “When you said that, I started to
feel angry. I don’t know why, but I just wanted to let you know
what’s going on.” “I feel nervous, and I seem to be responding by
talking a lot.” “I know this is what we agreed on, but as the situation
has unfolded, I feel uneasy with the agreement.” Regardless of what
they fear will happen, when these natives actually risk sharing their
feelings and let others see where they’re coming from, the situation
will resolve in a mutually empowering way. Cancer Node people
had a complicated pattern of past lives, yet it’s a simple path of
Right Action for them in this lifetime.


For these folks, security and confidence come from a conscious
motive of supporting others. When this support is clearly based in
equality, their relationships thrive. However, they had so little
traditional family experience in past lives that they tend to get
“stuck” in playing one role only: the authoritarian/dictator/“father”
type. They are so accustomed to responsibility, organization, and
control that they think others can’t take charge as well as they do.
Thus, when an emergency (or even the hint of an emergency) arises,
they jump right in and start organizing everyone—it’s automatic!
Cancer North Node people always want to know where others are
going and what they’re doing because they’re so accustomed to
taking responsibility for every situation. But they’re learning that
there’s a difference between support and usurping the responsibility
for others’ lives. One of their challenges is to understand the foibles
of others without making judgments or trying to correct the
To counteract the tendency to play the “father” role, one of their
best bets—male or female—is to allow themselves to assume a
nurturing, supportive “mother” role. For balance, these folks need to
learn from the feminine role: receiving energy and responding
authentically from the heart. This softens them and allows others to
receive and benefit from their energy. Cancer North Nodes need to
understand other people in terms of their insecurities, not just in
terms of their authority; then they won’t feel intimidated and can
relate as equals.
Here is an example of the father/mother contrast. When others
become upset, the “dominating father” aspect of Cancer North
Nodes tends to tell the other person what to do to dispel the
negative feelings. They inadvertently invalidate others’ feelings

(this is also the way they treat themselves), but it causes others to
feel unacknowledged and unnurtured. In this lifetime, Cancer North
Node people are learning to develop empathy. They must listen to
others and understand their pain, just as a mother understands the
pain of her child; their understanding will help heal the wound. To
say to the child “I’ll kiss it and make it better” is not as logical as
saying: “Next time, avoid putting yourself in that situation and you
won’t get hurt.” Yet the first message of comfort is what others
need, and what they need from themselves. After acknowledging
the pain, so the other person knows they care, they can make
practical suggestions that will be useful.
In past lives, others gave them recognition and acknowledgment
for their achievements. In this lifetime, they need to turn the process
around and give
others support and encouragement. These folks are
here to fill other people’s needs; as they do so, they grow and gain
security themselves. In going out of their way to help others, they
automatically meet their own needs. They are nurtured and fulfilled
in the process of nurturing others.
Above all other feelings, Cancer North Node people absolutely
cannot handle rejection. Although they are learning to be sensitive
to others’ feelings, they came on the planet being overly sensitive to
their own feelings. Thus, they have an exaggerated reaction to any
hint of rejection, and they take everything very personally. The key
is to be more objective—less focused on self and more aware of
how to respond to other people’s immediate needs.
For example, I had a Cancer North Node client who was part
owner of a steakhouse. If a customer sent back a steak that wasn’t
cooked well enough, he took it personally. His position was: “Well,
I cooked it right; what’s wrong with the customer?” When these
folks focus on the issue of their adequacy in any situation, they are
always on the defensive. They must sidestep the ego and be more
receptive to what they can do to nurture the other person. When
their focus is on doing their best to make others feel supported and
cared about, everyone wins and the energy soars.
Feelings are an important part of our identity. What makes you
cry may be very different from what stimulates tears in your sister
or your friend. Our feelings are a personal characteristic, and when
Cancer North Node people express their feelings, they begin to let
others know who they truly are. Often they think others don’t see
who they are or allow them to be themselves. Actually, they are the

ones who don’t allow others to really know them, because they are
afraid they will seem different. The amazing thing is that when they
finally reveal themselves and risk being ostracized, they discover
that they truly belong.
When these folks speak from their hearts—from the overflow of
emotions welling up inside—it is endearing to others, who
inevitably respond with empathy and support. The irony is that what
feels the most personal to Cancer North Nodes is actually the most
impersonal. How the world views things and how they look to
others seems very personal to them because ego gets into the middle
of it. But when they express their feelings and gut instincts, the ego
isn’t involved at all. It’s instinctive—so how can they take credit for
it? It’s not emanating from their thinking process; it’s just an honest




Cancer North Node people have tremendous integrity from past
lives. They need to hold on to this honesty in terms of revealing
their inner process and letting others know how they feel. Owing to
many incarnations playing a prominent role in society and being on
display, these folks are used to “being someone”—pretending to
“have it all together” in order to fill a social need. However, in this
lifetime their feelings are so strong that they demand recognition.
They may seem cold or businesslike to others, but this is because
they are subconsciously trying to deny their feelings in order to
appear “on top of things.” By now, blocking their feelings is
automatic; but to be happy in this incarnation, they must reprogram
that response.
One way to accomplish this is to slow down and take time to
listen to themselves. Generally, when they feel something they
ignore it or act directly against it. Now they need to deliberately
retrain themselves. The idea is not to be pressed into
communicating feelings immediately, but to take enough time to let
the feeling come and
then to communicate it. This is new for
Cancer North Node people—like learning to walk or talk—so they
need to be patient. As they experiment, they’ll find the people
around them magically supporting their new behavior. It stimulates
others and brings more closeness to their relationships, creating true
intimacy rather than shallow, long-term connections.
Owing to many past lifetimes of being rewarded for suppressing
their feelings, Cancer North Node people tend to perceive feelings
as a weakness. But feelings have nothing to do with being weak;
they simply reflect a reaction in the body. Can Cancer North Nodes
say: “Because I’m incredibly happy, I’m weak”? No; it’s just
another feeling.

Instincts will never lead these folks astray. Often their emotional
responses promote unity in their interactions or are an accurate
prophecy of times to come. Cancer North Nodes’ fear is that they’re
not in control—they might be wrong. But they shouldn’t let that
fear stop them. They have to say: “This is what I’m perceiving right
now; this is what I’m feeling.” Their instincts are always correct.
It’s also “good karma” when they allow themselves to show
emotion publicly. For these people, emotion is positive and healing;
when they let their feelings show, it endears them to others and
often heals the situation for all concerned.


Cancer North Node people have an instinct for achievement, so
they can use it to their advantage by making their goal the thing that
challenges them the most: honest disclosure of their feelings, fears,
and vulnerabilities. They must learn to do this in order to create a
bond of empathy with others. If at first they are too shy to let
someone know how they feel, they can begin by writing a letter. Or,
if at the decisive moment they suddenly “forget” what they wanted
to say, they can write notes to prompt their memory.
Their aim must be honest communication of their “feeling”
responses in a responsible, nonblaming way. For example: “When
you didn’t keep your promise and call me yesterday, I felt insecure
and frustrated—I had turned down another invitation because I told
you I would wait for your call.” These folks need to communicate
the facts of what happened and then relay the feelings they
experienced in response to those facts. Then they need to stop
talking and give the other person an opportunity to respond. They
must slow down the process and give the interaction an appropriate
beginning—a space in which two people can tune in to each other—
rather than immediately focusing on results.
Often Cancer North Node people are annoyed that they always
have to be the strong ones—the ones others rely on for help. They
may be resentful because they have no one to turn to for advice in
their own times of need. To allow themselves to always be “on top”
becomes an ego trip that makes them feel separate from others. The
key is to allow themselves to be helped, as well as helping others.

However, when they do accept help, it’s usually in a dramatic
way: “Okay—I would like to use your car today, but don’t worry—
I’ll have it back to you in exactly two hours, not a moment later!”
Subsequently they overemphasize how responsible they were in
getting the car back, rather than accepting and appreciating the
other person’s support. They are learning to accept help and caring
from others with thankfulness and love. They are learning that
interdependence is not a form of weakness but, rather, that it
promotes a sense of belonging with others that adds depth to their
If these folks don’t reveal their insecurities, they deprive others
of the opportunity to support them and give back to them. Only
when they communicate their fears and feelings of inadequacy do
others become aware of their needs. Then people have the
opportunity to help them, take care of them, and pamper them—all
valid experiences for Cancer North Nodes in this lifetime. For many
other nodal groups, being taken care of would be an ego trip. But
for Cancer North Nodes it is actually more of an ego trip to
allow it. Changing this is a healthy experience of humility and an
exchange of energy that is empowering for all concerned.
In accepting help, Cancer North Node people may feel uneasy
because they think they are not being completely responsible.
Actually, by including other people and allowing them to help, they
validate the worth of the other person. Once they learn that people
like to help, their entire worldview will change.


Cancer North Node people have had so much past-life
experience in reaching goals that this lifetime often becomes a
series of achieving one goal after another, without experiencing the
joy of the process. No matter how much they attain, it isn’t
satisfying. They are overachievers, postponing appreciation of the
moment and the abundance around them in lieu of striving to reach
the next goal.
In past lives they achieved maximum success, so it is not set up
in this lifetime for them to find happiness through reaching goals.
Now the process is important; happiness will come through the
enjoyment of getting there. They must pay more attention to
beginnings, nurturing things and seeing them grow. They still may
reach goals that are far beyond the accomplishments of others, but
they will have done it in the right way—in a way that was fun and
nurturing for themselves and for those around them.


This is not an “ends justifies the means” lifetime for Cancer
North Node people. To feel secure, they need to stay in touch with
process rather than striving to reach the goal. This will also prevent
them from inadvertently abusing, exploiting, or hurting people
emotionally. There still may be times when the instinct for control
sets in and they try to manage their lives from their minds, but they
need to remember how much pain it causes.
Cancer North Nodes’ tendency to sacrifice the process for the end
result also leads to a lack of energy, vitality, and personal
enjoyment. For example, rather than focusing on the goal of having
a successful marriage, they should focus on the process of creating a
successful marriage. They need to take rime to notice whether their
partner is enjoying the relationship. The goal may be to have a
mutually supportive, happy marriage through the means of

revealing feelings and creating closeness, with each partner letting
the other see who they really are. Then the end result (a successful
marriage) is the natural outcome of their day-to-day process.
They are learning that if they take care of the little things, the big
things will take care of themselves. Others may not understand their
preoccupation with integrity in each step of the process (others may
be learning about achieving long-range goals), but Cancer North
Nodes, who are masters at worldly achievement, must be true to
themselves and to their process. When they take care of the “little
things” (for example, honest communication of feelings; awareness
of others’ feelings; staying emotionally connected with the
situation; proceeding one step at a time in a caring way), they are
truly on the path of Right Action.
Cancer North Node people must remain aware of the fact that
whether or not what they are doing is understood, validated, or
respected by others, they are spiritually correct. Only they know
how difficult it is for themselves to be vulnerable; when they are
true to themselves in this way they gain self-respect regardless of
others’ opinions. This fosters a new strength that brings them an
incredible, calm courage in dealing with worldly life. When they
maintain integrity in their process, what they accomplish will be
emotionally satisfying far beyond their expectations.


Because Cancer North Node people have such ability to attain
goals, it’s important that they distinguish between their own goals
and those imposed by society or early environmental conditioning.
Their goals make them happy through the process itself. One goal
that will help replace frustration with happiness is to recognize that
“a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”—to learn to appreciate
what life has already brought. Their subconscious goal orientation
always prompts them to seek satisfaction in “the next thing”; as a
result, they don’t enjoy the bounty they already have. When they
consciously recognize and appreciate what they have, it provides
energy for further achievement in a balanced way.
Another goal that can bring deep satisfaction to Cancer North
Node people is to focus on achieving emotional connectedness and

intimacy in relationships. This empowers them to slow down their
process and keep their awareness on themselves and the other
person. It means maintaining awareness of the importance of
feelings as part of the fullness of life.
One way they can do this (which will also bring greater security
in unfamiliar situations) is to focus on shifting the center of energy
in their bodies. Cancer North Node people usually keep their vital
energy centered from the shoulders up to the top of their heads—
they are “top heavy” and lack a sense of inner substance. These
folks need to bring the energy down into their lower abdomen (the
area below the belly button). Walking through the day with an
awareness of the power center within will make their sense of value
an internal, quiet factor that is sustaining, nurturing, and complete
within themselves, regardless of others’ opinions. When they move
the energy down to the lower abdomen, centering occurs and their
hearts begin to open.
This allows them to learn an entirely new way of responding to
the emotional frustrations of others. They have always felt
uncomfortable with negative emotions and at a loss to comfort the
other person. Their first response has been to ignore or suppress the
feelings and go right for the goal of resolution—so the person will
be back “on top” of things. But the magic is that if they make their
goal to validate what the other person is feeling, to acknowledge the
emotion and empathize, then they will see the appropriate response
that will actually support the other person and deepen the bond
between them.
For example, I had a client with this nodal position who was
dating a man she liked very much. They both lived in New York,
where there was a lot of social activity. He once called her in a state
of boredom and frustration while on a business trip to Minneapolis.
She didn’t know what to say to cheer him up, and it was a short
conversation. What she might have said in response to his
restlessness was: “I’m sorry to hear that.” Immediately—as soon as
these natives validate and empathize with the other person’s
feelings, the right thing to say occurs to them. In this instance, it
might have been: “Maybe I should fly right out and join you for the
weekend.” In this case, the response would have created a win/win
situation. But these folks will never know the “right thing” to say in
emotional situations until they first acknowledge and validate the
feelings that others share.


Cancer North Node people are learning how to communicate
with others in ways that are comforting and supportive. They must
learn to give people the benefit of the doubt, thereby bringing out
the best in them. For example, I had a Cancer North Node client
who was part owner of a large restaurant in the Southwest. His chief
chef turned out to be an alcohol abuser (which wasn’t apparent
when he was hired), and after several months on the job the cook
ended up in jail for three days. Following his release, the cook
returned to the restaurant. Good chefs were hard to come by, and
my client needed him. The other owner greeted him
enthusiastically: “Hey, John—nice to have you home!” But my
client was aloof. As long as he was going to take him back, why not
make the cook feel valued? These folks are working on
acknowledging when they need someone.


Cancer North Node people are so innately aware of how to
accomplish their goals in the material world (what it takes, how the
world works, how business works) that they often assume others
have the same knowledge. But there is no other nodal group with as
great an awareness of how to accomplish a goal, no matter how
lofty. One of Cancer North Nodes’ purposes on the planet in this
lifetime is to teach others how to attain goals.
With their lifetimes of experience in this area, these natives
immediately notice when others are subconsciously sabotaging
themselves, indulging in counterproductive behavior, or allowing
themselves to be distracted by lesser concerns. They also see clearly
how the problems can be resolved—how others can position
themselves to reach their goal. When they see another person’s
needs, they can use their innate practicality to help make that
person’s dream come true.

When Cancer North Node people see someone acting in ways
that are counterproductive, rather than “punishing them” their job is
to teach them in a nurturing way how to reach their goals. One of
the best ways these folks can participate with others is to help them
identify their goals, and then encourage them to “go for it.” When
they ate sensitive to others’ needs in this way, they shift from a
“dictator father” role to a “nurturing mother” role and can reach
people far more effectively. When they are more understanding and
supportive, their confidence brings out the best in the others.
In the example of the chef, my client could have taken the time to
get to know him better. Why was he a chef? What did he want to
accomplish? What did he want to gain by working at that particular
restaurant? If the chef’s motive was to make a good living for his
wife and child, and his reason for being at that restaurant was to
build a good reputation, my client would have known how to
motivate him in a supportive way.
Patience is another attribute that Cancer North Node people are
cultivating. Their job is to teach by demonstrating—cheering the
other person on. They are such master achievers from past lives that
when they take on the role of an understanding teacher, others


Owing to past-life suppression of personal feelings, the
“feeling” nature in Cancer North Node people has become purified.
There is no “hidden agenda”; their emotions are an innocent, natural
response. Quite often when they express themselves, everyone else
heaves a sigh of relief. Their “feeling” nature is quite open, and
often they “pick up” the feelings of those around them. This is why
it is healthy to share their feelings in a responsible way: “I’m
feeling uneasy in this situation”; “I felt uncomfortable when you
said that—it didn’t feel like a fair response that took everyone’s
needs into account.” When they risk verbalizing their feelings,
everyone is healed and released from emotional inhibition. In group
situations, others may come up to them and say: “I’m so glad you
said that! That’s exactly what I was feeling, but I didn’t know how
to verbalize it.” When that happens, it’s the universe validating that

they are “on path”—that responsibly verbalizing their feelings in a
nonblaming way was exactly the ingredient needed to clear the way
for their goal to be reached.,
In disavowing their emotional bodies in past lives, Cancer North
Node people disconnected themselves from the advantages of being
human. In some ways, they may not even feel part of the human
race. They understand purpose, accomplishment, responsibility—
but for what? Where is the reward—the true value—in the
experience of being human? It is in the nurturing and delicate
feelings one experiences from the emotional self. Every outer
experience is empty without the inner emotional charge that results
from it. And to share those feelings with another is the most
exhilarating and exquisite of experiences.
In dissociating from their feelings, these folks are missing the
contentment and sense of belonging that are inherent in recognizing
—and claiming—an emotional connectedness with humankind.
They have earned the right to claim the benefits and pleasures of
being part of the human family, rather than being responsible for it.
It is perfectly appropriate for them to slow down and reap the most
nurturing reward of having a human body: the experience of



As music is an empowering medium for emotionally supporting
us in taking risks, I have written a healing song for each nodal
group to help shift its energy in a positive way.


The message of this song is meant to inspire and encourage
Cancer North Node people to take risks and be vulnerable, reveal
their feelings, and thus open themselves to the emotionally fulfilling
interactions that they desire.

Selected lyrics:

Seems to me the only way I can
Find out just where I stand
Is to be honest about how I feel
With the people I hold dear
The change will make it all so clear
Take the risk and watch magic appear

It’s a long, long way back home
Back to where I’m coming from
But I’m on the road!
Growing used to breaking through
All the things I thought I knew
To rejoin the flow . . .
On the road back home

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”



North Node in Leo

and North Node in the 5th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

Willingness to take “center stage”
Following one’s heart’s desires
Strengthening one’s willpower
Taking risks
Relating to the childlike quality in others
Enjoying life—having fun
Looking at life as a game
Developing an “It’s up to me” attitude
Tendencies to Leave Behind

Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable
Yielding to peer pressure in order to “belong”
Detaching from emotional situations
Waiting for others to prompt one’s own action
“Overlooking” what’s really going on
Waiting for “more” knowledge before taking
Excessive daydreaming
Running away from confrontations

For Leo North Node people, the Achilles’ heel they need to be
aware of is the overriding need to feel the acceptance of peers (“If I
just cooperate with life and ‘go with the flow,’ my peers will
automatically support me and bring me happiness”). But it’s a
bottomless pit: Their friends can never give them enough support
for them to break out as individuals and take advantage of the
exciting opportunities life brings. They need to become their own
best friend and encourage themselves to go after those things that
will bring them happiness.
The trap they need to avoid is an unending search for knowledge
(“If I have enough knowledge, I will feel confident to take creative
action”). They will never feel they have enough knowledge to
ensure successful creative action, so they continue to “go with the
flow,” waiting for happiness to find them. The bottom line is that at
some point they must take the risk and start creating their
happiness. The irony is that once they take action and begin creating
happiness, the knowledge they need to succeed will come to them

What Leo North Node people really want is to receive love.
Their need to experience the loving energy of others is nearly
insatiable. To successfully bring this energy into their lives, they
need to first give love by cheering people up—they know how to
use the limelight to make others happy. By exercising their
creativity to contribute to the happiness of others, they create an
“audience,” or a peer group that will support them, accept them, and
love them. The best barometer of being “on track” for Leo North
Node people is the applause and approval of others. In the process
of giving happiness—as long as they stay in alignment with their
own humanitarian ideals—they gain the reward of knowing they are
an important participant in the stream of life.

These people belong in professions that reward individual
creative effort. Entertaining (singing, acting, etc.), entrepreneurship,
or some other way of being at center stage releases their tremendous
creative energy in constructive ways that bring joy to all. Other
good options include activities dealing with children, speculation,
games, and sports.
Leo North Node people also have the gift of objectivity—they
can accurately see what the “game” is. When this skill is used as a
backdrop for achieving goals that are fun for them, their ability to
see things objectively becomes an asset. However, if they involve
themselves in professions that have objectivity itself as a goal
(scientist, inventor, engineer, X-ray technician, etc.), their lives may
become devoid of vitality and joy. They are better off using this
natural talent in intensely creative projects.

“The only person who can create my happiness is
“If I’m having fun, I’m on track.”
“When I follow the impulses of the child within,
I win.”
“I win when I actively create the results I want.”
“When I relate to the child in others, everybody
“When I bring joy to others, I feel included.”




Leo North Node people have spent many lifetimes living on the
sidelines watching others interact. They were the scientists, the
observers, those who sacrificed personal identity to promote
humanitarian causes and ideals. They are accustomed to linking
their creative energy to the dreams and aspirations of others,
without taking into account their own needs and desires.
Thus, in past lives they lost touch with the vital energy of their
inner child. In this life they have again subconsciously chosen
environments that negate their inner child, in order to work through
this issue and regain the connection with their vital energy. They
may be born into a violent household where objective observation
of a parent’s behavior is a matter of survival. Or they may be born
into an alcoholic household in which the emotional responses of one
or both parents are unpredictable, and since they are not able to trust
their caretakers, the only safe route is to suppress their feelings. Or
perhaps the loss of a parent at an early age gave them an added
sense of responsibility, and they felt it wasn’t okay for them to “just
be a kid.”
These folks have had so many past lives of being objective and
watching from a scientific point of view that in this lifetime they
have a real fear of getting involved. They’re afraid of losing their
objectivity; subconsciously they feel it’s the only thing that has kept
them safe in the past. But this lifetime is about becoming involved
and learning how to play! They’ve taken the stuffy, scientific
approach for too many incarnations—they have
not been having fun
on this planet—so this time they need to go in the direction of
enjoying themselves. When they are around children, their own
inner child is reflected back to them. When they see children
playing and simply being themselves, it inspires these natives to
play and become involved in life. And this is their challenge—to
step back into the center of life’s vitality.
Owing to their past-life scientific orientation, Leo North Node
people enter into this incarnation with a “laboratory objectivity”—
continually observing without seeking to change, or in any way

interfere with, the data. This allows them to be very clear and
accurate about what is going on. However, if they become overly
identified with the role of “Important Observer” it can become an
ego trip, where they stand back and pass judgment on other people
and feel superior.
They may take the approach: “We’re going to cut through all the
nonsense and tell it like it is!” and then, when they see the look on
the other person’s face, they feel badly. But their minds say: “Well, I
said it! I’ll stand by it!” and they settle into the rigidity of their
position. However, in this lifetime these folks have the challenge of
pointing out to others what is going on in positive ways that make
them laugh and/or help them change their perspective and lighten
their burdens. This time Leo North Node people need to not only
see what’s going on but actively participate in transforming “what
is” into something positive for all concerned, including themselves.
In this incarnation, their life purpose is to learn how to get what
want, not through detachment but through intense involvement.


Leo North Node people sometimes feel as if they are being
swept up in other people’s dramas and they themselves are just
sitting back—powerless—even though they can clearly see the
writing on the wall. They think that other people can adjust their
course of action, “sail their boat into the wind,” change direction,
and win from prevailing conditions. But Leo North Node people
often feel as if they watch the wind change and are aware of the
waves, but can’t seem to hook up with the energy and take
advantage of the situation.
These folks get “stuck” on one side of the creative pendulum. To
successfully manifest a dream, the process involves both
observation and action. Sometimes it’s necessary to pull hard on the
ropes to physically maneuver the boat, regain equilibrium as the
boat shifts, move heavy objects into balanced positions in readiness
for the new direction, and “batten down the hatches” to prepare for
the change. A lot of energy has to be exerted. Accurate observation
of the prevailing forces is an equally important part of the creative
process so that all the energy is expended in the right direction. Leo

North Node people are great on the observation end, but they must
remember to swing into action in order to create changes in the
physical world.


Sometimes Leo North Node people can practically “think
themselves to death.” They analyze everything, think of all the
things that can go wrong, check the moods of the people around
them, and gain all the knowledge they can so that they won’t make
a mistake once they decide to act. However, there are so many
different things to think about that they become overwhelmed and
paralyzed. This tendency to seek security through “certain
knowledge” can keep them from taking the risks that could increase
their vitality, and it often locks them into stagnant, passive lives.
These folks are learning to become more fluid; they must start
trusting their intuition rather than clinging to their logical strategies.
They need to be willing to consider that their basic premise might
be in error. However, they often assume they possess superior
knowledge; even though that “knowledge” blocks them from
manifesting their dream, they may stubbornly hold on to it. “In
order for me to follow my heart and take a chance to create what I
want, x, y, and z conditions must first be met.” But they never are.
These folks need to
release the idea that they can be totally in
control of the success or failure of their dream. In fact, life is their
partner; when they put aside their concerns and begin doing
whatever they can each moment, little by little they will make their
dreams real. If they are not willing to do this and their “right
conditions” are never met, these folks may postpone taking a risk
until it is too late and the window of opportunity is closed.
Leo North Node people are learning how to transcend the
limitations of the scientific approach and be truly creative.
Creativity can’t be planned or put on a schedule. It is a process of
working hand in hand with the intuition and energy available in
each moment and with the materials at hand. It involves deciding
where to go and then cooperating with the universal Flow to
accomplish that objective. The end result may not be exactly what

was expected, but the energy of that expectation will be joyously
and successfully manifested.
Leo North Node people must accept what the universe brings to
help make their dreams come true. When they say to the universe:
“I want an answer on this,” and every time the universe
brings them
an answer their mind says: “No, that’s not it,” they invalidate their
own answers by not acting on them. They go in circles and feel
estranged from their life force. When this occurs, it is a signal for
these folks to take action. They need to contribute to life in some
way: pick up the phone and call a friend, send a loved one a gift, or
sign up for a sport or activity that will reconnect them with their
energy. When they are linked with their own energy they feel
articulate, able to connect with others emotionally and intellectually
—they feel terrific!


Leo North Node people lack recognition of their personal power
to make creative changes in their lives. They think the Flow has all
the power, so they feel powerless. Often they even put up with
abusive situations—believing “that’s just how it is”—because they
don’t think they have the power to change it. One of their most
important lessons in this lifetime is to recognize that they
do have
the power—in fact, a special talent—to enact constructive change
based on their own view of the larger picture.
In past lives these folks would tune in to the Flow of Universal
Energy to guide them, and that worked perfectly. In this lifetime, as
long as they are actively pursuing their own goal (one that resonates
with their inner child), they can again trust that the Flow (with a
capital “F”) is guiding them in the right direction. The danger lies in
when they do
not feel an inner connection to their goal. Then,
because their destiny in this lifetime is to learn how to relate with
others in a creative way, the flow they pick up is actually
people’s energy
, not Universal Guidance. At these times, when
they’re “going with the flow” (small “f”), it’s really the flow of
other people’s desires and wants, which may be based on very
selfish concerns.
Leo North Node people also go along with the flow to appease
people. It’s their way of cooperating and being accepted without
having to get in the middle of things and risk emotional disruption.
The only problem is that when these people go along with the flow,
they frequently end up playing second fiddle to other people’s
willfulness. When they feel this maelstrom of other people’s
desires, their best bet is to simply step back and temporarily
withdraw so they can recognize and validate their own feelings in
the situation—then simply trust what they want. Their job is to
follow what makes their inner child happy. As those feelings grow
stronger, these folks will know they are on the right path.
Their minds—which use “scientific appraisals” of what’s best for
everyone—are not good barometers for Leo North Node people in

this lifetime. They need to focus on the joy of the child within.
When they choose to walk in this direction, someone who was
counting on them for his or her own needs may feel hurt or
disappointed. But they should keep in mind that in the larger
scheme of things, this may be exactly what the person needs to
learn in terms of his or her own personal responsibility. Leo North
Node people have no idea of what everyone else’s lessons are. All
they can know with certainty is the feeling of pure happiness inside
themselves; that feeling is their only sure beacon toward right
When Leo North Node people follow their minds rather than the
longings of their own hearts, they avoid what they are here for in
this incarnation—to do what makes them happy. For many lifetimes
these people have served humanitarian purposes, so their inner child
has been very purified. Whatever makes that happiness inside them
“ring true” is what they need to follow—it is the only voice that will
lead them out of the confusion of other people’s ego energy and into
the light of their own radiant individuality.
Most folks would give anything to be given the following
prescription in this lifetime: Play and have fun! These folks are free
to do this because they automatically act in ways that are
responsible. Their pathway of Right Action now is to pursue their
individuality and to manifest their own dreams without allowing
others to stand in their way.


These folks may have unfortunate “group karma” in this
lifetime, which contributes to their confusion with other people’s
energy. In past lives they were very involved with groups of people,
but they lost touch with their own individuality. In this incarnation
they tend to decide which social group they’d like to be a part of,
and then “make themselves” belong. They act out the part: They
start dressing like those people, using the same expressions,
emulating their behavior, and adopting their perspectives. When the
group does accept them, they lose their identity in the effort of
being just like everyone else. The problem is, they did the process
backwards! Instead of being themselves (that is, expressing their

own individuality and choosing friends based on true inner affinity),
they used their
minds to decide whom they would be friends with.
Even as children, these folks have a tendency to fall in with “fastlane” peers and then get into trouble because they are following
their friends rather than their own judgment.
In all group situations, Leo North Node people face the challenge
of expressing their own individuality. Often they end up being part
of groups where others think they belong—but sometimes their
“disguise” breaks down at a decisive moment because the people
around them recognize that these folks are not really being
themselves, and thus feel a lack of mutual trust.
It would benefit these folks to understand the true nature of a
group. Groups that one can really count on for support are based on
a natural coming together of individuals who are in touch with their
intrinsic natures and have their own personal sense of what is
important. These groups form spontaneously out of the natural
affinity. That is why, in order for Leo North Node people to have
healthy group relationships, they must stay in touch with their inner
being. In the process of asserting their individuality, they will truly
notice and respect the individuality of others. Their alliances will be
based on mutual respect for one another’s unique inner nature,
rather than yielding to one another’s wills and expectations.


Many times, Leo North Node people lose themselves in
daydreaming about the future. This is owing to the sadness they feel
because they have not created the vitality they seek. They daydream
about everything: how it’s going to be “later,” someone they’re
going to run into again, someone they know and how it
could be—
perhaps how it
will be . . . until dream after dream fills their
consciousness. However, spending too much energy in daydreaming
dilutes their creative fire. They need to spend less time in
daydreaming and more time in taking action.
In this lifetime it works for them to decide: “Well, what would I
like to create? What would be fun for me?” They get many different
ideas, and their inner child says: “Yeah, let’s do
that one!” The only
problem is that they can sit back for years thinking about it, doing

nothing. It creates a deep sadness within when they waste years
never realizing their dreams.
The issue of manifesting dreams is a crucial one. In this
incarnation Leo North Node people have the power to create their
own destiny, but it’s up to them to take charge of their lives and do
it! They must choose one dream that resonates deeply for them and
take the steps in the outer world that will turn that dream into
reality. Sometimes this can be a frustrating process. There can be
such a gap between their dream and reality that it seems almost
impossible to bring the two into alignment. Yet these people have a
unique talent for manifesting in the material world whatever they
dream about. The first step is to recognize that participating in the
game of creativity can itself be fun and satisfying. They need to
enjoy the process of creating their dream, and not postpone
happiness until “later.”
Leo North Node people have a tendency to become impatient
with their dreams and try to
force them into reality. Sometimes the
gap between their dreams and current circumstances seems too
wide, and they give up in defeat. Yet this is not in their best interest,
for in their hearts they continue to long for their dream and feel
dissatisfied with the reality around them. They must slow
themselves down and allow the creative process itself to lead them.
As they successfully complete the first step toward their goal, the
next step will occur to them. If they wait to see the whole picture
before taking action, they will never gain enough “knowledge” to
have the confidence to act. For them, vitality lies in taking risks.


Leo North Node people are learning to keep their goal in mind.
They are so easily distracted by life’s multitude of opportunities that
they have trouble staying “tuned in” to the goal that originally
excited them. They are learning to develop their will and stay on
path regardless of distractions and obstacles. To do this, they need
to see themselves as players instead of observers.
Sometimes, when they first see an opportunity to experience their
dream, they get caught up in the happy energy this creates and start
moving in that direction. But then they realize there isn’t a straight,

easy road from where they are to where they want to be. If things
start to become shaky and are not turning out as they imagined, they
tend to give up, or they get distracted on some other path that holds
less energy for them in the long run.
Leo North Node people are learning that to create the happiness
they envision for their lives, they won’t always be able to forge
straight ahead. As they move toward their goal, a “second force” is
often introduced—a resistance to their dream. Then they must pull
back and rise above that resistance—experience a growth in
character that takes them to a new level. It’s somewhat like a fairy
tale: The Prince has to go through tests of character (slaying the
monsters, etc.) before he wins the prize. The second force that these
folks encounter is actually a part of their character that has always
been in their way but that only becomes apparent when it stands
between them and getting something they want. If they want to win
the prize, they must go through these tests of character—gaining in
strength and self-discipline and overcoming their greatest fears—
and not back down.


One of the main lessons Leo North Node people are learning is
to become involved in the joy of the creative process. But their
greatest frustration can be the discrepancy between their dreams and
the stark reality they see unfolding around them. Although these
folks are accustomed to “going with the flow” of what others have
created, in this lifetime they are supposed to create the situations
they want. But they don’t know how. How does someone so used to
following an objective, uninvolved path suddenly turn around and
create something? How does he even begin? The fear of not
knowing is what leads Leo North Node people into the trap of
pursuing more and more knowledge, seeking an answer that they
hope will empower them to act. Ultimately, the answer is intention.
When they are totally focused on what they want to create, the
knowledge they need will come to them in the process of going
forth to actively create what they want. In this incarnation, their job
is to create their dreams now.


Leo North Node people are always hoping that they will gain
enough knowledge to feel confident in taking action. But these folks
could be 200 years old and still think they didn’t have enough
knowledge to act! They must stop using knowledge as an excuse to
postpone action and admit that it’s okay to be wrong sometimes. In
fact, it’s through making mistakes that we gain more “real”
knowledge about what actually works in life.
In certain ways, Leo North Node people have lots of solid selfconfidence. However, their self-confidence is founded on trusting
their own information base. They have total confidence in what they
think they know, but their sense of “knowing” is based on past
experience and observations. When they form rigid ideas based on
knowledge only of the past, they limit the potential of their future.

Their challenge is to be willing to not know—to be childlike and
experiment. They need to follow their hearts—to try things even
though other people aren’t doing them—and find out what happens.
This will bring vitality back into their lives, and they will see that
even though they don’t “know” how to do it, they
can create
positive results here and now.
These folks like to wait for the certainly of knowledge in order to
avoid the pain of making mistakes. But they need to learn to follow
the dynamism of their inner child, which will take them into new,
uncharted territories of pleasure, excitement, discovery, romance,
and creativity. If they don’t, they will become discontented,
disassociated, and confused about why the drummer they were
following didn’t lead them to a happier place. Any stubborn
attachment to “knowledge” or “conditions” as a guide will be a
stumbling block. For example, a Leo North Node client of mine had
spent the past twenty-two years trying to leave his wife so that he
could begin a new life. But he became fixated on the idea that in
order to leave, he had to amass enough money to take care of his
wife financially. For twenty-two years the more money he made, the
more she spent, and he could never accumulate enough money to
meet his prerequisite. However, his wife was creative, independent,
and highly intelligent. By not allowing her the power to make it on
her own, and by continually striving to meet his “conditions” before
acting, he trapped himself in an unhappy marriage.
To increase their vitality and enjoyment of life, Leo North Node
people must step out into the unknown, and find their truth directly
through experience. To take risks without knowing all the
repercussions requires trust, and to gain innovative knowledge
requires the innocent courage of a child. These folks must trust the
vitality within themselves. If they keep their goal in mind, they will
see what adjustments to make along the way in order to get where
they want to go.


Leo North Node people are excellent at games and can play out
any role they choose. Their objectivity allows them to construct
excellent strategies. Once they have a goal firmly in mind, they can

see how to play their role with the other people involved to make
their dream come true. This talent can be particularly useful in
situations where they feel insecure. If they allow themselves to view
it as a “game,” their natural ability to role play will kick in.
Once they discern their role, they can create a strategy for
winning. The strategy may call for them to play different roles as
the situation progresses. At one stage they may need to be “Jim the
Healer” and at the next stage “Jim, the Man of Your Dreams.” The
idea is to see the role they need to play to further their goal at that
time, and then to play it to the hilt. They’re very good at it, and it’s
immense fun for them at the same time! The only word of caution is
for them to remember the importance of fairness and to only enact
roles that work for the best interest of everyone involved.
Leo North Node people would do well to recognize that they can
also use their sense of drama to emphasize a point so that others
hear them. Because of their tendency to go along with things,
people often take advantage of their easy-going nature. Then they
resent that others aren’t taking them seriously and giving them the
respect they deserve. So they must be firm in making a point: “I
have an important phone call right now; I can’t talk, I’ll be out in
fifteen minutes.” It’s not what they say, but how they say it, that
gets others’ attention. They can use their dramatic flair to meet their
more immediate needs in day-to-day situations as well.
These folks are also excellent gamblers, because they are not
immersed in “winning” on an emotional, ego-centered level. Since
they are aware of the larger forces and prevailing energies of the
Flow, they know when to press forward and when to pull back in
placing their bets—and in reaching their goals. In this lifetime, they
are learning that even a “wrong” action—if they are following the
energy of happiness in their heart—is better than inaction. However,
it’s important that they continue to think of it as a
game. They must
continue to reassess their strategy before making a new move if
they want to win.




These people desperately need the energy of approval. They
have had so many past incarnations of being detached, of being
“nobody,” that in this incarnation they are terrified of being
“somebody”—and of being themselves. Through many lifetimes of
sublimating their identity to a larger cause, they have lost track of
who they are. This makes them exceptionally good actors and
actresses; they are willing to play the role of somebody else in order
to get the approval they so greatly need. In fact, the approval of
being validated and applauded for positive participation is healthy
for these folks—it grounds them in their own active personality.


The function of ego (as it is discussed in this chapter) is to
articulate desire, to interweave the individual’s wants and needs
with the rest of the world. The ego verbally communicates the
direction the individual wants to go. It is the decision maker and
activator of the will. Leo North Node people have had many past
lifetimes of being immersed in a “superego” mindset based on
“shoulds” and “oughts”—morality as dictated by society, family,
religion, or an awareness of humanitarian ideals. As a result, they
have lost contact with their personal ego—a sense of themselves as
individuals, with individual needs and directions. They are aware of
their id—their spontaneous “gut reactions” to things—and their
superego mind, but they are not in touch with their ego as a
mediator between the two. Thus, they tend to swing between being
too accommodating and allowing others to walk all over them, and
erupting in anger that their “line of fairness” has been violated.
Often they don’t even understand what is happening, and they find
it difficult to explain their anger to themselves or others.
Without a sense of ego to help them make good decisions, these
folks can become extraordinarily stubborn. If they think they can’t

leave a situation for knowledge-based reasons (shoulds, oughts,
moral or spiritual beliefs) even though their gut tells them it’s not
healthy, they’ll stay no matter what. This stubbornness can work to
their advantage if they convert it to determination in actively
pursuing their goals, but it works against them when they remain in
a stagnant, limiting situation. Their motive in remaining can also be
safety, security, and fear of change. Usually they try to turn their
inertia into something positive by finding a new challenge within
the old situation to make them feel creative. But the fact is that if
there’s only so far they can go, ultimately it will end up as selflimitation. They might find the courage to break free if they set a
time limit for themselves. They can use the predetermined time to
prepare themselves for leaping into a new life. When they make up
their mind and refuse to consider any other options, they activate
their will and suddenly have the power and energy to change.
In this incarnation Leo North Node people are here to
consciously develop a healthy ego. Their challenge is to strengthen
the ego by validating it, verbally communicating what they perceive
from a superego point of view, as well as what they are
experiencing in the id (their gut reaction). For example, they could
say: “I know I shouldn’t be angry about this because you’ve had a
hard day at work; you’re tired, and you just want to forget about
dealing with people. But I get very upset when you come home,
pick up the newspaper, plop down in front of the TV, and don’t talk
with me. I’d like to create some time each evening for taking care of
each other and regenerating our relationship.”
Once these natives have voiced their own truth and expressed
what they feel and want without censoring themselves, they begin
to develop a sense of their unique individuality. This takes
tremendous courage, but it is the only way for these folks to ground
and integrate themselves on a vital, solid level. When they
communicate both their superego and id point of view in a loving
but firm way, creative solutions become apparent, their egos grow
stronger, and others begin to pay attention to what they say. If they
don’t strongly communicate their feelings to others, how can people
really know them and give them what they want?
By consciously developing their ego through their
accomplishments, these folks can stay on the path of Right Action
and also give the gift of putting other people more in touch with
their superegos. By sharing the larger picture that they see and by

communicating gut reactions from their id, they help others have a
more expansive outlook that takes everyone’s best interests into


Leo North Node people also have a mission in this lifetime of
developing their will—evoking and building the strength within
themselves to actively pursue their dreams. They have more inner
strength than they realize, and they are learning to recognize and
integrate this. Part of the process involves acknowledging the
amount of time it takes to manifest things of value. If they want a
dream to come true, they must be willing to give it time. The other
people involved need time to come into alignment with Leo North
Nodes’ dream, and the preparatory steps must be completed in the
physical realm. All these things require time, so these folks must
have endurance for the long haul.
They will create the dreams of their heart if they are willing to go
slowly—step by step—in completing each stage of the process and
allowing the next step to be revealed. If they focus on the goal and
stay in touch with their inner feeling of happiness, the process will
build the strength of character required to handle—and fully
appreciate—the fruits of their labor. To connect with their inner
power, however, Leo North Node people must push through a
mountain of self-doubt: “What if I fail? What if I can’t?” The idea
is to not think about failure. Instead, just try it. It can take these
folks a long time to begin recognizing their inner power, but once
they accept it, nothing can stop them!
Will is the instrument they need to manifest their dreams. They
will also be strengthened by remembering that what they are
looking for is also looking for them. At the same time they are
persistently taking steps to reach their dream, the dream is
beckoning them and pulling them onward.


In order to feel motivated, Leo North Node people often have to
be “propelled” in a certain direction. They feel a pull from a person
or situation—and when they follow that pull, they find that they’re
on track. But in this incarnation they must remember to stay in
touch with their own inner motivation, not just what others want
them to do.
Sometimes these folks become so detached and inactive that they
pull back from being involved in anything. This can be especially
difficult for those with whom they share reciprocal responsibility
(such as a spouse or a business partner) because when a crisis hits,
these folks tend to disappear and let those around them handle it.
When there is a family crisis, they may not want to be involved—
they really don’t want to do anything. Others feel they have to prod
them, knock them over the head, or threaten them to get them to
Instead of responding to this, Leo North Node people often pull
further away. They feel all the emotional energy in those around
them—and they don’t know what to do. What they should do is pull
back for just an instant and get in touch with their own heart. What
would they like to see happen in the situation? What would make
them happy? Once they can see it, they must take responsibility and
do their part to create that positive outcome.
When they’re following their
inner prompting, no one needs to
force them or prod them because they are already actively pursuing
their own course. As an individual, they may want to handle one
area of a relationship and not another, or resolve one type of crisis
and not another. To be helpful and fair to everyone, they should
define the areas in which they are willing to participate and let
others know when they can—and cannot—be counted on. For
example, they may be happy to play with the children, but need an
hour every evening right after work to be by themselves and get
centered. They should find out what their spouse needs and then
find a way to meet both partners’ requisites.
Because these folks are learning to get in touch with their inner
selves and clearly define what they want, they need to remember to
make only those commitments that are in alignment with what they
want or with what they truly feel is fair—and keep their word! If
they say they’re going to become involved on a certain level, they
need to follow through and do it. On the other hand, if they choose
not to participate in something, they need to discuss that honestly

with the other people involved. In the process of opening up
communication, a higher degree of order is created that brings more
joy for all concerned.


Leo North Node people are dependent on receiving love from
others. When they risk sharing their feelings and desires, they tend
to give up if others don’t immediately provide validation. They
quickly become silent again. But they may have to put some energy
—some drama—into their communication so that others understand
that it’s important to them. They must be firm in expressing their
needs so that others take them seriously. And their motive should
not just be “getting their way,” but expressing the integrity of who
they are so that their character and ego can develop. Their selfexpression is the natural architect of the boundaries within them.
When they are not honestly and firmly expressing their true inner
reactions, they are inadvertently being unfair to others: They are
denying others the opportunity to really see who they are, interact
with them, and meet their needs.
These folks have an incredible talent for stimulating enthusiasm
in others and making them happy. They can apply this talent to both
business and personal arenas. The key is to be willing to participate
—to become involved with others and to communicate with their
hearts as well as their heads. When they become disappointed in a
situation and withdraw, everyone loses. When they increase their
interest and continue to put constructive energy into the situation,
everyone wins.
Leo North Node people are very attuned to the emotions and
wills of the people around them. They feel what others want, the
different directions of each person’s will in the situation, and what
they are striving to create. When they get into the middle of all that
emotional energy, they don’t know how to handle it. They often
detach themselves rather than participate. But actually, these folks
have incredible abilities to deal with the wills and emotions of other
people. Because they don’t have an ego attachment to the will, they
have the objectivity to see how a given situation can work out fairly
so that everyone’s divergent needs and wants are acknowledged.
They need to learn to detach only
momentarily—just long enough to
see what is going on—and then use their power to accurately

appraise the situation. Then they can use their emotional energy and
ability to act out a role to create positive results.
They must be willing to step into the middle of a situation and
begin to
play with people. In this way they can create the right
energy so that everyone’s divergent wills align for the good of the
whole, bringing justice, fairness, equality, and harmony to the
situation. This is the happiest use of their ability to detach—to turn
it into conscious involvement where they exercise their will in a
truly creative way. They also must remember to include
their will—
what they want—as part of the equation, or the solution won’t work
out in the long run.
Leo North Node people can be self-conscious, and this is
debilitating for them. Actually, they are happiest and most confident
when their attention is focused outward, uplifting the spirits of those
around them. However, when they become self-reflective, they get
“stuck” in feelings of insecurity; their energies begin to circle
around themselves instead of moving forward. Involvement, then, is
a key ingredient for their happiness and vitality.


Leo North Node people tend to have serious issues around
commitment. The issues usually arise when these folks allow
themselves to become deeply involved in something—especially a
romantic relationship. All of a sudden someone may enter their life
who is so attractive that they say: “Okay, I’m going to take the risk
and get involved.” And they really want to. The energy of romance
is healthy for them—it stimulates their basic vitality, makes them
want to be alive, and fills them with joy. So they “go for it” and get
right into the middle of all the emotional energies that are
Being very perceptive about what the other person wants, these
folks go about playing the role of the other person’s ideal mate.
They charm the other person and say all the things she wants to
hear. They create much happy romantic energy, and the other person
responds with love and affection. There is mutual joy, and things go
well for a while. But at some point the partner starts to relax, be
more assertive, and exercise her own will—and the Leo North Node

person becomes irritated. He feels that if he is going to embody the
“ideal mate” for his partner, the partner should do the same for him.
He becomes very upset when his partner starts to be herself; often
he may simply withdraw and drift on, never really making a
commitment to create a relationship that feeds energy back to both
partners over the long haul.
The Leo North Node person’s commitment needs to be on a
deeper level—not just when things are going well. It isn’t fair to the
other person, who responds to his advances and becomes open and
vulnerable, only to have her heart broken when the Leo North Node
person changes his mind and leaves by detaching either emotionally
or physically. And since these people
do have a strong sense of
fairness, they must be willing to monitor the relationship carefully
and use their creative power to make it work.
Their challenge is to interweave the strong picture of the situation
they would like to create and the creative will of the other person.
The first step in doing this is to find out who the other person really
is. What are the other person’s ideals, dreams, and goals? What is
important to him or her to create and experience in this lifetime?
Also, where is that person willing to yield to accommodate the
individual needs of the Leo North Node person? These things need
to be discussed to ascertain whether or not the two personalities can
blend. If the Leo North Node person can align himself with his
partner’s values and aspirations, there can be supportive mutual
involvement. Both individuals can move together toward fulfillment
of their common goals. These folks need to recognize that the
vitality of romance is not always found only between two people
with identical ideals, wants, and needs. In fact, often the fire they
are seeking is created by two temperaments that, in some ways, are
very dissimilar; it is through the process of encouraging
individuality that the fire burns hotter.


Leo North Node people may overlook a lot of what is going on
around them, because they are receptive to so many distractions.
The biggest problem is that when they are overlooking certain
aspects of a situation, they do not tune in to how things are affecting

them. Instead, they ignore anything unpleasant. This allows them to
avoid taking responsibility and clearly stating their feelings. Some
situations remain unresolved because these folks have not been
honest and clear. The worst impact of this tendency is usually on
their intimate relationships. When they overlook what others want
and the others become disappointed or upset, the Leo North Node
people may feel overwhelmed by incredibly fierce emotional
responses from others that were not anticipated. And then these
folks are crushed—they can’t figure out what they did that evoked
such wrath. After all, they just ignored the whole thing and went on
with their lives!
But looking back, they always feel they should not have
overlooked what they were feeling, and they wish they had given
the other person the chance to respond by communicating honestly.
To avoid problems like this, they need to pay special attention to
what the other person
truly wants—not on a quick, what’s-going-tocharm-of-appease-them basis, but real understanding of the other
person’s values and dreams in the relationship. They can learn to
open up their hearts and take personal responsibility.


Many problems with taking responsibility have to do with trust.
Leo North Node people violate other people’s trust without
intending to or recognizing when they have done it. This is why
other people sometimes react violently against them. If these folks
can see the child in other people, they will recognize that everyone
operates from a certain level of trust that others are going to keep
their word. They cannot discount or violate this trust without
experiencing severe repercussions. Once they give their word, they
must keep it as they would with a child—to reinforce the trust that
others give them. If they change their plans, they must let those who
were counting on them know in advance what is happening, and not
just go their own way.
They also need to be aware of the “game” that they have given
other people the impression they are playing—and know what the
rules are. Once they have agreed to the rules—or let others
they have agreed to the rules—they need to take responsibility and
play by those rules. For example, if they’re involved in a
relationship and one of the rules is monogamy, they have to be
monogamous. They can’t just “go with the flow” and let momentary
distractions take them in some other direction. They must be true to
their word and create what
they say they are going to create.
Since they have learned about detachment in past lives, they may
not recognize how attached others are to them; but when they act
carelessly, others react vehemently. Leo North Node people are
learning to recognize that those in the other nodal groups often take
life much more personally than they do.


Leo North Node people have a tendency to get “stuck” on what
they think they “know.” They take in a few objective facts and then
reach a conclusion based on their perception of the situation, their
goal, and their own needs. Often they become rigidly attached to
their position, refusing to budge. Then they begin to plan for the
future based on their decision, which they consider to be “objective,
irrevocable truth.”
The problem with this process is that these folks tend to reach
their “conclusions” and “certain knowledge” without discussing
anything with the others involved. They may remember something
the other person said and base their “knowledge” on that, rather
than sitting down with the other person and allowing new truths to
emerge from the interaction. They should be willing to share their
feelings, their fears, and the conclusions they are drawing with an
open mind and a willingness to receive new input.
A sensitive awareness of how others feel will empower Leo
North Node people to act without provoking unexpected resistance.
If they understand in advance how others feel—by being aware of
others’ attachments to them and putting themselves in another’s
place—they will be able to present their decisions in ways that
others can accept. If they are willing to abandon logic and enter the
realm of feeling and enthusiasm, they will discover that they are
uniquely equipped to present their plans in a way that shows others
how they also can win.

For example, if Leo North Node is dating a person and the fire
dies out—or was never really there to begin with—his instinctive
response may be to leave the relationship without explanation. This
can cause emotionally distressing reactions in the other person:
confusion, distrust of the opposite sex, feelings of personal
inadequacy . . . sometimes Leo North Node people don’t realize
how unfair or hurtful they can be. Taking the responsibility to
openly acknowledge the direction their individuality is taking can
be mutually empowering: “I just don’t feel the fire anymore, so I’m
interpreting that as an indication that it’s time for me to move on.
I’m being honest with you because I want you to know what’s
happening. This way, it opens the door for someone new to come
into your life who can make you much happier than I can.”
These folks have an incredible ability to “raise the mood” by
tapping into other people’s feelings. When they present things in a
way that evokes others’ enthusiasm, the resulting energy motivates
them into action. Other people’s feelings and emotional energy can
actually be a source of power for them—a fuel that motivates them
to put their dreams into action. Thus, rather than overlook or ignore
people’s feelings, their best bet is to be aware of them and work
with the emotional energy.




Leo North Node people don’t like to fight. They may be experts
at provoking fights, but when it comes to getting into the trenches
and hashing out an emotionally charged issue, their tendency is to
withdraw. They either sit in silence, “tuning out” the other person
(which makes their partner mad), or they leave the situation to avoid
dealing with it. They can be like ostriches—sticking their heads in
the sand, hoping the problems will simply go away. They think that
because they are not participating in the drama around them, it’s not
their fault if the relationship becomes negative. Yet their lack of
participation often breaks the hearts of those who want to love
When these folks pull out of a situation, they become
inaccessible. Then, when they think the emotional intensity has
diminished, they return and act as though nothing happened. The
problem is that they begin to accumulate a bad history with the
people around them. The unresolved problems build up, and
eventually their partners withdraw emotionally or physically from
the relationship because of the unresolved tension. Others may think
that these people don’t care about them because of their lack of
generosity in responding to others’ emotional needs.
Sometimes this occurs because of their ideals of how
relationships ought to be: “without any drama, nothing to discuss,
no issues to resolve; relationships don’t have problems.” They fail
to recognize that crisis can actually be a focal point that draws two
closer in an intimate bond of understanding and empathy.
Willingness to help another person through upsets and frustrations
can result in a depth of mutual appreciation, open giving, and
loyalty that could not otherwise have been forged. Indeed, an
alchemical process occurs when two people make a commitment to

share in the process of giving and receiving on a deep level, being
willing to create something positive out of what may first seem to
be a negative situation. If these folks take the energy they put into
withdrawing and being miserable, and put it into becoming involved
and creating happiness, it becomes a win for everyone concerned!


For Leo North Node people, part of their detachment springs
from their innate sense of fairness: They support the individuality of
others and don’t want to interfere with—or suppress—the other
person. But in this lifetime these folks are learning to draw
boundaries, to say “no,” to say: “That behavior hurts me. If you
continue to do that, I will leave.” They are taking a hand in their
own destiny and giving the other person an opportunity to change.
This simple, honest expression of their
own individuality is much
healthier for them than just leaving a relationship without notice.
Because they have the gift of being aware of what pleases the
other person, these folks assume that others also have the ability to
know what pleases them. So when others don’t “give back” (by
doing things to please them) they think the situation is unfair and
begin to withdraw. In fact, others are
not ILS objective and observant
as Leo North Node people, and are often unaware of how to please
them unless they give some clues.
Leo North Node people have had so much past-life experience
being aware not only of their own desires but of the desires of
others that when they want something, they have already
established that it will be a positive thing for those around them as
well. Because we all tend to feel that others are just like us, they
assume that others’ desires also take everyone’s best interests into
account. But this is not the case. Others generally do not check the
“fairness” of their desires relative to those involved, and many of
their desires may be selfish and shortsighted. So when Leo North
Node people just go along with the desires of others, they often end
up losing and then they resent the other person for not having
looked out for them. They are learning to look out for themselves;
and if they are in a situation that is not fair, it’s important to let
other people know how they feel.


Leo North Node people are not comfortable with highly charged
emotions. They may evade communicating because they don’t want
a confrontation. Once they have made a decision (about not
pursuing a relationship, etc.), they just do it. They may even avoid
contact with the other person, who is then left hanging, not sure
what happened and why the Leo North Node person is no longer
Inwardly, these folks can be so aware of the intensity of their
partners’ feelings that it’s hard to express what
they are feeling.
When they remember to objectively share their larger view of
what’s going on, as well as their feelings, it will help them
communicate. They have a reticence to tell the other person what’s
“wrong.” They’re afraid it may devastate the other person, whereas
in actuality their honest communication gives the partner the benefit
of their objective view.
But everything depends on motive, and their intention must be
cleat. If their motive for sharing thoughts about a partner’s behavior
is an expression of love, genuinely wanting to benefit the
relationship, their partner will feel the loving intent. But if they are
bringing it up out of anger, they will lose. Their objective view
can be very helpful to the other person. But problems will
arise if these folks become rigidly attached to their insight, insisting
they are “right” regardless of feedback from the other person.
Leo North Node people have a tendency to not put energy into
their relationships. They go into denial about what is actually going
on. Even if the relationship becomes abusive, they tell themselves:
“This is how it is; everyone goes through this.” They continue to
hold on to their ideals, dreams, and expectations of how they would
like the relationship to be, without putting energy into creating what
they want, until one day they become so disillusioned that they give
up. Then they “turn off the switch” and leave. Instead, they must
learn to use their creative energy to change things into what they
want rather than detaching from how things really are.
These people miss tremendous opportunities in life when they
neglect romance, play, and giving love to others. They have the
potential to be surrounded by love throughout their lives, yet often
they end up without love. When they lose out on love and romance,

it’s usually because they are not willing to put enough energy into
the relationship to make it work.
For Leo North Node people, the answer is commitment to active
participation. Particularly at the beginning of a relationship, these
folks must be willing to commit 100 percent to creating a true
combining of their ideals and the other person’s ideals. They must
speak up about what they want
after they find out what the other
person wants. Particularly in romance, they need to find out what
the ideal romantic relationship would be for the other person. Then
the Leo North Nodes person can determine if the other person’s
ideas are compatible. If so, the Leo North Node person can
confidently enter the relationship with his or her tremendous talents
for creating happiness.


Leo North Node people are wonderful with children, and
children are “good karma” for them. Being with children puts them
in touch with the child within. In fact, one of the main purposes for
Leo North Nodes in this incarnation is to get in touch with the inner
child and to allow that child to play and openly express itself. The
joy and vitality they feel through play pulsates through them and
resonates with the children, who have more fun with the Leo North
Node adult than they ever would on their own.
These folks recognize the individuality of each child and are
aware of how the child is responding to outer stimuli. They treat
children as people in ways that encourage discipline while allowing
for individuality. They have special talents with children. It would
benefit if they shared their knowledge of how to treat children
through the written or spoken word, or if they chose a profession in
which they could work with children. This would help others learn
how to treat children, and make everyone happier.


Leo North Node people can seem aloof, yet they long to be
involved in romantic, passionate relationships to feed their vitality.
Romantic relationships are based on giving—indeed, giving to one
another keeps the flame burning. The giving can take many forms:
compliments, encouragement, gifts, approval, understanding,
cheering up the other person, and countless other ways both large
and small. These folks are experts at knowing what and how to give
—when they remember to go out of their way and pay attention to
that “special other” in their life.


For Leo North Node people, motive is all-important. If they are
giving with a pure motive—to make a contribution and to keep the
energy flowing—then happiness is a natural by-product. But if they
are giving with an expectation of payback or “keeping score,” then
they are courting disappointment.
Accepting gifts and support from others is easy for Leo North
Node people. They were accustomed to receiving in past lives,
when their job was to allow themselves to graciously receive love
and help. However, after many incarnations in this process, an
inertia set in. They became bogged down, “overnurtured,” and lost
touch with their personal initiative—the vitality, excitement, and
creativity that come with being on the giving end of love. In this
lifetime, these folks want their creative power back. And it is
through giving that they can experience high energy.
The problem is that the process of giving without thought of
return is not instinctive for them. Yet such giving can free them to
receive more. When people focus on giving what they can in
whatever situation they’re in, they leave the channels open to
receive beyond their wildest expectations. But when they give in

order to receive, they can only receive according to their
expectations, which are naturally limited.
Having rigid expectations of what others should be giving back
creates a situation in which others can give and give, but the Leo
North Node never notices. For example, she may take a friend out
to dinner. A month later she has a serious problem, and this same
friend may spend hours on the telephone comforting her and
helping her see the situation in a more positive way. But if she does
not acknowledge the time and energy involved, she may still expect
her friend to take her out to dinner and feel hurt if the friend
doesn’t. Alternatively, giving freely (without expectation of return)
would leave her open to the goodness of life that flows from
unexpected sources. It would also help her appreciate all the little
things that others do for her that she may not have previously
These folks may also begrudge the way others receive what
give. If they give in spurts, giving can seem like a big deal to them
and they want the other person to appreciate it. They are learning to
cultivate a consistent, giving spirit—giving in all the little ways
that, in the end, are usually the most important.
If Leo North Node people keep track of how much they are
giving without recognizing that in the process they are also being
uplifted and revitalized, then they begin to feel like martyrs. When
they become aware of themselves as giving or loving, then these
actions become an ego trip rather than a true extension of
themselves. Sometimes they see themselves as going out of their
way to feed energy to the other person and make him or her happy.
This is just another form of keeping score. The truth is that when
Leo North Nodes
do receive things, it never really excites or fulfills
them. What truly, deeply satisfies them is
giving, and the other
person’s response of love and appreciation. This is what they need
in order to feel energized. As they learn the art of giving for its own
sake and feel joy in the happiness they evoke in others, they begin
to experience the satisfaction of living in a truly nurturing


Sometimes Leo North Node people exhibit a cynical reaction
when people offer to help them. They tend to undervalue assistance
from others, often to the point of repelling those who could further
their cause. But others are not encouraged to give more if what they
offer is not appreciated and acknowledged. These people are so
attuned to the idea that the Flow is bringing them everything they
need to create their dreams that they may forget to acknowledge the
special contribution of those around them.
These folks can be greedy in terms of accepting favors without
true reciprocation. They need to generously acknowledge and praise
the people who help them; in this way they will establish a bond
that encourages others to be there for them when they need further
support. Rather than being preoccupied with what others
doing for them, they could balance this aspect by deliberately taking
time each day to acknowledge the ways that others give to them.
This includes the small things like holding a door open, wishing
them a happy day, or simply smiling at them. Leo North Node
people need to see what
is being given to them, since this mindset
will bring them a lot more enjoyment and love in their relationships.
Leo North Node people sometimes forget to acknowledge the
specialness of the people who trigger their energy, and think they
can create successful bonds with anyone who fits their basic
guidelines. They are learning to recognize this inner affinity of a
“special”—rather than simply universal—nature. Acknowledging
these special bonds also helps Leo North Node people appreciate
their own specialness.
Their tendency to undervalue those with whom they feel a special
connection often leads these folks to be careless with their romantic
partners. They may think that “all of them are the same” (the
opposite sex) and that it doesn’t matter who they are with. Then,
rather than make the effort of working it out with someone who
generates the feeling of “aliveness” within them, they may choose
someone who is geographically more available, has a more
compatible background, and so on.
On the other hand, when Leo North Node people summon their
energy and commit 100 percent to making a relationship work, they
give so much that the other person may be overwhelmed. The other
person may “fall in love” with them but may also seem to take them
for granted, not understanding the energy these people put into
making the relationship work. These folks need to receive the

energy of appreciation to validate their efforts and inspire them to
keep their creative juices going.


Romance is very important and healthy for these folks.
However, they can’t expect any one person to supply the amount of
stimulation they need to keep their vitality and joy alive. It is up to
them to cultivate a variety of creative interests and projects that help
energize them and keep them happy. Working with children can
supply this stimulation, as can acting, painting, sculpture, music, or
anything else creative and fun. Their greatest joy comes with the
process of full creative involvement—whether through a project or
a love affair!
Owing to so many past incarnations of objectivity and
observation, Leo North Node people are very aware of what brings
them joy and how they resonate inwardly to the people who cross
their path. They are instantly aware of true romantic connections.
When they meet someone of deep affinity, their heartstrings are
activated—they can almost feel it physically; there’s no thinking
about it. Usually they are attracted to a special vitality in a person—
a certain life spark. Because they have the gift of instantly
recognizing true romantic affinity, they assume that others have the
same gift . . . but this is not the case.
Usually, when they feel a tugging in their heart they look to see if
the other person feels the same—but if it wasn’t mutual, these folks
wouldn’t feel it. Generally, the other person is less aware of the
intensity of the attraction and may initially seem less interested. If
Leo North Nodes give up too soon, before the other person has had
time to become aware of the connection, both people lose. Thus,
these folks need to trust their gift of accurate recognition of a true
love connection, and slow down long enough to give the other
person time to recognize the depth of the connection. Their best bet
is to approach the other person on a nonthreatening friendship basis
and spend time establishing a genuine relationship.
These people love romance and actually need it to activate their
vitality and creativity. They know how to play the game, how to get
a romance started, and how to stimulate passion and make it fun.
The problem is that after the romance has been going for a while,

they may run out of steam. They grow tired of always being the one
to spark the fire and bring out the best in the other person. They are
so busy acknowledging the other person’s specialness that they
forget to create situations in which their own specialness can be
acknowledged. They keep the other person at “center stage” and
neglect their own needs for creative expression and attention.
In their romances, these folks must take responsibility for
creating relationships in which they not only give love and honor
the specialness of the other person, but in which they are also
honored and loved, so that the flow goes both ways. If they neglect
to express their own needs, they inadvertently create an imbalance.
When they realize that the relationship revolves totally around the
other person, with no energy coming back, they lose interest. Worse
yet, they may create a monster out of the person they initially
admired: The other person may develop a “divine right” attitude and
a puffed-up ego!
For example, I had a client with this nodal position who went out
of her way to make her boyfriend happy—doing the things he liked,
having little surprises for him, and so on. She encouraged him to let
her know what he needed in a relationship and then yielded her own
identity to accommodate his needs. He was totally in love with her,
but she noticed she was beginning to lose interest because the
energy wasn’t “coming back.” Rather than detaching from the
relationship (a normal tendency for these folks), she decided to take
the initiative and let him know what she needed to be happy.
She had a need for romance, so she bought him a book of “101
ways to say I love you.” She let him know that romantic cards and
flowers were important to her to keep the love energy going. She
told him how to react if she got in a bad mood: “Just make me laugh
and I’ll pop right out of it.” She practically gave him an instruction
manual for how to keep her happy. She was on track, taking a
straightforward approach to create the happiness she needed. In this
case, however, her boyfriend still didn’t “get it” and she ultimately
left the relationship. But since she had “done her part,” it was the
first relationship she ever left where she felt completed with it.


Leo North Node people think that half the process of having a
happy marriage is choosing the “right mate.” The only problem is
that they try to choose their mate mentally, rather than trusting the
energy connection they feel with another person. This can postpone
their having
any marriage, or leave them stranded in an unhappy
marriage because they overrode what their hearts said and chose
with their heads. They say to themselves: “This person has a good
social background, they’re financially secure, they have the
qualities I would like to have in a mate, they are attractive, they will
make a good father/mother, they are about the right
age/height/weight; generally they ‘make sense.’” And that’s it—
they get married. Yet when they make personal relationship choices
based on mental “logic,” their choices rarely make them happy in
the long run.
Later in life these folks are generally more open to a relationship
based on the happiness they feel on a consistent basis with the other
person. When they find such a relationship, the other person may be
very different from what they thought they wanted; yet that is the
person who makes their heart sing with joy.
The romantic interaction that Leo North Node people seek in
relationships is perpetually available to them when they are linked
with a person who truly inspires their creative fire on a vital,
authentic (not mind-based) level. In such a relationship, where the
body helps decide the attraction, they are experts at keeping the
romance alive—they need this to feel involved with life in a happy
On a deep level they know what is making them happy and what
is not, but they have to be willing to let go of their image of what
will make them happy and become more open to what they are
experiencing. When they take the risk and pursue what
genuinely makes them happy, they may feel a bit insecure at first if
people seem to resist. But others will eventually see the wisdom and
come into alignment with their choices.


Leo North Node people have had many past lifetimes in which
friendship was a major factor. In these relationships, mutual
dependencies were inadvertently created. In the process of
becoming so identified with their friends, these folks lost touch with
their own individuality. In this incarnation, when they first look for
support from their peers with similar interests, it’s not there. This is
because they need to learn
not to rely on their friendships at the
expense of their own individuality and creativity.
While these folks are learning to be themselves, friends can
actually be a detriment rather than an asset. For example, if they are
having a problem in a love affair and ask a friend for advice, often
the friend will suggest they go in a direction that doesn’t work out.
It’s not that the friend wants them to be unhappy; it’s just that others
often give nonobjective advice: a reflection of how
they would
handle the situation, and not necessarily what is best for the Leo
North Node person. These folks are learning
not to depend on the
advice of others. They themselves are the master strategists; when
they follow their own instincts, they always win.
When these folks rely on friends and their friends let them down,
or they feel taken advantage of, the universe is saying: “You can’t
do that. You’re not going to compromise yourself. You’re going to
start being who you really are!” They identify so closely with their
friends that they give beyond the boundaries of what is appropriate
in a friendship. Then they expect the other person to give back to
them equally; when it doesn’t work that way, they are disappointed.
They are learning the boundaries of friendship; to give what they
can—without expectation of return and without violating their own
essential strength and energy. As they grow in the direction of their
own individuality, choose to express their own creativity, and stand
on their own, they will find that more reliable friends are drawn to
One of their most important jobs is learning to credit others with
the strength and potency to create victories in their own lives. If
they do this, they will not fall into the trap of allowing others to

become unnecessarily dependent on them. When they hang on to
the idea that others can’t get by without them, it’s an ego trip. But
when they validate the individuality, strength, and confidence of
others, they gain confidence in their own potency to be an
individual and follow their own dreams—to be led by the little child
within that likes to play and have a good time. They must follow
and express
that part of themselves, regardless of group pressure or
the acceptance of their peers.




In this lifetime, Leo North Node people are not enacting
someone else’s dream. They are learning how to create their own
dream, and it is solely up to them! It’s not that they can’t enlist
others to help . . . but no one else is going to take the helm.
They know what’s going to happen—they “see the writing on the
wall” and think others see it too. But this is not the case. Often
people are so involved in the drama that they are unaware of the
patterns that cause unhappy outcomes for themselves and others.
But when these folks take charge, it works for everyone. They have
a special talent for seeing what’s going to happen and translating it
into constructive leadership. Rather than sitting back and allowing
the potentially disastrous circumstances they foresee to come about,
they must participate—use their input to alter the course of events
to achieve a more positive outcome.


Leo North Node people are learning self-acceptance: to accept
and embrace the child in their own nature. They are learning to
acknowledge that they, too, have needs and to recognize and pursue
what makes them happy. Once they accept themselves by
acknowledging their wants and needs, then others can accept them
and help them get what they want.
These folks tend to be very hard on themselves, because even
though they can see what’s going to happen, they tend to feel totally
unprepared when it does. They need to recognize that this is normal.
It’s impossible to be prepared for a new situation—that’s where
excitement, joy, and the zest for life come from! That’s how
knowledge is gained—from dealing with circumstances that are
totally unfamiliar! The best opportunities for testing one’s strength
and ingenuity are the unfamiliar situations we encounter along our


Once Leo North Node people have established where they want
to go, it’s just a question of getting the folks around them to join the
party. The best bet is to be straightforward in stating their direction,
sharing the basis from which they made their decision and then
inviting others to join them. For example: “In the larger scheme of
things, this is what I see going on. Therefore, I have decided to go
in this direction. Now, given the circumstances, do you feel you
would like to join me, or do you feel there’s another direction you
would rather go on your own?”
I had a client with this nodal position whose job was to bring his
industry into the computer age. To do this, he had to enlist the
cooperation of the plant managers. So, he went to each plant to
convince the managers that the age of computers was inevitable and
there was no choice but to computerize. They agreed in theory; but
when it came to actually installing the computers and changing
procedures, the managers voiced all their objections and continued
to do things in the old way. He met opposition and struggle at every
It would have been much simpler had he spent less time
explaining and more time asserting his will. For example: “I’m sure
it’s clear to everyone that the age of computers is here. Therefore,
this plant will be fully computerized by June of next year. Now we
are going to need plant managers who can work with this. Do you
think you will be able to adapt and learn the new systems? Do you
think you will be able to come into alignment with what we need so
you can continue on board with us?” Then the plant managers’
energy would have been geared in the direction of cooperation
rather than opposition.


Leo North Node people have an innate capacity to recognize
things before they happen: to appreciate an art form before others
see its value, to see real estate opportunities before the idea occurs
to others, to notice trends before they become popular. Their

challenge is to take advantage of the opportunities they see. This is
why they seem to have “good timing”—they see how things will
unfold, and when they are on “on track” they put themselves in a
position to benefit as the situation develops.
However, their tendency to withdraw can tempt them to resist
using their potential. An opportunity may inspire their enthusiasm,
but they may pull back because they can see the “hype” or think the
people involved have less than noble motives. What they are
learning to recognize is that their unique capacity to see the “game”
gives them an edge in winning it! And because of their ethical, clear
approach, their participation can improve the quality of the game
for everyone.
This is a leadership lifetime for these folks. Their job is to
become involved and, through healthy leadership, prevent the
injustices that would otherwise occur. They consider a situation and
say: “This is how the game works. If I play, they are going to try to
do this . . . and this . . . and this.” Leo North Nodes are learning to
exercise their strength and realize that when they see these things
coming, they can intercede and change the course before it
overtakes them.


Leo North Node people are natural actors and actresses.
Because they do not have a strong sense of individuality, they do
not form a strong ego attachment to—or identification with—any
particular role. Their natural objectivity allows them to notice all
salient details of the character they are playing; they can get into the
role and become fully involved. Whether as a career or a hobby,
acting is definitely a healthy release for these folks and a moving,
enriching experience for their audiences.
Any kind of performing is wonderful for Leo North Node people.
They are born entertainers. When they are onstage their whole
being lights up. They love the energy that comes from making other
people happy; indeed, that’s what they’re here to do in this lifetime
—to give love to others on a personal level. Because the
relationship between entertainer and audience is personal, they
thrive in this arena.
As long as they find a way to be at “center stage,” the situation
will work for everyone involved. Yet they often resist it because
they are afraid of looking foolish, or of what their peers will think.
These folks have had lots of past lifetimes watching other people
take center stage; in this lifetime they fear being successful because
they haven’t done it themselves. Yet someone has to be the person
in the spotlight, receiving the applause, and when they do it
everyone has a good time. This is their lifetime to take center stage
because their ego needs development—they need that energy to
balance them, and they are actually hindering their development if
they don’t get out there and do it.
Leo North Node people have the capacity to sway an audience by
virtue of the emotions they transmit. They can feel the audience’s
energy and can make the audience feel their own energy. Whatever

is in their heart, they can project outward. They can control the
audience’s emotions and take them in a new direction, almost
physically feeling the energy move as if the audience’s emotions
were tied to their own. It’s a feeling of control and power—but a
positive one that generates enthusiasm, empathy, and emotional
connectedness. These folks are tremendously energized by the
process. Although they may feel drained afterwards, they will also
feel alive! When they give these emotional experiences to others,
both sides feel the vitality and healing power of the connection, and
everyone wins.
When they apply this talent to a smaller arena—with a child or a
partner—they can be equally successful. Even in daily life, Leo
North Node people have the capacity to play out a role that cheers
others and lightens their loads through inspiration or humor. Yet
sometimes they undervalue their gifts. They may think it’s more
important to be the person writing the songs—but it is the singer
who chooses the songs and directly affects the audience, and they
love doing it! When they inspire positive energy and enthusiasm in
others, they become excited and involved themselves.


Leo North Node people have the gift of being in touch with their
Angels—a level of consciousness that shows the next step in
creating their dream. Suddenly, ideas occur to them about what their
future could be and what they could create—because these folks
have a clear, objective view of the future and can see things in
advance. They must choose one thing they would like to do and
then make the decision to actively create it.
As soon as they make that decision, a host of ideas occurs to
them about how to successfully create their dream. The proper
sequence seems to spontaneously appear; as they follow one step,
the next step unfolds. The timing is absolutely miraculous. As they
take each step, doors open and the right opportunities for success
are presented to them. But it’s up to them to respond to this angelic
help by taking each step.
The process is a lot like surfing. The surfer begins in a calm place
with broad horizons. Then a large wave begins to form around him.
He becomes aware of the wave only moments before he must
decide whether or not to ride it. If he makes the decision in time and
catches the right wave, he has a heck of a ride and a whole lot of
fun! If he catches the wrong wave, he may not have as smooth a
ride but he still finds himself intensely involved and having an
adventure. However, if he sits on his surfboard all day long and
never catches any waves, he has a safe but boring time filled with
memories of missed opportunities.
Leo North Node people have clear vision, but it’s up to them to
take the chance and catch the wave. Do they have the talent and
skill to successfully rise to the occasion? They’ll never know unless
they take the risk, and then they will find they have creative talents
that they never even suspected—talents that arise
only when they
ride the wave. They must put themselves in an intense situation of
risk, excitement, or romance to really express their creative talents.
That’s when they feel most alive.
But even if they catch every wave, Leo North Node people need
a principle or ideal to live by that extends beyond their personal life.

They need a star to follow—a spiritual pledge that will empower
them and lead them through the creative process to their goal. This
ideal or value needs to be a moderating principle in all their actions.
For example, it could be the commitment to “follow their bliss”
regardless of fear or insecurity. It could involve speaking their truth
regardless of others’ reactions, or furthering causes such as human
rights, world peace, or healing the environment. Their correct
“goal” will not engender feelings of sadness or tight-lipped
perseverance; it will be emotionally uplifting. By aligning
themselves with a cause that extends beyond the personal arena,
they become bigger than the personal arena and are willing to take
risks and make real changes.
Leo North Node people have an incredible ability to create
through the power of their imaginations—their use of visualization
and their connection with Angels. They can attract the people and
situations they want simply through the power of their wishes. If
they truly make up their minds, whatever they ask of the universe
(if it is in alignment with their good) will come to them. Suddenly
their lives will shift—new people and situations will appear to lure
them in a different direction that will bring about the fulfillment of
their wishes. Their job is to accept the new opportunities presented.
Problems arise when they try to analyze and judge these
opportunities—then they miss their timing. They are learning to go
in the direction of their dreams: to take the risks and put forth the
creative energy to make it happen, even if they don’t know the route
ahead of time. Leo North Node people simply need to keep their
minds on the goal and do
whatever it takes to push past the “second
force” resistance (see the previous discussion under Personality)
that is part of the creative process. Inertia is self-perpetuating; in
creating something new and vital, inertia becomes resistance.
Sometimes it takes incredible intensity to break through the second
force and rise above the old, self-perpetuating patterns. It takes will,
discipline, and a firm intention to create the new
regardless of how
much energy is required. Going through the resistance to create a
new reality empowers Leo North Node people to truly appreciate
the dream they manifest.
Creating the realization of a dream held in the heart is never easy.
In fact, that’s why we have dreams—they are the “carrots” that lure
us past our limitations and cause us to grow beyond who we thought
we were. When we rise out of the pool of complacency and ego to

follow the path to fulfillment of the unique dream in our heart, we
grow and become free. Ultimately, it is freedom and vitality that
these people want. The active path to creatively pursuing their
dreams will take them there.


Leo North Node people long to reconnect with the joy and
vitality of their inner life force. They desire an experience that will
make them feel alive, so the universe responds by offering them a
situation that can stimulate and restore their life force. If they accept
the opportunity and move through it, much growth, aliveness, and
joy will be gained along the way. They instinctively reach for these
vital experiences, but often their mind steps in and invalidates their
creative impulses. In this lifetime, their job is not to listen to their
mind but to follow the excitement of their inner child.


These folks often experience a sharp discrepancy between what
their knowledge base tells them they should do, and what their heart
tells them they should do. The choice may boil down to creative
passion versus safety—but when they choose creative passion, they
win, and when they choose safety, they lose. If they look back over
past experiences, they can see how it has worked out in their lives.
This is because their “knowing” is actually a logical projection of
the future based on their past experiences. However, they have
access to many other possible futures, if they take responsibility for
changing the direction of the present.
Leo North Node people should ask themselves if making
decisions based on what they “know” is leading to increased—or
decreased—feelings of aliveness. If following a path that they
“know” to be the correct one diminishes their personal vitality, they
need to reconsider before they waste years on a path they will later
regret. They need to acknowledge and act on the truthful feedback
they receive from their own state of being. This means trusting that
their passion is strong enough to pull them through, to ensure their
survival, to feed them the energy required to build a new life.

Once I lived next door to a retirement home, and I asked many
senior citizens about their lives. Looking back, what was important
to them? What did they wish they had done differently? Although
they gave different answers on many things, every one of them told
me that they never regretted the things they had tried that ended up
being mistakes; what they regretted were the things they had
to do and not done—the chances they hadn’t taken. Leo North Node
people are learning to take those chances.
This is not to say that they should handle their lives in an
irresponsible way. They can make decisions to follow their vitality,
and then enact those decisions in an intelligent way that takes other
people into account. For example, to stay in a destructive, abusive
marriage “for the sake of the children” would not be wise. It would
be giving the children the message: “I can endure and suffer. It’s
okay to be unhappy in life.” However, it would be prudent to handle
the departure from the marriage in a responsible way (for example,
telling the children in advance that there are problems in the
marriage, communicating what is going on) so that the children
aren’t given a last-minute shock. Leo North Node people must carry
out their plans in a creative, responsible way that takes others’
feelings into account.


Sometimes the greatest challenge for Leo North Node people
involves taking actions that make them happy. They are so
accustomed to doing things for everyone else that they tend to put
the joyous child within themselves on the back burner. In this life
they are learning to do what they need to do for themselves.
The irony is that after these folks take action on their own,
someone often shows up to help. If they hold back and wait, fearing
to act until they have everything they need, it will never happen.
The action they take may not make sense to others, but if they feel a
happiness in their hearts around it, their job is to do it with or
without the support of others.
For Leo North Node people, all the real knowledge accumulated
during past lives was gathered into their inner child, and that is why
following the child within makes their lives work in joyous ways.

Conversely, when they look for “knowledge” to be sure they’re
going to be “safe,” they never summon enough energy and the
opportunities pass them by. The inner child is the sense of having
fun, the sense of play, of taking a risk and doing something that
makes them happy. For example, if they get the idea: “Wow! I think
I’d like to go swimming today!” and they feel excitement about it,
then it would be following their inner child to go and do it. Every
time they follow that sense of fun and excitement and act on the
prompting of their inner child, that part of themselves is validated
and becomes stronger. Connecting with the inner child to gauge
whether or not they are on track is their key to success.



I have written a healing song for each nodal group to help shift
its energy in a positive way, since music is a potent vehicle for
emotionally supporting us in taking risks.


The message of this song is meant to put Leo North Node
people in touch with their own inner child, from whom they can
gain the self-confidence and stimulation they need to create their
own destiny.

Selected lyrics:

Sometimes I wonder, if we saw when we were born
Our destiny—crystal clear—before us
Sometimes I wonder, before the world became our guide,
If we knew to follow who we are inside


Be the child you were—be the child you were
Before the world got to you
Told you things that were not true
Be the child you were—be the child you were

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”


North Node in Virgo

and North Node in the 6th House



Attributes to Develop
Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and talents

Bringing order to chaos
Creating routines
Focusing on the here and now
Acting on feelings of compassion
Being of service to others
Analyzing and categorizing
Gaining self-confidence through experience
Taking risks in spite of fears
Noticing and valuing details


Tendencies to Leave Behind

Working to reduce the influence of these tendencies can
help make life easier and more enjoyable
Being a victim (or having victim consciousness)
Confusion and disorientation
Avoidance of planning
Escapism/addictive tendencies (drugs, alcohol,
excessive sleep, daydreaming, etc.)
Feelings of inadequacy
Vagueness (not wanting to commit)/inaction
Giving up

Virgo North Nodes’ Achilles’ heel is victim consciousness (“If I
don’t have constant, compassionate attention and understanding
from others, someone will take advantage of me”). But it’s a
bottomless pit: Others can never give them enough reassurance to
overcome their inner sense of helplessness and paranoia. Only when
they look within can they discover what outer structures they need
to create in order to give themselves strength and purpose.
The trap they must avoid is an unending search for a savior or
mentor whom they can trust blindly and to whom they can
surrender (“If only I can surrender enough, God will put things in
order”). However, life has shown them that inward surrender will
not make the external world orderly and productive. The only way
they can achieve their goals is to organize their lives in the way
need them to be, so they will feel safe and strong.
The bottom line is that they’ll never feel they have enough
confidence to go into the world and do something productive. At
some point they simply have to begin actively participating in life.
The irony is that when they begin to participate and learn what leads
to successful results, they will gain the confidence they seek.


What these people really want is to be lost in the security
blanket of their own personal connection with the universe. They
want to “let go” into something larger than themselves that will
support them and give them an expanded sense of identity. Virgo
North Node people have an insatiable need to experience peace and
oneness. But to successfully attain this goal, they must go into the
world and be of service to others. As they shift attention from their
own fears and focus instead on the here and now, they can easily see
how to restore order in situations of chaos.


These people make excellent doctors, dentists, nurses, or nurses’
aides, because such professions give them the opportunity to use
their healing energies while being of service in practical ways.
Psychologist, healer, dietician, accountant, organizer, and
craftsperson are also good choices. Virgo North Node people have
“good karma” on the job and get along well with coworkers and
employees. They can accomplish a task in one hour that might take
another person five; they should be in a situation where “getting the
job done” is honored, rather than simply working for an hourly
Another reason the healing professions are excellent choices is
that these jobs deal with the physical nuts and bolts of life. In fields
where success is so dependent on paying attention to detail, Virgo
North Node people are forced to stay in the present. For them, the
process of physically creating order relieves psychological stress.
Virgo North Node people also have compassion and a capacity to
remain aware of the larger picture. These past-life gifts of spiritual
awareness are an asset when Virgo North Node actively participates
in creating tangible results. However, professions in which the goal
is attainment of spiritual consciousness and forgiveness tend to
undermine the grounding these people need to feel strong and

“I’m the only person who can put this situation in
order, so I might as well do it.”
“This is
not a victim lifetime.”
“When I withdraw, I lose; when I participate in
creating positive results, I win.”
“When I focus and have a plan, the whole
universe opens the pathway to success.”




These people have an innate awareness of the spiritualdimension of life and are attuned to the higher, lovelier realms oftheir own natures. They are extremely sensitive, easily wounded,and very careful to avoid causing pain to others. In fact, they aresometimes more aware of—and concerned about—other people’ssuffering than the people are themselves.DISSOLUTION OF EGOVirgo North Node people have a history of many lifetimes spentin dissolution of the ego—either through meditation and spiritualquests; drug and/or alcohol abuse; confinement and time to reflectin convents, prisons, or asylums; or losing themselves in music,poetry, or art. No matter how the dissolution occurred, in this lifethey must deal with the effects. If it occurred through spiritualorientation, this lifetime will be total confusion until they find aspiritual path with principles similar to those of past incarnations. Ifit occurred through the use of drugs or alcohol, these people willhave addictive tendencies in this lifetime that may again beproblematic and may have to be overcome from a spiritualperspective (the 12-step programs of Alcoholics Anonymous, etc.).Talents with poetry, music, and art may still remain as a way ofconnecting with lofty emotional states.These people have had many ethereal experiences andincarnations in which they gave up bits and pieces of their ownidentity in order to merge with a higher energy. But they havecompleted that process; allowing themselves to dissolve any furtherin this lifetime is counterproductive. They have already yielded tobeing absorbed in their vision. In this lifetime, they want tomanifest their vision in the physical world.


In past life experiences, these people purified themselves byquestioning their own motives and recognizing where they werelacking in virtue, thereby gaining a tremendous amount of insightthat now allows them to be nonjudgmental toward others. In thislifetime, they don’t consider themselves “superior” in any way—their introspection has resulted in true humility.Virgo North Node people have had so many victim lifetimes thatthey tend to give up too easily. They don’t do well withconfrontation, competition, or any strong reactions against them.Their psyches are very sensitive, and life can seem harsh to thesefolks. In general, they don’t believe that more “stuff” is going tomake them happier. Since their motivation for living is not to gainmaterial things, if the world seems to resist their efforts toparticipate, they have a tendency to simply give up.Because of past lives of being taken advantage of, when thesepeople produce a creative work it is not uncommon to find that theyhave allowed it to be publicly distributed without anycompensation, or that someone else has taken both the credit andthe money. Often they don’t even mind. After all, the work fulfilledthe service it was intended for. Also, in past-life monasticexperiences they may have taken a vow of poverty and thus feeluneasy about accumulating wealth in this incarnation.Subconsciously, they may feel there is something “impure” aboutaccumulating money. They need to recognize that money is a byproduct of service—a barometer of the usefulness of theirparticipation.Virgo North Node people are truly compassionate and want tohelp wherever they can. In this lifetime, they need to recognize thatby creating solid material bases and allowing their lives to becomestrong, they are in a better position to help on a wider scale. In thislifetime, to allow themselves to be “victims” does not work;resisting this tendency is the higher road for them.


These people have had many past lifetimes shut away fromsociety. They are not accustomed to being in the world. Considerwhat it would be like to live many lifetimes in monasteries, wheregongs signal the times for rising, meditation, prayers, exercise,eating, working, and sleeping—and someone else is ringing them!Monasteries function in this way so that the participants can gain anawareness of timelessness, formlessness, and the flow that underliesthe mundane details of life. While this works very well in amonastery, now Virgo North Node people need to learn how to livein the world.They must learn how to set routines for themselves—how to ringtheir own gongs. For instance, because they are accustomed tohaving someone else organize their time, they may have troublebeing punctual. However, when they summon the self-discipline tolive by the rules that give structure to society, they gain tremendouspower and the self-confidence they need to function in the world.Thus, it is important for them to take charge and make sure they areon time for their appointments. Structure gives order and stability totheir lives in ways that are nurturing and supportive.Owing to the seclusion of their past lives, Virgo North Nodepeople know how to entertain themselves with the power of theirminds and imaginations. But what worked in the past is actually adetriment in this incarnation, where they need to produce positive,practical, tangible results in the material world. Thus, all forms ofescapism are counterproductive for them. Daydreaming, drugs,alcohol, too much solitude, excessive sleeping—any form ofwithdrawal from life undermines their confidence.This is not to say that they can’t occasionally enjoy themselves(relax and take a “break” from dealing with the nuts and bolts oflife), but they must guard against overdoing avenues of escape tothe point of forming addictions.


These people have an acute awareness of the psychic and/orimaginative realms from their past lives. If these talents are not nowdirected properly, they can become a weakness resulting inparanoia, fear, and anxiety. However, when Virgo North Nodepeople work toward a goal, their mystical talents can be used astools to get the job done effectively. If there is an outlet for theircreative imaginations—a service to provide for others—theirvisionary abilities can be a marvelous asset.Virgo North Node people should keep their creative imaginationsflowing outward by serving others and producing tangible results,rather than inward with undirected self-examination. They need togo through the hard work necessary to make their visions real bydoing the research, organizing the project, producing it, and thenseeing that it gets distributed. Getting the job done is easy andjoyful in this lifetime—once they’ve defined their goal.What these folks need to avoid is a tendency to daydream andfantasize. Through daydreaming they can connect with delicate,ethereal states of consciousness—almost as though they were on a“bliss” drug in some billowy realm. However, this state defeats theirability to function in the material world.If they’re not happy with their situation, instead of working tochange it they tend to use fantasy to escape into their own world. Ifused in moderation, these fantasies can actually give them a betteridea of what they want. But it can take tremendous discipline tobreak the energy connection of the fantasy. It’s so addictive that it’sbetter for these folks to simply avoid indulging in deep fantasy.They can become so attached to otherworldly states of bliss that itprevents them from establishing the order and fulfillment in theirdaily lives that they need to experience true bliss. For example, theymight become so involved in a fantasy involving family that itwould prevent them from creating satisfying family relationships intheir own lives.I had a 48-year-old male client with this nodal position who had afantasy of the “ideal woman,” and given the power of his fantasies,she was almost a reality in his imagination! He became involved inmany relationships but couldn’t really commit, because none of thewomen matched the woman in his fantasy. This had been going onfor thirty years, and he was still living alone and feeling depressed.Unfortunately, he deprived himself of the opportunity to learn whatrelationships are all about by not focusing on how he actually felt inresponse to the women he spent time with. In this way, fantasy canprevent these folks from taking constructive action to make theirdreams come true in the physical realm.


Virgo North Node people sometimes lapse into a confused stateof consciousness. For many people, confusion can be good: aprelude to a higher order. But for these folks, confusion is not “onpath.” When they become confused, they begin questioningthemselves and doubting everything they are doing, whichundermines their current course of action. They need to turn awayfrom the confused energy, refocus on circumstances in the outerworld that triggered the confusion, and then re-enter the situationand restore it to order.For example, if they become confused about a backlog ofpaperwork, their best bet is to sit down and go through the papers,physically handle them, and reorganize them in a way that makessense to them. If they are confused about the behavior of a coworker, they should face it head-on: Talk to the person and find outwhat is altering his or her behavior.When experiencing a problem, Virgo North Node people usuallybenefit from going to a therapist or talking things out with a friend,because the interaction enables them to gain a more practicalperspective. Their imaginations are so active that on their own, theytend to exaggerate problems and imagine all kinds of unresolvablesituations. Their imagined fears can paralyze them from taking thesteps that would restore order in their lives. So it is very helpful forthem to get feedback as to whether their fears are based in reality orthe product of an overactive imagination. Virgo North Node peopleare much more successful when they actively experiment to seewhat does and does not work on a practical level. They should nottry to figure it all out in their heads.If Virgo North Node people feel they are losing their boundariesin a relationship and are having difficulty communicating theirfrustration to their partner, then they may want to bring in a thirdparty. They can be so sensitive to not wanting to hurt their partnerthat they may avoid the approach that would actually “get through.”The partner may need to hear: “Stop! This behavior is notacceptable! If you continue this behavior, you will push me to thepoint where I will leave!” A marriage counselor can be a valuableally in communicating with their partner.These folks actually make excellent counselors themselves,professionally and with their friends. Others feel their tremendousempathy and naturally trust them. Virgo North Node people have anenergy that induces other people to confide in them; an analyticalmind that enables them to give clear, practical advice; and aremarkable ability to combine intuition with common sense.


These people are so used to maintaining an awareness of thelarger picture that they can easily overlook the details of the hereand now. This can cause them to take actions that are not in theirbest interests. But as long as they pay attention to the actual detailsof any situation, they are very seldom deceived.When they allow themselves to live in an unfocused state, theyoften start to feel anxious without knowing why. They may evenfeel vulnerable to attack, becoming overly suspicious and fearful ofother people. In those moments, if they can just remember to focuson the details of what is going on around them (the clothes thatsomeone is wearing, the details in a store window display, how thetemperature of the air feels on their face, etc.), they calm down andfeel secure again.


Virgo North Node people have learned the consequences ofbreaking the law in past lives, so in this incarnation they may have astrong sense of right and wrong, and an absolute phobia aboutbreaking the law. They have a long history of superstition and mayhave many ideas about certain omens that should be followed toavoid a fearsome punishment. But looking for omens distracts themfrom noticing commonsense details. They have had so many pastlife experiences with spiritual “messages” that they enter thislifetime looking for premonitions and ignore what is happening on atangible level. Rather than watching for omens, these folks arebetter off observing the physical facts and getting direct feedbackfrom others to confirm that they are on the right track. If they fearthat “something is out of order,” rather than withdrawing, their bestbet is to step forward and participate, enlist the support of others,face the fear, and create an environment that prevents the worst-casescenario from happening. As a simple example, rather than fearingthat their telephone will be turned off, it is much better to set aregular time each month for paying the bills.These folks excel in activities that bring them into the here andnow. Bookkeeping is good for them, because they know their ownfinancial situation at any given time. It is very empowering for themto be able to pull out their records and see what they had last year,and how it compares to this year. It gives them a powerful sense ofgrounding, orientation, and confidence.Whatever keeps Virgo North Node people focused in the momentbecomes a labor of love for them. Their jobs can have that effect onthem; if not, they should reconsider their line of work. Computerscan be excellent for them because, once again, the physicalinvolvement and details keep them focused in the present moment.They excel at—and are very happy with—anything that requirespaying attention to details in order to produce successful results.


There is an aspect to Virgo North Node people that is veryintroverted and introspective. When they feel anxiety, they turninward for solace and understanding. Unfortunately, they have noexternal checks to this inner process, and there’s no end to theanxiety, doubt, and suspicion that they can access. These peoplealso have a tendency to go off by themselves and look back overtheir lives to see where they “went wrong.” But this can lead to atremendous feeling of failure totally out of proportion to the facts.When they retreat and reflect, they are trying to understand things;but this practice simply does not work for them. They need to avoidself-doubt at all costs.One of the worst things Virgo North Node people can do is doubtthe purity of their goal. By the time they have gotten a clear pictureof their objective, they have already run it through a rigorousprocess in their own mind to make sure it has a pure motive, isharmless, and will be of service to others. In this lifetime they arefinding out how their vision can work on the practical level. It ishealthy for them to use a process of trial and error, as this helpsthem discover what makes things work in the material realm.These folks cling to the idea that when they encounter chaos, theycan work it out and rise above it inwardly, and the situation willresolve itself outwardly. This creates frustration for those who areanticipating that the Virgo North Node person will become activelyinvolved in solving the problem. They don’t understand when thesefolks remove themselves. It also creates frustration for people withthis nodal position, as they feel misunderstood and don’tcomprehend why their system isn’t working. However, in thislifetime they aren’t able to resolve their problems by turninginward. From an astrological point of view, resolution must comethrough external action.Virgo North Node people also tend to invalidate themselves withfeelings of inadequacy, which can really lead to a downward spiral.Sometimes they intuitively “pick up” a problem in advance, or feelanxious about their relationship with a person or the outcome of asituation, but don’t know why. If they focus on the anxiety, theyimagine all kinds of “worst-case scenarios” and begin to interpretouter events selectively, in ways that validate their paranoia. Then,to regain a sense of inner balance and fight back their fear, theybegin to doubt their intuitive response. Either way—using theirminds to validate or invalidate their fears—does not work. Whatdoes work is reaching outside themselves for more objectiveinformation.In fact, these folks’ intuitions are generally correct. For example,imagine that when they went to work they left a window open (adetail they didn’t consciously notice, but perhaps saw out of thecorner of their eye). Suddenly it starts to rain and they becomeirrationally anxious about home, visualizing a burglar breaking in ora fire starting. They are fearful about their home and don’t knowwhy. The solution is to return home, where they will probablynotice the open window and rain coming in. The situation aroundwhich they feel anxious is accurate; and when they check out thedetails objectively, they can see the problem in a way thatempowers them to resolve it, such as closing the window. Theyshould neither invalidate their Intuition nor indulge their fears, butrather physically face the situation and analyze the facts, seekingmore information if they need it.Virgo North Node people need to have more faith in what theywant to do—and faith, for them, is best built through action. Faith isa gift from their past lives. Through their experiences withsurrender and seeing the larger vision, they gained faith in themoment-to-moment unfolding of daily living. In this lifetime, theyknow innately that “all is well and everything is happening as itshould,” and they gain peace of mind and confidence fromremembering this.For example, I had a client with North Node in Virgo who losther job. She used anxiety to boost herself into action; although shehad three months to find another position, she immediately startedlooking. She found two positions and chose the one that fulfilled heridealistic picture of the ease of working in the suburbs instead of thecity. After ten days on the job, she realized she had made a mistakeand called to reapply for the first job. After much trouble andreluctance, they did accept her, but she was glad she went throughthe experience. “If I had immediately worked at the city clinic, Iwouldn’t have appreciated it. I would wonder if I would have beenhappier in the suburbs. This way, I know!” The ability to see howeverything is working in one’s ultimate favor is based on faith that“life is on my side and everything is unfolding in a way that canultimately lead to my greatest happiness.”


For Virgo North Node people, service is the antidote for internalsuffering. These people have a great sense of connectedness withhumankind and a deep compassion for the suffering of others. Evenwhen someone wrongs another person, they usually understand bothsides. They are innately nonjudgmental, and their hearts easilyresonate with the suffering of others.These folks are learning to act on their feelings of compassion.They have an inner knowledge that they are here to serve otherpeople; yet when they start to do it, they begin to waver. Wheninsecurities arise, they can remind themselves that their motive forhelping is pure—their only intentions are to be of service andrestore order. When they focus on the other person and what theycan do to help, they are filled with a calm confidence. To be happy,they always have to be “fixing” something. Volunteer work orhelping out friends and family makes them feel useful and fulfilled.It’s healthy for them to have lots of outer-directed activities.They are not usually motivated to help promote abstract ideas:ending world hunger, manifesting global peace, or supporting theenvironment. They are motivated to help people. When somebodysays: “I’m hungry” or “I’m having allergic reactions to my homeenvironment,” they can’t say no. When somebody enters theirpersonal space and touches them, their hearts well up with the joyof giving. But they need direct interaction to get their “helpingjuices” flowing.Sometimes Virgo North Node people focus their desire to help onthemselves. They may become self-absorbed, which can lead to anumber of problems. They might worry more about how somethingaffects them and not how it affects another person. For example, ifsomeone at the office gets angry, they might be more concernedabout “What are they trying to do to me?” rather than “What can Ido to help them feel better?” They assume that everyone elsealways knows what they’re doing, and they think: “I’m in theweaker position. Others have to bend over backwards for mebecause they’re smarter, stronger, and more worldly and shouldknow how sensitive I am.” However, the idea that they are “lessthan” others is not accurate. Actually, owing to many pastincarnations spent in self-purification, in many ways they are moretogether!Even if other people have a superior attitude, that doesn’t meanthey always know what they’re doing. Thus, when Virgo NorthNode people assume that others know how sensitive they are buthurt them anyway, this is not correct. In truth, most other people arenot as sensitive as these folks and are “rough” without realizing it.Virgo North Nodes need to stop focusing on themselves, and shifttheir concern to the other person. They should try to use theirabilities to improve the situation, since others need and welcometheir soothing, healing Virgo North Node energy.Sometimes these people reverse their “less than” perception andsee themselves as coming from a superior position. Then they feelthey have to bend over backwards for others. When they seethemselves as superior, they can afford to be kind; when they seethemselves as inferior, they expect other people to be kind. Yet bothpositions are extremes, and neither one truly works because bothhave “self” as the center instead of service.These folks are learning that they need to serve out ofcompassion and not out of duty. When they do things from feelingsof love, they generate a spiritual quality that is the connection to theuniverse that they long for. When they are acting out of duty,they’re doing it with their head; when they are acting out ofcompassion, it’s coming from their heart. If they have to think abouthelping another, something is wrong. The genuine desire to helpcomes spontaneously from knowing themselves and beingconnected with their feelings. This gives them insight into humannature, a familial bond with others, and a connection to allhumankind. When Virgo North Node people are in this spiritual,compassionate mode, incredible things happen to the people aroundthem that are magical and healing.


These folks are by nature very sensitive, vulnerable, caring,compassionate, and forgiving—and this does leave them open tobeing taken advantage of.In relationships, Virgo North Node people can gauge the rightpath by whether they lose or gain energy from an interaction. Otherpeople feel their compassion and are attracted to them like moths toa flame. They listen to others’ problems nonjudgmentally, withempathy, and then often find their own energy drained. The lessonis to be discriminating about who is really interested in findingsolutions and who is just looking for a shoulder to cry on. Theyneed to allow into their lives only those who are truly seekingproductive solutions. These folks will be good for Virgo NorthNode people, giving them confidence in their problem-solvingtalents—which they have in abundance in this lifetime. When theyshare their ideas with people who are really looking for solutions,everybody wins.However, when they allow people into their lives who are onlylooking for sympathy and whose conversation is a one-way list ofendless problems, these folks begin to lose energy and selfconfidence. The other person usually walks away feeling great(temporarily), but the Virgo North Node person may have incurredsuch an energy loss that he can barely drag himself to bed becausehe has not been successful in finding a productive solution. Thislessens his ability to help those who really are looking for solutions.Everyone loses when Virgo North Node people allow themselves tobe exploited in this way.Allowing their energy to be drained gives the message: “It’s okayto take advantage of another person by making him or her feelworse so that you can feel better.” When they do not allow thisabuse, they are giving the other person the opportunity to stop,examine his or her behavior, and learn to become more sensitive toothers.These people may have a secret motive in allowing themselves tobe abused. They have had many past lifetimes of suffering, selfabnegation, and pain, and they think that “no one really knows howmuch I’ve been through.” On an unconscious level they are lookingto have their suffering recognized, and may put up with otherpeople dumping problems on them because they are awaiting “theirturn” to talk about their distress and anxiety.However, others don’t generally “give back” by listening to them.And when they finally do find someone who will listen, it leadsthem into a bottomless pit of fear and anxiety. Moreover, they takethe other person with them. Indeed, dwelling on unresolvableproblems—either their own or someone else’s—is just notscheduled to work this lifetime. All the past-life feelings of pain,martyrdom, and suffering are best kept in Pandora’s box: Don’topen the lid!


In past lives, Virgo North Node people gained a lot ofunderstanding and love that they want to share. Thus, in thislifetime they need to focus, participate, and make their wisdomavailable to others. They are learning how to translate love intoservice—and how to reconnect with the feelings of boundless loveand compassion within themselves.They also have healing talents stemming from a tremendouspower of faith, once they tap into it. Not infrequently, miraculoushealing has occurred in their own lives. They truly understand thatphysical ailments have a deeper psychological basis or a higherspiritual dimension. Once they understand the “reason” behind theailment, often the healing occurs spontaneously. It is the power oftheir faith, combined with their perception of the bigger picture, thatprecipitates these cures. They make great nurses and doctors, astheir very presence can evoke faith in others.They are also “hands-on” healers. That’s why it’s best for them tobe physically involved in life, touching objects, pets, or people tohelp themselves get grounded. When they are fully present in thephysical realm, all their psychic, spiritual abilities can come forth.As they start healing people—staying in the moment andwatching the details of where the energy is going and how the otherperson is responding—their psyche opens and they see exactlywhere to put their hands for maximum effect. When they do thishealing work, they can tell where the other person is out of touchwith his or her inner energies. They long to activate those energiesso that the person can open to his or her own wholeness.Through deep introspection and self-examination, these peoplehave become truly nonjudgmental of others. They have a deepunderstanding of the common plight of humankind, knowing thateveryone is doing the best they can with the Light they have rightnow. This understanding gives them compassion and acceptance ofothers. However, these folks must learn to separate beingnonjudgmental in the moral realm from the necessity of practicaldiscrimination. Many times, out of compassion or an effort to bringabout healing, these folks withdraw and yield to the wills of moreassertive personalities.For example, I had a client with this nodal position who wasseverely harassed on her job for nine months. She was an assistantnurse and had a problem with one man at the hospital. She keptsilently sending him love, trying to heal the situation, but much toher surprise it didn’t do any good. She became so distressed that shedecided to quit the job she loved. Then one night the manthreatened her life, and she finally let someone know what had beengoing on. Eventually the man lost his job, but it cost my client ninemonths of severe distress.This is a perfect example of what does and does not work forVirgo North Node people. This woman allowed herself to bevictimized for nine months rather than actively participate to correctthe problem, silently sending the violator Light, compassion,understanding, and love. In past lives the method worked, but not inthis lifetime. Of course it’s always a good idea to send others Light,but what works for these folks is taking physical action to correctnegative circumstances.




Virgo North Node people need to build self-confidence in this
lifetime. Because of their sensitive natures, they are operating with
underlying feelings of helplessness and constant vulnerability. This
can all too easily lead to free-floating anxiety. They can’t release
these feelings until they can determine the cause. Then they usually
recognize that their worries have little connection with reality, or
they see how to avoid falling into the circumstances that
subconsciously provoked the anxiety. This process generally goes
more smoothly with outside help from a counselor or trusted friend
—another point of view will steady them and keep them from
turning inward.
For example, I had a client with this nodal position who was
extremely anxious about accepting a job that looked very good on
paper. It was exactly what he wanted, and the person making the
offer promised him the world. However, he felt anxious about it
without understanding why. While explaining it to me, he
mentioned that he had previously worked in that part of the country
with bittersweet results: He had made lots of money but felt very
isolated socially, as there was a strong bias against his particular
lifestyle. He was now at a time in his life when his social life was as
important to him as his financial success. Once he understood
where the anxiety was coming from, he connected with reality and
made a confident decision not to accept the job.
Self-confidence is not innate for Virgo North Node people. They
have a deep anxiety owing to their lack of practical experience in
the world. Confidence is a by-product of successful experience, and
these folks haven’t had enough past-life experience in the world to
know how truly effective they can be. However, they will find their
confidence growing by leaps and bounds in every area of their lives
where they consciously set goals. When they bypass their emotions
and use their powerful abilities to focus on reaching an objective,
they can be masters at discriminating between what works and what
doesn’t, and they can succeed in an amazingly short period of time.
Once they get the idea, there is no stopping them.


Since Virgo North Node people don’t have a lot of “worldly
success memories” in their subconscious, worldly things are not
second nature to them. Sometimes they’re afraid that if they “do
something wrong,” they can’t have what they want. Actually, that’s
true, but it’s not a moral or ethical issue—just a practical one! For
these folks, a hands-on approach is best: learning by doing,
experimenting, finding out what does and doesn’t work through
their own process. Virgo North Nodes are not “theoretically based”
people who regard books as the final authority—they want practical
results. They want to implement their vision and make it work in
the physical world—and only they can do it.
They have no ego attachment to “being right” and are willing to
make mistakes in the process of finding out how to do things
successfully. This natural openness and humility works to their
advantage, since mistakes are a necessary part of learning.
Successes tell a person that he or she is correct in pursuing the
present pathway with the techniques he or she is using; mistakes
indicate being “off track.” These folks are usually “quick studies,”
and it doesn’t take them long to get the idea of what works and what
doesn’t in any situation.
Past-life experiences in asylums are also very connected with the
karma of Virgo North Node people. This is why in the present
incarnation they may fear “losing it” or going crazy—it is possible
that parts of their psyches went out of balance in the past. Work is
an excellent antidote for them in this lifetime. When they focus on
their job and positive results, whatever part of their psyche was out
of balance will come into permanent alignment through the
practical necessity of getting the job done.
These people must be willing to take what may seem to be
enormous risks to gain the confidence that comes from actively
participating in life. For example, they may have all kinds of fears
about looking for a job, but as soon as they move their feet the
forward motion cuts through their fears. There is no way they can
think their way beyond the anxiety; it is activity that gets them past
an innate lack of confidence.


Virgo North Node people are extremely sensitive, and they tend
to think that others are just as sensitive. When they look closely,
they can see beyond the masks that other people present into what is
really going on: the others’ motives, desires, and insecurities. They
can do this because they are nonjudgmental. The resulting
compassion allows them to see the inner worlds of others.
Because they have this ability, they assume that others can do the
same. Thus, they feel very vulnerable when they are out in the
world. What they must recognize is that others cannot see into
them, for others have not yet experienced the self-purification
required to look deeply behind people’s masks. They worry about
others judging them, yet holding judgments and preconceptions are
the very traits that block others from this ability! Understanding this
can be very liberating for these folks—they can act as if they have
loads of self-confidence, and others will believe it.
When Virgo North Node people look at others they can see into
their very souls, and thus feel tremendous compassion for others.
But when others look at them, they only see the self-portraits
painted by these folks. In this way, Virgo North Node people can
control much of what happens in their lives in a constructive way by
putting up a strong “front.”
These people also assume that others are aware of how sensitive
they are, of how much they yield and withhold to avoid hurting
others, but this is not correct. This is why these folks must establish
well-defined boundaries and let other people know when they get
hurt. Rather than cry and give up, they should clearly define what is
going on for the other person and set a clear, constructive course of
mutual action.


Virgo North Node people tend to have too much inward focus.
One of my clients with this nodal position frequently said: “I can
overcome this if I just go inside myself and think about it.” My
counsel was always: “No! Actively participate to bring order to the
It can be tough to find out what is going on in these folks’ minds,
since their first instinct is to withdraw. It may not be easy for others
to understand them, so sometimes their feelings don’t get taken into
account. To effectively enlist their participation, it may be necessary
to ask them specine questions to determine what the situation looks
like to them, how they feel about it, and what they want. Once they
are clear about what they want to create, they will initiate action.
Their tendency to inward focus especially works to their
disadvantage in social interactions. When they are relating with
someone, if they become conscious of themselves and lose sight of
the other person, they become anxious and withdraw. Their purpose
in this lifetime is to serve others; when they stay focused on the
other person and what they can do to help, they feel confident
because they are “on path.” But when they begin to question their
own intent or how they are coming across to the other person, the
focus shifts to themselves and they become anxious.
The key for Virgo North Node people is in connecting and
problem solving
with others. By helping others actively take steps
to bring order to the situation, they help themselves. As long as they
remember that their motive is to be helpful, they are filled with the
confidence they need to interact joyfully. After all, if their primary
motive is to be of service, they have nothing to lose. Keeping this in
mind is very empowering for them. By concentrating on the other
person and solving the problem through an orderly structure, their
powerful focus helps create productive results.
These people have a tremendous ability to translate the flow of
life into organized form. Once they have a specific goal, everything
seems to “fall into place.” The key for them is focus—by simply
focusing on their objective, the steps unfold before them in a

perfect, orderly sequence that proves to be the most efficient way of
reaching their goal. In difficult situations they can see the areas of
volatility, and by putting energy into creating a more stable base at
the beginning, they prevent things from blowing up later on.
The ability to perfect things in the physical realm is a gift they
were born with—and they are far better at it than anyone else on the
planet. Yet it is a new gift, and they may not know they have it. It is
like finding a “new room” inside themselves that holds talents for
restoring things to order, analyzing, and successfully applying
spiritual ethics in the material world. If they can open the door to
that new room, they will find they have gifts for bringing a vision of
spiritual love and order into their environment.


In past lives, Virgo North Node people gained a spiritual
understanding of life. Although much of what they learned was
accurate, some of the teachings were inaccurate or incomplete.
They can learn to discriminate by experimenting with what actually
works on a tangible level. For example, they may have been taught
that having a compassionate love for all beings is Truth, but they
may not have been taught the nuts and bolts of how to apply that
Truth in the world, as it currently exists, in ways that are not
harmful to themselves or others. It’s up to them to learn how to do it
—and they are experts at practical application once they realize that
this is what they need to do.
These people are learning the lessons of clarity and
discrimination in every area of their lives: what is real and what is
fantasy; what is beneficial and what is destructive; who really needs
their help and who just wants sympathy; when they are serving and
when they are being victimized. They need to differentiate so that
they can clear their consciousness and begin to create an efficient
order that brings strength, stability, and confidence to their lives.
The folks in this nodal group usually are accurate in their
intuitive sense of a situation but don’t trust themselves until they
have the details to back up their intuition. This process can lead to
“selective viewing”—only seeing information that will substantiate
their hunch. For example, if they project that a person is a certain

way, eventually the person will do something that—taken out of
context—supports their theory. But the whole process is really in
their own minds.
If, on the other hand, they feel uneasy with someone but are able
to put aside their feelings and watch the
reality of that person, they
can find out what is actually going on. But they must be objective.
For example, if they think that someone keeps putting them down,
the best thing is to stand aside and watch how that person behaves
toward others. If that person is putting others down, then they know
their feeling is justified.


Virgo North Node people must fight against a tendency to give
up. Overcoming opposition is part of the process necessary for them
to gain inner strength and self-confidence. All of us lack confidence
in areas where we lack experience. The difference is that most
people don’t surrender when faced with opposition. In this lifetime,
Virgo North Node people are learning not to give up.
One resolution to the habitual pattern of withdrawal and
surrender is to realize that their life doesn’t get any better when they
pull inward and give up. The universe keeps bringing them the same
situation—with different people—so they can break through it and
experience the vitality of life. People who are involved with these
folks need to recognize that when Virgo North Nodes pull back,
they don’t mean to be hurtful. Sometimes they need their partners to
pry them loose from their self-imposed isolation. However, this
must be done gently, with acceptance and love, rather than in a
condemning or harsh way. At times, rescue is nice for these folks.
When a crisis occurs, they must fight their tendency to not
interfere and instead increase their participation in a constructive
way. Then they win, and so does everyone around them. For
example, I had a Virgo North Node client who had been head over
heels in love with a man, and he with her, for five years. They
seemed the perfect match. However, she was seven years older, a
factor that—unknown to her—troubled him. One day he came to
her in great pain and broke off the relationship, explaining that the
only reason was the age difference. My client was devastated, but

rather than object she pulled back and allowed him to leave. He
went to Europe, married a woman younger than himself, and had a
child. He came back on business and took my client to dinner. He
was miserable, still in love with her, but it was too late to turn
everyone’s lives around. Rather than withdraw, my client should
have moved forward and participated in creating the results she
desired by saying: “Wait a minute, we can work this out.” The
results might have been a victory for them both.


Virgo North Node people sometimes respond to others in
extremes, being overly focused or totally unfocused; too trusting or
too suspicious; a complete doormat or totally aloof and
invulnerable. They can be very intense emotionally. To avoid
problems they need to concentrate on the practical aspects of each
situation, make accurate evaluations of the people involved, and
then decide on the “appropriate” energy and the most productive
This problem with extremes is also related to their tendency to
daydream rather than to focus on the changing details of the here
and now. For example, if Virgo North Node people are involved in a
relationship where they are getting hurt, it takes them a long time to
recognize what is happening. They’re lost in their daydreams about
the relationship, rather than being present on a moment-to-moment
basis. When they “come to” and realize what is going on, they
withdraw. But they tend to withdraw too far, for too long, and not
notice if the relationship changes to better accommodate their
needs. They inadvertently give inaccurate signals to their mate or
co-workers, first giving the impression that they can be taken
advantage of without objecting, and then suddenly becoming totally
unreachable. By staying present in the situation as it unfolds, these
folks can adapt their responses to the reality of what is happening
and have more positive relationships.
Virgo North Node people are learning to act with moderation in
every aspect of their lives. This is easy when they take
circumstances into account objectively. They only go to extremes
when they are absorbed in their
own reactions to outside stimuli.
The path of moderation is found by taking other people into
account, focusing on the details of what is going on, and working
out a practical resolution to the situation at hand. These folks must
learn to deal with life on a practical, goal-oriented level.
For example, if they own a business and are upset with their
employees, they should
not overlook what is happening out of
compassion, or react with self-sacrifice and become a workaholic,
or get angry at the employees. They need to objectively observe the
details of the situation, and put together a set of rules and
regulations that become part of the work environment. Only those
employees who follow the rules will be allowed to stay. Actually,
these folks have great job karma, and their employees and
coworkers invariably love them. Yet to prevent being taken
advantage of, they must define job boundaries and put them in
writing. This translates their vision for their employees and allows
everyone to work together toward a common goal.


Virgo North Node people gravitate to situations where
something needs to be done to correct an existing problem. Since
they have the ability to solve problems in situations of chaos or
neglect, their job is to create order by participating in the physical
world to set things right. When these folks see chaotic situations
around them, their first reaction (past-life tendency) is to withdraw,
and the whole thing falls apart. In this lifetime, when something
isn’t working, they need to roll up their sleeves and get further into
it. When they give up, everybody loses—because others are
counting on them, subconsciously, to get involved. When there’s a
problem, it’s the universe saying to them: “Hey—we need some
help here in the material world!”
It is also very important for Virgo North Node people to keep an
orderly environment, both in the home and at work. Having order
and organization around them gives them clarity and strength in
their daily lives. It is essential that these folks, more than any other
nodal position, take the time to keep themselves organized on the
physical level.
On the psychological level, chaos and confusion are especially
detrimental; these things undermine their confidence to operate in
the world. Having their physical environment in order gives them a
sense of psychological order, which empowers them to function
Actually, the process of ordering the environment is healthy for
Virgo North Node people. When they feel a sense of inner anxiety
—whether they are male or female—sometimes the best thing is to
pick up the vacuum cleaner. Going through paperwork, doing the
dishes, dusting, putting the environment in order—simple tasks can

be therapeutic for these folks. Physically moving in a constructive
way transforms their inner anxiety into productivity.


In the area of planning, these folks sometimes go to extremes.
They can spend so much time
planning their lives that they forget to
live them. This may appear as an overly conscientious, workaholic
phase. Then they compensate by not planning anything at all, lose
their strength, and dissolve into a life with no boundaries. It is two
sides of the same coin: the desire to become lost—either in activity
or formlessness—and not to take responsibility for creating the
structures that would give balance to their lives. Much of this
tendency is owing to past-life experiences when other people were
responsible for creating their routines. However, in this lifetime it’s
up to them.
To give their lives proper structure and meaning, Virgo North
Node people need to consciously define their goals and be able to
adjust their use of time accordingly. What works best is to allot time
(whether it is one-half hour each morning, or two hours once a
week) for consistently re-evaluating their schedules. For example,
they may determine that they need time for work, exercise,
friendships, play, romance, meditation, music, and so on. It is to
their advantage to make a list of the various aspects of their life that
are important to them and consciously structure their weekly routine
to allot time for each. This can help them considerably in achieving
a fulfilled and balanced life.
Also, as they organize themselves in a physical way, they gain a
clearer picture of exactly “where they are” in different areas of their
lives. For example, I had a client with this nodal position who felt
vaguely suspicious about her stockbroker. To settle her fears, she
took all her records of stock sales since she had been working with
him and calculated exactly how much money she had made on the
transactions, and how much money he had made on the
commissions. Once she had the facts and figures in front of her she
could determine the reality of the situation, and her feelings of
anxiety dissolved.



This is not a victim lifetime, and Virgo North Node people are
learning how to say “no” and not allow themselves to be abused in
their relationships. Sometimes they say “no” very gently, and the
people who are abusing them don’t get the message. But these folks
need to let others know when there is inequity in giving, or when
they need more support, before they withdraw from the relationship.
If someone isn’t getting the message, it is simply an indication that
Virgo North Node should change her approach. We all have
different levels of sensitivity—some of us are very sensitive, and
some of us need to be hit over the head! Therefore, if the abuse
continues, Virgo North Node should keep upping the intensity of
her “no” until the other person hears her.


In romantic relationships, Virgo North Node people may, once
again, go to extremes with either total aloofness and lack of
participation, or total submission to the other person. Again,
walking the middle road of moderation is their key to success. One
obstacle that keeps them from finding this middle road is that the
minute they see a person they care about romantically, they start
giving an inch and then giving a mile—before you know it, they’ve
lost themselves. Once these folks become romantically involved
and the other person doesn’t give them what they want, they start
trying to talk themselves out of their own limits: “All right, maybe
I’m being too rigid.” Then they dissolve into a confused state in
which they just “go along” without standing up for themselves. This
doesn’t usually happen in their friendships, because they aren’t so
afraid of losing friends. And if their job is interfering with their
health or well-being, they will make the decision to move on. But
when an intimate, personal relationship is at stake, they are terribly
afraid of loss.
Another trap they face is giving up their self-respect. They have a
tendency to value the person they are seeing romantically more than
they value themselves. They make the other person their center;
once they have done that, they are lost. For romantic relationships
to work for them, they must value the relationship more than just
the other person.
When they fall in love, these folks also tend to create the reality
they want in their minds, and then they live it. This is their “payoff”
for putting the other person at the “center.” They create a blissful
atmosphere through a combination of psychic attunement and an
active imagination—it’s almost as though these folks are having a
love affair in their own minds. However, this breaks down when the
fantasy is too far removed from reality. They need to keep inviting
the other person’s input into their fantasy, for realistic grounding
and for avoiding deep disappointment.
They should only allow themselves just so many fantasies, or
allot only a certain amount of time to fantasize. “You can have five

minutes of fantasy, and then go on to the next thing!” The “next,
thing” should require a focus that is the antithesis of fantasy: an
activity that is mathematical (balancing the checkbook, paying bills,
etc.), physical (doing the dishes, vacuuming, etc.), or something
else that requires precise, objective thinking. This can help them
break with the energy of fantasy and come back into balance.
Virgo North Node people also need to consistently monitor their
relationships. Are they putting in too much or too little energy? Is
there a balance between giving and receiving? Is their participation
leading to feelings of confidence or feelings of inadequacy? They
must be willing to let the other person know where their boundaries
are. This fosters respect and allows them to experience the joys of
participating and working with another toward a mutual goal. Once
they become committed, it is helpful for both parties to write down
their goals for the relationship. The clearer they are about what they
want to create, the greater their chances for success. The goals
should be re-evaluated from time to time as the relationship
In a marriage, shared goals might include mutual support; going
out for a romantic dinner two nights a month; encouragement in
reaching individual aims; handling money together in a joyful way;
giving each other confidence; and seeing a marriage counselor once
a year to keep the relationship “tuned up.” Writing down these
objectives helps engender a practical approach.
If Virgo North Node people feel confused in a relationship, there
may be too great a discrepancy between the reality of what is
occurring and their vision of how they would like things to be. In
that case, they must first clarify their thinking about their goals and
what they would like to create in the relationship. Then, armed with
the strength that comes from having defined their limits in their own
mind, they can approach their partner to gain clarity.
In opening this dialogue, it is best for them to refrain from
communicating their goals and limits first. Instead, they should
actively listen to the other person’s vision of the relationship. Then
they can determine whether or not they fit appropriately with that
person. If they communicate their goals and limits first, they set
themselves up to be fooled, cajoled, or appeased, as the other person
may seem to agree in order to keep them involved.
If the Virgo North Node person has determined it’s a “fit” (both
partners’ goals truly do align), then they can define their limits and

the negotiations can begin. But if in fact he determines that it is not
a “fit” (their vision and their limits are incompatible), then Virgo
North Node must summon the discipline to break off the
relationship, or reshape it in a form that does work (for example, a
friendship instead of a marriage). His inclination is to fantasize
about how it could eventually work out and to “stick it out,” hoping
that he can change the other person. This process does not work. It
leads not only to a waste of time and energy but to much
disappointment and hurt.
When these folks do enter into a romantic relationship, they must
pay special attention to their interaction during the first few weeks.
If they realize (when they are still working toward full participation)
that the relationship isn’t going to succeed, they should get out
immediately. They must be honest with themselves that this is not
the ideal situation and determine if the limits they have defined for
themselves will work within the reality of the relationship. Staying
in touch with reality—in every area of their lives—will make their
lives work. It is important for them not to live in a fantasy.


Virgo North Node people are often attracted to people with
qualities that they feel they lack: strength, assertiveness,
decisiveness, and the like. They attach themselves to the person in
an attempt to emulate him and absorb these qualities. Rather than
recognizing that they want that certain trait, they feel very strongly
that they want the other person. They need to be conscious of this
problem when entering into an intimate relationship. As part of this
dynamic, sometimes they allow the other person to treat them badly
in order to get what they think they want. Until they’ve gained the
“missing” quality themselves, they are afraid to confront the other
person and run the risk of loss.
By recognizing the quality in the other person that they are
attracted to, they can consciously put
developing that quality within
at the center of the relationship, rather than the other
person. This approach gives them more objectivity and enough
emotional distance to maintain their own identity, which will help
the relationship work more smoothly and honestly for both partners.

It also helps these folks to remain aware or supply. Just as there are
many potential friendships that would fulfill them, and many
potential jobs that they would enjoy, likewise there are many
potential intimate relationships that they would find satisfying.
Thus, if the relationship they are involved in is hurtful, they should
never forget that they can afford to take the chance of moving on.


In their professional lives, Virgo North Node people can be
practical and realistic. If they would apply the same mechanisms to
their romances, their personal lives might also be successful and run
smoothly. However, in their personal lives they tend to live in a
fantasy world and use their imaginations in ways that ultimately
disappoint them. When they find someone who appeals to them
romantically, they often begin to fantasize about what the other
person is like. They create an entire fantasy of the other person,
which they project onto the other person. Then when they relate to
this person, it’s always in terms of how closely he or she matches
their fantasy, and they always feel let down. In actuality they may
never have seen who the other person really was. The other person
may be a
better match for them than their fantasy person, but when
the behavior of the love object varies too radically from the picture
these folks have projected, they retreat. They withdraw their
projection and become noncommunicative, and their partners never
quite understand why they suddenly became so unreachable. The
Virgo North Node person becomes confused and disappointed; the
partner becomes angry and provocative.
The way out of this dilemma is through discrimination. Virgo
North Node people must deliberately postpone their fantasy until
they have had time to pay careful attention to who the other person
really is. By objectively analyzing the partner’s values, behavior,
and beliefs, they can respond to how that person makes them feel in
the here and now. In the long run, reality is much more satisfying
than layers of projection.


These folks often begin a romance wearing rose-colored glasses.
They are in a “romantic fog” created by their connection with the
other person, which insulates them from any harsh realities that
might exist in the relationship. These “glitches” may be very
apparent to everyone else, but not to Virgo North Nodes. They
idealize their partner, fall in love with that ideal, and project a future
of living “happily ever after.” Their daydreams and fantasies seem
so real that they even use them as a basis for making practical plans,
until the discrepancy between ideal and reality becomes too great.
Maybe an incident occurs that demonstrates the reality of the
situation, and in an instant their entire fantasy “pops.”
For example, the Virgo North Node person, seeing how smoothly
the relationship is going, may assume that marriage is the natural
outcome. The other person may never directly dispute the
possibility and allow discussions about marriage to pass by without
comment. Then, seemingly out of the blue, the other person
announces that he doesn’t want to marry anyone—ever. Virgo North
Node is shocked and bewildered, and begins to doubt herself. The
event can nearly destroy her confidence in her own perceptions, and
it can take her years to get over it.
To avoid such a disaster, these folks need to stay focused in the
here and now, watch the details of the relationship unfold, and make
corrections when necessary. They can experience the joys of
romance and fantasy once they have established the relationship on
a firm and practical foundation, but they cannot indulge in the
irresponsible aspect of romantic fantasy and blind dependence
without repercussion.
These people have an extraordinary capacity to make their
dreams come true, manifesting their visions on a tangible level. This
applies to romantic life as well as professional life. They just need
to approach their goals on a practical level.


Before falling too much in love, Virgo North Node people
should clearly define the goals and objectives of the other person, as
well as their own. They must set limits: “What do I want? What am

I willing to accept? What am I not willing to accept?” It is to their
advantage to avoid the possibility of deception, even if it is
unintentional, by asking practical, key questions at appropriate
times. Is the other person married or living with someone? Has he
been married before? Why did his marriage end? How does he feel
about commitment? Some answers may change as the relationship
progresses, so it is beneficial to ask these kinds of questions from
time to time.
These folks need an incredible amount of space. They need alone
time, to pull back from the world and simply “be” so they can
regenerate and reconnect with their power, their energy, and their
vision. They know they must do this even though they can’t explain
why, and sometimes they find it very difficult to communicate their
need to those who are close to them. When they do try to
communicate their need to pull back, often the other person
responds by talking them out of it or
not honoring their boundaries
in some other way. Then they try noncommunication and simply
withdraw without explanation. This alienates and infuriates the
other person, who doesn’t understand what is going on. The best bet
is to focus on a plan with a time schedule: How much time alone
will they need, and when can they rejoin the other person? Then
they can approach the partner with a clear proposal.
Here is one practical approach:
Share the Vision: “This is what I would like to create for us
. . . a happy time together in which we can really devote
attention to each other.”
Share the Practical Details: “Now, there are certain things
I have to take care of before I can spend this kind of time with
you. I need to take care of some shopping, spend time with my
folks, and have some time alone to recharge my batteries
before seeing you.”
Share the Plan: “So, I’m going to need the next three days
to take care of these things. I’ll call you on Thursday and I’d
like to get together on Friday.”
In making this communication, Virgo North Node people must
come from a “focused” place where they are in control. These folks
are fantastic at making plans. They can see how to organize all the
details to work in everyone’s best interest. Others will go along with

them if they come from an “in-charge” position rather than a
helpless position.
When Virgo North Node people become too overwhelmed with
the profusion of events in their lives, they sometimes react by taking
a “hiatus”—extracting themselves from a situation until they can
see it more clearly and handle it more effectively. However, a
breach of trust can occur if they don’t notify the other person in
advance that they will be “on hiatus,” especially if there’s no
indication of how long that break is going to be. No matter how
difficult, forthright communication of their plans is the key to
positive relationships.
Owing to a past-life residue of hermitage in one form or another,
these folks were not born with a natural knowledge of how to
maintain long-term relationships. As priests, they may have been
privy to the private experiences of others but lack the direct
knowledge of repeated personal experiences. Thus, when things go
“wrong” in a relationship, they may avoid fighting or expressing
any strong emotion. They don’t realize that the tension is a call
from their partner to draw closer and participate, using their
incredible talent to create order out of chaos.
Virgo North Node people must be willing to roll up their sleeves,
walk directly into the chaos, and reorganize. They must recognize
that chaos in relationships is a signal that it is time for more
efficiency in the “nuts and bolts” operation of daily life, and to
develop greater feelings of closeness. These folks are masters at
straightening out problems as soon as they are willing to participate
100 percent in creating practical solutions.




Virgo North Node people are learning how to “rewire” their
own internal mechanisms so that their interactions with others
produce happier, more productive results. These folks love self-help
programs and do well with anything involving analysis and
technique. They have a special talent for successfully working on
themselves so that their style of being stimulates positive results in
the world. They have a natural understanding of psychology on a
very deep and healing level, which empowers them to change
themselves. When they exercise these talents—working on getting
their own “house in order”—they are energized, happy, and
To facilitate coming out of their shell, these folks should also
develop their generosity. They have an innate capacity to give
others the confidence of seeing that there is structure in the world.


Virgo North Node people need to develop self-sufficiency so
that they have the confidence to create healthy, mutually
empowering relationships. They have had too many incarnations of
helplessness and reliance on large organizations for their survival.
In striving toward self-sufficiency, these folks create the strength
that allows them to be vulnerable in a balanced way. If they are
reliant on someone else for their sense of well-being, their finances,
or other things, this can easily become complete surrender of their
power. There is also the problem of their natural affinity for
adoration and devotion. When they lived in monasteries, devotion
to a spiritual ideal was appropriate; but now, devotion to the wrong
human being can be their downfall. That’s why it is essential for
these folks to be discriminating regarding to whom or what they
give their devotion. In the right hands their devotion will be
understood and appreciated; in the wrong hands it could lead to
These folks are learning to depend on people to be themselves.
They need to watch and see who people really are, and then depend
on them to be consistent in areas that are clearly intrinsic to their
nature. For example, if a person is monogamous by nature, then
Virgo North Node can probably depend on monogamy; if a person
does what he says he is going to do, Virgo North Node can count on
him to keep his word; and if a person is insensitive, Virgo North
Node can probably rely on that trait continuing as well.
As long as Virgo North Node people remain self-sufficient, they
are whole. They can function as a “total” person in every
relationship. For them, being self-sufficient doesn’t mean that they
won’t rely on others—it means that they won’t fall apart if others
don’t come through for them in the way they expect.


Owing to past lives in which other people controlled their time
and schedules, Virgo North Node people are not accustomed to
organizing themselves so that all parts of their lives fall into order.
Yet in this lifetime, they must plan how to use their time
constructively. Now, they are free! They are making their own rules
and voluntarily following them.
Routines are absolutely essential to keep their lives from
dissolving, which for them means facing limitless fears and feelings
of insecurity. They need to personally take charge and structure
their time so that their needs can be met in every area.


Diet and health are important for these folks. In past lives,
monasteries or institutions took the responsibility of maintaining a
balanced diet for them—in this lifetime, they must do it themselves.
They are extremely sensitive and easily affected by different foods.
They should notice the effect of certain foods and moderate their
diet accordingly.
For example, “spaciness” does not work for them in this lifetime.
They need to eat foods that help them feel grounded, solid, and
confident. They may do well to eliminate sugar if they notice that it
causes anxiety or lack of focus. They also require a regular exercise
program, which helps them feel physically strong so their selfconfidence can blossom.
More than any other nodal position, these folks must be
conscious of not overindulging in alcohol or drugs—they just don’t
have the tolerance for it. Their mindset is already unfocused, and
drugs or alcohol can affect them in an unhealthy, exaggerated way.


An orderly environment is essential for Virgo North Node
people. They do not do well with chaos. It is very important for
them to keep home and office neat, clean, and organized. Again, the
underlying issue is confidence. When their environment is neat and

orderly, they feel stronger and more confident in their ability to
create order in the world outside themselves.


Paying bills on time is another “must” routine for Virgo North
Nodes. Staying on top of the details creates an inner security that is
essential for them to operate with confidence and ease in the world.
They are actually dynamos—capable of accomplishing in one hour
what it would take the average person five hours to complete. The
issue is not a lack of talent, but rather soothing their psychological
state so that they are up to the challenge of facing the world.


Lists are excellent for helping these folks organize their
thinking. Planning allows them to focus their mental energy and
gain a sense of orderly participation and strength in the material
world. In decision making, it may help them to physically write out
all the pros and cons of the issue on paper, so the right path
becomes clear.
Virgo North Node people do well with daily planners and
elaborate organizing systems. Organizing details gives them more
confidence in their capacity to implement their vision.


A regular program of physical exercise is essential for these
folks. Going to the gym three times a week to give the body a
workout seems like a small thing—but in their case, the routine
gives a feeling of solid self-worth and well-being. The positive
repercussions of taking charge with a regular exercise routine
reinforce their emotional, mental, and spiritual power as well as
their physical energy.


Pets can be a real plus for Virgo North Node people. A pet
forces them into a routine and gives them someone else to take care
of on a tangible level. At the same time, pets provide a secure outlet
for the unconditional love—without boundaries—that Virgo North
Nodes want so much to give. With pets they are able to strike a
proper balance between unconditional love and discipline. If this
could be applied to their relationships with people, it would go a

long way in teaching them how to have happy, healthy human


These folks have trouble being on time, because in past lives
other people prompted them. But now it is important for them to
learn to be on time. This is largely owing to the difference it makes
in their level of confidence. If they are late, they feel guilty; this
triggers their feeling of being “less than” others. To feel confident,
they must do their part to the last detail. If they are on time, they
have participated according to the rules and can deal with whatever
happens from that point forward. But if they are late, their whole
day may be off balance and they will carry a feeling of insecurity.
The problem is that they are so accustomed to living in a state of
timelessness in their consciousness that they have to deliberately
plan when to leave in order to get to their destination on time.
Otherwise, one thing after another will distract them. It requires
conscious attention on their part to be on time.
One method that works is to plan in advance how much time they
will need to comfortably reach their destination punctually, and then
add ten minutes. Knowing when they need to leave their house
helps; it also helps if they make that time inflexible in their minds:
“I have to leave here at 5:07, no later.”
At the other extreme, some of these folks have compensated for
this tendency by becoming obsessively “ahead of time”! They
pressure themselves just to be sure that they arrive at their
destination in advance. This can put them under constant stress that
undermines their nervous system. It can also cause them to be
intolerant and judgmental of others who are late. Once again, the
path of moderation is the healthiest route.



Because of the compelling way that music can emotionally
support us in taking risks, I have written a healing song for each
nodal group to help shift its energy in a positive direction.


The message of this song is meant to effortlessly shift Virgo
North Nodes’ focus to the details around them, helping to ground
them in the physical world. This will bolster their confidence and
provide a foundation of support, arousing them to take constructive
action in the here and now.

Selected lyrics:

Why be discouraged when you have to go back
It only brings you closer to where it’s all at—
Life always brings just what we need
To give up and suffer, or break through and get freed


And you . . .
Use what you have, right now
You’ve got the tools—You’re where you need to be
Watch the One, not you or me
And take the next step in front of you—and when you do
you’ll get free

These lyrics are set to music and sung in their entirety on
the CD and cassette tape “Unfolding As It Should.”

41 Pages
AlbanianArabicBulgarianChinese (Simplified)EnglishFilipinoFrenchGermanGreekHungarianIcelandicIrishItalianJapaneseKoreanPersianRomanianRussianSpanishSwedishTurkishUkrainian
Room with fireplace
Room with fireplace
Rain on foliage
Rain on foliage
Rain storm
Rain storm
Rain in the forest
Rain in the forest
Sea waves
Sea waves
Sea waves with birds
Sea waves with birds
Sea waves very close
Sea waves very close
Wind in the forest
Wind in the forest
Wind in trees
Wind in trees
Wind heavy
Wind heavy
and sounds